The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, May 26, 1871, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. XV. NO. 124.
M t mm mi i
Lively Scenes in the Senate.
"Who are the -Rabbling Members?
Falling of a Cleveland Bridge.
Uarirg Robbery in Lancaster.
Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc., Etc
Ills Paris Residence,
Paris Correspondence (Slay 9) of the London Sewn.
The interior of M. Thiers' house is beautifully
arranged, and full to overflowing of costly works
of art, bronzes, pictures, enamels, medallions,
porcelain, rarely-bound books, engravings
cabinets, and curious.f urniture. The study of M.
Thiers is surrounded breast-high with book
shelves loaded with brilliantly-bound volumes.
Above the shelves on the walls are a series of
well-executed copies in water color of the great
master pieces of Italian art, most of them
Raphaels; and all about the room, ou
6helves, in recesses, on tables, there are
scattered bronzes that remind one of
the glories of Italian sculpture here
of Michael Angelo, and there of Verrochio. The
position of the writing table seems to indicate
some peculiarity of eyesight. The table is placed
between two windows, the writer sits with his
back to the pier which separates the two lights,
and the light on either side slants over both
shoulders, lorming an angle of shadows ou the
page before him. When the writer lifts his eye
irom the desk to the wall opposite, he
will see a fair copy of the Last Judg
ment; and there is nothing in the room upon
which be can fix bis eye which will not sug
gest to him mighty works of art, leading his
thoughts to all that is most perfect in form and
color. When, after entering this interesting
room, the curiosity is a little satisfied with the
treasures of art which fill it, what strikes one
roost Is the order of the presiding genius. M.
Thiers Is all for order everything in its place,
and if it is not in its place, there is a paper to
eay why. The room is at the top of the house,
and it will be the first to sutler at the hands of
the destroyer.
Parte, May 9, Correspondent of the London Tetejraph,
The removal of M. Thiers' furniture began
this morning. Three vans arrived at his house
at 9 o'clock, and brought the furniture to the
Garde Meuble, Qua! d'Oreay. I visited the house
of the Chief of the Executive Power. In the
Cabinet of M. Thiers was a small iron bedstead
he is said to have a mania for camp life.
Over his desk was a portrait of himself and of
bis lady and child. In the small dressing room
there still remained many articles of a
lady's toilet. The floor was covered with
ladies' boots, band-boxes, etc. On the table of
one of the drawing-rooms was a copy of
"Lodge's Peerage and Baronetage." The prin
cipal salon opens through three glass doors on
a Dleasant but not lame garden. The Commls-
salre de Police, in charge of the employes of
the uarae juenuie, wno were removing tne fur
niture, took every precaution that not the small
ess article was abstracted by the crowd outside.
The house will be demolished almost imme
diately. The people in the crowd, in bitter lest.
said that Thiers' 6hells would never reach his
own house.
An Acrimonious Wrangle In the Senate
General Disclosures of the Secrets of
Executive Sessions.
A "Washington despatch to the New York
World says:
The Senate has virtually decided that It will
Bend its two imprisoned recusant witnesses, to
gether with two other recalcitrants in the per
sons of the manager of the Western Union
Telegraph office here and its operator at the
Senate, to the Grand Jury of this District, to be
Indicted for a misdemeanor by refusing to an
swer questions propounded to them by the
special Senate committee appointed to ascer
tain who purloined a copy of the treaty of
Washington. A pending resolution to discharge
the first two from custody will be passed to
morrow by the Senate, and will have that
effect as well as to drop further Senatorial in
vestigation. The report of this committee submitted to day
makes no recommendations, but simply submits
the evidence and the fact of the contemptof two
additional witnesses. There was a warm, irrita
ble, and needless discussion in the open session
of the Senate this afternoon as to the individual
responsibility for the recent investigation, which
ended in several Senators openly stating in their
defense the proceedings of the executive session
on the resolution authorizing it. Mr. Wilson
Inaugurated this by a slip of the tongue by
charelne Mr. Conkling with having prepared
the resolution in secret session, aud Mr. Carpen
ter With caving oiierea .
As Mr. Conkling had just denied in a pains
taking personal explanation that he had insti
tuted this investigation, or in effect had any
thing to do with it, this lapsus lingua of Mr,
Wilson fell on the Senate with the greatest pos
sible merriment and astonishment. Mr. Conk-
liner colored up crimson and addressed the
Senator from Massachusetts very much after the
manner in which Mr. Nye not he of Nevada
went for the gentleman from China. It did
turn out, however, just as Mr. Wilson stated,
that Mr. Conkling, at the suggestions of other
Senators, had drawn the resolution and that
Mr. Carpenter bad ottered it. Mr. Wilson.
after being severely lashed, got penitential and
did not want to harm anybody. Finally one
Senator after another got up and Bald no one
Senator but all the Senators were responslble,and
thus the two hours' debate ended in a general
love-feast. Preceding all this, Mr. Chandler
made a speech in earnest denunciation of the
Senatorial reporter of the executive sessions of
the Senate who bad done such excellent and
faithful Bervlce lor tne press ior ten yeass. Jie
was not a Democratic Senator, he said, for he
was eoually accurate in reporting the Kepubli
mn caucuses, for Democrats were not admitted;
but he wanted his reports stopped and the guilty
Senator expelled. A pleasant ripple of merri
ment ran around the outer rows of Senatorial
BPat at this charge, and many a sly glance was
given toward the seat of one or two Senators
v j mnru than tan vnarl In t.riA hrvl v
WQO II au uccu muiv t".u kv. - - - 1
Father Cleveland, now almost 93 years of
aee. and ior tne ia vcaro mmaiuu.ij
. ' .w nnnnf Krst.nn. nrear-hfirl last Sun.
KDlUUl. HJO - - , i
day at Deer Island, to an audience of about 1000
persons gathered from the Almshouses, Houses
of Industry and Reformation. He spoke with-
v or MnntAS Ml y f lifarstr ff
out notes, ior oo miuuw,
Ruth, lie is m goou ucuu .uu
...-ii nuarrmnrnflit of this life.
evideeiiy eujujiuR -
with bright hopes la regard to the world to
come. T . -r- .
It is now reporvcu w wi..onmuu,
the English historian, will not visit thii country
on a lecturing tour next eeaaon.
The Flag-ship Colorado Ashore In the
AVoosuag River The Corea Expedition
The United States Steamer Benecla In a
A letter from a gentleman on board the United
States steamer Colorado, flag-ship of Rear
AdmiralJohn Rodgers, dated Woosung, China,
April 12, says that, when proceeding up the
river, she grounded on a mud-bank at high
water, and, being unable to get her afloat, Bhe
was obliged to remain until the next tide.
The water fell fourteen feet, leaving the ship
high and dry, but she lay easy, and so little did
she feel the effects of her position that the state
room doors open and Bbut as easy as if she was
afloat. The ship came off in due time, and pro
ceeded to her anchorage uninjured. At the date
f the writing she was preparing to lead the ex
pedition 10 jorea.
The Corea squadron will consist of the flarr-
sliln Colorado, steam corvettes Benecla and
Alaska, gunboat Monocacy and tender Palos.
The ships take with them a crew of shipwrecked
coreans picKea up by an American vessel, who
will be landed an soon as the fleet arrives, and
who will naturally inform their countrymen of
tne Kind treatment received at the bands oi the
eople who come to treat with them.
should Admirei Jtodgers tall in bringing the
Coreans to terms, he will use force, and is pro
vided with all the appliances for vigorous pun
ishment for their past misdeeds. Should the
cxpcditlion accomplish its ends by peaceful ne
gotiations, will return to Hong-Kong about
the middle of May.
Another letter from tne Lnitcd States steamer
Benecla states that they have had seventeen
cases of small-pox on board, but at the date of
writing all hands were well. Two of the sick
were left in the hospital at Yokohama. On the
passage from loKOhama to llakodadi, and
while in the Kurisino, or Japanese Gulf Stream,
the Benecia encountered a cyclone, in which she
was nearly lost.
The first cutter was wasnea irom the davits,
the dingey stove, the ward-room and cabin
flooded with water, and the ship wet from stem
.to Btern below. Following this she encountered
a severe gale of wind up to 40 degrees north
latitude, and for five days was trying to get to
windward under canvas, out making leeway all
the time steam was raised, and getting under
the lee of the land, she arrived into llokadadi.
All hands well on both ships.
Startling Accident at Cleveland.
The Cleveland Leader of yesterday says:
One of the most startling and unexpected acci
dents which could have occurred took place yes
terday afternoon, resulting in the falling of the
new fceneca street bridge which spans the canal.
The cause of the accident is as follows: At about
four o'clock the man in charge of the bridge, as
well as others in the vicinity, observed a span of
mules, drawing a wagsn heavily ladened with
barrel staves, approaching upon a run. They
plnnged upon the bridge, the driver being unable
to control or check their speed. They took the
right hand track, and might undoubtedly have
croBBed without causing the accident, had the
wagon not struck one of the iron supports of
the bridge with fearful force, tearing it from Its
fastenings and doubling it almost to a semi
circle. At this time three teams were upon the
bridge, one within a few feet of the landing,
while two horses, drawing a canal boat, were
directly underneath.
As soon as the shock was experienced the
bridge commenced to sway and settle, and al
most instantly fell, precipitating those who
were upon it into the canal among the timbers
and heavy iron portions of the structure, and
crusmng vo instant aeain tne two Horses attacnea
to the boat, fortunately, no one of the drivers
was killed, although the one who had charge of
the mules was severely injured, to what extent
is not yet known, as he was immediately taken
in charge by a surgeon, whose opinion is not
Juiiy given.
It Is indeed wonderful that any could have
escaped with their lives, as above the noor ot
the bridge, as it lies in ruins, is a network of
beavy iron castings and trames, irom wnose iau
little less than a miracle could have shielded
them. This bridge is what is known as a truss
bridge, and was erected last fall by McNalry,
Claflen & Co., and has always been considered
perfectly secure, and would undoubtedly have
stood the most severe tests for many years had
not its structure been interfered with by the
breaking of the portions described bv the mo
mentum of the wagon. As Is usual with bridges
of this class, the public has been warned against
driving faster than a waiic wmie crossing it.
Bold Robbery of a Jewelry Store In Lan.
caster, fa.
The jewelry store of Mr. II. L. Zabm, in Lan-
cester, was burglariously entered on Wednesday
night and robbed. The Intelligencer of last
niirht says: The thieves took with them eigh
teen cold watches, most of them finished in
buntine cases, about nfty sliver watches, two
hundred cold rings, and seventy or eighty gold
chains. I be thieves effected an entrance by
opening a grate in the pavement in tront ox the
store, which communicates with an Inner
hinged grate, opening into the cellar under the
front window.
The stolen goods were taken from a showcase
on the counter, and from the bulk window. The
thieves were either alarmed before they had
made a thorough search of the premises, or
concluded that they Had made a suinclent haul
for one night, as they left untouched a great
deal of valuable gold ana silver in tne window
and showcase they bad robbed, while the ad
joining showcase, containing a great deal of
solid silver ware, was not even opened. Neither
was the money-till, nor the other cases and
drawers containing many valuable wares. There
were about nfty customer watches in tne store.
all of wnlch are sate, togetner wun an otner
customer lobbing work. I he thieves escaped
with their plunder In the same way they entered
the premises, belDg unobserved by either the
public or private ponce.
Edwards and Collins Have a Set-to Both
Men Arrested.
"Tim" Collins and "Billy" Edwards fought
eighty-five rounds yesterday aiternoon, on
V1UDO X ! HI Ul, Uvm liADh i,g? M III A. A.IAUV99
put an end to the conflict, which was ordered
to be renewed ibis morning. .Meantime tne
men returned to this city, and Collins was ar
rested last night by Detectives Dunn and Kelso.
at "Billy" Clark's, in Houston street. Tbey
ioo& mm iu ronce xieauquariers, wnere ue
was locked up. This morning he will be ar
raigned. About midnight Detectives Dunn. Kelso, and
Qulnn found Billy Edwards at the new place of
William Varley, otherwise known as Reddy the
Blacksmith, in Hudson street, near Domlniek
street, and arrested him. faking a carriage.
they removed their prisoner to Police Head
quarters, wnere iney locKea mm np in a cell
adjoining that of Collins. The arrest cf the two
principals in the fight created great excitement
among the admirers. of the fistic sport, who
flocked to Police Headquarters in great numbers
and had to be kept back by the otneers on duty.
Both the men are badly punished, but when they
met in the corridor of the cells at Police Head
quarters, at an early hour this morning, they
laughed and shook each other by the hand,
although the operation gave Edwards some little
1 M'K . ...ill I . U V. . .. .n
paiu. xucy mill uuiu vo w vuuik kv-uay.
T. 2 . -j. tines, w-aay.
The Republicans of Marshall connty, Iowa,
nnmlnutail Mlu il.hl. ('Mffnrt fnr Hl'kn,ll
; Superintendent, believing she will fill the office
Utter man any man.
The Horrors of Paris.
The Rue Royale Blown Up.
Terrible Fires Still Raging.
Commune Leaders Shot
Extradition of the Villains.
Central and South America.
The Colombia Insurrection.
A Treaty of Peace Signed.
Tlio "Montijo'5 Case.
Etc. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.
by associated press.J
Exclusively to The Evening lelegraph.
Destruction of the Rue Royale.
London, May 26. Paris despatches announce
that the Rue Royale was destroyed by mines.
The Insurgents
have been driven Into the cemetery of Pere
la Chaiee, where they are surrounded and must
be captured.
Hostages Shot.
The Daily Aetes' special mentions the rumor
that the hostages in Mazas prison had been shot.
La Liberie says the foreign powers have
promised the
Extradition of Members of the Commune
in the event of their escape from France. Cour-
bet, a prominent Communist, has been shot by
the Versalllists.
Octsidb of Paris, May 25 Morhing The
cannonading against the insurgents1 position at
Belleville Is vigorously progressing.
Terrible Fires are Still Raging
in Paris. The Northern Railway is repaired, but
entrance to the city is still refused.
The German Position
has been at Aubervillers and elsewhere strength
ened to prevent the escape of the insurgents.
The Germans permit only women and children
inhabiting the burning quarters of Paris to leave
the city.
Versailles, May 26 The Insurrection f is
Bubdued in the Quattier Moutllard of Paris,
where six thou.and prisoner were captured.
The Insurgents are still confined to Belleville
and Les-Buttes-Chaumont, whence
Petroleum Shells
are fired all over Paris. The
Following Leading Insurgents have been
Valles, Amoreux, Brunel.Plgault, Dombrowskl,
and Bousquet. The reported arrest of Pyat,
Delescluze, and Clueeret Is yet unconfirmed. It
is rumored that all the hostages held by the
insurgents are safe, but nothing positive Is yet
List of Buildings Destroyed in Parts.
The following public buildings have been de
stroyed: Palace of the Tullerles, Ministry of
Finance, Prefecture of Police, Court of Ac
counts, Palace of the Legion of Honor, barracks
on the Qual d'Oreay, Hotel de Vllle, and Mont
de Piete (Government pawnbroking establish
ment.) A lie t vnowiDg were saveui
Ministries of Marine, Interior, and Foreign
Affairs and Agriculture, Pantheon, Ecole Mill
taire, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Bank of France,
Ciedlt Fonder, and churches generally.
Marshal MacMahon has sent the insurgents
A Last Summons to Surrender,
in which he says all hereafter captured with
arms in their hands will be shot.
This Morning's Quotations.
Liverpool. May 2610-30 A. M. Cotton steady:
UDlands. 1X&1 Vd. : Orleans, TT;d. Sales of the day
estimated at 112,000 bales. The salus of the week
nave been B9,ooo bales; export,; speculation,
17,000. Stock, 913,000 bales; American, 600,000.
Receipts of the week, 54,000; American, 45,000.
Actual export, 15,000 bales.
London, Mar X0 1130 A. M. The total amount of
bullion In the Bank of Knglaad Is U,rm,W)0, an un
precedented amount in tue annais or ine Bank.
Consols opened at 93 for both money and account.
U. a 6-208 of i sea, 9oi; of lb, old, 90,'; of isct,
92M; 10-408. 69. m
r KANKKOKT, May .vcuiug. u. o. uuuug uiusea
at 9oj lor the issue of 1S62.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Articles of Peace Signed.
Panama, May 21. The Montljo, with 350
rebels, anchored off Panama on the night of
the 13th, and on the morning of the 16th landed
the force three miles south of the city.
Through the intervention of consuls, Correosa
and Herrera had an interview, and on the 18th
articles of peace were signed.
CorreoBO concedes the revolutionists the privi
lege of making minor Government appoint
ments, the State to pay the expenses of the
In the
Case of the Montljo,
the revolutionists to disarm and disband. Both
parties are dissatisfied, and
More Trouble Is Anticipated.
The rebels claim to be entitled to belligerent
rights, and quote an article of the Colombian
constitution Justifying the seizure of the Mon
tljo. The American consul not only denies these
rights, but calls the act of seizure piratical, and
has referred the question to Washington.
The Survey of the Isthmus of Darlen
for a canal route from the Atlantic to the Pacific
will be continued to June 1.
Salvador Dates
are to the 8th. Peace prevalles. Gonzale! will
remain President until the expiration of his
term In March next. The Presidential election
will be held In October.
Milwaukee Markets.
Milwaukee, May6 915 A.M. Waeat dull and
nominal; No 1, 117; No. 2, 1124 v;. Received.
96,ou0 butitiels; shipments, 78,000 bashuls. freights,
l; sail, 6j ; steam, lo.y.
Exclwirely to The Evening Ttlegravh.
Jamaica, May 17.
Heavy Rains
prevail at the Isthmus. The cable steamer Suf
folk hag returned for repairs.
The Cable
has not been recovered.
A bill is before the Legislature giving aliens
the same
Property Rights
as possessed by British subjects, excepting the
ownership of British ships.
Grand Juries are Abolished,
and the Attorney-General in future is to make
A bill was presented enabling the Governor to
sanction the exportation of gunpowder and
other articles now prohibited by proclama
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Mr. Colfax's Condition.
Washington, May 20. The Vice-President
passed a quiet night, without restlessness, and
eat up half an hour this morning. He Is still
very weak.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Obituary. .
New York, May 26. General Louis Burger
died suddenly in Brooklyn yesterday.
, Senate.
HAnninnrim, May 26. The bill restoring spring elec
tions whs called nu and nassed finally.
'1 lie bill repeuls the 16th section of the election law of
April 17, lH'.H, and provides that elections in 187:1, and an
nually thereafter for citv. tonnsbin. bnroneh. and wnnl
officers shall be beld in the Bpring, provided that the act
snail not appij to any tonality on winch special laws nave
been passed, and that the elections in Cleartield shall be
Held in iec6miir.
On motion of Mr. Chalfant.the use of the Rnnata rhm.
bcr was granted to the Mate Convention of School Super-
lDTenuem. vn uune ti'st auu
On motion of Mr. Duncan, the nse of the Ronate cham
ber was granted to the survivors of the 77tn Pennsylvania
Volunteers on the first Tnursiiay of Seotembor.
Hill exempting the parsonage of Kbenezer AI. E. Church
from taxation pasned.
Mr. Honszoy called no and passed bill incorporating the
Beidlei Keystone Wood I'avmir (Joinuany.
bill incorporating the Washington Association of
f ranktora pasted.
Mr. Randall ottered a resolution, which was defeated.
providing lor the appointment of the henate committee
of three to report at the next session a system of text
books to be used in the public schools.
bill relating to the appointment of a canvasser by the
Military Board io Philadelphia was passed.
Mr. rlenxzey called up and pascd the bill incorporating
tbe Atlantic hank of Philadelphia.
bill establishing a House of Correction passed. The
clause taxing tavern keepers fifty dollars is stricken out
and one inserted authorizing the City Treasurer to sat.
apart on. -half of the tavern licenses for the benefit of the
House of Correction. "
bill incorporating the Ohesnut Street Bank, Philadel
phia, pat sea.
Alko. allowlns the Frankford and Bouthw.rk Railroad
Company to extend their r jad on fcifth and Sixth streets,
AIbo bill incorporating the Haverford Land and Im
provement Comitanv.
Also bill incorporating the Soldiers' and Sailors' Mining
Also bill allowing lbs Empire Passentrer Railwsv Com.
pany of Philadelphia to use certain streets fur the
Also, bill vacating Sergeant street, in the Twenty-
lOoriiU Wfl ru, ruiwu.iuui.,
aim. btll for tbe relief or Mm ttmmov Uunlm
Also, bill repealing so much of the act for tue prevention
of cruelty to animals in Philadelphia as gives one-half of
the penalty to tne miormer.
Alto, bill vacainc Meetier street. Philadelohia.
Mr. Aagle called up the bill providing that any person
in Philadelphia who pays two dollais to any military orga
nization shall be exempt from the payment of military
tax or commutation lor the year lu which the payment
was maae.
Mr. Kvans moved to amend, so that persons having cnn.
scientions scruples shall not be required to bear arms or
pay military taxes. iasi.
The biU then pasted. , Adjourned nntil 3 P. M.
The House met at 10 A. M. Mr. Marshall asked leave to
introduce a supplement to the Penal laws of lMdO.
Msssrs. Josephs and McGowan objected and the House
refnsed to suspend the orders to receive tbe bill.
During the discussion on a motion to extend the hoar of
adjournment, Mr. Strang, chairman of the Appropriation
Conference Committee, announces that that committee
was at a dead lock.
The Senate asked the consent of the Hons to suspend
tbe joint lute no. , so as to Dring jur. nagie's rublio
buildings bill from the Senate. This rale prohibits bills
of either house from being transmitted to the other within
three davs of final adiournment.
Mescrs. Johnson and Strang favored the granting of the
Mr. Cloud opposed it. He did not understand how the
commissioners ceuld make any compromise. He objected,
ana one onjeciiun wouiu prevent any consideration.
Mr. Cbaltant asked if this bill favored tbe erection of
tbe publio buildings in independence Dqaare;
Mr. uiona answered " xes."
Mr. Chalfant then said be was unalterably opposed
to- ... . .... . . .
Mr. Btranssaia oe was aiso opposea to tne new rjuun.
inns over Independence euuare. bat this bill threw out
the intersection sciieme.
Mr. Josephs lavored the bill as agreed upon and passed
hv the Kenata. It waa satisfactory to all nartiea. Ha
moved I tie suspension or tne niniu ruie, so as to snow this
bill to oome before tbe House. It would satisfy thirty
thousand people who voted in the minority ; also, the
fjity two thousand who voted in the majority, it they ad
iourned without passing it the comuiisaicu would ereot
tbe buildings on the int Bisection at the cost of millions
Of dollars.
Mr. cioua tssisted on nis oojectton.
Mr. Chalfant said this bill gave unlimited power.
Mr. Kliiott denied this.
It allowed only . three hundred thousand dollars to
be expended.
M r. Hagar opposed the bill on the ground that courts
and municiuaf orhces would be one mile apart.
The mint rule was not suBpendes yeas 66. nays 86. it
requiring two thirds. Tbe Philadelphia members voted
as follows in lavor oi allowing tbe bill to come from
syes Albright, Messrs. Duffy, Elliott, Griffiths, John
ston, Josephs, Lamon, McGowan, Aiarshall, Miller,
Mooney, Quigley, and r-mith.
Mates-Messrs. Cloud, Dumbell, Hager, Royburn, and
Mr. boileau moved a reconsideration of the Tote jut
tmh on
Mr. Cloud moved the indefinite postponement of tbe
motion to reconsider. Lost,
the motion to reconsider was agreed to yeas, 66;
nTha unestion then recurred aeain on suspension of rule.
so as to allow the bill to come irom the (senate, which waa
not agreed to yeas, ou; uays, ixi, there not being two
thirds in the amrmative.
Th. vittfl waa ii followa:
Yeas Mtisrs. Albright, Baileau, Buck, Oonrad, Da r rah,
Filioit, Kills, Kngle, Kngliah, .better, Fulton, Orittirbs,
Harvey. Uereter, Hewitt, JohnsUa, Josephs, Keane,
Keller, Lamon, jeiuiirv xjeonara, ijetiarman, L-win, io.
A lr. McGowan. Me keen. MoMalleo. Mann. Marshall.
lUiller-of Philadelohia: Millikea, Montgomery. Mooney.
Morris. Moyes, Pumell. tjuigley, Kobrer, Rose, Koss,
frchwarts, Bkinner, eioan, cuiuu, or rmiaaeipuia ; niarr,
Steele, Stone. Strong. Taylor, Warner, V hite, Williams,
Wilson, of Orawlotd; Wishart, Woolever, Young, Zirbe,
Webb, tpeaaer.
Kiti-Maisri. Clond. Corsy. Cumminss. Duffy. Dnm-
bell, tleeger, Gray, Hagar. Huopes, Humphreys, Keech,
Kerr Mot innell, MoJunkin. Magee, Meek, Mickey,
p.;... PtitnAV. KainnAhl Havlmpn Klimn..
Smith, Danpbin: Thompson, Walker, Wells. V heeler',
V hiuns. Wilry. Williams. Luzerne.
Senste amendment to tbe Philadelphia Coal Weighing
bill, giving the Governor and Common Connoil the power
ot uiskibg the appointments, was concurred in.
Senate amendment to biU incorporating the Ohesnut
Bill Park aesociatiwn wss concurred in.
The amendment provides that tbe company may lay out
three leet track from their property over aod along
Sprina held, German'own. and Willow Grove avenue to
county line and the Wisaahiskon, and along Mount Plea.
tant avenne to county une.
The Senate amendment to the bi 1 relative to Super
visors in tbe Twentv second ward, authorizing the District
t nrL to auDuint two. waa concurred in.
Tne Senate bill authorizing the Governor to procure
regimental standards tor the national Guards 01 ronu-
Mr. Dumbell moved to reconsider the vote yesterday
indet.nitely poa'p'niug the Sennte bill advertising pro
ceedings and ordinances of Philadelphia Councils aud
heads of departments.
Mr Dumliull then moved to amend by reouiring publi
cation in feur morning papers, one afternoon, and one
Sunday paper. Agreed to. I
Mr Ouigleythea opposed the whole bill as amended,
lL,lmu that the aiuanse to Philadelohia would be Hum.
..nA..nil ihi.uuDili of dollars, when newsnauers wara
now entirely willing to report the proceedings without
pay. and moved indefinite postponement.
Mr. Dumbell said this bill did not inoreate the expense ;
it only increased the number of papers and decreased the
mi.a.l.Mr itf timnsof implication.
Mr. Josephs suggested the publication in four Sunday
newspapers instead ot bni one. ......
Mr. Quigley's motion to indefinitely postpone was
AdjouBed nntil 1 o'clock P. M.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
Earthquake Shocks.
Valparaiso, May 3. A severe hurricane
passed over the southern provinces on the 17th
and 18th of April, doing heavy damage on sea
and land. The foot and mouth
Cattle Disease
has spread over the entire country, retarding
farming operations. Four hundred thousand
tons Mejlllones guano was sold by the Govern
ment on the first at fifteen dollars.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
The Matamoras Rebellion.
Matamoras, May 17. Rocha arrived before
Tamplco to-day, and in the battle yesterday the
rebel artillery reached the Federal position.
The rebellion will be suppressed soon. Yester
day, guerillas collected duties on the Toluca
Extraordinary Session of the Senate.
Washington. May 26. Mr. Howe, from the Committee
on Printing, offered a resolution, which waa adopted, in
structing that committee to inquire into the oot of
fmeumatic tubes between tne l apitoi ana rutiiio 1'nnt
ng omee, tor tbe transmission of packages; and also as to
s telegraph line, to report at the next session.
1 lie unalr stated the nnnnisnea Business to oe ine reso
lution of Mr. Wilson to discharge Messrs. White and
Kamsdell immediately on the adjournment of tbe present
session, with the pending amendment of Mr. Davis, of
Mr. Carpenter said he bad nothing to de with starting
tbe investigation, and denied tbe often-repeated news
paper statement that he had been made the catspaw of
M r. Conkling, tie bad received anony mons letters threat
ening that the entire machinery of the American press
wouid be directed against bim personally if ne should
proceed with the investigation. He, too, bad incurred
snch displeasure ior moving a resolution to commit tne
witnesses. He bad never seen any other course taken in
cases where witnesses refnsed to answer.
As to the correspondents being in prison, tbey were tar
nished with two oi the best room in tbe Capitol, where
tbey fared sumptuously. Instead of this they should
have been committed to jail as any justice of the peace
would have (tone, for the witnesses were undoubtedly in
contempt. If this had been tbe case the Senate would
have bad the required answers before now. He believed
now, as be bad expressed heretofore, that the treaty was
not made publio throngh the State Department, tbe Pub-
no fnnter, or tne commissioners, out it was maae putino
through tbe Senate by some gross negligence or careless
ness. He commented severely on tbe correspondents of the
New York Vribunr, and. among other things, said that a
malicious libel was perpetrated on them in a recent com
munication purporting to give an account of tbe examina
tion of Mr. Tinker, and which aooount Mr. Tinker had. in
a note to bim, denounced as untrue. He also spoke of the
morality ot tbe press, ana wanted to snow it tne corre
spondents of Newspaper Row would sanction what the
? ii- correspondent had done, and at the close of their
enstod give them a complimentary dinner.
ibe New York Tribune was an alias for Horace Greeley,
who bsd befriended bim by acts of kindness; but Horace
Greeley is in Texas delivering an agricultural address,
and has left the i'ribuva in the care of a fop and pretender.
Wbitetaw Keid. Mr. Uarpenter continued at some length
fn opposition to tbe pending resolution to discharge the
ZYi'iun corresprndent at tne ena oi tms session.
Mr. Kenton sent ud a naner. which by request he caused
to have read, Bigned by Messrs. H in ton, Hoynton, Shaw,
and Knowlton, newspaper correspondent, saying mat
Mr. Tinker made the statements published in tbe New
York Tribune despatch, but the said statements were not
as bitter toward the committee as those Mr. Tinker made
in their presence.
After further details by Senators Thurman and Davis,
of Kentucky, the latter withdrew his amendment, winch
was to the effect that tbe discharge of the witnesses
should net effect legal proceedings instituted under the
set of January, 1K57.
Mr. Nye renewed is, and in the course of his remarks
said that if in the examination of Ku-klux outrages, a
witness had refused to testify, instesd of being furnished
with comfortable quarters in tbe caiiitol, he would have
been sent to that most loathsome plaoe called the jail.
until he answered tbe questions propounded to htm. The
correspondent's of the 'J ribtmt are in contempt, and are
amenable to the law of the land.
before proceeding further, Mr. Harlan moved that the
Senate ee Into executive session, which was agreed to.
yeas So, nays IS.
Chicago Flour and Wheat Market
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Chicago. May S6 9-30 A. M. wheat market dull:
No. S, l-iSXl-25, seller Ma or June; $t-i6
l-SG:, seller last bair of June. Corn dull at 61i(3
seller May or June: 63,V. seller July.
tieceipt: iS7if;i'(. Receipt: Ship't.
Flour, bbls. 4,000 8,000 Oats, bus.... 4S.000 6,oi)0
wneat. mis. 45,000 u.ouu nye, dus . . . . 1,0011 b.uuo
Corn, bus.. 820,000 145.000 Barley, bus.. 3,000 none.
Baltimore Produce Market.
Baltimore. Hay 86. Cotton strong: we quote
middling uplands at I6xi6c; low middlings at
1616c. Flour dull, but held firm ; superfine scarce
and wanted: Howard street supernne, is-60o: ao.
extra, 5 8T7H5; do. family, $7-58-80; City
Mills supernne, lowta; i-vo; uo. extra, .t4s; ao,
family, ssrail : Western superfine, fS'oO&eiSK: Ao,
extra, D b7c;(a! ( -ao ; ao. laiuiiy nmn o. wneai
ouiet and steady. Corn Southern white, 77ias9c:
Southern yellow,'7S(376c. Oats dull at 62tioc. Mesa
Pork dull at 117-50. Bacen shoulders, rib
sides, 9c. ; clean rib, 9c. Haras, I017c. Lard
dull at niixc, w msKy auii at 84usc.
Nevf York Money and Stock Market.
Nsw Tobk, May 20. stocks quiet and firm. Money
4 per cent. Uold, 8-uos, 1869, cp., llljtf;
da 1S64, cp., nitf: ao. isoo, cp., ni; ao. lsao,
,1.,, a ,OAT 11AV, -1 n .aao llOt. in.JAa
109X 5 Virginia 6s, new, 73 ; Missouri 6s, 9ojtf ; Can
ton Co., 62i; Cumberland preferred, 85; N. Y. Cen
tral and Hudson itiver, vvjt ; une, via,1, ; Keaaing,
117 V: Adams Express. 80: Michigan Central.
124M : Micmean tsouinern, m : iiunois uentrai.
ltrx; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 122 ; Chicago and
Kock isiano, iiMt misnurg ana ron wayne,
9934; western union Teiegrapn,
The Desperate Struggle of an Erie Comluc
lor viiix a tar 'i mei.
From the Port Jervis Gazette, May 82.
For tbree or four months the freight trains
on tbe Erie, while delayed on the eastern side
of Bergen tunnel, have been repeatedly robbed
bv professional car thieves, uetectives nave
been detailed to ferret out the perpetrators, but
with poor success. The thieves secrete them
selves on the old cars standing on the side track,
and when a train stops they enter the cars with
false keys, and take whatever Tamable goods
thev may find.
Last night conductor John L. Marvin, of
extra 33, discoverdd three thieves operating on
a car in his train. He grasped one of them by
the collar. The other two ran away. The thief
struck Marvin a beavy blow on the left side of
the head with what was evidently an Iron bolt,
cutting a deep gash about two inches long. Al
though partially stunned, Marvin sun retained
his grasp on the thiei's collar. The thief was a
powerful man, and dragged Marvin under the
car to the other side of tbe track.
Tbe conductor managed to draw his putoi,
but the thief grasped if before be could use It.
There was a strap on the pistol through which
Marvin had one hand, the other still graspiug
the coat collar, which was tearing away. The
thief seized the pistol with both hauds, and by
a sudden wrench broke the strap, after sinking
It deep into the flesh of one of the conductor's
fingers, cutting a severe gash, lie then freed
himeelf from Marvin s grasp, and took to his
heels, leaving his bat la possession of the deter
mined conductor, who was covered with blood
when he returned to bis cabcoe.
Friday, alar o. 1871. ( todav is moderately
active and somewhat steadier in rates for loans,
but tbe uuiK oi me iraunacuwuB, s usuai iur
...I auilii Tiaar a in Mih form of annpnlativM
BCYCI " j -- - - i .
loans on call. 4 and 5 per cent, continues to be
the range on can, ana nrst-ciass paper is in ae-
. it V. ,.,L .L.
tnana ana Bcarce ai u per com., uutu at mo
banks and on the street.
Gold is quiet ana very steaay, wun an tbe
sales In New York at 111.
(iovernment bonds are also dull here, though
prices are maintained. The Currency Cs show
an advance of )i.
Tbe stock market was active and somewhat
unsettled. Sales of City 6s, new bonds, at 102J
6)103, and Lehigh Gold Loan at 04i(5)95, an
advance of 1.
Reading Railroad was active, with sales at 58
60S58 the latter on time. Pennsylvania was
steady, with a trilling sale at O. Sales ot
Camden and Amboy at 130 Oil Creek and
Allegheny at 52, b. o.j and Lehigh Valley at
In canal shares there were sales of Schuylkill
preferred at 18, and Lehigh at 86.
The balance of the list was firm. Sales of
Mechanics' Bank at 82.
Reported by De Haven A Bro., No. o S.Thlrd street ?
17000 Leh Gold L. . . 40shMech Bit..... 82V
fflooo do b60. 96 700 sh Reading R... 68
Isoo da 94V WO do seo. 68 s
I .".00 do 94? TOO do.... B10. 69i
11000 Pa R 81 68... 99 100 do b60. 68V
tmo OC A Ills. 87 V 600 do 68
2000 W Jersey R 78.101 400 do 69 60
f4000 Hunt & B Top 800 do 830.68 64
con. bfi.. 48 600 do ....060.68-66
4000City 68, New. .108 ISO do b6. 68 69
19 sh Penna K.... 62',' soo do
63 do... allot. 61 X 0 do... .060 58-09
100 Sh Lit 8ch R.D60 47 100 do 69-69
1700 Sh Leh N...bC0 36 1331 do bSO. 83
SOO do b60. 86X
ME38BS. De Haven & Brother, No. 40 S. Third
street, Philadelphia, report the following quotations:
U. 8. 68 Ot 1881, 117(fn7 V: do. 1869, IIP, 4111 S ;
do. 1864, ill Maim;; do. I860, UPm. ; do. 1866,
Saw. HALdllUT, i. n IdXT An. 1 1 O 1 1 1 Q Jk n.
do. il3,ui8';: 10-40S. I09vfiiio9. U.S. 80 Year
u isssr aa a SWV0 'asiuo'
6 per cent. Ourrency, lisvgus;'
llixs bUver, lOTcaiosW; Onioi
UOld, ill, itf
1st Mort. Bonds, 91?(H92; Central Pacific Rail
road, meatus,' ; Union Paclno Land Grant Bonds.
Messrs. William Painter fc Co.. No. 86 S. Third
street, report tbe following quotations: U. S. 6s of
1881, 117 , CHIT ; 6-90S Of 1S68, 1UX111X S do. 1864.
llljm; do. 1866, mx&ux; do., July, I860,
113 U37,; do., July, 1867, H3xli3;tfs do. July,
1868, 113(j118J, J 10-408, 1099109 V. U. 8. PaclflO
R, K. Currency 6s, ll6?.(i116. Gold, llllll7i.
Narr k Ladnek, Brokers, report this mornlnir
gold quotations as follows :
10-00 A. M 111X 1 11-80 A. M 111
Phllarlelplila Trade Report.
Friday, May 20. Bark Is dull at f 30 per ton for
No. 1 Quercitron. Tanners' Bark ranges from $15
to (21 per cord for chesnut and Spanish oak.
Seeds. Cloverseed U nominal at 88tfc. per lb.
Timothy Is without Improvement. Flaxseed may be
quoted at t2-202-S5.
The Flour market is wlthont, change worthy of
special note. There Is some little inquiry for ship
ment, but the sales are mostly to supply the wants
of the home consumers, whose purchases foot up
1300 barrels, Including superfine at 15-25(3-50; ex
tras at (5706; Iowa and Wisconsin extra famllr at
JG-75; Minnesota do. do. at I7-12X; Pennsylvania
do. do. at ftS'856'7S; Indiana and Ohio do. da at
7-25c3T'60; and fancy brands at 7-759, as In
quality. Rye Flour may be quoted at 5 87c.
In Corn Meal nothing doing.
There is a firm feeling in the Wheat market, but
not much activity. Sales of 3000 bushels at $1-05(4
1-07 for Indiana red ; $1 6S($1-71 for do. amber; and
$ 1-7 5(j-1-84 for fair and choice white. Rye is un
change : 1500 bushels Southern sold at $110. - Corn IS
less active, but we continue yesterday's quotations.
Sales of yellow at 7&(7Cc, and Western mixed at
74c. Oats are In fair request at the recent advance.
Sales of 2000 bushels white Pennsylvania and West
ern at 6769c.
Whisky is unchanged. Sales of 75 barrels Western
iron-bound at 95c.
8 A. M 79 1 11 A. M 88 1 9 P. M...9i
Sun Rises 4 86 I Moon Sets 0-21
Sun Kits 717 Hiaa Watkb s-si
Wy Cable.)
Kingston, Jam., May 24 Tne RlBlng Star sailed
from Asplnwall on the 20th, for New Y erk.
Steamer a C. Walker, Sherin, New York, W. M.
Balrcr & Co. .
Steamer Concord, Norman, New York, do
Steamer E. C. Blddle, McCue, New York, W. P. Clyde
& Co.
St'r Beverly, Pierce, New York, W. P. Clyde & Co.
Brig C. M. Reynolds, Slmonsey, St. John, N. B..
L. Westergaard & Co. '
Tug Joe Johnson, Ingraham, Baltimore, with a tow
of barges, W. P. Clyde A Co.
Tue Fairy Queen, Wilson, Baltimore, with a tow
ol barges, W. P. Clyde fc Co.
Steamer E. C. Blddle, McCue, 24 hours from New
York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co.
Steamer W. Whuldln, Rlggans, is hoars from Bal
tlmore, with mdse. and passengers to A. Groves, Jr.
Br. bark Marlon, Taylor, from London March T.
with mdse. to U. F. &. G. G. Lennig.
Br. bark N. Churchill, Brown, 7 days from Boston.
In ballast to B. Crawley &, Co. .
Scbr Mary E. Smith, Smith, 21 days from Maya
gues, with sugar and molasses to John Mason A Co.
Schr John 11. Perry, Kelly, 2 days from Seaconnet,
with Huh to J. C. Hopkins. '
Schr Mlngus, Heaney, from Rondout, N. Y., with
Schr Esteiie Day, Carry, from Fox Island, with
gianite to O. Fak-a.
Scbr Commerce, Doran, from Baltimore, with coal
to T. E. CahllL
Sohr Volant, Bdckalew, from Cedarvllle, with
grain to A. G. Cattell & Co.
Schr Anne Mary, Baker, from Bangor, with lum
ber to T. P. Galvln A Co.
Schr Bonny Boat, Kelly, from Norfolk, with lum
ber to Dillon & Co.
Schr Harriet MewelL Gould, from New fork, with
Schr Bailie S. Godfrey, Godfrey, from Newborn,
N. C, with lumber to Norcross & Sheets.
Scbr George Fales, Hall, from Portland, with lum
ber to Patterson tt Lipplncott.
Schr L. A. Burllngame, Burllngame, from New
Schr J. Truman, Glbbs. from New Bedford.
Schr W. F. Garrison, Blackman, from Boston.
Schr A. D. Hud del, Long, do.
Schr John B. Clayton, chapman, do.
Schr J. H. Mocre, Nickerson, do.
Schr Isabella Thompson, Endlcott, fm Providence.
Schr Rachel Seaman, Seaman, from Fall River.
Schr Admiral, Stet-lman, do.
Schr W. Wallace, Scml, from Weymouth.
Schr Pedro A. Grau, Lake, from New York.
Scbr Aid, Smith, from Lynn.
Scbr 11. Croskey. Kackett, from Bridgeport.
Scbr D. Collins, Townsend, from New Haven.
Schr It. W. Huddle, Maloy, from lUugor.
TugThos. Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a
tow of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co.
Tug G. B. Hutchlngs, Mulford, from Baltimore,
with a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde Co.
$r Schr Tyro, arrived yesterday from Boston, Is
consigned to B. Crawley & Co.
Correxpondence of The Eveninn Teleoraph.
New Yoke office, May 25. The following
barges leave in tow to-night for Baltimore, light:
Cassle, J. W. Barker, K. P. Boardwell, Charles
French, M. Keppller, Kockwood, Amelia, F. Ba ;h
elder, Cory Iluut, S. Morrell, W J. Forward, Mry
Kear, Princeton, and J. Saoemaker.
Baltimore Buanch Office, May 2C The follow
ing barges leave In tow this evenlug, eastward :
J. P. liter, E. C. Potter, W. J. lhinlap, Otranto,
N. Bottsford, J. W. Andrews, S. A. lanuer, and
Thomas Lynch, all with coal, for New York.
M. Bartlett aud Lorrett, with coal, for Urldgeton.
Pan Robinson, with coal, for Philadelphia.
Philadelphia Branch office. May 26. Tbe
Rattle Wheeler aud C. Frailer, with coal, for New
York, left last night.
Weather. Wlud:-May 25, 5 P. M., due S. ; May 26,
6 A. M , W. by S., warm but not ornresstve. Ba
rometer: May 25, 6 P. M , 80 20 SO; May 20, 6 A. M.,
SO 17-60: apparently stationary, or down to its lowest
point, until gorue disturbance of tbe elements Inter
venes, perhaps a squall, within the next twenty-four
hours. 1- S. C.
Special Dvpatch to The tomUng TelegravK
IlAvas-oa-GuACK, Mir 2J. The following boats
leave in tow to-day :
Mapg'e and Jennie and Charles Creamer, with
lumber to Saylor, Day k Morie.
beneca, Lebanon, Joseph Stlckney, and Seymour
nd Blair, with coal to G. C. Morrin.
James U Smith, with graiu to W. S. Smith A Oi.
S. U. Grey, with lumber to B. F. Taylor.
David Heinle, with lumber, for Newark, N. J.
Annie and Delia, with lumber, for Trenton, N. J
Anion and Wabash, with coal to 11. S. Grotta,
Media, with poplar wood, for Manayunk. J. d.