rrn KVMNIE (ut VOL. XV. NO. 123. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. i 1 FIRST EDITION Treaty of Washington, Voto on the Ratification. j Rejection of Amendments. The Franco-German Treaty. Fire in the Mountains. Loss cf Life and Property. Etc. Etc., Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. Etc THE TREATY RATIFIED. All the Amendments Voted Down The Fishery Articles Sustained by a Vote of Nearly Two to One. A Washington despatch to the New York Tri bune says: The Treaty of Washington was ratified to night by a vote of 50 to 12, after a session of more than eleven hours' duration. The Senate met at 10 A. M., and immediately went into executive session. It is known that Messrs. Corbett, Kelly, Casserly, Thurman, and Mor rill, of Vermont, made speeches in opposition to its ratification without amendment. Mr. Cas serly s position is already known. The Oregon Senators opposed it on account of the San Juan articles. Mr. Morrill took decided exception to the fishery provisions, and Mr. Thurman was earnest in his opposition on ac count of what he deemed a general unsatisfac tory settlement, especially in the limitations to which we submit by the new rules of neutral law. Messrs. Cameron and Morton sustained the treaty, and argued against all amendments. The Democrats were in conference this morn ing, and decided to vote for amendments, and, as a rule, to oppose ratification. Five amendments were offered, three being by Mr. Sumner. One of these proposed a strength ening of the second rule of arbitration in article 6 on the Alabama claims, which Mr. Sumner thought too vague. The debate on this was careful, and the vote on the motion to amend was lost by only two majority. The rule he Bought to amend is as follows: Secondly, not to permit or suffer either belli gerent to make use of its ports, or waters, as the base of naval operations against the other, or for the purpose of the renewal or augmenta tion of military supplies, or arms, or the re cruitment of men. Mr. Sumner offered other amend mints touch ing the definition of neutral and belligerent rights and duties, but they were lost without a call ot the yeas and nays. There was a propo sition to strike out the articles relating to the fisheries, but this was lost by a vote of nearly two to one; and there was an equally heavy majority against an amendment of Mr. Cor bett's, to strike out the provision for arbitra tion on the San Juan dispute. Thus, at about 11 P. M., the treaty passed the Senate exactly in the form in which it was re ceived from the President. Sixty-seven Sena tors have attended the extra session, and sixty two were present when the final vote was taken. The absentees included Messrs. Morrill, of Vt., and Blair, who were paired. The Democrats voted as a body against ratification, with the evident purpose of making a party cry against the treaty. The only Republican who acted with them was Geueral West, of Louisiana, whose course is said to have been dictated by a desire to ingratiate himself with the Democracy. The following list of the yeas and nays is possibly incorrect in one or two -names; but I can say this much positively, that on the final vote 11 Democrats and 1 Republican put them selves on record against ratification. There are only 14 Democrats in the Senate. YEAS. Ames, Anthony, Buckingham, Boreman, Caldwell, Oatv.ron, Carpenter, Chandler, Clayton, Cole, Oonkling, Corbett, CraKin, Kdmnnda, Fenton, Flanagan, Frelinfhurien, Gilbert, Pool, liunuioin eiu;, rraii. Hamilton (Md.), Ramaey. nam ii n, Harlan, Hill, Hitchoook, . Howe, K.llogg, Lewis, Locan, Morrill (Me.), Morton. Nye, Oahorn, Patteraon, Poweroy, SI ATS. Dwii (W- Vs.), A''fv, Stiulnbury, Hi . Rica, Robertson, Sawyer, Soburz, Scott, Sherman, Spencer, . Stewart, Sumner, Tro.rabo.ll. Wilaon, Windom, Wright-60. Bayard, Coowr. fttorklrm, Tk'irmuik, VirJcari, West-12. Xlac(Ky.V i..vj M .mh Mnrnll vt land Bla'r. Absent Meaara. JvhnsUm, Brownlow, Ferry (Oonn.) and City but not Voting Messrs. Ferry (Mioh.) and TiDton. There is excellent authority for the statement that Secretarv Fish will soon retire from the Cabinet, and be appointed our member of the Tribunal of Arbitration which is to meet at Geneva for the settlement of the Alabama claims. HIE EARTHQUAKE. Further Details of Its Effects In Canada Its Wide Kxteut. The Toronto papers publish telegrams from xnanr localities in Canada, showing that the shock of earthquake soon after 1 o'clock on Sunday morning last was widely felt, It extending from the western part oi -tne province or On tario eastward te a point below Quebec. The Toronto Globe, summing up the accounts given in its telegrams, says: Tn duration of the shock varied from a few seconds te two minutes, apparently increasing in Intensity as It travelled eastward that being the direction It took judging from the time at which the distoroances are reported to have occurred No serious consequences followed the earthly rooking in any oiace. The shock apnears to have been most severely felt In parts of the Niagara district, and about the 'ancient capltai;' though in some other towns the affrighted people for a few minutes expected to instantly witness the demolition of their houses. The quaking Is generally described as hav ing been accompanied by a noise resembling the ioundof rusblog waters or of a lightning express train In Montreal the earthquake was followed by m curious phenomena, the thermometer rising to fee deg.. and the next aay Dtwg oars ana gloomy M ST.."?!.- ThoVk was felt about 1 o'clock. and writer in the Hamilton Ttmes. who was lylsg fn hJd reading at the moment of the tremor, says he wsaswSnded to lind the bed shaking under him, windows convulsively agitated, while ill "rrr 7, held in his hand shook lite an aspen leaf A loud, rumbling noise, as of the passing or l.ni laden wagon, was heard, and indeed tl heavUT-laaen wsgou, . wUou ?i"V,,i on and putting his bead out of the window. vr7 VaWshed to flud that S'-areeiy a ore.,.,. u .v7riiied The shock, he says, lastea neany ?,?2eVCkingathlswatchhe found it wl minute. o'clock. was excited in Ottawa. The Fres jsaucn "'"".haahock and its effect as followss- Pres dfSr n a to violently felt that honses trem. The motion was so Vio em , bled and wujuow- . Along the north shore alarm a great many P ri&astwardly, the of tne uuw, . ,,. , the cttv. and it shock was eveni bot b tne trBIuUllulf of aaiukened the sounaea. "'"-"-, i ,h . wfVava not heard any persons say that the earth. as accompanied by the rumbling noise 1UE TREATY OF PEACE. Prince Bismarck's Speech In the Reich, rath How the War Indemnity Is to be Paid Confidence Expressed In the Thiers Government. Prince Bismarck made the following commu nication on the 12th Instant in the German Par liament: On tbe conclusion of the prelimlnarlesTof peace hopes were entertained tbat the labors of the con ference which assembled to settle the final terms of the treaty would be terminated In a month or six weeks. This expectation was tonnded on the belief that the French government would enjoy undis puted authority in France; but this hope was not realized. A longer delay In the conclusion of a defi nite peace would have given rise to a fear as to whether the French Government wonld remain in a position to fulfil Its obligations. As regards the ces sion of territory, the object at stake was already in our hands, and there could be no doubt of the arrange ments In this respect being carried out. The annre- nenBlons that were entertained concerned the ques tion whether the Government would be Inclined aud able to accomplish the conditions relating to the war contributions. Serious anxiety upon this point caused me to try the effect of a personal interview with the French Ministers. If we had not come to an agreement the German army would have occu pied Paris, either by an arrangement with the Com mune or oy rorce, and thereupon we should have required the French Government to withdraw its troops behind the Loire and then resume negotia tions. I only went to Frankfort with trie Intention of ootatning the settlement of a few pending ques tions, namely, the payment of the war contributions, the shortening of the delays, and the atrengthenlns of the guarantee. Hut as It became manifest that a prospect existed of finally concluding peace' I con sidered that that result would be a gain for both countries, as Germany would thereby be able to lessen her military burden, and France would achieve consolidation. The French Government is In the best possible position to meet the views of the people of France for a restoration of peace. Any other Government that might attempt to take Its place would be suspected of not wishing to make peace equally secure. It la true, there will be some supplementary provisions necessary respecting the carrying out of the treaty, silll a definite peace Is now achieved. The terms for the payment of the wsr Indemnity have been shortened; the tirst half milliard will be delivered within the thirty days fol lowing the occupation of Paris by theVersallles army. With regard to the mode of payment it has been settled that only specie or notes of Bare banks, either English, Dutch, Prussian, or Belgian, will be accepted, or lirst-class bills. The second payment, amounting to l,000,uoo,0oo, Is to be made In the course of the year namely, by the end of December. jnoi tin men are we nonnd to evacuate the forts before Paris. The fourth half milliard has ;to be paid by the 1st of May next year. With reference to the payment of the last three milliards, the stipula tions of the preliminaries of the treaty of peace will be adhered to, and the payments will be concluded by the 1st of March, 1S74. The French Government hopes to be ahle to satisfy our requirements. Dim cullies arose in connection with the question of our commercial relations. The French Government wishes to abrogate the treaty of commerce, and ap pears to expect to obtain by that proceeding an in crease of customs- receipts. I contented myself with obtaining for us the rights accorded to the most favored nations. By the most favored nations we understand England. Belgium, the Nether. lanas, owitzenand, Austria, and Russia. wim regara to tne rronr.ier question, it was decided not to understand "the Karon hi lienor I,- m ns recnmcai significance, but to ex- iuu n ut lour or live anuiueires. it appeared de- siraDie io acquire Borne uerman communes near Thlonville, together with Kelllnger. This the rrencn uovernment declared itseir unable to grant. I therefore proposed to leave th Question of ratifi cation to the National Assembly, and I offered, In lieu of that territory, a further cession of conntrv round Be rort. The remaining conditions of the treaty will be seen from the document Itself, which will be published very shortly. We have acquired, for a certain sum of money, the portion of railway In Alsace and Lorraine which belongs to the Eastern of France Company. A oelay of ten days namely, till the 120th of May has been agreed upon for the ratification of the treaty by thu ttmperor of Ger many ana tne rrencn national am era my. Prince Bismarck concluded as follows: I believe we have obtained from France all that we could reasonably expect. We have rendered our frontier safe, and we have insured the payment of the war Indemnity as far as is humanly possible. More extensive demands would have entailed great saennces. i nave every continence that the trench Government Intends to carry out the provisions of the treaty, and that It will have the power so to do. The belief that It will not be possible to raise the large amount of the war Indemnity Is not shared by me f rencn Minister or v inance. i entertain tne hope that the peace which has been concluded will prove lasting and full of benefit, and that we "shall not for a long time have to make use of the guaran tees we have retained to secure ourselves against renewed aggressions. FIRE IN THE MOUNTAINS. Extensive Conflagrations In New York, New Jersey, and Long Island A Iluu- ter's Story. Great fires have been ragtag lately in the forests of Sullivan, Ulster, and Delaware ce un ties, in New York. The woodlands in the re mote sections oi me onanaaKen Mountains were discovered in names on May is. The underbrush, dry as tinder, was like a train of gnnpowder, and the lames spread with extra ordinary rapidity. Ihe following homespun description is from tne ups oi an eye-witness: "You see, we were huntln' for b'ars, which yon know get off to just such places, whar there atnt nobody nor nuthlu' to be a bother'n' on 'em. When we found a track, and were a follerln' on 't up, Jim says to me, 'Bob, something's a burning I' We had n't trampea mucn lurcner oeiore me smoke came pretty tnics in puns, iiae. -mere wasn't a oreatu or air. All at once mere came a cioua or smoke, like a blanket. It came right down and made the woods almost as dark as sunset, although It was only about S o'clock. Then came a shower of cinders. We got cnokea ana ounaeu. ctome ei me cinaers came on our necks like so many needles stlckln'lnto ns. We were nigh to the top of the hills, and In a minute or so the smoke and cinders shifted another way, so we coma see a oic 'mere never was sucn a sight I All about us, except ene little streak along the east'rd was In a blaze. We were both as black as Congo niggers. It was like the Atlantic Ocean chock run or kerosene anu pine-wooa, ail an re aronoe, Well, on top of this mountain, a bit eff below us, was a hollow, with steep rocks all around It There was a spring and a brook there, and green grass. In that hollow, say atxtut ten rods long and hve wide, mere were more man a umnoo oi snakes aaaers, moccasins, racers, and black snakes and wood- chucks, squirrels, foxes, and one b'ar. They had all come there to get to the water away from the tire, but now the water was nearly all dried up, the ground baked, and (he rocks around as hot as an oven. They were all walled In by the fire. There was no glttiu' out The b'ar laid aown on nis oack ana growiea. his nair was most burnt off, and bis hide was scorched. The foxes were burnt as bad, ana looked awful curious with their tails all roasted. The mo.t aiuu.lng thing or an was tne sukes. Home of ttiera were uead la neaps, all twisted up snd burst open; others were burnt crisp, and the rest squirmed and wriirirled like a heap of tangled ropes. Ail this happened In less than ha ran hour. While we stood a-gawklng at me sipit, gusc oi wiuu ana not cinaers came on us. We choked, and turned around to get out. There was no time to lose. Only a narrow, dry ravine was uuburnt. Down that we went, about two jards at each straddle, umll we got to the bot tom, w e ii never forgit that, stranuer; and If hell is any noiier n mat, wen jine the uieetlo.' next Bonaay, surer The whole of the Sbandaken Mountains seemed to be on fire last Saturday night Iu the vicinity of Monticello and Liberty Village the fires extend for miles in several directiftus. Tens of thousands of acres of excellent woodland have been burned over, and thousands of cords of wood have been destroyed. The Methodist chapel, the public school-house, and other build ings have been consumed at Black Lake. Wild rumors prevail of other extensive losses of pro Eerty, and, perhaps, of human life. The flames ave surrounded sever il farms and dwellings on the distant mountain terraces, and fears are entertained as to the safety of the families. The forests on the Orange County Mountains bave also been on fire. The most extensive of these conflagrations was along the Hudson High' lands, westward of Ionia island. Showers ' arrested the flames on Monday, and the fires are now smouldering. Extensive forest fires are said : to be raging in the New Jersey pine barrens and j oo Long xeiana. SECOND EDITION TO-DAY'S CABLE HEWS. BEDLAM ON FIRE. Fires in Every Street. The Rebels Fighting Like Fiends. Palaces and Embassies Burned. Cost of the Versailles Victory. DOMESTIC AFFAIRS. Yice-Frcsident Colfax Recovering. Verdict in the Foster Trial. Murder in the First Degree. FROM EUROPE. Lbt associated press.J Fxrtwtivcly to Tht Evning leUjraph. Destruction of the Luxembourg Palace. London, May 25. The latest despatches from Paris say the palace of the Luxemburg has been partially blown up, and the Palais Royale is still burning. Only a Third of the Louvre Has Been snveu . Fighting continues at the Hotel de Vllle and at the terminus of the Northern Railroad. Mar shal MacMahon, with his staff, has removed to the Place Vendome. A Heavy Rain is falling. Versailles, May 24 Night. General Vinoy telegraphs that ke has possession of the Hotel de Vllle. Belleville and the Temple quarter resist vigorously. It is reported that Delescluze has been ar rested. Six Great Fires are Visible. Paris, May 24 Night The Place Vendome was definitely occupied at 4 o'clock this morn ing. The insurgents made a strong stand in the Rue St. llonore. The Palais Royale was set on fire by the retiring insurgents. The capture of the Place Vendome made The Tuilerlcs untenable, and the insurgents saturated it with petroleum and set it on fire. The Insurgents are still Fighting Like Fiends. The Eastern faubourg population seem mad with joy, and the trl-color waves everywhere. The streets are quiet, and the v crsailles troops are orderly. The Hunt for Commune Leaders bas begun, and the police are searching houses and cellars. Paris Is Enveloped In a Dense Pall of smoke, and is terribly damaged. The streets are smeared with blood and littered with debris. Paris, May 24 Morning. Last night, from the American Legation, at about 11 o clock, watched the burning ot the Hotel de Vllle. At 2 o'clock it appeared to be a moss of livid flames. The Austrian Embassy and the property of the Empress Eugenie were also burned. The'Caisse des Consignation, ' is reported destroyed. Likewise The Spanish Embassy. Departure from Paris is.lmpossible, and circula tion through the city is difficult and dangerous. A large number of cannon are pointed down tke Rue Lafayette. The Troops are Taking Barricades, and act splendidly, notwithstanding the insur gent fusillade from the houses. The Place de la Concorde has been carried. There has been heavy fighting near Mont Parnasse. The Loss of the Versallllsts troops has been small. Twelve hundred prison ers were taken to Versailles. The Versaillists are sending firemen to the city from the towns within a radius of twenty miles. Thiers Announces that all the Nationals will be disarmed immedi ately. A letter from Paris says the Versaillists are masters and The City Is in Ashes. Boulogne, May 24 Midnight. It is ru mored that the Communist prisoners are coming to the same prison that Louis Napoleon occu pied. Terrible Fighting. Paris, May 24 Special to New York Tri bune Wednesday. The fighting to-day on the Bonlevard Haussmann and in the Fanbourg St. llonore was very severe, and many houses are filled with dead and wounded of both sides. The Ministry of Finance Is Burnlug fiercely, and tbe Tuileries and north side of the Louvre are completely gutted. Four Walls Only of Palais Royal are Standing. . The fighting was very severe around the Hotel de Vllle, which was blazing with petroleum. The British Embassy Building was 'much damaged, and the Audit Ottice of Archives was burned. Tbe Place de la Con corde was terribly injured. No Quarter Is Given. The Vereaillista behave well to the inhabi tants. Fires are Raging tu Nearly Every Street. The Northern Railway is in the hands of tbe Versaillists. There is a heavy bombardment of Paris from a barricade on the Rue Lafayette. The Hotel de Vllle Occupied by the Ver sailles. London, May 25 A despatch to the Daily JVw says General Vlnor telegraphs to Ver sailles that the Hotel de Vllle Is occupied by his troops. Delescluie has been Arrested. The insurgents in the Rue St. Antoine and on the Bonlevard Mentrouge, and aLjo tX Belleville, though fighting without leaders, still resist the advance of the Versaillists. OtJTgjpi or Pabib, May 25 A. M. There was Furious Cannonading and firing of musketry daring the whole of last night. The insurgent batteries in the Arron diseement des Buttes-Chaumont still holdout. The Conflagrations Are Decreasing, notwithstanding the fact that the fire engines, many of which are arriving from the provinces, accomplished but little. Circular from M. Thiers Buildings De stroyed, Etc. Versailles, May 25 M. Thiers has to-day issued a circular of Information to the pro vinces, as follows: "We are masters of Paris, except a small por tion which will be occupied to-day. The Lonvre bas been saved. The hotel of the Minister of Finance is partially burned. The Tnllerlos and Palais dn Quai d'Orsay, in which the Council of State holds its sessions, are wholly destroyed. We have already 12,000 prisoners, and shall have 20,000. The soil of Paris is strewn with insurgent dead. Our loss is small. The army behaved admi rably. Justice will soon be satisfied and France be happy in the midst of her own misfortunes. England and Germany. London, May 25 It is said negotiations are in progress between the Governments of Eng land and Germany for a cession by the former to the latter of the island of Heligoland- The United States Steam Frigate Wor cester is at Liverpool, and will in a few days leave for Boston. The Derby Stakes, amounting to about 6000, were, after the race, presented by Baron Rothschild to Welles, the jockey who rode the winner. This Morning's Quotations. London, May 85 lfso A. M. Consols, 93v for money and account. Bonds of 1S62, 0? j of 1S65, Old, 90 ; Of 1867, 92; ;10-40s, 89. LONDON, JUay 25 11-80 A. AL Sugar. 318.31S. 6d., afloat. Liverpool, way 8510-80 a. M. cotton active and firmer; uplands, 7 d.; Orleans. T'ia 7;,d. Sales to-day estimated at 150,000 bales. This Afternoon's Quotations. Iondon, May 85130 P. M Consols, 93Wf for monty aud account. American securities un changed. FROM JVEW YORK. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS Exclusively to Th Evening TeUoraph. Fire on Ann Street. New York, May 25. A fire at Nos. 59 and 01 Ann street this morning destroyed the property of Charles Croske. electrotyper, and Frederick Hail, sign manuiacturer. iotal loss $15, W0; insured. Verdict Against the City. Alexander C. Orr yesterday recovered from the city $53,593, the full value, with interest, of a grain elevator and other property destroyed by rioters in July, 18G3. Return of the Worcester. New York, May 25 The United States steamer Worcester, which took out a cargo of French relief supplies from Boston, will sail this week from Liverpool for this port, bringing the guns wnicn once iormea tne oattery oi tne Jon federate steamer Shenandoah. Tbe Inman line of steamers will boob dlscon tinue the Mall Service to Halifax, the last steamer for Liverpool via that port leaving ixe-w lor on iuDe 41. Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, has engaged passage in the cotia ior Liverpool on dune 7. The Fires on the Mountains in Sullivan, Ulster, and Delaware counties have swept over ten thousand acres of wood' laDd. Three cabins have been destroyed, and it is believed tout ail tne occupants perished. Coal Companies Consolidation. A movement which is likely to be successful is in progress for the consolidation of three companies of tbe Cumberland coal region. Another Released Fenian. Thomas Clarke Luby, who was released from an irisa prison, witn otner t enian exiles, last winter, arrived in this city on Thursday from Hamburg and was banquetted by a number of prominent msnmen last night. Foster Convicted of Murder In the First Degree. New York. May 25 The Jury In the Foster case this morning returned a verdict of murder in tbe first degree, with a recommendation to mercy. Foster's wife was affected to tears, but the prisoner was unmoved. lie was remanded until to-morrow lor sentence. FROM WASHIJVaTOJV. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. The Official Copy of the Treaty. Wa shin ton May 25. The official copy of the Treaty of Washington was delivered to the President this morning, and thence transmitted to the State Department, where it will be placed in a box prepared for the purpose, and sent to England. Condition of Mr. Colfax. Washington, May 25 Vice-President Col fax passed a comfortable .night, slept well, and sat np half an hour this morning. Ills physician reports him generally improving, though still very weak and requiring quiet and rest. Government Weather Report. War Department, Office op the cuisp Signal Officer, Washikoton, May 5 10-30 A. M Synop sis for the past twentv-four hours: Tne barometer contltiues to fall on tne racinc eoast. with cloud v weatber aud southwest winds. Tbe area of highest pressure Jias movea irom J'ennsvivatna south eastward into tne Atlantic. The lowest pressure is now over Lake Superior, and the barometer has risen In Minnesota. The temperature has risen slightly la the Southern States aud on the lower lakes. The wind is now generally light aud fresh from the southeast, increauluir somewhat In force on Lake Michigan. It Is light northwest lu Minnesota and Nebraska. Clear weather has continued on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and lower lakes. Threat ening weather, with occasional light rains, is now reported from the upper lakes to Missouri. jJrobabilrti's.Lt!ht rain storms and threatening weather will probably be experienced on the lakes and Mississippi Valley. Falling barometer, with fresh south and east winds, from the Kautern States and Lake Ontario to tbe Gulf. The conditions are favorable for small local whirlwinds from Michigan to Missouri. CONGRESS. Extraordinary Session of the Senate. WiKHINUTON, May5 Th Benato met at 11 A.M. Mr. Cameron moved tu go into eieculive eulon. Mr. bumtor hoped moU 11 wanted to make word of prruni e mlaoni .,n. Mr. Cameron Why not postpone our ertlanationf Mi. Miu.utr 1 uiu.t wake it now or never. Mr. Cameron waived nia motion, and Mr. Sumner aid he bad tma in tbe Vaity Vkmuirh a tatement purporting to tive wbat he di't in eieouttve sesaion featurday. He wu af'oniahed tbat s paoer uuoduoteu by a gautlemaa who officially uoou pied a seat in the eieouiive aeaaieua ef ttie Kunate anoutd attiilju'e to a Senator what he never aaid. He had now to tale that wba wae attributed to Uuu was a fabrication; he maxe no such apeeck. The Krnate, by a vote of 21 againat 2', a tie vote, refund to go into executive auaaion; aud, on motion of Sir. Wil aon, took up hia roaolution tu Hiiu-harire Muaara. White and Bamadall irom cueuidy immediately on the adjournment of tue special aeaaion. Mr. Chandlor aaked tbe chairman of the special commit tee whether, in their invesuxation, they had auo vutiuud who ia tue reporter . of .the executive aeaaiuiu of the (Senate ? Mr. Carpenter replied tbat it would be ascertained wbat tboy had dune wuen their report was made, wuioa would he in three quarters of au hour. Mr. Camerua moved to go into eaecutire aeaaion. Mr. V iltou asked wuetlier ma resolution wouiu he the first tbirg in order after thty ahould came oat of eievil tive anion? 1 Be presiding officer said it would. Ttie Seuata Uies west uilo taevutivs session. burning rims. The Socialist Miscreants Still at Work- More Burning Palaces The Torch Ap plied to the Foreign Embassies Descrip tion and History of the Destroyed Build ings. Our cable telegrams this morning state that the Infamous Insurgents of Paris are still en aged In 'he task of reducing the noblest public structures of tbe city to ashes, as they retire before the triumphant troops of the Assembly. The Palace of the Luicmlionrg has been partially destroyed by an explosion. The Luxembourg Is situated south of the Louvre, on the other side of the river Seine. It was built by Marie de Medlcls, and it was bequeathed by her to her secend son, the Duke of Orleans, from whom It was called the Talals d'Orleans. It subsequently passed Into the hands of a number of lordly owners, and at the breaking out of the revolution of 1791 was occu pied by the brother of the king, who afterwards became Louis XVIIL The Directory held Its sittings there, and it was afterwards occupied by the Consul and the Senate. In 1649 it was tenanted by Louis Blanc, who held his socialist meetings in it. The palace Is in the form of a regular square. In the centre of the facade of the Rue de Tournoa Is a pavilion, capped by a cupola and embellished with statues. The front towards the gardens presents three principal buildings connected by two galleries, one of which was used as a museum for the exhibi tion of the works of living artists. The Senate of the late empire held its sessions In the Salle du Senat, a semicircular hall of ninety feet in diameter, the ceilings of which are decorated with allegorical pictures of Patriotism, Wisdom, Justice, and Law. The Salle dn Trone is a magnifi cent saloon, covered with sculptures and gilding. Tbe most Important pictures in this hall are "Napo leon I at the Invalldes," "Napoleon I inspecting the Forty Flags taken at Austerlltz," "The Return of the Tope to Rome in 1849," "Napoleon III visiting the new Louvre," and "The Distribution of the Eagles In the Champ de Mars In 1S52." These paintings-are by Hesse. The Cabinet de l'Empereur, which adjoined the Salle du Trone, contains several good paintings, the principal of which are portraits of the ex-Emperor and Empress, "Napoleon I sign ing the Peace of Campo Formlo," and "Napoleon III returning from St. Cloud." The library of the palace, which is very complete, contains about 40,000 volumes. The bedchamber of Marie de Medlcls, a splendidly-furnished apart ment, contains some valuable works by Rubens, Poussln, and Philippe de Champagne. The chapel of the palace is small but richly decorated, and con tains some fine paintings, conspicuous among which is an altar piece by an American artist, Mr. Simon White, the subject being the "Adoration of the Shepherds." The Museum or Gallery of Modern Art .was founded by Marie de Medlcls, and for merly contained twenty-five pictures by Rubens, which have been removed to the Louvre. These were allegorical representations of the history of that queen. This gallery now contains a number of the best works of living Freneh artists, which were purchased by the Govern ment, after each annual exhibition, under the selection of a jury of the members of the Institute. The ceiling of the grand gallery is ornamented with thirteen palntlngB, the centre one, entitled "Tbe Dawn of Day," being the work: of Antoine Francois Callet The others were executed by Jordacns, the pupil of Rubens, and represent the signs of the zodiac. This gallery contains many great paintings by Horace Vereet, Le Suls, Granet, Deverla, Eugene Delacroix, C. L. Muller, Rosa Bonbeur, Gudln, Ingres, Gerome, and other brilliant representatives of tbe French Bchool or arc This description of the Luxembourg palace and its art treasures of course represents it as It was previous to the breaking out of the recent war and the downfall of the Empire. During the siege of the city by the Prussians, it was reported that many of the paintings had been removed, to be out of the reach of the Prussian shells. But, even if the movable art treasures have been saved, the destruc tion of the building, with its line wall paintings and other immovable decorations will prove almost irreparable. The Palais Royal was set on fire by the retiring Insurgents, and at the latest advices only the four walls were standing. This palace was one of the most -frequented of all the public edifices of Paris. It was erected by Cardi nal Richelieu, between the years 1620 and 1636, and was then called the Palais Cardinal. Richelieu presented it to louis xiii, wno when he occu pied it changed Its name to Palais Royal. On the death of Louis XIII Anne of Austria, regent for the yonng king, removed to It, In 1693, Louis XIV gave it to his nephew, the Duke of Orleans, as a part of hia marriage portion, on the occasion of his marriage with MadUe de Blots. It had a theatre capable of holding 8000 spectators, where the Cardinal took great pride in having his own productions performed. Louis XIV was brought up in this palace, under the eye of Cardinal Mazarln, and so much was hia education neglected that he hardly knew now to read and write at an advanced age. In 1781 the debts of Its owner, the Duke of Orleans, were so enormous that the buildings were turned into shops to augment his revenue. After tbe death of the Duke of Or leans, in 1793, the palace was confiscated to the na tion, and was then called the Palais du Tribunal. Under the empire it resumed Its orsglaal name, and the Prince Luclen resided there until 1631. In 1848 it was completely devastated by a mob, bat In 1853 it underwent a complete repair preparatory to being occupied by Prince Napoleon and the Princess Clotflde. The garden of the palace is 700 feet long by 800 wide, with a beautiful fountain In the centre, Before the siege this garden was planted with rows of lime trees and contained many very fine statues. It was the resort at all hours of politicians of all sorts, who congregated there to compare notes and to read the public Journals. There was an arcade extending around the garden which contained some of the most elegant shops in Paris, most of them being occupied by Jewellers and watchmakers. In the evening it was the custom to .brilliantly lllu ml nate the gardens and shops, which were tbe resort of idlers and pleasure-seekers. The Hotel de Vllle, about the destruction of which there were some doubts yesterday, is now represented as blazing with petroleum, and will share the fate of the other great public edifices. The Hotel de Ville la situated on the Place de 1'IIotel de Vllle, formerly the Place de Greve. It was erected for the accommodation of the municipality of Paris at a cost of over 3,ooo,ooo. it was com menced in 1533, and was completed In 1603. The Hotel de Ville was a magnificent building in the Re naissance style of architecture. It was two stories lu height, and enclosed a large court. It had its west front towards the Place de Greve, and was flanked upon Us northern and southern extremities by bandBome pavilions and square towers. There were three courts, two lateral ones of Co rinthian and Composite architecture, aud the cen tral one, which comprised the original edifice. The entire building was su rrounded by an Ionlo arcade. To the left of the entrance was a full length bronze statue of Louis XIV, with bas-reliefs representing Charity and Divine Vengeance. Adjoining this was a Sight of steps which descended into the northern court Tbe Hotel de Vllle possessed great historical Interest from the numerous events of which It was the scene. From one of Its windows Lafayette pre sented Louis Philippe to the people; In one of its rooms Louis XVI spoke to the populace with tbe red capiof libeityon his hial; In another apartment Kobeiplerre aUn council; and in another he .at tempted to commit suicide. Upon the flight of f talrs descending to the northern ceurt, Lamartlne, in the most courageous -and heroic manner, declared to the lnf arlated mob that to long tu be lived the red flag should not be the flag of France. The SaVe du Trone and the state apartments were celebrated for their magnificence, and the grand Galtrie des Fetts, situated at the eastern wing, was one of the most beautlml rooms la Enrope. It was In this room that the ball was given in honor of the visit of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert In 1655; here also a ball was given to Victor Emanuel In the sameyear, and one to the Grand Cuke Con stantino in 1867. Over seven thousand persons have been admitted to a city ball, the circuit of rooms thrown open to the public being over a mile in ex tent. In addition to the state apartments there were over six hundred rooms in the hotel, occupied by officers and clerks. Immediately under the Oalerie des Fetes was tltnuted the Salle St. an.whlch was used for clvlo purposes and pnblic meetings. Palace of the Legion of Honor. This was one of the most elegant buildings In Paris. It was erected In 1786, for the Prince of Balm, and consequently bore until 1303 the name of tbe Hotel du Prince de Balm. On the establishment of the Legion of Honor by Napoleon the palace was appropriated for the purposes of this Institution. The principal entrance to the court was through a triumphal arch, flanked on each side by a colonnade of the Ionic order, at the extremity of which was corresponding buildings, surmounted by bas-reliefs. The front of the edifice, distinguished by a colon nade of the Ionic order, and six Corinthian columns of noble dimensions, gave dignity to the entrance: over this some fine bas-reliefs, executed by Roland, added to the rich appearance of the frout, so much and Justly admired. This part Just described con stitutes the chief beauty of the edifice. Its archi tecture throughout was executed in the purest taste, and was a triumphant testimony of the Judg ment and genius of Rousseau, Its architect. The apartments of this palace were remarkable for their elegance and the simplicity of their ernaments. The dining-room was adorned with columns of the Ionio order. The principal apartment was of a cir cular form. The side which faced the quay had a semicircular form. On this side were large win dows, between which were placed Corinthian columns, with statues. The other parts of the edi fice were also adorned with busts and other orna ments of sculpture, distributed with much taste, y The Palais dn Q,ual d'Orsay, In which the Council of (state has been accustomed to meet, is announced by President Thiers as hav ing been completely destroyed. This magnificent edifice was begun in the reign of Napoleon I, but was not completed until the time of Louis Philippe. The palace comprised a central court and two lateral ones. The front, facing the Rue de Lille, contained the chief entrances of tbe Consul d'Etatand the Cour des Comptes. The Salle des Pas Perdus, one of the principal saloons, was a large square apartment, in which four Doric columns, with spiral flutes, supported a ga'lery opening Into a vestibule in the npper story. Next to this was the Salle du Cornpte de Commerce, which contained a view of the Porte de Marseille, painted by Isabey. The Grande Salle du Conseil contained twenty Corin thian columns, portraits of the great statesmen ot France, and medallions representing the State coun sellors of the First Europe. On the celling were symbolical figures of Commerce, Agriculture, and of the moral and Intellectual vlrtnes. The Sail du Comite is Legislation was supported by gilded co lumns. It contained a number of impor tant works of art, among which were the "Justinian," by Eugene Delacroix; "Moses," by Marigny, and "Numa," by Murat. The Esea'ier d'Donneur of the Cour des Comptes contained paint lngs by M. Theodore Chasseraln, among which "Peace protecting the Arts and Agriculture" was the most remarkable. The Salle d' Audience of the Cour des Oomptes contained two paintings by Alaux, "St. Louis between Justice aud Wisdom" ana "Napoleon between War and the Ana" On the celling were three paintings by M. Bezard of "Abundance," "Justice," and "Labor." PARIS. Thiers' Plan for Governing the City, From the Pall Mall Gazette. A Lombard telegram says that the delegates repre senting tbe commerce of Paris bave Issued the fol lowing report ot the extreme limit of the concessions which they ascertained M. Thiers was willing to grant to the Paris population: 1. Paris separated from its suburbs would be de clared not only a Commune but a special Depart ment. 8. Tbe Communal Council of Paris would thus be converted Into a general departmental Coun cil, and its powers considerably enlarged. 8. The National Guard would alone be entrusted with the service in the interior of the city; all battalions without distinction would be reconstituted under the direction of thn M aln.es, Tbe arms wonld be deposited In the arsenals and under the guardian ship of the battalions, who would take them for the requirements of the service. 4. The pay of the Na tional Guards and subsidies . to . their famines would be continued until work revived. 6. Tbe regular army would not enter Paris, but would occupy and provisionally re tain possession of the forts until the reorganization of the army determined to what category of the national forces tbe guardianship of the fortress should be Intrusted, the reorganization taking place on tbe principle of the abolition of conscription and that every citizen is a soldier. 6. As an evidence of Its disinterestedness, and to show the loyalty of the inspirations by which It is animated, the actual Commune would dissolve, and I res a elections be held under the direction of a provisional commis sion chosen by vote from the Chamber of Com merce, Tribunal of Commerce, the Trade Coun cils, Industrial, Commercial, aad Workmen's Syn dicates, all elected bodies and freely constituted. Four councillors would be elected for each arrondlssement, and the Municipal Council thas chosen would be empowered to present a bill for the approval of the Assembly In accordance with the tendencies and requirements of the city of Paris, re sulting from tbe economic and social conditions in which the city Is placed. Articles 191 and 192 of the Penal Code would be abrogated and the rights of association and meeting would be untrammeled. No one would be Interfered with in respect of the late events, the gates of tbe city would remain open, and all could leave and enter freely. Tbe prisoners taken during the struggle round Paris would be Imme diately liberated after the regular municipal election of the city ot Paris had taken place. , TlIlCODE. ; 1 A Desperate Duel, But No One Killed. Tne Flantert' (La.) Banner of the 17th Inst, says: . Just as we are going to press we learn tbe particulars of a rather sanguinary duel that took place on yesterday evening about 3 o'clock, near K. Montague's store, some four miles west of this place, between two cousins, Drosln Mlguez and Theogene Viator. The particulars, as we learn them, are as follows:- A fend had existed between the parties for years, even before the younger one of the two bad grown. Just one j ear ago they were re quired to give bond in the sum of 200 each to keep the peace for the space of twelve months, which bond expired on the day previous to the hot-tile meeting. Immediately after, one ot the parties tent word to the other, to meet him at the time and place mentioned above, armed with double-barrel shot-gun . and repeater, charged ad libitum. They came within about forty yards of each other, when tbey commenced firing, which they kept up until each of their charges were exhausted. The young man who was invited to the feast of blood took the pre caution to tiring an extra repeater, which gave blm a very decided ad vantage over his opponent. After one firing fourteen shots and the other eluht, they found themselves close together with empty weapons, and neither party badly hurt. They then clubbed their weapons, and went in lor a regular rough and tumble light, when friends Interfered, and thus ended the matter for a while at least-not, however, until one of tbem had received a severe contusion on the head from tbe hutt of a pistol, and the other had one of his eyes nearly torn out. Notwithstanding tbe great amount of shooting, as we understand, each of the parties received hut a slight wound, from which ft is to be hoped they may soon re cover. We regret to learn that it l the general opinion of thoee best acquainted with the par ties that this wUl sot be the end of the aHk.