THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1871 LITERATURE. HE VIEW OF NEW BOOKS. J. S. Osgood A Co. has just issued in a neat volume 'Tike County Ballads, and Other Pieces," by John Hay, and separately with illustrations by Sol Eytinge, 'Jim Blndso," and "Little 4 Breeches," a couple of pieces which have gone the rounds of the news papers, and which have obtained considerable favor with a large portion of the public These two pieoea are the best of Colonel Hay's dialect poems, "Banty Tim" and "The Mystery of Gilgal" being decidedly inferior to them in every particular. Colonel Hay. has been accused of being an imitator of Mr. Bret Ilarte, but the accusation is not neces sarily a reproach. Mr. Harte has shown how distinctively American subjects can be treated in an attractive style, and their latent poetry be developed, and any really able attempts in the same direction are deserving of encour agement. American poetry and fiction, if they are to be anything but weak reflec tions of European performances, must smell of the soil. The soil cultivated by Messrs. Harte and Hay is, however, particularly rank and un wholesome, and the difference between the two writers is that the former knows how to extract purity from impurity, and that the latter does not. Mr. Ilarte can treat a coarse subject in a refined manner, but in Colonel Hay's bebt efforts the coarseness is so promi nent that it repels readers who are at all fas tidious. The ballad of "Jim Bludso," for in8tance,poBsesses extraordinary merits, and it more than deserves the favorable comparison made between it and Browning's "Herve lliel" by one of the London weekly reviews. As a work of art it is entitled to take a higher rank than Browning's poem, but neither Browning, plain spoken as he is at times, Kor Bret Harte would have treated the same subject as offensively as Hay has done. This poem and the other Pike county ballads should not be condemned entirely on aooount of their coarseness, but it is the duty of their critics to protest against their defects in this respect, and to urge the author to put a proper restraint upon himself. Colonel Hay's dialect pieces, meritorious as they are, do not possess the peculiar charm that makes those of Mr. Harte so attractive, but his poems proper have a more genuine ring to them than those of the last-named writer. Those which are published in the volume before us nnder the titles of "Wanderlieder" and "New and Old' are above the average of reasonably good newspaper and magazine poems, which cannot be said of those of Mr. Harte. J. S. Osgood & Co. have also just published the "Condensed Novels" of Bret Ilarte, with illustrations by Sol Eytinge. In these capi tal burlesques the fine humor of Mr. Harte is displayed to signal advantage. He hits off most amusingly the characteristics of Charles Reade, Disrcali, Charles Lever, Dumas, Bul wer, Dickens, Marryat, Wilkie Collins, Victor Hugo, and other well-known modern writers, and these "Condensed Novels" will be hugely enjoyed by all who are familiar with the sub jects burlesqued. Where all are so good, it is difficult to piok out any as being the best, but "Handsome is as Handsome Does," by Ch s B de; "The Ninety-five Guardsmen," by Al x d r D m s; "The Dweller of the Threshold," by Sir Ed d L tt n B lw r; and "The nannted Man," by Ch r s D ck ns, take our fancy particu larly. The above-named works are for sale in this city by Claxton, Bemsen & Haffelfinger. "An Old Fashioned Boy," by Martha Far quharson, published by Evans, Stoddart & Co., follows in the footsteps of Miss Aloott'a "Old Fashioned Girl," and the author's idea has been to set np before the boy of the period a model worthy of imitation. The book ia entertaining, and the hero, "Fred Landon," will find many friends among boys of the right sort. "Xenophen" is the eighth volume of the capital series of critical, descriptive, and ex planatory treatises in course of publication by J. B. Lippinoott & Co. "fender the title of "Ancient Classics for English Readers." This volume is by Sir Alexander Grant Burt, LL.D., Principal of the.University of Edinburgh, and it will give those who wish to know some thing of the famous historian of the retreat of the ten thousand Greeks an excellent idea of the story told by Xenophon, of his style, and of his philosophical opinions. This and the other issues of the series deserve to be in every library, and they will be found useful by classical soholars as well as by those who .have neither time nor opportunity to study the classics for themselves. "Beechcroft" is the last issue of the uni form edition of Miss Yonge's novels now in course of publication by D. Appleton & Go. It is a pleasant story, and, like all the writings of the author, it has a moral aim which will commend it to the favorable notice of parents and others who are fastidious about the quality of the literary food supplied to young people nnder their care. For sale by Porter & Coates. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have just published a cheap edition of "Basil; or, The Crossed Path," an entertaining novel from the pen of Wilkie Collins. "The Village &mool Choir," published by J. P. Skelly & Co., It, a pretty little reli gious story, translated from the Germau by Anna B. Cooke. John r-niDgton & Son have issued a pamphlet containing aualysos w& descrip tions of celebrated uinnical works, by Albert G. Eir-erick. With one or U'o exceptions these articles were prepared by -Mr. Emeri0k. to accompany the programmes of couoeria, and their publication in die to a geoeral ae. sire on the part of tl musio-ioviDg public (. possess them io a collected i.ipf. Tuny are historical, biographical, deioriotive. aud am lytjo, and they caunot but prove inten-stii.j to all persona of municul Uxte.. (Jvdey Lady's Book for June is, as usual, profusely illustrated, and ia filled vith inte resting stories, sketchos, and poems, which will be appreciated by its fair readers. SECRETS UXEARTIIED BY THE COM MPNE. A Terrible French Convent Three Idiot TVnna Confined In Loathsome Cages A Mysterious Great Vault Not Discovered Provisions In Abnndnnx- The N'nni Begging Irom the Starving Parli Poor. Pari Correspondence of the London Time. The reigning scandal of the day is the affair of the Convent of Picpns. So highly roused has pnblio indignation been by the supposed discovery of atrocities committed within those jealous walls that the people have been ex cluded until the investigations of justice shall be complete. I managed, however, to pene trate within the precincts by attaching myself to the cortege of an Eoglish friend, who was journeying thither under special official order?, to inveatigate the cane . of an Eng lish sister named Garret. In the Hue do Ticpus, near Mazas Prison, stand two large buildings, each surrounded by high walls, above which may be seen green trees at intervals. The one is an establishment of the Jesuits, the other the convent of the White Nuns. The Jesuit Brothers escaped at the first sign of approaching danger, but the sisters held their own until forced into cabs and conveyed to the cells of St. Lazare, there to await the results of a judicial inquiry into certain matters that are deemed suspi cious. Arrived at the gate of the convent, we were obliged to force our way through a crowd of BDgry people who demanded an in stant permission to enter, and who were as persistently swept back by a group of Na tional Guards we, however, being admitted inside the door under cover of the official pass and signatures. In the courtyard, under the shade of some fine trees, a few guards were I'LAYING BOWLS IN THE JESUITS' ALLEY, and making up to one of them whose cap dis played tokens of authority, we mentioned our business, and begged permission to see what was to be seen. Our friend was very civil, accepted a cigar, and marched ns off to go the rounds. He pointed out to ns the fact, of which there certainly could exist no kind of doubt, that the two buildings communicated one with the other by means of an old door which still exists at the back of a stable, as well as by ether apertures in the garden wall, which show signs of having been recently closed up. The Jesuits' garden is a most beautiful one, occupying a space of some twelve acres, laid out with care, and furnished with fruit trees of every description, pruned and trained after the latest horticultural de signs. There are WONDROCSLY INGENIOUS TLANS, too, fof irrigating the beds; forcing pits and hot-houses, and long alleys with vines trained ever them. Through the- old door above mentioned we passed into the Sisters' garden, equally large and beautiful, though not kept with the same care. In the centre stands a gymnasium, 1 fuppose for the use of the children brougkt up under the sisters' care, and further on their cemetery, a lovely spot, where, nnder the heavy shade of ancient cypresses, lie bearers of some the most ancient names in .trance "Prince of balm-Jvyrbonrg immolated under the Terror, aged 4'.): rency, "the great Liatayette, the whole family cf the Talleyrand-Perigords, and legions of princes and princesses. Some of the vaults have been opened, and many lead coffins, half -covered with EOTTINO VELVET AND OOLD LACE, ie exposed to the light of day, awaiting an examination at the hands of the Minister of Justice. At the extreme end of the garden. however, are the three little conical huts, side by side, resembling whii onto' nents, which have been the cause of so much ex citement and judicial inquiry. When the convent was occupied by the National Guards these little huts were tenanted each by an old woman, enclosed in a wooden cage, like a chickens' pen, the three buildings being simi lar in size and construction, six feet square by seven in height, with a slate roof, through which daylight was visible, while the three old women were ALL HOPELESS IDIOTS. The Lady Superior has kept her lips reso lutely closed np to the present time, but ad mitted, when first questioned, .that the three sufferers bad lived in their hideous prison for nine years, in an atmosphere of stifling heat throughout the summer, and half-frozen with cold throughout the winter; "but, bhe added, "they were idiots when they came." The conductor of the inquiry replied that, if such were the case, it was illegal to have ad mitted them to the convent at all, and that even supposing them to have been admitted, the place where they were found was not a nt dwelling place for a dog. a Key was dis covered among Jher papers, labelled "key of . T 1 1 . ' ' 4- x,1a.a fkju rwaa ifanlt liic grenb vault, uuu nucig iuia gioav thiv may be has not yet been found out. The Superior and her nuns keep a uniform and Eersistent silence upon the point; excavations ave been made at different points in the garden, and under the high altar of the chapel, but hitherto without effect. At one end of the nuns' garden stands an isolated building, in which were found mattresses furnished with straps and buckles, also two IKON COESET8, SKULL-CAP, AND A RACK turned by a cog-wheel, evidently intended for bending back the body with force. The Supe rior explained that these were orthopedio instruments a superhcial falsehood. Die mattresses and straps struck me as bein easily accounted for; 1 have seen anon tilings nsed in French midwifery and in cases oi violent delirium; but the rack and its adjuncts are justly objects of grave suspicion, for they imply a use of brutal force which no disease at present known would justify. On our way back through the gardens our guide mado a detour in order to show us a GREAT SUBTERRANEAN WAREHOUSE, where an enormous quantity of potatoes was stored, as well as barrels full of salt pork, while in the yard hard by lay grunting a fat pig. "Look at this: cried our National Guard indignantly. "Look at these stores. which might have helped to feed the starving Door of the arrondissement during our six months' siege, and think that these people were begging from door to door the whole time for money to buy broken victuals for their pensioners!" Arrived at the entrance eate. our guide nudged me, telling me in whispers to look at the old woman who wai wandeiine about, toiiowea iy a younger oa, stooping from time to time to pick up a leaf or rub her hands with sand and gravel. "That is Saur Bernardine," he said, "one of the three misoners of the wooden cages. She U the most sane in mind of the thtee, and we keep her here under the care of one of our wivt9 to cheer her up. ONLY .10, SHE LOOSS 70. "The other two fcav been removed, ast'iey were rendered violent by the crowd an rtiirsp of scene." I passed close to her and she luokd np a soft, pale fa?o, with sunken eea shaded by the frills of a great cap. She looked at me dazedly, without taking any notice, and stooping again, filled her hands with refuse coffee grounds, which she put into her mouth until prevented by her com panion. Without showing the least prejudice in ine matter, 1 mink l can safely say that the ladies now shut np at bt. Lazare will find it no easy matter to clear themselves of blame; for, though there are doubtless many suspicious circumstances that may be ex plained away, there are also hard facts which will remain hard faots in spite of the most elaborate attempts at refutation. DIVORCE NOTICE8. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, FHI1, ADKLfHl A, May 10.1871. NOTICE, Te EDWARD BART1NE. late of the county ef Philadelphia. In ohtdience to an order of publication to me directed, you are hereby notified to be aud appear In the Court of Common Pleas for the Olty and County of Philadelphia, oa the first MONDAY of Jure next, to show cause, If any you have, why ALMIRA BART1NE should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered Into ; with you, a coming io tne prayer ji ner peuuon men m gam court. 6 12 law4W WILLIAM R. LEEDS, Slicrllf. S HERIFF'S OFFICE, Philadelphia, May 10, 1ST1. NOTICE. To ANNB LBBOTSON. late of the County of Philadelphia. In rihcdleiii'e to an order of publication to me directed, you are hereby notiuea to be and appear lu the Court of Common Picas for the City aud County of Philadelphia, on the tlr?t MONDAY of Jute next, to show canse, If any you have, why AR-VAI1 JAMES IBBOT'lSON should not be di vorced irom the bonds of matrimony entered into lth you, according to the prayerj f nlalpetition tiled In satd court. 6 18 law4w WILLIAM R, LEEDS, SheritT. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Puii.ADF.LrniA. May lu, ISTt. NOTICE To GKOKOK It. HALLO WKuL. late Of the Comity of Philadelphia. In obedience to au order of publication to roe directed, you are hereby notllied to be and appear In the Court of Comuiou Pleas for the City aud County of Philadelphia, cm the first MONDAY or June next, to show ratine, If au you have, why l.AVIMA C. HALLOWELLshouM nt he divorced Irom the bondB of matrimony entered lino with, you nncordiug to tue prayer of her petition Hied in sUd Court. b li law-tw WILLIAM R. LEUDS, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Pnn.APEt.ruiA, May lo, 1S71. NOTICE. To ANN CANDY, late of the County Of Philadelphia. lu obedience to an order or publication to me directed, jou are hereby notllied to be aud appear In the Court or Common Pleas for "the City aud County or Philadelphia, on the lirst MONDAY or June next, to show cause, If any jou have, why THOMAS D. lAMJl should not bo divorced rrorn the bonds of nialrioumy entered into with you. according to the prayer of his petition filed In bald court. 6 1'2 1aw4w WILLIAM R. LEEDS, 8tierlir. SH E R I F F'S OFFICE, PniLADKLPniA, May in, 137 1. NOTICE. To AI.I PtD liORDKN. late of tho County ol Philadelphia. lu obedience to an order or publication ro me di rected, you are hereby potliied to be and appear lu the Court ol Common Pleas for t he City and Cuuty ot Philadelphia, on the Otst MONDAY" or June uext. to show cuiihe, ir any you nave, why COUALINN POHDliN bhould not be oivorced from the boudit or matrimony entered into wlih you according to the prayer or her petition tiled In Bald court. o i iaw4W William iv. Lttiis, Mienir. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, PuiLADEi.rniA, My 10, lsn. NOTICE. To BERNARD McLAUGIiLlM. late of the County of Philadelphia. in obedience to an order or publication, to me di rected, jou are hereby notified to be aud appear la the Court ct Common Pleas ror the City and County of Philadelphia, on the llrat MONDAY or June next, to show cause, if any you have, whv MAltY iMo- LAUU11L1N should not be divorced irom tho bonds of matrimony entered Into with you, according to tne prayer oi uer peuuon uieu in aitid uourc. oi!iiaw4w wiLLiAJi li. LhKDS, suornr. C H E R t F F'S OFFICE, O Philadelphia. May to. 1871. NOTICE. To DE W ITT M. OUDfiN.late of tlie County of Philadelphia. In obedit uce to au order of publication to ine di rected, you are hereby notiuea to bo and appear la the Court of Common Plena for the City ami County of Philadelphia, on the 1st MONDAY of June next, to bhow cauxe, if any you have, why HARRIET A. OODEN ehoulc not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered Into with you, according to tad prayfer of her petition jlletl In sAiit'onnrt. o l'i iaw4W w illiajh tt. LtnuB, ouerui. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Philadelphia, May 10, 1871. NOTICE. To THOMAS J. PJtLKY. lato of the county of Philadelphia. in obedience to au oruer or publication to me directed, you are hereby notllied to be and appear In the Court of Common Pleaa for the ciry and county of Philadelphia, on the first MONDAY of June next, to shoe cause, If any vou have, why PHEBE J. PELK.Y should not be dlvorcud from the boudb of matrimony entered leto with you. accord ing to the prayer of her petition Hied In satd court. oiaiawiw william. it. L.r.tius, snerni. SHERIFF'S OFFIOK, Philadelphia, May 10, 1871. NOTICE. To JOHN FIN LEY, la' of the County of Philadelphia. in obedience to an oraer or puoucation to me di rected, you are hereby not! (led to be and appear la the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, on the first MONDAY' of June next. to snow cause, ir any you nave, wny uatiiakink F1NLEY' Bhould not be divorced from the bonds ot matrimony entered Into with jou, according to the prayer of her petition llled la b tid Court. Gi2iaw4tv iLLiAU it. lll,ds, snerirr. s HERIFF'S OFFICE, Philadelphia. May 10. 1971. NOTICE. To LEAVIiT J. LlliBY. late of the County of Philadelphia. in obedience to an order or publication to me di rected, you are hereby no titled to be aud appear lu the court or onuuou l'ieau lor tne uity and County of Philadelphia, on tli.i tlret MONDAY of Juue next, to show cause, If any you have, why ELIZABETH 15. Liuux auouiu not be mvorceu irom tue oomis oi matrimony entered Into with you, according to the prayer ot her petition tiled In said O mrt. o ii iaw4w jlliaiu n. le., oaeriu. 8 11 ERIFF'S OFFICE, PitiLAr.Ki.pniA. May 10. 1871. NOTICE.-To MAltY EVEKUAM. late of the County of Philadelphia. in oneaience to an oraer or publication to me di rected, you are hereby notified to be aud appear la the Court of Common Pleas tor the City and County of Philadelphia, on the first MONDAY of June next, to show cause, If any you have, why CHAKLES EVMUIAM Bhould not be divorced from the bonds of uiatrlmony entered luto with you, according to the prayer of bis petition tiled In said Court. DlilUW4W WILLI AU 11, LtkH.DS, QQCnu. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Philadelphia, May 10, 1H71. NOTICE. To JOSEPH HARRISON, late of the County of Philadelphia. Ia obedience to an order or publication to ine directed, you are hereby noti fied to be aud appear in the Court or Common Pleas for ibe City and County or Philadelphia, on the tlrst MONDAY ol June next, to show causa, if anv you have, why SAKAH J. HA It KISON Bhould not be divorced from the bond of matrimony entered into with you, according to tne prayer of her petition filed lu said Court. 6 18 law4w WILLIAM R. LEEDS, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE. ruiLADBi pniA, May 18, 18TL NOTICE. To CONSTANT1NE U. ELBE, late of the County of Philadelphia In obedience to au order of publication to me directed, you are hereby notified to oe and appear ia the Court of Common pieai for the City and County of Philadelphia on the tlrbt MONDAY or Juue uext, to BhowcaiiBe, it any you have, why LOUI8A HEN RI E'l TA ELBK bhou.d not be diverged from the bondB or mairimony entered Into with you, accord ing to the prayer ot her petition nlel In Bald Court, 6 18 law4v WILLIAM li. LlihDS, SUernl'. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Philadelphia. Mav 10. 187L NOTICE. To KDWAKD F. MKOTUER, late of the County of Philadelphia. In obedience to au order of publication to me di rected, you are hereby notified to tie and appear la me uourt ol c ommoii rieas lor me vuy ana county of Philadelphia, ou the lirat MONDAY of June next, to t-linw cause, II any you have, why ES I'Hlilt A. BhOTHEK khriuld not be divorced Irum the bonds of matrimony entered Into with you, according to u prayer oi ner pennon niea m nhiu couit. 61iilaw4w WILLIAM R. LEEDS, Sheriff. S " E R I F F S OFFICE, Philadelphia, May in. i&n. NOTICE. To ROLF C. LINK, late of tUbCoiintr of Philadelphia. In obedience to an order of publication to me dliecied, you are hereby notto- d to ts aud appear la the Court of Common Pleas for the City aud Couuty of Philadelphia, on the Cist MONDAY of Juue nexc, anv vou have. why"ELlZABKllI C. LINK should not be divorced fr ui trie bouds of matrimony entered Into witn you, according to the 0 18 lawiw yjH iam r, LLLLDd, SUeriir. DIVORCE NOTICES. SU B R 1 F F'S OFFICE, Philadelphia, May 10, 1871. NOTICE. To WILLIAM K. BAKER, late of thn county of Philadelphia. In obedience to an order of publication to me di rected, you are hereby notified to be and appear la the Court of Common TIpm for the City and County of Philadelphia, on the drat MONDAY of June next, to enow cause, if any yon have, why EMMA L. Ha nan Biiouia no be divorced irom ine bonas or matrlmonv entered Into with yon, according to the prayer oi ner peuuon filed in said conn. o i iawt w WILLIAM R. I.KKDS, Hnenrr. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Philadelphia, May 10, 1871. NOTICE. To JACOB F. SCHILLING. late of the County of Philadelphia. In obedience to an order of publication to me directed, you are hereby notified to be and appear in the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, on the first MONDAY of Juno next, to show cause, ir any yon have, why ANNA I). SCHILLING Bhould not oe divorced from tne bonds or matrimony entered into with you. ac cording to the prayer of her petition filed lu said court 5 121aw4w WILLIAM R. LEEDS, Sheriff. LEQAL NOTIOE8. IN THE COCRT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. Notice is hereby Riven to all persons in TiP terestifd that the Honorable the Judjres of l.r.T our said Court have appointed MONDAY, the Ullh (6th) day of June. A. 0. 1S71. at 10 o'clock A.M., for hearing applications for the fol lowing CHAKTEUS OF INCORPORATION, and nnlesb exceptions be Died thereto the same will be allowed, viz. : 1. The Fairmount Microscopical Society. 2. Penn Treaty Bcildlng aud Loan Association. Amendments. 8. Nineteenth Ward Building Association. 4. Oakdale Bullriiug and Loan Association. 6. The Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia. 6 Parapon Building and Loan Association. 7. The South ark Building Association No. 2. 8. Cur Building Association. 9. The Rector. ( hurch Wardens, and Vestrymen or the Church of the Good Shepherd, of the city of Philadelphia. 10. Tho American ArtisaHS' Museum College, of the city or Philadelphia. 11. Chelten Hills Mutual Improvement Associa tion. Amendments. VI. The Union Benevolent Association. Amend ments. 13. The Sarsfleld Male Beneficial Society of Phila delphia. 14. 'i no roweuon untioing Association. 15 The Independent German Evangelical Lu theran Congregation of Sc. Paul's. 1(. Tor Mount saint Vlr.ceut Mutual BeneQcial Society ol Germantown, Philadelphia county. 17. The South Broad Street Building aiid Loan Association ol Philadelphia. 18. l'urity Lodge, No. 1, Brothers and Sisters of Honor and Friendship. 19. The Commonwealth Bui'dlng and Loan Asss ciation of the City of Philadelphia. '20. Teutonla Building Association. 21. The Goethe Loan and Building Association. S!i. Olney Building and Loau Association. 23. The Bethany Baptist Churcn of Fox Chase, In the Twenty-third ward of the city of Philadelphia. Y4 The Samuel Miller Savings and Building Asso ciation. Kfi. The Seamen's Beneficial Society of Philadel phia. 2(. The Rector, Chnrch Wardens, and Vestrymen Of the hurch or Saint Timothy. 27. The Congregation A 'lath IsracL 48. The German Union Building Association. 29. The Prank ford Avenue Mtthodlat Episcopal Cbnrch or the City or Philadelphia. 30. Henry Gratun BeneUelal Society of Philadel phia. 81. The Eagle Building and Loan Association of Philadelphia, No. . 82. The I'enn Sewing School of Philadelphia. 83. The Logan Square Building and Loan Aidocia tlon. 84. The Sepvlva Building Association of Phila delphia. 35. The German Evangelical Reformed Emanuel's Church, at Brldesburg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 80. Anthracite Loan Company. Amendment. 87. The Old Oaks Cemetery Company of Philadel phia. Amendments. 88. The National Savings Loan and Building As sociation of the City of Philadelphia. Amend ncni8. 89. West Girard Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. 40. i he LcvertDgton Savings Fund and Loan Asso ciation of Koxborough. Amendment. 41. The Franklin savings Fund aud Loan Associa tion of HoxborouKh. Amendment. 42. The Kector, Churuti Wardens, and Vestrymen ol the Church of the Mediator, Philadelphia. Amendments. 43. The Ninth Presbyterian Church In Philadel phia. Amendment. 44. The Port Richmond Building and Loan Asso ciation. 45. The Board of Trustees of the St. John's Re formed Church of West Philadelphia. Amend ments. 40. The Journalists' Fnnd of Philadelphia. 47. The Ring Association. 48. The State Building Association. 49. The Columbia Beneficial Society of Philadel phia. 60. The Twenty-seventh Ward Land Association. 61. Kensington Building Association No. 8. 6 19 RiCHAKD DUNAGAN, Prothonotary. IN THE COURT OF 'KMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Notice Is hereby given to all persons ln i$. terested, that "THE PARH AM SEWING l-v-J MACHINE COMPANY" have filed an ap plication ror change of name to the "KKY8TONE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY," and that the Honorable the Judges of our said Court nave ap pointed MONDAY', the 6th day ot June, A. D. 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M.. for heating the said application, and unless exceptions be tiled thereto the same will be allowed. RICHARD DON AG AN, 5 19 Prothonotary. IN THE COCRT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.; rj ( Notice Is hereby given to all persons lute ! L.s. rested that "The Germantown and Chesnut Hill Cemetery Company" have filed au appli cation for change of same to "The Ivy Hill Ceme tery Company," and that the Uonorable.the Judges of onr said Court have appointed MONDAY, the 5th day of June, A. D., 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M., for bearing the said application, and nuless exceptions be filed thereto the same will be allowed. RICHARD PONAGAN, 6 19 Prothonotary. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TUB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Notice is hereby given to all persons lute l. s. rested that the "Union Club" have filed an application for change of name to the "City Club," and that the Ilonoraole the Judges of our Bald Court have appointed MONDAY, the 5th day of June, A. D. 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M. forhearlng the said application, and unless exceptions be llled thereto the same will be allowed. RICHARD PON AG AN, 5 19 Prothonotary. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Notice Is hereby given to all persons ln l.s. terested, that the Honorable the Judges or l-v-i onr gij court have appointed MONDAY, the fifth day of June, A. D. 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M., for hearing the application for the following Charter of Incorporation, and ouless exceptions be tiled thereto the same will be allowed, viz. : "Toe Safe and Sure Loan and Building Associa tion." RICHARD DON A'iAN, 5 19 Prothonotary, I Elizabeth m. tillman vs. william. !i TILLMAN. C. C 1'. in Divorce. Sept. T., 185S, No. 64. March T 1869, No. 6ft. To WILLIAM TILLMAN, ReBpondent: You will please take notice of a rule granted this day on you to show cause why a divorce a vinculo tuatrtTmmti should not be decreed In the above case, personal notice having failed on account of your absence. Returnable SATURDAY, May isfl, at 11 o'clock A. K. JOSEPH BALL, e 17 WW Attorney for Llbellant. Tj CITY AND COUNT ? OF PH ILADELPHI A, 8S. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command you, as before we did, that you sum mon JOHN ACHE icjN, late or your county, so that be be and appear before our Judges at Philadel phia, at our Court of Common Pleas ror the cttr and county of Philadelphia, to be holden at Phila delphia, in and for the said city aud couuty or Philadelphia, the first Monday or Juue next, there to answer Lyila Langstreth, William W. Longstreta, and John Cooke Lonirstreth. exeou tors aud trastees under the will ot Thomas U. Long ttetb, deceased, who was assignee of Charles Nobie and wife, of apleaof hreacborcoveuaut, surgrouud rent deed to Charles Noble and wife to Johu A cue sou, dated November 15, lt'xi, recorded November 21, ISM. in deed book I- K. B , No Wd, page 878, etc. And have you then and there this writ. , Witness the Uouorable JohKPII ALLI lu 1 KON, i ctor or Laws, President or our said l Court at Philadelphia, the lath day of May, In the yar of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seveutj-cne. R. DON AG AN, 6 a !w Protliouotori. LEGAL NOTIOE8. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command you, as before we did, that yon sum mon THOMAS McOAREY, late or your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Phi ladelphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, In and for tne satd city and county of Philadelphia, the first Monday of June next, there to answer Abraham M. Langfeld, Aaron Llchten. and Charles I-angfeldt, assignees of William Howell and Rebecca T., his wlle.who were assignees of Samuel Vanghn, Trustee, who was assignee of George N. Townsend, Trustee, who was aaignoe ot Samuel Towcsend and Ann bis wire, of a plea of breach or covenant sur ground-rent deed from framuelTownsend and Ann his wife. Recorded In D. B. A. D. B., No. 8, page 8t6, etc. And have you then and there this writ. f, Witness the Honorable JOSEPH ALLT us. SON, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the sixteenth day of May, In the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. R, DON AO AN, 8 22 tw Prothonotary. CMTY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. J The Commonwealth or Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greetiug : we command yon. ss before we did, that you sum mon v illiam LiOKAiNS, late or tnai he be and arpear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at onr Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, In and for the said eit.v and county of Philadelphia, the first Monday of June next, there to answer r'arah Harper, who was vendee or Jacob Strombest, Bherllf, and devisee or Mary Harper, deceased, who was also vendee or Jacob Strombest, Sheriff, or ground rents belonging to the estate or Benjamin Say, deceased, or a plea or breach or covenant sur ground rt nt deed, recorded In deed book L. C, No. in, pages 8u9, 810, 811, etc. And have yon then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable JOSEPII ALLT l.b. SON, Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court at Philadelphia, the 20th day of May, in'the year of our Lord one thousand ekght hundred and seventy-one. 6 22 2w R. DONAUAN. Prothonotary. CMTY AND COUNTY OF PBILADELPIIIA, 88. ) The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We command von. ns before we did. that vou summon BARNEY BYRNE, late or your connty, so that be be and appear before our Judges at Phila delphia, at our Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia, to bo holden at Phila delphia, m and for the said city and county of Philadelphia, the first Monday of June next, there to answer .lames u. Kagieton, executor and trustee under the last will and testament or Samuel Potts, deceased, of a plea or breach of covenant. And have vou then and there t.h'8 writ. Witness the Honorable JOSEPH ALLI- l. 8. SON, Doctor of Laws, President of our said yr-t Court at Philadelphia, the 20th day of May. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. R. TONAGAN, S 22 8w Prothonotary, CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: We cemmand von. as before we did. that you summon WALTER GNOLA, late of your county. so that he be aud appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our court or common rieas tor the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, In and for the said city and county of Philadelphia, the first Monday of June next, there to answer Joseph Harrison, Jr., of a plea of oreach Of covenant sur ground-rent deed, made between said parties, dated August 8, 1867, recorded In deed book J. T. O., No. bo, page 303, etc. And have you then and there this writ. l. s. SON, Doctor of Laws, President of our said y-v- Court at Philadelphia, the nineteenth day or May, ' In the year of our Lord one thousand eight nunareu ana seventy-one. R. DON AG AN, 6 22 2w Prothonotary, CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: W e command you, as before we did. that von sum' mon ALEXANDER P. BUIST, late or your oennty, so that be be and appear before our Judges at Philadel phia, at onr Coutt or Common Pleas for the City and uounty or rnuadeipnia, to be tioirien at fhiiadeipnia, In and for the said City and County of Philadelphia, the first Monaav of June next, there to answer Barnabus Hamnett, Assignee of George K. Zelgler and wife, of a plea or breach or covenant sur ground rent deed, recorded in deed book L T. O., No. 223, pane 84, etc. And have yea then and there this writ. , a-. Witness the Honorable JOSEPH ALLISON, l. s. Doctor of Laws, President of our said Court, t-vJ at Philadelphia, the twelfth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. R. DONAGAN, B22 2w ! Prothonotary. NEW PUBLICATIONS. JJOOYEirS NI3W CIIUOMOS. "The Changed Cross," size 82x28, the finest ever offered to the public. "Mary and St. John," size 22x28, a most sublime chromo. "The Beautiful Snew," size 16x22, a very impres sive picture. "The Holy Family," size 82x28, a real gem. "Delhi, Del. Co., N. Y.," size 88x23, a beautiful au tumn scene. Published and Bold, wholesale and retail, by J. HOOVER, No. 804 MARKET Street, 8 18amw3m Philadelphia, second floor. Z ELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, DICTIONARY AND GAZETTEER IS NOW COMPLETE, IN 59 PARTS, AT 50 CENTS PBU PART. ZELL'S NEW riicRIPTIVE HAND Atlas of the World, First two Parts now ready, to be complete In 88 Parts, at 60 cents each. Experienced Agents Wanted. T. ELL WOOD ZELL, Publisher, Nob. IT and 19 South 8IXTH Street, I 88 tUB3m PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHS, OAS SI MERES, ETO. QLOTH HOUSCI. JAMES M U B ES R. Ho. 11 rtorth gECONO Street, Sign of the Golden Lamb, Are w receiving a large and splendid assortmea of new styles of FANCY CASSIMERE3 And standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS ant COATINGS, S SS mwf AT WHOLBSALB AND RSTAIL. F0UBTH OF JULY, 1871. HAVE PLACED IN YOUR BAR ONE OF FENNER'ti APPARATUS FOR COOL ING BEER, ALE, AND PORTER. A NSW FATKNT. LAGER BEER, ALE, AND PORTER, APPARATUS. W. W. FKNNER, , NO. 12T NORTH SIXTH STREET, Soie Agent for 8trater'S Patent. This machine is entirely different irom the old stjle Beer Pump. It perrorma Its own work, and rt quires no labor. Tha liquors are forced op from the cellar to the bar-room by means of a pressure of air made by force of water, aud can be drawn lust as clear as directly from the barrel. AUiong the mauy advantages claimed for this niaclilne are. that the beer or ale never becomes Hat, tDd can be drawn as cold as Ice water with very trail expense of ice. The Apparatus can always be seen at my place la rperullon, or at any of the principal anioous in this city . j6 stuthl2t BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE IS THE CHEAPEST and best article lu the market for Hd'kirso ;m rUKs, It does not contain any auid. It will not Injure the nucst fabric. It la put up at WIl.THEKUKK't HHCH tTOHR, No. 233 N. bKC'oND Street, Plibadolpuia, And for sale by mutt of the Grocers aud Druggists. The genuine baa both BARLOW'S and W1LT- BKhGEit'tt name on the label ; all others are OOUN- PERifclT. DAHIOW'N Bf CBX will color mora water than lour times the sam Weight of Indigo, - s d luUidiia SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANIES THB PENNSYLVANIA COHPASY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND CHANTING ANNUITIEO. Office No. 304 WALNUT Street INCORPORATED MARCH 10, 1813. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL 01, 00O,O0O. BTJBPLTJS UPWARDS OF S750.000. Receive money on deposlt,retarnitle on demand, for which Interest is allowed. And nnder appointment by Individuals, corpora tions, and courts, act as EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, TRUSTEES, GUARDIANS, ASSIGNEES, COMMITTEES, RtCftlVKRS, AU-8NTS, COLLECTORS, ETO. And for the faithful performance of Its duties as Such all Its assets are liable. CHARLES DUTILLT, PaesidenL William B. Hill, Actuary. DIRECTORS. Charles Dutllh, .Joshua B. Llpplncott, jieury d. vYimnms, William 8. Vsux, John R. Wncherer, Adolph E. Borle. Charles II. Hutchinson. Llndley Suivth, George A. Wood. Anthony J. Anteio, Charles B. Lewis. Alexander Diddle, Henry Lewis. gECURITY FROM LOSS BY BURGLARY ROBBERY, FIRE, OR ACCIDENT. The Fidelity Insurance, Tract,, nS Safe Deposit Company OF PHILADELPHIA IN THEIR Kew Llarble Fire-proof Building, Nos. 829-331 CHESNUT Street. Capital subscribed, l,ouo,ooo; paid, $100,000. COUPON BONDS, STOCKS, SECURITIES. FAMILY PLATE, COIN, DKIiDH, and VALUABLElJ of every description received for safe-keeping, nnder guarantee, at very moderate rates. The Company also rent SAFES INSIDE THEIP BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS, at prices varying from lis to 176 a year, according to slee. An extra size for Corporations and Bankers. Rooms and desks adjoining vaults provided for Safe Kenters. DEPOSITS OF HONE'S RECEIVE! ON INTO REST at three per cent., payable by check, wlthoa notice, and at (onr per cent., payable by check. 0 ten days' notice. TRUST FUNDS AND INVESTMENTS kept SEPARATE AND APART f r m assets of Company. INCOME COLLECTED and remitted for one pa cent The Company act as EXECUTORS, ADMINIS TRATORS, and GUARDIANS, and RECEIVE and EXECUTE TRUSTS of every description, from tho Courts, Corporations, and Individuals. N. B. BROWNE, President C. H CLARE, Vice-President ROBERT PATTKBSON, Secretary and Treasurer, DIRECTORS. N. B. Browne, , Alexander Henry. Clarence H. Clark, Stephen A. Caldwell, donn weiBn, Charles Macalester, George F. Trier. Henry C. Gibson. J. OlLingham Fell. AUWUU ft a viuib., Henry Pratt McKean. D 18 rmwt THE PHILADELPHIA TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT AND INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICK AND B UROL AB-F ROOF VAULTS W THE PHILADELPHIA BANK BUILDING, No. 21 OIIESNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $600,000. For Safe-kesplno of Oovbrnmbnt Bonds and other Secukitibs, Family Plat, Jbwklbt, and, other Valuables, nnder special guarantee, at tho lowest rates. The Company also offer for Rent, at rates varying from 115 to $76 per annum, the renter holding the key, SMALL SAFES IN THE BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS, affording absolute Security against Fib Theft, Burglary, and Accident. All fiduciary obligations, such as Trusts, Guar dianships, Exbcctorshu v. etc, will be undertaken and faithfully discharged. AU trust investments art kept teparaU and apart from the Company's assets. , uircuiars, giving rnu details, rorwarded on appll cation. DIRECTORS. - Thomas Robins. Augustus Heaton, F. Kate Word Starr, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Edward Y. Townsend, John D. Taylor, Hon. William A. Porter. Lewis R. Ashhurst, J. Livingston Erringer. R. P. Mccullagh, Edwin M. Lewis, James L. Claghorn, Benjamin B. comegys. idward s. Handy, Joseph Carson, M, D. President LEWIS R. ASHHURST. Vice-President J. LIVINGSTON ERRINGER. Secretary R. P. McCULLAGH. , . , Treasurer WM. L. DUBOIS. ' 1 Bfmwl PLUMBING, OAS FITTING, ETO. PANCOAST & MAULE, THIRD and PEAR Streets, Plain and Galvanized Wrought and Cast . Iron Pipes For Gai, Steam and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, BOILER TUBES. Pipe of all Sizes Cat and Fitted to Order GAUD. Having sold HENRY B. PANCOAST and FRAN CIS L MAULE (gentlemeniln our employ for seve ral years past) the Stock, Goodwill aud Fixtures of our RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of THIRD and PEAK Streets, in this city, that branch of our business, together with that of HEATiNO and VENTILATING PUBLIC and PRI VATE BUILDINGS, both by STE4M and HOT WATER, In all its various systems, will be earned on nnder the nnn name of PANCOAST A MAULB, at the old stand, and we recommend them to the trade and business publlo as belug entirely compe tent to perform all work or that character- , , , MOKRIS, TASKEB & CO. Philadelphia, Jan. M, 1370. QROOERIES. ETO. J"0 FAMILIES RESIDING IN THB RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at their country residences with EVERY DESCRIP TION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEA 8, Etc ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Bta. JAMES W. HAVENS, IMPORTER OF FOREIGN PRODUCE, Wines, Oils, Fruits, Cigars, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, !Vo. 001 WALnirr fttreet, PHILADELPHIA. 887 rjp II E ST. O I. O U P . " This new elegant and commodleus first-class Hotel, on AH LI Street, above SEVENTH, Terms, $3 per day. u. w. ULLLlN A iKO., Proprietors. 411m vy I L S O N ' S CARPET CLEAKINtt ESTABLISHMENT, 4 1 Slfl No. CU South SEYENTEENT