1 r r 7 H A A VOL. XV. NO. 122. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, .1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. :tdtet" i FIEST EDITION THE FOSTER MURDER TRUL. Weakness of the Defense. Democratic State Convention. The "Old iliOya S ItCCOpilOll. , Justice in Cincinnati. Ktc.f Etc., Etc., Etc., . Etc., Etc THE FOSTER TRIAL. Summing up of the Prln oner's Counsel A Weak Defense. From the X. T. Exprtss, lat evening. Judge Stuart, turning to the jury, said that he would first speak, and then his associate. I de sire to converge with you on the suaiect of the homicide. I have not the ability, and certainly do not desire, to move your feelings or stir your Eassions. I know too well the integrity and onesty of the men I address. All that "I can say to you Is to state the facts. Yesterday the District Attorney said to you that killing was murder; but all law of every country tells you that murder is only killing with intont to kill. Manslaughter always was involuntary, uninten tional killing while the person was doing some other unlawful act, no matter what that act was. Murder Is killing with intent to kill, or whilst in the commission of a felony; but manslaughter is killing unintentionally, or whilst doing some wrong act not a felony under the law. Under the law of 1802 a man killing another in the heat of paslon, with contemplation and pre meditation, that is murder ia the first degree; but if the killing takes place WITHOUT PREMEDITATION, it is only manslaughter. If Foster murdered Mr. Putnam, he did it with premeditation and with an intent to kill. But if Foster did not kill Mr. Putnam with premeditation, ho cannot be found guilty on the Indictment presented in this court of murder In the first degree. He may be guilty of murder in the second degree, or manslaughter in the third degree, but not of murder in the first degree. After stating the law to the jury In detail on the dlfferente counts, he said, I am telling you what the common law is, and don't care whether it is lor or against my client, It is for you to decide which of them be is guilty of. Up to the time when he had the misfortune to com mit the deed for which he is now before the bar, he was A GOOD MAN, a quiet, peaceable citizen. Nothing can be laid to his charge until that moment. lie drank somewhat previous to the occurrence, and on the night in question got on this car WITHOUT BVIL INTENT, and with no mind to kill. With regard to the conduct of the prisoner the testimony is con flicting; the ladies say he did act improperly, the driver did not think he did; the prisoner himeelf does not remember whether he did or not, but does not believe be did; Mr. Putnam went out and spoke to him; no doubt what he said was offensive; the answer of Foster showed it: "I paid for a scat and must have it;" that tells clearly that something must have been said offensive to him. When Foster came in and sat down he said to Mr. Putnam, 'IIow far ave you going up?" and "When you get off I'll give you h 1." He did not say "I'll kill," or anything like that, but be used that vulgar expression, which meant NOTHING MORE than that be would assault or beat him; surely it did not mean that he would kill him, and if there can be any doubt as to the meaning of the words, that doubt should be given to the pri soner, especially when the life of a human being is at stake on the one side, and that expression on the other. Well, the car stopped, and Mr. Putnam went out, and the prisoner came round and struck him one blow one blow, gentlemen; for, no matter what the testi mony was. there was only one diow, gentlemen; the wound itself shows that; there was only one wound and one blew. Now, do you think, did he intend to kill with that one blow? NO, HE DID NOT; you cannot believe it. After that he went and had some more drink, and then went home, scarcely able to get up stairs, and fell into a drunken sleep. You must be sure that he did Intend to kill, and if you do not believe that he did, you cannot under your oaths convict him of murder in the first degree. Suppose you shall say there is some doubt, then you must sav that you cannot convict of murder in the first degree, whatever else vou might do. If it is not mur der, what is it? You remember what I told you of the law. It foster had taken a rlne or a pistol and put it to his head and blew his brains out, that would be murder; for the means used would necessarily cause death. The act Itself Is its own evidence of intent. The instrument must be made to kill. A slung-ehot or a dagger being used, would necessarily show that the killing was Intended. THIS CAR-HOOK is not such an instrument; it was made for other uses than life-taking; it was an Instrument un fortunately at hand; It proved nothing, except that Foster used it to assault Mr. Putnam, but with no Intent to kill. So much, then, about the instrument. This is a conversation, I say Let there be no ceremony here. Say something to me. Let my learnea adversary propound, a question, ana i win answer mm. a man's life is at stare. and let nothing be left undone to save it. You, gentlemen, are here as judges, high In office ministers of justice, high above the Court, and the District Attorney, and pleading counsel You have uower greater than any potentate. that of allowing a creature to live. I ask you to think on this case and give a verdict of acquit tal if you can. 1 have nothing to say oi MRS. DUVAL. You have heard all she said of herself; that is all you know of her, or all I know tf her. How ever. Fotter knew BOthiue of ber. and I there fore did notinnuire whether she was virtuous or vicious, and did not, as I might have, ex nmlned more into who she was. and what were her character and relations to Mr. Putnam. I mv nothing about It. but let it remain unex nlained. I afeked Mrs. Foster to go on the stand merely to tell what was the condition of her husband when he came home that night, but it was not admitted. My learned friend might ask why I did NOT PUT FOSTER. vt.i nniiiA Rtandr I will tell you why. It was becance he did not remember sufllcleutly of the facts to give any aieuucv suwuicui ui. iucm n i.i. ia hv T did not Place him on the stand I am not pleading for mercy, but t iBir FOR JUSTICE. The Indictment for murder was to admonish other evil-doers that it would not do to practise evil deeds. If this man had not been killed. Vi. m v-.v hn this mans defense? TrinS battery, with Intent to do bodily v.." oh , would merely get five years The fctate Prison-merely a B.l.dam.nr. not , a felony. You can say ma " " rerpetration of a crime and that he uninten tionally - killed Putnam, and that would be murder la the second degree. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONTENTION. Influx to the City Speech of General McCandless Serenade to Governor Geary Response of III Excellency. At 1-40 yesterday afternoon the Moyamensinz Democratic Association of Philadelphia arrived In this city. The visitors were received by the Central Democratic Clnb of Ilarrisburg, and escorted to Brant's Hall, where a meeting was beld. There being: loud calls for General McCandless, that gentleman acended the plat form, and attcr being- loudly cheered delivered the following speech in substance: ORNEBAL M'CANDLESH' 8PEKCH. Mr. President, and especially you gentlemen from the time nor occasion to enter Into a discussion or Ia . , , 1 1 1 , 11 1 Inlntl it f .B nf vailloallam H1 , m n ..n s 'm dawn win see gar,nerca m mis city the aflvauce soard of 300.000 white Democratic frenmen of this Commonwealth, who, throwing at the feet of radi calism the gauntlet of aggressive warfare, demand the restoration of those state rights which protect individual liberty and constitutional privilege against the aggrandizement of Federal cestrailza- tion. For ten years we have been upon the defensive. DnrlDg that time you have seen a press, corrupted hy patronage, hurling Its anathemas and publishing its siamitrs against the loyally or Democracy, lou have seen the ballot-box polluted under the provi sions of a Hegistry law far more infamous ttiau auy oi i ne urucoiuan cone. You have teen the poor perjured creature who does the bidding of Master Radical In altering the election returns go to jail by the action of an honest Judiciary, and I regret to say tnat you see, what is more humiliating than all, the Governor of our Mate extending, under the whip and spur, the ex ecutive clemency to a man whose crime struck deep Into the very vitals of our form of government. You have eeen in our great city, where irecaom or speecn, rreeaom or tne press. and freedom of conscience was born and pnrtnrcd on this continent, that in less than a century the bayonets of the Federal marines were gleaming in our streets unon election day to maintain a despotism by interfering with the freedom of our elections. This was the last feather that broke the camel's back. The poople became alarmed as they saw themselves at the mercy ot this irresponsible power, and now they are turning tneir eyes to you anxiously desiring that yon shall main tain the true foundation of either State or national greatness by presenting for their suffrage men of political morality and personal Integrity. I know you will do It the poise of the Democracy beats strong and healthy. Any man who loves his country better than he loves a party will ttiro.v aside. an personal considerations of individual advance ment, and laying his prejudices on the altar of his country, he will, with unselfish patriotism, select some man against whose civil or military record the tongue oi sianaer nare not wag. j'ut mm on a platform that grasps the living Issues of the hour, defends the rights of labor, accents the situation of negro emancipation, and all the amendments constitutionally adopted. They are law, and most be obeyed until the Supreme Court says nay. Cease to do battle upon things that have departed, and remember that no animal but an bps kicks a dead lion, l talk thus earnestly to you, gentlemen, in order that you may exercise your rea son and act with lodgment. By the adoption of these principles you will have the vantage ground, and if you are only led with the energy and ability witn wnicn yon win reiiow, rennsyivania will be re deemed ani radicalism will topple to its fall. On the conclusion or (General McCandless' re marks, the meeting adjourned with vociferous cheers. Uarruburg Patriot, to-day. RULLOFF AND THE DOCTORS. Size and Nature of Ills Brain Ills Grave Opened Three Times. From the Binghamton Republican, May 21. Itulloff's brain, which was carefully examined this morning, weighed 69 ounces, being 9 or 10 ounces Heavier man tne average weignt. ina neaviest brain ever weighed was that of Cuvler, the French naturalist, which is given by some authorities at 65 ounces, and by some at 64 ounces. The brain of Daniel Webster (partly estimated on account of a portion being destroyed by disease) weighed 64 ounces. The brain of Dr. Abercromble, of Scotland, weighed 63 ounces. The lower (brute) portion oi ltuuous Dram ana me mechanical powers were unusually large. The upper portion of the brain, which directs the higher moral and religions sentiments, was very deficient. In the foiinatlon ol the brain, Hul loir was a ferocious animal, and, so far as disposition could relieve Mm from responsibility, ne was not strictly responsible for his acts, 'ihe measurement of Ruiloira head around at the eyebrows (supra orbital) was 24 inches. The skull was probably tne tniiisest ever Known, in no piace was it less thantbree-elghthsof an inch in thickness, and In most places It was half an inch thick. The usual thickness of a man's skull is less than one-fourth of anlach. Kiillotrs head was opened In the usual way, by parting the scalp over the top of the head, from one ear to the ether, and sawing off the top. The . surgeons who performed the operation say it required three-quarters of an hour to saw arounl the Bkull. ana before it was completed they began to think the head was all skull, with the protection of a skull half an Inch thick, and a!scalp of the thickness and toughness of a rhinoceros rwu, tne mac or seven muraers was pro vided with a natural helmet that would have ueiied the force of asy pistol bullet. If he had been In Mirlck's plaoe, the bullet would have made only a slight wound ; ana bad he been provided with a cutis vera eanal to bis scalp, his defensive armor against nuiiets wouia nave been as complete as a coat oi mail. The corus in Kuuotrs neck were as neavy ana strong as those of an ox, and from his formation one would almost suppose that he was protected against death from the gallows as well as by Injury to uis neaa. nunon s ooay was larger man id was supposed to be by casual observers. The Saertif ascertained when he took the measure of the prl soner for a cottln to bury him In, that he was s feet and 10 inches In height, and measured l Inches across his shoulders. When In good condition bis weight was about 17S pounds. It Is very well known that Rulioll's grave was opened three dlilerent times last Friday night, by different parties who waute to obtain his head. One of these parties was from Albany, and twice the body was disinterred by persons living in Binghamton, One company would no sooner cover up the body, which au lounu neauiess, ana leave it. than another company would come and go through the same operation. It is now known that the head was never burled with the body, but was legally ob tained before the burial by the surgeons who have rob? fcslon or it. The nair ana beara were snaveu off dote, and nn excellent Impression In plaster was taken of the whole head. The brain Is now under- eoinif a hardening process, and when that Is com pleted, sn Impression will b taken of it entire, aud then It will bu parted, the dlilerent pins welched, ana linpresiions inaue or tne several sections. IMPlilSOXMEXT A FAltCC. How Prisoners Km ploy Themselves in Cincinnati Imprisonment lu a Pick. wlckian Sense. The Cincinnati Time of Monday has this enter taining narrative irvUirday afternoon United States Deputy Mar- shal M. C. Pickering observed a man approaching tiiin on the street, shading nm lace witn nis nana, as if to avoid being recognized, xne appearance or the man reminded him of a prisoner he bad only a few weeks berere taken to the Dounty Jan on a six mouths' sentence, and he thought he would follm him a short dmtance to Investigate the matter, lie followed, and soon found that the object of his pur suit was attempting to elude htm. A bru-k chase succeeded, ending in tne capture or the pursued, and bis Identification as Andrew WeU seubreeker, a man convicted of counterfeiting some iniee or iour weeks since, ana sentenced or tne court to six mouths' Uuprlsonmeut in the County j an at nara iauor. Ofiicer Pickering escorted his prisoner to the lall. where he was received with evident surprise by the jailer, who said be knew nothing of Weisaenbreck- ei's being' absent. It was admitted that he hud "the tub i f the Jail," that it was not kept Isoked up, but the jailer and turnkeys all protested vigorously that thev had not let lilm pass outside. 1 his morning. In the United States Court. Distrlot Attorney taieman called the attention of the Court to this clrcumbtance, remarking that it had not been an nnfrequf nt occurrencn for prisoners convicted belore the United States Court, and sentenced by it to confinement In the jail, to be seeu upon our streets. Insurnortof h's statement he ceiled for the testlniorv of Denoty Marotial Pickering and Colonel Downs, Chief of the United States Secret Service. Mr. Pickering testified to the narrative as we have given It, aud, in addition, to the fact that Welsstn Lrecker h id been seen on the streets frequently Since bis nominal Incarceration. Healsos&M that Jdrs. ltoberis, the sged female counterfeiter, and mother-in-law of lull Hills, was yesterday seen ou I the street going nuiue. SECOND EDITION Terrible Scenes in Paris. Versailles Occupation. Insanity of tbo Rebels. Burning of the Louvre. TheTuileries Destroyed Other Palaces on Fire. Exciting News from Panama. TLeTenna. Democratic Convention Health of Vice-President Colfax. FROM EUROPE. BY ABSOCIATED PRESS. J Exclusively to The Evening lelegraph, , The Provisioning of Paris. London, May 24 The Daily News' special despatch from Versailles says the terminus of the Strasbourg Railway was carried yes terday. M. Thiers is indefatigable in the direction of operations looking to the supply of Paris with provisions. The Telegraph's special says Foreign Powers have ordered their representatives in Paris not to protect insurgents. It is said minister Washburne did not act In concert with the other diplomats. Billlorny, Communist Minister of War, was killed in yesterday's battle. Barricades Still Holding Out. Octside of Paris, May 24 Morning The barricades In the Place Vendomo and Place de la Concorde have not yet been carried, and the barricades at Belleville still hold out against the Government troops. Versailles, May 24. The Insurgents are Discouraged by the success of the Versaillists. The losses of the latter yesterday were heavy. Strong hopes are entertained that the Finishing Blow will be given the Communists to-day. Burning of the Louvre and Tullerles. Versailles, May 24 Morning. The Louvre and Tullerles are burning. They are said to have been ignited by the Federals with petroleum. General xiombrowskl was wounded, and has been captured and im prisoned at St. Denis. The Government troops yesterday dislodged the Federals from the Foubourg St. Germain and elsewhere, and are to-day continuing Their Victorious March. It is thought the Federals will attempt to escape towards Belleville and Pantin. Crowds of repulsive-looking men, destitute ot uniforms and in rags,have been taken prisoners. The Census of Loudon. London, May 24. The official result of the census in London just taken shows the total population slightly rising three and a quarter millions. Horrible Scenes in Paris Palaces Fired by lieu cm. Versailles, May 24. The insurgents have fired the palaces of the Legion of Honor and Council of State, on the southern side of the Seine and apposite the gardens of the Tulle rles. Other palaces are also burning. The Versaillists have Advanced their left wing to Bellvllle Centre, to the Palace of the Lonvre and the Halle Centrale, and their right to the Observatory. The Fumes and Smoke of Petroleum pervade the city. This Morning's Quotations. London. May 84 1130 A. M. The Stock Ex change Is closed to-day. Livkkvool, way 4 io-sij a. m. cotton active and llrnier; uplands, 1)ima. Orleans, 7id. bales to-uay esuumteu at io,uuv uaies. This Afternoon's Quotations. Iondon, May 84 1 P. M. Street quotations: U. D. D-52US 01 I860, VOX 1U-4US, 6X. FROM THE ISTHMUS. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Excluitively to The Evtning Telegraph. Exciting News A Battle Imminent The Atouujo taie. Panama, May 18. via Kingston, Jamaica. May 22. The revolutionists are within the walls of Panama. The American Consul declares the Eelzure of the American steamer Montijo piracv. and requests the captain of the British war-ship cosmeieon to recapture ner. more is great excitement In Panama ana business is at a stand-still. A battle is expected to-morrow. FROM JAMAICA. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to Th Evening Telegraph. IThe Agricultural Commission. Kingston. Jamaica. May 23 The steamer Henry Chauncey has arrived, and sails for Asuln- wall this afternoon. She brings Dr. Keenes and the Washington Agricultural Commissioners to tcuaaor. FROM 11AYTI. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclunively to Th Evening Teleurapk. Finances, the New Ministry, Etc. Port au Prince. May 17. The financial con dition of Ilajtl is highly unsatisfactory. The new Ministry Is likely to repudiate the debts of their predecessors. Chicago Flour and Wheat Market. Special iHupatch to The Evening Telegraph, , Chicago, Msy t o-3o AM. Wheat market Arm ! for No. H. tlntV. seller Ma or June. Curu tirin and active at esi.OGi cash, and seller May or June; W'.mm, sener j my. kteeipia. 5p'.l Btetipu. Ship'li. Flour, bbls. s.Goo 6,uoo oats, tins.... 4s,itoo 6,uu0 W h'ttt,t.us. 49,uii0 4T.OU0 Kye, bus .... b.irx) noae. Corn, bus..8a,ouO U.soo Hurler, bus.. ,uoo nouo. Milwaukee Markets. MawArxiK,May84 915 A.M. Wheat unsettled; No 1,'ll-Vt ; No. 8, ii-80. Received, lwj.ooo bushels. irelghis ny sail 7c. ; by steam, uxo. FBOM THE STATE. The Democratic State Convention. Special Despatch to Ths Evening Telegraph, Harrisburg, May 24. The Democratic Con vention met at 10 o'clock this morning. 1 1 William Mutchler, of Kaston, chairman of the State Central Committee, called the convention to order. He said: Speech of Mr. Mutchler. The last convention which assembled in this place to nominate candidates exercised the privilege of naming the chairman of the Stale Committee. Uy their partiality, and without any solicitation on ray part, I was cl oeen to perform the responsible duties of that position. A violent party Registry laiv, en acred for the avowed purpose of depriving us of our rights at the polls, enabled our opponents to deny to ns a victory which otherwiso jvould have been honestly and fairly won by us. I now relinquish the ponltlon to which I have been chosen, aad in doing so desire to return my thanks to the Democracy for their earnest co-opera- lion w ltn me. luuuave Bncmoiea nereio-nay 10 nominate candidates of the Democratic nartv for the ensuing canvass, and to reiterate your devotion to that party of principles and statesmen that has maintained constitutional rule and declared that the military should be subordinate to civil authority. (Applause.) The Issues that will be presented iu the rresent campaign are not of the past. 1 hey belong to the present, and are or vital Importance to the people. While we may acquiesce In what has been done by constitutional amend ment, we will not hesitate to declare our opposition to any Invasion of this Commonwealth hy the bid ding of a military dictator for the purpose- of Inter fering In a frte elective franchise. The people, overburdened with taxation, look to the Democratic party to relieve them and restore concord and pros perity, and bring about a reign of constitutional rule in all the States. The Roll of Delegates was called. Charles ic uoyie, or Fayette, was chosen temporary chairman, and John V. Ahern, of Philadelphia, and John C. llarr, of Pittsburg, tem porary secretaries. Speech of Mr. Boyle. The temporary chairman said : Gentlemen of the convention, I am certainly grateful to you for the honor you have done me by calling me to preside. temporarily, over your deliberations.: I can say but a word, we are caned here to perform a very im portant duty, ol making nominations for State oill- cers in a campaign immediately preceding a resi dential election. It is of much more than ordinary importance on that account, and I feel sure the delegates present leel the duo importance of that fact. It Is of the Urst Importance that wo nominate a good ticket, composed of good men, abnve suspicion of any Kino, ana men put ourselves on sate ground. Government of the Convention. S. Grocs Fry. of Philadelphia, moved that the rules of the House of Representative be adopted ior me governance ui nie convention, i.arneu. Mr iAisennng, or rnuaif irmi, oirered a resolu tion for the selection by the delegates of a Commit tee on Permanent Organization, to he composed of one member irom eacn Equatorial district. Carried. John Miller, of Chester, ottered a resolution for" the selection of a similar Committee on Resolutions. to whom all resolutions should be referred wlrliout ciebate. Carried. The following Committee on Permanent Organization was then selected : 1st district, Charles M. Lelsenring; 2d. William Stelnhauer; Bd, Thomas n. uiu;4tti, llnrrv K. Coirs- well ; otn, J . A.i'orpeujBin, navis ana .lames Ellis; ltn, Ji. c. ueoener; otn, iinwara nailer; vr.n, John Buckley ; loth, T. S. Hamm; tlth. E. It. Hawley; V2ih, J. A. Beamish ; 13tli, A. M. Uoynton: ljr.l. John Piatt; 15th, II. 8. Murphy; istli, w. o. McFadden; Kin, ur junu jii'iiuu; i-uu, j. ji. AiaaniRg; itn, Dr. A B. Dill; 80th, J. W. Dlcfcerson; 21st, J. Rein- hart and T. K. Faust; sad, James King; 83d, J. KrankMcNutt: 24th. J. A. Man han: 25th. W. ii. Mickey; 26th, Captain 8. B, Vrnnch; 2Tth, Colonel M. tiurweu; in, wnaries uinsrcore ; 2tn, J. M. Robinson. The following Committee on Kcsclutlons was selected: First district, Lewis O. Cassldy : Se cond, W. B. Welsh; Third, C. H. Dougherty: rouriii. Am j. xwjrsau , rum, rrurvo xv. ii axeman; C IA i LI i iu ropi o nuunun nun Aiiciinciii , OCVCUIU, William Bellelmau; Eighth, K. Shaller: Ninth. James Ellis: Tenth, C. . Palmer; Eleventh, blank: Twelfth, Stanley 'ood; Thirteenth, Miles White; Founeenin, j. unipw rnipenin, inomas Chai- fant; blxteeutn, Philip McCauley: Seventeenth, ueorge rsanuerson; nimeeiiiu, jonn uiiuson Nineteenth, W. S. Cornman; Twentieth, A. II. Wood: Twenty-first, J. II. Orvis; Twenty-second, Hannibal K.Kloan: Twenty-third, George B. Good- lander: Twentv fourth, it. u. rniian : Twentv-nrth. James F. Barr; Twenty-sixm, ur. Jonn ".Weaver: xwenty-seventn, w. . riatt; rwenty-eigutn, Aiuen e ry ; i weuiy-uuuu, r eiuou luarvin. Resolutions Referred. Lewis O. Cassldy moved that resolutions presented shall not be read, but referred to committee without reading or debate; carrier), and general commu nications snd tesolutions were presented and im mediately reierreu without reading. Adjournment Until P. M. The convention then, at eleven o'clock:, adionrned tin two r. ai., without transacting any other busi ness. FROM WASHIJVGTOJV. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. I Exclusively to Ths Evening Telegraph. Nominations Confirmed. Washington, May 84. The Senate has confirmed the nomination of James K. Partridge, of Maryland, IU uo million t x iKuiyureubiai j auu .uvujr XM&tlMUrm. nary to Brazil. v Health of Air. Colfax. Vice-President CeKax Is stronger, but suffered last night with a severe headache, which prevented his sleeping as wen as upon the previous night. Hi condition is good and symptoms favorable, but the phvslclan insists upon absolute quiet. Mrs. Colfax is not here, becsuxe Mr. Colfax telegraphed her on the evening or bis attack not to come. Hue Is stiil nursing her child, and Mr. Colfax could not consent that either of them should take the risk of J long and needlens Journey, as he is receiving every possi ble attention, au ins inenas nave caned, ana been most Kina iu oners ui atteutiun. Government Weather Report. War Department, office ok tub cuief Signal Officer, Washington, May 84 10-40 A. M iSynop- siB lor tne past iweutv-iour nours: ine weather bus remained uuchauged on tno Pacltlo coast aud the barometer has very generally risen east of the M sslssmpl. Ihe low prcsnre which existed on Tuesday morning in Dakota Territory has extended noitheastwurd. with brufc winds Ironttlio southeast aud east, and light rains during the utglit on Lake Superior. The hijrli-st pressure la no central from Lake trie to Delaware way r resn nortneast winds have continued in the .Eastern States. South and southeast wind are row reported from Georgia to Lake jiiie ana rasiwarn. nio weatner is very frubabihtu. I'leanunt weather win probably con tlnue on tne Atlantic coast, no serious nisturbauces are apprenenaea iortaeiakcssna tuo gulf. Young Men's Christian Association Inter national convention. The International Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association commenced this morning at i.incoiu nan. wnu,u win nannso'iieiv decorated. there being a profuse dibpluy of Uowersou the stage. Ntarly 11 rot all the Mutes were represented, to gether with the British Provinces. There was two a larce stteudauce of spectators. the hall being crowded to Us utmost capacity of ac- cominonaniiu. Johns. McLean called the convention to order, and delivered sn address. In which lie rnugratiilMled his irienus ou tne iuvorauie aubDiees under wuiuti they had assembled, std spot o of the Increasing membership and usefulness of their orkMutz itiou. There was, too, a turner feeling thau heretofore io- tween I tie united M.itts aud lire it Britain. in this connection he alluded to the pending treatv ss a measure of peace, which it whs hoped would be rauuru iu roer to remove till causes of in launder standing betweeu the two couutrie. aud bind them closer iu iriendxhip Prayer was ottVred, when the rennlslte committees were sppolnted as preliminary to tae transaction of bUbintb. New York Money and Stock Market. Kl Yoas, May 24 blocks heavv. Alone? per cent. uoia. u'JX. 6-noa.lb6a.cn.. Ui: uo. ISO, cp., nix; uo. 1365, op., uiw: do. Hu, new, 113K; da lUST, 1135 do. 1868, H37i: 10 4UJ, iij, ; villoma oa, new, n ; Missouri 6. ; teu ton Co., t3x; Cumberland preierred. 8i: N. V. Cen tral and Hudson ltiver, Utfu: Erie. 8UV: Kiadiiiir. 115; Adams Kxpress, 8,v; suchtifaa Central, 14; jaicuiKau ooumurn, lld: lllluois Ceutrdl. lcitfj Cleveland and Pittsburg, P25; Chicago aud .noes. iBiauu, in.,; rmatiurg ana Fort Wayae, TUB BURNING PALACES. The Tullerles and the Iiouvre Their His torical Associations and Architectural Beauties. A cable despatch Informs ns that the Communists have fired the palaces of the Tullerles and the Lonvre, in addition to other public buildings in Paris, and that they are now burning. The name of Tullerles is derived from the fact that the tiles (Utiles) used In Paris were formerly manu factured on its site. The gronnd was purchased In 164 by Catherine de Meillcis, and the present palace commenced. Phlllbert Delorme was the architect. It was much improve under Louis XIII and XIV. In 1572, Catherine de Medlcls gave a fete a few days before the msssacre of St. Bartholomew, during which were allegorical representations in which all the nobility, Catholics and Trotestants, were actors. During the performance, the King of Navarre and other Huguenots were prevented by Charles IX and his brothers from entering Paradise, and were pushed into hell. This was very sig nificant, for four days after the massacre took place, the whole having been arranged before theef. Louis XIV resided at the Tullerles before the completion of the Palace of Versailles. After wards it was occupied until his return by the fami lies of persons attached to his Conrt. In June, 1798, the mob entered the palace, and in August of the same vear the Swiss Guard were murdered in it. It was the official residence of the First Consul and also of the Imperial Court of Napoleon. After the Revolution King Charles IX and the royal family resided there. In 1S30 the mob entered again and drove out the King. It was the residence of Louis Philippe until the Revolution of 1S43, when a party of rioters, in company with some loose women, occupied the apartments for ten d.tys. They turned the King's and Queen's bed-rooms into dining-rooms, and celebrated their orgies night and day in the most magnificent apartments of the palace. In 1849 the Tnileries was occupied as a gal lery for the exhibition of paintings, and on the ro estabilBhment of the empire it became the city resl dence of the imperial Court. The facade facing the garden ot tho Tullerles Is about 1000 feet in length, running from the Hue Rlvoll to the Seine. The style of architecture is mixed. The first or lower floor columns are Ionic, the second Corinthian, and the third Composite. At the extremity of the facade are two lofty pavilion with remarkably lofty roofs aud chimneys. The oue on the Rue de Rivoll Is called Pavilion Marsan, and the ODe toward the Seine Pavilion de Flore. Napo leon I conceived the idea of connecting the pilace of the Tullerles with that of the Louvre, which stood parallel with It at about a quarter of a mile distant, but political events transpired which prev-nted his carrying out his designs. It was left for his nephew to finish this great undertaking. During the late Imperial telgn the ground floor of the southern wing of the paiace was occupied by the Empress. These apartments were formerly occu pied by Louis Philippe and his Immediate family. The entrance to the state apartments Is np the Escalltr de Chnp I.e. The antique celling of this apartment formerly decorated tho sleeping apart ment of La Heme Elaiuhe, and was brought from Vlncenncs. To the left of this is the theatre, nsed as a supper room on ball nights ; it is capable of accommodating sou persons. Opposite this on the ground floor is the State Chapel. The Halle de la Paix is a magnifi cent hall, used as a ball-room. Over the mantel is, orwas, a magnificent portrait of Napoleon III by Muller. In the hall is a statue ot Peace, presented to Napoleon I by the city of Paris after the treaty of Amiens. Next is the Sail'- des Marcheaux, the finest of ihe suit. This has also been used ai a ball-room en etsta soeutou. ..The walls are gold and white the furniture green, dimask, and gold. The names of the great battles of Napoleon I are Inscribed over the gallery, and the busts of all his distinguished generals, aud portraits of many of them, adorn the walls. Tae next room Is the Salle Jilanche, or card-room; the Salon d'Apollon, and then the Salle du Trone. The hangings are of dark red velvet, embroidered with gold ; the carpets, of Gobelin's manufacture, cost nearly 1100,000. Next is the Salon Louis XIV, which contains a number of valuable historical portraits. Then comes the Go- lerie ds diner, or state dining-room, and behind these are the apartments formerly occupied by the Empe ror. The Old Louvre, which was recently connected with the Tullerles by the erection of the New Louvre, has been regarded as unequalled, architecturally, by any other building In the elty, the eastern front especially being noteworthy for its artistic design and execution. Its famous colsnnade, known as the Colonnade du Louvre, was erected during the time of Louis XIV, and was regarded as one of the master pieces of that age. It consists of 28 double Corin thian columns, the facade bemg C25 feet In length. A magnificent effect Is produced by the grand gate way in the centre. The gates were made by order of the first Napoleon, and are of bronze. on tne site or the Louvre stood centuries ago the hunting-seat of Dagobert. During the reign of Philip Augustus the site was oc cupied by aeastle which defended the Seine. In the centre of this rose the famous Tower of the Lonvre, long used as a place of confinement for noted prisoners of state. The present building, commenced by Francis, remained unfinished until isos, when the Great Napoleon took the work in hand and completed It. The design of the building Is a perfect square, each side being over five bun dred feet in dimensions. The order of architecture of the four facades is principally Corinthian or Cora posite. The interior court Is one of the most beau. tlfully decorated In Europe. Many persons of great historical celebrity have inhabited the palace, In eluding Henry III, Henry IV, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, I harles IX, and Henrietta, the widow of Charles I, of England. The new Louvre was partly occupied under the Second Empire by the otllces of the Ministers of State and of the Interior. It contained also the bar racks of the Cent Gardes, the apartments of the palace (loiuestlcs, the imperial stables, and the Library of the Louvre, formerly the private library of Louis Philippe, which comprised about 90,001 volumes. The entire palace Is of vast extent, covering altogether over sixty acres of grouud. Tne descriptions we have given of the palaces of the Tullerles and Lonvre of course apply to the ante bellum period. It is lmposblbie to tell what changes Pave been made In their interior arrangements since the downfall of the Empire, and it is eqnaily impos sible o tell what the loss to the world will be lu the matter of art works u the paiacea are ueoiroyea. l was stated dnrlng the Germ in siege that all tho valuable pictures, statuary, aud other works of art, were r moved to places of safety, and it is slucerely to be hoped that this will prove to have been the cbbo. AND COXUEIWR EVE-UNO TKr.KQHAeH Omok,' Wednesdny. May 1. l1L ( Tbere Is a general lack of (.pint in liuunuUl clrclis, and even the fjiecuulive rteonud h '3 a decided fallinifoff. Currency is a druir. au l can be obtained by Rood borrowers almoin at their own terms. 45 per cent, 's the ratine for money subject to call, with Government and vi.od ktoclt collateral securities. There is verv Utile VaPer titleriiifr, and there is some compe tition among lenders for its possesion. Three and lour mouths paier is eusy to place at 6 pur cent. Gold Is dull, steady, and weak, with sales rargice: from lll(allUi, closing at the lj.ver future. Government bonds are quiet and. steady, prices remiauing at met dil'ui ntrures. The etock market was moderately active, and prices were stronger. Sales of City os at 103 for the new bonds, Lehigh Gold Loan changed Bands at 93V. Reading Railroad was qnlet bnt strong, selling at 6?K- Sales of Pennsylvania at eiC2; allotments at 61(ff.61; Camden and Amboy atl30&130ii; Iblgh Valley at 62K; Northern Central at 41?j41g; and Oil Creek and Alle gheny at 61J. b. o. In Canal stocks were some sales of Lehigh at 6, s. o.ff36i(, b. o. The balance of the list was firm, bnt little doing. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Reported by De Haven A Bro., No. 40 S.Thlrd street. FIRST BOARD. 440O City 6s, New.lOS 17000 O A m 68, 'S 04 tiooo Pa R gen mt.. 91 H f moo Unlou Pas bds 92 Mono do 9a s 15000 Ilunt A B Top 42 I1000OCA A7S.... 8.S rosnCam &Am..lsov ra do 180)$ aosaLeh Na..sfiP. a loo do bew. 88i iroshN Cent 41 2G0 do b6. 41i looshLeh V H. fi2 6J itf 82 ij 8 sh Penna K. 190 do. do. do. .b60, 19 4 375 79 do do do 49 800ShOC4 A R. b60... 100 do b30. 61V 600shResiK..b30. 67; Mkssbs. Dk Haven A Brothisb, No. 40 s. Third street, Philadelphia, report the following quotations : U. S. 6s of 1861, U7,Si117' ; do. 1869. 111?, (lil s ; da 1864, iiiiin, ; do. is6o, ni'.'tiiii ida i860, new,mxm; da 1867, da 113Si113'; da 1868, da iis.siAiis ; io-40, I094(ie9-. O. s. B0 Tear 6 percent. Currency, HBllBJi; Gold, UlVid lll; Bllver, WK(t09)$ ; Union Paolflo Railroad ist Moru Bonds. 9'i'i92i : Central Paciflo Rail road, 101 ,irtio2;1 : omon Paolflo Laud Grant Bonds, 8&K86?j;. Messrs. Wiu.iam Painter k. Co.. Na 88 S. Third Street, report the following quotations: -U. 8. 68 of 1S81, UTlTH' ; MOS of i8a, influx ; do. 1864, nixesm; do. 1S66, influx; do., July, lsen; 11B?113;V: do., July, 166T, li3V(li8;i ; da July! 1898, 113Ji(4H3? : 10-408, 109 KV9. V. 8. Pacltio R. R. Currency 6a. llliXfrll&. Gold, 1111US. inahr (t iapner, uroKtrs, report this morning gold quotations as follows : 10 00 A. M 111M 11-23 A. M Ill io-40 nikf li-so " '..mx 10-4T UIH 11-40 lliw iofio u ly ,11-45 " mi 1113 " 111V Philadelphia Trade Report. Wednesday, May 24. Bark is quoted at $30 per ton for No. l tinercttron, with sales of 60 hhds. Tanners' Dark is coming forward quite freely, and we notice sales at $l6vffl7 per cord for Chestnut Oak and 20a2l for Spanish Oak. Seeds. Cloverseed Is dull and sells in a small way at 8;c. per lb. Timothy is nominal. Flaxseed sells to the crushers at 12-20. The Flour market is steady, with a fair demand from the home consumers, but shippers are not operating to any extent About 1200 barrels changed hands, Including superfine at fS-255-50; extras at fn-706; Iowa and Wlscousln extra family at6-7BT; Minnesota da do. at 7T-25; Pennsyl vania do. do. at to-256'7B; Indiana and Ohio do. do. at 17(7-60; and fancy brands at f;-75($9. Rye Flour has advanced, and we notice sales at t6 6-12. In Corn Meal nothing doing. There is a very firm feeling in the Whcai market,, and for prime lots, which are In small supply, a steady demand prevails at fall prices. Sales of 2000 bushels Ohio and Indiana red at 1 -64(21-65; 400 bushels choice No. 1 spring atfl'62; and 3000 bushels Indiana amber at tl70l-71. Rye maybe quoted at 11'10 for Western and Pennsylvania, and 11 for Southern. Corn Is less active at the recent decline. Kaies of yellow at 76c. and Western mixed at 74c. Oats are unchanged. 2000 bushels Pennsylvania and Western sold at 6768c. for white ; 6566o. for mixed; and C9V(S63c. for black. Whisky is firm at 94 95c for Western Iron bound. i LATEST HHirPIJIGr IlfTELilUESCK. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA MAY 34 BTATB OF THBKMOMKTBR AT THB BVBN1NO TILBQRAPH OFFICX. 8 A. M 67 1 11 A. M.. 74 1 9 P. M.; 78 Sch Risks 4-88 I moon Sura I..11-46 Sun Sts... T-15 Uioh Watkb, 5-19 (By Cable.) London, May 84. steamship France, from New lork, touched at (jueenstown to-day. , CLEARED THIS MORNING. Steamer Vuican, Wilcox, New York, W. M, Baird Co. Steamer D. Utley, Davis, New York, da Steamer James 8. Green, Carr, Richmond and Nor- folk, W. P. Clyde sCo. BtT Bristol, Wallace, New York, W. P. Clyde A Ca Schr General Grant, Frame, Norwalk, John Rom mel, Jr. A Bro. Schr Surge. Warwick, New London, I da Schr J. S. Weldon, Crowell, Providence, - do. Schr Gale, Shropshire, do. da Schr W. Wilson, Jenkins, Salem, Slnnlckson k Co. Schr Lydla, Bacon, da do. Schr Wm. Benient, Wiggins, Boston, da Schr G-. R. Murney, Murney, Bridgeport, da Schr Reading RK. No. 44, Trainer, Norwalk, do. Schr El wood Doran, Jarvls, Boston, Schr C. Loeser, Davis. do. Schr W. Walton. Sharpe, Charlestown. Tug Joe Johnson, Ingraham, Baltimore, with a tow of barges. W. P. Clyde A Co. Tug G. B. Hutchlns, Mulford, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde A Ca ARRIVED THIS MORXINQ. Steamship W yoming, Wlltbauk, 7)1 hours from Sa vannah, with 1 otton, rloe, etc., to Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Ca Steamship Empire, Uluckley, 75 hours fm Charles ton, with rudse to W. P. Oiyne A Co. Steamer Bristol, Wallace, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Steamer A. C. Stlmers, Davis, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Bark Josle Mildred, Genn, ll days from Boston, in ballast. Schr Emma Green, Collins, 10 days from Havana, with molasses to Duncan A Poey vessel to Warren A Gregg. Schr Washington, Fields. 8 dsys from Wicomico Rtver, Md . with lumber to John L. Redner. . Scbr Julius Webb, Bremer, from Wilmington, with shlngies to Patterson k Llppinoott. Scbr Ridley, Armstrong, from Potomac River, with cedar rails. , 8chr Mediator, McLane, from Newport, R. i with tit h. Schr Mary Anna, Adams, from Bridgeport. Conn. Schr Rachel Vannenian, Brown, from Boston. Schr George Nevinger, Smith, do. Tugs 'i nomas JefTersoo, Allen; Fairy Ojieen, Wil son; and Chesapeake, Merrihew, fr-.im Baltimore, with tows of barges to W. P. Clyde Si Co. , MEMORANDA. Steamer Tonawasda, Bairett, hence, at Savannah 7 P. M. yesterday. Correxpondnice f The Evening TelenrapK J KASTON A McMAll'N'S BULLETIN. Niw Yokx Okhck, May 23. The following barges leave in tow to-night for BUtlmoiv, light: t)l-n, Hope, Houghton, toreenman, Nlms, Bless ing. N. W. Finch, aud Mary Shaw. Moonlight Rover, with sand, for Philadelphia. R W. King, wim iron for Philadelphia, ami iron ore for Baltimore. ( Bai.timokk Bhanch Officio, May 83. The follow ing barges lelt lu to1" at noon to-day, eastward : Kernel set, Anna riauuigan, C. K. Brown, Hudson, Fanny, and Foote. an with coal, for New York. Philadelphia Bkakcu Ofkick. May 24 Weather. Wlud:-My 23. very unsteady; IP. M., W., a little N. ; 1 P. M., nuer.; May 24. B A. M., on Dela ware avenue light air from N. B. ', taen at 7 A, M., N., a little easterly. The smoke ol Nortft Camden hai glng loir, humid npperstrata. atmosphere keavy; repi rtlroui the bay mut river Delaware, after mid night, tliitk, not quit a fog. Barometrical: May 23, ihe barometer vacillating: sometimes slow, then accelerated, all however undlug to a rise from 8t l-ho to iS i7-u at inldnigUt; Msy 24, 4 A.M., 80 ta-80; 7i0A. 8 -60. L.S. C. , Sreial Dfjatrh to The KvMiing Telegraph, jjivKS-bK-Umca. M4J24. The following boats leave in tow to-day : D. T.nsnian, with lumber to J. P. Woolverton. niiain Mac-key, with lumber to Taylor Botts. John P. llas. witn lumber, lor Camden, J. J. E. R Postleihwaite, with lumber, for Gloucester. Martha Mel'onkey, with grain, for Wltmtngtou. Kerr, Cook & t'o., with coal to N. G. Burriss. Doctor White, with coal, lor New York. Uirain Reed, light, fur Chesapeake City. J. H. 1