THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHIL A.DELPH1 A, TUESDAY, MAT 23, 1871. INSURANOE. I"KLAWARK MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCB J COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legislature erf Pennsylvania, 1330. Offlce S. X. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES OB Vessels, Cargo, and Freight to all parts of US world. INLAND INSURANCES n Goods by river, canal, lake, and land carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES D Merchandise generally; on Stores, Dwellings,' Houses, etc ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1870. ,000 United States Six Per Cent Loan (lawful monej) 1333,370 00 ( 130,000 State or Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 814,000'OC 100,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from Tax) 804,13-50 164,000 State of New JerBey Six Per Cent. Loan 163,920-00 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage Six Per Ct. Bonds. 80,100-OC 85,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Ct. Bonds. 85,350-00 85,000 'Western Pennsylvania Kail road Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Rail road gu arantee) 80,000-00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Ct. Loan 18,000-00 T.000 State of Tennessee Six Per Ct. Loan 4,200-00 18,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany (200 Shares Stock) 15,000-00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company (100 Shares Stock).. 4,300-00 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Company (SOsh'a Stock) 4,00001 1,650 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first Hens on City Properties.. 861,650-00 tfl,80,150 Par. C'St. 11,364,447-34. M'kt Vl$l,S93-557-0f Real Estate 6O,O00-6O Bills Receivable for Insur ances made 830,971-37 Balances due at Agencies Premiums on Marine Policies Accrued Interest and .Khcr debts dne the Company 13,870 40 Stock and Scrip, etc., ot sun dry corporations, 17950, esti mated value 8,i9-oo Cash 149,911 13 11,820,727-97 DIRECTORS, Thomas C. Hand, .Samuel E. Stokes, John C. Davis. William G. Boulton. fdmnnd A. Bonder, oseph H. Seal, James Traqualr, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr.,; James C. Hand, "William C. Ludwlg, Eugh Craig, John D. Taylor, George W. Bernadon, We C. Houston, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob Rlegel, Jacob P. Jones, James B. Mc Far! and. Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcllvalne, Thomas P. Stotesbnry, John B. Semple, Plttsb'rg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg, D. T. Mortran. Plttsburir. H. Frank Robinson, inuMAou. tiAri d, rresiaeni. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice-President. Hxkbt Ltlbcbn, Secretary. Hbkky Ball, Assistant Secretary. ASBURY LIFE INSURANCE CO. BJEW YORK. LEMUEL BANGS, President. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Vice-Pres't and Sec'y. EMORY McCLINTOCK, Actuary. JAMES m. Long ACRE, MANAGER FOR PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE, Office, 302 WALNUT St., Philadelphia. E. C. WOOD, Jr., Medical Examiner. REV. 8. POWEKS, Special Agent. Union Mutual taw Company OP PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED ISO I. Fire, Maiiue, and Inland In4urance. Office, N. E. Cor. THIRD and WALNUT LOSSES PAID SINCE FORMATION, 57,000,000. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, JANUARY 1, 1871, 8255,39789. RICHARD S. SMITH, President. JOHN MOSS, Secretary. People's Fire Insurance Company, Wo. S14 WAL.NUT Street. CHARTERED 1859. Fire Insurance at LOWEST RATES consistent With security. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. HO UNPAID LOSSES. Assets December 81, 1870... $128,851-78 CHAS. E. BONN, President. GEO. BTJSCH, Jr., Secretary. Jji I B E ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED MARCH 17, 1920, OFFICE, NO. 84 NORTH FIFTH STREET, INSURE ILDINOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND MERCHANDISE GENERALLY rom Loss by fire (In the City of Philadelphia only). ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1870, $1,705,319-07. TRUSTEES. William H. Hamilton, John Carrow, George I. Young, Joseph R Lynaall, Levi P. Coats. Charles P. Bower, Jesse Llghtfoot, Robert Shoemaker, Peter Armbruster, M. 1L Dickinson, Samuel Sparhawk, ruier Williamson, Joseph E. Schell. WM. H. HAM I LI ON, President SAMCKL SPARHAWK, Vice-President. WILLIAM F. BUTLER, , Secretary. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE S. W. CORN BR FOURTH AND WALNUT tsTJKKivrs. PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES ISSUED, CASH CAPITAL (paid up In full) I200.O0O-00 CASH ASSETS, December 1. 1810 600,368-00 F. Ratcbford Starr, J. Livingston Erriuger, jxaioro rrazier, JobnM. Aiwood, Benjamin T. Tredlck, George 11. Stuart, William G. Boulton, Charles Wheeler. Thomas II. Montgomery, John 11. urown, james 31. Aertsen. F. HATCH 'ORD STARR. President. THOMAS II. MONTGOMERY, Vice-President ALEXANDER W.AVJS'iER, tVcruUTy. JACOB E. PETERSON Aaslaiiiat-Secretary. A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1864. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office. No. Bll WALNUT Street, between Third tnd Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise 'fsMarlne Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the union. William Esher, Lewis Audenreld. Vm. M. Baira. John R. Biafclstott, W. F. Dean. John Ketoham, J. E. Bautn, Jol.uB. Heyl, Peter Sieger, 1 Samuel H. ttoinerm " WILLIAM E.SHER. President Samuel H. Kotnermeu WM. F. DEAN, Vice-President. W. M. Smith, Secretary. TMPEKIAL FIBS INSURANOH OO., lokdoii. kstab1jmuku ihv. fld-OK OapiUl and AooamBiftUtd J onus, 08,000,000 IN GOLD. PREYOST & lTERRING, Agents, . Ho. 1JT ft. THIRD Street, Philadelphia. ha. K4 ruvoii OHA. P. lumusa INtORANOEi Fire Inland, and Marine Iniurancl. INSURANCE COMPANY or NORTH AMERICA, Incorporated 1791. CAPITAL $500,000 ASSETS January 1 1871 $3,050,536 Receipts of P ';0 8,096,154 Interests from Investments, 1870.. 137,050 -81,833,81 Losses paid In 1S70. . .1,136,V41 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. First Mortgages on Philadelphia City Pro perty United States Government Loans $334,950 85,939 Pennsylvania! State Loans. 169,310 rniiadeipniacity Loans New Jersey and other Slate Loans and City Bonds Philadelphia and Rending Railroad Co., 800,000 825,610 otner itauroaa Mortraire isonas ana Loans 383.345 Philadelphia Bank: and other Stocks 63.4S6 Cash In Bank 881,048 Loans on Collateral Security 81,434 Notes receivable and Marine Premiums unsettled 433.420 Accrued interest ana premium in course of transmission 83,801 Heal estate, Offlce of the Company 80,000 13,050,536 Certificates of Insurance Issued, payable In London at tne counting uouse 01 Messrs. brjwn, SHIP LEY CO. ARTHUR O. COFFIIt, PBESIDENT. CIIAKL.I2S PLATT, VICE-PRESIDENT. MATTHIAS MARIS, Secretary. C. II. REEVES, Aanlatant Secretary, D I RECTORS. ARTHUR G. COFFIN. FRANCIS R. COPE, SAMUEL W. JONES, JOHN A. BROWN, CHARLES TAYLOR, AMBROSE WHITE, EDW. H. TROTTER, EDW. S. CLARKE, p rn i pfTi ih uranv ALFRED D. JESSUP, LOUIS C. MADEIRA, CHAS. W. CUSHMAN, WILLIAM WHUSH, JOHN MASON. 3EORGB L. HARRISON, CLEMENT A. URISUOM WILLIAM BROCK1B. 1829 CHARTER PKRPKTUAL. JgJl FrantliD Fire taraie fapaii OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, Nos. 4S5 and 437 CHESNUT St Assets Jan. I , 7Jl1$3f087.452"35 CAPrrAL 8400.000-00 ACCRUED SURPLUS AND PREMIUMS .8,0!7,40a-35 INCOME FOR 1871, LOSSES PAID IN 1S70, 11,500,000. .i2,931-tU. Losses) Paid Since 1839 Nearly o,uuu,uuu. The Assets of the "FRAN KLIN" are all Invested In solid securities (over 8, 750,000 In First Bonds and Mortgages), which are all Interest beariug and dividend paying. The Company holds no Bills Re ceivable taken ror insurances cuectea. Perpetual and Temporary PolMes on Liberal Terms. The Company also Issues policies upon the Rents of all kinds of Buildings, Ground Rents and Mortgages. DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker, Samuel Grant, George W. Richards, Isaac Lea, Alfred Fltler, Thomas Spares, Williams. Grant, Thomas S. Ellis, Gnstavua S. Benson, George Fales, ALFRED G. BAKER. President. GEOKUB FALES, Vice-President. JAMES W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE M. REG ER, Assistant Secretary. npHB PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE X UOIflfAMI. Incorporated 1S25 Charter Perpetual. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independent square. This Company, favorably known to the comma. nlty for over forty years, continues to Insure against loss or damage oy fire on Public or Private Build ings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merohandlse generally, on liberal terms. Their capital, togetner witn a large surplus mind. Is Invested In the most careful mauner, which ena bles them to offer to the Insured an undoubted seoo rity In the case of loss. DI&JIVIUOB. Daniel Smith, Jr., Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, J. GUMugham Fen, Isaac uazieuurDig Thomas Robins, John Devereux, FrankHn DANIEL uaniei uaauocs, fefJafSf", Jb., President Wn. G. Ckowill, Secretary. P A M E INSURANCE COMPANY, JNO. 608 t'BBSU,l- Btreei. INCORPORATED 1S50. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL 200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire either bv DIRECTORS. Charles Richardson, .Robert Pearce, William H. Rhawn. jonn Kesdier, jr., Edward B. Orne, Charlts Stokes, John W. Evertnan. William M. Seyfert, John F. Smith, Nathan limes, George A. WeBt, 'Mordecal Buzby. CHARLES RICHARDSON, President. WILLIAM H. RHAWN, Vice-President. WrtxiAMS I. Blahcharii, Secretary. ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC CHINI8T8, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDEhS, having for many years been In successfdl operation, aud been exclusively engaged In bulldlug ana repairuiff juanue aua mver jtugines, hlorhandlow pressure. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks. Propellers, etc. eta, respectfully offer their servlee tn the nubiio as betnz fullv prepared to contract for engines of all sizess, Marine, River, and Stationary; Having sets 01 patterua ui m urn em, sizes, are pre- Sared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every escrlptlon of pattern-making made at tne shortest notice. Hlch and Low Pressure Fine Tubular and Cylinder Boilers of the best Pennsylvania Charcoal iron. r orgiDga 01 an eise ana Kiaas. iron and Brass Castings ot all descnpUoHS. Roll Turning. crew Cuttlug. and all other work connected with the above Dosiness. Drawings and specifications for all work dona the establishment free of charge, and work gna Th anbacrlbers have ample wharf dock-irvim t repairs of beau, where they can lie In perfeoi safety, and are provided with shears, blocka, falia, etc. etc.. ior raioiuM v uu. weiKnia. w. ei.., JACOB O. NKAFia. JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER Streets. G IRARD TCBE WORKS AND IRON CO., PHILADELPHIA, P A., Manufacture Plain and Galvanize WROLGHT-1RON PIPE nd Sundries for Gas and Strain Fitters, Plumbers Machinisis, ttaiiujK mcib, uj auuutb, eto, WORKS, TWENTY -THIRD AND FILBERT STREETS. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, No. 48 N. FIFTH STREET. COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, OF AU 1J U Ui LCl Utl UIOUmi ue "uiuai a UiX tareri1 urivr rwn, fcrma uiiny w -RjYeaij RAILROAD LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COM PANIES' LINKS FOR NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES FROM WALNUT STREET WHARF. At 6-15 a. m. Accommodation via iiamden ana Atn boy. and at 8 a. m. Express, and 8 30 p. m. Accom modation via Camden and Jersey City. At 8 and 6 p. m. for Amooy ana intermediate na tions. At s-15 a. m. and 3 SO p. m. for Freehold and Far- mingdale. At 9-30 a. m. for Pennington, Lambertvllle, and In termediate stations. At 6 is. 8, and 9-30 a. m., 12 nx, 8, 8 80. and 6 p. m. for Trenton. At 6-in, 8, and flo a. m., 1a m., 8, 8-30, 5, 6. 7, and 11 an n. m. for Bordentown. Florence. Burllneton. Beverly, Delanco, and Rlverton. At 6 15 and 9 -so a. m., 18 in , s, 8 80, 5, A, 7, and 11-80 p.- m. for Edgewater, Riverside, and Palmyra. At 6 15 and 9-80 a. m., 12 m., e, 6, 7, and U 30 p. m. for Fish House. The 11 so p. m. Line leaves from Market street Ferry (upper side. FROM WliSl rillbAULLflllA Ulil'UT. At 7 and 10 a. m.. 1H0. 3. 6 30. 6 45. and 12 D. m.. New York Express Lines, and 11 30 p. m Emigrant Line, via Jersey City. At 7 and 10 a. m., 120, 8, 5 30, 6 45, and 12 p. m. for Trenton. At 7 and 10 a. m., m and 12 p. m. for Bristol. At 18 p. m. (Night) for Morrlsvllle. Tullytown, Pchenck's, Eddlngton, Cornwells, Torrwdale, Holmestmrg Junction, Tacony, Wlsslnomlug, Brldestmrg, and Frankford. Sunday Lines leave at iu a. m., e p. m., ana u night. .. r ram xvi.iii3iin iu.1! iinrui, At 7 and 9 so a. m., 2 30. 8. and 5 p. in. for Tren ton and Bristol. And at p. m. for Bristol. At 7 and 9 30 a. lib, 2-30 and for Morris. vllle and Tullytown. At 7 and 9 30 a, m , 2 30, B, and 6 p. ra. for Schenck's, Eddlngton, Cornwells, Torrlsdale, aud iioimepnurg junction. At 6 45 a. in., 12 30, 5 15, and 7-15 p. m. for Bustle- ton, HolrueHimrs, aud Holmesbnrg Juaottoa. At 6 45 and 9 30 a. in., 12 0, 2 0, 515,6, and 715 p. ra. for Tacony, Wlssinomlng, Brldesburg, and Frankford. VIA BKLYJDEKE DELAWARE RAILROAD. At 7 a. m. and 8 p. m. lor Nlaaara Falts, Uuil'alo. Dunkirk, Elmlra, Rochester, Syracuse, Grt;at Bend, Scranton, Wllkesbarre, StroiidsburK, Water G,ip, Belvldere, Easton, Lambertvllle. Flemlngton, etc., and 7 a. m. for Schooley's Mountain. At 9 30 a. m. ana 5 p. m. ror Bennington, L,amoerc ville, and Intermediate stations, ami at 5 p. in. for V llrnvi) JTI 111 U. FROM MARKET STREET FERRY (UPPER SIDE). VIA NEW JEK5BY SOWTHBKB KAlLiKUAU. At 11 a. m. for New York, Long Branch, and Inter mediate places. VIA CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY RAILROAD. At 8 and 11 a. m.. l, 2-30. 8-30, 6. ana 6-30 p. m.. and on Thursday and Saturday nights at 11-30 p. ru. for Mercliantsvllle, Moorestown, Hartford, Mason Ville, HaliiBport, and Mount Holly. At e a. m.,x-su anuo-30 p. m. ior L.umoerton ana Medford. At 6 and 11 a. m.. 3-30, 5, and 6-30 p. m. ror Finlthville, Ewausvllle, Vluceutown, Birmingham, and Pemt)erton. At c a. m.. 1 and 3-30 p. m., for Lewistown, Wrlghtstowu, OookSLOwn, New Egypt, Uoruers- town, cream Kluge, lmiavstown, snirmi. and Hlphtstown. WM. U. GATZMER, May 15, l&Ti. Agent. PHJL.ABELPHIA, WILJVIINGTON, AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. COMMERCING- MONDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 18T0. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Hroad strent and Washington avenue, as follows: Way Mall Train at 8-80 A. M. (Sundays excepted , for Baltimore, stopping at a'l regular stations. Connecting at Wilmington with Delaware Railroad Line, at Clayton with Smyrna Branch Railroad and Maryland and Delaware Railroad, at Har rington witn junction ana ttrean water uauroaa, at Seaford with Dorchester and Delaware Rail- read, at Dolmar with Eastern Shore Railroad, and at Salisbury with Wleomloo and Pocomciie Rail road. Express Train at u-45 A. M.. (Sundays exooptedl, for Baltimore vid Washington, stopping at Wll. mlngtonLPerryvllle, aud Havre-de-'lra're. Con nects at Wllmingto L-r'th train for New Cstle. express Train at f. m. ,c inaaya exoeptodj, ror Baltimore and Washtuuton. Btoimlnir at (Jhoster. 'port, btanton, Nwatu, Elictnn, North East, CharlestowD, Perryvllle. Havre-deJrace, Aber deen, Ferryman's, Edgewo?d, Magnolia, Chase'i and titenimer-s ltun. more and Washington, stopping at Chester, ula- wood, maymont, wiiininacton, ptwrn, jcizton, North. East, Perryvllle, Havre-l-(rao, Perry man's, and Magnolia. Passengers tor Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 11-46 A. M. train. WILMIINUTUH TBAlHa. Ktocoinr at all statlona between PhlladelDlila and Wllnitnu-ton. Leave Philadelphia at 11-00 A. M 2-80, t oo, ant T'OO P. M. The6'0u P. M. train connuoia with Dela ware RaUroad for Mliford and intermediate ttatlons. Leave Wilmington e-4B ana s io a. m., 2-00, 4-00, .nd 7-15 P.M. Tlio 810 A. M. train will not ston between Chester and Flilladolphi k The 719 P. M. train from Wilmington runs Dally; all other ac commodation trains Sundays exoopted. Trains leaving Wilmington at e-46 A. ra.. and 4-00 P. M. will eonneot at LamoUn Junotlon with tke T-00 A. M. and 4-84 P. M. trains for Baltimore Oea. ral Itallroad. From Baltimore to Philadelphia. Leave Balti more 7-26 A.M.. Way Malls 9-35 A. M., Express; 8-86 P. M., Express; 7-25 P. M., Express. SUISDAX TKAljN tKUJU. Al.TiaiUKa. T.ftarns Ilcltlmore at T-2& P. 1ST.. stotiDlnr at M. nolltt, Ferryman's, Aberdeen, Havre-ae-U-raoe, Per. ryvuie, unariestown, ionai-art, ismton, nswarii, Stanton, Newport, Wllznlngton, Claymcnt, Lin wood, and Chester. Through tickets to all points West, South, and Southwest may be procured at ticket oflHoe. No. 838 Cheenut street, under Continental hotel, where also state Kooms anu worms in Sleeping uars oan be secured during the day. Persons pnrchasloK tlokets at this offloe oan have baggage checked at their residence by tee inien rransier Company. H. S. u.tNitx, bupenntenoent. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. SUMMER TIMt TABLE. On and alter MONDAY. May 15, 1871, the trams on the Philadelphia and Erie Rail- road will run as follows rrom tue reunsyivauia Rail road Depot, W est Phlladelp hia : WESTWARD, MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 710 P. M. " " W HUillilBpUH lO A.M. arrives at Erie 8 50 P. m. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Philadelphia. ...12 -so P. M. " vv iiuainsport... . 0-001. m. " arrives at Erie. 7-40 A. M. ELMIBA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 9 30 A. M. wiuiainspori.... s-KO . M, " arrives at Lock Haven.. 70 P.M. EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie. 11-20 A. M. " " wuiiamBpori lo-twp. m. " arrives at Phlladelpnla. ... 6-30 A. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie 9-O0 P. M. " Wlliiamsport... 8-25 A. M. " arrives at Philadelphia. 6-60 p. m. ELM IRA MAIL leaves Lock Haven 8n A. M. " " Wlliiamsport. 9-15 a. m. " arrives at Philadelphia. .. 6 30 p. m. BUFFALO EXP. leaves WUllamsport.... 1-25 A. M. fcsuunury i-85 A. M, arrives at Philadelphia.. 9-40 A. M. Mall East ennnects east and west at Erie with I. S. A M. S. R. W. aud at.Corrv and Irvineton with Oil Crtek and AlleghenR. It W. Man west with west-bound trains on L. S. & M. s. R. VV. and at Corrv and Irviuuton with Oil Crek- and Allegheny R. It W. warren Accommodation east and west with trains on I. S. and M. S. R. W. eaat and west and at Curry with O. C. aud A. R. R. W. Erie Accommodation east at Corry and west at. Corry and Irvlnetewn with O. C. aud A. R. IL W. Elmlra ilau and Buffalo Express make close con nection at wunurospori witn tne n. c. a. w. trains, north and south. CatawiHsa passenger trains will be run east from Wlliiamsport on Erie Express, and west to WU- lialuHpori on tinura Aiau. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Superintendent, pAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. SPRINO ARRSNQEMENT. On snd alter MONDAY. Mav 15, 1671. trains will leave iria. street r erry as follows: f reiantiwun passenjrer car) t-ooa. M Mail 8 00 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation 8-45 P. M. Kt iuruiuu, leave Auanuc: Freight 12 45 P. M, J" au 00 r. M Atlantic Accommodation 6-15 A. M. lA-UAAi T1U1.NB lli.A Ji.- For Daddonileid..9 and 1015 A. M., 8 and 4-15 P. M, For Atco aud intermediate stations 101s a. M For Hammonton and intermediate statlous.6 00 P.M. RETURNING. LEAVE: Haddonneld, and 11 A. M., and 1, S is, and 10 1. i. Atco. 12-15 P. M. : nammonton ( A. M. Night line for Haddonheld leave Camden 1180 P. M. Freight must be delivered at Vine street wharf by RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. May 15, ln. Depot THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL 8treets. I ottl further notice trains will Leave and Arrive as follows : THAXKS LEAVE. Reading and Allentown War T-30 a. m. Harrlsburg and Pottsville Express 8-30 a. m Philadelphia and Pottsville W. Tr n 12-30 p. m Harrislmrg and Pottsville Express 830 p. m. pottstown Accommodation 4-30 p. m. Reading and Pottsville Accommodation.. 6-15 p. m, ON SUNDAYS. ToReadlrg 8-00 a m To Pottsville 8.15 p. m, TRAINS ARRIVE. Pottstown Accommodation 8-45 a. m. Reading and Pottsville Accommodation.. 10-20 a. m. Harrislmrg and Pottsville Express. 100 p. m. Philadelphia and Pottsville W. Tr n 4-30 p. m. Hnrrisburg and PottBvllle Express 6-15 p. in. Harrlsburg, Potts vllle, and Allentown Ac commodation 9-10 p. m. ' ON SUNDAYS. From Pottsville 12-35 a. m. From Reading 7-15 p.m. The Sunday trains connect with similar trains on the Perklomen and Colebrookdale Railroads. For DowniDgtown and points on Chester Valley Railroad take 7-80 a. m 12 30 aud 4-30 p. m. For Schwenksvllle and points on Perklomen Rail road take 7-8t a. in., 12-so and 4 80 p. m. For Mt. Pleasant and points on Colebrookdale Railroad take 7-30 a. m. and 4 30 p. ra. PAhK ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, DAILT EXCEPT 8CN DAY, Leave depot, Thirteenth and Callowhlll streets, 8-45 and 11 a. m., 8-15, 4, and 6 30 p. m Leave West Manayunk, 6-1U and 9 30 a. m., 12 noon, 8-05 and 515 p. m. 8CNOATS. Leave Fifteenth street and Pennsvlvanla avenae, for Belmont, 9, 10, 11 a. m., 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 00, 5-40, and 0 40 p. M. Leave Belmont, 9-25, 1025, 1125 a. m., 1-25, 2-25, 8 25, 4 25, 6-15, 6-16, and 7'05 p. m. New York Express for Pittsburg and West. Trains leave New York at 9 a. m. aud 5 p. ra., passing Reading at 1 55 and 9-50 p.m. connecting at Harrlsburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central trains for Chicago, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Wlliiamsport, etc. Sleeping-cars accompany these trams through be tween Jersey City and Chicago without change. Trains for New York leave Harrlsburg at 2-40 and 810 a. m., and 2 p. in. Additional train leaves New York for Harrlsburg at 12-30 noon. For particulars see Guide Books, which can be ob- ta'ned at S. B. corner of Ninth and Chesnut streets, unoer Continental Hotel, No. 811 chesnut street, and at all stations, without charge. reason, sciiooi, Mileage, and commutation Tickets at reduced rates, to be had of S. Bradford, Trea surer, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, or J. E. wooten, Assistant Superintendent, Reading. Street Cars. The Thirteenth and Fifteenth, and Race aud Vine streets, connecting witn other lines, run close to the depot. iiaggage collected ana delivered by uungan's Baeeace Express. Orders left at Depot or at No. 2i3 S. Fourth street. Through tickets and baggage checks to all princi pal points In Oil Keglons, New York State, Canada, west, and Northwest, may be obtained at the new Union Ticket oitlce, southeast corner of Ninth and Chesnut streets, under the Continental Hotel, or at No. 811 Chesnut street. Tickets to principal local points on sale at above olllces. Itaggnire checked nom noteis and residences ny tne union Transfer uo. GERMANTOWN AND NOR It IS TOWN BRANCH. Depot, Ninth and Green. ON AND AK1ER MAY S. TO GERMANTOWN , 7, 715, 7 35, S 39. 905, 10, 11 a. m. : 12. noon: 1. 2. 2 80. 815, 3 45. 4 05, 4 30, 6 05. 610, 6-45,0, 6 30, 7, 8, 815, 9, 1015, 11, H'40, 12 30, night. bl'NDAY 745. 9 05 a. m.; 12 45, noon; 215,4 05, 5 40. 7, 8-45, and irr-5 p. m. FROM GERMANTOWN 6, 625, 6 50, 7 25, 805, 810, 8 45, 9, 9 25, 10, 11 05, 11 65 a. m. , 1, 155, 3, 3 30, 3 55, 4 45, 6, 6 30, C, 610, 6 40, 710, 8, 9 05, 10, 10 30, 11 xr p. 111. SUNDAY 810, 9--05 a. m. ; 105, 8 35, 3,5 55, 6, 8-20, and 10 so p m. The 8115 and 9 25 a. m. down trains, and 2 30, 3-45, r i';;, ana 0-40 up trains, win not stop on tne uerinan town Branch. Passengers taking the 7 '25 a. ra. and 6 40 p. m. trains from Gerniantown win make close connec tions with the trains for New York at Intersection Statiou. TO CHESNUT HILL 6, 7, 7 S5, 9 05, 10, 12 a.m., 2 30, 8 45, 6-05, 6 45. 7, 8, 9, U, 11 40 p. m. SUNDAY 7 46, 9 05 a. 111., 12 45 noon, 815, 5 40, l, s 40, p. in. FROM CHESNUT Hlf L 6-10, 7-10, 7-50, 8-30, 9-10, 10- 50, 11-40 a. in., 1-40, 8 40, 6-45, 625, 6 65, 8 50, 10-15, 11- 10 p. iu. Punday 7-80, 8-45 a. m., 12-45, noon, 8-15,5-40, 8, 10 p. ni. 10 CONSHOnOCKEN AND NORRISTOVVN- 6 05, 7-30, 9, aud 11-U5 a.m., 12 05, m., 1-30, 3,4, 4-40, 5, 0'3K, DUD, 9 Ui), lll-ZU, UUU 11'43 p. III. ssuu!ay-7 so, 9 a. m., 130, 8, 7 15. and 9-30 p. ra. FROM NOKKISTOWN 6-30, 6-30, 7, 740,8, 8 60, 11 a. II'., l, J ii, a ou, 4 au, o, o 10, , in p. m. Sunday 7, 9 a. in., 1-16, 6, 7, 9'80 p. in. TO MANAYLNIv-C-05, 7-30, 9.10 05. 1105 a.m. 12 05 noon, 1245, 1-30, 8, 4, 4-40, 5, 5 30, 6-25, 705, 8-05, 9 05, 10-20, 11-45 p. m. Sunday 7-ao, 8, 9, 10 a. m., 12-40 noon, 1-30, 2-10, 3, 4-45, 7-15, 9-80 p. iu. FROM MANAYUNK 6, 6-5?, 7 34, 8-05, 822, 9-20, 10-45. 11-80 a. m., 1-28, 8 15, 3, 8 6S, 5, 625, 0-45, 7-45, -30, 9-45, Kr-30 p iu. Sunday 7-30,9,9-30,10-50 a.m., -30, 145, 3-10,5-30, 6. 7 SO. 10 P. m. PLYMOUTH BRANCH. Leave Philadelphia at 7 SO, iris a. m. auo 5 p. m. Leave oreiand at 6-15, lo a. m . and 3-30 p. m. Sunday Leave Philadelphia at 9 a. m. and 715 p. m. Mundny Leave OrelaBd at 6-SO a m. and 6-30 n. m. The 7 40 a. m. train from Norristown does not stop at Magee's, Pott's Landing, Domino or bchus' Lane. The 8 a. m. train from Norristown stops at Coa shohockeu aud Manayunk only. The 4 p. m. tralu up from Philadelphia is the only train that stops at Dumluo Laue. Chester Valley Railroad Leave Philadelphia at 4-40 p. in. ix'ave nowniugtown at s-4o a m. Pliuenlxvillc Train Leaves Philadelphia at 9 a. m. and 1-30 p. m. Leaves Phuenlxvilie at 12-25 ands-20 p. m. For points oa Perklomen Railroad leave Ninth aud creen at l-ao p. m. Returning, leave achwenks- vllle at 4-45 p. iu., arriving at Ninth and Green at 6-50 p. m. Passengers by 1-30 p. m. train connect at Phtcntx. vllle with train for Pottstown and Readmit. Passengers taklnar the 7-80 aud 7-35 a. iu. and 6-30 p. m. trains from Ninth and Green streets will make close couuectiou wuu traius tor new xorc at inter section. The 12 80 and 5 p. m. trains from New York ston St luicreebiiuu. u. a. n iv.wLi.a, Gtneral Superintendent, T7EST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL- I liUAU lvyilix Ail A. On and after MONDAY, April 24. Trains will leave and arrive at the Depot, THIRTY' FIRST and CHESNUT Streets, as follows: FROM PHILADELPHIA For West Chester at 7H5 and 10 a. M., 8-30, 710, and 11-30 P. M. Stops at all stations. For West Chester at 445 P. M. This train stops at stations wet of Media ( Greenwood excepted). For B O Junction, B0, 850 A. M., 12 M., aud 4 aud 5-30 P. M. Stops at all au tlons. a he 5-30 P. M. will run to W est une&ter on Saturdays. FOR PHILADELPHIA From West Chester at 6-30 and 10 A. M., 8, S, and 655 P. M. Stops at all stations. From West Chester at 7-35 A. M. Stops at sta tions west of Media (Greenwood excepted). trora B. C. .1 unction at 6-25, 8-10 A. M. , 12 M., 4 and 6 P. M. Stops at all stations. A train will leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 6 A. ai. every monnay. ON SUNDAY Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M. and 3-30 P. M. Leave West Chester at i A. M. and 6 p. M. U. K. SMITH, Superintendent. frHE PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CEN X TRAL RAILROAD CHANG ft OF HOURS. on and arter mojnjja. May 15, 1871, trains will run as follows: Leave PhuaaelDiila from demit of P. W. A B. K. R., corner Broad street and Wash ington avenue: For Port Deposit at 7 A. M. and 430 P. M. For Oxford at 7 A. M.. 4-SO P. M aad 7 P. M. For Oxford Wednesdays and Saturdays only at 1-30 P. M. For Chadd'i Ford and Chester Creek Railroad at T A. m., iu a. m., 4-so f. m.. ana i p. aL Wednes davs and baturdavs only s -so r. si 10 A. M. train will run to Kcuuett till otherwise or dered Train leaving Philadelphia at 10 A. M. connects at Port ueposit witn train ior uuitimore. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. M. and 4-30 P. M. connect at Chadd's Ford Junction with the Wilmington and Reading Railroad. Trains for Philadelphia leave Port Deposit at 925 A. M. and 4-iifi P. M., on arrival of trains from Balti more. Oxford at 6-os A. M., 10-35 A. M. and e-30 P. M. Kniiiiavf at 630 P. M. OUlV. Ciiadd s Ford at 72 A. M.. 1161 A. M., 4-20 P. M., and 6-49 P. M. Sundays 6-49 P. M. ouly. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel miliu bajftfage, aud the eompanywul not Inaur case be reopousibie for an amouut exceeding one hundred aaaurs, atueu speouu euuirwi u made tot the same. hmki woou, Geuorsi Superintendent, RAILROAD LINES. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. AFTER I P. M.. SUNDAY, MAY 14, 187S. The trklm of tha PannxvlTRvnia tnfral Kftllroad leave the Depet, at THIRTY-FIRST and MAR. "i otreets, wnion is reaonea aireotiy ry tne iur- k mt mt r-., V. - 1... m .Ann... n ,,k A&rtT. - wv.w. U.tS. UV IM. V. UVUIIUHH i.u wv i train leaving Front and Market itreeU thirty mlnntei before Its departure. The Chesnut and w inut itreeu eari ran witnia ens ituar oi tas Depot. Sleertnr-ear tickets can be had on annlloaMea at the Ticket Offloe, N. W. oorner Ninth and Ohes. nut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver baggage at the depot. Orders left at no. vol cnesnut street, or NO. lit niarKtt street, will rsoelvs attention. TRAIVS tAVt DsrOT. Bryn Mawr Accommodation . . A. M. MMll-raln . . . . . S-OQAM. Lock Haven and Elmlra Express . . 940 A. M. PaoU Aeoommodatlon.lOlO A.M.St 1-10 ana Fast Line . . . . , . .13-40 P.M. Erie Express 12-40 P. M. Harrlsburg Accommodation . . 8 80 P. M. Lancaster Accommodation ... 410 P.M. Parkesbnrg Train ... 180 P.M. Cincinnati Express . .... 7-20 P.M. rie xviaii and Hunaio Expresi . i-Jiir.m, First Paciflo Express .... 10-00 P. M. way ruPBenger Train .... ii-ior. m. Cincinnati Express, Paciflo Express, and Erie Mall and LuValo Express leave v. aii otner trains daily except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train ram dally, except Sunday. For this train tiokots mast be pro cured and bagaga delivered by P. M. at No. 116 marxet street. Sunday Train No. 1 leaves Philadelphia at 8-40 A. M.t arrives at Paoli at 9 48 A. M. Sunday Train No. 8 leaves Philadelphia at 6-40 P. M.j ar rives at Paoll at 740 P. M. Sunday Train No. l leaves Paoll at a o A. M.j arrives at Philadelphia at 810 A. M. Sunday Train No. leaves Paoll at 100 P. M.; arrives at Philadelphia at 6-ao. TRAINS ABEITB AT DirOT. Cincinnati Express . . . '10 A. M. Philadelphia Express . . 6 40 A.M. Brie Mall . . ... 6 40 A. M. Bryn Mawr Accommodation . . 7-40 A. M. Paoll Aoooamodafn, 8 "JO a. M. A 850 & 6-40 P. M. Parkesburg Train 9 00 A. M. Fast Lin and Buffalo Expreoi . . 10 20 A.M. LanoaBter Train 13-20 P. M. Erie Express 0 00 P. M. Look Haven and Elmlra Express . 6 00 P. M. Paolfio Express ...... 8-15 P. M. Harrlsburg Aooommodation 9 40 P. M. l or inrther Information apply to JOHN F. VAN LEER, Jr.. Ticket Agent, No. 901 CHESNUT Street, FRANCIS FUNK, Tloket Agent. No. 116 MARKET Streot. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Tloket Aaent at the Depot. Tk Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any nek for Bags-age, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun dred Dollars In value. All Battiraire exoeedlnc that amount In value will be at tha risk of the owner, unless taken by special oontraot. A. J. OASSATT, General Superintendent. AHoona. Pa. X'ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD-TUS 1 short Middle Route to the Lehigh and Wyom ing Valleys, Northern Pennsylvania, Southern and Interior New Y'ork. BurTulo, Auburn, Rochester, the great Lakes, ana tne nonunion oi canaua. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Takes effect IHav 15. 1ST1. Sixteen Daily Trains leave Passenger Depot, cor ner or ueiks ana American streets (Sundays ex cepted), os follows 7 oo a. m. ( -ccoinmodatlonV for Fort Washington, 7-35 a m. (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, Al lentown, Mautn cnunK, wiiKesoarre, wiuiams port. MaliHDoy City, lla.leton. Plttstoo. Towaoda. Waveriy. Aiiburn. Eliuira, and in connection with the ERIE RAILWAY for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, San Fraucisco, and an points in tne ureal est. 8 26 a. ro. (Accommodation) for Doylestown. 9 45 a. iu. (Express) for Bethlehem, Euf-tou, Allen town, aiaucn cnunK, wuuaniBport, wnnesoarre, l'lttstob, H:ranton, uuckettstown, cnooiey a aiouu tain, aud N. J. Cential and Morris and Essex Rail roods. ll a. ro. (Accommodation) for Fort Washington. VS. aud 6 30 p. in. for Ablngton. 2 p. m. (Ex cress) lor Bethlehem, Easton, Allen towu, Mauch chuuk, Mabauoy City, WJkesbarre, 1'ittstou, anu iiazieton. 2 30 p. m. (Accommodation) for Dojlest.own. At 320 p. in. (Bethlehem Accommodation) for lieuueneni, easton, Allentown, Maucn cnunk, wiiKesoarre, ami scranton. At 4 p. iu. (AcconimixitttloD) for Bethlehem. 4 so p. ni. (Mail) for Doylestowu. 615 p. m. for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, and jh aucn cnunK. 6 30 p. ni. (Accommodation) for Linsdalo. S-ls and 11-30 p. m. (Accommodation) for Fort Wnshington. The Flfto and Sixth streets, Second and Third streets, and Union Lines City Cars ruu to the uepot. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADRLPHIA FROM Bethlehem at 8-55 aud 10-35 a. m. ; 215, 5 20, 8 15, Bi o iu--tu p. m. Doylestowu at 8-S5 a. m., 4-45 and 6 15 p. m. LanBdale at 7'30 a. m. Fort Washington at 9-20 and 1120 a. m., S-05 and lo-no p. m. Abington at 2 45 and 7-oo p.n. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9-30 a. ra. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2-oo p. in. Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 09 a m, and 6 45 p. iu. I ovleBtown for Philadelphia at 6-45 p. m. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4-Ou p. ni. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 10-00 a.m, and 800 n. m. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all principal points at Maun s rsortn l'euusyivaula Bag gage "express u nice, jmo. i"o d. r inn streou MaylD,li71. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. EST J K K BE Y RAILROADS. Trains will leave Philadelphia as follows: From foot of Murket street (upper ferry), S1B A. M , Pasaenger for Brtdneton, Salem, Swedesboro, Vlneland, atlllvlUe, and way stations. 11 46 A M., Woodbury Aceommodatlnu. 8 16 P. M., Passenger for Cape May, MlllvUle, and way stations ueiowuuuiBuoro. 8-80 P. M., Passenger for Brldgeton, Salem, Swedesboro. ami wav stations. 6 S0 P. M., Aooommodaijon for Woodbury, Glass- boro, Clayton, bweaesuoro, ana intermediate sta ttODf. Kreialit Train letwes Camden dally, at 18 M.- WIILIAM J SEWELL, SuoerlnLendent PROPOSALS. riON FOR LANDING PIER, NEAR LEWES, United States Engineer's Office, Puila DtLI'HIA, Pa., NO. 1330 CHESNUT STREET, Mav 6. 1ST I. SEALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, of the form funilhhed by the undersigned, witi a copy of this adveitisement attached to each, will be received at thlsomce until 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, the 12th day of June, 1S71, for the supply of Wrought and Cast Iron required for this work. The Iron must be delivered on the railroad pier at T . a rw at Ilia urvivla aihara maila X1 TV IDl y 1 BW V1IU TT ( lllHV4Vt The bids will suite carefully the proposed places ui oeuverj, wilu mo uwrrtfpiiuuiuug prices. There will le required for the pier about one mil linn eight hundred thousand pounds of rolled a id hammered iron, and atout tnree hundred and fo 'ty thousand poucds of cast Iron. The present letting will be for about 600,000 pounds of wrought Iron and about 140,000 pounds of cast Iron. Specifications and drawings can be seen at this OUk-e, where information will be supplied on appli cation. Envelopes to be endorsed "Proposals for Iron." J. D. KURTZ, 6 8 Lleu'enant-Colonel of Engineers RANK FORD ARSENAL. Office a. C. S., PniLAPEi.PHrA, Pa., May 15, 1871.1 SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate will be received a jis office until 18 IL, June 15, 1371, for furnishing the fresh beef required by the Sub sistence Department, U. S. A., at this station during Six uioutns, commeuciuK jj i. ion. iniuruiauoa as to conditions, quality of beef, payments, eto, can be obtained by application to ' WILLIAM PRINCE, 5 15 First Lieut. Ord., A. C. S. J. T. EABTON. J "HAH OH, PASTOrt JncMAIIOIT, &BIPPIXQ AKD COif MISSIOS MERCHANTS, No. 8 COENT1ES SLIP. New York, , No, is isou-j u wtiAKv ns.rniiadejprua. No. 43 W. PRATT STREET, Baltimore. We are prepared to ship every deacriptlon I Freight to Philadelphia. New York, WllmUton, an Intermediate points with promptness and despatch, Canal Boats and tttem-tai f arniahed at tha a&orieat lotto. "-f OllN FARNUM & COCOMMISSION MER (J chants and Manufacturers of Conestuga Tick ing, etc etc., No. 823 CHESNUT Street, Pluladol-plus. AUCTION 8ALP8. M THOMAS & tSOM. At'OTIONEEReJHOi; 189 and 141 & FOURTH Street. Rale No. 200 Couth Eleventh street. HANDSOME FURNITURE, FINK CARPETS, ETO. on Wednesday Morning, May 24, at 10 o'clock, bv catalogue, the entire band- some furniture. Also superior ilrcproof safe, made by Farrel & Herring. S 88 8t Extensive Sale nt tha Anctlon Rooms. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, J-KB.WCM rLATB MIRRORS, Flreproor wares, China, Olassware, Office Furnltaie, Refrigerators, Stoves, Fine Velvet, Brussels, and other Carpets, Etc. Etc On Thuwday Morning, Mav 25. at 9 o'clock, about 800 lots suDorlor honae- hold furniture, comprising a treneral assort ment. Also. 8 superior rosewood 7-octave niano-fortes. mode by tchomacker A Co. aud Ballet A Davis. Also, superior mahogany piano-forte, made by C. L. Smith. OIL PAINTINGS, BEDDING, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, ETC. AIro. for account of whom it may concern 3 fine oil paintings (animals) bv H. Dollatre; 8 oil palntlntrs (homes) by Woodslde: 10 fine oil patutlngs; flue bair liiattretBcs; silver aud plated ware; handsome or molu mantel clock; cnina; glassware; s nnesioe saddles, etc. d-m-u Sale at No. 1709 Wallace street. nANPSOMK WALNUT AND OTHER FURNT. TIKE, WILTON AND OTHER CARrETS, CHINA, OLASSW'AHE, ETC. On Thursday Mornlnir. Mav !5. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, the entire handsome furniture. 5 83 2t H ENRY W. fc B. SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEERS, No. 1129 CHESNUT street (ijirarrt kowi. THOMAS BIRCH ft SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 Ches. NUT Street; rear entrance no. hot sansom street. RECEIVER'S 8ALE VALUABLE MACHINERY. On Wednesday Morning, May 24, at 10 o'clock, at No. 243 Arch street (Jones' Building), will be sold by order of Charles P. llollahan, receiver, the entire contents of a machine shop, consisting of lathes, shafting, belting, pulleys, tools, benches, fixture;, furniture, and implements of trade. 5 22 9t Catalogces will be Issued ten days before the sale. BUNTING, DURBOHOW CO., AUCTIONEER a. Noa, 838 and 834 MARKET street, corner of Bank street, Successors to John B. Myers A Co. LAKGE SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. On Thursday morning. May 25, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. 19 st SALE OF CARPETINOS, OIL CLOTnS, 500 ROLLS WHITE AND RED CHECK CANTON MAT TINGS, ETC., On Friday Morning, May 26, at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit. 6 20 61. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY OOOD-i. ' On Monday Morning. May 29, at 10 o'clock, on lour months' credit. 5 23 5t BARRITT ft CO., AUCTIONEERS CASH AUCTION UOUSi No. 230 MARKET Street, corner of Bank street Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge. 11 245 LARGE SALE 1000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BKOC.ANf, MEN'S AND BOYS' WOOL AND CASS1MERE HATS, TRUNKS, ETC. On Wednesday Morning. ' May 24, at 10 o'clock, on four months credit. 520 St, IIPPINCOTT, SON & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nob. 221 MARKET and 810 CHURCH Street. CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS, No. 1811 CHESNUT Street. T. A. MCCLELLAND, AUCTIONS SR. Personal attention given to soles of household for future at dwellings. Public sales of furniture at the Anctlon Room. No. 1219 Chesnut street, every Monday and Thurs day. For particulars see "Public Ledger." N. P. A superior ciass of f arnltnre at private sals H ENRY MOLTEN. AUCTIONEER. TitT l-t'lkTU'W TVT i T vT Y?"VT . nn J3 1 II ill It 1 AUVlil mi A tVSta Salesroom, Nos. 21 and 23 MERCER Street, new ioie. REGULAR TRADE SALS OK FUR AND WOOL HATS, LADIES' AND GENTS' READY-MADE FURS, STRAW, FS.LT, AND VELVET GOODS, Every THURSDAY duriDg the season. Cash advances made on consignments wlthon additional charges 8 8 tAFE DEPOSIT COMPANIES. THE PENNSYLVANIA CO MP AS Y FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. Office No. 304 WALNUT Streei. INCORPORATED MARCIT 10, 1312. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $1,000,000. SURPLUS UPWARDS OF $750,000. Receive money on deposlt.return iole on demand, for which Interest Is allowed. And nnder appointment by Individuals, corpora tions, and courts, act as EXECUTORS. ADMINISTRATORS, TRU8TEES. GUARDIANS, ASSIGNEES, CO VIM ITT EES, RECEIVERS, AQBNTS. COLLECTORS, ETC. And for the faithful performance of Its duties as such all Its assets are liable. CHARLES DUTILH, PjesidenU Willum B. Hill, Actuary. DIRECTORS. Charles Dntllh, .Joshua B. Llpplncott, nenryj. vt uiiams, William 8. Vaux, John R. Wncherer, Adolph E. Bone, Charles H. Hutcolnuon. Lindley Smyth, George A. Wood, Anthony J. Antelo, Charles S. Lewis, Alexander Blddle, Henry Lewis. OECURITY FROM LOS3 BY BURGLARY ROBBERY, FIRE, OR ACCIDENT. The Fidelity Insurance, Trut n4 Safe Deposit Company OF PHILADELPHIA IU THSIB New Marble Fire-proof Building-, Nos. 829-831 CHEHNUT Street , capital subscribed, 11,000,000; paid, 1700,000. COUPON BONDS, STOCKS, SECURITIES. FAMILY PLATE, COIN, DEEDS, and VALUABLE A of every description received for safe-keeping, under guarantee, at very moderate rates. The Company also renrTsAFBS INSIDE THEIP BUKGLAR-PKOOK VAULTS, at prices varying from 115 to 875 a year, according to size. An extra sia for Corporations and Bankers. Rooms and cleakj adjoining faults provided for Safe Reuters. DEPOSITS OF MONEY RECEIVED ON INT1 REST at three per cent., payable by check, wltnoa nolle, and at four per cent., payable by check, o ten days' notice. TRUST FUNDS AND INVESTMENTS kept SEPARATE AND APART f r m assets of Company. INCOME COLLECTED and remitted for one p cent The Company act as EXECUTORS, ADMINIS. TRATORS, and GUARDIANS, and RECEIVE and EXECUTE TRUSTS of every description, from the Courts, Corporations, and Individuals. N. a BROWNE, President U U CLARE. Vice-President. ROBERT PATTKBHON, Secretary and Treasurer. . JJIRECTORS. N. B. Brswne, . Alexander Henry, Clarence U. Clark, John Welsh, Charles Wacalester, Stephen A. CaldwelL George F. Tywr, Henrv C. Glbiion. Edward w. ;iara, J. Gilxlngham Fell. Llenrv Pratt McKean. 16 is fmwl SAXON GREETJ U Brighter, will not Fade, Costs Leas than any ota becauae It will Paint twice as much surface. . ISOLD BY A IX DEALERS LN PAINTO. C1.4t D. IL MINDY Agenu