rm 1AJPE H VOL. XV. NO. 121. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1871. DOUBLE , SHEET THREE CENTS. 1 IPyl 1111 PiU it i 1 1 ! ' FIRST EDITION NOTES OF THE WAR. Baden Revolutionists. Speech of General Sigel. Treaty of Washington. English Opinion of' It. The Great Baltimore Fire. Etc., ' Etc.. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc FOREIGN MAIL NEWS. 'Weakness of t lie Barricades. rat i (May 1) Correspondence of the Daily Telegraph. This morning I went to look at the progress of the barricades round the Place Vendome, and at tbe Champs Elysees entrance of the Hue de Kivoli. They are works of art; it is a pity to be obliged to think that euch pretty things will be knocked to pieces, for really they are finished oft with a delicacy of polish worthy of a marble chimney-piece. And all those little sandbags, made of white linen and bed-ticking, and stuffed with gravel, what excellent playthings they would make to teach boys fortifications ! There is no denying that the result of all this tiny work is to produce very real fortresses, with embra sures, platforms, and deep dltcnes; bat the mi nuteness of the construction is so excessive that it makes it look as if the whole thing were intented to be sent to an exhibition. I remem ber saying the same on the ramparts of Paris whcD I went ronnd them at the commencement of February; they have been knocked into rub bish since; bnt that does not prevent French engineers from reproducing the same useless finish in the new batteries they are now pre paring. It seems to me, furthermore, that all these barricades will serve for nothlmr. after 'all; for they can be turned with the greatest ease, i hat, however, is the business of General Rossel, Minister of War sice yesterday vice Cluseret, sent to prison. This Commune may certainly be defined as "an association of vio lent persons for the purpose of arresting each other." A Commune Meeting lu a Church. Paris (May 7) Correspondence of the Daily Xews. I was tempted to attend a public meeting of the Reds the other night by the novel fact that it was held in a church. I fancy that a great many of the audience which was immense, filling every nook and corner, even of standing room, la a very large building were also attracted by tbe novelty of the scene, for the speaking was teo bad and tame to have brought a tenth of the number together. They stared about and whispered to each other, evidently half amused, half awed at finding themselves, perhaps for tbe first time In their lives, in a church without having come there to pray. I heard one of my neighbors (a woman) whisper, almost as If she were fright ened, to a friend, "This seems queer to me,' and when her little boy pointed to the men sitting and lounging about with their hats on, and remarked in all inno cence that "he thought people came to church to pray," she told him be might say his prayers if he liked, and seemed rather relieved when he had done so. The orators, volunteers and nAnflfT ali a ma tan ra arslrA f rnm tViA milnlt an4 y uvai tj mi nuiuvvui uuv vu vuv sMisaws cuvs two or three naturally had their kick at its former occupants, and contrasted the truths I they were themselves uttering with the lies taught by the priests. The audience took these sarcasms, I thought, rather coldly, though they cheered very heartily a gentleman who declared I that "Christ was a Republican," and certainly if I any priest was present he had his revenge upon lthe orators who usurped his place. They were terriblv tame, and labored, among other disad vantages, under that of being utterly unable In 56 large a bmiiamg to mane inemseives nearo by any but those immediately around them. One good-looking young fellow a soldier, who had evidently primed himself for the pulpit v an extra glass or two introduced for a short period some liveliness into the meeting by pro- srosing mat "ine assembly snouia men ana where vote whether women should not be elected members of the Commune." There was at first f leud and long cheering, or rather clapping of I ViAviAa nn tlia nart nf thA tmmnrmia wnmpn present; but, this excitement over, I was rather surprised, after all I had heard and read about the "citovenne" movement, and after the fiery appeals made by the Commune to the wives and titters of its warriors, to find that the proposi tion was treated as a joke, and as such resented somewhat sternly by the more serious portion ot the audience. Prince Bismarck on Napoleon aud France. From the Vienna Asw Fret press. At a recent fete Prince Bismarck was seen walking about with a little old gentleman, to whom he showed every mark ot respect ana ae ference. The bystanders were very curious to know who this personage could be who was the object of such flattering attentions on the part f of.tne Minister. He proved to be the Director Bonnell, Prince Bismarck's old tutor. The same evening one of the most influential members of the Dartv ot Drouress was conversing with the C hancellor on political matters; he was speaking of Napoleon, irince Bismarck, with his accus tomed candor, did not conceal the slight esteem in which he held the ex-Emperor and his much praised perspicacity; he knew the man, and had fathomed hlra completely at Biarritz. "And what is vour Excellency's opinion of the present state ot Drancer suddenly asicea ins politician l'rince BlsmareK replied, "Lias it mir ganz tVurst;" which is equivalent to "I don't care two straws about It." - The Finances of the Commune. Paris (Mat ) Correspondence of the London Kewt. The formal statement of the budget was pre eented yesterday to the Commune, ibis u a full account of receipts and expenditures from the iiOth of March to the SJOth of April. It will be ceen that in these forty days the total expen diture of the Commnne has been 15.027,600, of which 4,011,000 have gone to the War Olilce, and t3C2,000 to the Intendance, while the dif ferent Malries have wallowed up t289,0O0. To meet this outlay the Finance Miulater found in i - .nff.r. uhUh Bra annrtflnd ll:-t1 ftnrt th octroi Yielded him tl.093,200, sales of tobacco brought in $351,800, and to make up all iflrinr!eis. the Bank of France lent $1, 550,000. carrying tbe total receipts for the forty days up to 15,30U,wu. ' THE BADEN BEYOLUT iOXISTS. Anniversary In New York-Speech of (Jen, Kitrel.nl The German patriots of the revolution of Baden In lb- aeia wicir -"" vui aid ones .... ----,-------,- society has 240 members, many of whom were ... .v uith about 4O0 other Germans. The day was spent In social intercourse and in dancing, in ine wimuwu, - y""""" , "", ii. a .v, tmrather in the music ha 11. where a platform, decorated with the Oermaa tri-COlor, naa ueen erecicu. ""-' - " r introduced the President of the festival, Gen. Franz fcigel, who said: Tie anniversary cf the revolutionary ove- ments of 1818 and 1849 marks only one event In the great series which has found completion in the war against Austria and France, in the de struction of the old German reactionary con federacy, and in the restoration of a new German Empire on a new basis. Therefore the old flag of 1848 was the symbol of the past. Tbe new German flag is the symbol of the present, and of reality. It was thought strange that we should admire monarcbs and princes who have accom plished so much; but it cannot be said that one loves the system of monarchy because he admires the far-seeing policy and energy of a statesman, and the strategy and genius of a great soldier. Besides this, the German people do not believe in monarchy "by tbe grace of God," or in personal infallibility. They hardly believe In tbe infallibility of the Pope why should they believe in the infallibility of an em peror? We can with the bo6t composure leave the future of Germany to the people. We are celebrating this festival on American soil, and therefore we are standing among a people of peoples, among a nation of nations. It is not necessary to show that, while we are applauding the great progress made In Ger many, we are less republicans and patriots. We have been the vanguard of German republi canism, and the vanguard of the great emigra tion which followed the revolution in Europe. When this country was In danger we were the first who filled the ranks of the American army. So much I must say to show that we are not believing in a mere name. We are aware that to be . good citizens and good patriots, it Is necessary not to be satlslied with the mere name of the republic, but to fight manfully against the evils which have crept into American republicanism the evils of corruption and bribery. We believe In this republic becauto it is necessary in the de velopment of civilization, just as monarchs were once necessary. This patriotic socletr is not political, but rather philanthropic and social, in its objects; but whenever there is an opportu nity, whenever patriotic acts are necessary, I know that the German and German-American soldiers will remain faithful to their post, and will ever stand on the side of right and justice. THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON. The British Side of the Question as Under stood by Lord Lauderdale. Prom the London limes. In the House of Lords last night, the Earl of Lauderdale rose to atk the Secretary for Foreign Affairs if the report in the Times of the 25th of April was correct, viz., that tbe future owner ship of the Island of San Juan was left to the arbitration of a friendly power; and if so. whether there was any reservation or stipulation that tbe island was not to be fortified or made a military station. The Island of San Juan was twelve miles long by about six miles broad, and lay on the southeast end of the Island of Vancouver. It had been occupied by the Hudson's Bay Company, and commanded the entrance to the ports in Vancouver. If San Juan were given up to the United States, and fortified by that power, the effect would . be much the same in that part of the world as it would be nearer home if tbe Iele of Wight were given up . V- Tj1 V. .1 fA-(A.J llM . I . IN A V IU tuts flCUCUUUU iUI blUDU uy bUCUl. rur LUU last two hundred yeaistbe Island ot San Juan had formed part of ller Majesty's dominions, and, as their lorasnips were aware, about IBj'J the island was taken forcible possession of by a party of troops from the United States. It was at that time occupied by the Hudson's Bay Company, and it was not taken possession of by the direction of the Government of the United States, but by tne act oi a general commanaing tue United States forces in that part of the world. The excuse for taking possession of the Island was that some Insult was olterea to American set tlers or squatters. He believed that to have been a perfectly laiso pretense, tor up to tne year 1858 there was only one American squatter in the whole island. A treaty between Great Britain and the United States was signed in July, 1846, and it was decided that the line of boundary between the two countries should be tbe parallel of 49 north latitude to the sea, through the centre of the strait dividing the main land from the Island of Vancouver. The wording of the treaty was clear and distinct, but, un- lortunateiy, tne diplomatists aia not marK the line down in a chart, and though there could be no doubt that it was meant that the line should go down tbe Channel Kosario, close to the main land on tne American side, a diplo matic dispute bad been going on about it for the last twenty years. The reason why he brought this matter forward was because he be lieved that the United States had no right what ever to San Juan, and because it had been thought by this country that in giving to the United States all that was called Washing ton Territory, consisting of about 60,000 square miles of the finest land in that part of the world, this country did bo with tbe idea ot setting the matter ana having no more disputes. Nevertheless, in consequence of the boundary line not being put down on the chart, a dispute commenced within two years of the signing of the treaty. An agreement, be might add, had been entered into that until the commissioners, to whose appoint ment both sides bad assented, had decided tbe points in dispute, neither party should in terfere wun ine oiner; nut, notwitnstanaing, a violent occupation oi me lsiaua oy Ame rican troops occurred during the existence of the convention. To surrender it under such circumstances would, in his opinion, be most uniust to the inhabitants of Vancouver and British Columbia, as weU as lowering to the honor and credit or tnis country, lo the United States San Juaa would be of little or no value except to enable her to prevent us from getting out of our own ports or out oi tne chan nel, while to us it was of considerable import' ance. He hoped, therefore, tbe noble earl opposite would be able to give a favorable answer to the question which he had to put to him. TUE BALTIMORE FIRE. Particulars of the Disaster The Death of Councilman 'Weaver The Exploded Engine of Philadelphia Manufacture Loss by the Fire $250,000. From an account of the recent disastei In the Baltimore American of yesterday we extract as follows: Thl moraine a l!Hl nffpp ttirAH oVlfwlr. nnr cftlzens were startled from their slumbers by tbe tire bells ringmg out a general alarm. There was no difficulty In ascertaining the locality, for in a few minutes after the alarm was sounded a fierce column of flame burst from the top of the splendid fire-story warehouse in Sharp street, near German, owned and occupied by tVilllam 11. crown & iro., wnoiesaie dealers la drugs, and threw a glare so bright into the win dows oi tne nouees suuatea on ine aajaceni squares, that many of the frightened inmates rufcnea to tne street uuuer tuo uiro uppreueu eiou that there were burning roofs above them. A F1I.LINO WALL. The south wall had not been conslderel en tirely safe by tbe proprietors for some months past, and recently tbey bad it taken down, and a new one substituted at a cost of over 1 10,000. The workmen had finished it on Satur day last. For some reason the new wall fell firtt, either because it Lad not t'me to settle. and the mortar was still partially plastic, or more probably because there was no adjoining building to support it on this side. It came down with a terrible crash, destroying the three-story urica residence oi ur. reilx mc nanus in its descent, and filling the vard with debris. Dr. McManus' house was entirely consumed, and all its valuable contents, except part of the valuable i saved by some of the firemen. When the fire silver uoiuuEiun vu me lauiiir. wuicu was ! was discovered nr. McManus. his wife and son. I Dr. Frederick McManus, two daughters, and an infant son of young Dr. McManus were In the bnildlntr. The colice warned them of their danger, and they left the house without taking time to carry anyming wuu mem. A W1DK-AWAKB BOY. The valuable establishment of Norris & Bald win was no doubt saved by the presence ot mind and courage of a lad about fifteen years of age, employed in the store, named Tommy Turner. He was sleeping at bis home, corner of Howard and Lombard streets, and hearing the alarm of fire lumped out of bed, gathered up his bunch of keys, and started for the store. When he saw the condition of affairs he thought of the cotton on the third floor, and hurrying up the stairs he found some of tbe bundles already burning; he tossed them out of tbe window as fast as he was able, and soon the firemen got their ladders up , . f 1 lL. i I . ana assistea mm in tuts uua wors. In a few seconds there were some hundreds of dollars worth ot cotton lying on the pavement In a damaged condition, but the fine building was saved. BUKST1NO OF THE BOILER OF THE ALPII A ENGINE. Thus far no mention has been made of the terrible accident by which an Intelligent and much respected young man was suddenly hur ried into eternity. Mr. Harry Weaver, a mem ber of the uny council, naa returned from a visit to Philadelphia, by the early morning train, and was on his way home when his attention was attracted to the fire, and he stopped at the corner of Howard and German streets, in front of the Commercial and Farmers' Bank, to see what was going on. The Alpha Engine was at work on ine opposite corner, with suction tube attached to the fire-plug that is there located. Mr. Weaver had been in the locality but a few minutes when the boiler explodtd, turning the engine over on its side, and spreading conster nation among the crowd that were hurrying past in the direction of the fire. A flying bolt struck Mr. Weaver on the forehead, fracturing the skull and causing a contusion of the brain. He was t&ken into a house near by, and died in the course of an hour. Charles King, No. 108 North Bchroeder street. a substitute member of No. 8, was at the engine when it exploded. His face was badly scalded and lower limbs paralyzed. He was attended by Dr. Todd, and then removed home. His condition is dangerous. THE WRECKED ENGINE. At this writing (12 M. the wrecked engine Is lying at the corner of Howard aud German streets, on the spot where it was thrown by the force of the explosion. It does not seem to be much injured, except that it has been wrenched from the trucks that carried it. and the springs and some of the fastenings are broken. It was the interior shell of the fire-box that gave way. uy tne expansion or tne steam, or some other force, the interior shell was forced loose from the multitude of screw-bolts that hold it to tbe exterior, fractured through the middlo, and rolled up as a strong man would roll up a thin sheet of lead. The iron of which the shell was made appears to be exceedingly tough, and there is nothing in the edges of tbe fracture to Indicate tbe least flaw or defect. A non-scientific observer upon looking at it would say that the screw-bolts were too small, or tbe. holes in the plates in which they were fastened were too large. The plate was" torn away from them without breaking the threads. Tbe Alpha was one of the reserve engines, and on account of its great weight was only used upon extraordinary occasions. It was supposed to be in perfect repair, and had been so pronounced by tbe Chief Inspector a few davs since. It was considered a most powerful and effective engine, It was manufactured by iieaney, JNeaiie & (jo rniiadeipma, ana was purchased in 1856 or 1857 for the volunteer fire department. Mr. Thompson, engineer of No. 8, was run ning the Alpha when it exploded, but was not injured. He says the gauge showed Ct pounds presEure of steam, and that engines are fre quently run under a pressure of 80 or 00 pounds. INSURANCE OF BROWN & BRO. The stock of Brown & Bro. was Insured as follows, and the loss falls entirely upon Balti more offices: Fireman's, $15,000; Baltimore Fire, Maryland, Washington, Merchants' and Mechanics , Howard, Peabody, Union, People's, German, Harford, Potomac, Home, Franklin, and American, each $5000, and in the Associated for $10,000, making a total upon the stock of $95,000. On the building the Insurance wa9 $10,000 in the Equitable, and $5000 each in the Fireman's and Baltimore Fire Company. ' INSURANCE OF 8TELLMAN, HINRICHS A CO. . The stock of Stellman, Hinrlchs & Co. was Insured as follows: Mechanics', Brooklyn, $5000; Fulton, New York, $5000; Merchants', Hartford, $5000; fCtna, Hartford, $10,000; Con necticut, Hartford, $5000; Phoenix, Hartford, $5000; National, Boston, $5000; North British, London, $5000; Liverpool, London, and Globe, $5000; Market, New York, $5000; Union, Balti more, $5000; Home, Baltimore, $5000; National, Baltimore, $5000; Maryland, Baltimore, $15,000; People's, Baltimore, $10,000; Howard, Balti more, $10,000; Peabody, Baltimore, $5000; Hart ford, Baltimore, $5000. Tbe damage sustained to the building will amount to $25,000. The greater portion of the structure will have to be taken down, the walls in some places being bulged out fully twelve Inches beyond the proper line. Tbe Fire Inspector at noon to-day estimated the loss at $250,000. MURDERED BY HIS BROTHER. A Horrible Fratricide on " the Newark Meadows. The finding of the body of Ihomas Mahoney, of Jersey City, under circumstances which led to the beuei that be naa Deen muraerea on nis way home from Newark, has already been mentioned. Later developments make it more than probable that tbe dreadful deed was com mitted Dy a Drotner s nana, i nomas itiaooney, the murdered man, was missing irom nis nome for nearly two weeks, and his mutilated body was found on the old turnpike road across the meadows, about half way between Newark and Marion, on Tuesday last. The Coroner's j ury re turned a verdict that in their opinion Mahouey bad been murdered. The case against the brother is very strong. John, the elder one, had been en gaged In buying second-hand barrels, employing his brother Thomas to go to Newark and other places on the same business. A few days pre vious to the murder Thomas, who had saved about $1700.had signified his Intention of buying a horse ana wagon and going into the same business on the name route. This led to some difficulty, when the elder brother declared that be would kill the younger one even If he were "certain that he should be hung for it." On the day of the murder the two men had been to Newark together, and were seen on the suburbs towards evening returning to Jersey City with a load of barrels. John Mahoney slates that his brother left him there, going away with an unknown man to look at a horee which he proposed buying. The statements of the prisoner, however, conflict. He says that he returned by the regular route, his brother having been found on the road for merly used. Witnesses testily that they saw the load of barrels on the old road that evening, and it would hare been impossible for him to hare come up by the usual road, as the bridge wag not la use. A small tug was used to ferry passengers over, tbe boat being too small to allow of - such a load as the one in ques tion. The ferrymen swear that neither he nor his load was taken across. Mahoney also stated to the officer that he had stopped at a friend's bouse on the way, and this state laent is directly contradicted by the man at wWe house he says he stopped. John Mahoney offered a reward of $100 for knowledge of the whereabouts of his Drotner alter ne was missed. this having been done, it is supposed, to throw on suspicion. I ne prisoner i neia ior examl nation Attcorfc A.acertitrt last utening. SECOND EDITION TO-DAY'S CABLE NEWS. Fall of Paris Fierce Struggle at Monlmartre. Versaillists Successful. CompleteOccupation of the Capital The Commune Collapsed DOSIDSTZC AFFAIRS. Illness of Yice-rresident Colfax. The XXarrisburg Dead-Lock. The Democrats Alone Responsible. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. FROM EUROPE. by associated press.J Exclusively to The Evening lvlegraph. The Final Struggle at Moutmartrc-Tri umph of the Versaillists. Gutside of Paris, May 23 Noon After a desperate struirgle at Montmartre, commencing at daybreak, the Yersailiist flag now floats over Montmartre, and the whole city is evidently now in the possession of the Government troops. Positions Occupied by the VergalllUts. London, May 22. A despatch from Versailles of Monday evening says the Yersailiist troops have occupied the station of the Versailles Rail way, on the Boulevard Mont Parnasse, within a short distance of Luxembourg, and that General Cllncbamp has turned the insurgent position at the Tuileries and made from eight thousand to ten thousand prisoners; . - A Later Despatch says the Versaillists have occupied the Place Vcndome, the Tuileries, and the Hotel de Ville. M. Issy is certainly in custody, and it is re ported that Felix Pyat Is also arrested. Another despatch says the Insurgents Abandoned the Place Concorde yesterday. General Ladmlrault's ..forces have surrounded Montmartre, and A Battle is Noir Progressing there. The complete overthrow of the insur gents is imminent. Vbkbailles, May 23 Advices from Paris report A Terrible Fire of Cannon and Musketry since daybreak this morning in the direction of Montmartre. The Isolation of Paris by the Prussians is now complete. Dombrowikl was Wounded and endeavored to make his escape from the Versailles troops, but was prevented by the Piusslans. ' The enthusiasm among The Delivered Population of Paris is immense. A battalion of the friends of order are rejoicing. The Mayors of Paris will assemble at Chateau Muette to-day. The Vers aillists have occupied the Place de Cllchy, at the Junction of the Boulevards des Batig- noll es and de Cllchy, on the very verge of Mont martre, and also Saint Lazsre Station of the Western Railroad; the Palais d'Industrle, the Chamber of the Corps Legislatif, and the Hotel des Invalid es. There was smart Fighting at the Barricades In the Place Concorde and Place de Cllchy. The. cannonade slackened at 10 this morning. Tbe Versailles troops have occupied Saint Ouen. Tbe insurgents make no attempt to break the Prussian line of encirclement. The Prussian Troops have been ordered to open fire on tbe insurgents if they approach within 400 paces. The Frankfort Conference. Frankfort, May 23. Bismarck, Favre, and Ponyer-Quertlerhave returned houie.The Frank fort papers contain a statement that Bismarck says that tbe German authorities have notified tbe Commune that tbey will bombard Paris In case the residence of Mr.Washburne, tbe Ameri can Minister, be sacked. The SpauUh Cortes. Madrid, May 22 To-day's session of the Spanish Cortes was exceedingly stormy. The Radicals presented a resolution tor tbe establish ment of a republic, and the Carllsts submitted a motion declaring the election of King Ama deua void, and that Don Carlos, of Spain, is the rightful King. The discussion was long and excited, but finally the Cortes adjourned without a vote upon either proposition. . This Morning's Quotations. LrviKPOOL, May S3 to 80 A. M Ootton quiet and steady: Uplands, 7ic4IXl.! Orleans, 7314. Kifi to-dav estimated at IU.ixkj bales. - London, May W-ll-80 A. M Ciousols for money, fisvd., and or account, 93(3'd. Bonds or ltxlit, IW'; ! Of 1665. Old. WOV ! Of IStiT, 80 10-40g, 89 V. London, May S3 ll-so A. M. Kenued petroleum, l7r kvoKT, May St-Evening Bonds closed at OfiK lOr lilt) UIUB Ul 1DU iivkhpool. May S3 11-80 A. M Wheat, lis. d. rails. 4d., lor No. to No. 1 nw red Western spring ; us. fid. lor winter, flour, sis. Com, 84. ad. ior new. This Afternoon's Quotations. Iondon, Msy S3-1-30 V. M. Consols, 93V for both money ana acoouui uviaKOOL. Way 8 1-80 P. M. Wheat, 12s. Sd. fnr California wtilte: lls.ld.lls. 8d. Iir It. 8 to No. 1 new red Western spring; lis. 7d. ior red winter. Receipts of wtiest for three days, 15.0W tjuururi ; AuieiKan, jdw. wra, ss. ior new. FROM TEE STATE. The Dead-lock and Who are Responsible for it. Special Deitpatch to The Evening Telegraph. Harrisburo, May 23. The whole responsi bility of keeping up a prolonged session of the Legislature after this time will fall upon the Democrats. They have attempted to obtain an amendment to the Registry law and have failed. They passed a resolution last Saturday to ad journ sine die on to-day, the 23d, but did not send such resolution to the House, and this morning reconsidered It, thus leaving the whole question open. Up to this time they seem to have been striving for some definite purpose, but this attempt being necessarily hopeless, any continuation of the struggle will result in no thing but enormous expenditure to the State and an utter disgust of the people at large at a body of men passing and withdrawing and re pealing and reconsidering bills and measures without any sort of definite object or aim, or any result but to aggravate a co-ordinate branch of the Legislature. FROM. WASHIJVQTOJY. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. J , Exchmivelp to The Evening Telegraph. Illness of the Vice-President. Washington, May 23. The friends of Vice- President Coliax were much alarmed when he was yesterday conveyed to his room at the Capi tol, where he remains. He had been complain ing of debility and a lack of nervous enemy. The prompt application of remedies removed the alarming symptoms. But few visitors are admitted to his room. His physician this morn ing pronounced him to be easier and in an im proved condition, though he is very weak and requires careful attention. ' Government Weather Report. War Department. Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Washington, May 8310 A. M. Synop sis for tbe past twenty-four hours: The barometer nasianen on tne l'acinc coast, ana in tne extreme Northwest It has risen from Michigan to the South Atlantic The area of lowest pressure has moved from Northern New York eastward into the Atlantic. The temperature has risen slightly m Nebraska and MM more in Wisconsin, it is nearly stationary on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts and has fallen north of Pennsylvania and Ohio, very light rains, followed by clearlng-up weather, have been experienced at many points east and nortn of Tennessee aad Con necticut. Heavier rain has fallen on the coasts of Louisiana and Alabama. A heavy fait in the baro meter, with brisk south and southwest winds, pro bably exists west of Wisconsin. Probabilities. Pleasant weather, without serious disturbance, will probably continue on the lower lakes and Atlantic coast. The weather will probably clear away on the Gulf coast for a short time. It is probable that brisk winds will be felt on the upper lakes Tuesday night. CONGRESS. Extraordinary Session of the Senate. Washington. May 23. The Senate met at half- past 10. The Secretary laid before that bod j a letter from Vice-President Colfax, saying that he did" npt expect to preside over the Senate during the remainder of the session. On motion of Mr. Sumner. Penator Anthony was elected President pro tern, of the Senate. Air. uameroa roovea to go into executive session. Mr. Sumner asked that his resolution to discharge White and Ramsdell forthwith be taken up. But Instead of this, the motion for an executive session prevailed, and the consideration of the treaty was resumed. -- Chicago Flour and Wheat Market, Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. Chicago. May S3 9-so A.M. Wheat market dull and easier. No. 9, cash, tt-S4?l-WYi seller June; 11-25, seller last half of June. Corn steady at seller May, or seller Jane; 63,ie., seller July. Receipt. Ship't. Receipt: SMp't. Flour, bbls. 6,ooo 5,000 Oats, bus.... 43,000 40,000 Wheat.bua. 66,000 24,000 Kye, dub . ... 3,000 8,000 Corn, bus.. 290,000 96.000 Barley, bus.. 3,000 none. New York Money and Stock Market. Nsw Tobk. May 23. Stocks very strong. Money 4 per cent. Gold, ill. B-sos, 1863, cp., 1114 ; ao. 1S64, cp., uir ao. 1000, cp., nix; ao. new. 113 V: do. lo67. 113 da 1868, 113 X: 10t0a. 109 ; Virginia 6s, new, 73 ; Missouri 6s, 85M ; Can ton Co., 63 X S Cumberland preferred, 88; N. V. Cen tral anauuuson Kiver, iuu; une, bu, ; Heading, lie; Adams Express, S0x; Michigan Central, 124V ; Michigan Southern, 114; Illinois Central, 1)6; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 126 S; Chleago and Hock Island, Jliejtf; Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 99; Western Union Telegraph, 60. Milwaukee Markets Milwatteee, May 83 9-15 A. M. Wheat qnlet and weak ; No 1, 1U7 ; No. a, $124. Received. 114,000 bus. Shioped, 143,000 bushels. Freights by sail T c ; by steam, Ilex 1 MR. COLFAX PROSTKA.TED. The Vice-President Seriously 111 Nature's Kebelllon Against Overwork. A Washington despatch to the New York Times says: About 4 P. M. Mr. Colfax felt him self growing faint, and called Mr. Pomeroy to the chair; and as he stepped from his seat his head grew dizzy, and he had to be helped to his room, wnere ne lay on tne Boia. ine (senators gathered around him, and hurried a messenger for a physician. It was at once pronounced paralvsis. - Tbe V lce-fresldent soon became insensible, and bis pulse ran down to forty, and his face became white as marble. Dr. Bliss, his family physician, soon arrived. and began to treat him for vertigo, and has for four hours been applying hot remedies, and by various means endeavoring to drive the blood from his head, and prevent a congestion of the brain. At 0 P. M. Mr. Colfax Is somewhat easier, and his nhvslcians thins u they can prevent a re lapse be will recover. They will remain with him all nlirht in his room in tho Capitol. The Vice-President has not been well for some days. He has been Incessantly busy at letter-writing, ue ate very little nreaKtast this morning, and smoked five or six strong cigars during tbe morniDg; ana men sitting several hours in that insulated cast-iron oven, the Senate Chamber, with all its doors and passages closed to prevent the Ingress of fresh air, was too much lor ms nervous system, wcica naa finally given way. If he passes the night safely, It will be some time before he can regale, his health, as the tbock he received to-dav is of great severity. F1NANQ2 AND COMMERCE. Evisino Tsi.soBirH Omoy Tuvsday. Mar ii, VflL t The city national banks last nlglit. In their usual weekly exhibit of accounts, report further Improvement In loanable resources, ine aepo slts have been augmented io50,53, and the legal tenders 374,633.' There is a slight falling olf. however, In tbe specie reserve, and also iu tbe loans, the latter resulting rather from a lack of demand. Ihe business at the banks daring the week shows an excess ot tajUd.iS.u, as compared with tbe preceding week, and the balances of 11,130,334. These figures indicate very clearly the present and prospective condi tion of the local money market. Tbe demand to-day so far has been quite light for all pur poses, and rates are as easy as ever. (iold is dull and weak, varying from 1U 111, opening and closing at . At tbe Stock Board the dealings were Urge and price rather weak. Sales ot State 6i, Ut 6eries, at 102, and City 6s, new bonds, at 103X- Government uonus are in gooa uemana, ana strong on tbe entire list. Reading Railroad was steady, with sales at 57. Pennsylvania sold at 03, and at 61 for tbe allotments; Camden and Amboy at 131(0) 131?; Oil Creek and Allegheny at 55; Little Fcbnvlklllat46; and Lehigh Valley at Canal shares were neglected but steady. Sales of Schuylkill preferred at 18 and Lehigh at 36. The balance of tbe list was quiet. Manufac lurers' Bank sold at 29; Hestonville Passenger Railroad at 21; and Central Transportation at 49451.! Philadelphia stock exchange sales. Reported by De Haven k Bro.. No. 40 S.Thlrd street. FIRST HOARD. MdOO Pa 6s 1 se....lP9 8 sh Cent Trans.. 49 V 49 a vi y. 67 J3000 City 68, New..l02 tlOOOOFaRgen mt.. reg.. .. 94'i 2!000 do 94? flOOOO C A A m 68, "89 94 1000 Read 6s, '43-SO 96 tMIOOC ASS 83... 92 lliooo Pa Rmt cpes. 96! D0OOPbUa A E7s.. 1M liooo Bunt ft B Top 42X 800 shC AH.b30.l3lv 69 d0......b6.1Sl V B5 do S00 sh Reading R. . B6 do 899 sh Penna R... 61 41 do... d bill 61 loo do BOO. 7T do 6 sh LehValR.... 100 sh Lit Sen RR.. 63 62 V 48J lrtOahOC AAR.bOO r2 10 dO M 100 do S3 63 sn Mauu name.. S9xi Nabr & Ladner, Broken, report this morning ?old quotations as follows: 0 00 A. M lllKill-84 A. M Ill Sf 10- 09 " I11V H'S " 111X 11- 25 lll&l Messrs. William Paintkb fc Co., No. 89 8. Third street, report the following quotations: U. S. 6s of 1881. wixmnx i B-sos of lsea, myosin v ; do. is4. influx: do. less, murium do., Jaiy, lses, iiiio.'4; ao., tfuiy, iwi, lisim n ao. July, Paciflo R. R. Currency 6s, us&iiox. Gold, llixamx. Philadelphia Trad Report. Tuesday, May 83. Bark is dull at f 30 per ton for No. 1 Quercitron. Several car loads of Chestnut Oak sold at 161T per cord. The Flour market is steady, without, however, any great degree of acUvlty. The demand is principally from the home consumers, whose purchases foot up 600 barrels, including superfine at 5-2S5-62 ; extras at 15-766; Iowa and Wisconsin extra family at J0-75O7; Minnesota do. do. attT&7-25; Pennsyl vania do. do. at t6-856-7B; Indiana and Ohio do. do. at 7$7-60 ; and fancy brands at t7-7!51i9, the lat ter rate for St. Louis. Rye Flour sells In lots at 15-75 6. In Corn Meal nothing doing. There is a Arm feeling in the Wheat market, but not much activity. Sales of Indiana red, good and choice, at tl-64(dl-fi5; Pennsylvania do. at (1-53 10; amber at 11-651-70; and white at l-76tasl-80. Rye is held at I usi lo for Pennsylvania ami West ern, and tl for Southern. Corn Is In fair demand at a decline of 1 cent. Sales of 400 bushels Southern yellow at 77c. ; Western high mixed at 74($75o. : and 14,000 bushels do. for shipment on secret terms. Oats are without essential change. 2000 bushels Pennsylvania and Western sold at 02 yc.; for black ; 64(R65c. for mixed, and 66isC7c for white. In Barley and Malt co sale. Whisky is held with increased firmness. Holders ask 9)9Sc. for Western iron-bound. latest smrrma intellioe n ceT PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ..MAY 23 BTATK Or TB8BM0UBTKR AT TUB BVBNINO TBLBORAFS OFFICB. 8 A. M... ...... .68 1 11 A.M.. 72 8 P. M...7T Sun Risk3 4 ss moon Sets .....11- 4 Sck Sets 7-14 High Water 4 33 By Cable.) " London, May 83. steamship European, from Quebec, has arrived at Liverpool. (By Telegraph.) Fortress Monroe, Va., May 83. The pilot-boat Slicer reports as passed In for Baltimore, bark Campanler, from Matanzas ; brigs Minola, from St. Jano, and Sarah and Kiuma, from Messina; and schr Revival, from Palermo. Passed out, brig Chesapeake, for Demarara. CLEARED THIS MORNING. Steamer Ann Eliza. Richards, New York, W.P. Clyde & Co. Schr James M. Fitzpatrlck. Smith. Boston, Day. HnddellACo. Schr R. Peterson, English, Cambrldgcport, do. Schr Lehman Blew, (. lark, Boston, do. Boat T. Parker, Klrkpatrlck, New lork, do. Schr Hazleton, Cummlngs, Taunton, Slnnlcksoa & Co. Schr Paugnsset, Waples, Charlestown, do. Schr L. P. Pharo, Anderson, Providence, do. Schr H. W. McOolley, Hubbard, Lynn, do. Schr Anna Myrlck, Richards, Gloucester, do. Schr Marietta Hand, Nolan, Orient, do. Barge H. J. O'Kane, O'Kane. New Yerk, do. Schr H. Blackman, Armat, Newport, Graeff, Roth, ermel ft Co. Schr II. T. Hedges, Franklin, Boston, do. Schr M. V. Coon, Falkenberg, Newport, do. Barge W. Hamilton. Hamilton, New York, do. , Barge Edw. Davis, Kllby, do. do. v Barge Ironsides, Mlssomer, do. do. Barge U. J. Shields, McMonabyn, do. do. Barge O. O. Bowman, Shoe, West Chester, do. Tug Thomas Jefferson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde & Co. Tug G. B. Hutchlns, Mulford, Baltimore, with a tovr of barges, W. P. Clyde Co. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. Steamer W. C. Plerrepont, Vanneman, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Balrd ft Co. Steamer Novelty. Shaw, 84 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Balrd ft Co. Steamer Ann Eliza, Richards, 84 hours from New York, with mase. to W. P. Clyde ft Ce. Steamer Utility, Nlckerson, from Providence, with mdse. to D. S. Stetson ft Co. Steamer F. Franklin, Plerson, 13 hours from Balti more, with mdse. and passengers to A. Groves, Jr. Schr Harry White, Hopkins, 10 days from Car denas, with molasses to Duncan ft Poey vessel to Lennox Burgess. Schr Almlra ooley, Vangilder, from Gloucester, Mass. Schr Florence C, Adams, from Rappahannock River, with wood. Schr Archer ft Reeves, Qardner, from Qardner, Schr W. H." Dennis, Lake, from Nantlcoke River. ' Schr Sarah A. 1 to ice, Yates, from Providence. , Schr David S. Sluer, Smith, do. Schr Lena Hunter, Perry, io. Schr J. S. Weldoo, Crowell, do. Schr J. II. Bartlett, Harris, do. Schr Maggie Vanduseu, Cronipton, from Boston. Schr Minnesota. Phlnney, from Pawtucket River. Schr Annie K. Martin, weeks, from Fall River. Schr St. Mary, Sieelinan, from Jersey City. Schr F. Edwards, West, from New York. Schr Enos B. Phillips, Gardner, from Dlghton. Kchr D. V. streaker, Vanglhler, from New Haven. Tug Joe Johnson, Ingrahara, from Baltimore, watt a tew of barges to W. P. Clyde ft Co. Correspondence of The Evtniwf Teli-oraph. SASTON ft McMAHON'S BULLETIN. Nkw York Ofkick, May 82. The following barges leave in tow to-night for Baltimore, light: United Brothers, Ellen, Talmage, Houghton, Hope. Dauntless, Adelia, and Greunman. S. B. Pomeroy, with sand, for Philadelphia. auntleBS, with Iron, do. Baltimore Bsakch Office, May ii The follow ing barges leave In to to-nlgbt, eastward: r. w. Aiorris, 'i nomas anu Aiauuew, r. ivtcuevltt, Idazoma, W. M. Lewis, J. J. Wolcott, S. W. Adwln, Clinton, Sarah Ann, Jane Elliott, P. H. Clinton. Huoson, and Ocean, alt with coal, for New York. Puilaiklpuia Bkakch Office, May 83 Weather. Wind: May 22, veered at 8 P. M to S. by W. ; T P. M., W. V S. Jost before sunset, looking serosa the noble Delaware river at our neighboring younger sitttercliy Camden, you might have wituevoed the Interesting phenomenon of the elongated, horizontal line of smoke from the lofty stacks of chimneys of the busy furnaces of North Camden assuming the most fantastlo shapes, the play and sport of the Kephvrs; but to the mariner that condition of the elements portends sudden, sometimes appalling.dls aster; always the precursor of a change, n.odided by temperature, whluh culminated last night iu the grateful shower that swept on the surcharged lower strata of those constituents whlcn, if protracted produces the 'peftlleiice that wa keto in darkness " This 4 A. M., ui4 N. W. ; gratefully cool, and vital ising and bealth-glving. Barometrical : Barometer slowly went down to 29 77-so at mtdulahf this 4 A M. (May 23), I Had it 80 1-60. L. S. C, Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraoh. Havkb-db-Gracb, May 83.- The' folio wing boats leave in tow to-day: Evening star aud S. M. Bickford, with lumber to B. F. Taylor. R. M. Forsman and John and Sallie, with lumber to D. E. Trainer & Co. ' winner Middleton ft Orlando and Colonel Donaldson with lumber to Taylor ft Betts. wlla Edward Llpplucott, with lumber to Sajlor, Day ft U. Johnson, James Henry, and J. A. Lesher. with coal to U.O. Morris. . wun 3 Pennsylvania Canal Co.'s, with coal, for Wllmlng- Three Sisters, with bark to order. J. II.