THE DAILY KyflNINtt TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAK 22r 1871. SriRIT OF THE MESS. EDITORIAL OPINIONS OF THK UADINO JOURNALS ETON CUBRENT TOPICS COMPILED EVERI DAT FOB THIS EVENING TELEGRAPH. THE DAIUEN ISTHMUS EXPLORA TIONS. from the A. T. Bfrald. From the results of the oaref ol and laborious explorations of the expedition under Com mander Selfridge, United States Navy, in search of a feasible route at some pass aoross the Isthmus of Darien for a ship canal, we con clude that there is no feasible route in that quarter for a ship canal of the character re quired for the world's commerce. A dividing ridge of seven hundred and sixteen feet alti tude above the sea level is too muoh for1 a through cut, or for the lockages necessary, in view of the vast reservoir of water demanded to supply the locks in both directions from the summit level. South of Nicaragua, the best route for a ship canal, after all, is that now occupied by the Aspinwall and Panama Railroad. The length of the canal by this route, from sea to sea, would be, say fifty miles, and for nearly half this distance the bed or the valley of the Chagres river would be available. The summit level is not muoh over three hundred feet, and appears, from its interlocking streams, to command a good supply of water. It is probable that a canal as large could be cut aoross this isthmus route at less than the cost of the Suez Canal, and that it would be much more durable when completed. But nature has prepared the most available line for a ship canal between the Atlantio and Pacino ooeans in the Nicaraguan route. Captain Pym, Royal Navy, a British engineer, has calculated that a ship canal may be ex cavated over this .route for about twenty millions of dollars. The length of this route from sea to sea for a canal would be, say one hundred and thirty miles, including the river San Juan to the great Lake Nicaragua f about two-thirds the size of Lake Ontario), the distance thence across the lake, and the distance thence Borne fifteen miies, to the Pa cific. The summit level of Lake Nicaragua is some three hundred and twenty feet above the sea level, and in this great lake we have not only a reservoir sufficient for all purposes of lockage, and a fountain of cool fresh water from which may be supplied all the ships in the world, but a summit level harbor broad and deep enough to accommodate all comers from all quarters of the globe. Ten miles north of Lake Nicaragua, on the same plateau, is another fine lake, called Managua, and of the little town of Massaya, between these two lakes, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, in an essay on a ship canal by the Nicaraguan route, has left his opinion upon record that this little town of Massaya, in the future trade across the American continent by this route, will rank in importance with the commercial and naval position of Constantinople. Captain Shufeldt has made a reoonnoissanoe of the Tehuantepeo route, and reports favorably upon it for a ship canal; but for an American isthmus canal on a grand scale the Nicaraguan route is the best, and, we think, the only feasible route of them all. We would ' suggest to General Grant, therefore, the ex pediency of an early exploration of this route, in view of its manifest advantages for a great interoceanio ship canal. THE SCIENCE OF COMPARATIVE RAS CALITY. From Every Saturday. Moralists are beginning to find that the de velopment of modern society is bringing them face to face with new problems in ethics. Formerly it was considered sufficient to de scribe vices and crimes; now it is found necessary to compare them with each other, and indicate their relations. Compara tive anatomy is an acknowledged scienoe, which has shed immense light an the myste ries of the human body; Comparative Rasca lity is an imperfectly recognized science, but one sure in the end to clear np some of the mysteries of the human censoience, and esta blish just relations between rogues oocupying palaces and rogues imprisoned in jails. ; The great difficulty in the way of practical morality is the vast space which still sepa rates offenses punishable by law from offenses which law practically overlooks. It is the misfortune of our country that it pre sents some of the worst examples of this huge injustice. Take, for example, the city of New York. If we may believe the testimony of its most honest, independent, and intrepid news papers, such as the Times, Tribune, and Even in a Font, robbery, on a large scale, is a per fectly respectable occupation in that great metropolis. The sneak-thief, the wretch who pilfers for a wretched living, is punished when he is eaught, as in other municipalities; but the trouble is that the ingenious dema gogues who manage to get the political con trol of the city are allowed to steal millions on millions withont the slightest danger of exchanging their Fifth-avenue dwellings for a cell in the Tombs. The small thief who steals ten, or fifty, or a hundred dollars has the decency to practice his profession in a se cret way, modestly shunning ' the light; the big thief does his depredations in the fall blaze of the sun. The small thief is cele brated only in the small type of the news paper, which announces in a few lines his dis missal from the court to the prison; the big thief is thundered against in loaded editorials, but he none the less complacently retires to his wiue and walnuts in the big house he has erected out of the "awag" of his colossal knavery, with the Astors and the Taylors ready to testify that he is a resectable man. The science of Comparative Rascality would be a very simple study if confined merely to the consideration of suoh extremes. The criminal imprisoned or hanged is so palpably less guilty than sucn a criminal roiling in affluence, that there is hardly a ground for soientifio comparison. The next comparison would naturally be between the gambler and the stock speculator who contrives a "cor ner" in stocks. There is something amusing to a comprehensive moralist in the rage of the law against gambling, and its toleration of gambling In its worst, its most demoraliz ing, its moat destructive form. Everybody knows that the money lost and gained in the gambling . hells is as nothing when compared with thj money lost and gained every day in Wall street, the most horrible gambling hell on the American continent. Let it be granted that the professional gambler cheats; but ther is nothing so utterly bane, dishonest, and inhuman as the obeatiug of a btock "ring," which runs a partioulur security up or down, merely te tempt outsiders into their trap, and then mercilessly to rob them of their money. But we know that the profes bional gambler is a person watched by the police; the ''corneerrs' of btocks are among the iichfebt, most respected, mott powerful, woit 'enterpiibicg-' men of 'the country. The science of Comparative Risc&lity would be very valuable if inexorably applied to suuk .a, case as this. The liar is justly held in general contempt; the poisoner is universally abhorred; but still what is the prnictice of adulteration ia what we eat and drink but a vast scheme of sys tematic lying and poisoning ? Yet everybody knows that respectable members of churches not only deal in articles whioh are known to be false and poisonous, but often condescend to be manufacturers of such artioles. Alex ander the Sixth, Cmsar Borgia, and Brinvil liera only poisoned particular individuals, who might happen to obstruct their particu lar Bchemes. They had no desire to poison slowly a whole community in order to make money. We think, if they could be raised from the dead, they would be somewhat startled to find that lying and poisoning were considered as legitimate branches of busi ness. This fact alone would prove that the science of Comparative Rascality is still in its infancy. Robbery, in the eye of the law, is a serious offense. To pick the pocket or break into the house of a private individual is a crime Eunishable by imprisonment. But it is well nown that a colossal pickpocket and bur glar may bribe a legislature for the purpose of plundering a community, without suffer ing any other punishment than that which comes from the vague denunciation of a few honest newspapers. All law implies that a deliberate wrong, done by one man to another, is to be pun ished. The law is operative as respects Bmall offenders; but it is practically nullified in the matter of taxation. The security of property depends on taxing equitably the whole com munity in order to raise yearly large sums to pay policemen, soldiers, and magistrates, to save society from that anarchy in which pro perty is hopelessly wrecked. It might there fore be supposed that the richer a man is the more ready he would be to pay his honest portion f the general tax. Far otherwise is the fact. The moment people get property to any large amount they exert their inge nuity in throwing the expense of protecting it on their poorer neighbors, less interested than they in its protection. This phase of the science of Comparative Rascality would alone furnish matter for a volume. We merely give the slightest hint of the folly as well as mean ness involved in the theory on which these millionaires appear to rely. One more illustration, and we will leave this hateful subject. The system of credit is now so generally established that civilization itself depends on its preservation. It is fun damentally based on honesty. When a man signs an obligation to pay a certain sum at a dedned date, he pledges all the moral charac ter there is in him to its fulfilment. At whatever sacrifice to himself, he engages to pay his note; and if he cannot pay it at matu rity, he delivers his property to his creditor. This is the simple statement of the fact of credit as respects the humble creditor. Bankers insist , on it inexorably. No man who trades on a small capital can evade it. The moment he appears before a banker, or a board of directors, he is overcome by the moral power whioh flashes indig nantly from their eyes. He sacrifices the small earnings of long years, and pays his note. Far different is it with the man who attaches no mural responsibility to his signature. He is the Napoleon of Com merce. The possessor of five millions, he gives out his notes for ten millions in the hope of making fifteen. The time comes when his "enterprise" has been carried so far that his creditors think it is judicious to arrest bis onward career; but in stopping him in his business insanity, they think it impor tant that he should reap its fruits. He is to be petted at the expense of the poorer people who have trusted him. It ia important that bis large fortune should be seoured, through what is called an "extension," although a hundred people who followed modestly in his wake should be relentlessly sacrificed. This is the last stage of business demoraliza tion, on the principles of Comparative Ras cality. THE WRIT OF LIBERTY. From, the N. F. World. The last act of the Republican party in Con gress the Ku-klux law which authorizes President Grant to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, brings sad memo ries of what this great writ of liberty has un dergone within the last ten years. The Constitution says: "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be sus pended unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the publio safety may require it." In April, 1861, John Merryman petitioned Chief Justice Taney for issue of the writ-to General Cadwalader. The petitioner set forth that he was deprived of his liberty by armed men,' who incarcerated him in Fort McIIeury. The writ was issued, and the General replied that he is "duly authorized by the President in suoh cases to suspend the writ of habeas corpus for the publio safety," and refused to produce the prisoner. The Chief Justice thereupon decided that "the privilege of the writ could not be suspended except by act of Congress." This was in the spring of 18G1. No pub lio proclamation of suspension had been made by the President, only an order issued to commanding officers, which in effect ex tinguishes the most important personal guar antees of the Constitution. A citizen is seized and imprisoned for a cause known to no one but a few military officers, and when the Chief Justioe of the United Slates issues a writ to inquire into the ground of impri sonment the military commander refuses to tell or produce the prisoner. He demanded a "speedy trial, but the suspension 01 tne writ literally effaces him from his country. The facts developed in the Merryman case and opinion of the Chief Justioe deeply stirred the whole country. Republican par tisans denounced the venerable Chief Justioe as the vilest of the vile. On the other hand, conservative men upheld and vindicated his judgment. In the meantime, September 21, 180:.', President Lincoln made a publio proda tion that "the writ of habeas corpus is sas pecded in respeot to all persons arrested, or who are now, or hereafter during the Rebel lion, shall be imprisoned in any fort," eto. This was without warrant of Congress, and discussion of the question of power in the Executive went on. Finally, the next Sep tember, in 18(13, the publio indignation was so ereat that Congress intervened, authorized the President to saspend the privilege of the writ, and passed an act to indemnify him and bis officers for detentions under previous mere Exeoative suspensions. Republican partisans in Congress did not, so great was the popular excitement, venture to give to the President unlimited power in this matter, for it required that the lists con taining the names of persons arrested Bhould be furnished to the judges of the circuit au 1 distiict courts, and whenever the grand jury of any of these courts should terminate it seshion without finding indictment against such persoB, that the judges should order such prisoner desiring a discharge to be brotght before them to be disobarged. These proviaions lulled the popular wrath anil flacked the popular vigilance. The people were cheated again. The names of prisoner! were sot fornlshed; fch oppressed1 were not bidden to go free. The next prominent event in the history of habeas corpns wan the argument before the Supreme Court of the United Statos, at the December term of 18GH, of the case cf Milli gan, who was arrested in 1804 in the State of Indiana by Major-General Uovey, brought before a military commission, tried, found guilty, sentenced to be hanged, and ordered to be executed May 10, 18G5. On the second day of the next January the Cirouit Court for Indiana met at Indianapolis. The Grand Jury thereof was discharged without finding any indictment against Milligan. . .Thereupon the accused, under the act of 1803, jus cited, petitioned the court to be released. The Federal judges were divided in opinion on the three following questions: (1) Whether a writ of habeas corpus ought to be issued; (2) whether .Milligan ought to be discharged frow custody; and (3) whether the military commission bad jurisdiction legally to try and sentence Milligan. The division .was certified to the Supreme Court, there argued,' and the first two questions- were decided in the affirmative and the last) in the negative. The decision called forth almost as much hos tile criticism on the part of Republicans as did that of Chief Justice Taney in tho Dred Scott case. The majority of that tribunal was assailed with all manner of abuse. All of the sine judges were agreed that President Lincoln had no power to establish a military commission to try a civilian in a part of the country not invaded by hostile armies nor in a state of insurrection, but in whioh the courts of law were in full and unimpeded operation. The court ran full in the face of executive authority and the current of partisan Repub lican feeling. It cut up by the roots the doc trines of martial law for which radicals had so zealously contended. The court admitted that Congress had authorized the President, if he thought the publio safety demanded, to arrest a suspected person and deprive him of the privilege of habeas corpus; that is, deprive him of the right to reauire the person hold ing him in custody to give the cause of his de tention on return to a writ. But tho court added that it was not contemplated that such person should be detained in custody beyond a certain fixed period, unless certain judicial proceedings known to the common law were commenced against him. The next event in this history is an act of Congress of February 5, 1807. Previous to this time the machinery necessary to carry a decision from an inferior judge on a habeas corpus case up to the appellate tribunal at Washington was complicated and inconve nient. This act of the latter year was intended to provide a remedy for an appeal to the cir cuit court from any inferior judge, and from the circuit court to the Supreme Court. The legislation was of a most comprehensive character. After this law was passed one McArdle was arrested by a military com mander in Mississippi for a political offense . The accused was brought np on a writ of habeas corpus and reordered into custody. From this order an appeal was taken to the Supreme Court. It was argued by Senator Trumbull against McArdle that the aot of 1807 wan only intended to protect loyal men in the Rebel States from a deprivation of their liberty under State laws administered by Rebel officers. In other words, it was only to shield freed negroes. The whole Su preme Court to this argument said "no." The law was as applicable to white men as to black or red men, and the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court was sustained. This opinion was given early in 1808. Watch the sequel! March 27, 1808, a law was passed repealing so muoh of the previous act of 18G7 as authorized an appeal in habeas corpus cases from the Cirouit Cdurt to the Supreme Court of the United States. The bill was vetoed by President Johnson, but passed over his head. In December, 1808, when the Supreme Court met, its attention was directed to this statute, argument was heard upon the effect of the repeal of the act, and the court decided that Congress by the repeal had deprived the court of giving remedy in the case of MoArdle. In other words, the court having asserted its jarisdic diction to examine the facts upon whioh McArdle was arrested, and to determine whether or not he was legally in custody, Congress intervened to deprive the prisoner of such inquiry. The next and last stage in this disgraceful history is the passage of the recent Ku-Klux bill, wherein the President is authorized to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, subject to the provisions of the seoond section of the act of March 3, 1803, to which we have al ready referred, and shall refer again at another time. By reference to the constitu tional provision in respect to suspension of the writ, already cited, it will be seen that it assumes authority somewhere in the Govern ment to issue the writ as of right. This power inheres in the judiciary, and the clause in question not only requires that Congress, and not the President, shall make the suspension, but prohibits Congress from so doing unless first, rebellion or in vaaion actually exists as a publio fact; and. seoondly, that the publio safety requires the suspension, No power in this Government, whether legislative or exeoutive, can suspend this writ in anticipation of rebellion or inva sion. One or the other must be actually and palpably going on. Everybody knows that no invasion existed in the Southern States at the time of the Ku-klux law. Neither was there nor is there a rebellion within the meaning of the Constitution. So much, therefore, of the Ku-klux legislation as au thorizes the President to suspend the privi lege of. the writ of habeas corpus is mere usurpation, unauthorized, unwarranted, null and void. The object of giving this tremendous power to President Grant is, however, ob vious. It was to enable him to strike terror into the Southern communities by arrests from which there was no power in the judi cial tribunals to relieve. It was to enable him to carry on bayonet elections in their nakedest shamelessness. The military ple biscites of Louis Napoleon were "mellow music, matched" with the Ku-klux powers of General Grant. The power was given to be exercised in the bouthern btates; but, as we have heretofore shown, there is no power suf ficient to prevent the administration from certifying the existence of facts upon which it can suspend the writ in New York or any other Northern State whose eleotion it desires to carry. No bolder or balder falsehoods will be necessary to bring about such a state of things than were required last autumn to enable General MoDowell to fill this city with Federal troops. The eleo tion law cf May, 1870, was the most fla grant and nnoonstitutional outrage by the Republican party on the rights of the States which bad, up to that time, been perpetrated It was abominable enough to have warranted armed resistance to an effort on the part of the President to enforce its provisions. But it was paternal and constitutional gentleness compared with the provisions of the Ku-klux bill, its misbegotten offspring, born to the Eauie unlawful end, of perpetuating Republi can power by the bayonet, au else failing. MEDIOAU. This woBdrrfnl 'raertlr.lna curea an Diseases- and Pain, InelndtDg RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, ST. VITUS' DANCE, CHILLS ANDPRVER, by electrifying anl Btrengthenlng the entire rer. vows System, restoring tne insensible perspiration, and at once giving nvr life and vigor to the whole frame. UNB TftASPOONPUl. WILL CUHRt THE WORST HEADACHE IN A FEW MINUTES. Nkw Yoke, March t, 1970. Having seen the wonderful curative etftects of Watts' nervous a wibotk in cases of approachin Paralysis, severe Kewralgt, Debility, and other nervous disease, I most heartily recommend Its-use as a most valuable raediclne. 1 oars truly, S. M. MALLORT, M. D., No. 4St Fourth av-eniw, 4 1 warn t f gp cot ner Thirty-second asreet. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. ASSIGNEES PEREMPTORY. SALE. BY Si order of Joseph I. Doran. Assignee in Bajik- ruuu-y of Jabez Bunting, Joslah Bunting, John Pol lock, and Joseph J. Sellers, as individuals and co partners, trading as bunting Bros. A Co. Thomas Si Son, Auctioneers. On Tuesday, Jane 13, INI, at 12 o'clock, nooD, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fallow ing described property, viz. : Ho. 1. All the right, title, and Interest of Jabea Bunting of, In, and to the three following tract of land, with the Improvements thereon rected: i. All that messnage or plantation and tract of land, situate in the Township of Darby, Delaware county. Rounded and described a follows Be ginning at a stake in Banting street, a corner of lands of Matthew Balrd and .lames Neal;. thence by said James Neal'a land north- 6 degrees 4T minutes, west loo lv-ioo perches to a atone;.theBce by lands of said Oaraes Neal and Wra. Bunting north 63 degrees 12 minutes, east 40 74-100 perches to a atone, a corner of said William Bantings land; thence by the same north 26 degrees 40- minutes, west S3 92-100 perches to a stone, a corner of land or tneneirsor John minting; Usance by the same and lands of Joseph Bunting, crossing a public road leading from Bunting street to the Baltimore turnpike, south ! degrees 15 minutes, west 1U9O-100 perches to a atone, a corner or land of Joseph Bunt ing; thence by the same sou'.h 26 degrees, east 13 61-100 perchas to a atone on the eaaterlr aide of said public roail; thence crossing said road south 47 degrees 20 minutes, west 2 9-100 perches toa stone on the westerly side of said road ;: thence along said road south 26 degrees, east 10 J 64.100 perohes to a stone near the southerly side of said Hunting street ; inence aiong said Bunting street nortn 63 degrees 80 minutes, east 85 60-100 perches to the place of bt ginning. Containing CO acres, 1 rood and 14 91-100 percnes, more or icss. 2. au mat certain piece or parcel 01 meaiow iaua. situate, lying, and being on Carpenter's Island, la the county of Philadelphia. Beginning at tne cen tre or tne road leading to uog island, at the polut where said road crosses t'hurch creek; thence in a southerly direction along the said creek the several courses and distances thereof to Bow creek ; them e along bow creek and tne embankment recently erected thereon, the several courses and distances thereof to low-water mark on the river Delaware ; thence along the said river at low-water mark north 25V degrees, eaBt 26 perches: thence north 40 degrees, east 166-10 perches: thence north 9 de grees, east to the bank; thence along the bank the Mine course continued, isjf percnes; tnence nortn or a degrees, east to tne middle of tne aforesaid road leading to Hog Island ; thence along the middle of the said road to the place of beginning. o. au inoBe two certain aaioming lots or pieces or land, situate in the township of Darby, Delaware county. Bounded by Hunting s lane, land or 11111. Pennell, and Samuel Bunting, and adjoining a new pnbllie street or road leading from said Bunting's laRe to rnuaaeipnia post roan. N. u These three tracts of land are subject to a life estate, and to the payment of two mortgages amonnting to fSOCO, and the right, title, and Interest 01 aaiu janez Hunting tnerein. is aiso suoiecn 10 tne piument of a mortgage for gssoo. Particulars or which estate and incumbrances can be ascertained by inquiry of the assignee. No. 2. AU the right, title, and Interest of Joslah Bunting of, In and to the three fol'owlng tracts of land, with the improvements thereon erected: 1. au mat meusuuge or plantation and tract or land, situate In the Township of Darby, Delaware county. Bounded and described as follows : Be ginning at a stake in Bunting street, a corner of lands or juatthew Balrd and James Neal; thence by f aid jamt s jNeai s lands nortn o degrees 47 minutes. west 100 19-100 perches to a stone; thence by lan u of said James Neal and William Bunting north 63 degrees ik minutes, east 4U 74-100 percnes to a stone. a corner of said William Bunting's land; thence by the same north 26 degrees 40 minutes, west S3 92-100 Serches to a stone, a corner of land ef the heirs of ohn Bunting; thence by the tame and lands of Joseph BuntiDg, crossing a public road leading irom Bunting street to tne Baltimore turnpike. south 55 degrees 15 minute, west 111 90-100 perches to a stone, a corner or iana 01 oosepa Bunting; thence by the' same south 26 degrees, east 13 61-100 perches to a stone on the easterly side of said publio road ; inence crossing aaia roaa south 41 degrees 20 minutes, west y-iou percnes 10 a atone ou tne westerly side of said road; thence along said road south 26 degrees, east 100 64-100 perchea to a stone near the Bide of said Bupttng street north 63 degrees so minutes, east SB 60-100 perches to the place cf beginning. Con- tainlLg &o acres, 1 rood and 11 91-100 perches, more or less. 2. All that certain piece or parcel of meadow land. situate, lying, and belnelon Carpenter's Island, in ine county oi rmiadeipuia. Beginning at the cen treof tne road leading to nog island, at the point where said road crosses Church creek; thence in a southerly direction along the said creek the several courses and distances thereof to bow creek ; thence alnrg Bow creek and the embankment recently erected thereon, the several courses and dlstauoes thereof to low-water mark on the tlver Delaware; thence along the said river at low-water mark north 25M degrees, east 26 perches ; thence north 40 K de grees, east 10 6-10 percDes; inence north 9 degrees. east to the bank; thence along the bank the same course continued, i peichea; thence north degrees, east to the middle of the aroresald road leading to llog Island ; thence along the middle of the said road to the place of beginning. 8. All those 2 certaia adjoining lots or pieces or land, situate In the townahip of Darby, Delaware county. Bounded by Bunting's lane, land of 11111. pennell, and tsamuel Bunting, and adjoining a new public street or road leading from said Bunting's lane 10 rnuaueipnia post roan. in. mese a tracts or iana are suoieci to a lire estate, and to the payment of 2 mortgages amount ing to f si'OO, and the right, title, and Ink robt of said j osian Bunting is aiso subject to tne payment or a mortgage for 15800. Particulars of which estate and Incumbrances can be ascertained by Inquiry of me assignee. Ko. 8. All the;estate, right, title, and interest of Joseph J. Sellern, being 1-86 part of, In, and to the dower lund secured upoa the lands late the estate or James fellers, deceased, which said lands are fully described in the proceedings had In the Orphans' Court for the County or Delaware, on the 26tn day or may, a. u. mt: xor tne partition thereof. an exemplification of the whole record In which said proceedings was tiled, ou the 7th day ol No vember, A- D. lt6i, in the Orphans' Court for the City and Cousiy or Philadelphia. N. B TbiB sale Is only of the right, title, and In. teresr, or estate, wi ataoever It may be, of the said Joseph J. Sellers, of, In, and to the lands or aay fund charged upon the lauds mentioned and described in the above proceedings remaining alter the above partition, and does not Include the lands specifically allotted 10 josepu j. eeuera, wmcn nave been here tofore disposed or. For further particulars, apply to JOSEPH L DOKAN, Etq., assignee, No. South Third street, rnuaceipnia. M. TTJOMAS & RONS, Auctioneers. B 18 J 3 10 Nob. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH street. S PUBLIC SALE. -THOMAS & SONS, LMiii Auctioneers Modern residence and stable. auuinwesi corner ui runy-nrsi street ana west- minster avenue, on luesday, May 80, lt71, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publio sale, at the l'h adeipnia exenange, an that valuable three- story frame dwelling and lot of ground, si mate at the souiowesi comer ui f orty-nrat street anu west- minster avenue, Twemy-rourth ward; thence ex tending westwardly along Westminster avenue 174 feetVluches to Palm street; thence southwest- wardly along rami street 10s leet 4 lucnes to a point in tne miuaie ui iua oonnern wan or tne stable erected on the lot of ground adjoining to the south ; thenre eastwardly 165 feet K of an Inch to Forty- first street, and thence extending northwardly along Porty-tlrst street 110 feet 6 inches to Westminster avenue and place of beginning. The improvement! are a large double frame dwelling, contains U rooms ; has gas, bath, range, hot and cold water, etc. ; frame table, chicken House, and grounds nicely lall out, and a number of full grown fro it trees, grape vlaea, etc. Terms f now uiBj renjain. iwiueuLaie poase- ion. WJ rioiinmru. M. THOMAS k 8ON8. Anctloneers. 6 19 SO 2T tios. 1 aud 141 8. i'OUUTU bucct. REA ESTATE AT AUCTION. . I I RraMPlOHT SALE. THOMAS A BlWs, iiiieiiwieern. rovrTgaffe. l.WH 3IKH, fltrtO, and 11&00. On neeHy, May 30, I87t. at li o'amnk noon, will tm sold at publio sale, withont reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange,, the following de scribed monraice, vti. . No. 1. All that morraragp, dnted June 11, lST&v for 13000, payabnyja. J. l.onhery and Bit ward (Jlften (ten years to rmi). secured by anew thrwi-atory brrk dwelling, newiy flnlahed, and lot or eronnd,' east side of Twenty-third twreet, 83 feet south of Penv berton street. 16-feet front, and In dfp!t es feet No. 2. All tl?et mortgage, dated June 11, m;, fYr I300O, payable by Jantes J. LoughnryBd Kdd liiinn (ten yeiw-n w rani, pecurea ny a newtree story brick dwelling, nearly finished,, and lot of ground, east sine or 1 wentv-tnird street, 17 rMt south of Pembwton street, Twenty-sixth war.Kl feet front, and la depth x feet. no. B. 411 mat morrerure, uTea jure 11. isTv.for llWKt, payable by Jajiies J. Longhery and Edwaixl uimn (ten years to run), securen ny a kt or grouad, south side of Pemlwrton afreet, 74 feet 6 inches west of Twen;Teeoond street, 14 feet front, and 'lo depth 49 feet. No. 4. All that mortsaae. dated .luneu.iSTO. for t'noo, payable by James J. Loughery and El wardt Olllln (ten years to ra), Becnred by a-lot or groend. soiitn Bide or ifmoerton street, ou rec; inches west of Twenty-second -street. 14 feet Trout, 48 feet dserv M.-THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, D 13 B3t TtOSi 139 and 141. FOURTH Street. PUBLIC SALE. THOMAS J. SONS, AUU tloneera. Desirable pointed Btone residmce. with stable coach-house, 154" acre, TownaWn Line road and- Ifew street, cnesrt Hill, three niiButt s walk from- tne lauroaa wpet. Twenty- second ward. On Tnesday, May 30,-1871. ft 19 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public oole, at the Phi ladelphia gxennoge, an tnat very acatrabie pointed! stone messuage and lot of grounds situate on the Township Line road and corner of land of Klchard Levick : thence south west wardly 166 feet 8i lnohea to a point; thenoe north 48 degrees D minutes, west 428 leet y, incnt tnenre norm 43aegrees so m inn tea, east 166 feet 0i Inches to the middle of said road. and thence Ridg the inidnle of said road 414 feet Inches to the place of beginning;. containing? one acre fcT 44-lootir perefce, more or luaa. The houee- Is well built, and has all the modern conveniences, gas, bath, hot' and cold water, farnace, cooking range, etc. A'io. a stable and coach-house, creen- houee, grape vines, abundance of frnlt trees, shade treeB. etc. 111s adjacent; 10 trie coumtry-eear or im. ueorge 'i nciter t amiineu, i-urman MHenparui and others. Clicsnut Hill is reached iaSft minutes from Ninth and Green streets In is trains a day, as late in me evening o i Terms- ii?,ooo may remain on mortgage. May be examined. M. THOMAS A SOTW, B 1920 2T . Nos. 139 and 141 8. JURT1I etreet. fTS, REAL ESTATE. THOMAS & SONS' SALE. L'::jl TlreBtoy Brick Dwelling and Stable, No. Passynnk road. On Tuesday, May 80,171, at 1(1 '.ilnn. nnnM will Vn .nM A S ..n V.l I oa1A a. .Ka i j (.iiivbi .fulfil, will uii 'nu nnio. . v 1 1 o Philadelphia Exchange, all those brick messuages and the- lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the ea-tterly aide of the Posynnk road, 1M feet north of Reed street; thence extending eaotwardly 71 feet 4 inohes to a corner; thence eastward 59 feet T Inches to aiW-Jeet wide street (paved and curbed); thence northward 16 reet; tnence weatwasd 64 feet 8 Inches; thence westwardly 63 feet 2 Inches, and thence soutnwardiy along ressyunk road-16 reet to the place of beginning. The improvements art a genteel three-story brick dwelling frontlog on Pas juDk road; has gas. bath) gas oven,, etc., and a two-story brick and frame stable In the rear ; nag s stalls, etc. Clear or all Incumbrance., Terms 11400 may reniair. Possession Septemba 1. M. thumas ft Auctioneers, 6 13 s3t Noa. 139 and Ml S. FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE THOMAS EONS' SALK. Modern Three-story Brick Residence, No. uSSf Vine street,, west of Sixteenth street. On Tues day. June e, is; 1, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchivnge, all that modern tnree-story onca messuage, witn two-story back building and lot of ground. sitHase on the south Bide of vine street, west or six tee at n street. No. 16i: containing In front on Vine stroet 17 feet, and extending in depth lft feet to Whiter street 2 lronts. It has gas, bath-, hot and cold water, water closet, underground drainage, fcroace, cooking- range, etc. Clear of all Incumbrance. Terms Uoo may remain on mortgage. " ft. rw r . a Ttl . .1 JJ1. TnuiH-na x du.o, Auutiuueers, 5 13 27 3 Noa. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. Wt REAL ESTATE. TH0MA3 SONS' SALE Ega Genteel three-story brick dwelling, No. 193T iainbridge Btreet,. west of Nineteenth street. On Tuesday, May 80, 1371, at 12 o'clack, noon, will be sold at publio sale,, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that .renteel three-story brick messuage, with one- story frame kltchea and lot of ground, situate on the north Bide of Balnhridge street, west or Nineteenth street, No. 1937 ; eontalnlng In front on Bainbrldge street it reet, ana extending in aeptn or ieet to a s feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. It has gas, summer range, etc. Subject to a redeemable ground rent of s a year. m. txiuivia s a.: a, Auctioneers, B 13sSt Nos. 139 and 14: S. FOURTH Street REAL 1ST ATE THOMAS fc SONS' SALE. Modera Three-story i)rlck Resilience, No. 2-5 South Fourth street, sout;of Walnut street. On Tuesday, May 80, 1871, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pubiis sale, at tne rnuadeipnia. exchange, an rnat mooern tnree-story dhck messuage, wt?.n two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the east side ef Fourth-street, north of Spruce street, No. 2SS; containing in front on Fourth street 22 feet, and extending in depth 86 feet, including a tbree-reet-wideaney. Tne nouse nas tne modern conveniences; gas, bath, "not and cold water, water closet, stationary washatanda, bell-calls, flat and hoisting apparatuseto. Terms 17300 may remain on mortgage. May be examined. M. Tiio.MAS bums, Auctioneers, B 13 2 2T Nob. 139-and 141 S. FOURTH Sweet. REAL EST AT . THOMAS A SONS' SALE al Business Location Building known as "Co lumbia Hose House," No. 606 Race street. On Tnes day, May so, 1871, at 12 o'clock, neon, win ee sold at publio sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that t)i story brick messuage, with two-story back build ing and lot of ground, situate on the south aide or Race street, 61 feet west of Eighth street, No. 6M: the lot containing in rront on itace street IT feet, and extending In depth 80 feat to a feet wide alley leaain into ignm street, witn tne tree nse and privilege of the same. Clear of all in cumbrance. Terms 15o may remain on mortgage. immediate possession, aiay oe exammea. M. 1 HO MAS & HONS, Auctioneers, B 18 20 2T Nob. 139 and UI S. FOURTH Street. fni REAL ESTATE. THOMAS A SONS' SALE. IH-i South t-ienteei two-story Dries dwelling, no, vw Tweaty-second street, north of Carpenter street. On Tuesday, May 30, 1871, at 12 o'clock noon, will he sold at publio Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that genteel two-etory brick dwelling ani lot of ground, situate on the west side of Twenty second Btreet, 60 feet 8 Inches rorthof Carpenter Btreet. No. 906; coitalntng in front on Twenty second street 14 feet 9 Inches, and extending In depth el feet to a a feet wide alley, with the privi lege tnereor. subject to a yearly ground rent or 164. Immediate possession. May be examined. M. THOMAS & suss, Auctioneers, BIS 2027 Noa. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. WINDOW BLINDS, ETO. WINDOW DLlraos, Lace Curtain 1, 'Curtain Cornicei, HOLLAND BHADES, ' PAINTED SHADES of the latest tints. BLINDS painted and trimmed STOKE SHADES made and lettered. Picture Cord, Tassels, Eto, Repairing promptly attended to. D. J. WILLIAMS, Jr., Bo. 16 NOKTH SIXTH STREET, T tntbssm PHILADELPHIA HARDWARE, ETO. CUMBERLAND NAILS 8475 Per Keg. These Nalla are knows to be the beat In the market All Walls, no -waste, and coitt no more than other brands. Each keg warranted to contain 100 pounds of Nails. Also, a large assortment of One Hinges, Locks, and KDOba, Salld Bronae, suitable for flrat-daas bolld- iflga, at tne great , Cheap-fbr-Caftli Hardware Store or IWtuthsJ No. 1009 MARKETStreafc nWARBURTON'S IMPROVED VENTILATED and taay-OMlng DREaS 11AT6 (pawnV'J.fil tiie unproved fashions of the aeaaou. tlHJ"-11 faucet, next door to Uie fort Oiflce. rp REAU EST ASt AT AUCTION. RIAL KSTATR-TUwiW ASfcSOJVtTSALri- !J On-Ttienday, May V IR1H at 12 o'clock, noon,. will bescl4at putmo a, at tn rnnadeiDh la Ui charge, ti following de.;nled property, via. : no. 1. i:iTee-niurj uric iwemng, no. iiwi v.nns tlan street; All that tnree-story brick dwelling, ith iwo-ftnry back bailing, nd lot, of ground. Bltnateon the sonth sld of CbrHtlan street. No. 1638 ; conuiarng in frontTT feet,. and In depth TT feet to a 8 feet ttley. Subject v yearl7 ground rent of 139. No s. Mnre and oweinng. n. k. corner Seven teenth and Weed street a. Ail thn three-story brick store ana dwelling, N. K. Corner of seventeenth and Heed Btreet; 10 reet. front, ot fees oeep. Sublect to a yearly grcand rnt of l8,' Nob. 8 aixl 4, Two Three-story Brick Dwelling, Noa. 1308 and 130B 8 Seven aaenrn street. All thixie two three-stwry brick rtweUint a-0-rrms), Noa. 1309 and 1305 8. beventecnth etreet, each is feet front, 66 feet deep 3ach subject to ft-mortgmr- of imoo. o. c. Tnree-story urien jweurog, rto. m juts- worth street. A three-Rtory brick dwelling, No. 2131 Ellsworth street, 15 feet 6 raohes front, 74 feet deep. Subject 10 a yearly gronnd rent, of IT2: No. . Th;e-story Brick Dwelling, No. 1922 8. Second BtreM. A three-Bfory brick dwelling (19 rooms), No. 1822 S. 8ecod street, IT feet 8 Inches front, 10 feetileep. Subject? to a-rwortgage of $2000.' M. TllOMAH A RONS. Ancllonnern. oihwist NOS. 139auctl418i FOUKTU Street. SALE. J desirable I mmn avn. F MASTS R'S I'KRKM P-T O H Y Thomas -A. iions, AucUtjnwra, 4 very d nue, inesmri miii, itso reet fronts SfiO feet deep. On Tuesday, May 80, 1871, at. it oolM-k, noon, will be sold at pnbl.e sale, wlthwit reserve, at the Phila delphia Exchange, the foUowtng-deacribed lots of ground, viz. No. 1. All that lot of gronnd, sltuMe on the west erly sine or ettinaet avenue 802 tee inches tt Ferklomen street, 150 feet, front, ac feet deen. No. 9 All that lot of (Tro'.nd, annate on the wei erly side of fwnsct avenue, adjrtntug the abov uciiik idu leei. iruub, ana iov ieet een No. 8. All that lot of prsjudi ai-snat.e on the weal erly side of Sonset aveuv adjululng the above, inn ieet ironrj aun kou ieenneepi No 4. All that lot of ground aitnate on the wes erly side of h'rnnset avemwyadjoirDlng the above, 18' iki-i 1 iucii iroui. Bun xrx'lt-ei uetp. S nl n inn nrd- tA the raafHi.Crv that r. r A, tavern are eer to be built thereon, and any house! tnereon siihii oe ser, iikk sir. ieet rrom tne line o: Sunset avenue. Sale absolute. See plan at th auction Btore. M. THOMAS- HOMS. Auctioneers. 6 10 20 2T , Nos. 18 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. J KEAL EST ATE. THOMAS A SONS' SALE. Uenuel three-sSory brick Dwelling. No. 2221 ranklln street, north of Susnaehanna avenue. On Tuesday, May 30, 1671, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be Bold at pubL.0- Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with) two-story back bnlldisg ami tot of ground, situate on t he east Bide of Franklin street, 1M feet K inch) north of Suequehanna avenive, No. 2221: containing in iront on f ranklin Btreet i ieet 4 lucnes, and ex-i tending in depth 6t feeb to a 4-feet wide alley. 10 has 8 rooms, gas, cooking range, furnace, drainase into sewer, etc Terms Sow may remain on mort gage, imraeaiare poesesaioB. M. THOU A3 SONS, Auctioneers, C 18 80 27- Nos. 132 and Ml S. FOt'KTH Street WHISKY, WINE, ETC -71NH3, LUIVORS, ENCX.ISII AND IT SGOICU ALES, ETC. The subscriber begs to call the attention of dealers, connoisseurs, and ronsumsrs generally to his splendid stock of foreign goods now on hand, or his own importation, as well, also, to his extensive assortment of Domestic Wines, Ales, etc., among which may be enumerated : i 600 cases of Clarets, high and low grades, care- inny Boieotea irom tiesi foreign stocks. 100 casks of Sherry Wine, extra quality cf finest grade. 1 100 cases of Slurry Wine, extra quality of finest grade. 26 casks of Skerry Wine, best quality of media grade. 26 barrels Scsppernong Wine ol best qaaUty. 60 cask a Catawba Wine " 10 barrels " " medltfm grade. Together with a fnll supply of brandies, WhlsklesJ scotch and Jbngusn Aiea, lirown stout, etc, etc.j waicn ne is prt-parea lorurnisn m tne traajanacoa Btiaoera generally la quantities that may be re quired, and on the moat liberal terms. P. J. JORDAN. 6 Stf No. 320 PE &R Street, Below Third and Walnut auc above Deck street. CAR &T A IRS A McCALL, Ko. 126 Walnut and 21 Graaite SU IMPORTERS OF Br aB diet, Wines, Gin, Olivo Oil, Etc. WBOLE8ALE UEALEES IN PURE RYE WHISXIE3, IN BOND AND TAX PAID. 05 I Oh.. tfcrRICE Of ICE LOW ENOUGH TO SATIS Fm X ALL." "BE SUKE KNICKEKB0CSE3 IS ON THff WAfON." , KNICKERBOCKER. ICE. COMPA3IY. THOS. K. CAD ILL, President. B. P. KEtvSuyw, Vice-President. A. HUHT. Treasurer. E. H. CORNELL, Secretary. T. A. HENDRY, Siiperiniendent. Principal Office. NO. 438 WALNUT Htreet, Philadelphia. Branch Offices and Depots, North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master ureet. ; Ridge Avenue and Willow street. ., Tt mow Street Wharf, Delaware avenue. Twenty-second and HatullUn streets. Ninth Street aad Washington avenue. Pine Btreet Wharf, SchuylkllL No. 4833 Mala Street, Ueraantown. No. Si Nort'A Second street, Camdeo, N. J., and - Cane May. New Jersey. 1871. Prlct-8 for Families, Offlcesv eto. 8 pounds dally, 60 cent per week. 19 " 68 " 16 " 80 " 20 " " 95 " " " istJ Half bnaiel or forty pounds, 2& cents each dd livery. 28 86t NEW PUBLICATIONS. H OOVEll'S NEW illUOJIOH "Tie Changed Cross," iize 99x23, the finest evd offered to the public "Hilary and St. John," size 82x23, a most subUrrJ o&roino. "The Beautiful Snew," slae 16x22, a very lmpn lve picture. "The Holy Family," slae 22x23, a real gem. "Delhi, Del. Co., N. Y" size 22x23, a beautiful af tumn scene. Published and sold, wholesale and. retail, by J. HOOVER, No. 804 MARKET Street, S 18amw3ni Philadelphia, second floor TOUBTH OF JULY, 187 HAVE PLACED IX YOUR BAR ONE i FENNEIi'S APPARATUS FOR COOL ING BEER, ALE, AND FVlilEli. A NEW PATENT. T rSTTTl TtKEI?. ALE, AND PORTER, APPARATl W. W. FKNNKK, No. 12T NORTH 81XTH STREET, Soie Agent for Strater's Patent Thla machine m entirely dliferent irom the style Beer Pump. It performs Its own work, a requires no labor. The liquors are forced up frc the cellar to the bar-room by means of a pressure air made by force of water, and can be drawn JJ as clear as directly from the barreL I Among the many advantages claimed ror t machine are, that the beer or ale never becoui flat, and can be drawn as cold as ice water with vc Bmall expense or ice. The Apparatus can always be seen at my place operation, or at any of the principal soloona in ti -06 stuthl2t city. jobkps H. Campion (late Moore Campion), WILLIAM SMITH, RtCIlHD K. CAMP10 SMITH-& CAMPION... Manufacturers of FINS FURNITURE, UPUOLSTfiRINaS, AND I TEKXOR BOUSE DKCO 4.TIONS, no. tun HOUTU THIRD Street. Manufactory, No. 216 and 811 LEVANT Sire. Philadelphia. ' 1J STEAM ENGINES, WITH PLAIN 8LK valve, or cut off. Vertical, Horizontal, ai Portable. Governors, rompa. Pipes, aud alves. f OfcUKUE O. HOWARD. a ml No. II & naUTEENTU Street