r 1 E IN(G- TISILIS wMA. VOL. XV. NO. 120. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. 0 FIRST EDITION CARRIED OYER SIAGA1U. Particulars of the Recent Terrible Calamity. We briefly stated the fact yesterday, says the Buffalo Express of Saturday, that three young men, In attempting to cross the river above Niagara Falls in a small boat Thursday after noon, bad been carried over the falls. The three men arrived at the falls on the 12 20 train from Buffalo' Thursday noon, and pro ceeded directly from the depot to the Eagle House, near by, which is kept by Christ- Gamui. They remained there about half an hour, mak ing few remarks, and merely asking of the pro prietor permission to leave their boxes and portable table behind the counter until thev re turned. The property referred to consisted" of a good sized oblong box, full of packages of prize candy, an envelope box containing a lot of cheap jewelry, brass rings, etc., and a three legged stand, such as all itinerant peddlers have. After leaving Gamm's they went up the river bank about a quarter of a mile to a little boat house kept by a family named Walker. Here, after some hesitation on the part of the .lad in charge, they obtained a flat bottom row-boat and started across the river apparently for Chip pewa. The German, who was the largest as - well as the most intelligent of the party, handled the oars. THB FATAL CATA8TnOPIIB. The course taken by the boat was straight for the other Elde. The current at this point of the river runs swiftest, and not many moments elapsed from the time the unfortunate trio left the boat-house before the resistless current took complete mastery of the frail craft and carried it with fearful rapidity towards the seething tor rent that crests the precipice. The stout oars man continued to apply his oars with energy for about a minute after the current struck the boat, but very soon the craft seemed to break in two simultaneously with its capsizing, and the horror-stricken spectators on shore next saw the three struggling in the rushing waters. As they appproached Street's Island, three men who happened to be witnesses of the accident ran to the edge of the bank in hopes of rendering assistance to the drowning men, out aanouija one 01 me tnree was carried within five feet and the others not a dozen feet from the shore, it was found impossible to suc cor them. One of the men informed our re porter that, had he been able to get a pole or rail of any kind, he surely could have saved one or two of the ill-faled men. The largest, it is sold, swam for some distance in direction of the island, bnt the current was too strong for him, and be was carried struggling to the brink and hurled, all conscious, into the abyss below. The other two were drowned ere they passed the island, as their bodies were seen to float in- animately just above the Falls. Mr. Garaui, keeper of the saloon where their things were left, says they were all young men their ages probably ranging between eighteen and twenty-two well but cheaply dressed and easy and careless in their manners. One was an Irishman, one a German, and the other a Jew. A police officer who saw then remarked that they looked "just like any intinerant ped dlers." CAST ASHORB. Yesterday forenoon a singular object was observed "lying in the water almost under the new Suspension Bridge, on the Canadian side of the river, and upon investigation it was lound to be a large piece of flesh torn from the trunk, apparently at the hip. It wat taken in charge by the authorities on the other side, and we believe quietly interred during the afternoon. No other trace or vestige of the lost men had been seen up to six o'clock last evening. A SHOCKING ACCIDENT. A Man Crushed to Death lu the Cincinnati ltallroad Iron Works. A fearful accident occured yesterday evening in the Cincinnati Railroad iron works, which resulted in 6hockinglv crushing to death a work man named Win. C. Jones. It seems Mr. Jones waB a hooker-np at the muck rolls. At the time the accident occurred, a bloom weighing about eight hundred pounds was passing be tween the rolls. Mr. Jones, who held the hook, instead of catching the bloom at the end as it came out, put the hook under the side, and, the heavy weight coming suddenly down upon the implement, threw the man upon the belting that connects with the roller near the floor. A moment more and the moving leather had conducted the victim into the jaws of death. Feet foremost, he passed between the end of the roller over which the bell for running the machinery moved, and the coupling attached to the end of the roller immediately above. To stop the machinery was the work of a moment, but in that point of time the man had gone crushing through until all bat the head had been flattened into a shapeless mass. The very food that the man had taken into his stomach exuded from the mouth, and death came so suddenly that the hand caught by one of the employes aid not so much as quiver from the awful shock. It appears that he fell about a week ago near the same place, but escaped with a cut about the head. This is the first man that has ever been killed at the works, though they have had some hairbreadth escapes Cincinnati Gazette, Satur day. A SPECK OF RIOT. Pittsburg Excited An Extra Police Force Called Out. A scene of a somewhat riotous character oc curred between 12 and 1 o'clock this morning in the Fifth ward, commonly known as the "Bull Run" district. One of the police officers on duty in the locality got upon the track of Edward Bradford, one of the escaped prisoners from the county workhouse, and when the officer attempted to arrest him he resisted, and his friends came to his assistance. The officer, find ing the opposing force too strong for him, re treated in good order and "rapped" for assist ance. One or two officers responded, but the opposing force had by this time taken refuge in a stable, and having armed themselves with brickbats and boulders, offered a very formida ble resistance. Notice was tent to the office of the Captain of the Night Watch, who summoned about twenty of the night men and despatched them to the scene of the conflict. The stable was stormed, and after a siene of about poe hour the walls were reached, and by breaking through the roof the officers effected an entrance to the stronghold of the enemy and captured the entire force. The prisoners were conducted to the lock-up, where they were provided with quarters for the night. During the engagement Officer Keifer received a wound on the head by a horse shoe thrown by one of the -belligerents. Pitts Ourg Commercial, Saturday. Train is said to have two hundred unfilled lecture engagements. May the list never grow less! . , . , The yucen oi rrussia nas given uue iuou sand thalers to the society started in Berlin for the purpose of devising original German fashions. Connecticut recently Issued two thousand copies of an advertising catalogue, containing 200 pages, at a total cost of SO,000, or A40 per volume. Father Cleveland, the Boston city mission ary will be VJ years old in J une. lie has lately been paying a visit to his son, a stripling of eeventy-three years. .... .i A Sacramento paper reports that recently six Chinamen were seen in a hairdresser nego tiating the sale of their "pigtails, which were tiDaly purchased at the rate of 3 each, to be luwiulMlursa ittW J0i9' .'ewilcfl.es. SECOND EDITION! TO-DAY'S CABLE NEIVS. Collapse of the Commune The Salvation of Paris. Entry of the Versaillists. IV ot n, Shot Fired. DOMUSTIO AFFAIRS. The Harrisburg Dead-Lock. Democrats Responsible. Destructive Fire in Baltimore. L City Councilman Hilled. FROM EUROPE. BY ASSOCIATED PRKSS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Review of Cavalry. Paws, May 217 P. M. This afternoon three squadrons of cavalry were reviewed amid tre mendous excitement. Generals Henir and For tune presented them with standards, and they shouted, "We will defend them till death." Soon afterwards Petit Vanvres, by order of the Com mune, was evacuated in order to shelter Mont rouge. At six o'clock to-night the Versaillists entered the La Muette gate and sharp fighting ensued. Extraordinary Rumor are afloat. It is reported that the Versaillists have been repulsed. Mounted orderlies have just arrived at the War Office with the news. Colonel Lisboune, commanding the Francs tireure, started immediately to Attack the Vessalllista on the Flank. General Cluseret is now being tried. Versailles, May 21 9 30 P. M The Ver- Baillist troops Have Entered Paris. Captain Trengo, of the navy, went from the trenches to the ramparts at the Pont du Jour, and, finding the insurgents had retired, called three hundred sailors and teok possession of the gate. Other troops followed before anyone was aware that the entry had commenced. Not a Rifle was Fired, nor a Man Wounded. The whole thing was unexpected. The white flag was hung out at Auteull. Another brigade of Versaillist troops has en tered Porte Montrouge, and Troops are Pouring Down on both points. It is reported that the Arc do Triomphe has been reached, and the Insurgents Made hut a Slight Resistance. The guns on the ramparts have been turned on the Communists. 20,000 men are under Issy, and 40,000 are moving on the open gates. Railways Cut and Communication. Sus pended. London, May 22. All communication with Paris is suspended, the Northern Railway having been cut by the Prussians. It is reported that General Domhrowskl lias been Captured bv the Versaillists. The bombardment of por tions of the fortifications of Paris still held by the Federalists continues. A despatch from Ver sailles this morning says that Paris la Completely Isolated by the Prussians, and no news has been received from there since midnight. The Times has a despatch from Versailles to-day stating that Half the Army Is Within the Walls, and hold the gates of 8t. Cloud, Passy, Auteull, Trocadero, and Muette, as welt as the Arch of Triumphe. Heavy firing is heard la the Champs Elysees. Sixteen thousand Versaillist troops have en tered Vaugirard and Montrouge. Versailles, May 22. Eighty Thousand Versailles Troops have now entered Paris. Sharp cannonading is heard, doubtless against the insurgents, near the Arch of Triumph. General Uhrich took 1600 prisoners last night, of which 400, includ ing M. Assy, were brought to Versailles. Son of the Duke of llroglle Wounded. London, May 22 The Duke of Broglie French Ambassador, has gone to Versailles, his eon having been wounded in one ot the recent engagements. ft Rochefort had engaged apartments at Brussels, where he was expected on Saturday last. He had a nar row escape from lynching at Versailles. Disaster at Sea. London, May 22. The steamship Paraguay, from London to New York, returned to port, having been damaged in collision with the screw steamer Webb. The latter foundered imme diately, and thirteen lives were lost. Ashbury's New Yacht Livonia had a very successful trial. Versailles, May 23. General Domlirowikl, who was reported as having been taken prisoner by the Versailles troops, is now said to have been recaptured by his own men, and has since made an attempt to escape from Paris. It is now stated that he ana his command are sur rounded near St. Ouen, and will probably all be captured. This Morning's Quotations. London, May S9-1V80 A. M Consols 93d. for both money and account. United Kates bonds of lb6'i, 90i ; of l&i5. old. u ; of latii, tii ; io-40s, 6i. London, May 82. Tallow, 43s. 6d. Liverpool, May 22 1030 A. M Cotton quiet and steady ; uplands, 71,(7d.; Orleans. Td7d. ine salts to-uay are esuiumeu ni iu,uuu umea. This Afternoon' U.utatlui. London, May 821-30 P. M American securities ODd consols unchanged. Frankfort, May S3. TJ. S. bonds, 9609,d. s, wo, f vo", Lard, boa, LiVKarooL, May 22. Beef, loos. Chicago Flour and Wheat Market, Special DeiuUK to The Evening Telegraph. Chicago, May 92 9-30 A.M. Wheat market dull. No. 8, 11-96 cash, 126 seller June; sales of early at 11-26. Corn quiet and weak ; 6ic, seller June; ofiered at 63o., seller July. UteriM Uliip'f., Rtccipt: Stiip'U. Floor, bbls. S.oou 4,000 Oats, bos.... M.ooo 4,ooo Wheat.bus. 65,oo0 66,ooe Hye, bus .... 6,000 8,000 corn, iw.jiwtm titm iiukj, J,ow 3.W0 . 0ja -nm010" I BY ASSOCIATED PRI89.) Exclusivity to The Evening Telegraph. , Washington, May 22. The Mileage (lucatlnit. The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the resolution of the Senate re questing the committee to examine and report whether the members of the Senate are entitled to mileage at the present special session, In their report allude to the various acts on the subject, and conclude by saying that the act of July 28, 1866, declares that the compensation of each Senator shall be five thousand dollars per annum, and in addition thereto mileage at the rate of twenty cents per mile, to bo estimated by the nearest route usually travelled in going to and returning from each regular session. By implication this statute repeals all former laws inconsistent with its pro visions, and in the opinion of the committee limits the compensation and mileage of Senators to five thousand dollars per annum, and mileage in goiDg to and returning from the regular ses sions of Congress. The committee therefore report that the members of the Senate are not entitled to mileage at the present special session. The Contumacious Correspondents. The act of 1857 provides when any witness shall refuse to answer questions put byany com mittee of either branch of Congress, the fact Eball be reported to the Senate or House, when it shall be the duty of the presiding officer to certify the same to the District Attorney, in order that the matter maybe brought before the Grand Jury, The Vice-President on Saturday followed this course with regard to Messrs. White and Ramsdcll. Nomina tlou ConflVmcd. The Senate has confirmed the nomination of Nicholas Fleh, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of Legation at Berlin. Government Weather Report. War Department, Office of Tns cuikf Signal Officer, Washington, May 2 10 A. M Synop sis for the past twenty-lour hours: Threatening weather with light rains prevailed on Sunday morn liiK from Michigan to Louisiana. These have since continued to slowly progress northeastward, ex tending for a snort time rrom trim une to Lake su perior. Clear wether has continued in tne Southern States, but cloudy and threatening weather is now extending from New Hampshire to West Virginia, and thence to Louisiana. Clearing and lear weather, with northwest winds, now prevails from Indiana to Arkancas ana northward and westward. 1 he area of lowest barometer is central over North ern New York, whence the pressure Increases as we progress southward and westward. Probabilities It is probable that the rain will continue during the day on the Gulf coast of Florida. and that threatening weather, with occasional light rains,wlll extend from Virginia northward and east ward. Clear weather, with fresh northwest winds, will probably prevail on the upper lakes and the Mississippi valley. The conditions are favorable for local storms from Louisiana to Georgia, but else where no serious disturbance is apprehended. FEOM BALTIMOR E. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS." Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Destructive Fire and Loss of Life. Baltimore, May 22. This morning a fire broke out in a large warehouse on Sharp street, No. 25, occupied by William H. Brown & Bro., importers of druggists' supplies. Stock and building entirely destroyed. No. 23, Steellman, Henricbs & Co., importers of notions and fancy goods, partly burned and stock injured by water. No. 21, Turnbull, Sweet & Co., import ers and commission merchants, roof burned and stock badly damaged by water. No. 27, dwell ng damaged by hre and water, and walls partly down. The stores were part of a new block of five-story warehouses. The loss cannot at present be estimated. During the fire Engine No. 1 exploded, kill ing J. Harry Weaver, member of the first branch of the City Council from the Nineteenth ward Mr. Weaver had just returned from Phlladel phia, and was passing from the depot to his home when thus suddenly killed. lie was an extensive paper-box manufacturer, and widely known and esteemed. Death of an Editor. William II. Clark, news editor of the Balti more Sun tor the past twenty years, died at his residence in this city yesterday afternoon, aged 53 years. In all the relations of life he was an exemplary gentleman, and universally popular. As a journalist he had few equals and no supe riors in his profession. FROM THE STATE. The Dead Lock No Provision for State Government Expenses. the Evecial Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. IIarrisburq, May 23. Dr. Shurlock, Chair man, has issued a call for a caucus of Republi can members, to be held this evening, to con sider what policy should be pursued with refer ence to the course adopted by the Democratic Senate on Saturday. The impression seems to be that if an adjournment resolution is sent into the House this evening it will be adopted, and the Legislature will adjourn to-morrow without providing for the ordinary expenses of the State government. A conference of prominent members of both bouses was held in Philadelphia on Saturday night, but no satisfactory conclusion was ar rived at. This morning the Impression prevails that the position assumed by the Democracy of the Senate was merely intended as an attempt to intimidate the Republicans into passing the Registry law amendments, and that they bad no intention that their resolutions, which were the result of a week's caucusing, should ever reach the House. The Republicans are willing that the Demo crats should'take the responsibility in prevent ing the passage of the Appropriation bill, of closing our schools and the charitable Institu tions of the fctate. . FROM NEW ENGLAND. by associated press."! Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Important Bequests. Boston, May 22 It is stated that the Ameri can Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions have beenmade a residuary legatee of the late J. C. Brooks, of Portland, and will realize there from some $70,000, and by the terms of the will, after the decease of Mrs. Brooks, the board will receive a further sum of $50,000, the Income ot which she is to receive during her life. The Boston Printers' Union have chosen Charles Young and George W. Bigelow delegates to the International Conven tion in Baltimore. Flr at Rochester, N. II. A fire in Rochester, N. II., yesterday, de stroyed Wentworth's stable and three dwelling- houses, owned by J. W. Springfield and William Rand. Loss, 110,000, j THIRD EDITION LATER FROM EUROPE. The Capture of Paris. Indescribable Excitement. Government in Full Possession. Etc. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. FROM EUROPE. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. J Exclusively to The Evening leUgraph. Movement of Troops. Versailles, May 2210 A. M. The troops of MacMahon are all moving this morning and pouring through the Bois do Boulogne. Ten thousand men, with fifteen pieces of artillery, are concentrated on the Avenue do Lagrand. The army is about to move in a direct line for the Arc de Triomphe and barracks. Three of the principal avenues leading towards the Champs Eljeees are in the hands of the Versaillists. The Consternation Among the Com- munlsts is represented as very great. MacMthou1 in person is superintending the operations. The enthusiasm of the troops is unbounded. The Forward Movement to the barracks begins at once. Paris, May 22. The city is in Tremendous Commotion. Erom windows in the west front of the Tuile rles the scene of conflict was distinctly seen. Immense bodies of the Cemmuse troops are concentrated aronnd the Hotel de Ville, having retreated from the outskirts. The Collapse of the Commune is imminent. Versailles, May 23. The latest particulars from Paris Confirm the Victory of the Government. The 83d and 104th Regiments, which were the first to enter Paris by Porte de St. Cloud, under command of General Doual and Cols. Treves and Desartes, took np a position last evening within rifle range of the Arc de Triomphe, on the city, side of which and beneath the arch were all manner of obstructions in the shape of barricades. Marshal MacMahon, on being apprised of the success which attended General JJouals ad vance, gave Orders for a General Movement of Troops along the line in the dtrectidh of Forts Issy and Montrouge, Pcrte de Billancourt and Porte de Auteull. The three gates converging on Point da Jour quarter were found deserted and No Resistance was met. With a regiment of chasseurs dashing up the Boulevard l'lmperatrice (now called Boulevard Brune) met with a murderous fire of rifle Ehot from An Ambuscade Party of ' Communists. The latter precipitately re treated, -when an additional force of Versaillists came immediately in support of the regiment attacked in front. Four light field pieces were unlimbered on the avenue, near the Arch, and opened fire on the barricade, which was quickly demolished, and on being charged and captured, was found deserted. FROM TEE SOUTH. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. 1 Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Crops Backward. New York, May 22. Mr. Greeley writes from New Orleans that cotton and corn were never before so backward at this season. The corn is likely to suffer from drougth, while cotton is exposed to utter destruction from the worms. To-day the prospect of an average crop to the Southern planter is decidedly not cheering. Obituary. Colonel Charles S. Todd, of Kentucky, Presi dent Tyler's Minister to Russia, died at Baton Rouge on Wednesday. FROM NEW JERSEY. fBY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegravh. Pleads Guilty. Newark, May 22. Dr. James Bleutter, in dicted on three counts for producing an abor tion, to-day withdrew his plea of not guilty aud pleaded guilty, and was recommitted to jail for sentence on Saturday. COXOItKSS. Kxtraordlnary Session of the Senate. Washington, May 23. Mr. Sumner, rising to s personal explanation, culled attention to what purported to be report oi s apsech made by him laat Friday in executive sesMion, pUDiicntfU in lue Iew or mram oi eaiuraay. Alr.TrumbuU remarked. And bo of all the report of exe cutive aeaaious for several day past : IQoy were all inven tions. Mr. Sumner said all the reports which he had seen of what were called his apoeuhea were pure inventions, lie hoped that wherever these reports had gone tliU contra diction would follow, r itber Amea once aaid that he would travel from Maine to Oeorg-ia while Truth wu put- liDg on nis uoois. Air. W ilson offered a resolution, which lies over, that the Sergeantat-Arms b directed to discharge Z. L. White and li. J. xtumsdeli immediately alter lue hoal adjournment of the special session of the Senate. ftlr. eumunas reusrsea mat as toe otnaior irom Mas sachusetts had seen proper to make a personal explana tion, he wished to say. a a report anneared a day or two ago that he bad made a speech expressing great be expressing great hostility to tne press, tnat ne uau inaae di speuca ' i whatever on tus fiiiliiftrt nr on anything else. The subject of the press was not alluded to in executive sexxion by any Senator. ct ( Air. huniner otlereu a resolution, wnicn lies over, tnat Messrs. White and Raiubdell. in closs custody of the tk rxeant-at-Arms, b discharged from custody forth- wi tu. Mr. Pomeroy offered a resolution, whioh was adopted, (hat the clerks of the several standing committees be paid from (he 1st to the 81st of May. Mr. Trumbull, from the Uominittes on the Judioiary, to whom was referred the r solution to inquire whether Sena tors wer entitled to mileage for attending- the present extraordinary session, made a report to the effect tnat the fctnators are not, under the law, entitled to mileage. tive session npon the treaty i in moiluQ ! jn r. Uftutviuu iu. oou.,g .011, ...vu New York Money and Stock Market. Niw Yoai. May S3. Stocks strong. Money easy at 4 per cent. Uold, yt. a-uoa. 1869, cp., m ; do. lset, cp., do. 1866, cp., ni x ; do. lSoa, new, 113 V i do. 186T, 113 V; o 113 ; 10 40s, lty; Virginia 6s, new, 73; Missouri 6a, 9sW: Can ton Co., 83 x ; Cumberland preferred, 82 ; N. Y. Cen tral and Hudson Kiver, loox; Erie, 81; Reading, lis; Adams Express, bO.W ; Michigan Central, 1-23 Michigan boutnern, in',1 xiunois central, 16; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 128: C'hlcairo and Rock Island, 116; Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 99; Western Union Telegraph, co, v Milwaukee Markets, Mitwinii. May si Wheat market qnlet and weak; No I, I1-V9; No. 2, $1"25V- Received, loT.OtK) bubhels. Shipped, StS.tXH) bttblieis. i reighU by rail 6c ; i steam, 1 10. Jt, FROM NEW YORK. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Kvmtng Telegraph. Coal Freights Reduced. New York, May 22. The Lackawanna Rail road has reduced the coal freight to the tarltt in force before the itrike. Serious Chatge. John Mahanoy was arrested at Jersey City yesterday for the murder of his brother Thomas. Masonic Meeting. The annual communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York will convene in this city June 6, at 2 P. M. A large amount of im portant Masonic business is to be considered. Mr. Bonner and the Chicago Races. Nev York, May 22. Mr. Bonner denies the truth of the report that he will trot Dexter at Chicago. The Foster Murder Trial. New York, May 22. A jury has at last been empanelled in the Foster murder case, and the prosecution has opened. NAPOLEON III. Hopes of English Clergymen for a Resto ration of the Dynasty. An address, of which the following is a copy. has been forwarded to Chiselhurst. The docu ment is signed by Dr. Lee, vicar of All Saints, Lambeth, England, and others of the clergy, besides a large number of lay dignitaries: To His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the French, K. G.: May it please your Majesty We the undersigned, while tendering the expression of our sincere and hearty sympathy with your Imperial Majesty, take the liberty of respectfully welcoming you to EnRland. Our earnest hope is that your Majesty, with the Empress and the Prince Imperial, may speedily oe recalled to France to restore once again social order and religious liberty, and to protect the peaceably disposed Of your country from the inroads of a bar barous socialism and the curse and despotism of an anti-Christian republic To this the Emperor has replied as follows: Camhen-i-lacb, CmsELncnsT, May 6. Gentle men: If the sorrow which the misfortunes heaped upon my country cause me could be alleviated, the lively sympathy which I have found since my ar rival In England would have been a true consola tion for me. The address which you have sent me has been a new evidence of sympathy which has deeply touched me. I thank you for It, gentlemen, as well as for your good wishes for France, and I beg you to believe me sincere. Napolkon. isqal ira-T23iii.iaijKro23. "Noodles." Court of Quarter Sessions Judge Finletttr. The only case tried this morning lit for publication was that of the notorious Michael Dow ling, alias "Noodles," who was charged with assault and bat tery with intent to kill a kindred character. James A. Eearnan, alias Punch McLaughlin. Noodles tried hard to have his case continued, and pleaded the absence of his counsel, Mr. Kneass, who, however, npon coming into court. said he hat nothing to do with the ailalr. Noodles then assumed the air of a martvr ana awaited results, l'unch said that on last Wednesday afternoon he was standing at Front and Barrow streets, when Noodles came np and said, "You've been talking to the District Attorney about me." "jno, i naven t," said runcn;"i am a friend ot yours." Noodles thereupon went for him. bea. him, Kicked him, bit him, and stabbed him on the hand. knee. lace. neck, ana bacK. Noodles oti'ered no evidence, but gave np the ship and was convicted. To-morrow he will be tried for stealing a hat. Injunction Against the Sale of Sewing juacmnes. The Washington Jlcpvbltc says: A temporary injunction was Issued yesterday by the Supreme Court of the District stopping the sale of the sewing machines of the American button-hole and Over seaming Sewing Machine Company. For the past two or three years a considerable business has been done at the agency of this company, which is in the charge of Mr. George Boyden. on Four-and-a-half street, near Pennsylvania avenue, and the present suit is for past prollts as well as to stop further sales. The bill on which the Injunction issued was filed by George Harding, Esq., or Philadelphia, and is. u Stanton, Esq., as counsel for Charles Parham, the inventor or a sewing machine, who claims that his patent Is Infringed by the machines made by the company. A motion was made and will be heard Saturday next to continue the injunction until the suit can be brought to a final hearing and a final decree made. A similar suit, brought by Mr. Parham against the same company, was recently decided in his favor by the United States Circuit Court at Philadelphia, and the sale of the machines of the company stopped in Pennsylvania, and the company ordered to account to Air. rainam ior past pronts. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. EvuNiHa Teleqrayh Omen.) Monday. Mar 23, U7L I The general condition of our money market is easy, tenner tne uauKs nor loan nouses are pressed for money at this time, and, with a large supply of funds available and seeking paying investments during the summer, it is not singu lar that rates should rule easy both to specula live and business borrowers. We quote call loans at 4(aD per cent, on acceptable collaterals, ana at 6 per cent, on paper having three to four months to run. Gold is quiet, and opened weak at 1115. but the price subsequently reached 112, and closed lirm at in. In Government bonds there is only a limited movement in this market, but Saturday's closing prices are maintained. canai snares were qniet, tne eniy saies oeing in Lehich at 36. Stocks are active and prices strong. Sales of city 6s, new bonds, at J02103. Lehigh gold loan at 03. and 'MX for the small bonds. Read ing Railroad was active, selling at 57K57. Free pales of Pennsylvania at 62&62K. Little Schuylkill at 46U: Northern Central at 41: and Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wilmington at5l.. The balance of the list was firm but quiet. Manufacturers' Bank aold at SO; Feeder Dam Coal at and llestonville Railroad at 22, b. o. PUIXADJILPIUA STOCK EXCHANGE BALES. Reported by De Haven ft Bro., No. 40 S.Thlra Btreet. FIKST s(JA it D. 1700 City 69, New. 102 a su Manu Bank., 80 SC0O do 103 f 300 C A A m s, 69 94 t40oOLeh V 6s 100 . 600 W Jersey R Ts.ioijtf loo su Reading R... 67. 3 do 7 ah Pernna R ... 89 62 ' sou do boo, loo 300 1 so 66 do. do. do. do. 62 .b60. 62 6U0 800 860 46 7(0 do. .b60. 67 X do , do. do. do. .b30. allot. 62 x 67 X 67 60 do allot . 6 HX tlx MX S8hC A AR.b60.l32 SBSh Lit. Sen RR.. 46 100 do... .b30 150 811 N cent .. 41 S7BUMlnehui R.. 64 86 sh Cen Trans. 85 49 SECOND BOARD. 13000 Leh 6s, 84. 86tf soo su Keaaing k. . . mv. 32((J0 Pa 6s, t so.... 'x&000 Pa 6H 1 Be... 80 sliElniira Pf... S&fihN CentR... 4 shOC A A ft. .lU7tf JUW UU SOU.DI OO .10 . 44 . 41 65 Bh Cam A Am.. .181 sasnLehVaiK.... e 10 sh Penna R..... 6iX SishMecb. Bk..... 3a . 62 Mfkshh nitlliTFW A BBOTHKR, NO. 40 8. Third street, Philadelphia, report the following quotations: -U. 8. 6a of 18bl, in(m?, ; do. 1869, 111(4U1; nn is. iiiUl: da 1868. in.'(4Ul?;;do, 1866, nan nil .llH'l! do. 186T. da 113u113' I do. 1868. do. iiHi'liw: 10-4O8. lu9Kuio. U. 8.80 Year 6 per cent. Currency, 116,4U5i Uold, 111 us? silver. 106VS(gl08; Union Paclno Railroad i.t'vr.rt. Bonds. 93V693V: Central Pacta o Rail- road. loiViatloSi Union Paolflo Land Grant Bonds, wssrs. William Paintib A Co., No. 88 8. Third .trr rt-nort the following quotations: U. 8. 6s of 1S81. W117, sB-SOeof 1SM lUXieUllWJ do. 1864. llifc"li da I860, mx&m; da, Jaly, lseo. 11 ' uH3', : au.i iiuiy, iwi, novaiw i aa juit. 1UJ11; , uu.. u;j, i; 1868, 113114; i0-4Oa, 109V(41 K. H. Currency 6a, 116HA116X, iuv's. u. o. raoioo Uold, lll(o)112V. gold quotations follows: lirixi a. at. ... ...... .111 v .111?, .119 .111;, 11-18 A. 119 10-85 " 11117 " U13 " U1W llltf 11-38 119 J.VV " Philadelphia Trade Report. Monday, May 22 There Is a fair demand from the home consumers for Flonr, bnt shippers are not operating to any extent. The receipts continue moderate, and prices remain without change. 1200 barrels sold In lota, Including superfine at $5-25 6- 62 ; City Mills extras at $6; Iowa and Wisconsin extra family at 0-757; Minnesota do. do. at 7127-25; Indiana and Ohio da da at7-l2a 7- 60; and fancy brstids at 7-76(i, as in quality. Rye Flour is steady at 15-75,2 6. In Corn Meal no sales were reported. There is a firmer feeling In the Wheat market, but the volume of business Is light. Sales of 2000 bushels at 1 1 4(ai f5 for good and choice Indiana red ;ll 651-60 for Pennsylvania do.; lt502i-62 for Ohio da; and $l-70(tl0 for white. Rye may be quoted at 1( P10 for Southern and Western. Corn is In good neninnd both for shipment and local use. Sales of yellow at 77c. ; Western mixed at 74(7c: and 26,000 bushels do. do. on private terms, oats are without special change. Sales of 25,000 bushels at 64(3 65c. for mixed and 6H4Sc. for white. In Barley and Malt ro sales were reported. Park is freely offered at t30 per ton for Na 1 Qaer. rcltron without ending buyers. Seeds. In Cloverseed and Timothy nothing doing to fix quotations. Flaxseed is wanted for crushing purposes at 12-20. Whisky; is better; we quote Western Iron-bound at 84c Philadelphia Cattle Market. Monday, May 22. The market for Beef Cattle was excessively dull this morning, and with liberal ofrerings prices declined. Bales of choice at T 8c ; fair to good at 637c; and common at 4 6c. V lb., gross. Receipts, 2000 head. The following are the particulars of the sales: Htaa. 35 cnaries uengier, Lancaster county. 6V(7vr - .1 f fclmtth r -n ..... t - ' 60 Jas. Christy, Western, 78v. . 80 R. Maynes, Western, 7(97. 78 A. Christy, WeBtern, 78. 77 John McArdle. Western. 7a3. 124 P. Y. McFlllen. Western, 7C47V. 45 li. r.Mctruien, western and Lancaster ca, 7(37 V. 85 Ph. Hathaway, Western, 7(48 v. 135 J. S. Kirk, Lancaster co., 7( 8. 100 James McFlllen. Western, 6V3T. 75 E. S. McFlllen. Western. 7 108 M. Ullman, Lancaster co., 67. loo P. Smyth Pro.. Lancaster co.. 7t7;. 128 Mooney, Miller A Co., Lancaster co., ((asv. 70 V. Mooney uro., western, 67'. 85 Dennis Smyth, Penna.. 737. 62 L. Drank, western and I'enna.. evaiv. 80 Una, Schamberg, Western, 7($7. 94 Hope & Levi, W estern, Sts. 80 H. Cham, Wertern, 7a;7. 24 H. Frank, Lancaster co., 7(7. 45 icorn uo., Lancaster co., K.iH. 16 Blum fc Co., Lancaster co., 77?. 41 Leavenstine & Co., Lancaster CO., 7Q7. 85 S. Frank, w estern, 7t47V- 3d II. Chain, Jr., Western, 67. Cows and calves are extremely slow to move and 5 rices have a downward tendency. Sales at W$G0. (ecelpts, 800 head. sneep are not attracting mucn . attention, ana there are few or no wnolied oirerlng. We quote clipped at e6c. and woolled at 7o. Receipts, 16,000 head. Bogs met an active inquiry early in the week and sales were effected at 7c. for corn-fed, but later the demand subsided somewhat under the influence of liberal arrivals and unfavorable reports from the West, ana prices aeennea to irs7vc. Der lb. Ke- celpts, 8034 head. LATEST SmiTIKB INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA MAY 22 BTATB OF THIBM0MXTIB AT TUK IVXNLNO TXLK0RAPB OFFICB. 8 A. M. C6 1 11 A. M 70 9 P. M.......81 Sun Risks 4-89, Moon Sbts. ....io-it Sun Sara 7-14Uiou Water.. 3-43 (By CaMeJ " LiTKRPOOL, May 21. Arrived, steamships Colo- redo, from New York, aud Siberia, from Boston; barks Josephine, from New Orleans, and Oueen nf Hearts, from Savannah ; and schr Marios, from Gal veston. Ma 82. steamsaip Abyssinia, from New Yorr. touched at Queenstown to-day. London, May 22 hteamsnip Moravian, from Quebec, touched at Moville to-day. ay leiajrapn.) Niw York. May 82. Arrived. steamshiD Alennn. from Liverpool. F0RTBK88 monrob, va,. may sh. Tne niiot-boat Maryland reports as passed in for Baltimore, ship Leocadia, from Bremen ; a N. O. bark from Batavia; and schr U. II. Eaton, from Martinique. CLEARED THIS MORNING. Steamer Mars, tirumley, New York, W. M. Baird a. CO. Steamer S. P. Phelps, Brown, New York-, do. Schr Mary J. Russell, Smith, Lynn, John Rommel, dr., uru. Schr Sabao, Sampson, Boston, do. Schr Oriole, Baker, do. do. Schr Reading RR. No. 49, Rod an. N. London, do. Schr E. S. Tyler, Smith, Hartford, do. Schr Reading RR. 60, Nickerson, Norwalt, do. Schr P. A. Sanders, Smith, Providence, do. Schr Golden Eagle, Howe, New Bedford, da Sc.hr Ida V. Mcc'abe. Pickup. New Haven, do. Schr J. Cadwalader, Townsend, Cambrldgcport, do. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. Steamer Fanlta, Doane. 84 hours from New York. with mdse. and passengers to John V. OhL Steamer k. c. tJiaaie. Mcuue. 24 nonrs from New- York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Steamer juaynower, ruita, 24 pours rrom New York, with mdse. to w. P. Clyde A Co. Steamer Jas. 8. Green, Carr, from Richmond via Norfolk, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Brltr Alice btarrett, iiooper, b oars from Cardenaa. with molasses to B. H. Howell, Son & Co. Schr Chief, west. 8 days from Indian River, with grain and lumber to John L.Reilner. Schr Mountain Laurel, Booth, IB days from Ban gor, with laths and pickets to T. P. Galvln A Co. benr navorne, ciars, irom jxew xorx. witn salt to Wm. BuKim A Son. Schr Rockaway, Dougherty, frorr Baltimore, with salt to Wm. Bumm & Son. Schr R. Uul, Smith, from Kondout, n. y., with. cement. Schr Marlon Draper, ueauy, rrom iiauoweu, flie., nth granite. Schr Emeline Halght. Avery, from Seaconnet, with fish. Schr Ney, Chase, rrom aeaconnet, witn nsn. tar- Rrii, Torrid Zone, arrived yesterday from Demarara, Is consigned, with sugar, to H. L. GUI & Bro. vessel to Warren A Gregg and not as before. Krtir v thin, from bdieias. arrived sesterdar. is consigned to Workman A Co. MEMORANDA. Steamer Panther, Mills, from Wilmington, Del.. arrived at Georgetown, 1). C, at 9-80 this morning. Correspondence rf The Evening Telegraph, iABivn av nicAiAUUivo uuujiiin, Nbw York Ofkicb. May 20. .Tne following barges leave In tow to-night for Baltimore, light: s. r uton, v. 15. enaw, ir. u. oiuart, a. d. Tay lor, J. B. Taylor, United Brothers, Estelle, Josllu, rnncets, caimiia, o. uumuieii, .trans v ait, linen. and Tlceno. A. C. Conde, witn guano, tor rnuaaeipiua. M. F. Hannigan, with horseshoes, for Baltimore. Baltimore BaANcn Okkice. May 20.Tbe follow ing barges leave in tow to-nlgbt, eastward: li. 0. unara, jjou rierce, j. rout, x uoa, uiinwn, William McFaddes, Nightingale, G. C. Gere, aud W. Hardin, all with coal, for New York. Harvest Oueen, Kate Stewart, and Governor Sey mour, left with those reported on Stnrday. P111LADELPUIA 13RAKCU ofkicb. May 2A wcainer. Wind :-May 20, P. M , S. W. ; S'luday, 21st, 6 30 A. M., r. . w.; 8 HU p. 01., vn . X . r. m., a. ; warm at midday ; pleasant, bland at nignt, tempera. ture lowered ; a light bank hove up at sunset in the west, the sun sinking into it; men settled away after sunset, indicating, according to nautical expe rience, the occurrence of the wind in the opposite quarter (the east) in the subsequent twenty-four hours; May 22, this 4 80 A. M.. wlud S. S. E with a humid atmospherj. Barometrical: Saturday, May W, midnlHbt, to 15 Ml; Sunday, ut. 6 A. M.,30 ll-o; 7 P. M., 30 1-80; miUiiight, 80; Monday, iid. 4 A. M., S9 77-bO. L. S. C. Special Despatch to The Evtn'ing Telegraph. Uavkb-vjc-Ghacr, Mj' 22. The following boats leave in tow to-day : Kiton, Montour, and Pennsylvania Oo., with lum ber to Taylor fc Betts. Wyoming, Utter Siple, Camaany, and 9 Pennsylva nia Canal 1 o.'s, with coal to H. S. Gross. i nlon Forever, J. B. George, Mary Jane, and J. M. Cartwtight, with coal to G. C Morris. Pennsylvania Canal Co. and Roanoke, with coal to J. R. W hite A Son. Msry K. Davis, with lumber to B. H. Taylor k Son. K. U. Lvman, with lumber to IX Trump, Son A Co, Ella, with lumber to Noruross A Sneetz. Louiaa, wlUUuwbt',i for Newark, N J. J. H. TT