the Daily evening telegraph Philadelphia, Saturday, may 20, i87i, lty Affairs. ' ftev. Fennell Coombs, at tbs afternoon cession of the Temperance Convention yes terday, denounced Geary a a renegafie, on account of the sepeal of the Canoannon pro hibitory law, nd the oonTention aknoat nnanimoaaly passed a fiercely dannnoiatory resolution. of the Governor. The convention then adjourned sine die. Some shad fishermen caught a seal weigh ing 060 pounds in the Delaware, opposite Burlington. Foreign Affair a. Twenty-one members of tbe Commune so longer attend its sittings. The Prussians are near Conflans 1'Arohe veque, in the Department of the Seine. The Committee of Safety is determined to raze Taris to the ground rather than sur- i It is ordered that all the contributors to the Tans journals must attach their signa tures to the articles which they write. A reign of terror exists in Paris, and daily many eminent citizens are imprisoned, and the lives of many are despaired of who retained as hostages. A Ooatk of Impeachment was opened yesterday in Paris, to eioot hostages upon whom to execute the retaliatory measures de termined upon by the Commune. In the British Ilouse of Lords yesterday, Earl Russell consented to the postponement of the discussion of the American treaty until the 20th of June, to await the arrival of the official papers. A Paris despatch says the Germans de mand that an armistice be arranged around the capital to enable the taking of a plebisci turn throughout France to decide the future form of government. OUR COMMERCE. , Jln me New now u JlBtom iionse Regime. Yesterday, at 1 o'clock, by invitation of Colonel John W. Forney, the Collector of the Port a number of merchants and distinguished citizens of Philadelphia met at Augustln's, on Walnut street, above Eleventh, for the purpose of having an informal conversation as to the best method of advancing the Interests of this city as a commercial centre, and of taking some action in reference to the operations of the new law of July 14, 1870, with special reference to the importation of goods into this city. -rr-.-..a for the meeting was one o clock, and at that hour we found assembled in the parlors Colonel John W. Forney, Collector of the Port; J. E Kingsley, of the Continental Hotel; G. B. Lobdell, special agent of the United States Treasuiy Department; Hons. Leonard Myers, AYilliam D. Kelley, and Alfred C. Harmer, Congressmen from Philadelphia; John Price Wetherill, Henry C. Carey, the distinguished writer on "Political Economy;" Mr. Goodrich, Deputy Surveyor; William T. Reed, "William Cohen, of Cohen fc Sons; William A. Brown, W. J. P. Ingraham, J. J. Buchey, E. H. Bailey, Joshua B. Lippincott, Joseph C. Grubb, Howard Wilson, W. Espen, Reuben Wonder, J. Kemper, J. A. Hiestand, Naval Officer; George H. Boker, Secretary of tbe Union League; Lewis C. Cas sidy, Esq., General Robert Patterson, Colonel William B. Fordney and General James L. Rey nolds, of Lancaster, Pa.; Colonel Thomas J. Fitzgerald, of the City Item; Colonel E. W. C. Greene, of the Sunday Transcript; William V. McKean, of the Imager; Colonel J. H. Taggart. of the Sunday Times; John D. Watson, of the Worth American; Dennis F. Dealy, of the Eoen ing Uerald; W. W. Nevin, of the Press; Dr. R. Shclton Mackenzie, of the Press; Dr- E. Mor witz, of the German Democrat; J. 8. Walter, of the Delaware County Republican; Charles E. Warburton, of Thb Evening Telegraph; W. W. Harding, of the Inquirer; Colonel Ste phen Winslow, of the Commercial List; Dr. William Elder, Henry Perkins, Secretary of the Philadelphia Board of Trade; Benjamin Iluckel, Deputy Collector of the Port; Lorln Blodgett, of the Treasury Department; Charles 8. Close, Superintendent of Appraisers' Stores; J. L. Ringwalt, A. Fieish, General George Cad walader, Captain Huston, Deputy Collector, and many others whose names we could not ascertain. A short time was spent in social converse as to the business which had led the Collector to call them together, after which the company was escorted to the dining room, where a bounteous collation had been spread for the delectation of the guests, and at which Colonel John W. Forney presided. Full justice mas done to the viands provided, and upon the removal of the cloth the regular business ot the day was introduced by Colonel John W. Forney. The Collector referred to a statute intended to facilitate the transportation of imported goods between Nrw York and Philadelphia, whlcb, on coming into office he had found practically a nullity. Merchants of this city were exposed to great inconveniences, resulting from delay in the delivery of tbeir goods. Aided by Messrs. Kelley, Myers, and O'Neill, he had been laboring to re'medy the evil. The beginning of refarm promised well, and he hoped that Philadelphia would resume her commercial supremacy. He then introduced Mr. Lobdell, the special agent of the United States Treasury Depart ment, who, after referring to the complaints made by merchants and echoed by the press of Philadelphia, concluded by saying: "And now, in respect to all Intimations and charges, from whatever source, that the Trea sury Department either is or has been throwing obstacles or impediments unnecessarily In the way of business under the transportation laws, with intent to embarrass or prevent fair, honest business transactions with the Government under those laws, I have to say, and I speak that which I know when I do say, that all such Insinuations, imputations, and charges are wrong and entirely unfounded, being based only on misapprehension ot the facts of the case. "I should certainly be glad to see the foreign commerce of this city increased to such extent as to require the use of that entire building for its accommodation. 1 do expect to see it largely increased from the trade the merchants in this city are opening with Europe via New York, under the new law authorizing transit In bond, notwithstanding the present seeming diffi culties, which are regarded by many as lions in tbe path or by the wayeide. My official duties have been such as to afford perhaps as correct a knowledge of the operations under the law and 'regulations tor the transportation of mer chandise without appraisement, as the nature of the case will permit. i "Thanking you one and all for your kind at tention to what I have felt myself called on to av. I will only add my best wishes for the suc cess of all well-directed efforts to increase the business prosperity of the port of Philadelphia As a further elucidation of the subject. Colo nel Forney presented the following statistics: The following duties were paid by Philadel phia merchants at New York during the year 1870: McCallum. Crease & Sloan t55,000 Vonr other carpet firms 155,000 Cohen & Son 13,500 VsMmates on laces, jewelry, etc 500,000 Estimate on silk goods 12 firms 800,000 Etimateon woollen goods 15 firms. 2,200,000 PsMmate on drugs H firms 850,000 Estimate on lanc-y goods 12 firms 300,000 Estimate on cotton andlinens 12 firms 450,000 Total 14,823.000 Tbe next extract read by tbe Collector was a communication addressed to him by Reuben W'under Inspector of Bonded Goods, dated May 18 1871, which, after referring to the fa cility of despatch under the operation of the act Oierh1a4nd6e0WoyBPhadelphia was first re rived by car, via Camden and Amboy Railroad, viv Shipments have been received daily without unavoidable delays; whereas under the worktop of the old svstem goods were detained Jn New York M long as a month before they ere received r tbeir owners, ,ln consequence ' of the multiplicity of business and difficulty that were Involved in passing them through the New York custom-house. I respectfully invite your attention to tbe following exhibit: ' . Consignment to Lippincott, Johnson & Co., ol this city, was placed in the hands of oae of our best custom-house brokers May 5, and mauea to New York at 5 o'clock of that day. The manifest being incorrect, the Collector at New York refused to check the papers on theetn (the 7th being Sunday). lie (the Collector), however, on Monday, the 8th, after 10 o clock A. M., consented to check the papers-did so, and upon that same day they were shipped to this city, arriving upon the next day, the tb, were entered in this custom-house, duty paid, ex amined by the appraiser, and the whole con signment delivered before 12 o'clock M., really making tbe whole delivery Inside of forty-three hours from hour of mailing papers to agent in New York The Camden and Amboy Railroad has done all in its power to aid the furtherance of the re quirements of tbe law, and the Custom House ofllcers in charge are always ready and anxious to render the enactment effective and success ful for the commercial and business interests of, this city and Government. Tbe next paper read by the Collector was the following, which comprised one month's ac count of invoices received at Philadelphia in regular consular remittances, with the number taken respectively at New York and Philadel phia, and which shows that of 827 invoices 503 were entered at this port: Entered at Entered mt Whole Month. Philadelphia. Arte Vork. N'un'er. April 4 87 75 163 April 8 88 11 49 AnrillO 37 29 60 April 12 14 2 16 April 14 23 20 43 17 68 33 101 April S0 41 35 76 April 20 30 4 34 April 28 58 28 80 April 80 5 6 11 May 4 56 33. 89 M. 46 48 94 Tni.l fcrto on. uef t .x.IiHr'ii'he invoices actually received here (but entered and paying duties at New York), an equal number arrive at New York and are entered there in the name of our merchants, duplicates of which are never sent here; and the aggregate of duties paid at New York for im ports coming here is larger than the aggregate paid here as duties on goods entered direct. The whole number of Invoices belonging here is about one thousand per month. Speeches were also made by Messrs. John D. Watson, John Price Wetherill. and J. C. Grubb; by tbe Hon. Leonard Myers, General Patterson, and Judge Kelley. Mr. J. J. Buchey proposed the following resolution: Pesolved, That a committee of ten be ap- Sointed by the chairman of this meeting (Colonel . W. Forney), to be composed mostly of those who are interested in tbe operation of the law of July 14, 1870, who shall be instructed to con fer with G. a. .Lobdell, special agent of tbe Trea sury, before he leaves the city, and with the Secretary of the Treasury, in order to secure such a modification or change in the regula tions that they can be made practicable for the advancement of the interests of the merchants and importers of Philadelphia. ine question was put by tne Chair and unani mously agreed to. . . uoionel J)orney desired to Know if the com mittee should be appointed at once or within a day or two. Un motion, it was agreed that tne committee should be appointed at the leisure of the Chair, and announced through the columns of the newspapers. Ine meetlne was then resolved into a social gathering, and shortly after adjourned. ART GALLERY. JDstnblislied in 1705. ZttcCAFIN'S Art (jiallerleM and Warerooras, No. 910 CHESNUT Street. Oil Paintings Mirrors, Tables, Frames, Cornices, Etc. All Chromos 'Educed 30 per cent on form prices. 1 stutn emrp WINDOW BLINDS, ETO. WINDOW BLINDS, Lace Curtains, Curtain Cornices, HOLLAND SHADES, PAINTED SHADES of the latest tints. BLINDS painted and trimmed. BrOKB SHADES made and lettered. Picture Cord, Tassels, Etc, Repairing promptly attended to. D. J. WILLIAMS, Jr., Ho. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, g T tuths3m PHILa.DBI.FHIA CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, ETO. Q L O T H MOUSB. 4 A Wl C O HUDBR, It. 11 North SECOND Street Sign of tne Golden Lamb, Are w receiving a large and splendid assortmen of new styles of FANCY OASSIMERES And standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS and COATINGS, II 18 mwi AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OOAL. R. P. OWEN A CO., COAL DEALERS, FILBERT STREET WHARF, SCHUYLKILL. BlOlyJ SNOWDON A RAUTS OOAL DEPOT, CORNER DILLWYN and WILLOW Streets. Lehigh and Schuylkill COAL, prepared expressly (or family use at the lowest cash prices. 118 E D Q B U I L L SCHOOL I1ERCHANTVILLB, N. J., Four Hues from Philadelphia. The session commenced MONDAY, April 10, isn. For circulars apply to Rev. T. W. CATTBLL. Savery's Patent Combined Water Cooler and REFRICERATOR lias pioved itself to be superior to any in the market, uau ana ex Amine. JACOB F. HAND, Jr., Depot, No. 820 MARKET Btreet (tthstn 8mrp '"Jl U E ST. e t o v d . This new elegant and commodious first-class Hotel, on ARCH Street, above tstfVJttt in, Now open. Terms. 13 Der dav. 4Um O. Vf. ML' LL1N & UKO., Proprietors. nWARPURTON'8 IMPROVED VENTILATED and easy-CUlng DXEbd UAT (patented), in all the Improved fatthlona of the season. CliKdN UT btreet, next door to the rout Office. rpS p8f Wilmington and Reading C - ' ......... i - Railroad 7 run CENT. BOZUBS, Free of Taxes. V are offering the Second Mortgage Bonds ot this Company AT 821 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Interest Payable January and July. The Bonds are In SIOOOs, S500s, and SIOOs, And can be REGISTERED free of expense. The road is doing a good business, with prospects ot con siderable increase. This Issue is made to procure additional rolling stock. Bonds. Pamphlets, and information can be ob tained of DE HAVEN & PRO., No. 40 South THIRD Stroot. PHILADELPHIA. first irioiiTaiian 7 PER CENT. GOLD BONDS, On a Completed Road, Free of U. S. Tax, At 90 and Accrued Interest in Currency. Burlington, Cedar Rapids, and Minnesota Railway. The completion of this Road has given to these Bonds an established character equal to any mort gage issue dealt in at the Stock Exchange. We are prepared to buy and sell them at any time, at our Banking Rouse, at market price thus placing thetn on tne same oasis, ror temporary or permanent ln vesments, with Governments or any other security. These bonds are a first and onlv niorturano on a railroad that has cost double the amount of the Issue, and which commands, wltbont competition, all the trafflo of Northern Iowa and Southern Min nesotashortening the distance from St. Paul to Chicago 8 miles, and to St. Louis more than 90 miles. The net earnings are already largely In excess or Interest on the bonds, and no deubt exists that they will more than double within tbe ensuing year. A contract has been secured with the Chicago, BurllDgton.and Ojiincy Railroad Comiwy iKttn ine ikUer to invest no pr oen. 01 kiubs cm mug. uc- rived from tramc with the Burlington, Cedar Rapids, and Minnesota Road in the bonds of this Company. This arrangement is a strong guarantee of the Bonds, and establishes a large sinking fund for their redemption. Tbe convertibility privilege in these bonds ena bles them to be exchanged for stock, at nar, at any time. This secures to the holder, at his option, a share in any excess of earnings over the interest obligation. An exchange of Government securities for these bonds returns 9i per cent, interest, instead of 8 per cent, which is all that Government pays at present price, besides leaving an Immediate gain of about 20 per cent. In price for reinvestment. All marketable securities taken In exchange, free of commission and express charges. HENRY CLEWS & CO., No. 3 WAU STREET, SEW YORK. FOR SALE IN PHILADELPHIA BY DeHaven & Bros., Elliott, Collins & Co., Townsend Whelen A Co., Darker Bros. & Co., W. H. Shelmerdlne & Co., And by Bankers and Brokers generally. 4 28 swtmis TRAVELLERS' CREDITS ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH Jay Cooke, McCulloch & Co.. OF LONDON, AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT EUROPE. We would call tbe special attention of Americans going abroad to the complete arrangements made by our London House, in their office, at No. 41 LOMBARD Street, For the comfort and convenience of holders of our Circular Lettei b, and especially with reference to their correspondence and the latest advices from the United States. Persons taking Credits through us can have their pas.ports furnished without extra charge. Full information given at our office. JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 8 9tatb82m PHILADELPHIA. DUNN BROTHERS, Nob. 51 and 53 S. THIRD St. Dealers In Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills of Exchange on the Union Bank of London,and issue travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BROS fc CO., available in all the cities of Curope. Hake Collections on all points. Execute orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board of Brokers. Allow Interest on Deposits, subject to check at tight 11 9 a IIAKRISSON GItAMBO, BAN It EL, ( 530 WALNUT Ot.. PHILADELPHIA. 2 S3 MNANOIAL. JAT C00EE & CO., PHILADELPHIA, SEW TORS and WASHINGTON. jay cooke, Mcculloch s co. LONDON, AMD Dealers In Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at.the Board of Brokers in this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOL In connection with our London House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Including Purchase and Sale of Sterling Bills, and the Issue of Commercial Credits and Travellers' cir cular Letters, available in any part of the wor an are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DEPOSIT, and to allow four per cent, Intcres m currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication with both our New York and Washl'ton Offices, we can offer superior facilities to r customers. RELIART "AlLROAD BONDS FOR LNVEST- Pamphlets and full Information given at our office, 5 3 8mrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street, PhUada. J3 O IV X S OF TBI Camden and Amboy Railroad, New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Com any, and Delaware and Ilarl tau Canal Company, Constituting the United Companies of New Jersey. We offer these most desirable bonds, in regis tered certificates, due in 1S94, bearing 0 PER CENT. INTEREST, free of all taxation, payable April 1 and October 1. P or full particulars, apply to DREXEL & CO. C. to II. BORIE. W. II. NEWDOLD, SON & AKRTSEN. COUPON OR REGISTERED LOAN OF TBS City of "Williamsport, Pennsylvania, With both principal and Interest made absolutely secure by State and municipal legislation, for sale at AND ACCRTJRBD INTEREST, BY P. 8. PETERSON & CO., BokM uU Stouk Brokaro. No. 39 S. THIRD STREET, 8 PHILADELPHIA. INVESTMENT BONDS PORTAGE LAKE AND LAKE SUPERIOR SHIP CANAL 10s. Secured by first mortgage on the canal (now completed), and on real estate worth five times tne amount or tne mortgage. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, 10s. DOUGLA8 COUNTY, NEBRASKA (Including Omaha), 10s, and other choice Western county and cuy douuh, yieiuuig guuu raws oi uueresi. ALLENTOWN CITYCA.) SEVEN PER CENT. SOHOoL BONDS, free from taxes under the laws or the state, at par ana interest. For full particulars apply to DOWAUD D&ULINGTOlt, 8 8 8m No. UT South FOURTH Street. JOHNS. RUSHTON & CO., BANKERS AND KR0XE38. GOLD AND COUPONS WANTED. City Warrants BOUGHT AND BOLD. No. 00 South THIRD Street, 8 Ml PHILADELPHIA. B. K. JAMISON & CO. SUCCESSORS TO P.F.KKIXY &, CO BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, Silver, and Government Bond At Cloaeat Market llatei, N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sti Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, etc. eto 188 HEW U. 8. LOAFJ. GOLD -AJVJD 5-SOs Converted into New Loans of the United States on best terms. DE HA YEN & BEO. Financial Agents United States, No. 40 Couth THIRD Street. 4 26 Btuth lm wnAew, whoa tsVJe C T O C K S, LOANS, ETC., O liOl OUT AND AT THE BOARD OK HKottERS, BV GEORGE J. BOYD. 4 23 tutbi2mrp No. IS S. THIRD Street. FINANOIAU. A RELIABLE Safe Home Investment. Till? Sur, bury and lewistown Railroad Company 7 run cEur. gold First Mortgage Bonds. Interest Payable April and Octo- bcr, Free of State and United States Taxes, We are now offering the balance of the loan of 11,900,(00, which li secured by a II rat and only lion on the entire property and franchises of the Com pany, At OO and tlie Accrued) Interest Added The poad is now rapidly approaching completion, with a "Tfe trade in COaL, iron, and LUMBER, In aftitttnn to the passenger travel awaiting the oppoing of this greatly needed enterprise. The local tade alone is sulllcleutly large to Bustaln the Road. We have no hesitation in recommending the Ponds s a CHEAP, RELIABLE, and SAFE INVEST WENT. For pamphlets, with map and full Information, apply to WW. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Dealers In Government Securities, No. 36 South THIRD Street, PHIL AD EL PHI A. OAS FIXTURES. NO STORE ON CHESNUT STREET. C0RI1ELIUS & SOUS' RETAIL. SALESROOMS, 821 CHERRY St. GAS FIXTURES. OROCERIES, ETO. JCSTAlLIHIIIiJD 1800, Cousty's East End Grocery. EXTRA QUALITY SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES, by tbe barrel, keg, or gallon. LONDON BROWN SrOUT AND SCOTCH ALE by the cask or dozen. Goods delivered free of charge to Gerraantown. Chesnut hui, west rnuaucipaia, ana uantaen. orders Boucitea at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 11S South SECOitlJ St., 3 2thsturp9 Below Chesnut, West Side. CANTON PRESERVED GINGER, DRY AND IN SYRUP, Of the best quality, for sale by JAMES R . WEBB, S. E. CORNER OP 4 80 thstn3mrp WALNUT and EIGHTH Sts. TEAH. CJOFFI2I2S. Imported ami Domestic Groceries. A. J. ItB CASH, FINE GROCER, ' N. IV. Comer CHESNUT and SECOND Sts., 413thsmsra PHILADELPHIA. JAMES W. HAVENS, IMPORTER OP FOREIGN PRODUCE, Wines, Oils, Fruits, Cigars, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 901 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. 8 87! FIRE AND BURQL.ARPROOF SAFES STEAM ! - ' FIRE-PROOF SAFES, SANBORN'S PATENT Burglar-Proof Safes, Of Welded Steel and Iron, MADE BY AMERICAN STEAM SAFE CO. No. 32 8. FOURTH St. E. W. THOMAS. 8 1 stuth6inrp SAXON GREEN. ta Hriehter, will not Fade, Costa Less than any other tocfciibe it will Paint twice as much surface. , BOLD BY ALL. DEALERS IN PAINTS. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC GKRMAN JUBILEE WEEK. PRICKS OF ADMISSION CHANGED. AdmlMion, with Secured Seat 1100 Balcony , "50 Family Circle..... 8 Amphitheatre 83 THE PLACK CROOK TO-NIGHT. LAST PERFORMANCE. P15 6t WALNUT STREET THEATRE. THE LAST PERFORMANCE OF THB GREAT DRAMA OF THE DAY, TUB STREETS OF PHILADELPHIA, which will be produced TO-NIGHT, with all its Llvmg Pictures of the City, Midwinter and Sum mer Scenes, the Streets by Sunlight and Gaslight, the Grand Tableaux and Startling Illusions, received at each performance WITH THUNDERS Of AfrLAUSg, MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins V to 8 o'clocK. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, May 20, GREAT DOUBLE BILL. . NOBODY'S DAUGHTER, ending with the GRE T GAMBLING SCENE, MISS KATE RKIGNOLDS IN THURE CHARACTERS, Aided bY the Fall Company. Aftr which, KATHLEEN MAVOUKNREN. KATHLEEN KATE REIGNOLB3 MONDAY "SERPENT ON THE HEaRTH." DAVENPORT'S CHESNUT STREETTHEATRK. Performance commences at 8 o'clock. THIS EVENING, SARATOGA. . SARATOGA. MR. JaMES LEWIS, from Daly's Fifth Avenae Theatre, and D A VENPORT'8 STAR COMPANY. ' Admission, 81, , 00) and 85cents. , Seats secured from 9 until 4 o'clocK. SARATOGA ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Admltsion, 50 and 2& cents ; Scats, l. 5 15 6t AMERICAN MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Open dolly. Admission SB cents. , MK. KOUEKT MCWADE, HIP VAN WINKLE. EVERY EVENING and SATURDAY MATINEE. On exhUiltlon at an expense of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS A WEEK. the greatest living curiosity in the world, A TWO-HEAIJBII UMIL.II. Last UN CLE TOM'S CABIN MATINEE Wednesday FOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE. IMMENSE ATTRACTION. Every eventrp, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, THE IMI'EUIAIj JAPANESE TROUPE. Grand Olio Entertainment. 0 wo Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Local Sketches, Comic Pantomime, etc., etc WEDNESDAY, at 8 o'clock. A GRAND BAZAAR IN AID OF THE SICK POOH OF bT. MARY'S HOSPITAL is NOV OPEN, and will continue for two weeks at CON CEHT HALL, CHESNUT Street, above Twelfth. Season tickets, 20 cents, single auuussion, iu cents. -418 RAOES. PHILADELPHIA. SPRING MEETING. Vi PREMIUMS. 110.000. MAY 84. For horses that have never Btarted for purse, plate, or stake. First $000, 8300, tioo 81000 R. Stetson, Phlla., enters b. m. Taoitha. John Cudney, New York, enters b. m. Bridget. Charles U. Smith, N. J., enters s. m. Lady Shot well. M. Roden, N. Y., enters s. ft. Fleetwood. W. H. Doble, Phlla,, enters blk. s. Young Filling ham. For horses that have never trotted faster than 8-10. First teoo, 1300, 1100. 11000 J. McKlnley, I'hila., br. 8. Trafalgar. E. Toliey, Massachusetts, enters s. in. Susie. Budd Doble, Phlla., enters br. m. Juno. MAY 26. For horses that ha7e not trotted faster than 8-8'i. First, t9 0, 1450, tlBO 11500 Budd Doble, Phlla., enters br. m. Le Blonde, li. P. stetson, Phlla., enters a. m. Lady Light foot. George P. Carpenter, Connecticut, enters g. m. Belle of Toronto. Willlaiu li. Woodruff, Mass., enters b. g. Dew Drop, M. Roden, New York, enters b. g. Comet James Doug rey, New York, enters br. m. Fanny Lambert. W. H. King, Phlla., enters b. m. Sunbeam. O. A. Illckok, New York, enters s. s. Elmo. For horses that have not trotted faster than 226. First, 81200, toco, t-m 2000 Budd Doble, Phlla., enters s. m. Idol. T. J. Nodlne, L. ., enters 8. m. Belle Strickland. E. C. White, New York, enters b. g. Ed. V"hite (formerly Lute, General Scott, and Jim Smith). Thomas 8. Carpenter, Connecticut, enters blk. s. Thomas Jeifersou. Wm. B. Smith, Connecticut, enters s. m. None Sueh. MAY 28. For horses that have not trotted faster than 8 60. First, 1000, J300, I1O0 $1000 M. Koiltn, New Vork, enters s. g. Fleetwood, tb. 11. Smith, N. J., enters s. m. Lady Shotwell. J. Shoemaker, Phlla., enters br. g Houest Billy. O. A. Illckok, New York, enters b. g. Dunder- berg. John Codney, New York, enters b. m. Bridget. ' J. McKlnley, Phlla., enters br. s. Trafalgar. E. Tobey, Mass.. enters 8. m. Susie. Daniel Dunley, N. Y., enters r. m. Lady Emma. For hordes that have not trotted faster than 8-B6. First, fSOO, 300,100 11000 Wm. Amer, Phlla., enters b. m. Gazelle. John Cndtiey, Phlla, enters b. s. Andalusia. . M Roden, New York, enters b. g. Comet. James McOusker, Phila., enters s. in. Kuby. E. C. White, New York, enters ch. in. Fanoy Fern. Open to all except Lady Thorn and Goldsmith Maid. First, 81500, 1760, ifo iM) James McMann, New York, enters b. g. Mountain Boy. Benjamin Daniels, New York, enters b. m. Ameri can Girl. Wm. H. DoWe, Phlla , enters b. m Lucv. Races 8 In B to harness, and to be governed by the Rults of the National Association. Bell will ring at a 4ft, aud the horses must be ready to start at 3 o'clock sharp, heats to be trotted alter nately. (juarter-Ht retch must be cleared when the horses ate called. Band will perform between beats. Restaurant on the grounds. Vehicles will be in attendance to convey visitors to tb Park from the Baltimore Depot, Broad street aud Washington avtnue, every I'fteen mluutes duriDg the day. Ad mission one dollnr. GEORGE STURGES; President, A. A. Lechlek, Secretary. onice, No. 843 8. SIXTH Street. 5 19 20 22 24 25 20 Ot EXCURSIONS. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO BOR- X-JXtZdentown. On and after April V3. 1811, the steamer EDWIN FOKKE3T will leave ARCH Btreet W harf on SUNDAYS at 8 o'clock, A. M., touching at'Megargee's wharf, Bridesburg, Tacony, Andalusia, Beverlv, Burlington, Bristol, Florence, Robblns' wharf, Whitehall, and Borden town. . Returning Leaves Bordentown at 4'IB o'clock P. M., Whitehall at 4 !)0, Bristol at 6-30, Burlington at 6-45. Fare each way, 25 cents. Excursion, 40 cents. CSstf HUN DAY EXCURSIONS THE splendid steamboat "TWILIGHT" jA.L win make .wo trips every Sunav, leavlnsr Chesnut btreet Wharf at t o'clock A. M. and 2 P. M., stopping at Megargee's Wharf, Taconv, Rlverton, Andalusia, Beverly, Burlington, and Bristol. Re turning, leave Bristol at 10 X A. M. and 5 P. M., stopping at all the ab-ive laudlngs each way. Fare, 26 cents ; excursion, 40 cents. 29 s5m wrjrmm S UNDAY EXCURSION. TUB JTn iTTn '" hf " ' JOHN A. WARNER leaves CHESNUT Street Wharf at IV. and MEGARGEE'S Wharf, Kensington, at 8 o'clock P. M., for Rlverton, Andalusia, Beverly, Burlington, and Bristol. Returning, leaves Bristol at 4 o'clock P. M. Fare, 25 cents. Excursion Tickets, 40 cents. 5 6 stf f,nTTiN PLANKED SHAD. -TO "ENJOY yEA.aZthla delicious dish order it at the B iiena VUtta" Hotel, GLOUCESTER POINT. - .jrfTw SHAD FISHING AT GLOUCES L&CtEK POINT A very Interesting Bight. 6 18 lltrp Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory. JOHN T. BAILEY, II. E. Cor. WATER and MARKET Ett. ROPE AND TWINE, BAGS and BAGGING, for Grain, Flour, Salt, buper-Phosphate of Lime, Bona Dust, Etc 1-arge and small GUNNY BAGS constantly on hand. Also, WOOL SACKS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers