THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH TRIPLE SUEKTPlif LADELPIILv; FRIDai', MAY 12, 1871. imwa BUIHSSARir. Cltjr Affairs. The Caledonian Clnb met again last night for the purpose of taking measures to cele brate the centenary of Sir Walter Boott, vrhioh ooonrson Aug. 15. A large committee, which will include delegates from all the pro fessions, was appointed to devise appropriate measures for the celebration. Michael 0. Mingle and James Cochrane, two river pirates, have been held in bail - by Alderman Kerr. Bernard Shannon is in prison for bur glary at the house of Ephraim Coon, No. 1718 Girard avenue. General Bankson's Brigade thill yester day was a fiuocess. John McGehan was cut in the throat with ft razor in the hands of Charles Finegan in a fight at No. 2004 Alter street last night. McGehan is not much hurt. James Smith, a literary negro, who stole $8!) to get up in Vineland a lecture, which by-tbe-by was a total failure, thereby rendering Jim unable to pay the money, was yesterday held in bail by Alderman Nichols. Domestic AfTalri. The grasshoppers in great clouds are de stroying the crops of Los Angeles county, Cai. The House Committee of the Legislature lost night resolved to report the bill abolish ing the Building Commission with a negative recommendation. There is a prospect of the Legislature remaining in session beyond the 10th instant, as it is thought that the Senate will not fix any time to adjourn until the Republicans consent to an amendment of the Registry law. Foreign Affairs. The Versailles troops have turned their electric lights towards Paris. The Paris forts still held by German troops are to be immediately evacuated. The Arab insurgents in Algeria have been defeated, and also lost their leader. A famine exists in Persia from lack of rain, and thousands of its inhabitants are dying. General Cluseret has been removed from prison, and is now under examiaation at the Hotel de Ville. Fort Vanvres was captured on Wednes day night by theYersaillists, and was held for a short time, when it was recaptured by the Communists. The treaty of peace, just concluded at Frankfort, abrogates the commercial treaty between France and Germany, and gives to Prussia the control of the railways in the ceded territory. COUNCILS. The Proceedings Yeatertlny. Both branches of Councils met yesterday after toon : Select Branch. President Cattell In the chair. A communication wan read inviting the mem bers of Councils to be present at the reunion of the Pennsylvania Reserves, and also one inviting them to take part in the coming German Peace Cjlebra tion, Monday. Both accepted. The following communication from Colonel Bar ton H. Jenks, President of trie Hydrostatic and Hy draulic Company ot Pennsylvania, was oflVred by Mr. Jones, ana referred to the Committee on Water: Philadelphia. May 9, 13T1. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia: Having demonstrated to your honorable bodies the practical working of our patent compound propeller pump, and being convinced that by Its introduction an ample supply of water at alt times can be fur nished to the city with the elevation requisite and at a reduced cost for the same, we therefore respect fully propose to construct works to supply the city with water on the following terms and conditions, The city of Philadelphia to furnish the location, and a conduit from, their present fore bay or else where to supply the pumps with water, and to con nect their mains to the outlets of said pump for dis tribution, we to furnish pumps and bull Jlngs for the same, engines and engine-houses, boilers and holler houses, all to be constructed of the best materials, and in the most substantial and reliable manner, and to be of such a character as will be an orna ment to the city, and reflecting the best engineering skill, and to have a full capacity of fifty million (6o,(00, IKKO gallons of water per twenty-four hours, to an elevation equal to the level in the contem plated Park reservoir, and to lift a greater number of loot pounds of water per hundred pounds of coal used than is now being done at any of the city works. The plana and specifications to be submitted to any committee or board of engineers that may be appointed or selected by Councils to superintend the erection ot the works ; said committee or board of engineers to have the power to modify the plans and specifications, provided such modifica tions shall not Increase the cost as per plan pre sented without such additional cost be added to our estimate. The cost of said works complete to be two and one-half millions of dollars, tf which seventy-five (75) per cent, is to be paid monthly as the work pro gresses under the direction of said committee or board of engineers, and twenty-live (28) percent, to remain until the work Is completed aud proves equal to the capacity guaranteed. Our system of pumps will require no reservoirs, and we can use or dispense with those the city have now in use. In case onr proposition should meet with a favora ble reception, and the city desire to make use of one of our pumps before the completion of the works above contemplated, we make an additional proposal that there shall be appropriated by the city a sum sufficient for ns to erect a pump at Falrmountor elsewhere, using the present power now employed there (if sufficient), and forcing such an amount of water Into the basins as you may direct, guarantee ing to lift a greater number of foot pound of water per hundred pounds of coal used than la now being done at any of the city works. The cost of this pump to be paid for by the city after we have put it in successful operation accord ing to our guarantee, or, in the event of a failure, to be removed at our own expense, aud la that event any contrast we have mada wltn the city to be void. Security to be given for the proper completion of the contract. Your obedient servants. Barton II. Jenks, President. William B. Buck, Secretary. Mr. Jones of the Highway Committee, submitted a report In regard to the paving of Lehigh avenue with rubble pavement. An ordinance directing the same to be laid in the centre was agreed to. Mr. Shoemaker, from the Committee on Law, re ported a supplemental ordinince in reference to hackney coaches, which directs that every coach shall have two lights, with a number painted on each. Agreed to. Mr. Hanna presented an ordinance for the in crease of the police force, which has been pub lished. Referred to the Committee on Police. Mr. Bumm presented a resolution regarding the condition of Shackamaxon street Square, and Mr. Alexander one inquiring as to the delay in the con struction of the culvert on Federal street, from Eighteenth to the 8cbuylklll. Both adopt,- Mr. Mcllvaine presented a resolution requesting the Board of Port Wardens to inform Councils why the parties dredging the Schuylkill below Gibson's Point deposit ine excavaieu earm vuwius ui tow watermark. Adopted, The bill makf m appropriation for the Im proved ;,.Tement On B.oad street was called up but not considered, ,. A number of bills from Common Council wera then disposed of. One to close the public offices on Monday, the occasion of the German parade, caused considerable debate and was Anally agreed to. The ordinance relative to security in municipal contracts for sireet paving was called up, but, alter debate, indefinitely postponed. After the passage of an ordinance authorizing the construction of certain sewers the Chamber aa- Common Branch. President Huhn tn the chair. A communication from W. W. Hubbell, ottering to lay a concrete pavement on Broad street at three dollars per yard, was referred. A communication from the German Peace Ks ecutive Committee, tnvlting Councils to review the Irocetslon on Mouday from a platform in front or ndependence Square, was accepted. A coniinunication from John W. Murphy, claim ing the contract for the entire erection of Pair mount bridge, was referred. A communication from Birton Jenks was pre sented by Mr. Kliis, relative to supplying the city Mr. Kowan oflered an ordinance providing that it rnmriAii far street caving shall be acooiuoanled by a bond without warrant of attorney, the condi tion being tnat tne street uu m oji m guuu i j.hlr lor tire years. Adopted. The Mil to create a loan of H2.122.OO0 Tnr the fur ther extension of the water works, was then taken np. Alter several motions to postpone, the bill pssscd yeas 43, nays 12. Mr. Shane presented an ordinance authorising certain transfers In the annual appropriation to the Fire Department for 1871. Agreed to. Mr. Allen, from the Committee on Surveys, re ported an ordinance authorizing the construction of sewers in Eighteenth, Jefferson, Master and other streets, amounting in length to 4700 feet, and the cost to 12,000. Also, a resolution to discharge the committee from the further consideration of the communica tion of J. W. Murphy, declining to accept a con tract for a portion of the work on Fairmonnt bridge, but expressing his willingness to do the whole work. Mr. Allen called np the resolution directing the City Solicitor to prepare contracts with J. W. Mur phy for the main and Thirty-second street, bridge superstructure, and the iron work of approaches with J. F. Kennedy for the graduation, masonry, curbing and paving, and with the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. for the erection of all work westward of retaining wall beyond Thirtieth street, as per pro posals for erecting a bridge over the river Schuyl kill at Falrmount and its approaches. The reso lution was adopted. A number of bills from Select Council were con curred in, alter which the Chamber adjourned. AUOTION SALES. M THOMAS fc SON8, AUCTIONEERS , NOS lis and 141 S. FOURTH street. Administrators' Peremptory Sile. Estate of (ieorge E. Blake, deceased. MUSIC 1'LATKS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS, MATERIALS, ETC. On Monday Morning, , ' May 22, at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms. Catalogues now ready. b la 8t SALE OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, . On Tuesday, May 16, at 13 o'clock, noon, at the Exchange, will Include Baltimore Turnpike, at Bellcvuo Station, 8 miles from Wilmington Elegant Country Seat, known as "Woolton;" 60 acres; mansion aud out buildings. Plymouth Hoad, Gwynedd Station, N. P. R. R. Aivery eletrant Country Seat. Fkokt (North), No. 216-Brlck Building. Tknth (North), No. 670 Genteel Dwelling. Tbnth (North), No. 672 Brick Building. Tenth and Melon, N. E. corner Stone and Dwelling. Fohtv-eigiith Street and Greenway Avenue Genteel (welling and large lot. Fifth (South), No. 1733 Store and Dwelling. Arch, No. 1342 Residence and building and large lot. Washington and Cake, Cape Island 2 frame Cot tages. Twelfth (South), Nos. 1017 and 1019 Brick Dwellings. Ripple Station, West Chester and Phila delphia R. R. Mill and Farm, 70 acres. Third (North), No. 2118 -Genteel Dwelling. WissAnicKON Avenue, Germantown Country Place, ll)i acres. Norristown TrRNriKE Valuable Farm, 90 acres. Perkiomen Turnpiab, Chestnut Hill Valuable Lot. Sixteenth and Ontario, N. E. corner Desirable Lot. Township Line hoad, Twenty-third ward Coun try Seat, Residence, Coach-houae, 6 acres (near Tacony.) Main street, Chestnut mil Tavern and Dwell ing. Filfert, above Seventh Phnentx Hose House. Mary, No. 124 Frame Dwelling and large lot. Race, No. 1211 Modern Dwelling. Thirteenth and Race, N. E. corner Building and Dwelling. Race, No. 1206 Modern Dwelling. Seventh (North), Nos. 1331, 1333, and 1335 Valu able Lots. Marshall, Nos. 1336 and 1328 Building anl Large Lot. Fk an klin, No. 2164 -Genteel Dwelling. SrMMEit, No. 2123 Desirable Dwelling. Ground Rents tS2, las, and 1150 a year. Marshall, No. 434 G-enteel Dwelling. Hurst, No. M2 Brick and Frame Dwellings. Cantkell, No. 936 Genteel Dwelling. Randolph, east of Waterloo Large Lot. Coates, No. 928 Desirable Dwelling. Bainbridoe, No 1219 yenteel Dwelling. Eighteenth (North), No. 1413 Modern Resi dence. Bkoad above Thompson Large Lot. (QUINCE, No. 234 Genteel dwelling. h 16 shares Camden and Atlantic Rallroid, com. 2 shares Camden and Atlantic Land Company. 80 shares Mosbannon Land and Lumber Co. 7 shares Kli tanning Coal Co. and f 3667 scrip. 103 shares Schomacker Piano-Forte Manf'g Co. 60 shares Empire Transportation Co. 1 share Point Breeze Park. 26 shares National Iiauk of the Republic. 44 shares Westmoreland Coal Co. 1 Bhare Philadelphia Library Co. 13 shares Steubenvljle and Indiana Railroad. 12800 Western Pennsylvania Railroad 6 per cent. S1000 Fifth and Sixth Streets Pass RW. Co. 7s. 100 shares American B II Sewing Machine. 709 shares New Creek Coal Co. Iftooo Huntingdon anl Broad Top M. RR. and coal Company. 6 12 3t Bale on the premises, Glen Riddle Station, on the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad. VALUABLE COTTON MACHINERY, CORLISS ENGINE, BOItiBR, ETC. On Wednesday, May 17, at 12 o'clock, nooa, by catalogue, the vam able cotton machinery belonging to the estate of Thomas McCredy, deceased, and Messrs. Riddle & Sieen. Particulars In handbills. P12 4t H ENRY W. & B. SOOTT, JR., AUCTIONEERS, No. 1129 CHESNUi street (uirara kow.). THOMAS BIRCH SON. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 One NUT Street; rear entrance No. HOT Sansom street. 0NTING DCRBOROW A CO., AUCTION BEK Nos. S8S and 234 MARKET street, corner ol I'.aak street. Successors to John B. Myers A Co. BALE OF 2000 CASEsTjOOTS, SHOES, TRAVEL LING BAGS, HATS, ETC. On Tuesday Morning, M ay 16, at 10 o'clk, on tour months' credit. 6 10 st NOTICE. On account of the German Peace Celebration, oar regular sale of French goods is postponed from Monday to Wednesday, May 17. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH, AND OTHER EURO PEAN DRY GOODS. On Wednesday Morning, May 17, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. 6 9 fit Bankrupt Bale on four months' credit. fFFOTAL AND PEREMPTORY KALK OK THE ENTIRE STOCK OF WATSON A DE YOUNG. On Friday Morning, May 19, on four months' credit, at their store, No. 6J3 Market street, by order of assignee in bank ruptcy. " n BY BARR1TT CO., AUCTIONEERS CAM! AUCTION HOUSE. No. 830 MARKET Street, corner of Bank street lash advanced on consignments without extrt charge. U 245 CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS, No. 1911 OB ESN L'T Street. T. A. MCCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER. Personal attention given to sales of household fw nltnre at dwellings. . Public sales of furniture at the Auction Room No. m Chesnat street, every Monday and Thar day. For particulars see "Publio Ledger." N. li A superior class of fnrnlture at private aa'.t H ENRY MOLTEN. AUCTIONEER. uv hvtsiwy M( l.Ticm at m.. Salesroom, Nos. 21 and 23 MERGER Street, new 1UI. REGULAR TRADE SALE OK FUR AND WOOL HATS, LADIES' AND ORNTS' READY-MADE FURS, STRAW, F<. AND VELVET GOO 38, Every THURSDAY during the season. Cash advances made on consignments wlthon additional charges. 8 QAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. SPRINO ARRANGEMENT. On end after Monday, May 16, ian, trains will leave VINE Street Ferry as follows: Freight iwith passenger car) TOO A. M. Mail 8 00 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation 8 43 P. M. Returning, leave Atlantic : Q Freight 18 43 I'. , Mall 4-00 P. M. Atlantic Accommodation a-is A. M. LOCAL TRAINS LEAVE For Daddontleld..9 and 10 15 A. M.,8 and 4-16 P. ivi. For Atco and intermediate stations 1015 A. M. For b amnion ton and intermediate stations 00 P.M. RETURNING, LEAVE: S Eaddontleld, and 11 A. M., and 1, I is, aua 10 P. M. Atco, 18-18 P. M. : Hammonton 1A.M. Night line for lladdouUold leaves Camden 11-30 P. M. Freight must fee delivered at Vine street wharf by 4 P. M. to Insure its transportation next day. C12 4t D. U. MUNDYi Agent. FINANOIAUi GREAT NATIONAL LOANS. NEW FIVE TER CENT. BONDS OF THE UNITED STATES. The Treasnry Department is now able to promise that the registered Certificates of Stock, and a good part of the Conpon Bonds of the New Loan of the United States, bear ing Five Per Cent. Interest, payable quarterly in Gold, will be ready for delivery early in the present month. The Subscriptions to the Loan now amount to $G2,000,000, and it is expected that the Subscriptions and Sales will progress more rapidly when the Certificates and Bonds are ready for market abroad as well as at home. The whole sum of Five Fer Cents offered to the publio generally, and to the holders of United States fi-20 Bonds, without qualification, is $200,000,000. When this amount, to which preference is thus given, is taken np, the remainder of the Five Fer Cents, $300,000,000, embraced in the New Loan of Jnly 14, 1870, for refunding the Fublio Debt, will be offered in connection with $300,000,000 Four and One-half Fer Cents, and any part of .$700,000,000 of Four Per Cents, the one running fifteen years, and the other thirty years. The following is a copy of the New Five Ter Cent. Bond, nnder and pursuant to the New Loan Act of Congress: FORM OK B PER CENT. BOND. Interest I FUNDED LOAN OF 1S81 5 r-ER cent. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ABE INDEBTED TO TI1E BEARER IN THE SUM OP DOLLARS. THIS BOND is issued in accordance with the pro visions of an Act of Congress entitled "An Act to authorize the refunding of the National Debt," ap proved July 14, 1870, amended by an Act approved January 20, 1871, and Is redeemable at the pleasure of the United States, after the first day of May, A. D. 1S81, in Coin of the standard value of the United States on said July 14, 1870, with interest in such Coin, from the day of the date hereof, at the rate of FIVE PER CENTUM per annum, piyable quarterly, on the first day of February, May, August, and No vember, in each year. The principal an4 Interest are exempt from the payment of all Taxes or Duties of the United States, as well as from taxation in any form, by or under State, municipal, or local autho rity. Washington, , IS.... Entered Recorded Register of the Treasury. BEGISTEBED BONDS will be issued of the denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1000, $5000, and $10,000, and coupon bonds of each denomination except the last two. The interest will be payable in the United States at the office of the Treasu rer, any Assistant Treasurer, or designated depositary of the Government, quarterly, on the first days of February, May, August, and November in each year. TITE INTEREST ON TELE REGISTERED STOCK of this Loan, it is determined by the Trea sury Department, will be paid as conveniently to the holder as on the Coupon ' Stock, anl personal attendance, or attendance by proxy at the Treasury, to draw and receipt for the Interest, will be dispensed with, whenever tht cheek of the United States Treasurer, milled punctually to the address and order of each Jiolder, on or before every quarter-day, is pre ferred to such attendance. This check, pay able in Gold ' Coin at the Treasury in New York (or such other office as the Stock is registered atj, will be negotiable or collect able on the indorsement of the owner or owners of the Stock. In pursuanoe of this arrangement, the subscribers to, or pur chasers of, the Stook in its registered form (which is a complete protection against theft or other losses incident to Coupon Bond payable to Bearer) are advised to give their Post Office address in full, and to notify of any change in the address betwoon quarter days. The whole proceeds of the new loan will be applied to the payment or redemption and cancellation of the 5-20 years six per cent, bonds, and, in addition to these proceeds, the fi-20s are now being reduced by purchase at the rate of $10,000,000 per month. The entire effeot, therefore, of the new loan, in connection with the existing sinking fund process of the Treasury, is to reduce both prinoipal and interest of the publio debt of the United States. The loan creates no additional supply of Government stocks, while the application of the surplus revenues de rived in gold from customs is constantly les sening, as it has been doing for two years past, the funded stocks bearing six per cent. ?id interest. The 1st of May schedule of the publio debt, which has just been published by the Secre tary of the Treasury, shows a reduotion in these Stocks since the April schedule of $12,215,700, and ft further lessening of the yearly interest charge thereon of $732,912. This leaves the total yearly interest charge in Gold $111,82,034. In the same month the Treasury paid and canoelled $2,470,000 of the Three per Cent. Currency debt, re during the whole of this debt bearing interest to $51,023,000, and the yearly interest charge thereon to $1,587,470. The proposed further reduction of the an nual interest charge upon the Publio Debt by refunding is as follows: Bv exchange of tWO.OOO.OOO United "States six per cents, for new five per cents of IShi $-r,ooo,000 By exchange of iOO,uoO,C00 I nited States six per cents for lour and a half per cents of ibee 4,600,003 Bv exchange of I uluwl Ststes six per cents for lour per cents Of llkJl...... 14,000,000 Total saving per annum by refunding ! 23,500,000 The large and rapid accumulation in the FINANCIAL.. last few years of private capital now retired from active business, and of the cash Savings' and Life Insurance premiums deposited with or intrusted to the provident institutions of the country all seeking the most undoubted security, pledged to be kept free of all taxes, nnder national or local authority, and con tent, provided this objeot be assured, with moderate rates of interest will no doubt ultimately absorb bo much of these New Stocks as may not be taken in voluntary conversion of United States 5-20s, or mar keted abroad. C. C. Nokvell, In charge of United States Loan Advertising. Treasury Offfice, New York, May 2, 1871. ) PROGRESS OF REDUCTION OF THE NATIONAL DEBT. I)rH of thti l S. Jterrrruti of I) 'hi CuaA in lh during the pre- 1869. Trranttru fAtna Month March 1 12,525,463,260 April 1. 2,625,19R,46l IZtWJBS Mayl 8,618,797,891 6,399,070 Junel 2,605,412,613 12,334,777 Julyl 2,4S9,008,4H0 16,410,132 August 1 2,481,566,736 7,435,744 September 1 2,476,962,601 6,604,234 October 1 2,4(9,49.072 7,467,429 November 1 2,461,131,189 7,Sf.3,8Si December 1 2.453,669,735 7,571,464 1870. January!... S.448,746,953 4,812.781 February 1 2,444,913,288 il,33,54 Aiarcn 1 2,438,88,477 . 6,484,811 April 1 1,434,662,127 6,706,849 Mayl 2,420,861,334 11.697.793 June 1 2,400,562,371 11,301,8.14 JulyL 2,886,868,699 20,203,772 August 1 2,369,31(4,476 17,034,123 September l 2,355,2i,ino 13,408.325 October 1 2,340,913,652 9,007.4)8 November 1 2,34l,784,3f)5 B.129,296 December 1 8,334,303,494 7,475,800 1871. January 1 2,332,067.793 2,210,T0O February 1 8,828,026,807 4,0i0,S8 March 1 2,820,70 846 7,817,960 April 1 2,809,607,690 11,011,230 MayL 2,803,518,643 6,124,053 Total Hfcrtmsr. Monthly J)rrreiue in from Marrh 1, intrrrH mon'hly inte- 1W9. lHtfi. to date. rh'irar. rfl charne. March 1 f 10,632,462 April L 10,526,238 t,224 Mayl f,665,86S 10,522,835 9,626 Junel 20.060.646 10.607.090 25.872 Julyl B6,460,779 10,476,641) 65,622 August 1 43,596,623 10,383,668 148,893 September 1.. 49,500,758 10,331,618 19S.943 October 1.... 66,968,187 10,252,933 279,529 November 1.. 64,882,070 10,194 908 B37,5.VJ December 1.. 71,903,624 10,130,625 401,836 1870. January 1.... 76,718,806 10,06t,506 470,956 February 1... 80,649,971 10,022,493 609,964 March 1 87,134,782 10,007,812 525,149 April 1 92,901,132 9,982,360 550,118 Mayl 104,699,925 9.956,759 675.703 June 1 118,900,889 9,928,762 008,699 Julyl 139 1 04,600 9,886.818 645,649 AUgUSt 1 156,138,784 9,854,633 677,829 September 1.. 169,642,109 9,814,690 717,972 October 1.... 178,649,eoT 9,769,940 763 622 November 1.. 193,678,904 9,718,430 814,025 December 1.. 191,154, 765 9,686.164 840,298 1871. Jannaryl.... 193,895.468 9,64t,043 889.413 February 1... 197,430,463 9,610,386 922,076 March 1 204,764,413 9,571,007 961,455 April 1 215.765.663 9,627.212 1,005.849 Mayl 281,899,716 9,459,959 1,073,503 The foregoing is a correct statement of the public debt, as appears from the books and Treasurer's re turns In the Department at the close of business April 80, 1S71. WILLIAM A. RICHARDSON, 4 6 11 12 18 4t Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Wilmincton and Reading Railroad 7 run cxssrc. boejbs. Froo of Taxes. We are offering $200,000 of the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company AT 83 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Intercut Payable January and July. The Bonds are in SIOOOs, S500sv and SI 003, And can be REGISTERED free of expense. The road Is doing a good business, with prospects of con siderable increase. This issue la made to procure additional rolling stock. Bonds. Faroplilets, and Information can be ob tained of , DE HAVEN & BRO., ' No. 40 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. COUPON OR REGISTERED LOAN OF TH1 City of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, With both principal and Interest made absolutely secure by State and municipal legislation, for sale at AND ACCRDRBD INTEREST, BY P. 8. PETERSON & CO., Bankers and Stock Brokers, No. 39 B. THIRD STREET, 8 PHILADELPHIA. UABRiSSON (J RAM 110, v BANKER, ui-m 630 WALNUT St., JjClff PHILADELPHIA. 8 83 BAKE HOME INVESTMENT, Paying T Per Cent. Free front all Taxes. The General Mortgage 0-Yr Bonds of the We.t metier nu r-iiuaaeijmi Kailrokd Company, Bearing Interest at T per cent, per annum, payable Ai.m 1 and October 1. free of all taxes. Ve oner for sale a limited amount of the above- named bonds at and uieret. i uil information furnished on application to E. W. CLAKit A O i., bsukera, 6 4 12t tio. as boula TH1KU Street. FINANOIAL. JAY COOKE & C0.t PHILADELPHIA, SEW TORS and WASHINGTON. jay cooke, Mcculloch & co., LONDON, AMD Dcaleri in Gevernmerit Securlttai, Bpecial attention given to the Purchase and Bale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at.the Board of Brokers in this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTION 8 MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND BILVER BOUGHT AND BOL In connection with onr Londen House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Inclndine rnrchase and Bale of Sterling Bills, and the issue cf Commercial Credits and Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available in any part of the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DEPOSIT, and to aSow four per cent, interest In currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication with both onr New York and Washington Offices, we can offer superior facilities to our customers. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST MENT. Pamphlets aad full information given at onr office, B 3 8mrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street. Phllada, A RELIABLE Safe Home Investment. THE FunlMv and Lewistown Railroad Company 7 PEIl CE23TT. GOLD First Mortgage Bonds. Interest Payable April and Octo Iter, Free of State and United States Taxes. We are now offering the balance of the loan of 11,200,000, which is secured by a first aid only Han on the entire property and franchises of the Com pany, At 00 and tlie Accrued Interest Added. The noad is now rapidly approaching completion, with a large trade in COaL, IKON, and LUMBER, in addition to the passenger travel awaiting the opening of this greatly needed enterprise. The local trsde alone is sufficiently large to sustain the Road. We have no hesitation in recommending the Bonds as CHEAP, RELIABLE, and SAFE INVEST For pamphlets, with map and full Information, apply to ' WFJJ. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Dealers in Government Securities, No. 36 South THIRD Street, J PHILADELPHIA. DUNN BROTHERS, Nos. 51 and 53 S. THIRD St. Dealers in Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills of Exchange on the Union Bank of London,and issue travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BROS at CO., available In all the cities of Europe. Make Collections on all points. Execute orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board of Brokers. Allow Interest on Deposits, subject to check at light. - li INVESTMENT BOND8 PORTAGE LAKE AND LAKE SUPERIOR SHIP CANAL 10a. Secured by first mortgage on the canal (now completed), and on real estate worth Are times the amount of tne mortgage. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, 108. iwnnT . a rvnvpv wwnn i oit I ri ,i n iuvxijA9 wuniii UAuaaoaa iuuuuiuk Omaha), 10s, and other choice Western county ana city bonds, yielding good rates of Interest. ALLENTOWN CITYCA.) SEVEN PES CENT. SOUOOL BONDS, free from taxes under the laws of the State, at par and interest. For full particulars apply to HOWARD DABLINOTOn, 8 S 8m No, 147 South FOURTH Street. B. E. JAMISON & CO. SUCCESSORS TO r. F. KH1TJY & CO BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, Silver, and Government Bond At Closest Market Bates, N. W. Cor. THIED and CHESNTJT Stt Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS in New York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, etc, etc mo JOHN S. RUSHTOII & CO., BANKEBS AUD BROKERS. GOLD AND COUPONS WAXTSD. City Warrants BOUGHT AND BOLD. tlo. 60 South THIRD Street. sol PHILADELPHIA, D O E U I L L SCHOOL MEBCHANTVILLE, N. J.. roar Miles from Philadelphia. The session commenced MONDAY, April isn. For circulars apply to Rev. T. W. CATTEU. AMUSEMENTS.- A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO. LAST H NIGHTS LAST 12 NIGHTS - AND TWO MATINEH8, introducing for the first time the beautiful ballet of "UNDINE," in the romantic spectacle of THE ULACK CROOK. THE BLACK CROOK, which for elegance of costume and richness of scenery has never been equalled. Last nights of PAULINE M ARKFIAM. THE WONDKKKUL MAJILTONS. TnE GREAT SKATERS, THE GREAT LUPO. THE GOLDEN TERRACE, WITH SO ATTRACTIVE FEATURES IN ONE ACT. Secured seats, BONKR & co.'S Moslo Store, No. lloa CUESNUT Street, and at ACADEMY or Mnslc NEW ARRANGEMENT. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT 9. 60 CENTS TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSE. 8 8 6t WALNUT STREET JTHBATRB. THIS (Friday) EVENlilO, May li, FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MRS. D. P. BOWERS. The celebrsted drama. ADHIENNE THE ACTRESS, and the ladles' comedy, by Marston, LOVE'8 MASQUERADE. SATURDAY MRS. BOWERS MATINEE. EAST LYNNE. Saturday Night A DOUBLE BILL. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Benns V to 8 o'clock. BENEFIT OF Mlt. JOHN BKOUU1IAM, who will appear In two piece. THIS (Friday) EVEHINO, May 12. BROUGHAM'S POUAHONTAS. JOHN BROUGHAM AS KINU POWHATAN, , and HIS LAST LKGS. 1 O'CALLAHAN JOHN BROUGHiM and P. P. OR MAN AND TIGER. SATURDAY Last Night of JOHN BROUGHAM. MONDAY MISS KATE REIGNOLD3. DAVEN PORT'S OH ESNUTSTR EETTUSATRE. Performance commences at 8 o'clock. c . t, . . TH1S EVENING, SARATOGA. SARATOGA. MR. JAMES LEWIS, from Daly's Fifth Aveaae Theatre, and DAVENPORT'S STAR COMPANY, Admission, l, 7b, 60, and ascents. . ISeats secured from 9 until 4 o'clocK. SARATOGA ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Admission, 50 and 28 cents ; secured seats, tl. FOX'S A M E R I CAN T fl EATRE. IMMENSE ATTRACTION. Every evening, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE TROUPE. Grand Olio Entertainment. . Two Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Local Sketches, Comlo Pantomime, etc, etc m JAFS' MATINEE. . . r : - WEDNESDAY, at 8 o'clock- AMERICAN MUSEUM AND MFSAGERIE. Northwest corner of NINTH and ARCHStreeta! Open daily from 9 A. M. till 10 P. M. Engagement of the Great Natural Actor. MR. ROBERT McWADE, RIP VAN WINKLE. EVERY EVENING and SATURDAY MATINEE. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY BENEFIT OF ROBERT McWADE, .MONDAY.May 16 THE DOUBLE-HEADED BABE. GRAND BAZAAR IN AID OF THE 8ICK POOR OF ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL is NOW OPEN, and will continue for two weeks at CON CEKT HALL, CHB8NUT Street, above Twelfth. Season tickets, 85 cents. Single admission, 10 cents. 412 . IAKGE GERMAN FLAGS FOR SALE CHEAP," j as and eo cents, at HOLLY A LEE'S, N. W. corner THIRD and ARCH. - It p II K ST. G It o V 1 . r This new elegant and commodious first-class Hotek. vu Anvu Ducn, auuve OUVJlilvru, v Now open. , Terms. 3 per day. ' 4 1 am O. W. MULLLN A BRO., Proprietors. ; - - k WHISKY, WINE, ETC -yyiKES MQUOHS, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH ALES, ETC. The subscriber begs to call the attention br dealers, connoisseurs, and consumers generally to his splendid stock of foreign goods now en hand, of his own importation, as well, also, to his extensive ' assortment of Domestic Wines, Ales, etc, aniono- i Which may h enumerated: 600 cases of Clarets, high and low grades, care fully selected from best foreign stock. , loo casks of Sherry Wine, extra quality of finest grade. 100 cases of Sherry Wine, extra quality of finest grade. 25 casks of Sherry Wine, best quality of medium grade. as barrels Scnppernong Wine of best quality. 60 casks Catawba Wlno " " 30 barrels " " medium grade. Together with a full supply of Brandies, Whiskies, Scotch and English Ales, Brown Stout, etc, etc, which he Is prepared to furnish to the trade aud cob sumers generally la quantities that may be re quired, and on the most liberal terms. P. J. JOItDAN. B6tf No. 920 PEAR Street, Below Third and Walnut and above Dock street. CAR &T AIRS A McCALL, Bo. 126 Walnut and 21 Granite Sts., IMPORTERS OF Brandiei, Wines, Gin, Olive Oil, Etc., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES, IN BOND AND TAX PAID. 93t tDRICE Of ICE LOW ENOUGH TO SATISFY 1 ALL." "BE SURE ENICEERBOCESR IS ON THE WAGON." KNICKERBOCKER. ICE COMPANY. THOS. E. C AH ILL, President. E. P. KKnSttOW, Vice-President. A. HUNT, Treasurer. E. H. OORNELL. Secretary. T. A. HENDRY, Superintendent. Principal Office, NO. 435 WALNUT Btreet, Philadelphia. Branch Offices and Depots, North Pennsylvania Railroad aud Master street. Ridge Avenue and Willow street. Willow Street Wharf, Delaware avenue. Twenty-second and Hamilton streets. Ninth Street and Washington avenue. Pine Street Wharf, SchuylkilL Nc 4833 Main Street, Uermantown. No. ai North Second street, Camden, N. J., and Cape May, New Jersey. 1871. Prices for Families, Offices, etc: 18T1. 8 ponnds dally, 60 cents per week. 18 u 4 (5 ti 16 " 80 " 80 " " S " " Half bushel or forty pousds, 80 cents each de livery. 4 88 86t LOOKINQ OLASSESi ETO, NEW ROGERS CROUP, "RIP VAN WINKLE." NEW CHROMOS. All Chromes sold at as per cent, below regular rates. All of Prang's, Hoover's, and all others. Send for catalogue. I,ooliInR-CJ lathes. ALL NEW STYLES, At the lowest prices. All of our own manufacture. ' JAMES S. EARLB & SONS. Ko. 816 CjlKBNgTjreREgT. Com Fxchangelag Manufactory.' JOHN T. BAILEY, N. . Cor. WATEE and MARKET Bti. wnPR AND TWINE. BAQ8 and BAGQINQ, for PLarael(5and small OUNNY BAGS caustantlyoa hand. Also, WOOL BACKS. pjlrasoiTs7"tso-. v, tvssTTi n w7t nVo I17R: '! sm Umbrellas, IK;., II, l-iss, 110, at DIXON S, No. 1 S. EIGHTH St. D 3 U