1 THE DAILY EVEN IN G TELEQRAFH rHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. MAY 11, 1871. THURSDAY. MAY 11, 1871. THE GREAT TREATY. We publish this afternooa the fall text of the Treaty of Washington, and our readers will demand no apology for the groat inroad which it makes upon our spaoe. The nego tiation of this treaty is a signal event, and if it should ultimately be ratified, as it most probably will be, the final disposition of all our outstanding difficulties with Great Britain will reflect lasting credit upon the adminis tration of President Grant. No publio doou merit which has recently been made public is deserving of more general attention, and the Treaty of Washington is likely to receive as much attention as it demands. TBE NEW TREATY. It is reported that daring the secret session of the United States Senate held yesterday for the consideration of the new treaty with Great Britain, several members advooated its immediate publication, and that among other reasons given for this course it was said that the newspaper oorresponpents would obtain a copy of the treaty and print it in Bpite of any precautions that could be adopted. This view of the subject was decidedly sensible, as well as complimentary to the enterprise of the representatives of the press, and its correctness has since been shown by the fact that the treaty appears in the columns of The Teleobaph to-day. What ever else may happen to this country, there is no danger that its rights and interests will be bartered away be fore the press bounds the alarm; and if the proposed plan of officially publishing the treaty had been carried out, it would only have anticipated, by a few hours, a disclosure that occurred in spite of the neglect to for mally make it. Publicity is the very life of our political system, and the press performs an essential service in apprising the people of the designs and important acts of their ser vants. It matters comparatively little whether the discussions about the treaty , are public or private for Bince the text is beiDg spread broadcast over the land, national sentiment can speedily be formed and developed, without any assistance from Senatorial speeches. As the length of such effusions is likely to be diminished by an injunction of secrecy, it would perhaps be well to absolutely prohibit their publication at any time, so that there would be no tempta tion for long-winded orators to consume the time of l he Senate. MR. 11. TP. GRAY'S SPEECH. The speech of Mr. H. W. Gray before the Committee on Municipal Corporations of the House of ltepresentatives yesterday was a severe bat just exposition of the "ways that are dark and the tricks that are vain" of the anti-Penn Square ring who are now engineer ing at Harrisburg for the abolition of the Building Commission. Mr. Gray spoke without preparation, and consequently was not able to support his argument by an array of statistics; but he did better than this by going to the heart of the controversy, and demonstrating in the clearest possible manner the real animus of the men who are now endeavoring to persuade the Legislature to set aside the verdict of the people given last October. Mr. Gray oalled the attention of the committee to the im portant fact that the whole opposition was to this one commission, and that other com missions created by the Legislature, which possess vastly more power, were, so far from being objects of censare, that some of the gentlemen who protest most ardently against the Building Commission are themselves prominent members of them, and are engaged in the irresponsible expen diture of the people's money. In a rapid re view of the whole recent history of the pub lio buildings controversy, Mr. Gray demon strated in a manner that ought to carry oonviction to the dullest legislative mind that the present agitation means nothing more nor less than that a ring of property-hol ders, whose premises lie in the neighborhood of Washington and Independence Squares.are determined by fair means or foul that the publio buildings shall not be built at all unless they are built where the "ring can enjov a monopoly of the business of renting offices. The wishes of the people of Philadel phia are not of the slightest moment to these individuals; and although, with unlimited opportunities for the duplication of signa tures, and their manufacture, they have not been able to send as many names to Ilarrisburg attached to their petition for the abolition of the Building Commission as their favorite site received at the October election, they have the impu denoe to demand that the Legislature shall interfere and render that election void. Mr. Gray is entitled to the thanks of the citizens of Philadelphia for his straightforward and manly exposition of the anti-Penn Square ring; and the Philadelphia members of the Legislature would do well to heed his words, unless they are prepared to brave the indig nation of the people of this city, who have no notion of being sold out for the benefit of a pi etdy ring of property-holders. The Philadelphia childben of the Father land are nisfrng extraordinary preparations for a grand celebration in this city of the triumph of Germany in her war with Franoe. The religions, military, and social demonstra tions are to be extended over four days, from Saturday next te Tuesday, inclusive; and, judging from the interest and enthusiasm of those connected w th this mov ru n , an ex oeedi j'y p lit d d splay may Le an ic pite.l. NOTICES. Sprtmj. SpRTVf SC1T. SrRIKO 8TTI.ES. Sl'KlNO OVERCOATS Si'KiKO Business suits. Spring Jackets and Pant tor Hoys. SrniNO chesterfields and Suits for Youth. SrRiNO Fancy Suits for C hildren. SrRiNo Stock of Fine rbady-madb Clothino. The largeBt, the best, and the cheapest we have ever made tip. Oar assortment comprises all the very newest ni signs In Children a, Hoys', Youths', and Men's Suits, aid the greatest care has been taken to produce the very best elassof Clothing ever made by any establishment Id this country. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in every respect. Onr prices have never before been so low as now. Call and examine oar New Sprino Mock. Wanamaser IJhown, Wanamaker k Brown, Wanamakkr A Brown, Oak Hall, Oak IIai.l, Oak LUi.l, Thk Largest, The Best, The Cheapest Clothino House, The S. E. c or. Sixth and Market Streets. DIED. Flanaoan. On Monday. 8th Instant, after a short illness, of scarlet fever, James M., Jr., son of Ste phen and Amanda M. Flanagan. The telutives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 1509 Arch street, on Thursday, lltu InBtant, at 8 P. M. To proceol to Laurel Hill. W Garrjuces On the evening of the 9th Instant, Jambs It. GARRKiUBS, In the 72d jear of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend his funeral, from the resi dence of his son-in-law, F. Scranton, No. 8015 Oglen street, on Seventh day (Saturday) afternooa, nt 3 o'clock. " r Hamilton On the morning of the 10th instant, William Hamilton, Actuary of the Franklin Insti tute, of typhoid pneumonia, In the 61st year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from the Spruce Street Bap tist Church, Spruce street, below Fifth street, Friday afternoon, the 18th. Instant. Services will com mence at 2tf o'clocs. To proceed to South Laurel 11111 cemeteiy. i Morris On the 9th Instant, Stephen Moeris, In the 86th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, bchool Lane, Uermantown, on Sixth day afternoon, litli Instant, at 3 o'clock. Interment at South Lairel Pennei.l At Chester, Ta., on Third day (Tues day), the 9th Instant, Sallik a., daughter of Ei niuud Pennell. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the faneral, from the re sidence of her parents, No. Butt West Third street, on Sixth day (Fridaj), the 12th intant,.at 8 P. M., without further notice. Warner. On the 9th Instant, Edward T. War ner, in the 65th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend his funeral on Saturday, 13th Instant, to leave his late residence. No. 903 Delaware avenae, WilmiDgton. Del., at 8 30 P.M. Services will be held at the house at 8 P. M. 5 ii MOURNING DRY COOPS. NEW MOURNING STORE. New Stock at Lowest Prices, No 1226 CBESNUT STREET. NEWEST DESIGNS IN DRESS GOODS. NEWEST DESIGNS IN BONNETS. NEWEST DESIGNS IN VEILS. CHEAPEST ALPACAS IN PHIL AD A. CHEAPEST BOMB 4ZINES IN PHIL ADA. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN PHILADA CHEAPEST CRAPE CLOTHS IN PHILA DELPHIA. EVERY ARTICLE AT LOWEST PRICE. We would respectfully call attention to our new Dress-making and rnlt Department, where evtry nnvftitT in black salts will be found ready-made and made to order, at shortest notice, by a competent dressmaker, and also call attention to our White Goods and Ladies' Underwear Department. Large Stock of Linen and Lawn Suits, of finest finish, al ways on hand. A. MYERS & CO., 4 !2 stuthfiptf No.1226 CHBSNUT Street. SEWINO MACHINES. HE1T3TORJ8 SEWING MACHINE NEW SILENT FEED, FOR Families and Manufacturers, Is undoubtedly THE STRONGEST AND LIGHTEST. THE BEST AND MOST PERFECTLY FINISHED. ITS MOVEMENTS AS SPEEDY AND AS LIGHT Aa any other Machine. IT USES A STRAIGHT NEEDLE, MAKING A TIGHT LOCK 8TITCH, PERFECTLY FAIR ON BOTH 8IDE3. IT HAS THE NEW PATENT NEEDLE-HOLDER, NO SPRINGING OR BENDING OF THE NEE DLE. IN CHAJfGI VG FROM COARSE TO FINE, T 3ERE BY AVOIDING ALL DROPPED OR MISSED STITCHES. IT USES THE CELEBRATED PATENTED SHUT TLE CARRIER. NO RaCE OR GROOVE EM PLOYED. NO SOILING OR OILING OF THE T 3REAP, NO FRICTION OR WEARING OP TJS SHUTTLE. It alee TJees an Improved and Pa tented "tileat Feed,' and Positive Take Up. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, NORTHEAST CORNER CllESKL'T and THIRTEENTH, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 5 10 8tSp AGENTS AND CANVASSERS WANTED. T MAYER nAS REHOVED TO NINTH fl Str rreet. between Arch aud Cherry. Notice the liasr. His braids can be changed to suit any style oi hair-dressing, therefore you will find them the most convenient travelling companions. Remember they, can only be obtained at NINTH Street, between Arch and Cherry. Losinas ol hair can be worked luto a variety ol ornamental styles. Save your loHtncrs. we uli them before nendluir. ana avoia mis- understanding, urancn no. xioa Muu-vi- tsuu bueeu 8T lot rp npO TnE MEDICAL PROFESSION. A 1 Physician having a large, lucrative practice, aud Hue Residence in the city, wishes to retire, and bell 'liessrue. Aoaress iPAUsndKinuN, c v tu.i!Bi No, in WAWi' Street WINES. SHERRY WINES. TWO HUNDRED AND FI'TY CA.SC3 in stock of our Favorite Table Sherry, At U-50 per gallon by the cask of so gallons, or t2-73 by the Ove-Kalion demijohn. E. BRADFORD CLARKE, (8UCCESSOR TO SIMON COLTON ft CLARKE,) S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT, l 81 tnthstMp PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHINO. WHEN? NOM NOW! NOW! IS THE time. Don t put It off. io now If jou want your plcfc of Fine I Spring Clothing. IN OW WHERE? ORE IT DROWN n ALL of ROCKHILL& WILSON, 603 60S Chesnut street, the moat convenient place In town. 003 andOOS WHO? Yon and yonr boy, and all the men and boys'you know of. All the peo that want be antif al Clothing at mar vellously low prices. WHAT? What else but excellent Clothes? Whntls lower than KOCKHILL. & WitS N'8 prices? What Is greater than their rush of cus tomers? Olotlies WHY? Why? Why? Why? do people pur chase their Clothes at ROCK HILL & WILSON'S? Because they can buy the beat. Rpcauae they can buy the cheapest. Because they are f airly dealt with. Because , GI1EAT HALL IS THE BUST PLACE IN TOWN FOR EXCELLENT CLOTHES. ROCKHILL & WILSON. 'PHILADELPHIA: PA. A NEW LOT OP DARK and LIGHT MIXTURES IN Scotch and English Check and Striped GOODS, FOR BUSINESS, TRAVELLING, and MORNING SUITS, Looking, when Cut and Trimmed Stylishly, VERY ELEGANT. va n wm n r- r W co luiaft qku i nun, TAILORS, W. Corner NIKTH and ARCH Sts , S PHILADELPHIA. A fall assortment now In store OF THE CHOICEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. A SUPERIOR GARMENT AT A REASONABLE PRICB. 4 8 8mrp WATCHES. JEWELRY, ETO. No. 902 CHESNUT 8 1 root. NE W DESIGNS IN PLATED WHITES METAL TEA SETS. PFARL AND SATIN FINISH. 8 16 ttutht HENRY HARPER, No. 722 CHESNUT Street, A NEW STOCK AT LOW PRICES OF WATCHES, OPERA AXD VEST CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY) SILVER BRIDAL PRESENTS, Rogers', Silver-Plated Spoons, Forks, Tea Sets, Caktors, Ice Pitchers, Etc. 41lni4p THIS (Thursday) EVENING, THE PEREMPTORY SALE OF Fenimoro's AND OTHER PICTURES. " SCOTTS' GALLERY, lt No. liM CHESNUT Street. WANTED THREE YOUNG LADIES ARE desirous of obtaining slluaiiona either In a Photographio Gallery or Copyio OUlce. Rest ol references. Address 'Q. L.," Evening Telefrrapa Oijlce. l t at f A NEW AND ELEGANT BROWN-STONE- L J iroul uetiidence, east aide ol EltiUTEEN'l'H birret, opposite Logan Square. Inquire at pre- UJ1BVB. 0 11 tu.tuet VM LI mxji v 1. No. 904 CHESTNUT STREET. FRESH mm ATTICS, WHITE RED CHECK, AND FANCY STYLES. 50 PIECES FRENCH AXMINSTER, $3 25 PER DRY GOODS. gessoim & son HAVE OPENED THIS WEEK: 1 case BLACK AND GREY MOIIA.ISS, GOc. S cases B LACK DOUBLE WARP ALPACAS, 37tf to 750. 1 case LUPIN'S BLACK HRRNANIS, COc. S cases BLACK ALL-WOOL IIBRNA9IE3, C2,'tf to 76c. 1 case BLACK SILK AND WOOL HERNANIE1, 75 u' 1 case LUPIN'S BLAnK ALL-WOOL M 7SSK LINES, G.!tfc. to tl50. 1 case JOUVIN & CO. EMBROIDERED BLACK BID GLOVES. 1 case ENGLISH BOMBAZ NES, all qualities, lease BLiCK THIBET SQUARE SHAWLS. WHOLESALE ATiD RETAIL MOURNING DRY GOODS HOUSE, No. 918 CHESNUT St., 6 11 3trp PHILADELPHIA. -rt-T niESXUT STREET. i-)7 iH IMMENSE CLEARING SALE O? iL (SPRING- AND SUMM KR DRESS GOODS AT RETAIL FOR LESS THAN AUCTION PRICE?. Dlif SS GOOl'N AT 2rc, WERB 44n. DRESS GOODS AT 3T)tfo , WE KB Site. DRESS GOODS AT 60c., WERE 76c. DRUMS QOODS AT 76c, WERE fl. DRESS GOODS AT fl. WERE ft'. BLACK SILKS AT flf.5, WERE f2. AT fW5, WERE f2:25. AT f2, WERE 20. AT f2-28, WERE fii-75. AT f-r0, WERE f3. AT f S -76, WERE fJ-60. AT f3, WERE 14. AT f3-60, WERE 5. AT f4, WERE fS. AT $5, WRE 17. PURE BLACK MOHAIRS. IN ALL GRADES. BLACK HEKNANI. BROClIff ORE A1IN ES. LINEN 1-OK SU.TS. WHITE PIQUES. FRENCH MUSLINS. NAINSOOKS. SaTIN PLAID NAINSOOKS. LAWNS, ORGANDIES, ETC. ALEXANDER RICKEY, 5 9tUthS NO. 727 CHESNUT 8TKEBT. TARGAINS IN WHITE GOODS. YARD-WIDE d WHITE NAINSOOKS AT 15 CENIS, WORTH 80. AND OTHER GRADES IN PROPORTION, ALEXANDER RICKEY. 5 9tuth8 No. 727 CHESNUT STREET. GREAT DISPLAY OF BARGAINS IN D.tK GOODS AT 25 CENTS. ALEXANDER RIOKEV, C 0 tnths No. 727 CHESNUT STR 1ET. 727 CHESNUT STREET. 727 BARGAINS IN BLACK BILKS. BAHGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. BARGAINS IN PIQUES. BARGAINS IN LAWNS. BARGAINS IN LINENS FOR SUITS. MHutrB s ALEXANDER RICKEY. DIAMOND-MESH HERR3ANIES. We have received an Invoice of these Desirable Goods, for which there was so great a demand last season. PERKINS & CO., No. 9 South NINTH Street, S 29 tathsSmrp PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Every variety of HERNANI In Btoclc. THE NEW YORK Dyeing and Printing ESTABLISHMENT, STATEN ISLAND, 40 N. EIGHTH Street, PHILADELPHIA, No. 98 DUANE Street, New YorK. DIE AND FINISH IN THE BEST MANNER, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Crapes, Ribbons, Tisanes, Bareges, Merinos, Cloths, Alpacas, Reps, Paramat tas. Mnsiin Delaines, Fringes, Trimmings, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, etc. Also, cleanBe Lace Curtains and Linen Shades In a superior lnanner. Goods called for and delivered id any part of the city. 418 stuth2mrp Ely, Hunsberger & Ely, No. 1126 CHESNUT STREET, STKIPE SILTiS, SI 25. UNDER REGULAR PRICE. 4 11 tuths3m Savery'iPatent Combined Wuter Cooler and REFRIGERATOR Boa pioved ruelf lii be superior to any lu the market. (Jail aud ex. amine. JACOB V, HAND, Jr.. epvt, N.0. 62U MAt-.ttfcj- UU'V tCthstu ttinrp OBHE YLXfcO. DRY GOODS. 1871. A Sweeping Reduction AT "THORN LEY'S." In order to elose out our entire stock of Clicop Dress Goods, We have this day marked down 81 cent ChaUles to 12;tf cents. 20 cent Delaines to 12X cents. Plaids, fctripes, Figures, etc, to 1)4 cents. Several lots of short lengths to 12 cents. Kon,e Flue Goods, a little faded, to 12; cents. Expensive Goods, a little old fashioned, 12c. A lot of Bummer Shawls to f I. The above got ds are arranged oa a special counter, and will be Closed Oat at Ojce. TH0SH LEI'S NORTH KAST CORNER OF EIGHTH and SPRING GARDES gta. 1 8 thatn PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Llama Lac 8atques, Polutes, etc., cheap. siiisMiTMoMss GOODS aEOHOD FX1723R., No. 91 G CHESNUT bTREET, Invites attention to his stock or SILKS OF ALL, KINDS, INDIA AND OTIIKR SHAWLS. Novelties lu Dress auil Fancy Goods, INDIA, PONG BE,; AND O ANTON CRAPE IN SHAWLS AND DRES3 GOODi. 4 13 2mrp MNANCIAL. TRAVELLERS' CREDITS ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH Jay Cooke, IvIcGuilcch & Co., OF LONDON, AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT EUROPE. We would call the special attention of Amerlcins going abroad to the complete arrangement male by our London House, In their oillce, at No. 41 LOMBARD Street, For the aomfort and convenience of holders of our Circular Letteis, and especially with reference to their correspondence and the latest advices from the United States. Persons taking Credit. tltroiigH us can have their passports furnished without extra charge. Full information given at our ortlce. JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 6 9tnthB2m PHILADELPHIA travellers; credits. Our Letter of Credit gives the holder the privilege of drawing either on DREXEL, HABJES & CO., Paris, IN FEaNOS, OB ON Henri. A. S. PETRIE & CO., London, IN 8TERLINU, Aa'mAT he found most convenient or erontabie. and Is available throughout Europe. To parties going abjoad we offer special facilities, collecting lueir in terest and dividends during their absence without harge. DREXEL & CO., Ko. 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. s TOCKS, LOANS, ETC. BOUGHT AND SOLD AT THE BOARD OP BROKERS, BY UEO.KUK j. auxu, 4 25 tuthi 2mrp No. 18 S. THIRD Street PIANOS. STKINWAY SONS' GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Special attention Is called to their PATENT UPRIOnT PIANOS. CHARLES BLASIUS. Warcrooms, No. 1006 CHESNUT Street, Philadel phia 4 13 ttep jrJ SCUOUACKER fc GO., GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Special attention Is called to our Upright Pianos. They posseBS the highest improvements ol any in struments made, and are unrivalled lor tone and durability. Also, sole Agents for the celebrated BUHDETT ORGAN. SClIOMACKKIt & CO., 4 13 lm4p No. 1103 CUESSUT Street. PIANOS AND OUGANS. tfTj it u 1 PIANOS, GFX. BTECK & CO.S. BRADBURY T, HAlNitiS' BROS', MASON AND HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. GOULD 4i FISCHER, No. SV!3 OlIbisNUT Street, j. I. OOrtD. No. 1018 ARCH Suiwi. W. 0. flUtfHE. WIWf PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL, FINN & CO., NINTH and CHESNUT Sts.T FINE PAPER HANGINGS. The Ilest Netr Designs Spring Styles. FRENCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN GOODS, MADE NSFECIALLY FOR OUR RETAIL TRADE. No samples given ; no patterns to dealers or paper bangers. Orders only to HOWELL, FINN & CO., No. 900 CHESNUT STREET, 4 59 stuth6t4p PHILADELPHIA. OARPETINOS, ETO. WEBER. CERNEft & CO.. (Succesiors to E. J. Lester & Co.). 29 N. StTCOND Street, Opposite llirlit Cliurch. SPRING IMPORTATIONS. Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, With a 2'ull Line of Domestic CARPETINGS. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE INVOICE OF CHINA MATTINGS, Fine White and Red Checked. All Widths. IVTotlerato Prices. V., C. & CO., Opposite Christ Church, PBILADELHI A. 4 85 tuthslm MATTINGS. FRESH IMPORTATION, MADE FROM NEW GRASS. THE BEST In the O o n n try, ALSO, Low Priced Mattings. R. L. KNIGHT & SON, No. 1222 CHESNUT Street, 4 25tuth6t PHILADELPHIA. GROCERIES, ETO. WILLIAM KELLIZY, TWELFTH AND 6IRARD AVENUE. LATOUR OLIVK OIL, A fresh Invoice just imported. Davis' Diamond Cincinnati Hams. Louisville Sugar-cured Hams. Mioheners' Star Hams. Bowers & Co. Cltj-oured Hams. Smoked Beef and Beef Toi gues. St. Loula white Wheat Family Flour. Families residing In Germantown, by mailing their orders, can have their goods carefully put up, and delivered dally, at the lowest rates. WILLIAM KBLLBY, N. W. Corner TWELFTH Street and GIEARD Avenua, U 10 thstut PHILADELPHIA. ENGLISH BREAKFAST TFAS, OOLONG TiAS, y0CN0 UIS0N TJiSi Finest qualities. Prices greatly reduced at JAMES R. V E D B'8, 8. E. CORNER OF SO thstu3mrp WALNUT and KIOBTH SU. TIILO. LEOHHARDT CO., Eb grating ind Bteam Lithographic PRINTING ROOMS, Koi. 612 and 614 CHESNUT Strest 4