rxnwa ournnsAivg. City Affaire. George Arensberg, a type-setter of this city, baa net 1822 ma in one hour. -A number of black bass were put in the Schuylkill en Saturday last. The Athletics beat the Atlantios yester day by a soore of 27 to 3. Itossnna LiDg, a child of twy yews, was rnn over by the cars and killed yesterday, near her residence in Manaynnk. The Board of Trusts will not extend the time of leasing city property beyond the term of five years. The council of the Philadelphia Univer salis! Union met yesterday, in the Churoh of the Messiah, received reports from the churches, and elected delegates to the State Temperance Convention, and to the Uni ver balist Convention which meets in Bradford county in June. The High School professors are now en gaged in examining applicants for positions of school teachers. A fire at 5 o'clock last evening damaged the upper stories of three houses, Nos. M, 15, and 17 North Thirteenth street. The whole loss is about $ 1500. Frank Milton, a clerk in the store of J. B. Ellison & Son, No. XV.) Market street, is under bonds for stealing quite a quantity of goods, at different times, from bis employ ers. Domestic Affairs. Several social reform conventions assem bled yesterday in New York city. The Governor of Massachusetts has just appointed two female justices of the peaoe. The coal miners continue to resolve upon resumption, and mine after mine is again being worked. Two men have just been arrested in Illinois npon suspicion of having been con cerned in the recent murder of lion. Sharon Tyndale. The latest intelligence from Connecticut makes it appear that Hon. Mr. Jewell will immediately be installed as Governor of that State. General Sheridan and Mrs. Lincoln and ber son Tad arrived in New York city last evening, per steamer Russia, from Liverpool. The excitement over the Mace-Ooburn prize-fight is growing intense in some quar ters, and while one despatch announces the arrest of Coburn, another denies it. Foreign Affairs. The forces of the Versaillists are slowly but surely approaching the enceinte of Paris. The Commune has decided to insist on the resignation of the Committee of Publio Safety. While the tri-ccior floats over Fort VIssy, it is alleged that no Versailles troops garrison it. General Rossel not only refuses the Dic tatorship, but tenders hia resignation, and asks for a cell in a prison. Eight hundred thousand projectiles, chiefly shells, have been taken to Fort Va lerien, to be ready for the bombardment of Paris. Tbe battery at Montretout continues a furious fire upon the southwestern portion of Paiis, to which the Federalists make a feeble reply. THE LEASE. The United Canal and Railroad Compa nies of New Jersey Meeting; of Stock holders and Election of Officers. Teenton, N. J., May 10. The largest, most exciting, and, in many respects, the most important meeting of the stockholders of the United Canal and Railroad Companies of New Jersey that ever took place occurred yesterday afternoon at the new, commodi ous, and very handsome building erected by the joint companies on Clinton street, near the depot, at Trenton, New Jersey. The meeting was organized at 12 o'clock by General Robert F. Stockton, who first pro posed Mr. Bingham, of Camden, as President of the meeting. That gentleman declining to act, General John S. Irick, of Vinoentown, Burlington county, N. J., was proposed, and be was accordingly elected President. Lewis Elkin, Esq., of Philadelphia, was elected as Secretary; Josiah Wallace, Esq., as Judge of Election; and Henry L. Gaw and Henry D. Johnson were selected as tellers. The abve organization was effected to conduct tbe election of directors of the Dela ware and Raritan Canal Company, and they met in the front seoond story room of the building. In the rear and adjoining room tbe Camden and Aniboy Railroad election too place, and the following organization was effected: President, G. W. Stout; Seoretary, 8. J. Bayard; Judge of Election, Charles Touulinson; Tellers, Wm, Vandergrift and Samuel Lilly. Considerable confusion took place at the start to get in votes, when, on motion of Mr. W. Jackson, lines were formed, and the stock holders deposited their votes by turn. A large number of proxy votes were taken, and some of the stockholders in voting repre sented 2000 shares and over. The voting took about three hours, and at the conclusion the tellers and judges of election retired to count the votes, and in due course of time they reported the successful candidates as follows: CAMDEN AND AMBOY KAtLBOAD DIRECTORS. Vole. Wm. 1L Gatzmer 84,a Benjamin Fish U,ui Cambridge Livingston 24,140 Ash be 1 Welbh 81, 961 Suniuel Welsh Ui.i.i Charles Macalester ti.idi Wm. U. Cook 1,049 A. W. Markley 5 4U Richard blockton 5 431 Jonathan J. Jones ' iii John t. Stevens 6 S. C. Forker 76 A. 8. Dodge B Richard F. Stevens 15 Tbe old Board of Directors were elected by a majority of about 10,000, and the opposi tion ticket named above polled about one vote in five. DELAWARE AKD RARITAN CANAL COMPANY DIREC TORS. Vol. Robert F. Stockton l,un John M. Head 2u 043 Motes Tsjlor 8loi4 John 6. Keveos l,14i Klcbard H. Ounover 81,835 Wm. W. Bhlppen 25 404 Albert W. Markley 2i,Ti2 John Jacob Alitor -isss l. Morris Dorranue ia,ao5 K. Stockton 7 a ej 8. C. Forker M6 Charles Battles 6,5Ud Ashbel Welsh 42'i Benjamin Fish 4,1 Kit-hard Stockton 7 4 -a IK 8. Gregory 4'Ti8 Martin A. Howell ; 2i5 Peter Blodget 7j Wm. II. Gaumer. 6 1 Mr. John Holme, of Philadelphia, offered tbe following BE80LCTION. Jietolved, That the managers of the joint companies of New Jersey give sixty days' tiotice, by advertisement in three or more of the leading publio newspapers of the cities of New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, of desire to sell or leaee the works of the joint THE DaILY companies, and soliciting propositions for the purchase or lease thereof. Mr. Duryee moved to refer the resolution to the Board of Direotors of the nailed com panies for their consideration and etch action as tbey deem best for the interests of the stockholders. The second resolution is as folio vs: Rctolved, That when the proposals for the purchase or lease of the properties of the joint companies shall be aoted upon by the joint boards, the same shall be printed, in circular form, giving all details of proposi tions, contracts, andTeases in full, and Bent to the respective shareholders of said joint com panies not less than twenty days prior to a future meeting of shareholders, to be espe cially called for the purpose of considering the adoption or rejection of said proposals, contracts, and leases. SPEAKS ON HIS KESOLUTION. Mr. Hume said he understood there were other roads which desired a lease, and the stockholders should advertise for proposals, to get the best they can. If we have, said he, more than one bidder, we can get a better price, if it is determined to lease the roads at all. Tbe stockholders should not be called here sgain to bear what the managers of the company have to say regarding the lease. Tbey should have a fair opportunity to dis cuss this proposition now. We, as stock holders, should thoroughly understand what the proposition is. I hope everything will be done open and above board. I feel that we can get a better price than what is now offered. OPPOSITION TO THB PENNSYLVANIA ItOAD. Mr. Uulme said be did not believe the directors would do anything in an improper manner. I do say, be continued, that the stockholders have something to say in this matter. Is there anything wrong in the pro position I made, that offers might be reoeived from others ? They present as good guaran tees as the Pennsylvania road. I have doubts as to the capacity of the Pennsylvania com pany to carry out its lease. If our roads oan not earn ten per cent, the Pennsylvania road cannot earn two per cent. I am afraid to pu5 this road in the management of another road which is cot economical. Mr. Duryee said, so far as the value of the consolidated roads was concerned, it is frit tering its strength away. I know, and others know, this is our opportunity. If the Penn sylvania Road don't take it, others will. Tbey have to go through our State. Two tbirds of the stock of thii company qualifies the sale. The decision to-dav will show their conclusion. Two-thirds of these stockhold ers will not vote in favor of this lease. We must have the money and means to bring this great capacity of ours out. We will hive good security, and that is what the Pennsyl vania Road will give ns. I am willing to trust tbe matter to tbe board elected to-day. I still press my amendment. Mr. Cannon thought it was a Bimple pro position, and should be submitted to the stock holders. We ask, he said, simply the adop tion of this resolution offered by Mr. Hubne This proposition the stockholders should adopt. Mr. Hulme was willing that the resolution should be referred to the incoming board. The resolution was then referred. THE SECOND RESOLUTION, Mr. Hulme said he hoped the Becond reso lution wonld be adopted. It is that we may have thirty days' time to consider this lease. Mr. John G. Stevens thought it a very dsli cate thing to legislate for so many stock holders who were not present. I shall vote, he paid, for tbe privilege of voting my whole stock. I believe it is not only proper, but legal I represent two thousand shares here to-day, and I think I have more rights than tbe man who represents but one share. Mr. Hulme said it was simply asked, after tbe board bad passed an opinion, to lay their decision before the stockholders twenty days before it was closed. Mr. Green said this was simply a request for information and nothing else. The seoond resolution was then agreed to. PARISIAN 'ECONOM Y. No doubt there have been of late some very strange things utilized in Paris. Tbe news papers have given bints enough of the experi mental diet of those from whom emanated tbe saying, 11 favt manger; but a short time since a very singular trade had sprung np, for there the lower classes have not the same objection to use refuse food that our own bave. Some years ago an old soldier named Pere Cbapellier, who for Borne time foil j wed tbe profession of a ravageur, one of those odd beings who still in that city rake about the central gutter of its back streets with a booked stick and a lantern, perceived in the course of bis business that when the ehiffon rners came in with what they bad collected, they always had a great quantity of pieoes of stale bread, which tbey could not dispose of. Perceiving this, and knowing that a vast quantity of bread crumbs are used by the cooks and the Paris ians generally, be determined to establish himself as a regular preparer of bread crumbs. He could not depend upon the chiffoiiniert, however, for a supply, so he made an arrangement with the cooks and scullions of tbe schools and colleges and con vents; and one morning he pouted himself in tbe centre of tbe Ilalles (great market), sur rounded with baskets full cf bread-crumbs, and round bis hat he plaoed in large letters the following announcement: "Bread crumbs for sale! " Tbe hit was tremendous; bis trade increased, and presently, growing ambitions, and ascertaining the wants of tbe cooks, be determined to turn bread crumb manufacturer, and sold them two eons cheaper than any one else. We quote from Mr. Simmonda' work the sequel of this singular industry: "He Baw that in the bread be reoeived there were two sorts, tbe good and the bad. He had thought of separating them, but then he found the profit wonld not compensate for the trouble. He determined to invent a new industry; he made erouUt au pot. Stranger, if you ever go to Paris, never order goupe au pain au crouton, except at tbe Trois Freres, Cafe de Turin, or Vefours. All coxes from the fabriove of Cbapellier, from the chifonnier't hat-ket, tbe college scrap-basket, the convent slop-tub. He has established, ttear the Barrier Saint Jacques, ovens which never cool, and from whence thousands of ponuds of bread are daily poured forth to be sold as crnmbs or crusts. A large number of men. women, and children are buoy piling and grating tbe merchandise as it oomei out of tbe oven. The carbonized pieces an scrap ings are pounded, sifted through silk sieves, and sold to tbe perfumers to make tooth powder. Nothing is more curious than the warehouses of Le Pere Chkpellier. They are immense buildings, where mout)Uinn Qf bread are received every minute. Work-aen separate these pieoes; on the right are those redeetined for man, on the left those detained for rabbits. Wonderful ordnr and cleanliness are everywhere visible. Young firls make np packages of croute au pot, after weighing them, children fill large boxes with tbe black powder." EVENING TELEGRAPH .PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAT 11, 1871. FOR SALE. q r o n o a l c, An Elegant Xleaidonco, WITH STABLE, AT CHC0NUT HILL. Desirable location, a few minutes' walk from depot D. T. PRATT, 8B4 8m No. 109 8onth FOURTH Street. P O It HALE. II SPRING LAKE." An elegant country seat at Chcsnut mil, Philadel phia, ten minutes walk from depot, and five hundred yards from Falrmount Park; lawn of .nearly nine acres, adorned with choice shrubbery, evergreen, trult and shade trees. A most healthy location, views tor 40 miles over a rich country, modern pointed stone house, gas, water, etc., coach, ice, and spring houses, never falling spring of purest water. (la kb fob boatinu), all stocked with mountain trout, carp, etc., beautiful cascade, with succession of rapids through the meadow. Apply to J. R. PRICE, on the premises. 4 23 FOR SALE VALUABLE FARMS SITU MIL ate in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, E on the Bethlehem pike, eighteen miles north of Philadelphia, near the North Pennsylvania Railroad, containing 865 acres. The Improvements are large, consisting of stone mansion, with bath, water-closet, range, etc. Two tenant houses, two large barns, stabling for K'O horses and cattle, and all other ne cessary outbuildings. The farm Is under good fence and well watered. The avenues leading to the man sion are ornamented by two rows of large shade trees. There are large shade trees around the man sion, and a variety of fruit trees. About 80 acres of timber and about 80 acres or meadow, the balance all arable land. It Is well adapted to grain, breed ing, and for grazing purposes; while Its situation, One old treeb, fruits, and modern improvements, commend It as a gentleman's country sca& It de sired, can be divided Into two farms. There are two sets of farm buildings. Apply to R. J. DOBBINS, Ledger Building, or P. K. SJHERH, on the pre mises 5 3 wsmet FOR BALE, HANDSOME RESIDENCE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No. 8248 CHE8NT1T Street (Marble Terrace), THREE-STORY, WITH MANSARD ROOF, AND TDREa-STORY DOUBLE BACK BUILDINGS. Sixteen rooms, all modern conveniences, gas, bath, hot and cold water. Lot 18 feet front and 120 feet 3 Inches deep to a back street. Immediate possession. Terms to Bnit purchaser. M. D. LIVENSETTER, 4 18 ?i2:129 South FOURTH 8treet. EFOR SALE THE HAVDSOME MODERN Three-Btory Brick RESIDENCE. No. 809 North AD Street, above Brown: has all the modern conveniences; will be sold reasonably and imme diate possesion given. Apply on tbe premises. B 6 BtuthOt P TO RENT FURNISHED DESIRABLE fcili1 Summer Residence, Township Line, near School Lane, Oerniantown. JUSTIOR BATEiVMN A CO., Bltf No. 128 South FRONT Street. COUNTRY AND CITY PROPERTIES L2 F.tRSALE, RKNT. and EXCHANGE la sreut number and varieties by J. Max GRBEN, BOlm No. 80B CUES NUT Street. TO RENT. FOR RENT, STORE, No. 339 MARKET Street. APPLY ON PREMISES. 4 29tf 3. B ELLISON & 80NS. A DESIRABLE RFSIDENCK TO LET ON "li Wayne street. Germautown. witliln flv buiiUteB' walk of Wayne Station: 9 rooms, hot and cold water and bath. Inquire at Bakery, No. 4541 MAIN Street. 5 9 et CURTAINS AND SHADES. WALRAVEft! MACONIC HALL, No. 719 CHESNUT St., Offers some new designs for Cl'UTAlXS AMD LAMBREQUINS, FRENCH CRETONNES, STRIPED TERRY aud COTELINES. lso, GIMP3 AND TRIMMINGS of entirely new patterns. An assortment of LACS CURTAINS of especial elegance and cheapness, some as low as f 1 00 a window. BROCHE TAPESTRY PIANO AND TABLE COVEhS are offered greatly below lntrlnslo values, with a large assortment of BMRR'HUBRED CLOTII PIANO AND TABLE COVEhS. 8 14 thsta3mrp j HARDWARE, ETC CUMBERLAND NAILS 8475 Per Keg. These Nails are known to be the ben In the market All tall, no WHkte, and cottt no wore llian other brands, Each keg warranted to contain 100 pounds of Nail a Albo, a larpe assortment of One Hinges, Locks, and 8 noi. Salid Brouxe, suitable for orat-olass build ings, at the great dieapfbrCaali Hardware Store OF J. IS. 8 HAN 14 tuthsS No. 1009 MARKET Street. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE IS THE CHEAPEST aud bebt article Id the market for III. t KINO 1 I.OUIK. It does not contain any acid. It will not Injure the fluent fabric It la put up at mi.TKRItUKHM IIHl'O MTOHR, No. 33 N. SKCOND Street, Plilia'tnlpuia, And for sale by most of tlw Groot-rs aud Druggists. The genuine has both BKLOW'S and WILT. BEJir K s name on the lalxd ; all others are COUN- rtKFMT. BARLOW KM! will color mor water than four times the satn wclgbt of Indigo. SttStuthsiui "yy I L H O N ' 8 CARPET CLGAMNU KSTABLISlfM iNT, 4 1 8m No. m South SEVENTEENTH Street. WATOHES, JEWELRY. BTQ. ICatablisliecl in 1854. WATCHED. EVERGOING ' STEM-WINDER8, B.EY-W1NDERS, QUARTER SECONDS, MINUTE REPEATERS, ETC. ETC. ETC. C. & A. PEatJIGNOT, No. 608 CHESNUT STREET, 4 88 2m PHILADELPHIA. GOLD MEDAL EEQULAT0E3. . W. ItUJSSBEX., No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Begs to call the attention of thetratfe and customers to tbe annexed letter: ntsDsunoN. "1 take pleasure to announce that I have given tc Mr. G. W. RUSSELL, of Philadelphia, the exclusive sale of all goods of my manufacture. lie will be able to sell them at the very lowest prices. "OUSTV BECKER, "First Manufacturer of Regulators, "Freiburg, oermany. QLOVES. w p; H CO P w B u d a a H K W 83 H to W H C w tc c C4 is O JIAY 1, 1S7I. JUST OPENED THIS DAY, ONE CASE Undressed KID CLOVES. One-bntton, f l-r 0. Two-button, fl 60. Also, received last week, u E O j o X H 6 THREE CASES OT OUR CELEBRATED LA BELLE I&id Gloves. rink, Blue. reen, Brown, Lavender, Lilac, Pearl, Steel, Drab, etc 4 29 stuthtf CROCERIES. ETC. li:HrJ? IJLIi-HIlJO 1800. Cousty's East End Grocery. EXTRA QUALITY SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES, by the barrel, keg, or gallon. LONDON BRON STOUT AND SCOTCH ALE by the cask or dozen. Goods delivered free of charge to Germantown, Chesunt Hill, West Philadelphia, aud Camden. Orders solicited at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South 8I3COHO St., 3 2tbsturp5 Below Chesnut, West Slda JONDON BROWN STOUT AND SCOTCH ALE, In glass and stone, by the cask or dozen. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Sta, EDWARD PONTI & CO., IMPORT EKS OP FOREIGN PRODUCE, Wines, Oils, Fruits, Cigars, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, no. 004. WAXUT Mtreet, PHILADBoPUIA. Edward ponti. 3 27 jambs w. havkks. tea m, C'O ffijIis. Imported and Domestic Groceries. A. J. 1)11 CAMF, FINE GROCER, JI. W. Corner CIIKSNUT and SECOND Sts., 4 13 thsm2m PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND BURCL.ARPRQQF SAFES AMERICAN STEAM SAFE CO., Safe Makers to the United States Government No. 32 3. FOURTH St., PHIL 1DELPHIA, SOLE IHASUFACTUUEUS or STEAM FIRE-PROOF SAFES, SANBORN'S PATENT liaiik Vaults, Kurglar-Proof Safes, ETC. ETC., Of Welded Hteel and Iron, with Sargent's, iBham's, and PUlard's Locks. SILVER 6AFE4, EXPRESS BOXES, Eta, built to order. S i stuthemrp MILLINERY. R 8. R. D I L L O W R. XT A NOS. 883 AND 831 SOUTH BTREET, FANCY AND MOURNING MILLINERY, CRAPE VEILS. Ladies' and Misses' Crape, Felt, Gimp, Hair, Satin, Silk, Straw and Velvets, Hats and Bonnets, French Flowers, Hat and Bonnet Frames, Crapes, Laces, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Sashes, Ornaments and all kinds of Millinery Goods. EDUCATIONAL.. E D O B H I L L SCHOOL MERCHANTVILLK, N. J., Four Miles from Philadelphia, The session commenced MONDAY, April 1671. For circulars apply to ev. T. W, CATTEJU OAS FIXTURES. NO STORE ON CHESNUT STREET. CQRUE LIUS & SOUS' RETAIL SALESROOMS, 821 CHERRY St. CAS FIXTURES. HOSIERY. COOK & BROTHER, No. S3 N. EIGHTH Street, TRADE-MARK. VCTTjNX TRADE-MARK.! RETAILERS OF HOSIERY GOODS Exclusively of their own importation. Just received, by steamer City of Antwerp, ONE CASK English Thread Hose OF EXTRA QTTALIT7. 8 28 tuth 8mrp WINDOW BLINDS, ETO. WINDOW DLINDS, Lace Curtains, Curtain Cornices, HOLLAND SHADES, PAINTED SHADES of the latest tints. BMNDS painted and trimmed S (ORE bH aDLS made and lettered. Picture Cord, Tassels, Etc, Repairing promptly attended to. D. J. WILLIAMS. Jr., Vo. 10 NOIITH SIXTH STREET, 8 7 tuthsSm PHILADELPHIA NEW PUBLICATIONS. rj ELL'N KNCYOLOPRDIA, DICTIONARY AND UAZUll-jSaK IB XNOW COMPLETE, IN 69 PARTS, AT 50 CENTS PER PART. ZELL'S NEW DESCRIPTIVE HAND Atlas of the World, First two Parts now ready, to be complete in SS Parts, at 60 cents each. Experienced agents Wanted. T. ELL7W00D ZELL, Publisher. Nob. 17 and 19 South 8IXTH Street, 8 83 tne3m PHILADELPHIA. ALBERT B A R N E 8. -THE PAMPHLET conta'ulna: the Memorial (Services on the occa sion of the death of Rev. Albert Barnes, with trie berinon of Rev. Herrlck Johnson, D. D., cau be ob tained, price 40 cents, at fiaBDl JLKUN XiUAltU KiV PUBLICATION, 86 stulh 8t - No. 1334 CHKSdUT Street! gUMMER FASHIONS, TRIMMED PAPER PATTERNS LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. MRS. M. A BINDER, NO. 1101, N. W. CORNER ELEVENTH AND CliSSNUT STREETS, PHILA., has made very large additions to her stock of Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Gimps, Buttons to match Suits. Novelties In Parasols, Gloves, Flowers, Neck-ties; Bonnet and Saab Ribbons, Real Jet, Gilt, and Pearl Jewelry. LACES REAL POINT AND APPLIQUE. Great Inducements In Guipure and Thread Laces, Valenciennes, Sleeves, Collars, and Cuila. EMBROIDERIES. Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, newest designs: Flouncing, Hurtling and Trimmings. DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING DEPARTMENT. Walking Salts, Reception and Evening Dresses, Wedding Trousseaux. Large orders executed at short notice and at model ate prices, in the most fashionable style. Trimmed and Plain Paper Patterns, ffl per dozen. A perfect system of Dress-cuctlng taught. Pinking, Goffering, and Fringing, t tfidthlmrp TO HOTELS, SALOONS, AND BAR ROOMS. KEEP YOUR BEER, ALE, AND PORTE. i COOlI A NEW PATENT. LAGER BEER, ALEL AND PORTER, APPARATUS. W. W. FENNElt, No. 127 NORTH SIXTH STREET, fcoie Agent for Strater's Patent. This machine is entirely dld'urent iroru the old style Beer Tump. It performs it own work, and requires no labor. The liquors are forced up from tbe cellar to tbe bar-room by means of a pressure of air made by foroe of water, and caa be drawn Just as clear as directly from the barrel. Among the many advantages claimed for this machine are. that the beer or ale never becomes Oat, and can be draws as cold as ice water with very small expense of ice. TbeAsparatos can always be seen at my place In operation, or at any of the principal soloons in this city 6 atuthm J. V. I ASTON. MILAHOJf. E AH lOIl HcIOAIIOIf, aBIPPlSQ AttD COMMISSION MSRCBASTB, iu. a lusn iiiis our. xew orx, No, 18 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, No. as W. PRATT STREET, Baltimore. We are prepared to ship every description I Freight to Philadelphia. New York, Wilmington, an intermediate points wlLh promptness and despatch. Canal Boat and b mam-mas tarnished at the ahortea ftortoa. C0PYINGPBESSES. Just received, a Large Assort ment of th Latest Htrls CUP VINO PKESJSK3. VM.ICnRISTY. Sfctlfiber and Prlufcr, No. m S. TIlfcsD Street, Opposite Ulr&rd Bank. n eodS AMUSEMENT8.1 CONCERT ! Tho Anniversary Concert or TBS Second Baptist Sabbath School. OF GERMANTOWN, Will take place at TOWN HALL, Thursday Evening. May II. The exercises will be of the most Interesting cha racter, and will consist of Recitations, Solos, Duets, Tries, and Choruses. B io 9t Tickets can be had at the store of Mr. A Engard, and at the door on the evening of the concert. MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC." LAST 19 NIGnTS LAST 19 NIGHTS AND TWO MATINEK S, introducing for the first time the beautiful billet or "UNLMNB," in the romantic spectacle of THE BLACK CROOK. THE BLACK CROOK, which for elegance of costume and richness of scenery has never been equalled. Last nights of PAULINE MARKHAM. THE WON DEKFUL MAJILTONS. THE GREAT SKATERS, . THE GREAT H'PO. THE GOLDEN TERRACE, WITH 90 ATTRACTIVE FEATURES IN ONE ACT. ii?oCrr,l!.'lal8A,IJONEK & CO. 'S Music St ire, No. 1109 CILESNLT Street, and at ACADiMY ot Music NEW ARRANGEMENT. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT . 60 CENI S TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSE. B 8 fit WALNUT STREET T H E A T R JC THIS (Thursday) EVENING, May liT MRS. D. P. BOWERS, in her startling illustrations of moral insanity in the character of , LADY AUDLEY, in Brougham sensational drama of THE MYSTERV OF AUDLBY COURT. FRIDAY, FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MRS. D. P. BOWERS. ADRIENNE Til It ACTRESS aud LOVE'S MASQUERADE SATURDAY MRS BOWERS MATINEE. MKS. JOHN DREW'S A HUH STREET THEATRE. Begins V to 8 offoVk. LAST WEEK OF JOHN BROUGHAM. THIS (Thursday) EVENING. FLIES IN THE WEB. JOHNBHOI GUAM AS FOXGLOVE, aided by the full Company. After which A THUMPING LEGACY. Craig, Wallls, Maeder, etc. FRIDAY BENF.F1T OF JOHN BROTTOnAM. POOAHONTAS and HIS LAST LEGS. MONDAY M ISS K ATE REIGNOLDS. DAVENPORT'S CHESNUT STREET THEATRE. Performance commences at S o'clock. . THIS EVENING, SARATOGA. SARATOGA. MR. JAMES LEWIS, from Daly's Fifth Aveuue Theatre, and DAVENPORT'S STAR COMPANY. Admission, f I, 79, 60, and 88 cents. Seats secured from 8 until 4 o'clock. SARATOGA ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. AdmlgBion, 50 and 28 cents ; secured seats, fl. FOX'S AMERICAN TBSATBJt. IMM ENS K ATTRACTION. EVeTyE7MPERIALe"day &Cd Saturaaj MatHeea, - , JAPANESE TROUPE. Grand Olio Entertainment. Two Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Local Sketches, Comic Pantomime, etc., etc. JAPtT MATINEE, WEDNESDAY, at 9 o'clock. AMERICAN MUSBUM AND MENAGERIE. North west corner of NINTH and AKCHStreeta. Open dally from 9 A. M. till 10 P. M. Engagement of the Great Natural Actor. MR. ROBERT McWADE, RIP VAN WINKLE. EVENING and SATURDAY MATINEE. LSf,E.TOM S fABix matinee Wednesday. XEiPArIJINEK,T OF ROBERT McWADE, MONDAY.May IB TUB DOUBLE-HEADED Ba!bE. A GRAND BAZAAR IN AID OF THESIck r.i.WvP00SnBT- GARY'S HOSPITAL fs NOW l?S,a?J will continue for two weeks at CON CEhT HALL, CHESNUT fctreet, above Twelfth. Season tickets, 85 cents. Single admission, 10 cents. II E ST C I O U D . This new elegant and commodious first-class Hotel On AHl'H Ktrppt. shnva KCVIfMnu 1 Now open. Terms, f3 per day. 4 Urn Q. W. MULLlNjABRO., Proprietors. LOOKING OLASSE8, ETO. NEW ROGERS CROUP, "RIP VAN WINKLE." NEW CHROMOS. All Chromes sold at 88 per cent, below regular rates. All of Prang's, Hoover's, and all others. Send for catalogue. L.ooklng-.C.InNMeg, ALL NEW STYLES, At the lowest prices. All of our own manufacture. JAMES S. EARLS & SONS. No. 818 CHESNUT STREET. 1 000 000 FEET"EMLCK JOIST AND SCANTLING. iLL LENGTHS,, ALL SIZES. 500 000 FEET 5-4 and - SOUTH ERN PINK FLOORING (Dry). Our own working. Assorted and unassorted. 250 000 FEET virgixia sap FLOORING (Dry.) Our own working. Ac sorted and unassorted. 250 000 FEET "4 3"4 8-8 ndi-: INCH SAP BOX BOARDS, Together with a large and well-selected stock of thoroughly seasoned Building Lumoerof all descrip tions, suitable for tbe erection of Urge factories. stores, dwellings, eta in connection with the above we are now ruuuiug a Kleniunw and Planing Mill, And are fully prepared to furnish Builders and others with Work or all Descriptions. WINDOW FRAME", 8AS, SHUTTERS, DOORS, v BKAI.B.HTS, tC SUPERIOR WOOD MOULDINGS A SPECIALTY. DROWN A WOELPPER, No. 827 RICHMOND STUEBT, 5 9 tuthslra PHILADELPHIA. Com fx change Bag Manufactory. JOHN T. DAILEV. W. P. Co?. WATER and MHKBT Sti. ROPE AND TvnNtr. BAGS aud B'G'lING, for Gislo, Kiour, rait, supr fbosptuie of Lime, done l.tL. 4.1 I l.w. an1 small IlITVNY RAl.M tnutanMs m. hand. AUo, CUL Ki( KH. fa FAKASU1S, W, I". llTSn. LI .N til, HUB, H 11-60. fl 7ft: SHs Sun Umbrellas, 800.. 11. U-. f ! 0", at l'J X.'N S, No. Si S. EIGHTH bt, 5 g tf