THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 0, 1871. 4 wiring clcrti)li PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON (stxndatb bxckptkd), AT THE EVENING TELEGRAPH BUILDING, No. 108 8. THIRD STREET, rniLADELPHIA. The rrice is three cents per copy (double sheet), or eighteen cents per week, payable to the carrier by whom servea. The suosortption price uy man is JVine Dollars per annum, or One Dollar and Fifty Cent for Uco months, invariably in advance for the time ordered. TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1871. WThe earliest regular edition of the Ths Evkmko Teleorath goes to press at o'clock, and tbe subsequent regular editions at i, )4, and 4 V. W henever there Is important news of the com plications In Europe, extra editions will be Issued after this hour, and before the regular time for the early edition. THE TREATY OF WASHING TON". An article purporting to be an authentic or Benji-offioial description of the treaty framed by the Joint High Commission has been telegraphed to all the leading journals of the country by the Associated Press, and pro bably gives a tolerably correct bat Bouiewhst flattering outline of that document. British statesmen are good diplomatists, and if any body knows how to drive a hard bargain, or, when concessions become necessary, to render them as insignificant and useless as possible, it is a well-trained Englishman. In a private trade a cute Yankee nny outwit him, but in a publio negotiation John Ball has rarely or never yielded tip to Brother Jonathan anything more than force of arms or force of circum stanoes has compelled him to surrender. The new compact, which is to be called the Treaty of Washington, was framed at a time when John Bull was disposed to be amicable, amia ble, gracious, and to exhibit a slight sense of justice, so far as such an essentially surly and grasping individual can be amicable, a mi a ble, gracious, or just, and the treaty therefore contains some things which he will be disposed to regard as concessions. Thm it is said that "the British Government frankly expresses its regret for the occurrence of the incidents oomplained of by the United States;" and it is, furthermore, provided that five commissioners, one of whom is to be ap pointed by each of tbe high contracting par ties, and three by three designated sove reigns of Europe, shall examine into the Ala bama and kindred claims, "and award damages, either in detail or in gross," on the principle that the responsibility of Great Britain shall be adjudged nnder special rules of neutral duty and obligation established by the treaty, but which are not. admitted by the British Government to have been in force during the Rebellion. If this version of the treaty is correct, the British Government has appa rently gone as far on the point on whioh the Amerioan people are peculiarly sensitive as we could reasonably expeot. The ground taken by Sumner in his speeoh against the treaty negotiated by Reverdy Johnson and Clarendon, viz., that we should hold Great Britain (on account of her premature indi rect recognition of the Confederacy), re sponsible for a sum about equal to the national debt, is as ridioulous, untenable, and unjust as it ia impracticable; and if this bunkum idea is thrown overboard there is little cause left to complain of the provisions of the new treaty so far as they affect our war claims against Great Britain "We may justly complain of the hot caste with which Great Britain awarded belligerent rights to the South, an weli as of her passionate demand for Mson and Slidell, and of the immense amount of moral and material aid and comfort her citizens afforded to the Rebels during the war, but this is not a matter to be settled by dollars and cents, nor by a treaty; and if that part of the old score is ever to be wiped out, it inuat be repaid in kind, when favoring ciroum stances furnish a convenient and correspond ing opportunity. The wily British diplomatists, in making provision for our legitimate demands arising from the operations of the Confederate cruU ers that were Buffered to escape from EnglisU ports, did nut forget to prefer, as offsets, sundry-bills of tLeirown countrymen which were also run up duiii.g the late war. The publio is at present left somewhat in the dark in regard to the amount and character of these claims, but an assurance is given that they are restricted to the narrowest possible limits. It will not do for the treaty to leave any loopholes on a point like this. We nboultl a laughingstock among iLe Cations n, after all our clamor about tbe Alabama claims, any system of diiiloni;.!io jugglery should bring us into Great Britain's dc!it. Fear have been ex pressed from ti.uu to time that we would be beld reHpo?)siljJ. for the Confederate loan negotiated iu LduUuJ. If the treaty con templates or permlta auy buch truckling, It had better be burutd up at ouoe, and woe to tbe benator who supports it. On the fishery question and questions aon- nectea witn me navigation of the St. Law rence, etc., a fair and liberal arrangement seems to kave been made ia the treaty the en tanglementa of reciprocity being avoided and the worst feature of this part of the ne gotiations ia tbe provision that they must be ratified by the Parliament of Canada and the Legiulaturo of Prince Edward's Island before' they become binding. This se6nis to ua a trick on the part of the British Commis sioners and a mistake on the part of the Commissioners from this country. Ratifica tions by the United States Senate aud the British Parliament are essential, but we might as well require the consent of Oregon and Washington Territory to the provision of the treaty relating to the northwestern boundary line as permit Great BiiUin to compel u to await the tardy and factisua action of a co'onial parliament and the legislature of a petty island. LET U8 HATE rEA.CE. Om usually amiable contemporary the Bul letin completely lost Its amiability yesterday, and made a melancholy exhibition of bad temper, which, considering the reoent suo- cess of the anti-Penn Square ring In the Senate, was as unexpected as it was grief- inspiring. It always saddens us when the Bulletin gets into one of its wild moods, but if its bottled-np wrath must be vented, we are pleased, rather than otherwise, if Thi Tele graph ia made the objeot of it, for we know in that case that no harsh words calcu lated to disturb the serenity of the Bulletin'$ sanctum will be used, and that with judicious treatment the patient may be expected nlti mately to recover. It is otherwise in the case of some of our respected contemporary's frantio attacks, and we can remember an in stance when one of our judges was compelled to pronounce from the bench the opinion that the Bulletin was a "habitual liar." This bas been a matter for regret with us ever since, tor it is not judicious to tpeak the truth on all occasions, and we would have dealt more gently with our contemporary than Judge Stroud felt impelled to do. The cause of the Bulletin s wrath yesterday was doubtless our statement that its opposition to the Building Commis sion was rather remarkable, in consideration of the fact that it endorsed the much more obnoxious commission schemes started at Harrisburg last winter. Facts are facts, how ever, and the Bulletin would exhibit itself to more advantage by making an explanation of its conduct than by flying into a passion and using abusive language against TnE Tfxegbath. The ire of the Bulletin was also aroused by a previous statement in these columns to the effect that a number of the gentlemen who went to Harrisburg to protest against the irresponsible Building Commission were themselves members of irresponsible commissions created in the same manner that it was by the Legislature. It is really not our fault if these things are true, nor are we responsible for the fact for it is a fact that members of the Senate were paid in good money of the United States to vote for the abolition of the Building Commission. It is well known that all the property-holders in the neighborhood of Sixth and Chesnut streets were assessed to pay the expenses of the campaign against the Building Commission. Doubtless the Bulle tin will deny this fact, as it has many others; but the public, bearing in mind Judge Stroud's decision, will know exaotly how much credence to put in the denial. Now we are anxious to know what has been done with this money, for money bas been contributed liberally for the good and suffi cient reason that it is worth while for the property-holders in the vicinity of Indepen dence and Washington Squares to pay hand somely to retain a permanent monopoly of their business of letting offices at exorbitant rates. We commend these items to the candid consideration of the Bulletin, and in doing so we bbk it to Keep cool, ana not to strike out so wildly as it did yester day. The credit of journalism is at stake when such an exhibition of bad tem per as that of the Bulletin's yesterday is made, and we ask in the kindest spirit possible that we may not have occasion to reply to the like again. .Let us nave peace. Tbe Chicago and Northwestern Railroad has several engineers who have travelled over 400,000 miles each, or nearly the distance of 17 times ronnd the world. An Illinois undertaker advertises that he keeps on hand "an elegant Btock of neat and nobby shrouds, warranted to give satisfaction to tbe most particular." t. A gentleman lyme in uea one morning: was informed that he had better get up quick, breakfast was just coming; up. ''Let it come," be exclaimed defiantly; it will una me ready to meet It." NOTICES. Tebfect Sim faction Guaranteed to evert purchaser Fine Rkady-madb Clothing For Men and Boys at Wanamaeer & Brown's. If a Garment does not Jit it is willingly exchanged for one that does. If you do not like the color of a Garment on arriv ing at home you can exchange it for another color, and there u no lack in variety, in thi respect, at Oak Hall If on arriving horn the Garment proves to be dif ferent from that which you purchased it for, you will do Wanamaeer A Brown a favor to report it. For everything must be of the Vety Best Quality, of the class of Slater lal sold at Sixth and Market streets. Every piece of woollen goods made up in thi im mense Clothing Uouse is carefully examined and thor oughly sponged before being cut, and every Garment U warranted to be mads up in the most tubstantial man ner t our own skilful workmen. Polite attention always given. An early inspection of our stock invited. Thi Lowest Prices for Everything. Wanamaeeb & brown, Oae Hall, The Popular Clothing House, S. K. Corner Sixth and Market Streets. The Auction Balk of the collection of the works of Fenimore and others, by Messrs. lie a ton, Henry Bacon, . Moran, 8. B. Waugh and his talented daughter, Sonntag, Thomas Hill, Xanthua Smith, and others, will be held on Thursday evening, the 11th, at Messrs. Scotts' Oallery, No. 1129 Chesnut street, where they are now open for exhibition all the day and evening. Mr. Fenimore has decided to sell, positively, and the artist whose works are placed with, his have also decided to let all be knocked down to the highest bidder, and it will certainly piove a good investment to ail who are tempted to go to tbe sale and purchase. Oar readers will thank ui for this reminder. SHERRY WINES. TWO HUNDRED AND F14TY CASKS in stock of our Favorite Table Sherry, At f to ptr gallon by the cask of 20 gallons, or f'i TS by tLe five uallon demijohn. E. BRADFORD CLARKE (fUCCES OK TO felMON COLTON CLARKE.) 6 W. Comer Bit 0 AD od WALUUT, l 1 lnthB!fp PHILADELPHIA. OARPETINQ8, ETO. 7S3. rcAitonv v wi:stoi. CHEAFEbT CARPET HOUSE IN THE CITY. We desire to inform the public that we have advices from the manuftcfirers in Eugland that goois will be advanced during the present month at least ten per cent In view of this we wou;d suggest tr all parties contemplating marriage and homokoepit g, as well as to otheis proposing to refurnish, the ad vantage of buying their, as prices must go up. We have a full line of carpets, uu uiotns, wai tings, in all widths, which we are offering at the very lowest caBh prices, and will continue to do so for a short time, as we win be compelled to raise the prices of all goods when the advance is made on the other Bide. PEABODY &. WESTON, 4 27 tus3t No. T23 CHESNUT Street. MATTINGS. rnssxx IMPORTATION, MADE FROM NEW GRASS. THE BENT In tlie Countr yn ALSO, Low Priced Mattings. R. L. KNIGHT & SON, No. 1222 CHESNUT Street, 4 S3 tUtU et PHILADELPHIA. 1 AHA AH A FEET HEMLOCK JOIST AND SCANTLING. JLL LENGTHS,, ALL SIZES. KflA AAA FEET 5-4 aud 4-1 SOCTII- UV V,UU" KRN PINE FLOORING (Dry). Our own working. Assorted and unassorted. OKA AAA FEET 4-4 VIRGINIA SAP FLOORING Dry.) Our own working. Assorted and unassorted. OKA AflA FEET 4-4, 3-4, 5-8 .ml 1-3 INCH SAP BOX BOARDS, Together with a large and .well-selected stock of thoroughly seasoned building Lumber of all descrip tions, miKiine lor ine erection or urge racionus, store?, dwellings, etc. in connectlou with the above we are now running a Steam Haw ami lManlug' 31111, And are fully prepared to furnish Builders and Winers wuu 311)1 Work of all lccrIptloiii, WINDOW FRAWE, 8ASK, SHUTTERS, DOORS, brack, am, Jttc. SUPERIOR WOOD MOULDINGS A SPECIALTY". BROWN & WOELPPER, No. 827 RICHMOND STREET, 6 9tutb8lm PHILADELPHIA. 11 12 1 V. CALLIUIIOK. From the French of MAURICE SAND, ton of titorge baud. Translated by S. A. Da route. Pp. 825. Dinio. tine cloth, $1-75. MEMOIR OF COUNT RUM FORD. One vol. royal 8?o; pp. 630, with Illustrations. ine eiom. rrlce fa. oia uj all uooksel era. Claxtou, l'emfeeii & HallVlilnger, Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers, No.. Hie ud il MARKET Street. 6tUWf8t PHILADELPHIA. SECOND STREET ABOVE CHESNUT. EDWIN MALL. No. 20 SOUTH SECOND STREET. Han just openeA fresh invoioes of STRIPE SILKS, CHECK SILKS, AND ' SOLID COLORED SILKS. Also, in stook a full assortment of the BEST MAKES OP BLACK SILKS. A LARGE STOCK OF deluding all the Latest Novelties, and at LOWER PRICES THAN WE HAVE HAD THEM FOR YEARS. LACE TOINTES, LACE SACQUES, SPUING SHAWLS, FROM $3 UP. HERNANIEO! HERNANIE9! From the loweRt price to the best goods Imported. N. B. We guarantee our prices to be as low as elsewhere, for the same Quality, Shade, and Stvle. EDWIN HALL, No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET. OLOTHINQ. COMPLETE SPRING OUTFIT. R O For Man and Boy. For Street or House. For tuslness or Pleasnra. For Home or Abroad. & W I L S o N c K II I L L For the Wayside or the Farm. For the Shop or the Factory. For tbe Mill or the Store. For Full Dress or Repose. For Wedding or Tea Parties. For Sunday or Weefc Day. For the Lowest Amount of Cash. Always Ready! Always to Fit t Always Beautiful! Always Cheap! t7Come and looc at the Clothes of ROCKHILL & WILSON. GREAT BROWN HALL, 603 and 605 CHESNUT STEE2T, PHILADELPHIA. UNDLK n u i lu PHILADELPHIA! PAj A NEW LOT OF DARK nndLICHT MIXTURES IN Scotch and English Check and Striped GOODH, FOR BUSINESS, TRAVELLING, and MORNING SUITS, Looking, when Cat and Trimmed Stylishly, x. VERY ELEGANT. WESTON & BROTHER, TAILORS, S W. Corner NINTH and ARCH Sti, PHILADELPHIA. A fall assortment now in store OF THE CHOICEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. A SUPERIOR GARMENT AT A REASONABLE PR1CB. 4 8 8uirp PIANOS. STEIN WAY SONS' GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Special attention la called to their PATENT UPRIGHT PIANOS. CHARLKS BLASIU3. Warerooms, No. 1006 CHEsNUf Street, PhtU'lel phla. 4 13 tfrp SCIIOMACKER & CO., GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Special attention la called to our Upright Pianos, They poat8 the highest improvements of auy in strument made, aud are uurivallod for tone and durability. Alno, sole Agents for the celebrated Bl'llDETT ORGAN. SCIIOMACICER & CO., No. 1103 CHESNUT Street 4 181lu4p jj PIANOS ASU UKUAK3. pg OlX. 8TEC Ei K & CO.'S.I jury, BKOB, j KRADMJ PIANOS, HALNES' MASON AND HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. GOULD It FlSCHKlt, No. 9U3 OHES NUT Street. I, l.'QOULD. No. lOlBAROliHtfeot. WM. Q. ribCHKK. I II tftp nnO THE MEDICAL FROFE3 SION.-A 1 Physician having a Urge, lucrative practice, and tine Ktmiicuce In the city, wlnnes tu r " ua sell i he name. Atdress DaVIS & SI MP.-ON, B tuU.bac No. TU WALNUT Ktioet, "7AN IED-THKEE YOUNO LADIKti ARE deviroua of cbulnluif situa loua el tier 1 1 Photographic Gauety or 0pyln uiili;e. beat o' ri-frrriiuea AddrerS ' Q. L., ' livening Tviegiapi Oitlce, i a y a. HOSIERY. I. SUMMER IMPORTATION NOW OIVMEIV.2 SHARPLKS & SON Respectfully bc licit the attention of their customers for this additional department of their business, SHARPLESS I SON, CHESNUT and EIGHTH Sts., 6 6;rataw3irp PHILADELPHIA. COOK & BROTHER, No. 53 N. EIGHTH 3 1 root, TRADE-MARK. C7'7 TRADS-UARK.l RETAILERS or HOSIERY GOODS Exclusively of their own Importation. Just received, by steamer City of Antwerp, ONE CAS a English Thread Hose OF EXTR AQ11 ALIT y. 3 23 tuth 8mrp MNANCIAL. TRAVELLERS' CREDITS. Our letter of Credit gives the holder the privilege of drawing either on DKEXEL, HAUJES & CO., Paris, IN FRaNCS, OB ON Httsrs. A, S PETRIE & CO., London, IN 8TB HUNG, Ab may be found most convenient or profitable, and Is available throughout. Kuroun. To paries going alijoad we otTi-r Hptclal facilities, collecting their lu t reft and dividends during their absence without UBrge. DREXEL & CO.. no. 34 SOUTH THIRD BTKKKT, PHILADELPHIA TRAVELLERS' CREDITS ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH Jay Cooke, McCuHoch & Co. OP LONDON, AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT EUROPE We would call the special attem Ion or Amrlo ins going abroad to the coiup'e'e arraugaiuen's mi Jo by T am Inn If .mi r.n In rhul. itH.u a UUI 1AUUVU AU vUttll U1UU at Uo. 41 LOMBARD Street, For the comfort and convenience of holders of our Circular Letteis, and especially with reference to their correspond euce and the )st advices f.o a the Lnuea states. Persons taking Credits through us em have their passports furnished wlthut txtra charge. Full Information given at our oillce. JAY COOKS & CO., BANKERS, " No. 114 SOUTH THIUD STREET, 5 SJutheSm PHILADELPHIA CTOCKS, LOANS, ETC. O BOUGHT AND SOLD AT this vvanu or, BY UOKOB J. HO YD. 4 80 tothsimirp No. 1 S. THIRD Street. npo FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. A PARTY X who has a knowledge of the business, and caa i. . s, desires toas.o u.iu- veli with md atieat who lepreneuts one o: uiore com panies. Jieferouce e i liiiigi u. Adiirets U. F. P.," Nor.h Atuerloiu onlca. 6 S iim liOSlEB OROODRIE8, ETO. Dealers and Importers In Fine Groceries, IV. 11S g. THIltO Street, ' BELOW CHESNUT, Invite the attention ol bnyers to the f' llowlng : White Wheat St. Louis Family Flour. Roqnefort Cheese. Parmesan Cheese, Plneaj pla " Ynuns; America Cheese, Patent UncK " New YorK " etc cto. nttp Kttiton " Nrnfchstel " Krtam " KnUlsh Cheddar" fsgo PAPER HANQINGS, E I O. WALL DECORATIONS. Ninety Different Shades OF PLAIN TINTS, Of the most beautlftU and delicate colors, suitable to take the place either of palnte-t walls or fresco. They can be washed with a saft b-nsli or sponge WITHOUT INJURY TO THE COLOR. In addition to tho above, wo have a Urge assort ment, or ORIENTAL 8ATIW8, An entirely new clnss of PAPait HANGINGS; which, together wfh OUR EMROSSED AND BROOADK GILTS, VELVETS, I'TC, Cannot fail to please the taste of th m'st fasti lioua. The above goois rec-Wfd theFiR"T PREMIUM at t he luto exiilolilon of the aiuerlcaii Institute, New York. J. H. LONC8TRETH, No. 12 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. THE HANOiNG DEPARTMENT, superintended by T. J. 0'i:o,NEd, can she mar.y nov. lties. All work wai runted satlnuji-ory, ana 1j guaranteed to be so by ua. 6 3 6t4p ART OALLERY. li:titnllifilica in 175. Art allerle8 nnd Warerooms, No. 910 CHESNUT Street. Oil PaintlDes 91Irrort Tables, Frames, Cornices, I2tc. All Cliromos 'Educed 30 per cent on form prices. 4 1 stuth 6mrp JOIV EXIIlltlXIO, r?Ir. Feiimore's Paintings, AND OTHER IMPORTANT WORKS, Frcm Philadelphia and New York Artists, TO BU. SOLD AT PUBLIO SALE, At ScoU's New Gallery. No. 1129 CHESNUT STREET, Till IISIKW May 11. NOW OPEN FOR EXHIBITION WITH C VTA LOG UBS. 5 6 5t SALE POSlTiyELYJVlTUOUT RESERVB. WATCHE8. JEWELRY. ETO. HENRY HARPER, No. 722 CHESNUT Street, A NEW STOCS AT LO 7f PRICSi OF WATCHES, OPERA AND VEST CHAINS, PINE JBWEUIY, SILVER BRIDAL PRESENTS, Rogers', Sllvcr-Plated Spoons, Fovks, Tea Sets, Castors, Ice Pitchers, Etc. 191mp Wo. 902 CHC3!MUT 8troat. NEW DESIGNS IN PLATED WHITE METAL TEA SETS. PARL AUD tAT!N FINISH. 318 ktuthi KOK SALfc.. fT?3 ASSIGN EK3' PKIIFMPI OIJY SALE. Iu the fcasteiu DiairU'.i or TVr.usvlvanta, United bi teg liiHtrtc.t Couit In RauWropu-.y In the matter ol l'.iK'knor, Mct'ammon & Co. 11 V M. THOMAS A SONS. AUCTION EgRS, os. 136 and 141 South FaUR'l'U Street. JlOL'tRN FOtR-STuRY BlflCK HESIDESCE. No. Wii CHESNUT STREET, WEST Of NINE '1 EENTII 81 liBET, Sii by iad FEKT TO SANdOM. SI HEET, TWO FRONTS. Ou Tuesday, May 80, 1S71, at 18 o'clock, noon, will be sold at p bile sole, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex ( haoge, all that handsome modern four-story brick luetiKbttge, Kith three-story back bulldiug and lot of p round, situate on the south side ( t Chesnut street, 11') feet east of Twentieth street. No. liii; contain 1 g in front on Chesnut street 22 feet, and extend 1 1 in depth t'ib feet to Sansom street two fronts. It has all the modern conveuieuces ; subject to a (round-rent of 1 11,000 and mortgage of $is,ooo, f'trether f 26,00. Terrus one-half of the mortgage y remain. Immediate posuesstoa. May be exa luiLed from i to 6 o'clock. Hale absolute. By order of CHARLES H. ROBERTS, G. H WOOD WAR H. 6 80 tT Bt Assignees, No. U N. FRONT St. Savery's Patent Combined Water Cooler REFRIGERATOR litis pi oved itbcil u be superior to any lu the market. Uall and ex 'auilne. urnn u limn l 4thiitu mrp Depot, No. ' MAiUUt f:bueeU