THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH .PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY , MAY 9, 1871. CHy Affairs. The brigade drills of the militia yester day' are said to be a iroocesSi. General Meade was a spectator of the evolutions of the sol diers. The subject of corroding the names of our streets has been referred to a sab-com-mitte of the Connoil Committee on Law and Surveys. Th Committee on Law has agreed to report in favor of releasing certain judg ments whicbwere obtained against Mr. Moore for rnsnicg a line of omnibuses on Broad street. The Athletics beat the Rising Star Club yesterday by a score of 3." to 1. The Ath letics go to-dny to New York to play the E ak ford and to-morrow the At lan tics. The membership of the Pennsylvania Reserves numbers 108. At the anniversary celebration delegates from Pittsburg and a Dumber of other towns will be present. The thermometer was yesterday, at 3 P. M., C2 degrees. Domestic Affair. Geperal Bntler addressed the colored people of Boston last evening on politioal subjects. The break in the Erie Canal, near Ro chester, N. Y., is nearly filled op, and water will be let in to-day. The President has about forty nomina tions to send in to the forthcoming exeoutive session of the Senate. Mine after mine in the coal regions con tinues to resume work upon the operators' terms, and the laborers of the striking miners are over-anxions to take their plaoes. Large delegations of rough characters will start for Buffalo and Erie, Pa., to-day, to proceed from there to the scene of the brutal prize fight between Coburn and Mace. Foreign Affaire. The colnmn in the Place Vendome has sot yet been removed. The cannonade before Paris yesterday vras quite vigorous. -General Dumont has been appointed commander of Fort d'Issy. The Imperialists are said to be very active in the rural districts of France. The final treaty of peace between France and Germany was signed yesterday at Frank fort. Bismarck is inclined to give np the forts before Paris, but insists upon the strict pay ment of the war indemnity. Steps have been taken by the Versailles Government to prevent the assembling of the projected Peace Congress at Bordeaux. SPECIAL NOTICES. fgf OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, May 1, 1971. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice Is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Company that they will have the privilege of sub scribing for New Stock at par In the proportion of one share for every six as registered In their name, April 80, 18T1. Holders of less than six Shares will be entitled to subscribe for a full share, and those holding more than a multiple of six Shares will be entitled to an additional Share. Subscription will be received and the first Instal ment of Fifty per centum will be payable between the S2d day of May and 22d day of June, 1ST1. Second instalment of Fifty per centum will be pay able between the 22d day of November and 22d day of December, 1871. If Stockholders prefer, the whole amount can be paid at the time of subscrip tion. No subscription will be received after June 22, 1871. THOMAS T. FIRTH, 5 1 3w Treasurer. jggy- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, May 2.TS7L The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable In cash, on and after Miy 30, 1871. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the office of the company. The office will be open at 8 A. M., and close at 3 P. M., from May 30 to June 2, for the payment oi dividends, and after that date from 0 A. M. to 3 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH, B 8 2m Treasurer. fcgy- NOTICE.THB SEMI-ANNUAL EXAMl nation of applicants fur certificates of qualldca- tlon as teachers in the Public Schools of the First School Dlbtrlct of Pennsylvania will commence at 9 A. M., precisely, at the Central High School, Broad and Green s'reets, on WEDNK&D Y, May 10th, 1S71, and will be continued on the following Thursday UDd Friday, at the Banie hour. No applicant under seventeen years of age will be examined. No pupil of the public schools will be examined who nan not passed at leant a two years' course of study In the Girls' Normal or Central blh School. Graduates of the Senior Classes are entitled to at tend the examination. An average of 75 la required for a certificate of the first grade ; an average or 60 for the second grade ; and an average of 60 for the third grade. By order of the Committee on Oualifleatlon of Teachers. LEWIS ELK1N, Chairman. II. W. Haluwell, Secretary. ir- CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Tkenton, April 10, 1871. NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the OAM DEN AND AM BOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY will be held at TRENTON, May 10, at li o'clock, M., at the Com pany's office, for the election of seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. KAMTJEL J. BAYARD, 19 Secretary C. and A R. R. and T. Co. THE CHEAPE8T AND BEST HAIR DYE w IN THE WORLD, w Harper's Liquid Hair Rye Never Fades or Waalies Out, will chance tray, red. or frosted hM whiskers, or moustache to a beautiful black or i.rown as soon as applied. Warranted, or money returned. Only 60 cents a box. Sold by all Druggists. g 23 tuthatim gQy- THE UNION FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Manufacture and sell the Improved Portable Fire Extinguisher. Always Reliable. D. T. GAGE, No. 113 MARKET St., General Agi 6 30tf rgw- PILE8. DR. OUNNELL DEVOTES HIS time to the treatment of Piles, blind, bleed ing, ontcblug. Uundredsof cases deemed Incura ble without an operation have been permanently cured. Best city reference given. Office, No. 81 N. .1 DlDVI'tl 4. . J II DR. F. R. THOMAS. No. 911 WALNUT ST, "w formerly operator at tlie Colton Dental Rooms. devotes his entire practice to extracting teeth witt out pain, wiui irenu aiiruua oxiaa gas. u in m&f- THURSTON'S IVORY PEARL TOOTH POWDER la the best article for cleansing and preserving the teeth. For le by all Druir!ta. ynce its and 60 aenu per bottle. li gs stuthly rw- DISPENKARY FOR SKINlwSEESNa! SIC 8. ELEVENTH Street. Patients treated gratuitously at this Institution daily at 11 o'clock. 1 14 1 A R A O A S CHOCOLATE, Imported and for sale by T)A LI FTP h. HOV 6 4 t No. m 8. FRONT bueet. FOR SALE. q r O R GALE, An Elegant Xlesidenco, WITII STABLE. AT CHESNUT HILL. Desirable location, a few minutes' walk from depot D. T. PRATT, S 14 !m No. 108 South FOURTH 8treet. O 11 fc4 A. L 12 . ii SPRING LAKH. An elegant country scat at Chesnut Hill, Philadel phia, ten minutes walk from depot, and Ave hundred yards from Fairniount Park ; lawn of nearly nine acres, adorned with choice shrubbery, evergreen, fruit and shade trees. A most healthy location, vlewa for 40 miles over a rich country, modern pointed stone house, gas, water, etc, coach, Ice, and spring houses, never falling spring of purest water, (I.AKB for boating), all stocked with mountain trout, carp, etc., beautiful cascade, with succession of roplds through the meadow. Apply to J. R. PRICE, on the premises. 4 28 FOR SALE, HANDSOME RESIDENCE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No. 8248 CHESNUT Street (Marble Terrace), THREE-STORY, WITH MANSARD ROOF, AND THREE-STORY DOUBLE BACK BUILDINGS. Sixteen rooms, all modern conveniences, gas, bath, hot and cold water. Lot 18 feet front and 120 feet 2 Inches deep to a back street. Immediate possession. Terms to suit purchaser. M. D. LIVENSETTER, 418 No. 129 South FOURTH Street. FOR SALE LOW. AT CHESNUT jji Hill, an unusually attractive and complete. Country Seat, live minutes' walk from Chesnut Uitl Depot; six acres of beautiful grounds, fruit, shade, stables. nrspery. irreen-house. fish-nond. etc. Modern pointed stone residence, 13 rooms: Uue views. RICHARDSON & JANNEY, No. 200 S. FOURTH Street. 4 27 thstu2w FOR SALE THE HANDSOME MODERN Uiyl A III 7i:-BWII J PIH JW.Cll n. IZ CTU. OUtf lOTM ltOAD Street, above Brown: has all the modern mi. n . . . I ) J . upurnnvTnn . t , . . . . i conveniences ; will be sold reasonable, and Imme diate possession given. Apply on the premises. o 6 stuthut NINETY-THREE ACRES FARM FOR aLsale or exchange for city property, or good merchandise, situated in Richland to wr ship, Bucks county. R. J. DOBBINS, 4 27 12t Ledger Building. FOR SALE HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RE8IDEENCE, with Bide yard, BROAD and MASTER Streets. Lot 50 by 200 feet deep to Car lisle street. R. J. DOBBINS, 4 27 12t Ledger Bulldl ng. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-ELEGANTLY located COTTAGE, at CAPE MAY, furnished throughout. R. J. DOBBINS, 4 27 ) 2t Ledger Building. FOR SALE ELEGANT FOUR-STORY iiltrown-stone RESIDENCE, No. 1917 CHES NUT Street, with side yard. Lot 44tf by 178 feet. R. J. D08BINS, 4 27 12t Ledger Building. TO RENT. FURNISHED DESIRABLE Li: a Summer Residence, Township Line, near School Lane, Germantown. JUS11W15 1SATBMAIN X UU., 61tf No. 122 South FRONT Street 4TX COUNTRY AND CITY PROPERTIES LI FOR SALE. RUNT, and EXCHANGE in great number ana varieties oj 6 61m No. 809 CHESNUT Street. TO RENT. FOR RENT, STORE, No. 339 MARKET Street. AFPLY ON PREMISES. 4 22tf J. B. ELLISON & SONS. FOR RENT ONE OF THE MOST DE Birable residences In the 24th Ward, at the N. . comer of Thirty-fifth and Bridge streets. Pre mises in complete order. Lot 105 feet front on Bridge street, and adjoining the mansion of James P. Bruner. Apply to EDW. L. BODIN, No. 709 WALN GT Street. 6 6 St WATOMEI. JEWELRY, ETC. ISstatolislied in 1854. WATCHES. EVERGOING STEM-WINDEltS, KEY-WINDERS, QUARTER SECONDS, MINUTE REPEATERS, ETC. ETC. ETC. 0. & A. PEQUIGNOT, No. 608 CHESNUT STREET, 4 25 2m PHILADELPHIA. GOLD MEDAL HEQTJLA.T0RS. No. 22 NORTH SIXTII STREET, Begs to call the attention of the trade and customers to the annexed letter: tBiKSUTION. "I take pleasure to announce that I have given tc Mr. G. W. RUSSELL, of Philadelphia, the exclusive sale of all Roods of my manufacture. He will be able to sell them at the very lowest prices. "UUSTAV BifUKER, 'First Manufacturer of Regulators, Freiburg, Germany. D1 EPARTMENT OF CHIEF OF SURVEYS, OFFICE ENGINEER AND SUH- VEYOK. Philadelphia. Mav 6. 1871 NOTICE Duplicate plans of the survey and regulation of the Fifteenth, section, Twenty-first ward, oounaeu on me North by the WUsahlckon creek, "1 (South by liidge avenue, 1 ,., East by Roxborough avenue, f Wt bv Leverlncion avenue. I are now prepared and deposited for inspection at the office of John II. Leverlug, Surveyor and RcmUtor. Main street Manayunk, aud also at the oflice of this Department, and the Board of Surveva have anDoiuted MONDAY. May 15. 1671, at 10 o'cloc k A. M , to consider any ob jections that may be urgea tuereio oy uy citizen interested therein. STRICKLAND KNEASS, 68mwb8t Chief Engineer and Surveyor. -yy I L s o n a ' CARPET CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT, II rm No. e?i south SEVENTEENTH Street, FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., PHI LA DELPHI A, HEW YORK and WA9HIN3T0F. Iki COOKE, McCyilOCH CO., LONDON, AFB Dealeri In Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Blocks on Commission, at the Board of Brokers In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOL In connection with our London House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Including Purchase and Sale of Sterling Bills, and the Issue of Commercial Credits and Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available In any part of the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DEPOSIT, and to allow four per cent. Interest in currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication with both onr New York and Washington Offices, we can offer superior facilities to our customers. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST MENT. Pamphlets and full information given at eur office, B 8 Bmrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street. PhUada. BONDS OP THH ' Camden sndAmboy Railroad, New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Com pany, and Delaware and Hart, tau Canal Companyf Constituting the United Companies of New Jersey. We offer these most desirable bonds, in regis tered certificates, due In 1894, bearing O PER CSNT. 1NTBRHST, nee or all taxation, payable April 1 and October L Forfull particulars, apply to 4 SO tbstulm DREXEL &, CO. C. & II. HORIE. AV. H. NEAVBOT.D, SON fcAERTSEy. fJElV u. e. LOAH. GOLD VIVO 5-20s Converted into New" Loans of the United States on best terms. DE HA YEN & BE0. financial Agents United States, No. 40 Couth THIRD Street. i ss stutn lm INVESTMENT BONDS PORTAGE LAKE AND LAKE SUPERIOR SHIP CANAL 10a. Secured by first mortgage on the canal (now completed), and on real estate worth Ave times the amount of the mortgage. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, 10s. DOUGLAS COUNTY. NEBRASKA (Including Omaha), 10s, and other choice Western county and city bonds, yielding good rates of interest. ALLENTOWN C1TY(A.) SEVEN PEH CENT. SObOoL BONDS, free from taxes under the laws of the State, at par and Interest. For full particulars apply to HOWARD DABLlNGTOn, 8 S 8m No. 14T South FOURTH Street. B. E. JAMISON & 00. SUCCESSORS TO P.F.KELLY Sc CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, Silver, and Government Bonds At Closest market Hates, IT. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sti Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New York and Philadelphia stock Boards, eto. eto 120 COUPON OR REGISTERED LOAN OF TH1 City of "Williamsport, . Pennsylvania, With both principal and interest made absolutely secure by ntate and municipal legislation, for sale at AND ACCRURED INTEREST, BY P. 8. PETERSON & CO., Bankers and Stock Brokers, No. 39 B. THIRD STREET, S PHILADELPHIA. DUNN BROTHERS, HANItlSUg, Kos. 51 and 53 S. THIRD St. Dealers In Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills of Exchange on the Union Bank of London.and issue travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BROS fc CO., available In all the cities of Europe. Make Collections on all points. Execute orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board of Brokers. Allow Interest on Deposits, subject to chock at sight. is JOHN S. RUSHTOti & CO.. BAKKEEB AND BROKERS, GOLD AND C0UP0HS WASTED. City Warrants BOUGHT AND SOLD. No. 60 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA FINANCIAL.. Wilmington and Reading Railroad 7 ran CUNT. ZXOrJJDS. Frco of Taxes. IV e are offering $200,000 of the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company- AT 8?i AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Intcrcht Pajable January and July. The Bonds are In 61000s, S500s, and SI OOs, And can be REGISTERED free of expense. The road is dole g a good business, with prospects of con siderable increase. This issue is made to procure additional rolling stock. Bonds, Pamphlets, and information can be ob tained of DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. A RELIABLE Safe Home Investment. tiki: funbury and Lewistown Railroad Company 7 CUBIT. GOLD First Mortgage Bonds. Interest Payable Apr 11 antl Octo Im'i-, Free ol'Ktntc and lulled States Taxes We are now offering th balance of the loan of l,S00,ff)0, which is secured hy a first aid only lln on me entire property ana irancnises or me com. pany, At OO ami tlie Accrued Interest Added. The Road is now rapidly approaching completion, with a large trade in COaL. iliON. and LUMBER. in addition to the passenger travel awaidng the opening oi inis greatly ueenea enterprise. Tne local trade alone is sufficiently lame to sustain the Road. "We have no hesltaMon In recommending the Bonds SS a IJUKAf, K&LlAlSltlS, 8D0 JIN VEST WENT. For pamphlets, with map and full information, appiy 10 WKI. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Dealers in Government Securities, ffo. 36 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. A SAFE HOME INVESTMENT, 4 - Paying 7 Per Cent. Free from all Taxes. The General Mortgage 540-Year Bonds of the West l liiilir aud I'lillatlelphla Railroad Company, Bearing interest at T per cent, per annum, paf able April l ana uciouer i, iree oi an taxes. We offer for sale a limited amount of the above naited bonds at U5 and Interest. Full Inlorinatlou furnished on application to . W. CLAKK & C ., Biukers, 6 4 TSt No. 35 boulh TiilltU KtroHt. HAIiR SS0X URA31110, HAISItEFf, 530 WALNUT St., PHILADELPHIA. 2 29; FUKNITUKt. FURNITURE, The nnderstgned most respectfully announces to his patrons, friends, and the public general. y, that in anticipation of extensive alterations and Improve--nieuis to Ills store and waroroorng, he will oH'ur the uaiauce oi urn entire iah; ui r unai i uivc HX Greatly Reduced Prices. All of whleh is warranted fully as well madeai if made to order. Be adopts tuls method of giving purchasers an op portunity or lxtreiuely Low I'rlcen In nreference to having a sale at auction. A coraial invitation is hereof extended to all who are In need of Ilrst-t'Uss good. G. VOLLMER, Manufactarer of Cabinet Furniture, No. 1108 e e Btmiiiiu CHKSNUT STUB KT, PHILADELPHIA. jwkph H Cawpion (late Moore A OamDlon). W 114.1 AM SMITH, HICUAKD R CAMPION. SMITH & CAMPION, Manufacturers of FINE FURV1TUKE, UPUOLSTE RINGS, AND IN TERIOR UOUkF, DECO.T!iNS, No.4ii MOUTH THIRD H.reet. Manufac'ory, Noa. sis and 811 LEVANT b'reet, ruiiAUeipnia. n I'AHASOIS. T5C. tl. fl-86: Llfcl. il-t. J llts'.tl a: Silk Sun Umbrellas, c, tl. 1V6, fi bOt s' IJa Ti j ro. no. nuums!, o u LEGAL NOTIOES. rj'O USERS OP SEWING MACHINES. NOTICE The United States Court having decided that the shnttle-carrler nsed by the American Button hole Company infringes my patent, all persons who have nsed the sewing machine manufactured by the American Buttonhole Machine Company are hereby noticed that they are liable to me for nslng the same, and they are requested to come forward and settle, at the rate of ten dollars per machine, for such Infringement, or they will be prosecuted ac cording to law. B5 6t No. T03 PAN3QM Street. IN ANSWER TO THE A DOVE ADVERTISE. NEXT of CHARLES PARHAM, wt have to say, by advice of counsel : 1. That Parham has never yet reached a final de cree or obtained an Injunction to restrain us from manufacturing and selling our machines. 8. That he n,ust obtain such a decree in the Sa- prtme Court at Washington, Into which court his case has never yet been brought, before he can be justified In thus advertising. 8. That we will undertake the defense of, and will ful y protect, all who have bought or shall buy our machines. 4. That we are abundantly able to do S3 ; and 5. 1 hat we shall hold Charles Parham responsi ble fer any unjustifiable interference with our rights, or thote of our agents or our customers. W.-a MEN DEN HALL, President. 8AMCEI, Wilcox, Secretary. Oflice of American Buttonhole, Overseamlng, and 8c wing Machine Company, No. 1313 CHESNUT BlreeU B8 US. CIRCUIT COURT. EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. CHARLES PAR II AM vs. THE AMERICAN BUT TON HOLE OVERSEAM1NO AND SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY. In Equity. Before Strong, Justice, and McSennan, Circuit Judge. Extract of opinion as rendered : "Upon the whole case we are of the opinion" 'That the Letters Patent reissued to the complain ant are valid." "That, so far as appears or is shown in the case, the complainant is the first and original inventor of the lm pi oxeruentB described in the first and second claims of said Patent." "That the respondents have committed infringe ments of both said claims." "A decree will, therelore, be entered for an in junction and an account as prayed for." CHARLES PARHAM, Bfltt Office No. 703 8ANSOM Street IN THE DISTRICT COURh OF THE UNITEU STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF" PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter of JABEZ HUNTING. JOSI All BUNTING, JOHN POLLOCK, and JOSEPH J. SELLERS, late trading as BUNT1NO BROS. & CO. In bankruptcy. ruiL.AUKL.puiA, may , i-ti. Notice is hereby clven that a second general meelli'K of the creditors of said bankrupts will be held at No. 615 WALNUT Street, in the city of Phila delphia, in sid distilct,on the SOtU day of M y, A. D. 1811, at 11 A.M., at the oiUce of KDWlN CHASE, Esq., one of the Registers in Bankruptcy in said ntstricr, lor me purposes natuea in tue twenty seventh section of the bankrupt act, ap proved marcn t, im. No. 82 8outh THIRD Street, Philadelphia. To the creditors of said bankrupts. . 6 8 8t IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TnE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA Etate of MAHTUA iiuutkn, aeceasea. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the second and Unal account of 1S0 O. JONHS, Jr., and EZRAJEVANS, executors of the last will and testament or MAKThA UOOTEN, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in tne nanus oi tne accuuuiaui., win meet me parties interested for the purpose of his appoint ment, on MONDAY. May 16. 1811, at 8 o'clock. P. M., at his Oince, No. 83 South THIRL) Street, in the City of Philadelphia. B. H. TH VHP, B 4 thBtnot Auoitor. IN THE DISTRICT OOUKT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. IN BANKRUPTCY. The undersigned hereby Rives notice of his ap pointment a Assignee Of LAWRENCE MOItNEN, of Philadelphia, lu the County of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, wttbiu said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt by the District Court of said dltstilct upon petition of a credit-ir. . ALil.AAJNU.X( f. UUL&AUSKKI, Assignee, No 119 WALNUT Street. To the creditors of said bankrupt, 6 9 tu3t I 7 STATE OlT JOSEPH 1. I'VlU OT NICUOLLS, DE- Letters testamentary on the abiva estate having . U 11 " Jt'm betn granted to the undersigned, all persons In debted lo the said decedent are requested to make payment, and those baving claims to present the same to ANN NIOHOi.LS, No. m GO I'HIC Street. Or her attorney, J )S. o. FERGUSON, 5 9 tuCl No. 620 WALNUT Street. CROCERIES, ETO. JONDON BROWN STOUT AND SCOTCH ALB, In glass and stone, by the cask or dozen. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Qroceries, Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Sta, EDWARD PONTI & CO., IMPORTERS OP FOREIGN PRODUCE, Wines, Oils, Fruits, Cigars, WHOLE8ALB AND RETAIL, No. 004 WALNUT Hireet, PHILADELPHIA. EDWARD PONTI. 38751 JAMES W. DAVKN3. HARDWARE. ETO. CUMBERLAND NAILS 84 '75 Per Keg. These Nails are known to be the best in the market All nails', no waste, and cost no more than other brands. Each keg warranted to contain 100 pounds of Nails. Also, a large assortment of One Hinges, Locks, and Enoba. Saltd Bronxe, suitable for flrsuolaas build lngs, at the great Cheap-for-Cat-li Hardware Store OF J, II. HIIAmCVO-f, 1 14 tnthst No. 1009 MARKET Street. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE IS THE CHEAPEST and best article in the market for Dl'l KlKU IlLUfllCS. It does not contain any acid. It will not Injure the finest fabric It Is put up at WII.THERHKK' DRl'd MTOKK, No. 'Hi N. SECOND Street, Philadelphia, And for sale by most of the Grocers aud Druggists. The eenulue has both BARLOW'S and WILT- BERG Kit s name on the label ; ail others axe COUN- lEKFf.1T. BAHI.OVV'H BI.TJB will color mora water than lour times tne sam weight of indigo. , 8 iW tuthaam . COPYING PEESSES. Jnst received, a Large Assort ment of the Latest tstylea COPYING PRESSES. VtJCVIM- CHRISTY, tttatiffner and Prinlbr, No. 12T 8. Tift Si Street, Opposite Glrard Bank. tSQeody a UIANDIB O. OAITItL CO., No. 84 NORTH WUARVJU AND HO. t NORTH WATTR STREET, PUlLADltLPHIA. axnMDTS e. Ctnu Vlua CAffU AMUSEMENTS.' A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.' LAST UNIQnTS LAST 13 NIGHTS AND TWO MATINEB8, Introducing for the first time the beautiful billet Of "UNDINI," In the romantic spectacle of THE BLACK CROOK. THE BLACK CROOK, which for elegance of costume and richness of scenery has never been equalled. Last nights of AH R WONDERFUL MAJILTONS, THE GREAT SKATERS, THE GREAT LUPO. THE GOLDEN TERRACE, WITH SO ATTRACTIVE FEATURES IN ONE ACT. Pecnred seats, BONER &CO.'SMuslO 8tw. No. 1103 CHESNUT Street, and at ACADEMY Of Music NEW ARRANGEMENT. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT . 60 CENTS TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSE P 8 tf MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE Begins V to 8 o'clock. LAST WEEK OK JOHN BROUOUAM. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVEN1NUS, Brougham's Comedy-Drama or TRK RED LIGnT; OK, THK SIONAL OK DANGER. JOHN BROUGHAM AS NED McDERMOTT, Aided by the fail Company. FRIDAY-BENEFIT OF JOHN BROUOHAM. MON DAY N EXT-MISS KATE R BIGNOLDS. WALNUT STREET THEATR E. TniS (Tuesday) EVENING, May 9, " SIX NIGHTS OP THK BRILLIANT FAVORITE, MRS. D. P. BOWERS. SNARE; ok, WHAT CANT MONEY DO? Clara Melvl'Ie MRS. D. P. BOWERS. Act First. THE HAPPY HOME. Act Second. OUT IN Til STREETS. Actlfiilrd. TI1K SECOND MARRIAGE. Act Fourth. THK FIRST LOVE. WEDNESDAY, EAST LYNNE; OR, THE ELOPEMENT. SATURDAY M RS. BOWERS MATIN EE. DAVENPORT'S OH KSNUT STREET THEATRE. Performance commences at 8 o'clock. THIS EVENING. SARATOGA. 8ARATOGA. MR. JAMES LEWIS, from Daly's Finn Aveaue Theatre, ai d DAVENPORT'S STAR COMPANY. Admission, ti, 7ft, 60, and S5 cents. Seats seenred from 8 until 4 o'clock. SARATOGA ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Admission, 50 and ga cents ; secured Beats, tl. i UOI'8 AM8RI CAN 'PKKATBI. T IM M ENS B ATTRACTION. Every evenlnsr, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. THE IMPERIAL ' JAPANESE TROUPE. ( Grand Olio Entertainment. 1 wn Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Local Sketches, Coinlo Pantomime, etc., etc. , JAPsi' MATINEE, WEDNESDAY, at 8 o'clock. . AMERICAN MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE, Northwestcorncrr.f NINTH and ARCH Streets. Open dally from 9 A. M. till 10 P. M. Engagement of he Great Natural Actor, MR. ROBERT MoWADE, HIP VAN WINKLE. EVKRY EVENING and SATUKUAY MATINEE, UNCLE TOM'S CABIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY BENEFIT OF ROBERT McWADE, MONDAY, May 16 THK DOUBLE-HEADED BABE. AORAND BAZAAR IN AID OF THE SICK POOR OF ST. ftlARY'S HOSPITAL is NOV OPEN, end will continue for two weeks at CON CERT HALL, CHESNUT Street, above Twelfth. Season tickets, its cents. Single admission, 10 cents. . 4 IS 'T H K ST C Z. O V D .' A This new elegant and commodlons first-class Hotel, on ARCH Street, above SEVENTH, jmow open. Terms. 3 per day. 4 1 8m Q. Vf. MULLIN & BROn Proprietors." WINES. "yiNES, LIQUORS, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH ALES, ETC. The subscriber begs to call the attention of dealers, connoisseurs, and consumers generally to his splendid stock of foreign goods now on hand, of his own importation, aa well, also, to his extensive assortment of Domestic Wines, Ales, eta, among; ' which may be enumerated : 600 cases of Clarets, high and low grades, care fully selected from btst foreign stocks. loo casks of Sherry Wine, extra quality of finest grade. loo esses of Sherry Wine, extra quality of finest grade. 86 casks of Sherry Wine, best quality of medium grade. 85 barrels Scuppcrnong Wine of best quality. 60 casks Catawba Wlue " " 10 barrels " medium grade. Together with a full supply of Brandies, Whiskies, Scotch and EugUsh Ales, Brown Stout, etc, etc., which he is prepared to furnish to the trade and con sumers generally la quantities that may be re quired, and on the most liberal terms. P. J. JORDAN. 6 6 tf No. 820 PEAR Street, Below Third and Walnut and above Dock street. lOt. rRICE Of ICE LOW ENOUGH TO SATISFY 1 ALL." 'BE SUbS KNICKERBOCKER IS ON THE WAON." KNICKERBOCKER. ICE COMPANY. THOt. E. OA HILL, President. E. P. KEnSuoW. Vice-President. A. HUNT, Treasurer. K. H. UoHN ELL, Secretary. T. A. HE'" rK Y, Superintendent. Principal Office. No. 436 WALNUT utrett, Philadelphia. Branca Offices au l)t)pots, North Pennsylvania Railroad and Master Street. Hldge Avenue aud Willow street, vt lliow Street Wharf, Delaware avenue. Twentt-second arri Hamilton streets. Ninth Street and Washington avenue. Pine Street Wharf. SchuvlkliL No. 4833 Main Street, Germantown. No. 81 North Second street, Camden, N. J., and Cape May, New Jt-rsey. 1871. PrlcfS for Families, Offlces, etc 18TL 8 pounds dally, 60 cents per week, n es " " " , 16 " " 80 " " 80 " 86 " Half bushel or forty pounds, so cents each de livery. 4 88 8fit LOOKING. CLASSES, ETO. MEW ROGERS CROUP, RIP VAN WINKLE." NEW CHROMOS. All Chromes sold at 85 per cent, below regular rates. All of Piang'd, Hoover's, and all others. Send for catalogue. IoolAlMfj-CJInsses, ALL NEW STYLES, At the lowest prices. All of our own manufacture. JAMES 8. EAR LB & SON8. No. 818 CHESNUT BTRKBT. WIN DOW BLINDS, ETO. WINDOW BLiriDS, Lace Curtains, Curtain Cornlcei, HOLLAND SHADES, PAINTED SHADES of the latest tlnta. BLINDS painted and trimmed 8 lOKE SHADES made and lettered. Picture Cord, Tassels, Etc, Repairing prompt! attended to. D. J. WILLIAMS, Jr., No. 10 NOBTH SIXTH STREET, i t tutbssm PHILADELPHIA MILLINERY. H S. H. D I L L O M Ni KOS. 883 AND ' SOUTH STREET, 7ANCY AND MOURNING MILLINERY, CRAPB VEILS. Ladles' and Misses' Crape, Felt, G'mp, Hair, Satin.' Silk, Straw and Velvets, Hats and Bouneta, Prenca Flowers, Hat and Bonnet Frames, Crapes, Laces, Silk l, Satlna, Velvets, Ribboua, Htuhes, Ornamental and all kinds of Millinery tiooda.