The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, May 09, 1871, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. XV. NO. 109.
Fire Hi the Shop of the PMW. and n. Rail
road Locomotive mart Other Property
Th Wilmington Commercial of last evening
Shortly after 12 o'clock to-day. a Are broke
ont In tbe kindling-wood shop of George V.
Bush, at the southeast corner of Water and
French streets. It was quickly communicated
to tbe oil Btore-bouse of tbe P., W. and B. Kill
road shops, which stood immediately adjoining.
(Tbifl was tbe general understanding, but It is
stated to us by Mr. Bush ana others who
were promptly at hand, that the Are began in
tbe oil-house itself.)
The flames spread with great rapidity, and in
a few moments caught tbe roof of the locomo
tive round-house, which adjoined the oil-house,
and speedily pet fire to it uud to a number of
locomotives which stood in it. These Are be
lieved to have been about fifteen in number,
nor.e of which were removed. All these were
botfly burntd, though some escaped more than
The Fire Department was promptly on the
pround, but the largo force of men employed in
the Miops were just at dinner Attempts were
made to 6ubduo the flames in the oil house, but
it was stored with a largo quantity of oil, UMo.v,
waste, etc., and burned with the greatest fury,
throwing out immense volumes of blaen smoke.
Tbe large otlico of George W. Bush soon caught
fire, and was destroyed.
Efforts being at "length mostly directed to
cuttine off tbe fire, at the point where the
round-house adjoined the general repair shops,
the flumes were checked about half-past one
The lofs is heavy, but as most of it conshts In
the damage done to the locomotives, the extent
and character of which can only be ascertained
by machineets, upon a thorough examination,
we can give no estimate approaching accuracy.
The whole loss, however, will probublv b3 from
$50,000 or $75,000. Of this wo estimate 'J ,0v)J
to be on the locomotives alone, the remainder
being on Mr. Bush's oiliee, kindling-wood shop,
and contents, his sloop (which was damaged as
she lay at tbe wharf), and ou the oil -house, pattern-shop,
round-house, nnd otbore injured
property, belonging to the railroad compmy.
Our estimate of the damage to the locomotives
will appear low to mnyvho were present at
tbe fire, but it in based on a hurried inspection
made by one of the company's oflieers.
Mr. Bush is fully insured. All his b.ioks were
saved out of his ollice.
Mr. Ferry, master of machinery la Wilming
ton, was absent in Philadelphia, but came di)va
with Superintendent Kenney on a spcclil train.
By the time of their arrival, ho sever, the tire
was under control.
The express train South waa delayed about
three-quarters of au hour. President Graut wm
not on board, as had been expected.
Sperllecrlous Thievrs A Catholic Church
ISrokiu Open Sacramental Service
Stolen The Poor lloxea Ilobbcd.
The Commercial also has the following:
Last night some villains entered 8 lint IVter's
Roman Catholic Church. Sixth aud West street,
and proceeded to ransack it for valuables. They
stole the cups of two gold-plated chalices, two
eoborlums, one gold and one silver, two gold
patents (a port of plate u?ed in connection with
tbe cnaiieee), ait uewg articles used m mo sacra
ment of "i he Lord's Supper," a admluistered
by that church. They also broke up a gold
plated chali'.'e, nnd, finding it to be plated, Hung
it contemptuously on tbe lioor. They then pro
ceeded to the boxes in tho vestibule, Into which
contributions for the poor aro dropped,
rilled them, and made their escape with their
booty unobserved. Tho candlesticks and other
decorations of the altar were undisturbed.
Meeting of the Board ot Directors at Tren
ton A New Oltrr.
The lea?e of the united railroads of New
Jersey to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
was submitted yesterday to the Lnltcd Board
of Directors at Trenton. The committee to
whom the matter had beeu coniided had a meet
iner on Saturdav in Philadelphia, in conjunction
with a similar committee from tba Pennsylvani
Comranv. and after eleven hours of debate an
tho provisions of tho lease were finally agreed
UDon. Their work was approved by tho Direc
tors of tbe New Jersey comDauios yesterday.
and the ineetiug adjourned to give the Com
mittee time to make the required alterations
The directors will then have another meeting
after which tho lease will be submitted directly
to the stockholders.
Before the meeting adjourned yesterday an
offer was received from another powerful com
pany, submitting proposals quite as favorable ai
those made ty the rennsvivania uemrai, otter
Sue. in addition, a bonus "of nearly 1. 000,000
This offer will, of course, affect materially tho
negotiations, but the matter will now rest with
the stockholders. If the lease to the Pennsyl
vania Company is rejected by them, the second
offer may receive consideration. The amount
of property to be transferred is of a value of
40,000,000, embracing railroad lines and canals
that cover seventeen out of the twenty-one
counties of the State. A". X. Tribune lo-aay.
Ills Illness in India.
Calcutta (Manhl-i) Cor. of the London Time,
Mr. Seward, on his way over the country, was
taken ill at Allahabad, and was unable to dine
at the United Service Club as he had agreed to
do. I believe the illnees was not very serious,
but the hot weather set lu, and a mau or .Mr,
Seward's years, and from a climate so different,
would be as well out of India. 1 refer to the
Euhject more
uore particularly to quote a passage
honorable gentleman s letter to the
irom tho honorable c
club. After a very haudsome acknowledgment
of the invitation of the club, etc., Mr. isnwara
said: "The eflicicncy of the Government ser
vice in India, in all Its depart men Is, commmds
my hipbeet admiration, and induces on my part
fervent wishes for tne weuare, prosperity, ana
hat.i.incts of all thoso who are cr.;;aged in it." I
utn ouite sure that this is u in ,e than the due
of Indian administration, but it ouht to ba of
value as the view of one who knows somiith'mg
of tv hat government is, both lu peace aud war.
A Mr. Forbes has beeu shot for "personally
ineultinar" tbe neoulo of Chevenne. lie at
tenanted to deliver a temoeranee lecture there
A Troy man has iuveuted a portable barber
thoo. which can be wheeled from house to
It is thought that bamboo fibre will make an
excellent substitute for shoddy, in the mauuuc
lure of. cloth.
A printer recently made "Bo ye therefore
j-ttadfat," the text of a minister's feeruion, "Be
ye there for breakfast."
Tbe Tyrolese rals-ed the German flig on the
LIutiekt i t iik of the Urenne.r Mouutalus on the
Llrtak'uv of F.uki.eror William.
ibere is a married trirl la Danville, 111
whoe aire Is twelve years aud six months. The
bubband it forty.
A youuz icllow chopping wood near Silem,
Ore eon, accidentally unearthed a pile of gold
coin worth in all tiOO.
The following Jvertlment was in an
Fatten) paper recently: -"Wanted by a boy. a
altuatlou la an eating-house, lie U used to the
At the dinner of an IrUh association not
long frlnce the following toast wa given:
"Here's to the presideut of the society, Patrick
it Kaflerty, aa' may Le live to eat th? chicken
Capture of Fort Issy.
FcwderXAlagazine Explosion.
The Insurrection in Algeria.
Attempt to Wreck a Train.
Tha Fire at Fagundus, Penna.
Fifty XSuiidings Destroyed.
Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
The Military Situation.
Versailles, Monday noon, May 8. To-mor
row operations on a larger scale are expected.
To-day the commanders of divisions emu to
Versailles to take their orders. Marshal Mic-
Mahon, with eighty big guns, will operate on
certain points at 4 o'clock to-morrow.
Paris, Monday night, May 8.
The Central Committee
of the Women's Union demand that the war
shall be a la ontrance. The sisters of the Con
vent Eulpice have been arrested.
The Prussian Patrols
are vlgilnnt on the neutral portion of the river
felnc. One hundred and fifty Nationals were
arrested by them yesterday.
General Cluscrct
demands on examination.
Powder Mill Explosion.
The powder magazine at Porte Maillot was
exploded by two shells this morning. Several
soldiers were killed, aud there was great de
struction of property.
The three olllcers commanding Fort d'Issy
declared that it was necessary to explode the
fort. General Rossel ordered them to hold out,
and they replied that they would rather resign.
General Rossel
had them and two others arrested. The Gene
ral has great determination, aud is virtually
military dictator.
The dispute between the Central Committee
nnd the Commune has been healed.
The Commune
has seized the telegtaph lines on the Northern
Tho German General von Der Tann demands
the complete evacuation of Vincennes.
At tho meeting of the Commune yesterday, it
was demanded that the
Deputies from Paris
to the Versailles Assembly sh mid resign Imme
diately upon pain of outlawry or death.
BlsmareU and Thiers.
Berlin, May 8 It is officially reported that
Prince Bismarck is going to Corapeigne, the
headquarters of the Prince of Saxony, to confer
with M. Thiers.
Barricades Recaptured
London, May 0. A Times special despatch
from Paris says: Tho (Federalists yesterday
recaptured the barricade In tbe Rue Peyronnet
Tho commandant of the Nationals was shot
during the fight by a cure.
The Laibj New special despatch from Ver
sallies reports great
Concentration Among the Troops
in Ncullly, and says an attack it anticipated.
A circular from Picard orders strict watch
upon the movements of the Bonapartbts
Prince de la Tour d'Auvergue
is reported dead.
The Elect Ion In I. yon
passed off quietly. The Telegraph special from
Versailles says it is officially reported that BU'
marck will come to Compeigno to hold an inter
view with M. Thiers. Tho Prussians have ar
rested about one hundred and fifty fugitive
National Guards. It is positively denied that
the dispute between the Central Committee and
the Commune is Lealed. A powder m igazino
near Porte Maillot was blown up by shelh from
ThcVirwIlll.l llatterlcs,
and several persons were killed.
Versailles, May '.. Clamart nai become eo
unhealthy from the presence of
Kuinbcrlet I'uburied Rudlt'
of the victims of themauy engagements tint the
Versailles troops have been obliged to evacuate
the place.
TLe Government relieves from sernca about
Paris and sends to tho departments all the sal
diers having relatives in tho capital.
The Vemalllc Army
continues its approaches to the Bols de Bou
logne. Tbe battery at Moutrlout to day recom
menced firing on the insurgent positlous a.
Folnt du Jour and elsewhoie. The news is
otherwise unimportant.
Papul Guarantees.
Florence, May 1). The Italian Chamber of
Deputies haB agreed to the first fivecliusesof
the Papal guarantee bill in tho shape iu which
it recently passed the Senate.
Capture of Fort d'la)'.
Versailles, May 8. Fort dTssy has been
captured, and is now in the possession of the
Versailles forces.
The Insurrection lu Algeria.
London, May 9. A despatch from Versailles
pays that the insurrection iu Algeria defies the
efforts of the authorities, and it spreading to all
parts of tbe province.
ThU Morning' Quotations.
Ijvkkpool, May 910 SO A. M. cotton (jalet end
steady: uplands, i Orleans. 7jtf7,l. 1'ue
alts to-day are estimated at lo.tiou ba'.ua
LOMHJN, Mhj 1130 A. M. Consols 83 V for both
moiipy aud acoouut; r,s.o-w""' "i iso, J;
GX old. DliV : or 1867. nx 10-4U8. 89.
AMuF.lif 8 Petroleum closed at 44f. for
fine pale American.
Tll Afternoon' Quotations.
Liverpool, May 91-80 V. M. California. White
Wlit-at, 12. ad. Ke elu of wheat lor threa Uy
i& uuu quarters, lucludiui; SixjO American. Corn,
as. 8J. lor new ; bacon, boo. 64. lor tumoenaaa.
Exchuivriii to The hvening Ttlfgrnph,
Dastardly Attempt to Throw a Train
irom me n.rie i racK.
Depomt, 'N. Y., May 9. It has just been
made public here that an attempt was mida on
theJn'gAt of April 30 to throw the express train
No. 12, on tbe Erie Railroad, off the track neir
this place. The train was descending the sum
mit grade and approaching this station, when at
Seward's crossing it ran into some obstructions.
Its weight and speed, however, overcame the
resistance, and the danger was escaped.
The watchman at once began removing the
obstructions, when be was assailed by a shower
of stones from the wood on the side of the road,
and compelled to abandon the work and procure
assistance. The train was more than usually
heavy i and contained the directors' car, npoa
which were Wessrs. Gould and Fisk, and several
division superintendents, on tbe way to the city
to assist in making anew time-table. If the effort
bad been successful It would have been attended
with a great loss of life. The grade here is
fifty feet to the mile, and the speed of the train
was from forty to fifty miles an hour.
Movements of Mr. Colfax.
New York, May 9. Vice-President Colfax
has passed through for Washington.
Two Hundred Recruits
for the 1st Infantry leave here to-morrow
General Sheridan is expected to-day in
steamer Russia.
The English Commissioners.
Lord Tenterden, Viscount Goderich,
Professor Bernard, of the Joint Iligh Commis
sion, are at the Brevoort.
The jury in the case of Antonio Manrer,
The Spring Valley Murderer,
has returned a verdict of manslaughter in the
second degree. Maurer was sentenced to Sing
Sing for seven years.
Mrs. Anson Burlingame arrived on the
steamer Silesia, aud will reside here perma
nently. Rurglars Arrested.
New York, May 9. The detectives clVim to
have discovered the parties concerned in the
attempted robbery of the Central Park Savings
Bank, April 3d, in the persons ol Walter Moffat,
James Woodruff, and James Murray. Mjffat Is
the proprietor of a low drinking den, and
Woodruff and Murray notorious thieves. On
the occasion of tho attempted robbery tho
thieves put a pistol to the head of the cashier of
tbe bank and threatened his life if be resisted.
The case will be investigated to-day at the
Exclusively to The Evening TcUarapK
The Fire at Fagundus.
PittsbCro, Pa., May 9. A special despatch
to the Commercial sa-8 that the losses by the
fire at Faundus on Sunday will probably reach
10,000, with but little insurance. The flames
swept off everything on tho west side of the
street, including stores, dwelling-houses, and
hotelp. Fisher's ollice and Grandison's ware
house on the eatt side were also consumed, and
but a few scattering buildings reuiaia.
Colliery Resumed.
AsnLAND, Pa., May 9. The miners of tho
Centralia colliery went to work this morning.
Exclusively to The Eveninj Telajraph.
Fatal Accidents.
San Francisco, May 9. A miner named, John
Gill was instantly killed yesterday by the falling
of the shore timbers in the Yellow Jacket inino
at Virginia City, Nevada. '
John Sonuers, a conductor on a freight train
of tho Southern Pacific Railroad, was crushed to
death between the cars at GUroy yesterday.
Mining News.
The bull movement in the Belcher and Crown
Point mining stock continues. The shorts
suffer severely. Crown Point closed last even
leg at 2C0.
Exclusively to The Evening Tel'gra.oh.
The Insurgent Occupancy of Montljo.
Kinoston, May 8. The Ocean Queen sailed
yesterday for New York, with 4'iO passengers.
Panama, May 3. The insurgents retain pos
session of Montijo. Tbe Winchester will sail
to-morrow to make a demand from the coni'
wander of the national forces upon tho chief of
the insurgents to release Montijo. If he refuses,
a force is to bo used to compel the surrender of
the vessel, ami her cap prs will be treated as
htxicelii to The Evening TelearapK
Xtwurk Charter Election.
Nr.wAitK, N. J., May 9 The charter election
yesterdiiv in Morristown resulted in the entire
Kcpullkau ticket being elected by 89 majority
E'cluiifly to The Evening TeMornon.
Government Weather Report.
War Department, Office op thk Chief Pional
Oi n tK. W'AhiiiNUToN, flay 8 lu-0 A. M. Syn n
! for tliepast twentf-iour nours: tub wea'iier
bus continued unchanged ou the l'anlfln coast; light
ruti:yliae irevaUci at, tne itock.r Mountain si
Hons, but aie now clearing away, riiea'eiof low
M t'Kbure en M'.r.ila.T morning in iviinsts and ise-
Lriuka Is now central lu Mwsnuri aid Arkansas,
it ti l'uht ratu from Arkansas to uuisand Maryland,
The ares r f hishest imrometer is central la N rtn-
eusti rn Mlunesttia and moving s mtiward, with
elf ar. cold weather. 'Jlie pressure ra fallen but
HU'imy In th Southern State, aud has rUen in the
Viiinla and kaaerri mates. 'l Ue northwest sals is
abating on Jiouut Washington, after a heavy fall of
tl,j-robabiJitien.U Is probable that cleir weather,
with nuitlKTiy wind, will continue on the oppr
laki-s. c oudv and threatening weath.'r in the Ohio
vallfV aud tne Atlantic coast, from North Carolina
cubty,aid. No serious diaturfeasioe Is apprehended.
New York Money aud Stock Market.
Naw Ygri. May wcKa euiet and 8tendy.
Money easy. Gold 1UV. o-sw. loea, coupon, ill ; to.
lS6i, ill; do. 1&66, ill; do. isos, oe, 113;
no. 16CT. lis: da imvi, lis'i; le-tos. ioju!
Vlrelnta 6. Lnew T11; Missouri 6s, Can
ton Co.. eat : Cumberland preferred. 81: N. Y. Cen
tral audlludaon Kiver, VSM, ; Eile, 84V: Keadmg,
US,; Adama Epres, Wl; MIehlKan Central,
1V3W: atlehmaa BouuiMrn, lio; lUluoig Central.
!!: Cleveland and Pittsburg, 131V: cmeairo aol
hock laiaud, lftaV! niiatmrg aud fort Wsyne,
ITakbisburo. Mat 9 New bills Introduced:
r Dnvla tntrni) Kill whlnh ttr.a nneaa.l
supplementary to the Apportionment Will, fixing
tbe place foe the meeting of the return judges
in aouoie representative districts, mere navlug
been an omission in the original bill.
Mr. Graham, one to Incorporate the EcIIdso
Lubricating Oil Company.
Mr. Turner, ene to prevent the destruction of
fih in the Susquehanna, in Luzerne couotv.
with seines or nets.
Mr. Osterhout, one incorporating the Towanda
Water Company.
Mr. Nagle, one requiring all steam and sailing
vessels of over one hundred tons, employed in
carrying; passengers within this State, under
penalty of five hundred dollars, to carry two
life-boats attached to cranes.
Also one incorporating the Fonndllnor Hos
pital of Philadelphia, with Mrs. Ida Parker, J.
F. Staunton, Mrs. Fanny Cunningham, and
others aa incorporators.
Bill Paused. House supplement to the act
relating to tbe collection of taxes in Montgo
mery county, approved March 17th, 18f8.
senate bill incorporating the Philadelphia
Musical Instrument Improvement Manufactur
ing Company.
(Senate bill relative to cattle movimr at larcre
in Upper Halford, Montgomery count'.
eerjute bill providing lor making and repairing
the public roads In West Nottingham, Chester
iionee mil incorporating tne remomen Aia-
tnal Fire Insurance Company.
Henate bill incorporating the yuaner CUT
Carriage and Sleigh Company.
llouse bin vacating Hart lane, irom L wenty-
eecond to Twenty seventh streets, Philadelphia.
Houscsupplement to the charter ol tho Ame
rican Baptist Publication Society.
senate Din authorizing cnanes a. unngan,
trnetee under will of Jacob Harbert, to sell cer
tain real estate.
The Houee bill defining the south line of
Spruce street, between Eighth and Ninth, Phila
delphia. '
Senate bin relative to notaries public in
Schuylkill county.
House Din allowing copula Mathews to convey
certain real estate to her father.
Senate bill providing for the more effectual
aeFessment and collection of licenses in Phila
delphia, passed to a third reading.
Mr. Smith, of Philadelphia, on leave, introduced
a bill to remove that portion of theGormautown
Township Poor-house which projects from the
line of ltittenhoufce street, Gormantown. Passed
Mr. Hullleid, from tho Committee on Munici
pal Corporations, reported with a negative re
commendation a supplement lor tbe regulation
and inspection of buildings In Philadelphia.
ihe benate bill authorizing the liquidation of
damages sustained by citizens of tho border
counties during the late Rebellion was the
special order.
ine House committee oi ways ana Means
had amended the bill by striking out all after
the enacting clause, and iusertiug the follow
Section l. lhat the claims ot the citizens
of York, Cumberland, Adams, Franklin, E ulton,
Jiedford, and rerry, tor extraordinary losses
sustained during the rebellion, as adjudicated
under the general acts of Assembly approved
April iu, lsoa, April aa, 18&J, February 15, lbiw,
and April 9, 1608, be submitted to a careful
revision by two commissioners in the county of
1 one, two in tne county ot f runkim, two in the
county or Adams, two in the counties ot uutnber-
land and Perry, and two In the counties of Fulton
and itedtord, to be appointed by the president
iudires of the Courts of Common Pleas of said
several counties; and the Governor shall appoint
competent counsel to represent the Government
in tbe revision ot said claims be lore the several
commissions, and said commissions shall re
examine and readjudlcate all of said claims, and
may reject or oiminisn any now on tile as
equity may require, but not iucreaso the amount
ot any excepting tne claim ot the German lie
formed Church, represented by is. K. lusher to
Co., which shall be equitably adjusted; and
claims which may have been assigned or trans
lerred by the original claimant, the
assignee or present owner of the same shall be
required to make satisfactory proof of the
amount actually paid for the claim, and the
amount so paid shall be awarded, and no more
And if any owner of an assigned claim shall fail
to make such proof satisfactorily, tbe claim shall
. . . ,.i . i i
ue rejecieu, uuu as saiu commissioners reaajuat
cato said claim they shall endorse their approval
thereon for the amount allowed, and return the
claims to the Auditor-General.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Governor
of the State to demand the payment of the said
claims by the General Government, and also the
payment of the $500,000 paid by the State ou
said claims, and to select such agents for the
purpose us may Ue deemed necessaiy, and upon
payment of any moneys by the General Govern
ment on account of said claims, they shall be
appropriated by the State Treasurer pro rata
on said claims, provided tbat the State shall la
nowise become liable for, or on account of, said
claim, being wnat may be appropriated to the
Earne by the General Government.
Mr. Keinoehi moved to amend the first section
by substituting three commissioners non-resi
dents or me counties to be atiected, to be
appointed by the Governor. Disagreed to.
Mr. Boileau moved to amend the secocd sec
tion by inserting tho words "and paid" after the
ytord "appropriated" in the proviso. Agreed to.
Messrs. Leinoehl and Warner spoke agaiust
the bill, aDd Messrs. Strang, Ellis, Chalfant,
Skinner, and Quigley iu its favor, after which
the bill passed finally yeas G3, nays !H.
Senate amendments to the bill enlarging the
powers of the Commissioners of Fairmount
l'aik, extending their powers over Hunting
Park, were concurred in.
This amendmeni requires tne commissioners
to square the latter park by exchanging certain
portions for an extension on tho east side, the
exchange to bo made before the frst of next
Mr. Johnson opposed tbe amendment. He
did not deem it proper to force the commis
sioners to do this. He proposed to leave it dis
cretionary with them.
Mr. Dumbeil also opposed the amendment.
Messrs. Smith, Grilluhs. and Aiilier favored
the Senate amendment.
Mr. Johnson's proposition was agreed to, aud
the bill passed.
Chicago Flour and Wheat Market.
Special Despatch to Tits fc'vp-ftinj Te-tgraph,
C'bicaoo. May 9-0-30 A. M Wheat market nnn
and falrl active; No. 8, 1 1 -27 1 -83, rtsller laat h tf ;
l"S7J,'ifl iw. sener dune; caMi nominally f-'.'-j.
Com lirui at, cash, aud seller Way or
llereipl. W'fj". iVivi.i'. Shicu.
Flour, bbis. 4,oii0 8,ooo Oats, hns 11,000 8t,oo
Wheatbus. ll.OoO T.noo, Rye, bus. 1,000 l.C'JO 1,000
Corn, bus.. T'i.oot) 66,000 Barley, bus.. 2,000 1,000
Tke greateet nutmeg ever known probably
met with a greater.
Ihey have just got tnrouga surveying Ari
zona, aim it is iounu io cpniain w.vuu.ujj
Large numbers of horses are being sold at
thirteen dollars each in Los Angeles county,
Ban Francisco is successfully raising oys
ters brought from the Atlantic coast aud plauted
in the bay.
There was a neavy irosi inrougnout Ken
tucky last Monday, with ice in some places an
inch thick.
A citizen of Montreal is under arrest for re
fusing to tell a census enumerator the agei of
hid two unmarried daughters.
"HeDpeek" is the name of a post office in
Alexander county, Illinois. It ibes a small
butintHs; tbe mail aveld it.
The Commission and tho Treaty.
XXcw the Paper is Received.
Frolmble Action of the Senate.
Shocking Affair in New York
Three Children Burned to Death.
Later from Europe
Etc., Etc., Etc. , Etc. Etc., QEto
The Anglo-American Treaty.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Washington, May 9. The seml-efflcial sy
nopsis of the Anglo-American treaty published
by authority of the State Department this morn
ing Is variously commented upon. The English
Commissioners were opposed to making any of
the provisions of the treaty public, for the rea
son that they feared it would bo unfavorably
received by their Government. Many of tho
points of the treaty having lound their way into
tbe newspapers, despite all efforts to prevent It,
and seme of them having the effect to prejudice
the public sentiment against it, it was deemed
advisable by the American Commissioners to
make the statement published this morning.
There are three points in the treaty likely to
meet with opposition:
First. The manner of adjudicating the Eng
lish claims.
Second. The virtu il revival of the reciprocity
treaty of 1S54 with Canada.
Third. Tbe arbitrament of the question of
payment of money for tho fishery privileges.
Tho two latter, it is understood, will be
strongly opposed by New England and Western
Senators. Mr. Sumner only received a copy of
the treaty yesterday, and, of course, has not
had an opportunity of determining what course
he will take. He will not oppose the treaty as
a whole, but will insist upon amendments to
those articles which do not meet his approba
tion. He will be supported in this by a suffi
cient number of Senators to amend it in several
The President
havirg returned last night, called a Cabinet
sea Ion this morning, a little before the usual
time. The treaty, accompanied by a short mes
sage, will be ready to send in to-morrow. Mem
bers of the Foreign Relations Committee are of
the opinion that it will take at least a week to
consider it, on account of its great length and
of the many important questions involved.
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
W, VV. Corcoran
Is worse to-day, according to the report of hia
The National Junction Railroad
is soon to bo commenced, forming an important
branch to unite the new Baltimore and Potomac
Railroad with the Orange and Alexandria Rail
The German Reichstag.
Bekmn, May 9 The Reichstag is to-day in
committee debating the bill for th ineorpora
tion of Alsace and Lorraine into the German
Empire. One article of the bill, which grants
Immediate German citizenship to Aliace and
Lorraine, has already been adopted.
Calile Quotations.
Lokhon, May 9 4 -so P. M.. Consols 93i jfor mo.
ney snd account. 5-20 bonds of 18G2, 90J,'; of lbC5,
Old, 9UM : Of 1SC7, 92 ; 10-408, S9Jtf.
Lonpon, May 9 4-bO P. M. Keflned Petroleum,
Liverpool, May 94-30 P. M. Cotton quiet and
steudv: nnlands. M&.1V..: Orleans, 7MT-d.
alts to-day 10,009 bales, including 3000 for specula
tion and export. Advices from Manchester are less
favorable, and cause dullness in the Cotton market.
Cumberland cut bacon, 80s.
Ezeliiiively to The Evening Telegraph,
Three Children Burned to Death.
ArnrRN, May 5. Three children were burned
to death in this city yesterday afternoou. They
were at olav in an outhouse, where there was a
barrel of fireworks, which exploded, and it is
pi eauned they were playing with matches, and
fcet fire to the contents of tho barrel.
Two children were probably inctantly killed
bv the exulonou and a third, victim lingered
some time. 1 he youngest child, aged four years,
was a ton of Mr. Mitchell, glider. The others
were children of Mr. McCarty, of Capitol street
where the accident occurred. A lady named
IliL'frms was eo shocked by the horrible siht
that bhe died tho same eveuiug.
Slock. Exchange.
James Mitchell has been elected Vice-Chair
man of tho Block Exchange.
Specie Shipments.
New York. May 9. fchioments of specie to
day, iS'JS.TCO.
Ship News.
Arrived, steamer .Sidouiau, from Trieste.
by associated truss. I
Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph.
ftlafcsachutfttts I.csUlaturc.
Boston, May 9 The Hons has passed bill
forbidding tbe emplovment of minors or fem.ues
for more than t'-n hours a day, and for an appro
priation of fifty thousand dollars for Prolessor
Agasslz's museum.
Baltimore Produce Market.
Baltimore. May . Cotuu unall business at
higher pile, a a. fielders are very sUodk : nn-Hlmu
up'ands. 14&13; low mldaliitps, lsyidMo. Flour
active but m qcmtabiy blglir; li.ird ktioit
sunertlne, !V66; extra, C5 Ki,;; fdmUv,
ll-v&S ' iB; Cltj r MUkteuperflne, 5 C2rTU5; extia,
tUaS: fuiilv, J-m" 11 ; VvtTu nniiniiit fiSMiti;
extra. 67X(aT-18tf S family. 112548 50. Wheat
Orm : choice line, i ; fair to prime, $1 BO; prime
to coulee red, lTOo2; fair t kmi, ti Mt ateo;
common, 81!K'145; Ohio and Indiana, tl0($l-65:
Pennsylvania, $1-451 6'-- Southern white Com dull
at TIy7o- ; Southern yellow quiet at T5$76c. ; mixed
M'esuru tinner at VAgTto. O-la dull at 644i)a
Pork nu l t and steady at f 18-60. Unlit meats steady ;
Mioulaeri, Ic,; riU sides, 9 Va 1n;. ; clear riti,
loitfi',to. sugar cured Rama, ltillo. Whisky
quit at 9ii4c
Tusdy, Mat . W1, I
There is only a moderate demand for loans
to-day as compared with some days last week,
and the market is almost entirely speculative
In character. The banks continue to increase
in etrrngth, as Indicated in the deposits, which
last night showed an Increasa of 639,841, as
compared with their previous statement. In
the loan market there Is very little change to
note, but the liberal offerings of money and
very easy rates indicate a growing ease in the
Gold continues quiet and steady, the sales in
New York ranging all the morning between
HlKnU. closing at the latter.
Government bonds are quiet and strong, prices
f bowing a very general advance on last night s
At the Stock Board there was a heavy business
in railroad stocks, and a firm feeling on the en
tire list. Sales of State 6s, first series, at 103;
Citv 6s new do. at 103i; and Lehigh gold loan
Reading Railroad was very active and strong;
sales at 56 f9567. Pennsylvania sold freely at
C2p(SC2, b. o. Sales of Camden and Amboy
at 128 and Minehlll at 53'.
Canal shares were strong. Sales of Lehigh at
3!iyhS'Sr,.4, s. o. myt was bid for Second and
Third Streets Railroad; 30 for Spruce and Pine;
ana m ior iicsionviue.
Reported by De Haven A Bro No. 10 S.Thlrd Btreet.
FIKST Bo a tin
imiuu i-a an, Bse....i03V
(tnoocity 6, New.lox
14000 l'a Gs.cp 95 '
ttooo do 9,"X
gnnou N Penna 6s. . . 99
va sn Minehlll R... 63 x
159 antenna R.... 2V
100 do b30. 6JTi
406 do 62V
T do 62
600 sh Reading R. . .66- 69
1600 do ....bCO. 66 69
14 do 66 V
600 do 65 69
600 . do 66V
12 sh Ilarrlsburg It 68
T sh Cent Trans. . . 46 '
R00 U A m OS, 89 94
fiooo UarrlsbgRCs. 93
r,i() Sell N 6s, 82. 78
11000 Leh Gold L. . . 90?
isooo W Jer 6s.... 93V
HKio do. 93)4
two W Jersey R 7s.10v
2 BhCam & Am.. 127)6
799 do b30.128
158 do 123
inosaieh Na..s60.
86 li
219 do.. ..B60.
20 sh Com'u Bk.85.
1200 Citv 6b, New.. 103
87 sd Penna R.all.
62 H
12000 8ch N 6s 82.. 78
12000 Phtla AK73.. 90V
llooo Leh 6s (rold.bS 91
US do... allot.
100 do .. ..h30.
62 ?
6 sh Reading It . .
66 V"
liooo iiuut & a Top
ino do 6094
consoi.. 4S
14000 PatN Yds 97i
BOO do S10. 66tf
Messrs. William Taintbr fc Co., No. 8 8. Third
street, report the following quotations: U. S. 6s of
1S81, 117117 V; 6-208 of lbC'i, 1U111),'; do. 1864.
H1illlX: do. 1865, illiuij; do., Jaly, I860.
mMam3?f: do., July, 187, Il3''ii3; do. July.
1S68, 113,(!113M: 10-408, 109.V109?tf. U. 8. Pacific
It. It. Currency 6a, 115ll6g. Gold, 111(111.
jvai het Eieauy.
Mksshp. Ue Haven Brother, No. 46 S.Thlrd
street, Philadelphia, report the folio wing quotations:
U. a 6s of 1861, 116Ji,(117 V: do. 18e'i, ltolll :
do. 1864, 110?(m; do. I860, 110((111; do. 1866,
new,H8(aill3?i: do. 1867. do 113Vii3sr : do. 1869.
do. 113V113 ; 10-408, l09H'9iu9,f . U. 8. 80 Year
6 per cent. Curreuoy, 115i.ll6?$ ; Gold, lllie
lll'i; BUver. 10Cv,109: Onion Pacific Railroad
1st Moru Bonds, 9lj(02',r: Central Pacific Rail
road, looj,aiol ; Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds,
Nakr &. Ladnrr, Brokers, report this morning
gold quotations as follows :
10 00 A. M 1016 A. M ;..1!1V
10-15 " 111.KI
Philadelphia Trade Report. '
Tuesday, May 9. The flour market Is extremely
dull, the Inquiry being limited both for expar: and
home nse, anil prices are barely maintained. Sales
of 600 barrels, Including superfine at f5 25a-50 per
barrel; extras at 15-76(8 6 25; spring wheat extra
family at tC787-25; Pennsylvania do. do. at $6 25
6-76; Ohio and Indiana do. do. at $77 60, and
fancy brands at f7-75$9 O0, as In quality. There Is
very little Rye Flour here, and it commands $5-75
per barrel. Trices oiJCorn Mral aro nominal. ,
THe Wheat market is extremely quiet, and there
re few sellers at our quotations. Small sales of
Western red at tl-E51-fiS; and amber atfHtoai-63
perbuBheh Kye comes forward slowly; sales of
Pennsylvania at IVltcSjViO; Southern at 11-10, and
unsound at St-00. Corn la unchanged; smail siles
of yellow at 77(78c. aud mixd Western at 74(376o.
Oats are less active; sales of 3000 bushels Pennsyl
vania and Ohio at 6ixt$63c.
hrovisioDs are very dall; small sales of Mess Pork
at 817-2M317-60, and llama in pickie at 123l3c
Whlcky Is steady; sales of Western Iron-bound
barrels at 93c
PORT OF PHILADELPHIA.... .............MAY 9
8 AM 67 1 11 A.M.. 63 S P. M.. 63
Sen Risks........... 4-61 iMoon Sets ...
St'N Shis 7- 21I1IQH Water. 8-21
By Cable.)
London, May 9. Arrived out, steamers Tarlfa,"
from Boston; Scandinavia, from Portland; City of
London, HansB, and Tyrlan, from Kew York ; and
Ohio, from Baltimore.
'i he ship YouDg iagle, Captain Perkins, from New
Orleans bi.una to Liverpool, was abandoned at sea.
1 he crew were saved, and have arrived at an Eng
lish port.
(By Telegraph.)
Nbw Yobk, May 9 Arrived, steamship City of
Brooklyn, from Liverpool.
Bt'r Bristol, Wallace, New York, W. P. Clyde & Co.
Tug Joe Johnson, lngraham, Baltimore, with a tow
of barj?es, W. P. Clyde is Co.
Tnir Fairy Queen. Wilson, Baltimore, with a tow
of barges, W. P. Clydo & Co.
Steamer Y. Franklin, Pierson, 13 hours from Balti
more, with mdse. and passengers to A. Groves, Jr.
fcteanier A. C. Stitneia, Davis, S4 hours from New
York, with nidse. to W. 1. Clyde 4 Co.
(Steamer Mavuower, Fultz, 24 hours from New
York, wltb nidse. to w. P. Clyde A Co.
Steamer Novel'y, Stiaw, 2 hours rroin New York,
Willi nidse. to W M. Balnl & Co.
Schr Wlidt're, Bcarae, 12 days from Baracoa, with
bariftnss and cocoa Dnt-a to u. W. Boyer.
Schr John Stroup, Crawford, from Boston.
Tues ThtmiuH Jeiii ison, Alli-u; G. B. Uutchings,
Mulfurd; nnd Fairy Queen, Viis'n, from Baltimore,
with tows of barges to W. P. Clyde & Co.
Ptr smer AeMUea V l'nuu, sailed irom New llavea
for Philadelphia at 11 o'clock this A. M.
brig S. V. Merrick,
Bark Daring and
from West
CbrrtoK'sto ( lie Evening Telegraph.
New Vi'K office, May S. 9 birges leave in tow
to-ntght, for Baltimore, libt.
Yuba, with sciap iron, fur TreMon.
Albemarle, with Iron ore, for Brldgeton.
Baltimoke BbANCH Ofhck, May The follovr
Iek bares leave. In to to-uiaiit, eaatward:
T. L iioore. Klla Krtr, J. A CovlU, Dauntless,.
Amelia, KApetinieut, K. Goddar.l, P. W. King, C. A.
Silnmau, und JosevU Lord, all with coal fur New
H oi k.
Hoard of Trade, w 1th coal, for Wilmington.
Philadelphia Bxamu officii, M ay 9. H wtUr.-.
Yesterday was line, cool, bracing; wind haulert
rrailuallv with the sun, ur.ttl this 6 A. M., Indicating
N bv easterly; mackeiei-blaek clouds (per Kspy) to
the N. and W. ; south, heavy watery olouda at sun
rtfce. I'.arcmeter:, nearly stationary,
k9 18-54 ; Y. M., at Lljrht (niidnight), liulltfated 30 1-41.
6 A M. to-day, 80-o. Not, for non-observers:
BtiBter.y weutler always indicated by high ba
re uiettr. L. S. C.
Syecial Deifpotch to The faming TelegrapK
llAvuK-ni-UBACic, May 9. The following boatj
leave lu tow to-day:
G. W. Laiuiour, w 1th lumber t Watson, Malone
U son.
Kufua Wiley and Major Monaghan, with coal to
J. R. While k Son.
Media, with poplar wood, forManayuns.
j lltlit rartc-, for Chesapeake City.
9 m w boata, l'Bht. for Schuylkill Navigation Co
8 aiie barges, with coal, ior New Voii. J. 1L