THE DaILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDA-f, MAY 8, 1871. trawa suniESAivg-. City Affairs. The seventh anniversary of th Wharton Street Presbyterian Church took place yester day. Addresses were made by ltev. William IUce, D. D., Rev. 8. W. Dana, and Ret. Iler rick John ton, D. D. Mr. A. Picolet, French Gonial at this port, declines to allow his name to be nsed on the honorary committee of the German Peace Festival celebration,. giving aa reason therefor that such an act would be incom patible with his official and personal duties. George Winchiff, aged fifty-fire, a resi dent of Bridesbnrg, died yesterday in the Episcopal Hospital, "from injuries received by being run over by a train on the Junction Railroad. The thermometer yesterday marked 02 degrees at 3 P. M. The Sabbath-school of the Central Pres byterian Church, at Franklin and Thompson streets, celebrated yesterday its thirty-sixth anniversary, General Wagner was, on Saturday last, unanimously elected general commanding the Brigade, composed of the 11th, 12th, and 13th Regiments (colored). Domestic Affairs. Speaker Blaine's mother died on Satur day, at St. Paul, Minn. The recent rains have caused a rise in the Potomac river. Governor Geary addressed the Labor Re form party at Harrisburg, on Saturday night. Thirty-three indictments have just been found in Pittsburg against various persons accused of counterfeiting. The Virginia State steamer, the Trede gar, is cmisinp in the Potomac to enforce the provisions of the fishing laws. The frraves of Confederate soldiers in terred at Memphis, Tenn., were decorated on Saturday, and the business of the city was generally suspended. After a session of twenty-seven days, the State police investigation in Massachusetts has been brought to a close by the summing up of the counsel engaged therein. The steamer Carrie, for Savannah, with eight hundred bales "of cotton, was burned on Saturday, tweny-three miles below Augusta, but the passengers and crew escaped. Reports continue to be received at the Internal Revenue Office, Washington, of or ganized parties in the Southern States who seek to prevent the enforcement of the reve nue laws. Foreign Affairs. The death penalty bus been abolished ia Mexico. The latest advices from the interior of China aro more favorable. Attempts at aa armistice continue in France, but without success. Generals Rossel aud Dombrowski are said to be on unfriendly terms. The commandant of Fort d'Issy has been dismissed for insubordination. The telegraph connecting Mexico with this country is rapidly approaching comple tion. General Rossol is preparing to make a grand offeLsive movement against the Ver suillist troops. It is thought that if the Prussians re enter Paris they will cause the re-estab lish rnent of the empire. During all of Saturday nijjht and yester day morning there was heavy firing from the batteries before Paris. The chief of the staff of the insurgent flotilla has been arrested oa the charge of deceiving the Commune in regard to the quantity of stores in the Bhips uuder his charge. STREET RAILROAD ACCIDENT. A Bov Killed la A tteinnt lur to .Tiimii off the furs The Driver Badly Iujured. At half-past 10 o clock yesterday morning a terrible accident occurred on a Kinsman Street Railroad car, resulting in the death of Master Harry Gillette, aged seven years, and son of Air. J. M. Gillette, late one of the proprietors of the Birch House. The tar was drawn by two horses, the front platform inclosed to prevent any one from getting off there. Young Gillette, according to accouuts, at tempted to get over the railing around the filatform, and wai assisted by the driver. Dur cg this operation the driver lost his balance and let the boy fall under the car, the two wheels passing over his body. The driver full, also, and was 6eriouely injured. Corener Schenck was informed of the acci dent, and immediately empanelled a jury aud held an inquest. The Superintendent of the Kinsman street road was questioned as to the rules of the road, concerning the exit and entrance to the cars. The driver on the car when the accident hap pened was, he averted, a fober, temperate man, and a good driver. It was au imperative rule of the road that no one should get on or off the . i - . A V : ...., i.i.v, V,T violation of this rule. Alter ucttriuf buc ovtucuvc fc"u juij rcbumcu the following verdict. "We find that the deceased came to his death by beinr run over by a car of the Kinsman Street Railroad, the driver Graham handing the bov eareleeslv off the front platform of the ear." t The child lived but a few ruinate after the accident. The wheels of the car Dase4 over the stomach, leaving scarcely any mark, but (inflicting great pain, it was aa interesting and beautiful child, and the parents are overcome 1 with grief at the sudden aud melancholy be-JreaTement.-rCiYrrtand Leader, M inxt. OUTRAGE IN 01IIO. I A Mail Roasted Over a Slow Fire. The Mahonlnff (Ohlol Register says: Mr. Wni. Murrin is an aged man living in Coltsvllle, near ttie Kate line, lie nan considerable means. I He gave two hundred acres of land to the esta- 1 blitbment of a cenvent in .Bedford, and was I snpposed to keep a large sum of money in the I house where he lived alone, and remote from I anv other human beinz. On Suturday night. I the 21st of April, three men emoied his house I and arouetd him from his bed, and demanded fi that be should show them where his money was, inreatemug thai it ne Md nottney would mnraer him. Such threats induced Mr. Murrin to tell them where they would find a little over fifty dollars in gold and silver, which was all he bad in the house. This they took, but were not satisfied. Believing that there was More money about the house, notwlth&tandins his assurance to the contrary, they kindled a fire in the stove aud held Mr. Murrin over it, subjectinfr him to a alow torture of the most uainful kind. Ttiey persisted In this torture till they fouud that they could get no mora plunder, when they left their victim In horrible pain u the be, and de parted. In the merning Mr. Murrin managed to 1 reacb the nearest neignoer , house, and told bis I story, feearcn waa at once instituted far the t desperadoes. The eld gsntleman was not able and therefore the search is somewhat futile. Suspicion has been placed on one or two bad haracters who were seen in this vicinity a day or two previous, but ne information could be obtained to jastify any arrests. Thieves at Aurusta, Ga., steal the street lamps. Mosquito nest on the Mississippi are searched lor the bones of lost children. 1le barber's paradise in Iowa is at Sioux City, where the price per shave is twenty-five tents. A NOYEL IDEA, General Pleasanton's Theory of the Diffe rence of Chemical Power la the Sun's Rajs Interesting Experiments. At the regular monthly meeting of the Pennsylvania Society for promoting agricul ture, held last week, General Pleaaanton rea l an able wi interesting essay on the use of blue glass in the development of vegetable and animal life: The General gave an Account of an experi ment of his own with a grapery of 84 by 20 feet, and 1G feet in height at the ridge. Into the glazing of the grapery, at every seventh row of white panes, a row of violet panes (blue not being at tke time procurable bad been introduced, alternating on opposite sides of the roof, so that a violet beam might fall eventually on every leaf in the grapery. The cuttings planted bad grown rapidly. The gardener was kept busy daily in tying up new wood which the day before he had not ob served. In a few weeks after planting, the walls and the inside of the roof were closely covered with luxuriant foliage. A distin guished seedsman has borne his testimony that he had never seen any vines that equalled those thus treated. The vines were planted in April, 18(51. In 18C2 they bore a ' wonderful number of branches. It waa found that the building, small as it was, contained no less than twelve hundred pounds of grapes. In 180:! the amount of fruit was quite as large as during the preceding year, and so it had continued season after season without abatement, the vines seeming to require no time to rest. The next experiment was with the piggery. A glazed roof half white , and half violet was placed over the building, and similar resulls were obtained, the animals thriving beyond expectation. An Alderney calf, so pnny and feeble that its life was despaired of, was placed in a pen under violet glass. In 24 hours a marked changed had occurred. The calf rose to its feet, walked about the pen, took its food from the finger, and manifested great viva city. In a few days its feebleness bad dis appeared; it began to gr6w, and its develop ment was marvellous. The same principles have been applied to the raising of poultry with the most remark able success. Senator Sehurz on Ills Attitude In Con. gress Explanations to Ills Constitu ents. The following extract from tho speech of Senator Pcburz, at the serenade given himiu St. Louis on Tuesday last, presents its principal points: in ine constitutional limitation oi poiuicai powers, we find, as our ancestors always have found, ttio mala safeguards of popular liberty. And when those constitutional limitations are disregarded, even for tho protection of the rights of some, those rights will be put in juopardy by the danger Dion gut upon ine rigius oi an. rne safe guards of eur common light and liberties contained in the Constitution are too Bucred and valuable a boon to be permanently jeopardized lu providing for a passing emergency, for reasons like tnese I found mjseif compelled to oppose the so-called Ku klux bill even against a majority of my party friend in uongress. sneers.) But a still mere striKing instance or tnat loose ness of constitutional notions revealed Itself in that most 11 an rant usurpation of the war-making power by the Executive lu the Santo Domltgo case, an attempt not only utterly without parallel in the history of the country, but without the Bhadow of a constitutional argument to palliate It. Startling as tttat attempt was, moie startling is it mat sucu au at t should bo fur have passed without a declaration of sentiment lu Uongre, preventing it from be coming a most dangerous piecedeut lu our history. But worse still Is it, that such an act can be com mitted witlnut at least arousing public opinion to a commanding deruonstrHttou oi disapproval It is, indeed, time that the American people should open tliclr eyes to the dangerous character of this ten dency, and that neither a great name nor an object appealing to our syuipatuies should be permitted to it. as for we, I have seen the working of irresponsi ble power and personal government la other coun UUh, and I may arm re my constituents that while I am a citizen oi mis Ktpuonc i mini struggle to ids lust gasp against Its introduction he id. (Great entering.) J shall, as neretoiore, give my earnest enorw to the sutiM-ct of civil service relorm, not only with a view to raise the standard of working efficiency lu the service of the Government, but to the abolition oi I he patronage, or wore properly the spoils sys tem, whi:h aurrounas th Executive with syco phants, and as 1 once expressed it in another place, Kith tlaitt-ry that the sound-wave of public opinion cannot penetrate it. (Great cheering.) A system whicQ Is trai.kioniiiBg into office-mongers the repre btntauves of the people is most t-enously endan gering the indi-penoekce or tne leiblativt braucQ of tli Government, and is gradually deiuuruKzlur our whole political life. Finally, yen will find my voice and my vote In op position to that most unjust bystem of taxation which, by in( itn of a high protective tarlir, under tke pretense of developing certain Industrial Inte rests, takes money out or the poccetsof the many tnd puts it Into the pockets of the few (cheers i lns'ead ot the treasury of the people; and ia raver ot such an adjustment of onr taxes as will distribute n cnt equally t he common burden, reducing taxation toaa low a point as will le compatible wltn thecoa- sileiitious disctiargo oi our uatioaai eongatious ana an economical administration of the Government. Here, my friends, you have In a few words my poli tical nrouramme, touching the most Important questions now beiore the people; tirm and uncom promising maintenance or eqaai nguis as guaran teed by the Constitution as It U; amnesty and a policy calculated to restore fraternal feeling; strict fidelity to the essential principles of constitutional government; reform of the c(vd service; revenue reform, and a reduction of taxes. In these things I honcstlv believe, and in working for taolr realiza tion J am profoundly in earnest. THE MO'fflER OF THE CLAFLINS. Tlie Old Lady "Weak-minded Alleged Ceuuplracy and Blackmailing Opera tion. Mesdames Victoria O. Woodhall and Tennle C. Clad in appeared in the Kssex Market Police Court yesterday expecting to be called upon to testify in relation 10 curiam cuargra urougui. ojr tueir uiuiuer, Mrs. Annie Claflin, against Mr. James H. Blood, alias Dr. J. H. Harvey, who Is said to oe a partner lu their tirm of Wood hull A Clania. The defendant. however, had aot keen arrested, but had promised to appear before the court this morning to answer tlie cnarges againsi aim, auu tno ens waa laereiuro portpoued until to-day, The ccmplaiut In the case, made and swern te ny wa. Aume taiiin, aiiege thai she is more than sixty-eight years or age ai d the mother or six children -airs. Maigaret a. Miles, Mra. Mary trarr, Mrs. Victoria C. Woodhull auaa Victoria liiecd, moron u. uiania, Mrs. mca1 V. Uroobar. aud Mrs. Tennessee C. i;Umn. That until the in of April, 1ST1, she and her children, with the exeeptlou or Hebron C. Clattin, lived in comfort at Mo. 15 East Thirty-eighth street. That la the same house there resided also Dr. Cinnlng Woodhull, who was formerly the husband et her daughter Victoria c, aad lroni whom alia obtained a divorce in cnicairo in the winter of 1664 or IMS, aud James 11. liiocd, otherwise known aa Dr J. H. Harvey, who stauda alao ia the relation of I husband to her daaghter Victoria C The affidavit costumes that James H. Blood bad so alienated the aOectlous of her daughters from her aa to cauae them to drive her away trom home and deDrtva her in her old age of the means of living, and had fre quently threatened in the presence of her daughters to murucr ner, so tnai sue leeia in aaugeroi Her life, aud believes that she is not sale from the sail James U. blood. The complaint in addition m this treciues various ether acts alleged to have been committed by Blood and by her daughters, Victoria and Tennessee, nuderhis exciting and corrupting llillbeuce, vtuicn uiiejtaiiona are wuuueia iroui publication pending n.c legal examination, aud ends with the pi aver that liooJ mar be ar. retted and dealt with according to the law. The complaint is accompanied wltn a'ldavita of Mr. and Mra. Benjamin F. Sparr, aon-lo-Uw aud daughter of the old lady, verifying it lu all Ha de tails. Mrs. Woodhull veiieiueutly aad ludivuautiy deuies the whole story. Mie sys that Iter mother Is old and weak-mtucied enough to liava been induced to make the affidavit, whh.h la a black aud mlauiou lie; that only last week ahe aciit the old laiya check to pay her rent ; that she will yet overwhelm tome partieB with digrac, and tiut, after all, it 1 Llv a fanilly quurrci- and what lamuy has u t tu fiirry linen to wash? V. doubt juatice "will be done to tl.te ladies m the examination, a nlcli will t.Ue pli ce tc-Cnj . A. i'. Wurl-i, .Hituniai. FINANOIAL.. JAY COOKE & CO., PHILADELPHIA, DEW TORS and W ASHINQTO?, JAY COOKE, McCUUOCH & CO., LONDON, JJiYIVItlilllS fUro . Dealeri In Government Secnritiot. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at.the Board of Brokers In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND BILVER BOUGHT AND SOL In connection with our London House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Including Purchase and Sale or Sterling Bills, and the Issue of Commercial Credits aud Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available in any part of the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DEPOSIT, and to allow four per cent, Interest In currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication with both our New York and Washington Offices, we can offer superior faculties to our customers. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST MENT. Pamphlets and full Information given at our office, B 3 Bmrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street. Phllada. NEW Loan of the United States. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE New 5 Per Cent. United States Loan Received at our Office, where all information wla given as to terms, etc. Will. FAINTER & CO. No. 36 S. THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. INVESTMENT BONDS PORTAGE-LAKE AND LAKE SUPERIOR SHIP CANAL los. Secured by first mortgage on the canal (now completed), and on real estate worth five times the amount of the mortgage. KANSAS CIT7, MISSOURI, 10a. DOUOLA8 COUNTY. NEBRASKA (including Omaha), lhs, and other choice Western county and city bonds, yielding good rates of Interest. ALLENTOWN CITYCA.) SEVEN PER CENT. SCHOOL BONDS, free from taxes under the laws of the State, at par and Interest. For full particulars apply to IIOWABD DAULWUTOJf, 8 3 Sm No. 147 South FOURTH Street. B. K. JAHI50N & GO. SUCCESSORS TO P.F.KELLY &y CO, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, Silver, and Government Bonda At Closest market Bate, H. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sti Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, etc. etc 1 28 COUPON OR REGISTERED LOAN OP THl City of Williamsport, Penney lvania, With both principal and interest made absolutely secure by State and municipal legislation, for sale at 85, AND ACCRURED INTEREST, BY p. s. piste rt son a co., Bankers and Stock Broken, No. 39 S. THIRD STREET, 8 PHILADELPHIA. DUNN BROTHERS, VJLNUEllti, No3. 51 end 53 S. THIRD St. Dealers In Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills of Exchange on the Union Bank of London, and issue travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BROS A CO., available in all the cities of Europe. Make Collections on all point. Execute orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board of Brokers. Allow Interest on Deposits, subject to check at ight It JOHN S. RUSHTOfJ & CO., BAMKEE8 AND BEOEEEJ. GOLD AND COUPONS WANTED. City Warrants BOUGHT AND SOLD. Rc. 60 South THIRD Street. tW PHILADELPHIA. J SAFE IIOME INVESTMENT, Paying 7 Per Cent. Free from all Tuie. The Ueneral Mortgage KG-Year Honda of lUe Vt C heater aud PlilldeliUla ltallroad Coiupaiiyi Bearing interest at T per cent. pr aonutn, payable April 1 aud October 1, (re of all taxes. Vt e otter for sale a limited amount of the above nan td br urikat 03 and lnirrebt. 'uil lidoriuatiou furulHlied on application to K W. JLAK& A V ., Haukers, 6 4 lt No. as bouth TIH) bireet FINANCIAL.. Wilmmcton and Reading Railroad 7 XT XI CEBIT. XZOZYBSS. Free of Taxes. We are offering $200,000 f tlie Second Mortgage Bonda of thin Company AT 82 AND ACCRUED INTERE3T. Interest Payable January and .luly. The Bonds are In SIGOOs, S500s, and SIOOs, And can be REGISTERED free of expense. The road is doing a good business, with prospects of con siderable increase. This issue is made to procure additional rolling stock. Bonds. Pamphlets, and information can be ob tained of DE HAVEN & BRO., too. 40 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. ELLIOTT, COLLINS & CO,, No. 109 South THIRD Street, MEMBERS OF STOCK AND GOLD EX CHANGES. DEALERS IN MERCANTILE PAPEK, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD.Etc. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON THE UNION BANK OF LONDON. 8 8 fmw ----- - - - BOOTS AND SHOES. CABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTS AND SHOES. TRY PAIR, And you will use no others. They are the most Pliable, Darable, and Comfortable goods in the market. Their success is unprecedented, aud they are rapidly superseding sewed and pegged work wheiever introduced. f4 11 fmwlm Hold byDcnlers Everywhere. WINES. yiXKS, LIQUORS, EXGL.ISII AND SCOTCH ALES, ETC. The subscriber begs to call the attention of dealers, connoisseurs, and consumers generally to his splendid stock of foreign goods now on tuud, of his own importation, as well, also, to his extensive assortment of Domestic Wines, Ales, etc., among which may be enumerated : Me cases of Clarets, high and low grades, care fully selected from best foreign stocks. loo canks of Mierry Wine, extra quality of OneBt grade. io cases of Sherry Wine, extra quality of finest grade. 26 casks of Sherry Wine, best quality of medium grade. 5 barrels Scuppernong Wine of best quality. BO casts Catawba VVino " )0 barrels " " medium grade. Together with a fdll suoply of lirandies, Whiskies, Scotch and English Men, Brown Stout, etc., etc., which he is prepared to furnish to the trade and con sumers generally in quantities that may be re quired, and ou the most liberal teraia. P. a. JORDAN. 6 5tf No. 220 PEAK Street, Below Third nud Walnut aud above Dock street. ICt. Ur)KICE Of ICS LOW EJNOUUUTO SATISFY J AIL." "HE SUhK KNICKERBOCKER IS ON THfl WAUON." KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY. THUef. E. UAH ILL, President. E. V. KErtSuow, Vice-lTeHident. A. HUNT, Treasurer. K. H. OoKNKi.L, Secretary. T. A. HKrKY, Superintendent. Principal Office, No. 435 WALNUT rttreet, Philadelphia. Branch Offices au I Depots, North Pennsylvania Rullrudd aad Master sireet. Kldge Avenue and Willow street, wuiow Street Wharf, Delaware avenue. Twenty-second and Hamilton streets. Ninth Street and Washington avenue. Pine Street Wharf. Schuylkill. No. 4833 Main Street, Oermantown. No. Si North Second street, Camden, N. J., and Cape Way, New Jersey. 1871. Prices for Families, Offices, etc. 16TL 8 pounds dally, oO cents per week. 12 66 " " " ltf 80 " 20 " " 95 " " " Half bushel or forty pouads, 20 cents each de livery. 4 23 act 1 EPARTMENT OF SURVEYS, OFFICE lJ OF CHIEF ENGINEER, AND SUR VEYOR. Philadelphia, May 6, 1871. NOTICE. Duplicate plans of the survey aud regulation of the Fifteenth section, Twenty-first ward, bounded on the North by the Wteeahlckon creek, "1 South by Ridjje avenue, 1 N Fast by Roxburough avenue, r' West by Leveriugton avenue. J are now prepared and deposited for Inspection at the oilice of John II. Levering, Surveyor and Regulator, Main street, Manayunk, and also at the oflice of this Department, and the Board of Surveys have appointed MONDAY, May 15, 1871, at 103a o'clock A. M., to consider any ob jections that maybe urged thereto by any citizen interested therein. STRICKLAND KNEASS, 5 8iEW(-ot Chief Engineer and Surveyor. COPARTNERSHIPS. -YH'TICK-CDANGE OF FIRM WE HKVE 1 this diiv sold our business to U. V. SH.T 1LTK, OHOliUK W. M ACBltlDK and F. F. S11T TUCK, who will continue the manufacture of Per funierv, Fancy Sosps, etc., tn all iiioir oraui'liHs, at Him old staur, No lili I'HEisNIT Streei, uuder the linn name of Sinn I K &. MAUIl"! lr. Philadelphia, May 1, lsll. ULKN'N k. CO. rpilE rMiEHSKJNKD II AVE THIS DAY X forrnen n Cupiirtiif rdhip umltT the nme aud firm of MJ ATTl t li A MA bKll'K, t stioceaiors to ULr.NN A CO. U. F. Ml AT lie 'K. .Ko. VV. A' fit? I DS, F. F. SIUT1H K. Phi'Bd-iphta, N y 1, mi. a LEGAL. NOTICES. rpO U8KR8 OF SEWING MACHINES. NOTICE The United States Court having decided that the shuttle-carrier used by the American Button bole Company infringes my patent, all persons who have used the sewing machine manufactured by the American Buttonhole Machine Company are hereby notified that they are liable to me for using the same, and they are requested to come forward and settle, at the rate of ten dollars per machine, for snch Infringement, or they will be prosecuted ac cording to law. CHARLES TARE AM, 6 5 6t No. 703 BANSOM Street. IN ANSWER TO THE ABOVE ADVERTISE. MENT of CHARLES PARQAM, we have to say, by advice of counsel : 1. That Parham has never yet reached a final de cree or obtained an injunction to restrain us from manufacturing and selling our machines. 8. That he must obtain such a decree in the Su preme Court at Washington, into which court his case has never yet been brought, before he can be justified in thus advertising. 8. That we will undertake the defense of, and will fully protect, all who have bought or shall buy onr machines. 4. That we are abundantly able to do so ; and 6. That wa shall hold Charles Parham responsi ble for any unjustifiable Interference with oar rights, or those of our agents or our customers. W. B. MENDENHALL, President. Samuel Wilcox, Secretary. Office of American Buttonhole, Overseamlng, and Sewing Machine Company, No. 1318 C1IESNUT Street. 86 US. CIRCUIT COURT. EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. CHARLES PARHAM vs. THE AMERICAN BUT TON HOLE OVERSE AMINO AND SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY. In Equity. Before Strong, Justice, and McKennan, Circuit Judge. Extract of opinion as rendered : "Upon the whole case we are of the opinion" "That the Letters Patent reissued to the complain ant are valid." "That, so far as appears or Is shown in the case, the complainant is the first and original Inventor of the improvements described in the first aud second claims of said Patent." "That the respondents have committed Infringe ments of both said claims." "A decree will, therefore, be entered for an in junction and an accbunt as prayed for." CHARLES PARHAM, 5 6 4t Office No. 703 8ANSOM Street US. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, E. D. OF PENN- bYLVAMA. Philadelphia, May s, 1371. ThiB is to give notice, that on the second day of March, A. U. 1ST1, a warrant in bankruptcy was trtmtd against the estate or MILLKH H. GIL CHRIST, of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia and Slate of Pennsylvania, wlio has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that tlie payment af any debts and delivery of any property belonging to euch bankrupt to him, or lor his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are for bidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the snld bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 615 WAL NUT Strett, in the city of Philadelphia, before EDWIN T. CHASE, Esq., Register, on the sixth day of JUNE, A. D. 1871, at 11 o'clock A. M. E. M. CHltCOoRY, 5 8 mat U. 8. Marshal, a Messenger. IN THE DISTRICT COUKh OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter of JABEZ BUNTING-, JOSI AH BUNTING, JOHN POLLOCK, and JOSEPH J. SELLERS, late trading as BUNTINU- BROS. & CO. In bankruptcy. Philadelphia, May 4. 1S71. Notice is hereby given that a second geueral meeting of the creditors of said banlmiots wiU be held ut No. 615 WALNUT Street, in the city of Phila delphia, in said district, on the 26th day of My, A. li. is;i, at 11 A. M., at the office of EDWIN CHASE, Esq., one of tho Registers in bankruptcy in Bind district, for the purposes named in the twenty-seventh section of tho bankrupt act, ap proved March 2, lh07. JOSEPH T. DORAN. Assignee, No. 82 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. To the creditors of said bankrupts. 0 8 2t IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SARAH ANN THOMAS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court f audit, set tle, aud adjust the account of WILLIAM C. PLANI GLN, Administrator d. b. n. of SARAH ANN Tt-iOMA, deceased, being of all the assets of said estate which come Into his hands, consisting of pro ceeds of sale of certain real estate sold uuder pro ceedings in partition by order of said Court, and to report distribution ot the balance in the bands of. the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment on TUESDAY, fho loth oay of Mav, 1S71, at 3 o'clock P.M., at the Oftlce of JOHN P. O'NEI No. 136 S. SIXTH Street, in he city of Philadelphia. 6 8 10 12 15 IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of THOMAS BRADY, deceased. The Audit jr appointed by the Court to Audit, settle, and Hdjiist the account of CHARLES J LUG 12 and MICHAEL SULLIVAN, Executors of the last will and testament of THOMAS BRADY, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hand of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, Al v 9. 1ST1. at 12 v, o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 817 South Till hD Street, in the city or Philadelphia, J. HILL MARTIN, 4 2Sfmw5t Auditor. 1 ESTATE OF FRANCIS SMITH, DECEASED J U Letters testamentary upon the above estate having been granted to tlie undersigned, ad persons indebted to the suid eatatu are requested to make payment, and those Having claims to present tnein, wlthont delay, to HARRY PEALE, Executor, 4 8m6f No. 826 WALNUT Street. PROPOSALS. rRON FOK LANDING L DELAWARE. PIER, NEAR LEWES, Ukited States Kginekk's Office, Phila delphia, Pa., NO. 135U C11E8NCT STKKKT, May 6. 1S71. SEALED PI OPOSALS, In duplicate, of the form furnished by i he undersigned, wlto a copy of this advertisement attached to each, will be received at this Office until 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, the 12th day of June, 16U, for the supply of W rought and Cast Iron required for this work. ' The Iron must be delivered on the railroad pier at Lewes, or at the works where made. 1 he bids will state carefully the proposed places of delivery, with tlie corresponding prices. There will be required for the pier about one mil lion eight hundred thousand pouudsof rolled aid hammered lion, and about three hundred and forty thousand pounds of cast Iron. The present letting will be for about 600,000 pounds of wrought Iron and aoout 11 ,icu pounds of cast iron. SpeclfJcatW ns and drawings can be seen at this Office, where information will be supplied on appli cation. .Envelopes to be endorsed "Proposals for Iron." J. D. KURTZ, 8 8 Ct Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers. P A I R M O UNT P A R K. Ofkick of Chief Ekhinker, PUILAOSLi'UlA, May 6. 1S71 Proposals will be received at the oilice of the Commissioners of Falrmount Park, No. 251 s. Fol KTli stret t, until noon of Frldav, My 12, for the purchase of a number of old buildings which are to be removed from the Park. Description and local. i y of the buildings can be seen at the Engi neer's oflice. rear Falrmount. 6sniw3t JOHN C. CREis.sQN, Chief Engineer. NEW PUBLICATIONS. jjooviiiJt'H ttf;w "The Changed Cross," size 22x33, the finest ever oCered to the public. . , "Mary and St. John," size 2x23, a most sublime chromo. "The Beautiful Snew," siae 10x22. a very Impres. slve picture. "The Holy family," size m28, a real gem. "Delhi, Del. Co., N. Y.,"iae'S3, a beautiful au. tuiiiL sec lie. Published end snid, wholesale and retail, by J. HOOVER, No. 604 MARKET Street, S IMmmBen Philadelphia, eooud floor. 7Tl-vMJi.S, 7.V., $1. fl-25: LINED, 11-2.1, J i-ru'l i'1 Sun Umbrellas, aoc, i, J1-2&, 1) n'IMV N S, 0. Si S. El'iUTU bt, 6 3 tf AMUSEMENTS.! A MER1CAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC LAST 19 NIGHTS LAST Jl NIGHTS M M AND TWO MATINEBS, introduslng for the first time tke btantlful ballet Ot . .v "UNDINK," in the romantic spectacle of TliK BLACK CROOK. v. fc . THE BLACK CROOK, t which for elegaaca of costume and richness ol scenery has never been equalled. Last night f H THE WONDF.RFTJL MAJILTON8. TnE GREAT SKATERS, "011'1U, THE GOLDEN TERRACE, WITH to ATTBAUTTE FEATURES IN ONE ACT. ""' Secured seats, BONER & CO. TS Music f)t. v lloa CHESNL'T Street, and at ACADEMY of Music NEW ARRANGEMENT. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT . 60 CENT S TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSft 6 8 t WALNUT 8TRB ET THE A T R E. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Mav 8, ' SIX NIGHTS OK THE BRILLIANT FAVO SITE. MRS. D. P. BOWERS. DIANA; Ok, LOVE'S MASQUERADE. Mrs. BOWERS In her delightful personation of LADY DIANA, aided by Mr. J. C. McCOLLOM aud the favorites of the Company. TUESDAY, SNARE; OB, WHAT CANT MONEY DO? wvnursnjv EAST LYNN E ; on, THE ELOPEMENT. SATURDAY MRS. BOWERS MATINEE. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins to 8 o'clock. LAST WEEK OK JOHN BROUGHAM. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, Brougham's Comedy-Drama of. THE RfiD LIGHT; Ok, THE SIGNAL OF DANGER. JOHN BROUGHAM AS NED McDERMOTT, Aided by the fnil Company. FRIDAY BENEFIT OF JOHN BROUGHAM. MONDAY NEXT MISS KATE REIUNOLDS. DAVENPORT'S CHESNUTSTRKETTIIEATttE. Performance commences at 8 o'clock. THIS EVENING, SARATOGA. SARATOGA. MR. JAMES LEWIS, from Daly's Fifth Avenue Theatre, and DAVENPORT'S STAR COMPANY. Admission, ti, 7f, to, and va cents. -Seats secured from 9 until 4 o'clock. SARATOGA ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Admission, 50 and 25 cents; secured seats, Ho IJOX'H AMERICAN THKATRB. T IMMENSE ATTRACTION. Every evening, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE TROUPE. Grand Olio Entertainment. 0 wo Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques, Local Sketches, Comic Pantomime, etc., etc. JAPs' MATINEE, WEDNESDAY, at 2 o'clock. AMERICAN MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE, Jt Northwest corner of NLNTH and AKCH Streets, Open dally from 9 A. M. till 10 P. M. Engagement of the Great Natural Actor, MR. ROBERT McWADE, RIP VAN WINKLE. EVKRY EVENING and SATURDAY MATfNER. UNCLE TOM S CABIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY BENEFIT OP" ROBERT McWADE, MONDAY.May In TH ft DOUBLE-HEADED BABE. G RAND FLORAL MILITARY AND CITIZENS' DRESS BALL 2D INFANTRY, N. G., Pa. (National Guards), AT THEIR HALL, RACE STREET, BELOW SIXTH, (Upper aud Lower Saloons), MONDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 18T1. TICKETS. 6 4 4t THREE DOLLARS. rrUE ALHAMBRA, SEVENTH STREET. JL below Arch. MONDAY, April IT, And every evening during the wek, the GKiiAT CALIFORNIA CONSTELLATION OF VARIETY ARTIST Ed, FIFTY IN NUMBER. FIFTY IN NUMBER. 417tfl FIFTY IN NUMBER. Don't lail to go to the great Variety Theatro to-night. A GRAND BAZAAR IN AID OF THE" SICK POOR OF ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL is NOV OPEN, and will continue for two weeks at CON CEhT HALL, CILbSNUT 6tteet, above Twelfth. Season tickets, 25 cents. Single admission, 10 cents. 4 is "Jl II E ST. C I. O U D," This new elegant and commodious first-class Hotel, ou aiku oireei, auuve isaViiJX i'li, now open. Terms, f 3 per day. G. "W. MULL1N A BRO., Proprietors. 4 18m UOOKINC GLASSES, ETO. HEW ROGERS GROUP, "RIP VAN WINKLE." NEW CHROM08. All Chromes sold at 85 per cent, below regular rates. All of Prang's, Hoover's, and all others. Send for catalogue. Ioolfiii-CjilaBses . ALL NEW STYLES,. At the lowest prices. All of our own manufacture. JAMES S. EARLB & SOftS. No. 816 CHESNUT STREET. OLOTHS. OASSIMERE3. ETO. Q L O T H HOUSE. J AM EC Huonn, Io. 11 north 8i;JOIVl Street blgu of the Golden Lamb, Are w receiving a large and splendid aasortmen of new styles of FANCY CAMSIMEIIE8 And standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS and COATINOS, 8 as mwi AT WHOLSSALS AND RETAIL. WINDOW BLINDS, ETO. WINDOW BLINDS, lace Cnrt8lB8, Curtain Cornices, HOLLAND 8HADES. . PAINTED SHADES of the latest tints, BLINDS paints and trimmed ' 8 TORE KUftDLS made and lettered. Picture Cord, Tassels, Etc, Repairing promptly attended to. D. J. WILLIAMS, Jr., No. 16 NOKTH SIXTH STREET, 8Ttuths3m PHILADELPHIA MILLINERY. jyj K H. R. D I L L O K, NOS. 823 AND Ml SOUTH STRH3T, FANCY AND MOURNING M1LLINE3Y, CRAPE VEILS. Ladles' and Misses' Crape, Felt, Gimp, Hair, Satin, Silk, Straw and Velvets, Hats and Bonnets, French Flowers, Hat and Bonnet Frames, Crapes, Laces, Silks, Satlca, Velvets, Ribbons, Sashes, OrnamenU) and all kinds of Millinery Goods. HATS AND CAPS. HWARBUR TON'S IMPROVED VENTILATED and easv-nuiug DRESS MATct (patented), in all the improved fashions of tlie season. GHKSNUT Street, neit door to the rest OAUm. rp A VALUABLE NEWFOUNDLAND Dog for sale. Kind-rale watch dog. innlY No. Ill OUE EN Street. B3 6t Gcruianiowu. 0 ARACAS CHOCOLATE, iniDorted and for sale by DALT BIT k. SON. 6 4 ut No. l& S. FltON'f tweet.