r lTC AFW Gr rib H ri a tt A J. VOL. XV. NO. 103. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. FIRST EDITION Forgeries in Lynchburg, Va. Accident to a Pittsburg Lawyer. ANOTHER RESPECTABLE RASCAL. Forgeries by a Prominent Merchant of Lyrhburar. Tie Lynchburg Virginian of Friday last ' say: ''Cjuite a sensation was created yesterday In Tmsiness circles by the detection of several forgeries by a former prominent merchant of this city, who has been largely connected with the trade of Lynchburg for several years, and who has occupied a high position as a reliable hueiness man. We allude to Jir. Ambrose 11. Woodruff, late of the firm of Woodruff Co., proeers and commission merchants. It seems that on Sunday lat be left the city, ostensibly to be gone a lew days on some private business. Two or three days afietwards his brothers were surprised nt receiving a letter frora him announcing briefly his purpose to sail for Europe, never to retnru. No cause was aligned. This information pave rise to suspi cions which resulted in the discovery that before leaving be had perpetrated a number of forgeries, the full extent of which has not yet come to light. It is kuowu Unit most, if not all, the banks and brokers of the city are suf ferers in various amount, ranging it is said from $1500 up to iC-000. We have heard also of three or four private parties who were de frauded in the aggregate to the extent of pro bably $10,000. Tbere may Le others in alike predicament, and most probably are. As far as known the forgeries will, we "suppose, mount np to something like $20,000, aud they may exceed these figures. The father-in-law of Woodruff, Mr. George T. Pleasants, of Amherst county, is the party whose, name is forged." The Lynchburg 'Hepublica n of Saturday says with regard to the forgery: "The extent of tie loss to ttie community cannot jet be given with acv degree ot accuracy, aim is variously esti mated at from 450,000 to 70,000. Mr. Wood ruff had in his hands a very large estate, belong ing to the heirs ot the late Samuel Miller, the bulk of which was in bonds. What disposition he made of this estate is as yet unknown, aud it may turn out that his securities are the heaviest losers ef nil. The names oftenest used without authority are, we are informed, those of Messrs. George "T. and John W. Pleasant, but the amount for which their fcignalures have been used is as yet only a matter of conjecture. There was great commotion in business circles when the tact ot these operations became known, und the wildest rumors as to their ex tent weie circulated. A JIk'-TRAP. Death of a PromllM Yoimj Lawyer of PlttKhiirg ruder liist replug Cli euiii etuiiccs. The FiUsburg Commercial of yesterday lays: Between H and G o'clock yesterday morning the body of a man was faund in Lamb's coal yard, at the West Pennsylvania KaUroud cross ing. The night police removed tbo body to the Maj'or's oftico, where, upon Investigation, it was discovered to be that of K. E. Patter.on, Eq. The place whore the accident occurred is a complete "man-trap," and could not be better arranged for killing or crippling people had it been constructed expiesbly for that purpose. The coal yard is in the canal basin, aud is at least fifteen feet below the grade of the street. Bctwteu the railroad track and Laoiu'6 coal office there is a space of about fifteen leet. where formerly it appears there was a flight of stairs leading down to the coal yard, aud a turn stile had been placed at the entr ceto-the steps. Some mouths since the sUirs or steps were removed, leaving a precipice of about fifteen feet' on the f turnstile left la its place for the purpose, apparently, ot inducing people to Walk into the trap; and from the position of the body or Mr. ratterson when discovered, it is quite evident that be fell over just at this point; and upon inquiry it appears that this is the fourth accident which has occurred there wLbin a year, one man having a leg fractured tana two others having been levereiy injured. Mr. Patterson was at the Academy of Music Saturday evening, aad at the close of the enter tainment accompanied, a yoang lady acquaint- as ce to her residence on Mockton avenue, where he remained but a few minutas befare leaving for home, eo that the accident probably eccurrcd between eleven and twelve o clock, and it is the opinion ot the physician who ex B arnined the body that the injuries woald produce instant ticatn. Mr. PuUtron was one of the most talented youncroea at the Piitsbnrg bar. He was a hard student, and by close alteation to business had secured a very lucrative practice. He was about thirty years of age at the time of his death, was a man ot excellent character, and was blghly respected by all members of the profes sion in this city. A STRANGE REVELATION. Gottgchalk, the Plaulst The Cause of Ilia Death. Ever since the sudden prostration of Louis M, Gottschaik, the eminent American pianist and mu aical composer, in the midst of a graud concert which he was giving in mo Janeiro, Nov. 25, is9, there have been current in tbat city floating ruoiors that this and nis death on Deo. is, following, were the result of some loul plav. A genteman who has recently arrived frm Rio Janeiro gives tn account both ol the various runrurs whica nave obtained some decree or credence anil also of what appears to be tae true story as he learned it, just tn iore his departure, from Dr. Save- riauo, the phjsician who atuuded (iotiscuaia in his last hours. The saiiteegentleinae. had also obtained corroborative information iroio fririuin, wiio accom panied the nuuiiKt as a sort of major-domo, npon his teur JU tirazu. n wan ucimveu oy many iriat trott. chalk, vt ho.-a amorous art ventures were numerous, whs the vhtiiu of some ieaious hus;aud or lover. Ike siories spreed tbat tne immediate cause of his deal h ws a ulow upon the hack f rnt a '-saud- foH." a deadly we&nou used bv Brazilian assassius. The lnttruuit-nt la a small sack tightly tilled with sand, and suspended at the end of a cane. The etleci or a blow from it. usually given upon tne back, is almost alvf at s fatal, ttiotiKh lue injuries received IO not luiiy develop themselves fur dais or even weeks afterwards. (Jottttclialk htiuiself said very little of the causes of his prostration, aud, H is thiuii tit, hardly realized their nature. TlteexpU nation staled to have been given by Dr. Sevenauo is r b follows: Oottschalk sent his ag'nt, Finnin, to San Paulo, which is sixteen hours by ra l from Klo Janeiro, ami is the beat of a cuu-ge for y nng mea, t muka ar rai'en enU lor a concert. The college boys, uuing nnuMiHliy irolichoiuc, lutlti ted many annoyance upon Firiuin, and attempted to practice liia aiiue optu uoioenaik, oo his ai rival ul tui'iay of tie concert. Uotischalk became lujcn eunured, and drove the tn tbeuuti ra out of tho room where toe Mheuib eu ari.uud blin, cauiii some of them to vow rtvei pe upnii liim. That ii'ctit, as ne was ittavlns; ihe place wlietellieconctrt was hela.he was ht " H lu tnu bae.k by some unknown persou with a sand-bjf. He ni.n inomtLifriiy Kiuiined, but pj.-d on, and soon returnee to Kio Janeiro, lie complained from that time, however, of au oppression in his cheat, wbicn. It now appears, was caused by a loosening of me ligaments of the luufs, from the cgly blow ot lho Band-bar. An abscci wfta foruied iu the back part of his ehest. as was ascertained upon Mintritm examl'jatioh, aud it w.a doubilesn tlie break.tnj of Una abseiss which ctoused his prostratiou in th Uinlbtc f his laat concert. Ulsueaiu soon followed, and ntt Dceouriti d for. nrou the p(-inaru ex. ainlnatU'n, by the discovery of what was anprentiy cancerous formation la oae of the lunv 'I'Ue B.i.i.s of lh ca, i.uvti luty Uiy at tk Urn have been anSMr.twon, wr husiiad up; aad it it only liy the recent eiKlanaiiens of tae puyaioiko. aad of Virmln that any correction ef uuUin rumors kaa heeu oflered. SECOND EDITION TO-DAY'S CABLE HEWS. Prussia and France. Germany'sThreatened Interference Tho Civil War Must be Slopped. Restoration of the Regency. DOTTESTIC AFTAIR3. A Kaval Officer Murdered. Fenna. and C. and A. Ilailroads. Tho Loaso not Consummated. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc. Etc. FROM EUROPE. by associated tress. I Exclusively to The Evening Tckyraph, Prussia Tlirrnten to luterfcrc to Stop the briueii l tvll War. Beulin, April 30. An Imperial Council was held to-clay to consider the situation of Paris. Prince Bismarck was present. It was agreed to notify the Versailles Government that a further limited period will be allowed for the restora tion of authorit', the enforcement of order and the fulfilment of tho treaty stipulations, after which Germany will take an independent action to establish law and order in Paris. The despatch will emphasize the wish of Germany not to entcrfere in the internal and political affairs of Frnnce, but will add that such inter minable civil war originating In revolution and characterized by disgraceful excesses cannot longer be tolerated, for the moral and material interests of Germany, as well as those of the whele of Europe, are sufferinc;. Gennauy to Reetorc the Regency, Trivatc reliable information lead to ths be lief that it is the intention of Germany to re store the regency, as the next legitimate Gov ernment, In tbe event of the Versailles Govern ment being unable to enforce Uh authority. Tlie Proponed Surrender of Fort d'lsxy. Versailles, Monday Night, May 1 Fort d'Issy proposes surrendering. The Government troops now surround the fort. Hostages are demanded by General F ron as a guarantee that the fort will not be mined, and threatens if it bo blown np that the garrUon will be shot. Sixty thousand men are ready at Reuil to make an attack on Paris. Fort d'Issy Is In Rnhu and the village evacuated. It is understood that the fort has been undermined, and when the Vers lilies troops enter it ii to be fired. Gene vllliers has been evacuated by the Versailles troops by order of the Prussian commander. Mezy, Governor of Issy, has been arrested. The Jouruul La Pulx is suspended. General Domuroweul has ordered the inhabitants of Neullly to evacuate the place within twenty-four houra. The canse of General Clueeret'e A r rent was the abandonment of Issy, for which he is partially blamed. The battery at Porte Ternes ia.dismounted. It is also reported that General Dosabrowiki has been arrested. How tbe luturgentaKeep Vp the Spirits of far 10. London, May 2. The Times' Versailles spe cial says that the insurgents at Nenilly are them selves throwing petroleum shells into Paris to keep np the indignation of the populace against the Versailles Government. The people are led to believe that they come from the lines of the army of the Assembly. The Reds have been snccessful in The Election at Ie Mans and Narbonue. the Daily Aews 'special from Versailles says that Marshal MacMahon sent a column of 25,000 troops against the insurgents who were making a sortie by way of Choisy le Hoi. A Great Huttle Ik Eipected T-morrov. A new army, for the reinforcement of that enveloping Taris, is being formed at Anrerre. Paris, May 1, Evening, via London, May 2.- Tfce Hereil announces that the Vcrsallllst have Attacked Fort d'Issy, and were repulsed. Tbe workmen who were sent from Paris last nilit had uuppiked the guns in the fort, which was thereby enabled to make an effective resistance. The bombard ment of Forts Vauvres and Montrouge is con tinued. There was an engac;emint before Hautes-Bagueui to-day, and a general action is expected this evening. The Versallli.ts are Dally Gaining Ground. ather despatch says the reeccuaation of Fert d'Issy by the Communists is again contra aicted, ai d it is said that the fort is eutirely de serted. A force f 15,000 National Guards car ried the Versaillist barricade in the lower part of the village of Issy after an engagement. The UoiiUtur says: It is rumored that General Pomhrowskt and Ills Staff veere Made 1'itsoucr by the Aisemblylsts at Aiuicres. The Germans lu Louden. London, May 2. The German residents la Loadoe celebrated the return of peace by a festival yesterday. The London Post aunounces that the Emperor Kauoleou it still suffering from rheumatic pains. Severe Engagement. Versailles, May 2. The Clamirt Railway Station was captured last nizht by chasseurs at ths point of the bayonet. Three Hundred Iueurgeuts were ICtllcd The Chateau of Itsy, the defense of which the lnsargeats had temporarily abaudoned, was timaltaaeously attacked by tare regiaitaU of ! Versailles troops. Three hundred Communists I were ftiuad La ike apposed deserted castle, who nrrendered to the assailants, and will arrive her to-day as prisoners of war. General vlnoy, who Is now here, is given credit for these ex ploits. Fort d'Issy is, in consequence ot the recent victories, completely surrounded by the Vercaires troops. The truth of the rumors that Disturbance Had Occurred In Lyons is officially denied. The result of the recent election is satisfactory to th Government. This Morning' (Quotations. LojcrtOH, May 811-80 A. M. Consols 93-,' for both money aud acennnt. American securities quiet. '. IS. bonds of 1862, "05 ; of 1805, old, 90 '4 ; Of 1FB7, 02V; 10-40S, 89)4. Frankfort, May l ii. a. 5-so Donis?r'f(r97. I.lvKKrooi., stay 8 10-30 A. M Cotton dull and unchanged: uplands, Tvd. : Orleans, 7d. The sales are estimated at 10,000 bales. Thle Aftcrnoou' (Quotations. Lonpon, Vay 81 80 P. K. American securities are quiet and stendy. Livkhi'OOL, Hay 81-30 V. M. BreadstnfH Wheat, )0s. lil.ails. 2d. for red Western sprlntr. The receipts of wheat for three days have been T.'oo qnarters, of which ftooo were American. Flour 27s. Cd. Corn, 32s. 9d lor new. MOM NEW YORK. bt associated rncss. 1 Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Murder of a Naval Officer. Kew Yokk, May 2. Cecil C. Neil, a United States navy officer, was fatally injured yester day by a blow on the head with an ice-pitcher. He was struck by Celeste Carhart, the keeper of a Brooklyn house of ill-fame, and who lately served two years in tho State Prison for man slaughter. Small-pox. Over seventy cases of smal-lpox are now at West Bank Hospital, most of which were from the emigrant ship William F. Storer. Ten deaths occurred during the last two weeks. The Pennsylvania and Camden and Am uoy Companies. The lease of the united railroads of New Jer sey, including tho Camden and Amboy and others, to the Pennsylvania Railroad, is not yet consummated, as reported. The directors and stockholders of both companies have yet to act on the pending propositions. The Trouhlce nt Pntcreou. The eight Republican Aldermen of Paterson, New Jersey, organized last night, and made ap pointments for all the minor city officials. The Democratic half of the board did not attend, and will contest the legality of the appoint ments. The Xon-Soclety (lunrrymen of this city, receiving $2 and ii-25 per day, struck yesterday for $2-50, the wages of the society men. Over two hundred men, armed with clubs and staves, joined in the affair, and drove off all the laborers on the free library In Seventieth street, and compelled a complete cessation of work in the Nineteenth andTwenty tecond wards. The police prevented any vio lence, however, and five hundred extra police men have been ordered on duty to preserve the peace to-day. The Republican Executive Committee of this city last night adopted, by a vote of forty to one, a resolution against the anuexation of Santo Domingo. The ICctchum Forgeries. . Sixty-four answers were filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court j-esterday to the numerous complaints in 6uits brought by banks, manufac turing companies, and others against members of the defunct banking firm of Morris Ketchum, Son & Co., ruined in 1865 by the extensive defal cation of Edward B. Ketchum. The defendants deny that they are all resi dents of the city, and were all aware that frauds were being carried on two months before Ketchum' flight. The fact was known to only two members of the firm, Lynkon M. Swan and Thomas Selknap, Jr., and was suppressed bv the latter defendants. They acknowledge that the embezzlement amounted to more thau $2,000,000, and their total liabilities to about $3,000,000. They deny that their assets were greater than their liabilities, and the charge that Morris Ketchum or his partners attempted a compromise with the creditors with the view of saving their private fortunes la also coatra dieted. A delegation of the Grand Army of the Republic, including General Logan, General Barnum, Colonel Marshal, Assistant Adjutant-General Forbes, and others, visited yesterday the Union Home and School for Soldiers and Sailors. Humors are rife respecting the Consolidation of the Stockyard connected with the Erie and New York Central and Hudson River Ilailroads. FROM WASniJVOTOJY. Tbt associated pkess. I Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Government "Weather Record. Wak Lmv aktment. Office ok tub Chief Sicnal OlTK FH, WisuiNiiTON, My 2-10-30 A. M. Synop sis for the past twenty-four hours: The barouieier e nmities fulling eiowly on the faciQc coast wiui rlsmic lempoiauire. Tlie pressure has risen slightly at t'ie Kocky Mountain stations, with increasing nortiiwcMt wn.iis. Heavy rains nave been reported from iMifhourl, with liulner raius lu the Ohio valley. ai d sonilH iist of tlie .Atlantic. The barometer has riMen somewhat I nun the upper lakes to the aastern Slates, and clear or p. rtialiy cloudy weather has bteo very jftnfi ally experiencul uorth aud eaxt of Ohio. KHSieriy wiiuls have continued on the lakes. The teiept ralure lias liureuMtd somewhat during i he niti in in the 1 anient htaleg. J'roltahilttien. H is probaiile that the cloudy and threatening wenther will continue In the va'ley of the Mississippi, eartiaiiy cloudy weather ou the lower lakes and Middle biates, with light easterly wimt-. Chicago Flour and Wheat Market. Special VeKptttch ( 'The Untiling U'e'wph. Ciui'AiiO, May 8. V heat is active and higher; No. Stella at gl :. cash, and g.ller May; flitT, last hslf; aud ll-U.l-idsi,, galler Juno. Ceru is quiet at S.'jc, seller May; and b&vgssc., saber June. ReeriplK. i5)iip'ti. tiectoipf. Shit''' Flour, bbls. IMoO 4.000 Kye, bus ,un 2,onO Vfh'-at.bus. is ens 2,eno otB, nog ,oi:e 8,u Com, bus.. 77,000 210,000 Bsrley, tons.. 2,000 .... New York Money and Stock Market. Nd Voaa. May 'i. Stocks qutet. Wouey dull at B per cent. Gold, 111?,' 6-'i, lb2, 111 ; do. isa, m ; do 181, Ul ; do. ISM. new. UV ; to. 1961. IW4 ; do. WS, 1'3, ; lfl-4'8, lo'J4, ; Virginia 6s, 71; Missouri h, 4(3 -4 ; lu'on Co.,M; Ounibenand preferred, 30: N. Y. i nitial, en1; trie, iilx; UeadiuK. 110',; Adams 2prtss, kiv; vicqumd Central. vii : KicruiMu Southern, 19; Illinois Central. 1HS ; Cleveland anil I'ltuimrg, liSV; Chicago and Hoc Island, 113; PMaourir and Fort Wajne, Western Luion Tele graph, tvji. Baltimore "reduce Market. Balitmokb, May 8. Cotton dull and nemlaally unctiuniiep'. Flour favors buyers; l!owrd ttret superfine. f5 TN.i ; ext a, isiui-; lamiiy, fT-'ica; City Mills Nuperont, ft eutT-ttS; ex it. has; family, ts rf u ; western superoae, V7S4 61V)v'; extra, -t glT-Ji; fauilly. 7 V5tSM). Vtbtat steady; choice white, lliio; fair to prime, IllovollO; prime ti choice rd, 11-10 l ail ; fair tit fL ud, f 1 1 so ; coi'ininn, ITIOl ib; Ohio aad Irmimia, tl 1'v; hcueiylvanta, l-as. houMiera waite Corn, 7iI7c. ; bouthern yllew, 7v7K. Oats, ttMo, iToylkluns anekauged. Vv'klkky, VH3.!tO. TIIIiiD EDITION MATTERS AT WASHINGTON The Chinese Question, United States in a Dilemma. Telegraph Memorial Association. Tho forthcoming English Treaty. Troubles in Tennessee. FROM WdSHIJVGTOJV. BY ASSOCIATKD PKESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. Department of Arizona. Washington. May 2. General Crook has, by special order ol the President, been assigned to the command of the Department of Arizona, in the place ef General Stoneman. The National Telegraph Memorial Asso ciation Is now fully organized, an t subscription hooXs have been opened, and the prospects or success are en couraging. The design is to oommemorate the ln- trnnuctieu and application of the magnetic tele graph as a trlnnipli of American genius and Inven tion. The principal feature of the movement, to be located at Washington, is a celossal statue ol Pro fessor Morse by Horatio Stone. The L'nltcd Statee and England. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph, Vi asbinoton, May 2. The President and Secre tary of Mate, In conversation to day, said that they regretted 10 see a disposition man'ftsted to criticize ihe forthcoming treaty between the United States and .kngiatid, in advance or Its sunmlsaton to the Senate. The l'resideut said no good could como of tti's, and It might do much harm. All the members of the commission are very couddent that the treaty will meet the approval of the country. Ths Action of the Chinese Government In disregarding the Bnrllngamo treaty by refusing to protict missionaries aud teachers, has been brought to the attention of the Government, and is now under consideration. It appears that ttie Chinese are actuated in this matter by the course pursued Dy me people 01 tne united states against Chinese emigration, and particularly the harsh man ner in which the Chinese are treated in California. The Chinese Government holds that our Oovern me&t has failed to carry out that part of the Burlin ganu; treaty which Insures protection to Chinese In the United States. It is regarded as a very trouble some questlou, and one which the Government is at a loss how to deal with. The Cabinet met at an early hour to-day. All the members were present except Boutwell and Belknap. It being the first meeting for over a week, there was a good deal of business to transact; aud the session was long. FROM 1I1E WEST. BY ASSOCIATED TRESS. Exihmvely to The JSveninq Teltftrnph. Heavy Hall Storm. Mkmpbts, May 2. The hail storm yesterday and Sunday did Immense damage t) the crops and fruit in Mississippi. The ricn l eer creeK valley, m Bo. livar aDd Washington counties, Mississippi, did not sutler from the crevasse, as was feared, iieer creek carried off the water with little damage. The work of raising the bed of the Little Kocfe Kallroad, above tne overnow, nas neen commenced. Serious Trouhlce tn Tennessee. The Avalanche' Little liock despatch of last night says serious treubles are reported in Chlcato county, tbe largest negro district in the State. Just prior to his election as senater, Governor Clayton appointed Senator J. W. Mason, colered, of Chlcate county, Probate Judge, as alleged, to secure his vote for the benatorship; but jnst on the heels of the sessK n Governor Clayton appointed Major Kagland, of Jefferson county, to tttat position, aud under Clayton's instructions the Senate refused to take up and act on Mason's nomination, and by that means it was expected to get rid of luui. But Mason went home and took possession of the omce, aud the colored men made Kagland leave the country. To add to this the Governor recently annalnted Conway Barbeur, colored, lately a resident of Cin cinaati and member of the House from Lafayette, as tseesior of Chlcate ceunty, ignoring the claims of all the colored residents in that ctiunty. This incensed the negroes still more, and when Barbour went down no ouiy remained two days, the negroes telling him that it would be better for his health. If he made himself scarce. The neeroes are reported to be on the point of an outbreak, and should the Governor attempt to force tuesu men on them there will be trouble. .Mason and KepreseLtatlvo Wood colored, are now here to see the Governor on the subject. PENNSYLVANIA. LEGISLATURE. Senate. HiBRlKlitTKi, May 3.-Mr. D. cWt presented a petition uroiy feigned, ia mvor ui auuiibiuug uie iiuuuiug Uoin xiii.feiiin ot FbiUriu i'lii. Also, on frfim tbo Presideat of th Acidnmv nt Natural Scimctn, ai-kiug fur an appropriation of $lo,uotl from ths Btnte Air Connell, for the abolition of the Philadelphia Build. Mr. Nacle introduced a bill to incorporate the Philadel Dlna Academy of l ite Arts. '1 be private calendar of March 14 was taken up and the bilU voted on aa lollowi : banate bill providing tor tbo pavmant of damage done to lue Jonus bote! property, j ftiimieiphia, by troops oar- 1 iik II. e hebelle n. pue.eJ lo a third ruatliDg : ttnualo bill i'ievulig tor t&e pavmvni el me claim of Judge George M htrond wan killed ; llou- e kill lucoi iioralina the Iron Hank of I'bieuiiville paokt'il ; House bill all iwnitr tho voters of the Tweoty-secoud vard, I'liiiadelplua, to vote on the question of grsntinx liceimo to soli liquor was pasted ; hennte bill makinir tne judges and tbe Attorney t'eDural j-uff.cio CoimuiMioiiers t ublio ruililiiiK's in l'litludelpliia was coDuiderud, and Air. Na,'le moved to pi hlporo lor tbe present. W r. leckrt Hoped the motion would not pass, as every Senator hud hait ampin oppsrtnnuy to iuiuire into tbe provisions of tbe bill. This snimul be the nrsc of a series ot lulls relating to publio buiUIiuH. () tlie motion to Iiottpciue the jt.as uro nays were culled and it was carried ) a vote ol 1 to lb: !dbis alien, Anderson, I'rooke, ''onuoll, Dnlamotpr, luucun, Tmdiar. Urahmn, Keir. Miller, Muiuina, Watjle, Olrntitad, Uhtei bout, KhoiUII, and Kuttin -lu yeas. Sinus. Allirik'lit. I 11 1 1 av I e 1 1 . Urodunud, liiK'kalew, Prawfoid, Davis, liechert, lill. Kvuus, Kni-ht, Purnma, Turner, Warlid. Wbile, and Wullaoe, hpuakr li n5S. 'l'bn Senate bill iiri veulin ! tnu erentiou of (lie Tuila delpbiapub.io buil'.linKSou tbe lutersoct ion. and Hllowinj; tl.eui to bo erected on one or more oi tn Fenn squares, and for tbe emotion ot court house at Ctieaum and Sixtti was postponed oa motion or Mr. llonue'l and by a vole of siiieeu to Bitecu, iMetsrs. Oonnell aud Matflo voIior aa, and Hensr.ey nuv. 'i'ho becate bill relating to the Iteonrdor of Pbiladel plna, allowiui; Liu to have a seal, w is pas.od. 1 be Senate bill, autbori.iiiK tlie Hro;j ito ind Plank Road Laud Company to sell certain reul estate, paused. House. The Hou'e met tt 10 A. M. Air. JoUusiou iutrorluced a sill to make the printed journals 01 toe Councils of Pkiiadelphia legal evidence. Laid on tbe table. Mr. Hger atkd leave to introduoe a bill rr-vealing cer tain acts respect iuf tbe iiublio buildius nt the cityo: rhilsdclpbia, waicU nas objected to by Air. Korsrin, it re1 g,UlriU2 UOSBIVdUX COIlbSUl. 'I be lull provides lor lue repeal of the act approved March lotb, H,0, en til led "An act in rol.u ion to a site for tbe public builuiiiKS in ths city of I'mtHil.ilpuia, aud tbe act approved Au'unt fall, leTU. entitled anacc to provide tor tbo election ol all tbe pnblic building's required to ac commodate I be courts, and lor allmuuicipal purpot.es in tbeciiyof i'biladelpbiu," olo. That t be auleoi and l.'oiu mon C'ounoils snail mil. in one year from tbe approval of tbis act pioceed to provide suitable aoceiuiuonauons for tie courts in said ci.y, and also lor tbe better accontinir dation of tlie publio a II iis tbat. tue Oojorils sball by appropriation provide for tbo payment of all just and law iul expense heretofore incurred by tbe pre. cut Uoiuinis iiineis. Air. Alssn moved to suspend tho orders, to considor the Hi ue joint resolution lur linal adjouruuiunl on tue iUi.ll iuhtai.l. liiatrosd to -eas iil, nss6". 1 lie House ibea proceeded to consider bills remaining on tbe private calout'ar of A pril J0 : (supplement tor tbe Keusiavton Bcrew dock. Ware Iioubb, aod W barf Coiuuauy ot Kuiladelpbi, giving taoul ii useciing- railway taciliues i ivilee of laying a sinv'.etraik Irnubt raili'.ad o j 1). Is wares onue. Laurel and I anal atrexia, to ooauact tko real e.iale of tue coreo ratioa wiik tko Norta l'ua Ivau.a Kail road at (Jaua) atieet oad Ueriuantowo road, diaeeoaiug t'l,u tbe action f Uouucils, passed anally. " , A a a. t vai aimg 'l'wdkiij siitb street, Twt itjreiltfc ward, Iaa4 lliiaily. FROM NEW YORK. . IBY ASSOCIATED FRBRS. Etclutivtly to The hvtning TeUgrcph, Ship Kewi, New York. May 2. Arrived, steamers Thnrlngla, from Hamburg, and Koxaaa, from Metsiaa. Iteslnatlan of a Judge. Niw Yokk. May 2. It is rnmored that Judge Bosworth is abont to resign the Presidency ef tne I'olice Board, and that the Hon. Henry Smith will be elected. The Putnam Inquest. The lnnnes Inte the canse ef the death of Avery V, l'ut nam commenced to-day. The testimony of Mrs. Duval and her daughter was positive in Identi fying Foster with the man who Insulted them, and threatened Mr. 1'utnam in the car, and eabsequently lDiiiciea me iaiai mow. Shot the Wrong Man. NKWiYOKK, May 8. George Rellly. tenant at No. 660 Second avenue, after returning home intoxi cated last Blent. w shot by his landlord, John C. uurgess, as asupposeu roo ocr. 1 ne wouaa is not dangerous. Binges a as been held to ball. FROM NEW ENGLAND. BT ASSOCIATED TRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph, ltovvdoln College. Lkwirton. Me., Msy 2. The Rev. Br. narrls has resigned the posltiou of President ef Bowdoln Col lege, and has accepted the New Haven professor- smp. it is expected mar, ex-wovernor cnanibcr lain will succetd Kev. Dr. Harris as l'resideut of Bowdoln College. The Itcinnlna of Mr. Putnam. Providence, May 8. The remains of Avery D. rntnam were interred this morning In the Swan Polat Cemetery. The Itev. Dr. Caldwell officiated. Only the Immediate friends of the family were present. sjuiinary. BRinoEroRT, Conn., May 8 L. C. Segee, A re spited citizen of this town, died last night. New York Produce Market. New York, Maya. Cetton dull; uplands, 14 vc. Orleans, 16', c. Flour firmer; State J5 83; onto, fi-266-SS; Western, 5-S5I-16; Southern, IS -66fc)9. Wheat is iieut xsc nigaer. torn nrmer aud stock scarce; mixed Western, o8lc. Oats firm; Onto, (i5iCSc. Beer steady. Pork quiet. Lard steady. Whisky, 93c. THE PUTS AH HUEUEE. Funeral of the Victim The Family of the Villain Fouler. Funeral services over tke body of Avery D. Put nam, the victim of the recent street car asias8lna- tlonwere held at his late nome, jno. sjcoteage place, yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock. There was a large attendance of monruers, Including many of Air. Pn train's associates In business. Beyond a passlug allusion to the "sudden" death of Mr. Putnam, no reference was made In the ser vices to the tragic natnre of hU fate. The 200 peo ple wbe assembled In front of the honse were deco rous lu manner, but denounced the assassin In earnest terms. In addition to the two cards issued by Mr. Putnsm'p business associates, the Ant'octi Baptist Church, of which Mr. Putnam was a mem ber, has tendered a memorial of sympathy to his family. Tbe father of Foster, a reputable, nprtjrht citizen, for many years past a resident of Kaet Nineteenth street, and ions; an extensive builder and contractor, Is elaioat overcome by the position in which his wild, reckless son has placed himself. He haa not spoken to him for several years, but, nevertheless, will eaert every influence to save htm. Able counsel have already been eusrafred, and the case will be contested by them from the beginning of proceed ings to day by the Coroner to t he end of the tr.al before the highest court to whirh the case can be cerned. A younger son of Mr. Foster, employed by adrugfJrm down town, was one of the party of Ainei leans assailed several months ago and severely wounded bv some fanatical .Spaniards In Havana for no other eflense than wearing neck-ties of blue, the Cuban national colors. An application to release Canningham, the car driver, on bail, was refused by Coroner Young. Aew J'ort Triiiwnf, to-day. SB oa& lUTELLiaarrcr;. PrUen Cases. Court of Quarter Setnion Judge Finlctter. Petty prison cases were tried to-day. George Williams pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing a roll of goods from the front of a store. John Bell pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing a thirty-collar watch and f0 in money from a man who occupied the same room witti him In a boarding-house. Joseph Moore pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing clothing valued at ISO from a room-mate. Mary Ann Saunders pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and battery. Nelson Iteeves was acquitted of a charge of as sault and battery upon his wife. Josesh Morrow was acquitted of a charge of lar ceny, proof being made that he was insane, and not resDOdslble for his acts. Tom Havana was put on trial on the charge of maintaining a disorderly nuisance, namely, the Pittsburg House on Front street, below Walnut. James A. Kearaaa, a prisoner, test lded that he had lived lu Holland's bouse ap to the date of his arrest by Holland la Jaauary last, ana tnat it was a aisorderly brothel, the inmates being thieves aud bawds; there were frequent rows there, and often strangers were robbed. When cross-examined he said that before he went to prison this last time, his business was that of attending to gambling rooms in Doi k street and at Ko. 2 cuesnut street. When asked who kept the places he declined to answer, until Judge Finletter said he was bound to tell, and then he said Woolery kept the ene In Dock street and Charley Kalne the one in Chesnut street. His previous calling he declined to tell on the ground that it would criminate him. The next witness was a woraan( who said she had been taken to this house by hernusbaua; ne de serted her, and Holland compelled her to degrade herself in order to pay board. She came frm Readisg originally, and betore going te Holland's hud In t-n emnloved at the mills at Manayauk. &-At the close of onr report, the case bad not been concluded. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. EVENING TBt.ltOBAPH OFrtCE.I 1'uesday, May 2, l-7i. ( The nsnal weekly statement of our city na tional banks last uisht was one of the most favorable which we have had to report for many wtcks imst. All the Items show increaoerl strength. Tbe deposits are higher by tl.tXHj.W'.i, the letrul-tenders by 770.tlt'.'J, specie by f t7,60"), and the loans by S2G'J,947. The i-i'ter aure does not exhibit tbe real condition of tho banks. the demand having; scficied a serious falling oil durirnr most of tbe past week. Business at the banks has not been as large as lu tbe preceding week, j et more has beeu done than usual in ttie way of loans. Kates to-day are exceedingly easy, and the demand both for call and time loans very moderate. Gold is quiet but steady at lll,Ya.lllB', closinir at tne latter. Government bonds were in demand and stronger on nearly all the lift. Stocks were not very active, but universally etronir. fc-alcs of new City 6 s at 103. I'eadinir Hail road was very active, selllnfr at 55-aiC oO,'.j. Pennsylvania was steady, with sales at ex-div. Kales of Oil Creek aud Alleghany at 63;); Camden md Amboy at lo and Lehigh alley at ti3' m. Canal stocks were firm, with sales of Schtivl 1 til . Mnrria T,rwft.rrfl or llt'.l ' 'A ' All! ill (n H,..,V'.0'...-WW.. was bid for I.ebih. The balance of the lit was in Rood request but the only sale w as iu Fulton Coal at 5aX Hestcnville was in demand at 21', without sales. The progress of the new United States loan Is shown by the following communication from the Treasury department: Trkasvkt Dataktmbnt. Washington, D. O. May 1, ltU Messrs. Jay Cookd A Co., Philadel phis, Pa. Gentlemen: Siiiscrtpti-na received from national banks this day -a follows: Holly. Mi hn-an, First National J0,Mi) Nasnua, N. H., Indian Head National wy00 AuKitsta, ia, National Bank ol ftog.ooJ Total suoacriptuma to date, 162,315,700. Very recptctfully, John P. Biualow, Chief of Loan Division. Dividends have been declare by oar city i Lacks as follows: Olrard National Bank ft per cent. Mechanics' 8 Corn Exchange " ,,,.0 " Commercial " 5 Union " 5 Manufacturers' " 5 Farmers' and Mechanic' Bank 5 National Bank of Commerce 5 " - Commonwealth Bank 5 National Bank of Northern Liber ties 10 " M Teople's Bank of Philadelphia 5 M Sonthwark National Bank 8 " M PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Reported by De Haven Bro., No. 40 8. Third Btreeti FInST BOARD. Irooo w Jer 6s... .100 7rXlshOCA A R.fS. BS j.ioou 11 j os, iiew.io.i i i:,0 8ch N Cs, 82. 19 lirMK) Be N s 'e3... 7SX $600 Leh Con In.... 8T $130 C A A 8s M... PStf lldoeLeh gold L... 9H f.'.OOO O C A A 7s.b30 87 76 sh Cam & Am..l2 SshLehValR.... bis 84 do etv to sh Mrr CI pf.b5.116 ino Bh 6ch Nv. .... 8', scio sit Fnlton CI.... bv lOOshHeBtonvllte.. 21 so sh Reading R. .. esv 100 do blO.fift-Bl do 66-81 de do 860. MV do 6 81 do blB. N do ene 43 20 80 509 7f0 loo sh Fenna K.b4C. 64 i no S4)f 200 do b3. 64V 100 do 64 8 sh Glrard Bk.... 64 SECOND BOARD. 11000 Hunt A B Top 20 ah Fenna 11.... 65.V loo do sso. ttx 70 do 62 100 dO...,eAp. 62Jf ii0 do 63 iosh.Leh N...b30, 85 50 do 85V 2d mt bds.... 4 llfOO do r0lW C k A M 6s, '89 04 HUO sh Beading K... fc.'.w 113 sh Fnlton CI ... . fWi UsIiNorrlst'nR.. 8)tf IPOshLeh T R.... 62 MK88R8. DB H4TKN at BR0TH1B, NO. 40 8. Third ft reet, Phlladninnla, report the following auotaHnna U. B. 68 Of lRM,116 tl7't ; do. 1802, 110tlll V t do. 1964, U0',(111V; do. I860, 110(111V; do. 186S, uon.noiwiM-jj uo. isoi, au. ii.i',(a)iM-, ; ao. 1868, do. 113.i(U13X ; 10-40S. 109(1U9 . D. S. 30 Yea per cent, Onrrencv. ns.H5if: Hold. ihua 1HX; BUver, I06ul03; Union Paciflo Railroad 1st Mort, Bonds, S9X90; Central Paciflo Rail road, mif&iwx Union Pacino Land Grant Bonds. 81381V. MK8SK8. Wn.LiAM paiktzb A Co., Ne. 38 8. Third street, report the following quotations: U. 8. 6s of isbi. ui(iiii p-wsor lsea, lUKillll)!-; do. 1864, uiGnm': do. isc6, liming; do., Jniy, lseo. 1131s ll3t': do., July, 1867, n:t v U3 do July! 1368, 113',(4113-; lo-4(, 10Sul09V. U. 8. Pacini R. R. Currency s, 115S6115.;. Gold, lUMlllitf. Market strong. n Nabb Ladnir, Brokers, renort this momiri(r gold quotations aa follows : 10-00 A. M 110','ilO M A. M 110'; 10-60 " 110Vil2-2SP. M. Philadelphia Trade Ileport. Tcesdat. May 2. The Flour market is dull at ves- terday's quotations. The demand Is confined to the want of the home consumers, whose purchases foot up C00 barrels, including stiperflne at .5 2VA5 M; extras at f.Virur6; Wisconsin extra family at $7; Minnesota do. do. at $77-25; Pennsylvania do. do. atlG50(rt7; Indiunn aud Ohio do. do. at 7(7-7B; and fancy brands at f -? 9 60, a4 In quality. Rye Flour may be quoted at t,V60i6fj-2)tf. In Corn Meal nothing doing. The demand for Wheat Is limited, aod confined In the immediate wants of the local millers. t?a!es of 16o0 bushels ot f 160'1-60 for Western red; 1 1-60 4 1-CB for amber, and lt;1'S0 for white. Rye la nominal at 1-101-16 for Pennsylvania. Corn la firm, and there is lese otrerlug. falee of yellow at 7677c, and Western mixed at 747c. Oats are unchanged, booo bushels Pennsylvania and West ern sola at 64u65c. In Barley and Malt no sales were reported. Bark In the absence of sales we quote No. 1 Quercitron at 130 per ton. in seeas notumg worthy or notice doing. Provisions are Inactive, and prices have a down- waid tendency. Whisky Is Arm. Rales of Western iron-bonnd at 93c. and 30 barrels Pennsylvania wood-bound at 9-0 LATEST SHirriStt INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF FHILADKLPHIA MAT 2 6TATB OF T1TBRM0MKTKB AT UB BVENINO TSLBOKAPH OFFICK. 8 A.M. 64 1 11 A. M 71 S P. M...-7 SrN Rises 4-69 Moon Sets 8-63 Sin kits 6 65 Uicju Watek By Cable.) Liverpool, May 1. Arrived, ships Vanguard. City of Richmond, and Tlppoo ISall), from New Orleans; Rosita. lrom Galveston; and Florence Treat, from aavautiaii. Lonpon. May 2 The steamship Rheln. from New York, touched at Southamptoa this mernlug. Kteamsuip iNestonan, irom remand, touched at Movhle this mornmg. CLBARKD THIS MORNING. Steamer Vulcan, Wilcox, New York, W. M. Balrd A Co. r?tamer Frank, Pierce, New York, Ax btcamer Ann Kiiza, Richards, New York, TV. P. Clyde ti Co. Steamer E. C. Btddle, McCue, New York,. do. Bark Vlatu, Olsen, Sorgo, Penrose, Massey A Co. Tug Thomas Jeflerson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde i Co. Tug Fairy Queen, Wllsou, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde fc Ce. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. Steamship Juniata, Hoxle, 4 days aad 8 honra from New Orleaes yla Havana, with cotton, etc., and 43 passengers to Philadelphia and (Southern Mall Steamship Co. Passengers : Thomas H. Barker; P. J.Traquler; Miss M. Warnnon; Mrs. E. i'ltrsena; James Parrell ; James Wright: Thomas Walker; G-. S. Hasted; mll Thlelaes; Joha Titus; Rosendc Socaae; Jelin Peoples; Mrs. Marlaa Curtis; Felipe Korirlgues; Hon Juan Osemle; Don Carlos Estrada, wife, and three children; Mrs. V. Kstrada; Cyras Thompeon; Mrs. Xilza E ammonal ; Thomas Aeelle; Don Jean Moasen; Loreazo Clesseus; fcr. James Ball ; ai. W. S. Hall, wife, and two children ; Jacob M.Duncan; R.U.Morris; David Audertoa; Jotta II. Raymond ; Joseph Methane; Patrick Krlel; Joha Mulligan ; John Dalley ; John Donovan ; James Cum mil. KB ; Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Lieveas. steamship Whlriwtad, Sherman, 86 hours from rrovldtnce, with mdse. to D. . Stetson A Co. btvamer J. to. otinver, Webb, 13 hours from Balti more, with nidiie. and passengers te A. Groves, Jr. Kteamer Bristol, Wailin-e, U hours from New lerk, With mdse. to W. P. Clyde & Co. Br. bark Expre, Nickersoa, 70 days from New castle, Lng., Wl.li mdse. to . Burkentiue Ann Wlieaion, Pretldle, S3 days from rernanibtit'o, wlih sticar to Albert F. Damon. Brig crtolan, Lehman, 6 days from t'ar.luai, with molasses to Isaac Hotigli A Morris vessel to Warren regg. Brig John Welsh, Jr.. Vanselow, a tlays frora Car dense, with snar and molarses to S. A W. Welsh. Schr Robert calrtwed, M-Conntck, 8 days from Ssuua, with sugar te S. A Vf. - clh. SSehr D. ti. Doane, v.;.zle, 8 days from Sagua, with molaKtes te S. & W. Weiwh. Sehr George E. Staples. AlcGrepor, 10 days from Matanzae, w ith mciassra lo 11. W. iiartol vestal t .SouiUr St Adun.s. Schr M. A. HK, FIsk, 9 days from Havana, with snger to John Manou A V SchrH. W. M-t oiie.T, Hubbard, from W'ilnslngton, N. C, with lumber to W. A. Levering. MEMORANDA. Steamer Achillea, coinura, fm Georgetown, D. C. 81 rived at New Haven 6 A. V. to-day. Sh'p Murcia GictuVaf, fcivca, frem Liverpool MHicb , with mdse. lo Penrose, Mas-ey A Co. Ship W. J. HaiiieiU, t'age, 73 days ir na Llverpeel via bt. Thomas, wui mdse. to Penrose, Massey A Co. Correspondence cf The tvmirig Telegravh. F ASTON & rdcMAUok'S BULLETIN. Nw YoKit OFFica, My 1. barges leave la tow to-night, for Baltimore, light: Baltimomm Bkancu Or Kick, My 1. The fal lowing barges h-evo iu tow u-u'.glit, eastward: C. N. Ss;k v, huco ph. Jutues Frazfe. M. F. Han Iitfrsu, r. C. King. A. AIIihuii, S.C.Clark. W. Alt house, C. Mc( aurov. W. Walker, S. U. Pomeroy, 1 iterator, M. Farlii tt, Kate Mayer, aad TheuiM Maloney, all wi h coal for New ort. Samuel Morru, with coal, for panaielphla. O. C. Geraud Hope, tae latwr for VMiwlngten, left with tti se reported yet.erily. Pnii.ADkLPBiA Brauch WrricE, May i. Wiathtr. KpU ndid Miorulng; cer.ileea sy lest uight, every twuklmg stardjvel. ped, iidicatiog Ctrui weather; in naiintal pur'.anoe, '-a wcaiker-breeaer." Baroiua ter, 4 SO A. M., 80 1-V!0. . L. S. C. Social Detrr-Uh to Th kvenina Telegraph. llAvaa-iiB-GaacB, My a. The following boat I...,. In uiw tea dav ! j s Mason, wits lumber to H. Croskey A Co. Sau-'uel curias, with lumber u Tior A Betts. ronaaed Piuela, wia coal U U. Gawtarap. forty A Jown, with -l Haas A kreniger. E. K. FtiUetaweite, Wiia laiaber teW.B. Lloy & Co. ?