THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, I8il. GENERALITIES. Brutal Assault on a Theatrical Manager. The Chapman Sisters' burlesque troupe were detained some hours at Jonesborough, Oa., while en route from Atlanta to Macon, by reason of a freight train being off the track. While waiting for the track to be cleared some of the male members of the troupe strolled to a grocery near by, and their curiosity being excited by ome lettering on the back of a bench upon which some men were sitting, one of the mem bers of the troupe, in a respectful manner, re quested one of the men sitting upon the bench to allow them to see what the letters were on the bench behind him, to which the person addressed replied by uttering a dirty remark about theatre people, whereupon Mr. Harry Ford, the manager of the troupe, re marked that he "did not know that the young men South were so rude." The bully Jumped op, and drawing his revolver and uttering an opprobrious epithet, attempted to shoot Mr. Ford, when W. A. Gregston caught the revolver with his right hand, and placed his left around the cylinder and upon the caps, thereby pre venting its being firod. The ruflian snapped the pistol three or four times, cutting Oregston's thumb in two or three places. At length some of the bully's friends interfered and took the pistol from him, and Mr. Gregston escaped without further Injury. He displayed much courage In saving Mr. Ford's life at the risk of his own. Terrible Affair on I he Baltimore and Ohio Hallroacl. Saturday morning, says the Cumberland News of yesterday, we made mention, of a rumor cur rent of two persons having been killed a day or before by the cars near Grafton. From the Wheeling Intelligencer we learn that the persons killed were husband and wife, strangers in that part of the country, from Rappahannock county, Virginia. They had arrived at Independence with their two children but a few minutes be fore tbe terrible accident occurred. They were on & visit to friends living about half a mile from that station. On getting off the cars they at onre started on foot.with the children in their arms, down the track for their friend's house. On reaching a bridge the father first took the children across, put them down by the side of the track, and returned for the mother. While the father and mother were crossing over the fast line caught them, instantly killing the mo ther, and so injured the father that he died within the next few hours. No names. Danger of Rcadlug Private Motes lu Church. A young man at Wanskuck village, North Providence, while attending religious service on Sunday last, received a note from a lady to whom he had been paying attentions, to the effect that she had no real liking for him, and that she could no longer regard him other than as an acquaintance. The reading of the note had such an effect on the young man that he fainted away during the sermon, and had to be carried out and restoratives applied. musicALi Artn pbamatic. The City Amusements. At toe Chesnut Banlm's play of Damon and Pythias, with Mr. Davenport as "Damon" and Mr. Thome as "Pythias," will "be repre sented this evening. On Friday evening Othello will be performed for the benefit of Mrs. . Edwards Lewis, the authoress of The Marquis. Mr. Davenport will on the occasion appear as ' Othello," and as this is well known to be one of his best parts, there will undoubtedly be a crowded house. At the Arch Miss May Saville will have a benefit this evening, when the comedy of Meg's 'Diversion and the drama of Satan in Paris will be given. Miss Saville is an actress of much ability, whose merits, we hope, will be recognized this evening by a crowded house. On Friday a fine bill will be presented for the benefit of Mrs. Thayer. This lady has been an established favorite for so many years that the mere announcement of her benefit ought to be sufficient to crowd the house to its utmost capa city. In her particular line she has no superior upon the American stage. At,thb Walnut the pantomime of The Ttiree Hunchbacks will be performed this evening. On Monday next Miss Ella Burns will com mence an engagement, and will appear in Tom Taylor's drama of 'Twixt Ars and Crown. Miss Burns has appeared several timos at the Walnut on benefit nights, and has given evidence of talent which will doubtless enable her to win a high place in the regards of the play-going public. At the Academy op Music the spectacle of The Black Crook, which includes a great variety of entertaining features, will be represented this evening. At the Assembly Building exhibitions of Dr. Corry's diorama of "Ireland in Light and Shade" will be given this afternoon and even ing. At the American Miss Kate Fisher will per sonate "Mazoppa" this evening. A number of other interesting performances will be given. At the Am am bra, Seventh street, below Arch, a miscellaneous entertainment is an nounced for this evening. At the Museum, Ninth and Arch streets, Bouclcault's comedy of Old Heads and Young Hearts will be represented this evening, with Mr. Lewis Baker as "Jesse Rural." At Concert Hall a grand bazaar in aid of the sick poor of St. Mary's Hospital is now open. The Handel and Haydn Society will give a grand miscellaneous concert at Musical Fund Hall on Friday evening. At the Arch Street Opera House Mr. E. N. Slocum will have a testimonial benefit to morrow evening, when an unusually attractive bill will be presented. Mr. Slocum has, during the seven or eight years he has been a resident of this city, made himself a host of warm per sonal and professional friends, and his benefit to-morrow evening will undoubtedly attract a crowded house. CITY NOTICES. Those who Desire a Brilliancy op Complex ion should beware of cheap patent plUs, or other cathartics containing calomel and mercury. Use Nature's remedy, Uklmbold's Fluid Extract Sar- 8AFARILLA and IIBLHBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Grape Juice. For Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Bilious A flections, Dyspepsia, Sick or Nervous Headache-, Costlveness, etc., the nils are une qualled. MB. William W. Cassidy, the jeweller at No. 6 South Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks or all kinds or Jewelry and Silver ware In the city. He has also on hand a One assort ment of line American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this store at the present time are certain to get the worth or their money. ""Young Ladies, Beware! or the Injurious effects of Cathartics and Purgatives, containing mercury, calomel, and other deleterious drugs. In a short time they enervate and destroy the system as well as the complexion, If yon would have a rresh, healthy, and youthful appearance, use Hblubold's Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla and Uklmbold's Ca tawba Orapi Pills. They are purely vegetable; a pleasant purgative, and cause neither nausea or griping pains. Messrs. T. Birch a Son will sell this evening, at 7X o'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chesnut treet, Italian Marble Yascs, Urns, Card Receivers, Alabaster Statuettes, etc. Also, fine quality Silver plated Ware and Cutlery. Sale peremptory. Oakpord, Continental Hotel, has opened an ele gant assortment of Ladles', Children's, and Infants' 3-immed and untrlmmed Hats. Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Etc. Also, Boys Cloth and Straw Hats. To Insuki Health and Proper Digestion you Bhould use Uklmbold's Catawba Grape Pills' They are composed or Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Juice. They excite digestion, nourish and invigorate the system, and purge out all the humors that grow and rankle In the blood. Hilmbold"8 Sarsaparilla makes New, Fresh, and Healthy Blood, and Beautifies the Com-pleaton. There ko Article in Materia-Medica which supersedes Castor Oil, Magnesia, or Salts equal to Uklmbold's Catawba Grape Pills ror purging from the system all superfluous aud worn-out mat ter. For Biliousness, Costlveness, Sick or Nervous Headache, etc., they are unequalled, as they cause neither nausea or griping pains; after which puriry and make New Blood by using Hklmbold's Sarsa- r-ARILLA. ' FOR Oybtbrs always, 'fresh, fat, and iNyrriNfl," Btewed, Steamed, Roasted, Panned, Broiled, Fried, and Raw, go to Leach's, northeast corner Nlsth and ChesnuS. Half peck steamed oysters, ss cents. In the SrRiNO and Summer Months the system should be thoroughly purged, and nothing is so ac ceptable to the Stomach as Helm hold's Catawba Geate Pills, after which use Uklmbold's Extract They invigorate the system, and can be taken by Children with perfect safety. Durino TnE Process of Teethinu every raothtr should give her child Mrs. Winslow's SooTHiNd Syrup. Burnett's Cologne the best made In America, Oak ford, Continental Hotel, has received Spring Styles Ocnts' and Boys' nats, Caps, and Furnishing Goods. Shirts made to order. There Is not such a reliable purgative known as Uklmbold's Catawba Grape Pills. They are safe, pleasant, and efficacious, and causa neither nausea or griping pains. Hklmbold's Sarsaparilla, the great Blood Purifier. Burnett 8 Cookino Extracts the best. HAmtlED. BENTOrcx Brown. On the isth Instant, by the Rev. T. A. Fernley, at parsonage. No. 93H Federal street, Mr. Jobn Hentkick, of this city, to Miss Mary A. Brown, of Washington, D. C. Goodyear Ball On the 29th of March, by the Rev. T. A. Fernley, at No. 933 Federal street, Mr. William N. Goodyear to Miss Adalinb A. Ball, both or this city. Rynear Goff On the 29th of January, 1ST1, by Rev. Mr. Oram, Mr. Okorob T. Ryneak to Miss Virginia a. goff, all of this city. Thompson Olusb. On the 17th Instant, bv the Rev. George W. Maolanghlln, Mr. Frederic Thjmp son to Miss Susan Ci-OHK, all of this city. DIED. Groblrr On the 18th Instant, Mrs. Mary, wlfo Of Mr. Augustus Grobler, aged 27 years. Friends wishing to see the corpe can do so Friday evening, from 7 to 8 o'clock, at the husband's resi dence, No. 938 S. Front street. To proceed to Pem berton. Funeral from her father's residence (Samuel Ram bow), at the above place, on Saturday, at 2 o'clock. Leave at 6 on the morning of Saturday. Leonard. In Boston, April 13, Lawrence Clif ford, youngest son of George H. and El, a M.Leo nard, aged 1 year and 10 days. 55 MoConnell. On the 18th instant, Carrie P., only child of William and the late Mary Anna McConnell, aged s years and 11 months. Funeral from the residence of her uncle, Wl'llam G. Glenn, No. 830 South Fifth street, on Thursday afternoon, 20th instant. Services In Old Plus Street Church, at 3'30 P. M. precisely. Interment at Roa aldson Cemetery. " Weiortman Suddenly, on the isth Instant, Mrs. Phebb Wbiohtman, in the 64th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family, also the Mount Vernon Division, No. 6T, Sons and Daughters of Temperance, and the Washington Chamber, No. 1, Dames of Pythias, are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, on Frldav afternoon, 21st Instant, at 1 o'clock, from her residence, No. 115 N. State street. Funeral services at the First Baptist Church, West Philadelphia. Wilson On the 17th instant, John B. Wilson In the 27th year or his age. The relatives and friends or the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his mother. S. E. corner Forty-second and End line streets, West Philadelphia, on Thursday after noon, 2"th instant, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Mount Morlah Cemetery. CLOTHING. P 1 W B REAUY.JIADe CLOTHING, COMBINING STYLE, DURABILITY AND EX CELLENCE OF WORKMANSHIP. Jones' O IV DE-F RICE ESTABLISHMENT, G04 lYTai'ltet Street, GEO. W. NIEMANN. Handsome Garments made to order at the shortest notice. 4 13 smw tf SPECIAL. NOTIOE3. far additional Special Noticm U4 IntiiU Fag. H. M. DALY'S WHISKY WAREROOMS. Nos. 222 8. FRONT Street and 139 DOCK SU IMMENSE STOCK OF THE BEST BRANDS IN ORIGINAL BARRELS. Among which may be round the celebrated "Golden Wedding," Bourbon or ancient date; Wheat and. Rye Whiskies, all pure from manufacturers (in orl- ?!nal packages), Including those well-known dls lllers, THOMAS MOORE A SON, JOSEPH S. FINCH A CO., and THOMAS MOORE. The attention of the trade la requested to test these Whiskies, at market rates. 8 4smwi ley OFFICE OF THE LEBANON AND TRB MONT RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 877 S. FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, April 15, 1871 A spe cial meeting or the Stockholders or the Lebanon and Tre mont Railroad Company will be held at the oillce or the said company In the city or Philadelphia, on the eighth day or May, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., when and where the joint agreement entered Into by the Board ol Managers or the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company and the Board of Directors of the Lebanon and Tremont Railroad Company lor the consolidation or tbe said companies, and the merger of the Lebanon and Tremont Railroad Company Into the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company. will be submitted to the said stockholders and a vote by ballot in person or by proxy taken for the adop tion or rejection of tbe same. ALBERT FOSTER, Secretary. vs CAMDEN AND AM BOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Tkkkton, April 10, 1911. NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of the (JAM DEN AND AM BOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY will be held at TRENTON, May 10, at 19 o'clock, M., at the Com pany's ofllce, for the election of seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. SAMUEL J. BAYARD, 419 Secretary C. ami A. R. R. and T. Co. iSf THB PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY, No. 238 S. T1I1HD Street. Philadelphia, April 17, 1871. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Cbartlare Hallway Company will be held at No. 238 8. THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa., on MONDAY, May 1, 1871, at 12 o'clock L Annual Election for President and Directors Will be held same day and place, JOSEPH LESLEY, 4 IT tmy 1 rpt Secretary. gy- OFFICE OK THE LEHIGH ZINC CO., No'. " 833 WALNUT STREET. Philadelphia, April IT, 1871. The Annual Meeting or the Stockholders of the Lehigh Zinc Company will be held at the Oitloe of the Company ou WEDNESDAY, Mays prox., at 12 o'clock M., lor the purpose or electing Seven Directors to serve durlDg the ensuing year, and for the transaction or other business. 4 IT 14t GORDON MONGES, Treasurer. PILES. DR. GUN NELL DEVOTES HIS time to the treatment of Piles, blind, bleed ing, or Itching. Hundreds or cases deemed Incura ble without .an operation have been permanently cured Best city reference given. Odlce, No. 21 N. ELEVENTH Street. 4 15 8m AN ENTIRELY NEW PROCESS BY which LKTTEK-PHESS COPIES can be taken from PRINTED FORMS, at HELFENSTEIN A LEWIS' Railroad and Commercial Printing House, tin Hi ana u i oir.eia. 11 1S- GENTLEMEN IN SEARCH OK COMFORT BLd styls in BOOTd and SHOES should call on 15 An 1 Lt. 11, At NO. 33 KOUth SIXTH Street, 1 80 tf Above CUesuat. OAS FIXTURES. NO STORE ON CHESNUT STREET. CORNELIUS & SOUS' RETAIL SALESROOMS, 821 CHERRY St. CAS FIXTURES. OARPETINOS, ETO. 4th of July, (876. - From April 1, 1871, until the opening of the Centennial Annlvenary Exhibition. We will set apart Pcrcentago On our entire sales of CARPETINCS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, AS OUR CONTRIBUTION". r; l. knight & son, 1222 CHESNUT STREET, 3 IT fmw3m PHILADELPHIA. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT Street. FRESH CANTON MATTINGS, ALL WIDTHS, WHITE, CHECK, AND FANCY. LOW PRICES. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. SOO CIIESIVUT Street, 8 1 WBmSmrp PHILADELPHIA. PLATED WARbi MEAD & BOBBINS, N. E. Cor. NINTH and CHESNUT, MANUFACTURERS OF Silver-Plated Ware. Wedding Presents, Hotels Furnished, Families Supplied, WITH EVERY ARTICLE REQUIRED IN THEIR LINE OFQOODS. 3 S3 wfm2mrp OARRIAOES. GARDNER & FLEMING, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, No. 214 South FIFTH Street. BELOW WALNUT. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT CARRIAGES, INCLUDING riL3TO NS, JENNY LINDS, BUGGIES, ETC., ALWAIS ON HAND. All WORK WARRANTED to be of the b WORKMANSHIP and MATERIALS. Also, an assortment of SECONDHAND XAR RIAQBS for sale at reasonable prices. Special attention given to REFAIRINQ. KEPAIRINO, REPAINTING, and VARNISHING. THE BEST COAL. ISAAC X. WRIGHT & SON, No. 1M South 8EOOND Street. YARDS Corner EIGHTH and MASTER Sts. and wrmi No. 818 SWANSON 8t. above Qceen. FURNITUIiE, At Your Own Prices. GOULD & CO., Hot. 37 and 39 North SECOND 8treet, And northeast cor. NINTH and MARKET fits., Will sell you Furnltnre at your own prices to make rovui ur vuo civvusiYe aueiauvus. t iv oups LEGAL. NOTIOES. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHI LA DELPHI A. S3 -The Commonwealth or Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Phiiaiclphia county, greeting: W e command yon, as before we did, That you summon JOHN 0. HAWKINS, who was sued with Peter A. Dickinson, late of your ceuntt, so that he be anil appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for said city and county of Philadelphia, the first Monrlay of May next, there to answer William Wilghtman or a plea of breach of covenant fur ground rent, deed executed July 16, ISfU, bv William Weightman and Louisa, his wife, to John C. Haw kins and Peter A. Dickinson, their heirs and assigns, for nil that certain lot of ground situate on the north aide of Ridire avenue 842 fept 4 Inches north went from Master street, In the Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, recorded In the office for recording deeds, etc., for said city and county of Philadelphia, In deed book L. R. B., No. 89, page P-25, on the aoth day of August, 1904. And have you then and there this writ. , Wltnoos the Honorable J. I. CLARK l.s. HARK, Presldentof oursaldUourt at Phtla ivi deiphia, tne fourth day of April, In the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hun dred and seventy-one. B. E. FLETCHER, 419?aw4t Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia county, greeting: We command you. as before we did, t hat yon sum mon ISAIAH O. STRATTON, AVKNDKR JON RS, SAMUEL R. WELLS, and HENRY SHOCKEOK, late Of your county, so that they be and anpear befors our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, In and for said city and county of Philadelphia, the first Monday of May next, there to answer Ellwood Allen of a plea of breach of covenant sur gronnd rent deed, dated May 16, 1848, recorded in deed hook O. W. C, No. 78, page 307, etc. And have you then and there this writ. ( Witness the Honorable J. I. CLARK i l. a. S HAKE, Presldentof our said Conrt, at Phl-i-v ladelphia. the eighteenth day of April, In the year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. li. K. FLKTCHKR, 4 19 2aw4t Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia county, greeting: We command you, as before we did, tliat you sum mon EDWARD RYAN, late of your conuty, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at onr District Court for the City and Uounty of Philadelphia, to be holden at Philadelphia, In and for said City and County of Philadelphia, the first Monday of May next, there to answer G. Blight Brown.Asslgnee of Peter A. brown, by deed dated lutft. March, I860, recorded Bth April. 1SOT, In deed book R. D. W., No. 80, page 89, of a plea of breach of cove nant sur ground rent deed made Sd January, 1533, and recorded 20th May, ISflS, In deed book L. R. B., No. 97, page SS6, etc And have you then and there this writ. f Witness the Honorable J. I. CLARK HARE, l. s. resident of our said Court, at Philadelphia, l"-v' the fourth dav of Anrll. in the vear of our Lord one thousand eight bunnrei and seventy-one. SAill Kb r. WELSH, 419 2aw 4t Pro Prothonotary. G1TY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County, greeting: we command you, as nerore we aid, mat yon sum mon GEORGE I. STEINMETZ, late or your county, so that he be and appear before onr Judges at Phtla delnhla. at our DlBtrlct Court for the City and.County of 1 hiladelphla, to be holden at Philadelphia, in and for said city and county or Philadelphia, the drat Monday or May next, there to answer Emily B. Tay lor, Assignor or George Megee, Esq., High Sheriff or city and county or Philadelphia, of a plea of breach of covenant sur trround rent deed, dated April IB, 1RB7, recorded 29th April, 1857. In deed hook R. D. W.f No. Via, page 877, eto. ABd have you then and there this writ. a Witness the Honorable J. I. CLARK l. s. HARE, President of our said conrt, at Phlla delphla, the 18th dv of April. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- one, w ci. riit i'unuK, 4 102aw4t Pro Prothonotary. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, S3. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Philadelphia county, greeting : We command you. as before we did, that you sum mon JOHN FEIL, late of your county, so that he be and appear before our Judges at Philadelphia, at our District Court for the City and County or Phila delphia, to be holden at 1'hlladelDhia. in and for thn Raid city and county of Philadelphia, the drat Mon day or May next, mere to answer uregory a. uour sault or a plea or breach or covenant sur ground-rent deed, dated January 21, A. D. 18.M, recorded in deed book T. B., No. 152, page 85, etc. And have yoa then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable J. I. CLARK l. a. HARE, President or our said Court at Phtla-v-1 delphla, the eighteenth day or April, In the year or our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. , B. E. FLETCHER, 4 19 2aw4t Pro Prothonotary. CLOVES. SSOO PARASOLS. All the new styles, In all colors of linings, size. Also, more shades and styles of KID GLOVEa than can be seen In any other house In America or onr celebrated. aBelle 1A fTV. Kid (Wove $195 Per Pair. BEST tl-25 KID GLOVE IN AMERICA. I'm Every pair guaranteed. II they rip or tear, an other pair given in exchange. V. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, No. 23 NORTH EIGHTH STREET AND No. 908 CHESNUT STREET, lsluvrW PHILADELPHIA. HOSIERY. COOK & BROTHER, No. 53 N. EIGHTH Street, TBiDE-UiRI. TRADK-MARI ItETAILEItS OF HOSIERY GOODS Exclusively of their own importation. -JUBt received, by steamer China, 4 cases, SCO dozens , Cartwrlght & Warner's Gauze IMerino Underwear, FOR LADIES, GENTS, BOYS, AND MISSES. 8 28 sw 8m rp T ABIES' HUMAN IIA1II EMPORIUM) No. 7 & TENTH Street. Having opened a new and splendid store for the accommodation or the ladies who desire fine HAIH WORK, the best talent that can be procured Is em ployed In this Una of business, who have had twelve years' experience In France and Germany, miking up all the various designs or HAIR FROM CHJMli 1NOS, which some have the presumption to claim aa their Inventions. The ability or MISS WEEKS In HAIR DRESSING Is acknowledged by ar Uhis In the business to ntanl nurivauea, itiswxoij u. nuuu( FINANCIAL.. 7.0A a o 1. n O A N NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. RAPID PROGRESS OF T1IK WORK. The bnlldlnff of thn Mnwhom t "! ft T? all nrm A (begun July Inat) is being pushed forward with srreat energy rrom both extremities of the line. Several thousand men are employed In Minnesota and on the Pacific coast. The trade Is nearlv eomninted S66 miles westward from Lake Wupcrior; trains arc miming over iumiiea or nnmnea road, and track laying is progressing at the rate of one to two miles per nay. including its purchase or tne St. raul and Pacific Road, the Northern Pnclllo Company now has 418 miles of completed road, and by September dent this will be Increased to at least 560. A GOOD INVESTMENT. We are now selilnir and nnhealtatlnirlv recom. mrnd, as a Profitable and perfectly Safe Investment, the First Mortgage Land UrantUold Bonds of the Northern Paclllc Railroad Company. They have 30 years to run, bear Seven and Three-tenths per cent, gold Interest (more than 8 per cent currency), and are secured by first and only mortgage on the km- TIKE ROAO AND ITS EQUIPMENTS, and alSO OU 83,000 ACRES OF LAND to every mile or track, or 600 Acres for each tiooo Pond. They are exempt from Uulted Sta'.es Tax; Principal and Interest are pavaMo In ( ild; Deno minations: Coupons. 1100 to tlOOO: Keirlatered. lino to 1 10,000. LANDS FOR BONDS. Northern Pacific 7-SO's are at all times receivable at tkn per cent. ABOVE par. In exchange for the Company's Lands, at their lowest cash price. That is, In addition to their character as a first-clans nrompt-pnying Railroad securl.y, these honds are In effect Land Warrants bearing a profitable rate of Interest until exchanged for Homesteads, at ikn I RK HH, I'HEMIUM. SINKING FUND. The Land Orant or the Road exceeds Flftv Mil. lion Acres, having an average soil or great fertility, iu n tniiime mat ih nmipij unsurpnHseu. rne Trus tees of the Mortgage, Messrs. Jay Cooke and J. Edgar Thomson, are required to devote the pro ceeds of all Land Sales to the repurchase and can cellation of the Company's Bonds. This Immcnqn Sinking Fund will undoubtedly cancel the principal of the entire Issue of First Mortgage Bonds (now Bciuug uciuic tuej inn alio. PROFITABLE AND SAFE. With their ample security and hlarh rate of Inte rest, there Is no Investment accessible to the peo ple which Is more profitable or safe. In view of the uovcrnment s expectation soon to call for the surrender of lta outstanding 6 per cent. Bonds, nnoer tne present movement for funding the debt et lower interest, many holders of United States Five-Twenties are exchanninsr them for Northnrn Pacific Seven-Thirties, thus realizing a handsome , prour, ana greatly increasing their annual Income. , OTHER SECURITIES AGENCIES. All marketable Stocks and Bonds will be received at their highest current price In exchange for Northern Pacific Seven-thirties. Express charors on Money or Bonds received, and on Seven-thirties sent In return, will be paid by the Financial Agents. Agencies for the sale or this loan are established in nearly every city and Important town throughout the United States and Canada. Full Information, maps, pamphlets, etc., can be obtained on applica tion at any agency, or from the nnderslgned. JAY COOKE fc CO., Philadelphia, New York, Washington, FISCAL AGENTS NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R.CO For sale In Philadelphia bv OLENDINNIHO, DAVIS A CO., No. 43 S. Third St. WM. T. ELBERT. No. 821 Walnut street. J. II. TROTTER, No. 32 Walnut street. WM. f A1NTEK & CO., No. 88 8. Third street. S. M. PALMER A CO., No. 86 8. Third street, 1. M. ROBINSON & CO., No. 133 S. Third street. SAMUEL WORK, No. 64 S. Third street. OEORGE J. BOYD, No. 18 S. Third street. RALKY A WILSON, No. 41 S. Third street. WALLACE A KEENE, No. 149 S. Third street. STERLING A CO., no. 110 S. Third street. H. II. WILTBANK, No. 805 Walnut street. T. A. BIDDI.E A CO., No. 826 Walnut street. M. SCDULTZ A CO., No. 44 8. Third Street WILLIAM C. MORGAN & CO., Ma 83 S. Third St. BO WEN A FOX, No. 13 Merchants' Exchange. WILLIAM T. CARTER, No. 813 Walnut street. W. H. SHELMERDINE, No. 10 8. Third street. MEOARY & PEALE, No. 18 8. Third street. NAKR & LADNER, No. 80 8. Third street. BlOREN A CO., No. 150 8. Third street. JOHN K. WILDM AN, No. 86 8. Third street. TOWN SEND W11ELEN A CO, No. 809 Walnut st. P. 8. PETERSON & CO.. No. 89 S Third street. B. K. JAMISON A CO., N.W. cor. Third & Chesnut. KMORY, BENSON & CO., No, 6 8. Third street, O. & W. Y. HEBERTON, No, 68 8. Third street. BARKER BROS. A CO., No. 23 8. Third street. JAMES K. LB WARS & CO., No. 29 S. Third street. BULL tc NORTH. No. 181 & Third street. D. C. W. SMITH & CO., No. 121 8. Third street. CHARLES B. KEEN, No. 825 Walnut street J. S. RU8HTON A CO., No. 60 8. Third street. H. F. BACH MAN. No. 26 8. Third street JAOOB B. RIDGWAY, No. 56 S. Third street. W. H. STEVENSON, No. 223 Dock street. JOHN MOSS. Jr.. No. 806 Walnut street. C. T. YERKES, Jr., A CO., No. 80 8. Third street. SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK, N. W. cor. Fourth and Market streets. 8 27mwl3m JAT C00EE & CO., PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK and WASHINGTON. jay cooke, Mcculloch & co.,- LONDON, AMD Dealer! In Government Securities. 8peclal attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Brokers In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. OOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOL In connection with our London House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Including Purchase and Sale of Sterling Bills, and the Issue or Commercial Credits and Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available in any part ot the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DEPOSIT, and to allow four per cent, interest in currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication with both our New York and Washington Ofllces, we can offer superior facilities to our customers. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST MENT. Pamphlets and full information given at our office, ISSmrp No, 114 S. THIRD Street, Phllada. NJETW Loan of the United States. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THB New 5 Por Cent. United States Loan Received at onr Office, where all Intonation wl4 given as to terms, eto. WM. PAINTER & CO. No. 36 8. THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. WISHART'S COLUMN. LIFE-LIFE. MORE LIF JB. DR. L. Q. C. WISHART'S Pine Tree Tar Cordial Invigorates, purifies the blood, acta on tha Kidneys, stimulates the Lungs, and electrifies the whole system, assisting Nature without injuring the most delicate fibre. DR. L. Q. C. WI8HAET S MEDICIHE la not a patented humbug, or an alcoholio beverage. lie has demonstrated more than he has published in recommending his unri valled medioines for the consideration of tho afflicted. He 7ias an anatomical theory, wliich enables Jdm to make a correct diagnosis. His preparations are composed of compounds of the most valuable remedies for Throat and Lttng Diseases yet discover td. Dr. L. Q. C. Wishatt's Dys pepsia Pills Relieve Dizziness, Costivcness, Headacts ' Flatulency. With their assistance they are the effective cure of all diseases of the Sto mach and Liver. Dr. L. Q. C. WISIIAUT challenges the world to produce a more effectual remedy for worms than hia Worm Sugar Drops. They have removed from children worms from the smallest size to the tape-worm, fifteen inohes loDg. Call and see for yourseff. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Offloe Parlors are open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. for consulta tion, by Dr. W. T. MAQEE. Associated with him are two Consulting Physioiaus of acknow ledged eminence. This opportunity is offered by no other institution in the city. Letters asking advice will be promptly at tended to. DR. I. Q. C. WISHAttTy. No. 232 NORTH SECOND STRE 1 14 SI S3 w23t PHILADELPHIA ) i (