THE DAILY EVENING TELEQKAPII PHILADELPHIA, SATURDa, APRIL 1, 1871. COMMUNICATED. St. Clement's Chnrch-Tle Defense. 7h tht Editor of Th Kvming TtUgraph, One of your correspondents baring become "an ontsidcr" In the St. Clement's Church con troversy, has given his views from his present standpoint In your Issue of the 30th instant. 'A rarishioncr" craves leave to reply to the new matter brought out In this Iat effusion, calling attention at the very outset to what is a noticeable fact, to wit, the omission of all re ference to the vestry's original charges against the clergy of setting np a confessional In the chnrcb, and teaching the efficaciousness of prayers for the dead. The original cause of the difference between the high contending parties Is lost from eight; nnd In spite of the earnest protest of the vestry In the Inquirer of the 23d ult., that they "have taken an active part, not, of course, agatiut the rector personally, but against the (to them) objec tionable features of his administration of affairs in the parish." the issue is now narrowed down to the quenion whether Dr. Bttterson shall be sustained in his labors not whether there shall be an "advance," but rather whether thero shall be a retrograde. The false issue, upcnjwtalch the Bishop was misled into giving his opinion, is cow abandoned, the war being waged at present against the clergy and ritualism. It is not a little strange that the choral services at St. Clement's should have been held peacefully, quietly, and, let me venture to hope, religiously for two years, without any objection being raised or' disturbance made uutil "outsiders commenced going there "to see the fun," when the refrain from their jesting and mockery fell upon the ears of the vestry and led them at once to conclude that for two years past their worship has beeu mere "Sunday evenings' amusement; ' and straightway they remonstrate, mind you, not with the "outsiders or "foolish young brothers" or "brainless young women," but with the rector, and they make haBte to pick a quarrel with him and introduce a resolution of request for his resignation. The vestry precipitate the issue, they hurry to the Bishop and ask him to decide a question which they say has been referred to him, when in truth it has not; they publish "extracts" from their minutes in pamphlet form, carefully omitting "a paper read by the rector;" they print their extracts in the daily papers, and they make a dreadful noise In the hopes of frightening timid people into their views. And all this they call "mildness, gentleness, and forbearance." The result is that people begin to inquire into the matter, and they find out the "characteristics of this vestry to quarrel with their rectors;" and they also find that this vestry neglect certain religious duties. "A rarishioncr" ventured to call attention to these facts, whereupon he Is met with the charge of showing "a strong desire to throw discredit upon the vestry In their cor porate capacity and as Christian gentlemen;" and he is told "that the plan of the Batterson party Is to create an impression that the vestry are irreligious men," etc. Now, while he disclaims any such desire or intention, ami hopes that no one of the vestry will draw such erroneous conclusions, he, never theless, docs with all respect and sincerity den' their authority as Christian teachers, or as mentors of Christian teachers. They should "hear the church," not teach it. "For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts." Vestrymen are merely trustees of the temporalities of the Church, not guardians to see that pure doctrlues only are taught. But the allusion to the ves try s negltct of their duties is called "unkind things uttered in regard to the ves trymen," n::d "Blurs," and "An Outsider" aflirms that the vestry then "took the simplest means to make their real standpoint known, by publishing the minutes," etc., of the vestry. Kow Mr. 'Outsider" has got the cart before the hor.'e, as witness the following dates and acts: On March 13 the vestry distributed their pamphlet :imong the congregation; on March it appeared in The Teleguumi, and on March o their "mild" and humble statement appeared iu the Inquirer. The same day (March 23) "A Paiishiouer" penned, and ou March 21 published lu The Teleor Ai'n, his communica tion, which, "Au Outsider" says, compelled the vestry to taUe the simplest means to make their case known; that is, publish their statement ten days previously. Here, for once, an effect pre cedes Its cause. But "An Outsider,"forgetlinghi3 role becomes an "insider," a vestryman indeed, aud tells us that "the cstry decline to make any effort whatever to secure a re-election or Influence a 6ingle ote." Let us Bee about this. At the last meeting of the vestry, judges of election were chosen, ar.d this body of ''inlld" aud "gentle" personages selected two of their (two number to conduct the election, and gave the ' Batterson party" no representation whatever, albeit they have two in the vestry. Of course this has nothiue to do with any effort towards a re-election. Then they announce that a certain class of voters tball be excluded, aud they would have us infer that this is without a purpose. But the veil is too thin. So also is the hue and cry about "a brotherhood." "Jesuits," "Reformed . Catholic Church," "Komau Church," "banners, candles, n.illincry, euibruiuei ies, crosses," etc. All tLe timid'persons who are to be fright ened in this contest have already been captured, but they are very few. That 'electioneering dodge" will not change anybody at this late day. The weak creatures have gone with the-outsiders, aud lun-seekers, andjthose who went to Hi. Clement's to see how the tight progressed, but left viihout seeing it. Nor is any oue left to be Ict'.ucLctd by t lie cry "that imitation is the sinceictt lorulof flattery." It will be an unhappy day for the Episcopal Church when she has to Mirrender such of her forms of service as are similar to the lioman Catholic Church, x When that day comes what will 6he have left? Will we not ail be "outsiders" theui' Nor will the statement that "more novelties" may be ex pected ut St- Clement's serve in this emergency, unless the bright particular stars of the vestry intend to do some of the preachiug, and read re ports upon Chui chdoctriue, beiug careful to note all the latcrl chongesand to keep pace with them; in which ca;-e. no doubt, the demand for seats will be large, aud the Interest intense. There need be to effort made to "worship the Lord In the beauty of holiness," but real good, hard preachiLg ou mildness, metkness, gentleness, forbearance, finances, church management, etc., with an occasional allusion to the necessity of baptism, It ing careful to give no offense to those w ho don't believe in it; and to confirma tion and tie duty to commune onc9 a year about Easter, atd sis much oftener as you consoieii' tiously C6U. And occasionally they will think how Dr. Buttereon and Dr. Stewart administered communion every Sunday and ou all saints' days in the year at 8 (sometimes 0) o'clock A. XL, end how'many Episcopalians from other parishes made use of the great privilege ! And they will think, also, how they held services twice every day in Lett and all through the heat of summer (at 11500 per year), while other churches were closed,. and their evangelical preachers were eetkinir rest from their weary and illy requited labors at the sea-side. For protiiable musings befor the sermon (for the services, being an imi tation aud flattery of Home, need uot be minded), we commend these thoughts to all 'outsiders" who wish to chauge the administra tion of St. Clement's parish ! "An Outsider" admits that the pew-rents have increased tiurioe the last five years. Will he also admit (for it is susceptible ol proof) that the debts of the church, to the amount of 15,C00, have been paid off dining that time; and that of that sum the vestry coutrlbuted li'iOOO in certificates of indebtedness against the church aid fr5C0 in cash ' Will he also admit that, whereas there were one buudred and twenty conmiunlcauts two years ao, there are three hundred aud fifty now ? And that some persons who have attended St. Cbimmt's for the Ja6t five 3'ears without being iuviud to baptism, confirmation, or communion ii).v enjoy the blessings of these rites, and all a ilia reiult of Dr. Batterson 'a teaching aud practice? And, what Is of more importance iu bo-iv; minds, that the annual revenues of the church are three times what thev were when the present clergy took hold ot it '( The allusion of "Aa Outsider" to the Bishop is a tery unhappy one. The clenrr of St. Clement's are not in contempt of the "Episcopal Eower," and they do not defy that power. They ave not dared It to any act, and they have not refused obedience to any lawful command. "Whatever the Bishop may command, counsel, or advise, within the limits of his rightful au thority, shall, with a glad mind, be reverently followed and obeyed to the letter and in spirit." The clergy of St. Clement's are and will be loval to the Church authority lawfully exercised. The last visit of the Bishop (March 10) was an ex ceedingly happy one to them, the charge of the Bishop to the confirmation class being one that could not fail to receive the heartiest commen dations from all parties. That the Bishop has been placed in a false position before the public is the fault of those who assume to be bis friends; and no more sincere regrets about this imbappy occurrence can be manifested than those held by the clergy of 8t. Clement's. "An Outsider" may consider it "a pretty quarrel as it stands," but the clergy of St. Clement's consider it a sorrowful one, and so does April 1, 1871. A Parishioner. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE IS THE CHEAPEST and best article tn the market for Hlil KINU '!. HIES. It dors not contain anv acid. It will not Injure the finest fabric It Is put up at WII.TBKROHB'S ORt'O STORK, No. 233 N. SECOND Street, rhtiHteIril a. And for sale by most of the Grocers and Druggists. The genuine has both BARLOW' S aud WILT ItFRGKR '8 name on the label ; all others are COUN TERFEIT. BAItI,OVV'S BUI will color more water than four times the same weight of Indigo. 8 23 tuths2m gTAIIt RODS, ITEP OAS TORCHES, OAS TURNERS, WAX TAPERS, Etc. Etc., Oh hand an for sale by U ILKII fc HIOSS. MANUFACTURERS, 3101m No. 825 Bonth FIFTH Street NEW PUBLICATION. H OOVEK'S NEW CHBOno. "The Changed Gross," size 82x29, the finest ever offered to the public. Mary and St. John," size 22x29, a most sublime chromo. "The Beautiful Snew," size 1(5x22, a very Impres sive picture. "The Holy Family," size 22x29, a real gem. "Delhi, Del. Co., N. Y.," size 22x23, a beautiful au tumn scene. Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by J. HOOVER, No. 804 MARKET Street, 8 ISsmwSm Philadelphia, second floor. Z ELL'S KNCYCLOPKDIA, DICTIONARY AND GAZETTEER IS NOW COUPLETS, IN 59 TARTS, AT 50 CENTS PER TAUT. ZEIL'S NEW DESCRIPTIVE HAND Atlas of the World, First two Tarts now ready, to be complete lu 25 Parts, at 60 cents each. Experienced Agents Wanted. T. ELLW0QD ZELL, Publisher. Nos. IT nr.d 19 South SIXTH Street, 3 2d tUSSm PHILADELPHIA. NEW P A T E 11 ! ILLUSTRATED CHRISTIAN WEEKLY. The only one of the kind in the country. A FAMILY PAPER. Evangtllcal. Undenominational, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTR 1TKD. Whatever will make the nation freer, Justir, purer, the home holier, healthier, and happier, and aid thu Individual to do Justly, love mercy, aud walK humbly With God, comes within its scope. Eight pugs. $2ayenr. Published bv the AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY. PHILADELPHIA DKPOMT RY, No. 1403 CHESNUT Street. Specimen Copies Gratis. 3 21tuths0t INSURANCE. Fir Inland, and Marine Insurance IITSTjrwAIICE COMPAQ OF NORTH AMERICA, Incorporated 179-1. CAPITAL $50O,0QC ASSETS January 1 1871 $3,050,536 Receipts of Premiums, 'jo 12,098,184 Interests from Investments, 1370.. 137,050 -12,233,204 LoBECspald in 1870... ..11,1315,941 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. First Mortgages on Philadelphia City Pro perty S34,950 United States Government Loans 3a,9n-2 Pennsylvania' State Loans 109,310 Philadelphia City Loans 800,000 New Jersey and other State Loans and City Bonds 825,610 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co., other Railroad Mortgage Bonds and Loans 363,8 tt Philadelphia Bank and other Stocks e-i.isti Cash in Bank 23 1 ,049 Loans on Collateral Security 81,434 Motes receivable and Marine Premiums unsettled 438,420 Accrued interest and Piemium in coarse of transmission 63, aoi Keal estate, Office of the Company 30,ooo t3,050,53 Certificates of Insurance issued, payable tn London at the counting House of Messrs. Bit t WJN, ship. LEY fc CO. AllTIlUll U. CO I'l l, PBESIDENT. CIIAIlLi: FLAYT, VICE-PRESIDENT. MATTHIAS MAUIH, Secretary. (J. II. UEEVES, Aaariataat Secretary. IIIKKOTOKS. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, SAMUEL W. J ONES, JOHN A. BROWN, CHARLES TAYLOR, AMBROSE WHITE, N ILLIAM WELSH, JOHN MASON. FRANCIS R. COPE, KDW. U.'lWlTJttt, EDW. 8. CLARKE. T. CUAKLTON HENRY, LOUIS C. MADEIRA, U7 .'ITtlllMAXI GEORGE L, HARRISON, CLEMENT A ORISCOJf WILLIAM BROCK1K. THE PENNSYLVANIA FLRJB COMPANY. INSURANCE Incorporated 1625 Charter Pernetual. No. C10 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Bcjuure. This Company, favorably known to the comma nlty (or over forty yean, continues to Insure against loss or dainatre Dy Ore on Public or Private Build. Uiks, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, stocks of Goods, and Merch oenerallv. on liberal term. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is Invested in the most careful manner, which ena bles them to oner to tne insured au unaocbtoa soou r.ty in the case of loss. pIKfcCTOBS. Daniel Smith, Jr., I Thomas Smith, lsiiac Uasleliurst, I Henry Lew!, Tuomas Robins, I J. OMlnghain Feu, John Devereux, I Daniel Haddock, Franklin A. Cotnly. DANIEL SMITH, Jb., President. WK, G. Cbowbu Secretary. INSURANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IITSURANCR COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1336. Office S. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES on Vessels, Cargo, and Freight to all parts of tnt world. INLAND INSURANCES n Goods by river, canal, lake, and land carriage to all pans of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES n Merchandise generally; on Stores, Dwellings, I Houses, etc ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1870. ,000 United States Six Per Cent Loan (lawful mone) 333,ST5 00 SOO.OOO State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent Loan U14,000'00 800,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from Tax) S04.162-60 164,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan lOa.OM-OO 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First MortgaRe Six Per Ct. Bonds. 80,700'Ot 88,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Ct. Bonds. SS.SSO'OO 85,000 Western Pennsylvania Kali road Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Rail road guarantee) 80,00000 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Ct. Loan 18,000 00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Ct. Loan 4,200-00 18,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany (250 Shares Stock) 15,000-00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company (100 Shares Stock).. s.SOO'Ot 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Company (BOsh's Stock) 4,000'0l 1,650 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first hens on City Properties.. 861,850-00 11,260,150 Par. C'St, 11,264,447-84. M'ktVlllS-Ntf-OO Real Estate 06,000-50 Bills Receivable for Insur ances made 830,971-27 Balances due at Agencies Premiums on Marine Policies Accrued Interest an ! .)thcr debts dne the Compau," 93,375 40 Stock and t-crtp, etc , ol sun dry corporations, $7950, esti mated value 8,919-O0 Cash 148,911 73 ILsaojaii DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, .Samuel B. Stokes, John C. Davis, William O. Bonlton. Edmnnd A. Souder, Joseph H. Seal, James Traqualr, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr.,; James C. Hand, William C. Lndwlg, Hugh Craig, John D. Taylor, George W. Bernadon, Wm. C. Houston. Edward Darlington, 11. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob RlegeL Jacob P. Jnnes, James B. McFarland. Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcllvalne, Thomaa P. Stotesbnry, John B. Semple, Plttsb'rg, A. B. Burger, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan. Pittsburg. H. Frank Robinson, xhomas u. iianu, president. JOHN c. davis, Vice-President. Hkkrt Lyi.burn, Secretary. 118.NKV Ball, Assistant Secretary. 7 ASBURY LIFE DTSUItAHCE CO. LI AIUELi BANGS, President. GEOKGE ELLIOTT, Vice-Pres't and Sec'y. EIIOIIY McCLINTOCK, Actuary. JAMES M. LONGACRG, UANAGEK FOK PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE, Office, 302 WXMUT 8t., Philadelphia. J. C. WOOD, Jr., Medical Examiner. REV. 8. POWERS, Special Agent (Ms Mutual Iiisracs fepi OF PHILADKLPI1I i. iW.OItPORATliP ISO 1. Fire, Uaxire, and Inland Injuranc9. Office, K. E. Cor THIRD and WALNUT LOSSES PAID SINCE FORMATION, S7vOOO.OOO. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, JANUARY 1, 1371, 8255,397 'QO. RICHARD S. SUITn, President. VOHN MOSS, Secretary. People's Fire ta Cijaiy, No. 511 WALSUT Street. CHARTERED I860. Fire Insurance at LOWEST RATES consistent with security. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. NO UNPAID LOSSES. Assets Lecember 31, 1S70 1128,851-78 CIIAS. E. BONN, President. GEO. BOSCH, JR., Secretary. Tji I K I ASSOCIATION IKCORPORATED MARCH IT, 1S80. OFFICE, Ha 84 NORTH FIFTH STREET, INSURE BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ARC MERCHANDISE GENERALLY f rem Lobs by Cre (In the City ef Philadelphia only) AHMETS, JANUARY 1, ISTO. 81.703,111) OT. TRUSTEES. William H. Hamilton, lohn Oarrow, George I. Young, los. R. Lyndail, evl P. tioats. Charles p. Bower, Jesse Ughtloot, Robert Shoemaker, Peter Armbruster, M. H. Dickinson, Samuel Spar hawk reter Williamson, Joseph E. ScneU. WM. H. HAMILTON, President. SAMUEL SPARHAWK, Vice-President. WILLIAM F. BUTLER, Secretary 71 A M E INSURANCE COMPANY No. 809 CHESNUT Street. IKCOBPOBATKO 1866. CHARTER PSBPBrCil. CAPITAL 1200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY, insurance against Loss or Damage by fire either Perpetual or '1'einporary Policies. DLHSOIUKH. Jharles Richardson, William H. RhawD, William M. Seylert, fohii F. Smith, Nathan Utiles, Robert Pearce. John K easier, Jr., Edward B. Orne, Charles Stokes. John W. Everman, teorge a. w est. .aioraecai cuzoy. CHARLES RICHARDSON. President WILLIAM H. RUAWN, Vice-President. Williams I. Blanchaeo Secretary. "flB ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO. OF riUUALIBLil'llJA. Office 8. W. cor. FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES l,'"JjUED. CASH Capital (paid np In full) 20O.GO0- CASH Assets, DeBelnWr 1, 1S70 futKJ'3S4-24 DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, i J. Livlngstoa Errlnger, Naibro Frailer, ! James L. Claghoro, John M. Atwood, , Wm. O. Bouimn, Bent. T. Tredick, Charles Wheeler, George II. Stuart, .Thomas U. Idontgomer John H. Brown, Jam us M. Aertseu. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. THOMA- H. MONTGOMERY, Vice-President, ALEX. W. W1STICK, Secretary. JACOB E. PETERSON. Assistant Secretary. TMPEKIAIi FIRS INSURANCE CO., LOSDOH. KTAHIJUD 10. Fald-op 0iitl snd AeoamaUt4 Fands, CB.OOO.OOO IIS GOLD. VKEVOST & HEMUNO, Agents, Ho. 101 ft. TUIKD BtrMt. PhiUdalpbla. BAB. 1 r&XVOtil QUA. I liKb-bLLNQ INSURANQBr 1829. CHARTgR perpetual, igyi FrasUlu Fire Insnrancs Companj OF PHILADELPHIA, Office, Hot. 435 andT37 CHESNUT St. Assets Jan. I, ,7T7$3f087,452"35 CAPITAL 1400,000-00 ACCRUED SURPLUS AND PREM (UMS. 8,697, 45 88 INCOME FOR 1871, LOSS ES PAID IN 1870, tl.SOI',000. 272,83f70. Loswes Paid Nlnce 1829 Nearly $6,000,000. The Assets of the "FRANKLIN" are all Invested In solid securities (over f'J,750,i00 In First Bonds and Mortgages), which are all Interest bear lug and dividend paying. The Company holds no Bills Re ceivable takt n for Insurances eil'ected. Perpetual and Temporary Poinies on Liberal Terms. The Company also Issues policies npon the Rents of all kinds of Buildings, Uround Rents aud Mortgages. DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker, Alfred FlUer, Samnel Grant, Thomas Sparta, George W. Richards, William b. Grant, Isaac Lea, Thomas S. Kills, George Fales, Gustavna S. Benson. ALFRED G. BAKER, President. GEORGE FALES, Vice-President. JAMES W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE M. REGER, Assistant Secretary. NTHKACITE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1854. CHARTER PERPETUAL. OITlce, No. ail WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will Insure against Lois or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise generally. AIbo, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. AUKittJTUKS. William Esher. Lewis Andenreid. Wm. M. Balrd. John R. Blakiston, W. F. Dean. John Ketcham, J. E. Baum, John B. Heyl, Samuel H. RothermeL Teter Sieger, WILLIAM ESHER. President. WE F. DEAN, Vice-President. W. M. Smith, Secretary. KAIL.ROAD LINES. N JORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THE SHORT MIDDLE ROUT; TO THE LEHIGH AND WYOMING VALLEYS, NORTH ERN PKNNSYLVAN1A. SOUTHERN ANH IN IXKIOK NEW YORK. HUFF AM), OORRY, ROCHESTER, THE GREAT LAKES, AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA. WINTR ARRANGEMENT. Takes efteot December 19, 1870, B Fifteen Dally Trains leave passenKor Depot, corner of Berks and American streets (Sundays excepted), as follows: T-00 A. M. (Aooommodatlon) for Fort Washing ten. At T8fi A.M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Easton, Al lentown, Manoh Chunk, Wilke:?bK.rr, Williams, port, Mahanoy City, Hasloton, Pittston, Towanda. Waverley.Eluitra, and lnoonneotion with Uie ERIE RAILWAY for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, KooUeBtor, Cleveland, Chicago, San Franotboo, an J all points to the Great West 8 'ii A. M. (Aooommodatlon) tor Doylestown, B 46 A. M, (Express) for Kethlehem, Easton, Al lentown. Mauoh Chunk, Wllltamsport, Mahanoy City, Wllkeanarre, Pittston, Soranton, Haoketts town. Schooley's Mountain, and N. J, Central and Morris and kssex Railroads. 1A A. M. (Aeoonimodatlon) for Fort Washington 1-15 and t-!i0 and 8 16 P. M., for Ablngtor. l-6 P. M. (Express) for Betntehem, R&scon, Al lentowD. Mauon Chunk, Mabanoy City, Wllies barre, Plttrton, and Harleton. 8-80 P. M. (Aooommodatlon) for Doylestown. At8-80 P. M. (Bethlehem Accommodation) for Bethlehem, Easton. AHentown. andCoplay. 4-16 P. M. (Mall) for Doylestown. 6-00 P. M. for Bethlstiem, Eaitoa, AHentown, and Munch Chunk. 6 'JO P. M. (Aooommndivtlou) for L&nsUle. 11 W P. M. (Aooommodatlon) for I'w? Washing ton. The Firth and Sixth streets. Second and Third streets, and Union Llcea City Cars run to the Depot. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA FROM BetUenem at 8 66, and 10 36 A. M.; 2-16, 6-bb, antl ( 84 P. M. DoylQHtown at 8 26 A M., 4-40 and 0'86 P. M. Lansdala at 7-80 A. M. Fort WaslilTiscton at K-20 and 11-20 A. M., 8'10 P.M. Ablsgtos at 2 85, 66, and 8 36 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 80 A. M. PMiadelphla lor Doylestown at a 00 P. M. LoyieEr.own lor rnnuaeirnia at 7 a. h. Bethlehen for Philadelphia at 4-00 P. M. Tloketssold and batrgitge checked thrones tu principal points at Mann's North Pennsylvania tnggaK-e Express Offloe, No. 106 S. Firth street. l.'tc. 19. 1870. ELJL1S OixARK, Axent. THE PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CEN TRAL RAILROAD CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MONDAY, October 8, 1870, traius will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia from depot of P. W. & B. R. R., corner Broad street and Wash ington avenue: For Port Deposit at 7 A M. and 430 P. M. For Oxford at 7 A. M., 4-80 P. M.. aud 7 P. M. For Oxford Wednesdays and Saturdays only at U-30 P. M. ForChadd'a Ford and Chester Creek Railroad at 1 A. M., 10 A. M., 4-30 p. M., aud T P. M. W'eduea days and Saturdays only 1-M v. M. Train leavmg l'liilaacipiilu at 7 A. M. connects at Port Deposit with train Tor ltalttmu're. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. M. and 4 30 P. M. connect at Chadd's Ford Junction with the Wilmington aud Reading Railroad. Trains for Philadelphia leave fort Denit at 9 28 A. M. and fib P. M., on arrival of traius fruin Balti more. Oxford at e-05 A L, 10-35 A M. and 6-30 P. M. Sur-dav at 5-B0 P. M. only. Chadd's.Ford-at 7-2S A M., 11 58 A. M., 85 P. M., and 6-49 P. M. Sundays 8-49 P. M. only. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the company wui not In any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred doimrs, unless special contract is male for Uiesame. HEVKY Wood. General Superintendent. 1 PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. The traius on the Philadelphia aad Erie Rail road will ran as follows from the Pennsylvania Rail road Depot, Weal Philadelphia: WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 9-40 P. M. Wllliamsport 7-25 A. M. arrives at Erie 7-40 P. M. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Philadelphia.... I21W A. M. " " Wllliamsport.... 8 5it P.M. arrives at Erie 7-40 A. M. ELM1RA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 9-30 A. M. " Williams port.... 0-35 P. M. " arrives at Lock Haven.. 7 50 P. M. KAHTWAKD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 00 A M. Wllliamsport 10 05 P. M. " arrives at Phlladelpnia.... 0 A L ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie 9-00 P. M. " Willlamaport... 8-25 A. M. " arrives at Philadelphia, 6-30 P. M. ELM1RA MAIL leaves Lock Haven 8-15 A. M. ' " Wllliamsport. 9-25 A.M. arrives at PhUadelphia. .. 6-30 P. M. BUFFALO EXP. leaves Wllliamsport.... 12-35 A M. " Sunbury 8-80 A. M. " arrives at Philadelphia.. 9-40 A. M. Express, Mall, and Accommodation, east and West, connect at Corry, and all west bound trains and Mail and Accommodation east at Irvlnetoa with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. WM. A BALDWIN, General Superintendent. WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, October IT, 1870, Trains will leave and arrive at the Depot, THIRTY FIRST and CHESNUT Street, as follows: . FROM PHILADELPHIA For West Chester at 7-45 aud 11-20 A M., a 30, 6-15, and 11 -30 P. M. Stops at all stations. For Westchester at 4-40 P. M. This train stops only at stations between Media aud West Chester (Greenwood excepted). For B. C. JuncUon at 4-10 P. M. Stops at all sta tions. FOR PHILADELPHIA From West Chester at s ao aud 10-45 A. Mn 155, 45, anu 5 p. M. Stops at all stations. From West Chester at If A M. This train stops only at Btailons between West Chester and Media (Greenwood excepted). From B. C. JuncUoa at 8-40 A M. 3tops at all "oi'sUNDAY Leave Philadelphia at 8 80 A M. and a P. tt. Leave West Chester at 7 A. M. and " W, C. WHEKLEK, Superintendent. RAILROAD LINES. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. AFER IP, SUNDAY, M AKO 1 88, 1ST. The trains of the Pennsylvania Oentral Rui 4 leave the Depet, at THIRTY-FIRST and .VIA). RET Streets, which ts reaohed dlreotly by the M r ket itreet ears, the last oar connecting with em k train leaving Front and Market streeti thlry nlnctes before Its departure. The Chesnut atd Walnut Streeti ears run within en square of tke Deiot. Seeplnr-ar tickets ean be had on applloatli n at the Tloket Offloe. N. W. corner Ninth aad UU not streets, and at the Depot. Agents or the Union Transfer Company will eaU for and deliver baggare at the depet. Orders leit at No. 901 Che-nut street, or No. 118 Market street, will reoelve attention. . t UtIH LSAVB DBPOT. Pittsburg Express .... 13'H A. M. Mail Train ...... roo A M, Lock Haven and Elmlra Express . . 9 40 A. M. PaolJ Aooommodatlon, 1010 A.M.fc 1-10 and T'lOP.M. Fast Line 12 40 p. M. Erie Express 12-40 P. W. Harrlsburg Aooommodatlon ... 830 P.M. Lancaster Accommodation . . 4-10 P.M. ParkesbnrgTraln ... . 6-80 P.M. Cincinnati Express . . . , , l-oo P. IU, Erie Mall and BuUalo Exprebi . . 10 o P. M. Paclflo Exprees 10-Oi) P. M. Way Pspsenger Train ... 11-10 P. M. Erie Mall leave dally, rannlng on Saturday night to Wllliamsport only. Cincinnati Express, Paclflo Espres?, and Erie Mall and Buffalo Expi't-ss teave Utn All other trains dally exoept Sunday. The Western Accommodation iraiu run dally, except Sunday. For this train t'.oketa maHt be pro cured and baggage delivered by I P. M. at No. US Market street. Sunday Train No. 1 leaves Philadelphia at 8 40 A. M.j arrives at Paoll at 9-48 A. M. Sunday Train No. S leaves Philadelphia at 040 P. M.; ar rives at PaoU at T40 p. M. Sunday Train No. 1 leaves Paoll at 60 A. M.( arrives at Philadelphia at 8-lu A. m. Sunday Train No. leaves PaoU at 6 01 P. M.; arrives at Philadelphia at 6 ao. TRAIUS ABSITB AT OarOT. Cincinnati Express . . 10 a. M. Philadelphia Expresi 7 00 A.M. Erie Mall ... 4 . 7-C0 A. M. PaoU Aeooramodat'n, 8 20 A. M. i 8 50 & (-40 P. M. Parkeeburg Train 9 00 A. M. Fast Line and BuUalo Express , . 9 60 A.M. Lancaster Train ..... 12 20 P. M. Erie E 1 press 6-46 f. M.. Look Haven and Elmlra Express . 6 46 P. M. Paolno Express . . . . . 8-25 P. M. Southern Express . r . . -45 P. M. Harrlsburg Aooommodatlon . , 9-40 P.M. For turtber information apply to JOHN F. YANLEER, J a.. Tloket Agent. No. 901 CHESNUT Street, FRANCIS FUNK, Tloket Agont. No. 118 MARKET Street. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Tloket Agent at the Depot. Tie Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Bagurage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun dred Dollar's in value. All HaKKage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of U e owner, unless taken by special oontraot. A. J. OASSATT, lieneral Superintendent. Altoona, Ta. 1)ILU..AfeEL.PHIA, WILJillNGTON, AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD TIME TABLE. COMMENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 18.'0. Iral-ns will leave Depot, coroer of Broad street ana w aenington avenue, as Mitor-s Way Mall Train at 8-80 A. M. (Sundays excepted), lor I'liiumore, stopping at an regular si&uoaa. Connecting at Wilmington with Dolaware Railroad Linn, at Clayton with Smyrna Branoh Railroad Ld Maryland and Delaware Railroad, at Har rington with .Tnnntlon and Drealrwater Railroad, at Seaford with Dorchester and Dolaware Rail road, at Delmar with Eastern Shore Railroad, and at J-alislory with Wloouloo and Pooomoke Rail road. Kxt rees Train at 11-46 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore vnd Washlnvton, stopping at Wil mlnKton, Perryvllle, and Ilavre-Ue-Graoe. Con nects at Wilwlngtu iT'th train for New Castle. Express Train st 4 P. Dl. OTndays exooptod), for Raioimore and Washington, stopjiing at Chester, Thuriow, l.lnwod, Claymost, Wilmington, Now port, Stanton, Ncwaik, Eiston. North Kant, Charlestown, Pcrryrllle, Havre-de-Grace, Abor doen. Ferryman's, Udgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Slon.uier'8 Ran. M ht Kxpress &l 11-80 P.M. (1-ally), for Baltl more and v ashlngton, stopplPK at Cueuter, Uln wood. Clay tent, Wiliiilnmon,' Newark, Ellrton, North East, Perryvlllo, Viavrn-Jo-ilree, Perry man's, and magnolia. paseTiger3 lur Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 11-16 A. M. train. WILMINGTON TRAIN 3. Stopping at all statu.aa botwean Phlladelpuia and v. ll'iiiiirtoii. Iove l-iillailolphla ttt ll'OO A. M., 2-80, 6-03, aat T-C'o P. M. The 6-00 P. M. train connects with Jiala ware Railroad for ililfora ana intermediate stations. Leave Wlinilnuton 6 ib an S lo A. M.. 2-00. 4-uo. and 7-15 P. M. The 8 10 A. M. train will not ntoj between Chester snd 1 ull&de! j!iu. ihe 7-15 P. M. train irom Wllmlnxton runs ictily; all other ac eomiuodarton trains Sund.V3 escevted. Trait. f leaving WHmlngti.n at A. M. and 4-00 P. M. will oonnoct at l.amoktu Junotlon with tLe T-00 A. M. and 4 80 P. M. tral&a for Haitimore Oeu ral Railroad. Froic B3Ulmore to PLliaaalpuia. L-eave Balti more 7-26 A. M., Way a.-all; B J5 A. M., Sjtprssg; 8-86 P- M., EAjreFs; P. M., Kxi.rojs. SUNDAY TRAIN FRtJI'd 8ALT1MORK. Louves Baltimore at 7-26 P. M., stoppiim at Mag nolia.'s, Aberdeen, Uavra-do-Urace, i'er. ryvl'.io, Charlcutown, Nortii kmt, Klt t;3, ('ewam, Stanton. Newport, Wllpnlus-toa, 1 '!"Wnnt, Ut wood, end Chester. TUrouKh tickets to all points vVout. ooath, ;id Southwert may be procured at tlcioi o.Hoe, No. si a Uhrsnut street, under OoEtinontal Hotel, where also i6ie Rooms and Berths lu Sloaplng Cars oan be secured durlnv tie day. Peiuous purohaning tickets at this office oan have b.KKi uheuked ai tuoir re?ljnoe by the Unl-n Tru-'ter Coitpaty. H. F. KaNBY. superintendent. TEST JERSEY RAILROADS. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT COMMENCING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER t9, 1870. Trains will leave Philadelphia aa follows: From foot of Market street (upper ferry), 8-16 A. M.j Passenger for Brlde:on, Salem, Swedesboro, Vlneiano, idlllviile, and way stations. 11 46 A M , Woodbury Accommodation. 8-16 P. M., Passengerlor Cape hlay, MlUvUle, and way stations below Glaaaboro. 8-30 P. M., Passenger for Hrldgeton, Salem, Swedesboro, and wsy stations. 5-30 P. M., Aooommodatlon for Woodbury. Glass boro, Clayton, Swedesboro, an! intermediate sta tlocr. Freight Train leaves Camdon dally, at 12 M. WILLIAM J SEWELL. Supermtendent ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. fif yiAORBS. NEAFIB A LEVY, PRACTI-. UAL AND THEORETICAL JCNHllNltKKS, MA CH1NISTB, B0ILER-MAEER8, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been In successfdl operatio:... and been exclusively engaged In building and repairing Marine and River Engines, hichandlow pressure, iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers etc. etc., respectfully offer their services to the pubilo as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all slzeBS, Marine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of dlffeient sixes, are pre pared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Prsnure Fine Tubular and Cylinder Builers of the best Pennsylvania Charcoal Iron. of ail size and kinds. Iron aud Brans CasUnxs of all descriptiOBS. Roll Tnrnlrig, oorew Cutting, aud all other work oonnectoe with the above business. Draw ers and spwitlcatlons for all work done the establishment fiee of charge, and work gaa TnVsubscrlbers have ample wharf doek-ioom fo I'fe.. tor ralns heavy orM wMj JOHN P. LKVY, BEACH andPALMER Street IRARD TUBE WORKS AND IRON CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA., Manufacture Pleln and Gaivanlzud WboLUUT-lRUW P1I K and Suwdrla for Gum and Sitaiu Fittors, Plumbers Machinists, Railing Mas-rs, OU lusUners, etc. WOHKS, TW LNTY-THIRD AN l Fl L'M'.RT 8TKES1U Nsuja N. F I Fill KfhEET. -. CoVruN SAuTd Ut'tt tN D CANVAS, OF ALt J nuitbers and brands. Tent, Awuiug, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Mannfao tnrers' Dntr F-lts, from tULriy to seveniy- Ixche. wlta PiuUua, BeltiPK, Twin-, i-U JOHN W. BVKRMAN, Wo. 10 CHURCH Street (City btoruttt AUOTION SALf. M THOMAS A PONS, AUOTIONEERS, NOS 139 and 141 S. F&UKTU Street, Bale No. 4"01 Qermantown avenue, corner of Church lane, Oermantown. SUPERIOR FURNITURB, CARPETS, ETC. . On Tuesday Morning, April 4, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, th ""'"e handsome furniture, 4 1 St SALE F REAL RSTAl E ND STOPKs, A pi ti 4, at 19 o'clock, noun, at the Exchange, will Include Twentieth (North", No. 831. modern Dwelling. Old York Road, Rising Sun Brick Yard. 7 . VII ETf 1 1 ' IA (9 ., No. 427, fonr-s'ory brlctt Building. Skcokd (South), No. 80S. store nnd Dwelllui?. CIIF.HMTT, NOS. 17i9 and lial. larir lt. A.I h. 120. f 1 L' U U A v U' r a - r.- v i r m Vj n . . . . modern Residence. Nimj-ikknth (North), No. 631. modprn Residence I. omrakt), No. 1719, Store atid DwWhuu. Woon, No. 227, Huiiisne Co. upauy. I nion, No. 100, four-story Dwelling. Bt hTON, No. 1025, genteel Dwelling. Hamjionton (Atlantic county, N. J.), Farm, ton acres. lcoo Hsrrlsburg and Lancaster R. R. Co. 6a. II. ViO l'hilad. Iphla and Reading H. R. Co. 6s. Iiotio I'hiladeiphla and Reading R. R. Co. ,. $1000 Philadelphia and Reading R. R, Co. 7s. f liKH) Elmlra and Wllliamsport R. R. Co. 7s, IUK'O Delaware and Rarltan Canal (C. A A A. R. R.) firou Mate of N. J. 6 percent,, lS-t, Registered. 11000 Chesapeake anu Del. Canal Co., 6 per cenu lfit'0 Lehigh coal Navigation Co. 6 per cent. JCOOO Alii 'gheuy Valley R. K. Co. 7 3-10 coup , 1390. t 0i0h(-hulklll Navigation Co.eperctnt., 1978. $1000 Second and Third Ms. P. K. v 7 uer cent, $1N Phlla. end Del. River R. W. Co. 7 per cent. 0c0 West 1 hlla. Paf-senger R. W. Co. 7 per cent. $tH)0 City ol Allegheny 7 percent, coupons. City of Pittsburg "Water Extension." $2n0 City of Pittsburg 7 percent. "Hulldlng Bond." s.'Oro Burlington, Cedar Rapids A Minnesota K. it. too St. l.ouls and Iron lit, K K. Co. 7 per cent. $moo N. Y. and Oswego ittldlaud R R. Co. $f,mio i nited States 5-kos ol I86i, coupons, May &.N, llMi United States loan, act of Ju.y aud A igust. $soo I'hiiadelnhia city 6s, dated ls.v, due iss. 9 shares Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank, ea Bhares Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. 47 shares Phllad., Wilmington, and Baltimore R. R. 80 shares Harrlsbnrg and Lancaster Railroad. $500 Lehigh Coal aud Navigation Company gold. $1M)0 U. S. 6-80s, act of March 8, 1965, May and Nor. $7000 lT. S.n-sos, act of June, 1804, May and Nov. iooo WeBt Jersey Railroad Company e percent, loan, coupons. 1 share Arch Street Theatre, West Branch and Susquehanna Canal. 1 share Philadelphia Library Compauy. S shares West Ch tter Gas Co. 8 shares Portsmouth (Va.) Gas Co. 1 share Chester (Pa.) Gas Co. 4 shares Orange (N. J.) Gas Co. 4 shares Cumberland (Md.) Gas Co. 1 Miare Metropolitan (N. Y) Gas Co. lOFhares Continental Hotel Co., preferred. S0 thaies White Horpe Turnpike. 1V3 FharcB Wood Pavement Co. 18 shares Camden and Atlantic Lird Co. flii.oo Ptnnsjlvanla RR. general mortgage. fiooo Meiibcnvllle snd Indiana RR. 1st uiottjagc. 10 pl.uieH I n ion Banking Co. H O t-hares Noiihern Central RR. Co. H oo shares Honey Comb Oli Co. is shares Steubenvllle and Indiana RR , new. smx ii caniden and Amiioy Rli. 1st mortgage, 6s. 17 tharcs Reliance lusnrauce Co. lno shares Caniden and Atlantic RR. C( 0 shares Corn Planter OH Co. V0 elm res N aiioral Bank of tlio Rrpu')Mi-. 3 31 3t. !!( 0 shares Grten aud Coates Strcjis Pioagur Rollway Co. 84 (.hares P nnsylvanla Cana1 i'o. 100 Bhares Spruce and Pine Streets Papsengcr Ri:i wav Co. 9 share Penn'a Co. for Insurance on Lives. $5000 Union Passenger Railway Co, n. 7 ehures Mltehill ai d Schuylkill Haven RR. 50 shares National Mate of Chiii Iu. H'O sharp American B. II. Saving ?.I -hlne Ci. 1 tli are Phiia and Sutheru Man SLeaiusnlp Co. Catalogues now ready. 4 1 2c t HENRY W. & B. SITOTT, JR., AVOTIOXKE I S No. 1129 CHESNUT Street (seojud st-jrri. ANNUAL SPRING SALE THE OIRAND COLLECTION OF OIL PAIN1 INGS lUkTl 11 1H H'l' 1 rC AM, 'IJV'I',1 IV nr . . LIONS, BY AMERICAN AUTnORS. frtm the Ann ricou Ait Gallery. New York, num beiing 800 Works of Art by estiemed and favoilte arllcts, niagnlflcenily mourned In the latent style, of tine gold leaf framex, to be sold at auction by MtSBis. HcLry W. ti. B Scoit, Jr., Auctioneers, On Wednesday. Tliursiay, au4 Krldar, Aprils, 6, and 7, ut lu o'clock luornlng and TV eei.lng, at Si-oit s New Art tialiery. No. 11-29 ches nut street (Glrard row). wh re they are .now on FREE INHIBITION, 4 16t DAY AND EVENING. THOMAS BIRCH SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 Chi. NUT Street; rear entrance No. 1107 Sansora street. ASSIGNEE'S PEREMPTORY 8LE OP CHOICE BRANDIES, WHISKIkS, AND WINES. On Tucacav Morning, April 4, at 11 o'clock, at the auction atore, No. 1110 Cheuiut htieet, will be sold, by order of the Assignee, a Stock of Cho.ce Wines and Lhmois in casks aud demtfohris, t-omprlsing Ovorholt, Christian, Patterson k Biwen Whiskies. otard ana Marett Brandies, ol 1B.'9. Bohlen'B Gin. Apple Brandy and Whiskv. De'aware Peach Brandy," 1SG7 Jamaica Rum. South Side Madeira Wine. Douro Port Wluu. Amontillado and t.rown Sherry. I.lHbcn Wine, Claret, etc. Catalogues cau be had at the auction store on aud after Monday, March 87. 4 1 at BUNTING, DUR30ROW CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 838 and 8S4 MARICKT 8fet, corner of Bank street. Successors to John B. Myers Co. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURO PEAN DRY GOOD., Ou Monday Morniug, TS 83 5t April 3, at 10 o'clock, ou four mouths' credit. SALE OF 8000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, TRAVEL LINO BAGS, HATS, ETC. On Tuesday Morning, April 4, at 10 o'clk.on lour months' credit. 3 29 st LARGE SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRV GOODS. On 'lhurbdnv Morning, April 6, at 10 o clock, ou 4 months' credit. 3 31 5t SALE OF CARPETINHS, OIL CLOTHS, 500 ROLLS WHITE AND RED CHECK CANTON MAT TINGS, ETC., On Friday Morning, April 1. at 11 o'clock, on four montbr crrdit. 4 1 6t IY BARRITT A CO., AUCTIONEERS ) CAKII AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET Street, corner of Bank street. Cash aovanced on conklgumenU without extra charge. M?JL LirriNCOTT, SON & CO., AUCTIONEERS. Nos. 881 MARKET and 810 CHURCH Street. B MAGILL, FARREL A CO. AUCTION EEHS, No. 818 MARKET Street. On Friday Morning, March 81, we will sell, by catalogue, on three mourns' credit. lOuo cases BOOTS. SHOES, BRO GANS. BALMORALS, Congress Gaiters, Oxford! and EnglUh Ties, tllppers, etc., of City and Eistern manufaciure, Jcompribing a large assortment of ladles', mibses', and children's kid, goat, morocco, and seige work. Special attention of buyers is called to this lino of seasonable goods. N. B. Catalogues readv and goodB open for In spection earljtmjiurindgj II INKY MOLTEN, AUCTIONEER. BY HENRY MOLTEN A CO., Salesroom, Ncs. 81 and 83 MERCER Street, jew ioik. REGULAR TRADE SALE OK FUR AND WOOL HATS, LAD1FS' AND GEMS' READV-MAOE FURS, STRAW, Fbl.T, AND VEl.VE'l GOOtS, Every THURSDAY during the season. Cm;h advHCces n.ttde on eonsigumeuts withoal addluonsl cnaices. 9 -CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS, No. 1811 L cffiAND, AUCTIONEER. Personal attention given to sales of household fof m'Mrc at d ell!!'.?. Puoiic es'es of furniture at the Auction Room. Nu. ii"t hes'iot nr -et, evfei-y Monday aud Taar. 1"Bor pait'.cular e "Pulillo Ledger." N. lT A suporior c.&6 of furniture at private sai