The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, March 28, 1871, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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W mil
VOL. XV. NO. 73.
PA 11 A
Character of the Xlebals
Distrust ofvhe VersiilioA Mwvoviimaat.
Causes of the Trouble.
The Arrival at Washington.
Illness of CommisiiMinr Wudo,
Btc, etc..
litO.. titC. tt5.
Their Charndrr ni.rt lllina - lllniru.t of the
,,Kurul A.Mtu.ltlv"- their Or Iran. at -loiH-murlre
and Hell v'-lle.
The London journal? contiln riumerotH com
munication respecting the origin, character, and
object of the revolutionary movement in Piris.
which, of course, are written under variomclr.
cumstanccs, and colored by the political princi
pled of each journal. The folio .viug are selec
tions from these reports:
"TUIltrr CBNld PER 1AV."
Tbe rebel are very dbtrusUiil of t.tie G vern
ment, and are lot easily to he coaxed by Hue
words. Moreover. although they prfeM to he
Very anxious for the liemiilie. limy have other
objects at heart which they are uoulliHg to
foiego. Thus, for example, ihere I that threat
question of pay. To-; pav ( 30 hh (tfj cents)
a day was stopped. The National Guard were
burl, and their (.ccupution of Moutmartre is at
much lu re eminent for the los of llio r 3 ) sous
a day as for the dcfein-e of the It-public. When
Gf tidal ti'Auielles de Pal .dim-. conforied with
tbe cominauders ol lbe Nutinnal Gmrd. In bis
desire to ste what IihIIiiUumh he cnubl c lot,
upon 11 be attempted to vii dicatf hi authority,
be was told thut f.ihee tlii.- ipH'toion of tlm 3')
cents bas hecn raided, the General cannot, iMiiut
ou any liaiinlion.
M. Picnrd has in a manner promised that the
30 sous 1-111111 he continued tdi lnj men can tiud
f Qjpko incut which is no' at all to their ta-oe,
for they revel in id lenus; but the Gua-d mis
trust Ltin,ai.d It ncy ttuti they are being cheated.
Moreover, they object to General d'Aureiies de
Paladiue not, perhaps, personally, .lit, bec.vHe
he is appointed hv aiithoi ity. They declare that
it is their privilege to elect their owu oftlter.
If tbey may elect their colonel-, why not the
General lu command? Lastly, they hive heard
tbat the Guards are- to be ili-bmdJd and l lieu
again to be reconstituted, i'nls is very disgust
ing to the putriots "tlm pure" or "the pure
bloods," as the are callevi: and that is why they
are iu Insurrection.
The Tails correspondent of the Daily New
describes bis visit to the tamous heights of
XWnttiiai tic, lrotn which the Keils of Paris
tbrenteu to hurl ilci-i.'iicli n on all reaction istb.
Ibe citadel of the tiemaoKues (he say) is
watched as jculout-h u- Mont Valerieu u-e.l to
be. fvtine, txceptiMK Ui 'i-e who-e a'ject up-
Iieatatice detioleb tlii-iu to lie Inhif'hanut of the
eiklits, are allowed to apiiro'ich too uear.
lleie and there ou the little Klgza pathway by
whith tbe nttile can aM-end when ibe clav U not
very rllpi er y, niiuelr aie -laioued On the
fuiniuil they are more nnuierou-, ami eU"d ty
w I at iu tbe distance look like a little redoubt.
Tbe earth isthrowu up, beaten down evenly,
arri helweeu ai erturcH one can bee caution
Diouilis poluted directly Un the town. Ati
ashitult ivhi at this point would he all but tiu-jor--iblc.
A fe reiiolute meu o i thr) top of tne
clifl to work the lortnidahie pieces which are
l.ow iu position, and the Place at. Pierre
would very mou he cleared. ThMre are,
bow ever, o'her luenc of atlaikin the
Buttes Monimiinre. ' To the riifht aud to tbe
left there aie little narrow roads and fi ghts of
tie ii- u I li i, lead ui lo the ide and re tr of the
cliff or Kutte. Thu-e eireeU coutd, of coitrr-e,
be deleiided very flecilvely. hut a yet only
liaif a tin iciiut- has been coiiKtructeil lu one or
two ol tin iu, and it would lie uecenriary to oh
Ktruct tlo in all. Mill, with a le lu u warn-
ilifr, and a few rvsolute men to resist, ltseemi
in. o-hible lliat tbe heights could he taken with
out luiicli lor. of life. Behind the battery on
tbe clin tl.ere are twenty flrtld-pieues ready at
any uioiuent to bn ilerpatcl.e 1 to ea.-li of the
Utile meets by w biib tbe Government might at
tempt an attack of tbe position. There are
plenty of paving stones about, aud a btrrtcade
to protect a uuu could speedily to
Tbe Phi is I ctoeur refer to tbe National As-
t nil iv iu tbe foiiowiuii lerin:
People ot 1'uiis, reuienitier the Ca ira (the old
revolutioi.ary son;. Tbe rural As-ieuinly fears
Pull-, It i natural. It fears It and hates it 4
the Republic. It tears a: id hale, the peoule of
. Pailn as much a it loves tbe King K.iu of
France or ot PruM-U
as be is Kiun? So,
; ' the sireetot Pans
I blv Mechieur the D.
France or ot Prut!, what matters tt, a-i long
as he Is Kiun? o, there is uot dirt enough iu
uu which t'i re vive sutto-
Deputies, Kent as representa-
k , lives of tbe people, i
' iii lnr.ii,ir ivllll
HUrtlng as t iench citizens,
p witD a King the more, and two
provinces the le-s. Willi an lulaiuous peac
which iraiihiorius rans into a iauourg ot Hr
lin. and Frauce into a viii-I realm of tie Holy
Gei mun Empire. It i not to Veia'li-a that the
Deputies thould lie trant iwred, hut t (J.iyeuue!
The revolutionists determined to abandoo
love as a principle, and adopt haired as a far
founder base ol oeraiiois. It is, pernaps,
under tbe influence of this inspiration tht tue
Chateaux ami villas iu the neighborhood of
Pat Is which have beeu t-pared by tbe German
are threatened with destruction as aoou a. the
latter bliull have disappeared. It is not fair ia
tbe ev es i f tbe As-x-l:tiiou lor the Propagation
of Hate and tbe Wieaklmrof Vengeance that
any iuviuiuus dietiiictiout bbould bd ma le. It
in evident that iieittons whe bouses have Dot
beeu I llUtfed by the Germans uiul have been
ou pix d terms with them, aud they therefore
dcM-ivn to be piliuKed by all good patriots.
J uet-e aie ine aiumeuts proumiaiea ny a
clum .f low journals which are daily cropping
up, and ate one of the iuot unheiltby uizus of
tue time. Itiey are lull ol tue eo.irae.-sl I m
guate and of ttie inort extr ivaaut ideas iftea
uiiDi tor puiill. aUon. M. veulilot, in an article
in the L'xtcers, ex Mine tue sttte of alTiirs
ilh a courage which will render him an object
of ular wrath, nnless the power of the G v
einmenl becomes more tlriulv erUblli-hed than
it Is a present. "Tbe mob " be savs, "do what
tbey like-drown a policeman, flog a woman,
deiuoln-b a bouse at their pleasure, aud no one
dare Intel fere. In fealitv, at this mo the
lowest canaille relgu in the capital ot civillz
tlin." This ia a fourth plague, worse oven than war,
fanili'P, or pestilence -terror; and thl, nnle'S
the nanhod of Paris drives the canaiVe
wlih fin ks into lis sewers, will be upon Tis,
According to the editor ot the Unieert, while
M. '1 bier in Hill considering ho ha sha'l pay
the ( their money, Tberj Van he no
r'onl't thatwlmt ha tended to exasperate the
revoluth nvy prty more than anything else ia
tlm movinu of t li s Chambers to Versailles, la
II in, ii f In evety act of the Government, lu -y
rolcss to see a settled design to drive them to
m volunon. It Is the Used idea of this party
lhat they arc the victims of plot by which they
tball I e Incited to disturbance, aod then mur
der d wholesale.
ytrtlvitl mf I be f at Wanhloclun
T'br Krpori Yet Uucuniidele Merlaua Iilae.a
til li iiilnolaner H .de-f h laneaaee'a
hHOlim Uunlillta.
A nehingtou dei-pntch to tbe New York Tri
bvtie lo-daj Baj-s:
The Hhuio DomiDgo Commissioners, Messrs.
Made, White, aud lloe, arrived here to-uight,
aiciiUij an.ed by Mecietary burton, Geueral
biuel, and Fred. Douglass, Dr. Wheelwright
out! Captalu Wade, Clerks lo Commissioners;
Dr. Perry, untnralist; three or four newspaper
cotrti-pondeuis, and the two steuographers of
the expedition. Mr. Wade was taken ick last
iilfcht on the cars, with pleurisy, was unable to
sit up to-duy, aud upon his arrival was couveyed
to the let-ideuce ot Vice President Colfax. 1'ne
anack, although not of a serious nature, was
Hillicieiit to cuute great auxiety ou tUe part of
bis friends, who tear that Mr. Wade's age and
Lis full habit may prove berious obstacles to his
recoveiy. At a late hour to-ulght te was much
be tier, and his recovery is deemed certaiu.
1 be expedition, as you are already aware, left
Poi t-au-Prince ou ttie 10th iust., wlttt the lnteu
tion of going to Kingston, Jamaica, iu order to
coti.muniinte with tue Government; aud, if
Cohgress bsd adjourned at the time of the
arrival at Kingsiou, it Is probable that Dr.
Howe would have returned to liaytl aud Sauto
Domingo, in order to still further prosecute in
quiries, particularly regarding the opluions of
Cabral and Lis followers, their force, aud also
the condiilou of Hayll. This idea was subse
quently ahandoi.ed, aud it wa decided that the
KiiumiHsiuueis bad covered ail the iuquirtes re
quired by the l evolutions of Congress. 'Hie
Keutuer Teuuestee after coaling left for Key
Wttit. and thence weut directly for Charleston.
t. C, lib all ou board, it being tbe intention
to send the entire expedition ashore at that
place, in order that they might reach Washing
ton as early as possible.
It reiuied ery doubtful that tbey would be
enabled to go ashore, ou account of the he ivy
res, and tbe reveuue cutler which had been tele
giupLed for Iroin Key West was not in sight
when tbe leuuesree came to anchor outside
Char let ton bar. A pilot boat was slguatled,
Lowever, and Into that, like so many cattle, the
three couimlcsiouers aud tbe remainder of the
parlv were loweied from tbe Teuuessee's deck,
each being tied to a board by ropes. With much
oilliciilty aud some dauger the fourteen geutle-
men, with bag aud baggage, were safely uacked
away on the deck of tbe little pilot
loaf, on Sunday morning at about 9.
1 hey had hardly got up sail before the
Hack bull or the revenue-cutter JNausemnd
was seen pulling around the point, aud before
they were a mile from the now historic Teuues
see, she bad their line, and was whipping them
tlm ugh tbe waters of the bay at a fearful rata,
and ftivlng them an unwelcome and a very cold.
i urn. ite iuggai;e was aiso some w nut injured
bv tbe waves dashing over tbe duck. Every-
l ody ou hoard was wet to tbe skin, aud to this
clrcutxstauce ts chanced the present Illness ot
Mr. Wade. Pahsing by Morris Island, then
along ride of Sumter, battered and broken and
ritcayed, lu view of Moultrie and the other
dt fencer-, they ueared the city as the bells
were ruiKintc irom tne cnurcn-towers. tarougn
the thoughtful attention of Colonel Robb, Col
lector ot Savannah, tbe baggage was hastily
placed on wagons and driven to tbe depot, to
which iioint tbey were also hurried, it e party
arrived just lu tune to get the baggage checked
and t-elect seats, and without being au hour in
tbe city they were rattling alorg on tbe track,
bound Homeward, while the rest oi the party
(about fifteen In number) were taking advautae
of the favorable winds, and making all possible
speed, with wind and sail, for Now Vork.
ihe lennest-ee cannot arrive oeiore Wednes
day, and if she has unfavorable winds, she may
be delaved until Saturday, isue is a pertectiy
safe and a splendid sea ship, but is terribly elo,
on account ot ber worthless machinery, oho
can fleam only five miles an hour. Since the
cnnnilft-ion left New York the ship has burned
1(00 tons of coal. Ihe followlug, taken from
tbe log of the ship and tbe records of the oua-
mienon, will be jseful, as showing the exact
fuels regardiug tbe lime employed in sailing, in
coaling, In harbor, etc.:
Jan. IT. Got uuder way in New York Harbor and
prnceened lo t-ea. Arrived at Samana Biy aud came
to ai chnr at 145 P. M., Jan. 4. Kmpljye1 in col
liiH ship during the 85th, . 26th, 87th, 88th, aud
OinNlit c coaling on the xatn. uot under way at 7 a.
M. on the Htiih. Came to anchor ou 8 into uomlugo
City at O'Mi P. M , Blst. of January. Itec-ilvorl cnal
lr in tne U.S. Bteamer isantasKet on tnniatnauu
14th; reiua'ned in Sauto Domlugo until Tuesday,
ti e gist of February, and put to sea ata itr". M.
Arrlvt d at Azua Bav, Wednes'tay, the 2d of Fhru.
srv, at 11 on A. M. ; left Azua Bay Tuesday, Feb. S,
h'M A.M. Arrived at Port-au-Priuce at 6'45 P. M.,
cd Thursday, the 8d of March. .nployel cUu?
ou the 7th of March. Left Port-au Priuce March
in, at 8-SO A. M. : arrived at Kingston Saturday,
Msn lill, at 8 31 P. M. Kuiployed coaling snip on
the I4tb aud 15tn. Lett Kiugstou on Tuesday, trie
eth of Match, at 09 A. M. ; anlved at Key West,
Fla., n Tuetday, March 81. Coaled stnp ou the 81st
i (i2, and left on the 83d atHM. ; arrived ou
Charier ton, 8. C, Sunday, March 86, at -30.
If Mr. well enough to-morrow, which
is improbable, the comtnlsrdoners and tUeir
t. nicer will call upon the President in a body.
The report Is still incomplete and unsigned, but
al) the points have been decided, and it will be
mUnitied to tbe President witLlu a day or two.
A tumor is current to-uight that the admin
istration has decided to drop the Sao Domingo
business for the sake of harmonizing tbe Re
publican parly, and that, ut afford a reason for
the change ef policy, the report of tbe commis
sioners will conclude with a recommendation
lhat nothing further be done towards annexa
tion at present ou accouut of the state ot civil
war existing in a lame portion of tbe island.
This report can be traced to do trustworthy
f-ouice, and has probably been occasioned by
tbi statement of Senator Morton In bU speech
to-day, that, if the commissioners' report suould
be adverre to annexation, be would be in favor
of abandoning the project. This declaration
was thought to have some important signifi
cance, lu view of the fact that correspondents
with tbe. expedition have announced that the
cnnimlrsiouers are unanimously ia favor of an
vexation. When the Santo Domingo party were about
to tit down to dinner to-Jay, ou the steamer
Georalaua, on their way from Acqala creek to
YVat-bington. the officers of tbe boat refused to
allow Frederick Douglass to take a scat at the
table on account of bis color. The commission
ers weie bluhly Indignant at this outrage, aud
immediately left tbe table.
Omaha is V build a 1150, 000 school-house
during the coming summer.
A letter was lately dropped into the post
oflUe at Nlaiar Falls directed to "ochlcaa-
goueb, Illnoyse.
Tbe "human hair" exported f
to tbe United States
i the value of I8M5.
I Tbe capital Id
1540.(1(0. Ther
ground and 11
lie i
PtDRress of the Hsvaluion.
Kapoleon on the Situation.
He Talks of "My People"
Antonelli on Italian Affairs.
domestic ArrAias.
BtCi Etc. Etc.,
Jntsrvlcw with' Iha Ex-Gmperor Nnpoleoa.
London, March 28. A correspondent who re
cent'y interviewed Napoleon at Wilhelmshoho
says he expressed the belief that France was
drifting to anarchy, which might not be confined
to her alone.
II Denounced the National Assembly
as illegally and unfairly chosen, and not repre
sentative of the will of the people. lie said
HI. Thfera was a Bntart Wire-puller,
who would do anything to retain power, and de
fended himself from various calumnies. In re
ply to a question whether he intends to retire to
private life, Napoleon said: I do not think that,
strictly speaking, it should be called private
All my Efforts
shall be unceasingly directed against the rebels
who have conspired for the ruin of France,
which is tbe otily hope to them of carrying; put
their sinister designs. These men I will force
to make amends to
ily Paor People,
which they can only do by asking directly after
their will and then submitting to it without
opposition. An energetic government with
honest men may soon
Ileal Up ihe Wound, of France,
but the power and authority of these same men
would be blasted at the outset, did they not re
ceive it immediately out of the hands of the
Correspondent Your Majesty knows too well
the sentiments of my countrymen than to doubt
that all their wishes are for a prosperous
Republican t.overnuieot la France.
In case this should prove Impossible, only
then do I believe thai the ijrrofc najorlty of
them would rather see a Napoleonic dynasty, on
the basis of a plebiscite than the Orleanlsts or
Bourbons on their claim of inherited and divine
rights. Still I cannot give up all hope that
France may succeed in establishing a durable
and thriving republic.
Emperor Your President,
Ueaeral Uraat.
des not seem to share such a hope, for to a cer
tain extent he seems to foresee with much oli
tlcal acumen the
Eaily l ollnp.oof Our Pseado Republic.
How else could he have emptied such a cor
nucopia of panegyric over the monarchlco
fcderal system of new Germany ?
Another correspondent who
later vie wed Cardinal Aatonelll
reports him to have said relative to the Italian
Parliament: "They are occupying themselves
with guarantees. Guarantees! We know that
Jesus Christ gave to tbe Holy Father the right,
as his successor and the successor of the Apos
tles, to rule Ills Church, but we never knew
before now tbat he bequeathed to them (the
Italians) the permission or duty to concoct
'guarantees' for the purpose of establishing
after what way the Church shall be governed;
guarantees which all Catholics on the face of
the earth, and the Pope first of all ('s papt tout
U premier) will refuse to accept Oh! there is
no transaction possible with them. You can say
so. There will never be any between them aud
the Church."
Paris, March 27. The Offloiel Journal ot the
Central Committee, in an editorial, says the
Flr.t Ta.U of the Newly. elocled MaalclpaUty
will be tbe compilation of the charter that will
secure tbe rights of the people and prevent ths
representation of large towns from being
swamped by the country. An article In the
same journal demands that all matters essen
tially Parisian must be within tbe domain of
tne commune. La Kouwlle Jiepublique advises
the commune to
Pronounce ibo Dlakolatloa of the Assembly
and lbe Impeachment of the members.
La Verite says the deputies from Paris to the
National Assembly have
Deleruila.d lo Koalaa.
and merely await the opportunity.
The came journal says
A New Ministry
will soon be formed, which will Include the
Duke de Bragl.c for Foreign Affairs, and Marshal
MacMahon for the War Office. The Conserva
tives were successful in Su nday's elections only
in tbe arrondiseements of the Bourse, Louvre,
and Passy. The rich people generally abstained
from visiting the polls, and merchants voted
the conservative ticket. . The individuals
elected are obscure, with the exceptions of
Flourcns, Blanqulu, Pyat, and Gimbou.
The Barileadlaa Coatiaaea
and tbe utmost vigilance is manifested by the
insurgent Nationals. Tbe Place Vendome has
the aspect of a camp.
It is said tbat
The Versatile tieverameat
la negotiating with the Prussians to allow an
increase of the namber of French troops on this
side of the Loire.
Rumor rays that
Ueaeral Creaaer Is an. peeled
by the committee and haotjto ilejjJllBA'
patch tnyt: - Purls has nearly resumed lU usual
appf aranee.
Gut of Ave hundred thousand electors in Farls
only two hundred thousand voted at th elec
tions of Sunday. Twenty of the members of the
committee were elected.
It is expected tbat
niamiulo will be Prenlrieot
of the new Government, nnd its pwer will
centre in Flourenp, Pyat, Delescluzo, Lofrane,
and Vermorel.
Four I'eaernlfi
are occupied at Versailles with the qtiestiou of
the military reorganization of the country.
The rimes' special also slates that
The rrnoalana
dally ask the Versailles Government to agree
to the German occupation of Paris, and arc ns
frequently refused.
Shin News.
QCEENBTOWtf, March 28. Arrived, steamer
City of Brussels, from New York.
Thla ftlsrulnc'a Ouotnttana.
LoNPON.March 2S n-an a. M Consols for monev,
92x; for account, 98.V American securities qnlet
oiid steady; B-sms or i?62, 2'.:m" 18b, old, blv;
of 1S67, wn 10-408, 89. Erie Failroal, 1SV: (I
hnois Central, liox ; Atlantlo and Great Western,
Livkki'Ooi., Mnrch S8 11-30 A. M Cotton Trm;
middling uplands, T'jd.; Orleans, 7?4. The sales
are estimated at 10,000 bales. Kocelf ts small.
Breadstuils dull.
tSovernment Weather Report.
D?vatch to the Astociated Prens.
War Department, Office of the
Signal Officer, Washington, D. C.
23, 1871 1030 A. M 8ynopsls for the past
twenty-four hours: The area of lowest barome
ter, which was on Monday moving over Con
nectlcut,bas moved to the northeast, beyond our
coast bank. Northwest winds, which have now
abated in force, have been experienced on the
east Atlantic coast. The rain and snows pre
vailing on Monday morning north and cast of
Pennsylvania have now ceased. Heavy snow
is now reported from Mt. Washington. Cloudy
weather prevails from Lake Ontario eastward,
partially cloudy and clear weather with rising
barometer, has prevailed quite generally since
Monday morning iu the remaining portion of
the country. The barometer and temperature
are very nearly stationary in the Rocky Moun
tains. Probabilities. There are no indications of
any serious disturbance at present. Partially
cloudy and clear weather, with fresh winds, will
probably prevail nntil Wednesday morning east
of the Rocky Mountains.
Fire at stlac Aioa.
PoiiGHKEEi'siB, March ti8. A destructive fire
occurred at Sing Slog this morning. Reynolds
fc Young's hardware store was destroyed; lois,
$5000. Also, Mrs. Fairbanks' millinery, and the
stores of Howe & Co. and ltotnau's clothing
store, Jones' drng store, the telegraph ofllce,
post office, and a bookstore cleaned out, bun
the building was not destroyed. Tbe loss is not
yet ascertained.
IlARmsBimo, March 88 The following petitions
ytrm pr 8 nt-i i
Mr. council, one from the Twenty-iocond ward,
f)r changing the regulation of highways In said
ward. Also, a remonstrance from William Allison,
F. Cii'roll Brewster and otaers, representing several
mil ions of dollars in real estate, against such law.
Also, a petition from D. M. F'ox and others, for the
incorporation or an International society for the
protection of emigrants. '
Mr. Nagie, one from three thousand citizens of
Philadelphia, for the repeal of the Public Buildings
Mr. Conned introduced a further supplement to an
act appropriating ground for public purposes, pro
viding that no benefits shall be assessed.
Mr. Rutan, a joint resolution fixing a special ses
sion of the Legislature on the fourtn Monday of
August, A. P., 1&71, for the purpose of takiug np and
considering the report of the commissioners ap
pointed to revise the civil code.
Mr. Broadhead, an act relating to lenses of eon
tract for the use of canals aud other navigation
works by railroad companies, providing tbat autho
rity conferred upon railroad companies by the act
of February, i860, authorizing railroad companies to
lease or become lessees, and to make contracts with
other railroad companies, corporations, and parties,
shall extend to aud embrace leases, assignments,
and other contracts relating to canals, and other
navigation works, situate iu this or any other State,
The following House bills were objected to by the
persons named, viz :
Mr. White, enlarging the Jurisdiction or aldermen
In Philadelphia-
Mr. Josephs, repealing the supplement or March
4, lb2, providing lor the time for fixing the rate of
t8XB. '
Mr. Harvey, to lay out a grand avenue sixty feet
wide from a point in Montgomery county to Broad
nd Erie avenue.
Mr. Qnigley, vacating Sergeant street, In the
Twenty-fourth ward.
Mr. llagar, defining qualifications of road jurors In
Mr. Cloud, prohibiting minors from jumping on
railroad ears or throwing missiles.
Mr. Bollcau, exempting tu Mary a Hospital rrom
Mr. uulgley, regulating the weight of anthracite
coal in Philadelphia.
New Vork Produce Olarket.
Nkw Yohk, March 2S. Cotton quiet; sales 1000
bales uplands at lr ,c. ; Orleaus at l.v.,'c Flour quiet
and without decided change; sales 0WJ0 barrels.
Wheat quiet but nrm; sales 40 0- 0 busnels; new
spring at SI t7( 15!) ; w inter red and amber West
ern at IliKaWO. 'orn steady gales 81,000 bushels
new mixed "Western at save, Oats quiet; sales
14,000 bushels Ohio at 67(4690. Beef unchanged.
Pork firmer: new mess. fvl-si21 MT; prime, fig
(a.l8'&o. Lard quiet. Whisky quiet at 91 V
Qperatta PromUea for Next Meaaoa-letter
from Parepa.-Ke.a-A ilcart-Nnia.lilaa- Tenor
.from Italy, and Other Notabiliilc.
Madame Parepa-Uosa and Curl were at last
mall accounts sojourning at Brighton, Kuglaud,
whither they had gone tor sea air after Pure pa's
confinement. A private letter from Madame
Parepa to a friend In Chicago, received yester
day, has tbe following Intelligence, which will be
read with interest:
"As you know, wc are going back to your
charming country next autumn and whiter
season w ith English opera again. We are hard
at work, even here, arranging repertoire, en
gaging artists, etc. Carl only returned from
Italy last week. We have engaged Madame
Vanzmi (Van .audi), an American lady, who
has had great success In Europe. Be
sides Cubtie, Campbell, and tbe Seguins, we
have engaged Mr. Aynsely Cook,;and bari
tone, and his wife, who is a splendid actress,
to do old woman parts, and secoud parts.
Bbe will do, for instance, the 'Gipsy
Queen' in hvhetnian Girl, and she does ihe
part as it ought to be doue, in the 'Azucena'
way maKing au acting more man a sintrtni
uart of it- .'ni. to cro
life and Property in ths Souli;.
ZVIr. Ebellabargor's Bill.
The San Domingo Commission
Horrible Crime in Ark aligns.
A Whole Family Cutchered.
The 12, ix 1 1 o IT C a h o.
No Hope of Release.
Life and Property at the Month.
8pcial Despatch to the livening letegraitK.
Washington, March 23. Judge Shellahar
ger, from tbe special committee to which the
President's message relative to the S uth wa
referrcd, reported his bill to-day for the better
protection of life and property in the S mth
Mr. Shellabarger stated that he desired to make
an ariangement whereby general debate on the
bill wonld be extended until the last of thU
week, and then have the bill opeu for amend
ment to be voted upon.
Tbe Democrats said they were not willing to
enter into any arrangement at this time which
would limit debate. They were not disposed
to prolong the session by factious opposition to
the bill, but they wanted plenty of time for dis
cussion. It was finally agreed that debate
should progress under the rules until it should
become apparent that both sides were exhausted,
when au arrangement could be made about
coming to a vote. Mr. Shellabarger then pro
ceeded to open the debate.
Riant of Colored People.
Dr. Howe having Informed Mr. Sumner of the
refusal of the officers of lbe Aquia creek boit to
allow Frederick Douglass to euter the dining
saloon with other members of the Sin Domingo
Commission, Mr. Sumner to-day offered a reso
lution instructing tbe District of Columbia Com
mittee to Inquire what legislation is necessary
to protect colored people on steamboats. Objec
tion was made.
Ku.klux Bill la the Noaate.
The entire morning hour of the Senate was
consumed to-day in trying to amend the rules
so as to allow the Senate to consider the Uou-e
Ku-klux bill. The object Is to have the bill
fllecuseed In both boa.M &t tha aaoitt time. . . . ..
The Prenldeat
bad arranged to-day to accompany the British
Commissioners and members of the Cabinet to
Mount Vernon, but owing to tbe arrival of the
San Domingo Commission, he abandoned the
trip for tbe purpose of conferring with them and
arranging the report to be sent to Congress. .
Mr. Hchra will Follow Howe
in the debate on Sumner's Sin Domingo resolu
tions. He will give some new facts concerning
tbe use made of the United States war vessels iu
San Domingo waters. , , ,
Despatch to the Associated Pre.
Washington, March 23.
The 8aa Domingo ComailaNloaera
had not, up to noon, called on the President.
Their report is now being written out from
ehort-hand notes.
Ueaeral Prank Hlecel
called at the Executive mansion this morning.
Mr, Dawes has returned to Washington. All
the memters of the House Select Committee
are now present. ,
- Ilorrlblo Crime la -
. Memphis. March 28 On laBt Thursday, near
Fayettevllle, Arkansas, a man named Rowland
murdered bis wife and baby, and then blev
out his brains. - Tbey had been separated for
some time, and be called at her sister's, where
she was staying, and asked her to walk with
him. She took ber child along, and in a few
minutes her sister heard the report of a pistol.
Running to the spot, .she found all of them wel
tering in their blood. . .",
('loo nod i're.a Burned.
A press, together with 43 ba'es of otton, be
longing to A. Baiid, near Dcs Arc, was bururjj
last Wctk.
Fatal Nfaeoiln Affair. '
John Dodd, of Woodruff county, ' Ark., was
shot and ki led la6t Sunday by three men, named
Ralney, Jackson, and Day, who met him in (he
woods and shot b ni down. They allege that
Dodd had threatened their lives. , .
leal Oil Hx pi o.l ob ad Fire.
The Aralaiu:he rpecial from lUtesvltle, Mis-".,
says the centre blo.k of busluess houses on the
west side of the depot was burned last night by
the explosion of a coal-oil Ump la Powell's
tore. The principal tufferers are S. Lever, to
fine bulldinus; P. 8. Alstone, two i torehome;
8. D. Powell, stock of goods, books, and pipers;
Greenwald, entire slock; and Perkln & Joue.
Total los., 50,000, with very little insurance.
Peatrnetivo Fire,
Casenovia, March 28. A fire last ulght
destroyed the property belonging to II. Tennlck
and C. Weaver & Son, amouoting to fLO.OOJ.
Insured for $5500.
The Case of Rull.ff.
Albany, March By unanimous decii
of tbe Court of Appeals this inoruin
below Is ordered to repass Uie
rag upon Rultoff.
KvENrvo Tii,nonPH flmcBJ
i'uOTd.j, M.roh 88. IxSI.
The hebdomadal stat"iiiei,iol the city natl mal
tank i more Ibau u-u iDy iintavvirable to the
inatket. There ha been a decrease during the
wet k in legal-tender and specie combined of
451.3: 9 and In the t epoetin of'.'.l 7H but
the har.ks still hold i.earlv J.tl00 000 above
tbeir legal reserves with t,jCh to meet any
demand upon Ihun which mav arise. The I tans
have been omewlint i traded, showing a
linin g i fl of HI3.2W. m il ti e bu-lncss at tha
batik I ) s than lli .t of ti e preceding eek by
tl.MO.S'-'S. The balince nr Uo off MtfOStf.
The c nditlon of (be market for Die m-xt. week
will depc nd entirely it, ion thf anonnt of avivliy
which mav prevail, but nt. (.resent no scarcity ot
fund le anticipated. I he rule dem inded to
duy ri lit -t a change in condition, heiu firm at
0 ci c nt. on call and 7 to 0 per ceut. oo
pi line di.-coutil.
Gold continue wenk. Ihe sale opening at
advnricinir to 1 1Oj. and declining down,
lo IHVJf. where It now sind-t.
Government I onds re dull, but nearly steady.
The tock luarket was hciivh and pru-e were
troi,g tli in. S.i ot City lit at 1018
101 for lb ne certificate:1.
lveariitur Railroad in drtin md and sobi
largely nt 5ttff)51?. th I liter t. o , closing at
the latter; Catawissa 'ti-foncdcoiitliHiestronir,
sellitnr at 4g, a fin ihr a lvance. Sal of
Pennsylvania at 61: Llule Meroivlkill at 44;
and Cniiiden and Aiuhov at 110;; Lehigh Val
lty advanced, selling at (50.
Amot'g the canal share the Lehigh attracted
much attention, selling at 3 J.
Ti e balance of the 1'it wn held firmly, the
only sale beitnr In Ont.rnl Transportation, which
brought 45. a decline f
Reported by De llaveu Hro . No. 40 H. Third atrnet.
firtMiO Pa A N Y C7 4 , imi n Penna R..... 61V
f ilnu City os, New. mm urn do 6i;
vH)0 dt H'l j inn h Reading K. . .RI M
fio mo Am Hold.. sao. no bio do nitf
$i(Hi)V Jer 6m Vi Rut) do..., 5lv
IHMiOPhlla AK7s.. 8? Jim do... .bi) flljf
f.MitUfa o 1 ae. ...104 I i0hLeh Na...S. 8
HO Mb l ata Prf... 43 'i Hit do .. BflW
ton do. ba. 4v 1-1 sh Lit Sen KR.. 44
eshCaru Atii...;i(l 6 Mil Cent Trans... 45
8hLB V H.. . so
2imClty 6, Ncw.l l",- K8 n Heading R... Mt
MMi I el k lel 3d. e6 t UMI .to ,.,.b8t). Cl
Ilium Ca'ii .v 6s '7ft. . whs veil do M. MX
t 0- Pa . S oh. KftX' HO do.. . .ixt-t Bl-81
$.! Ha K gen mt.. 1 3l ' p 0h Xmh Nar.bBO. 86
10011 Cat Prf.... R)4 li sh i'mii Tra is... 4'l
I D d Ii3u. 4:1 KK n I'llil &H..VT
nr.ti U ... 61 00 do o 8T
in ah Cam A Am. .116)4' 100 do.....h60. Hi
xktwKs. Ua Hvkn a MKOinaa. No. 0 8. Third
Sret, Phllade plita, reiinit ttie f illowlmr nnitaiion :
U. 8. 68 of 18S1, U5,Vllf" '. 1o. 1, 1H411 I
do. 19A4, lllfaniV; do. lSSft, llly ain-; -la lHSft,
new, lltlaMll; do. 18t7, .lo llll.allO ; .lo. ISA?,
10. UumUO: Iimiik, 8s, . U. . HO Year
6 per cent. Currency, 1 i3'i t 14'; Oold, I10s;r
lio;; Silver, l"rt,j(iiw: rnton Pailtlo Railroad
UtMorb Bonds, 8itA.a83S; Central Paclno Railroad,
MM960: UPlon Haoltlc lint (irant Honda. 745.4753.
Mf a. LDNa, tsroKra, report tnts morning
gold quotations as follow, t
10 H0 A. M llOfJ 11 U5 A. M 11CV
1006 ..11'X U'l5 1 104
10 1 T " llO'j, lf.VI " 110'f
1fl8 " 1!0M 18tM HOVtf
lO-VB " HUH U l' P. M 110V
l'f.O " llO.H-14 " IU
1116 " 1'0'j I8-4B " 110
anilallphla 'Frl Keport, -
Tukkdav, March lis. Tliera is nothing doing In
Cloverseed to tlx quotation. Timothy Is source
and higher. Small saies $'i-.Mii47. Flaxseed la scarce,
and may be quoted at t'4'oa'lo per bushel.
in Provisions there is a litcle more linn uess, bnt
the transactions are Uliiuiii ' tau', M -SH PorK
msy no qnorctt at SHfw; n1 Hm-r Mama at f31;
llsma In pickle at l8iai4Vt. Shoulder In salt at
8ot-e. ; and Lard at 2i6Uio. f r steam aud
The Flour market ts very dull, an 1 tne-e Is A
Hicral olteniig of prices. HhIcmoI 800 barrels,
liiCiudliig suie' tlne at 1-ftO AfV'75; extras at f V75-
stift; fpritiff Wheat extra faudly at 77-87)tf;
I eiiiO'Vlvsnia do. do. at In !. 7; Indiana and
Cli In do. do. t $7(97-75; and fancy at H'y M. Rye
Flnr sella at f 5-7N No bhIi a 01 Corn Meal.
Ihe Wheat market la remarkably quiet. Small
tnle of Ohio ar.d Initial a red at II -67141 70; and
umber t l 7lt'7f. elN at 11-00. Corn ia
dull, and 1c. lower. Subs of sooo nubhels yellow at
MMic... and tnlxet Wesieru at 7 80. oata , nroi,
alth falt.B 01 Pen nsjlv aula and Southern at 67n8o.
VVliky ' firmer. Nates of 830 barrels Western
Iron-bound at 993u., aud wood-bound at 91o.
Sro Vera ntiaaey ! Mlona .Trkl.
Maw Yokk, March Y8 uxik(, strong. Money easy
at 4 per cent. Gold, UO.'. b-WM, 1868, cou
pon, 11; 110. 1964, do.. Ill H : do. 18, do. lll'i;
a I86t, new, 11UX ; do. lb7. 110rf ; do. 1868, 110 ;
1S-40, 108; Vlrgiula 6a, new, 67; Missonrt da.
9t: Can'on Co., 0; Cumberland prernrred. 83;
New or k Central and Hudson Kiver. 84; Erie,
81; heading, lu:i; Adams express. 733 ; Mloht
lio Crntral !83; .yt'ctiinsii Southern, ln8; fllt
ticte Central. 185: Cleveland and Pittsburg, 113':
Chicago and Rock 1-ilaud. Iioi Plttsbunr aud
Fc.rt Vtnvne. 96; wtem Onlnn Tnleyraoq. 67;.
rin or TBjikMOMai hhattbi cvaitrNa raLaoaira
. 0FFI0B. . ,
8 A. M. 43 I 11 A.M.. 47 1 1 P. M. 60
Bun Kisia 6nn moon 8Tft.M. o-4a
Hn tiT. 6 80 Hioh WATa 6-S4
By Cable.)
LiTKRrooL, March 88. Arrived, steamship Aleppo,
trim Mew 01k. - ,
8tT r.everly, Pierce. New Vork, W. P. Clyde A Co.
Ur. lank Ueiieial HavtlocK, Zielke, Hamburg, L.
W ei-teriiaard a Co.
Brtir Prcteus, Hall, Sagus, L. O., Isaac Bough A
i,r. k It Blnope, Brown, St. John, P. R., Lennox fc
Tub Thnmaa Jt tTerson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow
of barttea, W. P. i lyde k, Co.
Tuir Chesapeake, Merrihew, Baltimore, with a tow
Of barges, W. P. Clj de A ia.
fcteamer K N. Fairuhbd, I'rout, 84 hours from New
Yoik, wbh nelse, to Win. M. Baird A Co.
btesiner Tacony, Nidioin, 84 hours from New York,
with uiuac. to W. M. Bulnl A Co.
, hteawer F. Franklin, Pleraou, 13 hours from Balti
more, with iiiosr. auu passeugcrs to .4. Groves, Jr.
Steamer lueatur, woods, Irom Baltimore, with
nidw. to A. Crovea, Jr.
bteaiuer J. 8. Rook ell. Balnea, from Norfolk,
a It h rliu gles to Oalvin Co.
Steamer E. C. Blddie, McCue, 84 hours from New
York, with 11 due. to W. P. Clyde A Co.
Schr Enterprise, Klsi er, from Plymouth, N, C,
with lumber to Noruros fc Sheeta.
S- hr Ulrigo, Snow, from Portland, with heading"
to S 4 W. Welsh. , v.v
Pchr Jane If. McCarthy. Simpson, frorr Newport"
TugThoa, Jetferaou, Alien, lrm Baltimore, wttn
U 0 barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. altmor- (tto
Tug Chesapeake, Merrihew, from Baltimore, wltn
a U.w of harjre t4 W. P. Clfdj' J So.
Tug ClvdeV llnr.ean, from Baltimore, With AtOW
of barges to W. P. Clyde CO.
SU amer RatMenk