THE DaILY EVENING TELEGRAPH i'HILADELPIII A, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1871. 3 I nmiiAiiAin Diunvnc. Tk 1)11 Amaaait(. At tb Chrbnct the comedy of Town and Vt-vntry and the farce of Turn Him Out will be represented this afternoon. This evening it Is expected that President Clrant will be In attendance to witness Mr. Davenport's great personation of "Sir Giles Overreach," in MarslDger's comedy of A A'eio Way to J'ay Old Debt: On Monday a new play, entitled Tfw Marqni. adapted from the French by Mrs. E. Edward Lewis, of this city, will be prodnced la handsome style. At tub Walkct Mr. and Mrs. Williams will appear this evening in Falconer's drama of The Men intfut Gap; or, Innisfallen. AttbbArcr the drama of Fire Fly will be performed this afternoon and evening, with Lotta id the leading role. Tub Two-heapid Girl will be on exhibi tion this afternoon and evening at the Assembly Buildings for the last times. At the Seventh Street Opera Housb a variety performance will be given this evening. At the Mtseum, Ninth and Arch streets, dramatic performances will be given this after noon and evening. At thb American there will be a family ma tinee to-day. An attractive miscellaneous programme will Le presented this evening. IVIIWB OTJXbXRXARir. CI IT Affair. j The committee, consisting of fifty, to ( memorialize the Legislature on the subject (of the "Commission" legislation has been 'appointed by Mayor Fox. Ij Dr. Neville, of the celebrated infanticide (case, is lecturing on "One hundred days in JMoyamenniug." ' The boiler-rlate manufacturers, owinc 'to the effects of the coal strike in advancing ', the price of pig metal, have determined to 'raise the price j of a cent per pound. lwenty-tnree Kegs 01 powder were touna in an open shed near Mannyunk, by the Har bor Police, yesterday. They have been sent 'to the powder magazine. The thermometer yesterday, at 3 P. M., marked 71 decrees. General Grant last evening paid a visit to the Hibernian Society. Two pickpockets, on Thursday after- xeood, in Market street, seized a Mr. It. Weber, and one stole his money while the other throttled him. Doineatfo Affiilrs. The St Louia Western Colony has just .been located at Evans, Colorado. Twenty-fivo bridges have been swept ; away in Morgan county, 111., by reoent storms. ! Navigation has been resumed as far north as Maine, and the Kennebec river is reported i as free from ice. General Butler notifies his friends that he does not intend to let his issue with Speaker Blaine drop where it now is. The United States steamer Tennessee, with the San Domingo Commission, will reach Key West, Fla., on Monday. St. Patrick's Day was yesterday generally celebrated throughout the United States by the Sons of Erin who have made the New World their home. Jeff. Davis is at Montgomery, Ala., and last night, in answer to a serenade, returned thanks to his auditors, but did not make any allusion to public matters. At Ilenrysburg, West Virginia, on Thurs day evening, Henry Yans shot Moses Kline through the breast, then attempted to shoot bis wife and child, and afterward shot himself dead. A construction train, on the Barlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota Railroad, having aboard a large force of laborers, was yester day thrown from the track, killing five men and seriously injuring others. Delegates from the miners of the anthra cite and bituminous regions of this State met at Johnstown yesterday, and the W. 13. A. was merged into a State association, which is to be known as the Miners' and Laborers' Beneficial Association. . Forelan Affairs. Robert Chambers, the well-known pub lisher, oi amrjuren, aiea yesterday. The vacancies in the French Assembly are mostly from Alsace and Lorraine. The Germans who remain in France are accused of continuing depredations. During the sittings of the Assembly at Versailles ten trains will run to and from that city daily. Owing to the prevalence of the cattle plague, tne noming oi cattle laira in some parts of Belgium is prohibited. Emperor William arrived in Berlin ves- terday, amid great enthusiasm, and the city was illuminated in his honor. The telegraph throughout France for the transmission of private messages will com mence operations on Monday. The Cambridge and Oxford boat crews are now daily practising on the Thames, pre paratory to the great race appointed for the 1st of April. The celebration of St. Patrick's Day in Ireland yesterday was quite general, and up to late last night no disturbances were re ported. The debate on the reorganization of the British army was reopened in the House of Commons last night, by Mr.Disraeli and Mr. Gladstone. The Effects op Alcohol on the Human System. Alcohol forms no part of the living body, and when taken into the stomach is rapidly absorbed, or rather permeates the membranes and the coats of the blood-vessels, and finds its way into the blood, with which it forms no homogeneous mixture, but, alien' like, is hurried along in the circulation, to be eliminated, in great part, as speedily as pos Bible, that which, is retained producing very equivocal effests, and in many instances painful and fatal diseases. It escapes by the way of the lungs, as shown in the breath of those who have been drinking ardent spirits or stroDg wines, and also by the akin and kidneys. That portion of the alcohol which is retained in the body accumulates most readily in the brain and liver, and it has been found in its pure state after death in these organs, especially in the brain. The first manifest effects of an alcoholio liquor are on the brain and nervous system generally, on which it acts, in a small dose, as an exoitant, and in ft larger one as a narcotic Other il I arts are affected in a corresponding manner, eis a at first stimulated, not strengthened, and afterwards retarded and weakened in their action. For example, the heart, that wonderful and, dnring life, cever-oeaaing pump, when its inner surface is reached by the tide of blood containing alcohol, works away so much the faster to get rid of the intruder; in so doing its machinery is needlessly strained. and if this be continued from day to day is more apt to be deranged and sooner worn out. Under the operation of the prolonged use of alcoholio liquors the heart often beoomes bypertrophied or morbidly thickened, and at other times auatea and thinner in its sub stance; or a still worse condition supervenes its maficnlar texture is converted into fatty matter, and it fails to coatract with the re quisite force and regularity, and is liable at any moment to cease beating. In thin sud den cessation of tbe heart section is found an explanation of some of the sudden deaths of which we read. These destructive effects of tbe use of alcoholio liquors are not by any means confined to drunkards; they are seen in persons who had never been intoxicated during their lives, but who bad been regular drinkers of these liquors. The liver is din- eased in a similar manner from the like cause. From What Shall We Drink f" in the April number of Lippineotl't Magazine. 1 a mm ah How Dan Donnellt found a Rason foi Drinking. "The dirty blagard! He brought the wife on me, and me innocent as the child unborn. He came in here one dav, with a grate scrape, for Dan affects 'quality man ners, be having seen the world. " 'lour nverence. says he, presenting a great horn, 'this is a qaare bottle.' ie bosthoon, says I, its an owm ante diluvian cow's born, judging by the size. And what may be in it, Dan?' " Faix, I m tonld it s potheen, says he, 'but meself has not drawn the cork. It's a grate grief I can't. I'm on me oath agin it. Father Mick. I thought you'd like to see a horn bottle, the first ever I seen, an' I brought it over.' " 'It's a grate horn entirely, and you may lave it, Dan,' said I, jestingly, 'for I have a reverence for old things. You are sworn against the contents; I am not.' " 'I d be proud to lave it wid yer riverence, an' tin times the like of it, but I daren't,' said Dan, 'for it's not all out mine.' "Well, I returned the horn, and without draming the laste harm, I said, 'It's a curi osity, Dan, and may the drink in it dr you good ! Mind ye don't make a beast of your self. Drink )s for man s health and comfort, and not to destroy him body and soul and make a fool and rogue of him to boot, which is worse in the world's eye than infidelity. It is necessary to keep on a level with heaven and earth both, Dan. Take pattern by me.' " I would wid all my bones, returned Dan, 'but I'd like to taste the dhrink would overcome you, Father Mick; I'm in belief they've left off distil lin' it.' "The unhanged vagabond! He thought he paid me a compliment. It's little they know I am often drinking the pure spring water when they're content it's whisky. The woman know the secret and keep it; my blessing on tnem tor it: 'But I was a deluded priest that day, though there is satisfaction in knowing I was not the first bad the feather drawn over his eyes. 'On the word of a gentleman and priest. believe it, Dan's ugly, red-headed, weasel- eyed, vixen old wife the harridan! she was ten years older than Dan was here next morning by screech of day, hanging about my premises like an unclean spirit, waiting till she could pounce on me out of reaoh and hearing of old Peggy: and that same she suc ceeded in. I tell you I had not the least idea of the hag's intentions, so I fell viotim to her quite asy and natural bad luck to her that I should say so I for in my heart I wish ill to no human soul. " 'Priest,' said she, 'why did ye civ Dan lave to dhrink, and him sworn agin it, an' yon knowin' it ?' " '1 didn t,' said I. " 'Ye did,' said she, 'an' he's rowling dhrnnk now, an' says you gev it him.' " 'Give him "rowhng drunk, Biday ! said I, joking on her trip of the tongue, for she was beginning to look like Nell Cafferty's cat, the biggest divil between the two ends of Ireland, no dog daring to go within a mile of ber 'gave him "rolling drunk," Biddy ?' said I, in my pleasantest way, thinking to soothe her; 'how could I give hrm "rowling drunk," Biddy, mo carotban eno 7 If he s "rowling drunk, it s the whisky he got tbe diBtemper from, the perjured sinner ! "A female fury makes me nervous, throws me out altogether. " 'Ocb, says she, 'but yer nate at a joke, mighty nate; it does one's heart and sow! good to bear you: 1 feel the betther already. My Earvis to ye! I see yer gilty, an Holy Mary help me, the bishop shall hear of yer t bricks. "And away she went across the bog, laving me bothered. It came out that Dan's oath went to this that he would not touch drink again till it was put into his hand by the Eriest; and sure I did put it into the fellow's and, though innocent of the interpretation he put on it. "bo it was Dan round a raaon lor drink ing, the nefarious rascal! lut i settled witn him for his perjury and deoeit of me. Biddy was on her knees to me ever after. The priest's nectar was fine, the reason for drinking it good, and the story gave addi tional zest. Dan was a model of his kind "Dan of the hern" they call him to this day. From Wild Ireland" in the April num- lir of L'ppincott'$ Magazine. OROOERIES, ETO. IffeSTA BLIS XX 13 D 1 01. WARRANTED PURE Old Government Java Coffee. Rcasted fresh every day, at only 85 cents per lb., or 8 lbs. for one dollar. Lovers of good Coffee, give Una a trial and satisfy yourselves. For sale only at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 goutli SECOIf I St., Below Chesnut, West Bide. N. B. Choice Groceries of all kinds constantly ar riving. 8 2 tbsturp JONDON BROWN BTOUT AND SCOTCn ALB, In glass and stone, by the cask or dozen. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries, Corner ELEVENTH and VINE St lit WHISKY, WINE, ETQ. QAR8TAIR8 ft McCALL. No. 12S Walnut and 21 Granite Sts IMPOBTBBS OV Brandies, Wlnet, Gin, Ollri Oil, Etc. WHOLXSAIJI DBAUCRS 19 PURE RYE WHISKIES U BOHD AND TAX FAUX M Ip FUKNITUHt. JotiKPH U Campion (late Moore A Campion), WIXLUM SMITH, KICHAMD a CAMPION. SMITH & CAMPION. Manufacturers of FINE FURNITURE, UPUOLSTERINQS, AND IN TERIOR HOUSE DECORATIONS, Hn. 849 hOUTH THIRD Street Manufactory, No, vie and 811 LEVANT B'reet, ranadeifhia. 84 FOR SALki FOR SALE. A HEW AHD ELEGAKT BROWN STONE RESIDENCE, 22&kt Side of Logan Square, Three Doors above Sumner St, Replete wiih all modern conveniences, WILL BE COLD ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS. POSSESSION AT ONCE. CiN EE SEEN AT ANY EO UR OF THE DAT. 8 11 tf ELEGANT STORE FIXTURES, With Marble Counters, Large Tlre-proof, Desk Letter FreBs, etc., will be sold cbeap for cash good trade. No. 83 CHESNUT STREET UNDER THE CON TINENTAL. 18 18 tf FOR SALE. OR TO LEASE. AN EuEOANT MX COUNTRY SEAT. A large double stone Man sion, Stable, Ice-noose, etc., with Lands. Situated within ten minutes walk of a station on the North J'ennsyivanla Kailroad, ana twenty-five minutes riae or tne city, and hourly trains running. Apply at No. 118 South WATER Sireet, below Chesnut. s 17 3t FOR SALE DESIRABLE DWELLING No 817 South FIFTH Btreet, below Spruce. Good douse and lot KUxibO reel to a wide ha-.k street. Apply to 8. WAGN ER, Jr., 8 18 6t No. 627 WaLN UT Street. REAL. ESTATE WANTED. w N D. STORE, On Chesnut cr Eighth Street. ADDRESS, STATING! PRICE, LOCATION, AND FULL PARTICULARS, 1 1 F. B. K. 90 EVENING TELEGRAPH OFFICE. WAITED XO lMJUCIIASC, Desirable Real Estate.' WITHIN ONE MILE OF BROAD AND CHESNUT STREETS, Payable In good and available trade, and partly In cash. Address 8 4 tf "Box 1734, Philadelphia Post Office." TO INSURANCE COMPANIES, CAPITAL ISTS, AND OTHERS. FOR SALE, BUSINESS FRORERTY, No. 4 27 WALNUT STREET. Fcur-story front, flve-story double bacfc buildings, occupied as offices, and suitable for an Insurance company, 21 feet 9 Inches front, 124 feet deep. S. KINGSTON McCAY, SISt No. 429 WALNUT Street. TO RENT. GOOD BUSINESS STAND TO LET, SUITABLE FOR ANY BUSINESS. Store ami U volliiiT, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SIXTEENTH AND VINE STREETS. Apply on premises. 8 14 tf TO RENT ON MODERATE TERMS, verv desirable store. No. 2i MAbKET rttreet. 21 uy iu ieei. i iu 11 BANKS. CAPITAL, $200,000. Authorized Capital, $500,000. SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS Since organization, March 10, 1869, $M-o,ooo COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINT S. Fourth National Bank OP rBlLA DELPHI., No. 723 ARCH SIREET. J. HENRY ASKIN, President. JAMES HOPKINS, Vice-President. EDWARD F. MOODY, Cashier. DIRECTORS. J. Henry Askin, James Hopkins, Albert C. Roberts, Samael Miller. John Farelra, John Bardaley, K. A Shallcross, Samuei J. Creswell, Jr, Joseph B natter. ia uuihiu oi WINDOW BLINDS, ETC. WINDOW BLINDS, Lace Curtains, Curtain Cornice, Hol land Shades, FAINTED SHADES of the latest tints. BLINDS painted and trimmed STOKE SHADES made and lettered. Picture Cord, Tasaels, Etc, Repairing promptly attended to. D. J. WILLIAMS, Jr., THo. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, TtUths3m PHILADELPHIA. C0PYINGPRESSES. Just received, a Large Assort ment of the Latest Hi y If a COFV1NU FKESdEtf. WM. M. CnRISTT, Stationer and Printer, No. 127 S.THIRD Street, Opposite Ulrard'Baulf. 8 modi EDUCATIONAL. H A R YARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASS., Comprises the following Department: Harvard College, tte University Lectures, Divinity School, Law School, Melical School, Dental School, Lawrence Scientific School, School of Mining and Practical Geology, Bussey Institution (a School of Agriculture and Horticulture), Botanic Garden, As tronomical Observatory, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Episcopal Theological School. The next academic year begins on September 28, 1871. The Grit examination for admission to Harvard College will begin Jane 19, at 8 A. M. The second examination for admission to Harvard College, and the examinations for admission to the SclentiQo and Mining Schools, will begin September 23. The requisites for admission to tbe College have been changed this year. There Is now a mathematical aMernatlve for a portion of the classics. A circular describing the new requisites and recent examina tion papers will be mailed on application. t N1VERSITY LECTURES. Thirty-three courses in 1M0-71, of which twenty begin in the week Feb ruary 12-19. These lectures are Intended for gradu ates of colleges, teachers, and other competent adults (men or women). A circular describing them will be mailed tn application. TUB LAW SCHOOL has been reorganized this year. It has seven instructors, and a library or 16,100 volumes. A circular explains the new course of study, the requisites for the degTee, and the cost of attending the school. The second half of the year begins February 13. For cataloguer, circulars, or Information, ad- dress J. W. HARRIS, 8 6 3m Secretary. E D G E H I L L SCHOOL MERCHANTYILLE, N. J., Four Miles from Philadelphia Tbe session commenced MONDAY, April 10, 1671. For circulars apply to 3 21 ly Rev. T. W. CATTKLL. rpiIE REV. DR. WELLS' BOARDING SCHOOL TOR LITTLE BOYS From Six to Fourteen years of age. Address the Rev. DR. WELLS, 2 28 tntpslm Andalusia, Pa. MAFLEWOOD INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG Ladles. Pittstlelrl. Mass. Long and widely- known for superior faciliilts and rare beauty of loca tion. Board and EnRllsh tuition, J150 for ha'f year, commencing February 23. tpeclal terms to clencal patrons and teachers. X 10 lmT rceY. vj. . Brcnii, rnuuipai. A CGUSTl'S KINKELIN, TEACHER OF PIANO, J.. can be engHRed for Dancing, raruea, isaier- talcments. etc. Orders by mail from suburban real. dences punctually attended to. Residence, No. no S. eleventh street, below t;nesnui 3 u ltn PLUMBING, CAS FITTING, ETO. PANCOAST& MAULE, THIRD and PEAR Streets, Plain and Galvanized Wrought and Cast Iron Pipes For Gas, Steam and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, E0ILEE TUBES. Pipe of all Sizes Cat and Fitted to Order GAHU, Having sold HENRY B. PANCOAST and FRAN CIS I. MAULE (irtntiemen in our employ for seve ral years past) the Stock, Hoodwill and fixtures of onr RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of l'HtRD and PEAK Streets, la thla city. that branch of our business, togetner witn that or HEaTiNG and VENTILATING PUBLIC and JHI- VATB BUILDING, both by STdaM and HOT WATER, in all Its various systems, will be aarrled on under the tlrm name of PANCOAST A MAULS, at the old stand, and we recommend tnem to the trade and business putrllo as being entirely compe tent to i e norm au woik oi tnai cnaracter- . .111X11 mifiimn . nr Philadelphia, Jan. 28, 1870. 8 16 PROPOSALS. fTX) CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. SEALED PROPOSALS, Indorsed "Propo sals for Bnildlng a Public School- house in the Tvyeuty-seventh Ward." will be received by the nndersitmed at tneomoe, Month- east corner of SIXTH and A DELPHI Streets, until THURSDAY. March 23. 1871. at 13 o'clock M.. lor building a mono Bcnooi-nouae on a lot or ground situate on tbe corner of Thirty-eighth and Snruce streets. In the Twenty-seventh ward. eaia sonooi-nouae to uo uuui in accuruttuce wnu the plans of L. H. Esler, Superintendent of Scnool ruiiKiinga, to do Been ai tne oiuue ui iue suhu oi Vnhlio Education. No blda win be considered unless accompanied Dy a certificate from the City Solicitor that tbe provi sions of an ordinance approved aiay go, lboo, nave hen comDllea with. Tbe contract will oe awaraea oniy vj Known mas ter builders. By order of the committee on rroperty. U. W. UALLIWELL 8 11 10 18 23 Secretary. 7RA&KFORD ARSENAL, OFFICE A. C. S. PniLAnti.rmi, Pa, March IS, 1871. PEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate will be re ceived at this oitlce until l'i M., April IS, 1871, for furnishing the fresh beef required by the Subsist ence Department, U. S. A., at thla station during the two moiiins commencing May i, ltm. informa tion as to conditions, quality of beef, payments, etc., can be obtained ny application to willi am rniNus, 8 IB 6t First Lieut. Ord., A. C. S. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. ETO. n L O T H HOUSB. JAMES & MUDBR. no. 11 North gEfJOnu Street, Sign of the Golden Lamb, Ait w receiving a large and splendid assortmen of new styles of FANCY CA88IMEKE3 And standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS ana COATINGS, 8 83 mwl AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEGAL NOTICES. TN 1nE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE X til l AND I'UUm i I lllL,AUlLf U1A. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Please take notice that the undersigned has filed a petition in the Court of Common Pleaa for the (Jlty mi Uountr of Philadelphia, for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of thin State, aud that the laid Court have appointed tiu kbuai, the Both day or uarcn. lf-71, at the Oounty Court House, as the time aud place for the bearing of the said petition, and where the creditors of the undersigned may aitend, should they deem proper. aiattuis kaas, 8 14 tuiliK 6t Insolvent. COAL. p. OWEN A CO., COAL DEALER.-!, FHBERT HTHEKT WHARF, SCHUYLKILL. 8 10 lyt CNOWDON A RAU'S COAL DEPOT, CORNER O D1I.LW YN and WILLOW Streets. Lehigh aud Schuylkill COAL prepared expresaly for famuy oaa at lue loweav voau prices. REAL. ESTATE AT AUOTtQN. FITBLIO PALE THOMAS A SON9. AUC- tA'-i tloneera. Desiratile Country Mansion. witrt Sta tu and Coach-honse, Riverside, Burlington county, New Jersey, on the line of the Camden aol Amw? Railroad, is miles above Camden, and two minutes' walk from Station and Dye from Steamboat Laud In. On Tuesday, April is, 18J1, at la o'clock, noon, will be cold at public sale, at the Philadelphia txehange, a modern double x-tory brick rough cast mansion, situate at the northeaat earner of Lafayette avenue ana KOMum street, Riverside, tlnUaAH si sin n w JO AW T orflfll tliA Ia VO feet in front on Lafayette avenue, and extending in aepin along ttoesuin urcti si i n-et oi an inun. At tbe depth of 1M feet It widens to 100 feet, and continues In depth of that width. Excellent gin- ning and nsmng near at nana; nne roas ana anv lng In the vicinity ; 11 trains to and from the city dally pass tbe premises. Photograph can be seen at the auction rooms, and for a p an of the houe and further patlcnlars. Innnire of Edward A Hftlntx, No. 433 Walnut street, I'hllsdelphla. Immediate possession. v in rx snown rty Mr. near, on tne premisea. Terms One-half of the purchase money can remain. M. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers. 8 11 25 a 1 813 Nob. 138 and 11 S. FOURTH Street. 0 REAL ESTATE. THOMAS fc SONS' SALE. 'i Large and valuable lot. 8. E. corner of Broad aiitl Snyder street. First ward. Three front, on 1 uesday.March 21, 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at puunc sale, at tne rmiaaeipnia Exchange, all that large and valuable lot of ground situate at the S. E. corner of Urosd and Snyder streets. First ward, con taining In front on Broad street 120 feet, and ex tending in rtppth eastward (crossing a certain new Btreet r.O feet wide, 2V5 feet eastward from and parallel with Ilroad street, and also crossing a other new streets, each 25 feet wide, one of them at the distance of 160 feet eastward from and parallel with uroad street, and tne otner at tn distance or si reel 6 Inches westward from and parallel with Thirteenth street, and extending from Snyder to Jackson street), bis reel to Tnirteeutn street. Terms ftiooo may remain on mortgage. The above lot Is very valuable for building purposes, being In an Improv ing neighborhood, and in the immediate vicinity or several dcBlrable dwellings. M. thomas fc sons, AncTioneers, 8 918 Nob. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street f? REAL ESTATE. TnOM AS fc SONS' SALE, fcjii Large and Valuable Square of Ground, Twelth street, Thirteenth street, Mlitlin street, McKean Btreet, First ward. 400 feet front, 896 feet deep. 4 fronts. On Tuesday, March 81 1871, at U o'clock, noon, win do sold at nnonc sa'e, at tne r nnaaei- phla Exchange, all that large and valuable square or ground situate on Tweiwn street, Thirteenth street, Il I til in street, and McKean street, First ward; contolnlng in fronton Twelfth and Thirteenth streets 400 feet, and extending In depth on Mltllin and McKean streets 896 feet. Curbed, paved, and water-nines on Thirteenth and Mltllin streets. Terms One-third cash; balance may remain on mortgage. 1 he above lot la very valuable ror build ing purposes, being la an Improving neighborhood, and In the Immediate vicinity of several desirable dwellings. M. 'J UU.VAS 5uir, Auctioneer, 8 9 18 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. PEREMPTORY SALE THOMAS & HOSS. Auctioneers Valuable lot, Richmond street, uuove Allegheny avenue, Twentv-tlfth ward, 60 feet rront. On Tuesday, March 28, 1871, at. 18 o'clock, noon, will be Bold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable lot ol ground, situate on the northwest side of Hlch- moud street, 80 feet Inches southwest or West- more and street. Tweutv-nrin ward; containing in front on Richmond street 60 feet, and extending In depth 1C0 feet to a M feet wide street called Fmher Btreet two fronts, clear oi au inenmorance. saie aosolute. M. THOMAS ft soxs, Auctioneers, 8 9 IS 26 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. i EXECUTOR'S AND TRUSTEES SALE. 'Estate of Ferris Price, deceased. Thomas A soils, auctioneers. Well-secured (Ironnd Rent, IrtO a year. On Tuesday, aiarcn lsii, at iio ciock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, all that weii-Becurea reaeemaoie grouna rent of 6o a year, payable January and July, Issu ing outora lot of ground, npou wnicn is erected a three-story brick dwelling, situate on tne east side of Florida street, 217 leet sonih of Fitzwater street. Fourth, wara, jno. 7co: containing in iront on norma street 10 feet, and extending In depth 61 feet to Jtesup street. M. IUU.MAS Aiicujoeern. 8 4 1826 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS A SONS' SALE. Verv Valuable Business Stand. Three-story More, No. 1013 Chesnut street, between Tenth and Eleventh stretw, 24 feet front. On Tuesday, March 2 1871, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchanse, three story brick store, No. 1013 Chesnut street, 24 feet 0 inehts by 178 feet. Terms jio,ti(u caBn. K.eys at tne auction rooms. For further particulars apply to Edward O. Diehl. No. 630 Walnut street. M. thomas sums, Auctioneers, 8 4 E4t Nos. 189 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. ffm REAL ESTATE THOMAS & SONS' SALE. Li::; BuiIiIIdk lot. Dauphin street, weBt of Tulip t-treet, XMiicteenin waru. un lui-suay ninrcn zi, at the rruiaiifcipnia -bxcnangn, an tnai lot oi grouna sltna'e on the south side of Dauphin street, 86 feet wt Bt of Tnlio street, .Nineteenth ward; containing In front on Dauphiu Btreet 18 feet, and extending in depth 70 feet 6 inches. Terms cash. 8 818 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Sreet. M ORPHANS' COURT SALE ON THBPRE mlsea Estate of WILLIAM SNYDER, De ceased THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers Three desirable frame Cottages, Stable, and Shop, aad Cottage Lots, Green Street and Goodman street, Rising Sun, Twenty-fifth ward. On THURSDAY, April 13, 1871, at 1 o'clock, will be sold at public sale, on the premises. Full particulars at the Auction itooms. m. Ill' 'MAO a, ojia,;noin!rs, 8 8 1 1 18 28 apl Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH St. CITY ORDINANCES. COMMON COUNCIL OF PIIILADELPHI Clerk's Office, I . Philadelphia, March 17, 1871. f In accordance with a Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the city of Philadelphia on Thursday, the sixteenth day of March, 1871, the annexed bill, entitled, "An ordinance creating a loan for the extension of the Water Works," ia hereby published for public information. . . . . JOHN EtJft.tSie.lN, Clerk of Common Council. AN ORDINANCE CHEATING A LOAN FOR THE EXTENSION Olf THE WATER, VVOP.K8. Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Mayor ot rmiaaeipma oe ana ne is nereoy authojized to borrow at not lees than par, on the credit of the city, two million one hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars for the further extension of the Water Works. For which inte rest not to exceed tbe rate of eix per cent, per annum, shall be paid halt -yearly, on me urst days of January and July, at the oiUce of the City Treasurer. Tbe principal of eaid loan shall be payable and oaid at the expiration of thirty years from tne date oi tne same, ana not oeiore wuuout the consent of the holders thereof; and tbe certificates therefor, in the usual form of the certificates of city loan, shall be issued in such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred dollars, or, if required, In amounts of five hundred or one tnousana aouars: ana it snail uo ei . a S 1 - .It I pressed in said certificates that the loan therein mentioned and the Interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. Section 2. Whenever any loan stall be made by virtue thereof, there shall be by force of this ordinance annually appropri ated out of the Income of the corpo rate estates, and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to par the interest on taid certificates; and the further sum of three tenths of one per centum on tbe par value of such certificates so Issued shall be appropriated onarterlv out of said income and taxes to a sinking fund, which fund and Its accumulations are hereby especially pledged for the redemp tion and payment oi saia ceruueatca. RESOLUTION TO PUBLISH A LOAN BILL. Resolved. That the Clerk of Common Coun cil be authorized to publish in two dally news papers of this city dally for four weeks the ordinance presented to common Council on Thursday. March 16, 1671, entitled "An ordl nance creatine a 'oan for tbe extension of the Water Works.' Aud tbe raid C erk. at the stated meetlntr of Councils after said Dubllca tlon, shall pretent to this Council one of each of said uewepapers for every day in which the tame than tuu tetn mace. AMUSEMENTS. M ERIC AN ACADEMY OK MC8IJ GRAND CONC1RT BECK'S PHILADELPHIA BAND, No. 1. THURSDAY KVENINO, April is. Inn. ORAND MILITARY BAND, In an Entire New Uniform. CHOICE SELECTIONS OP VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUtflC. Tickets, 60 cents each. Reserved teats, 7a cents. O 4 1M41S JAVENPORT-8 CHESNUT STREBTTHKATRS. DAVENPORTS STAR COMPANY will appear on SATURDAY EVENING. By very sneilal desire, A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS Will be performed, with B.L. DAVENPORT aa SIR GILES OVERREACH. Doors open at 7 y ; commence ai 8 o'rlo k. WALNUT STREET THEATR B. THIS (Saturday) EVENING. Mareh 18, ' FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT O MR, AND MRS.. BARNEY WILLIAMS. The successful Irish Drama, by Falconer, entitled THE MEN IN THE GAP: cu"uou OR, INNISFALLEN. Mr. BARNEY WILLIAMS a Terrenes O'Ryan with the favorite song "Wearing of the Green." Mrs. HARNEY WILLIAMS an.. ...Maggie Manulre with the beautiful song of "Killarncy Lakes." In act fourth will be shown a new and J MAGNIFICENT PANORAMA.I - MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins H to 8 o'clock. TO-N1UHT (Saturday), at to 8, Seventh and Last Time of FIRE FLY. LOTTA AS FIRE FLY. MONDAY "Utile Nell and the Marchioness." Seata secured six days In advance. 17AREWELL OF THE TWO-HEADED OIRL ' COMBINATION. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. No one should fall to improve thla tbe LAST OPPORTUNITY of witnessing NATI KES GREATEST LIVISO WONDER. ASSEMBLY BUILDING, from 8 to 0 and rrom I to 10 P. M. Admission, 80 cents. ai iuif jciNTtiwjv, Aiarcn 20. At FHtENIXVILLE, March 21. 3l6 3t SEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE REECE'H VARIETY TROUPE, Commencing MONDAY EVENING, March 13, 1S71, In their 6oigs, Dances. Ethiopian Acts, Bar lcsqnes, Character Songs, Etc. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 8. 3 13 6t F OR ONE WEEK LONGER, GETTYSBURG, KOTBERMEL'S BATTLE OF AT No. 1003 CHESNUT Street. From 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. All who have not yet seen this great Picture should not fall to do so before Its removal, x a 25 AMERICAN MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE Northwest corner of NINTH and ARCH Streets, Open daily from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. 100,000 CURIOSITIES From all parts of trie World. THIRTY CAGES OF WILD ANIMALS. The Splendid Dramatic Company appearing In the Lecture Room every Evening at 8 o'clock, and Wed nesday and Saturday afternoons at 8 o'clock. Admission to all the Attractions, 80 cents. 1913 tf 17OX'B NEW AMERICAN THEATRE, CHESNUT ? Street, above Tenth, AMUSEMENTS OF ALL NATIONS. EVERY EVENING And SATURDAY MATINEE. GREAT CONGRESS OF STARS. Comprising the best artists In the'eoumry, who appear in Grand Ballets, Dutch Comedy, Local Ssetches, Minstrelsy, EthloplanActs, Farce, Comlo Vocallsm, Pantomime, etc. LOOKING CLASSES, ETO JAMES 5. CARLO & SONS, No. 816 CHESNUT STREET, Have reduced the prices of ALL THEIR Cliroiiiot) 25 Per Cent. Tb'B Includes ALL CHllOMOS PUBLISHED, AMERICAN AND OTHERS. FRAMES of every character equally as cheap. WATOHEK, JEWELRY, ETO. TIIK NEW Y0BK WATCH COMPANY'S WATCIIEH, (Factory, Springfield, Mass. In presenting their Watches to the American pub lic.we doso with the knowledge that in point of finish and time-keeping qualities they are superior for the price to any Watch made la this country. For sale by ALEX. R. HARPER A BRO.v Successor to John M. Harper, No. 308 CHESNUT STREET, SECOND STORY, 8 8 amrp Salesroom of the American Watch. GOLD MEDAL REGULATORS. U. IV. IIUSSBLI , No. 22 NORTH SIXTH BTREET, Begs to call tbe attention of the trade and customers to the annexed letter: TRiKSLATTON. ' "I take pleasure to announce that I have given to Mr. O. W. RUSSELL, of Philadelphia, the eacluslv ' sale of all goods of my manufacture. He will be able to sell them at the very lowest prices. H1USTAV BECKER, "First Manufacturer of Regulators, a 85 "Freiburg, Germany. FISHINO TACKLE. TO SPORTSMEN. TBE OLDEST FISHING TACKLE STORE IN TILS CITY. (40 years established.) SAMUEL SPANG, No. 143 NORTH THIRD STREET. Just received direct from England, a full and va ried assortment of FISHING TACKLE, as follows: sooo dozen Best English Troat Flies, to suit tha season. A full supply of Fine English Trout Rods and Books. oo Best Savannah Fishing Rods, 88 to 80 ft. ion?. Also, a full supply of R. Hemming A Son's superior quality of Fish Hooks, Limerick fc Klrby.-s eto. etc. Out Snoods, Bilk, Bilk and Hair, araas iLlaes of every description. Also, Bamsoo Kods, II to 18 feet. aiiilnoa m aria tt rtrtup bole Importer (for 40 years) of the QENTJlNa HA A KI.K 111 IIMu " CTA1R B018t iTKP FJLATEg, OAS TORCHES, OAS TURNERS, WAX TAPERS, Etc. Etc., On band and for sale by WlLliR A; 91089, MANUFACTURERS, 8 10 lm No. 820 South FIFTH Street.' ' ' i HATS AND CAPS. HWARBURTON'S IMPROVED VENTILATE!! and easy-fl.tlng UKKaS HATS (patented), In alt the improved laatiioos of the season. C ILLS NUT; fcueet, next door to the rout OCke, rp)