hie Daily evening telegraph Philadelphia, Thursday, iarcii ig, 1871. rrnwa suiviimaixy. CUT A (Intra. A car of oil exploded last night In the petroleum salesroom of Wetherill fc Richards, lit No. 7l' Aroh street, and occasioned $200 damage. $ WOO more damage was caused by vrafer. Last nir'tit the rhiladelphia College of rbarmncy beid its fiftieth annual coinruenoe-lut-st at the Academy of Music. There were suly-Eine graduates. Yesterday afternoon a lively row occnrrel among some Ktate-hon.se How politicians over the result of the Senatorial and Representa tive conventions, hut was soon squelched by the police. The anniversary of the Stationary Engi neers' Association was held last night at the ball at Lroad and Spring Garden streets. The association is now collecting a library of works on scientific subjects. Pouieatlo ArTnlrs. " Eight rains throughout California and heavy rains in Oregon are prevalent. The navigation of the npper Mississippi is being rapidly extended northward. The State of New Ilampshire is con ceded to the Democrats by several hundred votes. Memphis, Tenn., was yesterday noon visited by a severe gale, which did much dvmage t9 property. A fire-works factory at Jefferson, Illinois, was blown up yesterday, and several of the workmen were badly injured. Tbe Committee on Judiciary of the State Legislature resumed last evening the investigation relative to the presont coal ntiike. Yesterday morning Ii. B. Ferry, a West ern lnmber merchant, shot and killed his wife, set his house on fire, and then com mitted suicide. The evidence in the impoachment case of Governor Holden, of North. Carolina, closed yesterday, and the evidence is now being summed np by counsel. A vigilance committee, near Altoona, a few days ago, seized eight horse-thieves, then shot three and hung five by their heels until they were dead. The State Council of the Workingmen'a benevolent Association will meet at Johns town to-morrow, to nrge the bituminous coal miners to join them in the present strike. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has recently received a large number of re ports from officers in the South, stating thoir inability to make a thorough collection of taxes owing to the spirit of outlawry existing, especially in the neighborhoods where distil leries are located. On Tuesday evening a band of masked vigilants entered the jail of Virginia City, Nevada, and took out William Willis, who is charged with having attempted to bam the Opera House of that place. They hung hi in to a beam, made him confess his crime, to gether with his accomplices, and then re turned him to the civil authorities for trial. In the House of Representatives yester day, after the close of our report, Mr. Butler objected to the introduction or anything that would prevent him bringing his Ka-klux bill before the House, and the Democrats "filibustered"' against Butler. Finaljy, the Speaker said that the regular order was the call of States. Mr. Randall asked whether it would be ia order to have a despatch read announcing that the Democrats of New Hampshire had elected their candidate for Governor, three Congressmen, and a majority of both branches of the Legislature. The Speaker said it could .only be 'done by general consent, whereupon several Republi can members objected. Mr. Butler asked whether it would be in order to have read a despatch stating that the Ku-Klux in Mis sissippi murdered four men last night; and Mr. Garfield remarked, "That is another Democratic victory." Mr. Butler sent up his Ku-Klux bill, when Mr. Cox raised the point that a day's notice of its in troduction bad not been given. The Speaker sustained the point. Mr. Peters then offered a resolution providing for the appointment of a select committee of thir teen to inquire into the condition of affairs in the late insurrectionary States, so far as regards the execution of the laws and the safety of life and property, and to report in December next said committee being au thorized to take testimony during the recess, and send a sub-committee to visit the South. Mr. Butler objected to the resolution, but it was passed under the operation of the pre vious question by a vote of 12G to 04. A motion to reconsider was laid upon the table, making the action of the House final. Messrs. Peters (who offered the resolution) and Butler announced that, under no eiroam stances, did they desire to be placed upon the committee. A joint resolution for adjourn ment dine die on the 20th inst. was then adopted yeas, 117; nays, 7G. The Speaker announced as the select committee under Mr. Peters' resolution, Messrs. Butler of Massachusetts, Shellabarger of Ohio, Kelley of Pennsylvania, Maynard of Tennessee, Buckley of Alabama, Coburn of Indiana, Ste venson of Ohio, Burdell of Missouri, Cox of New York, Beck of Kentucky, Archer of Maryland, Waddell of North Carolina, and Robinson of Illinois. Adjourned. Ferelaa Affair. Berlin expects to receive Emperor Wil liam tir-dav. The sugar crop of Porto Itioo is immense, but behind time. The Governments of Denmark and Swe den have reoocnized the French republic M. Thiers has gone to Versailles to make preparations for the reception of the As sembly. Movements are now being made for the thorough and permanent reorganization of the 1 rench army. Arrangements are being made for French representation in the exhibitions of 1871 at London and Florenoe. The Assembly has granted President Thiers three million francs for the immediate expenses of the Qovernment. Favre has returned to Paris from Perrieres, but the result of his suooess in cautsiDir a stoppage of Uerman reauisitions is not vet known. Count Bismarck informs Thiers that Prussia is willing to relinquish Alsace and Lorraine, if the indemnity be increased one milliard and a half francs. The German Prefect at Rouen has pro hibited the publication of French official documents by journals in his department, on penalty of suppression. The New Brltlnh Cemuu: A census ot the people of Great Britain is to be taken at mldnlifht oa the 2d of April. The manner of taking tbe census there has trie TRpninmptidatlon of Del mr prompt, t borough. and accurate. It la conflued to the enumeration of inhabitants. Four day before the enu men tion blank schedules, are delivered at every bouse, and on these are to be recorded taa resident of tbe dwell ing at midnight on Sunday, April 2. No child born after midnight is to be included, nor is aay rmon dviBtr before that hour on that night. Tbese schedules Include the age, birth-place, and occupation. Tbo di-itricts are mdc sufll ciently small to enable tbe agents to collect all the schedules on Monday, they taklrnr tbe pains to ete that each baa been filled out according to the directions. Each family mt;ei Its own record and delivers tbe paper to the collector In this way the ennmernilon in the whole Island Is simultaneous, I? completed la a single day, and gives the exact population at a par ticular hour. The general estimate lu Figltud la that England, Scotland, and Wales wlllshow an acureirate pnrnlMVm of 3l.000.01rt. REAL. ESTATE AT AUOTION. TRU STEES' SALE OF AND VALUABLE REAL PERSONAL EST.VTK. Pursuant to tbe terms of a deed of trust executed to tbe undersigned, on the 12th day of November, A. D. 1860, by the Tucker Creek Oil and Mlulng Company of West Virginia, to secure the payment of a certain debt, Ihercln described, due to Frede rick Falrthorne, amounting to 17000, with Interest from the 12th day of November, 166!, which deed Is recorded In the Recorder office of Wirt county, Went Virginia, In Deed Book No. 9, page 622, 1 will, ON THE 8th DAY OF MAY, 1S71 (that being the second Monday of the month), at the front door c f the Court House of Wirt county, West Virginia, pro ceed to sell to the highest bidder, 'by public auction, for cash In hand, the following real and personal property In said deed mentioned, to wit: all that certain tract or land situate, 1)1 tip, and belni In the county of Wirt and State or West Virginia, about one mile west of the Court House of Wirt county, containing THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY EIGHT ACRES OF LAND, known as the Tucker Creek Oil and Mining Company's Farm. Also, one other certain,tract of land situate on the waters of Synn Camp Run, and left hand fork of Tucker's Creek, In the county of Wirt and 8tate of West Virginia, containing EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN ACRES of land, more or less, being the same tracts of land conveyed to the said Tucker Creek Oil and Mining Company, by Nelson J. Nlckerson and wife, by deed bearing da'e on the 8th day of June, 18C5; both of said deeds are of record in the Ofllce of the Recorder of Wirt county, West Virginia, In Deed Book No. 9, pages 293 aud 3 )1. A lso one Portable Steam Engine Boiier and fix tures, 20 horse-power, two sets of blacksmith tools and a lot of oil well tools, and one fire-proof safe, all of w hlch.ls now upon the premises. 1 awt M8 D. II. LEONARD, Trrjstee. I) LACK HAWK GOLD MINING COMPANY OF y NEW YORK. AUCTION SALS BY TRUSTEES. Notice Is hereby given that we, the undersigned, BENJAMIN WHITE and P.KRIA1I WALL, or the City of Providence, in the Slate of Rhode Island, under and In execution of the powers In us vested by the deed of trust executed to us by sail Black Hawk Gold Mining Company, bearing date on the twenty-elglith day of May, A. 1. lNfifl, and duly re corded, will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION at the Ex change Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway, New York, on the eleventh day of May, 1871, at 12 o'clock noon, all the estate, lands, quartz lode mining claims, mines, minerals, mining rights and interests, lands and. premises, shaf la, levels, mills and mill sites, stores, storehouses, dwellings, and other bulldlDgs and structures, water, water-powers, runs and falls of water, water-courses, and water-rights and privileges, water-wbeels, flumes, ditches, fur naces, engines, steam-powers, tracts, machinery, re torts, tools and fixtures, and all other estate and I roperty, real,- personal, or mixed, of said Black Hawk Gold Mining Company, situate In the County of GilDln. In tho Territory of Colorado, and c.nn. veyed to ns in and by the deed of trust aforesaid, nuu an tuu utbciv auu lata? ui oam sjuipuuy therein. Reference Is hereby made, as a part of this notice, and for a full description of said estate and pro perly, to said deed of trust, which may be examined at trie office of W. n. Whlttingham, No. 11 Wall street, New York City. Terms of sale will be made known at the time and place of sale. ra 15 taw us 10 BENJAMIN WHITE, Trnatpp(L BERIAH WALL, Trustees. REAL ESTATE TnOMAS A SONS' S VLE. Business Stand. Two-story brick store. S. W corner or Ninth and McClellan streets, below Moore street, First ward. On Tuesday, March 21, 1371, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that two-story brick store anu uweuing ami 101 or ground, Bituate at tne south west corner or jNintn arm Meuieuan streets, First ward; containing In front ou Ninth street IS feet, and In depth 67 feet to a 3-feet wide alley, with tbe privilege thereof. The house is new, contains 6 rooms; has gas and water, papered throughout, etc. It is valuable for a bakery. Terms 812(16 may re main for a term of years. M. THOMAS & suns, Auctioneers, 3 9 19 Nob. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE THOMAS A 80NS' 8 ALE. Thrte-storv Brick Dwelling, No. 122T Whar ton street, east of Thirteenth street. On Tuesday, March 21, lbll, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground, with the three-story brlcs dwelling thereon erecteu, sirnate on tne norm sine or wuar ton street, east of Thirteenth street, No. 1227; con taining In front on Wharton street 16 feet, and ex tending In depth T5 feet to a 4-feet wide alley ex tending westwara into iiean street, witn tne privi lege thereof. The house contains 7 rooms and bath. all In complete order. Terms 11400 may remain ou mortgage. M. thumab s bujns, Auctioneers, a v is in os. lay ana ii . ruutmi street. PrnUMPTnK V RAT.F1 TttniWAS VXlVS .!:::: Auctioneers. Valuable lot, Richmond street. above Allegheny avenue, Twenty-tiftb. ward, 60 feet front. On Tuesday, March 28, 18V., at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable lot ot ground, Bituate on the northwest side of Rich mond street, so feet 6.7 inches southwest of West moreland street. Twenty-nun ward: containing in front on Richmond street 60 feet, and extending in depth 100 feet to a 28 feet wide street called Fisher Bireel two lrouts. uiear vi au mcamurauce. aie aosolute. M. thomas & u?s. Auctioneers, 3 9 IS 29 Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES SALE. Sous, auctioneers. ell-secured Clrouud Kent, 130 a year. On Tuesday. March 2S, 1871. at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that well-secured redeemable grouud rent or oo a year, payame January anu iuiy, issu lng outot a lot oi ground, upoa wuicn is erected a three-story brick dwelling, situate on the east side of Florida street. 21 T leet south of Fitz water street. Four tD ward, jso. tuo : containing iu iroui on norma street 16 feet, and extending In deptn 54 feet to Jeesup street. Dl. Tiiu.uaa x ovj.xn, AiH'uuueer., S 4 lS2i Nos. 139 and 141 B. FOUltTli Street. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS & SONS' SALE. Vert Valuable Business Stand. Three-story store. No. 1013 Chesnut street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. 24 ii feet front. Oa Tuesday, March 29, 1871, at li o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tne rnuaaeipma xcnange, tnree story brick store, No. 1013 Chesnut street. 24 feet 6 lnchea bv 178 feet. Terms il,ouu i ami. ieys at tne auction rooms. For further particulars apply to Edward C. Dleul, No. ouo walnut street. hi. thomas buxs, Auctioneers, 8 4 tit Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE ON THEPRE- lt::A mlseaEstate of WILLIAM. SNYDER, De ceased. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. Three desirable frame Cottages, Stable, and Shop, and Cottaire Lota. Green Street and Goodman street. Hiainir bun. Twenty-nun wara. un iuiinuAi. April 13, 1871, at 1 o'clock, will be sold at public sale, .ou tne premiaea. run particular, at me auction itooma, l. iliujlfls ouiis, Aut-uuuuera, 8 9 11 18 Sfi apl Nos. 139 aud 141 8. FOURTH tit. COPYING PRESSES. Just received, a Large Assort. meut of the Latest Styles COPYING: PRESSES. VM. M. CHRISTY, Stationer and Printer, No. 1ST S. THIRD Street, Opposite Oirard Bank. S eodS . t. B4BTOH. M1UH0M. XJ BBTPPING AtTD C0MHI88J0S MBACBAXTB, 11 wiooiwii f is lG 11 A a I TIES SUP. New York, I'H WHARVES, Philadelphia. 'RAIT STREET, Baltimore? No. IS hOUTi No. 46 W. PRATT We ara nrenared to ship ever erv duitcrlntmn ru Freight to Philadelphia, New York, WUuuiwuhi, aiu lnteruiadliiu nninta wlili Dromptneaa and deaDauih. Canal Boat and Steam-tugs turukbed at the inorteal FINANCIAL. Bowles Brothers & Co, PABIS, I03D0N, EOSTOff. No. 10 WILLIAM Street N o -v Y o i 1c, ItSL'E Credits for Travellers IN EUROPE. Exchaige on Parli and the TJnio Sank of London, IN SUMS TO SUIT. H 7 3m B. K. JAMISON & CO. SUCCESSORS TO I. IT. KELLY &s CO., BANKERS AND DKALER8 IN Gold, Silver, and Government Bond At Closest market Itatev, N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sti Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, etc, etc. 86 INVESTMENT BONDS FORTAGB LAKE AND LAKE SUPERIOR SHIP CANAL IDs. Secured by first mortgage on the canal (now completed), aud on real estate wcrtu Eve times the amount of tbe mortgage. LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI, 10s. DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA (Including Omaha), 10s, and other choice Western county and city bonds, yicldlDg good rates or Interest. NVFSTERM PENNSYLAVNfA RAILHOAD Cs, endoised by the Pennsylvania Railroid Company. For full particulars app'y to HOWARD DlRLIGTOf, 8 2 8m No. 147 8outh FOURTH Street. DUNN BROTHERS, BARKIS US, Nos. 51 and 53 S. THIRD St. Dealers In Mercantile Taper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills ot Exchange on the union Bank of London, and issue travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BROS & CO., available In all the cities of Europe. Make Collections on all points. Execute orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board of Brokers. Allow Interest on Deposits, subject to check at Bight. 1 9 QITY OF BALTIMORE. l,20o,ouo six per cent, iiuuus 01 toe western Maryland Railroad Company, endorsed by the City of Baltimore. The nndenigned Finance Committee of the Western Maryland Railroad Company offer through the American Exchange National Bank 11,200,000 of the Bonds of tbe Western Maryland Railroad Company, having 30 j ears to run, principal and Interest guaranteed by the city of Baltimore, This endorsement having been authorized by an act of the Legislature, and by ordinance of the City Council, was submitted to and ratified by an almost unanimous vote of the people. As an addi tional security the city has provided a sinking fund of 200,000 for the liquidation of this debt at maturity An exhibit of the financial condition of city shows that she has available and convertible assets more than sufficient to pay her entire Indebtedness. To Investors looking for absolute security no loan offered In this market presents greater Inducements. These tondsare offered at SIX and accrued inte rest, coupons payable January and July. WILLIAM KEYSER, JOHN K. LONGWELL, MOSES W1E3ENFELD, 1 6 60tt Finance Committee. F o xt A. L 12, Six Fer Cent. Loan of the City of Wil- liamsport, Pennsylvania, At 85 and Accrued Interest. ' These Bonds are made absolutely secure by act of Legislature compelling the city to levy sufficient tax to pay interest and principal. P. 8. PETERSON & CO., No. 39 S. THIRD STREET, SB PHILADELPHIA. JOHN S. RUSHTON & CO.. BANKERS AND BROKER?, GOLD AND COUPONS WANTED. City Warrants BOUGHT AND BOLD. Flo. 60 South THIRD Street. SB6 PHILADELPHIA. ELLIOTT, COLLINS & CO, No. 109 South THIRD Street, MEMBERS OF STOCK AKD GOLD EX CHANGES. DEALERS IN MERCANTILE PAPER, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD.Etc. DRAW BILLS OF EXCI7ANGE ON TriE UNION BANK OF LONDON. aSfmwt FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., FElLADELmtA, NEW YORK and WASHIN iTOF. m COOKE, McC'iLlOCH & CO., LONDON, AXD Dealer, in Government Securltlei. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sle of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Brokers In this and ether cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. OOLB AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD, In connection with our London House we are now prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Including Purchase and Sale of Sterling Bills, and the Issue of Commercial Credits and Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available in any part of the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DEPOSIT, and to allow four per cent. Interest in currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication with both our New York and Washington Offices, we can offer superior facilities to our customers. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOS INVEST MENT. ramphlets and full Information given at our office, SS3mrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street, PhHada. A RELIABLE Home Investment. Safe THE Sunbury and Lewistown Railroad Company 7 PER GOLD First Mortgage Bonds. Interest Payable April and Octo ber, Free of State and United States Taxes. We are now offering the balance of the loan of fl,oo,00'. which is secured by a U-st and only lieu n the entire property and franchises of the Com pany, At DO and the Accrued Interest Added. The Road is now rapidly approaching completion, with a Urge trade la COAL, IKON, aud LUMBEU, In addition to the passenger travel awaiting the opening of this greatly nteded enterf rise. The local tiade alone is sufficiently large to sustain the Road. we have no Hesitation in recommending the Hinds as a CHEAP, KHLIAttLE, and SAFE INVEST. WENT. For pampnrete, wun map, and full information. app:y to WW?. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Dears in Government Securities, No. 36 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. SPECIAL' NOTICE TO INVESTORS. A Choice Security. We are cow able to supply a limited amoun of the Catawissa Railroad Company's 7 PER CENT. CONVERTIBLE MORTGAGE BONDS, FREE OP bTATB AND UNITED STATES TAX. They are Issued for the sole purpose of building the extension from MILTON TO VVlLLlAMSrORT, a distance of 80 miU. and are tecured bu a lien on the entire road marly 100 miles, fully equipped and doing a nourisning business. When It is considered that the entire Indebtedness of the Company will be less than fl6,(KH) per mile, leaving out their Valuable Oai Property of 1300 acres. It will be seen at once what an unusual amount of stcnrlty Is attached to these bonds, and they there fore Biust commend themselves to the most prudent Investors. An additional advantage la, that they can be converted, at tbe option of the holder, after 16 years, Into the Preferred Stock, at par. They are registered Coupon Bonds (a great safe guard), Issued in sums of tsoO and 11000. Interest payable February and August. Price 92)4 and accrued Interest, leaving a good margin for advance. For further Information, apply to D. C. WHARTON SMITH S CO., No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 1 SS! PHILADELPHIA. I7lt 31 ERCHANTS' FUND. This institution was Incorporated by the Legis lature of PennsylanlalnlSM, its benign object being to furnish relief to indigent Merchants of the City of Philadelphia, especially such as are aged a ad inflrra. Tbe claims upon tbe Fund are so numerous that the appropriations for the relief of Its beueflclaries are already in excess of the regular income, and it Is with the hope of enlisting mora general sympathy and aid in sustaining this excellent charity that the Managers make this appeal to our citizens. Contri butions received by either of the undersigned. Life Membership, 50. Annual Membership, 1 MANAGERS, Thomas Robins. John Mason, villiain Cummlngs, ' Win. II. Baoou, Edward L Clarke, John Welsh, William C. Ludwlg, Arthur O. Coiliu, James C. Haud, Edmund A. Souder, Samuel E. Stoke, Benjaman Orne, JfiiiesB. McFariand, Edward c. Knlghr, jTbnuiaa C. Hand, J. V. Williamson, A. J. Derbyshire, !John D. Taylor. ijohn H. Atwod. jucuara woou, WILLIAM n. BACON. Treasurer, No. an WALNLT Street. 2V3t 'atULfJCkJ PROPOSALS. UNITED STATES ENGINE SR OFFICE, BAL TIMORE, MD. Faybtti Strkkt, kkar Charles, Third ttory Union Bank Building, March l, 1471. Proposals are Invited for dredging In the channel below Fort Csrroll leading to this city, rrjposals, to be ttalei and In dup icate, tndorted on outside, and accompanied by a copy of ihis adverilsenun', will oe received until noon of 1st day of APRfL,?87l, and will be opened In teu minutes thereafter, in the f reei nee of such bidders as may wish to be present. About Tn,000 cublo yards, mora or less, to be re moved. Length of haul of materUl averages about two miles, The objecf is to attain a depth of 21 feet at rr can low water. The tide rises about one foot and one-half. Proposals will state kind of machinery to be used ; average quantity In cublo yar ls to be removed dally; price per cubio yard, Including ex cavation, removal, and deposit. M aural to be measured in dumping scows. The right to reject any bid is reserved. Forms of Proposals and any desired information to be had on application at this ofllce. WILLIAM P. CRAIGIIILL, . 3 2 Major of Engineers, U. S. A. OFFICE OP rriiCHAHNO AND DKPOT COM MISSAhY, No. 8a tj. FOURTH .Street, Room No. 8. St. Loris, March 8, is:i. SEALED PROPOSALS. In dnpiicate, will be re ceived at this ofllce until li o'clock M MONDVY, Arrll 8, 18U, for furnishing the Subsistence Depart ment U. A. : 8 pounds mess pork. 40,0no pounds of bacon clear sides. 181, ooo pound of doubio extra flour. i;i,dt0 pounds of hard bread. ll,ooo pounds or corn meal-kiln dried, in, ooo pounds of beans white navy. ,o!0 pounds of split peas. 4,6( 0 pounds of rice Carolina. 600 pounds of hominy. 17,000 pounds of green Rio coffee. 1,000 pounds of Rio coffee roasted. u,(H;0 pounds or brown sugar. 1..W0 gallons of whisky vinegar. 3,ooo pounds of candles aduinantine. 8,000 pounds of extra family soap. ;t,mio pounris of salt. two pounds of pepper black. 4,5oo pounds or hams sugar-cured. 17,(i(i0 poundsor choice family flour. . 3,C0 pounds of dried apples. TOO pounds of dried peaches, l,soo pounris of ralsiLS. no gallons of pickled cucumbers. 50 gnllooa of pickled onions. 375 gallons of sauerkraut. 33V dozen cans)f milk. 3.200 pounds of lard. 7,ooo pounds of butter. , 1,000 pounds of cheese. Information as to kind of packages, condition, etc. etc can be obtained on application at this ofllce. C. 11. PENROSE, 8 13 t Captatn, U. S., U. S. A. TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. SEALED PROPOSALS, Indorsed "Propo sals for Building a Public Soh.KU house in the Tweuty-seventh Ward." wUl be received by the undersigned at tne oillce, south eastcornerof SIXTH aud A DELPHI Streets, until THURSDAY, March 81, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., for building a Public School-house on a lot of ground situate on the corner or Thirty-eighth and Spruce streets, In the Twenty-seventh ward. Said school-house to be built In accordance with the plans of L. II. Esler, Superintendent of Scnool Buildings, to be seen at the ollice of the Board of Public Kducatlon. No btds will be consldetcd unless accompanied by a certificate from the City Solicitor that the provi sions of an ordinance approved May 25, I860, have been complied with. The contract will be awarded only to known mas ter builders. By order of the Committee on Property. II. W. HALLIWELL 811 1619 23 Secretary. pBAMFORD ARSENAL, OFFICE A. C. S. Philadelphia, Pa., March 15, 1871. FFLED PROPOSALS in duplicate will be re ceived at this oillce until 12 M., April 15, 1371, for furnlslilug the fresh teef required by the Subsist ence Department, U. 8. A., at this station during the two month commencing May 1, 1S7I. Informa tion as to conditions, quality of beef, payments, etc., can be obtained by application to WILLIAM PRINCB, 3 15 Ct First Lieut. Ord., A. C. 8. Q UARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, U. S. A., PHILADELPHIA, Pa., reO. IT, 18(1, . . 1 X -nHnHAnnln I. t.lnlL.atA mill l.A ..)lllrul ftl this oillce until 12 o'clock M. on FRIDAY, March 17, 1871, for building a brick or Stone Wall arouud the Richmond, Va., and Wilmington, N. C. National Cemeteries. Forms for proposals, and specifications, furnished upon application to this oillce. v HENRY C. nODCiKS, 2 17 Ct Major and quartermaster, U. S. A. CITY ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE - To Empower the Mayor to Enter Into a Contract with parties for the Taklnsr up, Kill ing, aud Removing of Dogs found Running ut Large in tbe city. fcectlou 1. Tbe Select and Common Councils of tbe city of Philadelphia do ordiun, That tho Vayor shall, if in bis opinion the same shall be to tbe advantage aua ueneui oi me citizens, im mediately after the pasi-iige of this ordinance, enter into a contract witu the women s Branch of tbe Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or any other society or parties, for the taking up, killing, and removing all dogs found running at larire in the city without a good safe wire muzzle on, sulilcient to prevent them from bltiner, and u metallic or leather collar around their necks, at least one and a quarter Inches wide, with the owner's name legibly in scribed thereon. Such dogs without muzzle and collar on being hereby declared nuisances. Provided. Tbe contract so entered into shall not at any time exceed tbe amount appropriated by Councils for that purpose. Section 6. it snail ue tna amy oi tne -Mayor, in the month of December of each year here after, providing tbo appropriation for the taking up, killing, and removing dogs for the succvediog year has been made, to enter into a contract with some society or parties ior tne taking np, killing, and removing all dogs found running at large in the city the succeed ing year. Section 3. And should the appropriation not be made until the year the same is to be used, he shall, as soon as the same shall be made for that year, enter Into a contract with the above named society, or other parties, in accordance with the provisions of the first section of this ordinance, for tbe taking up, killing, and re moving all dogs found running at large in the city during the year for which the appropria tion is made. ' Provided, The Mayor shall at all times have the power to revoke the contract if the con tractor or contractors do not comply with their part to the Mayor's satisfaction. And warrants for tbe payment of tbe same shall be drawn by tho Mayor in conformity with exist ing ordinances, all ordinances to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. HENRY IIUIIN, President of Common Council. Attest Abraham Stkwabt, - Assistant Clerk of Common Council. SAMUEL W. CATTELL, President of Select Council. Approved the eleventh day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy (A. D. 1870.) W V DANIEL M. POX, 3 16 It Mayor of Philadelphia. OOALt P. OWEN A CO., COAL DEALERS, FILBERT STREET WHARF, SCHUYLKILL. UOly ONOWDON k RAU13 COAL DEPOT. CORNER O DILLWYN and WILLOW Streets. Lehigh and Schuylkill COAL, prepared expressly for family use at the lowest cash prices. m 1 1 SEED OATS. Surprise Oats, weighing 40 pounds to the bushel, at Vm per bushel. Also, New Brunswick ana Ex celsior Oats, raised expressly for seed, "!f P B V I N' t CO., 3j3f No." 103 MARKET Street. AMUSEMEN TS. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET . .THEATRE. Begins X to S O'Oloci. CORTlfKED SUCCESS. CHoWimu HOUSES. ,.r. LOTTA'S THIRD WEEK. MONDAY, EVERY EVENING, ANU SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 8, FIUE PLY. I.OTTA AS FIKE FLY, With BODgs. Dances, and Drum Sola FRIDAY BENEFIT OF LOTTA. SATURDAY, ONLY FIHR FLY MATINEE. . MONDAY NEXT LITTLE NtLU w ALNDT STREET TIIRATR K. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, March 16. VI li cut tr-Tt pwn iirunvm JT IlOtVl JS.L.IJ VJ .A V X Xj .11 H, i Trior to their depnrture for Europe of MR. AND MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. The successful Irish Drama by Edmun 1 Falconer, entitled THE MEN IN THE OAP; . .t, OR, INNISFALLEN. mB ??y.w,u',ams " Terrence 0'Ryn Mrs. BARN ET WILLIAMS an.. ...Maggie Maguire Inactfonnhwliibti.hownanewan.T MAHNIFKIENT PANORAMA. "IAREWELL OF THE TWO-HBADEO OIRL JC CO MBI NATION. - POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. No one should fall to Improve this the L sT OPPOHTUNITYorwitnesdlDg NATUKE S GREATEST LIVING WONDEff. ASSEMBLY BUILDING, from 8 to 5 and from I to 10 P. M. Admission, 83 cents. nnMnmnMii. Jtiarca XO. At PH(EMXVILLE March 21 31St' ) AVENPORT S OHESN UT STREET THEATRE. TniS (Thursday) EVENING, A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DK3TS, E.L.DAVENPORT as SIR GILES OVERREACH. MATIN EB ON SATURDAY AT 8 O t;LOCK. A GRAND PERFORMANCE ON SATURDAY EVENING, when, by special request, will be presentel A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD UEHTS. O E V E NT II STREET OPERA HOUSE. p REECE'S VARIETY TROUPE, Commencing Monday evening, Mar.-u n, is7i, In their Sofgs, Dances, Ethiopian Acts, Bur lesques, Character Songs, Etc. Doors open at I o'clock. Commence at 8. f3 13 6t I ' J J V J.1 U, r T f t WEEK L O N O E R. GETTYSBURG", KOTBERMEL'3 BATTLE AT OF No. 1003 CHESNUT Street. From 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. AU who have not yet seen this great Picture should not fall to do so before Its removal. a 25 AM ERICAN MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE Northwestcornerof NINTH and ARCHStreets. Open dally from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. 100,000 CURIOSITIES From all psrts of the World. THIRTY CAGES OF WILD ANTMAL8. The Splendid Dramatic Company appearing m the Lecture Room every Evening at 8 o'clock, and Wed nesday and Saturday afternoons at 9 o'clock. Admission to all the Attractions, 28 cents. HUtf 1jXX H NEW AMERICAN THEATRE, CHESNUT ' Street, ahove Tenth, AMUSEMENTS OF ALL NATIONS. EVERY EVENING And SATURDAY MATINEE. GREAT CONGRESS OF STARS. Comprising the best artists in the'eountry, who appear In Grand Ballets, Dutch Comedy, Local Sketches, MlDstrelsy, EthlopianAct8, Farce, Comlo Vocallsm, Pantomime, etc. MILLINERY. jyj R S. R. DILLON NOS. 3J3 AND 831 SOUTH STREET, FANCY AND MOURNING MILLINERY, CRAPE VEILS. Ladles' and Misses' Crape, Felt, Gimp, Hair, Satin, Silk, Straw and Velvets, Hats and Bonnets, French Flowers, Hat and Bonnet Frames, Capes, Laces, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Sashes, Ornamental and all kinds of Millinery Goods. 1 4 WHISKY, WINE, ETO. QAR8TAIRS & McCALL. Ho. 126 Walnut and 21 Granite Bts ' IMPOBTKRS OW Brandies, Wines, Gin, 01iv( Oil, Eta..1 WHOLESALE DBAXJEBS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES, IK BOND AUD TA-X PAID. tlts CLOTHS. CAS8IMERES, ETO. c LOTH HOUSE. J A Kl E 8 & HUBBR, Ho. 11 IoriI SECOni) Street Sign of tne Goldon Lamb, Are w receiving a large and splendid assortmen of new styles of FANCY CASSIMERE3 And standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS an' COATINGS, 18 18 mwt AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FISHING TACKLE. TO SPORTSMEN. TBE OLDEST FISHING TACKLE STORE IN THE CITY. . (40 years established.) SAMUEL SPANG, No. 148 NORTH THIRD STREET. Just received direct from England, a fall and va ried assortment or FISHING TACKLE, as follows: soco dozen Best English Trout Flies, ta suit the season. A full supply of Fine Kngiisn Trout Rods and Books. 9( co Best Savannah Fishing Rods, 25 to 80 ft. long. Also, a full supply ot R. Hemming A Son's superior quality of Fish Hooks, Limerick & Klrby, s etc. etc. Gut Snoods, Silk, Silk and Hair, Grass Llaes of every description. Also, Bamboo Rods, 17 to IS feet. Seines made to order. Sole importer (for 40 years) of the GENUINE HAARLEM OIL. 3 I tnthslin FIRE EXTINGUISHER. THE UNION FIRE EXTINGUISHER. OVER FIVE MILLIONS (15,000,000) OF DOLLARS WORTH OF PROPERTY IN THE UNITED STATES HAS ACTUALLY BEEN SAVED BY THE EXTIN GUISHER Within the past three years; while in Philadelphia alone twenty-five tires, endangering property to the extent Of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOL LARS, have been extinguished during the past year bv the same means. Our Machine la the IMPROVED CARBON IO ACID OAS FIRE EXTINGUISHER, and is indorsed aod used by M. Balrd & Co., Henry Diaston k Son. Benjamin Bullock's Sons, Morris, Taker A Co., I Alan Wood A Co., Lacey fc Phillips, Bromley Brothers, 8. J. Solms, Charles Eneu, John son & Co., Kimby A Madeira, Francis Perot A Sons, George W. Chllds, Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Philadelphia and Boston Steamship Company, Phila delphia and Southern Steamship Company, and many other of our leading baslneas men aad oorpo- rations CAUTION All parties in this community are warned against buying or selUns; "Extinguishers" except those purchased from us or oar agent, under penalty of Immediate proaeoutlon for Infringement Our prices have been nxiuoed, and the Machine la now within the reach ot every property holder. N.B.ZOM style made specially for private resi dences. Union Tit9 Extlnguliher Company OFFICE, lWotfrp No. 118 MARKET BTBEET. CTAllt UOIS, TI21 PLATES, OAS TORCHES, OAS TURNERS, WAX TAPERS, Etc. Etc., On band and for sale by If J 1B EL Sc MOSS, MANUFACTURERS, 3101m No. 223 South FIFTH Street,