THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY", MAltCll 14, I8"il. FIFTH EDITION THE LATEST HEWS. FROM TJIJB JfORTllWeSI. Anatfarr Wlantn. Witr Ntartllac Repirt. train the f rentier. CmcAGO, March IS. Pembina dates of the 28th nit. gives news of another outbreak on the Reserve. The 1st Battalion of Canadian Volun teers are in open revolt, and put at defiance their officers and the civil authorities. Present indications are that the Government is defuact, and that all authority has passed Into the hands of the Canadian troops stationed at the Upper Fort Garry of whom Dr. Schultz is recognized as head and leader. Within a few days nominations will be made and elections be held for four members of the Dominion House of Commons. A rising of a soldiers' mob is apprehended, and all law-abiding citizens look forward with dread to the 4th of March, when the soldiers and Schultz's party propose to celebrate tbe anniversary of 8cott's execution. We are absolutely withont law, as the Toluntccrs have taken authority into their own hands. Another letter says the country people cannot visit Winnipeg without fear of being insulted and abused by lawless soldiers, and unless an immediate Improvement is made in the condi tion of attain,, many people will abandon their farms and fly for refuge to the American side of the boundary. Tbe village of Pembina is frequently visited by parties of drunken volun teers, who terrify ani frequently abuse citizens. On the night of the 2 1th an American citizen named Andrew Nault was chased across the in ternational boundary by a party of infuriated oldlers, and who some distance from this line was knocked down and savagely beaten by them and left for dead. Nault was one of the supporters of Kiel's Provisional Government of last winter, which Is the reason for the assault. The Illinois LeRlalatare. A meeting was held last night of prominent citizens to take into consideration the expediency of inviting the Legislature to hold its next session in this city, and a com mittee of nine was appointed to carry into effect the wishes of the meeting. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC BAILR01D. BY SCHUYLER COLFAX, VICE-I'RKSIDBNT OF TUB UNITED STATES. Midway across the continent at the head of twelve hundred miles of Lake navigation a thou sand miles from Buffalo, the western terminus of the Erie Canal, and as near to it by water as Chicago a hundred mtles west of the longitude of St. Louis or Galena Is the young city of Duluch, the initial point or the Northern Pacific Railroad. That great work, so magnificently endowed by the Gov ernment, is already being pushed rapidly westward, nnder its energetic controllers; and before the snow files next fall, it will be completed to the western line of M nnesota, where it crosses the Red River of tbe North which runs northward to Lake Winnipeg and one-eighth of its distance to the Tactile Ocean will have been accomplished. Com mencing, too, this season on its western line, the work will be prosecuted from both directions, and long before the nation celebrates its Centennial An niversary of Independence, the Lakes will be nuited by iron bands with that Mediterranean of our North west Fuget Sound. Of the auspicious Influence of this enterprise, Which but a tew years ago would have been consi dered so daring, the most sanguine of Its friends have scarcely yet a full realization. Even taking Chicago as the starting point, it will be (via St. Paul, where an arm of the Northern Pacific Rail road Is reached) two hundred miles less distance to Puget Sound than to San Francisco. Besides this, vessels from the Golden Gate to China sail on what Is called the grand circle, Instead of in a straight line; and anyone testing this by a string on a globe will be surprised at the result, If they have not previously studied the effect of the rotundity or the earth, and its diminished protuberance as you go northward towards the Pole. Hence, when they have sailed eight hundred miles from San Francisco, they are only t ne hundred miles from the entrance to Puget Sound ; and this striking fact ahows the advantages this route will have in commanding the through traffic of Asia with our Atlantic States, or that portion of it which will pass over the soil of this nation on Us road to Europe. Nor is this all. Development is the great duty of the republic, after all Its recent trials. Resources are the gift of the Creator. 'Developing them de pends cn the work of man. Along the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad, as it follows up the water-courses, the Missouri and the Yellowstone on this side, and descends by the valley of the Colum bia on the otner, a vast body of agrtcnltural land is waiting for the plough, with a climate almost ex actly the same as that or New' York, except that, with less snow, cattle, in the larger portion of It, can subsist on the open range In winter. Here, , if climate and fertility of soli produce their natural result, when railroad facilities open this now isolated region to settlement, will soon be een waving grain-fields, and happy homes, and growing towns ; while ultimately a cordon of pros perous States, teeming with population, and rich la industry and consequent wealth, will occupy that now undeveloped and almost Inaccessible portion or our continental area. But this Road is fortunate also In its pathway across the two ranges of mountains which tested so eevere'y the Pacific Railroads built on the central line, and the overcoming of which reflected such well-deserved honor on their energetic builders. At the Deer Lodge Pass, in Montana, where it crosses the Rocky Mountains, its altitude above the sea Is 3500 feet less than the Union Paclfio Railroad at Sherman, which Is said to be tbe highest point at which a locomotive can be found in the world. And on the Pacific sldo of the Continent It is even more fortunate. From Arizona op to the Arctic Circle the Columbia is the only river which has torn its way through that mighty range, the Andes of North America, which in California Is known as the Sierras, but which in Oregon changes its name to the Cascades. Nature has tnus provided a pathway - for the Northern PdClQo Road through thtse mountains, the scaling of whtch, ontbeotinr Hue, at an elevation of over seven thousand feet (a most wonderful triumph of engineering), cost the Central Pacific Company mlllons of dollars, and compelled them, for seventy miles, to maintain a grade of over one hundred feet to the mile twice the maximum of the Northern Pacific at the most difficult point on its entire route. It is fortunate, also, In It terminus on the Pad do coast. No one who has not been there can realize thebeautv of Puget Sound and its surroundings. One hundred miles long, but so full of Inlets and straits that Its navigable shore line measures seven teen hrndred and sixty miles, dotted with lovely laieta. with aleantle trees almost to tbe water's eda-e. with sale anchorage everywhere, and stretch ins southward, without shoals or bus, from the Straits of 1 uca to the capital and centre of Wash ington Territory, it will be a msgnlflcent entrepot tnr the commerce of that grandest ocean of the irnrid. the Pacific. The Land Grant of the United 8tates, ex e-etAWa Fiftv Millions of acres iu the wtuUr-wheat . region of our nation (ten times as large as the area .t vRiuhiisetts is doubtless suntclont for tue completion of the Road; but, besides this, millions of private means are already Invested la it. Tfce bonds based on the Land Grant, and a mortgage on the Road Itself In addition, are being sold as rapidly as the money Is needed ; and, as an investment, yielding about eight per cent, per year In currency, rank already with the best class of railroad securi ties. And thns the good work will go on with un checked step to Its Onal consummation, carrying the blessings of settlement, development, civilisa tion, and Christianity with It in Its progress, and literally causing the wilderness to blossom as the rose. K. Y. Independent ClTg ITBMI. Extensive Art Sai.k All lovers of the One arts should be on hand without fall on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week, March 10th and lTth, at the store of Hugh A. McCann, No. 910 Chesnut street. The immediate cause of this sale, which doubtless will result In the sacrifice, so far as price is concerned, of many valuable woiks of art, is the fact that extensive alterations are about being made in the store building mentioned. These alterations, when completed, will give much greater comfort and convenience to the frequenters of the establish ment As a preparation for this the sale Is an nounced, the proprietor desiring to clear on the pre mises as much as possible. It is considered better to sell at lower rates at such a time than to retain the valuable stock on hand and run the risk or injuries which would render them entirely valueless, and which are almost certain to happen at such a time, no matter what precautions may be taken. Espe cially is this the case when the merchandise is of such a fragile nature as are paintings or other works of art, which a slight blow, a scratch, a fall, or even a jar, may ruin forever. The sale will Include the entire large collection now in the store. This col lection is very valuable, and embraces bath foreign and American oil paintings from the pencils of the best artists. The salo will commence at hair-past seven o'clock. The pictures are now on free exhlbl. tlon. Spkcial Sai.k of Italian Carraka Marblr Sta tuary. A fine collection of Italian marble figures and groupes for parlors and gardens, also fluted columns and pedestals, will be offered at public sale, by order of importers, for foreign account, on to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, 15th Instant, at 11 o'clock, at the salesroom of Messrs. Thomas Birch & Fon, No. 1110 chesnut street. Toe subjects are varied and numerous, and afford ample variety for those who wish to adorn their houses with pro minent as well as olasslcal objects. This sale la one exclusively of marble works of art, and offers In ducements which can be repeated only at very great intervals. Mb. William W. Cassidt, the Jeweller at No. 8 South Second street, has one or the largest and meat attractive stocks or all kinds of Jewelry and Silver, ware in the city. He has also on hand a fine assort ment of fine American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this store at the present time are certain to get the werth of their money. C. n. Hamrick &. Co. We call the attention of our numerous lady readers to the card of this well known dry goods house, situated at No. 45 N. Eighth street. Ladles should not fall to visit this mam moth establishment before purchasing elsewhere. MAUBIED. Farthiko Lb art. On February 15th, by the Etv. James H. Beale, Mr. John Fartuinu, Jr., to MUs Sallik D. Leary, both or this city. No cards. Hedpen Pbask On the 8d Inant,at Edgar town, Mass., In the M. E. Church, Edward F. Heddbn. or the TJ 8. Revenue etnamer Moccasin, to Marib N., daughter of Joseph T. Pease, Esq., of Edgartown. - DIED. Baroer. On the night of the 12th Instant, Wa liam Bakoer, P. G. m. of the Grand Lodge of Penn sylvania. A Y. M. The It W. Grand Lodge of Pcnnsvlvanla, Phll delphta Lodge, No. 78, and his male'fiiends are in vttdd to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 1014 Morgan street, on Thursday afternoon, I3tn instant, at 2 o'clock. Db Haven. On the the 13th instant. Frankm Moors, youngest son of A. II. and Mary T. De Haven, aged 2 years. Services at No. 924 Spruce street, Wednesday, 15th, at 8 P.M. Interment at Wilmington. Hart. In this city, on Sunday, tbe 12th Instant, of disease of the heart, Bmmei.inb Bowman, daughter of William Hart, of Vlneland, N. J., aged 22 years and 9 months. Funeral from the residence of her brother, No. 1004 N. Fifteenth street, on Wednesday, the 15th in stant, at 12 o'clock. The remains will be taken to Corning, N. Y., for Interment. Hood. On the 13th Instant, Robert Hood, son or Eliza and the late Samuel Hood, In the 26th .year or his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also Schuy ler Council, No. 183, O. U. A. M., and Northern Liberty Engine Company and William Tell Yacht Club are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral. from bis mother's residence, No. 2025 Sepviva street, nelow Dauphin street, on Thursday afternoon, at 1 o ciocx, witnout lortner nonce. to proceed to mount monan cemetery. Kelley. In Beverly, N. J., March 13 Albert F., aged I years, son of Albert L., and Cecelia E. Kellev. runerai irom residence oi nis parents, weanes- day, loin, at x r. m. Tobias. On the 14th Instant Harry Phillips. son or J. o. looias, oi tnis city. t r ACM. On Monday, March 13, Thomas S.. eldest son of William R. and Anna Paul), aged 3 years and months. Funeral Wednesday. Marcn 15, at 2 P. M from No. 8 West Gay street, West Chester, Pa. Tae friends of the family are Invited to attend. Whilldin. On the 13th Instant Oliver Whim.- sin, aged eu years ana e mom as. The relatives and friends of the family and Eagle Beneficial Association are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 542 Washington avenue, on Thursday alternoon, at 8 o clock. Interment at Euenezer unurcn urouna. Widkner. On the 11th Instant. Harry Kern. eldest son of Peter A. B. and H. Josephine Wide ner, in the 12th year or his age. Tbe relatives ana rnenas oi tne ramuy are respect rullv Invited to attend the funeral, from his parents' residence, JNO. isso noni ruieeuui Bireei, on weu- nesuay, tne latn instant, mi iu o cioca. To proceed to lAurei uul tr MASONIC NOTICE. THE OFFICERS AND Members of KENSINGTON LOUUE, No 211. A. Y. M.. and the Order generally, are rraternany invited to meet at Kensington Masonic Temple, RICHMOND Street on WEDNESDAY HUU.MHIi, IStQ Inst. at o ciocx, to auena me r nnerai oi our ueceasea Brother, ANTHU.nx KAM&Hi. By order or tne w. m. CHARLES K. N KISSER. Secretary. N. B. Masonic Dress will be strictly observed, ti tV GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, F. AND A. M Masonic Hall, Marc a 14, 18T1. The Officers and Members of the GRAND LODGE are fraternally requested to meet at tue Han, en Tnurs- rtftv. lath instant, at 2 o'clock P. M.. in Masonlo dress, (or the purpose of attending the funeral of Bv order or tne m. w. u-rana msBier. tt JOHN THQMbON, Grand Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fbr additional Spteial NoIIcm m huid tor THE ACADEMY O F MUSIC. STAR COURSE OP LECTURES. JOSH BILLINGS, ON THURSDAY EVENING, March 16. Subject : "NATR1L HISTORY." A. MINER QR1SWOLD, March 80. ("The Fat Contributor.") Subject :'INJUN MEAL." (JENERAL K1LPATRIOK, March 83. MliS. CADY STANTON, March iT. MENDELSSOHN QUINTETTE CLUB. March 80. ADMISSION 60 DENTS RKHEKVil) SEATS ......SS CENTS Extra Tickets to any of the Single Lectures, and to the Coucert, for sale at Gould & Fischer's Piano Rooms, No. i CHESNUT Street, and at the ACADEMY on the eveninira of the Lectures. Doors open at quarter-past T ; Lecture at 8. Ill 8t pf OFFICE VOLCANIC OIL ANI COAL COMPANY. NO. 10 MERCHANTS Ei- CHANUE. Phil auzlphia. March 18. 18T1. The Board of Diret ior have this day declared a dlvldeudof TY ENTY-HVE t EN I'd a snare, pay- able on and alter the l&ih lLtaut. ,,.,,. THOMAS J. MAGILL, a 13 6t beuel&ry and Tre?urcr. SPECIAL. NOTICES. tfiy HEADQUARTERS UNION REPUBLICAN w C1TV EXECUTIVE COM.MITTKB, No. 1105 (JUKSNUT street. Pntrin.l imn M.mK 11 10TI At a meetlnff Of the UnmmlttM tielil nn thn above date, in accordance with rule four of the revised rnles, the following-named persons were selected to organize the Senatorial and Representative Con ventions to elect Delegates to the Convention to nominate an Auditor and Surveyor-General : SENATORIAL CONVENTIONS. Plst. . IDlst. l. I'liam .1. Orens. s. John W. Donnelly. 8. Charles A. Porter. I 4. John A. Loughrldire. REPRESENTATIVE CONVENTIONS-! Dist uist. 1. John O'DonnelL 10. Archibald W. Curry. 8. Henry C. Selbv. 11. William Slner. 12. Jacob M. Davis. 18. Charles Slner. 14. John J. Adair. 15. John II Jefferies. 10. Wm. M. Taylor. IT. Jonathan Brooks. 13. Richard Peltz. 8. John J. Scbell. 4. John A. Shernier. o. Henry J. Mclntyre. 0. John U Hill. . 7. Charles F. Carpenter. h. f rame uarr iruea. 9. P. S. Dildlne. The Conventions will meet as follows: SENATORIAL. First district. Hall of the Harmon Knirlne Com- pany, Broad and Filzwater streets. Second district, northeast corner of Broad and Race streets. Third district. Ton Hall. Third RtrAot. nhnve Wll. low. Fonrth district, northeast, corner of Glrard avenue and Alder street. REPRESENTATIVE. First district, southwest corner of Sixth and Dick- erson streets. Second district, southeast corner of Movamenslnz avenne and Prime street. 1 bird district. Odd Fellows' Hall. Tenth and South streets. Fonrth district. O'Neill's nail. Broad and Lombard streets. Fifth district, No. 003 Sansom street Sixth district, northwest corner of Market and Merrick streets. Seventh district, northwest corner of Franklin and Buttonwood streets. Klshth district. No. HIT Race street. Ninth district, northwest corner of St. John and Bnttonwood streets. Tenth district, northeast corner of West and Coates streets. Eleventh district, southwest corner of Fourth and George streets. Twelfth district, southeast corner of Frankford road and Belgrade street inirteentn aistnct, soutneasc corner or firth and Thompson streets. ronrteentn district, southwest corner or Fifteenth and Thompson streets. Fiiteentaoiati.ct, nortnwest corner or Amoerand Ella streets. Sixteenth district, Temperance Hall, Manavunk. Seventeenth district, southwest corner or Frank- ford road and Unity street. Eighteenth district southeast corner of Lancaster and Haverford avenues. Bv order of the Union Renublican Cltv Executive Committee. JOHN L. HILL, President """" ' vui.wyUU) i Kpf.rAfnrIp. JU. V. ilONQ, f It gy- OFFICE OF THE LOGAN IRON AND A Ui.U WJU1 A.l . , Philadelphia. March 13. 19T1. The annual meeting of tbe Stockholders of this company will be held at the office, No. 230 SOUTH TH1MD street, on TUESDAY, March 2 at 12 o'clock ju., wnen an election win be neid ror Five Directors, and such other business transacted as may then be presented. By order. lUAKLES wesiujn, jr., 8 14 lit Secretary. Rgy WOMAN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE. TUE Annual Commencement of this Institution will be held in CONCERT HALL on WEDNES DAY bext, March 15, at 12 o'clock M. The maledictory Address win be delivered oy Professor ISAAC COMLY, M. D. The public are respectfully invitea. n t" I5y- PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Ir' rfUIPOIIT anil Sifsla in riontlnm.n'a llnnta anrl Shoes, at BARTLETT'S, No. 83 S. SIXTH Street, above Chesnut. 2 20tf t?- THE UNION PRAYER MEKTING THIS "rw EVENING at PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner muiN i ana uinium. puouc invitea. it FURNITURE, At Your Own Prices. aoTJLS & CO., No. 37 and 39 Borth SECOND Street, And northeast cor. NINTH and MARKET Sts., Will sell von Furniture at your own prices to make room ror tno extensive alterations. iu eirps QA FIXTURES. - CORNELIUS & SOUS, PIAIHFACTiri&IIKft or GAS FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail Salesrooms, No. 821 CHERRY Streei PHILADELPHIA We bare no store or salesroom on t'heinat street 1 16 tmep CORNELIUS A SONS. OROOERIES. ETO. T7NGLISII AND SCOTCH ALES AND JJi lilt OWN STOUT. Just received, a fresh invoice of Guinness' Extra Dublin Stout, Tennant's English Ale and Brown Stout, Robert Younger'a Sparkling Edinburgh Ale, Bass 4c Co. 'a East India Pale Ale, Allsopp's Pale Ale, in stone and glass, all In line order, oar own Importa tion. A full line of choice and desirable FAMILY GRO CERIES. WILLIAM KELLEY, N. W. Corner TWELFTH. Street and GLRARD Avenua, II 10 tnatnt FHILADELPHIA. ESTABLISHED 1 HOI) . WARRANTED PURE Old Government Java Coffee. Roasted fresh every day, at only 35 cents per lb., or 8 lbs. for on a dollar. Lovers of good coffee, give this a trial and satisfy yourselves. For sale only at CQUSIY'S East End Grocery, No, 11S South IECOni St., Below Chesnut, West Side. N. B. Choice Groceries Of all kinds constantly ar- muig. I8 tasurpl PINANOIAUi JAY COOKE & CO.. PHILADELPHIA, NEW YSRSand WASHINGTON. jay cooke, Mcculloch :& co., LONDON, AM9 Dealeri In Government Securities. Special attention clven to the Pnrrha nti si or Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Brokers in this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD, In connection with o ir London Honaa we am nn prepared to transact a general FOREIGN EXCHANGE BUSINESS, Including Purchase and Sale of Sterling Bin, and the Issue of Commercial Credits and Travellers' Cir cular Letters, available In any part of the world, and are thus enabled to receive GOLD ON DEPOSIT, and to allow fonr per cent, interest in currency thereon. Having direct telegraphic communication with both our New York and Washington Offices, we can offer superior facilities to our customers. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOB INVEST MENT. Pamphlets and full Information given at our office, S 2 3mrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street Philada, A RELIABLE Safe Home Investment. T111S Sunhury and Lewislown Railroad Company 7 PER LUNT. GOLD First Mortgage Bonds. Interest Payable April and Octo ber, Free of State and United States Taxes. We are now offering the balance of the loan of 11,800,000, which is secured by a U'st and only lien .n ine enure property anu irancoises oi the Com pany, At OO and tlie Accrued Interest Added. The Road is now rapidly annroachlnsr comntetion. wlt.h n larirn trihilA In CIliT. I HOM anf I itmolmi in addition' to the passenger travel awaiting the opening of this greatly needed enterprise. The local owivi.u.i misv w OUDLB1U hHQ HUUtl. We have no hesitation in recommending the Bonds as a CHEAP, RELIABLE, and SAFE INVEST MENT. For pamphrets, with map, and full information, apply to Witt. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Dealers in Government Securities, No. 36 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO INVESTORS. A Choice Security. We re now able to sapply a limited amoun of the Catawissa Railroad Company's 7 PER CENT. CONVERTIBLE MORTGAGE BONOS, FREE OF BTATJS AND UNITED STATES TAX. Thev are Issued for the sole nnrnose of bulidins the extension from MILTON TO W1LLIAM8PORT. a distance of 80 miles, and are secured by a lien on the entire roaa v ntariy iuu miles, iuuy equipped and aoiuir iiuuiiauiuK uubiucbb. When It la considered that the entire Indebtedness of tbe Company win ne less man per mile, ln.iiri Ant tholP limht 1 fmni,t s latin . - it will be seen at once what an unusual amount of arcuritviaattacneaioineseDonas. and thev there. fore must commend themselves to the most prudent investors. An additional advantage la, that they can be converted, at the option of the holder, after la Tears, mvu iub rreierreu omjvk. at pur. They are registered Coupon Bonds (a great safe guard), issued In sums or asoo and tlOOO. Interest payable February and August. Price nx and accrued interest, leaving a good margin ior tatruico. for lurtuer uuuiuuuua, PP'J to D. C. WHARTON SMITH i CO., No. 121 SOUTH TIIIHB STREET, 1 SSi PHILADELPHIA. A. JLt E, Six Per Cent. Loan of the City of Wil- liamaport, Pennsylvania, Froo o 1 nil T it x o s, At 85 and Accrued Interest. These Bonds are made ahsolutely secure by act of Legislature compelling the city to levy sufficient tax to pay Interest and principal. P. 8. PETERSON & CO., No. 39 S. THIRD STREET, 88 PHILADELPHIA. JOHN S. RUSHTON & CO.. BANKERS AND BROKER?. GOLD AND COUPONS WANTED. City WarrnntM BOUGHT AND SOLD. No. CO South THIRD Street. S64 FHILADELPHIA. HNANOIAL.. FJEW 7 00 GOLD ZiOAH. 8AFE1 PROFITABLE I PERMANENT I We offer for Sale at Par, and Accrued Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRAND GOLD EOND3 or THI WOW PACIF10 RAILROAD CO. These bonds are se" gageontheRatlronrt t . equipments: wvmi-f. tire Land Gr.i t Thousand Act u The Bonds m d, a First Morfc ts rolling stooK and aL r .f i Mortgage on its en ore than Twenty-two each mile or Road. United States Tax: the Principal end ire payable in Oold the principal at the 4. 1 1 nlrty years, and the Interest !?,l;?.nSlVlJ,ly' l rate of SEVEN AND THREE JSNTHS PER CENT, per annum. Iney are issued in denomination! of 100, S0C, ,i0(!0,fsooo, andlio.ouo. The Trustees under the Mmtgage are Messrs, Jay Cooke, of Philadelphia, and J. Edgar Thomson, President of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company. These Northern Pacific T-30 Bonds will at all times before maturity, be receivable at Ten per Cent. Premium (or 110) in exchange for the Company's lands at their lowest cash price. in addition to their absolute safety, these Bonds yield an Income larger, we believe, than any other Oret-class security. Persons holding United states 6-80S can, by converting them Into Northern Pacifies Increase their yearly income one third, and atul nave a penecuy rename investment. Persons wishing to exchange stocks or other bonds for these can do so with any of our Agents, who will allow the highest current price for ALL MAR KETABLE SECURITIES. JAY COOMB Ac CO., Fiscal Agents Northern Paclflc Railroad Co, For Bale In Philadelphia oy D. O. WHARTON SMITH & CO., No. 181 soutn THIRD otreet. GLENDINNING, DAVIS R CO., No. 43 S. THIRD Street. BOWEN A FOX, No. 13 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK, N. W. cor. FOURTH and MARKET. T. A. DIDDLE & CO., No. 8S0 WALNUT Street. "WM. PAINTER & CO., No. 86 South THIRD Street. BULL & NORTH, No. 131 South THIRD Street BARKER BROS & CO., No. 83 South THIRD Street. EMORY, BENSON & CO., No. 6 South THIRD Street. B. K. JAMISON & CO., N.W. corner THIRD and CHESNUT. P. S. PETERSON & CO., No. 89 South THIRD Street. TOWNSEND WHELEN & CO., No. 809 WALNUT Street. CHARLES B. KEEN, No. 888 WALNUT Street. JNO. S. RUSHTON & CO., No. 60 South THIRD Street. NARR & LADNER, No. 80 South THIRD Street. M. SCHULTZ & CO., No. 44 South THIRD Streot. BIOREN & CO., No. 150 South THIRD Street. JOHN K. WILDMAN, No. 86 South THIRD Street. CHARLES T. YERKES, JR., & CO., No. 20 South THIRD Street. WILLIAM T. ELBERT, No. 821 WALNUT Street. J. II. TROTTER, No. 822 WALNUT Sfreet, S. M. PALMER & CO., No. 26 South THIRD Street. D. M. ROBINSON & CO., No. 133 South THIRD Street. SAMUEL WORK, No. 64 South THIRD Street. GEORGE J. BOYD, No. 18 South THIRD Street. H. H. WILTBANK. No. 805 WALNUT Street. RALEY & WILSON, No. 41 South THIRD Street. WALLACE & KEENE, No. 143 South THIRD Street. STERLING & CO., No. 110 South THIRD Street. WILLIAM C. MORGAT A CO.. No, 8 South THIRD Street. G. & W. Y. HEBERTON, No. 62 S. THIRD Street. JAMES E. LEWARS & CO., No. 29 S. THIRD Street. JACOB E. RIDGE WAY, No. 66 S. THIRD Street W. H. SBELMERDI NE, No. 10 8. THIRD Street 1 S6 tuwthfs40i UEVJ u. e. LOAH. GOLD VIVO 5-SOs Converted into New Loans of the United States on best terms. DE HA YEN & BK0. lin&rclal Agebts United State i, No. 40 South THIRD Street. en INVESTMENT BONDS PORTAGE LAKE AND LAKE SUPERIOR SHIP CANAL lua. teenred by Brut mortgaga on ihe canal (now completed), and on real estate worth Ore times tne amount oi tue mortgage. LAFAYETTE COUNTY, M'SSOURf, 10s. DOUOLAS COUNTY. NEBRA.MC4. (Includln Omaha), lus, and otner cnoice western c uuiy and City bouds, jleiumg goou rates oi mwreau WESTERM PENNSYLAVNIA RAILXOtD ti, endoised by tbe Pennsylvania Rallroid Company. For full particulars spp'y to llOWAKI) I altl.I.'XU T, g i 8m No. 14T South VoUtTH Btreet. gton and Reading Railroad 7 FX2X1 CX2CTT. SOrA ; Free of Taxes. We are now offerfnsr a limited annnntnr th SECOND MORTOAGEONDi'olthfaSpany At SaK and Accrued Interest. The Bonds axe Issued (n SIOOs, S500s, and SICOOs, COUPONS PAYABLE JANUARY AND JULY. We placed the FIRST MORTGAGE. BONDS of this Company at 85 per cent They are now brtngtog on the open market S per cent This fact is strong evidence of the standing and credit of this Com pany. Tbe road Is now finished and doing a large and profitable business. WKI. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, And Dealers In Government Secures, No. 36 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. IS" JEW Loan oftlie United States. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO HIE New 5 Per Cent. United States Loan Received at onr Office, where all Information will be given as to terms, etc. WtVl1. PAINTER & CO., No. 36 S- THIRD Street, 8 8 PHILADELPHIA. NOTICE. Parties wishing to subscribe for tbe New United States Loans At Far in Gold, And who believe GOLD will further decline, can bor row from us all they require for such subscriptions. D. C WK&RTGII SMITH & CO., No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Authorized Agents for sale of New TJ. S. Loan. 8 8 tt 5 rzsn ceut. New United States Loan. Agenta appointed to receive subscriptions or ex. change roil 5-20 EOUDS. Books now open and information furnished aa terms, etc. ELLIOTT, COLLINS & CO., No. 109 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 8 8tf PHILADELPHIA. DUNN BROTHERS, RAN 1E 1X9, Nob. 61 and 53 S. THIRD St. Dealen in Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loans, Government Securities, and Gold. Draw Bills of Exchange on the Union Bank of London.and bue travellers' lottera of credit througa Messrs. BOWLES BROS fc CO., available In all th cities of Europe. Make Collections on all points. Execute orders for Bonds and Stocks at Board of Brokers. Allow Interest on Deposits, subject to check at sight Ii B K. JAMISON & CO. SUCCESSORS TO I IT. Jtl.IJL.L.Y At CO, BANE EES AND DKALBIU IS Gold, Silver, and Government Rm&k At Cloe-ftl Jlarfce atatcx, N. W. Cor. THIRD nd CHESNUT St.. Special attention w WM MISSION 0UD8RS in New Vork and Klulaiitsiphia Stoct Boards, etc etc M C b a n i; t n CLUl'l its. lLIECrU'NS 4D Cn KH. itkAL KTA"' t'oLLATV-AU iNJ NCKi TlATkD. t i m PKtt an Ait.iwl'N'lh UrfOi- AH IfTTEK ISf AlUlWKO'tN 0.4 I LV V Li V rtl7J uUDKlih PKOIAtTfi KiT'-D VOH TUH t KiAKK ANu SALT- 't A'J tUtLlAiiLE fttt