THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MaKOH 4, 1871. 8CnSNCK,8 M 1NDRAKB PILLS. Calomel, Mue nm-", ami the preparation! of mercury have been uctf (or a long Kins as the only kind of medicine that would act on the liver, and bring it back to a healthy state, when dice dit-eateri or tor) id. but Dr. Scnenck, of riiiladclha, baa compounded a prescription, calif d Mandrake Pills, that will act on the ltver and stomach without the use of mercury or calomel, and, betide, ttiey do not debilitate the stomach or weaken the constitution. H iu dreds of persons allllctcd with liver complaint and dyspepsia have been cured by tbee pills. in the latter dine me (dyspepsia) the Seaweed Tonic I alr-o required. In order to give tone to the stomach, and ' restore the pro strated power to a healthy action. Theu pills have been so effectual in" their action on t ie liver, that many plivt-W'iins have boldly averted that they contaiurd'fcoiiie calomel. Dr. tfoheuek protects that they do not contain a particle of any mineral Inured lent, and has made o it. h t i that effect before an Alderman. These extra ordinary fills, while they are efficient, ani .) not sicken a bit, are composed eutlrelv of rojts and herbc from the ureal f-torehou.-e of Nature, and bate done a vaxt amount f id iu allevi atinir and curing a disease probably mre fre quent than any other, namely, liver complaint. It is not much wonder, when we reflect tUa1, the liver is the lanjet ore an In the human or ganization, ttat it In-coines so frequently dis eaced. The yellow and sallow nkin, the eiUttd tongue In the morning, and the dull pi in in the limbs, tell at once that this treat dipuratinx oran is doing its work by halves only. Vuv person who will take one of theee pills at night will not only le relieved of direae, but, like wise, its dlsHgreenble attendants, such m head ache, four stomach, costive bowels, pile, nod that dul', heavy feellmr over the whol.) fru u, which tvltentimes make life ttirdeusoine, aul render the patient wholly unfit for enjjylniit or Misiress of any kind. Prepared only ly I t. J. II. Schenck, at his princii'sl office, No. 15 North Sixth street, cor ner of Commerce street, Philadelphia, and for sale liv nil druggists and dealer. Price, 25 cents per box. Corsets. . CORSETS. Prices Reduced. Prices Kkdcckd. OORHBTS. CORSBTS. The LAniBS'OppoRTCKtTr. THE La 1)1 S3' OPPOKTCNirT. 60 Cents good IIano-maub Cohsbts. 70 Cents superior new Corset. 86 Cents finelv-tkimmed Corset. 85 Cents splekuio Woven Corset. H0 SHtkkiok Woven Cokbt. 1 -00 Superior Patent Circular Gore Corset. The Onb Dollar Patcut Circular G re Corstt, now having a marked successes well shaped Hint made np tn a superior manner. It Isthelaiies' favorite. To secure Increased patronage Mr. Firm Is presenting a spieud'd line of Corsets at figures far below usual rates. . Alo,ull lifte of fluer good at moderate pric. John M. Finn, S. E. corner Arch and Seveutti streets. Mb. William W. Cashidt, the Jeweller at No. 8 South Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks of all kinds or Jewelry and Silver ware tn the city, lie has also on haud a One assort ment oi One American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this stoie at the present time are certain to get the worth or their inouey. Burnett's Cologne the best made In America. GREEN OUM rLASTERS, The only ones which effectaalty will curb Corns and Bvnions, are manufactured by G. Crausb, Apothecary, N. W. cor. Twelfth and Chesnut Streets. Sure to Regulate the Bowels. Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Strup Is the only thing that mothers tan rely upon for their children. JTJUBN KIT'S COO KINO EXTRACTS tUe best. The approach) or warm weather, with the dif ficulty or keeping provisions In a good condition, re minds us that we will need a good and reliable Ice Chest or KerrlgenUor, the fault or most or which is that tbey sweat. When the atmosphere is made sufficiently cold to preserve meats, et j., sweet, there Is no moiBture, and the presence of moisture or sweat Is a sure indication that the temperature ta too mild for the purpose. The Star Refrigerator manufactured by Messrs. Bozorth k Supplee;we be lieve to be entirely free rrom this objection, and tne makers give the best evidence of their confidence In It by guaranteeing It to preserve a perfectly dry at mosphere, or the money refunded. Whitman's Jujube 1b now the standard remedy for singers, public speakers, and all affections of the throat. Druggists sell 1L Twenty-flve cents per box. Stephen F. Whitman & son, Sole Manufacturers, 8. W. corner of Twelfth and Market streets. D1KD. ' Duhriko. On the Sd Instant, Henry Duokinq, In tiielftth year 01 his age. The relatives and male friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funerl, rrom the resilience of bis son, o. 11. Duhrmn, No. 17SU Spruce stret, on Punriav, Msrch 5, at 9 o'clock P. M. " Gummey. On the 3d instant, John M. Gummev, In the 67ih year ol his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully luvited to a'U-nd his fuueral. on rrom his late residence, Ko. 10S N. Nlneteeutu street, on Tuesday, Tt.h in etaut, at 10 A. JO.. " Kelly. In Beverly, N. J.,8d Instant, or croup, tKi Ki.iA E , aaeii seven months, infant daughter or Albert L ana 'weuaji. aeny. , fruneral on Monday, th Instant, at S P.M , rrom the residence of her parents, Beverly, K 3. Scanlan. On the 1st Insunt, Chaklks T. 8oan LAN, aged 1H years. The relatives aud friends or the ramlly, also the members Palestine Lodge, No. 61. K. of P., au 1 tne Oroer tn general, also, Art sans' Asaociatl ni, sur viving oftliers and men of the lid P. H. V. C. aU.j members of Co. M, Sd V. S. Artillery, now In the . city, and employes of Corm-lms & 8 his, are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1224 Kmer street, toll instant, at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Mount Mnriah Oinntery. Zikolkr. On March 3, lfTl, Mrs. Ann Zikqlbk. tier relatives and friends ure renpecttulty luvtted to sttend the fuueral, from her late residence, No. 5U4 Lorain street, Monday, March 6, at 1 o'clock To proceed to Oermautowu. ' REUIQIOUS NOTIObS. SIXTH I'REBYTERIAN CHURCH, SWtUCB below Hixttu itev. o. r. w-a.n. to-morrow at lotf A. M. and 1 8 4 S2t will preach P. M. as- CHTOOH OK THE ATONEMENT, OOR rer KEVENTEKNTH and SUMMER Streeu Recur, BENJAMIN WATHOW, I). D. Services to morrow at io A. M. and tyj P. M. ST. CLEMKNT'S CHURCH, TWENTISTH cw and eUERUY Streets Choral service and sermon to-morrow evening at TX o'clock. Beat free. . CENTRAL PRESBYTISM VN CHUKUtl, iniuiri ll street, above AKOII. Uev A. REED. I), 1),, pastor. Will preauu vo-morrow iiiiii ihuk at 1H o' I k.'Ic and in inn evening i 14 viiut. man fcEVENTU PKESBYTERIAN CHURv;lI, Btreet. iwve Cll 1'. Kev. HENHY C. McCOOK, Pastor, win preacn to morrow at litf A. M. and 84 P. M. Subject iu ar- ternoon 'Baowets." t 1- hbv. R. D. HAKPKIi, KKUV INDIANA ixfllT In". Pat..r elect of NORTH UKOAD ST REFT- PRESBYTERIAN C11UKOU, o .rner BROAD and ORKEN htreets, will pfeach to-mor row ati"j " Zrm NORTH TEMTH HTKEKT PRESBYTERIAN BrniiKCH below Oirnrd avenue TUe Pastor Uev. M NEWKIRK. win preach at 10tf A. M and ltcv. HENRY McCOuK at IX P. M All wekome. , . ...mniu u! i-'iiirni'H s uraH. er ARC11 and BROAD STti-PrJacmuit finnda at 10)4 A. M. aud H4 P. M. bv ltv. C. U PaYNE, ft a 8abjt-"T he Rcsurreciton or the Boor." .Strangers iuvltert. L- BETH-EDEN BAPTIST CUURCII. B ROAD aud BPRUCE Ktreeta. R. J. WtttAWM SMITH. D. D.. Pastor, win Pp D"ul" P ",ri lug miox A. M. ana eveulug at IK P. M. bi.ruirs are alwass welcome. 8PH1N GARDEN BAP1I8T C1IURC1I, TH1HTEKNTH Bireet, above WdHaiJe. Rev 1- P.hOKNBERGER, Pastor. PreaoUiug to i Sorrow at lH A. M. and X P. M. Buuaay-soiiool at a P. M. RELIGIOUS NOTIOES. joy- TIIK FIKST PHK.SIIYTKIUAN OifUROU, W A 1 1 1 N OTO N S m ii ar. He v. H E 11 It I O K ,IOHNWN, 1). !., Pavtor, will prneh to-ru -mm w si Iffc A. M. snrt 1 P. M. Evening Mibject"Clirlv timmy aiil the Pen titles it Reveal." Strangers wlci.ine. copai) w i . hol t in the hall or th (t)intr T.AND SAl NDEKS COLLE 4K, T'lIRT Y-MNni Street, aiHve Markot, on Sunday, March 4h, Ht lt-ao A.-M.aml 7-30 P.M. Sundiy-achoot ht 8 Rl. lot" REV. A. A. W I LI .ITS. I. I).. WILL PKKVOIl In tne WfcST AHCII .STREET PltlfS.tY TK- WAN CHURCH, corner E1HU TKKX HI and AKUU Si n ets, to-morrow at lo j A. M. and T!tf I. M. hvrihi ff sermon, the nineteenth of a series on infe renting iiicntenis la the imulstry of Christ, "Tne Traiihflgimitloii" Uy CALVARY PHESUYTEHIA.N CHUROtt, Mm t ST Street, auove Fifteenth, Rv. Dr. IH'M I'll KEY, Pastor Nervines at liSi A. M. aud 1J P. M. The pastor will preaon to-morrow evening the seventh sermon In the seri-s uun "SpintiiHl Developinont ot Christianity." Subject "Drc.trii Hl-St. Pan)." toay" TIIK SKCUNL OK TUB COURTS OF Sermons on Hie IMsMiie'We Prtuclples of the Church will te preached In ST. MARK'S CHURCH, Lot I NT, H'xie Nixtwut.h sireet, t. -tnoriotv vn 1P( at 7 oVI'h k, by Rev. .1. A. It AltKH. S ibjct "'I lie Apostolic Succession. " 'Th .- seats will be fio. 1 hi' iimlicp of Maine will preach lu the morning at 10(. o'clock. Rh.V. K. I). !J. PRIME 1). D., OP NKW ""t York, will lecture tn the cKN illAL 1'RiSHY TKMAN t lll'M H. .KlOilTH Mreet, aOove Arcl, on Tl h.SU AY KVPNINi. 7th Ins; ant, at 8 'clock. Mil je t "Around thri Worit "low to g i What to Kci:- lint it C"Stti."' Tickets, fl:ty cents. To he ob tained at ooiiM A Kisc.hi r', No in;mt street, an. I al me ilooron the evening of t.iie lecture. SPECIAL NOTIOES. hit tihlt'imial Special Nntirm Inititte FfyiM, PsOT II. M. DALY'S W1UMKY WAREROOMS. Noh. V2 S. r RONT Street, aud 13a DO0K t IMMLNNK STOCK OF TiiK H EST "RANDS IN ORIGINAL BARRELS. Among which niavbefcumi t ie celebrated "Uolokn Wkiummi," hoiirhou of Hi knt lnte; Wheat and Ke Wliisklt , hii pure fro'ii manufacturers (In ori ginal pHckagtsi, including those well-kaown dis tillers, THOMAS IViOOKK SON, JO&EPU S. FINCn CO., and THOMAS MOORS. The at'eutlin of Die trvJe is reque ;! to test these W hisklcs, Ht market rates. 8 4smw RKMARKABLE DISCOVER ? THE nhiiitv lor every merchant to take L tt'er Hrexs pl. t in in Prtntmg executed HtHELFENSTEIN H. LEWIS', FIFTH and Cllb-SNUT Streets. It PROFBSOR ED A'ARD D. OPE'S FIFTH lecture, TOWN HALL, emantown, MON DAY' KVttMN(4, March 6, at 8 o'clock, sunje-.r, "1 he I hicmive Syslem." 3 4 it. oentTemen's BJOrS AMI) SHOE-, A reofiv tit inny be obta'.ne l Ht all times. HAK I LhlT, XNO. oi fciOUtn chei-nut. SIXTH Street, aiove 2 8 tf SPECIAL. NOTICES. FURNITURE, At Your Own Prices. GOULD & CO., No. 37 and 39 Worth SECOND ttre9 Ami northeast cw. MV TH and MA RKUT , Will sell yon Furnunre et yonr own prices to make room for the extensive sllert:0D8. 8 3 6trp JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. 1124 CHESNUT STREET. 1124 BOBBINS, CLARK & BIDOLE, JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS, . ... . -....,... I tiavmg maae auvanuigeouB wiojicmouw mm m Gotham Manufacturing! Company (The l.irgest manufacturers or STERLING SILVER WArtE in the Un fed States), will keep con stantly in stock a lu'l assortment In TEA SERVICES, FANCY PIECES, TABLE SILVER. All the NEW DESIGNS 0? THIS COMPANY, as toon a produced, WILL BE FOUND IN OUR CASES. Also, all the desirable Patterns or the CELEBRATED Corham Plated Wares. 1124 Chesnut St., 1124 8 4 step PHILADELPHIA. MWM, CREASE & SLOAN. IMPORTERS OF CAUPETINGS. Spring Importations, NEW DESIGNS IN ALL FABRICS. Now in store and to arrive, together with the whole Block, are o tiered at To insure large sales, Prepatarory to Removal In Jul; to our new warehouse, Nos. 1012 and 1014 Chesnut St. McCALlUJI, CltEASE & SLOAN, No. BOO CUIIMIIT Ntreet, 8 1 vsmsmrp PHILADELPHIA. 8EWINQ MACHINES. GR0VER & BAKER Highest Premium SEWING MACHINES. They are more simple and durable, easier kept in orricr, make a stronger and more c'usttc stitch, a firmer and more beauttfal seana thin any othir. They sew all fabrics rrom two common spool j,; re quire no rewinding or thread, fasten both ends or the seam by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is cnt the seam will not rip. THEY STITCH, HEM, FULL, CORD.'BIHD, TUCK, QUILT, GATHER, BRAID, BMBROIiCIt,. FRINGE, RUFFLE, PUFF, Excel In Bvory Class of Ma chine Work. CROVER & BAKER'S IMPKOVED SHUTTLE-STITCH SEWINO MA CHIHE3, FOlt FAMILY SEWING, ABE THE LATEST AND BEST. We request the attention of Tailors, Manufacturers of Boo' und Shoes, Carriage Trimmings, Clothing, and ot it is requiring the use of the most effective LOCK-STITCH MACHINES To our New StyleB, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. The cjntlnncd triumph of the II Crover & Baker is the best evidence or their merit. over 300,000 are now in use; And their ealei yearly Increase against most deter mined opposition. THIS Xs tlio Only Company THAT GIVES THE PURCHASER A CHOICE OF STITCH. SEWING MACHINES Sold oa the Lease Plan of Ten Dollars a EXonth. SEWING MACHINES Rented by Week or Month. 0IFICE AND SALESROOMS, No. 730 CHESNUT Gt, GllOVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. WISHART'8 COLUMN. THE MEDICAL PRO PERTIES OF TAR, The pine tree has long been known to pos sess valuable medical properties. For pul monary diseases it is doubtful whether any remedy has ns yet been disoovered equal to it. It seems to change and renew the very structure on which it acts, and to infuse into the system an indescribable power equal to the natural power before disease had even taken hold of the body, so as to make, as it were, an entirely new tissue, and to give a newness of life and energy which one who has been sick a long time knows the value of nt cannot fully describe. The great objec tion, however, to all tar preparations has been their unpleasant taste, and consequent lia bility to sickness and nauseate the stomaoh. We have before ns, however, a preparation of the kind referred to, whioh obviates all these objections, and is as agreeable to the palate as it is valuable in the oure of disease. We mean "Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial," a real, genuine, bona jide medioinal cordial, distilled from the pine tree by a process known only to the Doctor himself, the sale and popularity of which are only equalled by the amount of suffering it has relieved, and tbe number of diseases it is so well calculated to effectually cure. In the Pine Tree Tar Cordial the invalid may be' sure he has a remedy of very extraordinary power for throat and long affections, and when taken In con junction with the "Great American Dyspepsia Pills," an infallible oure for dyspepsia, liver complaint, sick headache, and the many ail ments arising from a disordered state ef the liver and digestive organs. In onr sphere as publishers we feel some degree of cautiousness in what we recommend to our readers, but when we know of any. thing of value to the publio we shall not hesi tate to make it known through our columns. We advise those of onr readers who are suffer ing from dyspepsia, etc, to give Dr. Wishart's celebrated remedies a trial. A medical expert, holding honorable colle giate diplomas, devotes his entire time to the examination of patients at the office parlors. Associated with him are three consulting phy. sicians of acknowledged eminence, whose ser vices are given to the publio free of charge. This opportunity is offered by no other in stilution in the country. xnousanas oi certincates oi aosoiute cure (when all else failed to afford relief), as wqll as recommendatory letters without number, have been received by Dr. Wishart, the pro prietor, attesting the uniform suocess with which they have been employed. Many of said letters are from the highest sources, in eluding eminent statesmen, Governors, State judges, clergymen, etc. men alow to be con vinced, prejudiced perhaps at first, but feel irg themselves under a sense of duty bound to tell the Doctor what they had done for them and to recommend them to others. The Great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial are sold by all druggists throughout the world. They can also be obtained at Dr. WISHART'S GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE STORE, No. 232 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia, where a successful ptactising physician can be consulted eaoh day, free of charge. Those in need of professional aid or counsel will do well to make a note of the above. Communications by mail, soliciting professional advice, uiU It considered strictly confidential and promptly answered, frteoj charge. The most complete stock of Famil) Medicines, Hair Preparations, Perfumery. etc.. in the city. Give us a trial. Address all communications, L. Q. C. WISHART, No. 232 NORTH SECOND STUET, 1 14 21 89 we83t PHILADELPHIA. tYllLLIKEM'S LINEN STORES, 1128 CHESNUT Street and 82S ! ARCH Street. THE BEST SHIRT BOSOMS. Onr Shirr Bosoma are celebrated for the superior etyle in which they are ma le, and for great durability. - Linen Sbirt Bosoms at all prioes from 25 cent np. MILLIKEN'S GOLDEN -FLAX LINENS, Undoubtedly tbe best and cheapest Linens in the market. A full line now open. Richardson's Housewife Linens. Light Medium Linens for Ladies. LOWER PRICES FOR LINENS. We are pleased to announce to our customers that Wc have made a Great Reduction from last Season's Prices. FINANCIAL. NEW 7 30 GOLD LOAN. 8AFE! PROFITABLE! PERMANEST1 We offer for Sale at Par, and Accrued Interest, the FIRBT MORTGAGE LAND GRAND GOLD BONDS OF TTTH tiORTHERX PACIFIC R.AILR0A1 CO. These bonds are secured. f.byaFlrst Morfc gage on the Railroad itself. Its rolling stock aud aL equipments ; ucond, by a Fir Mortgage on its eu tlie Land Grant, being more than Twenty two Thousand Acres of Laud oeach mile or Koaa. The Bonus re free Irom United states rax; me Vrlnclpal aud Interest are payable in Oolrt tlie frlucipai at i ne ena 1 1 nirt j years, ana ine i aterem 'enit-6imor:iT. at tne rate oihuvupi au iumi KNTH S 1 Kit CENT, per annum. net a' e issued tn denominations oi iw, iww , n ,-o0, and 10 ooo. 'J u t rustees unaer tne inougage are mcnura. jj Cocke, of Philadelphia, and Edgar Thomson. I'res'dent or tne Pennsylvania vemrai nnurumi Company. These Konnern raciuo t ou uuuui win u mi nui before maturity, be receivable at leu per ceut. Premium (or 110) ia exohawje lor the Company's lands at thelrlowest cash price. In addition to tneir aosoime saieiy, wiene nuum Vleld an Income larger, we believe, than any other first-claas security. Persons holdlngUoited States 6-iiOs can, by converting them into Northern raomcs increase tneir yeany iuuuuju m ru, u have a perfectly reliable Investment Fersons wisning to Monwuo tor tliceecan do so Wliu auy oi our jigoum, wuu will allow the highest current price wr alu mju KETABLB SECCKITIES. JAY COUKI2 Ac CO., Fiscal Agents Northern Pacific Railroad Co. For sale In Philadelphia Dy U. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., No. 181 Bouui -imau o'reet. GLEN DINNING, DAVIS CO,, . No. 49 8. THlitD street. BOWEN A FOX, No. 13 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. BBVENTH NATIONAL BANK, N. W. cor. FOURTH and MARKET. T. A. BIDDLE&CO., No. 818 WALNUT Street. WM. PAINTER & CO., No. 86 South THIRD S:reet. BULL & NORTH, No. 1S1 South THIRD Street. BARKER BROS & CO., No. 88 South THIRD Street. EMORY, BENSON & CO., No. 8 South third street. B. K. JAMISON & CO., N.W. corner THIRD and CHS3NUT P. S. PETERSON & CO., No. 89 South THIRD street. TOWHBBKD WHELEN & CO., NO. 809 wiLHut atreet. CHARLES B. KEEN, No. 880 WALNUT Street. JNO. S. RUSHTON & CO., No. CO South THIRD S treet. NARR&LADNER, No. 80 South THIhD Street. M. SCHULTZ & CO., No. 44 South THIRD Street. BIOREN & CO., No, ISO South THIRD Street. JOHN K. WILDMAN, No. 28 Houtn THIRD street. CHARLES T. YERK ES, JR., & CO., No. 80 South THIRD Street. WILLIAM T. ELBERT, No. 881 WALNUT Street. J. II. TROTTER. NO. 888 WALNUT srreet. S. M. PALMER & CO., No. 86 South THIRD Street. D. M. ROBINSON & CO., No. 138 South THIRD street. SAMUEL WORK, No. M south third street. GEORGE J. BOYD, No. 18 South THIRD Street. H. H. WILTBANK. No. 80S WALNUT Street. RALEY & WILSON, No. 41 South THIRD Street. WALLACE & KEENE, No. 143 South THIRD Street. STERLING & CO., No. 110 South THIRD Street. WILLIAM C. MORGAN A CO., No. 83 South THIRD Street. c G. & W. Y. IIEBERTON, No. 68 S. TniRD Street. JAMES E. LEWARS & CO., No. 89 a THIRD Street. JACOB F. RIDGE WAY, No. 56 S. THIRD Street. W. H. SB ELMERDI M E, No. X0 S. THIRD Street. 1 28 tuwthfs40i GLOVES. 1 FOU THE "JOSEPH' KID GLOVE. BEST $ I GLOVE IN THE WORLD. Aril, "Joseph" Opera and Party 8hades. At 81, "Jostph" new Hprlng Shade At II, ' Joseph" best f 1 wiove imported. Atti-VB. the celebrated "La Belle" tllove. Aisl-85, the nost beautiful Shades for evening. At 11-25, "La Belle," White, Opera and fartl BlAt 7B cents, a Job lot White Kid Gloea At t0 cents, the bal anee Of our soUed Olo vea. AUV6 rents. Ladles' Ooth Oloves. At W cents. Ladles' Plush Lined Gloves. At 13 cevts, Children's warm Glove.. palra, 850. it ii children . ran.? ni"' At II' Children's White Eld Gloves. M i w, Gents' White aud Party Shades Kid Sl'im nnt' Kid Gloves, all colors. At w ceuta, Ueuts Kugiwh Hall Uose, regular At 25 cents, ladles' Pull Regular Made Hose. At bOctnts, Gents' ticarfs. worth 1; hall price. At cents UeuNSrarfs, orthl-2S; half price, At Old 1'rlcs t-hlrt c routs, of our own wake. . . ihan tuliriM'HjIa nrli-f a. Whltd Plfiue. Suiki yaros Hamburg Kilgiug and insertuig, mnoh t flow regular prices, at DARTHOLOMEW'8, I ii wsu No. 88 North KIQHTH Street, Mndimn Linn. Fine Bosom Linens. DRY GOODS. EYRE AND LAN DELL, AKCII SILKS, SHAWLS, LACES, JAPANESE. 1 8T mwsSmrp PERKINS & CO., No. 9 South NINTH Street, Have always on band a complete assortment or BLACK GOODS. N. B. HERNANIE3 A SPBCJALTF. 8 89toths3mrp EUROPEAN CLOAK AND DUU33 EM 10. RIl'M, ' S. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CIIESNCT ST3. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 8ft, 1871. THIS f-EW ESTABLISHMENT bavltig been fitted up regardless of cost and under the lnont uarcv ful revision, with a view to promote facilities ati 1 comfort to the ladies of Philadelphia aud its neluh barboo l la their purchases, have opeued, wltn a large stock of ready-made Cloaks aud S uts (Melected for this Immediate season by our foreign agenU) of the most eminent manufacturers ; Hn rutvier tn m. fluence of the mlphty aud UUntrous oomilct in Eurf j , the depressed state of trails everhnre prevailing on the continent, they were bmiht (fiir cash) at most fabulous prices. We therefore luvite ladies to take the earliest opportunity to call, a the whole stock will be sold off ASTOMSUINGLY CURAP. J'otv -t , Velv jiwn, ABtractian, aud White Corda roy Bacqnes. Breakfast and Walking iembrolderel).S.ici'ies. A few rich Black fcllk Macqucs ; great Imrital us. A few elegant Black Lyous Silk Velvet S.icques at one-thud the original cost. OPKRA CLOAKS. Black Thibe' Shawls, Loug and Square Paisley and French Broolie bhawls; UUuket tiiiawls, two yards wide aud four ysrds long. Superbly Tilmnied ' Black Silk Suits. Colored French Poplin Suits. . Black Alpica Suits, Mourning Suits, Ladies' Wrappers. Genuine Engllsb Water-proof O.oaks ani the origin i Combiua ion Butts, 5 below the usual prlct-s. An elegant assortment of Ladies' Lace Collars; also, sets of Cuffs aud Collars, entirely novel and cheap. Oennlne Kid Gloves, Ladles' Corsets and trimmed Cambiic Udkfs., at prices lower than auy other house in the city. 8 i Ht BALCK DOTTED NET FOR LONG ValL?. BLACK POLKA Sl'Ol' NU1 lor irng V6lls. - jiLAcii riu unn.i HiKr for long veils, some of whieh are very choice, in pat tern, at low price.. PLAIN BLACK SILK BRUSSELS NET for veils, from 60c to I1-6U per ard. D.utio ground and hiioi g. The Fieuuh, iu this item, is full ous and it i.unrter yards wide. 12X 4'KNT LINEN HANDKEKl-'UIEifH. Ju t it elved, a lot of very good hau uerchlels for 1SX cents. n SOFT CAMBRIC MOSLIV, 83, 6,46, and lull 45 inches wi le. A large lot of very cheap Muslins, vry low by the piece or ,rd' BRILLIANT MUSLIN. We Invite special attention to tnose IT cent bril liants ; have been 80 oents per yard. PILLOW-CAhK LACES. We keep a very Urge quantity aud variety, and always below nsukl prioes. We have laces at 5 and e cents a yard that wid last longer than the wash boards that abuMi them. PLEASE NOTICE That we do not resort to any untruthful or other u,u nilst-rable subterfuge to sell goods (now in cresf iugly prevalent). "Deserve success and you .ball command it." LACE, EMBROIDERY, AND WHITE GOODS STORE. If NO.S8 NORTH EIGHTH 8TRKET. ESTABLISHED 1853. JOSEPH BECKHAU9, Ha 1204 FRANKF0ED Avenue, ABOVE GIRARD AVENUE, Manufacturer of exclusively FIRST-CLASS C A 11 H I A 13 H. NEWEST STTLES. Clarences, Landau, Landaniettes, Close Coachea, FAMILY wJ fijBLlO UbO. Workmanship and flrTiuh ancoiid to none in the country. Fine and varied stock on hand-completed and tn the, works. Oruers receive prompt auU praoal al teSuTnTAU workjvarranted. U 81 C0PYINOJES3E3. Jnst reoved- a Large Assort ment of t"rt Latest Kiylea mentCOPVINU PKKSSKS. WM. M. CHUISTY, 6tatloner aud Prluter, No. 1T S. THIRD Street, 1 88 eodl Opposite Girard Bank.