THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, EEIHtUAUr (, 1871. I- OCR LONDON LETTER. THE MATHilACK OF I)Of:TOR Ef.IZADKTn (lAunr.TT THE rlllV.F COMMANH OK TUK nniTISH AUMV "TOM MOWnV ANOLO-AMF.I1ICAN PEACH COM MITTKK KNMLIM1 HVMPATWIKS IH THE FRANCO-(li;itMAN WAD CO-OI'Kfi ATIVK SOCIE TIES, l.TC, ETC. From Ovr Own Correxpnnitftit. London, JaD. 17, 1K71. Uarc mix danm.' Dr. ElizaLeth Onrrett, the hdy who was lately fto triumphantly elected to a coat on the First Metropolitan School Board, is actually going to be married. A moat prosaically happy mar riage, too plenty of money and nn nnexoep tionably respectable mercantile ponition on tha lvuslmncVs part. The. enemy have an nnlooked-for occamon for merriment, and are not failing to make the most of it. While those frienda who believed that wheTe the education of our girls no less than of our boya was at last determiued on, it would be well that women's voicei fcbonld be heard in settling how and what snail be taught, vera canassir.g uth all the energy of conviction for Miss Garrett, she cuie in for variety enough, and to spare, of invective. It was easy to bint and print that ahe was a free thinker delightfully yagne word! but she might and did gtt the better of her oppo nents on that score by aimply stating that she alwoyn bad been and was a member of the Established Church. It was equally easy, and more likely to influence adversely the vole of the average London elector, to de clare her ft man-woman, ' a "person" of sternly masculine propensities, entirely inac cessible to the ordinary foelius of her sex. And to think that such a being should, after all, succumb to the vory human and feminine weakness of falling in love, and getting mar ried ! The enemy have shifted their ground, of course, and now sneeringly ho the lady intends to reconcile the duties of sur gery, irmti'iuity, and administration f the Education act. Well, I have great faith in the capacity of Dr. Garrett-Anderson that is to be for under that name she purposes continuing in her profession and feel no doubt that she will contrive to solve the problem satisfactorily. Parliament meets early ia Febrnary, and it needs no great gift of prophecy to discern that Mr. Card v. ell,- Secretary n" State for the War Department, will too find himself in troubled waters. A determination has for some time been gradually growing up that tne.dunl government ef the army, by the Command-r-iD-CVief at the Horse Guards and the Secretary ef State at the War OCice, is an evil to be done away, and the shufiling words and unsafe-faclory deeds of Mr. Card cell during thf se critical months of the Fraico Gerruun war have rapidly diffused and iiten nified tie feeling." Mr. G. O. Trevelyaj, till recently ouo of the younger members of the present I'lin-.inistration, plainly demands the resignation of our royal Commander-ia-Chief, and he is backed by no mean following among tho people. At tho same time past experience lias been enough to show that tin post cannot be satisfactorily filled by a mors j civilian, and it is hardly onca ia a generation that a man arises in whosa person are com bined tho best attributes of civilian and sol. dier. Sir William Mansfield is spoken of. and is perhaps the fittest candidate, but i will indubitably be easier to overthrow tin existing system than to build up on.3 to sucj ceed it. Tn (Vnto ornnrm ra nlrAftilr ?imv in nnm v "i"'"' " r i -j j , ber, and constantly growing ia numbers at influence, who are ever looking forward wbt eager hope to the day when all unhappy grounds of quarrel and ill-feeling betweenj Great Britain and the United States shell have been finally removed, tho sensibly in creasing friendliness of the tone of our press is a great cause of joy and thankfulness. At no time since the close of your ever-memori-ble war have our papers devote I so much of their attention and space to your actual nd possible relations with this country, and never, assuredly, have they been so horestly appreciative and conciliatory. In all crcles the arrival of General Schenck is lookel for ward to with kindly anticipation, anl if, a3 we hope, he brings in his pocket cler, tem perate instructions, andhasunfetterel powers of carrying them out, he may rely nron find ing the nation and the Government prepared to meet him half-way. We are tind of mis understandings . and sick of mutual jealousies, and we would fain join hands vith you on terms of equality and reciprocal respect in the great work of spreading the idea of freedom und civilization, as under stood by the Anglo-Saxon family, over both hemispheres of the world. On jit and indeed, before this reaches yon the cable will probably have dragged the matter from privacy into the sunlight of publicity a committee is at this moment beitg formed in London, with Tom Hughes at its head, and corresponding branches in York and Montreal, for the special purple of delving into and setting foxth, canopy nil without national bias, the real tru abut &e various causes of difference tobed ripon in the Presidents last messaA niui for tbe cultiva . tion of more cord-4 relations between the citizens of the hy7 countries. Americans of established nan antl influence have already enrolled thttevea in tue committee here, and there suis eood hoVQ of lasting gain rcsnltinp tom its efforts. ruer is no longer room for doubt that pnD opinion in England, with regard to the ppean v.-ar, has veered desMjdly from its st position, and is daily shifting further still. And Lot unnaturally, for the same sen 7 timents which revolted from Imperialism and aggression on the part of Franco are out raged by the unmistakable uprising of Impe rialism and aggression on the part of Prussia. We are not, as a nation, rrp-iLliaana enough to transfer our sympathies tj France simply because she has become a republic, but we are fully persuaded that, if her sins were many, they have at any rate beon mora than amply punished, and that the persistence of the con querors, long after their legitimate objects bave been praotically attained, is sadly un worthy of the advanced civilization which they profess. A Fmnrt little pnmpblet, whioh has just ap peared, has obtained an extraordinary sale. It is celled "The Fight at Damo Enropa's School, showing how tho German boy thrashed the French boy, and bow tho Eng lish boy looked on." The author (a church dignitary, pays common report,) expresses the view of those who bold that England ought, six months ago, to have prevented the war, or, failing that, at least to have stepped forward after the firit decisive blows were struck end called upon both combatants to hold their bands. His moral is rather a re markable one, though, namely, that "if snob fellows as Ben and Hugh Disrael and Lord Cairna had beon Master Johns fags, this disgraceful scene would never htve taken place at all." Tho opening sentence is nmusing: "Mrs. Enropa kept a d ime's school, where boys were well instructed in modern languages, fortification, and the use of the globes." And there is truth as well as humor in making William, after the first round, "write home to his mother, on the hack of a halfpenny post-card, so thit all the Ictler carricrs miyltt see how pious he wa: 'Dear ruRroma I am fighting for my Fatherland, as you know I call my garden. Aided by Trovidence, I have hit Louis in the eye. Thou mayst imagine his feelings.' Then he sang a Lyinn, and went on with the second round." Our University of Cambridge does a groat dal of sound work, and is quite alive to all the modern requirements of middle-class edmation, and the examination of girls. But it is ladly crippled by the smallnoss of its pecuniary resources. It cannot be accused of cxtrkvagance, certainly, in the distribution of its finds, as yon will perhaps agree with me in tlinking after reading the following- resolution which was lately passed by tho Senate oithe University: "IttKolvid, That a pension of Xt 4s. per annum be (ranted to Sarah Gibson, in con sideration rf her services during thirty-two jeers (!) as rgnn-blower at Great St. Mary's Church ."" Yon have mt yet, I think, organized any revolt against the tyranny of. retail store keepers siniilarto that which, in London, has taken the form o Co-operative Associations. TLo object with which these associations start is to supply all irlicles of general consump tion at a marvellously moderate rate, by buy ing direct from the producer Rud retii!in direct to the consumer for cash only. The members of the civil service who first banded themselves together to initiate the policy have achieved such notable success that a public compKuy, with a subscribed carved of .1?0.C00 sterlft : has just commenced opera tions on th same plan, hoping, of course, to make a dividend for its shareholders by turn ing over its capital rapidly and often, and gaining some very r,mll profit each time. Such psociations do real service in forcing tbex-ttail tradosmtn, by their competition, to lying down their charges into some propor tion with the value of the things sold. v Letter, they can permanently hold their ground against the greater energy of private enterprise is quite another question. A curious outcome of the isolation, of Paris owing to the siege deserves a word of notice. It has become a favorite device with persons wishing to communicate with the besieged to advertise their messages on the front pae of the 2 ii(s. These announcements hav3 swelled week by week till they now occupy three or four entire columns daily. In this morning's issue I count no less than thirty ono separate paragraphs addressed to "Hon. E. B. Washburne, U. S. Minister, Taris," praying him, in case the paper comes under Lis eyes, to transmit all kinds of family mes- ingestothe most various parts of the citv. niong other items of information, he "is Kgged by one advertiser to announce 'Marguerite has got a tooth;" and by another, tlt "Mathilde at Bheims, well, has a girl. n poor General Trochu, whom one would thii.had business enough for ten men already on lisiionlders, has his share of messages to givetouxhing such weighty matters as the helt of VjveB and birth of babies. Jub as I rn closing this I see that the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, a body of consideable weht, have sent a memorial to the Gov-mment "respectfully but firmly urging tl?m to take such steps without delay ua may lea to a final Ujnstment of the con troversy" in N tho Alabama question. (Jiud ftUxfaubtunye sit . 0:a oi;D. Snlt hastvpj brouJit on a note for f JUSO In Portsmouth. J. H., url the defendant ple .ds Hit the note WiAhen it part paytneut f..r a brewery, and thitas a port,a oV the properv purchased consl tul of ale, tUe s:i 0f wnich "is die lared illegal ly the laws of. ue gtale tae nte ia void. Some time a) Yankton saw air the mem-be-g of the Dakou Legislature wovrinj ancient w lite plug hats, t seems that a vlll8 store keeper got an iivoice of the irticg lVud ehiewdly rresentei samples to two or 'three lealins Solons, whoe examples in he;il ,rear the other followed, hlukinu; they hud the ,v. eptstyle. ( CUTLERY. ETC. TViDGEliS 4 WOoTjNHOLM'S POCKS! -A-VtNlYES, Pearl aid stag Handles, and beaitilul finish; llodgjis, and & Du&ber's Razors, and t e celebrated Le coutre Kazor; Ladies' SulEsora, in cases, of tie finest quality ; Itodgcra' Table Cutlery, Carven audForks, Kazor btrops, CorkVorews,etc ;tr in BtrnnentB, to asHlet the riearht , of taa most ap pro-ed construction, at . MADEIRA'S, No. 115 TENTH StretV low Ohevuut J T. K ASTON. M'MiOOH. tniPPTXG AlfD C0MM1SSWS MKRnAST3, IXo. S COLNTIKS bi.lf, New lor. Ho. 13 hoUTU VV'HAKVES, Philadelphia, No. 45 W. PKATT hTKET, lijltimore. We are prepared to ahlp every (Seacrlptlon oi Fieltfht to Pnijadelp'Qla, New Tork, WUmUgtou, anc ttteruicidlat polnta with promptness aud despatch. C.iial Boau and bteaxu-u: f urinated at the ihortaat U'liOHi COTTON BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, OP AL 1 numbers and brand Tent, Awuuig, Truas Did Wugon-cover Duct. Also, Puper ManuiiKv tireri' Itrler Pelu, frcrn tlilrty to aevoety-ai. LclieB, With Paauna, Belnir, Twine, eu-, JOlIN W. EVi.KV.AN, NO. 10 CSUliCU Street (ttu buui NEW PUBLIOATIONS. Harding's Editions or THE HOLY BIBLE. Family, Pulpit AND . Photograph Dihlcs. PRESENTATION BIBLES. Wedding acd Uirthday Presents New and superb assortment, bound in llich Levant TurLey, Tanelled and Ornamental Designs, equal to the London and Oxford editions, at less than half their prices. CHAIN-LACK ALHUMS, The superiority of "he ESardiKg Talent ric::i ble Chaisi-Sac2s iXlbums" Over all others heretofore manufactured will, npon the siiy'.-te-st examination, be ap parent to all. Also, a large assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALLUilS, new and beautiful stylos, made, in the usual manner. ' WEI. W. HAHDIH3, tio. 326 CHESEVIUT Street, 5S1J LELMW FOUItTa feTItEST. JNSURANCE. I K O V 1 iTb IWT.' Life and Trust Co. Ho 111 South FOTJUTIl Street, The dividend received bv a policy-holder li the rlillcreiicc butween th actual cost of lutuaiica aud tlie premium paid. Thia company la exprt-sslv to quired by its ciinrte lto divide every d ) or' sur plus thus arising anumg n8 pollcy-Uoldera. It ia therefore pur el mutual. The Now York report Mr 1S70 sho-jra that tha ns sctsof this company are in tli pri(Jortinn of I1-&0 to bility 81 f )i,iblutles' taus iouring perfect relia- It lias received the approbation of the most learned actuaries, and is endorsed and rcoiurnt:ude'l by many ef the most rrominent seient.;iic and pub'io men ia the United States, au institution of a simi lar kind in EDjrlatirt, the Priends' 1'ntvldent JDaiitu tiori, has been wonderfully Buecensful. Its advantages in every respect, both aa to safety, cheapness, terms of Dollcfea. eta.. nr n.f. v,..ii,.,'i 1 ho prudent and economical mauax'-wont of Its tiL-ineH, combined with the riminfabio average loupevity of its mciulera, coniiueudit it to the con tidt nee and lavor of all classed of whatever denoml nation. Call or send for circular. Agents wanted. An cHy cuiupnuy to which ior. o 12 Qpos KAILKOAD LINKV. pNNSYLVAKlA CENTRAL RA1LHOAU. AFTER 8 P.M.. SUNDAY. JANUARY 1. lsro. ILe trains of the l'ennsylvarla Ui;iij ltaiiroad leove th Depet, at THIIiTY-FIHST and jlAii jvci ireeie, wuicu is reacnea uirectiy ty the aWr kot stroot cars, tha lust oar cocneotlnx with eaoi vr.un leaving ironi ana market streets thirty minutes before Its dejiarture. The chesnut and VCalnut etreota earf run within enesqaareof tli Depot, bleerlna;-car tickets ean be had on spplloatlon tt tteTllcket Office, N. V,T. corner Nlnta s.nd Ohes nut streots, and at the Depot. A Rents or the Union Transfer Company will oail for and deliver baiaxe at thedoimt. urdorsie t at No. 801 Chesnut Btreet, or No. 118 Market street, will receive attention. . LBAVB DEPOT. rittsburt? I-spress .... 1211 A. M. MaiiTrm ...... . . waw. Paoli Acconiiaodauon,10-10 A.M.i 1-10 and 7-10P.M. Fast Lloe ,1X40 P. Id. 1U-4U p. M. a ao v. iii, 4-iO P. M. 6-30 P. IA. 8-00 P. M. 0-60 P. M. 10 10 P. M. 11-10 P. M. trie KxtiresB liarrisburg Accommodation . . . Lancaster Acoommodutlon ... P&rkesburir Train C'lnclnnatlljirfca trie Mall and Jiuiialo Express . . , 1'aciiio txviets l'aoli Accommodation. No. 4 . , Erie Mr II leaves dally, running on haturday LlKht to Wlillaiusi ort only. On Sunday nt-ht pas bkn. v, . i iiaituillll fehV lu 1U Mr. ill. ClrjClnnatl and Paclfio txpreis leaves dally. AU Other trslus daily except Sunday. The Wostern AeconjiooUatloa TTaln runs dally, except Sunday. For thia train tickets inuat be pro. cured and burgage delivered by P. H. at No. 110 Market street. bunday Train No. 1 leaves Philadelphia at 8-49 A. W. ; arrives at Pao'l at B i a. M. Sunday 'iTaln Ino. i louvea Puiadelplaa at M.; ar riv.s at Pur.u at 7-4a P. W. t-undav Train Mo. 1 leaves Paoll Rt a-fiQ A . Mi arrives at Phlladeli.hla at 81 A. M. Suadav '.T Ko- 8 loaves i aoU at 4 60 P. M.; arrives at 'UladelpUa at 6 iO. , TBAIKS AEBIV1 AT DBPOT. lJlf,Biat.,.I')Vre8S "10 A.M. ..-.. T-0OA.M. ili Aooottiuodat 'n, 8-2U A. M. & 8 0 & ti-40 P. M, rL-6ourTra:'4 W OO A. M. i'lneMd uBa-o Express . . to A.M. v Heter Trala MiidP.M. vifea and Elnilr Expreas . 6 46 P.M. Pacing, v,re8g 8-ii5P.ML Southe, t!xprfc6s . . . . HI p, m J)'""1 Acoorrimodatloa , , io p. ARi'imodaiion, No. 4 . . . loto P. U. i79r liiiffujiitlon apply to JOl F. VAiSLEIOi, Jh.. Ticket A?rent. No. eoi t'H!-:a.(iT eiiroet, FltAKClS FUNK, Tloket Agent. No. lltt MAHKKT street. SAMUKL H. WALLA CIS, T..,. Ticket Aent at the Depot, ite i moimijii Kailroad Company wiJl not fc.3UU-o any u ttlt tlua.KO, exoopt for Weariag A pparul, and their retponflbnity to One Ilea, -irtd Dollars .Value. All HaKKHMe eyceeiln tlet amount lvalue w!U be at tho risk of tLe ovvrer, umess tn ty seclkl coutraot. . A. J. OASSATt. uan" Superlnteudcat, Alum&.i.'. RAILROAD LINES. 1 JUlLADKLrilU AND READINtJ HAILUOVI) Depot. THIRTEENTH and CALT.OWITir.T. Ht.r.m. Until farther notice trains will Leave and Arrive M 'olows: TltAtNS l.KAVR. A.M. TR.MKfl RK1VR. A.M. Kead'RAAllmt'nWay rottsiown M-com ... 9-1.1 JlarrihbVArot'a'' hx 8IS Read's A Pottav'e Ac.lO'W l'hila. A Potta'e Way I p.m. Train 13 P0 Harrisb's.H'ot.weKx ltto , w, lTl , r. M.jPhl'n. A Pottuv'e-W. HarrlBb'pAPotts'e Kx 8 30 Train 4 30 Potlstowr. Ai-eoinruo. 4lHiFtnrrls.t2& 'ol.tM'e Ex t'00 KeadV&l'f'ttsv'e Ac. 4-45 Harrtatnr, Potuv'.lie, ON SCNHAY9. a.m. and Allentowu Ac. 8'10 To Reading 8-eo on bitndavs. a.m. , r. t. From Poituville Vim To rottaville 31f. ;p. m. . , rroraReadinsc ..1-iS The 8nnday trains connoct wi,h n'liiihir irulus on the Perklornen and t.'oieiimoR.iaie Rtiiro idu. ForDowLinptown atd points ou cni-swr Valley Railromi, take I 'M) a m., i ho aooo, an i 4 p. m. Forchwrpkoville and points on I'or-kloiueu Riill road, take T -no a. m. la-flo noon, nnd. 4 p. m. For MU I'lensaiit and p dcus oil UolebrooiSdulc Railrcnd fake (-.lo a. ru. mid 4 -in p m Y. KXPKE8S FUR PJTTrtlUi'Ko' A-'D WEST. Trains leave New tors at 0 i) u. m. ajd BiX P. tn., poKHlnir Leains; at 1T5 nnd lo-o., p. ru.. conuect liijr at Unrrti-tmrg wk.h Penusvlvania aui Northern t:i'iitrul trains for Ohfoujro, Clnciuua:.i, PUtsoarz. Rallin'orc, V illiHiiiRport. vU:. bleepluff earn accompany iliesn trains through be iwei u .itiry i:uy anu riuKimrg wittnuit ehaui?e. Tialne lor New ork leave Hurrmouiv at S 8-10, and UMfi a. in., and 2Te n. m. 3 10, Additional train leaves New York for lI.tiTlsoarz at is o'clock r.oon. For partictilurs sor- Ouldo RonkH, whlv'li c:ia Im ol taiiK'd at No. bll C'hesiiul street, an at all a'atious, without churjre. bcason, fieliool, Mileage, fltid rommutation Tickets at reduced rates to be had or ,S. Iirudford, Treasurer, No. V!'JT 8. Fourth 8tre('t, Phll.nlnlphia, or (.. A. Nlcolls, OeDeral buperintvndenr, Ru i'i!n.r. Stkkkt Uaks. Tho Thirteenth and Fi'ternth. and Race and Vine streets, connecting v.'ltii other Hues, run close to the Depot. liaff,atie collect od and delivered by DniiKan's ll:)ar pape Lxptess. Orders left at Depot, or at No. 235 S. Fourth street. (JKliMANTOWN AND NORRLSTOWN BRANCH. Depot, jsinili find (iteeu. Tratnq leave for Uermantowu at 0. 7,8. S'J, SHs, 10,11,12 A.M.; 1, 8.8 80,8-15, 3'4.', 4 05. 4,.f0, b'tX 6-l, 6, 6-0, 7, 8, 6, lu-Cv., 11, U p. m. Leave (lur iniuiuwn, c, e-or., 7-3o, s, 8-20, ay, io, 11, 12 a. M. 2, 8, 310, 4, 4-45, 5. B-GO, 0, 7, H. 9. If), 11 p. in. 1 he 8-2i) and 9-ito down train.1, 8-8,1, .'i-ir, and 5 4,'S up ttains, will not stop on the Uer:n:int'.vn braacli. on humlays, leave at -i& a. in.-; 2, 4-05 7, U W p. m. Leave Gernmntown, 8-15 a, ru. ; 1, 8, 0, 9-J5 p. m Passencers takli.p the O r,'., 9 a. in., and 6 3i p. m. trains from (Jerroaut'jwn, will make close connection with the trains for New Yorn at Iator Eeetiou (Station. CEiNi T llii.L Railroad Leave at C, 8, 10, 13 a. m. ; 8 -so, a-4r, S-ib, 7, 9 and 11 p. m. Leave c'hes- Illlt Dill at 7-1D, S, 9-10, It -40 a. in. ; 1'4, 3-4M, fi 41), C-40, 8-40, 10-40 p. Hi. On SmtdilVH, Itavo Vlh a. in.; 2 nnd7p. m. Leave Chesuut Ilul at 7 50 a. ni. ; 12-40, f-40, 9-25 p. in. For C'on.hhouockkn ami Noiuustowv Leave at fi. (; o, , irur. a. m. ; l so, s, 4, r, e-so, o-is h-o.., i -i, ll-4Ip. in. Leave Norrlatuwu at 5-M), c-ari 7,7-4 6-M), 11 a. m. ; 1-iiO, 3, 4-.".o, 0-15, s, 9-311 . ni. 0,1 suu clays, leave at 9 a. m. ; a-io, 4, 7-30 p. in. Leave Nor li.siown at 7 a. ro.; 1, BT.o, 9 p. ni. Fon Manavi nk Leave ut. C, 7-3(), 9, 11-05 a. m. ; 1-30, 8,4, s, 6-ao, 6-15, 8 05, 10, 11 -45 p. 111. Leave Manajunfc ate, fi-BS, 7-30, 810, 9 i!o, U5;i a,ni.;'2, 3-;:o, t, C 45, 8-30, 10 p. m. On Sundays, leive at 9 a. in. ; !-:jo, 4, 7-:o p. m. Leave IauayuA at 7-30 a. in. : 1 -so, c ir,, 9 so p. ra. Fon ixvMot-Tii Leave at C a m. and 5 p. m. Leave Plymouth at C--2" a. in. and 2-30 p. rt. The 7-40 a. t:i. train iron, .lorrlstowu' will not stoo at MaRce's, Potta'Landinp.Domino, or Schur's Lane". l'aHheupers taltinsr the 7-12, wo.s a. to., and 6-3D p. in. trails from Ninth nml (Ireeu htreet.-t wiu iiihke close conuectionsi with tho tralna for New York at lnteraectto:i Station. The -;.u . ni., 12-30 and 5 n. m. traius from Now ork stop at Intersection Btatioii. . H PDILAKr.PHIA, "WILMINOTON. AND BAL TlilCiRji RA 1 LR K D. T1MK TAIJLE. CJO.MMKNOING MONDAY, N JVISMBK!; 21, luru. .trains will leave .Depot, oonior ol Uroad streot and WasUinvton avenue, as follows: Way Slail'Iraia at 8 So A. M. (Sunday-sexceptodi, for Rfililinore, 6tnpplc; at ail regular st.t.tlon3. ConneotiTijr at YHnilPirton wiife Deiaware Uallroad Liuo, a"t Clayton with Smyrna Branoh Hallrond as-d jyiarylar.d and Delaware Railroad, at liar rlrKton with .lnnctlcn ai'd Breakwater RallroaJ, &t Sea!or:l with Dorchester and DcHwurc- H;iJ. road, af Dclvner with Eastern Shore lU'oad aid at c.alls,)H--7 wiMi Wlooniloo and Poov'.oouo road. Express Train at 11-46 A. M. (Sundays excepte d, for Laltluitre d Vashinnton, stoppint? at Wi:. neeU r-t . lliLiijv,t r'th train for New Castle. Expross '1 rn!r, ut 4 V. al. ,-J-ndiivs exeep;c.i)for rtanfinore and WacUmfrton, stopjilatr at UhontV Thimow, Diuwood, (Ji'iynjont, Wi)uilnv:on, New port, btauton. Nawark, Ei'-;en, North Fas (Jharleftfiwr, Jr'orryvllle. evro-Je-fJrace, Aberi ueer I irrynibu'f!, IlJewood, MaKnoJia, Chase's and steamer's Run. Niitht leprous t 11-80 P.M. (Tally), for Bali,!, in ore and V;ai;ijtnKi.,jn, stopping at t'ho.uer, .lu wood, Dlayment, VV if mint- tori, New-iTk, L'ktoa. North l.nn, I'erryvlltn, t'.3ivre-l-trft, Pi-rr-nisri's, and JMftDoha. Pa?s'jr-ers tut Fortress Monroe ami Norioik wil! rolA th t.jr, A M ,-,,1. VUV .A -.V '.1. . .. j I ft : 1 1. Skopplro; at all statinas between Philadelphia .nil VVtlir,I.. ti, r JGve Pli!lrtn lutit at li'OA a kt y.o.i T-00 P. M. The6 0'j p. ?A. train connect with I-eia-waro l,iilroiid for HarrlLKtun aud lnterm'euUt T.ttfiVA Wll tntriu-f .,n A.JK aM-f u.iA nH rt... aijd 7-lu P. id. '1 he s-10 a. ill. train will eot stop between Uhester aud FLiiauelohla. 'I ho 7-16 P. Id. trutTt, W i ! t.t i .. .... 4 " .n.... ,,uliM,u iuii i:.iiy; an Oilier &o- coiijuiodiitioa trits sunduye ejeepted. Trains loftvtr, Wllaunntoa ut ti-43 A. RL. and 4-eo P. Id. will coi'i.eet at I .amok la Juaetion with the 7-C0 A. M. and 4 SO P. EX. trains for Baltitaore Oen. ral Railroad. from Baltimore to Phliadolpcia. Leave Balti more 7 26 A. 1 Way JVlstl; 9-35 A. M., Express: i-36 P. M., f Ajirers; 7-26 P. M., Rapress. 0JAXJi. M M. T ill Jill HALriMlJKk On t utdayo, leave PUladclphia for Weat Orove ami iaterUieUiate stations at v 00 A. HL.s retarnlnr l-jit WtJi drove a,t 8-65 P. JVC. " ThrouKh tickets to all points West, South, und Southwest Uiuy be procured at ticket otfico. No. H2i Uhesr.nt street, under Continental D.otel, where also tstate Rooms and Berths In Kleeplntr Oars can be recured durlnK the day. Persons purohaain tickets at this otUoe can have baaie checked at their resilience by the ln!m Tra'nstsr Company. H, F. KFNfiiT. Superintendent. nvBK FlIII-ALKLPlilA AJ JL TLAL RAlUiOAD. ND BALTLVIOHS CKN- I'HANfiM n-p'iju Ob and after MONDAY, Oetotitr S, 1S70. trjlus fviU run as follows: Leave l'hllunelphla from LenotofP. V. . n i if, corner of LROAD bUeet aud U ASUlNaXON Avt nue: For Port DepoHit at T A. M. aud 4-30 P. M. l or Oift.rd at 7 A. M., 4-u P. M., 7 P. M. For OMord on Saturdays only, at 2-3J P. M.' For t hiidd's Foid and Oh.-stir Creek Railroad, at T A. M., luA. M., 4-30 P. M. and 1 P. X. Satur days only, at 2 -30 P. M. Train leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. M., connects at Port Deposit with tram for Baltimore. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 10 A. JL and 4-30 P. M. connect at Chadd'a Ford Junction, witli tho Wilmington and Reading Railroad. Trains for Philadelphia: Ltave Port Deposit at 9 -25 A. M. and 4-85 P.M.. on arrival of trains from Baltimore. Oxford at 6-05 and 10-35 A. M. and 6'30P. M. Sun days at. 6 -30 P. M. only. Chadd'a Ford at 7-2i A. M. 11 -B8 A. M., 8t P. M.. and 0-49 P. M. Sundsys at 8-49 P. M. only. UENRY WOOD, General huperiutendeat. T7EST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL- ROAD COMPANY. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, October IT, 1S70, Trains will leave and arrive at the Depot, TUIR'f Y FLLsiTand CHESNUT Streets, as follows: FROM PHILADELPHIA ForWcst Olienlr ut 7MN und Ilia) A. UT -9n 6-1B, and 11-30 P. M. Ktons at all sutions. ' l or Went Cheater at 4-40 P. M. This train stona only at bunions between Media and West Cheater (ureenwood excepted). For U. o. Junction at 4-10 P. M. Stona at all ata. tlollB. FOR PBILADELPHIA From West Chester at 6 30 and 10-45 A. M., Its, 4t,B, hlO 6 is p. w. Stops at ail stations. From Weht Chester at Ts A. M. This train stops only at Marions between West Chester and. Media (Greenwood excepted). I from ii. c. Juucuou at s-4u a. ul. tstops at all Btatiu La. O.N hVN DAY Leave Philadelphia nt 8-30 A. M. - - - - - - -4.UA AMI VfcU, Leaves HnltliU(rA at T"2fi P tvt Dt..t. t- ., tlt.- nolla, Verryiu&n'fl, Aterdeon, UaVrenlo-Grace. ler ryviiie, ChurleetowD, NortUKasi'.Uton.NewArk, Nun U7llmin.rtAn iH..R..,!,.4 t ' 1 H.iui iiBi,vu, via)uuuii, Ltiw and 2 P, hL Leave West Chester at I W A. M. and P. M. 10 u W. C. WIIE2LEK, Soperlateadent. RAILROAD L-IMfi, 1Q7A FOR PTEW YORK THE 01!YinF ACJ I f . and Amboy and Philadelphia nd Trnn ton Kaliroad Comyanlen' lines from Philadelphia to New York and Way Places. . oi WAtun (itbiut wbm, At 7 A. M., Mull and Aeoommodatlon, via Cam oeti and An:loy, avd at 8 80 P. IYI., Aooommoda- a ;v "aniden and .Tersev Olty. At 2 and P. M. ior Amboy and intermediate ita. tiers. At 7 A. M. and 8-30 P. M. for Freehold and Far n ln( a;e. At 7 ana 10 A. M., 18 M., a, S M, and P. HI. for rrtnton. 1-11 'i,Aot7S? ? f - M- 19 M-i - B-80, , 6, T, aaa u-RO p. M. for Jiordentovtn, Florence, Hurllmrton1 J-dnewater. Beverly, Dclanoo, Riverside, Kiirer. ton. atid Palmyra. r Al? ?n,'J 10 A ia 12 M-i T, .nd 11-80 P. IYL for Fish Hoore. Then-sop. m. line leaves rrora Market Street terry (upter side). RtM waer rnitanLPRia dupot, At BL 1-20, 8-46 and 13 P. M. for Erlstol. .At 13 P.M. (nlht) tor ALornsviUo, t'uiiytown. .schecck's, Eddinston, Cornweils, Torresdale, fop.esburir .lanction. Taoonv, Wls-iaomlrr, UridtKrurp,aad trankfonl. ,"iT J!ay Ll1i0 ,efcv at v ii A 6 46 P. M., and 13 night. P.OM KKNR1HBTOW DKPOT. A,t7 2-30,3-30, p.ud 0 p.m. tor Trenton and Bristol, end at 9 30 A. AL and 8 P. M. for BrlPtol At 7-30 A.M., 8-80, and 6 r. M. for Morrlavllie and Tull toy. v. At 7 8.1 sua 30 A. M., 3 30, e, n i--. tA. for tichsDot s. EtluiKRton, OoruwcIlB, Torroodale, and Holrwesbarx Junction. At 7 A. W.. 12-30, 6-15, and 7-E0 P.M. for Bustle ton, HoIiucMiurn, nd Holiucihurg .1 unction. At 7 and 0-30 A. XL. 12 30, 2-80, 6 IB, t), aad 7-80 P. M. tor Tacoay, Wlseip.omlng, Bildesburz, and Frasklord. VIA BFI.VrPEItK DHI.AWAKK KAII.KOAO. At 780 A.M. for Nitttrara Falls, Buiialo, Irtn. kirk, Eiinira, Rocliepter, Syracuse, Oreat Bond, V. llkrsbarre, Schooley's Mruntiiln, to. At 7 fO A. itt. and 8-30 P. jVl. ior Seraaton, Ktrouc-Bhur. WatorOap, Bolvidoro, Lofton, Iam. lertvlll?, 1 lominton, eto. At 6 p. M. lor l.aici.ertvllle and Intermediate stationn. JTKUM N AEXKT BTBEMT FKP.liY (CPPKa 81 OB), V1AMWJUKSVA fOriHliUH ItAD.UOAD At 11 a. M. lt.r New Ycris, lior-B Branch, and Intermediate places. VIA AJBBUSIJNDTOM CdUNTT RAIT. ROAD. At & a?!d il A. Ai., 1, 3-30, 8 00, 6, anu 0 8U f. iU., !J3d on TJ-rsdny pnd Saturday r.JxhtB at 11-P0 P. V. tor WeT"!i!i!:tavJlie, Mooroftown. Hartfort), Masonvllie, Kalnerport, and Mount Holly. At e-it i. M., a so and e so P. 3L for Lutnberton nri- Medlorr1. t o 5 T!; 1 1 A.M., 8 SO, 8, and 6-SO P. M. for Smith. vLie, i-waLsviiie, Vincoulown, Birmtagham, antl Poriiert'is. At 0 4oA.M., 1 atd 8'30 P. M. for Lewistown, 'Vrikl.tctown, O'loltstown. N?w Egypt, BorosH. town. roera Rtcae, lnilaystown, .Sharon, and litt.Lti-towr. Dee, 12, it 70. WH. H. ATZttlER. Ar.ent. T O K TH I'KlVNSYLVANlA-KAILKOAD-1 TBI', tHOKT WlMIIil, ROUTK TO THE 1.1 HIGH AND WYOMING VALLEYS, NOUTH Ll N l ENNSi'LVAMlA, SO' l'HEJIN AND 1. tlRK'R NLW VORK. Bt'VFALO, ODHHY, R(.'4JHKSTEK, THE GREAT LAKES, AND THli DOillNlO OF OANAI'A. WINTHi AltRANGEMENT. Takes client Deconibcr ID, 1370. Fifteen Dally Trains leave Passoner Dopet, corner of Berks and Aiaer'oan streets (Sundays secptoO), as loliov.s: 7 oa A. ni. (Accommodatlor) for Fort Waahlnw. ton. " At7'S6 A. ft. (EipregB, for Belhieheti, E.'iton, Al lentown, Maucl. Chunk, U'likeparro, Williams rnrt. MHhanev Citv. I.':i.!nf(,n. Put Wavcrloy fclinlra, and in oonnootion with the kr i-' LAJJ.WAY f-r Kuhsio, Nlsgara Falls, Bochestor, Cleveland, C'hiergo, Ss a Francisco, and all points 8-B6 A. M. (AccommodRtlon) for Dovlestown. 9-4fi A. IU, (ivxprcsc) for Bethlehem, Eatton, Al lentewn, niaoeii Chunk, WilKamsport. Mahano City, w Ilkertarjc, Flttiton, Scraaion, Haoketts- rov.n. e;ocleJ s ruountam, ana . J. Central and a: orris ar o t rei iiatroaus. 11 a. ni. lAooommodutioix) for Fort Washington 1-15 and 6-30 aiid 8 16 P. IU., for AMagt.on. r. in. ( express ior uetLioiuein. Kastnn, AI lautowu, Mauoh Ohunk, Mahanoy Olty, Wllieg. barre. 1 itt.uen, and Jiaz'eton. 3 30 P. M. (Acoox-iundatlon) forDovJoatowik. At 8-20 P. Hi. (Bouhlohoai Accomiu-idatlcn) for ij-siiiienuiu, xji.MOTi. unoatown, ana uopiay, 4-6 1'. A). (Mali) for Doylestown. 6-oo p. M. for Bothleheu, Easton, Alientown and Mauoh Chunk. 8 30 P. M. (Accommodation) for Lar.sdale. ll to P. il. (Accommodation) for Foil Washing, tot. The Fifth and Sixth Etreets, Second and Third streets, and Cnion Llue3 city Carj run to the Depot. TKA1NS ARRIVE IN PH I LAD KLP H I A FROM Uotlnehciu at 8 Li, and 10 S& A. M.; 316, 6 06, and 8 Ho P.M. Doylestown at 8-25 A. M., 4 40 and 6 35 P. M. rncB-ip le at 7-80 A. M. Fort VaEhii)y ton at 9-30 and 11-30 A. M., 3-10 P.M AMiigton at 3 Q6, 6 fca. and 9 tit. P. M. I?4 SL'MIaVS. Flilladelptila for Bethlehem at 9 30 A. M. Phi!adeiphia for Doyieetown at 3 00 V. M DoyloHtown for PhUilelphia at 7 A. iil. Bethloherji lor Fh!lao"eIihla at 4-00 P. M. Tickets sold and bagguge ctieeaed tiirottgh to principal points at Maria's North Pennsylvania Bgga;re Er.pross OHoe, No. 106 H. Fifth etroet. Dec. 19, 1870. JbpUS Ol-AKK, Agent. TI11LA DELPHI A AND ERIE RAILROAD X '1 ne trains on tne putiaaeiphla aud Krle Ball road will run as follows from the Pennsylvania Rail road Depot, West PhiladJlphia: w est w AUD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 9-40 P. M, " " W iiliiiaiBport 7-25 A.M. " arrives at Erie T-40 P. M. ilili. illi.LfcS leiVtS riniaaeipiila ii 'iOA. M. " " Williauibport.. . . 8 f'i p. M. " arrives at Erie. 740 A. M. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 9-30 A. M. " " Wllliainsport.... 6-35 P. M " arrives at Lock Haven.. 750P.M. EASTWAUU. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie '. 9 00 A. M. " " Wlllia'uiJport 10-U5P. M. arrives at I'hliadeipuia 6-so A. L ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie 9-00 P. M. " . " Wllliainsport... 6-25 A. M. " arrives at Philadelphia. 5-30 p. M. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Loek Haven 8-15 A. M. " " Wllliainsport 9-W5A.M. " arrives at Philadelphia. . 6-30 P. M. BUFFALO EXP. leaves Wllliainsport.... 13-H5 A, M. " " Sunbury 3 30 A.M. " arrives at Philadelphia,. 9-40 A. M. Express, Mall, and Accommodation, east and West, connect at Corry, and all west bound trains and Mall and Accommodation east at Irvineton wita Oil Creek and Allegheny Klver Railroad. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Superintendent. rt '11E PHILADELPHIA ANDBALTIMORbTckn J TRAL RAILROAD CHANGS OK HOURS On and after MONDAY, October 3, 1S70, trains will run as follows: Leave Philant-lphia from depot of P. W. A B. R. R., corner Broad street and Wash ington avenue: For Port 1 'e-posit at 7 A. M. and 4-30 P. M. For Oxford at 7 A. M 4-30 P. AI.. aad 7 P. M. Fer oxford Wednesdays and Saturdays on' r at 2-tso P. M. J J For Chadd's Ford and Cheetor Creek Railroad at 7 A. M., 10 A. M., 4-30 P. M., and T p. M. Wedues days and Saturdays only 3-30 P. M. Train leaving Phllaaelpnia at 1 A. M. connects at Port Eeposit with train for Baltimore. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. M. and 4-80 P. M. connect at Chadd's Ford Junction with the Wllmlugtoi-i mid Reading Railroad. Trains for Philadelphia leave Port Dep--lt at 9-25 A. M. and P. il., on arrival or trains from Balti more. Oxford at e-es A. M., 10-33 A. M. and B-30 p. jl Bundav at 5-ao P. M. only. Clmo-.J's'.ForcCiit 7-23 A. M., 1V5S A. M., 3t5 P. M . and 6 49 P. M. Sundays -4i) P. M. only. l'ussengers are a'lowed to take wearing apparel oil y as buugage, aud the company will not luaviy cme bo lt-hnousllile for an amount exceeding oue i undred dollars, uule&s special contract is uialo for lesume. HE SKY WOOD, 10 8 General superintendent y EST JERSEY RAILROADS, FALL AND WINTER ARR ANGEMKNi l COMiVliiNCING MONDAV", 8EpmtBi.. !. 1870. Trains will leave Philadelphia as follows: From foot of Market btrei t (upper ferry), s-ia a. m., rahaeuger ior Kriitgeton, naiera, Ewedesboro, ylnelaeo, edillvllle, and way stations. 11 4ft A. m., Woodbury AceoLumouat'on. 8-16 H. Id., Passenperior cape May, MiUvlile, and way stations below Glassboro. 8-bO P. Ala, Pafasnirer ior tsrineton, isaiom, Swedeeboro, and wsy btatlops. S0 P. M.. Aeeomuiodatlon for Woodbury, Glass boro, :ia tn, anl iuttnin-iliate stuon A t 7 bO tntl W 46 A. J., 1, a io, fc-80, 6-45 and 18 1. 11., New York Kxpress Lines, and at 11 80 P. M.. ijlne, via .tersoy 4,lty. n A T:so A. M., 1-20, 3-10, 6-39, 148, and 19 P. fr . for Trenton. Freight i rtili letvt s i-amm-u uany, a. it m. VVULIAM J. SEWEIaL, Saperiau:u-leut ABO TION 8ALC8, M THOMAS fc SONS, AUOTIONEERB, 'JXOB. 139 and 141 a FOURTH Street, SALE F REAL ESTATE iND STOCKS, Feb. 7, at 13 o'clock, noon, at the Exchange, will include 'iwm.Mii (South), No. Sit Valualilo property Known nn thu 'Futon Club." Wai.m-t, no. 13C9 Vitiiiatiln Ri'Hldence, Stable, and (.'osrh-house. Lot 3ft l-v saj :eet. Isi.akh RtiAli Valuable Farm, 193 seres. l'FMlOSK FKKKV RlAI) AM BlVKK St:HUV I.K II. I, 1 iMt of 84 HiTec, Twenty-Hlxtli wanl, and 3 tracts, il Hrres, Kdloltiing. Ninth ani W ood, S. W. Comer Valuable Resi dence. I'khcy. Nor. por. and 907 Two Brick Dive'llngs. 1 1 IiSKUT, No. 8344 Klegstlt M-irbtA Kesl'l.-ni-e riiANKi-iN. No. 7l Corner of Brown Elegant Residence. r,f. leet inuit. Cam nit i ims, between Tticker and Margaret. Frnrkfurd, Twditv-third ward Large Lot. FlTI.lH MUEKT, No. 174T-'.! Frame BwellliiKS. 140 shales Svi eiles.mro lfallroul, pir $25. l-ieiHiciiy (,f Trenton iximis. f Jeeo Rt'HdlnK od bmilii-t Rsllroail bonds. loot-hares c ntral Trunstiortuiion t:o. fW'DophiiRdelphlii City PasHetipi r Railway. 1 Kha'-e Phlla ta. and soiitliern Mail Meamshlp Co. Hot 0 Union Passenger Ruiiwuy Co. ixmils. 3 8 3t 1(0 shares Cape Msv and Millvlile Railroad. 1 ehnre PhllBrtHiphta I.tbrnrv Companv. 10 shares MeehstileB' insurat ee Co. (lialtlnmre.) 45hHresChHrleiou, S. C, Miuing aud Alauutao turlnir Oornpany. Cataloirues now read v. 'THOMAS FIHCll S'jv, .MICTIONKRU.H AND I COMMISSION MERCIl AN IS, No. l!U( OIioh MT street; rear entrance No. U '7 Sansoiu Btreet. 8TECIAL SALE OF ELEGANT N KV VA BIN c T H?RNTITL'RE FROM THE WAIIHItOiiMs OF MR. A. B A BLOW. On Tucson Morning, At 10 o'clock, nt our auctlou store, No. 1110 Clms nut street, we will Bell a large assortment of f-.etfAnt tirnt-clHf-s parlor, chaiubcr, dininK-rmm, au-l lib-ary furniture, nianursetured ty Mr. A. Barlow expressly for his wsrerooiu salt s. The furniture will be nrranpred for exhibition nt the nurtion store on Monday, when catahie ies win be ready. 8 1 5t Admlilhtrafors' Pale. -Tx-T,m ,N"' 1,S2 Alt('' Street. WALM'T PARLOR, LIHRARY, CHAMBER and Dinlnsr-rooni Furniture; Velvet, BniSMt w, V,T,"ln -'arpets; Oo'Iurp Oluimb'-r Suit, with Murble-trps; Ilalr and t-pr!ni? Mattresses, tomlcts and Curtains, Lonnjre Bedstead, etc. On Wednesday Morning, icbrnary 8, at o o'clock, at No. lvsa Arch o'roet, by order of administrator, will ba sold, the furni ture, carpels, etc., fomprlsliipr-Sult of parlor lur liltnro lu haircloth, made by W. k J. Allen; walnut end cottpge chamber fuits, with marble-tops: vel vet, Pruels, ami other carpets; library, diulug rrom and kitchen furniture, etc. t at!oj2!U'H ready on Mondav tnorninjr. 1 he 'furniture can bo ex.imiued after S o'clock on n.oriiii;g of sale. se2t SALE OF VALFABT.E M IsT'FLI.AN EOTTS BOOKS, Al lOGRAPUS, -MINERALS, SHELLS, COINS, On Wednesday Afternoon, At 3 o'clock, at tho auction store. No. 1110 Chni nut t-freet, will be sold, nti nssoiroieiit of mlsceiia neons bonks from n private library; also, auto SrnphP, ni'nera!s, shells, coin?, etc. CetaiepiK s sre now remly for distribution. 2 fl 2t IIVNTL.O, DUBBORO V it CO., AV rri'JN EBTK. i Non. ?S5 an-! V.Y. MAI- ??:T .!,, cor'-a- oi SaES ctreet. SucceRsorg to Joliu B. Mycra Vo, OPENING SPRING S,I.k"oF "OOl CAES ROOTS Vl1 'ALLIO On Tuesday Moinlnjr, I obrrary 7, ut )ti o'clo. k, on low months' ere lit, fi.t ,iHii!,'jr casts men's, hots', eu-l youths' caK, kip, ben h-atlwr, ami firain cavalry, Napoleon, dress, aud C( Loots bud B..)inorulj; kip, btur, and pi Ilttieri ;ni!n iropnr-s; women's, misses', and ehtl (lun sciill, klti. enamelled, e.nd bull leather, goat, nt-d ni'Toceo RalreoraM; Con;:ress gaiters; iaco boots ; ankle Hep; sllp,:eM; lnetaiii'! overslioe4 and sandals ; travelling bags ; shoo lucets, etc. 3 2 4t LARGE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN. ANU DOM LSTIO I)KV GoOBS. , On Thuisdny Mornliijr, I el. 9, nt 10 o'clock, on 4 n ouths' credit. 3 3 5t FIRST SI'RING SAI.EOF CARPJLTINGS, OIL, CLOTHS, ETC. On Friday Morninp, I ' btuarr 10. i.r 11 o'clock, on lour months' rrdlt, about Umi pieces lnciain, Vt.nettan, list, hemp, oot tiicf, tind rap carpi -.1:-bs; oil clot tin, ruiM, etc. 2 -0ALl'oLt:RUMBOiTlH ol tne be:,t tmalitv mid ehtMCH patteris CANTON MATTING. An Invoice of superior fancy colored tnnttlrvr. M A G I L L, PARREL AI C'lOM. LS, No. 316 MARI-::iT Street. CO ON WEDNFSl.'AY MORNING, 1 el). F, by i-B&l'ij!iiH. COhlOiflieldif ll io o'e.!o-;k. SALE i"' ASMiRTEB PRY OOOuS, i , TJIING LADiEft' I NLUlt Ci.tiTUiNU, NO tTONS, ' Ltc. Et Alfo, tocu an ;-!!slrrurii' nix, 3 a IQTS OK FClfS, BORKS. J.A. S. EtC i 'ONCfiBT H A11, At'CTION ROOIttS, No. 319 t. a. m4.cle:lla:;d, auction ?.v.vl Pcrnonal attentlou jrUei to saJen of lwai'Uo'l for. nltureatflwelllnj;a. Public siiloH of fnrri'tnre at tho Auction t'oor-ii j.fy lilU t;DBIimit H'-rect, every i)cu lv a'id Tharn- For partlculam for.; "Public Lj.Vc;-.b N. It a sunerlor e,aK of riiiniimv at nvaio sai- ""Y HENRY W. Sc. B. SCOTT, Jit AUGTK N J-FERS AND COMMISSION Alk-UANi" (teinporimiy)No. SllcliLSAUT Sin,, under the Ulrurd House, SALES ON PREMliaS receive prompt and per sonal attention. ' v M ARTIN BROTH EliS, AFCTIONEERS. No 704 ChcHnit street. rY BARR1TT CO., AIOTIONEERS, J CA-ll At'CTION BOl SR., ' No. .10 MAl-.KET Siren, corner or cank street. CuMi advunetd on eoiit.iKun.eiits without extra c)""i'e. n ojj liEVEXUK STAIPS Cf ail denominations and in auy quantity can be had AT Ttio Principal Dopot FOR THE SA1S OF U. S. HEVENUE STAMPS. No. 04 CIIE3NUr Street, AND AT TUB BKAXCII OFFICr, No. 105 South. riFin Street, (One door below Chcsnut). Revenue Stamps printed on Checks, Drafts, Re ceipts, etc. Address all orders to STAMP AGENCY, No. 804 CHESUUT Ctreet, . Itiijuuer Building, Philadelphia. npOOLS FOR MACHINISTS, LATHES, X Huriutt. Scruw und Old Ouitluu, l'Unimr, bioltina od ruuulioig Macuiucs. rihvy, mij of tne be.i mat, ml Dd uik. GKUUtik O. HOWAHO, ii No. 17 SouUi 1UUM1 EILN I'll bunt,