THE DXiLY EVENING TE IjEGRA 111 P I IT L A ! ) 13 L l' 1 1 1 A , MONDAV, EEIUtUItr C, 187'!. 5 The I'lIT Amnirnin. At the Walnut n 8atun1ii? evcninir Mr. J. S. Clarke wan greeted by au Immnuw audience which Tilled every Inch of room in the audito rium. The comcdlau was welcomed by ihe heartiest applause, and his performance of the part of ''Hob Acres" excited enthusiastic demon strations of pleasure. Sheridan's cornodv of The Jiivala. while- it falls bulo tho The. School for Scandal as a work of art, is such a piece a 'no modem dramatist lint fcUierldan rould have written, ai d the brightness of in wit and tlia heartiness of i( humor have ever lnndo it a favo rite. The eharactor ot "Bob Acres" is ono of the best In Mr. Clarke's repertoire, and it is cer tainly IrrcMstibly fnnnv. especially in the sceno w here "Bo'" is beguiled into sendliiK a chal lenge and Ihe duel seeoe. where his courage eapraU'f- with extraordinary rapidity a the fulal YnoiiM nt iiriives when LU precious carcase v ill be in lit uclly peiil. This evei.iijtr Mr. Hark i!l personate "Major Wellington do Boots" and "Paul Pry.'" Oil Weilitei'day afternoon tee comedy of For and Goare will be represented for the benefit of the author, Mr. .T. D. Stockton. Fox an'l (loose Is a capital piece, aud o Mr. Stockton is a Philadelphia, his felloiv-eiti.eiis should alio their appreciation of his ta'.cnt ai a draimtht by crowtlivir the house on fils occn.-iou. "AT ttik t'liK.PM'T a roni'intii' drama by J. C Foster entitled The OU Man of the .Moitntdhi will be produced with new teencry. dresses, and appointment. This piece i fo'indd upon tin rouiantlc events of the crti-.wle.. and it is said t be intenm ly interesting. In order to produce it the r(mpauy has been largely iiu're.isvd, and it premises to be ore of the linort hpectacles t hibitt-il in this city for a loni; lime. Wc are plensed to sec that, Mr. Waller Lennox l as joined il: Chesnnt Street Company us iw C omediau. On Saturday evening he was greeted with iutmiUiious applause when he, appeared as ".Ineent-s," ihe mock dole, i:i ihe comedy of 'Ihe o?.;iioo)i. which ituiM, have convinced him that lie has a firm pl.u i:i '.he regards of the playgoers of this city. Mr. Lennox is an t.Melleiit a tor. and he nv.ih o ,e of the chief utiractloiis at the Cbeiiut several years ago, vhen he a member ot the company under Mr. Sinn's management,. At Tins Aiu:n a piece entitled Lnrline will be represented this evening. At tub Ac'Aokmy of Mrsic a season of six performances of English un.l one of (ienniu opera will eominence this evening with the ever tiopular JUiheunan tlirl. In the market scene a concert performance will he given by Miss Jenny von J imk. Miss Alma K ration, Mr. Joseph llerruiats. Mr.W. Jjotti, and the. child Amerieus. To-morrow evening Mnrt.'ia be performed for the benefit of Mr. J. F. Zhnmerinan, the treasurer ol the troupe, and Mr. U. V. Camp bell, the boK book-keeper of the Ac.alcmy. Botli of these pputlemen deserve wi ll ot the public, and they should have a crowded hoitc. On Wednesday Mrs. Seguin will have a bandit, when The Marriage of Fiynro will ho given on Th'imlny Trotdloro will he performed, with Miss Emnia Ilowcon as ''Leonora;" on Friday Fidel io will be represented (lie lirst time tn Kngliph in this city for Mr. C:u-tte"s benefit; on Saturday thei e will be a gr.t id matinee, and on Saturday evening will bo euug in German". At thp. Assembly 1cii.iig the to headed girl ami otiier living cu; ii:4ties will be on exhibition every uftcruoon aud eveuing until further notice. At Dii-ki-.z Si Benedict's Oit.ii.v Ilot'sa the Exoeh-lor Female Minstrels will commence a series of performances this evening with a great bill of attractions. At the Amekican a variety of novelties are announced for this evening's performance. At tub Museum. Ninth uid Arch Btrcets, a piece entitled A au in 'aria and the coined' of The Widow's Stealer)' will be represented this evening. The "Chii l Wonder." little Vic. will appear in a number ot her specialties. At tub .Stiif.kt opeiia House Blocum's funny burlesque of Tlie llreat City will be represented this evening. KoTncit m r.i.'s picture of "Tint Battle of Get tysburg" is ou exhibition at No. 1003 Chesnut street. Theodoue Thomas announces two more grand orchestral concerts, to bo given at. the Academy of Music on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, February 10th and 17lh. Entirely new programmes will bo presented, and on Wednetday evening, in comuli-nica with a gen eral request, Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony"' will be given eutire. Subscriotioa tickets for t'ho two concerts can be obtained t the Music Stove of F. A. North & Co., No. 10:2d CUesnut street, on Thursday aud Friday next. The Tleiiblr-IIrnriert Girl An I''vnmlnatlon niuile ttv VVrll-known Itlrttlenl illeii. Since the snival in this c'ty of theeurloslty known as tlie "don lite headed girl," which for some davs past lias been ou exhibitiou at ;td Fellows' It ill, there has hcen a variety of oplnious expressed as to whether it reolly was the wonderful curiosity claimed, or whether u fraud was oelug perpetrated upon the public. In order to nttle tue point, Urs. If. W. Hlibs and A. J. Jiorlaiul, eminent meilicat practitioners of this city, acting at. the suggestion of many cltl. ns, yeuterday made appllcaMou to m-iUe a medlchl eHnilnation of the dual character. After consultation wl!,U the proprirtjrs of the exhibition, It was decided to accede tn the request, and ac cordingly yesterday afternoon the e.xauiinatiou was juade. We regret that Dr. Bliss was eo much engaged yesterday evening as to render it, miposslhle for ami to write oni his scientific rcp rr. Nuilice It to say that the examination was eutir ly satisfactory, und revealed the fact that the represii;tai!ons made by the management are entirely correct.; the girl belnt; of but one bud?, with two heads, four arms and feet, two sets of liuifs, twr hearts, uud ouo physical or ganization. J'he doctors exitresfl themselves as entirely sai istlsd that tne girl Istha most wonderful human being on the face of the earth. ti'ashingtan Ilepublican. COKKKTH. COKMH'S. 1'itU'Ks i:i;oi;t kd. (!OItKTS. C'UKdETS. l'JULt. lttlat'Kl). Thk Laoiks' Opportunity. TUK LAOIKS' (il'l-OKTUNtrV. M) Cents coon IIand-madk Oohsuts. "II ('BNT8 tl'HKHIOR NEW COKSET. 68 ('KNTS KIKKLY-THIMMKD (tOltSI'T. K1 CKNT8 M'l.KNUIII WOVKN COKrfKI'. $1 I0 Sl'l-KKlOll WOVKN COKSKT. Il-oo tiii'hHiou Patent Cikcui.aiiC;oi;k Corskt. . Tim Onk 1om.ak Patent (Circular dare Corset, Dow having a masked success, is well shaped and made up iu a superior maimer, it is the ladies' favorite. To secure Increased pafronatre Mr. Finn is presenting a splendid line of Corsets at figures far below usual rates. A iiuU hiit of finer noods at viodtratf prist. Ion' M. Finn, f . E. corner Arch and Seventh streets. Et'KNETT'tt Kali.iston The best cosmetic. I'BMITf KNT FKVEH8 lUS WAY TO EsCAI'K TnKlI. A dose of Plantation Uitteus, taken night and morning. Will enable the system to repel the delete rious Influence of these fruitful sources of epidemic disease. It is la evidence that lu many Instances where the greater portion of the papulation of an en tire settlement have been prostrated by bilious re mittent fevers, the few who have had BiiiUclcnt loiecast to take the F.Itters ai a prrventiv$ have escaped the seourge. As a remedy after an attack has actually commenced, this celebrated tonic and anti-bilious elixir Is invariably eiiuuious. In such cases, If tal.en alter the fever Is ou, it will soon con trol the paroxysms, and when the patient Is conva lescent, It will refatore the appetite and recruit the strength more rapidly thau an; o'.licr stomachic aud invlgoraut lu use. GREEN GUM VLASTEItS, Thb only onks which eireetually will cl'kk Cokhs snd Bi'Moi.s, are manufactured by O. Kkau-sk, Apothecary, N, W. cor. Twelfth aud CUesaut blreets. MR. William W. Cabsidy, the jeweller at No. 8 fcouth becoL J ttreet, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks or all kinds of Jo A-elry and Silver ware In the city. He has also on hand a flue assort ment of Hue American Westoru Watches. Those who purchase at this stoie at tho present time are certain to g;;t the worth of their money. ECKKETT'b CocOainb A perfect luir-d'esiing. Bra Moss Farinr from pnre Irish Moss, for Ititno Mango, rnddlng.4, Ccsfar'ls, (.'reams, eta, etc. The ctiespest, healthiest, and most delicious food tn t.ha world. Bk poind, hest In tho city, lowest prteo, Ami (pta ratiteed, by Ai.bkbtsom A Co., No. 14.M Chesnnt street. PI A Kit I ISO. Tonus Wa on. On Thursday morning, February ?d, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Kv. Dr. March, Mr. Eowin Johns to Miss Vikoima ai'K, all of this city. Mt hi.ino Oi.KDnn.t.. On January intii, HTo, by the Hev. William ('Ai)icart, Mr. ijh a ri.hs Muiii.inii to Kips Ltuia Ui.kiinu.i,, both of this city. McT.ran on tne 1st Instant, by the tie?. Thomas V. Murphy, IIii:iiaiiii A. MoI-ban, of this city, to Miss Maoui'k A., lormerty of l'oi.ts vino, I'a. orahav. On the 4th lnstsnt, at his rendeuce (n Merchaiuvliie (tiotir Welwood Htatton), J. Okaitam, of ttie tlrm of Orahnm, Mel arlaud A Co., of Philadelphia, in the i;Utn year of his aire. Tlio relatives and Inendsof tlie lainlly are resieet fully Invited to attetirt the funeral, from his late re Hldi nee, on Wednesd.iy, hth Instant, at 12 o'clock. To proceed to I'olestown t'ernetery. I'kiuiy On nn 4th .pstant, hAKAii II., wire of Iinbcrt Terry, In the 4.Mh year of her sire. The relatives anil irleud.i of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from tie resi dence of her hntoiaii'l, No. 122S .South Hi x'.U street., en Wednesday atternoon. the Sl.h instant. r, 2 o'clock, 'i'o proceed to St. Paul's 31. Ji. Churoa Cemetery. Wain wKiifin. u the 4th instant, Sam. is Waikwhiout, tn the 2Viil year ofjher aire. Tlie relatives and friends are respectfully invited to atteud her fitnera'., from tlie resiil"nci of iter mint, No, fi'JJ Vine street, on Tuesday, the ttli inst., at 10 o'clock. Wii.i,iAJs On the rth Instant, at his residence, Collegevllle, alove Uolmesburg, IIakdino Wii. i.i.vNf. In the SiOih year of his ae. ills relatives sod friends are respectfully lnvld to nt'end hts funeral, from his late residence, on We1 nesdny, 8fh lnstaijt, at. 1 1 o'clock. Carriages will he waiting to convey the friends from the city to tlie funeral at the oniee rf K. 8. Kurley, Tenth and Ore en street", at 10 o'clock precisely. Funeral win proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. " SPECIAL. NOTICES. 2,- I M P O It T V. S AND 1) 3 A I. 3 XI. John WANAjIAKEiI, IMPOUTiSR OS" AND UKALUIt IN M li N ' S V IS A It, 8IS AN U J20 STREET. IiirOKTEIi AND DEALEK. m y- I.KTTEIt PKKSS COPIKS CAN BR TAKEN' from Printing executed at. HKLFaNSTJiiN 6t LIi,Y'lS', FIFTH and CllKMNIJT Streets. 1 1 f- JAMES M. SCOVEL HAS EbT A BlTsH!! d"a Law and Collection Agency for 1'euusylvaula arid New Jersey at No. 614 WALNUT Street 112 29 B.7f" DR. F. It. THOMAS, No. 911 WALNUT ST., formerly operator at the Coltou Dental Rooms, devotes his entire practice to extracting teeth with out pain, with fresh nitrous oxide pas. 11 17 ry- DTSrENHAKY FOh SKIN DISEASE, NO. w SltS 8. ELEVENTH Street. Patients treated gratuitously at this Institution daily at 11 o'clock. 1 14 y JOTJVIN'S KID OLOVS CLEANEK restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by all druggists aud laucy goods dealers. Price 23 cents per bottle. 11 23uiwf5 ry- INSTEAD OF USING COMMON TOILUT Soap at this sciisou of the year, use "Wright's Alccnated Glycerine Tablet of Sollditied Glycerine." It softens tne. skin, prevents redness and chapping by cold, and beautifies the complexion. For sale by Druggists generally. K. & U. A. WRIGHT, 1 6 fmw2Ct IS'o.6?4 CUESNUT tt., PuiUT a. DEPARTMENT OF KECLIVKil OF TAXiiS. Philadelphia, Jan. 31, 1871. Due notice will be glveu when the Tax Duplicates for the year 1S71 will be ready for the payment of Taxes. ROBERT II. BEATTY, 1 31 Ct Receiver of Taxes. r(. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE DIVISION CANAL CO., No. 303 WALNUT Street. i'UlLADKLPHIA, JaU. 23, 1S71. The Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of tuts Company will be held at! their Oitlea ou TUESDAY. Febiuery T, 1ST1, at l'i o'clock M., when an election win no neiu ior Managers ror tne ensiling year. 1 va St E. a. QILS3, Secretary. fCkS" BATCH ELOR'S HAIR DYE. THIS SPLEN did Hair Dve Is the best In the world, the only true and perfect Dye. Harmless Reliable Instan taneous uo disappointment no ridiculous tin's "Don i- ttontain Lead nor any I italic Potion to tn. pirn- Hair or ,V'r(em." Invigorates tho Hair aud leaves it soft and beautiful ; mack or Brown. Sold by all Drusrelsts aud dealers. Aonlied at the Factory, No. 16 BOND Street, New York. 14 XT mwf rf THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COM w PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Company's Building, No. 400 Walnut strekt.) January 11. IsTI. r The Directors have thU day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the company for tlie last six mont ns, pavnbie on de mand, lree ol all taxes. ALSX. W., 1 2tf Secretary. ifcS- THE UNION FIKS EXTINGUISHER COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Manufacture and sell the Improved, Portable J?!re Extinguisher. Always Reliable. D. T. GA03, C r.0 tf No. 113 MAPKET Et, General Agent. I.iV FNION LEAGUE KOU8B, BROAD Street. Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 19T1. The Second Art Reception will occur at the Union League Building on the evenings of THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb. 9, li) and 11, from six to eleven o'clock. Members can obtain a limited number of tickets by personal or written application attheofllce. GEO. II. BOKER, Chairman. February 6, IS71. ; i 6 St CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE. Philadelphia, Feb. 2, 1S71. The premium on Gold Interest on City Loans of July, 1ST0, will be paid in currency on and after February , 1S71. JOSEPH F. MARCElt, 8 S 4t (JHy Treasurer. . 3- OFFICE OP THE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia, Feb. i i?n. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The animal meeting of the Stockholders of this compauy will bo held ou TUESDAY, the S'Btdavof Februar?, 1ST1, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at CONCERT HALL, No. lull) C'DliSNUT Street, Philadelphia. Tim Annual Election for Directors will bo held on MONDAY, the titli day of March, 1871, at the oiuee of the Compauy, No. .m s. 'limu' nireei. V Ju-jUI'U LESLEY, i ut becre'.ary. SPECIAL. NOTICES. tiF 1'1,!T OFFXrC, PHILADELPHIA, I'A., FBSKUARY fl, 1S71. Msil for HAVANA, pr steamer YAZOO, will close at this ortlee at 7 A. It., 7l.h Inst. It IIKNRY H. BIMIHAM. Postmaster. r..SY- BOARD OF TRADE OffFICB, No. r95 " Chl '.sM'T Street fatcd annusl meetlnir of the Association for choice of olllceis nnd Executive (Council, mid o her business, ou MONDAY EVENIN(, Feoru r 0, at 9 o'clock. 1t A. J. PERKINS, HeerettrT. TUN l'llNl.ll INS ItABUE, TRUST, - mil Ultl 111. Pi.ulT i n 4X . U .'0. i, A'l.l ' t a . v. PillLAPRl.eniA, Feb. 1. 1f71. The Stated Annual Meetlnir of tue Stockholders of this Compnny will be held at Its Olllce, Nos. H2 ond R:tl CHKSNU C Street, on TUESDAY, the 14th InstHiit, at It o'clock M.. for the election ot a Board of Directors forthe ensninir year, and for the irntis ne.tlon of such further busluefl'i as ma? come tie'ore them. R. PATTERSON, 2 2 lot Secretary. fc--y- PUILAfKLrHI.V AND THENT 'N RAIU "POAl" OO-VfPANY, NO. 224 SOUTH DtSLA- VVAKll. AViiL'li. Pnn.AnRi.PHiA, Jan. 20, 19T1. The Directors have declared a semt-aunnal t ivl- dend of FIVE (M PER OK NT. upon the capital s oek of the Company, clear of taxes, from the profits of the six morth ending December 31, 1370, payabl on and aftr FEHKL'AHV pro., and that the transfer oooks Dccioeea uuui i'eukuaky 7, 1S71. J. i"ARliKtt NOKK1S, 1 21 14t Treasurer. y- H. AT. DALY'S WHISKY WAREROOMS, Nos. Mi H. FRONT street and wj DOJK St. IMMKNSF. STOCK OF TUK BEST BRANDS IN ORIGINAL BARRELS. Among which may be found the celebrated 'ooi.dbn W eiiiin(," Bourbou of ancient date; Wheat and itye w iiisKieB, an pure rrom manufacturers (in ori ginal packages), including those well-kuovvn dis tillers, THOMAS MOORR S. SON, JOSEPH S. FINCH A CO., and THOMAS MOCRFC. The attention of the trade Is reouesrcil to test theoe Whiskies, at market rates. T2 4sra s i gf STOKHOLDEUS' MEETING THE AN- nuai meeung or tne stocsuoiders of the NEW ERA OIL, LUMBER, AND MINING COMPANY, the NORTHERN LIGHT PETROLEUM COMPANY, and the CHARTER OAK PETROLEUM COM PANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, will be held at the ottlce. No. '120 south FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, 1 UESDAY, 14th February, 1ST1, at o'clock P. M. JOHN WANAMAKER, Secretary. Philadelphia, February 3, 1871. 2 4' -- ri'BI.H" TKMPBKANCK MEETINfJ HALL YOUNG MEN S CHRISTIAN ASSO CfATiON, No. 1210 CHKSNUT Street, A publlo temperance meeting will be held TO MORROW (TueRdsv) KVEM No, at s o'clock. Address by Rev. J. M. J1IN30N. Subject "Modernto Drinking." t,uestlon for discussion "What, is the best msn tier of securing tho enforcement of onr t.eninerenee laws'.'" To be opened by It, H. HINCKLEY, Jr., hn. Music, by a quartette under the direction or II l-Mf Y C. DAVIS. Esq. The public are invited. It rss- HOM(i:oPATUIC HOSl'irAL, No. 1110 V a. ' x 11 LM'.iv 1 citirri, Tho attending Managers for February nro: W. llolxut Brown. No. ui)3a Wallace street. John ('arrow. No. Ifi02 Spruce street, C. (i. Rwue, M. D.. No. 121 N. Tenth street. John C. Morgais M. D., No. 1700 Chesnnt street. The attendiuK Phjsicluns are Drs. Rauc, Morgan, aoo Martin. The atteuding Surgeon is Malcolm Macfarlan, M. I). The resident Physician is Dr. H,iethlr. Tho dttending Physicians aud Surgeon attend ileily at the Hospital. Applications for admission are received br the attending Managers on Wednesdays at 5 P. M. at the Hospital. Persons seriously Injured by accident are always admitted, if bruucht to the Hospital immediately thereafter. Contributions In money received by tho Treasu rer, J. W. Sexton, Esq., of Jay Cooke & Co. Contributions of Food, Clothing, Bedding, etc , re ceived at the Hospital. afitusCit. OAS FIXTURES. CORNELIUS & SOUS, iK.4..r I'A. vr l! II E BX.S or GAS FIXTURES Balcsrooma, No. 821 CHERRY Street PHILADELPHIA. Wtt bare no store or aIrooni 021 Clienut utreei. 1 10 smsp OORNSUUS & SONS FOR 6ALt. CHKSNUT STREET LOT FOR 8A.LE. Nos. 17-29 and 1731, 40 feet lront, by 120 feet deep in street at me nacK. Appiy 10 dotiw cut Mr, no. 17;;i CHEbNUT Street, or at COLONNADE HOTEL. 126131" f!) FOR SALE. MEDIUM SIZE, MODERATE price, very desirable House, No. KOOI Walnut t-iini. uacK iiuuamgs, an monern improvemeuu, m periect oraer. c. nimtMusi mci:ax, 1 S lot No. 429 WALNUT btreet. TO RENT. TO R GS IJ T, RARS CHANCE, STORE NO.S30 cnE8NUT tTRBET, UND33 CON TINENTAL HOTKL. Elegant Fixtures for sale, including Marble Coun ters, Urge Mirrors, etc. Immediate possession. LaA5 REAL ESTATE WANTETD. Ccslrablo Heal Estate, WITHIN ONE MILE OF BROD AND CUES NUT STREETS, Payable In good and available trade, and partly in cash. Address 2 4 tf "Box 1734, Philadelphia Post Office." MACHINERY. nOTTON AND WOOL FINISHING MA 1. J sA.inam Gliaur RvnaViirttf. KanniniTM.ni1 Ktillinir. I.itn. pius au d iMeufcurinK Mucbiuett, lroa Temples, Mew UBW Ua ","W"' "U d KOKHft ' . HOWARD. S9 , 17 South K1UUTKKNTH btroet DISPENSARY FOR SKIN DISEASES, No. 816 S. ELEVENTH Street, is now open daily at 11 OCiOi k. Attweuui iieuie" iiwui .'si. 8. D. OROdS, M. D., rrealdent. Dr. L. A. DUmtlNU, AUeading Pbyslclan. isomwfet riNANOIAU. HEW 7 30 GOLD LOAN OF THE M)J!TIIER PAUFIC IllILIIDAl) CO., SECURED BY FIRST MORT1AC1E ON RAIL ROAD AND LAND QUANT. SAFE! PROFITABLE! TERVlNltNTl We otTcr for sale at par and accrued Interest the First Mortgage Laud Crant Uold Bonds of the Northern Pacllio Railroad Coinpanj. They are free fiom United Btatcs tax, aud are issned of the follow ing denominations --Coupons. ioo, $M)f), and tlUutf; Registered, $;00, J.Ttto, lioco, 50ti0, and Jio.ooi). With the same entire confidence which .lay Cooke fc Co. commended Government bonds to Capitalists ond People, they now, after the fullest Investigation, recommend thesa Northern Pacific Ratlrotd Seveu- TMrtlos to their friends aiid tho gone.ral public. (IDLD PA 1 JIIS.M Both principal aud Interest a; payable in gold tho principal at tho end of SO years, and the Interest (at the rite of Seven and Three-Tenths per cent, per aunum) hall- yearly, first of January aud July. PERFECT SAFETY The bonds we are no si lling are secured by a first and ouly mortgage ou ail the property and rights of the Northern Pa jIOc Railroad Company, wliich will embrace on tho com pletion of the work : 1. Over two thousand miles of road, wltn rolling stock, buildings, and all other eqnlpmeuts. 2. Over twenty-two thousand acres of land to every mile of llnlshed road. This land, agrio iltu- ral, timbered, uud mineral, amounting in all t more than fifty million acres, consists of alternata sec tions, reaching twenty to forty miles ou each sido of the track, and extending In a oroad futile bvlt from Wisconsin through the richest portions or Minae Bota, Dskotah, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, aud Wash ington to l'ogct Sound. While the Government does not directly guarantee tho bonds of the Road, It thus amply provides for their full and prompt payment by au unreserved grant of land, tho most valuable evercoaferrod upon a great national improvement. THE MORTGAGE. The Trustees under tho Mortgage are Messr. Jay Cooke, rf Philadelphia, and J. Edgar Thomson. President of the Pennsylva nia Central Railroad Company. PROFITABLENESS. Uiilted States r,-203 at their aversge premium yield the present pur chaser less thiin 5,V per coat, gold in terest. Should they be redeemed in Ave years, and specie payments be resumed, they would leally pay only 4?; per cent., or if la three years, only &x per cet.. as the present premium would me.iuwhiio be sunk. 81100 currency invented now In United States f5 20s will yield ppr jear lu gold, say $12. $1100 currency invested i:wv In Norite-ru Paulao 7-308 will yield per year iu gold, SS0 81. Here is a difference in annual income of nearly one-third. besides a difference of 7 to 10 per cent, iu princi pal, when both clashes of bor.ds are redeemed. RECEIVABLE FOR LANDS. The e bonds will no at all times receivable, at 1-in, in payment for the Company's lauds, at tleir I nvent cash price. JAY COOKE & GO., FISCAL AGENTS NORTHERN" PACIFIC. R. R. CO. For sale In Philadelphia by Go wen a Fox, 13 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. G!erjdcnfns Davit; & Co , No. 4i S. THIRD Street. Tcwnsend Whelon fc Co., No. fc09 WALNUT Street. D. C. Vharton ftmith a Co., No. 121 South THIRD Street. Barker Ores. Co., No. 23 South THIRD Street. William Painter & Co., No. 30 South TUIKD Street. T. A. Biddlo & Co.. No. 32( WALNUT Street. Chas. T. Yerkos, Jr., (X Co., No. 20 fiouth THIRD Street. Cull & North, No. 131 South THIRD Street. Sterling & Co., No. 110 Sjuth THIRD Street. P. S. Peterson & Co., No. 89 South THIRD Street. D. K. Jamison & Co., .N.W. cor. THIEDand CHE3NUT. ilmory, Benson Q. Co., No. 6 South THIRD Street, PJarr & Lardner, No. 30 Eouth THIRD Street. John ?. Rushton & Co., No. 60 South TtlRD Street. Wallace & Kcene, No. 148 South THIRD Street. George J. Doyd, No. 18 South THIRD Street H. M. Wiitbank, No. 305 WALNUT Street. J. H. Trotter, No. 3.'2 WALNUT Street. 8. Rl. Palmer & Co., No. 26 South THIRD Street. Jchn K. Wildman, No. 28 South THIRD Street. Diorcn & Co., No. ISO South THIRD Street. V. T. Elbert, No. 321 WALNUT Street. Chatlcs E.IKcen, No. 325 WALNUT Street. D. 173. klobinson & Co., No. 133 South THIRD Street. Wm. G Morgan & Co., No. 23 South THIRD Street. Samuel Work, No. 84 South THIRD Street. Haley & Wil&on, No. 41 South TniRD Street. C. & V. Y. Heborton, No. 52 8 THIRD Street. James E. Lewars & Co., 1 26 No. 2s S. THIRD Street. FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., PHILADELPHIA, JEW YORK an 1 WASTIIN3TOJI. m cooke, ifczmmi & ca.f LONDON. Dealer in Government Scantieg. Ppeclal attention clven to the Purchase ami Hl of Boiiils ami MH'ks on Commission, at the Board of nninns 111 mi nun tuner CUVB. 1NTKRKKI A I. LOW KD ON DBPOStTS, (Jl'I.l.KOI JM8 MA OK ON ALLPOIN'TS. (iOlD AN HII.VKIt bOUHHT AND HOLD. In connection with ojr London House we are now prtpared to transact a general FORLIUN RXCHANC3 BUSiNKSS, Inclitdlnsr Tnrchase snd Halo of Sterllna Mills, ami ti c Issoe of Oor-'iuercliil (.'reillts unit Travellers' Cir cular Lt-tters, available In nny part of the world, n l are thus enaiiled to receive UOLD ON DKeosiT. mid to allow four par cent. Interest in curreucy thei eon. HhvIiiit direct teleernrhle communleat.lon with both our New ork niifl VVhshtnjnoii unices, we can offer sufrilor faeiiltirs to -ur customers. IiK.1 IALLU RAILhOAD DONDS FO INVEST MHNT. Pamphlets and full Information given at our oillce, 2 2 Pmrp No. 114 S. THIRD Street, Fhllnda. SPECIAL KOTICE TO INVESTORS. A Clioico Security. We re uow able to supply 11 limited amount of tne Gstawissa Railroad Company's 7 PER CENT. COHVEE.TIELE K0EIGAGS BOIfDS, FRFE OF bTATIS AND UNITKD SPATES TAX. They ere issued for the sole purpose of building the extension from MILTON TO WiLi.IaMm'OUT, a distance ol 30 mi'ni, mid are teeuretl bit a lien on (Ai entire read cf mart Hi t viik, fully eiiuipped and ooiug a ileuristiini? Imbiness. When it Is considered that the entire Indebtedness of the compnny wl 1 lie less than iG,Oo( per mile, leaving cut their Valuable Cunt i'ri'jierti oiaot) ai-re., it will be neeu at once what an uuusiil amount of s.'curity Is fittaehed to these bonds, and they there fere most commend themselves to tue most prudent investor's. An additional advantage is, that thoy ran lie converted, et the option of ihe holder, after in veais, Into the Preferred Stock, nt far. They are registered Coupon Bonds (a rcat safe funni), h'Mica in sums of f."xM) and $u)io. Interest piiynlile Kebrii'iry and Aupusr. Price Q'2i and nccrucd lutcreht, leaving a gsod msrpln for advance. tor further information, apply to D. C. WHARTON SHIT!! S CO., No. 121 SOUTH TUillt ST11EKT, 1 2?5 ; PHILADELPHIA. 7U OlTEli FOH 8ALM, AT TAlt, TEMPLE L O A , Eeaxing 7 3-10 intertst, Redeemable after Dve (r) an., wlthla twenty-cne years. Buteret Cayiible PtSarcIi and Scr lemlter. The Bonds are registered, and will be issued in sums to suit. DE HAVEN & DEO,, No. 40 Oouth THIRD Street. e 11 rniLADILPHIA. Stocks bought and sold on commission. Oold and Governments bought aid sold. Accouuts received and Interest allowed, subject tu Sl.rht Driii'ts. B. K. JAMISOIT & GO., SUCCESSORS TO P. TP. KELLY CO., BANKERS AND DKALBK3 IN Gold, Silver, and Government At Closent Ularket State, H. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESiJTJX Sts. Special attention given to COMM ISSION OKDERS In New Yort aud Philadelphia Stock Hoards, etc. eta o P O Xi fc U 1.1, Six Per Cent. Loan of tho Cit of Wil liameport, Peaneylvania, Froo of fi 1 1 T it x o w, At 85 and Accrued Intercut. These Bonds are made absolutely 6ciare ty act r.t Legislature compelling thti cliy to levy suiUclcut iiix to pay Interest and principal. P. 8. PETE?!GOTJ CO., Ko. 39 S. THIRD STREET, 28 ' PmLADELPrTIV. EillOlT, C0U1H5 S ua , TJo. 109 South THIFiD Street, MFMBERS OP STOOK AND GOLD EX CHANGES. DEALERS IN MERCANTILE TAPER, G O VERNME S TSECU RITIES, G OLL, Etc. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON TUB UNION RANK OF LONDON. 2 3 fmw DUNN BROTH & FIG. I8AIItEi:, IIos. 51 and 53 S. THIRD St., Tealera In Mercantile Paper, Collateral Loaus, Government Secutirtcs, and Cold. Draw Bills of Exchanne on the Union Bant of London, and Issue travellers' letters of credit through Messrs. BOWLES BROS fc CO., avtdUblu lu ad the cities of Europe. Make Collections on all points. Bxecute ordcis for Bonds aud Stocks at Board of Brokers. Allow Itteiest ou Deposits, subjec. to check at sight. 18 f" INANClAL, a issuable: Safe Home Investment vita Sunbury and Lewistoivn Railroad Company 7 rEU CEHT. GOLD First MorteiOT Bonds. Interest Iay a(l April and Octo lr, l ree ol'Ktme uml lloited Vv'e are now offering the baUiioe of tb.t loan of $1,200,000, which u seenred by a Crnt and only lien on tho entiro property and franchises of the Company, At 90 xsd the Accruod Snta rest &ddol. The Road is now rcpi.lly Hpproaohina; ooiu- plelion, with a large trade in COAL, IRON, and LUMBER, in addition to t'ie parson f?er travel awaiting the opening of thia greaf !y neecod enteqiriae. The Iooul trade alone u Btifiiciently large to sustain the Roi. We have no hesitalion ia recom;aen:Ung the Bonds as C11EAP, RELIABLE, and SA.FU INVESTMENT. For raniphleti, wit h map, nad fall fi.f t tuntion, apply to PAirJTEK CD., Unralara in Gov?r?mioiit fc-aor.rvtie 3, Wo. 355 South TKIHD $itVof.. e ttrio rniLAoaPuiA. VJUniington and Baadin a SEVEII C22tT. BOr7D5 Free of Taxeo. We re offerii g $200,000 of the Seoonl llortgage Ronda of this Company AT 82 A1D AC0SUED IWTSXEST. For the convenience of lu vesto. s thc-so Soads are Issued in dkuouiluutions 01 $10COa, $S00i, and $I00o. The money Is requlrod for tin purchase of a ML ticnsl Ivolllng Stock uLd tiie full equipiueut of the Bund. The read is now finished, and ctuhiir a btistticw largely In txcess of the anticipation. of i oitl3er3. The trade offcrlusr necessitates a lure addition u outlay for rolliiig Htocfc, to ailord lull facilities for Its prompt transaction, the i renew r.lliur stock not bcuig sufUcieiit to nccoiuiL'oda'.e the trado. WE I'AIHTEE & CO., RANKERS, Ko. 30 South TKIROi Street, C6 PUILA DELPUIA. navlng sold a larga ponio.i of ihe Pcinsylvinia Hailroad Geaerv.1 Lloit gage Boudi, The undersigned otrer the balance for a limited pe riod at bS and Interest added In curreucy. These bonds are the cheapest investment for Trus tee!, Executors, and Administrators. For further particulars, Inquire of JAY COOKE A CO.. E, W. CLARK A CO.. W. n. NKWBOLO, SOX A A RltTSKV. C. A H. I1QH1E. (2 1 lm JOHN S. RUSHT0STC0.i EA1IKTJE3 AND COLL AND C0UP0H3 WAHTED. City "VVtirrriirttsi BOTJQQT AND SOLD. Ho. 60 Gouth TH!F!B Stroot. 8 Mi PHILADSLPniA. 530 530 BANKER. DEPC8IT ACCOUNTS RRCEIVKi) AND INTEK ES'l' ALLOWKO ON DAU.Y BALANUifci. OKUJtKH PKOMPTLY KXKOUTiiO FOlt THB FUKOUAS3 AHU SALS OJf ALL XtSUALLB bB CCKITIB8. OOLLBCTION8 MADE EVJERYWHERB. ItEAL EbTATE COLLATIOtAI, LOAMS NEOO TIATULD, 13 SI 0U Uo. 630 WALNUT St.. Philsd. MARBLE WORKS. XI, S. T A H 11 Cz SOH'3 MANUFACTORY OT? Carved and Ornameutal WnrMe Work, UXiGCn Mlreet, above Kevouili, 130 3m PUlLAOlPUU.