THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRATCI FIliLADELTMIIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY G, 1871. :itj ArTnlr. A yonng man about nineteen years of ng has been collecting money ia the Sixteenth ward on the plea that it was intornlml as a f tresent to an officer. The collector frauJu ently represented himself as a clerk in a neighboring drug Ktoro. Charles O'Donnell, ogei eight years, re siding at No. .Tir .Sontu Tweutielu street, while chopping ice with an axe on Saturday Inst, cut cue of Lis feet severely. He was admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital. William M. l?unn, Kegister of Wills, charged with perjury and embezzlement, had a further J bearing before Alderman Devit, on Saturday, Bnd was held to bail for another in vtBtipation on Satnrdny next. shortly after ;J o'clock yesterday after noon, a lire occurred in the North Ilaptist Church, Eighth street, above Master, of which liev. l)v. Heudrieksoa is pastor. There have recently been new heaters placed in the building, and the hot-air Hues were placed too near the wainseotting, thus causing the fire. The Sunday-school was in session at the time, and mite a panic was occrtsioued among the cLildrtn. The second anniversary of the Arch Street Illusion School took place yesterday afternoon at the mission rooms, Vino street, above Seventeenth. There were a large timber of persons present on the occasion, and the exercises wo re of an interesting and instructive cliaraCer, consisting of prayer, 6:nt';irg, and addresses by John Thompson, li. 1". Hines. Ks i.. Charles Hurcins. l'hii., and ltdv. C. II. Payee. Htnry Grindrod aud Ouiocr Lipp were ro ranged before Aid. Good, at Geriuantown, on Friday evening Inst. Mr. Baker, a colored rnau, testified that ec mo timo blweon Christmas and New Year's ii frtalile of Mr. Johnson, Lis employer, was broken open, and some goods belonging to witness were stolon; he afterwards saw Oliloer Lipp and he stated that the goods would be returned or that be would return them; wit ness eaw Giindrod the day before the goods were returne d, and he said he would return them if the prosecution was dropped; the goods were returned, and witness believed that they were returned byGrindrod, bathe did not see who returned them; witness saw (Jfiicer Lipp the night before the goods were returned; he told witness that it was not worth while to get a warrant, that he had found wheie tLe goods were; witness pro mised not to proseoute, as the olliier had pro mised to return the goods. Detective Magnire, who had been detailed by the JInyor to investigate the oharges against tho officer, asked that Grindrod be held to bail for having stolen goods in his possession, and that Officer Lipp be held to answer tho charge of compounding a felony. Grindrod was held in $:'));) bail and Officer Lipp in 1000 bail to answer at court. Poiiictlo AHiilra. Yesterday morning the cadet barracks at West Poiut were partially burned. It is thought that Minister Schenck may be detained in this country for several weeks ere ho proceeds to England. The Adelphi Theatre, of Boston, was burned on Saturday night aud tho Tark House, adjoining it, was badly damaged. Four vessels are loading at tho port of New York with provisions for France. They will each carry out ten thousand barrels of pork. Tbo citizens of Leavenworth on Friday made the members of tho Kansas Legislature the recipients of the finest baapaot ever given in that State. Missouri, regarding the national capital as too far East, has concluded to instruct her Kepresentatives in Congress to vote against any further appropriations to it while it remains at Washington. Funds and provisions are being rapidly collected in all parts of the United States for tho benefit of those who have suffered through tho disastrous consequences of the Franco-Prussian war. Foreign Affair. The navigation of the Seine has been re opened to ltouen. Small-pox is causing sad ravages in the lied liiver district. The Paris Government claims alone to popsesB executive powers. The Duke d'Aumale has issued an address to the French electors. The bridges and railways in France are rapidly being repaired. Bismarck has protested against the elec toral disqualification decree of the Bordeaux Government. Bourbaki is reported to have died from wounds inilicted by himself while in a state of temporary insanity. It is reported that an attempt was made npon the life of General Trouhu in Paris, and that it was unsuccessful. Over twenty thousand people have asked permusion to leave Paris on account of the privations to which they are subjected. Ministor Wohhburne is represented as having become greatly emaciated during his stay in Paris while the bombardment was progressing. The Germans had a series of engage ments on the Swiss frontier with the rear guard of Bourbaki's army during Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. While the reports relative to the condi tion of Paris are very contradictory, yet thore can be no doubt that great sull'eriug con tinues to prevail among its inhabitants. OBITUARY. Thomas William Uabrrtnon. This celebrated modern playwright is dead. He was born at Newark-npon-Trent in 18211, was brought on the stage from the cradle, his father being manager of the Lincolnshire Circus, with a family of thirteen children, all of whom embraced the drama as a profession, lie was educated at Spalding, Lincolnshire; remained there till the age of seventeen, when he commenced that career which he followed with Buch persistency and indom itable pluck that success at last crowned his efforts. When but eighteen years of age he translated the Voraican Drothevn, Famt and Marguerite, and several other plays for Laoy, the great dramatic publisher and bookseller, London. For a number of years he wrote dramas for the minor theatres, which met with only moderate success. He contributed also to i'unch and Fun aud various periodi cals, and has written leading articles and dra matic criticisms for elaily aud weekly papers. Yet be Btruggled on through mauy and hard privations, and suffered all the well-known trials of young authors. In 18'j."j he married a Miss Gordon, an actress. Mrs. Robertson died of consump tion about seven years ago. Mr. Robert ton's reputation was first established by the comedy kueiety, brought out at the Frince of Wales Theatre in November, 1805. It was followed by Ours, produced at the same ehtftblihhment, September 12, IKCiJ; by khaduD lite khaft, which proved a failure, produced at tl Princess Theatre, February il, 1H!7; by Vonte, another sncoess, first played at tho Piince of Wales Theatre, April H, and by For J.ore, at the New Holborn Theatre. October ., is!7, and since that he has written School, I'rogrcxn, M'r, and his last play, Mirth, is now in rehearsal. lie was a keen observer of human natnre, bright, witty, and vivacious, and, instead of following in the beaten t rack of other authors, Le took his materials from what be saw around him. His characters are those of every-dy lift; Lis most ardent admirers, those who know its realities best. Always known as a straight forward, honest man, '.t is an estab lished fact iu London that ho never forgot in his propperity those who had been true to him in adversity. TorLow how poor Robertson mutt have struggled with tho scribbler's fate, we append a copy of a receipt which he gave in exchange lor a folio of manuscript and ton pounds in ist;.r(. The copy is made from tbe original: London, August S, 1s'r. In consideration of the sum of ten pound?, which I hereby acknowledge to have received, 1 sell you the manuscript whioti I now hand you, entitled I'astiun lovcm, a drama lu three acts, written and composed iv mo. .no. Thomas William Kohkiitson. This piny was never produced, and is still in the hands of the purchaser. Among the earliest efforts of Robertson's pen were tho comedies of Abroad and at llomr and at Heme and Abroad, and the drama of David Garricl: Four years since the deceased manieil his second wife, a Germnn girl, who was born in Baden, and whoso acquaintance lie had made in London during the season. By this lady he had one child, and that she exfrrted a strong influence on his after writ ings may be scon in his last drama, War, in which the heroine of the play is a German with an intense love for Fatherland. OUIl JAPANESE YfSITOKS. Iloriowfna Amertrnn Idcnw-The Object of the Ymil nl ihn fsperbil UoinininnlourrN. The Washington Republican says: G ivernnr Jushe llirobumle I to, Assistant Minister of Fi nance of the empire ot Japan and Special Commissioner to the United States of America, is a man of rank, formerly a retainer of Cuo?in, tbe second priucc of importunes in the empire of Japan since the last successful revolution. Through Clioein, Ito was educated aud sent to Europe for a short sojourn. After his return from Europe he was made Governor of lliogo, and from his uniform kindness and courtesy to foreigners resident there won a greater decree of regard from them than any other Japanese official had obtained that had come in contact with them. About a year ago, wheu the pre sent Government of Japan became consolidated, Chosin was made Secretary of tbe Treamry. Ito was placed immediately under him, aud lias eince that lime really superintended the liuau cial affairs of the country. About ten years since the Japanese Govern ment purchased the machinery aud dies of a mint, and tad It set up at Usacca, anel soon after the works were erected at that place the Japanese Government sent over about two mil lions of dollars worth of old Japanese coins to be refined according to the standard of the United States (lil'O)." This was done at the insti gation of Ito, who had juat then assumed his position in the Treasury Department. When this bullion was returned it was coined into money tokens for the Empire of Japan of the same fineness, size, shape, aud value as those issued in the United States. Thus they have gold coins in all things equal to our double eagle, eagle, half and quarter eagles; In a word, the Japanese Government Has taken the decimal system of coinage of the United States for the benefit of their mercantile interests. In conversation with Governor Ito yesterday, he remarked that he had selected our" system of coinage after the examination of the reports of agents scut abroad to examine the different systems, and had arrived at the conclusion that the United States plan was preferable to any other. But It was soon found that further and greater reforms In the fiuaucial administration were necessary before it could be said to be on a Bound, footing. The late revolution has changed Japan from a feudal Government to a consolidated central one. Under the old regime the money that was necessary for the maintainance of the Government was assessed on the different feudal princes. They in turn demanded the money from tho lesser nobility, and so it was continued down to the merchant and dealer. Since the ownership of the daimioB' territories has been vested in tho central government, and the princes and com mon people being alike subject only to the rule of the Emperor, the old mode of taxation is found to be impracticable. Hence the advent of the imperial commissioner. He visits Wash ington to place himself in communication with our Treasury Department, and proposes to post himself thoroughly in our different systems of central and local taxation, the revenue aud its sources, the tariff and all custom house affairs. CROCERIES. ETC Choice TJew Crop Teas AT REDUCED PRICKS. FINEST OOLONG, JAPAN, AND YOUNG HYSON TEAS, Jost received, which we now oiler at a great re duction lu prices, In ball chests, 10 lu. boxes, and at retail. Fine Old Mocha. Java, Laguayra, and Rto Coffees, at greatly reduced prices. Owing to the late reduction tn Government duties, we can now oilVr to our customers a large assort ment of FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES at low rates. WILLIAM KELLEY, K. W. Corner TWELFTH Strest and GIRAItD Avenue, 11 10 tnstuj PHILADELPHIA. ISSXAIIJlI&IIISI) 1800. WARRANTED PURlS Old Government Java Coffs 1 Roasted fresh every day, at only U5 cents per lb., or 3 Hs. for one dollar. Lovers of good Ootree, give tliis a trial ard satisfy yourselves. For sale only at CQUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 Mouth t$EJOItt Wl., 8 17 thtaa Below CUcsnat, West Side. N. li. Choice Groceries of ail kinds constantly ar riving. MILLINERY. R S. It. D I L L O NOS. 3W AND 331 SOUTH STl'EET, N FANCY AND MOURNING M1LLINEUY, CRAPE VEILS. Ladles' and Misses' Crape, Felt, Gimp, Hair, Satin, Silk, Straw and Velvets, Hats and liuunets, French Flowers, Hat and Bonnet J?rameg, Capes, Laces, Silks, Satins, elvets, Kinboiia, bashes, Ornaments and all kinds of Millinery Goods. i 4 BOARDING. -11 UIRARD 8THBET, BETWEEN ELE- xiL tenth and Twelfth and Ghesuat and Mar ket streets. Vacancies for Families and Single Gen tlemen. Also, a suit of rooms on the secoud floor, furnished or nufurnished, with nrst-class board. Also, table board. 18 24lf 7ACANT, SECOND-STORY ROOM, WITH iioara, at sok trjtucn. toiroei. s vtoimiai, INSURANOb. Fire, inland, and Marine Iosuranci. INSURANCE COMPANY OP NORTH AMERICA, Incorporated 1791. CAPITAL $500,000 ASSETS January 1, 1871.. $3,050,536 Receipts of Premiums, '70 $2,038,164 Interests from Investments, 1870.. 137,053 -$2,233.21t Losses raid in 1S70,138,U41 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. First Mortgages on Philadelphia City Pro- pcrty JH,9M) fulled Stales Government Loans 829.U Pennsylvania' State Loans lC'.yiltf Philadelphia City Loads 20o,0ik New Jetfey and other State Loans and CltyPomls 225,510 Philadelphia and Heading Itallroad (Jo., other Railroad Mortgage Londs and Lonns 3GV45 Philadelphia Bank aud other Stocks 6,S8 each in Hank 231,044 Loans on Collateral Security 81.434 Notes receivable and Marine Frcmlums unsettled 439,420 Accrued Interest and Pieniiuin In course of transmission S3.201 Real esiale, Oillceof lite Company 30.000 3,050,5d0 Cettlllcntpsof Insurancn leaned, payable tn London at the Counting House of Messrs. BHJVV'N, Silll' LLY & CO. PRESIDENT. CSIAESLHS PLATT, VICE-PRESIDENT. AIATT1IIAH MARIS, Mecretary. C. II. ltKEVKS, AaoUtant Secretary. DIRECTOR!. ARTHUR O. COFFIN, FRANCIS R. COPE, samuel w. jones, john a. brown, charles Taylor, AMBROSE WHI'iE, WILLIAM WELSH, JOHN MASON. E1W. U. TKOTTER, EUW. S. CLARKE, T. CHARLTON HENRY, LOUIS C. MADEIRA, CHAS. W. CUSHMAN, CLEMENT A. GRISCOM, GEORGE L. HARRISON, WILLIAM BROCKIK 1 235 DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legislature of Feuusylvania, 1Su5. Office S. E. corner of THIUD and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES on Vessels, Cargo, and Freight to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES on Goods by river, canal, lake, and land carriage to alt parts of the Union. FIRE INSUHANe:ES cn Merchandise generally; on Stores, Dwellings, Houses, etc. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1870. $300,OCO United States Six Per Cent j-,oaii eiawiui money; ci 200 000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Gent. Loan 211,000-00 200,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from Tax) 204,162-50 1C4.000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan 103,920-0' 20 00ft Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage Six Per Ct. Bonds. 20,700-00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Secoud Mongage Six Per Ct. Bonds. 25,250-00 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Rail road Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Rail road guarantee) 20,000-00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Ct Loan IS.000 00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Ct. Loan 4,200-00 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany (250 Shares Stock) 15,000 00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company (lbo Shares Stock) . . 4,300-00 10,000 Philadelphia aud Southern Mail Steamship Company (SOsh's Stock) 4.000-00 201, GtO Loans on Bond and Mortgage, llrst liens on City Properties.. 2C1.650-00 ri.v.CO.U.O Par. C'st, 11,204,447-34. M'kt v'l3l,2'J3-5ft7 00 Real Estate . . 60,000 60 Bills Receivable for Insur ances made 230,971-27 Balance's due at Agencies Premiums on Marine Policies Accrued Interest and other debts due tbe Company 93.375-47 Stock and t crip, etc , of sun dry corporations, $750, esti mated value 3,912-00 Cash 14,91l-73 11,820,727-97 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. nand, .Samuel E. Stokes, John C Davis. William G. Boulton. jMiiniiDU a. souacr, Joseph H. Seal, James Traqualr, Edward Darlington, 11. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafourcadc, Jacob Itiegel, Jacob P. Janes, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcllvalne, John B. Seuip'.e, Pittsb'rg, A. B. Bt rger, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg. jipnry isioan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr.,; James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, John D. Taylor, George W. Bernadon, w ni. u. Houston, 11. Frank Robinson. THOMAS C. HAND, President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice-President. Henry Lylhckn, Secretary. Henky Ball, Assistant Secretary. 2111m THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRB LNSURANCB COMPANY. Incorporated 1S2& Charter Perpetual. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independent Square. This Company, favorably known to the commu nity for over forty years, continues to Insure against loss or damage oy lire on Public or Private Build ings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund. Is Invested In the most careful mauner, which ena bles them to offer to the insured an undoubted secu rity lu the case of loss. Daniel Smith, Jr., Isaac Haziehurst, Thomas Robins. Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, J. OUllnghaia Fell, Daniel Haddock. John Devereux, Franklin A Comlv. DANIEL SMITH, Ja., President WM. G. Cbowbll, becrvwry. B at) rpuB ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO. 0? A PHILADELPHIA. Oince 8. W. cor, FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES 1,'UED. CASH Capital (paid np In full) S'ZdO.Ouo-oO GASH Assets, Deueniber 1. H70 0O0 338-24 D1KKCTUKS. F. Ratchford Starr, i J. Livingston Errtnger, Naibro Frazler, ! James L. Claghora, John M. Atwood, Wm. G. Boulton, Bern. T. Tredick. Charles Wheeler, George H. Stuart, .Thomas H. Moutgoraar John II. Brown, 'James M. Aertaen. F. RATCHFORD STARR. President THOMA u. MONTGOMERY, Vice-President ALEX. W. WISTEK, Secretary. JACOB E. PETERSON, Assistant Secretary. piPEBIAJj FIRS INSURANCE CO., LOS DO If. EMTAOIJHIIKU 1MOS. tUtd-up OawiUl and Acounaltd Fonda, 4JS.OOO.OOO 1 1ST GOLD. PREVOST & HERRING, Agent, . Ho. I0T B. TUIBX BUNt, PbiladalphlB. ohab. m. raavoa ouau. p. usu&use INSURANCE. 1829 CUARTER PE CHARTER PERPETUAL. 1870, FraniliD Fire tames Companj OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, Ko. 435 andjl37 CHESNTJT St. Assets Aug. I .'70jS3i009.888a24 CAPITAL flOO.OOHO ACCRUED SURPLUS AND PREMIUMS. 8, 609.S8S-54 INCOM E FOR 1870, LOSSES PA ID IN 189, 1510,000. 1144,908-4!!. fjoaftea paid slnc 1839 orer 03.500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. Tho Company also Issues policies npon the Rertf of all kinds of Buildings, Ground Rents, and Moi r gases. Tte "FRANKLIN" has no DISPUTED CLAIM. DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Bflker, Airred Fitler, Thomas Sparks, William B. Grant Thomas 8. Ellis, Gnstavns 8. Benson. Bamuel Grant, George W. Richards, Isaac Lea, George Falos, ALFRED G. BAK.KK, President GLORGS FALKS, Vice-President JAMES W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. 1 19 THLODORK M. RJttJER. Assistant Secretary. LIFE IUSUEAHCE CO. LEMUEL BANGS, President. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Vice-Pres't and Sec'y. EMORY McCLINTOCK, Actuary. JAMES M. LCNGACRE, MANAGER FOR PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE, Office, 302 WXEUT St., Philadelphia. H. C. WOOD, Jr., Medical Examiner. 63mwfim REV. S. POWERS, Special Agent P I K ! ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED MARCH 17, 1S30. OFFICE, NO. 34 NORTH FIFTH STREET, INSURE BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ANX MERCHANDISE GENERALLY From Loss by nre (in the City of Philadelphia only) AMSIXH, JANUARY. 1, 170, L,rU3,:iLU 07. TRUSTEES. William n. Hamilton, John Garrow, George I. Young, Jos. It Lyndall, Levi P. Coats. Charles P. Bower, Jesse URhtfoot. Robert Shoemaker, Peter Armbruster, M. H. Dickinson, Samuel Sparhawk Peter Williamson, Joseph E. ScheU. TO. H, HAMILTON, President SAMUEL SPARnAWK, Vice-President WILLIAM F. BUTLER, Secretary JAMB INSURANCE COMPANY No. 809 CHESNUT Street INCORPORATED 1SSG. CHARTEK rBRPBTCAL. CAPITAL 1200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire either Perpetual or Temporary Policies. DIKHCTOUB. Charles Richardson, Robert Pearce, John Kessler, Jr., Edward B. Orne, Charles Stokes. John W. Everman, Mordecal Buzby. William 11. Knuwn, William M. Seyfert, John F. Smith, Nathan Illlles, f-lnnrfffl A. West CHARLES RICH ARDSON, President WILLIAM H. HHAWN, Vice-President Wn.i.iAiis I. Blanc&ard 8ecretary! 1 23 fire: EXTINGUISHER. THE UNION FiHE FXflNG'JISHER. OVER FIVE MILLIONS (13,000,000) OF DOLLARS WDIfVl OK PROPERTY IN THE UNITED STATES HAS ACTUALLY BEEN 8AvEl BY THE EXTIN GUISHER 1 Within the pst three years; while In Philadelphia alone twentv-tivw fires, eiidaoRerlnff property to the extent of HUNDREDS OW THOUSANDS OF DOL LARS, have been extlniniisiied duriuic the past year by thei-ame means. Our Machine Is th IMPROVED CAhBOJNlG AVl eAS Plllc JiA 1 lNeUiSItKlt, and la indorsed and nsed by ai. isairct tc uo., uenry HiHston it Son. Ben mini n Bullock's Sons. Morris. Tabker A e'o..5 Alan W od A Co , Lacey & Phillips, Brumb'V Brothers, t. J. holms, ejnaries ttneu, John son & Co., Kmiby A MaMelra, Francis Perot & Sous, Georse W. C'luliis, PeunsW-ania Kailroad Company, Philadelphia and BosUiu Steamship Company, Phila delphia and fcouthern stpamshln Company, and Kiany other of our leading business men and corpo rations. CA.r j ION. AH parties in this community are warned against buying or srllliii? "Extinguishers" except thote purchased from us or our agents, under penally of immediate prosecution for infringement Our prices have been reduced, and he Machine Is now within the reacn 01 every properry noiacr. N. B. One style made specially for private resi dences. Union Fire Extinguither Company, OFFICE, TI 23 Stutfrp No. 118 MARKET STREET. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. REAL EST ATE. THOMAS A SONS' SALE. Genteel two-and-a-half-atory brick dwelling, No. 110 Jacoby street, between Race and Cherry streets. On Tuesday, February 81, 1811, at 19 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that two-and-a-haif- story brick dwelling, with two-story back ouuding and'lot of irrouud, sitvate on thu west side of Jacoby street, between Race aud Cherry streets, No. 1 10 ; containing in front on Jacoby street xu feet, ami ex tending lu dtnth 75 feet It has the gas Introduced, bath, etc. Terms Cash. 1'oBsessloii 1st of October next. M. TnOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 2 4 88t Noa. 139 and 141 S FOURTH Street. PUBLIC SAL-TUOMAS &. SONS, AUC tlM tloncers. Weil secured Ground Rent of 150 a Year. On Tuesday, Feqruary 91, 1SI1, at 19 o'clock, noon, will be soiu at puuuo saio, at me ruuuui-i-phia Kxe-hanve, all that well secured redeemable vearlv irround rent of 1150 a year, clear of taxes. issuing out of all that lot of ground, with the throe story brick store and dwelling thereon erected, situ ate at the S. w. corner oi ueaar ana incitiuson streets, Nineteenth ward ; containing In front on Cedar street 14 feet, and extending along Dickinson Street CO feet. M. TnOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 2 4s3t Nos. 139 aad 141 8. FOURTH Street mREAL ESTATE THOMAS A SONS' SALE-Two-story Brick Dwelling, No. 9291 Carpenter Mi. -t. meat nf Twentv-secoud street. On TUES DAY, February S8, mi, at 19 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tas ru loiyui., nil thHt tif-tiirv brick dwelling and lot ol ground, situate on the north side of Curpeuter street, 190 fut. writ i,t Ta-pntv-secoud street. No. 9991. con taining In front on carpenter street " feet, and ex- tfiiiliinf tn rlrniti Tn leei 10 a a icoi. wmu mi.ii I i. r I'll. Iinnow n.nneflinu A rnAma : me privilege im-.roui. i Subiect to a yearly ground rent of ftfd. - . ....... . i w.v w i ufif innaaM M . 'I llVJIIlAr, - rtKl.i j ... v ...... v . a, Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Strest 2 4s3t OHAFTINO. PULLEYS, SELF-OILING AD- O juntiible Hunger and Pedebtala and Mill Gaaring on nana ana maaioiu. GEftRGK O. HOWARD, 9 mi No. 17 South KliiHTKKNl'H Streak . ..Tn 111 HTIT DAT T TVTfl A XI n J Siiraric Machines roll the piece aoliri. retaining width and lunmn. ur.wiwm u. nuiiaiiu, iUiui N. South KlUUTKUNaUtiUeat. OI8TB FOR ANY. LOCATION, WORKED nois I I 1.- lii-!..., II.. II inH II .nil ' oicORtmfl. HOWiRO. t INt Ko. 17 BoutU KlGUTKKfiTU btaeot. REVENUE STAMPS Of all denominations and In any quantity can be had AT Tho Principal Depot FOR THE SALE OP U. S. REVENUE STAMPS, No. 304 CHESNUT Street, ANO AT TnE BRANCH OFFICE, No. 105 South FIFTH Street, (One door below Chesnut). Revenue Stamps printed on Checks, Drafts, Re ceipts, etc Address all orders to STAMP AGENCY, No. 304 CIIESNUr Street, Inquirer Building, Philadelphia. DRY GOODS. 13L.ACK SILKS "AT TIIOHB LEY'S," EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN STS. Having got through with our annual stoek-tiklnir. we now open np a splendid stock of "BLCK 81LKS"very much under regular prices, aud of most KXBELLLNT QUALITY. Good Black Gros Grains for ll-r.0. Rich ulack Gros Grains for l-76. Very Rich Beautiiul Silks forH-oO. Heavy, Smooth, Soft Flossy Silk, ti 50. Mibiuue vuainy men Lyons bilks, S3 uo. Superb Black Siiks. (Queenly, $3-80. Most Magnlli cent Black Silks for 4'b0. We knnw that the above goods cannot be excelled in the '-UNITED STATES'' for quality aud cheap ness. We alEO offer a full Mne of colors in X3est Ivicl Gloves, Every pair of which we warrant, and If through any mtshapthcy rip or tear lu putting on, wo at ouce give another pair instead. JOSEPH H. TE0RNLET, NORTHEAST CORNER OF eighth and spaina gardeh su, 3 8 thstuS PHILADELPHIA. Established In 1SS3. 727 CHESNUT STREET. POPULAR PRICES FOR DRY GOODS. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. 727 ALEXANDER RICKEY. 9 10tuths No. T2T CHESNUT Street CLASS AND QUEI-NSWARE. S i o o , o o o WORTH OF CEINA.QLASS and EARTHENWARE TO BE CLOSED OUT, REGARDLESS OF 003T. Gay's China ralacc, No. 1012 CHESNUT STREET, Are obliged to close out their Immense stock, In con sequence of the building they occupy having burn Bold. The entire stock must be closed out by the 1st of April, as they are obliged to vacate the premises by that time. Below we quote prices or a lew teazl ing staple goods. Fancy goods ard at a still greater dibcouut from former prices. Whltt French China inning Sets, 12T pieces... fi9-no white French China Tea is, 44 pieces 6 T5 W hite French China Tea Sets, 40 pieces S 75 S one China Dining Seta, 9S pieces 7-75 Stone China Tea Seta (cups with handles) 44 ps 9 50 Stone China Tea Sets leaps with handles) 40 ps 3-00 SUne China Cups ana tsauceis.pcr set ri pieces MJ Stone China Dining Plates, per dozen CO t atde Tumblers, per dozen 50 Table eiobiets, per cozen . .. 75 Olass Tea Sets (4 articles) 45 Bohemian Cologne bets, V Bottles and Pud Box 90 Bohemian Liquor bets, e u losses, waiter and Bottle 90 An endless variety of Faucy Hoods, at an Im mense reduction from former prices. 80 casks or Parian Aiaroie, Leek, and majolica Ware, all new designs, just lauded from steamer Helvetia, will be Included In the sale. Uoods to go out of me city will oe packed ana de livered to tranitportat Ion oillce free of charge, and li sured against breakage to destination. fcUOW liOOMS OPEN TILL 9 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE. 1 lSstothlm WiNES. SHERRY WINE, HIGH AND MEDIUM GUADE, VERY CHOICE, FOR GENTLEMEN'S USE. Alto, our well-knowa Table Sherry, la casks of 20 ga'lons, at IV50 per gallon, or 12-75 by the five-gallon demijohn. E. BRADFORD CLARKE. (SUCCESSOR TO SIMON COLTON & CLARKE,) S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT, 1 31 tuthstf4p PHILADELPHIA. PRESSES FOR STAMPING FELT, BUCK rm Straw aud Sheet MrUl, Mould and Diaafot CuOKliK ). HOWBKJ. UyillJ. TD...l. Iff 114 I" IT IT NT 1-1 UttY i any bv Dtf Uiy nu. it ovum ivnji . lNCniNC .CmiNQ SgmO AND ,;r..,VJ..u .i u.,uiinn urunun . 11'' niiu, Itiui No. 17 Boutii LlCHTKliNTU b trout. AMD1EMEN1 8. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Commencing THIS (MONDAY), Feb.fl, 1871. (iALA SEASON OF OR AND ENGLISH OPERA. FIVE NIUHTS AND Oft E MATIMEE ONLY. ESPECIAL NOTICE. ONE NIGHT OF THE OK AND GERMAN OPERA. COMPANY. FIRST APPEARANCE OF ALL THE ARTISTS. Balle's exquiHi'c and evtr-popular Opera, THE BOHEMIAN tHRL. ROSE IIF.RSEK. FANNIE (lOODWIN, CMP 1IEIX, UROOKHOl'SK BOWLKH, SKOU1N, CHATTERSON, F.TC. GRAND FAN FA UK AND CONCERT IN THE MARKET SCENE. MISS JENNY VON BUSK in "The Nightingale,'' AHciietT," and Mejcrbeci's (ilpsy Song. MR. JOSEPH IIKKKMANS in Aria "Don Giovanni," Mozart, and "Tae Rover is Free." THE CHILD AMERICU8 in Orand FaMaisie aud Concerto "fclilnJRIppimga,"' acciinpaniei by the (-irand Orchestra. THIS (Monday) NIGHT, Feb. 6. The Bohemian Oirl has ever been one of the most popular operas in the Krpertolre of the English Ot.era CompHiiy. Its pciformsnce by this company has always ait meted the most immense houses. It Is so full of melody and beauty that each presen tation seems to give fresh ecst to the putilic desire for It. Tl'KSDAY Bcnellt of C. W. CAMPBELL nnd .T. F. ZIMMERMAN. The popular and favorite "MARTHA." WEDNESDAY Bcm-Ilt of I he Popular Contralto, Mrs. ZKI.DA ShUUlN. MOZ ART'S MARRIAGE OF FIGARO. THURSDAY ILTUOVATOR3 Firt. Appearance of Miss KM MA HOWSOV. FRIDAY, Bcncilt. e f Anterlca Favorite Ten'ir, WILLI M e'ASTLE. HEKTHO VEN"S FIDELIO, First time In English in th!3 c tv. SATURDAY, (JALA FAREWELLJM ATINEG. Appearance of all the Artisies. S1'K(!IAL ANNOUNCEMENT. SATURDAY NIGHT, ONE Nldiff ONLY', THE GRAND (Jh H.MAN OPEIt -Go mud's FaUoT IN GErtMN. Condntor Mr. S. ISEHREN5 AdmlsFlon, fl; Secnri'd Spats, 50 conti extra; Family Circle. CO cents ; Anipitheatrc, gs cents. Secured seats at tho Academy and at North's Music Btorc. 1 6 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC TWO MORS eiUAND CONCERTS BY THEORORE THOMAS' UNEQUALLED CONi -ET OR!4 ANIMATION WEDimKSDAY EVENING, Feb. 16. TbL'RSDAY KVhKJNGf, Feb. 17. The public is rcspoctrully informed that nrrange ments have been completed to give two addi tional GRAND CONCERTS, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb. Id, and THURSDAY' EVENING, Feb. 17, Mr. Thomas will ba assisted by the celebrated Pianist, MISS ANNA MEIILIG, and tils UNRIVALLED ORCHESTRA, many of whom are EMINENT SOLOISTS. The programmes will bo entirely new. Oa Wed nesday evenlug, in compliance with u'lmerous rc anests, will bo performed theentiro SYMPHONY No. 6, PASTORALE Beethoven Admission Ticketd one Dollar Reserved Seats Fifty Cents Extra i-nmny circle firry cents Gallery Twentv-tlve Cents SPECIAL NOTICE. Subscription Tickets for Two Concerts, Including Reserved Seats, Two Dol lar?. Can be obtained on Thursday and Fridav, Febt nary 9 and 10, at F. A. North A Co. "8, MiiMc Store onlr, No. lOiitf Chesnut street. The regular nine of Reserved Seats an1 Tickets will couimeuce on Sa'nrdav, the 11th, at F. A. North li Co. 's Music Store, No. 1096 Chesnut street, aud at the Box Otllce, of the Academy. Full pregrammcs can be obtained at the Ticket Otlice and principal Music Stjrcs. 9GiI J? I DAVENPORTS CHESNUT STREET j, THEATRE. E. I.. DAVENPORT Lessee and Manager CARD The Manager announces that, afiermany weeks ol preparation, will be presented on THIS (Monday) EVENING, Feb. C, and until fiiriherrotiee, in cluding a MATINEE ON SATURDAY at 2 o'clock, THE MOST GORGEOUS DwaMATIO SPE'JTACLK ever produced in Philadelphia, founded upon histo rical and ROMANTIC EVENTS OF THE CRUSA1ES, written and invented by Joseph C. Foster, Ks'j., en titled tho OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAIN, WITH FIFTEEN NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENES, EXTENSIVE MACHINERY, El'O. MAGNIFICENT AND 'GORGEOUS PROPERTIES, ThOPHIKS, ETC. Elaborate and Costly Wardrobes, Banners, Ban- uaret, etc. Wonderful Prismatic I'lusious, Marches. Tableaux, etc. tho whole lnvolvirg nn OUTLAY OF OVER Jlti.OOO. The characters will In; representint bv DAVENPORT'S Sl'AR COMPANY'. Tickets secured in advance at Abel's Dramatic Repository, No. 1211 Chesnut street, from 3 until & o'clock-. WALNUT STKHET THEATRE. SIX FAREWELL. NIGHTS OK MR. JullN S. CL4RKK (Prior to his d-'parture tor Europe), THIS (Monday) KVp.NIN'G. Fu.i. 0, Mi-. CLAnK.'t AS MAJOR waiJNO TON DE !?0 TS. in the comedy expre-ssiy adapted for him by Sterling Coyne, A 1IJOW 11 L M , and as the comic her.-; of Poole's laugii.ii:: comedy. j aui. rni, MRS. JOHN DREW'S AK:U SIKEET THEATRE Be.gii.s r.o s o'e-loc:. houses I'Ai ktiU io i n it: i;o n SECOIO V,' EKi; li Rt AT S '!'l'Krs. LYDI A rilOMPSON AND TROUPE. MONDAY, TI'liM.A), WK'iNK UY, AND TUUIihD Y SA'ENINGS, I 11(1 l.VF Sir RnpcrttheRecklpSH..M;s LYDI K THOMPSON l l(ll)A) rir.MlIl' IT Ul- Li 1'IA 'l liUM t'SU-N. SINU.M) THE SAILOR. SATURDAY LYDI THOMPSON M ATI .NEE. MAZ N N E R C II O I Ti B A L MASOU E, AT THE ACADEMY OK MUSIC, TUESDAY', February It One-hsif of the proceeds will be appropriated to the assistance oi the suilerers in the French and (.trinan war. Cards of Admission J-r, admittiusr a geutl-man and one lady. Extra la ly's ticket ti each, to be had at U Meyer's, No. UltiCtiesnntstreet, Lee A Walker's, No. Mi Chtfinut street, Continen tal Hotel, R. T. Schmidt's, No. 61i) Arch street, J. A. Payne, No. Wll S. Broad street, Andre &, Co., No. 1104 Clie-snut street, and at If. A. North & OVs, No. 1026 Chetnut street. 1 18 tFU A' SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, CORNER TENTH andciiiusnu r streets. THE WONDERFUL TWO-HEADED OIRL COM- . BINATION, owing to its frnmense success the past week, will remain a few davs longer. Recepiious from 2 till 6 and from T till 10 P. M. Admission, SB ccuts. Children, 28 cents. 3 3t TTOX'8 NEW AMERICAN THEATRE, CHESNUT X Street, above Tenth, AMUSEMENTS OF ALL NATIONS. EVERY EVENING And SATURDAY MATINEE. GREAT CONGRESS OF STARS, Comprising the best artists in the country, who appear lu Grand Ballets, Dutch Comedy, Local Sketches, Minstrelsy, EthloplanjActs, Farce, Comic Vocalism, Pantomime, etc. AMERICAN MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE Northwest corner of NINTH and ARCH Streets. Open dally from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. 100,000 CURIOSITIES From all parts of the World. 1 HlliTY CAGES OF WILD ANIMALS. The Splendid Dramatic Company appearing lu the Lecture Room every Evening at 8 o'clock, and Wed nesday and Saturday afternoons at S o'clock. Admission to all the Attractions, 86 cenw. 19 H tt H',f J unit ixV loAis, u h.5v Ur G&t; QavvJ , G RINDSTONE HACKERS FOR TRUING boxes tor ulune. (iROKGK (I. HOWAHD. uUi K1UUTKEN111 StriKfW