THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1871. itx3wb City AOaJr. The remains of "Jimmy I7aK(?erty" rriTfrt in this city At 9 o'clock last evening, from New York. TLe funeral will take place in a day or I wo. Last evening Paot Orand Chancellor Thilip Lowry, of the order of Knights of Fj tLiHP, in the absence of the Supreme Chan cellor, Samuel Jleed, installed the newly elected officers: G. C, George II. Jones: G. V. C, Daniel M. Ulackhurn; G. It. 8., Geo. IJawkes; G. H., YV. T. liose; G. G., E. A. l'baro; G. I. 8., II. W. Chambers; G. O. S., Henry Btroekbine. The 1'olice Committee have refused to accept the tew station-house of the Fifth dis trict, which has just been erected on Fif teenth street, above Locust. The refusal is taped on grounds that the slate upon the roof and the railing surmounting the bnilding are not of a good quality, while the doors are not properly huDg. The wainscotting has not been done according to tho specifications. These ('ejects will, however, bo remedied in a few days by the contractor, and the new sta-tion-honfce will noon be occupied by the force of the Fifth dihtrict. UamrHtln Affair. The weather in California at the present time is very warm. A New York despatch says that Hon. Thomas A. Scntt is to be President of the Union Pacific Kailroad. A very disorderly scene occurred on Thursday in the Arkansas Legislature, grow ing out of adverse parties claiming seats in that body. John J. Filkins has been indicted at AlbaDy, N. Y., for robbing the express car on the Light of the Cth instant, in which the iuetsenger was brutally htabbed. A coTiference of Western railroad men closed in New York yesterday, its ob ject having been to attract emigrants to their lands, and urgo legislation in their favor at Washington. The miners' strike still continues, and, although many attempts have been made to conciliate the strikers, there is not the least disposition on their part to commence opera tions again. Forrlan AfTnlrn. The bombardment of Paris continues. American arms continue to be landed in France. The military in France continue to be active, despite all the rumored capitulation movements. Garibaldi appears to be full of fight, and wants more volunteers forwarded to him from Italy. At lavres request, Ficard and Dorian have received passes to go to Versailles to join in the negotiations. The secretary of ex-Empress Eugenie, on Wednesday, asserted that she had not signed any agreement which Bismarck claims to have. Gambelta states that be does not believe that Paris will capitulate, lie thinks that France will be able to expel the invader from her soil. Laree quantities of provisions are beinn forwarded to Versailles, which are supposed to be intended for the relief of the starving people of Paris when the city falls. A fine or J 0,000, 000 francs has been im posed upon the citizens of Nancy and the sur rounding districts by the Prussians, on ac count ef a railroad bridge having been de stroyed near Toul by francs-tireurs. The I3onapartiBts are said to be actively intriguing, and there is a constant journeying of coursers between Chislehurst, Wilhelms hoe, and Versailles, the centre of the in trigue being at Brussels. SAN DOJIIJfGO. Hpeech bv lion. William D. Kelley-The Ad vantucra ot ibe Acquisition ot Mao Doming- by ibe United Plates In the course of his speech on the San Domingo question in the House of Represen tatives yesterday, Judge Kelley said: The people of the United States have waded through a sea of blood and incumbered themselves and their posterity with moun tains of debt to abolish human slavery and make our institutions throughout our broad limits homogeneous and harmonious with the fundamental principles that underlie them. And yet, sir, we are to-day the support and buttress of slavery wherever it exists upon the continent or islands of America, as wo must continue to be until we Khali acquire tropical territory, on which to grow coffee and sugar, and tobacco equal to that of Cuba. By the acquisition of San Domingo, and by no other peaceable means, we can overthrow both slavery and Spanish supremacy in Cuba, for we consume fully seventy per cent, of her exports, every pound of which might be pro duced by free labor in San Domingo. Few gentlemen have probably considered the question in this connection, and I beg leave to invite attention to a few facts illus trative of its importance. But before doing so, permit me to suggest that San Domingo produces large-grained white coffee equal to that of Java, and vastly superior to the green coffee of Brazil, sugars, molasses, and melada equal in quality to those of Cuba, and tobacco which compares favorably with the best smoking tobacco from the finest fields of that island; and that, were the production of these articles stimulated by the sense of secu rity that would be imparted by our acquisi tion of her territory and by the admission of her productions to our ports free of duty, it would cause the transfer of the American and other foreign capital now employed in Caba to San Domingo, and thereby people the latter and inorease her productions aud de prive Cuba of the power to support the Spanish army, which now holds her in sub jection, or to make the contributions towards the Biipport of the Spanish monarchy, which now regards her as its most profitable appendages. Cuba owes its commercial importance to the fact that San Domingo has been dis tracted and desolated by war and oppression from the year of its discovery to the present date. Hispaniola, as San Domingo was first called, was once the most fertile, most highly cultivated, and most productive of all the West India islands; but she has relapsed into wilderness, tnd would present to the enter prise that would seek her fields, under a snse of security derived from American law . and administration, as fertile end virgin a soil as she did to the followers of Columbus more than four centuries ago. In a recent conversation with an intelligent merchant of Philadelphia, who has spent many years in Cuba and San Domingo, I said to hirr. "What would be the effect of Ame rican occupation of San Dominge, or its ac quisition by us, upon the productions and commerce of the island?" Ta which he re plied : "In Ave years from the occurrence of such an event Kn Domingo will have resumed her former station among the producing aud commercial coun tries of the world, aud will have become the wealthi est aud most prosperous Maud la the Archipelago. J'm'i rmrh new cir'-u'ii-tniwoH it. will far exceed the Cub ll W-ij. I U twlUiUiu iauuii,auiuiib wwUmvUunii Cuba is ww'.u, rtwi w tue revolntlon of 1T89 sod 190 Sn Domingo was the weallhlett American colonial possession owned by any nation. Thelrencti part was Immensely pros perous, although the French bad kept It feat a few years. I bave not the figures at. band, but, having examined them, assure you tost the export of coff, tobacco, sngtr, Indleo, cocoa, and other pro ductions nuauin my assertions. The Spanish side was also very prosperous In fact, the whoe island was Id a prosperous condition, and the mines were yielding large quantit ies of gold. Since thi revolu tion of 1790, when the- blacks expelled the French from San Domingo, the condition of the country bus retrograded, and very llt'lc progress has since been made in HnytL'' r;hRt portian 0f the island which belongs to the Dominican Republic could support a population of five million people and an immense export trale, yet the exports from the entire island, em tracing llayti end San DomiDgo, to this oonntry for the last year were bnt r '"!, 05.", of which $419,71)0, or about four-ninthH, came to us in foreign vessels. The people of Dominica are not only without machinery, but without the simplest tools for agriculture or the arts. There is not an iron plough within the limits of the repnblio nor the simplest form of a saw mill, though among the leading exports are mahogany, lignum-vit.i!, log wool, fustics, lance, alin, and other woods; and it is im possible to estimate what would be the value and extent of the productions of the country under the application of modern improve ments in science, agricultural machinery, and the processes for manufacturing sugar aud reducing fine woods to slab and veneer, or the stimulus that would be given to American shipbuilding, the production of agricultural nd other implements, and to our carrying trade and commerce, by the development of the resources of this island by American in telligence and enterprise. Such, Mr. Chairman, is San Domingo, the true Queen of the Antilles, and such is the Fad story of her people. Her natural wealth is boundless, and infinite in its variety. It is also exbaustless, for its sources are perennial; yet her impoverished and decimated people live in dread uncertainty, which, like the fchadow of impending death, precludes ex ertion for the future. In view of hor re sources and her many bays and harbors, she should be the centre of a world-wide snd busy commerce; but her bays and har bors are rarely shadowed by a sail, and a tingle Bteamer,tbe Tybee, visiting her ports but once a month, suffices for the greater part of her trade and couaujani'intiou with the great commercial republic whose imm diate neighbor she is. From the depths of their despair the people of the republic of Dominica implore us to remove the dread shadow under which they live, expose her wealth to view, aud cause it to be applied to the uses of mankind. Moved by their appeal, and instructed by the action f all his really great predecessors, the President proposes to the country to Liens them and the world by granting their prayer; and for this he ii assailed by the puny and short sighted leaders of tho Democratic party. Against their assaults I will not puise to defend him. He has vindicated to the world and history tke singleness and rectitude of his purposes by the selection of Benjamin F. Wade, Andrew II. White, and George S. Howe as commissioners to make the inquiries ordered by Congress. Truer men than these be could not have named, nor men more free from the suspicion of liability to corrupt or sinister influences; and Presi dent Grant may well express a willingness to abide the result of their investigations, confi dent that it will justify all that he has done, and result in adding the tropical wealth of San Domingo to the mighty resources of the United States, and in the revival and expan sion of our languishing commerce. SPECIAL. NOTICES. THE LORRAINE VEGETABLE CATHAR- TIC PILL la far the best Cathartic remedy yet discovered. The most complete success has long attended its use. It never falls to accomplish all that Is claimed for It. It produces little or no palu; leaves the organs free from Irritation, aud never overtaxes or excites the nervous system. Ia all diseases of the skin, blood, stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys of children, and In muny dlmcultles pecu liar to women, it brings prompt relief and certain cure. The best physicians recommend and prescribe It; and no person who once uses it will voluntarily return to aDy other cathartic It Is sold by all deal ers In drugs and medicines. TURNER A CO., Proprietors, 10 6 thstut No. 120 Trcmont street. Boston, Moss. egy- AT THE ANNUAL MEETING Of THE CORPORATORS OF THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPANY, held on MONDAY. January 9. 1871, the following named gentlemen were elected Managers for the ensuing year; JOHN RICE, JOSEPH B. MYERS, DANIEL HADDOCK, JE., JAMES II. ORN'E, JOHN C. HUNTER. At a subsequent meeting of the Board of Mana gers JOHN RICE was unanimously re-elected Pre sident, and J. SERGEANT PRICE Secretary and Treasurer. J. SERGEANT PRICE, 1 21 atuthlm Secretary. ,Y- JO THK HOLDKHS VF OHIO STATE mvt nD. iiuui4) in j . i l fj kii u tii.i w 11 o InlAHnl Hun Innnar. 1 1 QT1 nn tha V 1 1 rt .1 a , Hurt, ,f the Btnte of Olilo, will oe pa'ld at the American Ex change National Bank, In the city of New York, from tne 1st to tne inta proximo, aim tnerearter at our office In this city. Columbus, Ohio, December 13, wo. JAMES H. OODMAN, Auditor of State, ISAAC R. SHERWOOD, Secretary of State, FRANCIS R. POND, Attorney-Geueral, Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the State of Ohio. 18 3 lm fig?- OFFICE BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL CO. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1871. The renal Meeting of the Stockholders of the BUCK JiCLNTAIN COAL CO. will be held at the omce of the Company, No. 880 WALNUT Street, ou WEDNESDAY, February 1, 1B71, at elevea (11) o'clock A. M. An election for seven Directors to serve the en suing year will ie beld on thesarne day between the bourn of 11 A. M. aud II P. M. 1 8 mw lot T. II. TROTTER, Treasurer. LCGAN IRON AND STEEL COMPANY. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at Its otllce, No. South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, the second day of Febrnary, lb7l, at IS o'clock M., for the elec tion of five Directors, and for the transaction of any other busineHS which may then be prevented. By order CHARLES WESTON, Jr., 1 18 18t Secretary of the Corporators. jjfSjr- TlTlTUNION FIRlTYxTiNQULslniR COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Manufacture and sell the Improved, Portable Fire Extinguisher. Always Reliable. D. T. GAQB, B SO tf No. 118 MARKET St., Heneral Agent 6eOKFICEOK THE ST. NICHOLAS COAL COMPANY, No. WALNl'T Street. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the ST. NICHOLAS COAL COMPANY will be beld on MONDAY, February the 6th, at 13 o'clock M., to elect seven directors 10 serve tue ensuing yeur. R. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 87, 171. 1 T at IfeY- THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE Uv-H-VB PANYOK PHILADELPHIA. Com pan x s Bi'ilklno, No. 400 Walxct btbkbt,) January 8, 171. f The Directors bave this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the uooDpauy ior ma lost sL& uiuuini, pavame on ue mand, free 01 all taxes. ALEX. W. w ISTElt, 18tf Secretary. Vtf- THE IMPERISHABLE PKRFUMbTIaS A rule, the perfumes now In use bave no perma nency. An hour or two after their uae there is no trace of perfume left. How different Is the result succeeding the oae of MURRAY A LAN MAN 3 FLORIDA WATER I Days after Its application tue handkerchief exhales a most dellguUut, delicate, aud agreeable fragrance 8 1 tuthsi y- JAMBS M. HOOVEL HAH F.HTABLISIIEl7 1 aiidN.ew Jsrstjj at N.0. CU YYAUSUTSireeW iwu SPECIAL NOTICES. Sy- PZnLABI.riltA AN J TRKVT'N R J'OA" (HiMPANY, NO. 884 SOUTH D UA Pnn.AnKi.rniA, Jan. 80, 1871. The Director hav d-iKrfd a rnl-am'il divi dend of HVK (B) PERCENT, upon the capital stock of the Company, clear of taxe, from the profit of the six monti ending December 81. ltjn, pirnhle on and after FEBRUARY pro., and that the transfer books be closed untU FEBRUARY 7, 1871. J. PARKER NORRIS, 1 81 lit Treasurer. 6,Y- THE PHILADELPHI A S' KTI Ft TY KOR H JJ SUPPLYING THE POOR WI ril SOUP, N. 85S ORISCOM Street, appesl to the public for trie an 1 ual aid nKeary to conduct their operations. No rnld collector Is employed, hut each member is au thorized to receive donations. JOS. S. LEWIS, PresMeut. No. l.VU pine street. WM. EVANS, Treasurer, No. S13 Market sireet. J AS. T fell INN. Broad and Soruce streets. SAMUEL. HIS TON. No. 07 Wulnut street. JAC B P. JONES No. IftH MarKet street. CALEB WOOD, No. tW4 s. Second street. 1 81 8v ijjjj- THURSTON'S IVORy 'pEARL TOOTH POWDER Is the bent article for cleanslnif an I preserving the teeth. For sale by all Drnglnta. Prlre 28 and M cents oer bottle. 11 46 stunly REAL. ESTATE AT AUCTION. "V'OTK'E. BY VIRTUE AND IN EXEOTJriOI IN of the powers contained In a Mortgage esr tuted by 1 HE CENTRAL PASSENGER RAILWAY COV. PAN K of the city of Philadelphia, bearing date of elgr teenth of April, 103, and recordiM in tho oirtce fot recording deeds and mortgages for the city an county of Ph ludeiphia, in Mortynge Hook A. 0. II., No. 60, page 40n, etc., the undersigned Trustee named In eald Mortgage WM L SKI.L AT PUBLIC AUCTION, at the MERCHANTS' KXG'UANuK, In tho city ol Philadelphia, by MfcbSKS. THOMAS A SONS, AUCTIONEERS, at 18 o'clmkM.. on TUESDAY, tho fourteenth day of February , A. D. 1871, the property described lu and conveyed tiy the eald Mortgage, to wit : No. 1. All those two contiguous lots or pieces of groom), with the bulldiiigs and Improvements thereon erected, situate on the eat siibj of Broa l street, In the city of Philadelphia, one of them bo glnMiig st the distance of nineteen feet seven Inches and tlve-elghta southward from the southeast cor ner of the eald Broad and Coates streets; thence extending eastward at riglit angles with said lima street eighty-eight feet one Inch aid a half to ground now or laic of Samuel Miller; thence southward along said ground, and a, right angles wtyi said Coates street, seventy-two feet to the northeast corner of an alley, two feet six Inches In width, leadiLg southward Into Penu street; thence west ward, crossing said alley and along the lot of ground hrreiiiaiter described and at right angles witn said Broad street, sevcutv-nliie feet to the east sHe of the said Broad street ; aud tln;n',e northward along the east line of said Broad street seventy-two feet to the place of begtuuing. Subject to a ground-rent of ts0, silver money. No. 2. The other of them situate at the northeast corner of the said Broad street and Peon street, cotitaiiiitig In front or breadth ou the said Broad street eighteen feet, and In length or depth eastward along the north line of said Peun street seventy-four feet and two Inches, and on the line of said lot paral lel with aid Pelin street, jeveuty-Hix feet five Inches and three-fourths of au. nchtosaid two feet, six Inches wide alley. Subject to ground rent of $72, sil ver money. No. 8. All that certain', ot or piece or groand he ginning at the southeast corner of Coates street and Broad street, theme extending southwaial alone the said Broad street nineteen feet, seven Inches and flve-eighths of an Inch: thence eastward eighty feet one Inch and one-half of an Inch; thence norm ward, at right angles with said Coates street, nine feet to the south side of Coates street, and thence westward along the south side of said Coatei street ninety feet to the place of bcglntjlng. No. B. The whole road, plauk roar" and railway ol the ald The Central Passenger Railway Company of the city of Philadelphia, and all their land (uot Included In Nos. 1, 8 aud 3), roadway, railway, rails, right 01 way, stations, ton-nouses ana outer super structures, depots, depot grounds and other real estate, buildings aud Improvements whatsoever, and all and singular tha corporate privileges aun franchises connected wlt'j said company and plank road aud railway and relating thereto, and all the tolls, Income Issues aud prouts to accrue from the same or any part thereof belonging tosutd compauy, aud generally ail the t nemeuw, hereditaments and franchises of the said company. And also all the cars of every kind (not Included la No. 4), machinery, tools, Implements and materials connected with the proper equipment, operating and conducting of said road, plank road and railway ; and all tne pers inai property of avery kind and description belonging to the said company. Together with all the streets, ways, alleys, pas sages, waters, water-courses, easements, fran chises, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever, unto any of the above-mentioned premises and estates belonging and appertaining, aud the reversions and remain ders, rents, Issues, aud profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, Interest, property, claim, an1 de mand of every nature and kind whatsoever of the said company, as wen at law as In equity of, la, aud to the same and every part and parcel thereof. TERMS OF SALE. The properties will be sold la parcels as num bered. On each bid there shall be paid at the time the property Isjstruck off On No. 1, WW; No. 8, two; No. 8, $soo; No. B, $100, unless the price s less than that sum, when the whole sum bid shall be paid. W. L. SCIIAFFER, Xru8t4fi. W. W. LOKOSTRKTHJ lru8tces" M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 18 B 60t Nos. 138 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS & HOvS' SALE Valuable property known as "The Union Club," No. 211 South Twelfth street, below Walnut street, lot 80 front, 136 feet in depth. On Tuesday, renruary i, iwi, at is o-ciock, noon, win De soia at public sale, at the Philadelphia Bxchauge, all that valuable thre-story brick messuage, with thrne story back buildings and lot of ground occupied and owned by "The Union Club," of Philadelphia, situ ate ou the east side of Twelfth street, 100 feet north of Locust street, No. 811, the lot containing In front on Twelfth street 60 feet, and extending lu depth 136 fett, with the privilege of court aud alley In the rear. The property contains two large and olegant drawlng-riouia, occupying all of the main building ; large dining-rooms, kttcheu, and other rooms; flue garden, 65 feet front, with fountain; bowllDg-alley and billiard' room, etc The above property Is admirably suited for a res taurant, theatre, or public institution of any kind, being situated lu a central aud eligible position. Tunis easy. M. TnOMAS A RONS, Auctioneers. 18 IS 17 81 J 14 2i Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH St. LOOKING GLASSES, ETO. FOR LOO KING-CLASSES, RELIABLE AND CEEAP. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, No. 816 CIIESNUT STREET. CORDAGE, ETO. CORDAGE. Kanllla, Blial and Tarred Cordage At LowMt Haw York Prioaa and FralehU. EDWIN If. KITEKli 4k COt Vaetorf . TEHTH St. and GKKMANTOWH Avanoc Btora. No. 88 WATCH 81 and 88 N DELAWAB Avaaoa. 18 18m PHILADELPHIA! CUTLERY. ETO. T01X1ERS A WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET AKNIVES, Pearl and Stag handles; and beautiful finish; Rod gel s', and Wade a Butcher's Razors, and the celebrated Le coultre Razor; Ladles' Scissors, In cases, of tbe finest quality ; Rodgers' Table Cutlery, Carver aud Forks, Razor Strops, Cork Screws, etc Eur In strument, U assist the hearing, of the most ap proved construction, at P. MADEIRA'S, No. 116 TENTH Street halow Cheannt C OTTON SAIL buCKADCANVA81OFAL'x numbers and brands. Tent, Aw mug. Trunk aud Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Faittr Manufac turers' Lrler Felts, from thirty to seventy-Li In' litf. with Pau'tns, P.elt:ni. KIITn, -t.". 4 .IOHN W. JtVKKMArt, M0, 10 UOTttt'U ttUeei (UU UHc6l SHIPPINQ. TiFfr NATIONAL STEIMSIIIP ff7r?f ZLSaUaai LlNK.-Su-am to and from Lt NEW YORK, LIVEHPUOL, AND qUKSNSI' JAN. Bteamtrs sail WFTNsmV, THURSDAY", ant SAl'l'rtoAif Cabin, ts sni 6i; Steers., ijq. Rxcur-lo.j ticket, good loroH year, liner! y reduced i'r. poiiS sending for their friend can otvain tt-R-1- (Meersge)for 138. T ickets t- and from Lmd oierrv and Glasgow by this lavorde route at the name iov com ney rates Passengers bo'iked to aud from Ixndon, tarU, Bsniburg, liavre, Up men, at lowe-t rate. boTK. The liiHenlflcent K ail tea'uihlp of t'lH lite are among the lamest, in the world, ail ar celebrated fr peed, ta'ety, mid e.omtort. Owuitf to reduction, rates are now i3 in Cuoin and Si in Btersgechtsp r tnan other lirNt,ela8 line. For pnMHge, 01 lian't rttaft f ranv amount, paya ble at sight In all pirta of lir Ht li Itain, t.eit id. end in cltirs f Norwat, Ndeu, Ue-im 'k, France, Germany, and Itaiv, apt ly to WAIJ.EH fc CO., Agent, 1 18 Ao. 804 WA LSUT SL, im ab.,n StnmK tirf?-. PHILADELPHIA, RI 'IIMOND, AND NOIfH LK STEAMSHIP 1,1 V K, liihwUiH FREIOHT AIR LI.NETOTHES JUTll Mi VEST. INt'REASED FACILITIES AND REDUOSD RATi-.s. SUamerB leave every W KDSESDAVand S VTUR DAY, at li o'diek noon, Iroin FIRiT WHARF atove MARKhT Street. I.LTl'h MM), have RICHMOND MONDAY- sir) '1 III KSPAYS, and NORFOLK TUESJAt'S snd SA n RI'AYS. N liills of Lailing signed after 12 o'clock on s id- lllg flHH. THR'.'Ufill RATKS to all v ItiU In N rtti a-id South Csrolira, via Seaboard Air Line iliro nl, connecting at Portsmouth, avl to Lyiiistibur, vA., Tt nnetsee, and the West, vu Vlrgtuia hi t T ;ni See Air I Ine snl Richmond and IMnvllle R 1 Ir ia I. rreigtit 1 1 a in 1 ' 1 ft 1 ' t' 1 tjNiiK. ai'i ttnen at LttW r.R KATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. No charge lor c ln mission, dra)age, or any cx- peDfe i.i 1 runner, htennit-lnps Insure at Inwext rates, hrelttit rt c lv d dally. State Room accotumoda'lonx f'-r psengers. WII 1 IA.M P. CLYDE A I II, No. 12 K WHARVES aud Pir 1 N. WH vltKS. W. P. poiiTER, Agent at Richmond and City 1 oinr. T. P. CHOW ELL A CO.. A gents at Norfolk. si KUR LIVERPOOL AND UrKtXk. ui'iuwiN. ineiiiiiun Line tr Kova Mh Steamers S' e at)i)'uin:. to sail as follows: City of I 01 don, t-HUiMrt), January is. at 11 A M City of Abtwerp, Samrilny, K-i. 4", at 2 P. M. City of Cork, via Hailfa. I'liM-lay. 'elt I it 1 P.M. Ulty of Iirooklyn, Salurdav. Feb. It. at 10 A. M. and eaeh su'iceedliig satiiroay and alt,ernto Tuea ay. fr-ni pier No. 4f Norm river. RATFS rV P.S:AiR By Mail Steamer Sal lug every Saturday. PiiVai ie 10 gold, r.tvHttiK lu ourruuv,. First Cabin T5 S'eerAire 0 to i-.iici.n so To i;mion 3.-. To Par s 90 To Paris 31- To Halifax ) To Hal'fax ir PaH.wciigi-ra h!o fir vanted to Antwerp, R itter- ai;m, bweuen. iNorwa, iii-niiiark, eta, at ro'laoe l lUtl-S. Tickets can be bonirht hern at moderate) rates bv persons w if hlng to fiend for their friends. For further UifornmMon apply at the company ofiice. JOHN W. DALE, Agnni. No. 16 Uroadwuy, N. Y.l Ur to O DO.N.Nrvl.L i r"Al LtV, .Weuts, 40 No. 402 CliESNUT Street, Plillailelphla. TCF. KEOULAR STEAMSHIPS ON Til K PHI LaDELPHIA AND CHARLESTON STEAM SHIP LINE sre AI.ON E authorlzeii to Issue throat olllsof lftdit g to Interior point South ud esMi roimectlon with South Caroilwi Rabroao 'Vnnnany ALFRED L TVLER, Vlce-Pre-ldnt So. G KR. Co. iV' PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTIIEIiV hail miiAii.Mii' lujirAnra hh OLLAR SEMI-MONTHLY LINE TO rsEW OR- LE-Nr, La The AZOO will sail forNewO-leinH, via Uav tun, 011 1 Ut mib. r-nruary 1, mi 3 .. m. The JUNIATA will sail from New Orleans. vU U inarm. 011 , rniiruary. TlliiOUOH DILI S OF LADIN'i at as lo r'es as by any oilier route glvt-n to M.'JUM.K, 'iALVHS. Ti N. INDIANoI., RoCKPOKT. I AVACU.A. and KRZo!, and to all poinn ou tn Miisis-ippl rlv,-r bitwetn New Orleans ami St. Louis. Rel river fn Iphth rehhlpped at New Orleaoa witUout charge 01 ccinmiBSioi;s. WEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH. OA. The ION A WAN DA wld sail for Savaunali on Psturdav, Jdimarv W, at 8 . M. The WYOMING- will sail from Savannah on S-ttnr- rla. .Ic uarv vs THROUUH DILLS O' LADIN.i given to all tie principal towns lu (ie. rgm, A abanni, KlorliU. Mn-slst-ippi, Louistans, Arkaras, aud TeHnessec In con- peetion-witn tne 1 entrai liai roai tt oeorgi.t, r. lantic and Gnlf banroii'1. etui l-'iorlda steamers, at as low rates as ty compeiiiig lines. SEMI-MONTHLY LINE TO WILMINGTON. N. C. The PI' iNEHR wl! sal. for Wilmington on 1 hurs- (Ibt, Janut.ry vu. at 6 A M. Returning, will leave Vt iiinlijaton r rldsv. t eoruarv 3. Con nects with the Chpe Fear River SteanhoU Conipsnv, the Wilmington and Aeiiion and North Carolina Railroads, and tie Wilmington aul Man chester Railroad to all Interior points. Freights for Columbia, S. , and Augusta, Ga., taken via Wilmington at as low rates as by a.iy other route. iDSurani-e effected when requested by shippers. Bills of ladlog signed at Cieeu stieet wharl ou or before dav or sailing. WILLIAM L. JAMES. General Agent, 6 18 No. 130 S. THIRD Street. FOR NEW YORK 15 VIA DELAWARE AND RAR1TAN CANAL, EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The SteamJProiieilers ot the Line will commence loading oh the hmi lust., leaving luy as usual. THROUGH IN TWENTV-FOi.R HOUR-. Ocods forwarded by all th. Hues going out of New York North, Eunt, or w est, free of commission. Frelehta received at low rat-s. WILLIAM P. VLt DK CO.. Agents, No. li S. DELAWARE Aveuue. JAMLS HAND, Agent, No. lia WALL Street, New Y'ork. 1 80 NEW EXP R.E S S TO LINE ALEXANDRIA, GEORGETOWN, AND WASH- INUiVAi u. o., via uiim rr.Atxis a.i u 1 ELaWaRE CANAU wlih connections at Alexandria from the mont direct route for Lym hbuig, hnstol, liuoxvilie, Nashville, lialton. and the l-outfiwest. Steamers It ave regularly every Saturday it noon fi m the first wt arr anove Market street. 1 rtluUt received iil v. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. 14 North aud South Wharves. HYDE & TYLER, Agents, at Goorgetowu; M. EL.DR1 'GE it CO., Ageuts at Alexandria. Sly FOR NEW YORK, VIA DELAWAR1 VuHt.n Cui.ul iS W I FT SURE TRANSPORTATION JOMPANY. DESPATCH AND 8WIFTSURB LINES, Leaving dally at 13 M. and BP, M. The steam propeirers of this company will com Bience loading on tne sin or Marco. Through in twentyjfour hoars. Gooiik lorwarded to any point free of commission Freighu taken on accommodating terms. Appljto WILLIAM M. BAIRD A CO., Agents, No. 138 South DELAWARE Aveuue. 4 FOR NEW YORK I -':-.VF via Delaware aun Kunun canal, illw EXPKEt.0 STJt AMBOAT COMPANY. The bu-am Propellers of the Hue will commence loading on the 8th Instant, leaving dally aa usual THROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the lines going out of Ne York, North, East, or Weal, free of couumaslon. Freights received at low rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, no. ri d. jjjCLAWAJUt Avenue t mfvfl niun A ....... No. 118 WALL Street, New York. 14 DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE K'l'x'AM TOw-llilAT COM ' ANY. Imit Barges towed between Philadelphia, Buiumore, Havre -de-Grace, Delaware City, aud .utermediate pointt. WILLIAM V. CLYDE A CO., AgenU. CAPTAIN JOHN LAUGHLIN, Superintendent. OfFIUK, No. 18 Suuth wn aKVES, 1818 PHILADELPHIA. mm DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE l"V-)f."8TlAhl TO WHO AT COMPANY t?,nm Barges towed between PhUadelphla, Balnniore, llav re-de-Grace, Delaware City, and In- tbroieuiate points. wii.M A v P. OLYD! en'. twDuuii iicnis iiHtoulJAi ttupuruiumaeuL. VUisAt, Ho. u bsuUt VY sArvea ftIacUMpkia. i U IMIPPINU. ifffiTty LOR4XARD STEAMS UIP OOMPAK. BAILING TTJESDA18, THURSDAYS, AND SAT URDAT8 AT NOON, sre now receiving freight at winter rates, com luenclng Dei-ember 88. All goods shipped on and aftcrthia date will be charged as agreed upon by the agents of thl- company. INSURANCE ONE-KIOHTH OF ONE PER CENT. No bill of lading or receipt signed for less thai. flfty cents, and no Insurance effected for less than one dollar premium. For further particulars and rates apply at Com- pany's office, Pier 83 East river, New York, or to JOHN r. OUL, PIER It NORTH WHARVES. N. B. Extra rates on small packages Iron, metals. etc 8 8 1 f PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND, AKD NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT' LINK TO THE SOUTH AND WKST. INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED KATaS FUR 1SU. S'eaniers leave every WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY, ht li o'clock noon, from FIbbT WHARF t ve Jil ARRET Street. UniHMNii, leave RICHMOND MONDAYS and 1II11SDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS and KA'I lltliAl s. No bd s ol Lading signed after 13 o'clock on sail ing tiryr. ri 111.01 -n rvATts to an points in North and South Carolina, Ma St-atoard Air Line Kailro.ti. 1 1 tini ctli p Ht I'l-rtuni utn, and to Ltuchburg, Va., 1-tisi t-m e, ami tne tst, via virgiuiiaiei leuns see Air linn and Rich moil' and Danvi.le Rill road. Freig'it HAMM.Ei BUT OVn, and t.ken at LO A Eu RATES THAN ANY OTIIKR LINE. Noi harge for commission, drayagc. or any ex- pent e ol trHtiffer. ssteniBnins insure at. lowest rates. Freight received da'U. State Room accommodations for passengers. WILLIAM P. CLYDE t CO., No. 12 S. V HARVE8 snd Pier 1 N. WHAKVES. W. P. 1 OUTER. Ageut at Richmond and City Point. T. P. CI-O WELL A CO., Agents at Norfolk. 1 11 17 O R SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 1 TLE FLORIDA PORTS, AND THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT AND PASSEN GER LINK. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA AND AT LANTIC AN 1 GUI.F RAILROAD. lOUR STEAMERS A WEEK. TUESDAYS, T lit USD A IS, AND SATURDAYS. THE STEAMSHIPS SAN SALVADOR, Cap aln Nlckerson, from Pier No. b North Ruer. WM. R. GARoISON, Atrent, No. 0 Bowilag Green. MONTGOMERY, Captain Falrcloth, from Pier No. 13 Noith River. R. LOWDEN, Agent, No. 93 West street. LEO, Captain Dearborn, from Pier No. 18 East River. MURRAY, FERRIS & CO., Agents, Nos. CI aud Ci SoUtU street. GFNFRAL BARNES. Captain Mallory, from Pier No. 20 Nortli River. LIVINGS ION, FOX A CO., Agents, No. 83 Liberty street. Insurance by this line ONE-HALF PER CENT. Sttpi nor uvc'iiumoriatloiig for passengers. Ttir ugh r,itt-H a id Mils of lading lu connection a ith the Atlantic aud Gulf Freight line. 1 6t Tlirouuli fates and bills of lading In connection with 1 i.tral Railroad of Georgia, to all points. C. D. OH r.NS, UliOR'Jb. lONwE, Ai fit A. G. R. R., Agent C. R. R, No. 82D Broadway. No. 409 Bruadway. w 7 U I T E STAR LINE OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S LIM-. OK NEW STEAMERS BKTWailCN NEW V RK AND LIERPOOL, CALLING AT CORK, in r i. The 1 1 inpanv's fleet comprises the following mag. 1 il.ri i t lull-powered ocean steamships, the six la' vent 111 the world: t k AN it , Captain Murray. RCT(C. AT LA nth , Cllp'alli Thompson. B altic. l'At IHC. Csplalu Perry. ADRIATIC. 1 In he in w vessels nave neen aesigned specially lor the traut-ailaiittc trade and combine speed, ai t, and i-otnforu I iiheeiiger 1 ccommonations unrivanen. Parili-s ci.dlhg lor their friends In the old coun- tr cn now ot.tain prepaid tickets. Steerage. f3Z. currency. Other rates aa low as any first-class line. For further particulars apply to IS.HAY. IMRIE A C'., No. I" WAI'E i btreet, Liverpool, and No. I EAhT INDIA Avenue, L.ut.. ji all Htreer,, Li noon: or at the company's otih'es, No. 19 Bi OADWAY, New York. 1 6t J. 11. srauivs, Agent. ri'HE ANCHOR LINd STEAMERS 1 Sail every Saturday at.d alternate Wednesday tMnl from Glasgow and Derry. Passengers bookt d ami forwarded to and from all railway stations In Great Britain, Ireland, Ger-in-Lj. N(rw ay, Sweden, or Denmark aud America as i-afely, speedily, comfortably, aud cheaply aa by any wm-r rome or nue. "iX I'hKKS" KTKAHKKS. "EXTRA" 8TSAHBKS. IOWA, TYRIAN, BRITANNIA, IOWA, TYRIAN, ANGI.1A, ' A I STRALIA, BRITANNIA, INDIA, COLUMBIA, il ltOI'A BRITANNIA. From Pier 80 Nerth river, New York, at noon. Bates of Pusage, Payable In Currency, to Liverpool, Glasgow, or Derry: Flrt camps, fes and $7(5, according to location. Cai'in excursion tickets tgood for twelve months). Ect-urii g 1 t-t acd.mniodailous, 1130. Intel mediate, 13 j; steerage, 128. ( ertlficutes. at reduced rates, can be bought here by those wishing to send for their friends. Drafts issued, payao e on presentation. Apply at the companv's offices to HENDERSON BROTHERS, 18 87t No. T BOWLING GREEN. I7OR ST. THOMAS AND BRAZIL. X UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL STEAM SHIP COMPANY. REGULAR MAIL STEAMERS sailing on the 83d of evry month. Mi BRIM At E. captain wier. SOI Til AM r. RICA, Captain E. L. Tlnklepaugh. NORTH AnEnlCA. Captain U. B. Slocum. 1 hei-e sp endid steamers sa'l on schedule tlrae.and call at St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco, Bahla, and Klo de Janeiro, going aud returning, tor engage meLts of freight or passage, apply to , . . . 1 t . . ....... f . - wi. it. UAiinBu.i, Ageui 18 lOt No. 0 Bowllog-green, New York. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALKXAN drla, Georgetown, and Waasjagtoo 1 D. C, via Chesapeake aad Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria from tne most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Anoxvule, Nashville, Dal ton, and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly every Saturday at nooo "rem the first wharf above Market street. Freight received dally. WILLIAM P. CLYDE ft CO., No. 14 North and South WHARVES. HYDE A TYLER. AgenU at Georgetown: H. ELDR1DGK A CO., Agents at Alexandria, 1 QLD OAKS CEMETERY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Tbls Company Is prepared to sell lots, clear Of all encumbrauct s, on reasonable term. Purchasers can see plans at the omce of the Company, NO. 618 WALNUT STREET, Or at the Cemetery, where all Information needed will be cheerfully given. By giving notice at the office, carnages will meet persons desirous of purchasing lota at Tioga Station" on the Germantown Railroad, and convey them to the Cemetery and return, free of charge. ALFRED C HAUsmit, rresiaent MARTIN LANDENBERGER, Treas, MICHAEL NISBET, Bec'y. 10 Bwf m6m A LBXANDBR G. CATTBLt ft CO., VKODUCB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. NORTH WHARVJid AMD NO. t N"RTH WTT 8THEET, PH LLADdU'lUA. AUZAirPU Q, Cattuu Sluab 0AR1 AMDIEMEN1 . MKRIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 1tF;Ti RN FOR SIX NIGHTS AND ONE MATINEE. THE GRAND ENGLISH OPKH A COMBINATION rrnr.,, JI,,, BU COMPANY. r t S- q CHORUS, GKAXD ORCHESTRA. i.v,r,fi.x' Proprietors and Managers C. RIC I1INOS-BKRN ARD Operatic Directress The Company embracing the following EXTRAORDINARY ARRAY OF TALKVT: n...'-. J1- ,KIINARD. Miss KOHE II ERSEE Miss EMMA HOWSON, Miss FANSIS GOODWIN Soprano. Mra ZELDA 8EGUIN, ANNIB KCMP BOWLER, Contraltos. V.ra. WILLIAM CASTLE, BROOKHOUSK BOWLER, J. II. CH ATT ERSON, Tenors Mesrs. S. C. CAMPBELL, HENRI DRAYTON. A. HOWKLI, Passon. , ' Mr. EDWARD HEGUIN, Buffo. GRAND CHORI 8 OP SOLO VOICES, transported with the Company entire, and the MAGNIFICENT rRCHSl RA Condnrted hy Mr. S. BEHRENS. OPENING NKiHT, MONDAY, February . BOHEMIAN IRL. TUESDAY, BENEFIT of Treasurer ZIMMER MAN snd CAMPBELL. MARTHA. MARTHA. EDNtSDAY. BENEFIT OF ZELDA SEGUIN. THURSDAY, IL TRoVATORE FlrBt sppearauce of Mis EMMA HoWSON as LEONORA. FRIDAY, BFNEF1T OF WILLIAM CASTLE: r ii' (Bctthoven s only opera Orst time here In Eugiifto. - SATURDAY MATINES OBERON. SATURDAY MOHT-DKK FREISCHUTZ. AdtnifiHlon 1. Reserved Scats, f,0 cents extra. Family Circle, 60 certs. Amphitheatre, 26 cents. The sale of reserved seats, for one or more nights, 1ll commence at North A Co.'s Music Store, No. Inns Chtsnut street, on Wednesday morulag, Feb ruary 1, at 9 o'clock. LIBRETTOS. The authorized and correct edi tions of the operas, ss sang by this company, can only be procured at the above storn and ineia the Acaderry. Those offered for sale ou the sidewalks and at places not here designated are unroll, able. 1 us AMERICAN ACADEMY OF M USIO THEODORE THOMAS' UNEQUALLED CONt EtT ORGANIZATION OK FIFTY DISTINGUISHED AltTISTS, ON FRIDAY EVENING, Fet. 8; SATURDAY AFTERNOON snd EVENING, Feb. 4. The public Is respectfully informed that Mr. Theo dore Thomas will give TWO GKAND CONCERTS On Friday and SatunUv Eenlngs, Fcti. 3 and 4. and aGrann Matinee on Saturday Afternoon, Feb. 4. First appearance of th reletritit Planlsto, MISS ANNA MEHLIG, Pronounced by the press wherever she has appeared the Rfeatent Pianist that has b-en heard tu this conntrv. Together with the UNRIVALLED OR CHESTRA, many of whom are EMINENT SOLO IST S. Adt.MiPslon Tickets One Dollar Restrved Scats Fifty Cents Extra Family Circle Fifty Ceuts Oallery Twenty-five Cents SPECIAL NOTICE. Subscription Tickets for the Three Concerts, In cluding Reserved Seats, THREE DOLLARS. Hie sale of Subscription Tickets only will cora-mi-uce on Thursday, Jauuary 86. at K. A . North A Co.'f, No. lo'itl Chesuut street, and close Saturday, JbMJHtT SS. Sale of seats for single nights will commence on Monday, January Ki, at Box Office, Academy of Mus e, and at F. A. North A Co.', No. lm Chesuut Strett. 1 ti 6t A MERICAN ACADEMY O? MUSIC. MISS CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG mpcctfully announces TWO GRAN CONCERTS, MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, January so and 81, assisted by the renowned Pianist, MIL JAMES M. WEULI, and the celebrated Vocalists, S1GNOR VEhONI. Tenor, si , nor a. R.ANDOLFI, Baritone. MR. GEORGE W. COLBY Director ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR. Family Circle 60 cents Gallery 26 " M UKHVKl) skats, Ml cent extra. For'sale on snd alu-r THURSDAY, January 20 at the Box Oillce ol the Academy, and at Messrs. North A Co.'s, No. lt'20 Cliegnut street. The Grand Piano used at Miss Kellogg's Concert Isfn m the celebrated manufactory of Mr. Albert widw, comer 01 Finn avenue:aad sixteenth street New York. THOMAS R TURN BULL, 1 24 U Business Manager. w 7 ALN II T STREET TIIKATR B. THIS fSntnnlHW KVHMTXfl -Ton oa sixth night of miss leona cw'ender. cnaniung utrie artist win make her last stntaratice in I'hllHdelntila. her nmiva rtrm m Brougham's new local riiaiua, entitled ' OR, THE UPS AN U DOWNS OF CITY LIFfc. Mist. LLONA CAVK.SI ER ss MINNIE Miss LhONA CAVENDEK, having renewed the erpiigcment for five nights, will sppcar on MON DAY EVENING, Jan. w. In John Hniugharn's uew local drama called MlNNItS' LUCK. 17 T. DAVENPORT'S CIIESNUT STREET J li. THEATRE. E. L. DAVENPORT Lessee and Manager THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Jan. as, Schiller's celebrated play of THE ROBBERS. Mr. CHAS R. THORN E, CnAS.DEMOOR Miss PHILLIS GLOVER as ArliiLIA AdmiKhlou, f 1, 5, M), aud 'id ccuts. Commouue at 8 o'clock. Seats secured at Abel's Drninalc Reoosl tory Cl'heaire Building), No. 1211 CH ESN Ul street, from 9 A. M. uotll 6 p." M. MKS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Regius to 8 o'clock. . TO-N1 4HT, eATt Kl DAY, Jan. 83, THE WONDr.R. MBS. JOHN DREW as VIOLANTB AND THE VtlLLOW COPSE. Luke FU liiiLg Barton Hill Ani-CHtiiH Mr. k. Craig Bill Stuggers Mr. 8. Hereple Koce Fielding... Miss Ll.zie Price Meg Mav Savllle MONDAY LYDIA THOMPSON; PARIS. M.l NNER CHOIR B A L MASQUE, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, TUESDAY, February 14. One-h8if of the proceeds will be appropriated to the assistance ol the sufferers In the French aad German war. Cards of Admission 15, admitting a gentleman and one lady. Extra lady's ticket fl eact , to be had at L. Meyer's, No. Vl'i Arch street, IeA Walker's, No. 928 ChesDut street, Continen tal Hotel, R. T. bchmldt's, No. 6I0 Arch street. J. A. Payne, No. 819 S. Broad street, Andre A Co., No. 1104 Chesuut street, and at If. A. North A C j.'s, No. 1020 Chesnut street. 1 is wstf ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, and CHESNUT Street. CORNER TENTH TUB WONDERFUL TWO-HEADED GIRL COM BINATION, owing to Its Immense success the past week, will remain a few days longer. Receptions from 8 till 0 and from 7 till 10 P. M. Admission 35 cents. Children, 85 cents. l3 8f ARCH STREET OPBRA HOUSE, ARCH Street, above Tenth. TnE PALACE OF MIKSTREL8Y. SIMMONS A bLOCUM'S MINSTRELS, TUB CHAMPION TROUPE OF AMERICA, IK THEIR OI REE 3 D'ETHIOPE, unequalled throughout the world. Box office open from 9 AM. until 4 P. M. 1 83 et TJHX'8 NEW AMERICAN THEATRB, CHEJJNCT Jh street, attove Tenth, AMUSEMENTS OF ALL NATIONS, EVERY EVENING And SATURDAY MATINEE. GREAT CONGRESS OF TARS. Comprising the best artists in ' e.couotry, who appear la Grand Ballets, Dutot Comedy, Local Sketches, Minstrelsy, Ethiopian! ic s, Farce, Comlg Vocal ism, Pantomime, etc. AMERICAN MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE, Northwest corner of NINTH and A KCU Streets, Open daily from 9 A. M. tt 10 P. M. iuo.000 CURIOSITIES From all parts of the World. THIRTY CAOES OF WILD ANIMALS. The Splendid Draniatio Company appearing in tha ,t Lecture Room every Evening at 8 o'clock, aud Wed- 1 liesday and Saturday afternoons at 8 o'clock. ;' Admission to ail the Attractions, 86 cents. 18 18 tf, - . . R OTHER MEL'S PlCTUJtl i OK TUB , ... , - . . BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. " " Now on Exhibition at - " : - -1 : No. loos CHESNUT Street, . . ' frtim 10 A. M. 10 iu y. AdIUlCit 'IX CCiiU, itlil.A