THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1871. X7Z3W3 SUMIVIAH.V. I'll Affair. At a meeting of the Board of Fire Com missioners, held yesterday afternoon, the Taylor Hose, the llesolntion Hose, the Reli ance, and Good Will were restored to active service. Tresident Londenslager announced the fol lowing committees Supplies and ltepairs Lyndall, McCully, and Lawrence. Location riumly, Lyndall, and Porter. Ileal Estate and Leases La wronce, MoOully, and Ljndoll. Districts and Boundaries Butler, riumly, and Lyndall. Rules and Regulations McCully, Butler, and Torter. Investigation riumly, Lawrence, and Torter. Aocounts rorter, Butler, and MoOully. Adjourned. The annual meeting of the contributors to the I'rebton lletreat was held yesterday afternoon at the institution, Twentieth and Hamilton streets. The report of the Super intendent was read, showing that during the past year there were 100 patients treated, aad 102 births took place. The total number since 18GG is SCO. The following gentlemen were elected managers: John M. Ogden, Eli K. Price, Isaao F. Baker, George Thomas, M. D., Frederick Fraley, John Wiegand, Charles T. Bonsall, Edward II. Ogden,George Peterson, Jacob P. Jones, John 0. Oresson, William P. Sharpless, Joseph B. Townsend, Henry C. Townsend, Henry Haines, Charles Bullock, Joseph C. Turnpenny, Adam C. Eck feldt, Samnel It. Shipley, John C. Uhle, Jo seph H. Trotter, Asa I. Fish: Robert O. Cor nelius, William 0. Biddle,JI Treasurer, J. Ser geant Price; Auditors, T. Morris Perot, Charles Wheeler. At the annual meeting of the Historical Society, held last evening, the old board of officers, consisting of John William Wallace for President, Messrs. Benjamin H. Coates, Horatio Gates Jones, Aubrey II. Smith, Jemes L. Claghorn for Vice-Presidents, James Ross Snowden for Corresponding Secretary, James Shrigley for Librarian,' J., Edward Carpenter for Treasurer, and Samuel L. Smedley for Recording Secretary, were put in nemination for the ensuing year. The receipts of the Athletio Club last year amounted to $30,47725, while the ex penditures were $28, 201 "87. Of this sum $10, 787 '50 were paid the players. ' Domestic Affair. The Legislature of this State was not in session yesterday. Gov. Haight, of California, announces that he is not a candidate for re-election. At an election held in Wilmington, N. C, the entire Republican ticket was elected. The Bricklayers' Union of the United States met in Pittsburg yesterday, and will continue its sessions until Saturday. i The coal miners of the Schuylkill region will suspend their operations to-day, and the indications are that a general strike will ensue. The United States Consul at Paris, J. Meredith Read, after having interviews with Bismarck at Versailles, on Sunday proceeded to London. The Fenians recently released from the English prisons are to receive a substantial reception from their friends in New York upon their arrival in that city. The greater portion of the time of the nouse of Representatives at Washington was engrossed yesterday in the consideration of the San Domingo question, and the final vote on that subject will be taken to-day. F.relffn Affairs. One hundred and fifty Americans still remain in Paris. Many Bonapartist agents have been ar rested in France. Reliable reports from Paris are that Minister Washburne is well. In bombarding Paris the barracks of Forts Vanvres and Montrouge have been set on lire and destroyed. The French redoubt at Notre Dame de Clamont was occupied by the Prussians, and its tore turned against the k rench. The Germans captured by the French are sent to the island of Oleron, on the west coast of I ranee, opposite the mouth of the Charente. A detachment of the army investing Belfort stormed the village of Danjou tin, south of that city, on Saturday, and took 760 prisoners. King William telegraphs to the Queen that Frederick Charles continues his victo rious advance on Le Mans, and that the bombardment of Paris is progressing favor ably. Despatches have been forwarded to King William, at Versailles, praying him to re spect the history of that city, as it was the scene of Lis coronation as Emperor of Ger many. The advance columns of the German forces in the Valley of the Loire have reaohed Nogent le Rotron, Sarge, Savigny, and La Chartre, encountering obstinate resistance along the whole line. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Anniversary of the Episcopal Association. The annual meeting of the Sunday-school Association of the Protestant Episoopal Church, in Philadelphia, was held last even ing in the Church of the Epiphany, corner of Fifteenth and uneenut streets, ltev. ur, Richard Newton presided. The exercises were opened by singing the hymn "How beauteous are their feet." The annual re port of the managers was read by Mr. Joseph C. Darlington. The report states that the association was formed on Tuesday, January 15, 1870, at a meeting held in the Church of the Holy Trinity. There are now 40 schools represented in the society, containing 1939 teachers and 23, 'J. u scholar a A number of meetings have been held daring the past year, in whicn various subjects con nected with the Sunday-school work have been discussed by clergymen and laymen. The report recommends tne opening of a room in some central location for the pur poses of a library, and where teachers' prayer meetings and meetings for Bible study might be held, inis wouia De peculiarly aeairaoie in case a uniform series of lessons were adopted for all the schools represented in the society. Rev. M. A. De Wolfe Howe, D. D., then addressed the meeting, on the subject of the Sunday School in its relation to the Church. He claimed that the Sunday School was the creat source of supply, the great proselytin ground for the Church. He thought that the children in the scnoois snouid be taught the distinctive doctrines of the Church; they should also be taught to love the liturgy of the Church, and to that end the liturgy should be used in the Bchools, and made attractive to the scholars by musio, eto. Addresses were also made by Rev. Dr. Richard Newton and Rev. Dr. Butler. An election for oflWrs for the nmi'n reir tru held, when the following wwra elected: President George C. Thmvins. Vice-Presidents Rev. Charles Fisher, Tbomns Latimer. Corresponding Secretary Rev. W. Fercy Browne. Recording Secretary Joseph G. Dlrling ton. Treasurer William H. Rhawn. Managers Rev. SDyder B. Sirues, Sitnuol G. DeCoursey, Robert Huey, M. 1)., John Zebley, Jr., Lewis II. Redner, Rev. Richard N. Thomas, William G. Boulton, William B. Whitney, Abraham Ritter, Rev. J. Houston Eccleston. ANOTHER EXPRESS K01JBEKY. Bold Attempt to A.nnawtnnt n JHessenaer JK.rnpe of the Kobber. The Albany Knickerbock er of Saturday says: Our community was again 6tartled last night by the report tbat another express robbery had been perpetrated, and the express messenger murdered. Upon Inquiry we learned the fol lowing particular?: The regular express train for Boston left the depot in this city at 9 20 P.-M. It consisted of two coaches, a sleeping car, one bapgage and one express car. In the latter was Thomas A. llalpin, the express mes senger. He was alone in charge of the car. Soon after the train etarted out of the depot. and was about to cross the bridge, a man jumped in the car, and Immediately discharged a pistol at Mr. llalpin. The ball entered his head, and he fell. The man then approached him as he lay E rostrate in the car, placed the weapon close to Is ear, and fired again, atter which he recol lected nothing. There were three wounds, which proves that the robber fired three 6hots. One is under the right car, another is in the right ear, and the third is through the neck. mere is no doubt whatever mat the villain intended to murder the messenger, yet tho latter may live, although his chances are very slim. The robber must have taken the key of the safe from Mr. Ilalpin's pocket, opened the safe, re moved tuch treasuie as he could lay hands on. arid effected his escape. we are informed that tne sum which was In the safe and cannot be found, amounted to $2259. f he messenger was rendered Insensible by the wounds In his head, and the robber was enabled to operate with perfect Impunity, lie undoubtedly thought his victim dead. lie accomplished his purpose before the train reached the other side of the river, and of course fled. DISCOVERT OF THE CRIME. The train stopped on the other side of the river about ten minutes, and it was during this time that the robbery and attempted murder were developed. Some men standing near the express car heard a strange noise Inside, and upon opening the door were horrified by seeing tne messenger weltering m his blood. Having recovered sufficiently to crawl to the door and make the noise that attracted the attention of those outside. His appearance told the whole story. EQUESTRIANISM EXTRAORDINARY. A Police Neraeant Kiite. a .Nteppte-Chnne In Pursuit ei an Kmbe.xler and Ellects Ills Atrest. Equestrianism Is not tin exercise peculiar to Eolicemcn. It comes handy once in a while, owever, as the following will show: John Hampden illustrious name tacked on to a "scalawag was agent for the Marl Fer tilizing Company, of Farmington, N. J. By some means he managed to make his account $2000 or $3000 short, aud lied the consequences. This was some months ago. Not many weeks since word was sent to the defrauded company that Hampden bad taken up his abode at Black berry station, Kane couutv, ill. xesterday a member of the fertilizing company arrived here with an Introduction to Captain Juckeyfroin Inspector Dilks, of New York. lne captain advised tne gentleman, whoso names is Kinney, to take along Sergeant Buck- i I, i ii . i . ley, me wcu-kuowd ariuorv oiucer. Accoruing- ly, the pair started on. iney reached lilacK- berry in time to nud tne ciiase on tne piattortn there ready to take the Omaha train. It was evident that be smelled a multiplicity of mice, for he was wide-awake and soon recognized Mr. Kinney. The fellow llampdcn Immediately strnck across the fields with the view of dis tancing his pursuers. Sergeant Buckley imme diately procured a farmer's saddle horse aud started after the fugitive. The Sergeant learned horsemanship in Ireland, and had no difficulty in taking the "stlffest" jumps right gallantly. On sped the embezzler; after him nled the equestrian officer. Trees, hedges, fences, ditches, flow past in rapid succession, and at last the pursuit ended in the capture of John Hamp den. Fortunately the capture was effected on the high-road, bo the sergeant, having had enough of steeple-chasing, resolved to get back at his own leisure, ao be placed tne unhappy Jerseyite before him on the hone and bore him in triumph back to blackberry station; much in the manner that "Mickey Jfree" carried in tne French prisoner at the "Passage of the Douro." Mr. Hampden awaits the Governor's requisition before visiting his native SUte. Chicago Re publican, Saturday. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Netea tee First Pane. ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. Bum Risks 1-2 i Moon Sktu. 8-61 Bum 8kt8 4alHioH watbk 4- 8 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Gkorob L. Bczby. 1 Geokok n. Tatb am, V Committer op thk month. J. Prick Wkthkkill.) HOVE0UUMTS OF OCJIAN STEAMSHIP. FOR AMERICA. Britannia Glasgow New York Dec. Ilolsatla Hamburg.. ..New York Deo. OnUrlo Liverpool . . . oston Dec Col Dublin... Liverpool.... New York Doc. 21 21 24 24 21 Donau. . Bremen. new xom Dec. .Glasgow New York Dec. .Rio Janelro..New York Dee. Liverpool ....NewYorkv.B. Dec . Liverpool .... New York Dec. Australia . . , S. A HUTU, a, Siberia..... Vlnrinia 24 26 27 2S 2S 29 31 81 31 Nebraska Liverpool C. of W ash ton . Liverpool .new xorK Dec. New York Dec. India Glasgow New York Dec. Hermann Bremen. New York Deo. Abyssinia... ..JLlverpool New York Dec. run aunuro. Wisconsin New York... Liverpool Jan. 11 Algeria. New York... Liverpool Jan. ll Calabria. new xors. Rheln. New York. Australia New York. C.of Wash'ton.New York. ..Liverpool Jan. 12 14 ..Bremen Jan. ..Glasgow Jan. ..Liverpool Jau. ..Liverpool Jan. ..Liverpool Jan. ..Liverpool Jan. ..Havre Jan. ..Liverpool Jau. ..Glasgow Jan. ..Liverpool Jan. ..Liverpool v. II. .Jan. ..Liverpool Jan. ..Glasgow Jan. 14 14 14 Helvetia New York. Erin New York. Nebraska New York. Vllle de Paris.. New York. 18 18 18 21 France New York. Britannia New York. C. of Paris New York. O.of Baltlmore.New York. M anhattan .... New York . 21 21 24 25 85 28 Iowa New xor. Deutachland...New York. .Bremen. Jan. Washington.... New yoric... Havre Jan. India New York. . .Glasgow Jan. Wyoming New York... Liverpool Jan. 88 28 28 28 C. ol London.. .New York. . .Liverpool Jan. lXAi)TVV ISC, uumanm;, om pioneer Philadelphia. Wilm'gton.N.C Jan. MlssourL..... New York. ..Havana v. Nan.. Jan. ToDawand a. . . . Phlladelphla.Savannah Jan. 11 12 14 14 14 Geo.Cromwell.New YorK...isew urieau....jau, J.W. Everman.PDUadelphia. Charleston Jan. Juniata. PM adelohia.New Orleans . ..oan. 18 Malls are forwarded bv every steamer in me regu l&r llnea. The steamers for or from Liverpool call at Queens town, except the Canadian Una, which call at Londonderry. The steamers for or from the Contl pent call at Southampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Schr Emily and Jennie, Hewitt, Galvestou, D. S. Stetson co. Schr C. E. Kaymord, Kelly, Boston, Knight A Sons. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamsbln Roman. Baker. 44 hours from Boston. with mdse. and passenger io 11. Winsor A Co. Oil Bombay llooE, saw a ioreign ung at anchor, utr Reedy Point, passed ateamtug America, bound down, with a bark In tow ; auhr H. SUmlckson, bound up. in tow oi a tug. titeuniship Volunteer, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with mdae. to John f. uni. haven, wiU nidse. to Uarjei h CO, (lilt Tilfurtph.) Lwks, Del., Jan. The Howard report went np yesterday from the harbor, brig HaUleM Hrrthers. In hartor. brigs Ma M. Comery and William II. rarks-schrs Harry White and John Hird, bound out : schr White Sea, for Boston ; 40 schrs unknown ; and tug Thomas Watson. The steamer Panther went to rp at 3 P. M ; also a l ark, towed down by the tug Am rlea, at 8 30; a Ipw sehrs went to the southward te-Uay; all the others remain in harbor. Wind stiff from the N. W. Thermometer, 2S. MISCELLANY. City Tce-boat No. 1, Captain Mason, on Sunday towed the bark George U. Jenkins, for Antwerp, down to Marcus Hook, and came uy again to clear the Horseshoe of lee. City Ice-boat No. 8, Captain Schellenger, on Mon day morning took down the river bark Hawthorn, for Haw burg, picking up the George U. Jenkins at Marcus Hook, and started with both vessels for the Breakwater. Br. bark J. B. DufTiis, Arnems, rrom New York 6th nit. for Antwerp, Is ashore near I'emlcrmarket, ami will probably become a wreck. She had tli follow ing cargo: 8314 bbls. flour, 9000 staves, 5,fi3l lbs. lard, ??-2 bags cloverseed, 108 hhds. tobacco, v9 pkga. pumps, and 148,080 lbs. bacon. The J. U. Duff us Is 710 tons register, built In 164 at Yarmouth, N. S., whence she halls. Br. bark Iona, Mnnro, before reported wrecked, sailed from Buenos Ayres Nov. 13 for Montevideo, to load hides for New York. It being drk on her arrival l4th), and having no pilot, while trying to make the bariKtr rols'ook the route and struck a reef to the left of the entrance, when the captain, finding there was no hope, ran her ashore. She became a totnl wreck, the crew barely escaping. Bark Volunteer, Blake, from Malaga, with a cargo of rslKlns and lemons, foundVred on Race Point. Cape Cod, at 10 o'clock on Monday forenoon. All hands were saved. The vessel was owned by, and cargo consigned to, J. F. Conant, ol New York. Br. schr Victory, from Halifax for New York, be fore reported sunk off Sambro, will be a total loss. Part of the cargo has been saved. The three-masted schr bpfore reported seen ashore on Body Island, la the Niagara, Townsend, from Mobile for Providence. She went on night of the 8lst ult. Captain Kelley, of the steamer City of Newport, states that a buoy has been placed on Sabine's Point, In place of tho Dolphlnreccntly carried away by Ice. LEGAL NOTToES. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIIIADEL1M1IA. Estate of MATILDA SUHoFlELD, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to annlt, set tle, and adjUBt the account of WILLI AM R. BLACK, Executor of MATILDA SCHOFIELD, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance tn the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, January 17, 1870, at 8 o'clock P. H., at hit. onice, No. M8 WALNUT Street, room No. 10, in the city of Philadelphia. 1 6 tbstuft E. C. MITCHELL. Auditor. CIRARD ESTATE. GIRARD ESTTK IN COMPLIANCE WITH the twenty-fourth section of the will of Stephen Glrard, the President of the Board of Directors of City Trusts and the Superintendent of the Glrard Estate have prepared the following: til HARD COLLEGE. 209 pupils boru within old city limits. 825 pupils born tn other parts of Pennsylvania. 39 applies nts awaiting admission. 650 will be kept steadily In the college. Application can bo made lu person to No. 19 South FIFTH Street, between 9 and 2 o'clock on the first MONDAY of eaen month for the admission of poor white fatherless boys, betwen 6 aud 10 years old, born In Pennsylvania. To Increase the facility in applying for the admission of boys oorn In this tit ate. but living at a distance from the city, HENRY W. AREY. Secretary, will, when written to, furnish a form of application in writing. Boys born in the present city of Philadelphia, outside of the old city limits, say between Vine and South streets, have no preference in admission over tuose born in the more distant counties of the State. Children must be bound to the city, and are taught, clothed, and maintained at the expense of the trust. and then indentured to trades and other suitable occupations until thev become twenty-one years of age. WILLIAM WELSH, President. CONDENSED STATEMENT OK THE AFFAIRS OF Till. ESTATE. I. Stocks and Loans appropriated for the improvement or me eastern irom oi the city and Delaware avenue: United States. Ten-Iony Five per cent. Par Value. Loan. 84,900-00 City of Philadelphia Five per cent. Loan. 7,30 J -00 City of 1'hlladelphia Six per ' . . 1 r 1 mr in cent A.oan, iree ui u. jiu,uuvtju City of Philadelphia Six per cent. i.oan, uixauie u-t.iwuu 208,600-00 10,000-00 4,400-00 2,100-00 1,000-00 242,193-84 2,350-0) 79,500 00 City Gas Six per cent. Loan 22 shares of stock in the Insurance Com pany of the State of Pennsylvania 42 tliares of preferred stock Union Canal Company Uuiou Canal Company of Pennsylvania Six per cent. Loan Scliuyiklll Navigation Company Loan, 1870. bix per ceui. Schuylkill Navigation Company Loan, 1S8'2. Six oer cent City of Philadelphia Six per cent. Loan, free of tax, temporary Investment Loan io city of Philadelphia, on city loan certlticate, wo. ax, lor uur montus... Stocks and Loans, comprising the 30,509-00 Residuary Fund : Par Value. United States Five-twenty Six per cent. Loan J'2,550-00 10.70J-00 4,300-00 United States Ten-forty Five per cent. Loan City of Philadelphia Five per cent. Loan. City of Philadelphia Six per cenu J.oan, iree oi lax hif.hp iw City of Philadelphia Six per cent. Loan, laxauie z.auu-vu 162,S)J-00 srhnvlklll Navigation Company Loan. 1870. 6 per cent 1,933 -64 Loan to Franklin Institute 1,00000 iuo shares or stock runaaeipnia ex change Company lu.owoo 2200 shares of stock Schuylkill Naviga tion Company no.u'iu-oa 40S shares of stock Chesapeake an i Delaware canal company iu.jwou 102 shares of stock cueuapeaKe ana Delaware Caual. received as divi dend 6,100-OU 163 shares or stock cnesapeaKo ana Delaware Canal, received as divi dend 7,660 -00 " 1 Certlticate Schuylkill Navigation co. Roat Loan. 7 Der cent, received as dividend 6,600-00 2 shares of stock Germantown and Perkiomcn Turnpike Company 2001)0 i fiiidro of stock Suuouehanna and Le- hlffh Turnnike Co 100 00 l bond for Loan to Ridire Road Turn pike Company 10.000-00 1 bond lor Interest on loanlto do. do . . DOO-OO Rrtinvikiii Navigation ComDanv Loan. iss'i. rcceivea ior interest.. him Supposed to be of no value : looo Bharca of stock of stock Danvuie and Fottaville Railroad company, i sham of btock Centre Brldsre Company. 1 share of stock Philadelphia Domestic Society. 10 shares of stock Bustleton and sinuuueia l ura nlk-A lioari. 1 share of stock Downingtown, Ephrata, aHd Har- rlsburg Turnpike Road, l share of stock newspaper called Le Coun ter Imn tn ritv nf Philadelphia. On CltV loan j . . .... V, . KiVl.Al cerluCate rvO. 6 iur mur uiuuiug iv.i,ovvv III. T nuns nnnronrlated to purchase Fuel for "Poor white housekeepers and roomkeepers" lu the city of Phiiaucipma. i of Loan Schuylkill Navlga- tion company, isio, o perteui ,ij,o oi . . - . i . tan cc .rm Certilicate of Loan sehuyitiu Naviga tion i 'nmnanv. 1882. 6 Der cent, received forinterest. 272 63 IV. Tnnnaand cash comprising the legasy received from the estate of Lawrence iomi, aoceaseu. or Illinois. United States Loan, 1881, per cent tl-OOO-OO fitw of l'hllade Dhia o per cent, imhu, jree oi tax , Balance Of cash 6 60 24,206-66 V. Loans comprising "Reserve Coal Rents," Invested and held subject to the judicial decision of title to lands leased to S. Grlscom & Co. and Thomas Coal Company. City of Philadelphia per cent loan, Iree of tax 134,100-00 Balance of cash 8,621-14 37,62Tl4 VI. Loans comprising "Gilbert Reserve Fund," In vested and held wubject to a judicial decision of title to lands from which the coal was taken aud paid (or by John Gilbert : City of Philadelphia 6 per oent loan, free of tax fs.ioo-oo ra' cf cnidi 4-H The following aceonnt enrrent exhibits a con densed stoteinent of the canh account, embracing the amount of Interest, dividends, rent of tp1 estate, and payments made to various objects for the year 1h70: By committee of Councils on Glrard. Estate, from Jaiiiiaiy 1 to February 28, 1870: Balance in the Treasury January 1 t57,323- Cash received for rent of real state, city and fanni 142,603 40 Cash received for rent of col lieries in SchuylkU ami Co lumbia counties 7,4H'21 C ash received for rent of real estate in Schuylkill and Co lumbia counties 132"PO Cash received from leases for cutting timber in Pchuylklll and Columbia coantles 203 34 Cash received for city loans lor Interest 11,32-8-60 Cash received from United States 6 per 'cent, loan, 1881, interest 25561 Cash lecelved from BcbuvlkiU Navigation Company, 6 per cent, loan, IntereBt 17-34 Cash received from City Gas, 6 per cent, loan, interest 2S5O0 Cash received Insurance Com pany State of Pennsylvania, dividend 629,00 65,762-96 $123,088-65 Worranta drawn ami nnM fMt Treasurer, under appropriations made by Councils, and charged io 31 Lands out t the county J2,323-50 General repairs to real estate... 3,578-39 limtde painting 81 Outside painting 73-37 rarer and hanging 305-06 Miscellaneous expenses 1,924-68 EstatO I8.2T6-34 ForGirard CoilegcCora- nnltee on ilousehold,8,760-96 For tiirard College.Com- nnttee on Instruction, 68 85 I8.819-31 117.095-65 balance transferred to Directors of City Trusts, March 1, 1870 1105,992-90 By uirectors or city Trusts, from March 1 to De cember 81, both inclusive: cash received ror rent or real estate, city and farms $237,237-03 Cash received from collieries In Schuylkill aud Columbia counties 65,964-32 Cash received from real estate In Schuylkill and Columbia counties 1,663-25 Cash received from leases for cuttiDg timber In Schuylkill and Columbia counties 4,266 76 Cash received from Interest on City Loans 14,16300 Cash received from United States five twenty 6 per cent. Ixian 172 09 Cash received from Schuylkill Navigation 6 per cent. Loan.. 14,130-94 Cash received from City Ua3 6 percent. Loan 317-41 Cash received from United States 6 per cent. Loan, 1881. 240-45 Cash received from United States ten-forty five per cent. Loan 89210 Cash received from dividend, Insurance Company State of Pennsylvania 264-00 Cash received from dividend, Philadelphia Exchange Com pany, stock MO-00 Cash received from dividend, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company Brock l,9S9-00 Cash received from dividend, Schuylkill Navigation Com Danv Boat Loan 613-15 Cash received from total income account. 4,026-74 Cash received from temporary investment. ..151,872112 Cnsh received from lands lu Kentucky 623-10 Cash received from Bank of North America for notes col lected 1,271-30 Cash received from reserve coal rents 15.S13 82 Cash received from loan on call 137,107-67 Cash received from fuel fund.. 8-02 Cash received from Gilbert Re serve fund D,2i0-95 Cash received from income re siduary reserved interest on loan .' 2,156-22 Cash received from Income for the improvement of Delaware avenue, do 700 44 1661,149-07 1707.141-97 Cash paid under appropriations of Direct irs of City Truhts for Water rents $1,879-50 Taxes 64,945-30 Salaries 10,800 00 Lauds out of the city 5:i,700 b3 Permaneut improvements 3,737-12 General repairs to real estate.. 18,054-24 iDside Daiuung wis Outnide painting 4,287-87 paper ana nangmg j,u.-ao Annuities 6o0-00 Miscellaneous expenses 23,483-13 Gilbert reserve lund 6,227-60 Fuel fund 478-00 Widening Waterstieet ani pav ing Delaware avenue 1,859-08 L.Todd legacy 7,28283 Temporary investment 326,000-00 Building houses In (Sixth street below Brown 52,027-86 Altering Nos. 1109, 20, 81 Ches- nut street 17,020-00 Reserve coal rents 12,177-00 Estate 1597,393-22 COLLBOE. For Committee on Household 1123,299-63 For Committee on In struction 22,496-94 For Committee on Accoutts 3,463-45 For Committee on Li brary 865-23 lor Cum. on Discip line !and Discharge . 278-60 1149,901-70 -S747.S90-93 December 31, 1870, balance in the treasury 119,845-92 Balance by city Treasurer s ac eount 123,079-42 'Warrants drawn and not taken in 8,234-87 119,845 05 Ofllce or tne Directors or city Trusts or Girarai Estate, Philadelphia, December 81, 1870. J 1 6 Superintendent Glrard Estate. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO XeWIS LADOMUS & CO? 'DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS.) W4TCI1KS, JKWILHY A8ILVKH WAUK. . WAT0HE3 and JEWELEY KEP AIRED. jggChegtnnt St., Phili Would Invite attention to their large stock of Ladles' and Cents' Watches or American and lorelgn makers. DIAMONDS In the newest styles of Settings. LADIES' and OETS' CHAINS, Beta of JEWELRY of the latest styles, BAND AND CHAIN BRACELETS, Etc. Etc. Our Btock has been largely Increased for the ap proaching holidays, and new goods received dally. Sliver Ware of the latest designs la great variety, for wedding presents. Repairing done In the best manner and guaran teed. p ll fmwt TOWER CLOCKS. C4. W. KlJtjSULJL Ko. 22 NORTH SIXTH BTKEKT, Agent for STEVENS' PATENT TOWER CLOCKS, both Remontoir fc Graham Escapement, striking hour only, or striking quarters, and repeating hour on fuU chime- Estimates furnished on application either person ally or byjuaJL 6 88 WILLIAM B. WARNS 4 CO., WATCUKN, JEWELRY, AND i 1V t-'U.VFW WAIIK f U.LuIaji t.I i.u. iJil UT &.Ttlul. 8. JL. vWM fcEYESTli aftl VilNUI JSueoU. FURS. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. runs i runs ! ! runs I ! ! HENRY ItASICE, HAVING REMOVED TO NO. 830 ARCH STREET, Now offers great Inducements In Ladies' and Children's Fancy Furs, IN A GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES, AT HALF THE USUAL PRICES ! THERE IS NO HUMBUG ABOUT IT 1 CALL AND EXAMINK FOR YOURSELVES ! ALL GOODS WARRANTED A3 REPRESENTED OR THE MONEY REFUNDED. OLD FURS CLEANED. REPAIRED. AMD ALTERED TO THE LATEST STYLES. IIENRY RASIID, - No. 830 ARCH Streef. UlfithStntf lINANOIAIt Bowles Brothers & Co., PABIS, I0R DON, BOSTON, No. 19 WILLIAM Street, New Y o i It, hsue: Credits for Travellers IN EUROPE. Exchax&e oa Paxil and the union Bank of London, IN SUMS TO SUIT. ll T 3rat r- I T Y OF BALTIMORE. yj 11,200,000 six per cent. Boncis or tne western Maryland Railroad Company, endorsed by the City of Baltimore. The nndert lgned Finance Committee of the Western Maryland Railroad Company offer through the American Exchange National Bank 11,200,000 of the Bonds of the Western Maryland Railroad Company, having 30 years to ran, principal and interest guaranteed by the city of Baltimore. This endorsement having been authorized by an act of the Legislature, and by ordinance or the City Council, was submitted to and ratified by an almost unanimous vote of the people. As an addi tional security the city has provided a sinking! and of (200,000 for the liquidation of this debt at maturity An exhibit of the financial condition of the city shows that she has available and convertible assets more than sufficient to pay her entire Indebtedness. To Investors looking for absolute security no loan offered In this market presents greater Inducements. These bonds are offered at and accrued Inte rest, coupons payable January and July. WILLIAM KEYSER, JOHN K. LOKGWELL, MOSES WIE3ENFELD, 1 6 cott Finance Committee. LOOKING CLASSES, ETO. FOR LOOKING-GLASSES, RELIABLE AND CHEAP. JAMES S. EABLE & SONS, No. 8)6 CIIESNTJT STREET. h URN ACES, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1825. FBIK T. MICKB. H. J. DBAS XX. J. DEAS 6L CO., MAHUrATU ItLIlS OF Warm Air Furnaces AMD Cooking' Rangcg, Portable Heaters, Low Down Oratea, Slate Mantels Bath Boilers, itegmiers ana ventilators. No. I I I North SEVENTH St., PHILADELPHIA. 9 23 thstu6mrp JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TO RENT. O RENT, RARE CHANCE, 8TORS No. 836 CHE8NUT 6TRRET, UNDER CON TINENTAL HOTil Elegant Fixtures for sale, including Marble Coun ters, large Mirrors, etc. Immediate possession. 13 15 tr FOR SALE OR TO RENT THE PREMISES No. 723 CHESNUT Street. The Btore has re cently been fitted up with a new front, etc. The nouse is suitable for a hotel or boarding-house. The store will be rented without the d welllBg if desired. Lot, 25 leet by 145 feet. THOMAS SHIPLEY, 12 tf No. 20 N. SEVENTH Street. lVdDWaner,Duck.m Also .rBfltajlj, torers' Drier "'"..".r." 7, : me, wit rm TomrrdSTAx, KO. U (juuiiuu B treat (out Blares A LEXANDBR G. CAT TELL CO V PRODUCE COMMISSION m KKCUANTBk No. M NORTH WHARVES AMD NO. St NORTH W4TT STREET, PiiiuAiiJtul'UiA. UUAXSn Qt CAXTAXU XhUlS Cait AMDIEMEN1 S. P. F. BO THERM EL'S tircat IMcture, "BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG," AT No. 1003 CIIE3NUT STREET. Open daily from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Admission, so cents. Chlldrea, 10 cents. "m Bring your Opera Glasses. 12 4 s'othtf AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUdIC THE NEW GERMAN OPERA. U31V' TI1IH (Tnesday) KVENINtt, Jan. 10, MERRY WlVEOF WINDSOR, With an immense star cast. Second appearance of the celebrated MAD. LOUISE L1CHTMAT. The management takes the pleasure of announcing that, in addition to the immense company already engaged, arrangements have been made with MISS CLARA TEARL, From the Imperial Theatre, Vienna, who will make her firat appearance In the MEHRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. sir John Falstaff carl Formea M rs. Ford . .s Mad. Louise Ltchtmay Mrs. Page. Miss Clara Pearl inne, ner oaugnier Mile Bertha Roemer Mr. lord Edward Vlerllnir Mr. Page Wilhelm Formea ienton Theodore Habelmann v uisD4i,oan. i i, First appearance of M ile A. ROSETTI. FA l ST. With the following great cast: AL-L.&K. A. KOSKTTI. M'LLE. BERTHA ROEMER, TIABELMANN. FORMES. ADOLPH FRANISCn, (his first appearance). inunsuAi, dan. 14. Third appearance of 1AHJ1SK i,r:htmay. DON GIOVANNI. Cast with the entire strength of the Company. Seats can be secured at the Acadcmv of Muslo and F. A. North A Co.'s Music Store, No. 10a Ches nut street. E. L. DAVENPORT'S C11ESNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS EVENING, MR. AND MRS. W. J. FLORENCE In an entirely new play and ltne of characters, writ ten expressly for them, entitled Al LAS l'. Louisa Schultz Mrs.W. J. FLORENCE WiltelmSchultz Mr. W. J. FLORENCE ACT FIKST. AT THE OFFICE. ACT BKCONB. AT THE WIDOW'S. ACT THIRD . AT THE POST. ACT FOURTH. AT HOME. Admission. II. 75. CO. and 25 cents. Commence At 8 o'clock. Tickets can be secured In advance at Abel's Dra matic Repository (Theatre Building), No. 1311 Whes not t treet, dally, from 9 until B o'clock. WALNUT STREET THEATRE, NINTH AND WALNUT Streets. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. Jan. 10. sixth night In America of Andrew Halllday's cele brated comedy drama entitled THK UK EAT CITY J A STORY OF LONDON LIFE, THE IMPORTED SCENERY. painted on the spot expressly for the management or mis theatre. Dv the distinguished artist, Mr. J. Johnson, will present beautiful and ac curate views of the British Metropolis. SATURDAY GUEAT CITY MATINEE, HRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET Begins V to 8 o'clock. 1U. THEATRE. MONDAY AND EVERY NIGHT, The comic drama, In four acts, COOUETTES; Ob, THK TWO JONESES. With new Scenery and Fine Cast. Mrs. John Drew as Mrs. Arthur Mlnton Aided by the full company. THURSDAY, by desire, ROSED ALE. In rehearsal LOST AT SEA DUPREZ & BENEDICT'S OPERA HOUSE. SEVENTH Street, below Arch. ' BAM RYAN as RIP VAN WINKLE. New and beautiful scenery by E. II. Chase. lan t Mclaughlin IN TUB IRISH OUTLAW. FOX'S NEW AMERICAN THEATRE, OflESNUT Street, above Tenth, AMUSEMENTS OF ALL NATIONS. EVERY EVENING And SATURDAY MATINEE. GBEAT CONGRESS OF STARS. Comprising the best artists in the'eouotry, who appear In Grand Ballets, Dutch Comedy, Local Sketches, Minstrelsy, EihloplanActs, Farce, Comlo Vocallsm, Pantomime, etc. CIRCUSTENTH AND CALLOWHILL 8TS. Athletic Sensation of ihe World. D ATA LIE lifts and sustains with his teeth a barrel containing 40 gallons; ANGELA, the Fascinating iercuiean L&ny, win noia a loaded cannon, weigh ing 6 0 pounds, while being discharged by YOUNG ZEPHYR, and PliUANTO, the "Alan Fly," walks with head downward in the air, and the FULL CIR CUS TROUPE and astounding Novelties and Won ders. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Admis ( Ion as heretofore. AMERICAN MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE, Northwest corner r.f NINTH and A KC11 Streets. Open dally Irom 9 A. M. t 10 P. M. 100,000 CURIOSITIES From all parts of the World. THIRTY CAGES OF WILD ANIMALS. The Splendid DruuiHtlc Company appearing in the Lecture Room every Evening at 8 o'clock, and Wed nesday and Saturday afternoons at 8 o'clock. Admission to all the Attractions, SB cents. 13 11 tf A SCO STREET OPERA HOUSE, t ARCH Street, above Tenth. SIMMONS A HLOCUM'8 MINSTREL8, THE CHAMPION TROUPE OF AMBK1UA. Every evening until further notice Robert Fraser'a new Christmas Pantomime of HUSH A BYE BABY; OR, HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE. Box office open from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M. Matinee every Saturday. 6 tf gYMPHONY AND POPULAR CONCERT. HORTICULTURAL HALL, THURSDAY EVENING. Jan. 12. FULL ORCULSTRA AND A SELECT CHORUS. Havdn's SvmDhonr. No. 5 (entire): Mendelssohn's 'Hear my Prayer," for Solo and Chorus; Schubert's "Erl King." for Orchestra ; Old English Glees: Lum- bye's Fantasia, for Orchestrt,; "Nebelbllder" (cloud pictures) ; V ogt's Cradle Son;?, for muted strings ; the Sleigh Polka, etc Ticseis, oo cems. r orsaie Dy uouia a r iscser: North; Boner; Lee & Walker; Knight, No. 1223 Chesnut street, and at the door. 1 9 4t BIERSTADT'S LAST AND GREATEST PIC TURE, "THE EMERALD FOOL." on exhibition at Earles' Galleries, No. 816 CHESNUT Street. Admission Season tickets, 1; single ticket, 25 cents. 1 6 lm FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC CARL WOLFSOHNS THIRD MATINEE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, Jan. 13, 18T1, at o'clock. 1 9 4t CLOTHS, OA88IMERE8. ETO. Q LOTH HOUSE. JAMES ft HUDBR. no. 11 Itortta S12COII Street, Sign of the Golden Lamb, Are w receiving a large and splendid assortment of new styles of FANCY CASSIMERE3 Acd standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS and COATINGS, t 28U1W1 AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory. JOHN T. DAI LEY, N. E. Cor. WATER and MARKET St. ROPE AND TWINE, BAGS and BAGGING, for Grain, Flour, bait, uper-f hospuate of lime, Boa Dust, Etc. Large and small GUNNY BAGS constantly baud. Also, WOOL BACKS. HORSE COVERS, BUFFALO ROBES Fancy Robes, Lap Rugs, Fur Uloves and Collars. Large stock of all grada goods at lowest Li.vca. Zl- ZlirZ " : Sa.r; aid Tron's btore, No. MAHKET fiixoet. . IT lorn