THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH i'HILADELiPIIIA, THURSDAY; DECEMBER 22, 1870. 1 Evening Stlegwpli PUBLISHED EVERT A. FT tt It N O O N (StTNDitS SXCKPTB!), LI THK EVENING TF.LEORAPII BClLMNtf. NO. 108 8. TIIIKI) STKEF.T. I'HILADKLl'lllA. Th Price : three cent per copy icible theef), or rightrcii tent per meek, payable to the carrier by totom Hcrced. The tulwipHon price by vtail i A'inc lMlart per annum, or One Itc-llar and Fifty Cents for two month, invariably in advance for the time ordered. TUVKSDAY. DECEMBER 2i. 1870. ft it A AT, SUMNKR, AND SAX DO MINGO. NVk said aome days ago, iu commenting upon the probRble proceedings of the present ses sional Congress, that the San Domingo question would probably become an exciting topic, and that it remained to be seen whether the Kf publican party wonld not uplit upon this famous West Indian rook. The debate in the Senate yesterday shows that there was good ground for this . apprehension. Grant and his ataff of personal adherents have metaphorically drawn their swords upon Bum ner and his special adherents, and the Massa chusetts Senator displays an intense anxiety to strike as many bard blows as he can at the administration. We have had nothing like this passage of arms since the days when Douglas and Buchanan joined issue on the Lecompion question, but in that memorable contest we opine that the Senatorial oham pion was a much more vigorous combatant, and armed with a far better cause than the Senatorial gladiator in the present tournay, while Grant is in many respects a much stronger President than Bnohanan. The praotioal effeot of the quarrel will pro bably be to make Sumner the central figure or leader of the Republican or semi-lCepub- lican opposition to Grant, which has gradn ally been developed, by various incidents and from various causes, in the Senate and in the country. Men who do not care a button for the San Domingo business, but who hive private grievances of various descriptions to avenge, will seek the Sumner camp, and unite with hi horde of motley forces. But dinnen sions of this kind are neatly inevitable, and it is perhaps a piece of good fortune for the administration that Sumner i to become the leader of its ene mies. With all his reputation this doughty Massachusetts orator is essen tially a weak, vain, visionary, and impracti cable man. After trying to make fine speeches for twenty years, he has never yet jittered a sentence which is treasured and familiarly quoted y the American people. In the Senate, he habitually spurns party obliga tions whenever his own bad judgment hap pens to differ from that of the majority of his associates. ' As Chairman of the Com mittee on Foreign Relations his want of common eense has been a coustant source of trouble and annoyance. His speech on the Alabama claims was probably the most ridiculous me&s of nonsense that was ever uttered by any man holding a high official position. Considering that he lavished long columns of extravagant eulogy upon the acquisition of useless Alaska, his present ' hostility to the acquisition of San Domingo whose territory may prove of im mense service to the United States, on account of its geographical position, its value as a naval station, and the capacity of its soil to produce unlimited quan tities of coffee and sugar is ludi crously inconsistent; and it proves what the country should have known long ago, that Sumner is totally unreliable and untrust worthy either as a partisan leader or as a statesman. The main pretext of his opposition to the Presidential policy, viz., that ia justice may be done in some unexplained way to the warring faotions of Hay ti,is in itself supremely absurd, and his whole speech of yesterday proved conclusively that he ia influenced by narrow prejudice or pa-ssion, rather than by reason or patriotism. -. Whatever may be the bortoomings, faults, or demerits of the Pre Hident, he certaiuly does not doserve the abase that has been lavished npon him for bis San Domingo experiment; and if we are to buy an inch of new soil from any foreign quarter, this speculation promises to be more profitable than any of those whioh Sumner nas favored. PVllLW SCHOOLS AND TUB HE VI- SIGN OF STUDIES. As important subject brought up . at the meeting yesterday was the revision of studies, upon which a c iuimittee appointed to consider the matter made a report. The committee stated that the main object wan to avoid the system of mechanical cramming, and in a review of the distribution of studies in the different school departments the de fects of the system according, to the ideas of the committee, were pointed out. There is no doubt whatever that in - all oar publio schools there is at present entirely too much mere cramming and too little real study The teachers instead of giving instruction merely hear recitations, and the minds of the chil dren are overtasked in acquiring an ill-digested mass of facts about the value and applioatiou of whioh they have no idea whatever. The teachers are not altogether to blame for this, because under the present system they are of aacesaity obliged to hear recitations in the manner they do, or -. they could not get through with the daily routine laid out for them, or make the kind of reports npon the condition of their scholars that are required. Not the least of the evils, therefore, of the cramming pyat&iu is that it kw a tendency to unfit the teachers for what ought to be the real work of their profession, and to make them merely hearers of recitations instead of teachers ju. the proper acceptation of the term. .The consideration of (ha report made by theCouimUteoon the lte vision of Studio was postpoaed until lb next meeting of the board, Leu we' hope it win be discussed with a proper appreciation of its importance. members of the board great care and earnest deliberation; and the re is an opportunity for them to make substantial improvements in our system of public education that will in crease tho value of the schools immensely. NOTICES. OVKKtOATS, KKIIlr DOI.l.tKH. 0HU'(IVTu. l.IIHir II)I.1.HS. OWI-.lOAIS, KKillr DOI.I.MM. MkV Am.-wool Mki.tun tlVKHCOATtt, Kkoitki to Kuan Dui.i.ks, TO CLOPS Till M OUT, BY JlKNNKTT ft ("O., Tow mt Hall, NO. filS 1 AKKFTKIIiKKT, II M.F-WAV HETWEKN FlVTH AND SIXTH STIltKTS, HI Iter pml in proport ion, E. IiKADFOKO Ci.ahkk, successor to Simon Colton A Clarke, has now on hand at the ol1 stand, 8. W. corner of Broad and Walnut streets, one. of the finest stocks of Christmas groceries to lc found In the city. It is not only flno but large also, and em braces the finest staples and seasonable luxuries for the Christmas table. Competition In either price, excellence, or variety Is positively detled. The best of white Almerla grapes may here be found and may be bought far 35c. per pound, er three pounds for one dollar; also the finest of double and single crown raising In quarter boxes, tho former at 12 5, the latter at i. These goods cannot be bought at any other store at these prices. In addition to these, new Grenoble walnuts, Alberts, rnncess paper-shell almonnp, Tecan nuts, shcllbarks, citron, currants, figs, prunes, Oliver, Jellies and jams, oraDges, lady apples for the Christ mas-tree and dinner-table, pears, v ines of all descriptions, and othor articles posi t vcly too numerous to mention, are included In the stock, and may bo seen on personal application. There is, In fact, nothing wanting that Is at all de sirable, and all tastes can certainly be suited at the lowest prices at which they can be sold. Those who patronize the establishment will find themselves well satisfied with their bargains. Why TJnci.k John wkntto Parkinson s. "Twas the night bclore Christmas," well wliat If it was? Is it coming again, that "ridicule ,nm!" Growled old Uncle John, as he tied up his hea l And shuffled away to his bachelor-lwd, Thinking himself a most fortunate chap, With nothing to trouble his "King winter' nap" But the wind out of doors made a terrible clatur, And conscience uould speak, "that's what was ti c matter," So he lay there forlorn and shivered and trembled, When there right besldo hlui stood one who resem bled The famed Santa Claus, but his broad merry face Wore a frown that was surely there quite out of place ; To thestocklngless chimney he pointed with Ire, When up rose the fire-place higher and higher, And there through the llamc, with amazement, John saw Aunts, ancles, and brothers and cousins-in-law In cheerful excitement preparing the store For the happy young chicks, who were dreaming it o'er. And now, growing plainer, was one Utile room, A poor little taper revealing Its gloom, And a woman who wepr, as she sewed by its gleam, For the children whose Christmas must be ull a dream I John shrank from the light in good .Santa Clans' eye, For he knew why his poor sister Grace Jiims jthas Bis hi "Not for you happy Christmas I" as sternly he Spoke I Santa Claus melted up the wide chimney like smoke, And John with a shiver of terror awoke ! Rejoiced that the woroing (Unsolved the dark spell, And knowing that only what ends well U well, iu hastened to Parkinson's, Chesnut near Bruad, And bonght all the bonbons his purse could afford. Caramels and pralines of every description, ne plus vltra. Chocolate drops, glaccd waiuuts, DIablotious "Jim Crows," Imperial and Cbantllly creams, Enough to defend from an army of dreams, Ami sped to put smiles where the tears freely came, Dost thou take, gentle reader? Go thou do the same ! Tns Parkinson Caramel Depot, Chksmt STKKET, ABOVE BltOAb. Bbokchitis. The usual symptoms of this disease are cough, soreness of the lungs er throat, Hoarse, ness, difficulty of breathing, hectio fever, a spitting of phlegm or matter, and sometimes blood. It Is an inflammation of the fine skin lining the Inside of tho whole of the wind tubes or air vessels which run through every part of the lungs. Jayne's Expecto rant Immediately suppresses the cough, pain, In flammation, fever, and difficulty of breathing, pro duces a free and easy expectoration, and encctt a speedy cure. Bold by all druggists. Haines Brothers' Pianos are elegant Christmas presents. We are selling scores. " ' Gould & Fischkk, r No. 983 Chesnut street. Bradbury Pianos, beautiful Christmas presents. i GOCI.D A" FlSCHKS. Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs; standard or excellence throughout the world. tiOCXD & FlSCHIH. STF.CK & Co.'s Tianos, used by artists everywhere. Oocld 3c Fischkk, No. 9tt3 Chesnut street. Dcu Yivimus, Viv ames. The Parkinson Caramel Depot, No, 19 Chesnut street. A splendid assort ment of rare, new, and delicious Confectionery, Caramels, and Bonbons, pure and Acs a, male ex pressly for the festive season. . WINTER (JAPS. A large and superior stock of tasteful CAPS, in Otter, Seal, and Astrakhan, and in line Imitations. Aleo in Beaver Cloth, Plush, Cassimero, Velvet, and bilk, proper for skating, sleighing, walking, horse back riding or railroading, as well as for party sad opera-going. Genuine SCOTCH CAPS in great variety. Melton's celebrated London DUSstt and "DERBY" HATS, for which the undersigned is agent. WAR1JURTON, HATTER, CHESNUT Stres Nest door to Post odlce. 1 t ctrp THE DKESS II AT OF THE PERIOD. Iu atjle moat elegant, "yet not expressed In fancy." Of materials the richest and of workmanship the heat, . , ..... . , i In durability and la brilliancy moat enduring. . . ; In pnc most moderate. In ventilation perruc-t. In comfort and easy fitting quite unequalled. "A combination and a form Indeed," as shake ape are has it. Uoinc and ace. avahbuuton, HATTIR, CUESNUT fctfeeV Kelt 4uor u Pvfl OXcc. GROCERIES. ETC. CHRISTMAS. SEASONABLE LUXURIES I'or (lie Table for UecemUer 3.1t E. MADi'OKDCLittKE ATT TII1Q OLD HTANI) BROAD AND WALNUT, Oilers a very large and attractive stock of the Finest Fancy and Staple Good Things for the table that can be found in the city. Competition is Defied. WHITE ALMBRIA (lit APES, in the finest order, 8ftc. per pound, or 8 pounds lor i. FINEST DOUBLE CROWN RAISINS, in quarter boxes, at 2'gr. FINEST SINGLE CROWN KAISIN3, in quarter boxes, at $2. P. H. They Cannot he Purchased nt nay ether far these Price. NEW GRENOBLE WALNIUVI, FILIJERTS. PRINCESS PAPEIl-SIIELL ALMONDS. PECAN NUTS ANI) StIELLBARKS. Citron, Currants, and Cooking Raiiini Of the finest quality, Very Low. Canned Fruits and Preserves. ALSO. CANNED VEGETABLES. OK Til K P. EST KNOWN liltANDS. FIGS, VERY LARGE AND PERFECT. ALSO, DELICIOUS PRUNE-, IN SMALL PACKAGES. Large Firxe Queen Olives, By the Gallon or o.uart. Jellies and Jams in variety. The largest and Onest quality or FI.OKIPA ANI) HAVANA ORANGES. LAD1 APPLES. To beautify the Christinas Tree and Diuuer Table DUCHESS AND BARTLETT PEARS in Cans. The original Flavor perfectly Preserved. Preserved Meals and Potted (tame. ENGLISH STILTON, FRENCH ROQUEFORT and NE U FC 1 1 AT EL, EDaM, CHEDDAR, SWISS, GRUYERE, OCTAGONS. PINE APPLK, IMITA TION ENGLISH, PARMESAN, and CREAM. STAPLE GROCERIES of the best the markets of the world ess produce, CODDIA'aS. GENUINE IMPORTED CORDIALS, CHARTREUSE, LIO.UEUK DE BENEDICTINE, CURACAO MARASCHINO, CACAO DE LA VANILLE, ABffTIIK, All the Popular Brands of Cham pannes, AT AGENTS' PRICES. I . Ronlerer, Clioquot, Moet A Chaudon. Bruost Irroy, G. H. Muums, Piper lleidslock, Heidsiook Si Co., and others. English and Scotch Ales and Dublin Stout, At $225 per dozen. OLD MADEIRA, ALL GRADES OF SUERRl' Our specialty is TABLE SHERRY In casks of UO gallons at t per gallon by the cttsk and i-7.r by the Ove gallon demijohn. J'OltT AVIJNl'JS, Which we defy you to purchase elsewhere in this country, of the vintages of 1H, tMT, and 1mJ&, be cause we imporUU for our own special sales, and the trade do not pay the pries for such Wines, and impoiters do not impsrt them. I 30 Yt-rictie of the Fiutit Clgara, OR ANDY ! Of the beat that can be imported, fur family use, i In fact, there U bothlog ffantai for the taWle that ia within our reach that we have not la more, reaiy : for each and all tastes, ami At tho Lowest Prices i Pot which they can be produced. ! Weatilveto meet every oue wl h prompt and conr. i teoua attention, and to wait upon ll)m as becomes I a Uret-elaas establishment. E. BRADFORD CLARKE, SUCCESSOR TO SIMON COLTON 1 CLARKE, S. W. Corner BROAD md WALNUT, I 'W-iiUj J'HILAfaSLraiA. ' 8EW1NQ MACHINES. Office, 720 illcox&GiW Ch eai?iut Silent TQOt, (PJziladeljpJiia " I pive my liearly preference to llie Willcox & Gibba Silent Sewing Machine." Fanny Fern. "The weight of reliahle evidence bring overw helming for that of the'illcox & Gibhs Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, and am more than natinjiid." Grace Greenwood. u I ha ve the Wheeler & "Vilnon, the Groyer & Baker, and the Willcox & Gihlw Sewing Machines in my family. I use the Willcox & Gibb most frequently, thinking it far superior to either of the others," Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher. " My wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent o a frift, if fhe must receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox & Gibbs." Rev. Oliver Crane, Carbonilale, l'a. " The Willcox & Gibbs is the only Sewing Machine whose working is bo pure and simple that I could venture to introduce it into Syria." Rev. A. T. THatt, Missionary American Hoard. " We have used various Sewing Machines within our family, hut it is the vnanimon opinion of the hounchold, that the Willcox & Gibbs is the best of them all." Rev. J. S. Holme, Brooklyn, N.Y. "For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of construction, I have Feen no Sowing Machine equal to the Willcox & Gibbs." Enoch Lewis, Of the reuusj lvania Central Tl, R. A correspondence on 1he subject of Seirinff Machines is respectful ly solicited. 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. UMBRELLAS. ETO. CHHiSTRUS PRESENTS. EVERY VARIETY OF Silk, Alpaca, and Gingham 1 IMBRELLA.S, WITH IVORY, PIMENTO, AND PAR TRIDGE HANDLES, FOR SALE 1ST VM. A. DROWN & CO., No. 246 MARKET Street, 1214 10t4p PniLADELl'IIlA. HOLIDAY GOODS. Sprlne: Horses, Rocking Horses, Children's Carriages, BOYfc' SJEDP, WAG058. VELOCIPEDES, Eio. Etc. H. J. 8HILL, Factory, No. 226 DOSE Street, 1K94P BKLOW EXCIIVXGE. roil CHRISTMAS. We desire to call the attention of the publio to o& Pine Fruits, Nuti, and Delicacies Of every description, and to the fact that we are selling our goods aa low as possible. Call and see fur yourselves before purchasing else, where, E. BRADFORD CLARKE, SUCCE4S0K TO SIMON COLTON A CLAKKE, 8. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT, Iltli8tutf4p PHILADELPHIA. t- nr.RKsi:s' b.vaar, xistii and Jrt? 8ANSOM Strccta. '1 liLteTLKH' I'FKSM P I'OKY SALR OF AN ELE GANT DIUV1NU ESTABLIbUAIENT. Ou Saturday Morniug, At 10 o'clock, will be sold, without reserve, by order of S. J. A Tlieo. Mifai'tfee, '1'rmtwf, A pair of black boisus ahorse aud uiaic), 8 and years old, 1 bauds high, long tails. AI-SO, An elegant park ptiaotou, by Colllu?. No-tep wagun. by Wallia U. Blakiston. liarut-tia, by I'hlllips. Kleigli, pole aud shafts, by Tledekcn. lloraa blank el , robea. coters, e.ic. May be seen at Hart's atablt, ttioid atre;t, above (iriTO, previous to sale. ALFRED M. IIEKKNKS8. litlSUp AucttoHotr. VI V ANTED BY A Wife, two FURNISHED ROOMS (parlor and bed-room oonuectlojr) lor peruiauent occupation, wtth Hoard. Central location desired Addrraa liox soo, City Poit-omce. It ti t n EWING MAGHINEH OLOTHINQ, If You Have a Faithful Coachman, Now is a Good Tims TO MAKE HIM A CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR'S Present Of a Beautiful Coachman's Coat. We make a specialty of thes Coata, ami eouse 8cuentlF oa very large bimiuesi In tlietn. Willi ample lzc of cape, With serviceable tliloknesta of cloth. With taitcful and durable trimmings, W ith stylish cut of approved pattern. With rich and elegant bat ton. We can make your Coachman as Comfortable and as Stylish As the- Coachman of anyinxly in the world. We keep a large SHsortmcut of these, as also of every description of KINK CLOTHES for Men aud P.ojs, OK we will raaKe to order from our immense stock of siplfn'll'' piece poods, at lowest price, and at shortest notice. mam Wbtt UK EAT BKOWJi HA LI, 603 and 605 CHESNUT STREET. JT IS KVKN SO! H AVI Nd TOO MAN C HE Y 1 O T S ! AND WISHING TO O LEA It TH KM OFF, VK WILL SliLL TBKM BELOW COST! SUTS COBTlNtf 115 WIS OK PIS It AT 13. " ' t-a '. is. ElTIIEll KEADY-M ADE OH MADE TO MEASUitK. These are all Sound Goods ANH TUJC , MOST SEASONAULE, THE MOST SEKVICKABLE, AN1 THE MOST COMFOHTAIiLK St.' IT,' AN1 BY FA It The Cheapest in the City. EVANS & LEACH, No. 628 MAUKKT STttEKT. 12 "thstnlm PHILADELPHIA. ORCANS. 31AS0X A If AiMMX omuy CO. I Thp CA1MNET OHCAXS made bf thta CommtiT are of fitch onlvenal rrputxtlon, not only through out America but alMO in Kuropo, and are ao gene rally the ACKNOWLKIMJEU STANDARD OF KXCIXLLNCE amoHg InstromenU of the cla, that few dhx1 to be assured of their superiority. P1UCES KEMTCKD, OCTOBFJt, IfcZO. KANtiE OK PRICK FROM 50 to I100O. A XKW H.l.UbTRATKH CATALOGUE, with full luforniaitou, aud TKSTIMONY CIKt'ULAR. will be ttlit free to any vac Ut-iinug thmu. uoi'i.n a fischlr, Nu. diU'IKSNUT Street, J. K ioi i.i. 1'dil.ADKiJ'HI A. wj. t;. KiffHiK. liioistsp ' UK V COOUS. j I J I THKl--UL l'KEJKNTS FOIl TIIK HOLIDAYS. JOHN W. THOMAS, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., luvltfs an t xiitiimiu of liislHrcatoi'k of 8II.K8 and DUKSS littlS iu cvrrv varU ty and design. 1-OINTK, LACKS, 8KIS, hUMTK AV1M)l'I'i " DOLLAR, VAl.KNOl'NiiN " lllKr. TIU.IK. " llitk. rw.. Linen. Heui-h'ilili, Kuilir..ii.i,d, au. Hilk, K aiu balit aud Tie, Fai.rj SiiK s, arl au-t '1'1". Iinlig St-ai in. lI.o ts Kl ., Reavtr. i-totn und Fancy. VELVETS. R'llf B' t ioakiiifn. llualies, Vrretn. - i ro'l US. CA)MKI;k.4. VrH MI'S KTU )-t . '1 lie fill ii tUM'k l nclt re at HUtl it iiuthre , K4 aiUlU4NtM iAfi Al.i-J. , OROOERIE9, ETO ESTADLIOMCD 1005. Holiday Groceries. Crippcii & Maddock, No. IIC 8. THIRD 8troot. Now offer to the cttlrens of Phllateiphla aad sar roandlngs one 01 the largest ant best assortments of FINE GROCERIES Ever offered la Philadelphia, EXPRESSLY FOR TnE HOLIDAYS, AT ' Greatly Reduced Trices. White Almcria Grapes la flae order, Onl.v 51 ConiHPor Pound, And in kegs at wholesale price. The Jinast Assortment of Raisins For Table and for Cooking. FINEST POUBLF. CROWN UAlSINSi. In quarter boxes, only S2'00. F1NKST S1NOLI-; CKOWN KAISINS, in quarter boxes, only Sl'90. NEW CURRANTS, CITRON, LEMON AND OKAKUK 1'lStiii. FIGS IN LAYERS. 1-TNFST QUALITY OF FRESH NUTS. As (Ircnol)le Walnuts. I'aper-Sliell Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Cream Nuts, etc etc. CHEESE OF FINEST QUALITY, J t Such as Stilton, Cheddar, Koquefort, Nenfohatel, lk'am, Parmesan, Pineapple, Pat Brick, etc etc. Canned Coods Of every description, fresh and In finest order. , PCTTED AND PATK UAME, SARDINES, AN- CHOV1ES, ITALIAN bAUSAUS. NEW CHOP FRKNCn PRUNES, NECTARINES, FRENCH PLUMS.' NEW CROP QUEEN OLIVES, very line, by gal lon or quart. MARYLAND SUGAR-CURED HAMS, new and fine. Black and Japan Teas, In small boxes, at' 80 per cent, redaction, And a large assortment of every delicacy belonging to the trade on hand at the lowest price, and to families in packages unbroken at wholesale rates, delivered carefully and free of charge. Crippen & Maddock, No. 115 S. THIRD 8tret, lttp BELOW CHESNUT, Philadelphia. Dealers la and Importers of 1'Iae ttrocerleipi. J EWELRY AND SILVER WARE. HOLIDAY GOODS. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., JEWELLERS, No. 0O2 CHESNUT Street, ( Openth'B day a large Invoice of Pink Coral Jewelry Of Newest Designs, just arrived from Naples. They ill also open oa Monday next an Invoice of English Fancy Goods, Including a fresh anppiy of Ladies' Furnished Work Baskets. Their stock of PARIS AND VIENNA NOVELTIES Superior to ttiat of any previoui aeasoa. CIIPJSTiAIAS GOODS, la Gold, Silver, Bronze, Crystal, Leather, Wood, lCictc, i at "PPTfrrsi aniTTTt Tn tttr TTtrwa ; " " ! I1S8U4P 1870 I,u,'BI,T,Bi. 1871 P0R GHBISTI AS. PARIAN, BRONZE, LAVA, MAJOLICA, JASPER, CRYSTAL. JAPANESE CURX03ITLE3, Etc. Eta. Etc. TYKDALE. fdlTCHELL CO., 707 CHESNUT ST., 707 I