THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1870. 3 I hews 'IT A flair. Within a short time past, the windows of a number of stores on (Jhesnut Rtroet have been broken in, and gloves and various articles stolen therefrom. The perpetrators are supposed to have been bootblacks. On aturday last Joseph Blyler, engaged in tend ing bar at tho northeast corner of Sixth aud Chennnt streets, was nrrostod on suspicion of having received the articles thin stolen. Nineteen pairs of gloves were recovered at the horuse of Hlyler's father, at Fort Wash ington, and are identified as part of the stolen property. Uljler was held in $:100) bail to answer. Gnstavns Smith, aged about forty years, was waylaid last evening about fi o'clock in Alaska street, near Eighth, by a crowd of young men, who knocked him down, out him in the neck with a knife, and then robbed him of his money, watch, and cane. A large crowd soon collected, during which the per petrators of the act made their escape. The injured man was then placed In a carriage and rt moved to his residence. Charles Sweitzer, better known as "Minty John," was found by a policeman, on Satur day night, in an insensible condition in the street at Tenth and Norris. The officer went for assistance to take him to the station house, and on returning found him dead. The Coroner's jury rendered a verdict of death from intemperance and exposure. Domestic AfTnlm. On Saturday a large portion of tho vil lage of Ilochelle, Illinois, fifty miles west of Chicago, was burned. There is prospect of more trouble occur ring through the use of the Bergen tunnel by opposing railway interests. The funeral of General Walbridge took place from Washington on Saturday, and was attended by many distinguished attaches of the Government. The San Francisco Chamber of Com merce has adopted a memorial, to be pre sented to Congress, in favor of subsidizing an American steamship line to Australia. During the session of the National Board of Trade at Buffalo on Saturday morning an animated discussion ensued upon the subject of resuming specie payments. TXXZ3 WAR. LAHT NIUUT'H DESPATCHES. I'ONTIKUBD TKUSSIAN 8UCCKS8 KITR1AT OR TF1B ARMY OF THE LOIRE (JAM BUTT A OtVKS UP TUB BTRUOOLE REMOVAL, OF TUB PROVISIONAL 00VKKN MEXTFKOM TOURS TO BORDKACX. London, Dec. 8. Tbe Times of to-day has a striking and concili atory editorial on the subject ot the Alabama claims. It asks no indemnity tor the insults heaped on England in consequence of the depredations of tbe Alabama, but craves a Bottlomont of the claims, not merely because they are Just, but for the pur pose of Inaugurating an era of better feeling and closer amity between the United States aud Great Britain. The Morning Post of to-day sees no hope of bet ter relations with the United States, as it says tbe beet Americans avoid or are driven from political lite, while men like General Butler wield political influence, aud ostentatious courtesy is shown to nations supposed to be unfriendly to England. Five hundred canes of guns of Colt's manufac ture, which were seized by tbe government on their arrival here from America, have been deli vered to the consignee. Preparations for great movements and fresh forties are being made in Paris and uo person is allowed to leave the city. Generals Troetiu and Ducrot were both outside the walls on Decem ber 4. At Nevry, a village northwest of Glen, the ad vance of tho Prussian 3d army corps overtook and defeated the rearguard of the Army of the Loire, which was obliged, in consequence, to hasten its retreat, aud on Wednesday the 17th Prussian divi sion engaged the French west of Meung and li jat them, alter a tharp light, in which tbe 1st Bava rian corps participated. The French lost 2ti0 pri soners, one ;un and one mitrailleuse. Lone on, Dec. 9 Humors are repeated here that an armistice is being negotiated at Versailles. A squadron of French gunboats has been Rent to protect the shipping entering the port of St. Na zaire and tbe mouth of the Loire. Kiots are reported to have broken out in Berlin, on account of the calling into active service the married men of the landwehr. if A irightful explosion occurred at a cartridge fac tory in Birmingham to-day. All hands were at work at tbe time, and twenty are reported killed and thirty to forty wounded. London, Dec. 7, Special to New York World It is the impression in the clubs to-night, and the hopes of the French Imperialists are greatly strengthened, that tho Prussian government is de cidedly favorable to tbe restoration of the empire. The health of the Emperor is wonderfully improved. Gladstone's note, announcing that the government has taken care to make tho provision necessary for the protection of tbe person of the Pope, and ade quate support of his dignity and persoual freedom and tbe independence of his spiritual functions, ex cites surprise and criticism; that the government, by such declaration, roado at this moment, intends the double purpose of influencing tbe great catholic meeting, in St. James' Hall, on Friday. It is also to conciliate tbe feeling in Ireland, where rumors of impending difficulty with America has already caused alarm. Tardieu, in a dispatch of December 7, from Tours, asserts that the retreat of the army of the Loire wns eflected without other sacrifice than the naval guns' in the entrenchments of Orleans, all of which were cpiked. The London press of to-morrow will howl over Gladstone's note concerning the protection of the Pope, declaring it an utter reversal of the tradi tional KngiUh i volley siuce tho reformation. Kalloran reports from Tours that the army of the Loire has divided into two bodies, the left wlug moving towards Tours, while the right wing ana centre move south along the railroad to Vierzun. Wolff telegraphs from Berlin on December 7: Before the negotiations for a peace congress, the German princes met at Versailles. Tho purchase of provisions for the use of Paris, after the capitu lation, was intrusted to the officers of the Commis sariat, who concluded contracts with English houses. Tbe officers preferred to operate through German bouses, but it was ascertained that the ex port of provisions would produce Inconveniences in Germany. Ignatiefl' declares that It is impossible to with draw GorUchakott's note, but says the Czar will not violate the treaty of K4.W. London, Dec. 11 Special to the New York World. Keports are again current that John Brlcht is to be sent as a special envoy to Washiue- ton, to negotiate a settlement of the Alabama aud Fisheries question. London, Dec. 9. Special to ;the New York Tri bune. A dispatch from Gambetta asks Laurler to announce that he (Gambetta) has asked for an armistice, to enable the National Assembly to be elected, and requests that Favre be permitted to leave Paris to consult his colleagues and conduct the negotiations. He admits that he has lost hope of prosecuting successfully tbe struggle, and has no expectation of defending Tours. Ti9 army of the Loire has been beaten in detail, and Gambetta declines the responsibility of a further struggle, or of making peace. The Assembly must decide. London. Deo. 9 Special to the New Vork Tri bune The committee recently formed for the purpose of obtaining tbe best possible securities for Seace and amity between England and the United tates, had Intended to announce the plan at an earlier date; but has determined now to take no public action, pending tbe settlement of the East ern question. The committee includes many influ ential members of Parliament. Thomas Hughes is chairman. Bkklin, Dec. 9. The North German Parliament Las approved the Federal treaty with BavarU. All the amendments were rejected. The official journal announces that the govern ment baa removed to Bordeaux. M. Gambetta will co to the arniv of the Loire, which has been divided into two corps with the supreme object of reaching fans, lie win men return here ana remain witu the archives. General Chauzy reports that he fought yesterday against the army of Frederick Charles and repulsed tbe enemy along the whole line. The King telegraphs to-day to the Queen: "There was severe but successful lighting yesterday near Meung, aud mora resistance is expected there. One gun, several mitrailleuses and 150 prisoners were taken. Tbe sanitary condition of the- army iu tbe field is very favorable." KBaabiN, Dec. 9 President SI ration announce I yetterday iu the North German Parliaiuaut that a r',te bud been received from UU unrck, in which it f K1 V ! ). , J !,, t. ii 1.1 Icuiiui vl uiiuiiy." Ou luud t'eaatug the FeuciJ licalie -re Cudiiy pvd. u pro tocol of treaties with Baden, House, Wurtenburg and Bavaria bave been sanctioned. ltmiin, Den. n. Special to New York Herald Bitniarc-U reiterates his denial that he opposed th 1 orubsro'nietjt of Paris. It is reported to-day that a courctl of war at Versailles has decided to bom bnrd the city. YrnxAiLLKP, Dec. 9 Beaumont, Masoa and BcBuptncy, have been evacuated by the FrPich. King William sent a telegram to the King of Wur temlitirg, congratulating him on the valor of the Wurtcmburp troops, and expressing sorrow for the ftr.Ht lost-eft they have suftaind. The King of Wur temburg, iu reply, telegraphed that be iolt grati tude for, and price in the accomplichment of vic tory. He reptetted the los of life, but wM con soled by the lact, that It was in the great cause of f Germany that this precious blood had been rlied. General Ducrot has lesued the following order of tbe day to bis command: VmcEMiKS, Dec. 4. Soldiers After two dtvsof florlous 'battles jou have recrotsod the Marne, laving found that your efforts were fruitless. When the enemy has not time to conoontrate or to prepare to continue the vain sacrifice of life, lot us renew the contest with increased nnimatiou and rsife our hearts to the level of the sacrllici de manded by the holy cause which we must not hesi tate to iarlfice our lives. Tours, Dec. official decrees have appeared appointing General Bonrbaki to the command of the first army, and General Chanzy to tint of the Fecond army, iuto which the army of the Loire has bren divided. General D'Aurelles refuses tho command of the military camp at Cherburg, which has been offered to him. It Is reported that there was fighting all of to day along the left bank of the Wire, between the French under General Chauzy and the forces re pulped by him yesterday. The "reports add that he was again sucressf ul. It fis said that tbe Tours government will go to Bordeaux, as tbe Prussians might risk the sonding of a force to this city. A portion of the personel and efticers go to-night, but Gambetta and the Ministry bureau will not leave nntil they are obliged to. There is no news from Bourbakl, who has a large force on the right bank of tho Loire. It Is rumored that be is marching on Paris. Tours, Dec. 9. The government has made pub ic the following: "General Chanzy reports to the War Department that there was an attack all along the lines from Mcung to St. Laurent des Bois, last night and to day. The principal effort of the enemy was at Bugency. Tbe Germans were very strong at tha place, having no less than eighty-six cannon. Their force consisted of two divisions of Bavarians, one division of Prussians, 2000 cavalry, and strong re serves, under command of Prince Frederick Charles and the Duke of Mecklenburg. Tbe enemy were repulsed and driven beyond Grand Chartres. We sleep to-night on the position we had this morn ing. The prisoners taken acknowledge that the Prussians suffered heavy losses. The battle lasted until night. I have not yet received a complete list of our losses. We may be attacked ag ilri to-morrow, but are prepared to resist to the utmost. Tho Bavarian Lieutenant General Stcphor, command ing a division, was wounded before St. Laurent des Bois. The Prussians have been driven from Mo ralles." Montbblliard, Dec. 6 Belfort is making a splendid defence. The Prusslara at one time oc cupied Danjontez, but were driven out, with great loss. They acknowledge that this siege has cost them more than any other during the war. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Neu tee First Pane. ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. Sun Ki8xa 7-15: Moon skts... bso SUW ST8 482IHMH WATBB... 4"ii PHILADELPHIA BO ABO OP TRADE. JosEPn C. Grubb, ) E. A. Soudkr, y Committer of tbb Month. Samuel K. Stokes, J MOVEMENTS OF OOaAN STEAMSHIPS. FOR AMERICA. Cuba Liverpool.... New York Nov. 12 Hammonia.... Hamburg.... New York Nov. Hi Arizona. AsplnwaR,...New York Nov. 18 Weser ...Bremen New York Nov. 19 fcuidlng Star.. Southam'tn.. New York Nov. so Ottawa Liverpool.... Baltimore Nov. 23 Columbia Glasgow New York Nov. ltd C. of Dublin. ..Liverpool. ...New York Nov. 28 Palmyra Liverpool.... New York v. B.Nov. 29 Idaho Liverpool.... New York Nov. 89 England Liverpool.... New York Nov. 30 Iowa. Glasgow.... New York Nov. 80 Col rarlfl..... Liverpool New Yor'n Dec 1 FOR EUROPE. C.of Baltlmore.New York. . .Liverpool v. H . .Dec. 13 SileBla New York. .. Hamburg Dec. 13 Minnesota ....New York... Liverpool Doc 14 Abyssinia, New York... Liverpool Dec. 14 Aleppo New York... Liverpool Dec 15 C.of Paris. ...New York.. .Liverpool Dec. IT Columbia. New York... Glasgow Deo. II Italy New York... Liverpool Dec 17 Weser New York... Bremen Dec 17 Wyoming New York... Liverpool Dec. II Iowa. New York. ..Glasgow Dec. 81 Idaho New York... Liverpool Dec. 21 Lafayette New York. ..Havre Dec. 24 Europa New York... Glasgow Dec. 24 C. of London. .New York . . . Liverpool Dec 2 1 C. of Cork New York... Liverpool Dec. 21 Nevada. New York... Liverpool Dec. 2 Tyrian New York... Glasgow Dec 28 Caledonia New York. . .Glasgow Dec 81 Col Brook lyn.New York. . .Liverpool Dec. 81 COASTWISE, DOMESTIC, ETC Pioneer Philadelphia. Wllm'gtou.N.C. Dec. 13 Columbia. New York. ..Havana Dec. 18 Juniata. PtHladelphla.New Orleans . . . Dec. It Tonawanda.... Philadelphia. Savannah Dee. IT Malls are forwarded by every steamer In the regu lar lines. The steamers for or from Liverpool call at Queenstown, except the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. Tbe steamers for or from the Conti nent call at Southampton. CLEARED SATURDAY. Ship Saranak, Dunlevy, Mobile, Cope Bros. Steamship Norman, Nlckerson, Boston, U. Winsor A Co. Steamship Fanlta, Dosdc, New York, John F. Obi. Steamer Frank, Pierce, New York, W. M. Balrd Si Co. BtT W. Whtlldln, Rigging, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. Bark Arlington, Costello, Belfast, Workman A Co. Brig Black Duck, Doane, Demerara, Souder A Adams. Brig Mary Cobb, Brown, Boston, Charles Mershon Schr Cornelia, Noyes, Alexandria, do. Scbr Virginia, Small, Portland, Sender A Adams. Schr S. A E. Corson, Brower, Charleston, Chas. Uaslam U Co. Schr N. A H. Gould, Chase, Providence, D. Cooper. Schr John R. Ford, Gallagher, Norfolk, Va., do. Schr J. H. Gallagher, Boyd, Richmond, Va., do. SchrE. Mathew, Wright, Washington, D.C., do. Schr Clara Davidson, Jeffries, do. do. ARRIVED-SATURDAY. Steamship Jonlata, Uoxle, 0 days from New Or leans via Havana, with mdae. to Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Co. Steamer M. Massey, Smith, 84 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Baird A Co. Steamer Monitor, Jones, 24 hours from New York, With mdse. to W. M. Baird A Cc Steamer Tacony, Nichols, 24 hours from New York, With mdse. to W. M. Baird A Co. Schr llazleton, Camming, 4 days from Taunten, to Chas. Mershon. Scbr S. R. Gait. Tmax, 1 day from Leipslc, Del., With grain to Christian A Co. If Schr Tropic, Banks, at this port on Friday from Saulsbury, with lumber, is consigned to John L. Redner not as before. Correnvonclence rf The thening Telegraph. EA8TON fc MCMAUON'S BULLETIN. Nsw Yokk OFFio, Dec. 10. Three barges for Baltimore and nine for Philadelphia, light, leave in tow to-night. M. Rowe, with salt, for Trenton, and Charles, with ore and soda ash, for Philadelphia. Baltimore Branch Okficb, Dec. 10 The follow ing barges leave In to w to-night, eastward : Enterprise, Hiram Snell, Throckmorton, C. M. Niks, A. G. Goodrich, G. H. Stewart, F. W. Tripp, A. G. Wheeler, aud B. C. Lake, all with coal, lor New Vork. Pdiladklphia Branch Office, Dec. H. The J. Harrison, with pig iron, for Baltimore, left on Saturday. L. S. C. Special Despatch to Tht Evening TeUgrapk. II AVaa-UK-GHACE, Dec 12. The following boats left this morning in tow : Minerva, with oats to Hoffman fc Kennedy. Win. Edwards, with lumber to Craig A Blanchard. 'Arabella, with bark to D. Cooper. tr.U Teleiiraph.) LkWES, Del., Dec. 101. M Tho Tarley reports went to sea yesterday, nark f ury, ana ong jxuovo, i'roviaenza. The bark Thomas left for Philadelphia last night. W ind N. W. Thermometer, ii. MEMORANDA. Br. steamer ScaudluavUn. from Liverpool, at New Yrrk vesttrday. Br. steamer Tripoli, from Liverpool, at Boston yes terday. Br. stesmer Aleppo, Morelan, from Liverpool, (,'m ensicwn, una hosion, at :sew lorktfiii lust. H' 1 tri 11 1 r !i"l', M ii' "-. fr.iiM CiHsyow vl i Av- Br. swewtig Fiance, Thuiopow-n, an City of WaaU- Inpton, Jones, or Liverpool, cleared at New York loth if st. Br. steamer Ilelvetla, Orlgps, from New York Sid tilt., at (ueenolown loth last., aud proceeded for Liverpool. N. G. steswier America, Basalus, fof Bremen, cl'd at New Tork letti Ins'. N. G. steamer Silesia, Trantman, from Hamburg t'.th ult., at New York Hit Inst., wlt.1 (W3 passengers Steamer Tenawsnda, Barrett, for Philadelphia, Cleared at Savnnnah loth Inst. Steamer Kmplre, Buster, for Philadelphia, sailed (torn Jiiciiiiionu bib in st. Steamer Yazoo, Catharine, hence for Havana and New Orleans, was passed etu Inst., 20 miles north of Junitr Light, wind S. Brig Open Sts, hence for Boiton, was spoken 9th Inst., fl Barnegat. Brlir William U. Parks, Lamphcsr, from Bangor for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport P.M. Tth lust., but returned again. Schr Emma B. Shaw, Shaw, fm Wilmington, N. C, for Philadelphia, was passed Bin. Inst, lat. 31 12, long. 74 24. Schr M. E. Gildcrsleeve, Uawley, at New York lota Inst, from Delaware. SchrE. D. Kndlcott, Endlcntt, at New Tork 10th list, irom Georgetown, D. C Schr Margaret C. Lyons, Smitti, hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hole P. M. Mh Inst. Schr John . Lee, Vangllder, from Sivannah, at Jacksonville Mh Inst. Schr John Bird, Sleeper, from Windsor, N. S., for I'hllHdelpS.a, sailed from Newport P. M. Tth Inst. Srhr Governor Burton, Lndiam, at Providence sth Inst, from Georgetown, D. '. Schr Annie, Adams, for Philadelphia, sailed from Rtc liniond Mh Inst. S( his II. T. Hedges, Franklin, and D. S Mershon, Avrrs, hence, at Providence St h lust. Schr J. B. Allen, Case, hence, at Pawtucket St! instant. Schr Cohasset, Gibbs, for Philadelphia, s'ldlrom New Bedford th Inst. Schr George W. Twiblll, Longhberry, from Port land, Cons., at New York 9th Inst. Schr Transit, Racket, for Philadelphia, s'ld from Newport P. M. Rth lust. Schis Annie H. Gasklll, Fox, and Eliza and Re becca, Ireland, hence, at Norfolk 8th Inst. Schr II. G. llaad, Hand, Irom Charleston, at Bal timore 9th Inst. Schr Vasati sharp, Sharp, for New York, s'ld from Gsrdiner aiith nit. Schr A. D. Uuddell, Long, hence, at Salem Pth list ant Schrs E. Kidder, Eaker, and Dlrlgo, Snow, hence, at KoBton 9th inst. Schr Lottie, Taylor, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston Mh Inst. Schr Clara Rankin, Falter, hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 1'th inst. Schrs Sarah A. Hammond, Westgate, and Jessie Williamson, Jr., Connelly, hence, at Providence 9tn Instant. Schrs Foam, Ward, from New Haven, and Gnat, Green, fm Hartford, both for Trenton, at New York iiih inst. Scbrs Frances French, Clockmatt, from Warebam ; D. A. Berry, Walters, from Providence; and James, Selsey, from New Haven, all for Philadelphia, at New York 9th inst. Schrs lhomas Borden, Wrlghtington, from Fall River; George B. Somes, Pray, from Bangor; and Se arsville, Chase, from Bostou, all for Philadelphia, sslltd from Newport P. M. 7th Inst. The T. Borden snd G. B. Somes retnrned again. Schrs James Sattertnwalte, Klinmey, for Philadel phia ; S tephen S. Lee, Springer, for do. ; and Fred. Tyler, Tyrrell, for New Brunswick, N. J., s'ld from Provldenee 9th inst. Schrs J. B. Vandusen, Corson, and Lottie Wells, Wells, from Besten f'r Baltimore or Philadelphia; M. E. Femerick, Dasey, from Lanesville for Philadel phia; and A. C. Paige, Haley, hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 8th inst. Schrs Fannie Hanmer, Brooks, for Pawtucket; E. A. Saffotd, Powers, for Providence; M. V. Cook, Valkenburg, for da ; J. I. Worttiington, Young, for do. ; Golden Kagle, Howes, far New Bedford ; aud E. W. Pratt, Nlckerson, for Boston, all from Philadel phia, passed Hell Gate 10th inst, MISCELLANY. Schr Ada Ames, from Rockland for Philadelphia, before reported put Into Edgartown for repairs after collision with schr Ida Hudson, had completed the same Tth inst., and would sail for destination Nth. MATS AND OAPti VI WAS BURTON'S IMPROVED VENTILATED EjL and easy-fitting DRESS HATS (patented), in all the improved fashions of the season. CHESNUT Street, next door to the Post Office. rrrf MILLINERY. M RS. R. DILLO NOS. 323 AND 831 SOUTn STREET. N, FANCY AND MOURNING MILLINERY, CRAPE Ladles' and Misses' Crape, Felt, Gimp, Hair, Satin, Silk, Straw and Velvets, Hats and Bonnets, French Flowers, Hat and Bonnet Frames, Gapes, Laces, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Ribbons, Sashes, Ornaments and all kinds of Millinery Goods. 41 CENT.'S FUHNI8HINQ COODS. pATBHT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, PERFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS made from measurement at very short notice All other articles of GENTLEMEN'S BRESS GOODS in full variety. WiJMUlilSBTJiK UO., 11 S No. TO CHESNUT Street TO RENT. 0 RENT THE STORE NO. 723 CHESNUT Street. Apply on the premises between 10 and 12 o'clock A. M. 8 ITU TO REN T DESIRABLE STORE. Ji No. 216 CUESNUT Street. Apply to ALFRED O. BAKER, li7 lot No. 435 C1I KS S UT Street. WATOHES. JEWELRY. ETO. -VYlSLADOMUS&Co; 'DIAMOND MALMS 4 JEWKIEUS. WATCHES, JIWKLIIT SIM KB WAKE. .WATOHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. 02 Cfaestnnt St., YhUa Would Invite attention to their large stock or Ladles' and Cents Watches Of American and foreign makers. DIAMONDS in the newest styles of Settings. LADIES' and GENTS' CHAINS, sets of JEWELRY of tbe latest styles, BAND AND CUA.IN BRACELETS, Etc. E'C Cnr stock has been largely increased for the ap proaching holidays, aud new goods received daily. Silver Ware of the latest designs in great variety, for wedding presents. Repairing done in the best manner and guaran teed. fill fmwS TOWER CLOCKS. Ho. 22 NORTH SIXTH BTHEKT, Agent ror SI EVENS' PATENT TOWER CLOCKS, both Ltmontolr & Graham Escapement, striking hour only, or striking quarters, and repeating hour on lull chime. Estimates rurnished on application either person ally or by inalL 6 88 WILLIAM B. WARNS A CO., Wholesale Dealers In 1 WATCHES, JKWKLKi, AND 2lyl SILVER WARE. hecond floor of Ni. 632 CHKSNUT Street, 8. k. corner SEVENTH and CHESNUT Streets. rpHE VATICAN, No. 1010 CHESNUT STREET. A 8tatuarv. Bronzes. Clocks. Vases. Pedestals. and elegant articles or taste ror the adornment ot the parlor, dining-room, library, ball, aud boudoir, and for bridal presents, purchased in Europe pre vious to the war at a great sacrifice, and will now be sold, retail, at correspondingly low prices. We in vite an inspection at our spacious store and show rooms, upstairs. Tbe price of all articles marked in plain figures. Goods packed an shipped free of charge. I0 89 2mrpfl pOTTON ANI WOOL FINISHING M.V- V .' c l.iii , Bhpr, Uruthinir. Napping and Kullioj, Lap. nnr unci A' .tirinir Mnihlini., Iron '1'rniplua, Nov Ul'eillic1 J A ;.'.,.! '-r- ci il'.. OkU.i'iK O. AuU. illu .USouiUfclUUrEJOiriiSUttet. INSURANCE.. INSURANCE COMPANY NORTH AMERICA. Jakuasv 1, 1S70. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual. CATITAL , tfmooo ASSETS ;. IV83,fJSl Losses paid since organisation. 123,000,000 Receipts of Premiums, lsco l,991,837-48 Interest from Investments, 1669 lU,Hm tV0,r4-19 ....11,030,333 -84 Losses paid, 1969 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. First Mortgages on City Property United States Government aud other Loan Bonds Railroad, Bank and Canal Stocks Cash In Bank and Ofnce Loans on Collateral Security Notes Receivable, mostly Marine Premiums Accrned Interest ; Premlnnis In coarse of transmission Unsettled Marine Premiums Real Estate, omce of Company, Philadel phia 1768,460 1,123,M6 05,709 147,620 8'i,0o8 831,944 20,357 85,1 9S 100,900 80,000 12,783,081 DIRECTORS. Artbnr f. Cnffln Francis R. Cnna. Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, William Welsh, 8. Morris Wain, John Mason, George L. Harrison Edward H. Trotter, Edward 8. Clarke, T. Charlton Henry, Alfred O. Jessup, Louis C Madeira, Charles W. Cushman, Clement A. Grtscom, William Tli-nxk-io ARTHUR fj. noPIM! PraaMnnt CHARLES PLATT, Vice-President. Mattotab M4BI8, Secretary. C. 1L Reeves, Assistant Secietary. s 4 1829. CHARTER perpetual. 1870 Franklin Fire Insurance Company OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, Nob. 435 and437 CHESNUT St. Assets Aug. l,'703$3f009f883-24 CAPITAL 1400,000-00 ACCRLED SURPLUS AND PREMIUMS . 8, 609,888 -24 INCOME FOR 1870, LOSSES PAID IN 1869, IS10.000. 1144,908-43. L.oge paid since 1839 over 85.500,000 Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Libera: Terms. Tbe Company also Issues policies npon the Rent? or all kinds of Buildings, Ground Rents, and Moi gages. The "FRANKLIN" has no DISPUTED CLAIM, DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker, Alfred FItler, Thomas Mparka, WUllam b. Grant. Thomas S. Ellis, Gnstavns 8. Hanson. namuei urant, George W. kicharda, Isaac Lea. George Fales, ALFRED G. BAKER. President GEORGE FALE8, Vice-President JMES W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. 19 19 THEODORE M. RKGER. Assistant Secretary. THE MUTUAL PROTECTION Life Insurance Company OF PHILADELPHIA Offers life policies, PERFECTLY SECURED, at less than ONE-HALS' TdE USUAL RATES. It is tbe only Life Insurance Company la the United States doing business on the "Mutual Classification'' plan, and its rates are bo low that all classes may enjoy Its benefits. THE FCJLL AMOUNT OF INSURANCE IS GUARANTEED. "We confidently invite the attention of the public 10 the claims of this Company, assured that its plan, comhlnlng.aa it does, ECONOMY with tne HIGHEST DEGREE OFfcECUKITV, will commend it to gene, ral favor. Circulars, containing full explanations of onr sys tem, rates, etc. etc., can be had rroui any of our agents, or at the OFFICE, No. 247 8. THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. JAMES H. BILLTNGTON, President. J. E. IIackenbeko, Secretary. Good men wanted as Agents 10 13 thstu2m LIFE INSURANCE CO. NEW 1TOH3S. LEMUEL BANGS, President. GEOKGK ELLIOTT, Vice-Pres't aud 8ec'y. EMORY McULINTOCK, Actuary. PENNSYLVANIA. STATE AGENCY, JAMES M. LONGACItE, Manager. 11. ii. WOOD, JR., M. D., Medical Examiner. Office, 302 W LNUT St., Philadelphia. REV. S. POWERS, Special Agent. JAMES V. LONGACRfC, General Agent, B i3 xnwfly No. 308 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia P I R 1 ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED MARCH 17, 1S20. OFFICE, NO. 84 NORTH FIFTH STREET, INSURE BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, A&'I MERCHANDISE GENERALLY From Loss by lire (In the City ef Philadelphia only) ASNETM.MANUAUY 1. 1S70, 1,374,734- TRUSTEES. William H. Hamilton, John Carrow, George I. Young, Jos. R. Lyndall, Charles P. Bower, Jesse Llghtloot, Robert Shoemaker, Peter Armbruster, Levi P. cioais, m. ii. Dickinson, Samuel SparhawK, 1 Peter Williamson, Joseph E. Schell. WH. H. HAMILTON, President. SAMUEL 8FARHAWK, Vice-President. WILLIAM F. BUTLER, Secretary HE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. Offlce S. W. cor. FOURTH and WALNUT Streeta. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES ISSUED. CASH Capital (paid up in full) $K).oooiK) CASH Assets, October, 1670 681,139-19 DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, 1 J. Livingston Errlnger, Naibro Frazier, James L. Claghorn, John M. Atwood, Wm. G. Boulton, BenJ. T. Tredick, Charles Wheeler, George II. Stuart, ; Thomas U. Montgomer John II. Brown, 'James M. Aertaeu. F. RATU11 FORD STARR. President. THOMA-i U. MONTGOMERY, Vice-President ALEX. W. W1STER, Secretary. JACOB E. PETERSON, Assistant Secretary. F AMB INSURANCE COMPANY No. 809 CHESNUT Street. DiOOBrOKATXD 1866. CHARTIB MHPBTUAi. CAPITAL 1200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire either by Perpetual or Temporary Policies. DLBSVTUHB. Charles Richardson, William H. Rhawn, WUllam M. Seyfert, John F. Smith, Nathan UUlrg, Heome A. West, ' ; 1 .Ju Robert Pearce. John Kessler, Jr., Edward U. Orne, Charles Stokes. John W. Everinan, Mnrrtecal Huzcy. Aril 'SON. PreKirlfOt. WiiLUks LUlakvoxho becreiary. 1 ! INSURANQhr THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRS INSURANCE incorporated 18S5-charter Perpetual. No. C10 WALNUT Street, opposite independence rl ' n f r V1 nan.,. W n .in .S . MAmmn nity for over forty years, continues to Insure against Irian a 4 a m a va aw dt a TV.. 1. 1 1 Twt. 1 .. 1 1 .a avsoa va uauiav I'j HID SJU UUIIl' UI M. Iivntrj AJIIIUI- lugs, either permanently or for ft limited time. Also tt t'nmKnrn UtAnl x f lnn.l. .Ma UnkanJI v" ui annul V kJbvniVB VI UUUUBf HUU urjIUIBUULDI generally, on liberal ternia. FTV.I II . I . . . .. , . wm mrir vniuuii, wpsiner wiui large onrpius r una is invested in the most careful manner, which ena- blra them tn nffor tn tha tnanrtvl an nnilrMihtivl iMn nty in the case ot loss. DiKsirruna. Daniel Smith, Jr. Isaac llaslehnrst, Thomas Robins, Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, J. Glllinirham Fell, jonn Deverenx, Vronfclln I rVil.. DANIEL HMITII To PfxaMmit. Wm. G. Crow ill. Secretary. 1 80 JNaPERIALFIKJ. INSTJRANfJBnno., LOHDOW. EftTARIJMUKD INOS. Fald-ap Oapital and Aocamalatad Fanda, 8,000,000 IN GOLD. PREVOST A HEKKINO, Amenta, H Ro. 107 8. THIRD Strat, Philadelphia. OUA8. M. PRKV08T OHA8. P. HRRRIRb CLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Gay's China Palace, No. 1012 CHESNUT Street. Wishing to reduce stock, are ottering their goods at the following nnprecedentedly low prices: White French China Dining Sets, iso pieces... .io-oo " " " " " 113 " ... 81-no " " Tea " 44 " ... 7 00 " " " " 46 "... 8 00 " " " Cups and Saucers, 12 pieces, enps with handles l-oo Stone China Dining Kets, 96 pieces 9 M) Stone China Tea Seta (cups with handles), 4t pieces 3 to Stone China Tea Sets (cups with handles) 46 pieces 4-00 Stone Chamber Sets a-so " Cups and Saucers, per set, 13 pieces.... to " Dining Plates, per dozen l-oo Table Tumblers, per doien . .'. 61 Table Goblets T8 Glass Tea Sets (4 articles) 75 Bohemian Cologne Sets, 8 bottles and puff box 90 Bohemian Liquor Sets, 6 glasses, waiter and bottle 90 An endless variety or Fancy Goods, suitable ror Holiday Presents, at an immense reduction from former prices. Goods to go out of the city will be packed and de llyered to transportation ofnce fre of charge, aud insured sgalnst breakage to destination. Show Room open till 9 o'clock at night. 1 1 S6sm w 1 m rp OARPETINQS. INVITATION. Citizens and strangers are cordially invited (either as purchasers or visitors) to call and examine the many new and handsome patterns or Carpetings and Oil Cloths, or newly arrarged colorings, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION, in addition to a great variety or goods or American manufacture, executed In such a manner as to gratify all interested In the progress or home production s. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, No. 1222 CHESNUT Street. U16mwftll PHILADELPHIA. GROCERIES. ETO. SPANISH OLIVES. FINEST QUALITY OF THE NEW CHOP, For sale by the gallon by JAMES R. WEBB, 8. . Corner WALNUT and EIGHTH 11 3 lmrp PHILADELPHIA. MATERIALS FOR MINCE FIE3. BUNCH LAYER RAISINS AND SULTANA RAI SINS, CITRON, CURRANTS, SPICES, SWEET CIDER, WINES, ETC ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Sts. lit ROOFINQ. READY ROOFIN G. This Roofing la adapted to all buildings. It can be applied to STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS at one-half the expense or tin. It is readily pot on old Shingle Roofs without removing the shingles, thus avoiding the damaging or ceilings and furnlturs while undergoing repairs. (No gravel used.) PRESERVE YODK TIN ROOFS WITH W EL TON'S ELASTIC PAINT. I am always prepared to Repair and Faint Roofs at short notice. Also, PAINT FOR 8 ALE by the barrel or gallon; the best and cheapest la the market. . WELTON I ITS No. Til N. NINTH St., above Coatefli o LD OAKS CEMETERY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. This Company is prepared to sell lots, clear of all encumbrances, on reasonable term. Purchasers can see plans at the offlce of the Company, NO. B18 WALNUT STREET, Or at the Cemetery, where all Information needed will be cheerfully given. By giving notice at the office, carriages will meet persons desirous of purchasing lota at Tioga Station on the Germantown Railroad, and convey them to the Cemetery and return, free or charge. ALFRED C. HARMER, President MARTIN LANDENBEROER, Treaa. MICHAEL NISBET, 6ecy. 10Bwrmm COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, OF ALI numbers and brands. Tent, Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufao-tur-rs Drier Felts, from thirty to aeveuiy-U 'iibes vnliti, Hfiltmjr, Sl Twine, eto, J i'v w. ! -KVAN. x 10 CHURCH fiveet (Cuj 8toief AMUSEMENTS. E. TrtATKRPCKT'S CI,E8NUT STREBT ; GRAND OPENING FOR THE REASON. MONDAY EVENING, December 18. Rnakespsars's Five Act t'omedv of AH Villi I.1KK IT Mrs. RCOTT-SlDltoNN as ; Kosallnd wr. e. l. iJAVKNnutT4w....:.:...::;:::.jM0Mi -i tie Champion Athlete of the World, JAMES MACK, as Charles, tbe Wrentler AS YOU LIKE IT MATINEE ON SATURDAY. Take notice of the POPULAR PKICES OF ADMTS-'ION. No rhsrfre for Hrstrred Seat. Private Poxes jsoo Hests In On hpstra Salls nnd Circle '. 1-08 Afrolss'on to Orchistra i Ircle 75c Admission to Dress Circle eo5 Artmlsalon to Family Circle ....'.'.!.'.! 85c Doois open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 7." Sats csn be secured In advance at Abel's Dra matic Repository, In the Theatre Building, No. nil Crifmut ntn et, from 9 A. M. nntn 6 P. M., dally. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. BEGINS AT TV. THIS (Mondavi EVENING. Den. 18. LAST NIGHT BUT ELEVEN OF EDWIN BOOTH. Shakespt are's historical trajredy, in 8 acts, ot U 1 11 I V T ' nnilet... f... ...EDWIN BOOTH (irwiny ciivv nuo 1 II AS II AM LET. "Wednesday EDWIN BOOTH AS liiCHARn III. Thursdav F.DWIN IUiotm As ifivn n-in From tlis ttrigmal text resterng tbe character or Saturday BOOTH MATINKE. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins V to 8 o'clock. AC ROSS THE OONTINKIMT A HIT OLIVER Dol l) BY HON "Tne Kerret " TO-NIGHT, EVERY NIGHT, AND SATURDAY AP I KRNOON, at 8, McCloskey's Gn at Sensation Drama, ACROSS Til K CONTINENT. OLIVER DoUD BY' Rov sa xue Ferret " ITlday, December ltf, flrat benefit of OLIVER; DOUD BY RUN. Matinee on Satmday at a P. M. GRAND CONCERT AND READING BY -ran CELEBRATE I ) El -OCUTIONI ST. S. K. MURDOCH, AT UONCKRT HALL, On TT'F.RIIA Y KVl'V'IVIl 1l.,....,v,. icra when ho will be assisted by the rollowin Eminent Talent: Madame JOSEPHINE SCHIMPF, Mezzo Soprano. mr. vn witAr. i enor. THE VOCAL I NIOJ nf lhlla,lr.lnhl. Pianist EDMUND WOLSIEFFER Tho whole under the direction or WILLIAM W( LSI EFFER. Concert to commence at 8 o'clo-,k. Tickets, 50 cents; no reserved scats. 13 10 8t AG R A N D BAZAAR, IN All) OF THE ' ' BAPTIST HOME, Will be held at HORTICULTURAL II ALL, FOR ONE WKEK, TO FURNISH A HUM K FOtt TUB AUEU, INFiRW. X uslc through the day and evening. 12 8t Ail mission, 5 cents. Season Tickets, 50 eents. MRS. CnARI.KS WARNER'S GREAT CHAM PION CIRCUS, TENTH and CALLOWHILL Streets. WONDERFUL AND STARTLING PERFORM ANCE. "TPE WAIT WITH THE IRON JAW." THE CKLEHRATRD FRENCH WRESTLERS. THE UNAPPROACHABLE COOKE FAMILY, signer ALBERTO, the Contortionist, and the Grand Combination Mattaess every Wednesday and Saturday. l'Jltflt T?OX-8 NEAV AMERICAN THEATRE, CHESNUT J" Street, aoove Tenth, Erected at a cost or $'',o,ooo. OPENING- NIGHT, SATURDAY, December 17. l't )W FRFULCOM BI N ATI N IN AMUSEMENTS OF ALL NATIONS. SEE THE GREAT PROGRAMME. AMERICAN MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE, Northwest corner rf NINTH and AKCU Streets. Open dally from 9 A. M. ti 10 P. M. 100,000 CUKIOSlTIEj From all parts of tho World. THIRTY CAGES OF WILD ANIMALS. The Splendid Dramatic Company appearing in the Lecture Room every Evening at 8 o'clock, and Wed kesday and Saturday afternoons at S o'clock. Admission to all the Attractions, 85 cents. 12 18 tf ARCH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ARCH 8trctt, above Tenth. THE PALACE OF MINSTRELSY. SIMMONS & HLOCUM'S MINSTRELS THE CHAMPION TROUPE'of AMERICA. OPEN FOR THE SEASON, With the best MliiBtrel Organization in the world. Box oillcc open rrom 9 A.M. until 4 P. M. tor the ale or reserved scats. 9 D tr DUPREZ & BENEDICT'S OPERA HOUSE, SEVENTH Street, below Arch. Duprez A Benedict's Mlnsttrels. 85 cents admis sion draws overflowing houses. Engagement bur. lcfiiiue Prima Donna, C. Ileywood. First appear an e Stiver Voice Balladlat, Mr. G. Bees. 18 18 6t RAND GERMAN SANIT1ARY FAIR, AT T IIOKTIGl LTURAfTlIALL, from December 20 to January 8, 1871. GUIs for the Fair, communications received, and lniormation given st the German Society's Hall, No. 24 Soulh SEVENTH Sjrcet 11 MMt' MUSICAL FUND HALL. GERM ANI A OR chestra Matiuees every SATURDAY AFTER NOON at 3tf. Tickets, CO cents. Packages of 4 ror tl. 18 8 ' PIANOS. GEORGE STECK & CO.'S PIANOS, Grand, Square and Upright ALSO, HAINES BROS.' PIANOS. Only place in Philadelphia ror sale of Maion & Hamlin's World-Renowned Cabinet Organ For sal or rent, or to rent with view to purchase, and part nf rental apply. 9 It tf tiUULU & FlMClIUIt. O'i.l Chesnut Htreet, 1018 Arck street. J. E. CJOUI.D, WJ1. FIHCIIKK. STEINWAY & SONS' Grand Square and Upright Pianos. Special attention is called to their ne l'aient Upright Pianos, With Double Iron Frame, Patent Resonator, Tubular Metal Frame Action, etc., which are matchless la Tone and Touch, and unrivalled In durability. VIIAULEI 11LASIUS, WAREROOMS, No. 100G. CHESNUT STREET, 13tfrp PHILADELPHIA. pgg PATENT Arion Piano Fortes, Warranted to stand In tune longer than any ether Pianos in the market. ALSO, ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, With the Jubilant. E. M. BRUCE, No 18 No tl, SEVENTH Street. Music Bound at lowest rat -a. li 9 fmwlmrp BONBONS DE PARIS. Paris Confections or every variety and or the most exquisite flavors. Mr. PEN AS la happy to announce that be has se cured his importation of Paris Fancy Boxes, Comprising a magnificent assortment of BASKETS AND BONBONNIERGS. C. PENA8, No. 830 WALNUT STRRET, 2 6luwiui "ticLii.-i'IA