THE DAILY "EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1870. Prr ariiNtional City lUmt m Slx'h 'tif. KMHTtoinSKKn Rumens, Kmbroidrrrd Si.irPKRH, Kmbrotdrhrd Si.ii-PBits, lMBROIIRKKI Sl.IrrEKS, Emrkoirkkkd Cushions, EmBROIDRRRI) CUSHIONS, KMBROIDRrtKD CUSHIONS, Embkoiirhkd Cushions, bwrkpino sales, SWBRriNO SAI.Kf, 8WBBPIN0 8AI.KM, BWIEriNU BAI K3, Grand RsnucTioNS, Gkamd Kbductions, Ghand Kbductions, Grand Reductions, To Increase tu already large sales In zephyr goods, and to make hts store still more popular, Mr. Finn has greatly reduced his prices. 60 and T5 rents per pair for an odd lot of Slippers costing tlmo times the price; 80 cent Slip pers, fine, new goods; $1 Slippers, formerly Bold for !'60; Timed Dowers and animal Slippers. Cushions, one lot half original cost; $1'!0, ft-:m, 1"B0 Embroidered Cushions, fine bright doslgns, Boiling very rapidly. .TonN M. Finn, S. K. corner Arch atul'Sevcntli fitrcuts. lamps' i'wdkrvrsta Ladiss' Undkhvkkts. i.apihs' undrhvkst3. LKIHE.h' Undkiivf.ts. Si'MNDin BnnATNs: Splendid IUk 1AIN3! SlM.KNDIU liAKOAINSt SPI.RNOID liAK'IAINal The immense silos which Mr. Finn has secured fs attributable t the superior goods he I ottering at unusually low prices. Look at his figures ! 85 cent Vest is sightly and warm. 1 fine Men no Vest has an immense sale. liO line wool Saxony Vest. MSN'. AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. 60 and 75 cents Men's good heavy Shirts. The 90c. and l Shirts are splendid goods. 11-40 aud $2 One wool Saxony Hiiirts. Children's Wear at economical prices. John M. Finn, S. E. corner Arch and Seveatn streets. TEN OENT ZEPIIYR. Tkn OKNT ErllYH. Ten Hint Zephyr. Ten Cent Zephye, Ten Cent Zephyr. Ten Cent Zkphyk, Tkn Cent Zephyr. Ten Cent Zephyr. The wonderful popularity the ten cent Zephyr has attained is surprising, Mr. Finn is taxed to keep his supply equul to the demand. Ladles are using It for nearly every knitting purpose Imaginable, such as afghans, shawls), caps. etc. It is the cluanest washed and must beautifully-dyed Zsphyr In the market Mr. Finn has also a very large assortment of Stocking Yams. John M. Finn, S. E. corner Arch aad Seventh street!. Wilbokh Coo Liver Oil and Limh. Persons who have been taking Cod Liver Oil will be pleased to learn that Dr. VVilbor has succeeded, from direc tions of several professional gentlemen, In com bining the pure oil and lime In mich a manner that It is pleasant to the taste, and its eirect in long com plaints are truly wonderful. Very many persons whose cases wt re pronounced hopeless aud who had taken the clear oil for a long time without marked eirect, have been entirely cured byaslog this pre paration. Be sure and get the genuine. Manufac tured only by A. 11. Wii.bor, Chemist, No. 10G Court street, Boston. SoldbyalldnigglBts. A Beport is current that the Girard Tube Works and Iron Company have sustained a total loss of their property by fire. We are requested to state that the lire did not reach the pipe mill, and that that part of the works of the company is now In full operation. . JUARKIKE. . ackly-tyi.b.- Pn?y 72"; bcrlst, 1870. by thaPev. TKn2 Vj of the Logan Square Church. R. T. &.Zhr' 'A,?! Camden, N. J., to Miss Mart A. Tyler, S. city. Taylor. On Tuesday evening, Decern, bereth, 1S70, hv the Kev. Henry F. Hay, W. Maury Miller, of Philadelphia, to Virginia Uhay Taylor, of Chester, Fa Taylor Finley. On Wednesday evening, No vember 30, at the residence of the bride's grand mother, Mrs. Mary Alter, No. 634 North Sixth street, by the Kev. Joseph A. Seiss, Mr. William G. Taylor, of Haddonfleid, N. J., to Miss Mary M. Finley, of this city. No cards. iii:i. Kennedy. On the 9th Instant, Annie, wife of John Kennedy, in the 26th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her husband, Ne. 80S Kaoe street, above Second, en Monday morning, at 8 o'clocS. Bekd. Ou the morning of leeember 9th, Wil liam A., son or Dr. W. A. and Mary D. Heed, In the 20th year of his age. Howi.and. On the 8th instant, Earthy, son of Benjamin and Sallle Rowland, Jr., In the Tin year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of his father, Frankford, on Monday, the 12th Instant, at 1 o'clock I. M. LIFE INSURANOt, 1NSUKK Y0U11 LIFE AT HOME IN TBI AMERICAN MITli: INSUllANCK CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. ALEX. WUII.LDIN, President. JOHN 8. WILSON, 8ecrotary. The AM EUlUiN issues policies on all desirable plans at (oto (, and 1 umu ttd In the advan tages offered to insurers by any Company la the United Slates. Ill 16 wsnrtOt A S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Sts. FINE DRESS GOODS FOB HOLIDAY PRESENTS. H. STEEL & SON, Hos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street, Preparatory to mailig alterations, WILL CLOSE OUT THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF Silks, Dress Goods, Shawls, Velvets, Flushes, VELVETEENS, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, AND KID GLOVES, FOR CASH, Without He gar d to Cost. Our stock la new and choice, all purchased this eason. VERY ORB AT BARGAINS Will be offered, as our entire stock MUST BB BOLD To make room for the workmen. 10(H) yards BLACK GROUND STRIPIlD MLKS, at 11-39, worth f 175. It SPECIAL NOTIOE8. Air aiMiMotmi fipmtal JftHtn m faiiti W. jhST MERCANTILE LIBRARY HALL TO LET for Concerts, Lectures, Fairs, etc Will seat MB persons. It y- TIIE rUBLIO DEBT STATEMENT IS not as Important as th statement thst HRi. FEN8TKIN fc LEWIS execute all kinds of Printing at MPT 1 1 and CHKSNUT Streets. It BW- O I K A K D NATIONAL BANK. Philadelphia, Dec. 10, 1870. Tne Annnsl Meeting of the Stockholders for the Election of Directors, and for otherpirpnies, will be held at the Banking Hons on WEDNESDAY, 11th of January, 1871. at 12 o'clock M. The election will be field between the honrs of 10 A. M. and S I. M. W. L. BCHAFFER, 18 losfft Cashier. 1- CITY NATIONAL BAN K. Philadklphi A, Dec. 9, 1870. The Annnal Election for m KHUTORS will be held at the Banking House on WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of January next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. W. and 8. o'clock P. M. 12 10 s4t GhALBERT JLKWI8, Cashier. EjEy- NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS A DTVI- K" DENDof FIFTY ORNTH PER SHARE will be paid by the 1IESTONVILLE, MANTUA, AND FA1RMOUNT PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY, free of State tax, on and after Deeember 27th pext, nt the ofllue of the Company, No. 112 South FRONT Street. Transfer book will be closed December 15th and reopen December 8 1st. CHARLES P. HASTINGS, 1210 emwtf Treasurer.' OAS FIXTURES. JUST RECEIVED, A large assortment or ELEGAIIT PORCELAIN SHADES, AT LOW TRICES. READING LIGHTS. TKCP LTGIITS, JDECORATED SEVRES SHADES, ETC. BAKER. ARNOLD & CO., Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, No. 710 CHEONUT Street, 11 1 2mrp PHILADELPHIA. CORNELIUS & SONS, ITIA1I JFACTUKUK8 ov GAS FIXTURES Wholesale and Hetail Salesrooms, No. 821 CHERRY Street PHILADELPHIA. IV e bar no store or gaIeroom on Oiesnut street. 11 16 8mSp CORNELIUS & SONS . - : ""' 4 DRY QOOD3. C. M. I1AL1RICK & CO,, Ko. 45 North EIGHTH Street, ' WILL OFSER ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, THE FOLLOWING GOODS AT A Reduction of 20 Per Cent., IN VIEW TO CLOSE OUT OUR TESENT ENORMOUS STOCK BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS AllE OVER. BLACK SILKS, BLACK 8ILK, BLACK 8ILKH, BLACK SILKS, BLACK HII.KS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK bll.KS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK S1LKX, BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, COLORED SILK COLOKLD SILKS, COLOKKD SILKS, COLOR Kl) ILKS, COLORED bILKS. COIX)KKD SILKS, COLOHED BILKS, COl.OHED SILKS, COLORED SILKS COLORED SILKS, 'l.oUD SILKS, COIXtRKl) SILKS, COLORE t SILKS, C(iIA)KED S1LK8, COLORED SILKS, COLORED SILKS, COLORED SILKS COLORED SILKS, COLORED SILKs, PONSON S GOLD-EDO E VELVETS, PONSON'S GOLD EDGE VF.LVETS, PONSON'S QOLI)-ElGR VELVETS, PONSoN'H GOLD-EDGE VELVETS, PONSON'S GOLD-EDGE VELVETS, PONSON'S GOLD-EDGE VBI.VETs, PONSON'S GOLD-EDO E VELVETS, VELVETEENS. VELVETEENS. VELVETEENS. VEJ.VKTEENS. VELVETEEN. VKLVKTKKNS, VELVETEENS. VELVK TEENS. VELVETEENS. VELTETEENS. VELVBTEENS. VELVET SENS. CORDUROYS. CORDUROYS. CORDUROYS. CORDUROYS. CORDUROYS. CORDUROYS. CORDUROYS, CORDUROYS. CORDUROYS. CORDUROYS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWL.S. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. " SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. bHAWLS. WE SOLICIT AN EXAMINATION OF ABOVE, AND FEEL CONFIDENT THAT CONSUMERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTESEST TO COMPARE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. c. xx. nAr.xnicir & co. N. B.-ON WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER UTH. WE-WILL OPEN A SPLBNDID ASSORTMENT OF HM HOLIDAY GOODS, It ANOTHER EXTRAORDINARY SALE or Linen Goods, Marseilles Quilts, Lace Curtains, Nottingham Curtains, AKD Linen HeititcM HanfltoMefs. The enbscrlbers, having purchased the stock of an importer at 25 Per Cent. Below ilia Gold Cost, WILL COMMENCE MONDAY, December 12, To sell the entire lot at StVi I""' Cent, llelow Wholesale Trices, And continue the sale until all are sold. The lnrolce comprises In part the following line of goods of celebrated make, and warranted Bound and pcrfeot in every respect. Any person not per fectly flatislied with their purchase may return the goods and have the money refunded. THE PRICES, IN FIGURES, marked on every article and GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRE3EXTED. Boarding-houses, Hotels, and Restaurant will find this a desirable opportunity to replenish their slock. 85 wide Linen Table Cloths, 5 yards long, ST and $3 each. 3d Linen Table Cloths, 4 yards long, S3 and 7. 40 Linen Table Cloths, 3; yards long, f 4 and 85. 82 Linen Table Cloths, 3 yards long, ts-w, $1, JI-S0, f5, and t. 100 Linen Table Cloths, 2 yards long, fl-50, $3, $3-f0, 4, and .'. 14 Linen Table Cloths, 8 vards long, S3. . 10 dozen Linen Table Nupklns, square, $1 per doz. Iii8 dozen Linen Table Napkins, square, S1'23 per rtoz. 2SiT dozen Linen Table Napkins, a Bquare, Sl'50 per doz. "0 dozen Linen Table Napkins, yt sqnare, W5 per doz. 144 dozen Linen Table Nopklns, X square, 82 per doz. id dozen Linen Table Napkins, ; square, SJ'25 per d.. nr0 dozen Linen Table Napkins, ;V and 6-3 square, f 2-r0 per do., is dozen Linen Table Napkins, fi and 6-3 square, lit per ioz. 27 dozen Linen Table Napkins, y, and C-8 square, per do.. " 10 dozen Fringed Linen Doylies at "fto. per dozen. 70 dozen Fringed Linen Doylies at 81 per dozen. 60 dozen Fringed Linen Doyliei at 8110 per dozen. 40 dozen Fringed Linen at 81'iiS per dozen. 110 dozen Fringed Linen Doylies at 8U50 per dozen. 40 dozen Frlneed Linen Doylies at 8l"R per dozen. 21 (lozen Fringed Linen Doylies at Si iiS per dozen. cod'oz'enTfucflnn11 nd Diaper Towels at Siuo per dozen. 45 dozen Lineu nuokaback and Diaper Towels at 81 "2 per dozen. 4S dozen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at 81'62tf per dozen. 4 dozen Linen Huckaback and Diapv r Tewels at 81 'MM. 48 dozen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at i'i per dozen. doecn Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at $f'2f per dozen. 140 dozen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at 82 60 per dozeu. 84 dozen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at f 2-76 per dozen. 85 douen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at 83 per dozen. 89 dozen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Tewels at 8:i5. 15 dozen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at 84. 11 dozen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at 84 25 69 dozen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at 50 dozen Linen Hnckabuck and Diaper Towels at 86. sa dozen Linen Huckaback and Diaper Towels at 86f.o. 2oo yards Richardson Bro. Table Damask, 7-4, ata7:c. yards Kicharuion Br. Table Damask, 6-4, at 4'c 4.M) yards Bleached Table Damask, 8-4, 75c. fiuO yards Bleached Table Damask, 8-4, ST'o. T.'jO jardu Bleached Table Damask, 8-4, $1. 350 yards Bleached Table Damask, 8-4, 81-25. 20 vards Bleached Table Damask, 6-4, 8 !! 37 Extra Marseilles Oulita, 12 4 size, 84 6') to 85. 10 Extra Marseilles guilts, il- size, 13-5 to 80. 8B Extra Marseilles guilts, l-4 size, li 'i- to Will also oner at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, ' pairs Rich Rel Lacs Cnrtaias, from f 6 up to 850 per pair. 5oo pmrs Rich Nottingham Lace Curtains, from 1 up to 810 per pair. mi yards Rich NotHAgham Lace, by th yard, 85c. to76e. loo pairs Tams'd Mnslli Cortalns, some very fine, 85 to fie. Sb yards Tamb'd Muslin, by the yard, 81c. to T5c. And 600 dozen Ladies', dents', and Misses' Hem stitched Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, 250. up to finest qualities made. N. B Our stock of Rich Curtain Material! and Upkolsterlng Goods is unsurpassed for variety, quality and cheapness. Ia Decorations, and the tnuklng and hauglng of Window Curtains, Draperies and Shades We Guarantee Satisfacion. Sheppart1, Van Harlingen, & Arris on, No. I OOO CHE8NUT Street, It FUILIDJELPIIIA. WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR $5 00,000 "WORTH OF FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING? . THE LATENESS OF THE SEASON hi Hie consequent Dullness of Trade, as ccmpared with what we had expected and prepared for, LEAVE US WITH Aft! IF1fr1Ef!SE OVERSTOCK!!! We will not cany it, For we commence each season with an ENTIHELY NEW STOCK, and moreover WE NEED THE MONEY For investment in Spring manufactures. Therefore it EVUust be Sold- THE PRESENT MAMMOTH SALE IS REALLY A CRAftSD CHANCE FOR MEN'S CLOTIIINO. Suits, Overcoats, rants, Vests, everything of our own best mikea, tncl BOYS' WEAR. Jackets, Overcoats, School and Dress Suits, as good as can bo bad than such goods are likely ever agiin to be offered at. COME AT ONCE. WANA MAKER SIXTH y GLOVES, ETO. Unparalleled Success ! CNrARALLELED SUCCESS AT THE GREAT CLEARANCE SALE 1 AT THB GREAT CLBAHANCE ttALE WHICH IS NOW IN FULL PROGRESS. Thousands visit ns daily. The Bales ar enormous. The people appreciate the GREAT BARGAINS. nartley'a best Kid Gloves, tl-SB. llajou best Kid Ulovvs, ll-ed. .louvln Kid Gloves, (1-45. I .& Belle, old price, iW. ISest In America for S I -25. "Joseph'' Oioven, 95n. Children's La Uellu, (1 00. Qenta' La felie, fl WJ. Ladies' 3 and 8 burton kids. Ladles' g-ltttoi, JI &0, 1-75, 1-8T. lint-st S-button, reJuoed to i-a. P? C C3 H X O r O o m o 0) l. 2, and 3-buiton, white. t;: i a -uatton. onera. Gents- half-hoHe, regular-me, t!, ai, 08, 85, and 8Hc. ladies' run reguiar-uiaue nose, xo, zs, 81, 3r, to boc. ILadies' fleeced ?iof e, 2R, 31, 3S, 4, to 62c. Children's fancy hose, bine, scarlet, white. Children's fleeced, extra long, brown and white. llANDKEKCllILTN 3 "3 in Fancy Boxes. llandKerckiefs, T. 9. 10c. up. 0 l-ttrire stock of handkeichieis in fancy boxtH, by the half dozen or oo.en. M Hatih Klbbons, cheap. 1 1 How Klblioin. ehrap. m Velvet KibbooH, cheap. j M Corseta reduced. I Fancy Jewelry reduced. I'ortoionnali'S, Laoifs' Companions, f Gents'Tiavelllng Caves. .o Ladles' cloth gloves, 2ft, fl, 3S, 50c. o OP S Ladies' kid-made cloth K'ove, high color. -Ladles' Berlln-l'.ned glovea, 20c, worth R8. Iailies' gloves cheaper than anj ether u place. o. Gents' cloth glovrs, ii, 60, 06, 7.'c. to i 11-00. & Gents' castor, kid-liucd kid and buck glovt-s. Children's blue, white, and s.ailet JJ cloth plOVC8. Children's gloves, 10, 12, 14, 16, 13, 10c. per pair. . Oeriiiantown yarn, 10c. per ouueo. I ry he p u u v 1 1) u n J? I 1 EINTT Life and Trust Co. or itiii. aii;i.iiii a, No 111 South FOURTH Street. The dividend received by a policy-holder Is the difference between the actual oot of iuHuranoe and the premium paid. This company la expressly re quired by its charts ito divide every dollar of sur plus thus arising among its policy-holders. It 1b therefore purely mutual. The New York report for 1S70 shows that the as sets of this company are in the proportion of l'5U ti every tl of liabilities, thus Insuring perfect relia bility. It has received the approbation of the most learned actuaries, and Is endorsed and recommended by many of the most vromineat aclent:ilc ajtd public men In the United 8tates. An Institution of a simi lar kind In England, the Friends' fiovldent Institu tion,, naa peen wonaenuuy successiau Its advantages in every respect, both as to safety, cheapness, terms of pollutes, etc., are net excelled. The prudent and economical management of 1U bnainess, combined with the remarkable average longevity of Its members, commends it to the oou Odt nee aud favor of all oImms of whatever deuomt natlon. Call or send for clroular. Agents wanted. Aa easy vompau to aylici'ior. a 11 eoaisp A WD CV2ARKET STREET 16WELRY ETC. 1124 CllEbNUT STRE 15 T. 1124 SPECIAL NOTICE. j We have now arranged for examination the j luijiest and finest an?ortmeut we have ever offered of Diamond, .tewclry, Silver aud IMutcd Wares, lBJJI'Is 'l0'lM and lironze, l'nlltih and Vienna Fancy dioodi, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY CIPT8. FreBh Importations of Cne goods arriving dally. BOBBINS, CLARK & BIDDLE, No. I 124 CHESNUT Street, 12 b at rOILADELPHIA. DRY GOODS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. IIAItllltUiei'lIlEl'g ! IIAKIIIUIKCIIIUIM ! In Splendid lioxes, 6 Handkerchief in eaiU box. Gents' Hemmed Ilandkerchlefg, la fauo pox. tiiutb' llemstitched Handkerchiefs, iu farcy boxes. Ladiei' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Iu beautiful boxes. ': ALL LINES HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, 10 OBNTS. Ladies' Kevere, luliial, Embroidered, and Tlala Handkerchiefs. BRIDAL AND WEDDING PRESENTS. Table Linen, In New Patterns, from 50o. up. Na-ikins, All Linen Da mask, uuo. per dozen up. Fine Damaiik Towels, m red and blue borders. Marseilles ai. hridal tullts, elegant designs. Ilowycomb, Dimity, aud Colored t'ounterpuues. h'ankets, lai ge sie, all-wool, 1 5 per pair up. Kheetiug Muslinn, "i'A yards wide, ar.c, up. i FLANNELS AND UNDERWEAR. I Gents' Meriuo Shirts, M, 75, 6Tc., f 1, 1-25 up. l.adiea' Merino Vesta, Si, 750., tl, 1-10 up. j cartwrignt it Wwucr'a .Merino Cnderweur. I ( uiiilreu s hliirts aud Drawers, iu all sixes. Gent' liall-husf, full regular-made, 20, sftc. up. . Ladled fu'l rcgulur-maUo Hose, 25, 29, 31c. up. AU-WOoin-'lillilielB, 25, SO, B5, 40, 450. up. Wtleh, Ba laidvuie, Doinet, and Shaker Flannels. ' sai tiuo 1 laiiiiels, U5, 45, U5, 62a up. Canton FUunels, 12.'a, 1 ia, is, 20, 2S to 42e. JOHN BURNS, IIouBe-fujnUhiDg Dry Goods, Importer and Retailer of Hosiery, 3i5 mid air . i;li:vi:hi St., It ABOVfl SPElX'a, n 0 1 selling 1 1 a Inivy discount on or.linry priori in Thilad lphi, ana ofif jiod now a1, loror ratn NEW PUBLIOATION6. JUUiRY KUG'ZIHES. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. "The thirteen ycar3 in which the 'AtlautlB Mom lily has been our guide, philosophur, and iruiio' introduce ua to the twouty-sveiith voluum with pluafiaut anticipations which the January num ber rcolizes to the fullest, llign as our expoctatioiis are ulwsys rated of each socceeiiing number of the 'ADantic, that whit U romes upon us in the full plow of the holiday season is wormy of tho time and of its r puJatiuo, and as heartily satisfactory as the rcopt exacting reader can wish, buth iu vuiicty auvl in quBlity." iMuii rot, CONTENTS. W-3 JWKLLS-A Year iu a Venctln l'alace U. VV. LONG FK I. LOW The Fugiiive. H A 1(1! ill T PhKSCOTT SPOFFOIID-Mihb Mog gaildge n providsr. II. II The Valley of t;Hteln. '! W. lIlGGljssoN-lviada.n Delia's Expectation. .lOlIN HAY i asti lau Days. ' riL U. W. WILLI AMS-our Eyes and how to take rare of tliem. J. (1. WHITTJEK- The Sisters. J. W. DkKOKF.ST Kate lleuumout-the first chan ters of a Serial Story to be coutinued turouno. the year. M. L. 1'. American Life In France. H. II. Country Winter lu New HmnpHhlre. HON. I1KNKY WILSON-Kew Lepaiture of the Re publican Party. OIIVKK WjlKLL HOLM FS Dorothy Q. JAM lis T.J-tliLDS-our Whispering (lillery aoout pope and Thackeray. 1( ECENT LIT BK ATLU K. TKKM9. Single numbers, 35 cents, ti a year la Bdv.nce;2 cepice, f7; 0 copies, f tti; 10 copies, ! apd 3 for cot U additioual copy. OUR YOUNG FOLKS. CONTENTS. JAC K II AA fill AND HIS FORTUNliS-Three Chapters of a Serial Story, to be continued through the year, by J. T. Trowbridge. THE NKVV YEAlt (poeu, by Marian Douglass. UNCLE JOE'S SToltY, by Mi. A. M. Diaz. LAl'HA'S CJ11USTMA3 EVE (paeui), by EllzaUeth 1). Hurilricton. A LVMP OF Cll AKCOAL, hv F. W. Clarke. A NIGHT WITH SANTA CLAl d, by Aunla I. Annan. Ol' It HOYS SKATING SONG (pocn, by G. IE Uarnes. A TALK A BOLT ANIMALS, by Harvey Wilder. IN DO I, TON WOODS, by the Author f "John Hall fax, (leMInt an." CHK1STMA8 AMONG 1 HE Fl! KKDMKN, by Kil- ulieih KiIIimii. OUH YOl'NG CONTKIIU ToKS. Our Midnight K:iut. 15) t'enrl F. tinge. My Expirk in Trapping. Ity George F. Greene. iir NtwtipaiK rs. Hy Mt Lo Kouers. ClisiiKes. L) KHa U. (TllliS'l'M AS CALOL. (MhsIi-n, by A?uesGay. Tin: evening lamp. 'oi;tiiiiiii'g Vi rd Snuiir'-, Planted Flowers, Illus trated tfrhuHts, F.mguiu, Double Acrostio ( liHrrtdf, etc. OTJU LlilTLl! HOV. TIEMS.-Single copies, to cent. Ji oo a year, iu jdvti'M't. An extra copy for l ive Hubjoriptiins. Ol K Yoi NCS 1 OI.KSBlld ATI.AM ll' MoNTUI.V, I Otf. For Bale by all llooksellers and Newsdealers. FIELDS, OSGOOD CO., Publishers, Boston. Subscription Agent for Philadelphia, W. B. Z1EBKR, It No. 106 South THIKD Street, WATCHES. l:stnlliHlioti in 185-1. WATCHES. EVEEGOING STEM-WINDERS, KEY WINDERS, QUARTER SECONDS, MINUTE REPEATERS, ETC. ETO. ETO. C. & A. PEQUIGNOT, No. 608 CHESNUT STREET, 1 1 mwi PUlLlDSLPdlA,