8 TUB iUlL- EVENING TELEGRAPH I'H J LA DELPHI A, MOiN DAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1870. CltV in IBLLI UBilCU. A Bktteh SrpruY or V'atir Many y.rs ago the Fatrroo'unt Water Works were ronml Incapable of supplying the cltlxens residing at Twep.tysecond and Orecn street and the adjacemt neighborhood wttb a in Indent supply or the aqueous fluid, aol to remedy the evil ta Spring Uardta. works were con structed. These works worked well, bnt they were found oneqaal to the tank assigned to them. Tb remedy this growing dlfllciilty, a devloe was recently adopted by which water from t he west ban of the river could be conveyed to this Rldo of the Schuylkill without Interfering with the navigation of that important stream. Several plans were aug mented, hut the best was that proposed by Mr. Ben jamin Tlllnon, Jr., who undertook to lay a 80-lnch pipe from the Belmont works, under the water, and upon the bed of the river, to connect with thoae of the Spring Garden works. Many scientific doubters predicted a failure 19 this undertaking, but Mr. Tlll non has overthrown their reasoning, and proved his own. The task was a serious one. The river hd to be sounded, and the observations of the gentle man in trio diving-bell proved that the bottom of the river was very Irregular, and the enterprise dif flcnlt. Notwithstanding these obstacles the contractor went to work wlt'i zeal and courage, and, by the aid of steam, and nil the appurtenances which skilful mechanics of this ngo and city employ, his suc ceeded in laying the pipes across the river In a way which cannt fail to be satisfactory to tho people residing In the elevated regions of the Fifteenth and Twentieth wards. To-day will witness the completion of the laving ci these pipes from the Belmont works, in the West l ark, to the eastern shore. CoiiONKK'B Inqvkst. coroner Tny lor commenced tin investigation at noon to-day, In the case of Rlch nrd Pettercr, who was killed on Friday night at the Orthodox street cronslng, Twenty-third ward, of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company. There whs a conflict of testimony, the ratlroal employes testifying that the rennlar signal was given, and the frit una of the deceased testifying that they heard no whistle. It seemed to be admitted on both Bides that the train whs moving at a speed of from fifteen to twenty miles an hour. It was also in testimony thfct the ergine had passed the deceased, and that lie had bf en struck by tho tender, which extends about a foot beyond the engine. The Coroner de cided to hold the case under advisement. hubpeonentlv the jury rendered the following ver dict : "That the said Richard Detterer came to his lei:th bv being struck by a tender attached to loco motive No. 90. of the Philadelphia and Trenton and New York Railroad, at tho crossing at Orthodox street, on Friday evening, tho 25th instant. The jury are of the opinion that the company deserve the severest, cenhure for the gross negligence In failing to place a flagman at the crossing and for the grest rate of speed at which the trains pass that point." An IiiroKTANT Lunacy C ase. Some time ago the court proceedings were much enlivened by the pro ceedings in an application for a declaration that a prominent young member of the bar was a lunatic. The case was known on the record as Com. ex rel. vs. Cheyney. It was before Judge A 1 lino a, In the Court of Common Pleas, a few days ago. Judge HrewKter, appearing of counsel tor respondent, upon his tiling a traverse to tho finding of tho Imiul pition de lunatwo, declaring respondent insane, Theo. MscFadden, Walilron J. Cheyney, and Henry G. Smith, Esqs., tcstilied that respondent was of sound mind, and capable of transacting business, and of taking proper care of himself at and before the finding of the inquisition. Judge Allison charged the jury to liud in accordance with the testimony given, and a verdict was rendered for respondent by the jury without leaving tho box, thereby making null Rnd void the said Inquisition and finding, vindi cating the respondent, Frank II. Cheyney, and re storing him to his legal rights and privileges. Faik in IIeqai.p of Abl'seo Animals The Penn sylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, In order to collect the necessary funds to carry on the benevolent work which they have undertaken, announce a fair to commence at Horti cultural Hall this (Monday) evening and continue for t wo weeks. There Is much to render this Fair one of the most popular tver held ta Philadelphia. The gentlemen at Hie head of it, numbering such men as lion. Alexander Henry, Hon. Daniel M. Fox, Gen. Gvorgo (i. Meade, General G. II. Crosman, Hon. A. E.'Borto, and others, and a number of the Urst ladies of Philadelphia, and tne high-toned princi ples upon which the Fair is to he conducted, the splendid character of It in tho extent and variety of the display, no less than the worthy ooject In behalf of which it is given, all conspire to make it a popu lar resort for our citizens during Its continuance. A Colored Candidate. The colored Republicans ol the First Senatorial district ask that one of their people be placed in nomination for the position ren dered vacant by the death of William W. Watt, and they announce Octavtus V. Catto as their choice lor a candidate. Their request will be formally com municated to the Republican City Executive Com mute. At the meeting where Mr. Catto wa se lected a preamble and series of resolutions were adopted. Among the latter was the following: Jtcsolced, That, as In olden times, tho mighty In power were pulled down and the weak were made Htrong, so do we now recognize the same great principle, ami therefore we deem It right and pro per that we should be represented In high places, and not merely be used as hewers of wood and uiawers of water. The Republican Invinciblbs On Saturday evening a meeting of the Republican Invlncibles was held to take action on the report of the commit tee appointed in April last to revise the Constitu tion for ttie government of the organization. Ezra Lukens, President of the Club, was In the chair, and II. C. Hawkins, was the Secretary. The chairman of the committee, William J. Uillingham, submitted a draft of the Constitution agreed on by the commit tee, which was adopted. Tae most Important provi sion embodied In it is one requiring the registry of all members of the organization at least three days prior to the election of the oillcers of '.He club, thus precluding the possibility of any participation by those who do not belong to the club, as has hereto, fore been the case, and no doubt all dissensions In the club are now ended. SrrrosED Burglars. About 2 o'clock this morn ing two men, named Joliu McSorley and Thomas Dt-iiipsey, were found secreted in the yard of Police man Gallop s residence, No. M2 South Front street. U hey were arrested by Oillcer Gallop, assisted by a citizen. Dempsev had a pair of steel knuckles in his possession. Ie(endautshad a hearing before Alderman Carpenter, and were held to bail to au vwer. Jt isT in Tun! Boat crew No. 4 of the Schuylkill Harbor Police on going down tne river on Sunday sight stopped at the Almshouse meadow and In nprctcd the bath-houses moored at that point. They found that one had been broken Into by thieves and a cunaber 01 lamps packed up reaayjor removal, Sc ientific Lf.cturk. Professor E l win J. Houston will do iver a lecture on Wednesday evening next. beiore the Scientific Microcosm, in the 1111 of the Central Ilium School. The subject will be "Dyna mical Electricity," aad the lecture will be Illustrated with many beautiful experiments. Woman Found Drowned Mrs. Needers. azed 70 years, u resident of Kitteuuousetown, near the Wls sahickon, was found drowned Iu a small stream in the vicinity of her home about 4 0 clock this morn lug. The Coroner was notified to bold an Inquest on tne bouy. t'Touit of toi Polick CoMMtTTRE. The Police cvnamlttee of Connciis continue their tour to the ptciuou houses to-day, inspecting those in the Fourth. Seventh. Eighth, Niuth, Teutli, Rleventh Twelfth, and Eighteenth districts, and tho Delaware j turner station. JIoue Carelessness The doors of four dwellings in I he Twelfth dlutrlet were fouud open by tiie police last night. Is it any wonder that house robberies are of almost nightly occurrence when housekeepers tnrow out sucn luauoeinents tor thieves to operate Arkest op Corner-Liunukr!?. The order nro- Limiting corner-lounging Is being carried out by the police force. Yesterday tivo voumr men wens arrested at Thirteenth and Vine street for engaging in una iu;e practice. Admitted on motion of John P. O'Neill, Esq Joliu h. Mci.inmy was admitted 11 praoiu:o as a 1 aionn-y of the Court ol Common Pleas and District Court on Katuruuy, ovemuer . Akothkk Dkowninu Cask Tali afternoon Oorouer Taylor was summoned to hold au inquest upon the body or mm. uinianno L.angni'1, aired 61 year, who was found drowned In tho W'iSiaulckon cm ek at an early hour this morning. Skkioufi.y Injured. Ab ut iifo 'clock this morn ing Ruben Terliuue, aged thirty years, reilJinr. at Ni.. 920 ugden street, It 11 from a scattuld at Christ Church and was severely Injured. He was removed to ttie Pennsylvania Hospital. Ti II L1NQ Fikk. The roof of Melcher'a brick kiln, at Tenth and Mmquehanna avenue, was slijjhtly damaged by lire about 4 o'clock tliU morning. Visiting Station" House. Tiie" Comwttee on police of Councils this morning intde a tour of iu. (SM ction through the station houses nona of Ciiei uutttrcit. Nash fc Ladnir, HroKsrs, report tall morning Go:-i ijuota'iouB as follows: lot A. M 111 X 10 4T A. M 1(100 " Ml'i 106'i Ml 10 14 " UIH 11'"" " ni' V IS " 1U'4 11 83 " -Ill JC-'.3 " "'-V. 11:1 i!U lPis " in?; u-40 nitf j3i " Mi&Mn " ma TI1IKD EDITION AFFAIRS AT THE CAPITAL. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Nov. 2$. Bpecial Dtepatch to The h'emina Tt'tyrupU. IvMlinntra for I lie Nxt Year are being prepared, arid n ooo as completed will probably be sent to Mr. Dawes, Chairman of Appropriations, who has made a request to that effect, as he cannot reach bare before Tues day next. They will be considerably In excess of last year, ns there are no unexpended balances. Notwithstanding the fact that the Commleeioner of Internal Hvnne has recom mended in his report that the tax on whisky remain unchanged, a strong combination will be made to have the lax increased by Western whisky men.' The iHcrtlna of Concrrst. In regard to the repeal of tho law for the mectirjg of Congress on the 4th of March it may be stated that tho present oQicers of the Houe are anxious that the law shall remain as It Is, and that the House Bhall be organized on the 4th of March. Mr. Sargent, of California, will press the bill introduced by him at tho last ses sion repealing tho law. The Joroin Tn. It Is not probable that any effort will be made to repeal the income tax at the next session, as the Secretary ot the Treasury and the Commis sioner of Revenue are in favor of its retention. It was agitated at the last sesblon principally for political effect. Now that tho elections are over it Is not likely that it will be repealed. Han Domingo. It is not believed here that the Prussian Cwov- ernment has made any serious proposition to purchase San Domingo as a coaling station. The statement has probably been made In order to strengthen the movement here in favor of our acquisition of the inland. FROM BALTLWOR E. Corner-ntone Laving. Baltimore, Nov. 28. Yesterday afternoon the corner-stone of the new edifice for the St. Prancis School and Orphan Asylum for Colored Girls was laid with mo?t imposing ceremonies on Chase street. Archbishop Spauldiog offi ciated and preached the dedicatory 6ermon. A large concourse were present eight to ten thou sand. The Bchool and Asylum were founded in 1829, and has nlwnys been in charge of colored women, known a "the oblate Sisters of Provi dence." Flew York Money and Mtoolt Market. Nkw York, Nov. 28. 8toclcfl steady. Money 4 ,0 per cent, uoid, lsea, coupon, 101 i do. ISM, do., 10fi;.do. 1865, do. 107; do. 1S:5, new. iou: do. iti. iu'.v: no. isss. wan io-4()s. 106X: Virginia s, new, 63 ; Missouri 6s, 92 Canton co, 6i$; cumnenana preierrea, so; jn. x. cen tral and Hudson Klver, 92 V: Erie, ii'i; Heading, 101 ; Adams Express Co., 61)tf; Michigan Central. ISO1;: Michigan Southern. Illinois central, I3f; Cleveland ana rittsourg, m4 ; Chicago ana icock isiana, 111 : nttsourg ana t on vi avne. y; western union xeiegrapn, 4. Baltimore Produce market Baltimoue, Nov. 28. Cotton dull: low middling. iKto Vlniii niilnt an1 nfikmlv Whanr A 11 1 1 ilwli white, fi'TU(41TB; goofto prune, $l-40,l-0fi; prima to choice red, ll-fAil-TO; lair to good, tmorgl'M); common, fi-irxoti-zri; unio anu Indiana, ip3u;ar33. Corn white. T7490c. : yellow, S3c. Kye. 70;i3rB. Oats lower at 5052c. Mess Pork dull at f 24, retail ing. Bacon quiet, retailing: no rin sides or shoul ders sold; clear sides, Isc ; hams, 2Uc. Lord dull at l&c, retailing. Whisky firm at l92c. Thin Afternoon's Quotation. I.okdon, Nov. 28130 1. M. American securities tiuiet. Stocks firm. LIVERPOOL, .NOV. 28 l'SIJ f, AI . Lam, 03S. ; u it- con, 448. for Cumberland! cat and on. for new short no middies. London. Nov. 29-1-30 P. M. Tallow declining. Turpentine, a is. buszs. Xi Aii mi'r.x.L.iax.ric-i. The Appointment of Guardians. OrpluuuS Court Judge Paxson. An Important decision has been made in the Or phans' court relative to tne appointment cr guar dians, in an opinion delivered by j udge l'assnn. in tne urpnans' court on Saturday last a petition was presented, asking the appointment or a corpo ration as guardian ot minor children, without giv ing security. The charter or the company, as does that of several other corporations, authorizes this court to make such appointments without requiring security, y e say autnorizea, lor it is lert uiscre- nonary with the court, me numneror these ap plications has much Increased of late, as has also the number of corporations asking this privilege; and it la becoming a serious Question how far we shall go In this direction. Experience has shown that corporations engaged in business are as likely to fall as individuals. It is true that if they keep the trust funds Invested separate and apart, nnd properly ear-marked, the latter would be protectee in case or sucn rauure. uut tne same re mark would apply with equal force to In livid nU. It is the duty of every trustee to keep trust moneys separate from his own estate. Yt we have never regarded this as a sultlcleut safeguard la the case of private trustees no matter what their standing or responsibility, but inflexibly require security from the latter. We do not feel dlsposod to encourage applications of this nature, and while we will make thd appoint ment In the particular Instance referred to, we wish it understood that we reserve ttie right at all times to decide npon each particular application upon its own merits, having regard to the amount and char acter or tne truut. We also feel it iinumbent upon ns, as far a we can, to threw all the safeguard in our power around Investments made under such appointments. we have already ordered, that when securities are transferred to auy corporation as trustee or guar dian, they shall not be thereafter transferred with out the order of this court, and that such order sha'l be stamped upon the face of said securities. In addition thereto, we now order: Flrft. That In all cases where any corporation shall hereafter be appointed trutes or guardiaa by this court, it shall be npon couditlon that such cor poration shall not invent any of the trust-funds In coupon bonds, or other securities that pass by de livery. Second. Every such corporation shall be required to invest all trust-funds in its name as trustee or guardian, us the case may be, and to keep tho samo sepniata and apart from Its own funds. At a proper time we shall make such further order as will enable cs to see at least onco In each year whether the above rifles are complied with. It will be understood that the above views have not been surtrested in reference to any particular company. They are general, and are intended to apply to an corporations in whose behalf such appli cations are muue. A Utile l'ne. I'jiifed State District Court Judgt Cadwalader. Michael McLaughlin was this morning put on trial In tins Court for the ( ffeuse of retailing Mquor In a small way in Delaware county without a license. The proof of the absence of a licens In the defend ant's name was absolute, but the witnesses who testified to purchasing liuuor from hi 111 gave ttieiiu- prt BHon ibat the busineas was carried ou by his wife, anu therefore a verdict or not guilty was rendered, Tub Election Law. Francis Shields was put on trial upon the charge of fraudulently votinu under the naino of O.vea Kearney Ht the list e'.e::tlou, la the Sac jnd division of U.e Third ward, at which a member of Congress was voted for '1 lie olllceia of the noil proved the fact of his having voted under the name auove men tioned, and other witness testified that thU was not his p trie. Tiio evidence simply proved mat no ii:tuu-u 111 me regular ticket used by otl.t-r voters, ar.d that the general ticket included the name of tiirf I'ongresifuau; but there wa no d rf i t nroof that this defendant vutud for that 0,11. err. I'i-ou this point this case aol tiie other caia of irnudulent vutlng, instituted under the act ol ( oiifeieg, lurns, for, unless tiia j-'ry are satiatled iroin the proor mat tne person accusen voted ror a Kenral oiUcer they cannot convict. Foreseeing the dintcnltv of thus ebtb' lslilng such offense by spe clue proof, Congress enautud a section declariug that where a Kdderal oincer was ta bj elected vctirg et lliet. eVctiorj w rri.-mi -it evidence that tae Federal nttlcer was voted for, ttus seeking to bavui tue tiiniuuny uy nuai in a gauarai way a pre Puirr'n of sallt a?;Vnt e aecne 1, and r ql.irltip I, in. to rehut It ty nfferlng specific proof of a riegH l - thst ho did not vow for such officer. At a flu: i It win d teen laav in mini car mis is ven p'lateroitnonity lor privaiu p?r9Bna for thr t ' vrnment, for U th election 'recsruri ctia show t-.imng la favor of the probation, It cer talrlj ..m fchnw nothing In favor of th cere;. . -t. i rsct, tncy tnrow no Htm whatVrr tion thtj matter, except In provirg that a vote was cast by a crrtaia person; and If the voter should happen to have serened the Federal cftU er from his ticket, thlafact. in a large majority of Instances, is obviously as rtlfUisnlt of dlrtct pioof. Ho that in these prownMonB the acc.usfd and tho Government are primarily upon t lie same fooling with regurd to obtaining evidence; I'littheact of Congress has thrown the balanne In favor nf Uc former by comnianrilng that a certain gtncral proof (hull "be evidence of sparine fact and snraclet't to warrant a con viction, onlrtis rebutted by that class . of evidence which both Government and citizen are rnually tmal.ln to produce. Instead of leaving a natural presumpifou that arises from a certain state of facts to the consideration of the Jury, to receive the weight that It is entitled to under the common law of criminal proceedings, the act of Congress converts that precumpt.ion Into positive evidence, to be riiet only tv such evidence as that for which this presumption was substituted. These qiiestion nave been raised and discussed in tnese trials, as- teptlng the constitutionality of this law, but hve not yet been fully determined by tn courr. nie cose Is yet on trial, James lleverln, ICsq., appearing for the defendant. The AlcCaullt? Homicide. Ouurt (f Oyer and TtminwJudaut Pdre4 and Vaxnon. A special session of Oyer and Terminer to con- tliiue this week was begun to-day. The purpose Is to dispose of several nid prison cases of homlutde, which most In; tried this weeR, else the defendants will bo entitled to their discharge under the four term rule. It was expected by some persons that tfie case of Dr. Neville would be tried this month ; bnt this in the present state of the buslnesss of this court could not be done, for the Indictment In Lis case was found only this term, nnd there are several cases In which the dufendants, who are without means or friends, have been lying In prison for Beveral months, and they must now l tried. The great length of the Hanlon case also Impeded the regular course of business, and the difierent engagements of Judges In hearing other cases of Importance have rendered It Impossible to give more attention to the homicide calendar. Moat pronaoiy ur. jsevuie s case win ne tried in De cember. 1 he enso to-day is that or Thomas Oouldcn, Hugh Ooulden, and Peter Cno, charged with the murder of James McCaulley, on the 22d of May last. It Is alleged thAt the defendants and deceased were of a pirty attending a child's christening at the honse of a man named Smith, in West Philadelphia, aad daring ttn evening a warm discussion occurred concerning a lot of ground that had been rented and sublet at a profit ny one of the Gouldens, and which Thomas McCaulley said he wanted and would ngnt ror. 'l ney went our,, ana a fight ensued, In which the deceased, James McCau1 ley, was killed. The defendants were arrested and Jointly Indicted, but Thomas McCaulley succeeded in making his escape. At the close or our repirta Jury was being called to the box. Messrs. O'JJyrne and rratt appear ror tne prisoner -yyEDDIKQ AND PAKTY INVITATIONS I2N- GRAVED AND PRINTED IN THE LATEST STYLE. E VISITING CARDS. VISITING! CARDS. One Quire French Paper with Envelopes to match, In a neat box, stamped, only 80 cents. JOHN LINKKD, 6 BflWRm emSp No. 921 SPRIN RDKN Htreet. TV 14 IV A W I II 1 H D s O .u !i designs for ENGRAVED BALL TIC-ET8, PARTY INVITATIONS, DANCITG PROGRAMMES, Prices Very Reasonable. VVM. H. HOSKINS, Stationer, Engraver, and Steam-Power Printer, No. 13 JL11C1I Street. WATOHES. JEWELRY. ETO. jEstnbliKhca in 185 1. WAtCHES. EVERGOING STEM-WINDERS, KEY-WINDERS, QUARTER SECOND 3, MINUTE REPEATERS, ETC. ETC. ETC. C. & A. PEQTJIGN0T, No. 608 CHESNUT STREET, S 1 mws PHILADELPHIA. jTeWIS LAD 0 ALUS & CO? 11 L3 la Jl J Mf iruajjuii v w . II WATCHKS, JEWELKf SILVER WAIffc. VWAT0HE3 and JEWELET EEPAIEED. NS 02 Chestnut St.. PhUft- Would Invite attention to tlielr large stock of Ladles' and Gents' Watches Of American and foreign makers. DIAMONDS in the newest styles of Settings. LADIES' and CJENTS' CH iPNS, sets of JBWULRY of the latest Styles, BAND AND CHAIN BRACELETS, Etc. Etc. Our stock has been largely increased for the ap proaching holidays, and new goods received dally. Silver Ware of the latest designs In great variety, for wedding presents. Repairing done In the best manner and guaran teed. S 11 finw TOWER CLOCKS. Ko. 22 NORTTI SIXTH STREET, Agent for SI EVENS' PATENT TOWER CLOCS8, both Remontolr tt Graham Es-aperaent, stnt'ng nour only, or striking quarters, and repeating hour on fall chime. Estimates furnished on application either person ally or by mail. e 23 f-o WILLIAM a WAKNB 4 CO., WATU II ES, J E W ELK Y, AND a'i lyl HILVEK WAKE, Second floor of No. 6M Oil E3 NUT Street. S. K. corner SEVENTH ana CUESNUT Streets. TMORE'O MINOE MEAT ! XCeatly Prepared lor tt'se. A standard article of over 25 years. The Only Heliablo in tho Market. ITS MERIT LIES IN ITS QUALITY, NOT IN THANKSGIVING! DINNER PUFFS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT, 24anwlni8 AND IT ALONE. F0U15T1I EDITION LATER WAR NEW& The Situation at Parlo, A Sortie Expected. The Garibaldians Defeated. The Canadian Fisheries Etc.. XStc. Ktc Cite, mc. FROM EUROFE. feortlo nf Pnrln Eiprrted. To ins, Nov. 28. Forts D'lssy, Vanvres, Montrouge, Blcetre, and D'lvry, on tho south ern boundary of Paris, maintained a continuous and fnrious fire on the Prussian lines all through Saturday night. The Prussians expected another sortie, but ut tho last accounts all was quiet again. S hip Nfw. Bkest, Nov. 23. The French steamer La fayette, from New York for Havre, arrived at this port safely yesterday morning. Another Frporh lie font. London, Nov. 2S. IuJ reconnoitring near Orleans yesterday the 10th Prussian Corps en countered the 20th French Corps of General Paladines' army, and an engagement tookjplace In which the French were driven from their strong position at Ladon Mazieres with serious loss. Subsequently several French companies attacked the Prussian 10th Corps, but were repulsed with a loss of forty. A French Gene ral was taken prisoner by the Prussians. ThcGcr- man loss was trifling. Itrpulaeof the-Garlbaldlnn. London, Nov. 23 i P. M. The following details of the engagement between tho Prus sians under Werder and the French under Gene ral Garibaldi, near Pasques, in the Department of the Vofges, hace just been received here, dated Dijon yesterday afternoon. The Garibal dians while on tho march from Pasques, late on Saturday afternoon, suddenly came upon the outposts of tho Prussian ri!les, which they Im mediately attacked with great impetuosity. The Prussians were at first compelled to fa.ll back, but reinforcements coming up the Gari baldiana were in turn repulsed with geat dis order, the soldiers throwing away their arms and knapsacks in the flight. General Werder the next day (Sunday) took a circuit around riombieres and in this way overtook the French rear guard. Another EaRaxement then occurred in which the French lot three hundred and fifty killed and wounded and the Prussians only fifty. It is said that Monotti Garibaldi had two thousand men under his com mand in this engagement. By tho C'nultulrtilon of La Fere seventy cannon of all sorts fell into the hands of the Prussians. FROM TIIE DOMINION. The Vexed Flhln Ournttou Cnpture of n Bcnoonrr. Charlottetown, Prince Edward's Island, Nov. 28. The schooner Clara F. Friend, of Gloucester, captujed by the British steamship Plover about seven weeks ago, was rescued from the custody of the provincial authorities on November 24. On November 25 the steamer Plover recaptured her, and the captain and four others are now held as prisoners. FROM WASHINGTON. The Nupreuie Court. Det catch to th Auooiatfd l'ru$. Washington, Nov. 28. No opinions were de livered in the Supreme Court of ttie United tstates to-aay. Naval Order. Lleut.-Commander P. K iiarrlugton Is orlred to the California, i'assed-Asslstant Paymaster J. Y. Morton to the Nlpalc, Commander Eari EnU-ih is de tftched from voiminiuri of ttie Delaware and waits orders, LU uL-Ooinmanders Francis Morris, Henry if. ivoueson, vj. m. ucnoomaKer, s. 11. Batchellor, R D. Evans, and C. F. Schmidt, Lieutenant Royal B. Bradford, Surgeon R. C. Man. coun, I'ai-seii A86ist,snt r.urgeon iieury spitmns, Assistant Siiwon Adam Frau, Ciiaplam C. A. Btt tmger, Chief Engineer Stephen fc Uubbert, First i.it-utenant it. 11. urinneu, econa Ass staats J. Bingham and W. II. Harris, are detached from the Delaware and piacea on waiting orders. i'iy master a. is. u 11111 au is tietaciiea and ordered to settle ma accounts. The warrant omcers, attaches of that vessel, are also detached and placed on waiting orders; Com mander Francis A. ltoss Is detached lrorndtity as chlef-of-staff of the Aslatio fleet, and placed on waittcg orders; l'assed Assistant Paymaster J. Porter Loumls from the Nlpslc, and ordered to set tle his accounts; Captain JohuM. B. Clitzfrom Nhw 1 ork Navy Yard, and ordered to command tne Cali fornia; Lleatenaut Commander John McPliale from the receiving sli'p Potomac, and or-lnred to the California; Lieutenant-Commander E. M. Shepherd from the Michigan, and ordered to tho California; Lieutenant it. a. recK from dnty at jeireri m war- lacks, Mo and ordered to the CaUfoniia; Surgeon John Bkitchen from the Board of Uxatuluers, or dered on the California. Amir Order. Colonel T. W. Sherman, S 1 Artillery, has lieen or dered to report to General McDowell, President of the Retiring Bnard, at Nw Yor. First Lieu tenants John A. Bodamer, loth Cavalry, and Deauis Curolin, 10th Iafantry. PHILADELPHIA STOOK EXCHANdE SALES. Reported by De Haven 4 Bro., No. 0 S.Thlrd street. BETWEEN BOARDS. 11000 Pa R Con m ba lUJBhfenua RIt... Cp.... 96V BtiOjrn 600 Hh Leh N . . . . bj. l')D do 100 d) 031. 59 V Si', 3i',' 7h tKkO C A A in tts, '89 cash . 94 frooo Lch 64 gold lc . sutf tW4) do c. Stf'il t Hh Plnl T It. .115 10') till Reading K... fiO 100 do SJ llio do 6) 100 do 50 $.'TiioClt 6s, New.lW 5i 0 N Peuna 7s... 9l iiko do 91 w SlutK'O AniUold....c.ilPi SEOOND BOARD. : trfO W & Franklin la sn ( en Trans. 5 ft) 2d int lids. .1)30.1 fi5 20'iK) vat is 7s.tio. i 00 do IS. 8'J 100 sU Uii-ld...rg4l. 60-81 100 do 60 1110 sh Lett Nav at., a f.Miuo I'nlou CI i s... 8 Myo do 0.34 IKiO CUV Cs. Old. ..101 WiO d U.S'iO. 32 INK) Read del) bds. biV. 7(i0 do. . Is.ti3i). 31 4 100.) City s New.lO'J'fl 400 do..ls.li.to. 81! ftHfrhSrh Nv 7,i 10 do I)V MX Doth West Bank.. mj 100 do h4i. Sl ioo eh pecua R..U. m-t do, .Is.3-1. s.-v 89 do t'3 200 dj S3,'tf l do 69-;' 7EDDIN AND ENGAGEMENP KINGS lid 18-karat On cold, yuiiarir wa A fall usortmsat ol mi tat alwuy 00 luad. RANTKO, rttm a isnui tin.it, iviicam, &6 wfiwt No. 4 OlitCtiMO I' KtrMt. lin K.u to. riMlE VATICAN, No. , 1010 CHESNUT STREET. -A- -I - btatuary, Bronzes, ClocRs, Vases, Pedestals, and elegant articles of taste for the adornmant of the parlor, dining-room, library, hall, aad boudoir, and for bridal presents, purchased la Europe pre vious to the war at a great sacrifice, and will no w bo sold, retail, at correspondingly low prices. We In vite an Inspection at oar spacious store au 1 show rooms, np stairs. The price of all articles marked ii pUlii IUi. U.vahU vatcicd auipiMtU lro U Charge. 10 3 2arP FIFTH EDITION THE LATEST NEW-. Fmportant from Europe t A Reported French Victory NEWS FROM THE PLAINS. Attempted Lynching and Rioting. A Sheriff's Fosse Fired O.i. lite 1:1c,. i:tc, i:tc, i:tc. FROM EUROPE. (jrent Victory Claimed by the Krench. London, Nov. 28-5 P. M The P'rench claim to have won a great victory at Moreuil, twelve miles south of Amiens, .yesterday. The battle lasted till darkness interfered. The Garmin let army is alleged to have been beaten and driven back to its entrenchments before Amiens. The French Army of the North was greater in numbers and better armed. The losses aro ob scurely given In thousands. The Prussian hus sars rode down and cut pieces a regimeut of marine infantry. The German losses are severe. TROM THE WES1. Tarlfic Ballwny Extennton. St. Louis." Nov. 88. The Atlantic and Pacifle Railroad Is completed to Neosho, Newton county, ta the extreme southwestern po-tlon of the Stats, and will be opened for traffic lu the latter part or thta week. Neosho Is 811 miles from 8t. Louis. The road Is In fine condition and will be nushed ranldlv oa Into the Indian Territory ami across tho plains. Attempted Lynching IMntla and Illttaitntied. The Republican liu a special from Potosl, sUMnz that great excitement existed there slnco the arrival of John Armstrong and Charles Jolly, who murdered the Laplne family In that vicinity limn days ago. Threats of lynching were made. Sheriff li recti 11- ridge stationed a poses of 135 men-, armed with double-barrel shot-guns, at the Court House, a few steps from the Jail where the prisoners were con .1 noil, determined to supprsns any attempts which might ne mane in tnat direction, adoui one o clock on Sunday morning some 44 men appeared at the jail and demanded the assassins. The Sheriff replied he should protect the prisoners against violmice and ordered tho crowd to dlspersa, which not being obeyed a volley was nred over their heads. Ssveral snots were then urea by tho mod without etloct. Tills fire ws retarned by the posse and one of the mob was killed, and the erowd then dispersed. The Sheriff has strengthened his force, and no further etrort at violence nas oeen made. FIRE AND BURQLAR PROOF SAFE MARVIN'S SAFES. The XSest Quality! The Lowest Prices! The Ziarg-est Assortment! Fire-proof. Burglar-oroof. CHROME IRON MARVIN'S SPHERICAL Burglar Safe Will resist all BURGLAR'S IMPLEMENTS for length of time. Please send for catalogue. any MARVIN & CO., rio. 721 CH-SNI7S Street, (MASONIC HALL,) 265 Broadway, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA. 108 Bank St., Cleveland, Ohio A number of Second-hand Safes, of dlfferen makes ana sizes, ror saie vwii l.uvv. hafts, Machinery, etc, moved and.holsted prompt! and caremlly, at reasonable rates. 10 T finwtiui SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANIES. gECURITY FROM LOSS BY BURGLARY ROBBERY, FIRE, OR ACCIDENT. The Fidelity Insurance, Truar Safe Deposit Company OP PHILADELPHIA, IN TBEIK New Marble Fire-proof Building, Nob. S'29-331 CHESNUT Street. Capital subscribed, Il.ou0.ooo; paid, tf00,000. rriT'pnw Hnwns sTorrrs riottoit ipq FAMILY PLAT It, COIN, UEKU3. and VaLUBLe4 of every description received for safe-keeping, under guarantee, at very uiouertuo rates. The Company also rent SAFES INSIDE THEIR Bl'ltGLAK-PKOOtr VAULTS, at prices varyluif Irom f 15 to t0 a J ear, according to size An extra size for Corpora' ions and Hankers, uooms and duats adjoining vaults provided for bare Kenters. DEPOSITH OP MONEY RECEIVED ON INTE KhST at three per cent,, payable by check, without notice, and at lour per ecu'., payable by chuck, on ten oajs' nouce. TTfA VELLERS' I.ETTER8 OP CHEDIT furnUhed available in all parts of Luiupe. INCOME COLLECTED and remitted for one cent per The Conpany act as EXECUTORS. ADMINIS TRATORS, aud GUARDIANS, aud RECEIVE aud EXECUTE- TKUSl'S of every description, from the Courts, Corporations, and Individuals. N. B. BKOWNE, President. C. II CLARK, Vice-President. ROBERT FATlRBON, (Secretary and Treasurer. UUtEUl fits. N. U. Browne, Alexander Henry, Stephen A. Caldwell, Oeorge F. fyler, Henr C. ( Jibson, Clarence II. ciarlf, John Welbli, rhar'.es Mucalpster, iuwaru w, t .'iarK, J. Oliilnghain Fell. Henry Pratt Mctteaa. 15 13 fmw yJ I L L I A LI W. ALTER, LiaillGII COAL, AI50 VJZZQTiZZTfG, SCnU"tKIIi, AND Lonnuuu DEPOT. No. 6T North NINTH Street, below Jirmtl avenue, emice. corner SIXTH and SPRING OARDE streets. IU ti smw bo O DOERS WOST EN HOLM'S POCKET iV Knives, Fairchilds' Celebjuted Uold i'eus Pocket-books, ttc. lu gr-at variety. WM. M. OHHISTY, 8'atiuner, II 28 tl 1 No. 12T 8. THIRD 8t., b il w Chesnat. S1 TEAM ENGINES ANU PORTABLE AND SUtionerv Holler, of Kosr', aaJ Bktl'l, aj iimil. l' HttcBt. nd otlir tnr:n fak. l'i, kuiI rUt.Wrk. OlUkUKU. HOWiKli, it mi Ko. I7KoU ilJUl KJlMU eu.t. FURNITURE. pUICCllASKlW OK C01TA0K CHAUDEU SUl'iy And the varloo styles of BEDBTEADB, BCREArH ASnSTANDfl, wardrobes, rro,- rtnWif-H ft Imitation ol Walnut, Maple, or other "RTd woods," and now generally known as 'Iml tailon" or "Painted" Furniture, aro hereby informed that every article of oar manufacture 1 STAMPED WITH OUR INITIALS AND TRADE MAKE, And those who wish to obtain goods of onr make (there being, at the prercut time, numerous lmtt. tlons In the msrket), sr.onld Invariably ask the dealer of whom they are purchasing to exhibit onr stamp on the goods, and take no other, no matter whs representations may be made concerning thorn. KILDURN & GATES, Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture, Ho. 619 MARKET STREET, TlsmwSmrp PHILADELPHIA, PA. "buy-your furtHtu rs or GOULD & CO., Mcs. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street AND N. E. Corner NINTH and MARKET. LARGEST, CIIBAPHST, AND BEST STOCK IN THE WORLD. If B wfmSmrp rpilE GREAT AMERICAN FURNITURE DErOT, 1202 MARKET STREET. 1204 i'- Kxamlne our Immense stock, unsurpassed in va riety and elegance, before purchasing. WALNUT WORK A SPECIALTY. We sell 20 per cent, cheaper than auction prices, and will not fee undersold ty any house. Foil Marh'e Top Walnut Suits 0to t0O Cottage Suits $: to & Parlor Suits In Plush. Terrv. Runs, and H.ir ninth I Chamber and Dining Room Butts In great variety, all p at prices that distance competition. 10 24 mwfrp3m WHISKY. KUPFERBERG'S Sparkling Moselles AT SIS PER CASE. These Wines ate very rich and fruity, and those who are fond of - the German Sparkling Wines should now avail themselves or this opportunity to purchase at ten per cent, less than cost. tl. & A. C. VAN BEIL, Tho Wine 7verchat. Ho. 13 10 CHESNUT St., 11 II fmw2m PHILADELPHIA. COMMISSION. CIRARD MERCANTILE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. Chartered by Bpecial Act of Legislature, March 16V 1870. Organized for the Purpose of transacting a WOOL AND COTTOffi COMMISSION BUSINESS, No. 34 S. FRONT St and 35 LETITIA SC, PhUada. J. IL LIVINGSTON, President. JFFICEUSOF TIIE GiRARD MERCANTILE CO' President, J. II. LIVINGS TOW, late resident Partner of Taussig, Livingston & Co. DIltECTOKS. JAMFS M. PRESTON, of Preston & Irwin, Woollen and Cotton Goons Manuiacturers, Mauayunk, JOSEPH D. MeKEE, Peun Knitting Mills, city. JvHN MAXfcON, Jn., Woollen and Cotton Uoods Manufuclurer, M-antyunk. W. w. KURTZ, of Meisbrs. Kurtz A Howard, Bank ers, citv. TUO8. UROWN, of Messrs. McFetrtch A Brown, JOHN O. HOWARD, lreaa. J. A. RATBQLD, Sec CONSIGMdENTS SOLICITED. CHARJE3 RE A. KONABLE. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE. Consignors promptly advised of any changes be Markets by mall or telegraph, when' quested. 10 21 sinwrp PIANOS. tspr GEORGE STECK & Cfl.'S PIAKOG, jraiid, tiqiiare and Uprft iXSO, HAINES BROS. PIANOS. Only place in Philadelphia for sale ot &aon & Hamlin's World-Eenownea Cabinet Organs. For salt or rent, or to rent with view to purchase, and tairt 0 rental apj ly. 14 tf 42 OUt, It & FISCIIRie. J. E. GOULD, No. 923 CHE8NUT St. WM. G. FISCHER, No. 1018 AKC1I gt. fi STEIHHAY & SONS' f2 Grand Square and Upright Pianos. Special attention Is called to their new - Patent Upright lInuuM, With Double Iron Frame, l'aient Resonator Tubular MetHl Frame Action, etc., which are matchless a Toue anl Touch, and nurlvalled la daralniity. CIIAIZI.U.' 11L.48II WAREROOMS, No. 1000 CHFSNUT STREET, 13 tfrp PHILADELPHIA