THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1870. 5 IltlUSlCAIa AIW DRA7IAT1C. The CUT ABiinnmi. lT TBR 'ACADHMT OF MtTSIO -V Wstas Will Oft frformed thia afternoon, and Vfebor's romantlo era or iranimi inn evening. )n Monday Brlstow's American ooera of Rio ran fnkte will be prodneed. t TTiB walnut Mr. Clarke win appear this rto,r lon as "Major Welltoirton deBoou," ami thUevan- K ss "ie boots" aus "Toodies." The performanca s evening; win conclude witn uuckstone's drsma The Dream at Ufa. t THi Ciiksm't tbe burlesque of i.itiU Faint will performed this afternoon and evening. Vr tii Akch Meters. Hllliind OraiR'a drarai of iftn ihro4 will be represented for trie last time s evening. rtPAM KoitKi-Airnti'H Crncus ani Mknaokkik will !ili)it this afternoon and evening for the laxt times, tbe comer of Broad and Wallace streets. Wt I)f vhh7. s. r.KNi:iic,T'8 Oi'kra HoimK an enter- niRs; programme of minstrelsy will be prcseuted s evening. ttT ttik Amskmuw variety performances will bo fen this afternoon and evening. Itii (Jkkmani a kchfstka will Rive a public re- firsal at Munlenl Knnd Hall this afternoon. Kt ma Alien (Strebt Opika Hour's a first-rate turdav nlctit bill Is announced. Fiunor Bi.itz aud hi son will give magical exlilbt- ns at me Assembly jiuiiaing tnis anernoon sua pDing. v CrKANn t (incbrt, onacr tno direction or mr. otnas K. Mai kios, will be given at Concert 1 1 ill Tuesday evening next. Previous cinoerts given Mr. has been exceedingly enjoyable en tainments, end the one annonuced for Tuesday noises to be fully equal to tlie bent of former lura. A varltd and Interesting programme has i n prepared, which will be well worthy of the at hilon of the musical public, as Mr. Ifarklns will assisted br a number or eminent artists wnose rlta ars well known. Among these may be men- ned Madame Mubhia Mozart. Mr. Carl Wolfsoiin. tidnmc Jci'iuo Kcmptoti, Mr. Ueorgo Simpson, and p. T. A'Jtvi'kott. Tickets can bn obtained at the mo warernonu of Mcmsrs. Uould i Fischer, No. ti Ohcsnot street. I'liK Khkncii tii'KPKKKRfl. Early In December a fffornianee, 10 consist of a French and an English lW, will be given ut the Amateur lrtwmg-K'Km, f Mventccniti Ktriet, in aid of Hie victims of the r in Franc. Tickets can be procured of Madirae Jlervll y, No. l.vzT Sprace street. .. S'lIK Bl'ltl.INttTOV, CK04B lUPID', A VI MINNESOTA, ji.ROAn C'o.mi'ant. The Burlington, Cedar Kapida 1 Minnesota Railroad Company Is a continuation 1 the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, d It traverse without competition, the richest rtlon of Iowa, and receives as tributaries the I'hi- !ro and North west, Rock Island and Pacific, Union Iflc, Chicago, Burlington and Qulucv, Minnesota ntral aul I! jcKford and Rock Island Railroads. pias four great Initial and terminal points, viz, Faul, St. Louis, Burlington, and Chicago, and it ns through ono of the finest regions of the West - stook, grain and other produce. t Is estimated, from the average earnings of ks road, that the Income accruing from completion of the enterprise after the ktof Deoembtr will be a follows: Receipts on V miles front Burlington to Cedar Fails, at g-ioou A mile, tl,sr.r,000; operating expense at M per it., 1679,0)1), which will l".ava a net Inoome of rs.OOO. Tre interest on 7 per cent, gold bearing yds, equivalent to 8 per cuit. currency, will be ,000, wlil'.-h w:l) make fio earnings in excess of crest applicable to dividend on stock, linlnjr 13 per nt. upon the amount of stock, at $20,00j per mile, 5.000. The slock for this road has all been sub- fflbed to by wealthy parti' s along the e, and paid In full. The bonds are held k)0 and interest in currency by the annts of the d, Messrs. Ucnry Clews A Co., of New York, and k for sale by bankers and brokers generally. Tbe atcr portion of this whole Issue has ben disposed in sums ranging from gtooo to S'o,oivi,.and the issof sabsici ibera Is largely represented by trus s of funds, cashiers of banks ami savings Institu te, Insurance companies, and other judicious and rmanent Investors. Ladies' Stockings. "3 S5-C' NT STOCKISrt is Vvu. 15-Cknt Siockiko is Finis Fa nine. Phis stocking and the specialties In Ludics', Men's, I Cliildieii's Underwear which Mr. Finn is now lllug are evidently great bargnlns, as Is evinced itii thf nrnA'dfl rif nnnhauora fliilir f1nit(nrr hia lC " v ' r ' "" lore. !l ss-Oknt Ladies' vkst. ft ho flfl-ceni Vest Is sightly u:id warm, and the Twst cil'eieil f ir the money. fl Ladiks' Vkst, Klne Merino, haudsomely Ehaped, is dally Increas- in favor ami demand. 1-40 fluo wool Snxony Vest. MKh'8 AM) OlULDKKN'S UNDKKWEAK. f.o and is cents Men s good heavy shirts. he 90 cents and $1 Shirts are splendid goods. tl-40 and 2 line Wool Saxony Shirts, children's Wear at economical prices. John M. Finn, S. E. corner Arcl and Seventh street i. fy'EN-iENT Zephyr, JKN-IIKT A EI II T K. EThe wonderful popularity of the Teu-ccnt Zephyr s .attained Is surprising. Mr. Finn Is taxed to ep his supply equal tj the demand. l.a'Ues are lng It for nearly every kultiing purpasa Imaglna- Ae, such as Airhans, Shawls, Caps. etc. It is the jcanest-waelied and most beauflful-tijed Zephyr In fe market, Mr. Finn has also a very large assort- ,ent of Stock'ng Yarns. Jons M. Finn, 8. K. corner Arch and Seventh streeU. IZephtr U ;ons. A full line of Zephyr Embrol- red Slippers ami Cushions, of brillUnt designs, a just been rpened by Mr. Finn, the prices of filch he bn greatly reduced. Slljpers formerly lllngforfl he has redased to 73 cn:s, and Sofa (ishions of tuitje size, good designs, he has marked 1 .... . ' , nn.1..K I ...11.. 1, a .. . .. A at his st'H'k. Jons M. Finn, S S. E. corner Arch and Seventn streets. VnpEKB S.I.V.IK Pi.ATBD WARS I-'OR CHRISTMAS Vo Wedhi: .1 I'm.riKSTM. ou reference to our ad fct tUing colu. nn3 it will be fceu the.t the Messrs. ;ad Koli''.i:i8, the celebrated mduufacturors of er plated iv a iv, advertise an Immense stock of KjdswbH Ii t Hey have pwparol expressly for the lollday season. It comprises every article in their e of biisiu m", an 1 for beauty of design, style, and fiality cannot be excelled in this or any other untry. Purchasers will remember that large Viantlties of ho called silver plated ware can be irebased at ixibllc tale, but If our citizens want an tlcla that is all it is represented to be that Is, of e best qua lly they will purchase of the Messrs. ad & Bobbins, at the N. . corner of Ninth and ok and and imposing sight these One days may (seen wentiiDg their way (the elite of the city and rrouuding cuimr ) to the Urtat Kid Ulove Em rium of Mi ssrs. A. k J. B. Bartholomew, No. S3 pinioii atr.-et Tlieir maeniilcrot stock of fash. nable goo'ts and the low prUes at which they are tarked make this Housu one of tiu centres for sulunable pa'.ions, as well a those of more mode- ite means a : i pretensions, m tho st ock comprise jl grades from medium to Jl quality, but no cheap r trashy goxW can be found in this uouie. uood )ods at fair prices is tbe motto of luis house in ,1 its brauclu?. or the accommodation of those that wish t tA t in' 1 1' r.tirchiiaea before basines hours and (efore the I.h commences, Kockuii-l 4 Wilson AiU open their store to-morrow (Saturday) morning Six 0 cioci , ana inose wno cannot mane h couve- ieut until after busfntss hours, they will ond us pen until after ten o'clock la the evening. We m ite all to cil aud examine the largest, best, aud lieapest slock in the city, not forgettmg the popu- xT all-wool ten dollar fall aud winter suits. Rock bill k Wilson, Bsown Stone Hall, Nok. 603 and 603 Chsskct street. I . - ., ,m Ei.kgant l!i othinu when all the requirements vf faahiou are con blued with eoonomy society Is ii8tled. lletce a'l geutlemeu or reflued taste hould visit the mammoth clothing house of Charles aokes A C... Continental Botel, Chesnut street Ivii articles of clothing are devlaod br true arilt. r ... , rimmed with elegauoe and tus', ana i'i at prices o astonish, the eldest luhabltauk Wrrnsrr Btot o Bipiiikht. Phalon's Tttalia, or Salvation for the Hair, bas no bad smell, and riots not stain the skin. It has n Ingredient that safe sldes In tbe form of fllthy sediment. Oonseoanntlf, it Is not shronded In darkened bottles. Tbe u aural color of the hair, however completely (t mar have laded out. Is Invariably reproduced by tbe Tltalla. Sold by all druggists. An Old N trass poit Children. Don't fall to pro cure Mrs. W1KS1.0W8 Soothino Strbp for children teething. No mother who has ever tried It will oon ent to let ber child pass through this critical period without the aid of this Invaluable preparation. Gives rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child. Cures wind colic, and regulates the bowels. Mr. William W. Cassidt, the Jeweller at No. 8 Soath Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks or all kinds of Jewelry and Silver, ware In the city. lie bas also on hand a fine assort ment of fine American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this store at the present tlina aro certain to get the worth of their money.'8 Restaurant, No. 9. Arcu street, eie gantly fitted np, Is now In full blast, serving alt the delicacies of the season from 6 A. M. to midnight. Tarties returning from the theatres or opera house served at the shortest notice from an unsurpassed bill of fare. Ladles' Saloon on the second floor. OniNA at Auction. Clay's China Palace, No. 1022 Chesnut street, will close out the entire xtock at auction, commencing Monday morning, at t0'39 o'clock. Suits of Rooms are a favorite mctlnd of hotel life. The American Hoi'.ik, Boston, has a large number of such, which mar be secured by pojt or telegraph, by families travelling. Amen. On Friday evening, at 9 o'clock, Anna Avkkv, (lHiiutiter of Benjamin aud Sarah Allen, In me tin year oi ner age. The relatives and friends of the family aro respeot fnlly lnit.ed to attend her Mineral, from the real. drn"e or her pa-etits, No. 120 Winter street, (ier ninntown, on Tuesday afternoon, November Vid, at X O'CIOC.K. Finnet. On tho 17th Ivstant, Catharine Fin- k v, wue or 'i nomas i inney, seed 63 years. The relatives end friends of the family aro respect- inny invinn to attend me lunerai, irom ner utte resi. dence, In Airy strtct, Norristown, on Sunday after noon, at 1 o'clock. Kkmon. On the eveniugof the 10th Inttant, Ei.i.a S., wife of Levi Kenton. The funeral will take place from the resldenoe of hit lamer, jonn r. itecs. jno. tos trie street, on Sa turday afternoon, at o'clock. Interment at Lit'irel lllll Ci nietery. Kocu On tho 16th instant, Jons F. Koch, in JUie aiPT. year oi inn i;e. The relatives and friends of the family, also Wil liamson IxkIuo, No. 8Gt. A. Y. M. : 1'olice Ildnetlc.lal Society, and employes of the Mint, lire ropnctfa lv Invited to attend the funeral, from the residonco of his brother. No. i::o Otter Rtreet, on 8'iniiay after noon, the 20th fnBtanit, at 8 o'clock. To proceed tj utiu rciiows jcmctery. M.iitiiN. On the IRth Instant, Sarah, wife of Patrick Mm tin, aged 70 years. The relatives anil mends or the raniily are respect fully invited to attend the ruticrai, from tho resi dence of her husband, No. Hi 1 South Fourth street, on Atonoay rtorntng, at o ciock. Kunerai service at Saint Mary's Church. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fir a'tJi'tonat Special AoticM to Imi'U liyji. tJi- AMRRTOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ' SIXTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF TUK YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHILADKl-fHIA. TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 2. Addrcpses will be delivered by Hon. WILLIAM .'POI)(JK, ricRiiient Y. M. ! A., New York. II. THANK MILLKK, Kso., Of Cincinnati Y. M. V. A. I'ev. THOMAS A. JAGUAR, Of Holy Trinity 1'. E. Hhurcn, Philadelphia. And other. Choice selections of muslo bv Carl Sentz's t irma- nla Orclieslra, commencing at T o'clock. Ctongreg- tionoi singing under direction of Colonel 1). w. c. Exercises to commence punctually at T o'olock I . M. TO DEFRAY EXPENSES, Tickets with Reserved Seats In rnvntiet. Parquet Circlp. and Balcony will ue soul at JiiN "i-hvk i'kwtn eacn. Sale of Reserved Seats to begin at F. A. NORTH A CO.'S, No. 10-20 ClimNUT Street, TUESDAY, aid inst.. ut s o'clock a. jm. Resolved srats in Family Circle and admission tickets to nil pttrts of the house ca.i bn obtained FRKE by luenilnr and others on and after Fridty monilni', at tne Hull of the Asioclation, No. 1210 CiJ 1.SIS UT Street. 11 19 l2t LECTURE! BY REV. A. A. WILL1TS, 1). ., IN UIH'KCII, EIGHTICENTU and FILBEUT Streets, ON TUESDAY EVENING, November 28, at 8 P. M. Subject: "THE SEiSRUT OF A HAPPi" LIFB."' Proceeds lor the benefit or the Sabbath-school. Tickets M cents. For sale at Store 16U MAR KET street, or at tbe door on the evening of tue Lecture. It" I . .11. A UR IIUOMU CUrU!ll IllVlbVilI. VUUbJlJUtl'fui of Food, Clot bins;, Money, etc, earnestly so licited. . 1119 6t A PRAHI) STBREOPTICON EXHIBITION " In aid ol the Sabbath-seh'iola of CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. N. L., will be given in He church, N. B. corner of FRANKLIN and THOMPSON Streets, on TUESDAY EVENING, No vember S2, isio, commenciug at o'oiock. Admis sion, so cenrs. it rjy- REV. J. HYATT SMITH, OF BROOKLYN, N. Y., author of the great book, "Open Door," will lecture 10 wnsr akch m istir ritusux i k R1AN CHURCH, EIGHTEENTH and ARCH Streets, at 8 o'clock on MONDaY EVENING. Sul ject: "New York to Jerusalem." Ttokets, BO cents. 11 19 f nf A PUBLIC M r.ETI N ll TO EXAMINE Tit K LEI"! ER PRESS COPIES taken from PRINT ISO executed at HELFENSTE1N It LEWIS' Kail road and Commercial Printing House, FIFTH and cut e;N c i' streets. . u i MOURNING DRY COODS. jIAYE OPENBU THIS WEEK: 3 cases Lyons Gros Uratu Black Silks, at $1M, f 1-75, 12-00, li-bo to 14 00 a yard. l case Lupin's All-wool Black Poplin Biarritz, at tvv 8 cases Black All wool Frenoh Merlnoea, at 31,vc, l, ll-ss, ll-w, $1-75. S cases Black Alpacas, of the best make, at STtf, eo, 11, and TS cents. 1 case Black English Bombazines, alt qualities, aud best make imported. 1 esse Black and White Striped Poplins, 31 cts. 1 case Black and White Dot Delaines, i eta. 3 cases Black English Crapes and Yells. so cartons Lubin's Black Tblb?t Long Shawls, all dualities, wool fringes and hemmed borders. so cartons Jouvln, Doyon A Co. Ladles' Plain Black Kid Gloves, at 19 00 a pair. 1 carton Black Barege for Veils. 1 carton Klack Silk Brussels Net for Veils. ALSO, Black All-wool Ottoman Poplins, f 1 2 Black Silk and Wool Corded Poplins, 3135. Black Lining Silks. Black Crape Trimmings. New styles White Tarlatan Colors. Llaok fc'atlu De Chine, H cents, etc. etc. K0UKN1NU MtY GOODS H0USK, No. 018 CHESNUT St., 11 IT 8t PRILADILPail. rfey THAXKSfJIVING DAY AT THE HO. VI It for Lime Wanderers, No. 823 BAINBRIDUK (late Shii pen) Street, Exercises from 11 A. M. to 3 I, .1 ril.... . i ii, ,l..ll :...! lUn.JUntUn. 3 O CD m CD U2 EH E2SS3 o o o &4 to o M o ci B o CI GREAT TRIUMPH OF AMERICAN GENIUS. THE STAR NICKEL PLATING WORK! TVo. 4 2 H E. AUD WITNESS THE WONHERFUL TIIOCESS OK THR DEPOSITION OF NICKEL FULLY ACCOMPLISH WHICH HAS BEEN VICTORY AT LAST ELECTBO-rLATIN( WITH NICKEL MACHINERY, STEAM ENGINES, KTEAM FIUE ENGINES, noSE (JABBIAGES, CUTLERY, TAB LIS TAKR, VI R fl! (lit vT SKATES, SLEIGH BELLS, HABNFSS MOUNTINGS, R D1LEUY HARD WARE, BITS, SPURS, MUSICAL INSTRUVIRNn FIRE HORNS, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, ORNAMENTAL METAL TRIVLMINOS FOR TOILMT GA.S W4, ALBUMS AND HOLIDAY GIFTS, POCKET FLASKS, ELECTROTYPE PLATES, MILITARY TRIMMINGS, SWOItDS, GU 3, PISTOLS, AND AN INNUMERABLE CATALOGUE OF OTHER ARTICLES. NICKEL PLATING DOES NOT CORRODE OR RUST, ITS BRILLIANCE IS IVIPBRIS lABLU. BRIGHT AS POLISIItCII STEEL, CHEAPItR AND MORE DURABLE THAN SILVER, BEING OP THE HAHDNE3S OF UNTUMPERED STEEL, NOP AFFECTED BY MOIfeTURE, FXrOSURE TO THE ATMOSPHERE, THE WEAKER ACIDS OR COAL GAS. TO THE HOUSEKEEPER AND MANUFACTURER IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT IMPROVHVf KNT O TIIR NINE TEENTH CENTURY. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO EVERY ONE SELVES. ALL ORDERS U OMtULY ATTENDED WATCHES. J;Nl!liSCMl ilk 1 8.-5 1. WATCHES. EVERGOING 8TEM-WINDEUS. KEY-WINDERS, QUARTER SECOND , MINUTE REPEATERS, ETC. ETC. ETC. C. & A. PEaUIGIJOT, No. 008 CHESNUT STREET, 1 1 mns3t PIULiPKLPaiA. PLATED WARE. S 1 00000 WORTH OF SILVER-PLATED WARE, FOB CMstmas ail Mim Presents. The Largest, Vari and Most Elegant Stock ever tffeied in thit Ciuatrf. MEAD & ROBBINS, N. E. Cor. NINTH and CHESNUT, 19 3 BtUtu3jB PniLADKLPUIA. PURITY EXCELLENCE. HEirr & cos JI I N O K 3IEAT IS TBE BEST. TRY IT. USB NO OTSER. For isle by all Orocen. U p Every Person Should Visit REAR OF PENN BUILDING, WALN UT rJT A I LEY C CO., PROPRIETORS, THE SUBJECT OF" EXPERIMENT FOB ACHIEVED BY A F1 E 1 OK AIL ARTICLES OP METAL M A.N TO. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 1. S. IB WIN, TABLE SAUCE. A. A. S M Y T H, MANUFACTURER OF C hampioa o L mcric TABLE 8 A UC E, No. 1720 JONES STREET, Philadelphia. The Proprietor of this wel'-known Sauce desires ! to duei t attention to Its great merits, sad would especially solicit the patronage of Families, Hotels, KesMfturantH, tirocrs, aud Puryyors. With the employment of tho ery best Imported article?, conjoined with great care lu the manufac ture, he has lrou enabled to remove from the prepa ration the nauaeous and pungent taste so common t articles of tins character, trlvln? ouiy the delight ful HiV.r iui 1 iirom.i peuii'iuriy lu own. Tne Hon VlvaU and epicure will llud this Saucea ileliL'ht.fitl addition to the enjoyments of the table. To the ilvsptvulo aud invalid It Is a grateful MitmilHnt ex(;tl ent tonlo, reuewin tno natu tul appetite, and invigorating to the general B Mitt in. 'it muy be used In nil dishes: Jleats, (lame, Fish, Soiit8, ShIh'Jh, (Iravli'H, etc. The foiloiviug t-istluioniais are respectfully sub mitted : 1 am of the oidbion that for he purpose of pro niotinn cur!el.i'd or uroy digestion, and for Im proving the reilMi of meats and ether food, we have no conuiuK'tn t Smj th's Champion of Ame rica Table Shuos. .. u. r. KiiA, at. li. I am using A. A. Smyth's Cx.imp.oii of America Ttblo 8uv, and under it to a iy American Sauoe I have over until. c L ULIs K.WIS, UuiSlMin H-ms. I am uwDg A. A. Smyth's Champion of Afueitca Table Sauce, and prefer It to an v Aiiifs'tcan Sauce I have ever used. U M.HK1DLKH, Markoe House. We are vsiug A A Smytu's Hhatupiun of America Taple haute, u:.d find it u very a ip-nlor article. (illtAUl) iLrsii We are using A. A . Smyth's Ch tinpioiiof America Taiiiu .S ince, bi'.d tliliik It aa gooil, if nut l.ellcr, tnau any Aiairi" au (Sauce we have ever used. MAOlilt. IJAS:l A (Ji., .Uerehauls' lio'el. Iariinsmir A. A PmvUt' Chtinpio'i of A'neriea Talile .Sau;c, uud Uelicve it to b? the fin -st (loinestlc sauce made. .1. U. DL HAVnN, W j n at n II iuso lam using A. A PniXh'a Ciminpion of America Table Sauce. I bed it aag not better, than any I have used. .MO-.1C-I hU ILK li, S(. Chu-lea' Il itel. We are using A. A Smyth' cuampi-fi of America Table Surf, ai:d b. li--vp it to be the best mericaa baucc wc uive ever used. MOOKK A WICBHH, liiou Hotel. A. A. Pmvt.b's imsmpion of A nerlca Ta'ole Ssihv, wlili li' I am n'.uu at mv r-f tjuraui, is Uie beat Uouicslic Sauce I lnvi- eei uied. mi:s m. a. h.kmi:k, hroa l and ;hMPUut. Iain using A. A. Smyth's Champion of America f able Sauce, aud like it better than auy Ameiicaa Sauue mmie. JOHN W. PRICE, No. so-i Cliubnut street. We are using the t'tiii'uplori or America Table Sauce, manufactured by A. a. S nyth, aud nud It to be au excellent Table fUucc, as good as auy we hsve.veru.ed. CAHL &. CO., No 4S1 C'hesuut street. I an using A A. Smyth's Champion t America Table t'aure in my restaurant, aad like it botter than soy Table sauce made. ' 0OIIX McOOWAN, hrosd aud walnut. For sale by nil First-class (Irocers. 11 I'Jt 4t GIRARD F'iERC&HTILE COMPANY. OP nilLADELPHIA. CnarUred by Special Act of Legislature, March 16, 1610. Organized for the Purpose of transacting a WOOL AND COTTON COMMISSION BUSINESS, ITo. 8i 8. FRONT St and 3 LBTITI A St., Pnilada. J. II. L1YINQSTON, President. OFFICKRS OF THE Q1RARD MERCANTILE CO ! I'rtEldtnt, J. H. LIVINGSTON, lata resident Partner ol Taussig, Livingston k Co. DiRBOTOaa. JAMTS M. PnESTON, of Preston k. Irwin, Wooreo sod Cotton Ucxxis Manuiactururs. Maiuyunt, JOSl'H D. McKEK, Penn Knlltiig Mills, cH- JOHN MAXbON, Jk., Woollen and Cotton (ioods Manufacturer, ttansyunk. W. w. KURTZ, of Mesitrs. Kurts Howard, Bank era, oltt. TBOS. bROWN, of Messrs. McFetrlch k Brown, JOnN.Q. HOWARD, t reaa. J. A. B AYBOLD, See. COKSIQMHENTS SOLICITED. CHAR3K3 REA EONABLB. L1BBUAL 1DYANOK4 MADE. Consignors promptly advised of any changes lie Markets bv uU or telegrapn. when' quested. W81smwrn liJ JE ri BY THS BVTrKltY, TO saO'JBiS- MOKB THIN HA.LK A GSXVQUY. C A T J INCSNUITY. IT E ACT U BE, BUIL1)IN H41tDVAB TO CALL AND EXAMINE FOR I'lItCM Superintendent. FURS. 1230 l HESNUT STREET. 1230 LADIES' FAZdGl?. rUR3. The moM codly FUKS a', the rr.ost. mo terate prloas CHARtES LCV713SOM, FURRIER, Ko. 1230 CHE3NUT STREET. RCSSIAN SABLES, HUiiMiN BAY CABLES, CAW ADA MINK teAP.LKi, FINE KOTAL HIlMINff, UUKiNOS AYICCS C'lllNu'Hrcr.A. BLACK AND VVIii'f K ASTKAiiHAN, GKEBE, SSAL, QUlKUiiL, And every known FITK In every variety of style, n idu ami flolKhed t the moat superior miuner. A NOVELTY I LE WANT METFP. SLKIOn EOBE9 AND OSNTS' FUK"I! I.AI'IVS FOOT MU?fS AND ULOYKS! 10 iC tnthh2in ADIEb' PU 8ACQUE5 lu Am t r si klian, i: nl .H-al, aVfn lt Meal, OurucuSlaund I'erxianue, With .TSutl'M JJiit E2o:im to ,T1 uteri. A IVIacniiiCont ssonmont 4T ; No. 8.i CHESNUT STREE' 4KI- No. ; SOUTH NINTH HTUEET, lllvrs1m PK(L4l)WLPHI.. J TKIMMINCS. PATTERNS, ETO. WW. 171 E ft C K g Ct. CROTH2R, IJo. C04 ARCH street. LATEST STYLE3 LA I) IDS hllKS riM3i:.iLNGS, Bciiin Zephyr Uriels, Ef-o. A larse Importation of Kmhroldered Cunlilons and Embroidered hdppers, from ,t. upwals. V e have now ou baud a lull liuu of tbe celebrated UOUDIKK'S KJI) U LOVES, Considered In Europe surlor to auy otUer make. . Also, a full line of the VICTORIA KID GLOVE, The beet Oue Lol'.sr Ulove iu tne market, ft'OO Per t'nir. A complete assortment of the celebrated J. B. P. PARIS COR3ETB. WM, MENCKE A BROTHER, 108smwlm No. so AhCU Street, PhUada, li V AND 11 A N O Tl IS deslgna far EKG RAVED BALL TICKETS, PAKTY INYITAT.ONS, CAKCIKQ PROQRAUMEi, Prices Very RessouaWe. WM. H. HOSKIfJS, Stationer, Engraver, aad Steam-Power Printer, No. OlS AIIC1I Street. VlTEDDlNa AND PARTY INVITATIONS BN. GRAVED AND PRINTED IN THE LATEST STY LB. VISITING CARDS. VISITING CARDS. One Quire French Papsr with Envelopes to matoht In a neat box, stamped, only so cents. JOAN LINKED, Mwsm tmsp No. Ml fPRIN RDBH Street. HYACINTHS, Tl'LIPH, NARClMSrs, LIUE. jCJt)NyriI.w, an j other flower roots for out aa4 lUdoor decoration. Now is the time to plant. iikixiii a., 11 19 IWSSt No. U4 CUK'jV't Street,