4 SATURDAY, NOVEMBKIt 19, 1870. TllK HOLK OF Tllff FiifSS T1UDIS REPUBLICANS. Thr New York World advises Carl Schurs And his fellow free-tralers to koep up the preUnne of being Republicans for the pre sent, ho as to "strengthen and extend their influenoo, and propagate their sentiments among their party assooUte," in an article which also assures thorn that the ll?piiblio.in party is irrevocably committed to protection; and that thoy will be gladly welcomed in the Demooralio oamp as soon as they can transfer a considerable body of deluded followers from the Republican organization to the Demo cratic party. The true way to baffle 'such in sidious schemes is to confront them at onoe by making as bold an issue on the tariff ques tion as was made against slavery, rebellion, and repudiation. There are thousands of Democrats in Mixsouri who are protectionists in interest and inclination. The furnaces of that Slate are owned mainly by Democratic capitalists, and her Iron Mountain can be made a source of in exhaustible wealth by a protective policy. The property of her metropolis, St. Louis, depends infinitely more upon the develop ment and maintenance of d omoKtio manufac tures than on the increase of her foreign trade; and if Missouri is to be reclaimed at all, it must be by meeting Schurz R juaroly on his own ground, and beating down his free trade fallacies. In Pennsylvania, too, we need no better issue than the tariff. Tie only hope of the Democracy for carrying this State is based on a policy even more dishonest than that marked out for Bchurz. Here the Democratic local leaders are to insist that they are better tariff men than the Republi can?, and to carry the people with them, if possible, on old issues, while in other portions of the Union Democratic candidates are to overcome their rivals by the supposed popu larity of free-trade principles. The Republi can party is quite strong enough to triumph after the defection of every free-trader be longing to it, provided it can win the sup port of a fair proportion of the Democratic protectionists of the country; but it may be overwhelmed if it loses all its free-traders without gaining assistance from men who differed with it on the slavery issue. Missouri has plenty of Democratic protectionists who would be indi vidually worth a great deal more to the Re publican party thau Curl Schnrz, and it would be a splendid bargain to trado him off for any ouo of the Democratic ironmasters of St. Louis. There are votes to be won as well as to bo lost on the tariff issue, and the way to wiu them is to enlist every friend of Ameri can indubtry under the Republican banner, aud to gladly turn over to the Democracy every advocate of the industrial dominance of our foreign rivals. A O UIL ? Y (JONS 01ENGIS. In tub midst of the excitement oer the prospect of a war with Russia, a despatch ro tating to the Alabama claims from President Grant to Mr. Moran, the Secretary of Lega tion, aud, since the reoall of Mr. Montley, the Charge d' Affaires, has been reoeived in Lon don. In consequence of Lord Granville being out it was impoasible for Mr. Moran to cam manioate the despatch to him, and the Lon don journals have consequently been unable to learn anything with regard to its charaoter. The fact, however, that a despatch on the subject of the Alabama claims from the Pre sident of the United States should arrive in England just at this ritical juncture has stirred up the guilty Britibh conscience, and we are in formed that the greatest consternation and excitement prevail, it being immediately pre sumed as a matter of course that there is a Beoret understanding between the United States and Russia. President Grant could not have chosen a more auspicious moment for reopening the negotiations with regard ta the Alabama claims, for England is now trembling between a fear that Russia will obtain a preponderance of power in the Eist that will threaten the British domain in India, and a disinclination to embark in a great war which she will be obliged to carry on without the aid of the ally who carried off all the honors in the last struggle with Russia. All the meanness that characterized British dealings with the United States during the war is now remem bered with a disagreeable feeling that the nation then wronged and insulted can now have a glorious opportunity to take its revenge in kind, and effectually aid Russia and cripple England without participating in any way in the contest that at the present moment seems imminent. It is well known in England that the bitter feelings excited by the mean and dirty conduct of th9 British Government and the influential classes during oar straggle for existenoe have not died out in the hearts of the American people, Mr. Thomas Hughes can tell the British Parlia ment and public, as one of the most important results of his summer trip in the United States, that their exists npon this side of the Atlantic a sentiment of mingled hatred and contempt for England that may well be dreaded by that country, and if, in the event of a war with Russia that will tax all her powers, we do not repay with interest all the injuries we have reoeived, it will ba because England, although at the last moment, consents to make such reparation as we have a right t demand. There is no reason to beliave that there is any secret un derstanding between the Governments of the United States and Russia, bat the Emperor Alexander may well consider the sending of the despatch referred to above by President Grant just at the present moment, as at least a partial return for the friendly feeling always manifested by Russia and its rulers towards the United States, and for the car dial sympathy expressed for the national causa by the Emperor and his people during the whole of the Rebellion. ' It is entimatedthatrhiladelphiaspends about iH'PtOOO annually upon her street, while New Toik fpends over $2,000,000. This is a dis crepancy that more thm acoonits for ths difl'trence between the highways of tin two citifP. Ve have now been hesitating over three years about paving two miles of Broad street, snd have been permitting one of the grandest highways in the world to rem tin in en utterly disgraceful condition, while New York linn given a conlraot amounting to over $1,250,000 during the present month alone to the Stow Foundation Conpany to pave nine miles of Broadway. This faat certainly ought to arouse the activity of our authori ties and induce thorn to do pomething for the improvement of Broad street without further delay. NOTICES. Wkk's Entirb Suits, Ah Imti tin (10. Retter than are. mild tUeuhtre at flit ti f IK. Other at 112, 113, I1R, f 10, f 18, (20. vail ana tee. Ita1 -wan between ( I5RNNRTT fc CO , . TOVVKR 111.!., (No. f18 Makkbt HmKhT Fifth and Sixth ttret Sooner or later, a neglected Cold will develop a cor.btant Couph, Shortness of l'.reath, Valilng Strength, and WuHtinjr of ush the avant courlei-s of Consumption. In some Inxtaacea the same cause will produce lsrouchttln, a disease of the branches or the windpipe. In all affections of the Pulmonary organs, as well as In. Bronchial OompUlnts, Jaync'a Kxptctrrant Is both a paltative and a curative, as the testimony of thousands and Its world-wide repu tation attest while In Coughs and Colds It acts speedily, ond when taken according to directions, promptly removes them. Why not give tUI stand ard remedy an immediate trial? Sold by all Drug gist. Tub Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, recently closed, Is said to have, been the 11 nest and roo.-it successful exhibitions of the kind ever held in Hits country. Wc are much gratified at being able to annomce the fact that a prominent I'hlladelphla conoern i-tanda at te head of the lint of awan In the Sewing- machine Department, receiving the Gold Mbdai. for the Machine. 1 his is another flattering recognition of the superior hklll and lDgenuity of our Philadel phia mechanics. A well-merited compliment, as all mnst admit who are acquainted with the high charac ter of their workmanship. We extract the following from the report of the judges : l,The sewing-via'-hine t .at exhibit thefreiitest hortltp, acvanremejtt, and imiiropement; doe the ireaiext variety of useful work, equal in eon-it rv -Hon, workmanthip, and de.nijn to an; and all others on ex hibition, Is the American Buttonhoi.k, ovkiiskah- 1N0, AND SBWINO-MACniNE." The olllce and salesrooms of the Company manu facturing this splendid machine are at No. 1313 CnKf.NUT Street. All tthnuUI t;e it. See advertise ment In another column. Gold AIedii. Ranok lui'oitT.ws'T to llousK kkkim:i:s ami Hi ii.dkks What the community have long wanted la a good coofeing r.ingc, miitible lor summer as well as winter. Mr. .r. S. Clark, N. 1W8 Market street, lias, after many years of practi cal experimenting, perfected such a range. It has two cylinders one for summer and the other for winter which can e.ihily bu adjusted, ami give but llttlu Lent In the kitchen m summor, whilst in win ter It will hoat three rooms comfortably. It tidkos, boils, roasts, and heat the water all at the same time. It Is a perfectly air-tight gas cuuButner, and requires but half the a;roant of coal of any other ratgo in use. It keeps Qrd ror a greater length of time, and Is a perfect model In every repeat. ICvery body (should sco this range at the warerooms of the patentee, J. S. U'aik, No. lutH Mirket street, as nil who are about to purchase will be convitieed of Its superior advantages. CLARK'S IMFKOVBD 1ULTIMOUK KutK PLAOK Htf AT- in is now the acknowledged champion heater of the country, and the only liol-ur fire-place heater in the nuirket; It la entirely free from dust and giu, ami for economy of fuel stands unriva led. It has been hauils-omcly Improved, having a polished font-rail and hearth, and made of the b -st material; it will beat a large room in which It Is placed, aud three upper room comfortably, lu the coldest wetther, requiring very -Mttlc coal, and only once In twenty, four hours. Well conceived but badly-executed imitation of this splendid heater flood the market, aud It Is ne cessarj to examine well before purchasing. Do not make a mistake, but call and see the original 15 ise burner at the manufacturer's warerooms. All work guaranteed. They are sold wholesale and retail by John s. (jlirk. Sole Agent, No. 1U09 Markot street. U.UiKSClUBRATBD GOLD MBDAI. SAI.AMANDKK Hot-air Fiknacb. This celebrated Hot-air Par nacehnsteeu thoroughly tested during the past four year?, end has given universal satisfaction. It la the most powenul beater in use. It will do more woik for the ttme amount of fuel than any other furnace that has ever been Introduced to the public. In construction His simple, and made throughout of the very best material, aud fitted with great care. It is self-cleanlnp, and will burn the whole winter without rekindling. Very little care and attention aro required to keep It in operation. There celebrated furnace arc supplied with the patent evaporating chamber, by ilie bid of which all the impnritles of the air are destroyed, and a tine volume of pure, moist hot air is passed into the rooms above. Theie are seven diirerent sizes, so that they may be adapted to houses of any si.o and capacity. All are iLviti d to call and exanaine these cele brated Gold hlcial taUimandei- Hot-air F urnot-e, at the warrooms or the aaaufacturer, Joun S. Clakk, No. 1008 Market street. Clark's "Octavar." or third hand attachment can be applkd to any piano. The brilliant musical etlect produced cannot be described. Call aud heir It at jno. CC4 Arcn street. Free to all. No. 4T. ErnroKB All who want .the elegant Eui'MONK EOi O-STor, resonant case, Mason & Hamlin Cabinet OrgaB, No. 47, for Christmas presents, will please leave their orders with Oould A Fiscukr, No. 02 S Chesnut street, at once. The demand U great and supply short. Oall aud hear ihem. Thk GnovitR & Baker Sewing Machins Compant arc Belling both their Klastlc-SUtch and Improved Lock-8titcn Sewing Machines on very easy terms. Having both stitches, the privilege of exchange Is offered If net suited witt tti tt ihoioe. O tiles No. Tit Cbetnnt street. AhYTiUKU can be N'ckel Plated but a politician's conscience. Nickel will not deposit upon anything so muiU larder thau ltaelf. LIFE INSURANCE, J INSVKK YOUtt LIFE AT UOttE IN THE A M V U 1 C A N lii'k iNwurivViNcia co. OF rillMDKMMIIA. , . . - 1 ALBX. WDILLOIN, President."; JOHN P. WII.90N, Secretary Ihe AMBBIOAXUsacB polluks op all desirable p'.fcLa at low rate, anil If mum yiv I la the adven tures t tiered to (usurers by, any Company ta te inucumaus. in wumzvi 6, 1". Corner Fourth and Walnut Sn. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. mv Trench Bnnrtny -corning and evenln, corner of TENTH and Fll.RKRT turrets. 10 sSt Sy-cn RisTlwrF..cri U RClT,TIIl BTY'-KI1HTII " and HUIDGi: Streets. Ttev. !. H. FtiVTI.RR. P.P., ofCtilcago, will preach In this church Sunday, noveuincr w. av i h i . iu. CAI.TAltY PRTSBlTKlif At CHUKUll, w T,octiHT Street, ahve Fifteenth, U-v. Ir. HTIMPIIRHY. Pastor. Services at 10K A. M. and sap Tllit FIRST PRKSBTTBRl AM CHUKOtl. TOIINSON, IX P.. Pastor, will ptnanh to-narrow at 10J A. M. and 1 P. M. Stringers welcome. msnop sim propt win. preach m Mil I'l'jlll'.ri . . J .11. J. Vtl L'll ' ..r-in-f.i.-. ing' at io,v o clork, aud Kev. J. T. UKACHY In the evening at T o'clock. fir B1XT1I PRmnVl'KRIAN CllURfHI, 8PRU0B w Street. Ikmow Sixth. Rev. .1. P. (iONKKY, Pator, will preach to-morrow at tojtf A. M. and r. m. t&r- T. 0LKMKNT7iTc"unrtcrT1 tw e n tt kt ri w and C'HKKUY Streets. Service (Choral) and sermon to-morrow evening at 1 o'clock. At this service the seats will be free. 1 1 6 sit CENTRAL ntKRUYTF.RI AN CHURCH, N. I...N. K. corucr FRANKLIN and THOMPSON Streets Preaching by the Paator, Rev. JAM 144 Y. mi to irt. l.i., at i a. m. anu iy4 r. m. t&f" RPRlVd OAKDRrl IiAP 1 IHT C.1IUKCH, Rev. I P. IIOHNBKRUKK, Pastor. Preachlna to morrow at lov A. M. and 7M P. M. Sunday-school at s P. M. r-jf DIVINE SERVICE (PRO TKSTANT KPI4 copai) will he h"M In the hall or the'oani' I.AND HAIINDEKS COLLE JK. THIRTY-NINl'H Stnpf, above Market, on Humify, Nov. a, at ID 80 A. M. ai d T-8U 1'. m. Slinruy-achool at BU. ten- ALEXANDER PRESP.Y I'KItl AM CHURCH, NINETEENTH and UREiJM Streets. -Ser mon to Yoiinir Mn to morrow cvenltig by Kev. GEO. F. CAIN, l'ltsloi'. Service commences at T o'olock. rhWj- I1 MIST rKl'.SiJ l TEUI AN CHI) KCll, UUK low at lev,' A. M.'bv Rev. K. B. P.HUKN, ami T)tf P M.b.vRev. G. T. "BKOWN, of Denver, Colorado. Heats free to all. ( ff CENTRAL PItKSRYTKRI AN CHURCH, CHKRUY Streets. Rev. A. liKF.D. P.P., Paotor, will preach to-morrow morning at lov o'clock, and In tho evening at T! o'clock. Strangers cordially welcome. (K?- WICST KPKUUBJ STKHHT CUUKCH, SEVliNTlCRNTH and SPKUCHi Streets. Rv. W. P. P.REKD, D.D., will prea.-li the sixth of a seilesof sernmns on the Book f Job to-morrow at VbX A. M. Subject, ".lob and Zopnar." IPS- BETH-EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH, BROAD KaU and SPUIK'H Streetfl. Sunday niornln?, Cail drc n's Church. Music lv pcholuraof Sunday School. Sunday evenlr.jr, ordiiiance of baptism. Kev. .1. WJI EATON SMITH, D.D., will preach on both occasions. " rT5f I'LINTUN NIKl'JKl' I'llKIIY Tf.lllA CHUHCH. TENTH, below Sprae.e Itov. Pr. MAR' H will preach to-morrow (S md i) it 10 4 A. M. ai.d 'i'A P. M. Bvcuing subject, "Kuockiug at the Door." gv- SEVICNTII PRESBYTKItf AN CHURCH, BROAD Street and PKNN StUARE. Kev. HENUYC. McCOOK will preaon to-morr w at Ul.vj A. M. and 1 P. M. Sut)iect In eveuinir, "The Parental Relation as u Means of Honoiing God." t rfS-r NORTH TESTH STREET PRS SBYTKRIAN ' CUUKCH. below Girard avenue Rov. M. NEWKIRK, Pastor, will preach to-morrow nurnlivf orui evening (iii.s? ana iyt.) suniect ror evening sermon, "Jnfant Bnptism Vindicated. Strangers cordially Invited. REV. A. A. WII.LITS, D D. WILL P(?E iOII "w in tliH WEST ARCH WTRWKP PltttSIiYTE HIAN CHURCH, corner EIGHTEENTH and AROH Streets, to-morrow at 10jf A. M. aud T,V P. M. Eveidrig sermon the llfth of a series on Interest ing incidents in tho ministry of Christ "Christ's Conversation with Nlcodcmus." TnE November meeting ok the SUNDAY SCHOOL TJK CUERS of PlilUdi.-!-pblH, of all denoininal'.ons, will be held umt t the (liicctlon ot the Pennsylvania Stite Sabl.ir.h S :hr.ol Aesc .elation, on Momiy evnuinsr, November 81, at at the CHURCH OF THE COVENANT (Protestant Episcopal), HLuEUT Street, between Seventeenth and Klglitteutli. Address bf Rev. HENRY C. McCOOK, of this city, formerly of St.. Louts. N'.bjtct, "Object and OuMin t Teaching. ' Slort ad dregpes will be delivered by other prominent. Sunday School men. 11 IV 81 egjy- OPENING SERMON OF THK H AN- Dual StrifS, una tr the anspl usnf the Young Peoile's Assocl'ttlin of the TABERNACLE BAP TIST CHURCH, CHhSNUT west of Kljrhteuutli strt et.will be prett'-lied to-morrow (Sunday) evening, November 20, at I 30 oV o k, by Rev. A. J. F. BE1I RENDS, Pastor of Washburton AventiH BptUt Church, Yonkers,N. J. Suoject, "The Path to Vic tory." Singing by ttio Young People's Choir, under the direction of .John M. Evaus, Esq. Young people especially Invited. Services in the morning at lOtf o'clock. Sermon by the Pastor, Kev. G. A. PELTZ Rtf?r- THE THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF u THE PHILADELPHIA NOON .DAY PR AVER MEETING will ie held on Wednesday. r.d Insttnt, at 18 o'clock, at the CHURCH OF HPIPHANY, FIK TBH NTH and CH ESNUT. Kev. Dr. NEWTON will condnct the exerclsen. Aildree by Rev. H. JOB N SON, P.P., Kev. T. A. FERNLEY, Kev. V. HUN. PRICKS, Rev. THOMAS MA LOOM, Roy. B. L' AGNEW, Kov. F. CHURCH, ltov. Dr. KMEUSON, Kev. J. K. GATi S, and others. (Slglied) ItEOH'JK II. STflART, PETER B. SIMONS. THOMAS TOLM AN, JOSEPH II. SCtlKBINKK, ABKAM MARTIN, CHARLES BROWN. DRY OOODS. Table Linens! Napkins ! Towels ! Handkerchiefs ! ! ! I am opening a flrit-class stock at prices under market value, among which are: Fxtra Fine Double Damask Napkins, from 90c. a dozen. Heavy Loom Tabla Linens, 80c, Damask patterns, coo. np. Extra Heavy Barnsley Tabls Linen from II to 12-50. Linen Sheeting, Pillow and Shirting Linens. Splendid assortment of Fine Damask Towels. Muslin Sheeting in aU widths at lowest city prices. All Linen Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, lO cents. Genta' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, in perfumed boxes. 150. Hemstitched Linen Hdkfs., a perfect gem. Handkerchief i infancy boxes for presents. Merino Underwear. Cartwrlght A Warner's Merino TJnaerwear. Ladies' Merino Vests, 62jtf, i&o , II, tl'10 up. Gents' Merino Shirts an! Drawers, bo, 75c, It up. Boys', Misses' and Children's Merino bhlrts and Drawers. Ladles' Regular Made Hose, 25, 83, sic. ut. Gents' Regular-made Half Hose, 25, 83, 35c. Children's Fancy Hose, cotton and woollen. Flannels, Dlankets, Counter panes. Blue and Scarlet Pacque Flannels, 3T.V, 45, 55, 82c. All-wool Flannels, 85, k8, 30, 35, 44, ttu. , Shaker, Domet, WtUh, and Uailardvalo Flannels! ' Marseilles, Honeycomb and Dimity Counterpanes. Splendid assortment of perfect Blanket. Job Lot Sutla Stripe Pique, tin., worth 30c. Jleecy Lined, Cord and Figured Pique. . JOHN BURNS, House-fuiniihing Dry Good, Importer and Retailer f Hosiery, 815 aud Sir M. I'lM. VI. VI II Hi.. 1 it I U ABOViC 8PKUOB. ShWINQ MACHINES. II IS WHEELER & WILSON IRWIRti ItlACIIirVES, For Sale on Eaiy Term: HO. tU OIIESNUT ST11EET. 4 mwrf PUIXADRLPHIA. GROCERIES, ETC ALMEIilA GKAPES In Beautiful Clusters, 35 CENTS PER LH. OK .1 LTS. YOK $1-00. E. BRADFORD CLARKE, SUCCESSOR TO SIMON C0LTON A CLARKE, S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT l thstutftp PlIHADKLPHIA. OLOTHINQ. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK AT VH AT VE OFFER Fine Whitney Bcavrr f to totir. Fine Diagonals 1 12 to $20 2 M o English Melton (13 to & g detman Tricots fir to S2r t H O Esquimanx Beaver lt to 135 r" fcupcrflne Moskowa. 1 23 to $r,j GREAT BROWN HALL. GO.'l and C05 (MIESNUT STJIEET. Fine All-wool Suits Ill lienvicrand finer $ij A little better and Oner tat "Business Man's Delight" $m Diagoi.al Scotch Casstmere $18 Heavy i'aetdmcre Hults $20 Fine Walking Suits ii Fine blue Diagonal 824 lltavv Chinchilla tin Fine Fancy Csaimere tt ' Pride of the Present Age " Si ) GREAT BROWN HALL, GO.'l aud G05 OIIESNUT HTRFET. Everything In Immense variety for th winter wear of men or boys. The Hnest stock in town. The low est price. Hew and attractive features every day. GREAT BUOWN HAil , 603 and G05 CHB3NUT STREET. JST' HOTEL PHILADELPHIA: PA. Coats, Pants, Coats, Pants, SIO'OO Vests. Heavy Winter Overcoats. Vests. Heavy Winter Overcoats. S lO'OO DREXEL & CO., No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, American and 1'orelffn flankers, DRAWS EXCHANGE ON LONDON AND PRIN CIPAL CITIES OP KUU0P3. DEALERS IN Government and Railroad Securities, Drevi l, WinChrop A Co.,Drex4l, JIarjet A Co.. Mo. 18 Wall street, No. I Hue Scrlae, New York. I Paris. UlllAT CUXTIIAL. MIL.- No. 410 MAltKET STREET. SPECIALTI! SELLING OFF I The balance of my retail itock from No. 404 ARCH Skett, with my entire stock ol Full and Winter Millinery Uoodai will le Itetulled AT THE LOWKST WHOLESALE CASH PRICES, To R.ateionm for Spring stock.' My old customers, iid the laiii eeuera ly, are Invited to examine the best tuck in the city. tlllia4trp TIIOSaA III MRU AX. WATCHES. JEWELRY, ETO. '4 No. 1340 OllKSNL'T Mtreet. Phila. 2X aMWatchea, Jewelry, Silver and Plated-iL'il waie, a good assortment at MODERATU PRICES. Watches aud Jewelry carefu !y reji'.re.L 15 tusiu3mrp OUR REPUTATION xn u OF OLD OF HAVING THE 1JEST OS a a . ta v OQ BEADY-MADE IN THE 15 5 IS 16 15 IS 15 15'00 CO D CO XJ .1 STILL UNQUESTIONED. m oj r5 ot H bo lO o V E n o bo P o i i O OJEIKO OATS, SIO'GO, SIS'GO, SI4'00, S20'00, BSS'Oa. 31 lc y our bowl C0NTIKEHTAL N. S-:t CI-II33IVrrT ttvoft. CHARLES DRY OOODS. LYONS BLACK SILK VELVETS 23-1NCIJ, FROM ho TO flS, 32-INUD, FROM 1G TO $20. Black Velvets for Trimming. JOIIN W. THOMAS, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., t24 BtntMpSm PHILs.DgI.PdIA. BLACK SILKS. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT NOW OPEN AT THE LOWEST PRICES. PERKINS & CO., 0 South NINTH Street 13 tuths3mip parLDKt.peiA. CLASS AND QUEENSVYARE. TYKDAIE, MITCHELL & CO., , IMPORTERS OF French China, Belgian and Bchemian Glass, Fnglish Stoneware, lava Cuspadores and Spittoons, Parian Ornaments. 707 CKE8NUT ST., 707 usstr rni LAD XL Pill A. I'm ri once Asttln,"1- The Parkinson Caramel Depot, No. 1409 COKSNUT ST., above BroaJ, NOW OPEN. A splendid vtHMvor riNKCAUAMEL1, fresH ever Uour. lillJ. W o & o P CLOTHING o at CITY PS 15 15 15 15 15 IS 13 15 c H CO T O s O PS o an e O 12 o Tt w B P - OO c a A T S !ixiucl. HOTEL BUILDING, STOSES $t CO. DRY OOODS. SILKS. EXAMINE GEORGE FRYE.l'S STOCK OF - Black and Fancy Siiks Before Purchasing, No. 91G CHESNUT STREET, 9 S3 m PHIL VDELI'HIA, 100. 400. EYKE & LAX DELL, FOURTH and ARCH, OPEN TO-DAY AN INVOICE OF Cxalc8il(si Goods. CAMEL'S II A III SHAWLS. CAMEL'S HAIR SCARFS. CAMEL'S HAIR TIES. INDIA N ECK SCAR FS. E. & L. ARE MAKING EXTENSIVE AR RANGEMENTS FOR CimiSTMAS HOT IDA YS. EXPENSIVE PAIdJ.KT I.O.NG SH4.WL3. CASHMERE MOUBNIXQ ROflES. BANDKEKCIIIEFS IN MAGMFICKNT BOXES. RICHLY EMBROIDERED PIANO CO VERS. 19 ruTVb2m EDV78TJ HALL, No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Invltss attention to hU Stock of Cllfick KUliM, Colored Milk. l-'vcniof; Milkit, 11 ev lrew (Jootlat. Silk Cloaking Velvets, SILK PLUSnKS, RKOC1IE SHAWLS, T.LASKET SHAWLS, VELVETEENS, CLOAKING CLOTHS, A U of which will be o'.d at the It S mra3aatp Xowest Market Pricos.