THE DAILY ;E7ENJNG TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY", NOVEMBER 8, 1870 5 OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. The Eltctlan.-Polltlrnt O.trnelam la New Vri lad !Uinaar! iHllltni-T Irfern In BlrolLa.-Th Narfvlk KUt-h Ideal Affair, la Wubliitti-Omaerd Distracted by til rant n la Blamed for Meekl. the Political De trnctUn at the Prealdent Itamerea'a Diana tera la Paaalvaata Dlacnmlac III On Death Fallaev fill Kiplanntlea or Aran tr.aa'. Defeat Armalrens llecame Came ras'. Ch.mpl.n, mad Left llepe Behind Illn. Fom Our Otm Oorresvondenu Washington, Nov. 7, 1870. To-morrow Is big with fate to politicians. It is settled that the Republicans will, under any circumstances, retain supremacy in the House, but the elections just at html will decide whether they shall hold their power In a num ber of the States which may be important in 1872. New York will, of course, re-elect Hod man, and the chances are in favor of the De mocrats paining several members of Congress. It is notieeable that the Kepn blicans are dis jointed and wanting in the adhesiveness essen tial to success. Independent movements and irregular candidates in many of the strong Re publican districts give unmistakable signs of disintegration and absolute want of leadership, and in Missouri the whole State will pass from regular Republican control at one swoop. But for the unwise and entirely needless ostracism of the Fenton wing in New York and the Schurz wing in Missouri, both 8tates would to-morrow give Republican majorities ; but there, as in Pennsylvania, the administration seems to have sought for the weakest and mot helpless ele ment of the party, and dem ludcd unconditional Bubmiseion to it. New York and Virginia are threatened with bayonets to enforce the election laws, the re mit of which will be unfortunate for the Repub licans. Hoffman will poll 10,000 more votes in New York than he would have received had not the Democrats been furnished with the inspiring cry of military intimidation. On no one point are the American people more sensitive than on the subject of entire freedom la exercising the rights of citizenship, and however well inteuded, I regard the concentration of troops in New York as a blunder that will be lasting in its conse quences. There was tenfold more just cause found for military protection to the citizens of South Carolina from the mob militia than there is for military interference in New York, aud there was even less cause for the presence of vessels of war and marines in Norfolk. Secretary Robeson com mitted a sad error in going to Norfolk to speak to the 1200 navy employes and urge them to vote for one of the Republican candidates for Congress It was in bad taste, aud unproduc tive of good. The riot that followed was not produced by his speech, nor yet was it caused by the Conservatives, the highly inflammatory articles in the Chronicle to the contrary not withstanding. It was a free fight between two wings of tho Republican party, and the police took a hand after the melee be came general. Mr. Piatt claims to be the regular Republican candidate for Congress. Mr. Jones is a bolting Republican candidate. lie runs a whisky mill, and the Piatt men marched with a transparency reflecting upon Mr. Jones' profession of mixing gin slings and other palata ble beverages. This led to an assault upon the procession by the bolting Republicans, and tho end was a riot, Mr. Boiling is the Conservative candidate, and neither he nor his friends were mixed up in the row. It was a good card for "my two papers, both daily," and it has been played vigorously. Governor Walker had just as much to do with the disorder as the man in the moon, as he was in Richmond attending to his official duties. The whole thing has beeu worked up to re-elect Plait over his irregular Republican competitor, and the marines, with the navy employes, will doubtless make the en terprise a success. There is an uneasy condition of things here poli tically. You mistake in insisting that Senator Cameron has absolute control of Grant's admin istration. He doubtless assumes to be supreme with the President as to Pennsylvania affair?, but the late election in your State has excited grave suspicions near to the throne, and Came ron's last visits here have been barren of the coveted fruits. He came boastfully, and had himself heralded in newspaper of easy virtue as the man of destiny as to Cabinet aud other changes; but he failed in everything. From a Cabinet officer, which ho demanded at first, he finally fell down to Douglass for Com missioner of Internal Revenue, and it is well understood now that his persistent advocacy of Douglass defoated his appointment. It is now widely believed and openly discussed in close administration circles that Cameron delibe rately anil systematically see's the political de struction of te President. It is notorious indeed it was not concealed by the President at the time that when Graut was inaugurated he regarded Cameron as a nioft conuptand dange rous man, and for months the venerable Penn sylvania Senator had to reach the President through secondary channels. He bore it with tolerable patience submitted to Grant's marked Indignities, and fawned, and bowed, and smiled through it all. Finally he won the ear of the President, and for a time was potential; but when in New York recently Cauierou had it an nounced in I tie jS'un that he was not responsible for the innumerable blunders of the administra tion, and lie has bitterly and insolently com plained ot the President recently because he could not run everything to suit his own pur poses. There are certainly two Caiiinet officers who do nut conceal their convictions that Cameron wishes to rnle the admialstration while it has favors to bebtow, and then ruin it in the end. Mr. Chase has had Cameron's positive assurance of support more than once in case of his nomination for the Presidency by the Democrats. The defeat of tlx Republican candidates for Congress in your 8tate, in dis tricts now represented by Republicans, is at tributed to Cameron's fraudulent attempt at leadership with the view of subordinating the party to his own personal interests; and the President and politiclaus generally here have noted the elngular popular reverses which at tended every attempt of Cameron to elect his friends to Important positions. President Grant and hia fneuds are beginning to inquire seri ously whether they can ailord to sustain a doubtful filend like Cameron, when he proves to be entirely without popular strength at home. The declining Senator is prolific in explana tions of his defeats in Pennsylvania, but he hat thus far met with unappreciatlve ears in official circles. In a fit of sheer desperation, after meeting with manifest distrust in the White House and through the Cabinet, he called his faithful Forney to grave couusel over a dinner that "was excellently well served." It was rather of the funereal style as a feast, but min gled wine and wit conceived the happy expedient of a novel appeal to the lost sympathies of the press. The case was desperate, and nothing but a desperate remedy would avail. It was finally resolved that Cameron should discount his own death, as the last hope of extorting m few friendly words from Vie newspapers; hence the paralysis story, so classically prefaced by Forney's long despatch to the leading newspapers, and so mournfully given in most indefinite terms in despatches from Baltimore. It won, but posi tively for but one day only, and then came the truth, leaving the last state of the defeated pro tender greatly worse than the first. But he still persist in explanations. His organ in your city comes this evening with half a column of explanation el Armstrong's defeat. It says that local divisions in the party in the Republican counties ef Tioga and Potter cost him one thousand votes. Doubtless they did; but what made the local divisions ? and how was it that Republicans would sacrifice a Con gressman for petty offices ? If they had faith in their Congressman, would they not have sacri ficed the little loaves and fishes? And why had they not faith in their Representative ? They gave him over 2000 majority two years ago; now they defeat him by 27. When ho was elected he was regarded as free from the slimy, fatal embrace of Camcronism. Just before the close of the session he allowed himself to be heralded as wanting to be the hero of the assault upon a record against Cameron that has been unquestioned for nearly a decade. He goes back to the people, and ho not only loses 1000 in the Republican counties, as Mr. Came ron again says, but he loses another thousand in the Democratic counties of the district. What cost him the 1000 loss in Lycoming, Clinton, and Centre? Iu 1800 he was elected to the Legislature by Lycoming and Clinton, and re elected in 1801. His hands were clean then of the Winnebago pollution. Now he is beaten 1700 in tho same two counties which twice elected him. Disguise and explain as willing correspondents may, the truth is that when Armstrong accepted the friendly embrace of Cameron he left hope behind him, as did many other unfortunates In the late election, and as will most of such candidates in the unpromising future. IT ITEMB. Tbk Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, recently closed, ts said to have been the finest and most suc cessful exhibition of the kind ever held In this country. We are much gratified in being able to announce the faot that a prominent Philadelphia concern stands at th head of the lint of awards in the Sewing Machine department, receiving the Gold Medal for their Machine. This Is another flattering recog nition of the skill and ingenuity of our Philadelphia mechanics. We extract the following from the report of the Judges: "The sewing machine that exhibits the greatest novelty, advancement, and improvement; does the greatest variety of useful work ; equal in construction, workmanship, and design to any and all others on exhibition, la the American Button hole OVERSB AMINO AND SEWIN9 MACHINI." The office and salesrooms of the company manu facturing this splendid machine are at No. 1313 Chbsnct street. Tub Mothers Remedy for all diseases with which children are a filleted is Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates the stomach and bowels, and during the process of teething it gives rest and health to the child, and carries It safely through the critical period. Without Spot or Sediment. Phalon's Vitalia, or alvation for the Hair, has no bad smell, and does not stain the skin. It has no ingredient that sub sides In the form of filthy sediment. Consequently, 1 Is not shrouded in darkened bottles. The natural color of the hair, however completely it mar have faded out, Is invariably reproduced by the Vitalia. Bold by all drugglHta. Valer's Restaurant, No. 923 Arch street, ele gantly fitted up, is now In full blast, serving all the delicacies of the season from 6 A. M. to midnight. Parties returning from the theatres or opera house served at the shortest notice from an unsurpassed bill of fare. Ladles' Saloon on the second floor. Mr. William W. Cassidt, the Jeweller at No. 8 Soath Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks of all kinds of Jewelry and Silver ware In the city. He has also on hand a fine assort ment of line American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this store at the present time are certain to get the worth of their money. Tbk demand on Saturday for our f 10 and other beautiful and cheap suits surpassed anything In the history of our business. From morning until night there was one continual stream of customers making purchases at the Great Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhlll A Wilson, Nob. 603 and 605 Choanu street. JUAR1IIED. Naves Robb. On the 7th Instant, by the Rev. Wm, Lodville, at his residence, No. 1005 South Fifth street, Mr. Benjamin W. Naves to Miss Maruarkt A. Kobb, both of this city. Weiss Bishop. On the cth of October, by the Ittv. W. c. Best. Mr. Uakkt B. Weiss to Miss Kate M. BicHur, all of this city. Ili:. Jackfok. On November 6th, Mrs. Margaret Jackson, at the residence of her son-in-law, Andrew Miller, No. ltU South Sixth street, hf low Dlekerson. Tho funeral will take place on Wednesday, No vember 9tb. Porter On tho cth Instant, John M. Porter, in Die 74th year of his nge. The relatives pud fnends of the family are respect fully luvit'.-d to attend the funeral servieoa, at the re v di nee of his niece, Mary A. Beley. No. 774 South Fourth 8ir;et, on Wednesday morning, at 9)tf o'clock M'nrp. Funeral to proeced tj Norrlsiowu on the 1H ft o'clock A. M. imin. WOKKKi.L.-on thefjih instant, Ann, relict of the l,.te UtorRe V Worred, aged 80 years. The relatives and fricuds of the fuuilly are re. R.rctfully invited to attend the funeral, from the resilience oi JU r. ibiaei suppiee. Lower Aitm'.m, ra., on Wtilmsday morning next, tith Instant., ut lo o clucR. uarnau'es will lie in waiting ocuriNova Station, Pennsylvania Kallroad, on the arrival of the b o uoex train iroui ruiiaaeipuia. Strain. On the cth instant, Daniel Strain, aged CO tears. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited tn ai tend toe funeral, from ins late residence, N 2BU Market street, on Thursday morning, at B-ao o clock. Shkhrehd On Sunday morning, the 6th instant, Mrs. MART MikKKKBD, relict oi me lave jonii &uer rerd. seed 62 years. tier relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her son, Henry u, JSIierrerd. No. 19:t6 "i.ruce street, on the alternoon of Tuesday, the 8th Instant, at 8 o'clock. Intermeut ht the Woodlauds. 1 SPECIAL. NOTICES. For adilitioiiul Sjj ial m ltimdm t&f A COURSE OF LECTURES ON ANA- TOMY, PHVSIOUH,ndHVaiBNE will lie delivered by professor E. W. VOODKS to the pupils attending the Night Schools established by the Board of l'ubllo Education, in the following order: Monday, November 7 Keystone School, Mine tPHiith mimi. attove Chesnut Tuesday, November 8-J. W. Neblnger School, r urn.T.ter tret Hlmve Sixth. Thursday, November 10 Harrison School, Master treei, above second. Monday, November 14 Green I.ane School, Maua TPTlk. Tuesday, November IB Reynolds School, Twen tieth and Jeneraon streets. Thursdav. November 17 Jackson School, S. K nirnnr of Twttlflh anil Vmleral streets. 'I he lectures will be delivered at the sarai school every second week, and will commence pu actually at wr. m. By order of the Committee. UKNRY W. HALLIWELL, 11 T St Secretary Board of Public Education. .w- THK GLORY OK MAN IS STRENUTU w Therefore the nervous and debilitated should Immediately' use Bttiio. Uelmuold's jixtk act 10 1 iw SPEOIAL. NOTICES. I THE GREAT WHISKY ESTABLISH w MENT OF THIS CITY. n. M. DALY'S f-eat whisky ware room a are located at No. 22i South KONT Street and No. ia DOCK Street. The building, which Is probably the largest of its kind la the United States, Is five stories high, and runs through from Front to Dock street, a distance of at least 818 feet. Whiskies of the rarest and purest brands are stored on every floor of this huge struc ture, anil the seeker after the genuine article can there find Bourbon of old dale, wheat ditto, and that champion of all whiskies, the Golden Wedding. It Is of some Importance to the liquor merchants of this and other cities to know that Mr. Daly's stock em braces the productions of the celebrated dis tilleries belomrlnor to Thomas Moora fc Son. Joseph S.' Finch A Co., and Thomas Moore. Their whiskies are always maile from the best grains, double Conner distilled and put up In seasoued, heavily-charred. Iron-bound barrels. As agent, therefore, or these well-known Arms, Mr. Daly Justly claims that he can supply tho trade with the finest whisky in the market, and in the original parkaye BR received direst from the manufacturer. This he will vouch for, and this Is a point which de sorves the notice of all purchasers. 913tuths26t HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHLT GIVES health and vigor to the frame and blood to the pnllid cheek. Debility Is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is sub mitted to, consumption, insanity, or epileptic fits ensue, 10 1 Tw gjty REV. ALEXANDER REED, D. "WnAT I SAW IN ITALY," IX WFST ARCH STREET CHURCH, EIGHTEENTH and ARCH Streets, On TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. S, at 8 o'clock. TICKETS, 60 CENTS. For sale at Gould A Fisher's Piano Rooms. No. V 111 J-TVy I Ul " I II 9'23 Chesnut street; Boner's Mnslc Store, No. 1102 Chesnut street: Smith's Jewelry Store, No. 1510 Market street; Keeney's Drug Store, No. 1G01 Arch street; Bower's Drug Store, No. 1B00 Market street; Llpplncott'a Drug Store, Twentieth and Cherry streets; Uufnal's Drug Store, No. 1900 Green street. REV. FRANK BOBBINS will lectHre on TUESDAY. IStU Instant, on "ATrln to California. it JOHN B. G O U G H, Und jr the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., AT CONCERT HALL, MONDAY EVENING, November 14. Subject: "FACT AND FICTION." MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 81, Subject "LONDON." Admission, 60 cents; Reserved 8eats, 25c. extra. The sale of tickets for both lectures twill beirln Wednesday morninsr, November 9. at F. A. N JRTH A CO.'S Music Store. No. 1026 OUE3NUT Street. i y HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHD is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all in jurious properties, and immediate In Its action. lo 1 Tw A special meeting of the Stockholders of the Schoolcraft Iron Company will be held on WEDNES DAY, the 23d day of November, A. D. 1S70, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Office of the Company, No. 407 LiiiKAit x street, rnuaueipnia, to tane into conside ration the execution of a mortgage upon the pro perty of the company, and the Issue of the bonds of the company to an amount not exceeding one hun dred and twenty thousand dollars (120,oim)) bearing lntevest at a rate not exceeding ten per coutum per annum, to be secured by said mortgage. i ne meeting win aiso ue asKeu to take into con sideration the assignment of the real and personal property of the company in trust for tne benettt of Its creditor?, or such other measures as may be laid before it to provide for the payment of the debts of tne company. By order oi tne noarn or Directors, THOMAS SPARKS, Secretary. Philadelphia, Oct. 13, 1870. 10 B2 4w mX- FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCOKTI nence of Urine, irritation, inflammation, or ulceration of the bladder or kidneys, diseases ol the prostate glands, stone in the bladdea, calculus. gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swellings, Use xiELHBOLD d FLUID EXTRACT 1JUCHU. 10 1 TW THE LORRAINE VEGETABLE CATHAR TIC PILL is far the best Cathartlo remedy yet discovered. The most complete Buecess has long attended its use. It never fails to accomplish all that is claimed for It. It produces little or no pain ; leaves the organs free from irritation, and never overtaxes or excites the nervons system. In all diseases of the skin, mooa, stomacu, dowois, liver, kidneys of chlldron. and in many difficulties pecu liar to women, It brings prompt relief and certain cure. The best physicians recommend and prescribe it; and no person who once uses it will voluntarily return to any other cathartic It is sold by all deal ers in drugs and medicines. TURNER A CO., Proprietors, 10 6 thstnJ No. 120 Trcmont street, Boston, Mass. jy" HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCliU A NO in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change In diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It Is pleasant In taste and odor, immediate In Its action, and free from all Injurious proper ties. 10 1 Tw tgy- HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THIS 7 Owing to the high price of meats of all kinds, a company has been organized to manufacture pork out of pig iron. Whatever doubts may arise in regard to tne success oi mis novet enterprise, mere can be none concerning the superiority or the Honeybrook Lehigh Coal sold by J. C. HANCOCK, at the northwst corner of Ninth and Master streets. ThlB superb vein of anthracite maintains the high reputation it galued when first introduced to our market. It Is Just the fuel that every house keeper should use, aud when prepared under HAN COCK'S supervision Is entirely free lrom dust or slate. Test it for yourselves. 9 9 3m ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONST1- tract Bt cii'u. It will give brisk and energetic feel ings, and enable you to sleep welt. 10 17W tfW- OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL RAILWAY fflVBIMV Vrt l.W Sntil h I'll I U n Mlruul A'lULADKLFUIA, NOV. 9, IS70. An instalment of Ave dollars per share oil the sub scriptions to the pieferred stock of Tho National Railway Company will be due aud payable at the Oitlce of the Company, No. lotf South THIRD Street, rnuadeipiiia, on or oeiore tne zsin oi iovemoer, 18 70. By order of the hoard of Directors. 11 BUt jaluu iut.ur.1, .treasurer. MARCY'S SCIOPTICON IS A GREATLY Improved form of MAGIC LANTERN. For Home, Sunday-school, and Lecture-room it is unrivalled. Call und see, No. 13H) CHESNUT Street, opposite U. S Mint. Exhibitions given to schools aud evening parties. L. J. M A it :. 11 o or TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND nnsale remedies for unpleasant and dungrous diseases. Use Hklmuold's Exthact Bci ik' and Iui'koved Rose Wasu. 10 1 7 w A SPE''HL MEETING OF RAILRO D Oflicers is requi-Bied, to couslder thi necessity of artoptttjir the PRINTED BLANKS Iroin whtoh LE'I TEN l'Rfcss COPIES ran be takeD, printed at 11 ELI- EN STEIN U LEWIS' Railroad uud Oom-ner-elal Prlntiue House. FIFTH aud CHESNUT Streets. It tvcv- MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained by Uklmbolo's Extuact BCCUU. muw JAMES M. S LAWYER, CAMDEN, N. J. C! O V E L, 10 27 lm SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE w stored bv Hei.mboi.d's Katbact Buy hit. 110 17w DIVIDEND S, ETCxi EST OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia, November 1, 1970. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Directors have this day declared a seml-anuual dividend of FIVE FEtt CEN P. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and Ktute taxes, payable in cash, on or after November SO, 1670. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the ortlce or the company. Tho oitlce will be opened at 8 A. M. and closed at 8 P. M., from November 30 to December S, for the pay meet of dividends, and after that data from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. THOMAS T. FIHTH, 11 1 2m Treasurer. ' toT .y TnETlTlLADHLPUIA NATIONAL BANK. 1 HILADKI.rtilA. NOV. 8. 1J70. The Directors have declared a dividend of SEVEN b. L. U4 6t COMEGY8 Cashier. 8EWINQ MAOHINES. THE AMERICAN Combination Button-Hole AND SEWING MACHINE Is now admitted to be far superior to all others as a Family Machine. The SIMPLICITY, EASE, and CERTAINTY with which It operates, as well as the uniform excellence of its work, throughout the en tire range of sewing, in STITCniNO, HEMMING, FELLING, TUCKING, COnniNG, BRAIDING, QUILTING, GATHERING, AND SEWING ON.OVER8EAMING, EMBROIDERING ON THE EDGE, AND ITS BEAU TIFUL BUTTON HOLE AFD EYE BET HOLE WORK, Place it unquestionably far in advance of any other similar invention. This Is the only new family machine that embodies any Substantial Improvement upon the many old machines In the market. It Certainly has no Equal. It Is also admirably adapted to manufacturing pur poses on all kinds of fabrics. Call and see It operate, and get samples of the work. We have also for saleonr "PLAIN AMERICAN," a beautiful family machine, at a Reduced Price. This machine docs all that Is done on the Combina tion except the Overscan) Ing and Button-hole work. Office and Salesrooms, No. 1318 CHSSNUT Street, 10 29 stuth3mrp PHILADELPHIA. GROCERIES, ETC. Eine Almeria Grapes, New Paper Shell Almonds, New Grenobls Walnuts, AT JAMES R. V EBB'S, S. E. Corner WALNUT and EIGHTH, 8 31 Btuth3mrp PHILADELPHIA. NEW 1870 SPICED SALMON LN LARGE CANS AT HS0 PER CAN. WHITE BRANDY FOIS PRESERVING PURE SriCES, ETC. COUSTYS East End Grocery, If o. 118 South eECOlVD St., I IT tbata BELOW OH KB WOT STREET. FURS. 1230 CHESNUT STREET. 1230 LADIES' FANCY FURS. The moBt costly FUK9 at the most moderate prices CHARLES LEWI8SON, FURRIER, No. 1230 CHESNUT STREET. RUSSIAN SABLES, HUUfcON BAT KABLES, CANADA MINK SABLES, FINK ROYAL ERMINB, BUENOS AYRES CHINCHILLA, BLACK AND WHITE ASTRAKHAN, GREBE, SEAL, 8QUIRRSL, Andeveiy known FUR In every variety of style, and fl Dished I the most superior manner. A NOVELTY I LE GANT MUFF. SLEIC1H ROBES AND GENTS' FURS I LADIES' FOOT MUFFS AND GLOVES I 10 i! tuihuoi HOSIERY, ETC. Q ART WRIGHT & WARNEU'8 Kerino Hosiery and Underwear, Just received, by steamer City or Brooklyn, 10 cases (000 doit ns) of Cartwrlght Si Warner's cele brated make of MERINO GOODS, embracing every description of Men 8, Ladles', Boys' and M lades' wear. COOK & BROTHER, Importers and lletailem of Ho lder y Uoods, No. 53 North EIGHTH Street, 9 IB Btn 8m PHILADELPHIA. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. II Hi 91183128 McVAUCH & DUNCAN, No. 114 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET, Have now open a great variety of New Stylet in made-up iXLCn qoods. French Caps FOB LADIES AND CHILDREN, lllaclc Thread and Ciulpure Lace. Hamburg Edging & Inserting. Handkerchief, very cheap. Hovel I Ie In Iteck Tie and Hown, UlbHou. Fans, At Fancy Articles. French Muslin and Xarlatan For Evening Dresses. Infant Outfits . to mo thatulmrp on hand and made up to order. NEW PUBLICATIONS. CllUMBS SWEPT UP. Have you read It? A live book, and more amusing than Mark Twain. Written by the most popular preacher In Amertcs, Iter. X. le Witt Talmadge. It does not contain a dull page in It. A great part of it was written In Europe this past summer, right amidst the troubles there, and any one of the forty articles Is worth the full price of the book. For illus trated circulars, containing a description of tho work, with extracts, apply to EVANS, STODDART 6c CO., 10 31 tnthsAturp No. 740 SANSOM Street. ZELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, DICTIONARY, AND GAZETTEER Is now fast approaching completion. The price for the entire work, unbound, will still remain for a limited time as originally announced, namely, tia. As It lias tecn found advisable to Inereaae the size or the original work about 800 pages beyond the number at first proposed, those who purchase or subscribe now will get the benefit of this addition wiTiioiTCUAROB, otherwise they will bo obliged to fifty (or the same. This book ts a complete and una iridged dictionary or the English language, as good as the bost, a Gazetteer or the World, and a more complete, newer, and fresher Encyclopedia than any now in print; the price is lower than that of any other Encyclopedia and bnt a little above that charged for an Unabridged Dictionary or a Gazet teer alone and being the latest and begun and completed within the short space of two years not drawing through an unlimited number of years, as has always heretofore been the case with works of this magnitude it must necessarily be by far the newest in point of information, as, for example, the article Napoleon is brought down to his surren der, Prussia to the present war, etc. and the popu latlons are given either in accordance with reoent State Census or that of the General Census of this year, or from other reliable information, and every pains taken to make the information given new and accurate. 10 18 tuth2m T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, Nob. IT and 19 S. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. CLOVES, ETC. A 1) I E 8' I WEAK. U B D E R) o H fi W H n 'X P3 W !- a s o Pi a W Merino Vests, 75 cents up. ltcgular Made, $1-25 up. CHILDREN'S T'nderwear, 50 cents np. Boys' underwear, cheap. GENTS' Undershirts, 60 cents up. loo dozen super stout Jtf Hose, 5 cents. Ladles' Fleeced nose. Chlldren'sIFleeccd Hose. Ladies' Fleeced Hose, extra 5 3 r3 H H H V, M H 0 H lengths. Children's Fleeced, extra lengths. HANDK1RCIITEF3, LACK COLLARS, BOW RIBBONS, HASH HIBBONS, VELVET RIBBONS. GLOVES. Cloth Gloves, 81 cents up. Ladles' and;chlldren's Blue, Hcarlet, Green, and White CLOTH GLOVES made, and lit like kid corsets, etc. e3 rr. my f- 'A - 9 O ZZ AA, rt g 8 W W y a CASTOR GLOVES for dies and Gents. , La- Boys' BUCKSKIN GLOVES, etc. etc. llDstuthtf aBelle Kid BEST (1 M KID GLOVB IN AMERICA. Every pair guaranteed, if they rip or tear, another pair given In exchange. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, No. S3 North EIGHTH Street. Sole Agency Wholesale and Retail. 9 so tathstfr WHISKY. W II I SK I E S. Bye, Wheat, Bourbon and Monongaheia WHISKIES. Tne product of the following Distilleries: "A. A H. 8. Overholt," "Wm. Brltton A Co.," 'U. Lipplncott," Thoa Moore," "Lynchburg," lit. Vernon," " "Job. 8. Finch," M. Weiss A Co." "Hugus & Co.," "Shanton, Daly & Kern,1' "Sherwood," 'Old Dominion." In store and for sale In lota to suit purchasers. APPLY TO BH00KE, COLKET & CO., 1727, 1729, 1731 and 1733 Market St. 8S7stuth3m PHILADELPHIA. BOOTS AND SHOES. FALL STYLES! FINE COOTS AND 0HOE3 FOU GENTLEMEN, Made on Improved Lasts, insuring Comfort Beauty and Durability. No. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, 1 18 thstuDSl ABOVE CUESXni WOAP. Soaps ! Soaps ! Soaps ! PRICES REDUCED. DETERSIVE, STEAUINE, CHEMICAL OLIVE AND GERMAN OLIVE SOAPS, The best and purest FAMILY SOAPS In the United States. Bend to tho undersigned for catalogue of prices. McKEOfif, VAN HMGEN & CO., UT6trp MANUFACTORIES. Clove OAS FIXTURES. CORNELIUS & SOUS. VIArvUFACTUIlISIlS or GAS FIXTURES. Wholesale and Retail Salcspooms, Ho. 821 CHERRY Street PHILADELPHIA, We hnve no store or alesroon on Chesnut street. 14 gmBp CORNELIU3 & SOUH. BAKER, ARNOLD & CO., MANUFACTURERS or GAS FIXTURES, Chandeliers, Pendants. Brackets, Etc. OF NEW DESIGNS. SALESROOMS, No. 7IO CHESNUT Street. MANUFACTORY, S. W. Corner TWELFTH and BROWN 11 1 8mrp PHILADBLPIHA. PLATED WARE. MEAD & ROBBINS, MANUFACTURERS OP SILVER-PLATED WARE, Hard Metal (Nickel Silver), Have now the largest and most attractive stock Bilver Plated Goods that they have ever offered Ut New and Elegant Designs. All descriptions of BUver-Plated Ware constaatlf en hand, suitable for WEDDING PRESENTS. Tea Sets as Low as S20. N. E. Cor. NINTH aud CHESNUT, 10 8 BtnthSm PHILADELPHIA. FUEL. 1 870 1870 KEYSTONE LIQUID FUEL COMPANY. INCORPORATED UNDER TnE LAYS OF PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL $ 5 00,00 SHARES, PAR VALUE SIOO'OO DIRECTORS. ROBBRT CRANBf, JOHN P. GREEN, R. M. WHIPPLE, WM. R. ROBERTS, THOS. S DICKERSUN. OFFICERS. ROBERT CRANK, President. 0OI1N P. GREEN, secretary and Treasurer. WM. R. RO BERTH, superintendent. HEAR BALDWIN, Jr., Secretary. This Company is engaged in the Manufactures!! Sale of Machines, and in the Bale of Rights and Royalties, under the Whipple A Dlckerson Patents, in the State of Pennsylvania. They are ready to con tract for county or Individual rights, and to put ma chines covering this valuable process in successful operai Ion. Parties desiring to witness or Inspect personally the operation oi this machine, will (lad it open at all tlmesat the foundry ef Messrs. BAhKOWri, 8A.VERY c CO., corner of JfUONT and REED Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. h orders and communications should be ad dressed to the KEYSTONE LIQUID FUEL COMPANY, 10 0 stulhSt No. 319 WALNUT St., Phllada., Pa. MACHINbRY. ENGINES. Tools, Machinery, Etc., FOR SALE AT THE NOVELTY IRON WORKS, FOOT OF EAST TWELFTH STREET NEW YORK, EMBBACIKO ENGINES. PLANERS, LATHES, 8 MITOS' AND BOILER MAKERS' TOOLS, And Machinery and Patterns of the most approved kinds, etc etc. eto. Also, 6 HIGH-PRESSURE ENGINES, partly nnULed. S bTK VI NBON '8 PAT. TURBINE WATER WBEBLS, 66 In. in diameter, and 1 MARINE BEAM ENGINE, fi la. by 10 ft. stroke. Receiver of the Novelty Iron Works. Bend for Catalogue. NiwOBK- tober J9. 1870. 10 89 lmra FURNAOE8, ETO. E3TADLI8HED 1825. TBI. T. MCII. DIA" XX. X DX2AS 2t CO., MANUFACTURERS OP Warm Air Furnaces AMD CooUingf Ranges, Portable Heaters, Low Down Grates, Slate Mantel Bata Boilers, Registers and Ventilators, No. 1 1 1 North SEVENTH St., PHILADELPHIA. 9 88 taatiimr? JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.