THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1870. musical. Ann im tMlTIC. Thn CUT Amnorment. At tiik Acaokmy ok Mvhic this i-venlng VAlnme Marie Met bach will commence a fries of six per formances of Herman irairody. Sue will appear this evening as "Mary Stuart;" to-morrow a ".lne Kire;"ou Wednesday as "Adrleaue Ieouvreur;'' on Thursday as "Louisa Miller," In Schiller's Kabale t'tirt Incbe, andron Friday as "Marguerlto," In Uocthe's Paut. Madame Soelm :a has a distin guished reputation In (lerraanv, and her perform ances In this city will undoubtedly be worthy of the attention of all admirers of the best dramatic art. At Tim (JiiKSNVT Mr. Frank Drew, who has been Absent from Philadelphia for lour years, will personate "U'Hrien" In the lnh i-:miyrant.t and "Monsieur. laeqtu-s" in the comic dram.iol iht name. Mr. Drew Is an actor of superior abilities, and as he bas always been a great favorite In th1 citv, a full house may hi expected r lit s evening at tlia chasnut. At tub W'ai.M't Mr. J. 1). Stockton s comedy of Fox ami Gooh, with .1. S. CUrke as the representa tive of "Young Goslinir," will enter upon in second week this evening. This lively farcical piece li!s made a decided hit, and It must be a gratiiiratlon to the author to tlnd the favorablo verdict or the Lon don and New York publics so cordially sustained by the playgoers of Philadelphia. The performance this evening wl l conclude with P.ucfcstoiie'B comedy of Marrhd l.t.'i; la Which Mr. Clftrkc will nppear as "Henry Dove." At tiik Ai;ch a series of standard comedies are announced for this week. This evening H.ickstone's comedy Of Year; or. The hifiii't' I'rfrilene will be performed, to-morrow The &vi..' r fimniai, on Wednesday mid Thursday llednc, and on Fri day A Yov Like ft. On Monday nextthedramat.fzatlonof f.-lwiii DrnoJ by Messrs. Hill and drain will be prod-iced. At Dim'kk. a llitNitnn'T's Ocek v HorsK the regular minstrel season will eonmi'-ncn this evening, Messis. Duprc 4c benedict, and their troupe having returned from their trip across the continent with their scalps iu g.iod c mdltion, In spite, of the reports to the contrary that were current some months ago. A Orst-rntc opening night bill is annonncud. At ihk Amkhii'an a number of novelties will tie presented tins veiling, and the programme will, as usual, be both varied mid Interesting. At thk F.tKVKXTn Ntukkt OriiitA TTorsH a new burlesque entitle 1 Tun .. pnd a travesty of I'tx ami Ooom are ainoDg the attractions announced for this evening Atttik Amu Stkkrt Oi'Rha IIhk Mr. W. Mir lin, the celebiiiii d pantomimist, will make his Urst appearnuce Hits evening. Thk Ok am Knui.ish opera Co.miiw atton, con Kisting of Madame Itlchlngs-lieniard, MIhs Roue Ilersee, Mrs. Zelda Heguin, Mrs. Annie Kemp Howler, Miss Fannii (ioodwln, Messrs. Castle, Howler, CM'opbei), Drayton, Laurence, 8)guln, Howell, (liatieion, and others, will commence a season of twelve nights and two m itiuees at the Academy of Music, on -Monday evening next. The repertoire for the llrst week is announced as follows: On Monday, II Trovatore; on Tuesday, Bohemian Virl; on Wednesday, The llwntcnot; oil Thursday, Dinorah; on Friday, Martha; on Saturday afternoon, J'ra Dioraln; and on Saturday evening, bberon. The price for reserved seats for the entire season is fixed at $lfi, and the sale of seaon tickets will com mence to-morrow at the Academy of Music, and will continue for two days. The sale of single tickets will commence ou Thursday at the music store of F. A. North A Co., No. 1020 Cliemiut street, and at the Academy. ANew m Heai.tukci. Aktici.b of Foan The Ska Moss Fauine, manufactured from Irish Moss, by the Rand Sea Moss Farino Company, has been placed on our table at dlil'ereut times, and proves to be one of the best, most nutritious, and easily digested of all the farinas now In use. It Is palata ble to the taste, Is lighter and less compact than any other farina, and hence belter adapted to weak Btomachs, to dyspeptics, to invalids, and all persons of frail const iiutions. In cases whero tapioca, sago, barley, corn starch, nialnena, and similar articles are TJeneiicial, llie Sea Moss Farine is not only a substitute, but has advantages which neither of them possess, because the main Ingredient of the moss lias been considered by fr.edleal men for many years os having invaluable remedial properties. It is particularly recommended for pectoral ail'ectlons, Bcrofulous complaints, diarrhoea, etc. Eoihr nail's Journal of Health. Fast Liv'inci and Its t'o.vsKocEveES. When "fast life'' bus undermined the strength, destroyed the appetite, impaired the digestion, and stolen the line of health from the cheek when the hand trembles, the spirits droop, and the whole physical and mental organization languishes, Is it possible to repair the evil and restore the dilapidated system to full health and vigor? We answer that it is. Hundreds of cases have been cited, thousands might be cited, in w hich this regeneration has been accom plished by the regular and persistent use of Plan tation Biitkks. Abstinence from the indulgences which have wrought the mischief is, of course, ene nf the means cf restoration. But it is not suitlelent ahne. The consequences remain after the cause lias been abandoned. A wholesome and genial tonic is absolutely necessary to rouse the corporal and mental energies from their state of collapse. This good work it is the mission of tho Plantation Blttera to pel form. But no oilier stimulant must bo taken. Valer's 1!e:;tavhakt, No. O.'ii Aucn STi'.EET, ele gantly fitted up, is now in full blast, serving all the delicacies of the season from fl A. M. to midnight. Tarties returning from the theatres or opera house served at the shortest notica from an unsurpassed bill of fare. Ladles' Saloon on the second iloor. Mr. "Wim.iam W. Cassidt, the Jeweller at No. 8 Booth Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks of all kinds of Jewelry and Silver ware In the city. lie has also on hand a One assort ment of flue American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this store at the present time are certain to got the worth of their money. Skii.mak A Simpson, the well-known dealers iu fresh and ea t oysters at No. 3uT South Delaware avenue, are doing a thriving business. They have constantly on hand a fresh stock oi bivalves, and all orders left with them at their place of business will be promptly and faithfully executed. Thk demand on Saturday for our f 15 and other beautiful and cheap suits surpassed anything In the history of our business. From morning until night there was one continual stream of customers making purchases at the Oreat Brown Stone Clothing Hall of RecVhlll A Wilson, Nob. C03 and COS Chesna street J An Enemy in Your mouth. Do not put tan ' enemy in your mouth to steal away your teeth. .' Beware of destructive tooth washes and tooth nowders, many of which are base imitations of Sozopont. Insure life lease of sound teeth and fragrant breath, by adopting the fragrant Sozodont. 'Spalding's Olve," handy about the house, mends everything. ItIAICKIi:i. Rowen Moon. October 30th. by Rev. VT. C, Best, at Sutumcrrleld M. E. Parsonage, No. 718 East Dauphin street, Mr. Hakky Kowe.n to Miss Anme luooii, Of I'hiiaucipiua. IIC1. Shebbkkd. On Sunday morning, the oth instant, jura. Maky mibkkekd, re i oi me laic jouu uer rerd. aired f'2 years. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her fnnora!. from 1 he residence of her son. Henry I). 1 tsherrerd. No. 19;i6 Hnruce street, on the afternoon of Tuesday, the stn instant, at a o ciock. interment at the Woodlands. ' Jackson. On November Bth, Mrs. Makharet Jackson, at the residence of her son-in-law, Andrew Miller, No. 1M1 South Sixth street, below Dlckerson. The funeral win take piace ou euuesusy, sso Teiubcr nth. Lie. On the evening of Friday, the 4th inst., at the residence her brother. Dr. Benjamin Lee, No. lfo3 Spruce street, Jilia Tkl mbii.l, youngest daughter of the Right Rev. Alfred and Julia W. Lee, of VYiliiiiugton, Delaware, in the 22d year of her ago. Funeral service In St, Andrew's Church, Wlliuing ton, on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Porter on the cth instant, Joun M. Porter, in the 74th vear of uts age. The relatives end friends of the family are respect tally Invited to attend the funeral services, at the re sidence of his niece, Mary A. Bewley. No. IT4 South Fourth atriet. on Wednesday morning, at 9Jtf o'clock sharp. Funeral to proceed to Norrisiowu on the Hud o clock A. M. train. Simons. em Sunday, November Cth, instant, Vl I' A KITH M SlUOKM. Her friends and those of the family are respectfully lnviled to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, sth lust., at 1 o'clock, from the residence of her brother, No. SHU Hamilton uinct, Mantua, SPECIAL NOTICES. F'ir a-Mi'ionat Fperinl Jtt'f-r nee nWf "n.7".. tSf A COURSE OF LECTURES ON AN A TOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, and HYOIRNE will be delivered by Professor K. W. VoODKS to the pupils attending the Night Schools established by the Hoard of Public Education, in the following order: Monday, November 7 Keystone School, Nine teenth street, above Cheflnut Tuesday, November 8 O. W. Nebinger School, Carpenter street, above Sixth. Thurnday, November 10 Harrison School, Master Rtreei, above Second. Moudav, November 14 Green I.ane School, Maua yonk. Tuesday, November 15 Reynolds 8chool, Twen tieth and Jeilerson streets. Thursday, November 17 Jackson School, S. E. comer of Twelfth and Federal streets. The JecturcB will be delivered at the sum school every second week, and will commence! puuctually at s P. It. By order of the Committee. 1IKNKY W. H ALU WELT., 11 7 2t Secretary Board of Public Education. !y MAP.CYS SC'IOPTIC'ON IS A GREATLY w Improved form of MAOIC LANTERN. For Home, Sunday-school, and Lecture-room It is unrivalled. Call and see, No. 1340 CIIESXUT Stree t, opposite V. 8 Mint. Exhibitions given to schools and evening parties. L. .J. MAKCY. 11 ft 01 Uj Y- PERPETUAL MOTION HAS NOT BEEN discovered, but you vnn now tako LETTER PRESS COPIES from PRINTING executed at HELFEN8TE1N A LEWIS' Railroad and Commer-e-tal Printing House, FIFTH and CUESNUT Sts. It DIVIDENDS, ETC. r;..47- OFFICE OP" THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Piiii.ADEi.rniA, November 1, 1370. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Directors hive this day declared a sen.i-annual dividend of FIVE PES CENT, on the Cnpital Stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable in cash, oil or after November so, is?.'. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the oillce of the company. The oillce will be opened at 8 A. M. and closed at 3 P. M., from November i!0 to December!!, for the poymei.t of dividends, and arter that date from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH, 1112m Treasurer. rY" FARMERS' AND MECHANICS NA TIONAL BANK. Piiii.aprm'HIA, November 1, ls70. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of tax. W. RUSHTON. .1 h , 11 1 til Cashier. .-;- MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK. Philadelphia, November 1, 1S70. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of SIX PERCENT., payable on demand, free of taxes. J. W1EUAND, .lit , 11 1 a ilaiier' THE COM MRRC'IAL NATIONAL BANK w OF PENNSYLVANIA. Piiii.aiiem'hia, November 1, 1S70. The Board of Directors have,this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand. 11 let S. C. PALMER, Cashier. jy- CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. Pnii.AiiEi.rniA, November 1, ls7o. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT., for the last six months, payable on demand, clear of taxes. 11 U,t H. P. SCHEK Y", Cashier. r?" NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC. rim ADBi.riiiA, Nov. 1, V570. The Board of Directors have declared a Dividend of THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT., pay able on demand. JOSEPH P. MUM FORD, 118 wfm3t Cashier. fCTf THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK. IIILADKI.rilIA, NOV. 3. 1870. The Directors have declared a Dividend of SEVEN TER CENT., payable on demand. i.;. li. co .nr.iiia 11 4 (it Cashier. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Combining Style, Durability, and Excellence of Workmanship. JONES' One- 1 l'ico ESTABLISHMENT, No. C04 MAltKET STKEET. CEO. W, HI EM A N N. Handsome Garments mado to order at the short est notice. 10 3 tf rp MACHINbRY. ENGINES, -Tools, Z&achinery, Etc., FOlt SALE AT THE HOVELTY IRON WORKS, FOOT OK EAST TWELFTH STREET NF.W YOKE, EM1IHACINO ENGINES, PLANERS, L&THES, SMITHS' AND UOILER MAliEKS' TOOLS, And Machinery and Patterns of tho most approved Kinds, etc. etc. etc. Also, ft HIGTt-PRKSSUKE KNdlNES. nartly finished. 2 tT K V i N htJN I' AT. TUKUINE WAT kit WHEELS, 68 in. in diameter, ami 1 MARINE UEAM ENGINE, 6U in. by 10 ft. stroke. .i.o. s. sun i-tzi:, Receiver of the Novelty Iron Works. Bend for Catalogue. New York tober 30, lsro. 10 20 lmip MALT LIQUORS. ALE ! ALE ! ALE ! Great Reduction In Prices. DltAUGIIT ALE, G FER liBL, BOTTLING ALE AND PORTE1L f 7 FEU UBL. XX ALE, DRAUGHT PORTER, AND BROWN STOUT, 8 FER BliL., At GUCKS8' OLD-ESTABLISHED BREWERY, No. 831, 'Hi, tm'AO uutl HM ST. JOII" -Street, 11 7 mwslmrp PHILADELPHIA. SOAP. Soaps! Soaps! Soaps! PRICES REDUCED. DETERBIYE, STEARINE. CHEMICAL OLIVE AND GERMAN OLIVE SOAPS, Tlic best and pnre-t FAMILY KOAPS in the United States. Bend to the uuderslgned for catalogue of prices. McKEONE, VAN HMGEN I CO , 11 1 on p M NUFACTUKKRS. OAS FIXTURK81 CORNELIUS & SONS, r?IAritCTI'ItUIlS or GAS FIXTURES. Wholesale and Retail Salesrooms', No. 821 CHERRY Street PHILADELPHIA We Imve no More or Balerooro on Cliesuut street. 9 14 2mfp CORNELIUS & SONS. BAKER, ARNOLD & CO., MAX UFA C T UJiEi:S or GAS FIXTURES, Chandeliers, leiilaiits. Itrackets, lite, OF NEW DESIGNS. SALESROOMS, No. 7 IO CHESNUT Street. MANUFAGTORV, t. W. Comer TWELFTH and BROWN 11 1 2mrp rniLADKLPIIIA. PIANOS. $E$ NAPOLEONIC DEFEAT. Grand and Square Pianos Were awarded the first premium over those of Stelnway, Chickcrlng, and ottiers, at tne Northern Ohio Fair. For sale only iy IVn. BLASIU8, Xio. Z008 Chcsnut Street. Tlie following Btatement of the committee for awarding tho premiums on Musical Instruments speaks for itself: We, the undersigned, state tliat there was nothing mentioned by the oilicers of the northern Ohio Fair Association to us (the Committee ou Musical Instru ments), or stated on the book of entry, N. 63, that any one of the I'ianos on exhibition at the Fair was withdrawn from competition for premiums. There fore, we examined all instruments on exhibition, and awarded tne urst premium ana nipionia 10 me DECKLIt UltOS. wrand and square riano, JOHN UNXEHNKR, ) AV.H.UWiiKNCK, Committee. ALl.RN SMITH, Jk.J 11 5rp GEORGE STECK & CO.'S PIANOS, Urand, Square and Upright, AL80, HAINES BROS.' PIANOS. Only place in Philadelphia for sale of Mason & Hamlin's World-Renownea Cabinet Organs. For nalt or rent, or to rent with view to purchase, and part of rental apply. 10 tf J. E. GOULD. No. f; CHESNUT St. WM. O. FISCHER, No. 1018 ARCH St. fiSi STEIHWAY & SONS' tr-ffg Grand Square and Upright Pianos. Special attention is called to their new 1'atent Upright I'ianos, With Double Iron Frame, Patent Resonator, Tubular Metal Frame Action, etc., which are matchless in Tone anl Touch, and unrivalled In durability. C11A.KL.U8 II LAMM 8, WARLROOMS, No. 100G CHESNUT STREET, 9 13 Urp PHILADELPHIA, C 11 IC K li KINO 4 SONS WORLD-R KNOWN ED GRAND, K(J1'ARB AND UPRIGHT PIANOS Attention Is invited to the celebrated PATENT GRAND LPKIOIIT AND THE NEW SCALE OH AND SQUARE TIANOS. Oreat Reductions. Fixed Prices. Dl'TTON S PIANO ROOMS, Nos. UJiiand 11JS CHESNl'T Street. 10 211m4p W. II. DL'TTON. UPHOLS TERY GOODS, ETO. 1870. AIJTUJn. 1870. STEVENSON & SCHWEMMER. Klch Broche Fisrured Cotclines FOR PARLORS AND RECEPTION ROOMS. HEAVY TAMBOURED LACES TO CORRESPOND. Why are their puces over twenty per cent, lower than elsewhere for the same Goods? Flint Because they buy for CASH and receive heavy discounts. 1 hese they transfer to purchasers. tircond Being practical and experienced in a.l branches of the DECORATING aud UPIIOLSTBRf business, they Bave by personal attention and super vlhion at least Ci'.een per cent, in their expenses, of which their customers shall also have the full benetlt. Ibis makes a total of twenty-one per cent, saved by every customer placing orders iu their charge, besides having their work executed la the finest manner and with the utmost despatch. Hi:; CHESNUT STREET. 10 12 WIUISIUJP ltl.i OENTI.EMAN THOKOO ;UI.Y ACQl'alN TED I V with the Cl'BA AND WEST INDIA BI SI NKSrt ANll UKNKKAL COINTING-HOL'SE WOKK, alter an experience of eleven years in this city, possessing the Spanish and English Lan guages, aud who, with numerous friends in Cuba, can influence considerable business, is open for en gagement as a Working Partner, or ether vle, in bume or other business. Best references as to character and capacity. Ad dicts "BuMucss," ut this oillce. 11 ltf E 1128 C1IESNUT STREET and 828 AKCH STREET. Finest Assortment of Linen Handkerchiefs. Immense Stock ! LADIES' IXAlXIIi:EK.CIXIIi:iS. Plalu Tope Borders, from 10 cents np to the finest: Ladies Ilenistitcliecl ITflndkercliiefs, pure linen, from l-Ji cents up; very das rrubroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, fioiul'OO each; Ladies' Fine Embroidered Initial Letter Handkerchiefs, tffoi) eaoh. GEiXTS' XTA.TVTIiIIi:TCJI5EIJ,.S. Excellent Linen Handkerchiefs, fall gents' size, 20 cents, and all the finer qualities up to the finest uade; Gents" German Linen Handkerchief, ht mined and in cartons, from L'." cents up; Gents' Hemstitched Handkerchief, all qualities. Engraved Initial LitUrt marked in several styles. NEW ATTRACTIONS ! A Bargain Lot of Real Bamslev Linen Slieetmcrs. SEVERAL CHEAP LOTS OF NAPKINS AND TAOLE CLOTHS. SOME VERY DESIRABLE LOTS OF TOWELS. MARSEILLES QUILTS, NEW PATTERNS. BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, Etc. Etc. 400 A.IR'-CIX STREET. 400 1870 Declaration of Independence 1870 EYEE &"LANDELL Find by Adhering to Good Goods Command the Sest Custom. GOOD SILKS. J'IM'S I'OTLINS. LYONS YFLYE1S. INDIA SHAWLS. PAISLEY SHAWLS. OPERA SHAWLS. WELSH 1'LANNELS. WOOLLEN SATINS. FELT CRUMIi CLOTHS. DAMASK TAI5LE LINENS. CASSIMERES AND TWEEDS FOR ROYS, MER"-liANIV SUPPLIED WHOLESALE AT PRICES GIVING THEM A MARGIN TO SELL AT OUR PRICES. EYRE & LARSDELL, goutlnvoHt Coriior IOXJJRTXI siiid ARCH Sli-cotH. SEWINC MACHINES. THE AMERICAN Combination Button-Hole AND SEWING MACHINE Is now admitted to be far snperlor to all others as a Family Machine. The SIMPLICITY, EASE, aud CERTAINTY witn which it operates, as well ai the uniform excellence of its wort, throughout the en tire range of sewing, in STITCHING, HEMMING, FELLING, TUCKING, CORDING, BRAIDING, QUILTING, GATHERING, AN'D SEWING ON, OVERS EAMING, EMBROIDERING ON THE EDGE, AND ITS BEAU TIFUL BUTTON HOLE AFD EYE BET HOLE WORK, Place it unquestionably far in advance of any other similar Invention. This is the only new family machine that embodies any Substantial Improvement upon the many oil machines in the market. It Certainly has no Equal. It is also admirably adapted to manufacturing pur poses on all kinds of fabrics. Call and see it oppran-, and pet samples of the work. We have also forsaleour "PLAIN AMERICAN," a beautiful family machiue, at a Reduced Price. This machine does all that Is done on the Combina tion except the OverscaKlng and Button-hole work. Ofllce nul KuTeiiroomM, No. 1318 CHESNUT Street, 10 stuthSmrp PHILADELPHIA. THE VATICAN, No. 1010 CHESNUT STREET. Statuary, Bronzes, Clocks, Vases, Pedestals, aud elegant articles of taste for the adornment of the parlor, dining-room, library, hall, and boudoir, and for bridal present!, purchased in Europe pre vious to the war at a great sacrifice, and will no w be sold, retail, at correspondingly low prices. We in vite an inspection at onr spacious store and show rooms, np stairs. The price of all articles marked in plain figures. Goods packed aud shipped free of charge. 10 W 2lUrP 1 11 E U M A T I S M , N I : IT IIAI.U1A, GOUT, AND LUM8AOO, Positively and speedily cured by MOORE'S RliLUMATIC REMEDY. Warranted purely Vegetable ! No. 1301 Ol'.RMANTOWN Avenue, 11 & smwslt" Corner of TUoiupsou Htrr.-t. I L Greatly trURNITURE, ETC. I PURCHASERS OF COTTAGE CHAXBEK SUITS And the various styles of BEDSTEADS, WASnSTANDS, WARDROBES, ETC. Finished In Imitation of Walnut, Maple, or other "hard woods," and now generally known aa "Imi tation" or "Fainted" Furniture, are hereby Informed that every article of our manufacture is STAMPED W1TII OCR INITIALS AND TRADE MARE, And those who wish to obtain goods of our raakg (there being, at the present time, numerous imita tions in the market), should invariably ask the dealer of whom they are purchasing to exhibit our stamp on the goods, and take no other, no matter wha representations may be made concerning them. KILOURN & CATEO, Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture, No. 619 MARKET STREET, I s smw6mrp PU1 LAD EiJPHI A, PA. BUY YOUR FURNITURE OP GOULD fc CO., Ncs. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street AND N. E. Corner NINTH and MARKET. LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND BEST STOCK IN THE WORLD. 10 C wfui3mrp rpilE GREAT AMERICAN FURNITURE DEl'OT, 12D2 MARKET STREET. 1204 Examine our immense stock, unsurpassed iu va riety and elegance, before purchasing. WALNUT WORK A SPECIALTY. We sell '20 per cent, cheaper than auction prices, and will not ke undersold by any house. Full Marble Top Walnut Suits $o0 to 1000 Cottage Suits 133 to 155 Parlor Suits In Plush, Terry, Reps, and Hair Cloth; Chamber and DlniDg Room Suits in great variety, all at prices that distance competition. 10 24 niwfrpsm TRIMMINGS, PATTERNS, ETO. WM. MENCKE & BROTHER, No. 804 AK. CII Street. LATEST STYLES UADIES' DKESS THUDIINGS, Uerlin Zephyr lioods, Ete. A large Importation of Embroidered Cushions and Embroidered suppers, from TOc. upwards. We have now on hand a full line of the celebrated BOUDIER'S KID GLOVES, Considered In Europe superior to any other make. Also, a full line of tne VICTORIA KID GLOVES, The best One Dollar Olove la the market, 9100 ler lalr. A complete assortment of the celebrated J. B. P. PARIS CORSETS. WM. MENCKE & R ROT HER, 10 s smwlm No. m ARCH Street, Philada. L i IC Reduced Prices ? BARGAINS ! In Dry Goods. When, In the course of human even's, it becomes necessary to advertise liberally to sell Dry (Jonds, we hold theso TRUTUS ti be self-evident, that the DRY OOOIIS business, to be done sue cess'ullv, must be done ou principle. We, therefore, havo ad hered fur over thirty Years to the following principles: TO DEAL IN PERFECT COODS ONLY. ALL REPRE S EN TAT ION'S FOUNDED ON FACT TO SELL AS LOW AS WE CAN AFFORD TO FOR CASH. TO KERP THE MOST DESIRA RLE STOCK IN TOWN. IO FOLLOW GOLD IN FOREIGN (MOODS- TO OF FER NEW Till NOS EVER Y MORNING. TO KEEP NOT ONLY FANCY, RUT STAPLE GOODS. COMMjSSION. CIRARD MERCANTILE COMPANY, ' OF PHILADELPHIA, Chaitered by Special Act of Legislature, March 1, 1870. Organized for the Purpose of transacting a WOOL AND COTTON COMMISSION BUSINESS, No. 31 S. FRONT St. 'and 35 LETIT1A St., Philada. J. 11. LIVINGSTON, President. OFFICERS OF TIIK (IIRAUD MERCANTILE CO' l'rcsldtnt, J. II. LIVINGSTON, late resident Partner of Taussig, Livingston Co. DIKKCTOK3. JAM PS M. PUKSTON. of Preston k Irwin. Wooleu and Cotton (loons Manuiacturers, Manayunk, JOtSKrll I). McKEE, I'enn Kntttiuir Mhls, city. JOHN MAXEON, Jr., Woollen aud Cotton Uoods Manufacturer, Manayunk. W. W. KURTZ, of Meesrs. Kurtz 4 Howard, Bank ers, citv. TUOd. BROWN, of Messrs. McFetricu & Brown, JOHN.G. HOWARD,! reas. J. A. MAYBOLD, Seo. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. CHARGES RE A SONABLE. LIBEUAL ADVANCES MADE. Consignors promptly advised of any changes be Murkets by mail or telegraph, when' quested. lu l stuwrp NEW PUBLICATIONS. BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS SISTER ROSE: or, St. Bartholomew's Eve. By the author of Mistress Margery. Illustrated. ISmo, 70 cents. "True stories of the sufferings of the Huguenots." LAVlNA AND LILLY ; or, Lire at Boarding School. Illustrated. ISnio, tit) ceuta. 'A well-written and attractive book for the larger girls." AUNT WINEFRED S LEGACY. Illustrated. 16mo, 6 cents. "A very Interesting and instructive volums." THE YOUNG Potato ROAisfEUS. By the au thor of Dick and his Donkty. Illustrated. ISmo, ya cents. Thoee who have rea l "Dick," will want Its com panion. Just published and for sale by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, lllSi Ckestuut Street, ttiiladclpnla. II a wfrnct WINDOW BLINDS, ETC. WINDOW BUNDS AND SHADES. LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND LOWEST PRICES AT No. IC North SIXTH Street. STORE SHADES, REPAIR1NO, ETC. 16 fmwsmrp B. J WILLIAMS A SON. )1NC1IIN. CUTTING, SCORING AND I ',..(,r M.cbin,. .or P'0-. ?jji R. 1 9 ui No. 17 ByiUh tlOU'l KEM'U blret. 1 I