12 Tllti DAILY EVENING TELKU KA Pit Till PLK SHEET I'll J LADELl'IllA, SATUJIDAV, OCTOBER 29, L870. tirv i n r is l l 1 u i: .i u k, THE COAL TRADE. The rrnnton Pale-Tnc Effect on the Trnde The i'uiilcte l'ononie for the Week-line tntloim, Etc. 'Die roKiilar nionth'y sale of Scranton coal took pliee at New York oil Monday. Hit' following are the prices as compared with the average of the sales of last month and of the correBondlug mouth lait jtar: , Vricit of fate A vrntr of SttU A t"rair of Si't E. w.,imo. Sfi-i., Isto. o".,isj). uiup JS-JiWS 00 41)0 V3i S'eJincr... 8-85 31:y 4iW 524 froken.... 4 o;Xte4-li7X & ;" Eig 484 6-tf Stove... . 4-MJtf.5D5 6 as Chestnut.. a7! 00 4 10V 6-9 Tho whole amount sold was Uu.OOO tons, a larger BiuouDt lhau ueunl. It was Bold mostly in sin ill mounts to retailers and consumers. There was bit little hpirit in the bidding. The prices of this mouth's sale, as eorapired with tlioHe or lunt month, are an average decline of Kyc. jirr ton on lump, W.c on steamboat, :vi-ui. on gt.vs, f.nc. on epp, ii6jc. on stave, and 21 '.c, on choMiiut. T he avt ruite reduction on all sizes is about iHe. p;r ton. On this unpleasant fact, so far as tno tra liis cone rued, the Miners' Journal raaKes tlia following comment : "The prices obiaincd for Scranton Coal at the 3V.e fin Wednesday have completely paralyze 1 the tradj lor thi; present, and prices will have tJ rule still lower to meet tills decune. This, however, will be almost impossible. But few of our operators are more than payiuf. expanses now, ant many are IoMur at the present rates. To smpend the collieries would not help tho trade now, because the other rejriou could supply all the coal the market will re quire, and consequently U would have scarcely any effect on prices lor the balance i the season. It looks ploomv for November and December, Out it t-atu.oi be helped now. Those who can ro on will Oj to, HDd those who cannot, at the IoiV rate3, will Cave to conform to circumstances." The respective committees of the Schuylkill minera and operators have held several meetings lurint? the past week for the purp so of fixing t.ie rate ot wages for (ctouer. O wiu to sorno disaMe niLMit as to how the terms or the late compromise should be understood, they were unable to come u any conclusion, and adjourned to obtain Instruc tions They will meetairaiu to-day. The I.elitRh rate for November was fixed yestcr tlny lor cohi loaded at Mauch Chunk as follows: Lump (furnaces!), 13; lump, i0; stea-uDjat, gj -75; broken, J3-76; egg, J3-75; egg, 8a 75; stove, (4; clirsuut f:t. The Delaware and Hudson Canal is st.ill reported as in ditllculty from want of water, the rains being only of sutllcient amount to enable boats on their way to reach their destination. A better prepara tion is to be made for next year. Trade at all points is dull. At Mauch Chunk tlio shipments are largely in excess of but year, but the market Is very dull. At this port the market Is un charged, anil the supply is still in excess of the demand. Trices eoueuently have been weak. Tho following is the complete sum. nary of the trade for the week, as reported for the Pottsviile ii'ur' Journal ol 10-day: I Still. INC. A DEC. WhF.K.j TOTAL. WKKK. TOTAL. AiitKrarfte, -I- V. &. K. K....I hch. Unal...l ll:i.U2 . 3.7M MOP df3l,(l42 it Irt3 TX 773,011 2i!,oli !li 2-!5 6:)il.(l7t 2 2 2-il U4,ms d T14 24 1.9 H 3).s:t7 5),S7t? 21.XH 3Hf,.5Jn 2,5IH,l3-t 2t-i.o a UVil K.K tS. L.V R.H Nth K Ounul I. Nav. H K. Kcr'tuD Stti do Mb) Pa. It. H...I Va. t'Misl..) D A H.Cal.l D.AU.n.K.t Wyoming 8I1. A) jomingNb. fcuamokin... . l.T-W.U'i, r..i,.8i! mil, nil1 321,171, tm.liltil 16.2 V! i !'0i,;;.l' llti.l:t5' 217.lt:) I 89,H70i i!7,SS7l 1H,4"S 1S.8M, 33,103 4l.(inl 1,43t.K li),77 n.,i.ta 14.5S2 l,Mti,a7 n7.4."i8 113 2 1.W7 2-!l,32;i 14.931 357,43 10.S15 3W.35; 32.9J! 3j6.S1H. lO.l'.'d.tKJO I2,3r1.127 lO.iitf.KIO :iod,61h S'liit-Jiithra- ritr. Travorton... . fcliott Mt.... Iyknns VA'a. W illianiHtnD. BiKLiekOol. 62,!?!l 2.1Bl,4:i7 1 IW8 2,S2(t 1.4H2 24,R.i0 114 :u 67..'!i liifclU I 67,376 40. M.', 3 SiiS dll4,9'2 K,04' 60,8W 237.051 67.n2 d 6,527 2,tlll 8ti,K4t 6.331 31'.l,44 2H9.023 12,403 422,250 ats.sw flituminoH. Broad Tup. . , M. A U. It. K Ches.i O.Ca. ,l!i 21, Mii d 63,1 fit dl2.4JS !'jii,4:tH 21,673 4,5'Jti 9i.7!ij fn'i.Oll 417,613 I.3U7.4IW Tot'l.allkiud :itw,S77 12,105.97(1 4H7,2 14,072,783; 12,l'u,7i; !,9il5,Sil4 ;fe,W 41,2'J- Increase. "The supp'y of anthracite for the week Is 36-!,61S tons, ngamst 305,619 for the corresponding week last year. Total supply, 12,3t,l2T tons, against io,iiH.6;w. Jncreaee so far over last year, 2,154,497 tons. Total for the week of all kinds. 407.202, against 305,977 tons last year. Total, 14,072,71 tons, against 12,10979 last year. Increase so far, l.fl,804 tons. "Last year the supply of Anthracite was short of the previous year lt)3,630 tons, and the bituminous trade increased 975,215 tons, owing to the high price of anthracite. This year the increase of anthracite is very large, while the bituminous trade lias dimin ished about 225,000 tons." The following are the prices of coal by the cargo at Port Kichmond for shipments east of Uordentowa and south of Cape Henry, and to points along the line of the Delaware and Karltan Canal: Schuylkill lted Ash, J4-75&5; do. White AU, Steamboat, J3-904; do. do. Brokeu, llvl-li); do. do. Egg, 4-00(J t-70; do. do. Stove, 17-O.4-S0; do. do. Chestnut, 3'503-70; Shenandoah Broken, 415; do. Egg, 476; do. (stove, $4-T5 ; do. Chest nut, 13-70. The following are the current rates of freight from Port Richmond for the week ending Oct. 2S: Kaco, f 2't5; Portsmouth, (2-50; Boston, f2'25!ari'3; Charlestown, 1225; Danversport and ala , Fall River, 12-00; Salem, f 2 -25; Tauuton aud tow, 12-20; Newport, 2-oo; I'rovidnnce. 2-ou; Pawtucket and tow, 2 20; Norwich, $2; New H-iveu, $1-7'); K. Norwalk, 2-oo: Brooklyn, Sl iia; New York, 11-35; lloboken, f 1 85; Jersey City, Jl-35; Newark, ?1 4; Annapolis, 11-06; Georgetown, tl-r0; Was!ilna;to:i, f i4V.ls; Alexandria, fl-50; Norfolk, ffioiiw; i'ortumoutii, tl-45. A Man Shot lis akiko or One ov tuts Parties I Mi-LiCATEi). Theodore Maur had a furt!ier hearing this morning before Alderman It. S. rimiUi o:i a charge of being implicated in the shooting of Kras tus Mead, on Wednesday even i our, while standing at Seventeenth aud Wallace streets. The facts of tho case, as tTesiitied at the hearing, are as follows: Ail the parties are connected with Korepiugh's circus. On Wednesday evening last, as Mea t, tlie wounded man. was on the southwest corner of Seventeenth and Wallace streets, he felt something strike him in tlie baok, and shortly felt the blood trlcKllng down ins clothes. Maur and Cook, who were the only men tear by, were arrested, when Maur acknow ledged the shooting, but cla med it was done in Balf defeusr. Mead was struck in th e back, In tiib region of the kidneys. A ph.ystcUn test Hied th it the in jured man was out ol danger, and Maur was admit t ed to bail. Tdb Expenses op tub Cmr Dspautmkkts. Tit Controller of the city has not yci received all ths departments estimates, nor has tlia Bard of K-vi-Hion completed the exhibit of the taxable prop-rty Gftliecuy, so tn at. it will b at least a fortnight before the task or Uxing the tax rate will be fair.y entered open, from the esiimates already before the CortroUer, It appears that the necessary appro priation to maintain the House of IC-ifuvu durln 1871 will be $7f).du0, which falls equally upon the Stut and city government. Tim Heoelver of Taxes' de partment will require $33,000; the fit? Comuits- feionsr'n, f301,isi; the Boardjuf barvey, $51, .Ml j the City Treasurers', 124,600: the Coroner s, 115, OJO; the School Department swelling over $t,3oo,0(U; Hourd of Pott Wardens, i24,oao; Guardians ol the Poor, 1440,670. Tue "Star" Coi kse of Lectckes. Thi nut of tho 'Star'' lecturers will be lion. Charles Sum ner, who will on Monday appear at tho Academy of Music andpeak upon "iLatayeue, the Faithful One." This Is a change from Mr. Summer's pre viously announced subject, aud It is a judicious one, especially as his lecture entitled "The Duel between France aud Germany" has been extensively pub lished, and therefore familiar to most of those who would wish to attend on Monday evening. Mr. Sumner is the most scholarly of our states men, and bis high reputation as an orator Is wellkncwa. A discussion by blm of the character and services of Lafayette cannot but be of great interest, and a crowded house may be anticipated lor Monday evtning. FniBS About 12 o'clock last night tha broom manufactory of David Fell. No. SU NoriU Second Street, was slightly damaged by lire. About 4 o'clock this morning some evil-dispose 1 person found bis way into the cellar or Joseph Thompson's grocery store, at Thirty third au t Market streets, and kindled a tire, first destroying all the gas fixture in the basement. The flames were discovered and extinguished tn time to pro vent a serums conflagration. About Half-past 7 o'clock this morning a slight lire occurred In the picker-room of Wool's mills, at Twenty-second street and Pennsy I vanla a yenue. The Facti.ty of tlie Jefferson Medical College have appointed Dr. F. II. lietchell clinical lecturer on the itliieaaes of women aud children. The Im portance of clinical instruction to medical students r ad not be oerestimaied, aud in the selection of Vr. tletchtU the faculty have secured tho services CI L-aa cf decl'ed energy aud ftbiiny. Hro'f tem's JJottiT. Hon. J. Alexander Si:TpTU. tli" iKititer cl Wills, hns (ilven the following noMc, whii h is of much liiip.irtan.-e: T all lera'.cs, rreditors, and other persons interested, notice Is hereby given that the following-named persons did, on the dales afl'xed to their n mies, file rfii tier! mn'.s of their administration to the estates of Urns'; per sons deceased, and guard!ftns' and trustees' conn's, whose names nre nndrment toned, in the otllce of the Begister for the Prooa'e or Wills and granting letters or Aumtntstratlon, In aud for the city and county of Philadelphia and tnar, tlesini'! will be presented t the Orphans' Omrt of sail city and csuiity for -oii.1rmMon anl allowancn on Fr. lsy, clvpmber 18. 1H70, at 10 o'clock tn the morning, at the i'iiinty Court House in said city: Oct. 4, Cat.lL Pollitt, administratrix of David Pol- litt, ileceoso I. " 4, l'id llty lusurancp, Trust, nid Sife 1) -posit Company, ii tmiDutraiots of Johi O. Dj touet, deceased. " 4, Samuel Kiuenhouse, I.avlnlt R. Henderson, and S'.tsan II. Stcp!i"tis, executors of Johu Uitteiiltome, (li-c jase l. 4, Koiwrt KvetP't and K. .T. lllnckcn, execu tors of John I.awlor, deceased, n, John Iteiiunpee tJox, administrator of An thoiiy Bizcfkl, deceased. " C, Kdwaid I,. Boil, t.: i;iriun H. K lyu', ari l Charles M. asoer, executors oi Ud ward Bojiil, tU.ee isoti. " P, James C." AuniMtin, c.xecunr of Mary J. (lerln, deceased. " 10, John It i lest, executor of Sarali O. Oje. drccased. " 10, Jonathan Bonsali, exsoutor of iMary Tiir.v- ley, deceased. " 12, isamh C. Wears, administrator or Curies Brown, deceased. " 13, Matthew an l)usn nnd Kl'woo-I Binsill, administrators of Joseph M. Thomas, do- ceased. " 14, Andrew M. Jones, administrator of William 1. Taylor, deceased. " IS, Kdgaraud E.I win Hans, executors Of Mat thias Hans, deceased, m, William h. Price and Thomas Latimer, executors of Jiartha Isabella Kates, de ceased. " 18, Stephen Phlpps and James II. crcsson, exe cutors of Sarah Phipi'S, deceased. " 19, Joseph Hnowdon and Charles Willi tins, guardians of Caroline F. aa Gilder, l.tie a minor. " 19, John P. Stcincr, administrator of Bcnjimiu J. Iiippineott, leceased. " 20, Thomas J. Martin, executor of Henvy F. Price, deceased. " 20, William D. H. Carver ad John P. t'laugea Cox, executors of Eli.a Carver, de- 0 f' 3lH 6 (1 " 21, William II. Pliclan, surviving executor of Samuel Martin, deceased. " 21, Arthur Henry, executor of Patrick Mi-Nickel, deceased. " 22, John Kees, executor of Elizabeth Snyder, " 22, John life's, administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of Daniel Snyder, deceased. " 22, John Thompson and Catharine Oven sliine, executors of Samuel Oveushiue, de ceased. " 24, Klisha J. Iwis, guardian or Inez I?. F. Lewis, late a minor. " 24, Joseph H. Joues, administrator of Matilda Jones, deceased. " 25, Elizabeth, Annie E., and John L. Devc rc.ux, executors of John Devercux, de ceased. ' 25, George Pcrkenplne, Jr., and Albert II. Per keniiiiie, executors of tleorge Pcrkenplne, 1 ICOGtiHtJCl " 20, James G. Clark and narriet G. Clark, sur viving executors of John Y. Clark, de- " 2C, James S. Fenton, administrator c. t. a. d. a. of Ann J. Sibley, deceased. " 20, JameB P. Morrison, administrator of Bridget Osborne, decreased. " 26, John Steeu, administrator of Alexander Smith, deceased. " 20, Elizabeth Daum, administrator of AVilliam Daum, deceased. ' " 2C, George Msnu and I?aac Maun, executors of John I.Innn, deceased. " 2C, John Frederick liiail, guardian of Charles Wevll, minor. " 26, Matthew Newkirk, guardian of Emma New kirk, minor. " 16, Frederick Sieeb and Joslalt Whlttuker, exe cutors of Tnomsis II. Woleen, deceased. " 20, Mrs. Sarah Gaul, Simon Dellert, George II. Oberteuiler, and Peter L. Snyder, exe cutors of William Gaul, deceased. " 27, George Junkin. trustee under the will or Charles Woodward, deceased, for Mrs. Ann W. Olnmtead. " 27, Annie McClelland, executrix of Mary Boyd, deceased. " 27, Marv Plait", administratrix of German Plair, decea'Cd. " 27, Henrietta A. Chandler (formerly Hush), executrix of Andrew Jackson Hush, de ceased. " 27, Samuel T?. Col veil, administrator of Tliomas Wotherepoon, deceased. " 27, Sarah Ann Byerly, administratrix of David D. Byerly, deceased. Drowned Last nirrht two of the Delaware Har bor Police were attracted to Willow street wharf by the cries of some one in distress. They hastened to the snot and found a man struggling lu the water. They secured a pair of lines from an Ice cart close by and threw them to the individual, lie seized llicra, but failed to hold fast, and fell back into the water and was drowned. The body was afterwards recovered. It was recognized as that of John Butcher, who resided on Palmer street, below Girard SzrtiorsLY Injcred George Young and Charles Abe 1 were recently engaged In the milk business as partners. Through some cuse they had a falling out and the lirm was dissolved. YeHterday white Abtl was standing at Seventh aud Carpenter streets tie was approafched by Young, who knocked him down and then beat and kicked him in a shocking manner, young was arrested ana aiacrinan coi- lltis committed lilm to await the result of Abel's in juries, which are said to be of a fatal nuture. Assiri.T and Battery and UoBr.ERY About half pant 4 o'clock this morning a colored man named .lorin w. j lavs was set npou at ueveniu ana m. Mat? streets by three persons, named John W. tutes, James Brown, and Margaret Wilson, who bout mm and roooeu turn or fc-io. xne cries oi me Insured man brought to his aid two policemen, who urrc-Bted Ids assailants. They were locked up at the Third District Station House, aud will have a hear ing bcfjio Aiaeimau Kerr at tne Central station this afternoon. To Kf.ec the Peace. Last night John Husk and Mary Curr got into a fight in a taveru at inquirer and Brown streets. Mary, it Is alleged, threw a bottle at taitK una strucK mm on tue neaa. ine latter ran out into the street, where he was captured by a policeman, 'this morning Mary appeared be. lore Alderman wassey and teiAiiicu against tne pri soner. Tlie testimony showed that ttiey were both equally g'liity, aud the magistrate Held them to bail to keep the peace. The Geumaktown Pooh A meeting of the Board of JUuuagers of the Germautown poor was held testi-may afternoon, 'lho report of the Secretary for the uioijth of October shows tlie total receipts to have been fcll00-o0, and the total expenditures 75?i. or tins last s.iiu were ror an insurance po licy on the new house, SI-s'.for house exr.euses, gi.T -.'i5 lor farm expeubt-s, and .SH4-50 for out-door reiler. Fatal Aviikkt A few days ago a Philadelphia workman, Lamed (jcorgo teams, cmplojed us ix Anthony, now In course of erection in Ki'-hjnon l, V.. full li....,i..K .1... j , ...r, ...... ... KK ............. aud was killi cl. Del uvls a wt'e and live childien, wko leHidc ut Poit Kh ltoiond in this t-iiy. Tdkvt Of A M iKiioit. Mary Kauo was employed vetit iday by on Murv Itarr ti earrv ho;ne a mirror. which the latter hud pin chased. Murv. instead of doing us directed, appropriated the property to her vte. Mio was mrwcu in oeveuiu aud 6t. 3lry s'reets, and niter a neaiin; I). -fore Alderman Ollms JMary wus CQiumritea lor tria'. Ti'UKKEY As-SAi'l.TEt). A pugilistic individual r.amtd l hii ( i-oiut-r wus tins morning cimmitted by AldL-ruijo Carpenter for beating Jjseph bteio, turnkey at the Thud District Station House, lie went to the Maviun li use aud called fttein out an 1 tuiufihtd him without piovocation. Laiicf.ky ok Books. Yesterday afternoon Joseph DuuiiKon wus captured coming from Sctialer tc Korudi's f-stubllsHmobt, Fourth and Wood streets, Willi several books In uis possession, which he had pioien. Dtienoant na.t a iiearing before Alderman uauiu, aua was neii to answer. Aci ibEKT to a Biui KLAYiTK Franklin Drew, a luici laver, was titt'.iiy niiureii this morning bv rail- inif o'l of a scaitoUl at Twcniietti and Hnrinsr Garden streets. The suti'erer was removed to his home at Twcnty-tirst and tiainbrn'ge streets. Narrow Escape. This morning a largo plank fell on ot a new ouihMiig on i-raimnn street above Kaoe. strlklLga L'niou I'isacic.'er itailway car and break ing out a window. Furtunately none ot the passeu. gers were injuria. Ari'OIKTED PnOTOXiRAfHEK. William F. Kellr has betnappolnud by the Clilef of Police to take the photographs of all prolessional thieves hereafter arrested. ActiriEKT Yesterday Bernard McKay, an inmate of the Soldiers' Home, fell at Tweuty-jwconJ and XUrkct eiKfcts and irttviurcd a leg. T.i nFXfc or A pmimj.tr at tort akd Tustamentay . ll(n J. A.'cxatider Sim.isrin. the Hegister of WIP.i, l i d Ined letti rs of adm.n:s?rsti n on the fo:iowing HiJEf.1 l'.atC5 10 U.": SVYt ralpaf Uej stated On the f si te of Tiiotns mccimtKef. ..ice isei, it Sarah Mefloskey, No. 27i Levering Ktrect, Mana )ui:k. on the opiate nf .loslnh Kemp, deceased, to Tliomiis . Kemp, Kn. 410 South Tenth streiit. on t no rsiste or I redi-ric-n stttn.n, deceased, to Aupudtus W. Stetlan, No. lojft Palmer street. on ten i state or ht.i-r'-y.er Maxwell, decease 1, t i Atiini G. Maxwell, Tiilnehocken street, elnrmin- tovi i: : Vp'i Camp Utifli, No. Cs7 Cfesnut street; and Wuiliim 1'.. Sinitli, southeast corner Tenth street an I Ctltiniiilii avenue. l.tt'ers testamentary have been Issnc-l tinon the rfitaip of lliuriet Uo'l.ind to Kev. IP-nry A. It ard ninn. V. ., and V. Illlnm A. Porter, Jo 6v3 Wnlimt sln-tt, executors upon the estiitf. of Juiianna M itt- son and hiiza'jetn ciiryme, No. 2JS Kortn Fifth Mtcet, I'pon the cs'ate of Judlih Grn!V. to Frederick Gratr. Ko. l.s;7 Arch ftreet, nnd Wm. S. Yaue, No. 4i Ncvth SeventecLth Ptieet. I" mm the es:;t.e of Michael C. Foo-ert.v. t.i Annin Frcerty. Martin Clearv. nnd Philin Smitli. northeast. corner of Thirteenth and oxford streets. I pen the estate of Phu-be Auu Justice, to Evan I?lili(!t lrh, No.'Ur, Ch. smit Bmnr. and Itlchard Kan. e'.olrti Pnrry, No. 119 e.'he snnf. street. I pon the estate r I,'. ('. drier, the late Judtre of the Mipreme Court, to J. H. Grier, as executor, No. ii epi nee bu eei. I pon the estate or eicortre Bet t. to Charles G . Hcf rierpcn, No. 1SC4 Poplar slrect, and .Rowan Fonlke, No. I3r4 E!iwonh street. Fpon the estate of liev. Jsines M. Olmstead, P. P., to S. A. Coyle and J. A. Linn, No. 615 Market street. I pon the cKtate of John Fleming, to Sarah Jane Fleming, No. 1S';o Knter street l pon (he estate of Owen Sheridan. Jr.. to Clara B. Hiendao and George Junkiu. southeast, corner of Sixth and Walnut streets. The Mortality or tub city The number or deaths in the city for the week end mar at noon to day was 2.15, being a Increase- of 10 over those of last week and an decrease or 22 over the correspond ing period of lust year. Of these, 122 were adult s: 113 weie minors; 171 were born in the United States: 51 were foreign; 10 were people of color: and 9 were from the country. Of this number, an died of con sumption of tho lungs; 8 of disease of the heart; 11 of marasmus, 9 of old ago, 7 of typhoid fever, 9 ol convulsions; 3 of scarlet fever, 9 of luilnnimurion of the lungs; or congestion or the brain; 15 of debili ty, and 3 of cholera infant um. The deaths were divided as follows anions- the different wards: Haras. Ward. First 10 Sixteenth 7 Second H", Seventeenth :s Third 8 Eighteenth 17 Fourth 7 Nineteenth 10 Fifth 11 Twentieth 11 Sixth 3 Twenty-first 9 Heventn is Twenty-second 8 Eighth 2 Twenty-third 8 Ninth 4 Twenty-fourth 7 Tenth C Twenth-fiftri 8 Eleventh 4 Twenth-sixth 9 Twelfth 4 Twenty-seventh 14 Thirteenth S Twenty-eighth 3 Fourteenth ! Unknown 9 Fifteenth 9 Total 235 The STfiTOAiin EiinEzy.r.EMENT A FrmnFR Hkakim; in the Extuadition Cask C. F. Burger, who is held on the extradition treaty to await the action of tho oulhorlties of Stuttir,irl,Wnrtemberg, Germany, where It Is alleged that he embezzled moneys to the amount e.f 40,ooo, had a further hear log this afternoon before United Slates Commis sioner I'.ldille. Mr. Patterson, on behalf of Mr. Hcyer, who an- peared on the part of the prosecution, statsd that the counse l had no further advices lu tlia matter Mom Germany, and he would submit the case upon tlie testimony. The Commissioner then neld that as tnera was no testimony against the prisoner he would discharge liim. As the prisoner left the couvt-room Deputy Slieriil" Centner rearrested him cn a capiat, oh which a civil tu it w ill be instituted. The bail lias been Qxed It "5.000. itETiitN pe a Fl-oitiye from Jusiice Last eve ning Detective Elder, of New York, left hero with Joseph A. Hyatt, alias James Fields, whom he had secured in tins cny on a requisition irom ooveruor Hoffman on Governor Geary. It is alleged that Hyatt, on October 1, attempted to get cashed at a horiL InthlHcilv n check for f 20.000. nnri.ort.lnir tn be 'drawn on the Tenth National Bank 'or New York by Messrs. Glcndinning, Davis A Co., of No. 17 Wall stree t, and made payable to theorderol Jam" Fields. The signatures were genuine, but the amount of the rheck had been altered fromtlO to $20. t oo. The prisoner was locked up at police head quarters in acw lork. Mfetiko oi-Creditors. A meeting of the credi tors of Arnold. Nausbaum & Nlrdlinger was hold on Thursday last. They exhibit liabilities amount ing to I1S2.V.I. mi, or wir.cti sum x;i,i,u is conndou. tml. Assets, f 1 10,220. In addition to the above liabilities, they have customers" notes to the amount ol I02.22O. They intimated they could pay 30 or 35 per cent., but the creditors demand more. Xotk e is given that application will be made to Governor Geury for the pardon of Patrick Katrerty and John Kcenan, convicted of assault and battery in the court or ejuarter sessions lor the city and county of Philadelphia, and sentenced Dec. 2), 1M19, each to six years and tcu months' Imprison ment. A Xf.w National Bank Wiiliam Poulterer. Etq., will be scle'ctc.l ns President, and William Ciaishorn, Esq., as Cashier of the Security National Bulk, to be located m ar the corner or fcixtu street and Girard avenue. Beat His Wii e Thomas Slden, residing on Lan caster avenue, was yesterday held to ball by Alder man Kanuaii to answer tiie charge or beating nts wife. AfSAt'i.T and Battery. Frank Berber, forassault nnd battery on Isaac Wllniore, was yesterday held to bail by Alderman Nickels. P.or.iiED a Sleevek This morning Auntc John. son was scut to prison for robbing a Jrunken man while lie was asleep on a cellar aoor m Jones alley. MES3R8. D n AVEN & Brothkr, NrC 40 S. Third Street, Philade'phla. report the following quotations: U. 8. 63 of 1SS1, 113(113;4' ; do. 1862, 112 VvU' I eto. is4, in v,ea.iii; ; no. jsm, iiiin ; uo. liwn, new,llO''noji ; do. 1S07, do. llO',no ; do. iscs, do. 110,J.(110j; 10-40S, 10G'f$lot). U. S. rt Y jar S per cent. Currency, infill'.,; Gold, 111;.;. 111!.,-. Silver, 107(.lt: Union Paoino Railroad IstMort, Bonds, 625'.e 83.'. j Central Pacllio Hailroad, 900fd.9l0: Union PaclUo Land Grant Bonds, 7.10,4745. MKSKR8. WILLI Ail PAlKTKrl fc CO.. NO. 8 S. Third street, report the following quotations: U. S. 6s or 1SS1, 113.1114; 5-208 Of 1862, lllXcavlll Vi do. 14, UPlll.Jc.; do. 13t lll.ijin v; do., July, lsoti, H0vcn0j; do., July, 1SC7, 110V(110'; do. July, 1868, lliu.llO.-'a ; Bs, 10-40, 10O'.,(.l(i6 ; "U. S. Pacific Kit. cy. 6s, liiHf'tm Joid, ill! 112. Nakh fcLADNEK, BroCurs. report this morales Gold Quotations as follow s : lHTHJ A. fil 112.00 M. .. lo-io " ill);!2oi P. M., 1H.V . ...111 in-; Ul;i 10- 35 11 - C5 10-1S ....111 1M'2 12-10 ....111'.; ....lll iii:i. (&r athlitlamt Dtath T'.nlh f7.) I.kvv on the liliii instant, FAraicK Lsvv, aged 70 vears. 'i'lie relatives and male fr' ,Tids of tUe family are respectfully luvl'ed to attend tne funeral, lroin his late resideice, No. irJii North Seventh street, on Monday morning nt Sy; o'clock, holemu High Mass ut 8t. Malaehl 'b Cuurch. interment at KU John a Church. McIlhenny. On the 2sth Instant, Joski-u k. JWoJlhknny, Jk., aged S9 year;. I The relatives and frieuda of tlia family aro re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from li s residence of his mother-in-law. No. KM tueeu sireftt, on fcomlay afternoon, October 81, at 1 o'clock, with out lurtlier notice. 4 bTEEN. On 8Hih instant, M aboabbt Stksn, widow Of the late Kobert Steeu, in tlie tilth year of her ae. The relatives end liiendti of tlie family are respect fully, invited to attend her fuueral, from hr la'e rekirteuee. No. 3313 bridge street, Wett I'nlladelpliia, on Tuesday, November 1, at i V. M. To proceed to Laurel Hill. T TO LET A (1O0D FRONT Ol'FICK, AT Ka No. 42i WALNl.T fctroet, suitable for an lu nuance agency, conveyancer's or attorney's oittce, etc., etc. Apnlv to NOKT11 AM Kit. MITUAL UVK 1X8. CO., It No. H WALNUT Street. Cllt'VTTtY SPAT A V7 If T! f MlR ,T :f!:HAII7 Mi .. Hill Hi.i'..a lidatikl niL-A ulnivi. r fee v en mile utoue, and near Taoouy. Manaion limihe aud Dwellim; to let. Apply on the jin iuiHi-s, or No. 610 LOCl'.si' street. lo i'J il c O L T O N DJiNTAL ASaOCTATIOM", Originators of NITI'.OUS OXIDK GAS in Den tistry, and headquarter! for painless tooth extrac tion. Office, Ho. 737 WALNUT btret-L 8.l3t lEBLIl LATER FROM EUROPE. A Engagement at Fcrmisres. Prussians Ilcportctt Defeated. Hctive fililiiary Operations. Spaiu and South -America. AFFAIRS AT THE CAPITAL. Opening of the Supreme Court. FROM EUROPE. The Priilnn Ofleuled nt I'onnleres. Amiens, via Tours, Oct. '2'.). The Prussians were ilefeated at Formieros Ibis ruoruing by the troops of the lines, Mobile, ani a snill force of artillery. Tho village of Bouvisse was burneil by tho enemy's petroleum shells. The French still hold the railroad from this place to Rouen, and communication between the two cities is perfect, notwithstanding the repeated attempts of the Prussians to de Btroy it. Kvnrnntloii t Courvllle. A despatch just received from Nogent-le-Koutron says the Prussians have evacuated Courville, in the department of tho Eure-et-Loire, near Chartres, after an engagement w ith the Mobiles and volunteers. Continued FIkIiMiik nt llenurnli. Koi'kn, Oct. 28. The Prefect of this do pnrtment telegraphed to the Ministry at Tours to-day that the enemy, pursued by French cavalry, had hastily retreated upon Bcauvais and Gorgson. A force of Prussian cavalry, estimated at 1200 strong, also left Clifttcannetif, near Chartres. FX OM W.1SIILYOTOJV. he Nupreme Conrt. Special Dfra(c to Tin Koeiig Telegraph. Washington, Oct. 20. A majority of the judges of the Supreme Court are now here, the only absentees being Chase and Nelson. The latter will not be able to comply with the re quest of tho Chief Justice to open Court on Monday, as he will not be here, to that duty will fall upon Justice Clifford, the next oldest upon the bench. Kpnlu nnd South America. The convention to settle the dllliculties be tween Spain and the South American republics did not meet to-dny, owing to tho non-arrival of some representatives of the South American re publics. FROM NEW YORK. Arrrot of a Supposed Jiank Robber. New Yobk, Oct. 20. A man named William Dunn has been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the Grafton, Massachusetts, bank robbery, and is now confined at police headquarters here awaiting the arrival of the bank officers, who are expected here this afternoon to identify him. FROM TUE WEST. The I.nte Hallway Accident. Cincinnati, Oct. 20. Kuuiora were afloat last night of another accident on the Ohio and Mississippi Hailroad, but the oflicers of the road say they arc entirely without foundation. The coroner's jury in the late accident found all blame resting on the switchman, William O. Shcpard, who has not sinco been seen. tfaltlmore Predaee IHrkef. Baitimobe, Oet. V!9 Cotton unchanged; mid dling. 16 VC and some are asking Higher rates. Floor active and steady; Howard btreet su pern tie, (4-75 (i ft-r.O ; do. extra, S(K3u-75; do. family , $7i47oO; City Mills, Btipertlne, fNnO-75; do. extra, f ti asrT ; do. fainllv, I7-rOiaD-7S; Western supertlne, fl-76w,5-25; do. extra, 57S to-60; do. family, iJ &0(7,jO. Wheat dull aud neglected ; Marylaud amber, fl-70S,l-7f; good to prime, ft 1-60 ; .common to filr. l10i l-5; Western, fl-iii'4' 1"S3. Corn dull; white, 60 72e.. ; yellow, 70'483e. ; mixed Western, 0i;7oc. Oauj stea-lyat 45 i4So. live, lotgsoc. Mess 1'orn ilruier at f-J7. Bacon linn aud stock source; rib sides, lsv.e. ; clear do., l'Jc. ; shoulders, 15o. ; ha:us, 5u. Lard quiet at 10e. Whinky quiet at S9(n;u0c. THE ARMY OF THE L0IUU. Ka Orcnulzatlou lin fronierta and Field of Operations. IWr.-on (Oct. 10) Cvrrnjioivlence Inlepeiulanve Delje. 1 have just made, la company with a friend well acquainted with tho country where th-j Armv of the Loire is being formed, a rapid ex cursion, which permits mie to idve you the sub joined accurate particulars. This Army of the Loire is composed of not more thau about eighty thousand men. It id commanded by General de la Motte Rouge, the 6ame general, if I be not mistaken, who was replaced by M. Tamlaier In the command of the National (Juard of I'aris. This army extends from here to Tour, following a line which pn.-es by ilonnres. It is t,ia posed, first, of troops of the line, ne recruit-, and soldiers who escaped from the disaster of tfgdau; secondly, of Mobile Guards, and third!, ol Frec-fchooteiB. Tho Hue is not, perhaps so homogeneous as could be de-ircd, and more dis cipline mlht also be wlsLcd ff. .Many ol the soldiers from Sedan have re mained, aa it were, struck with discourage Jient, and a little coweJ. They aro like thosa wli were eetn at Paris. Versailles, and many other towns where they sought reluge in the first half of the mouth of September, either volun tarily or in obedience to orders. 15ut their Fpirits have already been revived by tho Mjbilo Guards. The latter, iu truth, are for the m jst part very line, robust men. It may easily be fcen that they belong to classes of tUe popul i tiou relatively superior, very superior, Indeed, to there which supply the ordinary soldiers, Genciwily thefe Mobiles are the sons of farmers, small agriculturlbts, artisans in easy circum stances, and tradesmen. It is obvious that they bave been well fed, and are full if vigor. On tie average they are j, 24, and 2" years id ae, and consequently they form a mass much more solid than tho youths of from 'M to 21 who con stitute the yotiug line. With time and good ollicers tho Mobiles will certainly become superb troops. Perhaps, un fortunately, there may not be sufficient time. As to the present leaders, there are in general too many young meu who under the empire demanded an epaulette in order to be able to amuse themselves and dress like soldiers. How ever, many of them might bo mentioned who are equal to the task imposed upon them. How ever ibis may be, tho Mobiles have not perfect confidence in their ollicers, and the latter fear that their men will not stand firmly, especially beore the artillery. As to the Free-shooters, some of them are most excellent. C. E-J. HAMRICK & CO,, Mo. 45 WORTH EIGHTH STREET, W IllTE MARBLE BUILDING, Yill offer to tieir patrons and tho pnblic unnsnnl inducements during the coming week, in a most complete stock of SEASONABLE DRY GOODS. LYONS VELVET, SPLENDID GOODS, 125. LYONS VELVET, PONSON'Q COLD EDCS. LACK SILKS, Bargains, $209, S2'50, 53'00, up to S3. Our friends should see these Goods. Wo aro determined to ofJYr them under market rate. Serges, Navy Blue, Brown, Dahlia, Green, $1-00 to $ l,2r,. Satines do. do. do. do. $rno to Poplins, All-wool, 02 J cents; Epinglines, Wine, Bine, Brown, tl'21. Plaids, Stripes, and Figured Goods, all prices and qualities. Tlush in Blue, Brown, and Turplo, very deBirable. GLOVES GLOVES Best Kid, Juges, Courvoisier, Eftjou, at fit 2 ''. SHAWLS in great variety, Broche, $900 to !(. Waterproof h, Table Linens, Sheetings, Towels, Hdkfd., etc. etc. eto. etc. We are delcr mined to maintain our reputation for jirsl-dass Goods a' Popular iMiion tiration Prices. Courteous and vhUrjhiq sales ladies ore one of the feaiu -e. of the llvtise. We ri'l in vr!.'j ca.'i' refund the momy if the goods yurehased ore no'. sati.fa'!:ry. He solicit a vail. ;C. H. HAPJ2RICK & CO., ISo. 45 KTorth HiaiZTIZ Street. DRY QOODS. JOHN BURNS, S45 and 247 South ELEVENTH St., above Spruce. FROM IMPORTERS' LARGE SALE. All Linen Napkins, fast edges. 00c. a rtoz. np. Hand-lxioiu Table I.tueus, an, 45, oo, bsc. to l. ltleoclied Table Pamask, oo. 60, 7()e., up Two yards wide Uarnsley Table Linen, tl up. UM Linen Electing, ttc. : 11-4 liarusley Sheeting, 11 25. rillow Linens, 55, C5, T5c, up. Ladies' all linen Hemstitched lldkfs., 10c. np. Hamburg edgings and lnsertlngs In new styles. CnrtwrifMit A Warner's English Merino Underwear. dents' Wejino shirts nnd drawers. 60, 75c., (1 u.. Ladies' regular made English Merino vests, JI.S5. Hoys' regular made English Merino shtrls, 70c. uo. Ladies' genuine l'.albrlggan nose, 60, O.'Xi 7c np- Ladis' regular made hose, 25. 2S, 8lc. up. 15 dlll'ereut bi vies children's fancy hose. Blue and scarlet sacque flannels, 87X, 45. K, C2C. All-wool Flannels, SB, 28, 85, 45c. np. Twnied Scarlet, irey, aud Pluck Kannels. Khaker, Pnniet, Welsh, and Pallardvale tlai nels. Canton Flannels, ViX, 14, 18, 20, 23c up. Job lot Satin Stripe Hiqne, at 23e. Fleecy Lined 1'inue, ford aud Figured Plane. 8-4 and 8-4 French Muslins. rtiiicmiii. oonui .i'".". . n ...w Marseilles, Honeycomb, and Dimity IViantorpw English and American Waterproof Uloakings, test makes. JOHN BURNS, House-furnishing Dry Goodf, Importer and Retailer of Eojiery, 215 aud 217 S. EI EVU.M'II St., It ABOVJS SPRUCE. GENTLEMEN'S HEMMED LINEN HAXDKER clilefs, bargains, in coarse, niedlnm, and nne qualities white ;alto, colored borders, Biugie or by the dozen. LADIEV IIEVSTlTCIlfD LINEN IIDKFS , bargains, we InvUe efp.clil attention to 25c. qualities. BLACK SILK LACK VEILS, 6c. ; first Instalment of a 2000 dozen lot, or &03. a dozen. NEW VESTIBULE LACES, Nottingham Laces, neat and desirable patterns, at reduced prices. NEW NOTTINOIIAM TIDIES, small and medium sizes, better class of Nottingham, at reduced pries. BLACK SILK FINISH LINING, nicest goods ever shown for Lining Silk, will not cut, at a low price. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, by the pair and bv the yard. From the lirst invoice of ttiis article In America it has been a specialty with ns, and by doing largely, we can purchase en tire cases of a pattern. This advautaga we share with our customers, whether they want a yard or piece. Remember, WORNE'S Lace, Embroidery, and White Goods Store, H" No. 38 N. EIGHTH Street. 1 E W D. O N E THOUSAND DOLLAR S. Hl l'ICE OK THE Mayok ok Tim ) CITY OF 1'Hll.AllKI.eHlA. i OCt. 2S, 18J0.J Fur-uant to a Resolution of tho Councils of the City of Philadelphia cutttled "A Resjlution to authorize tho Major to oiler a Rev. ar l," approved Oct. i", l-70, I do hereny oiler a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for tho arrest and convic tion of the person or persons who on Monday even ing, October 10, murdtrously attacked FLEMING M. ITOUTS, a c.tizeu of the Tenth ward of this city, while ho was peaceably returning to his home. DANIEL M. FOX, It Mayor of Philadelphia. rp H E S 1 N DAY HORNING. Pennsylvania newspapers sny the SUNDAY MORNING is the best Sunday paper published in PiiiUdelphU. Read its Editorials. Read its Financial article. Read "Folly"' on the Railroads. TH3 SI NDAY MORNING may safely go into auy and every family in our city. ' It nry, FEATHERS. FEATHERS ! FEATHERS I Great Bargains In OSTRICH AND FANCY FEaTUEUS. Must be Sold, Wholebale or Retail, at J. S. PORGENS1U S FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWER TORE, No. il Nortt NINTH Street, 10 26 wfiu3t Above Market street. HAT AND OARS. nWAFBURTON'8 IMPROVED VENTILATED and eaxy-tliung DHLSS HATS (patented), in ml the improved faeUionn of the season. CilKSNUT fcueet, utxl door to tlie Tuat Office. rpt SEWINQ MACHINES. THE AMERICAN Combination Button-Hole SEWING MACHINE Is now admitted to be far superior to all others as a Family Machine. The SIMPLICITY, EASE, aud CERTAINTY with which it operate , as well as the uniform excellence or its work, throughout the en tire range of sewing, in STITCHINOJ, HEMMING, FELLING, TUCKING, COR1 ING, Bit AIDING, QUILTING, GATHERING, AND SEWING ON, OVKRSEAM ING, EMBROIDERING ON THE EDGE, AND ITS JJBAU TIFUL BUTTON HOLE AFD EYE BET HOLE WORK, Place it unquestionably far in advance of any other similar Invention, This is the only new family machine that embodies any Substantial Improvement upon the many oil machines in the market. It Certainly has no Equal. It is also admirably adapted to manufacturing pur poses on all kinds of fabrics. Call and see it operate, and got samples of tlie work. 1 "We have also for saleour "PLAIN AMERICAN," a beautiful family machine, at a Reduced Prise. This machine does all that Is done on the Combina tion except the Ovcrseatnlng and Button hole work. OCIce nuI alcfcroomN, No. 13(8 CH5SKUT Streot, 10 .0 BluthSmrp pniL'.nsLPiiiA. TABLE AND PIAKO COVERS. NEW SFJlPORTATiONS Just Opened, Direct from the Manufac tiers, a large assortment of EMBROIDERED CLOTS Table and Piano Covers, IN Kcw and Elegant Patterns. VAN HARLIKCBN No. 1008 C1IESNUT STREET, 10 2b fmwsJirp P111L.VUSEPHIA. FUKNI I UKb. MOVER'S PATENT SOFA BED. AI! old ncd young bachelors, as well n3 ladies who keep eld mails hall, are now bnvicg HOVEtt'S CEl-BIUtATED IMTSNT SOFA UK K This is the only frofa Utd that can be taken apa' t n cleanse it the t.n e an a bi dbtf al. All others ur. uuhdfe and iiable to get out of repair. To be lu l only of the manufacturer and owner, if. r. novi:i:, No. 230 SOUTH SECOND STREET. 21 tuftsin 1111 uAUELPfllA.