THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1870. Ultv Affair. I Abont half-past 4 o'clock yesterday af noon the gable end of the new Methodist tarch at Frankford fell. The first and second Lpr joists were carried into the cellar. At Js time a number of men were at work on i building, some of whom made a narrow pape. ibe will of the Key. James M. Oltn- Ad, D. D., was admitted to probate yster- w. It contains a bequest of sfrlOiXJ in ited btates bonds to the l and for Disabled nisters of the Presbyterian Church. The ance of the I rated States bonds of which died possessed are left in equal ports to Boards of Domestic and Foreign Missions fhe Presbyterian Church. The estate is tied at .f.'iOOO. -Yesterday afternoon the Assistant Mar- Lls of the tive Congressional districts held leeting in the United States Grand Jury m, at Fifth and Chesnut streets, the object ng to procure an additional compensation T0 per cent, for the taking of the census. .t the last session of Coucress tha Ilonaa Representatives passed a bill allowing the iiuioD, dux wnen it came oat ore trie aoQate t body inserted an amendment making the (1 compensation discretionary with the retary of the Interior. That gentleman ltively refused to increase the pay of the i shale. At the meeting yesterday resolu is were adopted that a copy of the prj- dirigs of a former meeting be forwarded ach Congressman in the Eastern District Pennsylvania, for the purpose of receiv- tneir co-operation in ine matter, lne unnittee of Marshals include the following ucmen: o. is. liailaock, rresident; Kaui 11. Efclls, Secretary; and Samuel J. Wright, tmty United States Marshal, Treasurer. t) meeting then adjourned to meet again on .r,th inst. 1 Domestic Affairs t-Gold closed yesterday at 112;,'. -The Gulf House, at Pleasonton, Kansas, burned on Thursday night. -The new army board will probably com uce its labors in Washington next week. -The department reports are further ad ced than usual and will be in the hands lie printer by the time fixed by law. -President Grant has issuad a proclama i designating Thursday, November 21, as ij of Thanksgiving throughout the United es. -The Congregational Association, now in 1 ton in St. Louis, held a jubilee last night, occasion being the two-hundred-and-fif-i year since the landing of the Pilgrim bers. A feud having existed for some time past jveen two men named O. F. Greenwood George Mussett, residing near Cottage Ve, Douglas county, Illinois, the former, Ijonday last, concealed himself in a tree, ; fired on the latter, the ball entering the tnrongn tne abdomen. The injured lived but twenty-four hours, and the sin was placed in jail to await his trial. THE CAMBRIA. lomDlete Passenger List mf the Lost Vessel. Nbw York. Oct. 2L le steamship Cambria, reported lost, took out assengers torty-two cabin, eighteen interme : and sixty-seven steeraee. A moos the oassen- Iwas General Davies of Chicago. The cargo con- i or wneat, nour, cotton.ciieo.te, nan, oil. apples liarrol staves. The following Is a complete list ier passengers: iennaru nermann, Samuel iheim, A. L. Holland, James Hague and wife. Eral Davies of Chicago, James Purse, wife and cuuaren, ueorge wit low, rietnricn zimmer- ueorge viiutangv dosepn smith ana wite, iua Mayer, uobert Allen, wile ana tour chll- Isabella Allen and infant, Uobert McLaren. cQurty, Alex. Gumming, Hubert Coker, Danl. Ulster, Uobert Klliott, Wm. Klliott, J. K.' enkamp, L. J. Nievenkamp, Mrs. A. Wler, 1 Hill and child, Henry Woltman, Harriet reedy, Mary Adams, Agnes Barr, S. I. Gremy tie, dames liairn, Aisttnew oiowet, uobert tin, Ij. Gilmour, Mrs. Eastdale, Mrs. Young, a Calaban, Ann O'lNeil, hllen Lemon, John Imsn, James Montgomery, Wm. Wells, P. Do. v, aiiss roherty, dan. t;ro8nou, encel Cobbett, liLockhart, Thomas Hamsen, Geo. Brutachtn, k Greenlie, Miss Ann Steers, Mrs. K. H. Puaey, iJinguam, or., aua wite ana two cuuaren, MclSae and two children, George T. Kuierv wife, Agnes Nottnian, Mrs. Peoples, John' ion ana wue, Mrs. a. a. ren ana child, Mi ls Fennerty, George Hill, John McGarklan, mel Tiliany, Charles Pedersen, Archibald t, Carl A. Fahlbach, Con. O'Connor u Gulekson, Hans Hansen, Augustus sn, John Fleming, Catharine McLaughlin, s Keoch, Mr p. J. KunUom, Mrs. Keruenter, t Hudson, Patrick Mund, Susan McOani G, John Lynch, Bridget Thornton, Mary , Margaret Boyle, Arthur McCoy, Annie :, Gregory Shell, wife and child, John Glvin, as Potts, Andrew Riddle, Mary A. Deum fc John Marshall, William Beneka, John , Agnes iioya, w. J'unton, August Johnson, s Klown, James Miller, Archibald Mclntyre, she, Felix Caesidy. TIII3 WAR. LAST NIGHT'S DESPATCHES. ICAN VOLUNTEERS IN FB ANCE NEGOTIA. N8 FOB TUB BTJRKENDER OF METZ MOLTKE ISTS UPON ITS BEING UNCONDITIONAL. i special correspondent of the New York Trl before Metz, telegraphs to-day that negotia tor the surrender of Metz have failed and the y has returned to the town. aine proposed to surrender all his own array h same terms as the surrender at Sedan, ex- nat too regular garrison 01 aietz snouia con to hold the fortress, thus releasing at least l)f the investing army. Moltke refused these , because tne reuucea garrison couia noia out -. An entire surrenaer is expected soon, cue was yesterday invested by 8000 men, with ' guns, irom Strasburg. The siege will be d. French squadron was seen off Heligoland Uay evening, from Cuxhaven, steering west- fthat nothing has since been seen of them. Manchester Examiner has a report from , which needs continuation, that Bazalne baa M to sell out .Metz for a regency with the e Imnerial. Ent Bernstoff, Prussian Minister to England, t been recaueu. W. Balfe, musical composer, died to-day, iiddress was presented to President Cover, of a, at the Bridge House, London bridge, yes- c, by a deputation neauea by nr. cave, 01. v. ni l of Suaftesbnrv sent a letter to Bover.ssv- h had Intended to be present, and apologising k absence, a letter was receivea trom Mr. Pt'or his inability to be present. The deputa- ha composea 01 wen auowu puunc men aua V uBHian attack on Bourgesis is probable, aa t-itv has a laree arsenal and several i'ouniler- t la believed a formal summons to surrender recede the bombardment of Paris. rb. Oct. Zl The Paual Nuncio and Colom- Miulster are unable to leave, owing to the l1 or the rrussiaua to permit auv asj sage taiueir iiueo, ks, Oct. 21. Contradictory rumors are flying concerning mo ujuvcpicuui ui mo uosuit) on the Loire, but the general Impression is Prussians are no longer coming this way, t a large force of the enemy Is marchinz on Undy, here there are fewer troops to oppose Fretich Army of the Loire In camp is im ig daily. The officers are extremely rigorous orcing discipline, and numbers of soldiers been shot for disobedience of orders. The re in hue condition and spirits. French scouts kiloia have taken a number of uhlans prl- , a Dana 01 irano-ureurs orougut into Ne elght hussars, captured out or a foraging the rest of whom, with their ofiloers, were uositivelv asserted here that the Pruiann lie chateau of St. Cloud to conceal their da mns. The citizens of Sr. Cloud charge that valuables in the place had dieappeared be e tire broke out. The povrrnment here tun appropriated lOO.OK) francs to repair the buildings of Chateaadun, and a t ctirronlBl of its beroie defence. It is stated that leading military engineers are to form a series of intrenched camps, in which new troops will be drilled and formed into oorps d'armee. Kven National Guards will be obliged to pass a cer tain time in these camps. Thiers has arrived again In Tours. Torn, Uct. 20, evening It is positively contra. dieted by the government that Boyer's mission to the Prun-lau King related to the capitulation of Ba r.alne. Jt is now stated that his object was to nrge permlpMon to remove the women, children and In valids from MetK for the sake of humanity, which rf que ft was positively refused. Gambetta ntges the strongest arbitray measures gainst disaffec ted political persons who are agitat ing at Lyon ,Houen, Tours and other places.and says that at the present time such persons are dangerous enemies aril traitors to the country, and should be treated as such. Other members of the govern ment are n.ore timid and fear compromising re publican principles, Preparations have been completed for the re moval of the governmental departments south at a moment's notice. Papers, books and correspon dence are kept packed, with the exception of such as are required for immediate use, and a strong force of mounted guards are ready at all hours to start, acting as an escort. . 'i ce ns, Oct. 21, evening Nothing official Is pub lished from the army of the Loire, and we are Kept equally in the dark as to the march of the Prus Mans. There Is a rumor that the French have at tacked Orleans, where the enemy, it is said, have lett a garrlron not strong in numbers, but well sup plied v ith artillery. Journals here have been urging the government to make a serious effort to recapture the city. Keratry, recalled from Madrid, arrived here to t'ay. The newPi apers sav he is to have an Im portant military command. Keratry did brilliant ervi(e in Mexico while in command of the forces organized to oppoco the guerillas. A number ot volunteers from the United States, who srrived by the steamer Ville de Paris, received to-day tl;cir arms and uniforms. They are to be employed as francs-tireurs to operate in the rear of the Prut-sinn armies, cutting railways and burning forage. OtHclal advices from Paris to the 18th show that the rotoiution of the defenders of the capital Is unshaken. The work in the fortifications on all sides of the city has been completed. The French have retaken the positions at Yitray, Yllle.jiiif, Co chan, Ifsy,Surenes,Puteaux, Courbevoio, Asnlerea, PK-rrentte, Stanis, La Cour Neuve, Monteayard and Nogent sur Marne, and hold also the bridge of Joinville and the island of Genevllliers. The forts are armed with 2140 guns, manned by 13,000 men. Jn the magazines there are three rail lion kilogrammes of powder, and each gun has a supply of 6t)0 balls. The manufacture of rilled can non, mitrailleuses, chascpots, cartridges and other munitions continues with great activity, and the supply of provisions is ample. The authorities of Paris have suppressed the fe male military organizations which were forming. The inhabitants of Chateanneuf, who wen- to aak the Prussian General for delay in the payment of the large sum of money which bad been levied on the place, were assured that the General had no knowledge of such requisition. A balloon left Tours on the 17th for Paris. Ykrsaillks, Oct. 20, via Ixndon. All last night the Parisians kept up a steady tire on the Prussian outposts.. The latter are well protected and they suft'eied no loss. On the 17th, a German detachment occupied Mont Didier, capturing fourotllcers and lis Mobile Guards. The Prussian commandant of Stenay was forced to retire from the town ou the 11th by a sortie from Montmedy. The journal published by the Germans here con firms the report that General Boyer's visit to King William was to treat for the surrender of Metz. Severe measures are proclaimed against foragers found in arms on the French side. The, French are shelling Metindou. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine New ue First Pao4. ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. sdn kibxb 0'19moon 8kts. 881 Spm Sits B-1Q;Hi9H Water.. 11-47 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. . Wasw. BrrcBER, ) Israel W. Mobkis, 1 Committki or thb Month. Jambs Douoiibrtv, J CLEARED YESTERDAY. . Br. ship Maid or Orleans, Uourston, Cork for orders, Peter Wright k Sens. Steamship Tonawanda, Barrett, Savannah, Philadel- phlaand Southern Mall Steamship Co. 8t'r it. Willing, Cundiir, Baltimore, A. Grovos, Jr. Brig Chimborazo, Coombs, Boston, Keppller, Gordon & Co. Schr S. & M. D. Scull, Stcelman, Boston, do. Schr James S. Hewitt, Foster, do. do. Schr Active, Coombs, Marblehead, do. Schr J. L. Maloy, Kussell, Lynn, Graeif, Kothermel &Co. Schr L. B. Wing, Endlcott Roxbury, do. Schr Chas. E. Jackson, Caila, do. do. Schr J. A. Crawford, oung, Greenport, do, Schr M. Tilton, Frltzmeyer, Boston, do. Schr Ida Ames, Adams, do. do. Schr E. B. Everman, Corson, do. do. Schr Mary Ella, Steelman, May's Landing, do. Schr L. O. WlsUart, Mason, Chelsea, do. Schr White Squall, Bruunock, Washington, do. Schr R. Mason, Gibson, Bay Shore, L. Audenrled & Co. Schr M. V, Coot, Falkenburg, Providence, do. Schr U. Blackman, Somers, do. do. Schr J. V. Wellington, Chlpman, Boston, do. Schr Campbell, Wells, do. do. Schr George Taulane, Adam, Salem, Hammett, ISeill A Co. Schr Henry Croak ey, Rackett, Boston, do. Schr J. H. WainwrlgUt, Boss, do. do. Schr Elwood Doron, Jarvls, do. do. Schr J. K. Huddell, Cranmer, do. do. Schr J. C. Thompson, Steven, do. do. Schr A. S. Cannon, Cobb, East Cambridge, do. Schr Mattle Holmes, Stubbs, liaugor, do. Schr K. II. Shannon, Dllks, Washington, do. Barge R. RK No. 8, Guesetter, New York, do. Barge It. KM. No. iitl, Trump, do. do. Barge E. Brady, Brady, do. do. ARRIVED "YESTERDAY. Steamship Saxon, Sears, 49 hours from Boston, with mdse. and passengers to II. Winsor & Co. Steamer C. Coiustock, Drake, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Baird & Co. Steamer Novelty, Shaw, 84 hours from New York, With mdse. to W. M. Baird & Co. Bark Lepanto, Bell, 67 days from Alicante, with old railroad Iron and petroleum bbls. to order. On the 16th ult. while passing Into the Gulf, passed a matnyard, part of a vessel's bulwarks, aud a petro leum barrel, lsth ulc, lat. 83 80, long. 70 so, spoke brig Sheridan, Rider, from the coast of Mexico for Boston, and supplied her with provisions ; same date, spoke Br. brig Helen, from St. Vincent for Wey mouth, N. S. Br. brig Tevolt. Dolby, 13 days from Matanzas, with sugar to Isaac Hough a Morris vessel to Warren & Gregg. On the 1st inst., off Cape Florida, spoke bark Augusta Small, from Cienfucgos for Boston. From lat. 89 experienced heavy N. E. gales. Schr Mary U. Stockham, Weeks, from Charleston, with phosphate rock to Charleston Mining Co. Schr Ira Latlrlenler, 0 days from Boston, with mdse. to B. W, Cloud. Schr Aurora, Artts, 8 days from Frederlca, Del., with grain to Christian & Co. Schr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Del., with grain to Jas. L. Bewley & Co. Schr Tycoon, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, DeL, with gram to Jas, L. Bewley & Co. Schr William Townsend, Lolles, 1 day from Fred, rica, Del., with wood to W. T. Conquest. Correspondence of The Evening TtUsnravK EASTON & McMAUON'S BULLETIN. New Yoke Officb, Oct. 81. Five barges leave In tow to-night, for Baltimore, light. Fannie and R. F. CahUl. with barley, for Philadel phia. Baltimore Branch Oi- kick, Oct. 81. The fallow, leg barges leave in tow to-night, eastward: E. D. Hazard, Ed. Hooper, Goodwill, A. J. Taylor, W. Calvin, C. Downer, C. A. Dornlleld, J. L. Klrk patrick, New Era, J. J. Wolcott. Junior Son, Iowa, and Fremont, all with coal, for New York. Dan Robinson and C. U. Wlnne left with those re ported yesterday. Philadelphia Branch Officb, Oct. 82. The Geiieraljieliu, with coal, for New York, will leave to-day. Ticeno, with corn, for New York, and William Mo Fadden, with pig Iron, for Baltimore, left yesterday. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. llAVRK-bK-GKACE, Oct. si. The following boats left this morning in tow : R. M. Forsmau and Nelly and Johnny, with lum ber to Taylor & Belts. James R. Harris, with lumber to D. Trump, Son & CO. Hall &. Frank, Little John, Charles L. Etiler, and Lebanon Trans. Co., with lumber, for New York. Zimmerman fc Loicure, with lumber, for Middle town, Coun, S. S. Arnold, with lumber to R. Woolverton. Harry c. Trump, with lumber, for Burlington. Jobu lletzell, with bark to order. (By Telegraph.) Law if", Del., Oct. vl u au A. M. The pilot-boat Howard report the ship Tonowanda and bark Tar-' bika went to sea at 4 1. M. yesterday. Passing out tbia A. M., siiip James Montgomery, tark I'riLcehi Alice, and brig Anua M. Knight. Iu tne harbor, barks Ocean and Mary Kllian. Tte bark Didwell ts leaving for Charleston, Wlol N. W. Thermometer, t 4 B0 P. M In the harbor, barks Ocean and Mary Kll'an, and one schooner. The bark Bldwell is otT the harbor, detained by head wind and tide. Light breeze from N.N. B.; clearing off. Thermometer, 67. MEMORANDA. Ship Arcturus, Edwards, for Philadelphia, at Ant werp 6th Inst. Br. steamer Aleppo, Morcland, for Liverpool via New York, cleared at Boston 80th Inst. Steamer Francis Wright, from Havana, at New York yesterday. Steamer Catharine Wbtttnp, Howes, days from Galveston via Key West, at New York yesterday. Steamer North America, Slooum, at St. Thomas BCth ult. from New York, and proceeded for Rio Janeiro. Steamer Mississippi, Henry, from New York, at New Oilcans yesterday. Steamer Regulator, Brooks, for Naw Yerk, sailed from Wilmington? N. C, soth Inst. Steamer Wyoming, Teal, hence, at Savannah 18th Instant. Steamer James S. Green, Vance, hence, at Rich mend 19th Inst. Steamer Pioneer, Wakeley, hence, at Wilmington, N. C, 18th inst. Barkentlne White Cloud, Freeman, for Philadel phia, sailed from Providence 19th Inst. Br. brig Emily, Dinsmore, from Turks Island via Lrwes, Del., at New York 80th lust. Brig San Carlos, Parker, hence, at Portland 30th Inst. via Holmes' Hole., in tow. Brig C. E. Kelley, of Philadelphia, from Fernan cllna, Florida, for Boston, put into New Bedford 80th inst., having, when off Block Island, carried away her furc'topgallant mast and foresail In a gale. In taktng in the foretopsail, four seamen, all belonging to New York, fell from the foreyard to the deck. One of them had a leg and thigh broken, and the others were seriously injured. Schr Georgia, Briar, hence, at Bangor 19th Inst. Schr William Wilson, Baker, hence, at Somerset 1Mb inst. Schr SU Mary, Steelman, hence, at New Bedford lltth inst. Schr Wm. Rowe, hence, at riymouth 15th Inst. Schr Ann Twlble, Edwards, hence, at Richmond lflih Inst. f Schr Sarah Bruen, Fisher, hence, at Wilmington, N. C lth inst. R Schr D. S. Mershen, Ayres, for Philadelphia, s'ld from Salem 19th Inst. fiSvhr J. Truman, Glbbs, for Philadelphia, sailed rem New Bedford 19th Inst. it Schr R. J. Whillden, Fennimore, hence, at New burj port 80th inst. Schr Emma 1). Finney, McQnUlen, for Philadel- hla, cleared at Charleston 18th Inst., with her St. larv's cargo. Schr H. Marlow, Wines, cleared at Savannah 20th in st. for Jacksonville, to load for Philadelphia. Schr Morning Star, Lynch, hence, at Mystio 19th instant. Schr Wm. A. Crocker, Smith, for Philadelphia, sailed from Marblehead lBth Inst. ., , MISCELLANY. " Passengers per steamship Tonawanda, Captain Barrett, cleared yesterday for Savannah : J. Tour ney and wife ; B. Boetock and wife ; W. P. Clay and wire; George S. Brewn and wife; Morris Spackraan and wire; Mrs. Quinn, daugh'er, and four children; Miss Sallle Stulb; W.J.Gallagher; teorge Frey berger ; S. L. Anderson ; D. Baker ; John Kelly ; Jas. Bradley ; Lindsley Priestley j T. W. Roach ; and Wil liam Powell. NEW PUBLICATIONS ZELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, DICTIONARY, AUD GAZETTEER Is now fast approaching completion. The price for the entire work, nnbonnd, will still remain for a limited time as originally announced, namely, t?S. As It has ieen found advisable to Increase the size of the original work aiout 800 pages beyond the number at first proposed, those who purchase or subscribe now will get the benefit of this addition without charge, otherwise they will be obliged to pay for the same. This book Is a complete and una bridged dictionary of the English language, as good as the host, a .Gazetteer of the World, and a more complete, newer, and fresher Encyclopedia than any now in print ; the price is lower than that of any other Encyclopedia and but a little above that charged for an Unabridged Dictionary or a Gazet teer alone and being the latest and begun and completed within the short space of two years not drawing through an unlimited number of years, as has always heretofore been the case with works of this magnitude it must necessarily be by far the newest in point of information, as, for example, the article Napoleon la brought down to his surren der, Prussia to the present war, etc. and the popu lations are given either In accordance with recent State Census or that of the General Census of this year, or from other reliable Information, and every pains taken to make the Information given now and accurate. 10 18 tuth2m T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, Nos. 17 and 19 S. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia FURNACES. Established in 1835. Invariablr tha greatest suoeeaa ovsr all competition whenever and wherever exhibited or used in the UNITED STATES. CHARLES WILLIAMS' Patent Golden Eagle Furnaces, Acknowledged bj the leading Architect and Builder be the most powerful and durable Furnaces offered, and the moat prompt, ifitemitio, and largest house Ln Use of business. HEAVY REDUCTION IN PRICES, aad onlf flrst-elaas work toned out. Not. 1132 and 1134 MARKET Street, philadelphia. n. b.-8fnd for book of facts oh hea1 and ventilation. 6224 WHISKY, WINE, ETC W II I SK I E S. Bye, Wheat, Bourbon and Monongahela WHISKIES, The product of the following Distilleries : "A. 4 H. 8. Overholt," "We Brltton & Co.," "V. Llpplncott," . Thos. Moore," . "Lynchburg," HU Vernon," "Jos. S. Finch," 'M. Weiss & CO." "lingua & Co.," "Bhanton, Daly & Kern,' "Sherwood," "Old Dominion." In store and for sale ln lota to suit purchasers. APPLY TO BROOKE, C0LKET & CO., 1727, 1729, 1731 and 1733 Market St 8 2T atuthSm PHILADELPHIA. QAR8TAIR3 A McCALL. No. 126 Walnut and 21 Granite ftt, UtPOBTIRS or Brandies, Winei, Gin, 01iv Oil, Etc, E:- WHOLESALE DKAJJEIUI IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. IH BOND AAD TAX PAID. IBM CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, ETO. QLOTH HOUSE. JAMES HUDCrt. Wo. 11 North SECOND Street, Bign of the Golden Lamtj, Are ' w -receiving a large and splendid assortment of new styles of FANCY CASSIMKRE3 And standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS and COATINGS, . SSSmwi. AT WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL. AL8X AND B R G." OA T T K L L "ACO PRODUCE COMMISSION MEKCHANTB, . No. M MOUTH WHARVEa AMD NO. 81 NORTH W4TBR 8THKET, . PHILADELPHIA. AXBIANDIX G. t41Ti. EXU1B CirTlU REAL ESI A "I E AT AUCTION. Ma8TERS PEREMPTORY SALS. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers. u the Supreme Court for the Eastern District Pennsylvania, Daniel TItlow et al. vs. Charles A. Benner et al.. of Jnly T., 1370. No. M. In nursuance of an order and decree made by the said Court, la the above cause, on the 6th day of October, A. D. 1870, will be sold at publio sale, on. TUESDAY, Oct 8Mb, 1870 at 18 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the foinwing described properly, viz.: VERY VALUABLE FAhm, M ACKE8, KNOWN AS TnB 'TITL'JW KARM," MT. AIRY TWENTY-SECOND WARD, - OERMANTOWN. No. 1. All that tract of land, with the Improve ments thereon erected, beginning ln the middle of inruns lane inn mmiiie ox Micnener avenue, in Twenty-second ward ; then north 47 deg. 93 ruin, west, aiut 1580 feet, more or less, to point lu Mlclioncr avenue; then soutn 43 deg. 40 ml a. west, about 85 leet inches, more or less, crossing 'Wil liams avenue to a Btone; then south lideg. 48 min. west, 126 feet 1 inch to front; then south 49 deg. 44 mln. east, 1670 feet "X Inches, more or less, crossing Mount Pleaxant avenue and Sedgwick avenue to Btone In middle of Unruh s lane; then 48 drg. 45 mln. east 11143 leet, more or less, to place of beginning, containing alout 89 acres 8 perches, more or less. No. 2. All that tract of land adjoining the above, bediming in the middle of L'nrnb's lane and Micne ner avenue ; then north 42 tieg. 45 mln., eait 1205, croi-slnR Pickering avenue to stone in middle county line; then north 47 deg. 65 mlq, west, 784 feet 8.S inches, moie or less, to middle of Sedgwick avenue; then crosstsg Pickering avenue 1216 feet ( -inch, more or less, to middle of Unruh's lane; then 760 feet C Inches, mere or less, to place of beginning, containing atKut 20 acres 3 roods 81 perches, more or less. No. 8. A tract of land adjoining the above, be ginning at a point in the middle of Cheltenham ave nue or county Hue road and the middle of Hedgwlck avenue; then north 47 deg. 5ft mln. west, 7w) leet inch, more or less, to stone -"then south 43 deg. 41 mln. west, crossing Pickering avenne about 1192 feet 10 inches, more or less, to point in middle Mlchcner avenue; then sontheastwardly 815 feet, more or Ipbs, to middle of Sedgwick avenue; then eastwardly along miodle of Sedgwick avenue about 1200 feet 3 v luche8, more or less, to place of begin ning, containing about 83 acres 1 rod 34 perches more or Icbr. No. 4. All that certain lot of ground situate on the northeasterly side of Montgomery avenne, at the distance of 190 feet 8 Inches southetstwardly from Helgrade Btreet. ln Eighteenth ward, contain ing in front 2 feet 8 inches, and in depth 169 feet 4 inches, to 15 foot street. Full particulars at the office of the Master. Terms Cash. 100 to be paid on each at the time of sale. I!y the Court, Jerome Carty, Master, 51 North Sixth street. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 10 6 8 1522 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOUKTH Street. PEREMPTORY SALE THOMAS A SONS, welling, N. W. corner ot Maiden street and Frank- ford road. On Tuesday, October 25, 1870, at 13 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those messuages and the lot of ground thereunto belong ing, situate on the north side of Maiden street and eastern side of Cohock sink creek, where said creek intersects said street, and running thence eastward along said street 14 feet to Frankford road ; thence along the course of said road 36 feet 9 Inches ; thence continuing along said road 11 feet 7& Inches to gronnd late of Mary Penn, deceased ; thence along said ground to the Cohocksluk creek ; thence down the said creek to the place or beginning. The Im provements are a two-story frame tavern, fronting on the corner, and a two-story brick dwelling ad Joining, fronting on the Frankford road, being Nos. 1002, 1004, and 1006 Frankford road. Sublect to an irredeemable yearly ground-rent of $M, payable in coin. Sale absolute. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer, 10 13 15 22 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH street. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS A SONS' SALE. Modern three-story brick dwelling. No. 437 iedwood street, with a frame dwelling In the rear on Federal street. On Tuesday, October 25, 1810, at 13 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those messuages and the lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north side of Redwood street, west or Fourth street, No. 437; containing in front on Redwood street 14 feet 9 Inches, and extending in depth of that width 81 feet; then widening to 16 feet, aud ex tending still fui ther ln depth of that width 85 feet to Federal street, the entire depth being 116 feet. Two fronts. Together with the privilege of a 9 feet 6 Inches wide alley. The Improvements are a modern three-story brick dwelling, fronting on Redwood street; has two-story frame back building; parlor, dining-room, and kitchen on the lirst floor; g:is, bath, hot and cold water, gas oven, etc Also a three-story frame dwelling lu the rear on Federal street, No. 436. House stands back from the street. Terms $2000 may remain on mortgage. Immediate posscFslou of No. 437 Redwood street. Keys at No. 440 Redwood street. M. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers, 10 18 15 22 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. fJ3i PEREMPTORY SALE. BY ORDER O? Liiii George M. Dallas, Esq., Trustee of the Assigned Lttate of William C. Patterson. Warehouse;site, large and desl'oble Lot N. E. corner of Front and Lombard streets, 213 feet front, 130 feet deep, three fronts, tin Tuesday, November 8, 18J0, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and valua ble lot of ground, situate at the northeast corner of Front and Lombard streets, containing ln front on Profit street 213 feet 1J4' Inches, on Lombard street ISO feet, end on Penn street 213 feet three fronts. The above is very valuable for store or warehouses, manufactories, mill, machine shop, sugar house, or any building requiring a large lot. On this lot the Penn Warehouses lately stood. The bricks, etc., are Included in the sale. For further particulars, Inquire of George M. Dallas, Esq., No. 222 South Fourth street. Sale absolute. M. THOMAS A HONS, Auctioneers, 10 20 22 29 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY SALE. Estate of Henrietta A. Chandler, deceased. omaa &. Sons. Auctioneers. Very elegant country seat, mansion, stable and coach house, 22 acres, Chelten HUls, Montgomery coauly, Pa., near the Old York koad Station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. On Tuesday, November 1, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Phila delphia Exchange. The situation is very high and commands a beautiful view or the surrounding coun try ; was formerly owned by J. H. Town, Esq., who spared no expense to make it a very handsome country seat. Will be shown by T. A. Chandler, on the premises. Terms, half cash. Immediate pos session. By order of George De Haven, Jr., Executor. M. THOMAS &. SONS. Auctioneers, 10 20 22 29 Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE ESTATE OF Sarah Ann Thomas, deceased Thomas & ious, Auctioneers. Modern three-story brick resi dence, No. 1221 Walnut street, west of Twelfth street. Pursuant to an order of the orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, will be sold at publio sale, on Tuesday, November 1, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange. N. 11. The residence is three stories high, with attics, has two-story back buildings, basement, dining-room and kitchen, gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking range, etc Possession July 1, 1871. May be examined from 8 to 6 o'clock P.M., on application to the auctioneers. M. THOMAS k 80X8, Auctioneers, 1020 22 29 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. TRUSTEE'S PEREMPTORY SALE- THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. Extra valu able Keal instate valuable manufacturing esta blishment, known as the Union Car Manufacturing Company of Philadelphia, stone and brick buildings, , stationary engine, machinery, largo lot; river Schuylkill. Twenty-seventh ward, 645 feet front ou the river Schuylkill. On Tuesday, November, 1S70, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange. Full particulars at the ottlce of Thomas A. Oumtney, Esq., No. 711 Walnut street, or Charles E. Lex, Esq., No. 61 N. Sixth street. See plan at the auction rooms. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers. 10 20 & B3t Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE. THOM4S & SONS' SALE. Very Desirable Lot, Washington avenue, east of Nintn street, on Tuesday, October 25, i0, at 13 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publio sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large ami valuable lot of ground situate ou the north side of Washington avenue, 66 feet east of Niuth street, Second Ward ; containing lu front on Washington avenue 38 feet, and extending ln depth 60 feet; to gether with the privilege of a 8 feet 6 inches wide I alley. Clear of all Incumbrance. Terms two-thirds cash. M. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers, 10 6 I3t Nos. 139 and 141 S, FOURTH Street. PUBLIC SALE. THOMAS A SON8. AUC TIONKERS. Two Two-and-a-half-story Brick rTiiinus. Nos. 2667 and 2569 Frankford road, south of Somerset street, Twenty-fifth ward. Ou Tues day, Nov. 1, 1870, at 13 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those two 2)6 -story uiick dwelling's aud lot of ground, situate on the easterly side of the Frankford road, 86 feet southwesterly of Somerset street, Nos. 2567 and 2f,e; containing in trout on the Frank lord road 40 feet, and extoiioiog in depth uo feet. Terms cash. M. THOMAS A KONS, Auctioneers, 10 IS 82 29 Nos. 139 aud 141 S. FOURTH Street TET GOODS, NEWEST 8TVLES, DIXON'S, No. CM 81 8. Klliii J 11 ritreel. to 14 BW INSURANCE. THE MUIUAL PhOTECIIOM Life Insurance Company OP rill LADELPIIIA Offers life policies, PERFECTLY BBCURED, at less than ONE-HALF TflE USUAL RATES. It la the only Life Insurance Company ln the United States doing buslnesa on the "Mutual Classification'' plan, and its rates are so low that all classes may enjoy Its bencflw. THJB FULL AMOUNT OF INSURANCE IS GUARANTEED. We confidently Invite the attention of the publio to the claims of this Company, assured that Its plan, comblnlng.aa It does, ECONOMY with the HIGHEST DEGhE OFSECURITY, will commend It to gene ral faver. Circulars, containing rail explanations of our sys tem, rates, etc etc., can be had from any of our agents, or at the OFFICE, No. 247 8. THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. JAMES II. BILLINGTON, rresident. J. E. IIackenbero, Secretary. Good men wanted as Agent9 10 13 thstu2m FOR SALb. FOR SALE. R. J. DOBBISS, BUILDER, OFFICE, LEDGER BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, OFFERS FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES, Viz.: Handsome three-story brown-stone Residence, with French roof, situated southwest corner Broad and Thompson streets; contains all modern improve ments, and Is newly frescoed and painted through out. Lot 2,vxloo feet. AIbo, handsome new brown-stone Residence, west side Broad, abovo Master street, nearly finished; with side yard. Lot 66x200 feet. Also, beautiful four-story brows-stone Residence, north side Chesnut street, west of Nineteenth, with handsome side yard. Also, Building Lots, weat side Broad, above Vine street, 78x198 feet deep, and six Lots west side Broad, above Thompson, 25x200 feet deep. 10 20tf FOR SALE A VERY VALUABLE HOUSE and LOT at the N. W. corner of Forty-second Bueci liuu iiUKHt-BiiiK aveuuu. House built of brown stone, three stories, contain ing 16 rooms, and finished ln the best and most sub stantial manner, with all the modern Improvements one of the most desirable houses ln Wcsl Phila delphia. Property should be seen to be appreciated. Persons wishing to know the terms and examine the Property can do so by calling on JAMES M. 8 BL EBS, until 8X P. M., at No. 144 S. SIXTH Street, and in the evening at No. 600 S. FORTY-SECOND Street. 9 lOtf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR 22 City Property, one of the finest FARMS the country. R J. DOBBINS, 8 18 tbstu tf Ledger Building. FDR RAT V. fVR Tfl T F.T Xna Oinrt olftO OUft Jiiil 2127 and 2133 WALNUT Street- Prices ranirlnir f rom (22,000 to 56,000, or will be rented. Address, by note, a C. BUNTING, Jr., 9 80 24t No. 818X Walnut street. TO RENT. rpO RENT TUB STORE NO. 722 CHESNUT Street Apply on the premises between 10 and 12 o'cIock A. M. 817 tf THE FINE ART8. 3 E W PICTURES. "THE SPIRIT OF TBE MI8T," by T. Buchanan Read. "ROME," from the Palatine Hill, by J. O. Montalatt. THE GRAND WORK, "The White fountain Notch," BY THOMAS HILL. New Rogers' Group, 'Coming to the Parson." Exquisite Swiss Carvings from Intcrlaken, at all prices. New Chromos. New Engravings. "The Changed Cross ;" "The Wetterhorn," 80x40, the largest ever made. EARL ES' GALLERIES. No. 816 CHESNUT ST RE KT. ART EXHIBITION. ON FREE EXHIBITION AT CHAS. F. HASELTINE'S GALLERY, Ko. 1125 CHESNUT STREET, BRAUN'S FAMOUS PANORAMIC VIEWS of Berlin, Potsdam. Charlottenburg, Coblents, Heldel. berg, Jena, Weimar, Erfurt, Ems, Baden Baden, Weisbaden, Brussels, Amsterdam, Waterloo, Liege Ypres, Rotterdam, Utrecht, etc. etc A complete set of the Berlin Museums, and Interior views of all the rooms ln the various royal palaces of Prussia. Particular attention la drawn to the fact that ln few days loo views on the Rhine and Its fortifica tions, as never beforejseen, will be exhibited. 11 io gWISS CARVINGS. JAZVXSS S. EAHLTJ & SONS Have just received a large Importation of SWISS RUSTIC CARVED GOODS, And propose to add this branch to their business, and keep always a fine assortment. Their present selection consists of Jewel, Work, and Cigar Boxes, Penknives, small Desks, Bouquet-holders and Vases, Cigar Stands, Inkstands, Card Receivers, Book Rests, Tobacco Boxes, Match Stands, Hand Mirrors, etc All at very low and inviting prices. 10 1 stuth EARLES GALLERIES, No, 61a CHESNUT ST. WATOHES. JEWELRY, ETO. TOWER CLOCKS. . W. ItlBSLLL, Ko. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Agent for STEVENS' PATENT TOWER CLOCKS, both Remontolr fc Graham Esoapement, striking nour only, or Btriking quarters, and repeating hour on full chime. Estimates furnished on application either person ally or by malL e 28 WILLIAM B. WARNS CO., Wholesale Dealers In f .fat naiuiii i j v jj. ,t b.u it A S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESNUT Street. 826econdJloor, and late of No. So STHIKD St, HOWSON'S OFFICES FOR PR0CCRINO United States and Foreign For rent lliilldlngTN, No. 119 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND MARBLE BUILDINGS, No. 605 SEVENTH STREET, WA8niSQTOS, D. C. IL HOW SON, I Solicitor of Patents. 1 C. IIOWSON, Attorney at Law. Communications should be addressed to the Prin cipal ounces, Philadelphia. 10 4 tuibsZui A MOVEMENTS. WALNUT STREET THKATRB. BEGINS AT 7. T1II8 6atortay) EVENING, Oct 82, Sixth night rt MR. JOnN 8. CLARKE. After an absence of four years, commencing wit b Column's five-act comedy, THE HEIR-AT-LAW. MR. JOHN & CLARKE aa DR. PANQLOSS. After which Mr. Clarke's reconstructed version of THB TOODLKS, TiyOTHY TOPPLES MR. JOHN S. CLARK B MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins V to 8 o'cloclrt A GIANT SATURDAY MOHT BILL. THIS (Saturday) EVENING), Oct 2? THB LOVE OHaSB. By Mrs. JOHN DREW AND COMPANY. After Which THB TOODLES. Concluding with the NAntlcal Drama, TUB FLOATING) BEACON; Or, The Norwegian Wreckers. Bv the Pnll Company. MONDAY FIRST TIME OF "M.P." QHESNUT STREET THEATRE, No. 1217 E. L. DANENrORT 7".. Lessee and Manager. T. E. ABEL Business Manager. LAST WEEK OF THE L1NOARD3. The Grand Musical and Operatic Extravaganza, PLUTO WITn I.1NQARD IN HIS SKETCHES. i Every Evening this Week. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT 2 O'CLOCK 'I Admission 2ff, B0, and 75 cents. ioit 17OX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, ' WALNUT Street, above Eighth. NB.W NOVELTIES EVERY NIGHT. Enthusiastic Reception Nightly of THE GREAT, 1HK ONLY OOOL BURGESS, who never had an equal ln his specialties. Re-engagement of the Highly Popular CHARLES VIVIAN. the Great London Mimic The yucen of all Peerless Danseuscs M'LLE DE ROSA, Premiere Danseuse-Assoiuta, will appear in Two Ballets. MISS EMMA AI.FORD, the celebrated London Serio-Coinic Burlesque sinner. SYDNEY FRANKS. A most Original Comlo Singer and Mimic. DICK SANDS, the Famous Lancashire Clog Dancer. JOHN MULLIGAN, the Emperor of all Sable romedlana. IMMENSE OLIO ENTERTAINMENT. VTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERAHOUSB IN THE FAMILY RESORT. CARN CROSS DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, The Star Troupe of the World, Every Evening ln their Ethiopian Soirees. Box ofllce open daily from 10 to 1 o'clock. After I o'clock at Carneross Co.'s Music 6tore. No. 0 N. Eighth street. R. F. SIMPSON, Treasurer. o. u uAiuNCKUss, Manager. 8 82 tf ARCH STREET OPERA HOUSE. ARCH Street, above Tenth. THE PALACE OF MINSTRELSY. SIMMONS fc bLOCUJVI'S M I NRTRELS ME CHAMPIOn'trOUPE'oF AMERICA. OPEN FOR THE SEASON, With the best Minstrel Organization ln the" world. Box office open from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M. for the ale of reserved scats. 9 6 tf f-URNITURE, ETO. FURNITURE. LUTZ 6l IE Xj X3 X XT, (SUCCESSORS TO I. LUTZ), Wo. 121 S. ELEVENTH Street. Have now on hand a full assortment of flrit-clasa FURNITURE, which their 'rlends and customers are respectfully invited to examine before pur chasing elsewhere. Also, lately received a large Invoice of FRENCH FURNITURE, Manufactured by the best houses ln rarls.which we offer to sell at Paris panic prices. 10 7 2m PURCHASERS OP COTTAGE CHAMBER SUITS And the various styles of BEDSTEADS," BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WARDROBES, ETC.; Finlched ln imitation of Walnut, Maple, or other "hard woods," and now generally known as "Imi tation" or "Pa!nted" Furniture, are hereby Informed that every article of our manufacture is STAMPED WITH OUR INITIALS AND TRADJS MARE, And those who wish to obtain goods of our make (there being, al the present time, numerous Imita tions lnthe market), should Invariably ask the dealer of whom they aro purchasing to exhibit our stamp on the goods, and take no other, no matter wha representations may be made concerning them. KILDURN & GATES, Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture, No. 619 MARKET STREET, T 8 smwemrp PHILADELPHIA. PA. 0HUTTON & McCONNEUL, Ml Furniture lVarerooms No. 809 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Offer an extensive and entirely new stock of splendid Furniliiic and Upholstery, EVERY ARTICLE BEING ORIGINAL IN DESI3N. fiUPl'H'OR IN QUALITY, ELKGANT IN FlNlhH, AND CHEAP IN PRICE. Our patrons having long appreciated the above POINTS ln ou GOOD'4, we are Induced to present these facts to the public, that we may continue to recetve their patronage, promising prompt attention to all orders eutrustea to us. 9 2T wsutrp STOVES, RANOES, ETC. BUZBY & nUNTERSON, m MORNING GLORY SI 0Y0,IIeater and ltaiige Warehouses Nos. 309 and 311 N. SECOND St., Above VJne, Philadelphia. Special attention to Heater and Range Work. Repairing promptly attendedjO; Id 8 lni CITYBAZAAR AND TATTEKSALL'S, WVNo. liifi Hale street Rf ifuiar Auction Sale of Horses. Waeons, Har ness, Etc., every Tuursday, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. No postponement on account of the weather. Gentlemen's private establishments disposed of at public or private sale tq the best advantage, and a general assortment of lioises, Carriages, Har ness, Etc., to suit the need of all classes of pur. chasers, constantly on band. Carriages taken on Storage. Superior stabling for Horses on sale or at livery. Outside Sales solicited and promptly attended to. Liberal advances madam Horses, ('artiageSj an Harness. DOYLE A NICHOLS, 10 1 tf Auctioneers. TATE RIGHTS FOR SALESTATE EIGHTS k n(. iaina,ia Tnwfiitlon tunt Datented. and for the SLICING, CUTTING, and CHIPPING of dried beef, cabbage, etc., are hereby offered for sale. It is an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and It should be introduced Into every family. STATB liUHITS FOR SALB,' Model can be seen at TELEGRAPH OFFICII I COOPER'S POINT, N. J- . I ill! MUNDY fc HOFFMAN.' " J. T. SABTON. M'MABOM. ' pASTOI & McMAIIOIV, BBJPPIXO AKD COMirrSSTOir MSRCUAXTSt No. S COENTIES SLIP, New York, No. 18 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, No. 46 W. PRATT STREET, Baltimore. We are prepared to ship every description Of Freight to Philadelphia. New York, Wilmington, and Intel-mediate points with promptness and despatch,1 Canal boats and bteam-iugs f mulshed at the thone Louce,