THE DAILY JEVENJNQ TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1870. 5 4 f A DEATH EXHIBITION. Scene la nopttt-A "Fin (Iprrntloo," bat the Pnilent III em. The Cincinnati Inquirer of the lth Instant has the following: Some excitement was cauRRd yesterday forenoon In medical circles by the Announcement that a patient had died from chloroform at the Cincinnati lloppiui, while under the knife of the ampntvor. An inquiry Into the circumstances elicited the fol lowing facts: The deceased was named Bridget Henry, and had been an Inmate of the hospital about four months. Fonr or Ave months previous to that time she had been troubled with a cancer npoa the Insttp, which, Increnslng rapidly In size, finally made removal to the hospital aud treatment there a necessity. After admission, the usual remedies were used, Without checking the growth Qf the cancer, which was of the kind known among medical men as Pvnmu Hntpntitlr. An it enHrged, ligatures wore applied, but It still continued to develop. Hypoder mic Injections were resorted to, ami chloral opiates were freely used. The patient was, In spite of ail that could be done for her relief, rapidly lo.Mng strength, snd after consultation, an operation wa decided npon. It was agreed that this should be time by Vme's process, removing the entire foot with the exception of.thc heel. Dr. Dawson performed the operation, Assisted !T several o! tne resident physlclaus, one of whom administered the chloroform. It la and mat only seventy-flve minims (about two and a half tea upoonsful) were given, a Urire ponton of which must have escaped Into the air by evaporation. The bone had been sawed, the nap turned, and the limb was Just ready to be sewed up, when It was observed that the woman hud ceased to breathe. As the whole class consisting of abmt two hundred stu dents from the various hospitals of the cltv, were Insent. sme excitement ensued, all crowding nrouidwtih a natural deslM, under such circum stances, to see what was going on The uvi il re a erat ves were at once applied. The tongue was pulled out, cold wnter dashed over the persoo stimulants were given, and eiectnci'v was also re sorted to, to restore animation but wltnout success. The wotiiun revi-r breathed again. Those who had the worr!i iinm'iitfiy In charge exercised the utmost coolness, and irom first to last it does not appear thntttiere was not the most careful treat ment, or that any Individual was to olame for the end and fatal result. iriiiMiCALi ahi imLM,vric. Mnd'lle NllHSon'a Fourth Concert. Mad'lle Nilsson appeared tor the fourth time in concert last evening at the Academy of Music, and attracted as large an audience as on former occasions. The fine qualities of this singer grow more apparent npon acquaintance, and the dra matic power which she displayed last evening In the "Miserere" scene from Irovatore made her admirers more than over anxious that she should appear with all the accessories necessary for the full display of ho dramatic power. Mad'llo Nilsson is a singer of rare and peculiar gifts, and it will not be justice to the American public if she leaves our shores without appear ing in some of those operatic role in which she has gained much of her European celebrity. To-morrow Mad'lle Kileson will appear at a matinee performance, when the will repeat the mad scene from Hamlet. The Oltv Amusements. At the Walnct Mr. J. S. Clarke will have a benefit this evening, wben ho will appear as 'lr. PftDgloss" aud "Toodies." There w ill be a matinee to-morrow, when Mr. Clarke will personate "Asa Trenchard" in the comedy of Our American Cousin. At the Arch Sheridan's comedy of T)ie Hcliool for Scandal will be performed this evening, with Mrs. Drew as "Lad? Teazle." By invitation of Mrs. Drew MUle Nilssou will witness tho performance at the Arch this even ing. On Monday a new play of T. V. Robertson's, entitled M. P., will be produced. At the Chessut the extravaganza of Pluto will be represented this evening by the Llngard troupe. There will be a matinee to-morrow. At the American Charles Vivian, M'lle De Rosa and other popular artists will appear this evening. At thb Eleventh Street Opera House a grand Ethiopian soiree will be given this even ing. At the ARcn Street Opera House a variety of entertaining features will be presented this evening. CnusNCT Strebt Thatrk. The enterprising ba sinet's agent (Mr. Peter E. Abel) of what we may safely predict will become the most popular theatre in the city, has effected an engagement with the Lisa Weber Burlesque Opera Troupe, who will produce on Monday evening l'lanche's burlesque, with the original mnslc, of the popular opera of F.mani. The piece will be mounted In a most elabo rate style. CITY lrUTJH. Men's Entirb Suits, A low an 10. Better than are sold elsewhere at $18 to tin. Others at f 1'2, $13, f 15, 110, f 18, 820. fail ana. sec Half-wail between 11bnkbtt &. co , Tower Hall, fifth and Sixth streets, No. MS Market stke&t. A Cross Husband. Mrs. Smith The fact is, my husband is becoming so outrageously cross and nervous tsst there Is no living witu him. He pre tends ons day that he has got the dyspepsia; the next day liver complaint ; the next is sick, with uo appetite declares that there is nothing on the table fit to eat, and so on. It Is all nonsense, and nothing but his confounded ugliness. From the very bottom of my heart, I believe he wants to wowy me to death. Lady Friend Mrs. Smith, I think yon are wrong. No woman has a kinder or more Indulgent husband than you. I must confess that I have noticed a change in Mr. Smith ; but am inclined to think that all he wants is a tonic; and If I were 'you, I would not be a day without Plantation Bitters in the house. Make him tale them moderately three times a day, and !n a short time I thins you will see a change. My experience Is that Plantation Bitters Is one of the best and most delicious tonics In the world; and that for nervousness, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, and all kindred complaints, there Is nothing so good. Sea Mess Farine. Tnls Is a new article of food, which we take pleasure la commending to our readers. We have used it la our families, and have found it to be the most nutritious, delicate, and palatable article for table nse we have seen. It is a light anil agreeable farine, very pleasant to the taste, easy of digestion, and hence specially adapted to the use of the si 'k, the thousands of dyspeptics among us, aud for young children; be sides, the Sea Moss, its principal Ingredient, has many curative properties, and Is highly recom menled for pectoral and scrofulous atl'ectlons, and Is perfectly harmless. Here, then, we have an entirely new article of food of the most delicate and Inviting character, adapted to the nse of the table for Blano Mange, Puddings, Charlotte de Kusse, etc., and almost In valuable fr use by the Invalid. It is simple, dell- cue, nutritions, harmless, remedial, and economi cal as It can be furnished for one-third to one-half the cost of Corn Starch, Malzena, Farina, etc., for 11 of which it Is more than a substitute. It Is made up without trouble, and will always be good. Try it; and our word for it, you will continue in Its use. Independent. Mr. William W. Cabbidt, the Jeweller at No. 8 Sooth Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks of all kinds of Jewelry and Silver ware In the city, lie has also on hand a fine assort, mentof Cue American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this store at the present time are certain to get the worth of their money. Public Sale of the premises No. 1221 Walnut street, by Thomas A Sons, on Tuesday, November 1. lias modern Improvements, Is centrally located, and specially desirable for a professional man. Sale peremptory. Spotted Like Dominoes.! he teeth soon become speckled if every defilement is not removed from them eveoJtweuty-four hours. To do this effectually there Is nothing like Sozodout. It literally renders the euttmel impervious aad Indestructible. Wi bavs bbbn laboring for several weeks at our '0 suits, like those sold on Market street for 112, only ours are a great deal better cat, ma le, and trimmed, and determined not to annonnoe them nnlll we had a stock sufficient that all may be supplied to morrow. Saturday morning we will open with thousands of f 10, I2, n, fn, and f 90 Fall and Wln lerSulta, forstyle.quallty, and cheapness far surpass ing anything ever offered to the public. All are cor dially Invited to call and examine them at the Great Brown Stone Clothing Hall or Rockhtll A Wilson, Noa 60S and 645 Chcsnut street. nKBNRR's Pining 8AI.00N, No. 43 South Second street. Ten additional waiters In attendance to-day to accommodate the rush for heavy dinners at light prices. "SrAi.MNO's" colcbratedjaiueuseful an1 true. rtiAitieii;i. Wii.t Dksitkr. On Wednepday evening, October 1P, at No. 1817 North Eleventh street, by R,v. John B. Maddux, u no rciu A. Wilt to Laura Dkshkk. Wu.MAMS- STOTKsnURT. tm tut, iHn instant, by Friends' reroniony. R'-i-ts 11. Williams to v. VNr ji motksuvky, daughter of Thomas P. Stotesou.,' ail of this cltv. iii;i. Carroll. On the night of October the 20th, David W. Carroll, In the 77th year of his age. The relatives and friends of th family are re spectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from tho residence of his son-in-law, Dr. Urquhart, No. 2'tl Pine street, on Monday trie S4tti Instant, at 11 A M. Interment at Woodlands Cemetery. " C'onnkh. On the 131 h instant, James Q. Conner, aped M rears. The relatives and friends Amity Lodge, No 19, 1. O. of O. F., and the Oysti-riiieu's Cnl m and oyster men generallv. are Invited to Attend the funeral, from his iHte residence. No. s29 South Third street, on SuDdavtafternoon, the 23d instant, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Machpelah Cemetery. Dallam. On Thursday, the 20th Instant, Jos r A3 Wm. Dallam, in the coih year of his nge. j Ills male relatives and friends are respectfully In vited to attend his funeral, from his late residence. No. r,29 Vine street, ou Saturday afternoon, the 22d Instant, at 2 o'clock. Davies. Tuesday, isth October, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Charles K. Davikh, in the tth year of his age. His male relatives and friends sre respectfully In vited to attend the funeral, from his late resldeuce, No. 1430 Lombard street, on Friday morning at li o'clock. " KnsKLMAN. On the 16th Instant, Sarait. J., wife of John B. Kltselnian, In the 34th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully lnvltod to attend the funeral, from tho resi dence of her husband, Lower Merlon, Montgomery county, on Sunday morning, 23d Inst., at 10 o'clock. Fhtkrbon. At Oermantown, on the evening of 17th instant, Nathan S. Peterson, in the 82d year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. M46 Oermantown avenue, on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. FOR SALfc. FOB SALE. R. J. DOBBINS, BUILDER, OFFICE, LEDGER BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, OFFERS FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES, Viz.: Handsome three-story brown-stone Residence, with French roof, situated southwest corner Broad and Thompson streets; contains all modern Improve ments, and Is newly frescoed and painted through out. Lot 25x 160 feet. Also, handsome new brown-stone Residence, west side Bioad, above Master street, nearly finished; with side yard. Lot trx200 feet. Also, beautiful fonr-story brown-stone Residence, north side Chesnnt. street, west of Nineteenth, with handsome side yard. Also, Building Lots, west side Broad, above Vine street, 78xl8 feet deep, and six Lots west side Broad, above Thompson, 25x200 feet deep. 10 20tf FOR HALE A VERY VALUABLE HOUSE Jajiil and LOT at the N. W. corner of Forty-second Bireet and Kingsesslug avenue. House built of brown stone, three stories, contain ing 16 rooms, and finished In the best and most sub stantial manner, with all the modern improvements one of the most desirable houses In West Phila delphia. Property should be seen to be appreciated. Persons ft lshing to know the terms and examine the property can do so by calling on JAMES M SEL LERS, until P. M., at No. 114 S. SIXTH Street, and in the evening at No. tHX) S. FORTY-SECOND Street. 8l0tf frt "FOR SA LE OK TO LET NOS. 2106, 21 08, 21 10, Xullii 2127 and 2133 WALNUT Street. Prices ranging from 1 22JMK) to &S,000, or will be rented. Address, by note, 1 8. C. BUNTING, Jr., 9 30 24t No. 218? Walnut street. TO RENT. RENT THE STORE NO. 722 CHESNUT Street. Apply on the premises between 10 and 13 o'clock A. M. 8 ITU REAL. ESTATE WANTED. i A iiuusjs w a in it!.u, rsr.rwn.ii.iN tin "1 teenth and Twentieth, and Chesnut aud Pine. iilinr to nay fioot rent. Address P. O. Box 2469. Philadelphia - 10 29 2f PROPOSALS. D EPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. Office No. 104 s. Fifth Strbkt. Philadelphia, October 20, lt70, ; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Chief Commissioner of Highways until 11 o'clock M., on MONDAY, 24th instaut, for the con struction of a Sewer on the line of Twenty-first street, from West Delancy street, to a point twenty feet north of Pine street; on Thirteenth stieet, from the sewer In Thompson street to the north curb line of Olrard avenue ; on Seventeenth street, from the sewer lu Arch street southwardly to the line of Chesnut street; on Garden street, from Willow street to the south line of Button wood street ; on Mount Vernon street, from Twenty-ilm street to the eafct Hue of Twenty-second street; on Norrls street, eastward from Gunner's Run to depression west of Richmond street. The anove named sewers to be three feet In the clear Inside diameter ; aud a two and a half feet sewer on ueaf street, from t lange street to Locust street, with such man-holes us may be directed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. The understanding to I that the Severs herein advertised are to be completed ou or before the 31st day of December. ls7o. And the contractor shall take bills prepared ugniiist the property fronting on said Sewers to the amount of one dollar and tlfty cents for each lineal foot of front on each side of the street as so much cash paid ; the balance, as limited by ordinance, to be paid by the city; and the contractor will be re quired to keep the street and newer In g-xd order for three years after the sewer is finished. When the street is occupied by a City Passenger KullrouU track, the bewer shall be constructed along, side of said track In such inunncr as not to obstruct or interfere with the safe passage of the cars thereon ; and uo claim for remuneration shall be paid the con tractor by the company using said track, as specified In Aft of Assembly approved May 8, 18oa. Each proposal will be accompanied by a cer tilie.ate that a bond has . beeu Hied in the Law Department as directed by ordinance of May 25, lboO. If the lowest bidder shall not execute a con tract within five days after the work is awarded. be will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his boud for the difference between his bid and the next lowem bidder. bpecilicuttons may be had at the Department of Surveys, which will be Btrlctly auhered to. The Department of Highways reserves the right to reject all bids not deemed satisfactory. All bidders may be present at the time and place of opening the said proposals. No allowance will be made tor rock excavation, except by special contract. MARLON H. DICKINSON. 10 21 8t Chief tk)uimiH8lonur of Highways. V, CITY RAZAAR AND T ATTE US LL'S, rtNo. H28 RACE Street Regular Auction Kle of Horses, Wagons, Har ness, 10., every Tnursday, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. No postponement on account of the weather. Gentlemen's private establishments disposed of at public or private sale to the best advantage, an I a general assortment of Hoises, Carnages, U Ar mas, Etc., to suit the need of all classes of pur chasers, constantly on baud. Carnages taken on Storage. Superior Subiing for Horses on sale or at livery. OiithUle Salt s solicited aud promptly atMudcl l i. Liberal advances made on Horuun, Ctrriazes, and I2arneii. DOVJ-V1 NHJHoi.S. 10 19 tl Auctioneers. QAp FIXTURES. CORNELIUS & SONS, or GAS FIXTURES. Wholesale and Retail Salesrooms, Wo. 821 CHERRY Street PHILADELPHIA. We bare no store or nlrooi on Chetinut street. 9 14 imtsp CORNELIUS & HO Nj BAKER, ARNOLD & CO., nANUFACTUlXERi! or OAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, PENDANTS, BRACKETS, ETC.. Of Every Design. SALESROOMS, No. 7IO CHESNUT Street MANUFACTORY, 8. W. Corner TWELFTH and BROWS' 8 83 gmrp PHCLAD KLPUIA. OARPETINQS, ETO. CARPETING 3. Axminster, Velvets, Brussels, Tapestries Three-ply Ingrains, Oil Cloths, Etc. LEED0M, SHAW & STEWART, No. 635 MARKET STREET, 9 80 fmwSmrp PHILADELPHIA. CARPETINCS. new Designs, NEW CJoloring-s, OIL CLOTHS. JJ EI,EUAIT ASSOIITJIEXT, II. L. KNIGHT & SON, 1222 CHESNUT STREET, 9 9 fmw2m PHILADELPHIA. CARPETING S. (MALUM, CREASE & SLOAN No. 509 CHESNUT Street French Moquettes, French Axmlnsters, Crossley's 6-4 Velvets English Brussels, Crossley's Tapestries, Hall and Stair Carpctlnss C ARPETI1NGB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. lowest Finer: 3. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. SOO CHESNUT Street, 8 81 wfmSm rp Opposite Independence Hall. THE FINE ARTS. E VV PICTURES. THE BPIKIT OP TAB MI8T," by T. Buchanan Head. "hOME," from the Palatine H11L by J. O. Montalar t. THE UKAND WOKK, "The White Mountain Notch, BY THOMAS HILL. New Eogera Group, "Comlag to the Parson." Exqulalte Swiss Carvings from lnterlakeu, at all price a. New rhromoa. Nw Engravings. "The Changed Ciroaa ;" "The Wetujrhorn," 89x40, the largest ever made. CARLES' GALLERIES. No. 81S CHESNUT STREET. HOYT t 0 L 0 IN CHEAT VAKIETY -READY-MADE. A LARGE STOCK OP CLOTHS?, CA9SIMEUE3 AND COATING FOR MEN'S ORDL WORK. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TE1VTII -rVINI CHESNUT. ladies' Riding Habits FINANCIAL.. Wiinimtfnn and Reading Seven Per Cent. Bonds, FREE OP TAXKtf. We are offering $200,000 of the Second Mortgage Ilonds ot thl (lompany AT 82 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. For the convenience of investors these Bonds are Issued In denominations of 91000s, 9500b, and lOO. The money la required tor the purchase of addi tional Rolling Stock and the fall equipment of the Road. The road Is now onished, and doing a baslan largely in exccsB6f the anticipations of its officers. The trade offering necessitates a large ad H'lonal outlay for rolling stock, to afford fall faslintoi for its prompt transaction, the present rolling stock not oeing sufficient to accommodate the trade, WEL PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Mo. 30 South THIRD Street, fHILADKLPHlA.' ft LEGAL INVESTMENT FOB Trustees, Executors and Administrator. WK OFFER FOR 8 ALB $2,000,000 OP THH Pennsylvania Eailroad Co.'s CiEnCRAL nOUTGAGB Six Per Cent. Bonds at 93 AnA Interest Added to the Date f Purchase All Free from State Tax, and lsucd In Hums of flOOO. These bonds are coupon and registered, Interest on the former payable January and July 1; on the latter April and October 1, and by an act of the Legislature, approved April 1, 1870, are made a LEGAL INVESTMENT for Administrators, Execu tors, Trustees, etc. For farther particulars apply to Jay Cooke & Co., E. W. lark At Co., W, II. Newbold, Sonde Aertsen, C. &, II. Horle. io i im NOTICE. TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS. The cheapest investment authorized by law are General Mortgage Bonds of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. APPLY TO D. C. WHARTON SMITH S CO., BANK.KK8 AND BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ' PHILADELPHIA. JAyCooke&(Q). PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AUD WASHINGTON, BANKERS, AMD Xealeri in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Bale of Bonds and htocka on Commission, at the ttoard of Brokers in tula and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, CoLLEUTlOlsb MAD8 ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND 8ILVBR BOUttliT AND SOLD. Reliable HaUnmd Bouis for Investment. Pamphlets and foil information given at our offlce, No. 11 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. HO 18m IOWA. 1301VI3H. KEOKUK, MUSCAT INK. DUCUQUB, LKK COUNTY, And other Iowa bonds (city or county) bought at best rate. feOWARD D ARLINGTON, No. HT 8oulB FOUKTU Street 10 10 lm BRO., E3 1 u e made to order. io 7 ret FINANCIAL. a desirable: Safe Home Investment the Sunbury , Rwist(JWD Railroad Company Ofler $1,300,000 llonds, bearing 7 Per Cent. Interest In Uold, Secured by a First and Only Mortgage. The Bonds are issued in lOOOs, $ 500s and $9000. TheConpona are payable In the oity of Philadelphia on the first days of April and October, Free or State and United States Taxes. The price at present is BO and Accrued Interest in Currency. This Road, with its connection with the P.nnylTani Railroad at L&wistown, brings the Anthracite Coal Fields fl; MILES nearer the Vestern 1 nd Southwestern markets. With tt iB p c'vantage it will control that trade. The hxmbt t Trade, and the immense and valuable Jojxw't of ores in this section, together with tr.e Wckly peopled dintriot through whioh it runs, will secure it a very large and profitable trade. WM. PAINTER & CO., Dealers in Government Securities, No. 36 South THIRD Street, tf4p PHILADELPHIA. UfilTLB STATES SECURITIES Bought, Sold and Exchanged on Host Liberal Terms. Gr O 13 Eonght and Sold at Market Bates. COUPONS CASHED Pacific Railroad Bonds BOUGHT AND SOLD. Stocka Bought and Sold on Commis sion Only, Accounts received and Interest allowed on Dally Balances, subject to cbeck at sight. DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South THIRD Stroet. 611 PHILADELPHIA. 7 PER CENT. BONDS OF THE STATE OP AUK ANSA 8 AT SEVENTY AND ACCRUED INTEREST. 8 PER CENT. COLD DONDS, PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST GUARANTEED B THE BTATB OP ALA B IMA. AT NIKETY-FIVB AND ACCRUED IN TERKST. II. It. .IAJI ISO Jk CO,, CORNER THIRD AND CHESNUT, 10 1 tt .PaiLADBLPHCA. JOHN S. RUSHTON fr COT. BANKERS AND BROKERS. NOVEMBER COUPONS WANTED. Gity WarrantH BOUGHT AND SOLD. No. 60 South THIRD Stroet, 8 set PHILADELPHIA. S03 it? 503 BANKER. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS RKCEIVED AND INTER ES'J' A1.LOWKD ON DA11.Y BAl?ANt)ES. ORDEIiH PROMPTLY EXECUTED FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE Olf ALL KKLIABLB CTRITIKS. COLI KOTIONH MADE EVWRYWHERB. RJTAL ESTATE COLLATERAL LOANS NKfJO TIATED. S 87 6m No. 803 8. SIXTH St., Philida. HNANOIAL, B. K. JALII80!J & CO.. tUOCSSSOBS TO I". JT. ItlCLLLY Ac CO, KANKKKS AND DSALKR8 IU Oold, Silver and Government Eondj At Closest Market Rate, H. W. Cor. THIRD and CHEST? ITT 8U. Special attention gtren to COMMISSION OSUifiua In Nw yor and PhlUdhla 8toc Boarda. eto ut E LLIOTT 17 CI ft BANKER ZTO. 109 SOUTH THIRD 8TRB1CT, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT 8HOU8I TIES, HOLD BILLS, ETcJ. DRAW BILLS OF BICHANGS AND 1880 COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT ON THB UNION BANK OF LONDON. ISSUE TKAtELLEH8' LETTERS OF CREDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, arallabla Vluwiglioal Borope. WlUcouectauooDponsand Interest free of cfcart for partiM making tnelr onanoial arrangementa witbna. 4mi F O R 8 A L Wm Six Per Cent Loan of the City of Williamiport, Pennsylvania, FREE OF ALL TAXES, K At 85, and Accrned Interest. LegiBlatBtndB are made absolutely secure by act o to pay Interest'aelllDgtha city to levyjsufflclenr' "nclpal. P. 6. PETERfcw, No. 39 SOUTH THIRD it JOm, M PHILAPEL?A, g I L V E5 . FOB SALE. G. T. YERKES, Jr., i BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. SO South THIRD Street; ... 'la. f 0 Philadelphia.' AFE DEPOSIT COMPANIES. gECURITY FROM LOS3 BY BURGLARY, ROBBERY, FIRE, OR ACCIDENT. The Fidelity Insurance, Trust, and Safe Deposit Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. IN THE IB Hew Marble Fire-proof Building, No. -i!-331 CHKetNUT Ntreet. CapilAl (ubsoribed, 81,000,000; paid, (1350,000. COUPON BONUS, 8TOOK8. SECURITIES. FAMILY PLATE, OO IN, DKKDti, and VALUABLHS of every denvription received for a&fe-keepitu, under tcnaraatee, at verj moderate rates. The Oompany also rent SAFES INSIDE THEIR BUR. GLA'K-rKuO VAULjS, at prieea Tarjrio from 15 to 91b a year, according to size. An extra size for Corpora tions and ttnnkere. Rooma and deaka adjoining TaoJte provided for Kaf e Reotera. DFPOSITS OF MONKY RKOETVED Ot INTERKST at three per cent, payable by check, without notioe, anof at four per cent., payable "I cbeok, on tea day.' notioe. TRAVELLERS' LKTTKR8 OF CREDIT famished available in all parts of Europe. INCOME OOLLEOTED and remitiod (or one per cent. The Company act a KXKUUTOR8. ADMINIHTRA. TOK8, and GUARDIANS, and RKOKIVK and RXB. CUTE TRUSTS of every deaoription, from the Oourte, Corporations, and Individuala. N. B. BROWNE, President. O. H. CLARK., Vioe-President, ROBERT PATTERSON, KecreUry and Treasurer. PlUKulvna, w 1 - Aldzander Henrr. Clarence U. Clark, John Welsh, Charles alacalester. fiiepben A. Jaldwell, Ueorge K. Pyler, Henry U. Oibaon, Mwud W. Clara. tl. l.iUingo&m f ell, Henry Pratt UoKean. 16 13fmw f- URNITURE, ETO. HOVER'S PATENT SOFA BED. All oH and young bachelors, as well aa ladles who keep old mail's: hall, are novr buying HOYEftS CELEBRATED PATENT SOFA Uttr. Tula ia the Only Sofa Bed that can be taken apart tl cleanse It the same aa a bedstead. All others are unsafe and liable to get out of repiflr. To bo had only of the manufacturer and owner, if. r. 110 vcu. No. 230 SOUTH SECON HTIIEET. aiturem PiiiOADELpaiA. BUY YOUR FURNITURE or GOULD efc CO., Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street AND N. E. Corner NINTH and MARKET. LARGEST, CHBAPBST, AND BE3T STOCK, iN TUB WORLD. U C wfm3mrp tilHDOYi BLINDS AND SHADES. LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND LOWEST PRICES AT No. IG North SIXTH Street. STORE SHADES, REPAIRING, ETC 9 W fmwamrp B. J. WILLIAMS 1 A SON. o LD OAK8 eEMETERY COMl'AN OP PHILADELPHIA. This Company Is prepared to sell lots, clear of all encumbrances, on reasonable term. Purchasers can see plans at the office ol the Company, HO. W3 WALNUT STREET, Or at the Cemetery, where all Information needed Will be cheerfully given. By giving notice at the office, carriages will meet persons desirous of purchasing lots at Tioga Station on the Germantown Railroad, and coavey them to the Cemetery and return, free of charge. ALFRED C. HARMER, President MARTIN LANDENBEROER, Treaa. MICHAEL NISBET, Sec'y. 10 5 wfm 6m