WEw-Yomiisms, rom 0r Oirn CorretpondenU New Tonic. Oct. 14, 1370. Nt Tkal tTMM, bm lithr U'tnii, - Yesterday I had occasion to mention tbe name of a woman who for months past had been em ploying in and around New York the arts of a tyrcn, for the Bake of making a comfortable and pleasant living. I now discover, to my Lorror, that it was not that woman, but another woman, and that the other woman is divisible Into three distinct personalities representative of three distinct degrees of crime. It has come to light that the real name of the woman whose death I yesterday mentioned is Mrs. Rebecca C. Jones, and that she was known as the W illiamsburg Adventuress. The three personalities who appear, npon sifting the story to the bottom, may be specified as follows: First. There was this Mrs. Jones, who appears to have beeu merely a vulgar sort of swindler, poescesing no great attractions of person, mind, or manner, and employing no arts that were liiuch above those of mediocrity. Second. There is a Mrs. Patterson, whose real ramc is Smith, and who possesses considerable good looks and a good deal of giace of manner, and a rather piquant art of Improvising and lending her hearer to believe what she tells him. She is a little over thirty years old, well formed but not very well- informed. Whatever means she uses to deceive with are those with which nature alone has provided her. She has no culture aud no accomplishments. Still, her Batnral flow of language Is great, and her natural cunning enables her to make use of this gift usually to her own advantage. She Is far from being a first-class swindler, however. She does not adhere to ore line of falsehood; she does not possess the unspeakable advantage of possessing an Invisible accomplice; she reck lessly encumbers herself with luggage which, when a crisis comes, she is compelled to aban don and sacrifice, unless Eke remains and sacri fices herself; and she does not tell a perfectly straight story, and is easily 'cornered" by any one resolved to fathom the fraud. Each of these women, smart though she is, is incalculably Interior to Number three, whoso favorite alias Is als Mrs. Patterson, but who 1s known as Mrs War ner as well. Mrs. Patterson-Warner is one o the most accomplished frauds that ever lived She has most of those natural aud artificial grace. that "go down" alike with woaien as well a -men. She has, behind the scenes, au decompile I who never for a moment comes In sight, bu I who apparently keeps her accurately posted with respect to every movement made by detectives to her disadvantage. She is well educated, con verses charliilngly, has an air of innocence, respectability and frankness, not to say Chris tian virtue. She adheres absolutely to one line of operations, and sticks to It through thick and thin, no matter what the obstacles may be. 8he moves from place to place encumbered with no useless baggage. When the moment for flight arrives, no time is lost in pining over cherished articles that must be sacrificed. Her self possession is wonderful. Her stories are told with such confidence and adroitness that to trip tcr up in one of them In an Impossibility. In her you have a confidence woman in whom ewindling amounts to gonius, and the enormity of whose sin you losa sight of In your admiration of the artistic perfectness by which that sin is rendered of use to her. And so I drop the confi dence woman question for the present. Crowban and fold Potatoes. The cafe of Mr. and Mrs. Bablngton came up yesterday In one of our courts, and presents several points that are peculiar enough to de eerve mcntionine:. Mrs. Bablngton is the plnln tiff and Mr. Jablngton the defendant. The plaintiff briogs the action to obtain a decree of separation aud separate maintenance. They have been married about fifteen years, and con tinued living together until the fall of 1868, when Mrs. Bablngton left her husband because of his cruel treatment of her. His cruel treat ment took the form of getting drunk, and, while he was in that condition, of subjecting her to a rain of crowbars and cold potatoes. Why marital, violence should Lave atsumed this particular form is not satisfactorily set forth in the complaint. Perhaps Mr. B. objected to potatoes with the skins off, and in that case, if Mrs. B. had devoted the same attention to keep ing her eye "peeled" that she did to keeping the potatoes so, it would have been better for her in the end. Mr. B., on his side, avers that It was JJrs. Bablngton, and not he, who got drunk; that she called him all sorts of abusive and indecent names; that as a mild endeavor to frighten her off, he once picked up a crpwbar, which, dropping out of his hand, rolled over on the floor and touched her ankle; and that he on one occasion threw at her oue potato when she had been abusing some young ladies who were visiting the family, and who, she insisted, should get from the table "and get." 'Man and Wife" is the same old story being told la all degrees of life. In this case the parties seem to occupy a respectable position in society, and to have been very comfortably off so far as money is concerned. Perhaps, indeed, that is what' the matter. Mlarellaaeons mention. The division of the city Into three police dis tricts is talked of. The peculiarly significant death of Superintendent Jourdan has suggested the propriety of this division, since the duties that have hitherto devolved upon the Chief of Police are too arduous for oae man to perform without injury to his brain aud body. Miss Netta has been "put out" of the Sales women's Early Closing Association. The rea son for her being put out is that she perempto rily refused to hand to the association, until it Ehuld be more permanently and securely es tablished, such money as, through her personal exertion, she has collected from Mayor Hall, Commissioner Tweed, Sheriff O'Brien, and County Clerk Loew. Flsk's body-guard has been busy recelvlug three antique military delegations from New England, namely, the Newburyport Artillery, the Amoskeag Veterans, and the Putnam Pha lanx. Tbe men composing these delegations are extremely staid and solid-looking. What there can be in common between them and the conscienceless Proteus of opera and railroad it is not easy to understand. Perhaps it is to be accounted for on the old principle of extremes. The approaching arrival of French artists in this city is mentioned. Among those spoken of as about to arrive are Itoea Benheur, Jerome Meissonier, Salntrine, and Galaat. At present Earls it closed to art. The muses never flourish among the accoutrements of war. Canons in art and cannoa la artillery have little sympathy with each other. Some of ur millionaires might, by giviag orders to those artists, da a great deal for art at horn by recognizing the art which comes to us from abroad. Au Bab a. The 800.000 silk-worms in the cocoonery at Bait Lake City consume thirty bushels of raul Vvrry lct per TflE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1870. FINANCIAL. Wilmington and Reading ZUUXROAD Gcvcn Per Cent. Bonds, FREE OF TAXE3. We are fierlng $300,000 ot tbe Second mortgage Honda of tills Company AT 82 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. For the convenience of Investors these Bonds are Issued In denominations of 1000s, $S00a, and 100 The money la require: for the purchase of addi tional Boiling Stock and the full equipment of the Road. The road is now finished, and doing a business largely In excess of the anticipations of Its officers. The trade offering necessitates a large additional outlay for rolling stock, to afford fall f aelllties for its prompt transaction, the present rolling stock not being sufficient to accommodate the trade. M. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS. No. 36 South THIRD Ctroot, IB rHILADBLPHIA. MOST DESIRABLE INVESTMENT! LE1IIGII VALLEY RAILROAD 7 Per Cent. BXortgage Bonds. We offer for sale, at par and accrued Interest, the SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, Free from all Taxation, OF THJ LEUIG1I TALLET RAILROAD CO. Tae Fallroad property, which is mortgaged for security of the holders of these Bonds, Is finished, and has been in lull working order slnos 1354, earn lDg aid paying to Its stockbo'dtrs dividends or ten per cent, per anna n regularly upon the fall paid-up cipKal stock, now amounting to 117,957,850. The roads have forty years to run, ARE REGIS TERED and FREE FROM ALL TAXE3, Interest SEVAN PER CENT. FES ANNUM, payable Sep. tember and March. For further particulars, apply to DRBXETi A; CO., 4J. As II. nOKIE, W. H. KEWBOLD. SON Jb AERTSEN. Philadelphia, August 8, 1S70. 9 10 lm A IEGM. INVESTMENT FOB Trustees. Executors and Administrator!. WE OFFER FOR SALE 52,000,000 OF Till Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 9IORTGAU1S Six Per Cent. Bonds at 93 And Interest Added to tlie Date f Purchase. All Free from State Tax. and Issued in Sums of ftlOOO. These bonds are coupon and registered, Interest on the former payable January and July 1; on the latter April and October 1, and by an act of the Legislature, approved April 1, 1S70, are made a LEGAL INVESTMENT for Administrators, Execu tors, Trustees, etc. For further particulars apply to Jay Cooke Ac Co., ' E. IV. Clark Ac Co.. W. II. IVewbold, Son Ac Aertsen, C. Ac II. llorle. io i im NOTICE. TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS. The cheapest Investment authorized by law are General Mortgage Bonds of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. apply TO D. C. WHARTON SMITH t CO., BANKERS Am) BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD BTREET, PHILADELPHIA. S I DL- V E X FOE GALE. C. T. YERKES, Jr., & CD., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. SO South THIRD Street. M PRTTiA P KLPHIA.' IOWA. !D02NX8. KEOKUK, MUSCAT 1NE. DUBUQUE, LEE COUNTY, And other Iowa bonds (city or county) bought at beat rates. BOWARD DARLINGTON, FINANCIAL. A DESIRABLE . Safe Home Investment THIS Sunbury and Lewistown Railroad Company Oiler 91,300,000. Ilonds, bearing T Ier Cent. Interest in Hold, , Secured by a First and Only Mortgage. Tbe Bonds are Issued in 1000( $500 and f 300. TheConpona are payable In the city of Philadelphia on the first days of April and October, Free of State and United State Taxes. The price at present is SO and Accrued Interest in Currency. This Road, with Its eonnection with the Pennsylvania Railroad at Lewistown, brings the Anthracite Coal Fields 67 MILES nearer the Western and Southwestern markets. With this advantage it will control that trado. The Lnmber Trade, and the Immense and valuable deposit of ores in this section, together with the thickly peopled distriot through which it runs, will secure it a very large and profitable trade. WM. PAINTER & CO., HANKERS, Dealers In Government Seourltles, No. 3G South THIRD Street, tf4p 1 PHILADELPHIA. UNITED STATES SECURITIES Bought, Sold and Exchanged on Host Liberal Terms. Gr O L, 13 Bought and Sold at Market Bates. COUPONS CASHED Pacific Railroad Bonds BOUGHT AND SOLD, (.a Stocks Bought and Sold on Commis sion Oaly. Accounts received and Interest allowed on Dally Balances, subject to cneck at sight. DE HA YEN & BKO., No. 40 South THIRD Street, 611 PHILADELPHIA. JayCooke&G). PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AND WASHINGTON, BANKERS, AND lealeri in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and stocks on Commission, at the Board of Broken In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEP0S1T& COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER B0CO11T AND SOLD. Reliable Railroad Bonds for Investment. Pamphlets and full Information given at our office, No. Ill SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. no 13m JOHN S. RUSHTON & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. NOVEMBER COUPONS WANTED. City Warrants BOUGHT AND SOLD. No. 50 South THIRD Street, 8 868 PHILADELPHIA. jgLLIOTT DVRI1 BAN KERB 8(0. 109 BOUTH THIRD STRUCT, DEALERS IH ALL GOVERNMENT 82CURI TIES, GOLD BILLS, ETC. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND ISSUE COMMERCIAL LETTERS 07 CREDIT OH THJ UNION BANS 07 LONDON. ISSUE TRAVELLERS' LETTERS 07 CREDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, Mailable Uu-ougaout Europe. Will collect au Coupons and Interest free of caargt (or parttet puling their f arrangements Vita OA, M4 s L B. Six Per Cent loan of the City of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, FREE 07 ALL TAXES, At 85, and Accrued Interest These Bonds are made absolutely secure by act o Legislature compelling the city to levyjiuulclent tax to pay Interest ana principal. P. 0. PBTERQOfl & CO.. No. 89 SOUTH THIRD BTREET, a PHILADELPHIA, IN ANOI AC, B. JLL J AIIISOIJ & CO.. 11' . . SUCCESSORS TO F. IT. KELLY CO, BANKERS AND DEALERS IU Gold, Silver and Government Bonds At Close. Market nates:, ff. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Stt, Bpeclal attention given to COMMISSION orders In New Tori and Philadelphia stock Boards, eto eta. 203 203 IIAKHIGSOPJ GHAXVXXJO, BANKER. !lT.ACCOUNTS RECEIVED AND INTER EST ALLOWED ON DAILY BALANCES. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED FOR THE CURITIeE 8ALB OJB ALL RSLLABLB RE COLLECTIONS MADE EVKRYWHERK. REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL LOANS NEGO TIATED. l3 S 6ia No. 203 S. SIXTH St., PMlada. PROPOSALS. J3R0P0SALS FOR REVENUE STAMPS. PROPOSAT 8 will be received nntll TUESDAY, the first day of November next, at 12 o'clock at noon, for furnishing complete Revcnno stamps, of the fol lowing classes, denominations, and sizes In present use, and as hereinafter specliled, viz. : CLASS I Adhesive Stamps General and Proprietary, viz: General-One cents, two cents, three cents, four cents, five cents, six cents, ten cent, fifteen cents, twenty cents, twenty-Uve cents, thirty cents, forty cents, fifty cents, sixty cents, seventy cents, one dollar, one dollar and thirty cents, one dollar and fifty rents, one dollar and sixty cents, one dollar and ninety cents, two dollars, two dollars and flttv cents, three dollars, three dollars and fifty cents, five dol lars, ten dollar?, twenty dollars, twenty-five dollars. llftT dollars, and two hundred dollars. Proprietary one cent, two cents, three cents, four cents, and five cents. CLASS II. Beer stamps, hogsheads, barrels, half barrels, third barrels, quarter barrels, sixth banels, aud eighth barrels. CLASS III. Stamps for d'stllled spirits, tax paid, 10 gallons, 80 gallons, 80 gallons, 40 gallons, 60 gallons, 0) gallons, 10 gallons, 80 gallons, ho gallons, loo gallom, no gal lons, 120 gallons, and 130 gallons. CLASS IV. Stamps for distilled spirits, "other than tax paid." dlBtillery warehouse, rectified spirits, and wholesale liquor dealers. CLASS V. Tobacco stamps, pound, 1 pound, 8 pound, 3 pounds, 6 pouHde, 10 pounds, 15 pounds, 80 poun is, VI pounds, 22 pounds, 40 pounds, and 00 pounds. Class 1, to be gummed, dried, and perforated, and prepared for issue In sheets. Class 8, without gumming and perforation, pre pared for issue tn sheets, 80 stamps on a sheet. Class R, without gumming, to be engraved with nine coupons and one stub attached to each stamp, each stamp and stub to be numoered In serial num bers, and bound in book form. Bach boos to con tain 150 stamps, three on a page, and book to be ap propriately lettered and numbered. Bidders wtil also make proposals for this class of stamps, ai abjve, 800 stamps to the book. UaiB4, wltaout gumming and perforation, each bta rap to have an engraved stub attached, stamps and ttulis to be numbered In serial numbers, ami bound in book form. Each book to contain 4U0 stamps, 4 on a page, aud bound, lettered, and num. beied. Class If, X pound to 5 pounds Inclusive, without gumming aud perforation, to be issued iu sheets, 12 stamps on a sheet. All the other denominations mentioned, excepting the 15 pounds, tn be eDgraved with stub attached, stamps and stubs to numbered In serial number., aud bound In book form, each book to contain 400 stamps, 5 stamps on a page, and bound, lettered, and liumi ered. The 15-pound stamps to bo us above, with tne addition of nine coupons, attached to eacu stomp. Bids are also asked for the X to 5-pounds stamps inclusive, to be prepared and bounl in book form, us above Uescnbtu, with stubs, but without the cou pons. Specimens of the above-mentioned stamps may be teen at the cll.ee of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and sizes and descriptions taken there from. Bidders will state the price per thousand stamps, separately, inclusive aud exclusive of paper, de liverable at their place of business, and also at the otllce of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue In WaMiirigtoD. The cost of delivery should be given, both lncluhive aud exclusive of the cost of packing aud hexing. Bids will be made separately for print ing In one and two colors. Stamps of Class 1, the principal col r to be permanent and the other fugi tive. All the other cusses mentioned to be printed in permanent colors. The additional cost of priut iEg a tint upon the stamps printed la one color shuuld also be stated. Bidders will state In their bids the mode of print ing proposed by them, whether plate printing or surface pi luting. Each bid to be accompanied with a specimen of the Mvle of engraving aud the quality of paper pro posed to be luruluhed, and the accepted bidder, be fore the final consummation of a contract, will be required to furnish proof Impressions of the en gravings of the several klads aud denominations of btampa. 0 he contract will require all designs, dies, and platts to be prepared, and dies aud plates to be kept bright and sharp, and that new aud additional designs, dies, and plates shall be made either for the prebtut kiLds and denominations of stamps or others, without charge, at the pleasure of the Sucre tary of the Treasary and the Commissioner of In terual Revenue, and all such desigus, dies, anil plu'es to be the property of and delivered to tue l nited States Treasury Department, at the termina tion of the contract, or whenever demauded bv said department. That the stamps shall be prepared and delivered of such kinds and denominations, and tn futli quantities, and at such times, as tiie Com missioner of internal Revenue for the time biuug may direct. A statement of the numbers of stamps Issued dur ing tbe fiscal year ending 3)ih Juue, is;o, maybe been at the otllce of the Commissioner. ABd that all measures and precautions which the Commissioner of internal Revenue shall deem ue cttsarj to take in order to protect the Government sguibbt fraud or negligence on the part of the cou ti actor or bis employes shall be taken at the proper charge and expense of the contractor. No bids will be ccubldercd except from parties who have been, tr are, actually engaged lu the business of steel mgravtug and printing, and provided with all the I ecessary facilities to execute the work promptly and give the requisite protection to the stamps, a les, end plates iu their possession. Parti s not known to the Department will furnish proof 88 to these points. Bidders will state the time irom the date of tbo contract, if awarded, when they will be ready to commence delivering tlie stamps, and their dally capacity for delivery there after. Bids may be made for any one class of stamps mentioned In this notice, or for all. Each bid must be accompanied by a guarantee of at least two responsible persons that, lu case the bid is accepted and a contract entered iuto, they will become sureties In such reasonable sum as may be required by tbe Government for the faithful perform ance of '.he contract. The contract to be made for not less than one year nor more than three years, as may be agreed upon. In awarding the contract the Commissioner re serves the right to reject any or all proposals in caie it shall appear to be for the interest of the Govern ment to do eo. Proposals should be carefully sealed and marked "Proposals for Revenue Stamp," and addressed to the Oommlshloner of Internal Revenue. C. DELANO, Commissioner of Internal Revenue. October 10, 1970. Approved UEORGE S. BOUTWELL, 10 13 12t Secretary, p O LD OAKS CEMETERY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. This Company is prepared to sell lots, clear of all encumbrances, on reasonable term. Purchasers can see plans at tbe oitlce of the Company, UO. 613 WALNUT STREET, Or at the Cemetery, where all information needed will be cheerfully given. By giving notice at tbe oitlce, carriages will meet persons desirous of purchasing lots at Tl'v Sutton' on the Germantown Railroad, aud convey toeua to tbe Cemetery and return, free of charge, ALFRED C. HARM Ell, President. MARTIN LANL'ENBEIKIEH, Treas MICHAEL MSSEr, Scfj. lOCwfaOa PROPOSALS. PnorosALS FOR ARMY TRANSPORTATION UN TEXAS. IlEADqrARTERS DKPAHTMKNT OF TXA, Chief OcAirsR master's offick. ArnriM. TnTi. Hunt in ira Sealed Proposals, in triplicate, will be received at thlj onice until 12 M., on THURSDAY, the 1st day of IVrembcr. mo, for the -TRANSPORTATION OF ARMY SUPPLIES rrom the 1st day of January, lsil, to the 8iat day of December, mi, on the following routes, viz. : . ROUTE No. S (By Water). Fr.m the wharf at Brazos Santiago, Texas, to Fort Brown. Texas, and . Irom Fort Brown. Texas, to Ringgold Barracks, Texas ; per 100 pounds or whole iRttanct between each point. .. Proposals will also state the rates at which bid ders propose to transport to or from each of the above named points, oillcers aud enlisted men with their uthorized allow ance of baggage. ROUTE No. 3. Texas? Rlcggold Darrack8 Texas, to Fort Mcintosh, ROUTE No. 4. From Indlanols, Texas, or the terminus of the Mexican Gulf Railroad to San Antonio, Texs. . ROUTE No. 6. From San Antonio, Texas, to Fort Mcintosh, Texas, Fort Duncan, Texas. Fort Clark, Texas. Fort McKavett, Texas. Fort Concho, Texas. Fort Stockton, Texas. Fort Davis, Texas. Fort Oriflln, Texa. Fort Richardson, Texas. And any posts that mav be hereafter established In Northwest Texas, south of Red river. Posts west of Fort Davis will be supplied by Gov ernment teams. ROUTE No. 6. From the Ship's Tackle at Oalveston, Texas, to Bremond, Texas, or the terminus of the Texas Cen tral Iia'lroad. ROUTE No. T. Frorn Bremond, Texas, or the terminus or the Texas Central Railroad, to Fort Uriilln, Texas. Fort Richardson, Texas. And any posts that may be hereafter established Bonth of Rod River tn Northwestern Texas. The transportation to be furnished exclusively by horM or muf teams Except in cases of emergency, this service may be performed by ime train ptr month. Returning trains will transport supplies from point to point on the direct roueof return towards the initial point, or to nny point or points beyond the first roint of destination, at contract rates; and should tralrs be sent from their original point of destination to another point empty, half the contract rates shall be allowed, "for the distance travelled empty, on the amount of stores to De transported, and lull rates for the distance travelled after load lug. Bidders will state the rate per 100 pounds per 100 milts at which they will transport supplies, which will lr elude the transportation of supplies accom panying the movement of troops. Each bid must be accompanied by a gnaranteo of at least two responsible persons (whoso responsi bility must be certified by the clerk of a Court or Record) that the bidder is competent to carry out the contract if awarded to blm; and the residence and post office address of each bidder and guarantor must be Btated. The amount of bond required rrom the contractor ror each route will oo thirty thousand (30,000) dol lars. Forms ot contract may be seen at the Quarter master's oillee at Galveston, Indianola, San Antonio, Rluggoid Barracks, Brownsville, Fort Mcintosh, and atthisofllce. The Government reserves the right to use Its own means or transportation ror this service when deemed advhable to do so, and to reject any. or all bids offered. Any further Information will be promptly rur-clf-hedon application lu person or by letter to tula office. Proposals must be plainly endorsed on the en velope: "Proposals for Army Transportation on Route No " and addressed to the undersigned. By order of Brevet Major-General Reynolds, Com n andlng Department. JAMES A EKIN, IYpnty Quartermaster-General, U. S. Array, Chief Q. M. Dept. of Texas. 10 5 1st LUMbtR. 1870 SPRUCE JOIST. Bl'KCCB JOIST. HEMLOCK. UEAILOOK. 1870 1870 SEASONED CLEAR PINE. i Q1f SEASONED CLEAR PINE. 10 I U 8PANISU CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. RED CEDAR. 1870 FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA F LOO KING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. 1870 1 W7l WALNUT BOARDS AND PLN K.i QA 10 I VWALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK.10 i V WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 1870 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. 1 O-Ti UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. 10 I U RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. io'-a SEASONED POPLAR. 10 I V bEASONED CHERRY. ASH. 1870 WniTE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS, HICKORY. 1 Or a CIGAR BOX MAKERS' i QTA 10 i U cigar box makers 10 i U SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. 1870 CAROLINA SCANTLING. CAROLINA II. T. SILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1870 1870 CEDAR SHINGLES. -f Q7A CYPRESS SHINGLES. 10 t U MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 115 No. 8000 SOUTH Street 13ANEL PLANK, ALL THICKNESSES. COMMON PLANK, ALL THICKNESSES. 1 COMMON BOARDS. 1 and 9 SIDE FENCE BOARDS. WHITE PINE FLOORING BOARBS. YEI LOW AND SAP PINE FLOORINGS, lltf and iyi SPRUCE JOIST, ALL SIZES. HEMLOCK JOIST, ALL SIZES. PLASTERING LATH A SPECIALTY, Together with a general assortment of Building I ember for sale low for cash. T. W. SMALTZ, 1 81 cm No. ma RIDGE Avenne, north of Poplar St. United States Builders' Mill, FIFTEENTH Street, Below Market. ESLER & BROTHER, PROPRIETORS. Wood Mouldings, Brackets and General Turning Wo k, Hand-rail Balusters and Newel Posts. 9 1 8m A LARGE AfcSORlMKNT ALWAYS ON HAND, BUILDINO MATERIALS. It a. THOMAS & CO., D1AXIB8 IN Coots, Blinds, Sash, Shutters WINDOW FRAMES, ETC., M. W. CORK KB OF jSjggTgggTn and LMABEBT8treeti J. T. EAHTON. " M'MAHOW. Ac JIcMAIIO.Tf, SBTPPiyO AKD COMMISSION MERCBASTS, No. 8 OOENTIS SLIP, New York, No. 13 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, No. 45 "W. PRATT STREET, Baltimore, We are prepared to ship every description 01 Freight to Philadelphia, New York, WUmltgton, ana lnteimediat points with promptness and despatch. Canal Boats and Steam-tugs furolahed at the saortfcrt LOtlr-a. " 6T,iNSAILT)UCKANDCANVASrbF ALI Vj numbers and brands. Tent, Awning, Trout arid Wapon-cover Duck. Also, Paper JUanufae tureri' DrU-r Felts, from thirty to aeveuty-aL inches, with Paulina, Belung , sfw.nec, s Nrv. 10 CHURCH HlrwM frtw Htw nANFSS, SADDLES7AND TRUNKS. LARGE stork, a.l grades. Abso, several thousand Horse Covers. Lap Ruga, and PoU-e, selling at lw prices to the tiade or iciaiL Mol Ert S, No. 1) MARKET Street, above Seventh, l lm APO riON BALEi, M THOMAB RONS. N08. 139 AND 141 S. FOURTH STREET. t,-- Sale No. 1R19 Dolancy Place. H018EHOLD FUR MTU HE, f'KKNcH FLATE MANTEL MIKKORS, ETC -On Tuesday Morning, Ortoir 18, at 10 o'clock, the household fnrnltnre. comprising mahogany and walnut parlor furniture, girrn pluto, walnut extension Utue, sideooard. rhina and glassware, chamber furniture, mantel mirror cot king utensils, etc, loisst " Ai:BOF REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, 1 HTii (North), No. f4Modern Residence. den?e?hlEK"TU Norlh Ko' "W-MoJcrn ' Rcst- riNK, No. 1S12 Modern Residence. . ' Thkth (Noith), No, 194'i Modern D velllnff ' ' ' .nLdTaluVbIBKTY-TIIIRD' N W" !lLarge Pink, No. S207 Desirable Dwelling. ' ELLSWORTH, No. lfiio-store and Dwelling. Vikk, No. 1119 Desirable Dwelling. Amkbican akd York, N. E. corner Coal-:ard. Dwellings, etc . ' Sixth (North), No, 606 Modern Residence. Skventkkntii and Afton, N. W. corucr Store and Dwelling. Twbktt-tuikd North), No. 820 Modern Dwell icg. Frakkt.in, No. 90S Modem Residence. Cn rim-ian, No. 711 Genteel Dwelling. Nkw, No. 881 Modern Dwelling. Socth, No. loss Lare and Valuable Lot. Mount Nkrnon, No. wo Modern Residence. Mertinb, Nos.1801 and lSBJ Two Modern Dwell ings. Camac, No. 14C Modern Dwelling. Tenth (South), No. T0& Modern Residence. ' Iwentibth (South), No. 769 Modern Residence. Cass, Nos. 1206, l'ios, and 1223 Uenteel Dwell ings. KFKN, No. 11504 Modern Residence. Sixteenth and Brown, s. E. corner Store a i t Dwelling. TniKTY-FOiRTn (South), No. 126 Modern Resi dence. Bankom, No. 8404 Rrown-stone Residence. Filbert, No. 029 Five nrlok Dwellings. Sprite, No. lie Tavern Rnd Dwelling. ciiristian, Nos. sus, 8L4D, and 2122 Modsra Dwellings. Orovnd-rent f43 a rear. STOCKS. 8 bonds fnoo each, Somerset county, Md. 1 share Arch Street Theatre. 40 shares New Creek Coal Co. fee shares Northern liberties Oas Co. 8 shares Continental Hotel Co. 10 shares Pennsylvania Railroad. 1 share Surf House Association or At'antic City. 1 share Camden and Atlantic Land Co. 87 shares KenBlnjrton and New Jersev Ferry Co. 1 share Philadelphia and Souihtrn Mail Steamship Company. 1 share Academy or Fine Arts. K'O shares Central Transportation Co. 60 shares Southern Transportation Co. 1 share Mercantile Library Co. 20 shares Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. 8 shares Western National Bauk. t&00 bond Union League, 6 per cent. 100 shares American Button Hole and Sewing Ma chine Co. 80 shares Glrard Fire and Marine Insurance Com pany, lonat 66 shares Mount Holly, Lumberton and Medford R. R. ro shares Ouardlan Fire and Marino Insuraace Co. 10 .hares Kensington National Bank. 10 shares Germantown National Back. IS shares Trenton Banking Co. ?20io Oreen and Coates tftreeta 7 per cent, bonds. 14 shares tanigh Crane Iron Co. Pew No. 118 Arch Street Presbyterian Church.- Few No. 66 Trinity M. E. Church. f 1M)0 bond Union Passenger Railway Co. THOMAS BIRCH A SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHE3. NUT Street; rear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street. Sale at No. llio CUesnut street. MESSRS. DEAKIN A SON'S CLOSINO SALES OP ELEOANT SIIEFFIELU PLATED WARE AND FINE IVORY DANDLE TABLE CUTLER Y,ETC. On Monday and Tuesday Mornings, October 17 and 18, at 11 o'clock, will be sold the Valance or plated ware and table cutlery remaining on hand with Messrs. Deakm k Son's agent, who leaves for Shellleld in a few days. Tbe assortment comprises plated tea and coil'ee sets, with urns; laiee and small trays, castors of various kinds, in.tter dishes, cake baskets, spoon holders, entree ditties, goblets, card receivers, etc CUTLERY. Also, a large assortment of Ivory balance handle knives, with carvers and tteels to n atch. SPOONS, ETC. Also, various styles of spoons, ri iks, ladles, etc. CA R D. These will positively be the closing sales of tbe ubve wares In this city. io is 2t Sale at No. 1521 Arch Ptreer. EI.EOANT RliSh.WOOD AND WALNUT FURNI- Tapestty, and lncrain C arpets, etc. On Wednesday Morning. October 10, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, will bo sold, the entire Household Furniture, comprising very elegaut drawing-room suit iu blue satin biocateile; rich walnut do. do., in green terry, gold lined; large walnut centre table to match ; French plate pier mir ror, with console table.gold lined; line toned rosewood 7-cctave Stelnway piano-forte; rich lace curtains; cornices and lambrequins; very largewalnut hat-rack and umbrella stand, gold lined; French plate mirror; roeewcod and walnut chamber suits; handsomely decorated cottage suits, marble tops; fine hair mat trepses, feather beds, bolsters, and pillows ; large oalc sideboard, marble top ; oak dining-room chairs, green terry; large mahogany pedestal extension table; three French china dinner and tea sets ; silver plated ware BDd cutlery; rosewood library suits, mar joh terry ; bed-clothtng and linens, etc Alsoj a large bronze and gilt chandeliers. flO 17 2t May be examined early on the morning of sal-j. Catalogues ready on Tuesday at the auction store. Sale at No. llio Chesnut street. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS, CHAMP AONE,ErC. The balance or MESSRS. HARRISON & STOCKDALE'S STOCK. On Wednesday Morning, October 19, at 11 o'clock, at No. llio Chesnut street, will be rold, without reserve, the balance or Messrs. Harrison & Stockdale's fine Wines and Liquors, to clote their partnership. Catalogues ready on Monday, 17th. 10 17 8t BU-JlirG, DTJRBOROW A CO., AUCTIONEERS,' N . '.Sit and 834 MARKET street, corner of Bank street, hucctasors to John B. Myurg & Co. SALE OF 2,000 CASES BOOTS, SnOES TRAVEL LINO BAOS, HATS, ETC. On Tuesday Morning, October IS, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. Also, 1 U 0 feet undressed and French morocco. 1012 5t LARGE SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, GER MAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. On Thursday Morning, 10 14 5t Oct. 20, at 10 o'clock, on four mouths' credit. IMPORTANT SALE OF CARPETING S, OLTj CLOTHS, ETC. On Friday Morning, fc'oberSl. at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, hIm ui 2M) pieces ingrain, Venetian, list, hemp, cot taiie, p nd rag carpetlngs ; oil cloths, rugs, etc lOlsct M' ARTIN BROTHERS AUCTIONEERS.-, (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas fcSons.) No. 704 Chesnut St., rear entrance from Minor. CHANGE OF DAY. Our Regular Weekly Sales at the Auction Roonn will bercaittr be held EVERY MONDAV. BY BAHRITT At CO., AUCTIONEER! CASH AUCTION nOUSE, No. 830 MARKET Street, corner of Bank street. Cash advanced on coublgmnenta without extra charge. .1184 LARGE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES. BALMORALS, UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Ou Thursday Mom lug Oct. SO 1870, commencing at 10 o'clock, on two moLtho credit. 10 18 4t FURS, FURS, FURS. Fourth large trade sale, American and Imported furs, etc., by catalogue. Ou Friday Morning, Oct 81. at io o'clock. Also, 100 wolf, fox, bear, Angora, coon, and bur. falo robes. 10 15 6t C- ONCEKT HALL AUCTION ROOMS, No. lllfc CUEbNlT Street T. A. MCCLELLAND, ATJOTIONEEB. PerooBal attention given to galea of household tar. Hitur at d welling. . put-He bi.:et of furniture at the Auction Rooms, No. til ChesnuV urfci, every Monday and Tnara. for particulars ee "Public Idsrer." N K A HuiK-nor c.as of furniture at private sal 1 C er"K"P"" P " N N E Y tl AUCTIONEER, NO. 13.! CHESNUT tTREET. lMtt