THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1870. OBITUARY. Prosper fllerim. A. cable telegram announces ihc death of this distinguished author and member of the French Academy. lie was born at Paris on the 3Sta of Sc'i'tcmber, ISO.'!. His lather was the painter Merlmee, Secretary of the School of Fiuo Arts. After receiving an excellent education the sub ject of this hketch studied law and was received as an advocate, bat instead of practising: his jrofession te at ouce entered into the service of tbe government, at the mmo time making a f peclnliy of literature, which occupied all his leisure hour.. After the revolution of 1SJ50 Comto d'Argout appointed )iiin Scerctaiv to bis Cabinet, and eubbequeiitly he became Secretin' to the Minis ter of (jcnn'ierce and Chief of. Bureau to the Minister oi Marino. In 1831 lie succeeded M. Yitet as JuM cctor of Ancient and Historical Work? of Fmuce; but this position he abandoned almost iiuumlirttely after its ucceptanee to re enter tbe Ministry. M. Mtritutc made revernl tours through Finite for literary purposes. Tbe results of these journeys t ere his "Voyage duns le midi de la France" (l&t.V-S), "Voyage dans l'ouest cle la Fram e" (18:r-8). ''Votao dans Auvergne et dans Luuousiu" (.1833"), "Vovage en Corse" (1840-ii), "-Monuments Historiipies" (this bcin a leporl to tlie Minister of tbo Interior), "Peln tures de lelise Saint-Savin," with designs by Gerard Sccuin (1S44). In 1810, while on a visit to Spain, be became acquainted with the Em press Eugenie, who seems to have borne him in iriendly remembrance after ber elevation to the throne. The revolution of 1818 was supported by bim, aud tbe Provisional (lovernment ap lointed lilm one of the commissioners charged vitu the woik of telling the property of the Orleans family. Some Uu.c after, because the courts had cou th inncd M. Libil, an old friend of his, for contu macy, M. Mi rimee published two letters in the J.erue den Ih-nx-Mondes, sharply criticising the nction of the Judges. For this ho was brought before the Court aiid condemned to make an apology. a. aUo to sutler fifteen days' imprison ment. He succeeded M. Nodlier in the French Academy. Never having been at any time a ltepubliean he w as one of tbe earliest to give in Ms adhesion to the Empire, an l in 1853 be was appointed a Senator of Franco. He was named (JotnmaDder of the Legion of Honor in 18G0, having been for several years previous an ofllcer of the order. It would consume more space than we can spare to.niitte all the published works of M. Aleilmee. They are quite numerous .and volumi nous, and have won for their author a decidedly high reputation. By bis death the French Academy loses one of its most brilliant members. Tlli-aor, Prince of Kitog. A cable despatch from Bombay, via London, mentions a icport that the Prince of Kung has been murdered in China. Should this report prove true it will be generally regretted by all ioreign Governments, as the Prince was one of the most lii eral men in the Empire. lie was an uncle of tbe reigning Emperor Kl-tsiang, and brother of Hie Emperor Hieng-fung, who died in August. 1801. lor mony years he had held important positions In the En pire, and after tbe death oi ui3 brother ho became regent, and he'd that ofliceduringthe minority of Kl-tsiang. He first o' taiued a reputation in Europe and America at the time of the diplomatic quarrel which followed tbo last war between China and Great Britain and France. Appointed absolute plciiipoteniiary to negotiate a treaty, ho aston icd the n piisentatives of tbe allies by a dis play of diplomatic skill tbey had hardlr ex pected to meet with in Cbica. The treaty which he concluded was as advautageous to his coun try as to England and France, aud was observed with scrupulous fidelity until lately. To the influence ol the Prince of Kung was due tbe appointineiit of Mr. Burlicigaine as Envov Extraoidinary to foreign powers, and it is said tbat be gave the mission a bearty support, and did all in his power to make it successful. At this time he was Prime MiuMcrof the Em pire, which position he had held from tbe close of tbe regency. lie did much to extend the re sources of China aud to liberalize her policj and place her tvn a footing with tbe civilized nations of Europe and America. If be has been murdered we may depend upon it that it has been because his enlightened and progressive policy was ini mical to the wretched barbatians who have for sometime past been engaged in the blood v work of massacring foreigners. Tbe Prince of Kung probably endeavored to suppress these barbarous manifestations, and became a victim to his humanity and endeavors to advance his people to the height of Christian civilization. CLOTHS, OASSIMERES. ETO. QLOTH HOUSE. JAMES H U B E R. It. 11 North Wi:CO( Street, Sign of the Golden Lamb, Ate w receiving a large and splendid assortment of new styles of FANCY OASSIMERES And Btandard mates of DOES SINS, CLOTHS and COATINGS, 3 as mws AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. QENTi' 8F Un MIS HI N QQOO D 8. p A TENT SIIOULDEli-BKAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS made from measurement at very short notice. All other articles of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOOD In fuU variety. WINCHESTER A CO., 11 S No. 706 CUESN UT Street. QLD OAKS CEMETERY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Tbis Company is prepared to sell lots, clear of all encunibrane s, on reasonable term. Purchasers can see plans at tbe offlee of the Company, NO. 613 WALNUT STREET, Or at tbe Cemetery, where all information needed will be cheerfully given. By giving notice at the office, carriages will meet persons desirous of purchasing lota at Tioga Station on the Germantown Railroad, and coavey them to the Cemetery and return, free of charge. ALFRED C. HARMER, President. MARTIN LANDENBEROER, Treas. MICHAEL NISBET, Sec y. 10 5 wfra 6m ' SHIPPING. ftW. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND, 2JUZa.kd Norfolk btfamship i,ink. THHUl e.H tBEIOHT A lit LINK TO IliR SOUTH INOBJKD FAOIUTJRSJD REDUCED BATES Btamn laav vr WKDNKSDAYand SATURDAY, t Mo'olock noon, from illUsT WHAHJf Ikt UAH- RKTCRNINO. ! RICHMOND MONDAYS and THURSDAY, and JiORiOLK TUESDAYS and SA- n j JtJ Y 8 BUU of Ladin iind afUr U o'clock ca wUUns 'ti ROUGH RATES to all point in North and South Carolina, via bMboud Air Lino Railroad, eonnouling at l oittuiouth, uil t Lynchburg, Va., Tcmncases, and th VMt, ' Virginia aud Tannssa Air Liu and Richmond m.nA Danvill Railruad. Freight HAN ULK1J BUTONOK. and uk.a at LOWEB RATKe) THAN ANV.OTH1CH LINK. No chars tor ooutmiMion, dratag. or ani axpanto oi "SlamsMP tn.nrs i'Wft rata. Jrt"HlJSSL2SlSaUo for PM..n.r.. fcUlROu0WMa",vvll,UAM P. ULfttK OO.. No ISS. WHABVEJJ and Piar 1 N. WUARVfS. W P POH i C K. Aiant at Richmond and Chj Point T. P.'OROW ELL A CO., Atpu at N orlolk. 1( FOR NEW YORK, f via Delaware aud Rail tan Canal. JJf EXPRBiSS SXJtAMliOAT COMPANY. TUe bu-ara Propellers of the line will oommencs loading on the 8th Instant, leaving daily as usual. TllKOl UH IN TWENTY-KOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the lines going out of Ne York, North, East, or West, free of coiuuiUtslou. FreiuUU received at low rata. , WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO.. Agent, ! No. IS a DELAWARE Avenue. J MEi U ' g'n 0. 119 WALL 5utet, New Hi BHIPPINO. U.NTIL KL'Rl HER NOTICE THG nilLADEL PIIIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STK1MS1IIP COM TAN Y will not receive freight for Texas ports. WILLIAM L. JAMES, 9 t3 ' General Agent rpiiE KKMULAK STEAMSHIPS ON THE PHI 1 LaDKLPHIA AND CHARLESTON STEAM fHIP LINE are A I ONE anthorlised to ltsno througf bills of ladii g to interior points South and West li connection it ith South Caiuilna Rnliroad Comnaay. ALFRED L. TYLKIt, Vice-President 8o O. RR. Co. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN .MA II. RTRAMSI11P OOMPANVS HROII. UH HKM1-AIONTU1.X LINE TO NEW OR "'!' .1 UN I ATA wll mil for New Orloani dirvet, oo Wfdtefdar October 13. at 8 A M. lb YAZOO will anil from New Orleans, via Ha Tartu, on Fririiiy. October 15 'J HKOUcm K1LLH UK I.ADINOat as low rates as b any other route friven to Mobile, and to all points on the r.iiMrirpi rivet between New Orleans end 8t. Loais. Ilea River freipbU reshipptd at New Orleans without obarse of ceminisaiona WKFKI.Y LINE TO SATANNAH. OA. Tb WYOMING will sail ror Savannah on Bator day, October 15, at 8 A.M. l'be TONAWaND A wiU sail from Savannah on Satar dv. Octohpr 15. TU HOUGH BII.T5 OP LADING riven to all tbeprin eipal towns in Oeorpta, Alabama, 1'lorida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tenneseoe in connection wilt the Railroad of Georgia, Atlantio and Unit Rail road; and Florida etoamen, at as low ratos aa by ooinpelinj lines. BKMI MfiNTTTLY LINK TO WILMINOTON. N. O. f The PIONEER will Bail for Wilmtneton on St'.arday, October 15. at 0 A. M. Returning, will leave Wilming ton Kanrday, Oitoer 21 Ounneots with tbe Oape Fear River Steamboat Oom. Rsny, the Wilminton and Weldon and North Oarolina ailroads, and tbe Wilmington and Manohester Railroad to sll interior points. Freight for Oolamhia. 8. O., and Angnsta, Oa., takes Via WilmiDgtnn, at as low ratos ss by any otber route. Insurance effected when reqneeted by shippers. Bill of hiding signed at Queen street wharf on er before da of sailing. "" WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent. 1 No. 130 South THIRD Street am PHILADELPHIA AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINK. This line is now composed of the following flrst- class Steamships, satllnir from PIEIl 8, above Arch street, on SATURDAY of eaoh week at 8 A. M. ! ASHLAND, S10 tons, Captain Crowell. J. W. EVERMAN, 092 tons, Captain Uincklev. SALVOR. 600 tons, Captain AshorofU SEPTEMBER, 1870. LEOPARD, SATURDAY, September 21. Tnrongh bills of lading given to Columbia, S. C. the Interior of Georgia, and all points South and Southwest. Freights forwarded with promptness and despatch. Rates as low as by any other route. Insurance one-half per cent., elTected at the office In first-class companies. No freight received nor bills or lading signed on day of sailing. BOUDSR 4 ADAMS, Agents, No. 8 DuCK Street, Or WILLIAM. P. CLYDE A CO., No. 12 S. WHARVES. WILLIAM A. COURTENAY, Agent in Charles ton e 24 f LORILLARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR NliW lOItK, SAILING EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AN1 SATURDAY. RATES TEN CENTS PER 100 POUNDS, FOUR OLVifc PER CUBIC FOOT, ONE CENT PER GALLON, blUP'S OPTION. INSURANCE BY THIS LINE ONE-EIGHTH OF ONE PER CENT. Extra rates on small packues Iron, metals, eta No receipt or bill of lading signed for less than Cfty cents. Goods forwarded to all points free of commissions. Throngh bills of lading given to Wilmington, N. O., by the steamers of this line leavlnj? New Y'ork triweekly.-For further particulars apply to john F. onr,. TIER 10 KOrtTH WHARVES. N. B. The regular shippers by this line will bo ebprged the above rates all vslutcr. Witter rates commence December IB. 2 8 ? FOR LIVERPOOL AND OUEENS LTOWN Inmau Lino of Roval AUii b cHU.ein are appointed to sail ai follows: nty of London, bainrdsv, Oct. 15. at9 A. M. City of Antwerp (via Halifax), Tuesday, October 18, at 12 noon. City of Brooklyn, Saturday, Oct. 22, ot 2 P. M. Oily of Brussels, Saturday, Oct. v:9, at M A- M. and each succeeding Saturday aud alternate Tues day, from pier No. 45 North river. RATES OF PASSAGE. PavaHe In cold. Payable In currency. First C al iD $75 Steerage : To Lor den so To London 3t To Paris ss To Halifax 15 To Par s 90 To Halifax 0 Passei aers e:ao forwarded to Havre. Hainburir. rrtnei). etc., at reduced rates. Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates by persons wishing to send for tnelr friends. For further Information apply at the company's ofllce. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, No. IS Broadway, N. Y. ! Or to O'DONNELL & FAULK, Agents, 4 5 No. 402 CHESN UT Street. Philadelphia. FOR NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE and Raritan Canal. ua4S W I F T S U R E TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES, Leaving dally at 12 M. and B P. M. The steam propellers of this company will com mence loading on the 8th of March. Through in twenty-four hours. Goods forwarded to any point free of commission Freights taken on accommodating terms. Apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD & CO., Agents, 4; No. 132 South DELAWARE Avenue. NEW EXPRE8S LINE TO ALEXAN dria, Georgetown, and Washington, D. C, via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxvllle, Nashville, Dalton, and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly every Saturday at noon 'torn the first wharf above Market street. Freight received daily. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. 14 North and South WHARVES. HYDE fc TYLER, Agents at Georgetown; M. ELDRIDQE & CO., Agents at Alexandria. 6 1 BELaWARE AND CHESAPEAKE STEAM TOWBOAT COMPANY iBarges towed between Philadelphia. Baltimore, llavre-de-tirace, Delaware City, and in termediate points. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., Agents. Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN, Superintendent. Gfflce. No. 12 Bonth Wlaries VUiladelphla. 4 lit CORD ACE, ETC. WEAVER & CO., UOP HIANUFAtTVIlUBI AND SHIP ClIAHULUllS, No. i North WATER Street and No. 28 North WHARVES, Philadelphia, ROPE AT LOWEST BOSTON AND NEW YORF PRICES. 41 CORDAGE. Manilla, SItal and Tarred Cordage At Lowest New York Prion and Freight. EDWIN 11. F1TLKU cV CO Feotory, TEITH St. aed GKRMANTOWH Avnn. 23 . WATER Bt and 23 N DELAV7ABI Avann. . FIRE ANO BURGLAR PROOF 8AFI rgm ' J. WATSON & sow, Hof tt Uts firm of EVANS A WAT8QN. FIRB AND BUBGLAR-PKOOP SAFE STOItK, No. 53 BOUTn FOURTH STREET, llf A law doors abova Cbauct St., Phi lad. SAXON GREEN NEVER FADES, s 16m r 1 rft U LKLLLa.S OIIHAi oT lNiuni CLL I . 0 MNANCIAU, Wilmington and Reading HAZLXlOA2 Gevcn Per Cent. Bonds, FREE OF TAXES. We are Aerin 300,000 of tbe Second SXorteae Bonds ol this C'ompauy AT 82J AND ACCRUED ITSREST. For the convenience of investors these Bonds are Issued In denominations of 91000s, 8300s, and 10O. The money la require u lor the pnrchaae of addi tional Rolling Stock and the frvll equipment of the Road. The road Is now finished, and doing a bnslnesa largely In excess of the anticipations of Its ofucers. Tbe trade offering necessitates a large additional outlay for rolling stock-, to afford full facilities for Its prompt transaction, the present rolling stock not being sufficient to accommodate the trade. WH. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, No. 33 South TIISrtD Stroot, FHILADBLPHIA. MUST DESIRABLE INVESTMENT! LE1I1UW VALLEY RAILROAD 7 Per t nt. Blortgage Bonds. We offer for sale, at far and airjrai'd. In'erest. the BKVEN PER CENT. BOXDS, I'rce from aU Tavullou, op th LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD CO. Tue Fallroad property, which Is mortga?ed for security of the holders of these Bond s, Is finished and has been in full working order since lsst, earn lng and paying to Its stcckboidtrj dividends or ten par cent, per annum regularly upon the full paid-up capita', stock, now amounting to 17,0.'7,8'A 1 he Fonds have forty years to run, AUS REGIS TERED and FREE PKOM ALL TAXIS?, Interest SB.VKN PER CENT. PES ANNUM, payable Sap. temher and Varch. ' For further parttculsrs, apply to PRE.VEL V CO., i tl. BO III li. W. V MitVllOI.I). SON iX; AKHTHKN. Pl:flaileli hia, August 3, 1870. 9 its lm A LEGiL lNVESTfilEflT FOB Trustees. Executors and Administrators. WE OFFER FOR SALE 2,000,000 OF TBI Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Six Per Cent. Bonds at 95 And Interest Added to tlie late f Purchase. All Free from state Tax, and Issued In Sums of $1000. These bondi are coupon and registered interest on the former payable January and July 1 ; on the latter April and October 1, and by an act of the Legislature, approved April l, 1ST0, are made a LEGAL INVESTMENT for Administrators, Execu tors, Trustees, etc For further particulars apply to Jay Cooke Sc Co., 12. W. Clark & Co., IV. II. IVeirbold, Son & Aertsen, C. Sc II. Ilorle. io i im COUPON H. THE COUPONS OF THE FIRST MORT GAGE BONDS or THI Wilmingtou and Reading Railroad, Hue October 1, Will be paid, on and after that date, at the Banking House of WM. PAINTER & CO., No. 36 S. THIRD ST., PHILADELPHIA. 6 23 tol 5 W. 8. HILLES, Treasurer. i?lliott u Diinn MJJ BANKERS 80. 108 SOUTH THIRD BTKKC?, DSALSRS PR ALL UOYERNMKNT 8SCUR1 TIJUi, SOLD EILIje, ETC DRAW BILLb Ot aiCtlAO ' AJD USSL'I COKMEROIAL LE1TKK8 OK ORtDIT ON TU ONION BANK 09 fNDON. IBSC TKAV1L1.SH8' GBTTKtUs Of CREDIT ! ON LONDON NP '(Hi avallaMa lmmgtiOo j It crop. tVUl oollmji all Coapuu Inwaraat fre ol 0Mr I n.T-ti.. -v . in thfl' flnipriJ A-rTTPBTt r W taiia. Wi FINANCIAL. A DESIRABLE Safe Home Investment XI IK Sunbury and Lewistovvn Railroad Company Ofler 91,300,000 llonds, bearlntf r Cent. Interest In Uold, Secured by a First and Only frlorlgage. The Bonds are issued In 91000s. 9500s and 200. The Conpona are payable in the city of PLiladelhia on the flrst days of April and October. Tree of State anil United States Taxes. The price at preseat ia SO and Accrued Interest in Currency. This Koad, with its oonneption with the Peunnylvania Railroad at Lewistown, brings the Anthracite Coal Fields G7 MILES nearei the Western end Southwestern markets. With thin advantage it will control tint trade. The Lumber Trade, and the immense and valuable deposit of ores in this section, together with the thickly peopled district through which it runs, will secure it a very large an 1 profitable trade. Wai. PAINTER it CO., Dealers in Government Securities, Kq. 3G South THIRD Street, Jtf4p PHILADELPHIA. JayC00ICE&jP rillLADELrHIA, NEW YORK, AND WASHINGTON, 15ANKERS, AND Iealsri in Government Securities. Fpwilal attention plven to the Purch no au1 Sa,e of Uouds afiP)iocks on Commission, at the doard of rjn era in tnls and other citib. iNTKfEST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MAD1 ON ALL OlNTS. OOl.l) AND KILVJtK BOUoUT AND SOLD. KdiiihlH hailroud Bonils for investment. Paiupbleia aud full Inforruatim given at our onioe, No. lit SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. flO I 3m O R 8 Six Per Cent. Loan of the City of Williamiport, Pennsylvania, FREE Or ALL TAXES, At 85, and Accrued Interest Thf-se Bonds are made absolutely sec a re l,y act o LepiKlature compelling the city to levy.suUloleut tax to pay Interest and principal. P. 8. PETERSON a CO.. No. 39 SOUTH THIRD STREET, U PHILADELPHIA UNITED STATES SECURITIES Bought, Sold and Exchanged on Host Liberal Terms. GOLD Bought and Sold at Market Rates. COTJPOHS CASHED raclfic Railroad Bonds BOUGHT AND SOLD. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commis sion Only. Account received and Interest allowed on Dally balances, subject to check at sight. DE HA YEN & BRO., No. 40 South THIRD Street. U PHILADELPHIA. C O U 1 O IV H. THE 7 PER CENT. GOLD COUPONS or TBI SUNBURY AND LEnlSTOWN RR. CO. Due October 1, Wlil be paid on and after that date at the Banking Houe of WM PAINTER & CO.. No. 36 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 9 81 22t J. O. I- BHIXDBL, Treasurer. L, V B FOR SALE. C. T. YERKES, Jr., I . CD., 5AKKKH8 AND BR0KEU3. No 20 South THIRD Street. in rniLAnjLriiiA, FIN AN DIAL.. JOHN S. RUSHTON & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. NOVEMBER COUPONS WANTED. Jity Warrants BOUGHT AND SOLD. No. CO South THIRD Stroot, 8 28 PHILADELPHIA. QI.I :IIA.-M.MJ, IVV1M Ac CO., No. 43 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GlEtiDINfilftG, DAVIS & AFilQBY, Ko. 17 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, BANKERS AND BROKERS. lU'celvedrposlts subject to check, a'low Interest on standing and temporary balances, and execute orders promptly for the purchase ami sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD, la either city. Dliect teicgraph communication from Philadelphia house to New York. 1 9 . TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS. The cheapest Investment authorized by law are General Mortgage Bonds of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. APPLY TO D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Ho. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. tl. JMIISQH & GO. SUCCESSORS TO 2 KtliLY oM BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Geld, Silver and Government Bonds At Closest Market Bates. 17. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Stt. epeclal attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS la New York and Phlladphia stock Boards, eta eta. Ml 203 J203 imBRissorj gh.2io, BANKER. DEITSIT ACCODN'18 RKCKJVED AND INTER EST ALLOWKn ON DAILY BALANCES OEDSUS PhOjJPTLY EXECUTED FOR THE PbhCH ASE A.N1J bALE Ob1 ALL RELIABLE SE CIRITIKS. C:OI.I ECTION8 MADS EVKRYVVnERK. RliAL ESTATE COLLATERAL LOAMS NEGO TIATED. 18 21 6m No. 203 S. SIXTH St., PMlada. FRED. FAIRTU0HKK. TUEO. D. RAND. FAIRTHOKFJE & RAND, Linr and Collection OIHce. No 17 South THIRD Stroot. PHILADELPHIA. DRAFTS AND NOTES NEGOTIABLE COLLECTED Prompt attention given to CLAIMS of all kinds la tl'. City of Philadelphia, and throughout the United States and Canadas. AFFIDAVITS AND ACKXOW EDOMENT tar en for all the States. 9 1 2 1 rurp FIRE AND BURCL-AR PROOF SAFE MARVIN'S. SAFES. The Best Quality! The Lowest Prices! The Largest Assortment! Fire-nroof. Burglar-proof. MARVIN'S CHROME IRON SriIERICAL lJurg-lai' Safe Will resist all BURGLAR S IMPLEMENTS for any leiigtn oi lime, i ituae suua lor catalogue. MARVIN & CO., Ho. 721 CXIZSSrJUT Street, (MASONIC HALL,) PHILADELPHIA. 2M Broadway, N. Y. It Bank St., Cleveland, Ohio, A number of Second-hand Safes, of different makes and size, for sale vjsk y low, bafes, Machinery, etc.. moved and hoisted promptly and carelully. at reasonable rates. 11 7 fmwdiu ENGINES. MACHINERY, ETO "f"JV PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER . 1 V.. " i . . 1 . A 1JU ' . I X X CAt. AM) THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA CI11NIST8, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been In aucoessf dl operation, aud been exclusively engaged lu building aud repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, etc. etc., respectfully oirer tueir servleea to the public as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizess, Marine, River, aud Stationary; having sets of patterns of diileieut sizes, are pre pared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at tne shortest notice. High and Low Pressure Fine Tubular and C yliuder Boilers of tbe best Pennsylvania Charcoal Iron. Forgings of all size and kinds. Iron and Erass CasTinps of all descriptions. Roll Turning, rcrew Cuuiug. and all other work connected with the alwve business. .... , Draw iuea and speculations for all work done the establishment free of charge, and work gua- Thesubscrtbers have ample wharf dock-room foi renatia of boats, where they can lie In penfect sJttv and are provided with Bhr8, blocks, falls, otc tic.. lor raisiiig heavy or ltflt weights, oic, tit., JACOB NKAFIK, JOHN P. LEVY, . I lt BEACH and PALMER Streets. piRAFD TUBE V,'ORKS AND IRON CO. JOHN H. MURPHY, President, ' rUlLAPtl.PUIA, Va. MANUKACTURK WKOL'OHT-IRON PIPE and bnndrks for Plumbers, Oss and Stem Fltr WORKS. TV ENTY-TIllRDsud FILBERT Street Ont ud WareliniiiiK, ADO HON SALES, MTHOMA8 h. BONH, N0. 131 AND 141 S. FOURTH STREET, ' Bale No. ir,i Arch street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIER Mif!R")RS. Carpets, superior Stelnwsy Piano, Si'.in Car taius, etc. On Wednesday Mornlnir, October 12. at 10 o'clock, at No. 10i4 Arch '.reet. by catalogue, the entire Fumlture. l ataiognea now ready. io io 2t THOMAS BJRCH SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHB. NUT Street; rear entrance No, 1101 Sanson, street. Sale No. 1110 Chesnut street IARGE CLOSING SALE OF MEssitS. JOSEPH DEAK1N A SONS' Fine Sheffield Plated Ware anl fine Table Cutlery. on Tnpsdfl? Morning, At 10M o'clock, at No 1110 Chesuut street, will be held a closing sale ol Messrs. Joseph Dcak'u A Sons' celebrated Sheffield Plated Ware and Table Cutlery, consisting in part of oyster and soup tu reens; entree dishes; gold-lined tea sots of six pieces, with urns to match; cake baskets; wine castors; butter dishes, etc. CITLEKY. Also, a very large assortment of fine Ivory handle table and tea knives, with carvers and steeU to mntch. Tlie goods can be examined on Monday. 10 S Stt Sale at No. im Chesnut street (Oirard Rown. LA ROE SPECIAL SALK. OF OVER 100 FRENCH Plate, Mantel, Pier, and Chamber Olasses; Fiue Bouquet, Pier, and Base Tables of New Designs. with Marbles. On Thnrsdnv Morning, October 13, at 11 o'clock, at No. 1117 Chesnnt street, will be sold, without reserve, over loo French plate mantel and pier glasses of the latest patterns, w lib gold gilt and walnut and gold frames, manu roctured by the best workmen. Also a haudsome assortment of bouquet, pier, console, and bracket tables or new designs, with various stvles of marble Siabs. The soods will be arrauged for exami nation on Tuesday and Wednesday, with cata logue loj 6t. BUNTING, DURBOROW A CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nos. S32 and 834 MARKET street, comer of Bank street. Successors to John B. Myers A Co. SALE OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, SHOE 3, TRAVEL LING BAUS, HATS, ETC., On Tuesday Morning, Oct. 11, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. ALSO, llfO feet of undressed and French Morocco. 105 5t LARGE SALE OF BRITISH,-FRENCH. GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. On Thursday Morning, 10 T 6t October 13, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS, (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & Sous.) Ho. 304 Chesnut St., rear entrance Irom Minor. CHANGE OF DAY. Our Regular Weekly Sales at the Auction Rooms will hereafter be held EVERY MOXDA. SALE OF FINE OIL PAINTINGS, In htudsome Frames From Private Collections. On Wednesday Morning, October 12, at 11 o'clock. 10 14t Sale at No. 1M'9 Olrard avenue . HANDSOME WALNUT IlOU81ilI'.Ll) FURNI TURE, Elegant Mantel Mirror, Splendl l Wardrobe, Fine BiUSjels, Velvet and other Oarputs, Etc. On 1 hursday Morumg, r 13, at io o'clock, at No. lnr.a Glrard avenue, the entire handsome household furnlt ire, etc io 6 Gt BY BARRITT ii CO., AUCTIONEERS CASH AUCTION nOUSK,' No. S30 MARKET Street, corner of Bank street. Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge. 1184 CONCERT nALL AUCTION ROOMS, No. 1S1I CHESNUT T. A. MCCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER. Personal attention given to sales of household fur niture at dwellings. Public sales of furniture at the Auction Rooms, No. 110 Chesnut street, every Mondav and Than day. For particulars ree "Public Ledger." N. I'.. A supe rior Ci&js of furniture at private sals O S B P II P E N N E Y (flgStf M O. AUCTIONEER. No. 130? CHESNUT bTREET, N S T. LOUIS, AUCTION HOUSE OF ITARVEY 4 TYLER, Nos. 119, 121, and 123, corner FIFTH and PINS Streets, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. We have a large aud commodious Building erected by us expressly lor the Auction and Com mission business. fct. Louis is known to be the most rellab'e auction market in the West. Cash advanced on Consignments. Our Commissions from six to ten per cent. We refer to the Bankers and Merchants of St. Louis, Mo. G. A. BNO, No. 732 CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia, 8 lgfmwim General Agent. INSURANCE.. 1829 CUAllTER PE1 CHARTER PERPETUAL. 1Q7 1870. Franklin Fire taraice Ciipj OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, Nos. 435 and437 CHESNUT St Assets Aug. l l,70$3i009188B,24 CAPITAL 1400,000110 ACCRUED SURPLUS AND PREMIUMS.y,iWi,Ss8-24 INCOME FOR 1370, LOSSES PAID IN 1889, 1310,000. l44,03-42. Iosses pnltl since 1839 over $5,500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liber! Terms. The Company also Issues policies upon the Rert?H of all kinds of Buildings, Ground Rents, andMoitc Knees. The "FRANKLIN" has no DISPUTED CLAIM. DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker, Airrea inner, Thomas Sparks, William S. Grant, Thomas S. Ellis, Gustavus 8. Benson. Samuel urant, George W. Richards, Isaac Lea, George Fales, ALFRED G. BAKER, President GEORGE FALES, Vice-President. JAMES W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. I 19 THEODORE M. RJ.GER. Assistant Secretary. AS BURY LIFE INSURANCE CO. NEW TTORII. LEMUEL BANCS, President. GEOUOK ELLIOTT, Vice-Pres't aid 8ec'y. EMOKY McCLINTOCK, Actuary. PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGENCY, JAMF8 M. LONGACRE, Manager. H. C. WOOD, JK., M. 1)., Medical Examiner. Ofice, 302 WALNUT 8t, Philadelphia. REV. 8. POWERS, Special Agent. JAMES If. LONGACRiS, General Agent, B 83 mwfiy No. 308 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory. JOHN T. BAILEY, 'n. E. Cor. WATER and MARKET SU ROPE AND TWINE, BAG8 and BAGGING, fOf Grain, Flour, bait, Super-Phosphate of Lime, Bout Dust, Etc, Large and small GUNNY BAGS fionstantij oa hand. Also. WOOL BACKS. I OTl'ON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS.OF ALL numbers and brands. Tent, Aw mug. Trunk, and Wsgon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufac turers' Drier Felt, from thirty to aeventy-tU inchea, Paulina, Mu.& wtyfoSfa Ko. 10 CHUKtUI Street (Glt HioreaV I "Iil'SlNKSS MEN, BANKERS AND BROKERS, I) and ail other desirous of getting a drm-tlam i V KAi, at a reasonable price, call at tlie extenmva HI HK!M'nirr UK'nif". No. i) SomU JfXJCNI wt. f alladciphia, " I I