THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1870. HTBRATURIl. REVIEW OF NEW BOOKS. Claxton, Remsea it Ilaffelfinger Bend the following recent publications of Harper Jt Brothers: "Charles Dickens, tin Story of his Life," by the author of the "Life of Thacke jay," is, like all the biographies of the deceased novelist that have yet appeared, ft collection of ana rather than a satisfac tory record of Mr. Dickens' personal and artistic career. Taking it at this valuation, however, it is perhaps the best compilation that has yety been prodaoed. Many of its anecdotes and reminiscences will be new to the majority of readers, while its illustrations are exceedingly interesting. These include Maclise's portrait, taken in 18.1'J; Count d'Orsay's profile Bketch, made in 1811; C. It. Xi3slie's picture of Dickens in the character of "Captain Bobadil" in Ben Jonson's comedy of Every Man in his Humor, painted in 1840, and a copy of a photograph taken during the present year; also Dickens' various places of residence and other localities cele Lratt d in his works. "Recollections of Eton" is a record of schoo'-boy scrapes which gives an enter taining view of life in the most famous free school of England. This book does not rival "Tom Brown," but it will nevertheless be perueed with interest by a large class of reader1. It is embellished with a number of spirited illustrations. "Veronica" is a new novel by the author of "Aunt Margaret's Trouble," who is presumed npon good authority to be the daughter of Charles Dickens. It is a pleasant, well-written story, which shows that the author has inherited some- of her father's genius, although she is in no respect a copyist of his style. The French Grammars of MM. Noel and Cuapsal have long been standard text books in the French schools, and they are invariably recommended to advanced stu dents of the language who have completed a course of "Ollendorff." A translation of these grammars has long been desired, and the complete work, with the abridgment, which have just been issued from the press of George It. Lockwood, will be welcomed alike by teachers and students. The merits of the Ollendorff system for elementary instraction are not to be denied, but for the acquirement of a thorough knowledgo'of the French lan guage something more is required, find no thing better than the grammars of 2foel and Chapeal pan be found to be placed in tt5 fcRRfUof tho higher French classes in our schools and colleges. E. H. Butler & Co, are the Philadelphia agents for the sale of these works. J. B. Shelly &;Cd. send us "f aulLoring," by Mrs. E. Boyd) ft 'religious story for chUdrvii Fart No. 42 of "Zell's Popular Ency clopedia" brings the work doarn to the title "Nippenose." Among the prominent subjects treated are "Natolia," "Naval Ar chitecture," "Navigation," "Nebraska," 'Nebula," "Needle-gun," "Lord Nelson," "Nervous," "Nevada," "New Hampshire," "New Jersey," "New Orleans," "Newspaper, ' "New York," and "Nile." Hie Manvfaclurcr and Builder for Sep tember has an interesting and valuable series of scientific and practical articles on subjects connected with manufactures, architecture, and building. TJie Modem Thinker is the title of what promises to be a semi-occasional publica tion, provided sufficient encouragement is received by its conductors to warrant its con tinuance. The editor is D. Goodman, who announces himself to be a philosopher of the school of Comte, but the pages of the magazine if we may call it so are to be open for the free discussion of every subject under the sun, especially those that combat the prevailing ideas on the subject of morals and religion. The style of the work may be surmised from its title and from the table of contents, which is as follows: "Egotisms," the editor; "The Last Word about Jesus," John Flake; "King Wealib Coming," I). (ioodinan; "The Posltivist Problem," Frederic Har rison; "What of the Future? The Future of Mar riageSteam as a Factor iu Sociology," 1). (i. C'roly ; Trie feexual (iuestloB," : "Scleiitltic Propaga tion," John H. Noyes; "Religion and Hcicnce" (a review of Herbert Spencer), Professor J. D. Bell ; What We Believe" (a dialogue), ; "Subli mated" (a poem), F. Q. F. : "(rood and Evil their Origin," Professor Anure Poey; "Comte'a Imaaity," Professor Andre Poey ; "The Subjection of Women," Auguste Comte: "rebuilding the Temple," Salem Dutcher; "Love Life of Auguste Comte," Jennie JuneCrolv: "Lucie" (a novelette), "Thoughts of a Flower," Clotilda do Vaux: "The Seleutiuo Basis of Orthodoxy," Francis Gerry Fairilcld; "Social Re construction," Albert Brisbane. Some of these articles are from the pen of writers of talent, but the majority of them indicate merely a remarkable ability to mul tiply words without knowledge. The most striking feature of the work, however, is the rainbow-tints of its pages. The editor proposes to introduce an important reform by discarding white paper and black ink, which he declares to be "murderous outrages upon the sense of sight" a proposition which we will not dispute, but will merely forewarn any prospective reader of The Modern Thinker that a single perusal of its vari colored pages will do more damage to the best pair of eyes ever made than a dozen years close study of the black-and-white presswork that Mr. Goodwin declares to be "simply infamous and damnable," and we fear that 2 he Modern Thinker is as impracti cal in this as it is in ether matters of even greater importance. MUSIC OF TIIE WAR. From the PaU Mall Gazette. The "Marseillaise" is still the great popu lar and patriotic song of France, and there was scarcely a theatre in l'aris last week at which it was not sung. At the opera it is Introduced, more or less appropriately, both in La Muette de 1'vrtki (our MatanitUo) and in (Juillaume Tell. The threatening invaders fancy themselves for the moment invaded. 'La patrie" is considered to be in danger, and the duet "L'&mour sacre de la patrie," in the former, and nil the patriotic utterances of Arnold in the latter, are uproariously ap plauded. The sola verses in "La Marseil laise" are sung by Madame, who wtiucit Lt-tfevii ivt i'u uucttJuiuu iu a costume of white trimmed with goll. and carries a tricolor. The fervor with which Madame Sass declaims against the ene mies of France is said to be very fine; the finest thing about it beinj, perbap (a fact which seems to escape notice), that Madanae Bass is not a French woman but a German. On the first occasion of her introducing, the "Marseillaise" (in the finish to the third act of La Murtle, immediately after the chorus of insurgents) a number of persons in the boxes, the Dnke and Duchess de Monchy among the number, stood up, and M. Euiile de Girardin cnlled out in a strident voice, "Every one on his feet!" when the whole house rose. On Monday, when Tonsord's Lion Amou rcax was played at the Theatre Franoais, the lines in which the hero describes the repulso of "ail Europe" (the French, it seems, are at war with "all Europe') by the recruits of the revolutionary army was frantically ap plauded; and when Bressant came to this passage LT.urope se malt tout cnttere sur nous; lis ont fait bc drepsor, juste nu inois ou nous sommes, (natorze corp.s d'armee ft dmizc cent nillle hommes, (,'tn, la pique a la main, en hall Inns, sans soaliers, Ont repousse l assaut de dix rots allies there was but one cry in the theatre, "La "Marseillaise!" Mad'lle Agar showed herself equal to the situation. Dressed in the anti que white and gold, she "rushed upon the stage and foremost standing suDg !" A doubt less competent critic from whom derive these facts declares that Mad'lle Agnr, who is not an operatic artiste but a tragic actress, pos sesses a voice which is "male ot meme mas culine." In English we should say "mascu line and even manly." At the Opera Comique the "Marseillaise" is sung by Mignon. The new version of "Mignon pensant a la patrie" is given by M'me Galli-Marie, the Mignon in ordinary of the establishment; and given with so much furia that the last verse is encored and re peated by the entire audience. At the Vaudeville, the soloise of "La Mar seillaise" is M'me Laurent, and the popular Theresa sings the couplets at La Gaite. At some of the Paris theatres, after "La Marseillaise" a cry is raised for "Le Ehin Allemand" not Becker's, naturally, but Alfred de Musset's. A dozen musical settings of this song have appeared, the most popular of which are those by Felicien David (the old, original setting), by Delioux, and by Vancorbert. Not only new patriotic songs in honor of France but also new patriotic songs in con tempt of Prussia are appearing. Gustavo Nadand, who is to Berangpr about wbal Samuel Lover was to Moore, has issued ' 'La Complainte du Grand Prussien" and "Le Vin du Khin." In the latter composition that "petit vin blanc'' which, according to Alfred de Musset, was offered in such profusion by the lthenish maidens to the soldiers of France, is put (as many will think even in England) in its proper place, far below the generous wines of France. However much bibulous critics may dissent from M. Nadaud's I opinions, it is undoubtedly a fact that, what ever otner uuuuuu may imnK oi uerman winfi, the Fienul: !?'$ think ir? while French, wine is greatly in demand tdl over Germany. However, let r v. speak for himself. Vin allemand nut nais dans les caillon. A l'etranger tu peux t'cu faire aocroire ; Mais tu u'es pas pour etre bu par nous ; Va done ailleurs te faire boire ! Avec le Rliin, Ton fieuvo souveratrj, Que vers le nord tea not s'epanclie Viu sans coulcur, Vin sans chaleur, Vin saus valour, Plquette blanche. Subscription lists in connection with the national fund for the relief of the sick and wounded among tho French troops have been hung up in all the theatres. These lists in clude the name of every singer, every actor, every musician, every employe. The two directors of the Opera Comique have sub scribed lOOOf. each; Achard, the tenor, 100f.; Condere, second tenor, fUf. It is expected that several managers will give performances for the benefit of the fund, and one such representation is already announced by the manager of the Porte St. Martin. As at the theatres, so at the public schools; and a yeuthful correspondent at Abbeville informs us that at the college of that city the pupils have declined to receive prizes at the coming annual distribution; and will content them selves with certificates; the money which would otherwise have been spent in books to be devoted to the national fund. The question has been asked whether Ilerr Flotow, or Flottow, or, more correctly still, Freiherr von Flottow, will go to the wars. The composer of L' Ombre is not in the mili tary service, and being now in his fifty-ninth year, will not be expected to volunteer. The probable attitude of Offenbach has also ex cited some interest. Offenbach is a native of Cologne; but the birthplace of his reputa tion is Les Bouffes Parisiens. Between the birthplace of his body and that of his fame the composer of "Bu qui s'avance" has not hesitated. He has openly declared for France, and has set to musio a song called "Dieu garde l'Empereur." SPECIAL. NOTICES. gg- THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE 1NSU- SEPTEURRR B. 1S70. The Directors have this day declared a dividend Of SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS per share on the stock of the Company for the last six months, which will be paid to the stockholders or uieir legal representatives, arter tne lsth Inst. S9t VJL U. CROW ELL, Secretary. aS- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TU1T AN application wiH be made at the next meeting of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the Incorporation ot a Bank, In ac cordance with the laws of the Commonwealth, to be entitled THB BRIDESUUR i BANK, to be located at Philadelphia, witn a capital of one hundred ttiou sand dollars, witn the right to increase the same to five hundred thousand dollars. Efea- BATCHELOR-S HAIR DYE.-TIII3 SPLEN- did Hair Dve is the best In the world, the onlv true and perfect Dye. Harmless Reliable Instan taneous no disappointment no ridiculous tints "liuf not tontuin Lead nor any Vitalic Poiaon to in jure the Hair or Sjntevi." Inv igorates the Hair and leaves It soft and beautiful ; Black or Brown. Sold by all DrnggiBts and dealers. Applied at the Factory, No. 10 BOND Street, New York4 87 mwf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made at the next meeting of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the Incorporation of a Bank, la ac cordance with the laws of the Commonwealth, to be entitled THE BULL'S HEAD BANK, to be located at Philadelphia, with a capital of one hundred thou sand dollars, with the tight to Increase the same to live hundred thousand dollars. jgy TREGO'S TEABERRY TOOTHWASU. It Is the most pleasant, cheapest and best dentifrice extant. it. warranted iree irom injurious Ingredient It Preserves and Whitens the Teeth I invigorates ana oooineB tne uamsi Purines and Perfumes the Breath I Prevents Accumulation ef Tartar I Cleanses and Purities Artificial Teeth I Is a Superior Article for Children! Sold by all druggists and dentists. A. M. WILSON, Dragglst, Proprietor, 8110m Cor. NINTH ANDJFILBEKT Sta., Phl'.ada, tgy NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made at the next meeting of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the Incorporation of a Bank, iu ac cordance with tlie laws of the Common ealth, to be entitled TIIE AMERICAN EXCHANGE BNK, to be located at Philadelphia, with a capital of two tnndred and fif' thousand dollars, with the right tu incrtae the same to one million dollars. SPECIAL NOTICES. Pgy- T1TR PENNSYLVANIA F1KB IN8JR- At the Annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on Monday, September ft, 1S70, the following gentlemen were "duly elected Directors for the f mining ypr, viz.: DANIEL SSHTil. Jr.. HENRY LEWIS. ISAAC HAZLEHl'RST, J. il LLINUIIAM FELL, THOMAS KOHINS, pANIKLH AD JOCK, Jr., JOHN DEVERELX, FRANKLIN A. COSILY. THOMAS SMI'IH, I And at a meeting of the Directors on the same day, DANIEL SMITH, Jr., Esq., was unanimously re-ilected President. 9 7 Vt WILLIAM O. CROWELL. Secretary. t0 VNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA TUB Collegn Year will open on THURSDAY, Sep tember 10. Candidates for admission will present themselves at 10!tf o'clock on that day. FRANCIS A. JACK80N, 9 6 lot Secretary. Kay NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made at the next meeting of theOencral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Rank, la accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth, to be entitled THE NATIONAL BANK, to be located at Philadelphia, with a capital of one hundred thou sand dollars, ith the right to Increase the same to one million dollars. TI1E UNION FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Manufacture and sell the Improved, Portable Fire Extinguisher. Alwayi Reliable. D. T. GAGS, B SO tf No. 118 MARKET St., General Agent. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TIIATAN application will be made at the next meeting of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank, in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth, to be entitled THE SCHUYLKILL RIVER BANK, to be located at Philadelphia, with a capital of one hun dred thousand dol'ars, with the right to inorease the same to rive hundred thousand dollars. yUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL, 2,000,000. SALINE. ALLEN fc DULLES, Agents, 2? FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. HEAP'UARTEK8 FOR -EXTRACTING Teeth with freh Nitrous-Oxide Qua. Absolutely bo pain. Dr. K. R. THOMAS, formerly operator at the (Jo It on Dental Rooms, deTotea hi entire practice to the rainlees extraction oi teeth. Office, No. 811 WALNUT Street. 1 M WARDALE G. MCALLI8TER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, No. 803 BROADWAY, New York. i? J A HI E 8 M. S C O V E L, LAWYER. No. 113 PLUM STREET, CAMDEN, N. J. Collections made anywhere Inside of New Jer sey. 8 16 30t POLITICAL.. FOR SHERIFF, WILLIAM R. LEEDS, TENTH WARD. 17 11 U FOR REGISTER OF WILLS, 1670, W ILLI All M. BUNS, SIXTEENTH WARD. Late Private Company F, 72d P. V. T 11 tf WATCHES. JEWELRY, ETC. 'JWIS LADOM-US & CO 'DIAMOND DEALERS JEWELERS.) WATCHES, JEWEMtr AS1LVKU VYAHK. WATCHES md JEWELRY REPAIRED. 02 Chestnut St., PhU DAND BRACELETS. CHAIN BRACELETS. We have Just received a large and beautiful as sortment of Gold Sand and Chain Bracelets, Enamelled and engraved, of all sizes, at very low low prices. New styles constantly received. WATCHES AND JEWELRY in great variety. LEWIS LADOMCS & CO., D 11 fmwi No. 602 cnsSNUT Street. TOWER CLOCKS. Cj. XV, UL8SELL, No. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Agent for STEVENS' PATENT TOWER CLOCKS, both Remontolr &. Graham Esuapement, striking hour only; or striking quarters, and repeating hour on full chime. Estimates furnished on application either person ally or by malL 525 WILLIAM B. WARNE & CO., Wholesale Dealers In TTATI11IV41 1 vn lrivir! nv k B. corner KEVENTU and CUESNUT Street. 8 !iil Second door, and late of No. 85 S. THIRD St. CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, ETC QLOTH HOUSE. J A M E 8 & H U D E R, Io. 11 Iorth gECOXO Street, Sign of the Golden Lamb, Are w receiving a large and splendid assortment of new styles of FANCY OASSIMERES And standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS and COATINGS, (3 83 mwS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. QENT.'S FURNISHING QOOD8. "PATENT BHOULDER'BBAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECTLY FITTING SHUITS AND DRAWERS made from measurement at very short notice. All other articles of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS goods in run variety. WINCHESTER fc CO., 11 9 No. 708 CUESN UT Street. FURNACES. Established in 1835. Iovariablj tha greatest iuccm over all oompetitioat wbecovu and wherever exhibited or died in the UNITED STATKS. CHARLES WILLIAMS' Patent Golden Eagle Furnaces, Acknowledged by tha leading ArebJtacU and Builders be tbe moat powerful and durable Furnaces offered, ana tha moat prompt, arstematio, and Urgeat bona, in Una of busioeka. HEAVY REDUCTION IN PRICES, and only firat-olaaa work turned out. No. 1132 and 1131 MARKET Street, PHILADKLPUU. W. B.-BFND FOR BOOK AJ4D VENTILATION. OF FAOTS ON HEA1 FINANCIAL. jAYC0QKE5;(p. pniLADELTinA, NEW YORK, AND WASHINGTON, B A N K E R a arm Dealeri In Government 8ccuritlet Bpecud attention gl?en to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board o Broken in this and other clUoa. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADS ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND 80Lt. RELIABLE RAILROAD EONDS FOR INVEST s KENT. Pamphlets and fnll Information given at our offlce, No. 1 14 S. TIIIIXJJ Street, PHILADELPHIA. fl 1 ton FOR SALfc. FINE SUGAR PLANTATION FOR SALE. Situated in the State of Louisiana, parish of Flaquemines, at about thirty-five miles below the city of New Orleans, on the left bank or the river Mississippi. Having a front of about thirty-six acres on said rlvc1, by a depth of about thirty-seven acres, making a superficies of thirteen hundred and twenty three acres, about four hundred acres of which are under cultnre, the greater portion planted with sugar-cane. A sufficient quantity of seed-cane will be reserved to plant about one hundred acres next season. With all necessary buildings, Including a fine dwelling-house, sugar-house, with steam sugar mill, and the milieux apparatus, all complete, and In actual use, laborers' quarters, stables, etc. This plantation is susceptible of making three to four hundred hogsheads of sugar next year, and tho crop can easily be raised to six hundred hogsheads, and even more. Titles Indisputable. This line property will be sold low, to close a con- Ccin. For further particulars apply to L. MOSS, ' No. 206 WALNUT Street, 9 S mwf lm Philadelphia. FOR SALE A VERY VALUABLE HOTTstt iiil and LOT at the N. W. corner of Forty second street and Kingsessing avenue. House Diiiu oi nrown stone, tnree stories, contain ing 16 rooms, and finished in the best and most sub stantial manner, with all the modern Improvements one of tho most desirable houses In West Phila delphia, Property should be seen to be appreciated. Persons wishing to know the terms and examine the ropertycan (to so Dy caning on jammh sklc ,EHS. until 8Jrf P. M.. at No. 144 S. SIXTH Street. and lu the evening at No. BOO S. FORTY-SECOND street. tutr m F O It s E. A NEW AND ELEGANT BROWN-STONE RESI DENCE, East sld of Logan Sqare. Replete with every convenience. Inquire at premises. Lot 22 by 160 feet. 9 2 lm TO RENT. TO REST TO A QUIET GENTLEMAN A a private family. Inquire at 9 14 lOt No. 33 S. ELEVENTH Street. rjX) RENT THE STORE NO. 722 CUESNUT Street. Apply on the premises between 10 and 12 o'clock A. M. 8 IT tf 8AFE DEPOSIT COMPANIES. CECURITY FROM LOSS BY BURGLARY, ROBBERY, FIRE, OR ACCIDENT. The Fidelity Insurance, Trust, and Safe Deposit Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. IN TEEIB Kew Marble Fire-proof Building, Noa. 3-JU-331 CUESNUT Street. Capital anbaoribed, 8 1,000,000 1 paid. 8530,000. COUPON BONDS, 8TOCK8. BKOURITIR. FAMILY PLATK, COIN, DbKDH, and VALUABLES of ererf description received for aaf a-keeping, under guarantee, at Tery moderate rale a. The Company also rent SA KK8 INSIDE TIIEfR BUB, GLAU-f HOOK VAUL'iS, at pricea varying from 415 to J7 a year, according to Bite. An extra aize for Corpora tions and bankers. Hoouia and 4eak adjoining vault provided for haie Kenteaa. DEPOSITS OF MONEY RKOFP7ED ON INTEREST, at three per cent, payable by check, without notioe, and at four per cent., payable by check, on tea days' notioe. TRAVELLERS' LETTKRS OF CREDIT foraiehed available in all parta of Europe. INCOME COLLECTED and remlfaod for ope per cent. The Company act aa EXECUTORS, ADHINlHTR A. TOkS. and t.l)ARDIAJS. and Kfc-UEl Vi and HXtt. CUTK TKU8T8 of every deaoription,Jrom tne Oourw, Corporation, and Indivtduala. N. B. BROWNE. President - i t i a Li L. r: it ROBERT PACTKa&TORs!kr' Tre'urr A BiAVaVflff fTaanavW Clarence ri. Clark, John Welsh, Charles MacalesWr, Stephen A. 'Jaldtrell, OeorKe F. fyler, II Ilrlra t I., J. Uillinguam Fo'll, Henry Pratt n. 5 Ufmwi SUMMER RESORTS. QONC RE 8 8 HALL. GATE MAY, N. J., Opens June 1. doses October 1 Mark and Simon Hassler'a Orchestra, and Sal Military Band, of 120 pieces. v TERMS 130 per day June and September. I4-00 per day July and August. The new wing is now completed. Applications (or Rooms, address 4 16 3t J. F. PAKE. Proprletaa- A TLANTIO CITY. ROSED ALE COTTAGE. JY VI ROIKI A. tetweeu Atlantic and Pacitlc ave nues. MRS. K. LUNORKN. formerly ot TUJH TEfcNTU and ARCH, Proprietress. Board from. 110 to 1 10 per wees. i 11 mwaii riMIE "ClIALFONTK." ATLANTIC CITY. N X J., is bow open. Railroad from tbe house to the bearb. JCLUtliA KObKHTa. 11 am Proprietor. TOIIN FARNUM & CO., COMMISSION MJER U fee UUU&UT tttWt,rillUdlMtila MNANOIAL, UNITED STATES SECURITIES Bought, Sold and Exchanged on Host Liberal Terms. O O Li JO Bought and Sold at Market Bates. COUPONS CASHED Pacific Railroad Bonds BOUGHT AND SOLD. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commis sion Only. Acconnts received and Interest allowed on Dallj Balances, subject to cneck at sight. - DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South THIRD Street, a 611 PHILADELPHIA. JOHN S. RUSHTOH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. NOVEMBER COUPONS WANTED. City Warrants BOUGHT AND SOLD. No. 50 South THIRD Street, 8 2C8 PHILADELPHIA. p O R SALE. Six Per Cent Loan of the City of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, FREB OF ALL TAXES, At 85, and Accrued Interest These Bonds are made absolutely secure by act o Legislature compelling the city to levyumcient tax to pay interest and principal. P. 8. PETERSON ft CO., No. 39 SOUTH THIRD STREET, U PHILADELPHIA NOTICE. TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS. The cheapest Investment authorized by law are General mortgage Bonds of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. APPLY TO D. C. WHARTON SMITH CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 BOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Ifo. 43 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GlEHQINNING, DAVIS I AMORT, No. 17 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Receive dePoslts subject to check, Allow Interest on standing ' t temporary balances, and execute orders promptly for the purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD, In either city. Direct telegraph communication from Philadelphia bouse to New ork. 1 1 E lliott u Dunn BANKERS Sfo. 109 BOUTH THIRD STREET, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT 8ECUBJ. TIES, GOLD BILLS, ETCX DRAW BULLS OF EI CHANGS AND ISSUE COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT ON THE UNION BANK OF LONDON. ISSUE TRAVELLERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, available throughout Europe. WU1 collect ail Conpona and Interest free of okarn for parties rnaklng their financial arrangementa with us. B. E. JAMISON & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO JT. JT. KELLY Sc CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Qold, Silver and Government Bonds At Closest market Hatet , IT, W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT 8U. Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS in New York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, eta, eta SILVER FOE BALE. C. T. YERKES, Jr., & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Ho. SO South THIRD Street. 1H S03 PTTTT.A k: S03 Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory, JOHN T. BAILEY. N. E. Cor. WATER and MARKET Sts ROPE AND TWINK, BAGS and BAGGING. fOS Gralu, Flour, Salt, Super-Phosphate of Lime, Bom Dust, Etc large nd small OTJNNY BIOS instantly on told. AUW, WOOL SACH& I MNANOIAL A DESIRABLE m Safe Home Investment THIS Sunbury and Lewislown Railroad Company Oflor 91,300,000 Bonds, bearing 7 Per Cent. Interest In tiold, Secured ly a First and Only Mortgage. The Bonds are Issued in f ldOOs. $300s and (300s. The Conpona are payable in the city of Philadelphia on the first days of April and October, Free of State and United States Taxes. The price at present is 90 and Accrued Interest in Currency. This Road, with Its connection with tha Pennsylvania Railroad at Lewistown, brings the Anthracite Coal Fields 67 MILES nearer the Western and Southwestern markets. With this advantage it will control that trade. The Lumber Trade, and the immense and valuable deposit of ores in this section, together with the thickly peopled distriot through which it runs, will secure it a very large and profitable trade. WM. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Dealers in Government Securities, fJo. 36 South THIRD 8treet, 9tf4p PHILADELPHIA, Wilmington and Reading RAILROAD Seven Per Cent. Bonds, FREE OF TAXES. We are offering $300,000 ot the Second Mortgage Ilonds ot tills Company AT 82$ AND ACCRUED IIFTERESTV For tbe convenience of Investors tbcae Bonds are Issued In denominations of 1000s, 9500s, and 100s. Tbe money is required for tbe parcbase of addi tional Boiling Stock and tbe fall equipment of tbe Road. Tbe road la now finished, and doing a business- v largely In excess of tbe anticipations of Its officers. Tbe trade offering necessitates a large additional outlay for rolling stocfc, to afford fall facilities for Its prompt transaction, tbe present rolling stock not being sufficient to accommodate tbe trade. WEI. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, No. 36 South THIRD Street, B B PniLADBLPHIAi A LEGAL INVESTMENT FOB Truste es. Executors and Administrator!, WE OFFER FOR BALB 22,000,000 or mi Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s GCILUAL MORTGAUE Six - Per Cent. Bonds at 95 And Interest Added to the Date f Purchase. All Free from State Tax, and Issued In Sums of f 1000. These bonds are coupon and registered, Interest on tbe former payable January and July 1; on tbe latter April and October 1, and by an act of tbe Legislature, approved April 1, 1370, are made a LEGAL INVESTMENT for Admln'strators, Ex ecu. tors, Trustees, etc For farther particulars apply to lay Cooke Sc Co., K. W. Clark He Co., IV, II. rtewbold. Son & Aertsen C. aV II. llorle. 91 lm XTARXIISSOU OZXAX&IIO, RANKER. PEPCSIT ACCOUNTS RECEIVED iin) INTER- J OHDKL8 PKOMPTLY EXECUTED FOR THB PUKCbAHK ANK SALE OF ALL UELLABLB UE CTKITIKW. COLLECTIONS MAPS EVERYWHERE. REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL LOAUd NtGO TIATE1X ' 18 81 tin No. ccs s. sixrn cu, r.ucuu