TEE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 187C. MUSICAL. Attn DRAMATIC. The CUT Amniifinrit. At jheWalnut Mr. Forrest will personate "Ricbolleu" this evening. At Tn Arch the drama of Fernande will be performed this evening. At th Eleventh Strbet Opera Hotjsb fine programme of nilnstrolsy will be presented this evening. At thk ARcn Street Opera Horsa songs, dances, and Ethiopian burlesques will be given this evening. At tub American a variety of attractions will be offered this evening. Das Rice's Oreat Circus will exhibit fir the Vst times this afternoon and evening on Eighth street, between Hace and Vine. To-morrow the circus tent will bp pitched at the corner of berks and Fourth streets. Tns dramatic critic of the "uMfe ItmorA thus re fers to the menu of tox's American Theatre. That the houses are crowded, and the entertainment first- cisss, mere can ie imt one opinion : Fox's AKKittCAN Vartktikr. There in an old adage that "Merit will tnet with It a reward." There la no bet tor tllti.tratioa of tliia than the popular applame wbioh ererjr eraoinji irreata the etforta of Mr. Manager Koi, who ba made hia variety theatre one of the fixed inatitutiona of Philadelphia. When be ajets into hia more palatial eMahli'hment on Chrannt, shore Tenth, he oan congratu- Ute hlmaalf vmin bia great aucoeaa in hnmneaa. To thieve Una much reuiree oloae attention to busineas, conlinaona pnrarr-rance, liboralitjr, and judgment, espe cially In choosing bia aaalatanta. and, by hia nnostontatioaa dopnrtmont, he collected arnna him friamla wnoae Box1 opintona are wort a c tier i.hin. The entertainmenta at the Varietine are thrilling and citing, and aa the? all poawa merit moat or neoes any bacoma popular with the pnbllo. Hia minstrel per foi men are the mixit eminent in the aable profession. till ITKiUBt Faix OvKRCOATfl.il fine AKortmettt, very com 'rlable in plarr of the Linen iMtxter, for travelling at thin K'anon. frier moderate, " . , ( Bennett A- Co., ntif.teo,, brn I tower 11AI.L, Fra and Sixth .treet. o. 6i9 MARKET STREET. - Sia Moss Fasinr. This Is a new article of food, w tilt b we take pleasure In commending to our read ers. We have used It In our families, and have found It to be the most nutritions, delicate, and pa latable article for table use we have seen. It Is a light and agreeable farlne, very pleasant to the taste, rasy of digestion, and hence spe cially adapted to the use of the sick, the thou sands of dyspeptics among ns, and for young chil dren: besides, the Sua Moss, lis principal Ingredient, has many curative properties, and Is highly recom mended for pectoral and scrofulous affections, and Is perfectly harmless. Here, then, we have an entirely new article of food of the most delicate and Inviting character, adapted to the ure of the table for Blanc Mange, Puddings, Charlotte de Husse, etc., and almost In valuable for ue by the Invalid. It Is simple, deli cate, nutritious, harmless, remedial, and economi cal, as It can be furnished for one-third to one-half the cost of Corn Starch, Malzena, Farina, etc., for all of which It Is more than a substitute. It la made up without trouble, and will always be good. Try It ; and our word for it, you will continue in Its use. independent. FastLitiko Ann its consiotencks. When "fast life" has undermined the strength, destroyed the appetite, impaired the digestion, and stolen the hue of health from the check when the hand trembles, the spirits droop, and the whole physical and mental organization languishes, is It possible to re pair the evil and restore the dilapidated system to full health and vigor? We answer that It la. Hun dreds of cases have been cited, thousands might be cited, In which this regeneration has been accom plished by the regular and persistent use of Planta tion Bittehs. Abstinence from the Indulgences which have wrought the mischief is, of course, one of the means of restoration. But It Is not suffi cient alone. The consequences remain after the cause hat been abandoned, A wholesome and genial tonic Is absolutely necessary to rouse the cor poreal and mental energies from their state of col lapse. This good work It Is the mission of the Plan- tatlon Blttets to perform. But no other stimulant must be taken. The 15 Fall and Winter Srrrs, which are so popnlar at this time and so beautifully cut, made, and trimmed, and In such vast varieties that you have only to look upon them and they will speak to you not In an audible voice, but by a power more potent than words they will speak to your under standing, to your pecuniary interests, to your per sonal appearance, even to physical pewers, for they adorn you with a full chest and broad and square shoulders. There Is nothing to compete with the tis suits sold at the Oreat Brown Stone Hall, Nos. 603 and 60S Cdesmt street Mr. William w. Cassidt, the Jeweller at No. 8 Soath Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks of all kinds of Jewelry and Silver ware in the city. lie has also on hand a One assort ment of fine American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this store at the present time are certain to get the worth of their money. ;oiko1 Goiko! Gone! Faster than the auc tioneer's hammer knocks down merchanllse, npcrWt dlannaea of thn teeth. Bid. therefore, for that prize of life, a perfect set, by brushing them regularly with hozonoxT. Promptness, energy, and perseverance have es tablished a reliable, cheap and first-class Curtain, Shade, Bedding, and Upholstery Store In the well- known house of Albertson & Co.. No. 1430 CUesnut. street. i The late improvements In the American House, Boston, leave little to be wished for by those, who quarter under the roof of this leading hotel. Every thing fresh and nice; all Improvements added, and the unequalled management of the past continued . 'Spaldino's gi.uk" has now taken the place of all Ctmenta and Mucilages. iu:i. Bray On Monday, 12th instant, Samcil Bbat. The relatives and friends or tne lamuy, aiso Key stone Lodge. No. 871. A. Y. M., are respectfully In vited to attend tne funeral, from hm late resident lam street, between Thirty-fourth ami Tuirtr-flfth (late Mantua), on Thursday afternoon next, 1Mb Instant, at 8g o'clock. To proceed to Mount Morlah Cemetery. New York and Baltimore papers please copy. Gkakp. Suddenly, on Monday afternoon, Mrs .irniTii (liii r. widow of the late Frederick ilratf. Funeral from her late residence. No. 133T Arch 6treet, on Thursday afternoon at 8 o'clock. ' LYONS CHIOS tilt.UNS BLACK SILKS, 11 50 : :c.io A YAK 1. SS'OOj BESS0N & SON, Mourning Dry Goods House, No. OIO CHE8NUT Street. Hf, Jl. Cheney llros, American (Gros Grain lllaclc Bilk REDUCED TO tl M A YAW D. 148t WANTS. -7ANTBI.-SPINNBR8, TUKNERS. FILKKS, V Cnsters, and Machlnlsta wanted by BtKKlt, ARNOLD Co.. Manufacturer of Du mturea, S. W. corner TWELFTH and BROWN Streets, Philadelphia U 3t TfI7 ANTED A COMPETENT ORGANIST FOR YV a first class choir In a city church. Address, with references, "Quartette," offlue of tlila prer. - . . - U i OAS FIXTURES. CORNELIUS & SONS, NA1LTACTURCI19 OP GAS FIXTURES. Wholesale and Retail Salesrooms. No. 821 CHERRY Street, PHILADELPHIA. IV c bare no store or salesroom ' on Cliesnut street . S 14 Sm5p CORNELIUS & SONS. BAKER, ARNOLD- & CO., fflAIiUFACTIJBERS OF GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, PENDANTS, BRACKETS, ETC., Ol Every Design. S. W. Corner TWELFTH and BROWN, 8 S3 !mrp PHILADELPHIA. OARPETINQ8. CARPETINGS. Tesigfns, NEW Coloring-s. OIL CLOTHS. A ELEGAIN'T A1SORTJIG.W. R. L. KNIGHT & SON, 1222 CHE8NUT STREET, 0 9 fmw2m PHILADELPHIA. CARPETINGS. McCAUUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT Street French Moquottos, French Axmlnsters, Crossley's 6-4 Velvets English Brussels, Crossley's Tapestries, Hall and Stair Carpotlnes, CARPETINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. LOWEST FXIXCX2 5. M(CALLUM, CREASE t SLOAN, ro. 500 ClIUSIVUT Street. 8 31 wfmSm rp Opposite Independence HalL 723 CABPETINGS. 723 PEADODY & WESTON, Successors to 23. XX. GODSHALII Sl CO., No. 723 CHESNUT Street, ARE OFFIIUNQ TI1K1K FALL IMPORTATIONS or i:nellali Ilody llruel( Croley Topetry UrusseU, 3.IMj IneralDM, Yrnetlan Htalrat, Oil Clotlis, 9lt(UuB;M( Muttiuff, lUc. lUCa At Moderate lrlce. We are offering a large line of CKOSSLKY'a ENO I If II TAI'KsTHY UttUbSKtA AT LOW fRlCti. at the VOt UTANO. PEADODY & WESTON, No. 723 CIIEiiNUT STREET, 10 imwSrorp PUILADELPHIA. EXCURSIONS. THT'HsnV EXCURSIONS .Tne aplendld bwarationt iimJm JUiiN A. W AKNElt wui uikc an Excuraiun every TuuraJaj to Beverly, liurllugtun, and linatol. lLv1NU CUKSNUT 8TRE4T WIIARP at 'i-l(V k A. M. Ktturnlnir. leaves Bristol at 11V A. M. and 4 o'clock V. al. A band of Music will be la attend ance. Fsre for tne Kn urslon, .0 ceuta. TWluwU ' GRAND HOP. TUB STEAMBOAT a JpT JOHN A. WAUNEK wlU make her last JrZ AjJLThurda Excursion of tae aeaaon on I liii KbDAY, tli. lMh tnauut, w lien a Grand Ujp I ui l gift-n at Bath hprirma to tn. Eacurslonlsia. I Dual Uav cueaaui street wuaii ai x o cioca. it STKAWBEIBUE & CLOT a Our Second Opening: of Foreign Dress Fabrics embraces man 7 new and seasonable goods not yet exhibited by any other house. The very low Tprices we have been asking for our earlier and present offering's (much lower than last year, notwithstanding- the war,) have induced large and rapid sales. Although our importations have been on a much larger scale than ever before, we already find our stock rapidly diminishing be fore the active demands thus early made upon it. Among the almost endless variety of French, German, and British Fabrics we would mention unusually beautiful styles of XtXCXI CLOTH -ATXIV LAINE FOR SUITS, In fill tlic new sliades, and full linos' o Low and Medium Priced Dress Goods, Adapted to the wants of the most critical, as well as tie most economical buyer. Xn our dver isement of Slack Silks some tima since, we save a list of very low prices, at which prices we shall continue to sell them for two weeks longer, notwithstanding the g-eierat advance. XTe have since added to our stock Cheney Bros Ame rican Black Gros Grains at 190. fame Goods as are offered by our competitors as very cheap at $200. ITKAWBKIBCrE & CLOTHIER N. W. PAPER HANDINGS. PAPER HANGINGS THAT MILL WASH. After years of experiment we can now offer to the trade and public PATENT WASHABLE PLAIN TINTS, wnlcn we guarantee U1 stand washing wltn a soft brash or sponge, and which require no preparation previous to or after hanging. They need no varnishing, thus preserving their delicate shades free from the hard gloss which Is given by varnish. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT JOHN H. LONGSTRETH'S, No. 12 North THIRD St., 9 613t4p Bole Agent for Washable Tints. HOTELS. COLONNADE HOTEL, FIFTEENTH" AND CHESNUT STS., ENTIRELY NEW AND HANDSOMELY FUR NibHED, la now ready for permanent or transient guesta MATS AND OAP. aW AE BURTON "8 IMPROVED VENTILATED and easy-tlttlng DRESS UATti (patented), in all tue Improved fashions of the season. CUKSN UT fetreet. neat door to the Poat Oitlca. ro PUN1ST FOB MUSICAL ENTERTAINMKT8 or Dancing Soirees, No. 110 B. ELEVENTH Btreet. l 81 I'U Reference Sir. Doner, No. 1103 Chesnut stroeu BKESS GOODS. SILK, WOOL, AJXX CORDED POPUXS, BLACK' SILKS. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET StWiNQ MACHINES. rp 11 U WHEELER & WILSON j:wiitu jiaciii:. For Sale on .Easy Terms. NO. 914 CHESNUT 8T11EET. 4 mwaS PUILADELPUIA. DUtibJAS' UAIH RKS&WhR WILL S01 BURS or Injure the hair, but makes It soft a it Iobkv. D0BBISS' HA lit BEXK WhR IS BRA UlltULLY tmnhparent. DOLBISS' II AIR RES EWER RESTORES TUft natural color without dyeing, by Imparting a vigorous and healthy grow, D 0BBIN&' HAIR RXSKWER IS ALTOGETHER unlike any tter. DOBBIXS' HAIR RhSKVKR 13 PREPARED only by J. IS. LKJiliilNS, and the genuine has his signature. D0BHIKS' HAIR RhXEWER IS SOLO BY druggists and dealers everywhere, and at the principal depot. No. 4M North EUlltTU Street. XTO TOILET OMPLETE WITHOUT D0B1IXS' IN . UAIU KEN EWER. 4jMHit 3 STREETS, FURNI UKfc. pURCHASEHS OF COTTAGE CHAMBER SUITS And the varloul styles of I1EDSTEADS, RBAITrASnSTANDS. WARDROBES, ETC., Finished In Imitation of Walnut, Maple, or other hard woods," and now generally known as "Imi tation" or "Painted" Furniture, are hereby informed that every article of oar manufacture la STAMPED WITH OUR INITIALS AND TRADB MARK, And those who wish to obtain goods of onr make (there being, at the present time, numerous imita tion In the market), should invariably ask the dealer of whom they are purchasing to exhibit onr stamp on the goods, and take no other, no matter what representations may be made concerning them. KILBURN & GATES, Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture, No. 619 MARKET STREET, T smwemrp PHILADELPHIA. PA. SPECTACLES, Microscopes, Telescopes. Thermometers, Mathe BaUcaTsurVeylng. Philosophical and drawing In kiruuieuta, at reduced prices. JAMX3 W. QTJXEH & CO., No. C1IHSNUT Street T SO inwfUp PHILADELPHIA. MEDICAL EDITORIAL OPINIONS OF Leading- Toni'na.l ok nil MERIT OP DR. FITLER'8 Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Sufferers from these painful comnlainta hava oni themselves to blame If they permit their frames to be tortured, when a sovereign cure like DR. FIT LER'8 WONDERFUL RHEUMATIC REMEDY la within such easy reach of even the humblest in tho land. As to its curative properties in Rheumatism, Uout ami Neuralgia, no one, who Is not wilfully Dana, can emuriuiu mu suaaow oi a aouoc. Tnou sands of the worst cases known to the medical faculty have been cured by it, and hundreds of the certificates given In it favor are from Judges, law yers, pn.vMiciuiiH, luLTi'iimiiB, tradesmen, etc., in oar very niium, who are living evidences or its miracu lous power. It Is sold everywhere, and rheumatic and neuralgic suircrers owe It to themselves to make a trial Of Its virtues. Philadelphia Inquirer. DOCTOR FITLER'8 RHEUMATIC REMEDY, Among the various remedies prepared for thd cure of Rheumatism there Is none that can compare with Dr. FITLER'8. Compounded as It Is by a regu lar practitioner of over thirty years' standing, the immense confidence that the public place in it Is well and deservedly bestowed. Thousands of certificates have voluntarily been gtven in its favor, and many of the cures that It has made have been of cases that have been pronounced Incurable by some or the moat emlnept physicians of the land. Rheum at lo sufferers should try it. They will find it a positive specific for the cure of their painful ailment. Phila delphia bunday Times. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. No more painful ailments afllict humanity than RheumatlNm and Uout, and, until the advent of DR. FITLER'H GREAT REMEDY, no diseases were more dlitlcult to cure. The patient toll, scientific research, and Incessant application for years, how ever, of Ir. FlUer, have supplied the world with a specific in those complaints, whose goodly ministra tions have made It a positive boon a veritable Balm of Gllead to suffering humanity. Thousands of the worst cases have been cured by it, and everywhere throughout the length and brealth of the land, it la hailed as the safest, surest, and most scientifically prepared cureJor Rheumatism and Neuralgia ever discovered. A ew York Woria. DR. FITLER'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Has exceeded all exDeotatlon. hv itn vnnir,i curative power. Persons who have exhausted both money and patience will ;be warranted, in writing, a cuiupictc, uioucub uure, i mriy.seven years' experience In specially treating Rheumatism had nroduced this nonular standard muw.lfln rtp P(ti graduated 1S33. Diplomas at oilloe. No. 89 South Fourth street. Philadelphia Keening Star. RHEUMATISM. This disease, once a terror to the afflicted, has lost, of late years, many of its fearful and fright ful aspect. Since the Introduction of DU. FIT LER'S REMEDY, those suffering from the disease have happily found a means of mastering the dread disorder. The use of that apecllio speedily drives every vestige of Rheumatism and Neuralgia from the system, and being purely vegetable, it not only cures those diseases thoroughly and effectively, but it also improves the general health, and leaves the system strengthened and Invigorated. Rheumatlo sufferers, by all means, should try it and prove lt9 singular efficacy. Cincinnati Enquirer, DR. FITLER'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY. This great specific for the cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia, since its Introduction to the public, has met with a success unparalleled la the annals of medicine. ;Dr. Fltler, a graduate or the University of Pennsylvania of the year 1833, and a physician la active practice ever since, devoted years of patient re search and experiment In perfecting It, and the cures that it has since made outnumber those of all other rheumatic remedies In the land combined. Thou sands of certlUuates have been given of the wonder ful cures It has effected of Rheumatism and Neural gia, and throughout the land It la hailed by those suffering the tortures of those terrible diseases. Being purely vegetable, Its use cannot Injure the most delicate constitution, and those afflicted with Rheumatism or Neuralgia can safely try it, and with the assurance too that it will speedily bring theua back to health. Chicago Evening I'wtU DR. FITLER. This eminent practitioner, by the discovery of his wonderful speciuc for Rheumallsm and Neuralgia, has laid suffering humanity u nder a debt of grat ltuda that can hardly be repaid. Thousands of the most painful cases on record, of the diseases alluded to. have been cured by that marvelous preparation, am thousands more, who are now using it, are on tn road to the same blissful condition of restored hap . piness and health. What It has done in thousands of instances it can do again, and we say to all rheu matic sufferers try it, be convinced and be cured. St. liouu DernocraU $5000 WILL BE PAID To any person producing a preparation showing naif as many living genuine permanent oures aa DR. FITLER'S VEGETABLE RHEUMATIC REMEDY, . The scientific prescription of Professor JOSEPH FITLER, M. D., one of Philadelphia's oldest regu lar Physicians, who has made Rheumatism a spe cialty thirty-seven years, PERMANENTLY CURING WITH THIS REMEDY, CO IN EVERY 100 PATIENTS TREATED; so warranted under oath, from registered eases result unparalleled. It Is a pleasant medicine, free from injurious drugs (sworn vouchers from re nowned prominent physicians endorsing Dr. Fltler accompany each botue.) To protect sufferers from risk, a legal guarantee stating number of bottles warranted to cure will be forwarded without chargo to any person sending by letter a full, truthful de scription of case. In case of failure to cure, th amount paid will be refunded. Price, $10 per bottle ; six bottles, IT -60. Medical advice sent by letter rratia. Ad.lreB Lir. Kll I-KR, Office No. MS. FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, or No. 704 BROAD WAY.NeW Bold or obtained by Druggists, $ so