The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 09, 1870, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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&rm, Our Oum CorrttponJvnt.
.New Yobk, Sept. 8, 1870.
Th Meebar.h Meaaon.
1 will assume that Toa are anxious to know
tomethinK about the Seebach reason, which is
bo eoon to begin at the French theatre, and
boat Marie Seebach, who ts the principal at
traction in it, and 1 am perfectly willing to pour
Into your can, in relation thereto, all that has
bet-n ponred into mine. The season will corn
price twenty-four representations, and will com
mence somewhere between the 1-UU and20ihof
the present mouth.
The artists who are to support Madame
Seebach consist of Mathllde Veueta, the lead
Jug actress of the Iloflburg Imperial Tbcatro,
Vleniia; Antoinette Hifslnger, leudinir actress of
his Majesty's Theatre of Stuttgart; Elvira IJ:ir
denbaner, of the Stadt Theatre of Amsterdnw;
Madame Ucigel, a celebrated comedy "old
woman," from the Stadt Theatre of IUiuburg;
llerr Ton Ernest, one of tbo most distinguished
actors of Ureslau; Hermann Harry, "character
actor" and "heavy roan," from the Ltndos
Theatre, Prague; Edward Devereux, Icidlmr
javeulle, from tho Royal Theatre of Munich;
llerr Fincke, comedian, from the Theatre of
the Wled-n, Vienna; Hcrr Mueller, leading
comedian, from the Stadt Theatre, Frankfort;
and llerr Brlnckmann, from the Royal Tlieatre
of Berlin. The plays of which Seebach' re
pertoire is composed aro not less than twenty
teven in number. Their names and authors aro
as follows:
taut aixl Claviio, tiy Ooethe; Marie S'wtrt, Ei
rxm.t, Tl e H'.anl i.f OiUann, Lure and Intrigue, cVw,
Dun (arli, 'J he. tiiiieif Meitw, liii'l H'tf'i'am Tell,
hy heliliier; I'm ilia Ualttfii and . Sarah. Sim
by hi SMI ft; L'imeo ami Jvlirt, l'amii-p v ti e Shieu;
llttjulet. Winter' Tute, Macbeth, anil Othello. tv
Shakespeare; Jane Eye, by Charlotte U'onte:
I (riiioif, lij lltlilitl; Adrienii Leomnnur, tiy Lu
ffiiive; Muth'i'U; ty llcnedic ; Elizabeth,, tiy O.sco
neUt; (.r"MI(i,;bj Hiilm; ValenivnA A Onnf Tea,
hy fli-rlb" I'lHi'.Ire, lv It tcitie ; and The hiirican',
by Ktnlle lit vrit-nt. The entire Vnlted Statin aetsou
in 1 1 iii tt to (inn hundred nlnhtu, one-fourth of
ahlcti at least will be Riven to New York.
Madame Seebach is thirty-three years old,
having been boru on the 21th of February, 157,
at Riga, in Russia. Her pa and ma were Ger
man opera-singers. Her pa, who died Bix years
ago at Cologne, was the son of a physician
tun ed actor. Her ma was the daughter of Hcrr
Bluaiauer, an author of local repute, and was
also the Intimate friend of Sou tag. Madarui
Seebach has an only sitter, five or six years her
junior, and rcimcd Wilhelmina. The mother
of tle?e children died when they were very
young, ai d their eailii-st years were spent arnid
poverty and care. When Marie was scwecly
niore than a child she abandoned singing, which
the had intended to practice as a profession,
and her father, who was engaged as a stage
Manager at M. Ferdinand Koeder's thevtre at
Vurvmbcrg, got her a situation at the same
place of entertainment where he was engaged.
Fr a little while she acted for nothing for the
sake of showing what she could do; but, after a
brief probatiou, M. Roeder, catching somo
plimpses of the merit in her, engaged her at
the magnificent salary of two dollars iu
gold per month. This was not much,
but it enabled her, in time, to bay a black vel
vet dress (for sis dollars!) in which she very
likely commenced practising those tragic parts
in which she subsequently became so famous.
II er first pronounced success was In the part of
"Juliet," and the triumph so stimulated her
that, she left Nuremberg and secured a better
situation at the lh atre in Cassel, where, how
ever, she was not permitted to appeirinany
but subordinate parts. This disgusted her, and,
much to the chagrin of tho inauaccr, who pro
phesied that she would injure her prospects
forever, the left Cass el and proceeded to Ham
burg, where Doctor Maurice, a well-known
manager, engaged her to appear as "Margue
rite" in Goethe's Faust. Her debut happened
just oue montb after her having left Cassel, and
was the beginning of a dramatic eucccss which
Las flowed evenly on ever since.
At Hamburg, however, so far from relaxing
in her habits of stud', she placed herself under
the tuition of the celebrated actor Heindrick
Marr and the celebrated dramatic preceptress,
Mrs. De Glossbrenner. After a while llerr
Henry Laube, of the Hoffburg Theatre of
Vienna, beard of the wonderful things she was
accomplishing and engaged her for bis bouse.
On April 3, 1854, she appeared at Vienna as
"Mathilde," and there she remained for two
years. She cut away all the conventionalities
and habitual observances preserved so sedu
lously by Anschutz, Larocho, Wagner, Fichtner,
Lowe, and Jnlle Rettich, who were ve eransin
acting, and formed a school of her own. After
the two years were over she spent a long time
in fulfilling engagements as a travelling star at
Prague, Graz, Pestb, Leipslc, Coburg-Gotha,
etc. In April, 1857, she went to the
Royal Theatre of Hanover, where she re
mained nine years. In I860 Hanover was
wallowed up by Prussia, and since then
Madame Seebach has been starring through
Germany. I do not say that her success here
will be equal to that of Rlstori, but I bavc no
doubt that it will be very great. The Grau and
the 8trako.-eh manner of working stars up are
very different- Nilbson, for Instance, who is
managed by Strakosch, has bad an amount of
puffing bestowed upon her that was perfectly
nauseating. Grau bas gone to work tn a inoro
modest, but a really more efllelent and artistic
mm ner. Of course, Philadelphia is one of the
firot places that Seebach will visit after her
first engagement In New York Is completed;
and I thought that, in view of that event being
not very cktant, a few facts relative to the
great actress would not be nnluterestlng. Her
husband's name is Niemann. He Is a tenor
cinger, with a Urignolian voice. He does not,
I believe, accompany her, but prefers travelling
on bis own hook. In pursuit of the pleasures and
emoluments of the operatic profession.
Ali BAni.
1 TaY 1 n V IS 1 1 U 13 IV C U.
1'ivoBCB Apfijcanth. Tbe new list for divorces
r the present teim f Court coutaius but ten appli
es') ns solar. Tlx y ate as follows:
Mrs. 11 nulna Mann Uartnr vs. Daniel Gartner.
Airs. Mary A Hiiimus vs. John Simous.
Jars. Km Tyler vs. Leaniiu Tyler.
Mis. Kilznb' tli L Senior vs. Ferdinand D. Senior-
Mrs K'uu a Titl'iw vb (ieorga Titlow.
Wis. tJhailotU) K Wurman vs. John D. Worinan.
lrt. Julia Walter vs. John Walter
Mrs. Fanny Kkkurd ts. laac Kickanls.
litrx. 1 ita Hippi rger vs. llt-urr J. Kipperger.
V8. Franrt-B Ann tirimn vs. HllnerOnrtlu
Tl' ores'" M. ltlohardg vs. ra. Augusta A. Richards.
A fred Kvuns vs. Mrs. Matt J. Evans.
1 redeilek Urmer vs. Mrs. Klizaoetn Vernier.
Vondny, th lKth day of September, is taeday
nxd for btaxing this list.
A Wealthy Pkikonbr.. Parker, from Mont
gomery, got onaspr.e In this eity a fsw days ao,
and lait D'frht, while In a beattly state of intoxica
tion, was taken iu charge by a policeman at Tweuty.
third and Vlue streets. Arriving at the slatinn, he
ws Sean bed and t-VW were found in his possession.
After paying the usual flue this morning ne was
liEbtxnn from Ukownino. Michael Barr. while
vlewU g the Are ground along tne leUware river
front yeaier lay, wippira overtoara. it iroor foncs
vao Lex was on hand aud went over after the
f't-'Ltj -if--. -"'i UC0vCCi IU bvuUlg ''-Hi,
A Watchmaa Nwrnrlarat. nrttrl. and
Aa (Hpriilible J. ft.
The boldness with whlrh Lyons, anas Indman,
and his confederates op'-ratfld at the Nnvy Yard not
lonif sine, waa the subject of Rreat eoni'iient In po
lice circles, ami none were more astonished ihsu the
niarlnes themselves, wbo, with loaded ruuskots.
(rnnrded the nival rendesvous. An a mawkiiiri
sympathy exists In this community for criminals,
and but seldom, If ever, are thieves of any nou
brought to justice, there is no reason to d.iunt tli it.
under such circumstances, burglars become toid
and commit depredations of a character whluU
Bhould imprison them almosta lifetime.
A case aeeurrrd curly this mornlnir which for
boldness Is something similar to th it. f tli A' ivy
Vard "Jib." Messrs. Maule, HfO. A Co.. lumber
niercbaiits, are located at Twenty-fifth, and fS mtli
streets. They carry on bubbles on an extrusive
scale. Oil their promises. whi;h cover a lark's are i
I ftronnd, they have nn ofllce, stai)ls, etc., and In
order to limine themselves iiKiimst loss by tlicft or
fire tlicy employ a ni ivate watchman, whose h mrs
of duty are froth 6 I'. M. to B A. M. Tho watchman
In nsniril John (ialllcy, ai;ed aiMiut Of'y years. The
Mllcc of the tlrm is a one-stoiy brlcfe building frout
Ing on South street, on a line with Klfwieutu street.
In this structure the wau-hinan lias his ncadiptarters
After mnklng his rounds thruuKh the yard every
half hour bo returns to his ortlce, and theie remains
a short time to resume his tramp. The doors nnd
winnows of tho oilire opening on tiin yard are luft
open, In order that be may have a vlc.v of what is
gnli g on.
AiKint t o'clock this nioniluRthe old jtcntloman
entered the ofllce, f iter a trlpovcrthe premises, aid
seated himself In a chair with his back to the door.
Me laid Ins six shooter on a ta'ile In frout of him.
W Idle In that, condition four men with hlaz-koncl
countenance suddenly eniered the d onvav, one or
whom reached for the revolver. 1'resontlnK tie
weapon at the eld gentleman, the thief directed him
to keep quiet or he would blow his bruins out. Tneu
the tying procM commenced. Mr. (Jiillv was llrst
haiidcuil.d, his legs tied to the rounds of tliu ciia'r,
and a handkerchief wrapped around his face to pru
v nt liltu from seeing them or their u'tioiis. His
boey was ul-o madu last to the chtir.
The thieves rennnned nu the premises a'nut
half nn h nr. They examined the IL-rrbig s.ife,
w hich Is built in the wail, but did not even a?,Min,t
to open It, The safe Is one nf the burglar-or jof
kind, the door belnir made of pure sled. A look at
the formidable barrier to their entrance to tlm same
w;i emuigti, ami the tli eves give up all Me tor
operating iu that dire ;tinn. A desk then a traced
thet'" nttetitloii, and one of the drawers was opened.
As itconialut d ouly papers, nothing was dlsiuro m.
The closets in the olllee, in wliloh was h innimr
wealing uiparel, were opened, nml tliis morii.n
everything was found In order therein.
1 be only article cariiedoir was tho revolver h
b ngiiig to tho w atchman, and in lieu of tlits taey
left a splendid p:nr of steel handcuifii. Mr. (rili!y
remalned in the condition tho thieves placed him
until f o'clock In the morning, when one of the
stable hands rapped at the door, as was his usual
cusU in. The door not being opened to film, Uo
mounted the fence, and discovered (lillleyin th
pesiiion described. The strangest part of the whole
utl'alr Is that the burglars committed no violence
whatevcron the old gentUnuui: nor did they even
search hint, or carry away any of the clothtng ln the
closets. Mr. wailley had in his possession at the
t ine a siher watch ami To in money. 'I heir inten
tion was no doubt the robbery of tho safe, In which
they expected to make a larire haul.
tine ol 1 he til tli District oillc.ers psssed up Smth.
street, on the north stde, about, the hour of i o'clock,
tint lie saw nothing unusual, and continued on
around bis I eat.
The aflair attracted considerable attention In that
section or the city, and rainois of a.l kinds were
The detectives have been notified, and they are
now invcbtigating the matti r.
N u.mai. i;mi. The uniforms of the Albany Zou
aves were very pretty, but oh, if tlioj were to be
caught in a shower!
In Kew fork yesterday trie "Amity Clio" g t
Into a heavy tight at a picnic, severely Injuring a
nnmberof men and women, and getting twelve or
their number arrested. If this be amity, what may
discord be?
A birrn up street states that a live boy is wanted.
Suppose they usually deal In deed ones, and try tue
other for a change. The live article Is much easier
to get.
An improved name for the genus homo BaUva
The compositors' caecs in the mission printing
houses in t hiua have cacti over six thousand cn.u
parinienls for the reception of tbo numerous letters
of the Chinese alphabet. The cases are built m the
form of an amphitheatre, and the compositor stands
in the middle. Every letter ho sets be selects from
the six thousand. Deliver us from being a Chinese
Mtlmagnndt thinks that the parade of the Ameri
can rrotestaut ASnoclatlons yesterday was a fraud.
What's tne use of protesting nowaday Might as
well let things take their course. There Is uo inirs
use in it than there was In Salmagundi's standing
on the Custom lit use steps for three hours waiting
for the parade to come, and running tho risk of
being made the subject of a Government seizure
Government oillcials never were used to having
ladles on their steps. And wken the part lu did
come what was there to see? A lot of men with
ribbons over their shoulders, one just like the other.
To be sure, there werj bauds, but then ttiev all
played at once and made a most awful noise. 'A id
it inado balmagnndi's heart ache within her to see
how tanned and dark some of t he musicians had be
come from matching in the suit aud blowing those
torlhle horns. Why some of them were perfectly
black In the face. Then there were thn Indians;
they were perfectly borild. Kever knew before that
there were so many Indians aoout these parts. We
llvetolenrn. And the policemen. Always did think
that a policeman could ride a horse as well as any
other man nntli the head of that parade came by.
Fikhs A Barn and a Stabi.h Dkstroyeu A
( nu n Bdhnkii in the Flam rs. Shortly after mid
night the frame stable of James Jamison, si touted
at Crape and Fleasaut streets, was totally destroyed
by lire. The loss is abaut JiiKHi, on wmoh there is
an Insurance of fiuuo. The origin of the lire is un
known. Y sterday afternoon the barn of tleorge J. Isaacs,
on Hick's lano, near llustleton, Twenty-third ward,
was burned to the ground, Including all Its contents.
It seems that (leoige F. llellings, aged Ave years,
a praiidson of Mr. Isaacs, procured some mutches
from the house and then went iuto the barn. While
play ing there witli t'tem tne hay ignited, and before
he could get out the Haines had enveloped htm.
Uis cnarreu remains were louua alter tne nre Had
been extinguished.
At half-nast 4 ociock yestentay afternoon the
upper part of Hsnlon s tavern, N. 24t; C tliowhiil
street, was slightly damaged by fire which had been
started In a closet on the third floor.
A barrel ol whht was supposed to be whisk? ex-
plodd yesterday In a place on Francis street, above
Itidge avenue. The wood-work of the room was
charred. W hile extinguishing the flames Patrick
Kelly w as badly burned a' -out tne head and body.
Candidates for Admission to thi Bar The
Beard of Examiners for admission of candidates
to practice aa attorneys in the District. Court aud
Court of Common Pleas for tho city and county of
Philadelphia for the present, or (September term,
contistsof Messrs. Isac Hazelhurst. chairman; IX
?eliu Fell. harles N. tiross. T. II. Oehlsehtagor,
James W. Lstta. Robert S. Paschail. Oeonro W.
bpiese. J. D. Meredith, Secretary. The board meets
ou Thursday, g'Jd Inst, at 8 o'clock 1. M. at the Law
Library, sixth aud Chesuut streets. The following
named gentlemen have given notice of their Inten
tion to apply:
tieorge K Buckley, student with Oeo. Harding. Ej.
Joseph Tull, " Wm. B. Mnn, Esc(.
H. C. Unities, " J. K. Carpenter, Kq,
WE 11. Kedheircr, " J. C. Bedhener, Kq,
Alfred Driver, ' K M Husbands. Kin,
J. Bin, " Isaac C. Price, Ksn.
Johu F. Young, " L. C. Coleman, Ks.
T. M. Corrhran. " L W.Wollaston. Ea,
A, B. Bertolet, J.W. Hunsickcr, Bsq.
'1 be train that left New York at about 6 o'clock
this inoriilng, coming to this city by way of Camden,
on arnviDg tu the neignoornooo or tne i-isn iioase,
near the Camden end, ran over a man wno anus
rentiy had been walkinir ou the track, lie was killed
Instantly. The boriv was touch brtubed, uud he
was cut ubout the arms and head. The train was
su pped nnd the body was taken on board and
Drought to uauiuen, wnere tne coroner wai sum
moned, who will bold an iuquest at ome ttino to.
day. The man, from hi d ess and general appear
ance. was evidently a laborer. Ou his ui m tne ini
tials 'W. 11." were titooed la India ink.
It might be stated by way of explanation that
there is a very sudden curve iu the track at the Pish
House, and the engineer was not able to see the
man until the engine was rtsht unon hitu. The
whistle is always blown continuously liefore tarnlug
thiscurve, but iu tins case tne man mast either
have been deal or totally regoraiees oi in uie.
Dishonesty. Mary Clark a few dnys sine took
lodirtiiBS iu a house iu the vicinity of Thirteenth aud
Filbert streets. Yesterday morning she left, and
ahortlT after her departure several articles or wear-
ing apparel belonging to wilier people were missed,
ktiewasarrefctod, and afterwards held lor trial by
Alderman BoLaaiL
Kkiubts TtMri.iR Eicubmion. Preparations are
being made for a grand reunion or Hniguts Templar,
to take place at Ka-ston. Pa., ou the 4th of October,
under tne auspices or liugn oe ray en Encamp.
meut, No. IU, located there. A graud proineuade
concert, to take piaoe ai tue large anu suuaoie ouui
ing on the Fair Grounds, is one of the most aiiract-
I He uatuxes ol tut owiciutiiti iviuiuva.
WrttsfT r;sit. Thomas Patton, John Pafton, aim
John T. Mel all hod a hearing before IJ. S. Commis
sioner Biddle. at noon to-dar, charged with a- lt
Ing In dispossessing Flgar M. Orpgory, tT. 8. Mtr
shal, of five barrels of whisky which had been taken
and detained by htm, whi h was In hi ofllcial ens
U.dy. The evidence elicited was as follows:
Hnjth Sehnr. Hr ,wom - W watrliman fir Mrhal
irp(ror at Jnniei Ptlinn'm tmrn. No. 3 21 .Mnrkt strnnr,
nlxiot ! 13t b oi Jnlyjmw thsra flfir-tie dy: on Imt
Ftida) 1h barTolswerstikD n) -. tirnt liparj dimarli
li it 3 A. AI.; 1 1 una mil of tbo .Uce and saw lilit
in I ho collar; I saw John fatten tnci ,1 ; I snid tohim "W.-nt
do you waotto do. John; dvon wnnt lotl w1ikyy"
two mm then onm up and took mo and patted mo in
thFtoro-.onouid"K oe)4liim till I'ntton romog," the first
B-an who I'Dsht-d m In Hie nlor wan Mi: ( all : after thoy
let ni (ro mlior men ramn to ihfl dotir; t buy t-xik five br
rt of wbi'kv out I wpnt hiV into the yard; bpfore
that nipht Tnomas Piitton uvr alcpt in I be Iionsi;
I saw him this morning comn froin
Twenty -erond strnot ; liefore that night thi' e
had ben a Knit in tlm yard: tlie'H thi re thit niirht : saw Tborata Iu the tlirn t.h t
niplit at 1 1 o'clock ; ne looked ont and I aiiid, "If you are
looking ior jonnny, I win let mm in ; at Mma foar
rolire officers nxine (n and tk a drink ; utor th, nt t
o'rloelr, two rolicomen came 'n ; two of tho four who bad
hei n therq before; bxard John and 11'OMis tnlkins anont
this matter a day or two after; ther wore tn the bark
room ; I won in t he ynrd ; John said h bud nn beun ar
Truted ; Tom itaid, 'yin had nothing tj on at the front
ollar-floor ;" to wMch John aaiS airsin,"Yiin aent nn
thnre to 'oot ont. ;" tho doir of the oolltr is fna'euqd on
tl r inside, and cannot be opened from the outride; it waa
Dot i-rt-Hrn open iroin run "iiminw
Defendant wore hold in f ball to answer.
Bivkh Ttiikvks at Work Snow KxctriNmcn
Pktwekn Them ano a caitain Tim LATTKa
STHt t i with a U.u.i, Chi o;:oi-ofm Our river as
well as our streets H Infested with a 'nwless ga ig
or thieves, who seem to come and go at their plea
sure. Aront 4 o cioen 1:119 mornm: two of tlies
pirates went on txiari' tn senooner M y Weaver,
llrig In the Delaware opposite the Kensington
Wafer Works. While walkmu- across the deck, the
dtnghter of iln rsptnin of the vessel was awakened.
She awoke her father, wle surged out of the c tbln,
revolver in hand Hie thieves took the alarm, and
jnn pieK nun ireir ooiit pnnen ior I core. rj n ? cup-
tain oikci arg"t aconpie or loads at them, snd they
returned the lire. A bull utniek C inf'i'n Wcuver in
ine leg, innicnng an ngiy wound. I lie thieves, or
course, escaped.
At an early hour yesterday morning a iranar
boarded the schooner John Lancaster, lting in the
iiei-ware oe iow tne avy vard. 'l ;ie captain and
crew, who are all colored, sjer asleep at the time.
and it is supposed were operated upon with chloro-
lorm. ine iiiicvcb men went to work at the cap
tun, und cnttlng out his nnnta'oons noeker. seen red
fvr.o nnd two watcties. They also stole a trunk of
Shockino Dkath Mary o Hrlen. need throe
yeni s, daughter or rolleeman O llrien. residing N ).
51119 Filbert street, died at an early hour this morn
ing, rroni me euects oi seams received yesterday.
It appears that her mother was entailed tn washimr
in tne j aro, oronnu wmcn ntuie jiary was playing.
'1 lie n othrr procured a kettle ol lioiling wtter, and
having pouren it into a tun, was returning to tne
furnace, when she heard a nlercl1 st shriek, and on
facing about, ssw Mary floundering In the tub of
scalding fluid. Nlic took tho liltu 'thing from her
1 ? ip ti 1 1 n I pi sitlon. A phvsician was summoned, but
bis euoriH were una r!iinr, aa niKivc siatctl.
Another Inkamt. christian llewes has becrt
tief ore Alderman Ileins on 'Jie terrible charee of
attempting to commit a heinous offous npou agi 1
sccu tiurieen years, at a tavern uaupnii ana
Howard sueets. 'i ne eompiainaut st-tted her case,
and the nisgUtrat' deemed the testimony suflictetit
to warrant him In holding Christian in $tt)0Q bail for
Stuonoi.t Svsrnnouti. Mjry Jones was over
hauled vestcroay at heventeentti and Tinea streets.
witn a quautity or rresniy wasned ciotmug in ner
po4St-siin. Being unable to account for their pre
sence in her arms was regarded as strongly sus
picious, ami she was taken before Aldcrmau Allison,
wno commuted ner.
Npioot Tpikk. Cnarles Max ts the name o' an
liieiviilual who yesterday went iuto the silk manu
factory at Aiiienean na iramoui streets, ana
wrenched oir several bras spigota. He was subse
quently arrested and taken before Alderman lielm,
wno lie hi mm tu answer in foist tun.
I'siko TmtEATKMNO LANiiUAoE Josfina Tairarart
has been held In S.'iOO ball to keep tho peace by Alrier-
n an Uoutrherty for using threutiming language to
k. v. i t i reene, editor or the SuJ. Teamcint.
The rtidicuity a'oso rrom the publication of an arti
cle wricn Air. Taggart enoso to apply to hlinweif.
The Boi.n Soi.iheks or Camden. At an election
helo by Brigadie -Oeueral Be Hart, at Military
lleadqnarters, ln.inden, on Taursduy eveniug, Ja oes
M. fccovel was unaiiimously elected (Jolonel or tho
6lh Beplment, Csptnin Ilempslng Lieutenant-
voiuuej, ji. ii. L.CC, jnujur.
Ktemino Telkorapb Omm,l
Friday, Spt. 8, 1H7U. J
There is a fallius-off in thedetnaud for money
to day, and with a butter supply at the banks
there is a tendency to greater eafe. tbongh we
do not feel jubtliicd in quoiing lower rates The
prospects ot an early peace between France
and Prussia, and the removal of danger of fur
ther complications iu Europe, have given great
relict botn to tne liuanclal aud business markets.
and everything is quiet in anticipation of fnr-
tner paciae developments, ine rates to-day
are owKi vc cent, on eaii ana u&'j per cent.
discount ou gooa paper.
uoici is onii ati irauuaiiy lainne as slems of
peace become more distinct. The a! ranged
np to noon from llSi to 113, closing atj the
(lovernments are qniet and steady.
The stock market continues dull and nominal.
In City leans there were email sales of the now
6e at 101?;..
Beading Kaiiroad was neglected, a few shares
seliinar at Afiic. 1'ernsylvanla sold at &8jfi. and
Lehigh Valiey at 58. 87, b. o., was bid for
Calawissa prcierrea.
Canal stocks were quiet, with sales of Schuyl
kill preferred at.L17 b. o. No further trans
Keporied by De Haven & Bra., No. 40 S.TUUd street.
tioo City tea, N..o.iopx
fduno Kch N Cs, St.. 71 S
tTiUO N Benna 7s. . . 94 v
7 an Penn
6a -i
18 sh Lett V
100 sli Kch N P.bOO.
tluueu AmcrUold. . . .113
18 sh Heading K, . .
IfOOOty s. Old... 101. v. jo Mb PennaR
tlooocitT as, New.KilV oshLeri ValR... 68 v
141HHJ Am uoiu im.ui a uo so. ns
11 ah Read R 4Ho ; lOOshLeh NavBC.
100 dO..8C0wn. 4Si 100 da....b30
(a0 do...
100 tfo...
s ah Feiuia
..b30. 4S1I 'i00
..830. 48 100
"J20C0 Pittsb.'j tM.... 78)tf
4shC A.R..W.U6
8 do 114
19 do 1U
eshPhU Bk. 163
M an Penna R 67
4 sli Coiisol'n Bk. 4rV
6 Sll ) U Jk A it. IS 4.')
iuu an iieaa tt s-3i
100 do Bd. 44-31
J at Cook I fc Ca quote Government secnri les as
loiiows :u. d. cs or lssi. ii4vii4s ; o-sos or 1362,
11KV112! lo. 1S44, IllVAUl.V; do. Not. 1S4.V,
in hVA i do. do.. July. um,-aiio,' : do. da. isei.
110i,(Mlo, ; do. isca, liojk,llcjtf; 10-408, 108(9
io: raciuca, mi,tiii iroio, iu
MBS8K8. W illiam I'aintkh a Co., no. M 8. Third
Street, report the rollowlng qnotatluns: U. 6. As of
1881.114,(4Hil 6-208 Of lSG!i,mVU2tf: do. 1804.
lllVlllii; do. I860, nitaii; da, July, 1S66,
110,1110; do., July, lS6f, 110-14110 ; do. July
1868, 110,S110?i ; 6a. 10-40. 106'i(4l0: U. S. PacllK
Kit. uy. es, iiuriii. uoia, U4,(ii4'4.
MKtKR. Dl llAVKN k. liROTHKK. No. 40 8. Third
street, Pbilade'pbla, report the following quotations:
U. 8. s of Ifcrt, 114(4114 : do. 1862, 1IV11S I
oa iso4, uiwiux! oa ituvo, luwiu ; ua lHftft,
new. llOJcno.,i : do. 1967, do. liowiiow ? da 153.
da 110i,(lio ; 10-408, littwaiotis. V. 8. 30 Year
6 percent. Currency, Ul.Vtitmjtf. old, 113 4113 a ;
Silver, 100(1111 ; Union Paulilo Railroad 1st Mort,
Bonds, 60Oc .8!0; Central Paclflo Railroail, 8K.0:
Union Paeitiu Land Grant Bonds.
Nakm Ladnkr, Brokers, report this morning
t-toia quoiauuus as joiiowb:
10-00 A. M.
,.UM 11-15 A.M. 114.'
10 -.'3
..114?, .1116 " Ui
..114V 11-20 " 114i
..H4',lllTIO "
,.114iilUktM 114V
..ii4,' r. iu, ii4'j
Plilladelphla Trade Keport.
Khiday, Sept. 9 Bark Is uomlnal at f iT per
ton for No. 1 Cuercttron.
The Flonr market 1 without Improvement, there
being very little demand either for shipment or nome
consumption. About 6K barrels changed hands,
including euperune at 5ii6rj-60; extras at $o6itf
u.; lowa. Wiaotmslu. and Minnesota extra faiuliv
at 6a6-76; Pennsylvania and Ohio da da at fa t"V4
Tit; and laucy orauoa ai tiwa,n-au, as in quality.
Rye Flonr ranges from tz-lb&i. la Corn Meal no
tlniii (ininir. -
The demand for Wheat Is qulto limited and prices
favor buyers. Salea of tHKiO bushels Indiana red at
l intuit -36; whiw rauges from io4ifo. Rye la
steady at 65e. for Western. Cora Is less active.
hales of H-unsylvanla yellow at 6ovwc.: Western
da at 9-ic.i and W eater n mixed, low and uigh, at
I Mirve. taut are arm, sua ior prima luia a fair
demand prevails. Pales of P000 bnshsrs Western at,
txarnc ; black do. 4N48o. ; and prime Pennsyrvanla
and Delaware at Mo.
Heeda-Tlie receipts or tioverseed continue light.
and It sells In lots at fs-SJKas-M. Timothy la In de
mand at SSfasSn. Flaxseed Is wauted by the
crnshers at ti'S-vag 90.
Barley Is In demand am 4000 bushels Iowa sold at
Whisky Is quiet at 96a for Western Iron bound
and tMc. lor do. wood-bonnd.
far (ulOitinnaX Marin town nts Inutile Pivka.
(ttu Tliriih.1
Forth KP8 Monhos, Vs., ttrfpU Arrived, bar
Nevrsink, from Cailao, for orders. Lmt sill and
fore aDd miintopniasts ann rudder, !ept. 1, soutn of
Bermuda; had thn gale for three days.
Bark Virginia, Jare, rrom for orders. Ke-
ports heavy gain Aug. 81, off B-rinud. Ixist n,
stove bulwarks, and san allied other damages. Capt.
tilshop was snmisea oown ny a sea, and nvi 111s
rlubt arm broken In two places. Lost carpenter.
Charles Toode, overboard.
Brig Perseverance, rrom Mntoa, for orders.
7 A. M S I 11 A. M 74 2 P. M S3
ShlnCastine, Wilson. Ant werp. H. Wrtuht & H ini
UteHmer H. C. Walker, Sherlu, Now VorK, W. M.
liaira uo.
Pteamer Tacony, NK'hols, New York, do.
f reamer Buggler, Pillow, Leipslc, GraefT, Rothcr-
inei et to.
Sehr B. O. Hand, Reeves, Boston. da
Schr K. RK. o. 41, Harnett, Utenmond, Va., do.
Schr Dsubtless, Coombs, War-lehead, do.
5ctir wave t;rei, uavis, itoxnurr. oo.
Nchr A. K Drelbeilis, Armstrong, New York, d 1.
Schr J. Mlt-der, Laughney, do. do.
Schr I. Bowman, fchoe, Westchester, d.
Schr M. A. l)nghnev. BIpe. New Haven. d-.
Schr Hyne, Jiover, aiem, ,1. Kotnmei, jr., A Hro.
tchr Anno Jlnitee, Vouug. Brain tree, do.
Schr Komp, Miller, S ilem, do.
Schr K. fc L. Marts. Maru, Boston, do.
S br Baltimore, Dix, do. do.
Schr 1 aroilne Yonng, Young, do. do.
Schr Kste Kallahau, Avery, Pawtuckct, do.
Schr E. Wooten. Bunnell, do. d .
Schr Annie Trndeil, lless, do. d .
Schr Jos. liar, Hathaway, Milton, d ).
Schr WIlliHm t)ollyer. Taylor, ewpert. do.
Schr Ella Edwards, Somers, Boston, Keppller, Gir-
oon a .
schr l. Mershon, Ayres, Boston, d.
schr Lnmsrtine. Do, S tiero, J O Soott & S ms.
jschr William Gilirasn. Metiairey. Haco, do.
s'hr J. T. WjniHii, Coram, B isiou, do. itaven s winir, ior, rueHi. aa
Schr I.svolta, Whitmrre, Ouincy Point. do.
Schi S. C. Tyler, Barrett, Portsmouth, N.H., do.
Schr J. M. Wilson, Somers, Boston, do.
Schr s. u. Maneck. iianecK. ao no.
Barge K. KB. No. 4, Bantrlck, New Tort, Graeff,
it ini-rnieii bl v;o.
Barge R. RK. No 4, WoK, do. do.
Steamship oaxou, Sears, 43 hours from Boston.
with nidse. to 11. wmsor & Co. Uel'w tne Bran-
dywlne, saw two brigs bonnd np. Below Heeity
I-Ihi.'I, two biigs bound up. Aisive Wilmloguin,
bsrk Thusuelde, from Newea-tle. Eng.. cotn-ng ni
in tow. rsssengers : A. u. watkins, vv. .f. .for Un.
lC. Maeoth, O. A. MeKnapp. Chw. Niohors, Mr.
Chase. ZeU"s K Uy, D. K. Ilelden. K. Ctiaiiiio-.v. W.
B. ChHse, Mr. liarian and iriend, miss Mcix-ruiotr.,
B. m . - ail Jill. W!
Mrs, Airtanf, snis. r n. iines, -wins s-. a. r-otter,
NS in (iallybill, W. C. Stevens, aud Mr. S.ideil. wi'e.
and fHinilv.
Schr.S T. Baker, Pa vis, 17 days from Orohu. with
guano to Yamail St Trimble.
Si iircuar es laiwicnce, Aaanis, rrom utue Kgf
Schr Dclmont, Gales, from Gardiner, with ice to
KinckirbocKer ice uo,
Schr Eugene Bonia. uokes, from Kennebec, with
Ice to KnlckerbocKcr "e Co.
Schr Georje and Einlly, Harris, from Portland.
wbh llsh to Knight & S ns.
S. hr Mary Kveiine, moii, rrera ivewourn, N. C,
Wl n srungicH 10 1 ay ior . dkiz
Schr KoiH-rt l. Hetn, Ktuiey, irora Biitimore.
Sebr Jane N. Baker, Keed, ir m Bostou,
Schr Nightingale, Beebe, from Provi ietice.
Schr Cnarlotte Klsh, Williams, from Salem.
S hr Hannh LitMc. Smith, from Lvnn.
rchr E ii. S oeum, Slocnm. from Boston.
Schr C. 8. Kdwardn, Corson fr -m B iston.
Schr J. J. Harris, Davis, rrom Somerset.
SchrThna l ish, VVllleU, from Boston.
Schr Rhorta Holmes, Bragg, from New York.
Schr Mary Ella, Thomas, from Boston.
Schr Baltimore, D!., from Boston.
Cotrenpondtner f Tlie Eveniieq Teleqrah.
Nw Yokk OKn!, Sept. 8. S.tveu barges leave
In tow to-night, for Baltimore, iiicht.
Bai timoxr Bk ascii (ffick. Sept. 8. The follow
ing barges leave in tow to nmnt, eaHtwan :
A. v. Buck. A. J Tarior. L. D. Collins. 4eorge R.
Burrett, Iowa, Late and Rsrlv, D. vv. C. Stephens,
h. J. Chard, and II. L, Wilgus, all with coal, for
iew XOtK.
Jsnies imsrnnev. wrn coai. mr lYenMn.
PuiLAOKi.i'iiiA Branch omo, Spt. 9. Ten
llgni barges left this port yesterday for Baltimore,
and OLe with iron ore, for Wilmington, Del. L. S. C.
Special Dewtch to Th Evening Telegraph.
IlAvtwE-DK-OKACH, Sept. . The following boats
left this mornlnir In t'w:
J. E. Biackwell. with lumber to ra'terson & up.
Hdwin, wit n lumoer to e raiir & u-ancnara.
Chattanooga, with lumber to Taylor Betts.
X Street. Duties resumed bntember 14.
Rl:V. ENOCH ii. SUri'LKK, A. M.,
9 9Ct Prineipal
0 31 tnths Nal03JCHESX U T Street.
C1II R H, comer of TKNTH and I-OOU-ST.-Servlces
resumed next Suuday, lltn Inst, at usual
uour, ix o ciock. . v tv
ONLY, BJ4wfm4m8f
S8 Tt. SIXTH St.. below Arclu
Sitnated in the State of Louisiana, parish of
Plaquemines, at about thirty-five miles below the
city of New Orleans, on the left bank of the river
M lssiselppl. Having a front of about thirty-six acres
on said rive', by a depth of about thirty-seven acres,
making a superficies of thirteen hundred and twenty.
three acres, aliout four hundred acres of which are
under culture, the greater portion planted with
sugar-cane, A sufficient quantity of seed cane will
be reserved to plant about one hundred acres next
season. With all necessary buildings, including a
tine dwelling-house, sugar-house, with steam sugar.
mill, and the Rlllleox apparatus, all complete, and
in actual nse, laborers' quarters, stables, etc This
plantation is susceptible of making three to four
hundred hogsheads of sugar next year, and the crop
can easily be raised to six hundred hogsheads, and
even more.
Titlei indisputa'ola
This tine property will be told low, to close a con
For further particulars apply to
No. m WALNUT Street,
Mr. Washburne's Address.
The March on the Ca pital.
Panic in the City !
Prussia Irresistible !
ftnd Diplomacy Powerless.
Mr, Wanhbarne's Addre 10 thn Pnrtntnns.
Pakis, Sept. 9. The followim? Is the address
delivered by Minister Washbunie to the crod
of people and soldiers who came to serenade
him last evening:
"I thank you, on the part of my Government,
for this demonstration. I sha'l have great plea
sure In transmitting the thanks you express
with so much eloquence for the recognition of
the new repnblic of France. In my co n nu-ri-calion,
to which yon make such kind crcetimr,
1 have but made known the rentlmentsof the
President and people of the United States of
America, who take a profonnd interest lu the
prcat movement just inaugurated In France, and
willdeBlre most fervently Its success and the
hurtilnefs and t rospcrliy of the French people
Ixit-ling themselves under a republican form of
liovcfrrnent, ihey know bow to appreciate its
benefits. With warm hearts and language they
felicitate their former allies on the accomplish
me nt of a pacific 1 evolution, free from all ntiln
of blood, and claimlug the sympathy of all
lovers of true liberty."
Along the boulevards to-night there were
many shouts ot "'Vive les fc,tats UnW'and
"Vive Independance! ' The action of the United
Stales Government is warmly commented on iu
all parts of the city.
Julrs Favre called again to-day to reiterate
his thanks to the nation and to Mr Wash
IMS and 1S70.
The La France newspaper recalls the fact
that in ISIS the United States was the first
country to recgnlie the French republic, and
she is first again in 1870.
KiiHNinn OHIeUm ef Favre.
St. Petersbcko Sept. 9. The Journal of
this city, seml-ofQ ial organ, says in relation to
Jules Favre slate circular, "The French 0v-
ernment carries patriotism too far if rather
than yield t-e fortifications and soil no longer
valuable, It invokes a war of extermination.
Prussia will naturally exact double guarantees
to secure its noble victories. It is dilticult to
appreciate the language of M. Favre. He asserts
that the canse of France against Prnsxl is tli it
of right and justice, when only in July his lan
guage was precisely the reverse."
Alniice nnd Lorraine.
Berlin, Sept. 9. -After a protracted confer
ence among the members of the North German
Confederation, it has been decided that the
French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine are to
be annexed to Germany aud not to Prussia iu
Frenrh Imperialists In Finland.
London, Sept. 9 -MM. ltouber, Perslgny,
Baroche, Gramont, and other Imperlali-U have
arrived in England.
Jtsrbefort'a Influence.
The letter of Henri Uochef irt disclaiming the
violence of the Marseillaise newspaper has pro
duced an excellent effect on the public uiiud.
Workeruen, who tarn to consider Roehefort
their particular representative, qnite airree with
him that this is no time to create difliculiies.
PruaalaDH loiprlaaaed la Pari.
Paris, Sept. 9. Prussians who have not
obeyed the order to leave the city were imprl
Boned to-day.
Coodltlon of HtraubnrK
London, Sept. 9 Women ami children only
are allowed to leave Straburg. The Prussian
fire on the city is incessant, but apparently
without result. A practicable breach is
like!? to be made for a fortnight.
Peace r Warf
London, Sept. 9 Everything is In a state of
suspense. There is no important war news,
and no one knows whether the next announce
ment is to be peace or war. Notes of a deel led
character have been addressed to Beilin on the
subject of peace by the Cabinets of St. Peters
bnrg and London. It is said that Q ieeu Vic
toria has appealed to Queen Angusu la behalf
of peace.
The Praanlaaa Hteadily Adraartac.
Paris, Sept. 9. All .accounts agree Iu stating
that the Prussian army Is advancing rapidly ou
this city by forced marches. The advance cav
alry of the enemy has already appeaied within
ten miles of the fortifications of this city, and
have cut the Northern Railway. The mala army
of the Prussians is now dUtant only thirty miles
from Paris. The Inhabitants of the city and
suburbs are in a state of tremendous consterna
tion and excitement consequent upon the near
approach of the invaders.
Diplomacy Pawerleaa Before the Foree of
London, Sept. 9. Diplomatic notes of thn
most decided character have been forwarded to
Berlin from, the Cablnetsof both the Eugllsn an I
Ruefelan Governments, suggesting to Prussia
certain terms of peace as likely to be acceptable
to b th France and Prussia. This note points
out, with mncb clearness, that the present mo
ment is most opportune for the consideration of
I ecr proposals, Inasmuch as all further canse
of irritation would be avoided should those pro
posals receive the necensary consideration before
the bombardment of Paris.
In arcoidance with the course taken by Eng
land and Russia. Oueen Victoria has addressed
a most affectionate letter to Queen lAngusta of
Prussia, beseeching her to use that lntr.ience
which it is well known she possesses over the
K legato bring about this denlrabie consumma
rlllUo oa a ltaro I'airae.
Manchxstsb, Sept. 9 This forenoon the
stallions Lexington, owned by J. Tyler fc Co.,
of Claremont, N. II., and Lucius Speck,
owned by C. C. Smith, of Corinth, Vt., while
eiercWlDg on the race track, each golog in
opposite directions, collided, instantly killing
the latter hone, the shall penetrating nu vitals.
Lexington has a shaft wound in his breast and
right fore leg broken, and will have to be killed.
fucy w we Lota valuable borscs.
VUnntrr at Sfa-HihlfM Mtm IOwC
San Fkancibco, Sept. 9. The steamship Taa- .
ilnga collMed with a coal ketch near Auckland,
New Zealand, on July 23d, and both vessels ,
foundered immediately, eighteen lives being (
Lf Iters from England reached Auckland on
July 15, via San Francisco, and nine days before
letters of the above date were received via the
8uez Canal.
NapalssR't Flo Div la floitolola
ITonolclvj, Aug. 2. A solemn Teicttnt waa
surg here In the Catholic Cathedral la com
memoration of the rfe of Napoleon, the King:,
numbers of the diplomatic corps, and officers
of the t ailed States steamer Jamestown were
Volrnnnra nnd Riirthqnnhra.
The volcano of Mounaloa exhibits signs of
another eruption. There was a violent earth- '
quaVe on August 7. The Qieen Dowager is
seriously ill.
Fire In I'nisfnrnla.
San Francisco, Sept. 9 1 be principal por-'
tlon of the town of Port Wine, Sierra county,
California, was burned on September 1. Twenty
two buildings were destroyed.
Snn Fr nrrlar Ktrrtlom.
Great interest is felt hero in the municipal
election which occurs to-morrow, and it is
thought there will be a very close contest.
The Hrlt'i irte.
which was renewed In Siermnento after its de
fiat ber, has a). totally fa'.led. The Sacra
mento Typographical Union not only formally
receded from the demands for which they struck.
but ali-o adopted a rejoin tl i absolving their
nu niters I nun the obligation not to work in the
same oflices with "rats," and suspending inde
finitely all the rules o the union. The refusal
of seen California newspapers to re-employ
anp strikers has thrown many men out of work,
and mti't s a demand for t horoughly competent
ct mpotltora who have bad uo part in the move
ment. Tub Coal Trade. The following is the
aniMint ol Coal transported ou the Philadelphia
and Pending bnilromi during the week ending
Thursday, September 8, 1670:
lm. Cut.
FnmPt. Mnir g,si4 ll
rem Port t'aroon 6,863 OS
Kioin I ottsvllle 0 677 08
Hem Kelnnlklll Haven 80,339 1
Mini Pine Utnve ,173 19
Knni I'i rt Clinton 14 899 19
Kn m IiatDRiMirff and l)unphn 4,939 18
From Allcntnw ti aud Alimrtis 409 It
Anthracite Coal for week 105,918 18
B!tun.lit us coal from Ilarrlshurg and
Dauphin for week 7,733 16
Totnl for week pavinir freight 113. AM 18
Coal for Company's use 8,673 16
TotHl sll Muds for week 117,84'J 08
Previously this ear ,80l,Ud 04
Total 9.421.401 19
ToTBUisday, 8cpt. 9, 1S69. 9,HW,778 16
The late reduction of nH-eB nnd the htffhlv buo.
n sslul adoption olthm-NK PKl.'E MYHl KU, now
pluee tbise eei hraie-i 1'ia ios, hich heretofore
nave m en 01 1 ne hijr est rout wifuu the means of
1 fie m st. eeiinon.l. hi of iur.:tuittr.4.
lu rni liectio'i with lln- ueuertl reduction Of prices.
fp'Clal atteiitloii Is Invlteii t the iew rtjles of 7vf
rl -; 11iie. s rt'ined OrfAN'i -.(i'tAK FIAN08,
nnd Patent Oriiini I'priiftit titnos, wukih magnili
cent li.i-tu.Tii. 11 hi.ow ia.rly rival tne lajned Conoert
ai n rarioi uraffis.
Jn these fsvo- a styles, extnordlnarv reductions
have been made In the JSew Price UsU
iiiitov pint) 11 ooitis,
Nos. 1H0 and 1123 CHKi-NtT i-treet, PhlladelpbJa.
N. H The best new Pianos to rent. 9 9 fmwlm4p
tlrand, Nquareund ITprIjt;Iit
Mason & Hamlia'a Ceblnet Organt,
J. tx. COULD.
yo. 923 ClIltSNiIT BTRKBT,
1870. XA.IL.. 1870.
riiae(ous, Drigs and Light Wagons
icoai A"u im iik imivirvu.
Cf buyer ior Finish and Awest Styles. .
Luilt to order and for sale.
RIauiif iiciory nud IKeposItory,
Nos.lC09acd 1011 CRZSNUT Street,
9 8thstu2inrp ' PHif-AUKLPIITA.
in An iii'AtTUueni
Oi Every Design.
S. W. Corner TWELFTH and BROWS,
I u thstusui is a. tdisa ssstt,