The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 26, 1870, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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h Great Battle Imminent.
The Grand March on Paris.
Its Frogress Irresistible
Air Peace Talk Futile.
Inundation of Metz.
.artillery Tight at Jlehl.
Suasbtirg Citadel Nearly Destroyed
Impending Rerolution in France.
A Ureal Battle Imminent.
gpe:tal to the Courrier des JXatS'Unis.
Paris, Aug. 25. I will be brief. I cannot
peak of the movements of UaoMahon, upon
whom rests to-day all hope for the country.
Silence is both my security and duty, bat I
as say that I share these hopes, and that I
believe that the conquered of Woerth will
gain a brilliant revenge. A great battle is
imminent, not because we seek to deliver it,
but because the enemy is in a condition
which mokes it absolutely necessary for his
success to move with rapidity. Delays will
turn against him.
.Prussia's Victory Mast Be Immediate If at all.
Von Moltke knows that Germany, with its
system of recruiting, must conquer promptly,
or will be the real victim of the campaign.
Fifteen days of inaction on his part will give
Tin time to form two new armies and to rein
force those which to-day resist invasion. There
is then necessarily an immediate prospect of
a serious conflict.
All Peace Talk Futile.
There is some talk of peaee at the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, but consider it for certain
that, except under a crushing defeat, we will
hoar nothing of it so long as a Prussian sol
dier remains on the soil of Franoe. D'Auvergne
has said this, and the entire press unani
mously approves it.
The Ileadqaartera of Kin
are at Bar-le-Duo. One oorps of the Prussian
army which took part in the battle of Woerth
occupies the Department of Aube.
The Paris Advance Continue.
The march of the enemy on Paris con
tinues, but with evident hesitation. This it
the news at the Ministry of the Interior up
to noon.
Another Stormy Session
of the Corps Legislatif upon the errors of
the Committee of Defense was held last
night. As usual, there was much noise for.
The German U bines.
London, Aug. 20. The German Uhlans
are objects of prodigious terror at Paris.
Their arrival there is momentarily expeoted.
Patrols are stationed everywhere in the vici
nity to announoe the event.
Keaume of the (Situation.
London, Aug. 20. The Times this morn
ing has the following resume of the situa
tion: King William, leaving sufficient force
before Metz, where the Biege works rise like
exhalations, joined the Crown Prince, who
was pushing on for Paris. The movements
of MacMabon begin now to be intelligible.
A fugitive from Woerth, and avoiding
Metz, he passed through t the Vosges
to the Moselle, to Nancy, and to
Chalons, where he was reinforced by the
Garde Mobile and volunteers. His obvious
aim has been to bar the passages and pre
vent the advance of the Crown Prince on
Paris. A Recti ng to disregard him, the Grown
Prince moved on his flank past the
camp at Chalons, offering MacMahon
battle, which the latter declined,
retreating on llheims, leaving the Chalons
camp all to the Prussians. Since that time
liheims itself has been abandoned. The ob
vious motive throughout on the part of the
French has been to avoid a fight. The
Prussians are now within a short march of
Paris, where perhaps soma alight additional
resistance may be met.
The (iraad March ParU.
Buiun, Aug. 20. One oorps of the First
and Second Armies still confronts Bazaine,
while the remainder of the Prussians have
marched on Paris.
Inundation of Metz.
Pa&i, Aug. 20. The environs of Metz
have been inundated by order of the French
At A Council of Ministers yesterday favora
Lie news was communicated from both of the
French armies.
No Setieua Flghtlnc Yesterday.
It ia now certain there was no serious fight
ing yesterday, as reported in the Figaro last
The Government has received information
that the Prussians are no longer at Chalons.
The army of the Prince Itoyal has retro
graded. Monatod Gene d'Armes.l
Orders have been given to mounted gens
J'wmefl to resist the raids of the Uhlans.
The Tool Sortie.
L LibtrtU says at Tool the Garde Mobile
made a sortie, defeating and killing the
greater part of two Prussian regiments.
The Artillery Flhc at Heal.
artillery battle at Kehl and StrssWg on
Wednesday night, losting until ' Thursday
morning at 5 o'clock. A large part of the
citadel and arsenal in Strasburg are de
stroyed. Many fires have occurred in that
city on acoount of the vigorous bombard
ment. A French battery located at Marvien
was captured without loss to the Prussians.
The French fire has destroyed about twenty
houses in Kehl.
French Error Rectified.
Feulin, Aug. 20. The Frenoh storie? that
the Prussians were checked yesterday be
tween Chalons and Verdun are false.
Bealnaloar of a Reign of Terror.
Paris, Aug. 25 Evening. General Tro
chu, Governor of Paris, has decreed that all
individuals devoid of means of subsistence,
and whose presence contributes to the danger
of publio order and to the seourity of person
or property, or whose acts tend to impede the
measures of the authorities for defense and
general safety, are to be expelled from Paris.
All infractions of the above order m ist be
defended before military tribnniN.
Result ofTrorhn'. o. tier.
Tahis, Aug. 26. Many arrests were made
last night. Over twelve hundred were occa
sioned by the order of General Trocha. Two
hundred were persons arrested in the Fau
bourg Montmartre.
Prince Napoleon's Mission a Failure.
London, Aug. 2011 A. M. The London
Times this morning contains a despatch from
Florence stating that Prince Napoleon's de
mand for assistance was deolined by Italy. A
special Paris despatch says: There are
Knmors of Fighting-,
but nothing authentic
will undoubtedly be in battle to-day, and
there are fears he will be defeated.
. Official circles aro very silent, more so than
at any former time this week.
Resistless !
The enemy march slowly but surely on the
city. This is undeniable.
French Reports Fxploded The Crown Prince
. tlll Advancing;.
Messrs. D. C. Wharton Smith & Co., of
this city (Philadelphia) have received the fol
lowing special despatch)
London, Aug. 26. Despatches down to 5
o'clock A. M. explode the French reports that
the Prussians were caught in a trap at Metz.
The Crown Prinoe is still advancing. Mao
Mahon's movements are known to the Prus
sians, but they are regarded as of little conse
quence. Consols opened at !)ly(S)9l; United States
bonds of 1802, 88j88.
This Alornlaa-'a Quotation.
London, Aug. 30II-30 A. M. Consols 9i for
money, and 91 for account. American securities
steady. United States 5-208 of 1862. 81 U : of 185.
old, 86m; of 1867, sum 10-408.. 82)tf. StocKe firmer
and higher; Brie, 17V; Illinois Central, 109; At
lantic and Great Western, 22tf.
Liverpool, Aug. 6 11-30 A. M. Cotton
dull ; middling uplands, 94. ; middling Orleans, 9j!tf d.
The sales of the day are estimated at 8000 bales.
The salesof the week, have been 65,000 boles,of which
11,000 were for export and 4000 for speculation.
Stock 624,000 bales, 221,000 of which are American.
Receipts of the week 57,000 bales, of which 9000 are
American. Receipts of Wheat for three days
10,000 quarters, 5000 of which are American.
London, Aug. 2611-30 A. M. 8 a gar active at
81s. kl31. d. on the spot, and firm at 27s.27a.
3d. afloat. Turpentine linn.
Havrk, Aug. 25. Cotton opened at lOOf. for
Orleans, and closed at lOlf.
Paris, Ang. 25. The Bourse closed firm. Rentes,
6lf. 20c.
Admiral Porter.
Special Despatch to The Kvening Te'ojraph.
Washington, Aug. 36. Secretary Robeson,
in conversation with a United States officer to
day, stated that Vice-Admiral David D. Porter
was now admiral, bis appointment as such
having been made out and forwarded to him on
the 20th of the present month. This appoint
ment is subject to the confirmation of the
Senate, but it Is useless to think of its meeting
with any very serious opposition.
The Vlee-AdmlraUhlp.
The appointment to the vice-admlralship is
one of considerable discussion and comment
here among official circles. Nothing is definitely
known as yet who will be the successful one.
Admirals Goldsborough, Godon, Rowan, and
Rodgers are named by many as the ones that the
selection will doubtless be made from.
However, there is a rumor in circulation,
which appears to have considerable foundation,
that the President has spoken in favor of Rear
Admiral Stephen C. Rowan, who Is a resident of
Pennsylvania, and Is now on his return to the
United States from the Asiatic station, where he
has been in command for several years until re
lieved by Rear-Admiral Rodgers, who left New
York in the Colorado in January last.
The Ordnance Department.
Commodore A. Ludlow Cose, Chief of the
Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department, and
who was acting Secretary of the .Navy during
the absence of Secretary Robeson, has instruc
tions to visit the Philadelphia and several other
Navy Yards on business connected with the
Ordnance Department.
Charles Brown, of Camden, has been ap
pointed a watchman in the Philadelphia Navy
Resignation Accepted.
The resignation of Midshipman Winfleld S.
Baker, of the Ciuerriere, at New York, has been
Professor Hayden and the theological Survey.
DtspaU-h to the Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 26 A letter received at
the Interior Department from Professor Hayden,
of the Geological Survey, dated at Fort Fetter
man August 17, gives the satisfactory informa
tion of the safe arrival of himself and party at
that point, meeting no difficulties on the route,
and haviDg prosecuted bis survey successfully
to that point. Ho states that since Red Cloud
returned from Washington there have been no
depredations whatever in that region, and that
the party will proceed westward In a day or
two through the Sweetwater Valley, and pro
bably without an escort.
TerrtbletMtorm Along the Hudson Loss of Life.
Monthose, N. Y., Aug. 26. A terrible storm
of thunder and lightning prevailed along the
Hudson river last night. Awful disasters by
HgbtniDg are reported. At Kingston five per
sons were killed by one stroke. Reports of
fires caused by lightning are coming in from
all quarters. .
Cheyenne ltepnbllca (Convention.
Cheyenne, Aug. 20. The Republican Terri
torial Convention at Laramie City yesterday
nominated Judge William T. Jones for delegate
to Congress, Mr. Church Howe withdrawing be-
IsXrLosioa of gasoline.
A Furious and Torrwrtte Fire la Maiden Lane
He Persona Injured.
" flhortly after o'clock yesterday afternoon a ter
rific explosion occurred in the basement of the five
story brick bnlldtng Mos. us and 120 Maiden lane,
occupied by John W. Wbeelock, dealer In gasoline
and kerosene oil. The caase of the explosion has
not been ascertained, bnt as the cellar was filled
with a large quantity of gasoline in barrels, it is
supposed that the explosion was canned by the Igni
tion, from some unknown caase, of the fumes of
the gasoline. The explosion was of great force, and
. blew out tub doors
of the cellar and the windows In the store. Mr.
Wheelock, who was sitting in the store with some
gentlemen when the explosion occurred, was blown
ont into the street and severely Injured. Captain
Simon Pepper, who was In the cellar at the time, was
terribly burned about the face and body. James
McSbea, a porter In the employ of Wheelock, and
George Cbapln, a clerk in his employ, were also
blown out of the building, and badly injured. Mr.
Wbeelock, after having gained the street, returned
and entered the store to rescue his books and papers,
and was
about the face and body lie was taken charge of
by some friends, the police not having arrived, and
removed to his residence, No. 181 Vandorbllt ave
nne, Brooklyn. Ills Injuries are of a very severe
and dangerous character. Captain Pepper was re
moved to the Seeond Precinct Station, and
thence to the Park Hospital. Ills injuries are of a
terrible nature, and It la feared that fatal conse
quences may ensue.
In the meantime, the barrels of gasoline In the
cellar had taken Ore and were burning furioosly,
the flames pouring forth In dense volumes through
the cellar door and the grating In front. The Fire
Department were promptly on band, but their efforts
were unavailing to check the flames. - Kearlng that
the flames would communicate with the adjoining
buildings, which are tilled with a large stock of oil.
etc., Chief Engineer Perley ordered
to be sounded, whieh brought to his aid a strong re
inforcement of firemen and steamers. The firemen
succeeded in confining the flames to the cellar in
which they had oilglnated. The firemen were com
pelled to a'low the gasoline to burn ltBelf out, and
contented themselves with filling the cellar with
water in their enorts to drown out the flames. .V.
Y. WerUl to-day.
The Last Excursion of Beck's Band To
morrow The final excursion of Beck's Phila
delphia Band, No. 1, positively the last of the
season, will take place to-morrow, Saturday,
August 27, the last boat leaving Walnut street
wharf at 7 30 A. M, This excursion will be
by rail over the Camden and Amboy and other
railroads, and a variation of former programmes
will be made which will allow all to remain
eight hours at Long Branch. Here there will
be much sight-seeing to do on that day, and it
will not be unlikely that the greater part of the ex
cursionists would prefer to stop over at this point
rather than to go on to New York Bay as before.
The series of trotting matches at Monmouth
Park, Long Branch, will take place on that day,
and the grand review and dress parade of Flak's
celebrated 9th Regiment, now encamped at the
Branch, can be witnessed. Their encampment,
also,.can be Inspected by all who are interested
in such matters. The number of tickets for
the excursion has positively been limited, so as
to avoid all danger of an overcrowded train, as
on a former occasion. Tickets cannot be
bought on the morning of the excursion, nor
will any one be allowed upon the train without
a ticket. The fare for the entire excursion Is
only 12-50, which certainly is not a large sum,
considering what is furnished for the money.
Mysterious. About 3 o'clock this morning,
whilst Officers Shern. of the Fifth, and Harri
gan, of the Sixth districts, were standing at
Eighth and Chcsnut streets, they heard a crash
which sounded as though it came from, an alley
near Sansom street. Proceeding to the place,,
they entered, when Officer Shern climbed a fence
to take a survey of a yard. No sooner had ho
done bo than a pistol bullet went whizzing past
his ear. Of course he soon got down oil that
fence. Proceeding more cautiously a farther
exaualnuiluu was made, when It was found that
some thieves bad broken open the cellar-door of
the house No. 809 Sansom street, and had passed
through the yard with the intention of robbing
some one of the stores on Chesnut street, above
Eighth. They managed to escape.
Wholesale Grocery Store Robbed. At
an early hour this morning the wholesale gro
cery establish men t. of Messrs. Thornton and
Barnes, 334 North Delaware Avenue, was en
tered by thieves and robbed of two bags of Java
coffee, ten cbests of tea and sundry other arti
cles, the total value of which Is not known.
How the thieves gained an entrance is yet a
mystery. To remove the goods it is supposed a
wagon was used.
School of Design fob Women At a meet
ing of the Directors of the above institution
held yesterday, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing term: President, W. P.
Wllfltacb; Vice-President, William J. Horat
mann; Treasurer, James 8. Claghorn, and
Secretary, J. P. Morris. .
Recklessness. Philip G alien was yesterday
arrested at Front and Callowhlll streets for
reckless driving, he having run the pole of his
wagon into the rear of another vehicle, doinar
considerable damage. Alderman Cahlll held
him in $000 bail to answer.
Sudden Death. Officer McQuade, of the
First district, yesterday found an unknown man
lying on tie Jpavement on Birch street, west of
Fifteenth. The sufferer, who said he was sick
with a chill, was removed to the station house,
where he soon after died.
Slight Fire. About 8 o'clock last evening
Officer King, of the Fourth district force, dis
covered a fire in Johnson's foundry, Filbert
street, above Sixth. With the aid of some citi
zens it was extinguished without any alarm
being sounded. ,
The Result of Anger About 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon a man named William
Duckett was severely cut about the head with a
bar of iron, wielded by a newsboy, whom he
had been tantalizing. He was taken to the
Pennsylvania Hospital.
8. P. C. A. Alderman Alexander this morn
ing fined one John Zimmerman for cruelly be
laboring two over-loaded mules. Tbe arrest was
made at the Wire Bridge,, by Captain Chasteau,
of the Park Guard.
Beating a Policeman Alderman Jones
has held in 1600 bail one James 8larr on ibe
charge of committing an assault and battery
upon Officer Murray, of the Sixth district, at
Twelfth and Filbert streets yesterday.
Fatal Result William O'Rourk, who was
run over bv car No. 32 of the Union line, at
Ninth and Marriott streets, a few days since,
died yesterday at the hospital.
Messrs. Dm Haven , Broths a, No. 40 & Third
Street, Philadelphia, report the following quotations:
U. 8. to of 1881, U4S'3114S'; do. 1802, 1UV(U4;
do. 1864, 110 '4 (4111; do. 1865, 111(41113; do. I860,
new, 10VX4U0; do. 1867, do. lOOjiio.',' ; da IMS,
da 110110 V: 10-408, li)Sj,'U09. u. S. 30 Year
6 per cent Currency, 111U1J. Hold, 116,(11?;
Silver, 111(3114; Union Pacific Railroad 1st Mort.
Bonds, 800(4840; Central Pacific Kaiiroad, &75(g8)o;
Union Paciflo Land Grant Bonds. 73oa76U.
Philadelphia Trade lie port.
Friday, Aug. as. Bark In the absence pf
sales we quote No. 1 Quercitron at 1 35 v ton.
Tbe Flour market is quiet but steady at yester.
day's quotations. There is very little demand for
shipment, and operations of the home consumers are
confined to their Immediate want. About loo bar
rels changed hands, including superfine at 5&C4
B-62X; extras at Co TOwjo iaM! Iowa, 'Wisconsin, and
Vlnnesota extra family at f6iUH$i'U7 ; Pennsylva
nia da do. at (T'60; Ohio da do. at I6&0 for
low grades up to $70 for good; and fancy brands
atl7-7tK8-fri, as in quality. Kye Flour ranges from
d to -l!04lp barrel. In Corn Meal nothiug doing.
The demand for Wheat has fallen off, bui price
remain without change. Sales of new Western red
at 11 4l(a( 1 43 ; 10,000 bushels do. da on secret terms ;
new Delaware da at fl-gol-SO; and white at tl4
1 U5. Bye may ba quoted at 90c. for new Western.
Corn Is in limited reqaest, and prices favor buyers,
baits tf KOOO bushels at Utlc for yellow, and 8(
93o. for low and high Western mixed. Oats are un
changed. Sales of old Pennsylvania at 64&&5a;
new da da at Wc; and new Western at 4taoc.
for bright, and 46a for black.
Wks J dull M oc Ivr Western Jroa-boand,
Jt addtfionoi Marine St tot Inside root.
(By Trlrpmph.)
BavafA, Aug. 26. The steamship City cf Hernia,
from New York, arrived to-day. t t
rOKT OF rnilACKU'IllA. '...AUGUST 2d
T A. Iff 70 1 11 A. M 77 9 P. M 81
8tt Tacony, Nichols, New York, W. M. Baird ft Co.
Nor. bark La Bella, Christiansen, Cork for orders, L.
Westergaard A Co.
8chr Milton, Eldrldge, Lynn, Slnnlckson & Co.
Schr Kogene, llawes, Provlncetown, do.
Schr Bannnb Sophia, Leaf, Norwalk, da
Schr J. C. Thompson, Vansant, Cambrldgeport, Day,
Huddell Co.
Bcbr 8. Williams, midreth, Boston, do.
Schr J. A. Griffin, Foster, Boston, k.
Schr A. P. Hnddell, Long, Boston, la
Schr W. Newman. Wlllard, Providence, do.
Schr R. V. Jarvls, Fuller, Bangor, da
Schr J. S. Wines, llulse, Newport, John C Scott &
Schr Albert Mason, Rose, Boston, " da
Schr S. Godfrey, Henderson, Charlestown, do.
Schr A. O. Ireland, To wd send, Washington, da
Schr Admiral, Sieelman. Salem, da'
Schr L. & M. Knowlea, KnowXes, Salem, do.
.schr A bbie Pitman, Lombard. Boston, do.
Scbr Sarah Bruen, Fisher, Wllmton, N. C, do.
St8mT 11. L. tiaw, Her, 13 hours from Baltimore,
With mclse. and passengers to A. Groves, Jr.
Steamer Rattlesnake, Winnett, CO hours from Sa
lem, In ballast to J. a 1 1 Dies.
Steamer General P. D. Sheridan, Craig, fm TJunU
lDgdon, with lumber to Patterson fc Lipplnoott.
Iir. bark Thomas, Swcndsen, 13 days fm Havana,
with sugar to C. fc C. 31. O'Callaghau vessel to
Warren Gregg.
Br. bark Gipsey, Cremore, 0 days from Boston, In
ballast to Darrah Klwell.
Nor. barkcntlne Kaleb, Karsen, 13 days from Ha
vana, with sugar to 8. & W. Welsh.
Brig Mary K. Thompson, Bunker, 5 days fm New
York, In ballast to Warren fc Gregg.
Schr Damon, Johnson, 5 days from St; John, N.
B., with laths to J. W. Gaskill & Sons.
Bcbr Moses Patten, Harding, 11 days from Bangor,
with lumbee to T. P. Galvln iCo.
Schr Battle Baker, Baker, from Boston, in ballast
to 8ouder & Adams.
Schr W. A. Crocker, Baxter, from Boston, with
glue stock to Bscder. Adamson k Go.
Schr Nellie Star, Poland, from Dresden, with Ice
to Johnson A Co.
Sohr Emma R. Graham, Bmlth, from Kennebec
River, with Ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co.
Schr Mary Price, Ferguson, from Lane's Cove,
with granite to Barker & Bra
Schr A. Cakes, Plllsbury, from Lane's Cove, with
grsnlte to Barker & Bra.
Schr IJllie Dale, Smith, from Rappahannock.
Schr J. P. Adams, Frambes, from Boston.
Sohr Kate P. Lunt, Lunt, da
Schr Jed Frye, Langly, : do. '
Schr Eva Bell, Somers, do,
Schr Altbea, Smith, do.
Schr James Alderdice, Willetts, do.
Schr LizRle, Frambes, from New York.
Schr L. B. Sargeant, Sargeant, from Wareham.
Schr Sear g vl Oe, Chase, frcm Boston, with radsa
Schr L. B. Oowperthwalte, Garder, from N. York.
Schr F. St. Clair Edwards, Ireland, from Boston.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Havre-dk-Grace, Aug. 20. The following boats
left this morning In tow:
John Hetzell, with bark to Keen A Ooates.
General Siege), with lumber to R. Woolverto.i.
George Hopson, with lumber to Trump A Son.
S. 8. Blgler, with flint to Baeder, Adamson fc Co.
James II. McConkey, with coal, for Wilmington.
Odd Fellow, with lumber.
(Ar aMUlcnaX DmCht tet fifth pa.)
LovETT On the 25ih Instant, Morris M. Lovett,
son of Charles E.- and Madge B. Lovett, aged 11
The relatives and friends of the family are respect
fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the resi
dence of his parent", No. S109 Kldge avenue, to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
August 23, 1870. The various Ward Executive
Committees are requested to meet on or before
TUESDAY, August 30, and adopt such measures as
will insure a complete canvass in their respective
By order of the Union Republican City Executive
M. C Homo,
8 22t
of solid lSkarat fine rold. QUALITY WAR
BANTED. A fall assortment of sixes slwajrs on band.
8 26 wfmg No. 334 OHJlSNUT iitrset. below Fourth.
npX v U I l ' old- established business tfat will net
that amount per year.
. Address, T. J. W.
8 . "Ledger" Office.
ARCH 8treet, above Tenth.
Box ouice open Saturday, August 27, for sale of
Box office open from lOnntil 4. 8 8S 2t
and easy-fitting DRESS HATS (patented), in all
the Improved fashions of the season. CHESNUT
Street, next door to the Post Office. rp
. ONLY, 6 4 wfmimsp
68 Jl. SIXTH St., below Arch
For the Stereoscope. 29 cents each
Also, Larger, Mounted 25 cents each
Looking-Glass Warerooms and Gallery of Paintings,
Newport, Rhode Island.
" This Hotel will be opened KaY 30, at 3-t0pe
day for transient boarders. -
Families may mate special arrangements by th
week or season.
Q C C A N H O U 8 C
Good accommodations can be tad at this FIRST
CLASS EOT EL. , Address
81T10trp LYCETT& SAWYER, Proprietors.
ItlMHBD, is now rau'yjor ntwanent or uanjCent
The Roderick Butler Case.
It will be Tried in Washington.
The Bounty Land Business.
Important Revenue Circular.
Extensive Census Documents.
Etc. lite. Etc.. I'tc, IUc
Bennty Laad Hosiers.
Special DtevatcM to The Jtoentng Telegraph,
Washikqtox, Aug. 35 All letters relative
to bounty lands should be addressed to the Com
missioner ot Pensions, who has solo charge of
such matters, instead of the Second Auditor.
Ueasoe Decnment.
Fifteen hundred yolumes, of one thousand
pages each, will be required for the names of
the persons taken by tho assistant census mar
shals. Twe-cent Stamp
on checks will bo required after October 1. Tho
law only exempts receipts for any sum of money
or for payment of any debt and promissory
notes for a less sum than one hundred dollars. -
CoBa:rssmni Butler, of Teamessee,
has written a letter to a friend here requesting
that counsel may be engaged to represent him
before the Criminal Court of this District. At
the hearing in Bristol,' Tenn., on the 30th inet.
he expects to be bound over to appear before
the said court and will at once corae to this
Tobacco Regulation.
The Internal Revenue Bureau will shortly
issue a lengthy and complete circular of tobacco
regulations, and after the lapse of a reasonable
time for merchants to become f.iuiili ir with the
terms of the same, prosecutions for v' ' ion of
laws will be promptly commence.!, aud igno
rance of the laws on tho part of tUoso arrested
will not be considered a good plea for exemption
from fine or forfeiture.
Army Orders.
Dttpatok to the Associated Press.
Captain Francis M. Coaley, at his own re
quest, Is honorably discharged from the servico
of the United States. Second Lieuteuant Richard
L. Uoxie, Corps of Engineers, is relieved from
duty with Company E, Engineer battalion, aud
ordered to Boston to report to Colonel FI. W.
Benham for duty. First Lieutenant W. B. Nes
bitt is, at his own request, honorably discharged
the service. Second Lieutenant Eugene Rickett,
22d Infantry, is ordered to report by
letter to Brigadier-General Mc
Dowell, of the retiring board, for examina
tion when summoned. First Lieutenant James
Lawson is ordered to Carlisle Barracks to ac
company recruits to New Mexico. Captain
Ceorge W. Ballantine, unassigned, is relieved
from duty in the Department of Texas, and will
proceed heme to await orders. Lieutenant
Hunter has been ordered to tho Severn.
Terrible Duel Near Slempals.
Memi'hib, Aug. SO. A duel was fought Just
over the Mississippi line, a few miles below the
city, at sunrise this morning, between Major
Edward Freeman, a young merchant, aud
Edward Hamlin, a young lawyer, both of the
city, with Derringer pibtols at fifteen paces.
Both fired simultaneously, and Hamlin was shot
through the body and died in ten minutes. The
affair caused great excitement, as tbe parties
are wll known and highly respected. But
little is known of the cause. Hamlin's seconds
were Captain Dabney Scales and Major Thomas
F. Saunders. Freeman's seconds were Captain
Charlie Woldridge and Major Theo. Rheas.
New York Produce Market.
Niw Yokk, Aug. S& Cotton dull and unchanged;
sales 400 bales. Flour dull : sales of 7000 barrels
State at t-40i-40; Ohio at fS-90T-4S; Western
at 5-40i 60; Southern at 09-75. Wheat Is with
out decided change; sales 81. 000 bushels No. 8
spring attl-S031-2; winter red Western at ft-49;
white Michigan at 1160. Corn quiet; sales 4,000
bushels new mixed Western at 8&387tf c Oats quiet;
sales 19.000 bushels State at 539500. ; Western at 50
ttgblc. Beef steady. Pork quiet ; new mess, f
as. Lsrd quiet; steam, i.v10o.; kettle, I7a
17c Whisky quiet at 94 v;c .
New York Mtoek aad ffloaey Market.'
Niw York, Aug. su Stocks very dull. Money
46 per cent. Gold, lia.v. 5-)s, 1602, coupon,
111; do. 1S4, do., Ill; do. 1805, do., HIV; do.
18S6, new, 110: do. 1667. 110; do.lsia, liov; liMoa,
1087.. Virginia sixes, new, 65; Missouri sixes, 90;
Canton Company, 60s'; Cumberland preferred, 33;
N. Y. Central and Hudson Klver, 94 ; Erie, 83;
Reading, t ; Adams Express, 64?,' ; Michigan Cen
tral, 118 V! Michigan houtheru, Bls Illinois Cen
tral, 134; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 104; Chicago
and Rock Island, 113; Pittsburg aud Fort
Wayne, 4; Western Cnlon Telegraph, 34.
Baltimore Prodae Olarkot.
Baxtimokb, Aug. lid. Cotton quiet and un
changed. Flour dull and lrregalar. Wheat steady ;
Maryland amber, 11-50(31-60; fair to good Maryland,
f I-S01-4B; common to fair, f l'liMl'25; white wheat,
1136(41-65; Western red, l 35;i-40, Corn White
Southern, $l-05,iTi, Southern yellow, 0495a;
mixed Western, 60$5o. t do. white, 90o.$SL oat,
47o. Rje, 1Ck.90o. Mess pork more weak at f 30
90-50. Bacon less active; rib sUios, 17o. ; clear
do., I8c. ; shoulders, 15;o. llama, ftf'2to. Lard
quiet at niwailc. Whisky crm at 9394c
from tkt tf. r. B.raUI.
"The gold market, which still engrosses the larger
share of the attention of the strtet, was again tue
scene of an excited tarn this rooming. Kvea beiore
the formal opeuing of the room tlie market was agi
tated by tbe reports of a sud.leu break in our
in London, which were stated to have declined to
b6. Upon this there was a rush on the part of the
bears to cover outstanding short sules. which carried
tbe price rapidly up to 11. Toe hrst recorded sales
were made in the room tit 117?., lie premium again
advancing to lis. A later despatch sliowing a re
covery In tho London market, the market reacted
and gradually ('e-iin'l to lid;,. In the interim
tb; information that the Bank of England rate
of discount had been reduced ro four mt cent,
wss received, Out in the lace of ilia ileo.lua in
bonds wss without effect upon t'ie market. The
war news received, although of the usual mixed,
unsatisfactory, and contradictory haricter, s ie ril
ing to iiuer a less favorable k! (nation for the
French tbn bad been previouvly reported, aldud
in tnw decline. From tbn figure it, rallied to
117, , bat went of' sgnin npon a s'ill furthnr Im
provement in tbe Loudon market and a sccjnd tiiua
touched 116?;. Here It sun'ercd yet. another reamMoo,
and recovered to 111, going oir, however, toward thu
close and settling to the lowest bVnre uM)n a rumor
to the effect thai a pool is orranuipg t depress the
price; that this pool Uiten'ls to iorrou 1 nr amount
of gold on time tue h mourn n iii I Is t s.ouo ooo
an I to throw the same on tue marker, tue ;Ut being
made ex-tJleariog liouse.
Thtie has been less said to-day respecting tbe
seemingly mythi'Uil pool to ad van the preinlain,
Wtu.h hM eiUxl U-e nj&rkvt uurlcg la-) jiaet
few davs, and the coursn Of the premm n to-day
does sot certainly favor Its existence. Thre are
many who reassert, however, that such a clique has
been formed to advance the price of gold, which
may or may not develop into an effort to make a
corner, but the prevailing Impression Is fiat only a
short turn will be attempted. Them aro unscrupu
lous speculators enough here who would n )t hesitate
at any soheme whereby their own profit mar
be served, at whatever sacna of principle; but
these have a wholesome lear of 8ecreUiry Uontwell,
nd fully appreciate that no conspiracy to disturb
trade, similar to that of a year ago, will be sufrored
to gain anything like tbe same head, and with a con
stant apprehension of his sudden Interference in
their minds will scarcely venture very largely Into
any 'pool, lest It might prove an ocean that would
swallow np them and their fortunes.
"The money market continues to work With the
same ease already noted, the general dnlness on the
Stock Exchange rendering the demand for currency
of a very limited character. The prevailing rate on
call was five per cent., although exceptions oocurred
wncre the collateral oilcred was governments at four
per eebt, and at six per cent, on stocks.
"The Government market was unfavorably af
fected early In the dsy by the London ad vinos, ex
hibiting a very considerable decline In tho prices of
sixty-twos In the market, and later by the large,
offerings at the Sub-Treasury, amounting in the ag
gregate to f6,644,000, which counteracted a subse
quent improvement In London. The offerings
whl h were distributed were, however, all close on
to the rrarket price The Government purchased
t'i, 000,000 at prices ranging from 108-78 to xoa-li."
A nether Cnse of Hydrophobia An KlrierlvOea.
Ileumn tho Ylcttui-lila uflerlns and Uwtk.
The 8t. Louis Republican of the 23d instant
The worst symptoms or hydrophobia were devel
oped yesterday in the case of Edwin Krueg, a Ger
man, fifty-seven years of age, Krueg is very tail,
six feet at least, and has grey beard and whiskers.
Ills expression of face Is gaunt aud haggard, and
when In one of his temporary attacks of madness he
raves quite frantically, and his appearance la well .
calculated to excite horror. Re lost the use of one
eye some years ago. He Is said to have been an en
gineer, but has not been actually engaged for some '
time. He Is also a man of family. The particulars '
of the dog-biting which led to such shocking results
are as follows :
Tbe unfortunate man was playing with a dog,
about six weeks ago, and received a slight wound '
from his teeth on tho hand, and although he was
asked to have the wound cauterised, he neglected tn
do so. The first unfavorable symptoms exhibited
themselves about six days ago, and the aid of Dr.
Rlmberger was called In. lie then pronounced It a .
case of hydrophobia. The patient became worse,
and to the ordlnarv svmntoma of tho disAsan. iri
nt virjar nn finuama nci-nni na ntnrl I i a ln lit...
ntterance, was added at times tho wild behavior of a,
desperate lunatic.
Tbe health otneer was notified of the case yester
day, and requested to take the sick man to the hos
pital. An ambulance was sent to the address given,
and the doctor went there himself, but had only a
faint idea of the reception he was going to meet
with. Krueg was found sitting up lu bed with a
rs7.or in one hand and a loaded rifle In the other,
prepared for all comers. His delusion at the time
was that he was going to be killed, and that he ought
to defend himself. Tbe ambulance driver was
obliged to call In the aid or the police, and four offi
cers were assigned the tank or escorting the furious
patient to the hospital. The old man gesticu
lated and raved considerably, but he was In
time sifcly ensconced in a comfortable cell at the
City Hospital. Alter being there a Bhort time the
patient was restored somewhat to rational tran
quillity. He Is subject, however, to paroxysms and
convulsions, and is fully aware when tbov are com-
I I. .... 11a h.B mrlfr I! . .1 r-. HAnl . .1.1 I
UJK una uiru cnkvil Ul UI.UK IkUJIillIiJg HIUUO
Saturday, and water he cannot even bear to see,
shuddering and gasping when It meets his eyes, or
anything like It. In his calm momenta ho has said
that he wonld like some bread soaked In beer, and
this diet will probably be allowed blm for a time.
There is something unusual about tha esse, and
some hopes are entertained that the patient may re
cover under medical treatment. As the awful (Un
ease or hydrophobia Is, however, clearly Indicated,
mien a. result jh uaioiy prooaoie. u ne flog wnica bit
this man was not supposed to be mad at the time,
but a few days afterward It had what tho people
neur the place called "llts," and died.
A Dody of Colored Alea Attack a Georgia
Jail and It dense the Prisoners-Troop Hoot
For Jotesse Excitement.
The Savannah Hrpublican of the 23d instant
We are Indebted to Mr. L. L. Carswell, who
arrived from Louisville on tbe down Central
passenger and freight train, due at Savannah
yesterday afternoon at half-past 5 o'clock, for
the following information regarding an out
break on tbe part of the negroes of that town .
On Saturday afternoon last about one huu-'
dred negroes broke into the Jail at Louisville,
tViA rnnntv fiffnt nt .TafTarostn nntw J
leaced all tbe iumatcs.mostly, if not all, negroes.
The attack seemed to be particularly directed
to secure the liberty of a negro who had been ,
imprisoned for shooting a horse or mule. The '
Intcnspfit ATpltfimpnt ni-Avnllfll . arewmi th.
people and spread through the county like wild
fire. On Sunday the negroes sent out runners in
every direction, and soon collected a force up-
warns if nnA thmiaani atmnt Tkta
paraded tbe streets in bands, cursing and hur
rahing and behaving themselves in the most dis
orderly manner even c-oino- so far in their law.
lessnees as to threaten to burn the town. At
this crisis, the whites rapidly turned out to de
fend the place, sending messengers to Emanuel
and other counties for assistance, which was
sent in squads of men as fast as circumstances
would allow all Sunday night, and up to eleven
o'clock yesterday morning.
On Sunday night the citizens of Louisville
sent a messenger to Atlanta for a detachment of
United States troops, which Is expected to arrive
Reported by De Haven A Bra., No. 40 S. Third staeet.
tcOOOPa 6s, latse..
J3000 6-808, '65, reg.i09.v
100 ah Reading K... 47ft
40shPennaR 68
100 sh 8ch N Ff ;i V
Monday. ...104.V
11500 Leh 6b, 84.... 63X
SlMiO Folia A E7s.. 83
$50C0 Am Gold . .blO.U6 X
$:000 Pa R Con m be i 100 sh Leh Nav.sftO. 33
Cp.. 85 sshMech ilaox.. 8
13000 City 6s, New.1011
Twenty-five feet front, one hundred and forty-flve
feet deep to Bennett street. Back buildings
five stories high.
Apply on the premises between 10 and 12 A. M.
Street. Apply on the premises between id and 1
o'clock A. M.
sit tr
HOUSES and LOTS wanted la exchange for
Merchandise at wholesale prices.
Address immediately. FIN LEY.
"Ledger" OmV.
ti ING, with back buildings, sitostod in
OONGHKha b trost, tio. UL
Dstwssn rront ua
with .11 lh niJ.M imitmtMUBU.
a. ii i, nun i )
- no. sov a. oil vr.n i n twa
Liil retsii trade, First Floor and Basement of tho
Tw Store Noa. 1H and 114 North NINTH Street.
Ai.plyto WILLIAM II. BW1N,
e iu fwwtif No. BIT WALNUT htroe.
Cottage to rent or for sale, 8. E. corner tipruca
ami For
nrt v-Iourth streets.
... ft. I1!'".
y lore the. ballot.
..-- - I.