f THE DAILY EVENING- TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY JULY 27, 1870 3 nrwg burs aut. P.nie.tle Affairs. Gold closed yesterday at 121. Miners in the Manch Chunk district are muming work on the Lehigh Coal and Navi gation Company's term!. During a recant engagement in the TTol gcin district 250 Cuban Insurgents were killed at least so the Spaniards say. A military party sent after the Big Horn up edition to bring it back overtook it, but tiuld not induce the explorers to return. Admiral Radford, lately appointed to the command of our European squadron, has ar rived at Flushing, Holland, in his flag-ship, the Franklin. A vessel supposed to be the yacht Cam bria was passed by the French mail steamer on Monday night about two hundred miles cast of Sandy Hook. On the 14th instant fifty men of the Cth Cavalry had a five hours' fight with a party of 21Q Indians near Fort Richardson, and were driven back some eight miles. The country in the vicinity of San Saba, Texas, is fairly occupied by Indians. Scores of families are leaving their homes, and in many instances are reduced to destitution. Governor HolJen, of South Carolina, refuses to surrender to Chief Justice Pear son his prisoners in Alamance county, and it is said has ordered their trial by a military commission. THE ASSEMBLY Al CAPE MAT. THE BTOORIOH HOUSE BALL LAST NIOHT A MAONinCENT OVATION TO THE MARYLAND 1 1FTH THE EVENT OI' THE REASON. The ball to the Maryland Sth at the Stock ten House last night was a brilliant affair, and passed off with great ccM. At 9 o'clock the regiment, escorted by the Reception Committee, entered the house, and imme diately thereafter the invited- guests and others followed. The hall was tastefully de corated with Hags of all nations, the coats-of-arms of the various States being assigned proper and prominent places throughout the room. Frevious to the regiment entering the tall, and while drawn up in line, a tine dis play of fireworks was had. Dodworth's Band, increased to thirty performers, furnished the dancing music, while that for the promenade was furnished by the band of the regiment. The scene In tl e ball-room as the glittering throng moved through the graceful figures of the quadrille, or whirled and twisted in the nazes of the waltz, was exceeding pictu resque and inspiring. The toilets of the ladies were remarkably fine and elaborate, and were distinguished by that modesty and good taste that have characterized all the balls given here during the present season. The officers and men of the 5th were in full dress uniform, and threw themselves into the f'f Htivities with an abandon that manifested inhere feeling and earnest enjoyment. Numerous officers of the army and of Phi Indelphia regiments were present in full r.nifcrm, among whom were noticeable Gene ral Van V lei t, Sewall, Bingham, Bier and .'arr, and Colonels Sellers, with several line .fficers of the 4tb, Leo, and Moore. Hon. Reverdy Johnson, W. Prescott Smith, Hon. Thomas Swann, lion. N. G. Penniman, Hon. Samuel J. Randall, Senator Ramsey, of Min nesota, Hon. Morton McMichael, Judge Yorke, W. E. Lehman, Samuel R. Phillips, Thomas Dolan, John T. School, John Tucker, S. Gross Try, and numerous other prominent gentlemen were also present. The programmes were exceedingly elegant and novel, and were brought from Baltimore. During the evening a banquet was served in the breakfast room for the officers of the 5th, and the special invited guests. The entire affair was under the immediate charge of Colonel Herbert and several of his officers. Mr. Duffy, of the Stockton, was indefati gable in his endeavors to render everything successful, and succeeded to the entire satis faction of every one present. The greatest attention was paid to every detail, and nothing that could suggest itself to Mr. Duffy was left undone. Dodworth also de serves special notice for the very excellent music furnished. The ball was a most gratifying success in every particular, and the numerous visitors from Baltimore were filled with delight. The numerous pretty ladies present were a sub ject of general remark among the gentle men. Many of these were from Baltimore. The occasion was one of the most enjoyable ever experienced at Cape May, and in gran deur far excelled that of the New York 7th. Each of the ladies present was presented by Mr. Duffy with a small bouquet of fra grant flowers during the evening. The hall decorations were by W. F. Scheible, of Phi ladelphia. WE WAIt. THIS MORNING'S DESPATCHES. I WLPAEAT10N8 FOR THE SIEGE OF COLOGNE THE EMFUCOn'a ADDRESS TO THE NAVY THE lUENCH-r-BUBblAN SECRET TREATY. Paris, July 2. La Liberte announces that the Journal Officid will publish to-morrow the correspondence between the French and Italian Governments, in which the first steps were taken for the solution of the ques tion of the occupation of Rome. The Libtrte promises that the document will create a sensation, and will show that the Italian Government has not even asked for the withdrawal of the French troops, but Trance has taken the initiative to that end. La Liberte reports that the Empress has t-aid "that the only end the war can have is victory for France. ' The Journal Officid publishes a despatch from the Duke de Gramont, addressed to the diplomatic representatives of France, refuting the statements made by Baron von Wertber, that no mention had been made of the candi dature of Prince Leopold previous to the late offer of Prim. Gramont appends a latter from Count Benedetti, dated March 31, 18G9, btating that he bad been assured by the Cabi net of Berlin that there was nothing serious in the report that it was possible that an offer of the throne of Spain might be made to iionenzoiiern. ine Aiomieiir au aoir says it learns from a good source that Prince Leopold of Hohen zollern and his father are in bad odor at Ber lin, on account of their renunciation of the Spanish throne, and adds that Bismarck had reproached them for their precipitate action, which enabled Spain to keep clear of the quarrel, and permitted France to place more troops on the Rhine, as there is no need for her to watch Spain. The same paper notices editorially the treaty proposed in 1SC6, and bays it never bad the adhesion of the Empe ror. The Moniteur du Soir adds that such a project did exist, bnt it was proposod by Prussia and not by ranee. The Empress while at Cherbourg read to the sailors of the fleet an address from the Em peror, which says: "Though not among yon, my thoughts follow you to those seas where your valor will be displayed. The French navy has a glorious history. You will be worthy of its past. When in front of the enemy remember that France is with you. and calls the protection of Heaven upon your arms. While von fight on sea, your brethron fight on land for the same cause.' Go and show with pride the national standard, and when they see it the enemy will know that it unfolds the honor and genius of France." After the delivery of the above address, the Empress was overcome with emotion. The effect of her visit to the fleet is said to be great. . London, July 20. The raU JfaU Gazette, now that the real designs of the French Em peror are revealed, counsels England to make every preparation for war. Persons residing near the fortifications of Paris have been notified to quit their houses, as the space is required for the play of ar tillery. ! The French force at Thionville and Moselle is estimated at 80,000 men. The Imperial Guard is at Nancy. , The early evacuation of Rome by the French troops is almost certain. France takes this method of securing the friendship and alli ance of Italy. The French report another cavalry skirmish near Metz, and claim that the Prussians were beaten and lost three officers. A despatch from Paris assumes that the Emperor leaves to-night for the front. The environs of Cologne have been cleared of the inhabitants and buildings, and the hills will be levelled, in preparation for a siege. The French Government exempts coal from the list of articles contraband of war. A further advance in the rate of discount at the Bank of France is expected. A special despatch from Strasbourg, - re ceived to-day, says: "Theelite of the French aimy is now concentrated at Strasbourg and Belfort. The Algerian forces, consisting of Zouaves and Turcos, and filling eighteen rail way trains, reached Strasbourg on the 24th, and to-day took up position at Belfort, close to the Baden line. Sixteen squadrons of Chasseurs d'Af rique arrived to-day, via Lyons. " Despatches received from Thionville, Sierck, St. Arold, Metz and Bitche, state that the army has commenced to move to the fron tier. The Imperial Guard has already started, and it is now regarded as certain that the Emperor designs closing in on the Prussians between Thionville and Weissen- bourg, throwing the army under MoMahon on the German side of the Rhine. This army is composed of three corps, commanded by Generals Failly, Douay and McMahon. A force of S000 marines, in command of Gene ral de Vassaigne, accompany the Baltic fleet, and an attack is to be made on Stralsund, im mediately north of Berlin. France denies the authenticity of the secret treaty said to have been offered to Prussia. Grafe, the eminent German oculist, is dead. In the House of Commons to-night, Mr. Glad stone, in reply to a question of Mr. Torrens, said negotiations for. the settlement of the Alabama claims stood where they aid a year and a half ago, the United States having de clined the offer made by England. The next advance was due from the American Govern ment. Earl Granville, in the House of Lords to night, again referred to the draft of a secret treaty alleged to have been proposed by 1 ranee to Prussia, and said be had an inter view this afternoon with the French Ambas sador, who told him that the treaty originated with Bismarck; that it never had a serious basis, and was rejected by both parties. The ambassador protested that France was actually desirous of maintaining peace with Belgium, England, and Holland. Mr. Gladstone informed the House of Com mons that advices from Hertin, settling tne authenticity of the Times' information regard ing the alleged treaty, were hourly expected. The British Minister at Berlin had telegraphed that the despatch containing the original pro positions of Napoleon embodied in the treaty existed in Count Benedetti's own band- writing. Mr. Utway, under foreign becretary, de clined, when asked, to make any communica tion or express an opinion of the proposal made by Napoleon to annex Holland. THE BOISE OF ROUEN ZOLLERN. ITS OIlIGIN AND , PROGRESS A LOXO HISTORY IN BRIEF. JVoiH VOpinion, Rationale, July 13. The House of Hohenzollern, which to-day makes so much noise in Europe, and menaces all nations by its ambitious projects, is of Suabian origin. In leaving the town of Hechingen, watered by a tributary of the Neckar, the traveller wno directs nis steps southward toward Berlingen sees rising on his left a conical-shaped mil, on the summit of which is situated a castle of feudal proportions. That is the cradle of the bouse of Zollern, called Hohen or high Zollern, on account of the elevation of the ancient manor. This castle, which gave its name to the royal house of Prussia, was built about the year U80 A. D. The petty nobles to whom it served as a residence lived for a long time in obscurity, and became divided into three branches, that of Franoonia, whence has issued the royal house of Prussia, and those of Hechingen and Sigmaringen, who remained stationary. The two latter have played but an insignificant role in his tory, but the line of Franconia learned early to appreciate the value of money, and Frederick VI, afterward Frederick I, con ceived the happy idea of lending 100,000 florins to the Emperor Sigismund. That 100,000 florins was the origin of his great ness. Sigismund, being unable to repay them, yielded as collateral security to his creditor the Margravate of Brandenburg, till he should be able to discharge the debt. Frederick found some trouble in installing himself in the Marches, for the nobles of the district did not feel disposed to submit to this hypotheti cal superior. The Kitgows, the Bismarcks, and others revolted, and at first came off con querors. But Frederick was a man of ability. He learned that the Margrave of Thuringia was the possessor of a new weapon of war of marvellous power, called a . cannon. He brought this to bear upon his adversaries, and, thanks to the cannon, terminated the struggle to his own advantage. Thus was Prussia born by the power of gold and cannon balls. Despoiled of their possessions in consequence of the wars of Napoleon, the lit tle princedoms of Hechingen and Sigmarin gen lost their royal dignity, but having given their adhesion to the Confederation of the Rhine, they were reconstituted by Napo leon I, a proceeding which did not prevent them, from turning against him in .1814. Having but scanty revenues and abundant debts, Hechingen and Sigmaringen decided upon resigning, in 1848, all their rights in favor of the King of Prussia, who, by a treaty concluded in 1850, agreed to pay the former branch an annual sum of 10,000 thalers, and the latter of z.rj,uuo inaiers. lie ten ms Honor oon. cerned in the possession of this little territory, containing 74,000 inhabitants, which gave him, besides, a footing in South Germany. Scarcely was he invested with his double principality before he hastened to re pair the manor of Zollern, to rebuild anew its Gothic fortifl cations, and to cause to be inscribed in letters of cold and azure, above the entrance door, this Inscription: Zollrrn, Nuremberg. Brandenburg united, bnllt this msile In 14ns. The strong hand of Prowl raised me up. 1 am called the door of 'the Eagle 1661." I Above this proud gateway of the Eagle his Prussian Majesty caused a figure in relief to be erected, representing a fully-armed knight, with this motto: " Vom Fels tumMeer" from the rock to the sea; that is to Bay, from Zollern to the Baltio; from Zollern to Trieste, on the Adriatic, being understood. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Kent u Firtt Page, ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DAT. Bun Risks 4M Moon Risks 3-53 Scn Bits 7-81 1 High Watbr......... 1-01 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Thomas O. Hood, ) Cuius. J. Hoffman, Commutes or tei Month, Thomas C. Hand, j AIOTEiUENT OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. FOR AMERICA. CUT of Dublln.Llverpool....New York July Palmyra Liverpool ... .New York J uly Dorian. Glastfow New York July Cuba Liverpool. . . .New York July Clrubria Havre ..New York July Yule de Paris. .Hrcst New York nuiy Australia Glasgow New York July If OR EUROPE. Wisconsin New York... Liverpool July Scotia, New York. . .Liverpool July Daelan, New York. ..Glasgow July Calabria. New York... Liverpool. July Parana New York... London July France New York... Liverpool July ADglla New York... Glasgow Jmy C.of Paris..... New York. ..Liverpool July Manhattan New York... Liverpool... Vllle de Paris.. New York... Havre C. of London. . .Ne w York . . . Liverpool. . . italy New York. ..Liverpool... Aug. ..Aug. ..Aug. ..Aug. ..Aug. Australia. New York... Glasgow. Etna. New York. . .Liverpool Aug. COASTWISE, DOAlliSTIU, JtTU Mlpsouri New York... Havana July 28 Prometheus.. ..Phlladelphla.Charleston. July 29 Wyoming PhiladelphiaSavannah July 30 Cuba Baltimore... N.Orls. via K.W.Aug. 1 Pioneer Philadelphia. WUm'gton.N.C. Aug. 2 Yazoo 1'hlladelphla.New Orleans.. . . Aug. 18 Malls are forwarded by every steamer in the regu lar lines. The Bteamers for or from Liverpool call at Ojieenstown, except the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The Bteamers for or from the Contl nent call at Southampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Fanlta, Freeman, New York, John F. Ohl. Steamer J. 8. Shnver, Webb, Baltimore, A.Groves, Jr. St'r Mars, Grumley, New York, W. M. Blrd A Co. Bilg John Welsh, Jr., Vanselow, Sagua, S & W. elan. 8chr J. S. Shindler, Lee, Boston, L. Audenried A Co. Schr M. J. Fisher, Lawrence, Lynn, do. SchrS. R. Jameson, Jamesoh, Boston, do. Schr R. C. Thomas, Crockett, Boston, do. Schr Stephen Morris, Wells, Boston, do. Schr A. II. Cain. Simpson, Rockport, do. Schr Elizabeth McOee, WattaBoston, do. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tonawanda, Barrett, 70 hours from Savannah, with cotton, rice, etc., to Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Co. Passengers N. W. Pulslfer, O. W. Whitaker, Mrs. Davis, ;VIrs. T. W. Scull & son, Mrs. J. McDonough, Miss E. J. Kellev, M. 8. Meyer, P. Splllman, J. F. Gregg, W. A. Geary, J. B. Hughes and wire, Miss Sallle Stubbs, Miss . Tone y, Miss James, 8. Stevenson, J. Stevenson, R. W.Wallace, Miss Eliza A. Pollard, Miss Elizabeth Pollard. Steamship Roman, Baker, 48 hours from .Boston, with indue, to Henry Wlnsor & Co. Passengers Mr. W. Emmons, Mr. W. D. Seegar, Mr. N. J. Brad lev and wife. Mr. Haven, Mr. Allen, Mr. R. Rtdler, Mr. G. F. Faxon, Mr. T. E. Melvill, Mr.O. lleacock, Messrs. W. C. and C. L. Hamilton, Mr. W. S. Delany, Mr. W. J. Gilmore, Mr. B. Chadwlck, Mr. C. K. Field, Mr. W. B. Wood, Mr. C. 8. Lewis, Washington W arren, Misses Warren and Comerly, Mr. T. Matht son, Mr. W. Pitman, Mr. Orne, Miss Howard, Mr. T. i. Harris and wife, Mr. R. Shoemaker and wire, Mr. G. J. Nichols, Mr. P. Connor, Mr. J. McDonald, Mr. W. Young. Outside the Capes saw a bark coming in ; off Fourteen Feet Bank an unknown br!g, bound up; above me cuoy on me miuuiu, uhth. arissa, iiu Clenfuegos, and brig Mattano, from do. Steamer Anthracite, Green, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Balrd A Co. Scar P. R. Wallace, Ward, 5 days from James river, Va., with lumber to Collins & Co. near J. M. uroomau, uvuKiata, iroin Bia, jue., with Ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co. SchrMarv Jane, waters, 4 iays rrom rocomose River, Md with lumber to Collins & Co. SCIir Diamonu Biaie, cuuper, o auys iruiu .xunun, Va., with lumber and shingles to W. A. Levering. Schr Southerner, Hearn, e days rrom r oeomoKe river, Md., witn lumoer w voiuns x v-o. . AT QUARANTINE. Barks Almoner, from Sagua, Annie Augusta, from Guantanamo; and Sam Sheppard, rrom cieniuegos. Also, schr James M. Flanagan, from cienfuegos. Correspondence of The Eveninn TeUyraph. New York Offick. July 26. Three barges leave In tow to-night, for Baltimore, light. xereeno, wnn wneai, lor wunungion. Joalln, with marble, for Philadelphia. Baltimorx Branch Offick, July 26. Tne follow ing barges leave In tow to-night, eastward : t. K. Grecnman, K. C. rotter, jonn nawKins, u. f Satterlee, James Hand, and Hope, all with coal, for New York. Philadelphia Branch offick, Juiy 87. Trie V. Uenneuy, with phosphate, for Baltimore, leaves III is A. M. N. Bottsford, with coal, for Baltimore, and Mich igan, with wheat, for N. York, left yesterday. L.8.C. MEMORANDA. Ship Gold Hunter, Freeman, from Liverpool for Philadelphia, was spoken 24th Inst, on Fire Island. Ship Tonawanda, Turley, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool 13th Inst. Ship Waterloo, Patterson, for Philadelphia, entered out at London 14th Inst. Steamer Pioneer, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wil mington, N. C, yesterday. Steamer J. W. Evernian, Hinckley, hence, arrived at Charleston yesterday. Steamer Wyoming, Teal, hence, at Savannah yes terday. Steamer Norman, Nlckerson, hence, at Bopton 26th Instant. Steamer Leopard, Hughes, hence, at Newbaryport S3d inst., and left for Ainesbury Point. Steamer Centipede, Doughty, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 23d inst. Steamer Dorian, Young, Bailed from Glasgow 13th Inst. for New York. Steamer Cuba, Dukehart, from New Orleans via Havana and Key West, at Baltimore 20th inst. Steamer George Washington, Gager, at New Or leans 24th inst. from New York. Steamer George Cromwell, Clapp, Balled from New Orleans 22d Inst. for New York. Steamer Cortes, Nelzon, Bailed from New Orleans 24tn Inst. for New York. Bark Thusnolde, Vlrsatz, for Philadelphia, entered out at Newcastle 9th inst. Bark Chancellor, Corrin, at Gibraltar 5th. Inst. from Leghorn, and cleared for Philadelphia. Bark Columbia, Fobs, hence, at llelvoet 11th inst. Bark Carl August, Siewertz, for Philadelphia, cl'd at Liverpool 12th Inst. Bark Sorldderen, Pederson, for Philadelphia, en tered out at Liverpool 13th inst. Bark Alice Woode, Doherty, for Philadelphia, cl'd at London 12th inst. Bark PrinUs Carl, Stephenson, from London for Philadelphia, anchored at Deal 13th Inst. Bark Mariana VI, Goncalves, for Philadelphia, lid from Lisbon June d. - Barks Waldo, Pressey, and Dagmar, Hanson, from London for Philadelphia, at Deal lain Inst., and pro ceeded. Brig Annie Batcnelder, Steelman, 42 days from New York, at Gibraltar 8th lnat., and ordered to Marseilles the following day. N. G. brig Holsatla, Rhode, hence, at Elsinore 9th InBtant. -Schr William B. Mann, Rogers, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. Schr Ella Fish, Burton, lor Philadelphia, cleared at Portland 23d lnat. , m Sclirs w. A. Crocker, Baxter, and J. W. Wilson, Connelly, hence, at Boston 23d lnat. Schr J. G. Watson, Watson, for Philadelphia, cl'd at Boston 23d inat. ' m nlj m Bchr John Stockton, Price, from Bridgeport for Philadelphia, passed Hell Gate 2th Inst. Scbr John C. Henry, Dllka, for Philadelphia, Bailed from Nantucket ltiih inst. Schrs Gilbert Green, Weaver, hence, and Tempest, Shropshire, and Surge, Warwick, from Trenton, at Providence 23d inau Scbr Ann E. Bafford, Powell, hence, at Pawtucket 82d inst. fcchra David Faust, Lord; Niagara, Townsend; Hannah G. Hand, Hand; and Nevada, Davis, hence, at Boston S4tb inst Schrs Dick Williams, Corson ; Isaac Rich, Crowell ; and Ralph Carlton, Curtis, hence, at Salem 24th lnat. Scbr Lath Rich, Paddock, for Philadelphia, Bailed from New Bedford 23d last. Schrs Marlon Gage, Heathers; C.B. Wood, Smith; and A. Truedfli, Hess, for Philadelphia, Bailed from Providence 23d Idmc. Schrs RaehelJ. Miller, ArrtBtronp, hence; W, C. Harnett, Bartlett, do. ; and Blast, Parker, from Tren ton, at providence 83a lost. f ., . ''" 1 ' " MTBCELLANr. ' " Rr. steamer Manhattan, Forsyth, at New York from Liverpool, brought 6JB passengers. Steamer City of Paris, at New York from Liver pool and Ojieenstown, bad 780 passengers. Steamer Siberia, at Boston from Liverpool and Qneenstown, brought 669 passengers. Steamer Acnabnet went on the marine railway at New Bedford on Saturday afternoon, and was found to be bnt slightly damaged, a portion of her fore foot Is gone, the shoeing and part or her false keel was carried away, and a few of her planks quite badly chafed. She la tight, and her cargo was in good order. The Iron steamer nercules, which was attached by the Sheriff last week at Portland, sailed afternoon of 24th for Philadelphia, after giving bonds In the Bom of 13000 to cover damages done the Portland bridge by running into It a short time ago. A three-masted schooner, coal loaded, in ashore at nedge Fence, Vineyard Sound. SHIPPING. am LORILLARD'S 8TEAM8HIP LINK JOB Y O UK NEW BAILING EVERY TVKSDAT. THURSDAY. AND SATURDAY, ere now receiving freight at S cent, per 100 pounds, 3 cent, per loot, or l-'J rent per alIo, shin option. INSURANCE )i OF 1 PER CKNT. Kxtre rate, on email packages Iron, tneU'e, etc. No receipt or bill of lading signed for less than 60 eeote, Tbe Line woo Id Call attention of merchant! generally to the fact that hereafter the regnlar shipper by thil line ill be charged only 10 cente per luo lbs., or 4 cecte pit i foot, daring the winter seasons. For farther pertienlars apply to JOHN P. OHL, VA PIER ID. NORTH WHARVES. OIW lMIIf.AIlITI IMITS JIXTT GMT TT UI7U SUaiii.MAIL BTKAMSUIP COMPANY'S REGU LAR SEMI-MONTHLY LINE TO NEW OR LEANS, La. The YAZOO will sail for New Orleans direct, ea Thursday A oK'ist IS at 8 A. M. Tbe YAZOO will sail from New Orleans, via Havana on Friday, A'tnst 5. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING at lis low rates as by any other route given to Mohile, Galveston, Indianola, l vacca.and Braroe and to all points on theMimineippi rivet between New Orleans ana nt. iouis. Ked Kiver ireiKbts resbipptd at New Orleans without charge of ceuunisbiena. WEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, OA. Tbe TONAWANDA will sail from Savannah on Satur day, JulyHO, at 8 A.M. Tbe WYOMING will sail for Savannan on Satur day, itaiylfu. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING F LADING given to all theprin Alabama, Florida, Miesiiipni, 1 Tennessee in connection with cipal towns in Georgia, iouieiana. Arkansas, and tbe Central Railroad of Georgia. Atlantic and Gilf Rail road, end Florida steAmers, at as low rates ao by ooinpeiing lines. SEMI-MONTHLY LINE TO WILMINGTON, N. O. The PIONEER will sail for Wilmington on Tuesday, August 3, at tf A. M. Returning, will leave Wilmington Sat urday, Augusts. Oooneotswith the Cape Fear River Steamboat Com. pany, the Wilminton and Weldon and North Carolina Railroads, and the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad te all interior points. Freights for Colombia, S. C, and Augusta, Ga., taken via W ilmington, at as low rates as by any other route. Insurance effected when requested by shippers. Bills of lading signed at Queen street wharf on or before day of sailing. WIIXIAM l. JAMES, OererM Agent. 6 15 No. 130 South THIRD Street. THE REGULAR STEAM HHPS ON THE PHI LADELPHIA AND CHARLESTON STEAM SHIP LINE are ALONE authorized to issue through bills of lading to interior points South and West in connection with South Carolina Railroad company. ALFRED L. TYLER, Vice-President So. C. RR. Co. PHILADELPHIA AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE. '1 his line is now composed of the following first- class Steamships, sailing from P1EU 17, below Spruce street, on FRIDAY of each week lat 8 A.M. : ASHLAND, S00 tons, Captain Crowell. j. W. EVEHMAN, 692 tons. Captain Hinckley. PROMETHEUS, 600 tons, Captain Gray. JULY, 1870. Prometheus, Friday, July 1. J. W. Everman, Friday, Ju:y ?. Prometheus, Friday, July 15. J, W. Everman, Friday, July 22. Prometheus, Friday, July 2J. Through bills of lading given to Columbia, S. C, the interior of Georgia, and all points South and Southwest. Freights forwarded with promptness and despatch. Rates as low as by any other route. Insurance one-half per cent., tU'eeted at the oiBce in first-class companies. No freight received nor bills of lading signed after 3 P. M. on day of sailing. SOLDER A ADAMS, Agents, No. 8 DOCK Street, Or "WILLIAM. P. CLYDE & CO., A. COURTBVVj.?' 12 S. WHARVES. Agent in Charles 6 24 WILLIAM ton. ' PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND, AND NORFOLK STFAMSHIP T.INHf. arm i ill 111 fra 'liiKOU;H FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUlli AND WFST 1NCREA6ED FACHJTIM AND REDUCED RATES Steamers leave every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 1:1 o'clock noon, from FIRST WHARF above MAR KET Street. RETURNING, leave RICHMOND MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS and SA TCRDAY8. No Bills of Lading signed after 12 o'clock on tailing '''hROUGH RATES to all pointe In North and South Carolina, via Seaboard Air Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee, and the West, via Virainia and Tennessee Air Lice and Richmond and Danvill. Railroad. Freight HANDLED BUTONOE, and taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANV OTHER LINK. No charge for commission, dreyage, or any expense of "teim'ehip Insure st lowest rates. Freight received daily. ttlti Room accommodations for paseecgere. ntateKOomaccoujmwliA1AM CI75DK A CO., No. 13 8. WHARVKS and Pier 1 N. WHARVES. W. P. POR'I FR, Agent at Richmond and City Point. T. P. PRO WELL CO.. Agents at Norfolk. 4 IS FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEEVS- .TOWN lnman Line of Royal Mall bteamers are appointed to sail as follows: Citv of Antwerp vvla HalWas), Tuesday, July 26, atClty of Paris, Saturday, Jaly 80, at T A. M. City of London, Saturday, August , at 2 P. M. Etna (Via Halifax), Tuesday, August 9, at 1 P. M. and each succeeding Saturday and altercate Tues day, from pier No. 45 North river. Payable In gold. Payable in currency. First Cabin 175 Steerage ld To Iondon , To London 85 To Paris 90 To Paris 33 To Halifax 2')! To Halifax 15 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, etc., at reduced rates. Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates by persons wishing to send for tnelr friends. For further information apply at the company 0fJOIIN G.DALE, Agent, No. 15 Broadway, N. Y. ; Or to O'DONNEIX & FAULK, Agnts, 4 8 No. 402 CHLSNUT Street. Philadelphia, F O R NEW YORK,' f AT-dp via Delaware and Raritan Canal. P EX PRES.8 STEAM HO AT COMPANY. " 'iuo toieam Propellers of the line will commence loading on tbe bth instant, leaving daily as ubuoI. TH HOUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the lines going out of New York, North, East, or West, free of commission. Freights received at low rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE CO., Agents, No. 12 S. DELAWARE Avenue. JAMES nAND, Agent, No. 119 WALL Street, New York. 8 4 NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEX AN jtJWrVr,rla Georgetown, and Washington, iJmhmD. C, via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxvllle, Nashville, Dalton, and the South went. Steamers leave regularly every Saturday at noon from the first wharf above Market street. Freight received daily. B WILLIAM P. CLYDE & CO., No. 14 North and South WHARVES. HYDE fc TYLElt, Agents at Georgetown; M. ELDR1DGE & CO., Ageuu at Alexandria. 6 1 FOR NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE and Raritan Canal. iSWIH'bUHK TRANSPORTATION DOM FAN Y. DESPATCH AND 8WIFTSTJRE LINES, Leavlug dally at 12 M. and e P. M. The steam propellers of this company will com me nee loading on the Sth of March. Through in twenty-four hours. Goods rorwarded to any polut freeof commissions. Freight taken on accommodating terms. Apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD A CO., Afcenu, !4 No. 132 South DELAWARE Aven je. MIFFING. DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE STEAM TOWBOAT COMPANY. liaru-ca towed - between PhlladelDhla. Baltimore, Havrc-de-Grace, Delaware City, and In termediate points. 1 WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., Agents. Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN, Superintendent. Oitice, No. 11 Sonth Wharves, Philadelphia. 4 11 OORDAOE, ETC. WEAVER & CO., IlOr 12 .MAAUrACTUIllillH AKD SHIP CIIAN DLEttrJ, No. 29 North WATER Street and No. 29 North WHARVES, Phlladclpbla. ROPE AT LOWEST BOSTON AND NEW YORK f RICES. 4 1 CORDAGE. Kan ilia, 81 sal and Tarred Cordage At Lowest New York Price and Freights. EDWIN H. FITI.EII Ac CO., Factory, TKNTQ Bt. and GERMANTOWH Avenue. Store, No. 23 H WATER Ei, and 93 R DELAWARE Avenue. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN8URANCK COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1836. Office' aontheast corner of THIRD and WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES On Vessels, Cargo and Freight to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES jn goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage all parte of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES Merchandise generally; on stores, Dwellings, Houses, etc ASSETS OF THE COMPANY November 1, 1869. I5CO.00O United States Five Per Cent. Loan, ten-forties n,000"00 100,000 United States Six Per Cent, Loan lawful money) lOLTBO-OO 00,000 United States Six Per Cent Loan. 1881 40,000-OC 00,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 118,960 -00 100,000 Citv of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from tax) fO0,v38-O0 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan 02,000-00 0,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage six Fer cent. Bonds 6,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Se cond mortgage Six per Cent. BondB f,00O Western Pennsylvania Rail 450-00 3,426-00 road Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad guarantee) 10,000 "00 fu.uuu state or Tennessee rive rer Cent Loan T.OOO State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan 11,600 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 260 shares stock 1,000 North Pennsylvania Rail road Company, 100 shares stock 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Com pany, 60 shares stock 44,100 Loans oa Bond and Mort 16,00000 4,270-00 14,000-00 1,800-00 T.600-00 gage, erst Hens on city Properties ef.too-oo 11,231,400 Par. Market value, 11,266,270-0 , . cost. r!,2ie,'a-27. Real Estate..... 84,000-00 Bills Receivable for insurances made... 123,700-70 Balances due at Agencies: Premiums on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due tbe Com pany 6.097-90 Stoek, Scrip, etc., of Sundry Corpora tions. 14706. Estimated value 1,740-20 Cash in Bank riee,3i88 Cash In Drawer 79-943 149,39114 11,862,100-04 DIRECTORS. Samuels. Stokes, Thomas C. Band, JUUU Vst ISUViS, Edmund A. Souder. , vvuiuun u. uouiton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafourcade Theophilus Paulding, jtuueu i raquair, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., 'ames C. Hand, William C. Ludwlg Joseph H. Seal, .Jacob Klea Jacob P. ones. James B. McFarland. Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer McUvain, & rank Sobinson, J. a. SempTe, Plttsoarg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg, D. T. Morran. Plttahnrtf HUgn LT&lg, John D. Taylor, George W. Bernadoa WlUi&ai a Houston i ii unm o v. tiAdu, rresiaeni, JOHN C. DAVIS. VlrA.PrAalf1nl. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. BENRY BALL Assistant Secretary. ll Life Insurance for the People! HOMESTEAD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF rE.-8VJLVAIA, OFFICE: No. 701 CHESNUr Street, PHILADELPHIA , To place Life Insurance adopted a system of within reach of all, has MONTHLY PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS Peculiarly adapted to the ability of ALL WORKING FOR SALARIES OK WAGES. Special attention Is called to this Company's GRADUATING POLICE, An original feature, designed to protect shareholders In Building Associations, and all others who have borrowed money or purchased property payable In Instalments extending over a series of years, by CANCELLING any balance of Indebtedness remain ing UNPAID in case of DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES - All the ordinary forms of Life and Endowment Poli cies at low rates of Premium, on the Participating Plan, with but few restrictions as to occupation, and NONE AS TO TRAVEL OR RESIDENCE. Pamphlets containing full Information may be ob tained at the Company's office. WILLI AU M. SEYFKRT, President. LAURENCE MYERS, R. W. DORPHLEY, Vice-President. Secretary. B. X. DAVIS, Superintendent orjAgencles. 1 9 6m Active and responsible men wanted as Agents. F X RE A8SOCIATI INCORPORATED MARCH 17, 18). O N. OFFICE, SO. 84 NORTH FIFTH STREET INSURE BUILD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND MERCHANDISE GENERALLY. From Lose by Fir. (in tb. Oitf of Philadelphia only). AH8ETH, JANUARY lilMOi 81,372,73443 TRUSTEES. vstm n. HAMILTON. CHARLES p. BOWSB. JKhSK LKiHTrOOT, KOBP. SUORMAKER, PVI KB ARMhRUm'jtB, M. H. DICKINSON. JOHN OARKOW, CiEOKGK I. YOlNO, JOB. K LYNDALL. L. KVI Jr. Willi, SAMUEL SPARA EJIXJXAMSOB. WM. B. HAMILTON, President. AMUEL EPARHAWK, Vice-President, 1IX1AM , BUTLER ieorete) AMUSEMENTS. PENNSYLVANIA POLYTECHNIC AND ANATOMICAL MTJ8FUM. No. 13JS CHF8NUT Street, three doors above Twelfth, the most complete collection of objects, illnstratina; Physioloar, Pathology, Kit oral Mistorr, eto. llinstrative Lectaree ever eveaie, OpenS A. M. to 10 P. M. 63ra INSURANOb. INSURANCE COMPANY NORTH AMERICA. Jiircaat I. in. Charter Prnret.al. I.e.rp.r.ted 1994. CAPITAL. 8300,000 AHHETS S4,T83,3SL Le..e. pnM alace ersniitzfttlos)....fJ'.M,OOOrOOO Receipt, of PremliiBie, 1S69....818B1,S3'43 Interest fr.sa Investments, 9.114,H96'4 84,108,33419 I,osee. paid, 1S69 81,033.3S'M Statement of the Aeeeu. Krrt Hortiracee en Oitf Property t?6M(0 United State. Government and other laoaa Bond. LU&.M4 Railroad, Bank and Canal Stock. I6.7tj Uaek In Bank and Offloe tff.rSO Loans on Collateral Security f J,8 Rotes Receivable, mostly Marin. Premiums... tafi4 Aeorned Interest M t,3t7 Premiums in eonree of transmissien. M M.1S8 Unsettled Marine Premiums M lOcifeK) Real Estate, Offloe of Company Philadelphia.. 80, JO DIRECTORS. rthn' O; , FranoU R. Dope, BamoelW.Jo ses Kd wanl H. Trot tr, &?hn,A- Hdward 8. Clark.. Obarlee 1 aylor, T. Charlton H.suy, -White, Alfred D. Jeesnp, ? ,iliam1 'I? W". I-om. O. Madeira; B. Morris Wain, Oharle. W. Coabmaa, John Meson. Clement A. Grisoun. George U Harrison, William Brookie. ARTHUR O. COFFIN, President. OHARLKS PLATT.VlooPree.C-eok. Matthias Mams, Secretory. O. H. Reeves. Assistant Secretary. 1 1 1829. CIiARTER perpetual. 237Q Franilin Fire Insurance Comdt OP PHILADELPHIA. a S Office, Nos. 435 and 437 CHESNUT St. Assets Jan.l70T$2v825i73 167 CAPITAL 1400,000-00 ACCRUED SURPLUS AND PREMJUMS.2,4ai731-6I INCOME FOR 1S70, bl0,000. J.ouses paid LOSSES PAID IN 1SC9, SI 44,90312. since 1829 over $5,500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Lthnii Terms. The' Company also issues policies upon the Rnta of all kinds of Buildings, Ground Rents, and Mort gages. me ' s vuiXk.L,i!i" nus no inarc iED CLAIM. DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker, Alfred ntler, Thomas Sparks, William 8. Grant, Thomas S. Ellis, GtiHtavns S. ISenaon. Samuel urant. Oeorge W. Richards, Isaac Len, Geore-e PulCB. BAKER, President. GEORGE FALES, Vice-President. JAMES W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. L2 13 THEODORE M. REGER, Assistant Secretary. QHARTER PERPETUAL. ASSILTS 830O.000. MUTUAL, FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF GERMANTOWTT. OFFICE, No. 4829 MAIN STREET. Take risk, in Philadelphia. Montsoinerv. acd Scoii counties, on tbe mobt favorable terms, open JJweJins, Haras, Merchandise, Furniture, Fanning iJEpJemen:, Hay, Grain, btraw, etc. eto. DIRECTORS, Spencer Roberts, John btaliman, Albert Asbmead. Nicholas Rittenhouee, James F. Langstro-.b, Charles Weiss. Josepb Uandxbury, v mum Asnmeaa, Ji. x Joseph Boucher, A oram nex. Charles Millti in. ri uueries 11. moves. SPENCER ROBERTS, President. CHARLES H. STOKES, Secretary and Treasurer. WM. H.LEHMAW. Assistant Secretary. 6 28sm3in ASBURY LIFE INSURANCE CO. new. Yonn. LEMUEL BANGS, President. .ELLIOTT, Vice-Pies tanj 6eo'y. EMORY McCLINTOCK, Actuary. PENNSYLVAK I A St ATE AGENCY, JAMES M. LONGACRB, Manager. H. C. WOOD, JR., M. D., Medical Examiner. Office, 302 WALHUT St, Philadelphia. REV. B. POWERS, Special Agent. , , JAMES V. LONGACRU, General Agent, C 83 mwfiy No. 308 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, F AME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 609 CHESNCT Street. IhCOKrOKATEO 1&6. CHaRTM MHPaTXAL. CAPITAL 1200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insurance acalnst Loss or Damage by Fire either by Perpetual or Temporary Policies. DIKECTOHB. Charles Richardson, William II. Rhawn, William M. Seyfert, John F. Smith, Nathan 11 Hies, Robert Pearce, John Kessler, Jr., Edward B. Orne, Charles Stokes. John W. Everman. f . .r .wi ,. i I) 1 ... V . George A. West, CHARLES RICHARDSON, President. WILLIAM 11. KHA wm, Vice-President. Williams I. Blakchakd, secretary. 7 23 T HE PENNSYLVANIA FIRS INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated lwto Charter PerpetoaL No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the commu nity for over forty years, continues to Insure against loss or damage by are on Public or Private Build ings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplns Fund, is invested In the most careful manner, which ena bles them to oiler to the insured an undoubted secu rity in the case of loss. U1KEVIVK3. Daniel Smith, Jr., Isaac llazlehurst, Thomas Sniltb, Henry Lewis, J. GlTlingham Fell, Daniel Haddock. Jr.. Thomas kodius, John Devereux, Franklin A. Comly. DANIEL SMITH, Jb President. Wm. G. Croweli, Secretary. 830 rpHB ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO. OF X PHILADELPHIA. Omce S. W. cor. FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES ISSUED. CASH Capital (paid np In full). JOO.OOO'OO CASH Assets, July 1, mo DS0,7tf-O D1REUTOR3. F. Ratchford Starr, . J. Livingston Erringer, Naibro Frazier, James L. Claghorn, John M. AtWOOd, v in. u. jwuilou, Benj. T. Tredick, Charles Wheeler, Thomas U. Montgomer James M. Aertsen. George II. Stugrt, John II. lirowo, V. RATCHFORD STARR. ITeSldent. THOMAs ll. MONTGOMERY, Vice-President. ALEX. W. W1STEH. Secretary. JACOB E. PETERSON, Assistant Secretary. JMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.. LONDON. ESTABLJMIIED 1S0S. Paid-up Capital and Aocamalated Fonda, t 8,000,000 IN GOLD, PREYOBT & IIERRINO, Agents, 0 Ho. 107 & THIRD BtrMt. Pbila4.lpbiv OHAS. II. FREVOBT CHA8. P. HERRlSf