THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 1G, 1870. 5 err I Til TIM. Entire Livfk srrr for FrvK rot.t..uts. Alpaca flacKs. lrap d'K'fe Narks. Linen lURtom. White Duck Pants. Fancy Limm Pants. White Buck Vesta. White Marnflllei Vents. A11 l.lnds of Summer Clothn hot ei In Cut, Miiko, find Ft than any othT stock of Beady-Made Cloth ing In I hllartriphitt, and wold at prleos GTARAKTEKO LOWKn THAN ANY OTHKTt. Halfway f Hknnktt fc !., between - Towkk IIt.i., FUth ana Sitn Etrccts, ( MS Makkkt Stkeet. TllK KIG. While Kurore Is In ajfonlos over nn embryo king fcr the Spanish throne, we In this country are making the only "King"' we recognize a promoter of peace. Wc refer to the Ktnir" Washer, which for Wie time being eoems to fill the mechanical and In vntlve firmament with Its Rlory. This Justly cele brated wanhlrjr maciilne Is appropriately named for a double reason. King U the name of Its Inventor, but it has c'aim& to this royal title- on othf-r grounds. In point l merit It stands supreme a'ovc all other w aching machines that havo ever bnon Invented. It U iu fact the monarch of the 'nudry, before which all preccdlr-j Inventions of the kind veil their faces and eTClr.lm "undone!" "undone:" bo Ittivtilly Is this true, that In many cases Oio owners nnd venders of the ordinary wa&Mng machines nre abandoning their own for the pc-pose o f sciirlnjr nn npency for the sst'e of the "King" Washer. They nre wise in this. The laundry is as universal as the pa jtry and the kitchen, and its conipb'ta i evolution is a matter that interests the world. The advent of Lucifer Matches slid fSewine Machines did nit surpass, If they equalled, in Importance tl.e introduction of this stu pendcus labor-saving Invention. Ms merits can hardly be overestimated. It Is easily woiked, simple in construction, washes the linear fabrics without In jury, and the coprsest will, as mm h thoroughness as could possibly be done by hand. "J lvmsauds have seen it in o; erat ion here and in other cities of the Union, uuJ its performance 'Cifi to elicit the i'lTht olji'Ctivll. Now we submit that the Introduction to the public of the best rnd clwar ( wasb'n-j machine In the world 18 no ordinary event. We are glad, therefore, that the lienor of doing this ha been secured to Philadelphia, the mechanical metropolis of America. A number of our most i. spcctnblc and enterprising Citizens have taken tn'.s work iu hand as au organ ised company. Among th'-m are such well-known namei as Mr. II. O. Morris (foroieily Morris A Tnsker), Ur. William C. Htevenson, Mr. William HI. Farr, llr. Johu Wnnamaker, Mr. R. B. Esier, end Mr. George II. Brown, who is tne President of the company. A large factory has been eet.itiiisb.ed at Ninth street and ".Vashingtci avenue, for the production vt maehluea at a rnpld rae, to meet the demand. This establishment Is uoy temporarily closed for enlargement, the purpeseof the company being to assure facilities for the i'n'1.- production of one thou sand machines if necessary : and from the systematic efforts now mi't-in to tntroduc j the ''King" Washer In every State In the Union, it win probublr not be long before the stcac'y demand will reach the pro posed dally production, as it is t'ie determination of the company to plt'.co one of thcBe labor-waving lu vuntlons In the house of every well-regulated family In tte United States. As mast of nii CoMrtAiKM of C'niLDREN origi nate from the Irritation and the derangements caused by worms, a remedy that will euectually rid the system of thesf pests Is will calculated to be of great berellt, and to be frequently required lu every atnlly. Dr. IX .Tane's Tonic Vermifuge Is such a preparation, not only ct rtain to destroy worms, but most i "elknt for the purposes of a General Tonic, strong" 1 : .lng the stomach ami digestion, and dissi pii'.ingr any febrl'e tenuiAJf In the system. In Dys pepsia, young and old will find it equally effective, and, altogether, no raiueuy of mere general applica tion could be kept iu the household. Sold every where. Small size, 87 cents; double size, f,0 cents per bo. tie. ()KE of tlio most delightful places of summer re sort to be lound auyrhjre In :tie country is at North Wales, on the line of the North Pennsylvania Rail road. The North Wales Hotel, ..'htch has been lately remodelled and furntsned In elegant style, Is now receiving boardcr3 fcr the season. The proprietor (Abel Lukens) la well known to very many persons us Just the man for the place. TniRVYltAlW KXPKKIKMK Of AN Ol.D Nl'KSE. SIks. WiNei.ow'a Soothino Svkip is the prescrip tion of one cf the best female pnyMclana and nurses In the Ualted States, and has been used lor thirty years with never-lailing salety and success by nill- lons of mothers for their children, it relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, ana wind colic. By giving Health to the child it rests tin mother. Mr. William W. Cassidy, the Jeweller at No. 23 Soatu Second street, nas one of the largest and most attractive stocks of a'l kinds o' Jewelry and Silver ware la the city. He has also on baud a One assort ment of Cue American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this stoie at the present time are certain to get the worth of tttr money. rnALON's "v'italia" for the ilaircan be found everyv.heie. It is clar, and hss no sediment. This wonderful preparation Is Ph.m.o.v s Vitai.ia, or Sai viTiON for. tub Haik. Pouied on the hands, it leave no btaiC. It iz, neveri tieless, the most effec tive article of its class ever advertised. Sold by ail druggists and fancy goods dealers. Families Visitinc JJOoVOK can tlnd no better ac- comJiouatlons than a suite ol rooms at the Ameri can ltOfss, wtJi bath-roojis, closets, etc. Clone to principal places of business and amusement. PliFLAN'is I.ATSST IMFKOVED COMBINATION C'DSn- iok 5 are applied to the bllliaid-tabies in the A.mbiu CAK Hoi se, r.ot-TON. The M.sars. Rice have one of the targeFt and best houses in rhe country. ThS l'liiLAPELi niA I i'UOLstery of Messrs. Al bertsoL i Co., No. 135 Chesnut street, employs skil ful worka'eu at t-very brunch of the business. Ixw prices and prompiu-ss. . Crann'l TO MIT T KKWIKfl MACHINES. TtadalUrtoash. J3!noe la niontnl;' instaiiiienta O. t. Davis, No. 810 Cluwaat iUeet Kk bXTLE PlOTtmE. The Gonua Chroinoi md A.K.V. Tritk, No. 10 N. Kigbtn ktreat. 'Iter muit b enJb4ui'Jl. i j7lAiSlilUl. FKLt C'noi FR. On Juu 2, 1S70, by the Mayor of Phllaulphia, lion. 3 j,niel M. i'ox, Mr. 8knkca M. rxLL, of Chest'jr ooui-ty, Pa., to Miss IIakkiit U. Coofkh, ci itucKB coun'.y, ra, Ekitk M.CUNK3B In Caeaden, July 14, lbTO, by TTleuds' ceremony. In presence of Charles Cox, Mcvor, IIakki II. ltKKV and &allix Mkhnnkk, of i'nuauypuia. Oocktrtmak On tl.e 12th instant, Mr. Oeorob (it.iKThvuiH. in the 4bth vear of bis age. The relatives end friends of the family, Columbia Mark udne, r . J'., &. i. m.; n tegnty Louge, xso. . . v V, . 1 L 1(M f . .. 1 X'a ,.1 I D nl n 1 . blur of Betlileneiu Lodge, No. 0, K. of P. ; Marion Hose Company, umi tm employes or tne city lias omce, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Isaac Lowtr, No. b-iii iujan sireet, on Sunday afternoon at V O Clock. I O procctu to cueuexer uuurcu auic. Parks On Thursday, July 14, at her residence Bay Brie, Long Uimd, Christiana Parks, relict of Ci.arles 11. Parte, of Philadelphia, In the sotu year tit her aire. The relatives and friends of the family are respeet full tnvitid to attend the funeral, from her late residence, on Saturday, at 4 o'clock, without further notice. 5 Ripprll. On the 11th tnitant, Barrkr, only daughter of John and Mary M. Kiddell, aged 1 yesr 0 months and is day. The relatives and fripnrts of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from her parents' residence, No. 8iM Psinbridge street, on Sunday, the inn instant, at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Mount W oi luh. liOYSR. On the 10th Instant. JoKrnm P.. wife of Martin Itoyer, and daughter of Elizabeth and the late John Iirown, aged S3 years. Due notice win De given or the rnnerau Thdrrkr. on the 13th instant, Stephen P. Tdcr- l;iui, in the 40th year of bis nge. The relatives and friends of the family, also Ame rican Ilenetlclal Society, are respectfully Invited to alU'iid the funeral, from his late residence, No. 814 New Market strect.bclew Second, above Vine, on Sun day afternoon at 8 o'clock. V hits man On the l.'.th Instant, korbhtcarskd, nfntit son of Artist S. and Maggie W hiteman, ageil !2 months and 10 days. The funeral will take place to-morrow at 12 o'clock M., from the residence of his parents, No. Till N. Twcnty-lifth street. DRY GOODS. "AT THORNLEY'S." ANOTHER SWEEPING REDUCTION. GOODS MUST BE SOLD. I am determined to clean out my SUMMER STOCK if the community need goods at UAH their usual price. I have went right through and marked prices down in some CASES FIFTY PEtt CENT., and In MANY CAJSES TWENTY-FIVE aud THIRTY PER CENT. Lace Pointes from H to fftP. Lace Sncques from 10 to f'J5. 1 bin Mixed Tress Goods. Lawns, Percales and P. K's. Ulack Ilernanles and Grenadines. Linens and Japanese Grass Cloths (for Suits). Bliick Silks, Pongee Silks, Japanese Silks. Eld Gloves, Parasols, Corsets, Skirts, etc. etc. A full Mock of STAPLE nnd DOMESTIC GOODS, "AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND," ' KORTHEA8T CORNER EIGHTH and SFRINO GARDEN Sts., JOSEPH H. THORN LEY, 8 3 thstnS PHILADELPHIA. FRENCH STYLE LAWNS IS (Minced IromSS to 12! nnrt 15 4'ents l'er Varl. This lot comprises the best styles we ever offered at the price. CUliWEN STODDAliT & BROTHER, OLD AND CHEAP LOCATION, Nos, 4M, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, 7 1C3t Above Willow. JJ R S. R. DILLON. RU8. SSI ACiU 881 BUUTU HTKUKT. Ijidiei and Mines Orape, Gimp, Hair Pamela and Straw Round and Pyramid 11 ate; Ribbons, Satins, Silks, Velvet ana velveteens, urapes, reamers, flowers, Frames, Saab Ribbons, Ornaments, Moornina Millinery Orape Veils, etc I 4 TO RENT. TO LET THE STORE PROPERTY NO. Til Oheanat street, twenty Bts feet front, one can dred and forty-fire feet deep to Bennett street Back baildingt five stories Dish. Possession May 1, 1870. Ad drees THOMAS B. FLKTOUER, 12 lot! Delanoo. N. J. fV$ TO RENT THREE-STORY DWELL Miil INU, with back buildinits, situated In OONGRKNS Street, Ha. 131, between Front and Seoond. with all the modern improvements. 6 15 No. 2fi9 6. BKVKKT11 Street. TO REST A FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Oltr. Iltllo nlan una at Cana TIT a w ITilf puce. R. J. DOUMXS, Ledger Building. T 16 3f TO LET LA R 4E POCIiLE HOUSE, NO. S9C9 Spruce Street; lot 100x175 feet. Apply at o. 127 South THIRD Street. t 14 3t INSURANCE. 1? X O I 33 IV T Life and Trust Co. OF 1JI1L,A1I2L.IIIIA, Office-No. Ill South FOURTH Street. Organized to promote Life Insurance among mem bers of the SOC1ETX OK FRIENDS. Good rlflka Of an; denomination solicited. Policies already issued exceeding This is a PHILADELPHIA COMPANY, and ea- titled to the special coutidence of the community. PERFECT SECURITY. LOW RATES. 6 MAM. EXPENSES. PURELY MUTUAL LOW lTE OF MORTALITY. These conditions enable a company to give advan tages which cannot be surpassed, policies issued on the Non-Forfeiture Plan. Statistics show that the average mortality of Friends Is nearly 25 per cent, less than that of the general population. 2 12 eos'5p A LOW RATE OF MORTALITY MAKES CHEAP INSURANCE IN A MUTUAL COMPANY, OARRIAQES. GARDNER & FLEMING, CARRIAGE ffigg-gyT BUILDERS, No. 214 8. FIFTH Street, BELOW WALNUT. In order to make room for extensive alterations and repairs to our Warerooms and Manufactory, we are cloalng out our entire stock- of 7 8 tfrp Phoetons, Jenny Linda,, Etc., AT VERY MUCH K EDUCED PRICES. CUTLERY, ETOi JJODOERS & YVOSTENHOLM'S POCKET ILMVK8, Pearl and Bta handles, and beaatifa.1 Solan Bodger', and Wade Batcher's Basors. and tbs ole b rated loo nitre Baser Ladies' Scissors, ia eases, of ths finest quality ; Bodcers Tabls Ontlery, Oarrars and Forks, Baaor Btrop. Cork Borews, Eta. Ear tastrumenU, ts dksiat the h sarins, of ths saost approied eotutraotion, at r. MADKIBA'8, Bo. UI TXIITH BUmU below Ohssaat, MEDIOAL. SM NEUrtTToiA. Rheumatism Specially Treated Thirty seven Yean. Chronic Ikhoumatism, $1000 paid. Inflammatory KLeumatism, $2000 paid. Neuralgia iu the Ilend, .f 3000 paid. Articnlar rihoumatism, $1000 paid. Ivhenmatism in Kidneys, $."000 paid. The above amonnts -will be paid to any person producing any medioine, Internal, External, Vegetable or Mineral, that can bring forward aa many living, genuine, permanent cures as Dli. FITLEll'S VEGE TABLE 1UIEUMATIC REMEDY, the pre- Bcription of one of Philadelphia's oldest regu lar physicians and professors. It is positively the only standard epecifio before the public, being composea oi pure ana Harmless vegeta ble ingredients solely, containing no minerals, poisonous vegetables, or Injurious drugs. It is warranted, under oath, to have permanently curea nmeiy-nve in every nunared cases treated in the past four years, a result un paralleled In tne annals of medicine. To pro tect sufferers against imposition, deception, quacKS, and injurious nostrums prepared by nnfikilf ul, uneducated, and unscientific hands, a printed legal form of guarantee, containing name of patient and exact stated quantity to cure, properly signed and sealed, will be given to every patient desiring it, without extra charge, and m case of failure to cure the money refunded. All sufferers should ex amine the plan of guarantee, which insures a positive cure, or costs nothing for the trial. The safety of this offer, made by Dr. Fitler, is insured to him only by the merit and in fallible curative power of this remedy. Names and references of incurable cases, where the money paid has been refunded in full, given at Dr. Fitler's office, where the diploma of Dr. Fitler, received from the University of Pennsylvania A. D. 1833, is subject to publio inspection, with the diploma from the Medi cal Institute, lb33, and the additional vouch ers of bis professional skill as a Physician and Professor of Chemistry, together with letters and testimonials of loading physicians, cler gymen, judges, senators, bankors, merchants, etc. etc. Dr. Fitler's Veotable Rheumatic Remedr cured H. A. Dreer, No. 714 Chesnut street; also lion, judge Leo, of (Juuiden, with 17.0UU others. Dr. Fitsr's Vegetable Rheumatic Romedy cored David G. Walton. M. !.. eleventh street, below Race, lie reuom. mends the remedy highly. Dr. Fitler's Vesetable Rhetimatio Remedy cured tho Rev. John Stockton, Camden, N. J.; a very severe case. Dr. Fitler's Office, Mo. 29 b. Fourth street. Dr, Fitler's Veeetable Rheumatic Reined v cured Mm. C Boyd, Ho. lU4ti H. Fifth; also Mrs. biuiinoua. No. &J7 imiwvn street, never iauea. Dr. Fitler's Vegetable Rhenmatio Remedy cured Hon. William IS. Klliott, No. H'4 N. Seventh. F.ndorses and recommends it. Prepared Mo. 39 S. Fourth street. Dr. Fitlor's Vegetable Rhenmatio Remedy cured Hon. Alderman Comly, Twenty-third ward, Frankford. It is the only bpeciliu ever discovered. Dr. Fitlor's Vegetable Rheumatio Remedy cured Mrs I.entz, Mo. I'M 8, Kighth street: also Mrs. Kiuhardson, Mo la: 6. touxth street. Dr. Fitlor's Vegetable Rhoumatio Remedy cured of Rlieumatixm tho Mite of Rev. Mr. Jbaegs, Falls of iSchuil kill a seveie oase. Dr. Fitler's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cured A.J. Colton, No. 1109 N. Third. A chronic cuso; tried every thing without beneht. Dr. Fitler's Vegetablo Rhenmatic Remedy cured A. K. Milton, M. I) , a celebrated Baltimore physician, consi dered a hopeless case. Dr. Fitler's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cured Theo dore Davisson, who resides Mo. I'M M. Kighth btroet; also Samuel Cohen, Mo. 24U N. Kighth. Dr. Fitler's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cured the wife of Rev. Mr. Davis, ilightatown, N. J. A wonderful, unexpected cure. DR. FITLFR'S VEGKTABLK RHEUMATIO RK MKDV is warranted, under solemn oath, to have permanently cured niuety-nve cases in every hundred treated. ANOTHER CURE BY WRITTEN GUARANTEE. Mr. Shock, Mo. Id24 Columbia avenue, cured of Rheu mutibiu by Dr. Fitler's remedy. Mo care, no pay. A. NEW OURK AND A GREAT CURE. William Weyland, No. 1433 Brinton street, Seventeenth ward, cured cf Rheumatism by Dr. Fitler's remedy. A OURK. FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS. James Uinas, Forty first and Market streets, W. P., cured ot Rheumatism by Dr. tiller's remedy. A GREAT CURK.-GO AND COM&ULT HER. Mrs. K. C Barton, corner Clinton and Henry streets, Camden, of Rheumatism, by Dr. Fitler's remedy. A GREAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM. John Weckerly, No. 1110 Buttonwood street, cured by Dr. Fitter's Rheumatic Remedy. Mo cure, no pay. NEURALGIA. ' A remarkable cure. S. Griffith, No. 700 Kessler street, a very severe chromo case, cured by Dr. Fitler's Remedy, Mo. 9 H. Fourth street. STUBBORN FACTS RHEUMATISM CURES. Griltin Stively. No. 229 George street, Sixteenth ward. , l.- I.. L . , 1 ly 1 ., ' UJ 41. A. .bid B UDUIVUJ, RHEUMATISM. GEORGE ELLIOTT cured, Frankford ; considers it a Wonueriui retueuy. RHEUMATISM. Mrs. BACON cured. No. 9JH MARKET Street, Camden, by Dr. FITLEK, No. Ii9 S. FOURTH fsuexi. ( RHEUMATISM. Mr. SHOOK cured, No. im COLUMBIA Avenue, by wrilteu guarauit-o RHEUMATISM. B.C. ZIMMERMAN cured, Mo. 1748 MARSHALL, by ur. r ii i.jtiv a itemeuy. Dr. Fitler's Rheumatio Remedy lias the following ad vantages: f irst It is purely vegetable, and warranted not to con tain mercury, oolciiicuin, zyiuuraU, metals, or anything in jurious to tne system. Second It is prepared from the original prescription of Doctor Joseph P. fitler, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and now one of our oldest practising physi cians. 1 bird He has made these diseases his specialty, and spent a lifetime in preparing our iniaiuoie reineuy. Fourth A limited stated quantity is warranted iu every case, ana u it laiw iu vurv iuv iuwd m iuuuuwi, Medical advice to Rheumatio sufferers given daily, from 11 until 4, without charge. Mo other disease prescribed for. Advice sent by mail without charge. Depot and Umce Mo. 'Of B. ruin ill Direet. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Sufferers from these painful complaints have only them selves to blame if they permit their frames to be tortured, when a sovereign cure like Dr. tiller's wonderful Rheu matio Remedy is within such easy reach of even the humblest in the land. As to its curative properties lu rbeuinatism.-'gout, and neuralgia, do one, who is not wil fully blind, oao entertain the shadow of a doubt. Thoa sands of the worst eases known to the medical faculty bare been cured by it, and hundreds of the certificates given iu its favor are from judges, lawyers, phyeioiaaa, merchants, tradesmen, eta., in our very midst, who are living evidences of its mlraoulous power. It ia sold ever? where, and rheumatic and neuralgic sufferers owe themselves to makea trial of Its virtues. MEDIOAL. The Era of Revolutions. If tlie Jog-trot slaves of precedent and routlno who flourished a century ago could now revisit the scenes of their former labors, how completely they would be taken aback by the wholesome innova tions which modern skill, knowledge, and enterprise have made npon their musty precepts and purblind practlccl In medicine, especially, we have got en tirely out of the old worn-out grooves, and taken a new and more philosophical road to health. The German School of Medical Chemistry ia per haps the most progressive and successful. It has re pudlntod the stereotyped potions of tho past, and substituted In their stead a new class of alteratives and testoratlves carable, it would seem, of working wonders. Prominent, perhaps foremost, among these stand the well-known household remedies HOOFLAND'S GXSltSIN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S oiioiyuv TONIO, AND HOOFLAND'S FODOPIIYLLIN PILLS. They are the Greatest Known Remedies For Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Jaundice, Disease of the Kidneys, Eruptions of the Skin, and all diseases arising from a Disordered Liver, Sto mach, or IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. These medicines have acquired a reputation ex ceeded by none, and when we see such names aa those of Chlff Justice Thompson, ex-Chief Justice Woodward, Justice Sharswood, Mayor Kogers, of Buffalo, New York, together with those of tho lead ing clergy of the country, and prominent statesmen and citizens, appended to strong testimonials In favor of these popular preparations, we recognize the evidence thus volunteered as unimpeachable and conclusive. Such men do not give their sanction and approval to articles which they do not KNOW to be of sterling excellence, and therefore when they state tnrougn tno columns or the press that HOOF LAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Is a valuable medi cine In caseB of Indigestion and Dyspepsia, "of great benefit In cases of Debility and want of Nervous ac tion," and "a safe and valuable preparation for Geieral Debility and Liver Complaint," we feel assured that they speak from actual EXPERIENCE and OBSERVATION, and with a due sense of the weight of their Influence and of the words they employ. The testimony In relation to the TONIC, which contains a stimulating element emitted in the Bit ters, is equally Btitiafactory. Hoofland's German Tonic Was compounded for those not Inclined to extreme bitters, and is intended for use In canes when some alcoLolic stimulant Is required in connection with the Tonic properties of the Bitters. Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of the Bitters, com bined with pure Santa Ckcz Rcm, and llavored In such a munner that the extreme bitterness of the Bitters Is overcome, forming a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to the paldte, and containing the medicinal virtues of the Blttera The price of the Tonic Is l-60 per bottle, which many persona think too high. They niuBt take Into consideration that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to be of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished at a cheaper price, but Is It not better to pay a little more and have a good article? A medicinal preparation should contain none but the best Ingredients, and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound and be benefited will most certainly be deceived. Hoofland's Podophyllin Pill Is nlso highly extolled and pronounced to be the most elllcient Cathartic known to the Medical World. Being composed of the ACTIVE PRINCIPLE of Mandrake, In combination with other effective In gredients, they act more powerfully upon the Liver and Secretive Organs than any other Pills. Their operation la free from griping or nausea. Two Pills a Dose. It does not require a handful of them to produce the deblred effect. From personal experience and otherwise, we have no hesitation In saying that, taken in connection with the Bitters and Tonic, they will speedily cure the most severe and long-standing cases of Liver Complaints, Constipation, or any other derangements of the organs of digestion. The Pills will Purify the Blood, will thoroughly cleanse the Liver of all unhealthy Impurities, and relieve the Stomach and Bowels, while the Bitters or Tonic strengthens and adds new life to the entire system, enables the Stomach to digest the food, and tranhfornis the sickly, emaciated, weak, and feeble body into one of health, strength, and vigor. THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND DEPOT FOR Dr. Hoofland's Medicines IS NO. 631 AHCII STREET, Philadelphia, Pa., And are sold by Druggists everrwhere throughou the country. 18 swsptf SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER REflORTS ON THE LTN" O? rHII.ATFl.rHIA A1IO HKADIHGl RAILROAD AMD URANOUl'8- . M AT 1, 170. MANSION UOUHK, MT. O ARROW, Mr . Caroline Wonder, rottoville V. )., HchuylklU TUhOARORA HOTKI., Mrs. at. L. Miller, Tosoaro. a V. O.. Pt-buyiktll counlf. MANSION HOUSX, W. F. Bjaiffc, Wahanoy Oity P. ., Nr-huylkill county. MOUNT (JARMKL H'Uf.K. Charloe Onlp,"Mount Carmel P. O., Northumberland eo WHITF HOUKK, F. Marev, Reading P. (., Kerks cnuntr. ANDAI.IIMA IlAl.f., Bsnry We rer, Rnadin. P. O., Herks oupj. OK.NTRAL AVKKUK HA1.L, G. t. Dav Heading P. O., Berks conn'y. . t SPRING MILL II K1UIJTS, Jacob II. Br lh Uondhohnrken P. O , Moitornerf CO. T BOYKRTOWN 8K Ml (MARY, L. M. Koosi Boyertown P. Kerks county. i l l IZ M'RINUS, UeorgeF. Oreider, Litis P. ., Inraiter county. 1.1V'IN(4 HI'KlNOrl HOrKU Dr. A. Smith. Wernenville P. o., llorkn connty. OOI.DM RINliS HOTKI . LKBANON OOUNTT. Wm. Lot-on, . Pino (frove P. '.. Hcnuyikill coanty. KPHRATA 8PRMUS. John Frederick. Fphrsta P. )., lnrrmMf county. PKRKIOMKN BRIDUK MOTFL, Davis Longaker. I 'ollogeville P. O.. Montgomery CO. , FROKPF.UTTFnRA.CH:, Dr. James Palmer, Oolleireville P. '.)., Montgomery o o ., DOUTV HOt'SK, ueorgeS. Burr. Shamokin. Northuro Wland county. F.xcumon Tickets will b sold at. Philadolnhia M an TrOni atiriVA nmn,a -. ... , f . u. In I iKsuecl, and on Saturdays good intil the loilnwinit Mia dy. '2 0-25 ami PHILADELPHIA, WILlIIFGlOia AND BALTIMORE RMLH0AD. NATIONAL CAMP MEWING AT OAK INGTOJS, Ml)., Commencing TUESDAT, July 12, 1S70, aad continu ing ten dnjs. Trains for Camp (Irounrt will leave Philadelphia (Sunday excepted) at 8-30 aud 11-45 A. M. nud and 11-30 P. M. Kound trip tickets at reduced rales can be pur chased at No. 82S CHESNt.T Street, or at Depot, LROAl) Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. 7 7 12t KgNNET, Superintendent. g E L Tel O n T H A L L , SCHOO LEY'S MOUNTAIN, N. J., IS NOW OPEN. This favorite resort has been greatly Improved end enlarged, and offers superior Inducements to those peeking a healthy, quiet, and fashionable ry treat for the summer at reduced prices. 7 11 lm D. A. CROWELL, Proprietor.. gENTZ HOUSE. Hos. 17 and 19 EAST MAIN ST11EET, CARLISLE, PRNNA. Tho attention of the travelling commnriitr, anfl p?rHons seeking a quiet summer resort, a-e called to tills first-class llotel, new and Uandnomeiy furnished throughout, with all the modern conveniences, lerms for sumuipr ooarders 5 to 10 per .vet, 6 1 2m GEORGE Z. RKNlZ. Proprietor. KITTATINNY HUSE, DKLAWAHE WATER GAP. This delightful summer resort is now open, and much improved. Trains leave Kensington T-30 A. JNI. and 8 30 P. M. Arrive at the Gap la less than five hours. C25Btuthlm1' WM. A. DRODBKAD & SON3. T AKE GEORGE LAKE HOUSE, CALD j nell. N. Y. Best of accommodations for farcilio and gentlemen. Board per day, $3'nO; from Jone 1 to July 1. $14 pot week ; tor the Benson, $14 to l(i 17 ft', according to room ; lor the months of July aud Auk'Unt, $17'u; August, t-L trpen from June 1 to October A). Addreds CHITTENANGO. WHITE BULP1IF.R SPRINGS. Madison oouoty. N. Y. I'irst-clnss Hotel, with every reyoisHe. DrawinK-room aud sleeping-cars from New York city, via Hudson River Railroad at 8 i, 11, and P. Al , with out change. Send for circular. 6 6 -2m 1EESI.EY'S POINT HOTEL, CAPE MAY CO., ) N. J., is now open for the reception ot vise jrs W. V. WOOI. C 30 lm Proprietor. ATLANTIC CITY. UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., IS NOW OPEN. Reduction of Twenty Per Coat, is tlie Price of Board. Music nnder tho direction of Professor X. F. Alodo. Terms, M per week. Persons desinnf to engage rooms will address. EllOWN & WOELPPKI., Proprietors, No. 827 RICHMOND Street, PhiUlolpija. 8i thttnlm 6 3r! dim 7 2 tlistolra IAIfRS "CONSTITUTION HOUSE," COrtE ATLANTIC and KENTUCKY Avenues, Atlun-tn- City, N. J. This well-known House is new open for tie re ception of guests. MRS. M. A. LEEOS, Late of Seavie.v Houae. The bar will be under the superintendence of tho late proprietor, and wl'l be open In couj jucJoL. with the other part f the house. 7 9 stuthlm HUGH BA'ttR. CURE nOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. O is (now open for the) season. Besides the ad vantago of location this bouse enjoys, and tht Una battling contiguous to it, a railroad has been onns.. noted since lust season to convey guests from the hotel to tlia tieach The house has been overhauled and rohtt.ud throughout, and no pains will be sparbi tomuk'iit, in every particular, A HKST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT 611 3m J. t'KK AS. Prpriotc-r. IG II T HOUSE COTTAGE, Located between United States Hotel and the bench, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. BOARD RKD'JOKD. Open from June 1 to (ctober 1. 61 JONAH WOOl TON, Pr prlutor. ryy H E WILSON COTTAGE, X ATLANTIC CITY. A new and well-furnished I5.ardtns-lnuse on NORTH CAROLINA Avenue, uear the Depot. Terms to suit. 7 61m ROBERT L. FUKEY, Proprietor. BEACH COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY. NOW open. A Urat-cluS Family Boarding llouso, MICHIGAN Aveuue, near the Beach. N( UAIi. Terms to suit all. Apply to J. IJ. DOVLE, Propnj tor, or E. F. PAKltOTT, No. 85 N. EIGHTH, comer of Filbert 71im HEWITT HOUSE, ATLANTIC CTTr", N. J. This favorite house has heen removed two squires nearer the ocean, and is now on fit.VAii V L V Aiv I A Av cue, neit to tiio Prusbyteriaa church. It is uow open for Uniwhtm A. T. HUruiIIXgON. Proprietre TVEPTI'NE COTTAGE (LATE MANN'S 1 COTTAGK), PKNX8YLVANI. Avenue, tirst house below the Maniiu House. Atlantic t'ily, is KO,V Ul'KN to receive tiuesis. All eld ineuda heartily welouin.i, aud newoDesalso. Mittf. JOUN SMUIK, 0 11 Propriutie.-s. MACY HOUSE, MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, Atlantic City, is open Die entire year. Sivi: atert near the best bathi'itf. Has large airy roojia, with spring beils. Terms f 15 per week, o 2& bw UEOKGE 11. MACY, ''ropriitor. Ttlajtio CITY. M KS. LUNGUSS u'ou iV uurly cf T1UUTEKNTU and AKCd) ha unea a fine cottage on VIRGINI A AVKNU", where she U prepared to receive boarders ou Teasonablo terms. Address B. LUNGltEN.Atlautie City. 7 Jl mwslf OTTAGE KETRKAT ATLANTIC "ci'lT, N. J., is now open for the reception of fruuats. Terms moderate. A1HS. VcULKKS, 6 11 stuth Lin Proprietress. T)ENN MANSION (FORMERLY ODD 1'EL X lows' Hetreat), ATLANTIC til I'Y, is now in the bands oi its furaier proprietor, and is open tor the esoo. bllmeod WM, M. OA It t, Proprietor. E N T R A L HOUSE; ATLANTIC OITY, N. J., is NOW OPHN for the reception ot guests. 6 11 bw LAW LOU a. TK11.1.V, Proprietors. rpill: "CIIALFONTE," ATLANTIC CUT, M. X J., is now open. Kailroud from tlie hou.e to the bearh. KL1SU1 rttKK I t, tiinu Propi.utor. FIFTH EDITION FROM THE DOMLVIOJf. Trie riphrrtt-e Ainrrlrnn Vre.Hn to liTri Hie 1'rrritniavf the (rounds under t'crtit'tt C'op tlittoti. CUtawa, Jnlylrt. The lollrtwinp; is an extract from the Instruct Ions Issued by the Government to comnmnrters of gunboats anl other officers employed in protecting Canadian fisheries: The limits wilLiu which yon w ill, in the ne (cssary exercise f f j our power, exclude United Stake fishermen, or detain American fishing vcFPfls or boat?, arc for klic prc-cnt to be execp t'onal. Dif.iciltlcs li'ivo nrlfon in furaier timos In re ppect to tl.o qucftijn whether the exclusive limits cbould be measured oa lines drawn parallel everywhere to that coast, aud deacribidir it-s sinuosities or ou lines produced from headland to headland, across frotij headlands of bays, treckp, atid harbors. Uor Majesty's lovcrn nunt Is clcaily of the opinion t'jat by tho con vention ol 11 8 the United .Stains have re pc'inccd tbe rilit of fiIaDir not only within three miles of colonial shores, but within three miles of a line drawn acrors any bny or creek. It is, howc-er. tho wish of her Majesty's Gov ernment neither to concede nor for the present enforce any rights io. tbi t respect which are ia their nature op;n to any serious question. Until further instructions, therefore, you will not interfere -.vith any American fishermen unlee found v ithin three miles of the shore, or within thrte miles of a line drawn across the mouth of tt bay or creek, which is less than ten geographical miles in -width. In case of any othtr bay, as the Bay of Chaleur3 for example, you will not admit any United Slates fishing vessel or boa', or any Arrorican fisherman inside of a lino cVawn across at that part of eucli bay where its width dors not exceed ttn miles. Tte Globe, allf Mm; to President Grant's mes sage to Congress relative to tlio Inconvenience which might bu occasioned in the event of the 'ortli G-:iman mail steamer? being blockaded by French war vcs-els, sugseMs that the trans portation of Ameviean mails might be eafely confided to Canadian U outers. SUMMER RESORTS. C A P E M A V, Q O n C t? E S 8 HALL, CAPE MAY, K. J Opns .'nee I. CIosos October 1 MarR nnd S!nnn Hassler's Orciiestra, aud full Military Bund, of W) piece?. TET'MS js-sc per day June and September. H-'.C per day July and AuguRf. Tne new wing H now completed. AppUcatlonii .or Roomsaddress 4 15 62t J. F. OAKH, Ptopriet- TITcMA KIN'S ATLANITO HOTEL -'lArEMAY. KebuiU since the late Bre and reaiit for ttnest Cpen daring the ynir. It. directly on ttto sea Bltoie, with the best bathing beach of the Oipe. Terms, for the summer, v3'CJ per day and 621 por week Ooach f-om depot freo. No bar t 21 tuthb3-n JOHN McMAKIW, Proprietor. IMIE 1 II I L A I) E L V II I A HOUSE, i CAPK Isr.ANP.N. J., IS NOW (JI'KS. The house ben i -6itlv ealn-fred and improved, and ,ffus suiumr inducement? to thow- seokint; a qmot and pit'Hsnnt l.mirs hy i ho si's do lit a modorato pri:. Ad-'reBfl, K. CKlt Fri HS, No. llrj- Cl'KhNUT Street, crU-poMny 816 am "T TN1TED STATfiS HOTEU FORMKRLY Sherman House, Car j Island. The undernlgued respoutfnlly mtorins the public that he has takeu the h.itivu hotel, ami will Keep a plaiu, comfortable iiouKti, a pood tiJile, aii'i tho best wines and liquors trat he can pocure. Price of bourd, J17.&0 per week. The house is now open lor visitors. 6 27 lm JEUE McKIBBIS, Agt. OCKAN HOVSli, CAPE MAY, N. ,T. THEBRST table ou Cape Island. Numerous home-like comforts, Incut It b Wiih.n nfiy y art Is of the best bathing ou thebeacit, are the principal advantages pushoed by this tlrst-clas-i fatnllv hotel. bar on the premises. LACKTT E V SAWYEK, C M lm Pit'jirletora. 1RYAWT HOUSE. DECATUR STREET, X nt-r tne in-ach, Cnpe Siay, . J., is NOW OPEN for the bhik' n. Ilousj irlirely not; newly furnished throuifh our, and ins a full t Ictun view. Accommodntions for ItiQ K'l' sls. NO LAB. J. L. iiiiV ANT, 8 W lni Proprietor. rpKEMONT HOUSE, CAPE MAY, N. J A i ais House is now open for the rocepttonof euesH. Konmscan boon,.(,ed at 'o. li-03 MOUiNT VEKNON btruet, until July 1. f Pi Jm MI S. K. PARKIXSON JQiVKS. rpjlK COLUMBIA HOUSE, AT CAPE MAY, IS s tifnln nnt!er the management of (iEoUGE J. BOLTuN, who is aUo propriettir tf Bolton's Hotel, at Harrlnmug, Pa. stnthgat Q Yv'. CLOUOS COTTAGE FJR BOARDERS O. FRANKLIN, opposit Hughes street, Capj Care iKlUUll t 9 lm EXCURSIONS. .,T ' S DAILY S". ItST CLASS EXCURSIONS S-Z. x, ZSl'o tnce cool, delialu.ul, and sliadv t.rti.i'l iN ? jit GLOUCESTER POINT. Always a bieeze olowiug. Take v.r bend tha famiiy. isteituieri vitli evry uceoiuiuo la'ion. (l"e water, etc.) Leave ft'UTJi S.uet every few uilnutes. 0 3iliu4p WINES. UlUiANA 1VIXE C03Il,AXr.S Imperial Champagne, RICH, FRUITY, AXD FRAG KANT, Jlade alter the French method, ind superior to auy othei Auierican AYIae, for sale by JAallEO R. VVEDB, 8. E. Corner TVALNUT aud EIGHTH, f 21 8tuth3nirp PIULADKuPUlA. Q H OICE TABLE CLA.RET8. ALEKKT C. KOBEttTS, 4ealer ia Fine Groceries, 117 Corner KLFVKNTH aud VINE Street. HATS AND OAPS. V'ARBUKTON'8 IMPROVED VENTI tbm in.proted tmshioos of th mmoa miKbNl'l btr btree Hill uuui w oussj jsyb unnw ro TO SOLDIERS AND SAILORS AND THEIR, UKIK8. Advice and information Riven free. If you hy.. .nu ItinA r.f r.luim aAiMiOHt the Goverumeut of the I United Mates, write to or call at once upon R S. 1.KAGI K A CO., tne uenerai uouecuoa Ageacy, no. if, h. BltVJtNTH Street. niETuTwiTuGES OF DEsSEfvTION' OR T ahsenoe without leave are made attains Soldiers, Bailors, or Marines without juxt oue, throu.rh error tlie rolls cun be corrected bycallinij oi KOBKR'l' 8 I.KAGDKA t'U. ,Nu. Lis South SKVKM C b trout, PUila delphia. B O UN TY, BO U N'T V, BO U NT Y. SOLDIER3 eulibted tor three years, brtwetn MatSnd Juyt., lMil, discuamwl before Borving two yaars, au i rv, ., o.l u lnunty, lire no fcntitlea to Hji'. A,,u,yto uniititl . 1 UAl'l'K t -' Geuoial CUiu Cife. No. IJi A. bLXtMUls'.reet.