THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1870. City Affairs. The funeral of Miss Kate E. Kildnffe, tlanchter of Dr. Robert and Mrs. Anna 0. Kilduffe, took place yesterday afternoon from ber parents' residence, No. 624 Spruoe street, and was largely attended. Dr. W. W. Larab and William II. Brad dock were yesterday held by Alderman Kerr to answer the charge of setting fire to the drag store at Twenty-third and Lombard streets. The latter made a confession impli cating the former. The Coroner last evening held an inquest OH the body of Henry J. Fletcher, fire years of age, who fell down a cesspool at No. 1009 Oirard avenue, and was instantly killed. Last evening the members of the Yoang Urcnnerchor and of the Senior Msennerchor visited the residence of Charles Vezin, Con sol of the North German Confederation, and serenaded that gentleman. At the close they gave cheers for the Consul and for King Wil liam the First of Prussia. Last evening, Patrick Moeley, residing at No. Gil Alaska street, while under the in fluence of liquor, made an attack upon his wife, Catharine Meeley, striking her in the bead with a brick, enuring serious wounds. She was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospi tal, where her wounds were dressed. Congress adjourned at 5 o'clock yester day, the session having been extended to that bour in consequence of a message from the President suggesting the necessity for an increase of our commercial marine by the purchase of ships abroad. No action was taken in accordance with his suggestions, however, although the matter was discussed. Congress meets again on the first Monday in December next. , Domestic Affairs. Gold closed yesterday at ll."-. The President will go to Long Branch on Wednesday. A poslhumus title, of the highest rank outside of the royal family, has been con ferred by the Chinese Government on the late Anson Burlingame. In the United States District Court at Utah yesterday, a verdict was given against Brigham Yonng in a suit for $ 10,000. Other euits are pending. The State Department is in receipt of telegrams from Ministers Motley, Bancroft, and Washburne, stating that an engagement between France and Prussia may be looked for at any moment. Fareicn Affairs. Father Gavazzi is in Paris, en route for this country. Prim, it is said, will be superseded by Senor Zorilla or General De Cordova. WAR. Queen Victoria's Efforts Tor Peace The French Kmperor'n Proclamation The Duke de LirauioDt's Declaration In Full. ween Victoria's last appeal fob peace. Paris, July 15. It is reported that the Em peror received a despatch from Queen Vic toria this morning, making a last appeal for peace, and that a similar despatch was also sent from London to the King of Prussia. A NAPOLEONIC PROCLAMATION TO THE GERMANS. A proclamation, it is said, signed by Napo leon, has been prepared for distribution throughout the German States as soon as the French troops have crossed the frontier. It assures the German people that France wars against Prussia, not against Germany, and with no idea of conquest. An enormous number of copies have been printed. THE WAIt FEELING IN FBANCE PBUSSIA "IM PLACABLE." London, July 15 Evening. It is reported that the Prussian Government itself de manded of France the recall of Count Bene- detti, and that the European powers yester day united in a protest against the impla cability of Prussia, but without eflect. ALL PARTIES IN PBUSSIA UNITED AND RESOLUTE. London, July 15. Count von Bismarck has issued a circular, which has been telegraphed in all directions, notifying German vessels to hasten to ports of shelter. The notification, of course, applies to all ocean steamers be longing to German ports. Berlin, July 15. The Bundesrath of the North German Confederation meet here to day. The I'tussian Diet is already in session. Chiefs of all parties assure the King of their unqualified approval of his dignified and energetic attitude. A resolution was adopted according unlimited credit for national de fense. The King of baxonyhas abandoned his long-planned tour, and remains at .Dresden. DECLARATION OF THE DUKE DE GRAMONT IS THE FRENCH SENATE. Pabis, JHly 15. The following is the text of the declaration made by Dake de Gramont before the Senate to-day: "Messieurs : The manner in which the country received our declaration of the 6th of July led us to commence negotiations with Prussia, to secure her recognition of the validity of oar grievances. Wo did not treut with Spain, whose independence we have no wlati to trammel, nor with the Prince of llohcnzollern, whom we consider to be under the shadow of the King. Nor have we advanced any other grievance than the candidacy of the prince for the Spanish throne. The Prussian MiniHter of Foreign A flairs opposed to us a determina tion not to receive our representation, pretend ing to ignore ihe affair. We thus addressed ourselves to the King, who maintained that he was a stranger to the atrair and could not intervene except as neaa or uie family, duc ne avowed that he hid instructed Bismarck, we could not accept that answer, and we demanded that the King should Influence the Prince of Honcnzollern. ItBislaiice Un the project came from the quarter whence it was least expected. We then demanded that the King should give a promise for the future. This moderate demand, made la moderate terms. we declared to be without any reservations. The King declined to say that he would refuse la future to Interfere wl.h the candidature, and he re fused to authorize us to transmit to you a declara tion that be would In future oppose the caudldature. tie declared that he reserved to hlmelf the right to consider circumstances. Lveu after this reiusu we am not break on negotiations, but ad journed our explanation to lou until this date, Yesterday we were apprised that the King of Prussia had notified our Ambassador that he would no longer receive him. ana to render a rupture more obvious he gave notice of his action to the Cabinets of turope. At the same time he announced that Baron Werther might take leave, and the armaments of Prussia had commenced. On our part we yesterday t ailed out the reserves, and have taken such other measures at) the interest and honor of the couutry demanded. A copy of this declaration hat been presented to the Corns Lcirisiatif by Monsieur the peeper of the beala. The Government ask a vote of supplies and a call to arms of all classes owing mili tary service. The Corps Legislatif has voted the extreme demands of the Government, tne Lieu voting in the negative. The travel to the Mammoth Cave this sea t on is said to be "enormous." The Chinese Embassy have been In Italy and have visited the remarkable monuments, and been every accompanied by the Marquis Korea d'Olmo, assigned to that duty by King Victor Emanuel, ine mission nave neen received in an audience bv nil Majesty. The city of Richmond, Virginia, bat entered into a contract with a man named Taylor for the capture of all hogs, dogs, and goata fouud in the streets of that city for imprisonment and lanshter. What tbe poor animals have done to awaken the ire of lue authorities does not appear. n 22 W-V ORSZ8AXS. Vent Our Own ObrrtavonaenL New York, July 16, 1870. Piety Re a Money- tinker. The peculiar aptitude which so many minis ters of religion evince for making money, out side as well as inside their profession, Is one of the reasons why the world at large places but little faith In the spirituality of the pulpit. Preachers are found to bo so extremely uu splrltual In their practice, whatever they may affect to be In matters of faith. The eye which they have to tbe main chance is far from belnif identical with that single eye which ba regard for things heavenly. If they abandon specula tion in doctrinal matters, it is only to adopt that equally loose and wild speculation which hai Wall street for Its theatre and bulls and bears for its principal actors. They most emphati cally do take thought for the morrow, and for a good many days after, too, and mani fest at leapt as much interest in tha rise and fall of gold as in the rise and fall of reli gion. I will not say that with them piety is not something more than a money-maker, but it certainly is that, whatever else It may be. The house of God is also their house of merchan dise, and tbe communion-table is too often de graded to the level of a counter. A fair illus tration of this principle has just been furnished by the young pastor ot a certain church, whoso congregation had presented him with a valua ble lot on Lexington avenue. The lot was suffi ciently capaeious for him to erect thereon a large and handsome parsonage, and to surround it with large and well-lald-out grounds. The prudent recipient of this present was far too prudent to do anything of tbe kind, however. He built upon it an insignificant little parsonage, hardly large enough to swing a cat in a mean enough affair, in fact, to be a disgrace to his congregation, whose feelings may be ima gined. Upon the remainder of the lot, which is about ten times the area of that occupied by the "parsonage, he has erected three handsome brown-stone fronts, which he hag lately sac reeded in renting out at an enormous sum. There is a union of epiritual-mindednoos and fuio busi ness tact for you ! The property ww Lie own, you will say, and he had a right to do as he chose with it. Certainly; but I am afraid the woras of life and salvation will not drop auy more persuasively from his lips because he has shown himself extremely Bharp at driving a bargain. The aet i3 a very fair sample ot" what the average New York minister is, however, ujJ as such deserves mentioB. ThoHe Hlenned Katlm. That the baths are blessings is proved daily by the hundreds of men, women, and children who throng to them. They are used and enjoyed to an extent surpassing the expecta tions of the Board of Public Works, which erected them. It is now proposed to increase their number indefinitely, aud finally, as cir cumstances may warrant, to provide stone wharves and immense stone reservoirs until the beauty, efficiency, and durability of such struc tures shall rival those of the antique. After all there is something pleasantly "naked, natural, and Greek" in these hourly facilities for bathing, in which each sex and ever? ao can indulge. The sights and sounds of this new institution are worth tbe sacrifice one makes of one's exclusivlsm in attending them. ft is something to know that the duty of being cleanly is iecognlzed by the multitude and ap proved by the Fathers of the City. Among a perspiring crowd one feels a sweeter comfort in the sense that it Is no longer an unwashed one. It is soothing to realize that you belong to a community which reposes faith in the brush and confidence in the crash-towel, Soap, even if it be yellow, rubs a better sentiment into dirty people with the sediment it rubs out, and I am convinced that the better minds amon j the lower orders of the community experience a growing attachment to the batb-tub. Poor Muperlnttndrnt Jourrtun. Since Superintendent Jourdan has held his present position as head of the police he has had no easy time. He doubtless brought to his work the same disposition which is said to make a new broom sweep clean, and it was manifestly his Intention to sweep very clean indeed. To this end he has worked day and night, tighten ing relaxed laws, and satisfying himself by a persona round of visits in various quarters of the efficiency of their operation. Under hii rule we have had quieter and more peaceable Sun days than under the last days of the reign of Kennedy. During the last fe w weeks, particu larly, the excise law has been made more strin gent in its operation. The countless saloons which had begun to steal open on the Sabbath were instantaneously closed, as though they had one door. If he had turned as much of his attention towards the disreputable doings on Canal street, he would have accomplished a more important work. For instance, during the last few months f,he streets in that vicinity have been literally honey combed with those wretched little cigar-shops the name of which is merely a euphemism for almost every kind and degree of crime. Females accomplished in the last degrees of vice have sprung up there like fungus, and during their short reign have converted Canal street, between the Bowery and Essex street, Into a locality less tolerable than the Five Points. The cleansing of this and kindred localities is part of the . work which Superintendent Jcurdou finds himself unequal to perform. Not the consciousness of having performed a good aad noble mission, not tbe emoluments or honor of his position, not the support he has received from the re spectable press, can reconcile him to reinainiug in this notoriously ungrateful post. His resig- nation, accordingly, will take effect from the first of next month. He has discovered the police euperlntendency to be eminently unfavorable to his health, his hours of labor lasting from an early morning hour of one day till after midnight of tbe next. Amusement. Tbelanncr ballet troupe has not been as evenly successful as it was natural to anticipate it would be. on account of the illness of Madame Lanner herself- That lady had been working extremely hard, superintending rehearsals, aud taking a laborious share in everything in which her own reputation and ambition were concerned, and broke down under the trials of a new climate. Her illness has lasted but u day or so, but it materially interfered with the pecuniary interests of the management. Mr. Gayler's play of Fritz, written to order, like machine poetry, attracts pretty good houses at Wallack'e. Buckley's Berenaders, which assume to be the original ones, are stationed at the San Francis cans' Hall, doing an extremely meagre business Among other theatricals the extremest dullness prevails. Ia It la be a Alabtlle i Judges Barnard and Cardozo have stepped in and prevented Commodore Vanderbllt from an proprlating thirty-three lots near Fourth avenue and Forty-third street. In 1809 Vanderbilt sue etcded In getting permission to use that pro perty as a depot for the Harlem Railroad, vmt tain commissioners, appointed by the Commo dore and approved by Judge Ingraham, fixed tbe amount of compensation to be paid the city at tbe low sum of 125,000. Judges Barnard and Cardozo have appointed other commissioners to make a new valuation, and parties have since bt en found to offer 1 1,000, 000 for the properly which the Commodore hoped to secure at about one-fortieth that amount. It is rnmored that tbope who have thus grasped at the property Intend converting it into a Jardin Mabille! It is to be hoped so, for the sake of those who are forever lamenting New York's lack of such a charming necessity. AuBara. marineteTeqraphT" For additional Marine Aia e Firtt Fagt. ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. 3cm Kirks 4-42!Moon Risks 10-06 SUM HKTB 7-891 HlQH WATBK 4"0 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADK. Thomas G. Hood, ) Ciihik. J. Hoffman, Committee of tub Month. ThOVAS C. IlAKB, ) CLBAKKD YESTERDAY. Br. ship Fliza McLaughlin, Hlbbert, Antwerp, Sou lier & Alanis. hhip li. S. sauford, Dtinphy, Hamburg, S. L. Mer chant A Co. Steamer Tona anda, Barrett, Savannah, Philadel phia and t-outli'-rn Mail Steamship Co. ritennier H C. Walker, Shcrln, New York, W. M. Haird A Co. Steamer J. 8. Shrlver, Webb, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. Schr Ralph Carlton, Curtis, Halein, l'enn Gas Coal Co. ArtRIVED YESTKKDaV. Steamship Saxon, Sears, 4ft hours from Boston, with nulse. to II. Winsor A Co. Passengers: Mrs. 11. M. heny, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Ganlty aud son, Mr. F. E. Oormsley, Mr. W. o. Olton, Miss Cook and sister, Mrs. Nornti, child and servant. bark Brunswick, Kittn, 8 days from Boston, in bal last to Workman & Co. Correspondence, of The Kvenina TeUgraph. EASTON A McMAUON'S BULLETIN. New Yoke Office, July 15. Four barges leave In tow to-night, for Baltimore, light. Baltimokb Branch officii, July 19. The follow ing barges leave In tow to-night, eastward: C. U. Cane, A. McWl'liams, F. F. Sheehey, United Brotheis, Andrew Allison, It. II. Uockwood, and M. lSnrtlett, all w itli coal, for New York. J. A. Covell left with those reported yesterday. I'niLAOEi.rniA Branch Ofeicb, July it!. The Ann McCutirey, with guano, will leave for Baltimore this pvntne. L. S. C. TritgrapK) LKWiH, Del., July 15. lutvii a Pniin Camp bell veiit to sea this A. M. a Rdioont r Is nasHtnsr In At 9 o'clock. W lnd fresh lrom N. JS. Thermometer, 62. MEMORANDA, giuinsr .T W Viiurman lltni'l'lnv. fnr Philartfll- phia, HMilerf from Charleston yesterday. steamer Weser, lrom Bremen aud Southampton, arrived at New York yesterday. Ol'U 11 1 0 111 J 1 1 , I'll 1.1-.'. u .-. TI J -- ' . St ami r Cuba, Dukehart, from Baltimore via Key West, at New Oilcans loth lust- Steamer Chlnn, at San fTaucisco lain mst. irom Slim tthae aud Yokohama. Sx-aiuer At Me, Hanson, cleared at New Y'ork 14th liisi. fo' Santa yartha and aavanilla. Sttanier Norfolk, Piatt, for Pulla'lelphla, sa'led from Ricnmoi.d A. M. 14th lust. Meaincr Claymont, Kooinson, ior i nuaueipuia, Sftiled from Nortolk i:tth Inst. Steamer Achilles, for Georgetown, passed Alexan dria 14th lust. Nor. bark Nebo, Sannberg, cleared at uoston in li St. for Philadelphia, to load for the Baltic, liurv t h iMi-.i.Ri-en. Cimwav. for Philadelphia. cleared at New Y'ork yesterday. . . , . . . . . I 1 . All LAM L I 1 I DurK iinrace Bcuaner, ouiu, Bantu uum oumt raunde 20th ult. ior Klga. Br. brig Iris, Hatlleld, hence for Wilmington, N.C., was passed li4th lust., lat. 84 81, long. 75 07. 151'lg CaillUltl, UOOniOS, Iieuco, Ul ouawu in" iiiou. Briif James Davis. Staples, hence, at Boston I4th 1H IK X.U1II1, J UlUaill, '"."1 w , , Vr n Scnr Four .Misters, Shearer, from Windsor, N. S., for Philadelphia, at Holmes' liolo A. M. 12th Inst. scnr Anna uartou, jtiuk, ucuw, ax i wtiuvih.o 13th li.M. , t , , Suhr Richard Law, Eldred, aence, at Stonlngton lnhii-st. . . Schr Abble, Cleaver, nence, at juaroieucuu '"schr A. Bartlett. Bartlett, hence, at Boston 13th liiBtaut. . ,.,.... Schr Clyde, Gage, hence, at Bangor inn mm. Schr E. J. Plckun. Boweu, at Baltimore 14th Inst. from CBindeti. , , F. 1. Bucklin, Bucklin, for Philadelphia, cl d at Boston 13tu Inst. Schr Cha. les K. Jackson, Cullen, cleared at Boston i:ith inst. for Kenuebeo river, to load for Phlla- aelph-a. , . , tu-hrr K. A. liooper; A. r. urowu, rnn, u less, Baxter, cleared at Boston 18th lnst. for Phtla- deHchra'comct, Dow, for Philadelphia, cleared at Calais Sth inst. " Schr Pauline Rarabo, Devcr, cleared at Baltimore 141 h li st, for Wilmington, Del. Koiir arietta miou, r iuy.iuis u wow J4th liist. for Kennebuuk and Philadelphia. Schrs Irvine, Diggius; Urbana, Alleu, and L. & A. Babcock, Smith, hence for Boston: Lavoll, vhitte more, and J. F. Carver, Norwood, heuce forBalem; L. A. Rose, Rose. do. for Lynn; Hiawatha, Newman, do. for isewburyport; Cerro Gordo, do. for Haver hill : C res, Tretoiheu, do. for Dover, n. H. ; Z. Snow, Thoradike. and Roua, Fisher, do. for Portland ; J. B. Allen, Case, from Nantucket ior rnuautupuia, at Hi lmes' Hole A. M. ltth lust. The L. A. Babcock, L. A. Roso, and Irvine sailed again next morning. Irvine, I'lgirlns; H. N. Squire, Kelley ; W. G. Dearborn, Scull; llattle Paige, Haley ; West Dennis, Crow".; M. Holmes, HolmeB; and E. H. Naylor, Nayior, h. nee, at Boston 14th lnst. uihha fnr Phllailplnhlft. and Cloud. Seun an, for Trenton, N. J., sailed from NewBed- ioru 13U1 idhi. , ,, . Schrs J. A. Grimn. Kenney. and William Collyer, Taylor, hence, at Salem 12th lnst. Scbr C. G. Cranmer, Cranmer, hence, at Salem SchrMlnnleRepplier, Weeks, at Charleston th lnst. from Baltimore. Schrs J. B. Weldin, Crowell; Isabella Thompson, Endicott; Atd, Smith: J. B. Van Dusen, Young; Hannah Little, Little; Wave Crest, Davis; and Mary C. Elliott, Bird, sailed from Providence lain lnst. for Philadelphia. Scrr J. d. I layton, uiayiou, iur x unaucipuiu, b iu from Rich mend 13th inst. MISCELLANY. Steamer Wartsntu, which went ashore on her trip to New York last week, has been taken on the City Railway, at New Bediord, and found to have lost only a p'ieie of the shoeing of the keel. Bark Aberdeen, Treat, from Ellsworth for Buenos A res, put into Boston 14th lust, leaking 1000 strokes per hour, having struck on Long Island, Me., on the 8th lnst. Brig J. D. Lincoln, from Havana for Calbarlen, lout on he reel at Cay Cruz, was uso tons register, built at Brunswick, Me., In 1854, aud hailed from Poitland. Her crew have been saved. Schr Mary E'lza, of C ala's, which got ashore near Beaver Tail Light, and was got off and taken Into Newp rt, was sold by auction Hth lust, for (5MK). tho hull, spars, anchors, aud chains oniv Included. The am its mid tiL'piLtr were sold on the 13th. The old bur Maria, which has buffeted the waves for 88 year, hailing from Nantucket and New Bed ford, and for the last few years under the Chilian flag, with her name changed to Maria Pochoco, is ia reported t-UBk In the harbor of Papta, Peru. She t-ad le u it akwg badly on her present voyage, and h r commander. Captain William C. Parsons, of New Bedford, had beached her some time previously to stop tne leans. COPARTNERSHIPS. CHARLES STOKES IIAS THIS D.1 ted Into partuersnip O. EUUENt DAY ADMIT K STOKES. FREDERICK J FAlRCHILDS. and HOWARD L. S I OKLS. The business of Merchant Tailoring and (jei.erai tilothlcar will be carried on at no. CUES NIT Street, under the name of CHARLES STOKES Philadelphia, July 13, 1870. 714 at FOR THE SUMMER. To prevent Sunburn, Freckles, and to make the skin white and beautiful, use Wright's Alconated Glycerine Tablet of Solidified Glycerine. It is a sure remedy lor mosquito bites, and is the best of ail Toilet Soaps. Sold bj DruggUts generally, 11. At U. A. WUIGIT, 80 thBtulMrp No. 624 CHESNUT Street ILTUOODS, NKWajsT b'fiLES, DIXON'S, No. tt ki S. tauu u eirct. iu 10 aw( PROPOSALS. IROPOSAI.S FOR STAMPED ENVELOPES AND NEWSPAPER WRAPPERS. ct, . "c DllPAiiTJlEKT, July 11, 1870. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received nntu 13 o'clock M., on the llth days of August, 18T0, for furnipning ail the "Stamped Envelopes"and "News paper Wrappers" which this Department may re quire during a period of four (4) years, commencing on the 1st day of October, 1870, vis : STAMPED ENVELOPES. No. 1. Note size, i by 5 inches-two qualities. No. 2. Ordinary letter size, 8 1-U by B inches three qualities No. a. Full letter size, ifi by 65tf Inches three qualities. No. 4. Full letter size, (for circulars), nngummed on flap, 8'i by 6,yf Inches one quality. No. 6. Extra letter size, 8)$ by ti Inches three qualities. No. a Extra letter size, 8 bye;,' inches (fer clr culars,) nnnunimed cn flap one quallity. No. 7. Oillcial size, 8 15-1 by 8J inches two quali ties. No. 8. Extra onioial size, 4;i by 10 Inches one quality. STAMPED NEWSPAPER WRAPPERS. Six and a live-eighths by inches (round cut) one quality. EMBOSSING, WATER-MARKS, PRINTING, RULING PAPER STYLE OF MANUFACTURE. All of the ahove Envelopes and Wrappers must be embjssed with postage stamps, of such denomina tions, stjles, and oolors, must have such water marks or ether devices to prevent Imitation, and bear such printing and ruling as tha Postmaster. Gei.trnl may direct. Tbe envelopes must be made iu il'.r inst thorough manner, equai In every respect to the samples furnished t bidders by the Depart ment The paper must be of approved quality, specially manufactured for the purpose, W henevcr envelopts are order oi the styles known as "Black-lined"' or "Self-ruied," (lines printed In side, or ruled on the face), the same shall oe fur nished without additional cost, the contractor to pay all charges for royalty In tne use of patented Inventions for said lined or ruled envelopes. DIES. The dies for embossing the postage stamps on the envelopes aud wrappers are to be executed t the satisfaction of the Postmaster-General, lu the best style, and they are to be provided, renewed, and kept in order at the expense of the contractor. The Department reserves tne right of requiring new dies for any stamps, or denominations or stamps not now ueed, and any changes of dies or colors shall be made without extra charge. Before closing a contract the successful bidder may be required to prepare and submit new dies for the approval of the Department. The use of the present dies mav or may not tie. continued. 1 he dies shall be safely and securely kept by the contractor, and should the use of any of then be temporarily or permanently discontinued they shall be promptly turned over to the Department, or its as t lit, as the PostmastcMlenerai may direct gDmied'thginnmm andpcrfectly lor circulars) to be put on by hand not less thanltali an inch the entire leugtii ; the wrappers to be also huud-gummed not less than three-fourths of an inch in width across the end. SECURITY FROM FIRE AND THEFT. Bidders are notilled that the Department will re quire, us a condition of the coutract, that the en velopes and wrappers shall be manufactured aud stored In such a manner as to insure security agaiust loss by tire or theft The manufactory must at all times be subject to the inspection of an agent of the Department who will require the stipulations of the contract to be faithfully observed. PACKING. All envelopes and wrappers must be banded lu parcels of twenty-five, and packed in strong paste board or straw boxes, securely bound on all the edges and corners with cotton aud llueu cloth, glued on, eacn to contain not iets man iwo uunarea ana tilty of the note and letter sizes aud one hundred each of the oillcial or extra oillcial size, separately. The newspaper wrappers to be packed In brxea, to contain not less tnau two nuuureu ana urty eacn. The boxes are to be wrapped and securely fastened in strong manllla paper, and sealed, so as to safely bear transportation by mall for delivery to post- masteis wnen two inousuuu or more envelopes are required to fill the order of a postmaster, the straw or pasteboard boxes containing the same must be packed in strong wooden cases, well strapped with hoop-iron, and addressed; but when less than two thousand are required, proper labels of direction, to be furnished by an agent of the De partment, must ie piaceu upon eacn pa-Kage oy tnq contractor. Wooden cases, containing envelopes or wratpers. to be transported by water routes, must be provided with suitable water-proohng. The noie to do uone unuer tne inspection ana direction of an agent of the Department DELIVERY. The envelopes and wrappers must be Xarnlshed and delivered with all reasouaole desuatclu complete In all respects ready for use. and lu such quantities as may be required to nu tne uauy orders oi post masters; the deliveries to be made either at the Post Office Department Washington, 1). C, or at the office ot an agent duly authorized to Inspect and receive the same ; the place of delivery to be at the option or tne rostmauter-ueiicrai, anu tne cost oi ueiiver li'g, as well as all expense of storing, packing, ad dressing, labelling, aud water-prooflng to be paid by the contractor. SAMPLES. Socclmens of the envelopes and wrappers for which proposals are Invited, showing the different qualities and colors of paper required, the cut, ano style of gumming, with blank lor ins of bids, mav oe naa on application to tne rniru Assistant post master-General. This advertisement ana a specimen oi tne sample envelopes and wrapper furnished by the department must be attached 10 and made part of each bid. OUAKANTElt No proposal will be considered unless offered by a manufacturer ef envelopes, and accompanied by a satisfactory guarantee signed by at leant two re sponsible parties. AWARD AGREEMENT BONDS. Tbe contract will be awarded to the lowest re sponsible bidder for all the envelopes and wrap pers, tne prices u uu caicuiutcu uu mo uusin oi tne number used of the several grades during the last lineal year, which was as follows: Note size 1,463,250 Letter size, first quality 60,467,500 Letter size, second quality 8.956.750 Letter size, second quality (uugummeuj.... 3,ois,uoo Extra letter size, first quality 6,815,750 iitra letter size, second quality (un- cummed) 454,000 Official size 669,900 Kxtra official size a.iw Newspaper wrappers 4,936,250 Total 86,2S9,5oO Within ten days after the contract has oeen awarded, the successful bidder shall enter into an agreement In writing with the Postmaster-General to faithfully observe and keep the terms, conditions, and requirements set forth In this advertisement, according to tueir true intent ana meaning, auu shall make, execute, and deliver, subject to the approval and acceptance of the Postmaster-General, bonds with good and sufficient sureties in the sura of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ( as a forfeiture for the faithful performance of said agreement or contract according to the pro visions aud subject to the liabilities of the seven teenth section of an act ef (Jougress entitled "An act legalizing n,nd mtkiug appropriations for such necessary objects as have been usually included iu the general appropriation bills without authority of law, and to Ux ar provldH fer certain lucldeutul expenses of the departments and offices of the Gov ernment, and lor other purposes," (United States statutes at Large, vol. R, page 256), approved August 26, 1542, which act provides that lu case the con tractor shall fail to comply with the terms of his contract, "lie anu his sureties shall be liable for the forfeiture spe.clik-d In such coutract as Uqut dated damages, to be sued for in the name of the United States in auy court having jurisdiction thereof." RESERVATIONS. The Postmaster-General reserves to himself the following rictus: 1. To 1 eject any uad all bids, If, In his Judgment, tbe intereats of the Government require it i. To annul the contract whenever the same or any part thereof Is offered for sale for the purpose of speculation; auu unocr iiucircuiiimauceB win a trans fer of tlie contract be allowed or sanctioned to auy tuirtv who 6iiau oe, in tne opiniou 01 1110 rostmasier General, less able to fulilil the conditions thereof timn the orlclnal contractor. 8. To annul tl" contract, if, lu his Judgment, there Bhttll be a failure, to perform faithfully auy of Its Ml cnlations, or in case of a wilful attempt to impose ' . . ... - . ...... . L'......l....n - Vir- ........... In UPOU 1114 XeiJlW llUL'Ut X.11VC1UIJVO Ul W9 laiflJClB U' f..i ior to tumble. 4. if the contractor to whom the flrst award may be made should lull to enter into agreement aud civa satisfactory bonds, ut herein provided, tiieu the award may be annul ed aud tue coutract let to tv.c next lowest responsible bidder, aud so on until tbe requited agtee.nient and hor.ds ave executed; ard such next lowest bidder slia'.l be required to fulfil every stipulation embraced herein as If he were the original p irty to whom the coutract was ttWttrT- BILS Should be securely enveloped and sealed, marked "PropcsaU for Stumped Envelopes and Newspaper Wrappers," and addressed to the Third Assistant PoHtmast-'r-Geuei'ttl, Wellington, p JOHN A. i. CRKSWELL, 1 laecdlSt Postmastor-GeueraL FURNITURfe. .pURCHASEIlS OP . COTTAGE CHAMBER SUITS And the various styles of BEDSTEADS, ; BUREAUS, WASnSTANDS. WARDROBES, ETC., Finished in Imitation of Walnut, Maple, or other "hard woods," and now generally known as "Imi tation" or "Painted' Furniture, are hereby Informed that every article of onr manufacture is STAMPED WITH OUR 1N1TIAL8 AND TRADE MARE, And those who wish to obtain goods of our make (there being, at the present time, numerous imita tions In the market), should Invariably ask the dealer of whom they are purchasing to exhibit our stamp on the goods, and take no other, no matter what representations may be made concerning them. KILBURN & GATES, Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture, No. 619 MARKET STREET, T 2 smwcmrp PHILADELPHIA, PAt RICHMOND & CO.. FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE WAREROOMS Xfo. 4S SOUTH SECOND STREET, AST BLDH, ABOVB OQE8NTJT, 8 11 PHILADELPHIA FURNITURE Selling: at Cost Wo. 1019 MARKET Street. i 18 8m G. R. NORTH. OROOERIES, ETO. TO FAMILIES GOING TO COUNTRY. THE We otter a full stock of the Fineit Groceries to Select From, And at the LOWE8T CASn PRICES. Packed se curely and delivered at any of the Depots. CUU&tto cet FnrI Rrnr.prv No. 118 Soutla SlSCOi.'.-. " 1 17 thitn BELOW CHESNUT STREET, c URING, BACKING, AND SMOKING FSTABISHMENT CUKKR8 OF SUPERIOR SUttAR.CUKED HAM. BK.HF, and TONGUF8, anil daler In Provision Kenernlly. o. W. corner innnii-ruyivin uu BROWN Streets. 6M2mthstn BOOTS AND SHOES. BARTLETT, FINE CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. Made on cur Improved Lasts, Insuring Comfort Beauty and Durability. No. 33 SOUTII SIXTH STREET, 1 13 tnstuD31 ABOVB CHESNUT. WATCHES. JEWELRY, ETO. C. & A. PEQUIGNOT, MANUFACTURERS OF WATCH CASES, AND DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN WATCHES, No. 608 CHESNUT Street. MANUFACTORY, No. S3 8outn FIFTH Street. WILLIAM B. WARNE & CO., MThnlnaala Taa1ura in W- :A WATCHES AND JEWELRY, 8 25 Second floor, and late of No. 36 S, THIRD St. CLOCKS. mwKR O LOOK 8. MARBLE CLOCKS. BRONZK CLOCKS. OOUOOU CLOCKS. V1KMNA REGULATORS. AMF.RIOAIf LOOKS Ot V. RUSDJUJLX., Ho. 22 NORTH SIXTH STREET. HAIR CURLERS. rp II li IIYFBRIOA HAIR CUBLER9, AN INDISPENSABLK ARTICLE FOR TUB LADIES (Patented July 9, 1867.) Tola Oorler it the most perfect lnfentiou ever offered to tbe public It ia easily operated, neat in appearance and will not injure the hair, ae there ie no beat required, nor any metallic lubtlance used to rueter break the hair Manufactured only, and for aale wtuleaale and retail, by iricMILX.Ai Ac CO., 1 23 6m No. 63 North FRONT Street, Philadelphia, Sold at all 3ry Qoode, Trimming and Notion Store. INSTRUCTION. 17 DGEIIILL, MERCDANTV1LLE, N. J., WILL BE opened for SUMMER BOARDERS from July 1 to September 15, 1870. Tbe Douse la new and pleasantly located, wltb plenty of shade. Rooms large and airy, a number of them communicating, ana wun nrst-ciass board. A few families cau be accommodated by applying early. For particulars call on or address REV. T. W. CATTELL, 1 1 MerchantvlUe, N. J. nl . li A IT I 12 II II A C II 8 . m.AKSHIAL KOlKNTlflU. AND COMMER CIAL AOADHMY, ASSKMBLY BU1LDINO, No. 108 Bcuth TKNi'U Street. A Primary. Klementary, and l inibbing bchool. Circular! at Mr. Marburton'a, No. 4 HI tiheanut street ". PIANOS. ALBRECHT, WV-FW RIEKES SCHMIDT, MAKCKACTIKBR8 Or FIRST-CLASS PIANO-FORTES. Full guarantee aud moderate prices. B 5 WAREROOMS, No. 610 ARCH Street. D 1VOECE8 LEGALLY OBTAINED WITHOUT ..........liMuru oTnomirn. Advtr.e free aud prl- va te. Terras moderate. Apply at "muuio, - 0 thtliBOl No. 48 N. Nifa PvreuH uoiu a. 10 NE DOLLAR GOODS FOt 65 CiifiTJ, 10 Is ftij Dixua u, no. vt a. iiumu Direeu AMUSEMENTS. UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS' HALL. FOURTH and GEOROK Streets. A GRAND COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT for the bf neflt of Mr. WILLIAM FALLOWFiKLOl tlte blind Pianist ana Vocalist, J TUESDAY EVENING, July 8. on tnls occasion the following gentlemen have kind y TOlunteered to appear: K. L. Bawhelor. Pianist; John Baker, Baritone; James Fieldlnir, Miniature Organ: William Pultiian, Violinist; wl ??rkJTa.r1',ihe Renwned Comic; Charles Drew, BalladlBt; Thomas Lachall, Champion Hone Player ; T&a n8!016 a C1 Dancer 5 William FaUow fleld. Blind Vocalist. Come and streteh forth a hand like a brother, Rememler that life's but a span, Til our duty to help one another, And do a good turn when we can. Admission Tickets, 88 cents. Doors open at 7 o clock ; Concert commences at 9. 712 m PENNSYLVANIA POLYTECHNIC AND A A N ATOM 10 A L MUSFUM, Mo. 1305 CHESNUT btreet, three doore above Twelfth, the, moot complete collection of object. iiluetratin Pbyeiotocy, Pathology, .1 "el HiBtnry, etc. Illustrative Lectures every evening. Opn 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. 6 8m INSURANOb, INSUEANCE COMPANY NORTH AMERICA. JaHCAST I, 1870. Charter Perpetiial. Incorpornted 14. CAPITAL 8300,000 ASIET8 84,8J,SM. Ieeeea pnld elnre ercanlzat!oa....843000,000 Kecelpu mf Prenilume, lh9....81,9l,W3r45 Intereet from In veetmeate, '(19. 114,(HI6'74 - . . 8410,S341 ' ' 169..... 8l,033,3t-S4 Htatement ef the Aeaeta. Krtt MortffMea on Oity Property , (766,460 United Btatee Government and other Loan Bonda LlaLftel Railroad, Bank and Oanal Btooki 85,709 Oaah in Bank and Office 147 jjq Loans on Collateral Security M.bV) Notes Receivable, mostly Marine Premiums. .. SSl',944 A corned Interest 80,367 Preminms in coarse of transmission st 198 Unsettled Marine Premiums 100900 Real Estate, Offioe of Company Philadelphia.. soiooo DIRECTORS. wawM JraneliB.Oop, Kdward U. Trottev, Kdward S. Clarke. T. Uharlton Henry, Alfred D. Jessnp, Loois O. Madeira, Oharlee W. On unman, Clement A. Grieoom, William Biwiki. BsmaelW.o set John A. Bros. a. Oharlee Taylor, Ambrose White. William Welsh, B. Morris Wain. George L. Harrison, ARTHUR a. CinwwtTa v.ia . ' OUARLES PLAIT, Vloe-Presideni. H. Ru:vf:riflSateUry. CHARTER PERPElww- ASSETS $200,000. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF GERMANTOWN. OFFICE, No. 4829 MAIN STREET. Take risks in Philadelphia. Montsomerv. and Rrnit. conntiee, on the most favorable terms, upon UwellioKS. Haras, Alerohnndike, Furniture, FanoinK Implement, uay, uram, ciraw, eiu. eic. DIRECTORS. Fpencer Roberts, Nicholas Rittenhouse, John btalimun, I Vatnan L. Jones. Albert A sbmead. I James F. f nirsf.rnth. Joseph Hendnbury, I Obarlos Weiss, ilbam Asbmoad, M. D., Joseph Boucher, Abram Rex, I Obarles MiUman, unaries a. Btokes. SPENOER ROBERTS, President. OUARLES II. BTOK K8, Secretary and Treasurer. WM. H.LK11MAN. Assistant Secretary. 6 28imw3m JiAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 809 CHESNUT Street. IXCORrOKaTED I860. CHARTER PBRPITCAL. CAMTAL 1200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insurance apalnst Loss or Damage by Klre either by Perpetual or Temporary Policies. DLKECT0K8. Charles Richardson, Robert Pearce, John KeBsler, Jr., Edward B. Orne, Charles Htokes. John W. Kverman, . Mordecal Buzby. ARDSON. PresldenL wuuam 11. itnawn, William M. Scvfert. John V. Smith, xatnan liuieg, I llAUI.r.a JUL. 11 "WILLIAM 11. RUAWN. Vice-Presllfint. Williams 1. Blanciiard, Secretary. 7 23; ri"lIE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1S2S Charter Perpetual. No. 510 WALNUl' Street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, latorably known to the commu nity for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage oy tire on Public or Private Build logs, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, Is invested In the most careful manner, which ena bles them to oiler to the Insured an undoubted secu rity in the case of loss. MKEITOKM. Daniel Smith, Jr., Isaac llazlehurst, Thomas Robins, Thoma Smith, Henry Lewis, J. GUllngham Fell, Daniel Haddock. Jr.. John Devereux, Franklin A. Coml v. DANIEL SMITH, Jr., President. Wm. G. Croweli, Secretary. 8 80 THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO. OP PHILADELPHIA. Office S. W. cor, FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES ISSUED. CASH Capital (paid np In full) 200,000-00 CASH Assets, July 1, 1870 &MM32-90 DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, .J. Livingston Errlnger, Naibro Frazlcr, James L. Claghorn, jonn in. Aiwoea, w m. u. uouiton, Benl. T. Tredick. Charles Wheeler, Thomas II. Montgomer James M. Aertsen. George II. Stuart, jonn 11. isrown, V. RATCHFORD STARR. President. TUOMAs 11. MONTGOMERY, Vice-Presldeni ALEX. W. WISTEK. Secretary. JACOB E. PETERSON, Assistant Secretary. TMTElUAIi FIRS INSURANCE CO., LOUDON. ESTABLISHED 1S0S. Paid-up Capital and Accumulated Fonda, 88,000,000 IN GOLD. PREVOST & HERRING, Agents, 4i No. 107 & THIRD Street, Philadelphia, OH AS. M. PREVOST . OHAB. P. HERRINQ PATENT8. ' N 8. OFFIOXS FOB FBOOXTRINQ Patents In the United States and Fo reign Countries. fOBBIlT BUILDIHQS, 110 8. I'OUKTII St., l'tiilada., . ADD MARBLE BUILDISGS, 012TliITll Street, abore V, (Opposite U. & Patent OffloeL WASHINGTON, D. O. H, HOWBON, Solicitor of Paten te, O. UOWSOM, Attorney-at-Law. Communications to be addressed to tho FrinoipaJ Offlooa Philadelphia. lumw STATE RIGHTS FOR BALE. STATE Rivhts of a valuable Invention inst patented, and foe the bUOlNG, CUTTING, and CHIPPING of dried bee, cabbage, etc., are hereby ollered for sale. It ia an article of ttxt value to proprietore ef hotels and reetanrante, anditahonld be Introdaced into every family. HTATM K ltd H'l H for sale. Model can be eeea at THXJEGBAPii Ot ICE, OOOPKB-a fWT k HOFFMAN OITON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, OF ALL' numbers and brands. Tent, Awning, Trunk, and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufac turers' D'ier Felts, from thirty to aeventy-aix laches, with Paullns, Belting, BaUTwle,etc No. 10 cnURCli'streeMCity Store's.