TEE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1870. 1 1 I if n V7-TC pan xssio. Frcn Our Own CorrettpondenL " New York, Julr 12, 1870. , The JjMtt Mr. IJngnrd. Since so many unfounded reports hare found their way into the papers with regard to the late Mr. James W. Llngard, It may not be out of 'place to mention a few facts In relation to that unhappy man. It was about seventeen years -ago when he first began to be successful. On the 18th of July, 1853, he appeared as "Deacon Perry" In Mr. Aiken's adaptation of Unci Tom's Cabin. Ia the spring of the succeeding year (1854), he commenced playing "Uncle Tom' la the same play, at Barnum's old Museum. This character he represented more thar. one hundred times. He and Mr. G. L. Fox, the comedian and pantomlmist, then became asso ciated together in the Old Bowery Theatre, and continued in partnership - until ex-District Attorney Whitney (familiarly known as "Little Bitters") built the New Bowery. When the latter theatre was completed Fox & Llngard dissolved partnership. Fox remained at the Old Bowery and Llngard assumed the management of the New. Ilere be made all the money that he ever became possessed of, not much, in fact, but sufficient to become the nucleus of a very re spectable fortune had he met with ordinary luck la the application of it. His funds never reached a higher 6um than 1 30,000, the largest portion of which was invested in scenery and wardrobe. Unfortunately the theatre was burned, he was not insured, and he lost all excepting a comparatively Insignificant sam Which he had invested in his wife's name. This misfortune may be said to have been the com mencement of his downfall. A number of bene fits seemed in some small degree to compensate him for his losses, and he passed to the Theatre Comique, of which . he became manager. Not very successful there, he opened several drinking saloons, one after atothcr, all of which were more or less failures. To these annoyances were added ethers of a still more trying and irretrievable nature. I allude to his domestic miseries, which, being domestic, do not require to be lengthily paraded here. Though possessed of a wife and children he was anxious to leave this country, to emigrate to Australia, and there, in bis forty-Eeventh year, commence life anew, and rewin in his maturity those theatrical lau rels he had worn in his young man hood. This was not to be, however. Tae friends and managers on whom he had depended for assistance were very reticent in their proffers. This combination of griefs and disappointments found its climax in suicide. On Wednesday night he wrote several letters to friends, bidding them farewell, and it is sap posed he immediately proceeded to the foot of Beach street and threw himself into the river. Ilia corpse was found . on Thursday morning, but, elngular to saj', was not recognized until Friday. A coroner's inquest was held on Satur- ' day afternoon, and yesterday afternoon he was burled at Cypress Hills Cemetery. His funeral was attended by hundreds, among whom was at least a score who might have assisted him had they been so minded, and so - etaved off the tragedy. But such is life. We iak bread and .receive stones; and those who would follow us to the grave rather than lend us their money fly to shed tears over the lowered coffin. In similar circumstances to those of poor Llngard, I think one of my dying wishes would be to be spared the satire of having a eulogy pronounced over my tomb by the men v ho had helped to send me thither. Amusements Present and Future. This week there is a perceptible brightening of the theatrical horizon, which In another six weeks will begin to be in a blaze of glory. At the Grand Opera House Madame Rathl Lanner and ber troupe appeared for the first time last evening, presenting the ballet La Giselle; or, The Willis. Of this troupe there are but three principal members Madame Lanner herself, Mad'lle Bertha Llnd, and M. Venuta Francesca. The two ladies are natural blondes, an interest ing fact in view of the number of bottles of aureated tinctures that have been tonsorially applied by actresses in this city during the last two years. Bertha Llnd is said to be a 'sort of", niece to Jenny, but I scarcely know what recommendation it is to a danseuse ' to be distantly related to a prima donna with a - cracked voice. Neither of them is stupendous in comparison with such dancers as Bonfanti or Sangall. If I may so express it, dramatic dancinar seems rather to their forte dancing which is iu close relationship to pantomime, pleasing rather by its Intelligent and picturesque interpretation of a coherent story than by the audacity of its steps or the celerity of its execu tion. The audience was very large, resem- blin ; that of the first nights of the Twelve Temp taliont. In regard to other theatricals, Mr. Brougham's slllr masterpiece, Minnie's Luck, has been withdrawn from Wallack's, and replaced by Mr Gayler's Fritz, which is Mr. Gayler's second attempt this season to propitiate the press of New York. Nlblo's Is being regllt, refrescoed. and recushloned, and promises to become one of the handsomest theatres in town. Mr. Daly is preparing to revive Mollere at the Fifth Avenue in the autumn. Madame Marie Seebach, the German tragedienne, commences ber hundred . nights at the French Theatre early in Septem ber. Nilsson appears at Stelnway Hall on Sep tember 19. Janauschek Is negotiating to appear in English. Mr. Flak Intends to have opera bouffe at the Grand Opera House. I do not know positively yet who will constitute the piinc'pal members of the company, except that, in all i robabllity, Irma will not be omitted. Ice. "How may the extortions of the ice companies be escaped?" isthe question at present taxing the brains of every New Yorker whose business compels him to deal largely in this article. In ti elr perplexity they remember the invention of Frtfessor Lowe, and call to mind that the ice he manufactured was better than the snow-cakes ' which this summer's ice-carts too often leave at one's door. .The only question with respect to Professor Lowe's method was whether it could be made generally practicable. " His apparatus, it will be remembered, consisted of a steam engine, a gas-pump, a vessel filled with tubes . containing the water to be frozen, and an India - rubber bag to receive the carbonic acid after it has been used la freezing the water. According to the experiments made with this apparatus three or four years ago, more than a thousand pounds of ice were produced in a few hours These are fasts worth remembering to heads of families who pay as much as 1150 for every hundred pouuds of lee, almost four times as much . as was asked last year. Forty cents per I . hundred pounds was then the average price in tils city. Au Baba Tbere is a secret society In Iowa called "The , .Patrons of Nustandryi" which number 80,000 tar rubers. Exactly what its objects are does not at peur, but as it admits women and children to CITY IXExTlS. Coats or Lioirr woollen fabrics, matt vp of A Ipaca, Drop d'Ete, lAnen, etc. VST9, of Black and Fancy Clnth and Woollen, made up siW-fon, of Ihrav d'EU, lAnrn, Mar Drill '-, etc. ' Pants of light wight, Black and Pawy CaW- of Drap d'Ete, Linen, Duck, Drill, etc. EVKBTTniNU IN TUB WAY OP Bummer Ci,onnNO . , , . : BOLD AT Guaranteed Lower Pricks than klsbwhkrk. Half-way ) Beknett A Co., BETWEEN J- TOWBR HAIX, Fifth and bixtu Sts. J No. 618 Market Sr. Thirty Years' Experience of an Old Nurse Mrs. Winslow'b SoothikO Syrup Is the prescrip tion of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never-laillng safety and success by mil tons of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, cares dysentery and diarrhoea, griping In the bowels, and wind colic By giving health to the child It rests the, mother. ; One of the most delightful places of summer re sort to be found anywhere In the country Is at North Wales, on the line of the North Pennsylvania Ball- road. The North Wales Ilotel, which has been lately remodelled and furnished In elegant style, Is now receiving boarders for the season. The proprietor (Abel Lukens) la well known to very many persons as Just the mas for the place. Mr. William W. Cassidy, the jeweller at No. 83 Soath Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks of all kinds of Jewelry and Silver ware In the city. He has also on hand a One assort ment of fine American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this store at the present time are certain to get the worth of their money. This is a Free Country, and If people like to use hair-coloring compositions full of dirt, they have a right to do so ; but reason suggests that when Pha- lows Vitalia, or Salvation for the Hair pellu cid, sweet, and pleasant can be obtained at every drug store, none but the unrefined will use any other. Sold by druggists. . Singer's Family BEwraa Machines. Tan dollar cash. B tune la monthly inntaimenta. O. F. Davis, No. 810 Chranat street. New Style Picture. The German Chromos made by A. K. P. Trak, No. 40 N. Eighth street. They mast be seea to be Admired. . Cafe May. To enjoy the best table, home com- forts, and the best bathing, go to the Ocean House. 9IABBIED. Palmer McCaffrey. At New St. Joseph's unurcn, duiy 11, lUiU.Dy ine itev. rawer v auger, . J., John Palmer to Elizabeth McCaffrey, all of Philadelphia. PHrrcHABD Patten. At MInersvllIe, July 4, by itev. J . it. uaiiey. jur. Andrew severing cr it- chard to Miss Sarah Jane Patten, both of Mlners- vuie, fa. DIED. Boner. On the llth instant, Catharine, wife of Patrick Boner, aged 45 years. The relatives ana menas or tne ramuy are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her husband, rear of No. 147 Uoates' street, ociow second, onirnursaay morning ai $ o'ciock. Divine. On Friday evening, July 8. 1870. Wil liam Divine, In the Wta year of his age. The relatives ana menas oi tne ramuy are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 1S02 Locust street, on Wednesday after noon, the 13th Instant, at S o'clock. Interment at Woodlands. Prick At Oermantown, July 10, 1870, John II J Frice. aired 60 years. The relatives ana maie irienas, ana boiuio-b oi the War of 1812, are lnvltea to attend the funtral, from h's late residence, no. 14 Linden street, uer- mantown, on, Wednesday, the 13th Instant, at o'clock P. M. Interment at Monument cemetery, t KiiDUFiE. Suddenly, on tne morning of the lit n instant, ktb only uaugnter oi vr. iiooen auu Ann C. Kllduffe. Her friends and the friends ana relatives oi tne family are Invited to attend her funeral, without her late residence. No. 624 Spruce street. To pro ceed to St. Mary's Church. McCormick On the ntn instant, Mrs. mart Ann Mccormick, aired 49 years. The relatives ana menas oi tne iainuy are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from ner late resi dence, No. 2107 Filbert street, on Tnursday morning at wjtf o'ciock. Stanley. On the morning or tne inn instant, Frank Stanley, in the 83d year of his age. i hft relatives ana menas oi tne iamuv. ana tne Meter Inspectors of the Philadelphia Gas Works, are respectfully invitea to attena me muerai. irum uis late residence, No. 1824 Filbert street, on Thursday morning, the 14th instant, at &x o ciock. Young. On the llth instant, emma lavinia k.bn- bil, only child of Philip ana fcuzaoetn .ouag, agea b vpnra a months and 8 days. 'i lie relatives ana ineaas ui vue jauiur aro icbmcuii- fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her parents, No. 1014 Nectarine street, on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, without further no tice. SUMMER RESORTS. CAP E MA Y. CTOCKTON HOTEL, CAPE MAT, N. J., IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF GUESTS. Muslo under the direction of Professor CHARLES It. DODWORTH. Terms, f4 CO per day, or 23 per week. CHARLES DUFFY, Proprietor, 6 2StJ15 Formerly of the Continental Hotel, Phlla. 1 f cMAKlN'S ATLANITO HOTEL OAPK M AY. Rebuilt sinoe the Ute fire aud ready for cvest Open during the year. Is direotly oa the eea shore, with the beat bathing beach of the Oape. Terms, for the summer, $3 60 per day and J1 per week Ooaub from depot free. No Bar. S 24 tatbs3m JOHN McM AKIN, Proprietor. TiUE PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, J. UAfK IBl.ini), H. J., t IK NOW OPEN. The house been sreatl enlaraed and improved, and ffent superior inducements to those seeking a, quiet aud n MUni nmnA nv in. wi.inii tr a mnflflrnu nrice. Address, K. URlrfflUS, No. 10W OHKSNUT Street, or uspe way UNITED STATES HOTEL, FORMERLY Sherman House. Cape Island. The undersigned respectfully Informs the public that he has taken the above noiei. ana will Keep a piaiu, cumiurutuia house, a good table, and the best wines and liquors that he can procure. Price of board, iii.w per week. The house ia now oben for visitors. OCEAN HOUSE, CAPE MAY, N. J. THE BEST table on t une Island. Numerous home-like comforts, location within fifty varus of the best Daiums; on tne beacn. are tne nrinciDai advantages possessed by this first-class family hotel. No bar on the premises. LYCETTE & SAWYER. e u im rropriewre. CAPE ISLAND. WILLIAM MASON HAS J consolidated the Continental with the favorite MER CHANTS' HOTEL, joining both houses together, and itKiwIiBf the nortiuo the whole lenirth of the baildinir. 1'h. hntMlhAS bAAn renovated throughout, and the SleeD. ing Apartments supplied with hue Spring Mattresses. Bow open. I erms reasonane. e 10 im T)RYANT HOUSE. DECATUR STREET. JL near the Brach, Cape May, N. J., is NOW OPKN for tbe season. House entirely new ; newly furnished through, eut, and has a full Ocean view. Accommodations for loo guests. NO BAR. J. 1 tvy ani, Q 10 in . a a yyi lpwr, rpREMONT HOUSE. CAPE MAY, N. J. Thii HmiM U now nnnn for the rnoeotion of guests. Rooms can be engaged at No. IWi MOUNT VKRNON Street, untd July 1. ,x,,o e It) iiU w K9. n.. r a r.n. i ovy i. nvna- nnilE COLUMBIA HOUSE. AT CAPE MAY, IS A acain under the manairement of GEORGE J. BOLTON, who is also proprietor of Bolton's Hotel, ai iiarrisuurg, l a. iiiuuiw T7RIEND8' COTTAGE. CAPE MAY CITY. N. . - V., 1 11W11 1 O LJ 0 t, SO U I II OI UUDKTBH aXAII MWHi and near the Ocean, is now open for the reception or I ' I 1. 1.M., C?. . , I . 1 .1.. II T guests. l Id linj A. tJOOK, rroprietor s. W. CLOUD'S COTTAGE FOR BOARDERS, FRANKLIN, opposite Uutfhes street, Cape l.-lantl. T 8 1W pl.E88E COTTAGE, No. 81 FRANKLIN ST., SUMMER RESORTS. s UMMEK RESORTS ON THE LTNE OF PHILADFI PMl AND BEADING RAILROAD AD liKANOU . MAT 90 1H70 "Mansion uoimit. mt. CAitRnw Mr . Caroline Wnndor, Iott(lle P. O., bchurlktU TUMJAROKA HOTEL, ' Mrs. M. L. Miller, Tunenrni a P. U., HuhuylkiU eoooty. W. F. Bmitb, Walinny Uitjr P. ., Bobnrlklll county. MOUNT CARMRL, llOUsK, Oharlee Onlp.'Mount Oarmel P. O., Northumberland oe WH1TK HOITNH. . Mayer, Reading P. )., K-rks county. ANDALUSIA HALL, i Henry We ver, Kondins: P. O , Rorks eounty. UKMHAL AVKNUK UAlOi, . O. D. Dav K-adtng P. O.. iierks oounly. I Jacob H. Bretah. Unnnhohocken P. O , Montgomery 00. JBOVKRTOWN HKMINARY, I M. Kooa Boyertown P. O., Knrks county. i IITI7.KPI11NI18 George F. GreJder. Litis P. O., Lencanter eounty. 1 , fclvlHU BfKlHOS HOIKL, Dr. A. Smith Wernemville P. O., Borks county. OOLDKi RIN;n HOTKL. LEBANON OOUNTT, Wm. Lereh, . Pine rore P. O.. Schuylkill county. RPHR1T1 RPDIMtlH Joho FrederlcV. Kphrata P. (., LancaBter county. PKRKIOMKN RRIDUH HOTKL, Davis Longaker, OnlltuteTille P. O.. Montgomery Co. Dr. James Palmer, Oolle?eril)e P. O., Montgomery O . DOUTY HOU8K, ?r"e Burr Bbamokin, Northumberland eonnty. -vu. niuu jjukqt mm do eoia at jrnnaueipaia w sag frOTn ftlinM tminl. -. .4 .1 -m,m aaa In. s . h m Hi. ineued, and on Saturdays good until the following Moo dily. i, jni PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTOS AND BALTIMOBE EAILE0AD. NATIONAL CAMP MEETING AT OAK INGTON, MD., Commencing TUESDAY, July 12, 1S70, aad continu ing ten days. Trains for Camp Ground will leave Philadelphia (Sunday excepted) at 8-30 and 11-45 A. M. and and 1180 P. M. Round trip tickets at reduced rates can be nur- chased at No. 828 CHE8NOT Street, or at Depot, nnvAU street and WASHINGTON Avenue. T T 12t H. F. KBNNEY. SuDerintendent. BELMONT HALL, SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN, N. J., IS NOW OPEN. This favorite resort has been greatly Improved and enlarged, and offers superior Inducements to those seeking a healthy, quiet, and fashionable re treat for the summer at reduced prices. 7 11 lm D. A. CROWELL, Proprietor. ENTZ HOUSE, Kes. 17 and 19 EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PENNA. The attention of the travelllncr community, and persons seeking a quiet summer resort, are called to this nrst-ciass iioiei, new ana nanasomeiy furnished throughout, with an tne modern conveniences. Terms lor summer ooaraers to i iu per weetc. 6 1 2m GKOKOK Z. BBNTZ, Proprietor. KITTATINNY HOUSE, DELAWARE WATER GAP. this delightful summer resort Is now open, and much Improved. Trains leave Kensington 7-80 A. M. and 3-30 P. M. Arrive at the Gap in less than five hours. 686 6tnthlm WM. A. BRODHEAD & SONS. T AKE GEORGE-rLAKE HOUSE. CALD- A ..Ui ... A. VH, V. .VWM.AUWnVWU W. 111111.1 nd gentlemea. J ..11 ff V Ua.. a .mAt.UAfl. a .MUa- tfoard per aay, (iw; iron unne i ki ouiy per week : for the season. 814 to Stl'GO. according to room : for toe montos oi oniy arra Angus, iu w; aurubi, w-i. r in on mm .Innei 1 a Oatvohai mi. AddreM Jpen from Jane 1 to uotoo 608m XX, O. MUUCLWKlilA, C H ITTENAN WHITR BULPHKR SPRINGS, WadiBOD oouotT. N. Y. Q O. J- irstKMass Hotel, witc every requisite. Drawing-room and sleeping-cars from new York city. via Hudson Hirer Railroad at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M , with. out cbange. Send for circular. 6 62m BEESLEY-S POINT HOTEL, CAPE MAY CO., N. J., is now open for the reception of visitors W. V. WUOJJ, 0 30 lm Proprietor. ATLANTIC CITY. u NITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., IS NOW OPEN. Reduction of Twenty Per Cent, in the Price or Board. Music nnder the direction of Professor H, F. Aledo. Terms, 830 per week. Persons desiring to engage rooms wiu address. BROWN & WOELPPEB, Proprietors, No. 837 RICHMOND Street, Philadelphia, 16 thttnlm 6 2S dim 7 86 thstnlm BARR'S "CONSTITUTION HOUSE," CORNER ATLANTIC and KENTUCKY Avenues, Atlan tic city, jn. j. This weu-nnown uouse is wv open ior lue re- ceptionof guests. mks. m. a. lkkus, law oi oeaview tiuuoe. The bar will be under the superintendence of the late proprietor, and win be open In conjunction with the other part oi tne nouse. Tastutmm' uuuu juiut. CURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. N. L J is tnow ODsn for thel season. Besidei Besides the ad vantage of location this bouse enjoys, and the fine batning contiguous to it, a raiiroaa nas oeen eonstructea since last season to oonvey guests from the hotel to the beach. Tne nouse Has been orernauiea ana renttea throughout, and no pains will be spared to make it, in erery particular, ,, 611 Sm J. FRKaB. Proprietor. JIGHTHOUSE COTTAGE, Located between United states Motel and the beach, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BOARD REDUOED. Open from June 1 to Ootober L 6-1-am JONAH WOOTTON, Proprietor. I rr HE . WILSON COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY. J. A new and well-furnished Boardlmr-honse on NORTH CAROLINA Avenue, near the Depot. Terms to suit. 7 C lm ROBERT L. FUREY, Proprietor. DEACU COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY. NOW onen. A tlrst-clasa Family uoaruini? House. MICHIGAN Avenue, near the Beach. NO BAH. Terras to suit all. Apply to J. B. DOYLE, Proprie tor, or E. F. PAKKOTT, No. 85 H. 1S1GUXU Street, corner or ruoert. 1 1 im TVTEPTUNE COTTAGE (LATE MANN'S 1 COTTAGE), PENNSYLVANIA Avenne, tirst bouse below the Mansion House, Atlantio Ciity, is jnuw UfKN to receive Guest. . All eld friends heartily welcome, and new one. also. uua. duun sniua, ti H 2ia rropnetress. TTEW1TT HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. 11 This favorite bouse has been removed two squares nearer the ocean, and is now on PENNSYLVANIA Ave nue, next to the Presbyterian church. It is now open (or theseason. . , , ollstotnian J., l. numniaooiii rropneiress. MACY HOUSE, MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, Atlantic City, la open the entire year. Situ ated near the best bathing. Has large airy rooms, w th BiinnK oeua. Terms iio pur week. e 25 6W IACY, Proprietor. pOTTAGE RETREAT ATLANTIC CITY, W . J., is now open lor .ne reception oi Russia. nW.imMarit.. iulvQ. MCULKEB. 6 U stuth 2m Proprietress. DENN MANSION (FORMERLY ODD FEL X lows' Retreat), ATLANTIO CITY, is now in the banns of its former proprietor, ana is open ior tne season, 0 a 2meod WM. M. OAK 1KB, Proprietor. fl E H'T UAL II O.U SeT B i . mi maun -imV ml T ' i NOW OPKN for tha receutionof euests. pll6w lawi.uk i KiLLt, rropnetors. THE "C1IALFONTE," ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. Is now open. Railroad from the bouse to the bearh KLlhUa. i.OBEK l'8. ell Km Proprietor. LOST. LOST-ON FH1DAY LAST, A GOLD SLEEVE BU'lT'ON, maikod with aa enamelled star la jet snd a croHs below. A suitable reward will be paid if the Under will leave it at the dry g ods store No. 1 16 Clu-Hiiut street, or should he deaue to keen it, Le can pun iiano iia mate (or a (air tonaUieratioa MNANCIALv LEIUGII C0NTE1XT1BLE Per Cent. Flrit Mortgage Oold Loan, Free Trom . all Taxes We offer for sale $1,750,000 oi the Lehigh Goal and Mart ration Company's new First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Oold Bonds, free Mom all taxes, inter due Maron and Sep tember, at , WirJETTT (00) And Interest In currency added to date of purchase. These bonds are of a mortgage loan of Al 000,000. dated October 6, 186P. They hare twenty At (96) years to ran, and are eon-ertible into stock at par until 1879. Principal and interest payable in gold. They are secured by a ttret mortgage on BS00 aeres of eoal lands in the Wyoming VaUey, near Wiiheebarre, at present prodaoing at the rate of SOO.OOO tone of eoal par annnm, with works in progress whioh contemplate a large Inerease at an early period, and also upon vaitwble Real Estate in this eity. A sinking fond of ten eents per ton upon all Ooal taken from the mines for fire years, and of fifteen eent per ton thereafter, ie established, and The Fidelity Irtsnranoe, Trout and Hale Deposit Company, the Trustee under the mortgage, collect these earns and lnrest them la these Bonds, agreeably to the provisions of the Trnst. For foU partiealars copies of the mortgage, etc., apply to O. H. BORIS, W- H. NRWBOLD. BON A AERTSES . JAY OOOKK A OO.. DRKXKL A CO., . X. W. OLARK A OO. . 7 11 Ira jAYCboiffis3;(jp. PHIIiADELPHIAa NEW YORKa and WASHINGTON, BANKERS aJTS Deals?! in Government Sacuritlei. Special attention given to the Purchase and sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Brokers in this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS; COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINT J. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOE INVEST MENT, Pamphlets and full Information given at ocr office, No. Si 14 S.TIIIItl Street, PHILADELPHIA. 71 sra 11 U Lehigh Valley Railroad Company Will, until August 1 next, pay off at Far and Accrued interest, Any of their FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, due la 1673, on presentation at their Office, No. 803 WAL NUT Street. Ia. tJIIAMUERLAi:, TREASURER. Jane 83, 1STQ. 2T imn NOTICE. TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUT0ES. The cheapest investment authorized by law are the General Mortgage Bondi of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. APPLY TO D. C. WHARTOII SMITH S CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, So. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. S I Ia V E FOR SALE. C. T. YERXES, Jr., & CO., ' ' i BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 20 South THIRD Street. Hi PHILADELPHIA. MEDICAL.. DR. VAN DYKE'S TONIC AND PURIFYING BITTERS la every where acknowledged f stand unequalled and unrivalled as a Toulo and Purifying Remedy. It la the only remedy In the world that will positively and permanently cure Dyspepsia. It la a pure Tonic, composed of the conoentrated Juices of certain medicinal herbs, plants and roots. It la prepared with a true knowledge and conception of ine requuemeuue ui mo uuiueui Bjstcuu ouiu uj ail druggiaia. ooie propnetor, dftBM pl, im aia&, aa i., 6 85 12inrp No. 103t RACE Street. FOR THE SUMMER. . To prevent Sunburn, Freckles, and to make tbe skin white and beautiful, use Wright's Alconated Olycerino Tablet of Bolidilied Glycerine. It la a lore remedy for mosquito bites, and la the best of all Toilet Soaps. Sold by Druggists generally. It. tV U. A. WRIGHT, , e 80 thBtulStrp .. No. 624 CHESNUT Street. HATS AND OAPS. t-T WARBTJRTON'S IMPROVED VKNTI lilated and eaajr UtUna; Drees Ilals (patented), la a tus improved fashions of to season UU-WA Street f . r ' . j- . j a J J a flNANOIAlU A DEG1RABLE Safe Home Investment THE Sunburf and Lewistown Railraad Company Oflcr ftl,200,9o:Honds, learliiix 7 Per Cent. Bitterest, ior Oold, Secured hy a. . First and Only Mortgage. The Bonds are issued ia glOOOs. $500 nid 0200s. The Coupons are payabla in the citr of Philadelphia on the first days of April and October, Free of State and United State Taxes. The price at present ia 90 and Accrued Interest in Currency. This Road, with Its connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad at Lewistown, brings the Anthracite Coal Fields 67 MILES nearer the "Western and Southwestern markets. Wjth this advantage it will control that trade. The Lumber Trade, and the immense and valuable deposit of ores in this section, together with the thickly peopled district through whioh it runs, will secure it a very large and profitable trade. YM. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, Dealers in Government Securities, No. 3G South THIRD Street, 9 tMp PHILADELPHIA. Free from U. S. Taxes. Eight Per Cent. Per Annum in lioid. A PERFECTLY SAFE INVESTMENT. First Mortgage Bonds OF THE ISSUE OF $1,500,000, BY TDK ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER CITY RAILROAD CO., Issued in denominations of $1000 and $500, Coupon or Registered, payable in 30 years, with Interest payable 15th August and 15th February, in New York, London, or Frank fort, free of tax. Secured by a mortgage only on a completed and highly prosperous road, at the rate of $13,50379 per mile. Earnines in excess of its interest liabilities. This line being the Middle Route, is pronounced the Shortest and most Natural O ne for Freight and Passenger Trafflo Across the Continent. St. Louis and Fort Kearney Spanned by a Sail- : way, and connect ing with the Union Pacific at Fort Kearney. Capital Stock of the Company.... $10,000,000 Land Grant, pronounced value of 8,000,000 First Mortgage Boncls ." 1,500,000 $19,500000 The remaining portion of this Loan now for sale at 97 J and accrued interest in cur rency. Can be had at the Company's Agen cies in New York, TANNER Sl CO., Bank- ers, No. 49 WALL Street, or W. P. CON VERSE & CO., No. 54 PINE Street , Pamphlets, Maps, and all information car be obtained at either of the Above-name, agencies. . . . The attention of Capitalists and Investors is particularly invited to these Securities. We are satisfied they are all that could be desired, and unhesitatingly recommend them. TANNER & CO., FISCAL AGENTS, No. 49 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, W. P. CONVERSE & CO., COMMERCIAL AGENTS, No. 54 FINE STREET, 6 9 tf rp - NKW YORK. R 8 Wllliamsport City 6 Per Caat Bonds, FRKB OF A 1.1. TAiJiS. , ASaSO. ' PhlladelpWa and Daiby Railroad 7 Per teat isonni, , Coupons payable by the Chesnut and Walnut Streets Railway Company. These Bonds will be sold at a price which will mala tuein a very aesiraoie lnve-uueut, p. s. PCTcncon & co.. Ko. 89 BOUTH TIURD ETllEET, '. FIFTH EDITION TXXD LATEST IZUV7S3. The Situation in Hurorpe. Contradictory Reports. EUC. Etc., Etc., Etc., KtC. FROM JCDBQPJS. . 'Pnclfle Hnn-ri. Paris, Jnly 13 2 P. M. It is Just reported that the questions at issue between France and Prussia have been amicably adjusted. The Bourse Is active; rentes, 70f. Clnotatlone by CaMe. PaRis. July 18. The Bouts opened, exoited. Rentes, CSr.46c. Antwbtjif, July U. Pctrolennr opened flat. FROM JVJSW YORK. ". The Fenian Trials. CANANDaior;- N. Y., July 12. The Fenlau trials commenced at 11 o'clock'' thf morning. About fifty witnesses from Mlone aad' vicinity have been subpoenaed. General Btarrdoea not intend to call witnesses for his defense but will rely upon the prosecution beingMmable to make out a case against him. He' Is rather de spondent. The District Attorney moved an 'indictment against Owen J. Starr. J. R. Fiirnot; counsel for General Starr, etvld he appeared unexpect edly for Mr. Starr at half an hour's notice. His counsel would be present to-day, but in his-absence he had undertaken this case.- He would be prepared at two o'clock, and was desirous-for it to proceed. The Judge said the defense could not claim postponement by right. Re crave them until two o'clock P. JE. Hon. A. J.. Parker, of Albany, made application on behalf -of W. T. Thompson for adjournment until the falleessloo of the court at Albany, and read aw affidavit that he was unprepared to proceed owing to the absence of one Terrence-J. Qulnn, vrtio sailed for France May 23. The District Attorney said the case had been postponed once. The Judge said he was not satisfied with the affidavit. The following jurors were called In Starr's case:--Rbbert R. Crowell, Luke Jobnson, William Pratt, Lyman G. Lapham, Nelson Ogden, W. D. ; Bfcrvcll, Robert B. Fergurson, James B. Flower, Robert A. Johnson, William Meade, William Thatcher, James Worthlngton, and Clark. Recks, all farmers, with two or three exceptions, and above the average In point of respectability and intelligence. Mr. Farnot questioned them severally as to whether they had read or heard particulars- of the raid; they severally replied they had read a-Wir aper reports, but they bad left no impres sion on their minds as to culpability ot the prisoners. Iio une. Continued from the Third Edition, The present year showed a balanoe -or nearlr $200,000,000 against the United States, to be paid by bonas. so long as mere was no enoix 10 reaca gold, and stiver, and no steps taken in that direction, this and all other policies would fall. The only panacea for the country was a fair, gradual, honest resump tion of specie payments, ana uoa, tne laws or trade. commerce, ana democracy woaia right Hereafter for it. The report was also opposed' by Messrs. Marshall, NIblack, Garfield, Benjamin, and Morgan. Mr. Garueld regarded the seventh section, which requires new national banks to deposit the new bonds, as an Indefinite suspension of i the banking feature or vue late currency uiu. ue aiso opposed the allowance of one-haif of one per cent, commis sion, thinking one-quarter of one per cent, ample, lie wished the report recommitted. FINANOIAL. Wilmington and Reading HAIZaZlOAZX Seven Per Cent. Bonds. FllEE OF TAXES, We are o He ring: $20O,04M of the Second Hlorteage Bonds ot this CompaHy AT 82 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Foa the convenience of Investors tbese Bonds are Issued In denominations of lOOOs, $5000, and 1OO0. The money Is required for the purchase of addi tional Rolling Stock and the full equipment of the Road. The receipts of the Company on the one-half ot the Road now being operated from CoatesvlUe to Wil mington are about TSN THOUSAND DOLLARS per month, which will be more than DOUBLED with the opening of the other half, over which the large Co Trade of the Road must come. ' - Only SIX MILES are now required to complete the Road to Birdsboro, which will be finished by the middle of the month. Will. FAINTER & CO., BANKERS, ' ' No. 36 South THIRD 8treet, 61 PHILADELPHIA. C O JL. 13 AND Coupons of United States, Union Pacific Railroad Co., Central Pacific Railroad Co., i .' ' - " ' Douqht at Dest Rates. ' -.!. i . . , . DE IIA YEN & BEO., Ho. 40 South THIRD Street. . u emtrLii, it uubt be all riUt. Cups May, . l. UA L Ida, froprietteee at tne awne auareas, , i u h t ' 1 1 i j.. , k, 'e.I w I ' . ' i . ' ia ,.'-. 4 1 .